#(i miss her. gideon my dumb baby come back to me)
nonasbirthday · 3 months
i still can't believe there are folks who say "well GTN is annoying but you just have to get through it and then the other books aren't like that so you'll be fine."
personally i have been chasing the high of GTN ever since i first closed the book
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Though I Can't Recall Your Face, I Still Got Love For You
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Summary: Spencer’s always been ambivalent about his birthday, but self proclaimed lover of birthday’s Y/N attempts to change that.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female Reader
Warnings: Spencer’s kind of a sad bitch. Question: Why do I like writing sad Spencer?
Word Count: 2.5 K- ish
Author’s Note: prompts come from here this one is 4,8,25 from @shemarmooresfedora !! please go check out her blog on here and on Ao3!! Also, I’m stilling taking requests for numbers. I’ll update for which ones have been taken 💕
Though I Can’t Recall Your Face, I Still Got Love for You
Birthdays were always hard when all you had to do is go home to an empty house. No sounds of friends crowding the dining room table, no laughter from family members, no well wishes or pats on the back. All there is, is the stillness of silence and the emptiness of solitude. Spencer thought that he was used to it. He remembers the way the sun felt on his face the morning he woke up on his 18th birthday. His first thought wasn’t it’s my day, but it’s the day I put my mom away. The day Spencer became a man, was the first day he really wished he was a little boy again.
Ever since then, birthdays have always been a sore spot for Spencer. They just bring up sour tasting memories of his mother refusing to get out of bed or his father staying late at work to avoid coming home to a wife who doesn’t remember her own husband or a son who he can’t seem to understand. Birthdays, for Spencer, have always been just another day. Or at least, that’s what Spencer tells himself on the long ride up the elevator to the 6th floor of the BAU.
The bullpen is dark when Spencer walks out from the elevator. Paperwork and manila folders clutter the desks. Even Spencer’s workspace seems to reflect himself: frozen in time. He sits at his desk, a photograph of him and his mother placed at the right corner smiles up at him. A newer photograph, one of him and Y/N, sits right next to the one with his mom. There’s one with Derek and Penelope, one with him and Gideon at his Academy graduation, and one with him and JJ, who’s holding Henry. One of him and Luke at a bar, Penelope in the background drunk and singing.
Spencer loves photographs, but recently he’s been obsessed with them. Ever since his mother’s diagnosis, the fear that would ever forget the faces that find a home in his heart paralyzes him. These pictures may very well one day tell a much more older, much more grayer Spencer the story of his life. Today, in his mind, is another day closer to his fate.
His birthday means he’s another day closer to forgetting the way Y/N eyes sparkle when she drinks too much rose, or Henry’s laugh at Spencer’s magic tricks, or feeling when Derek calls him his brother. No one, not even Y/N, knows that Spencer has a drawer filled up of photographs he’s collected over the years. He can’t deal with forgetting the principles of electromagnetism, but forgetting his family? Spencer wouldn’t have anything left, but the smiling faces of familiar strangers, whose names are just out of reach.
Spencer rubs his eyes with the ball of his palm. He knows he’s not going to get work done. Spencer spins in his swivel chair and he’s nearly startled out of his quiet thoughts when his phone rings.
“Dr. Spencer Reid,” he says, swallowing his emotions as he shuts the drawer on the shiny faces.
“You really need to start checking your caller ID, Spence,” Y/N says, with a chuckle. Spencer can practically feel the way she’s smiling. For some reason, her teasing never made him feel bad.
“Well, what do I owe this pleasure?” Spencer asks. He drums his fingers on his desk, waiting for Y/N to respond.
“It seems like we have a missing person case,” Y/N starts, “6’2 male, brown hair, some say his eyes are green and some say they’re brown, so we’ll go with hazel, and he’s like ridiculously smart, but also kind of dumb for avoiding his girlfriend on his birthday,”
Spencer sighs as he launches himself into a long spin in his chair. He’s not surprised that Y/N is calling him; she’s always loved birthdays. She’s always been someone to someone. It’s taken some time to adjust to the fact that Spencer is Y/N’s someone.
“Are you coming to rescue me?” Spencer asks sheepishly. He leans back in his chair, watching the elevator. Y/N might think she’s slick, but Spencer’s sure he knows her better than he knows geographical profiling.
“Maybe, can you tell me how fast elevators can travel up to the 6th floor?”
Spencer opens his mouth, ready to fire statistics on top of statistics, but is silenced by Y/N’s arrival. Spencer tries to remain neutral, remain ambivalent about this day being something more than any other day, but Y/N makes it difficult.
As soon as her feet leave the elevator she launches herself at Spencer, not caring that he’s less than capable of catching anything. In a tangle of arms and legs, Y/N manages to sit herself on Spencer’s lap. His hand snakes around her waist; he holds her so tight that it’s almost like he’s afraid she’s going to get blown out like birthday candles on a cake.
“I can’t believe you thought you could sneak out and come to work, on your birthday of all days,” Y/N says quietly, she threads her fingers through Spencer’s hair. She likes how long it’s gotten and his curl pattern is almost fully restored to their original health from before he went to prison.
“How’d you find me?” Spencer asks, thinking that birthdays might not be so bad if they all involve Y/N sitting in his lap and trying to braid his hair.
“Do you seriously have to ask that? Only the Oracle of Quantico,” Y/N teases and Spencer rolls his eyes, thinking he should have known that Garcia would be the one to track his location for Y/N.
“It’s vaguely illegal for a federal agent to tap into those databases, especially for a civilian,” Spencer counters. Y/N, smiling at him, dips her head down to press light kisses on his eyebrows and down the bridge of his nose.
“So’s an ex-Army Ranger giving me his key card to sneak into the BAU,”
“Luke’s in on this too,” Spencer tries to sound upset, but his heart swells at the thought of Penelope, Luke, and Y/N all instigating for his birthday.
“Of course he is, I had to bring out the big guns for my Spencer’s birthday,” Y/N quips. Her fingers climb up Spencer’s sides, tickling him. She likes the kind of laugh that he lets out when she tickles him. It’s a laugh that’s unguarded and full of life. It’s a laugh that doesn’t hold anything back. It’s a laugh that relieves the pressure that festers deep inside him.
Y/N’s hands may make him laugh, but nothing makes him beam more than hearing Y/N call him “my Spencer”. She says it so simply, like my doesn’t even exist, like it’s an involuntary muscle being flexed. For Y/N, loving Spencer came as easy and effortless as breathing.
“You do love birthdays,” Spencer says, looking up at Y/N. He spins them around in his swivel chair, giggling as she lets out a gleeful squeal. Spencer grows dizzy, but he thinks he’s dizzier from Y/N’s love than from spinning in his chair.
“I love your birthday more than any other day, even my birthday,” Y/N says, getting up from Spencer’s lap to pick up the canvas grocery bags she brought with her.
“I was never one for birthdays,” Spencer says quietly. Y/N, more than anyone, knows Spencer’s challenging past. She knows his fears and she knows his dreams. She haunts his every waking moment; somehow a mercurial threat and a constant promise at the same time.
“I know, but I’m sure I’ll make you grow to love them,” Y/N says, “I wasn’t sure which flavor you wanted so I got all of them. Wawa has a surprisingly good selection of Turkey Hill,”
She takes out three gallon sized cartons of ice cream. One coffee with chocolate chips, one butter pecan, and one Moose Tracks. She hands Spencer a spoon and a napkin before sitting down on the floor and opening a carton of the ice cream.
“I do love dairy,” Spencer says, eyeing the ice cream, but considering the consequences of eating the creamy desert. Spencer shoves the statistics about the effects of dairy on a 40 year old with lactose intolerance down and takes his spot next to Y/N on the floor.
He goes to open his carton of ice cream, coffee with chocolate chips, but before he can dig his spoon into the tub, Y/N grabs his wrist.
“No! Spence, wait. Here, take these. And you need to light it,” she says, plopping a couple lactose pills in his hand and digging out a pack of candles and a lighter from her bag.
“Y/N are you out of your mind! We can’t light something in the BAU, god, Emily will kill me,” Spencer says nervously.
“Spence, do you really think Emily Prentiss is going to give me shit for lighting a candle for your birthday in the middle of the office. That woman lives on the edge,” Y/N waves him off and lights a single candle.
Spencer, staring at the lit candle, listens as Y/N sings “Happy Birthday” to him. Sitting criss cross on the floor of the BAU, he watches as the candle light illuminates Y/N’s face. She looks almost ghostly in the dark with the flickering light making her eyes glow. Y/N wishes the song and grasps his hand and squeezes hard.
“Make a wish, baby,” Y/N tells him. She really believes in wishes. Spencer wishes he could believe in wishes. He desperately wants to believe that Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos are somehow tying knots in the places where his string has been cut.
But more than anything, Spencer can’t bear to forget the face of the women across from. He can’t bear to one day not recognize the way her hand feels in his. He can’t accept the possibility of Y/N being anything less than the person he knows best in this world. Spencer doesn’t particularly care for the metaphor of the light going out. But his fears are put at bay when Y/N leans over and pecks his cheek. He can feel her grinning against his skin and like some virus contracted through touch, it’s contagious. Y/N breaks apart from Spencer and motions for him to eat some ice cream. They sit, shoulder to shoulder, against the front of Spencer’s desk eating their ice cream.
“Thank you, for making my birthday special. It’s been a hard year,” Spencer says, letting the tension in the air speak for itself, “my mom didn’t remember me the other day. I hate seeing her like that,”
“I know, sweetheart. You’ve been through so much. That’s why you need to tell me these things,” She says, setting down her ice cream. Y/N places her hands on Spencer’s shoulders, guiding him to place his back against her chest. His head rests in the crook of her neck. Spencer can feel her steady heart beat against his back. It’s a constant, patterned drum amidst the chaos of his mind.
“Can we take a picture, you know, just to remember this day,” Spencer asks, his voice laced with trepidation. He can feel Y/N nod, and move to grab her phone from her pocket.
Spencer sits up and scoots over to open the bottom drawer of his desk. He pulls out an old camera, one where you have to wait for the picture to appear on the print out. He likes the charm in older things, you really have to work for it. He likes the effort that you have to put into getting the picture made.
“Going old school, I see,” Y/N teases as she catches sight of Spencer’s old camera. He returns to his spot, snuggled against her back. Their legs stick out on the floor, his much longer than Y/N’s. Her arms snake around his torso, holding him tight. Spencer holds the camera out, facing them to capture their faces in some archaic selfie style.
The light flashes before Spencer’s eyes, and Y/N’s kiss on the top of his head burns a hole that instantly leaves him craving more. He’d let her draw any pattern she desires, as long as her kisses are the medium and he is her canvas.
“Can you tell me what you wished for?” Y/N asks, her voice low.
Spencer, looking off into the distance, makes a disgruntled noise. He can feel Y/N’s fingers crawl up his sides and her arms encasing his body. She’s shielding him from his demons, but little does she know that the most menacing foe is his mind.
“You’re really not supposed to, but considering you’re my wish I think you have the right to know,” Spencer offers, “I wished that I’ll never forget you. Never forget this life we made together,” He feels his chest constrict. Mentioning his fear makes it seem more palpable; more real.
“Spencer, have you felt that way for a long time?,”
Spencer takes a deep breath, letting the floodgates open.
“I’ve felt like this my whole life, Y/N. I’m terrified to forget you. To forget our children that I haven’t even met yet. Forget who I am. I’m terrified that I’m going to leave you behind in a murky past that I can never remember,” Spencer says. He chokes back the pain. He doesn’t want Y/N memories of him to be marred by fear and darkness.
“This is about your mom, right. Spencer, listen to me. I’ll love you even if that comes true. I don’t need you to recall my face to know you still got love for me. And you're not leaving me behind. I won’t allow that. I’m not leaving you behind, baby,” Y/N says, her voice the most soothing cure.
She’s a power mixture of biochemicals and neurotransmitters. She heals him at an epigenetic level and restores him piece by piece. Her medicine is love.
Or maybe her love is his medicine.
“I’ve never been this scared of losing something, because I never had someone to lose,” Spencer mumbles, he twists his head so his breath is warm against Y/N’s neck. Somehow in this twisted position, Spencer has never felt safer.
“You can’t lose something that can’t be lost, my Spencer. I’m not going anywhere,”
“I love you to the moon and to Saturn,” Spencer says kissing along Y/N’s collarbones.
Like the pictures in the drawer, Spencer tucks away the fears of the future. He swallows the threat of forgetting everything because the promise of love swallows him whole. He craves a future with Y/N with the possibility of forgetting who she is over the life he’d live if he left her behind.
She said it best, even if one day he can’t recall her face, he’ll still have love for her.
Tell me what you thought!
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starting with esperastra and their child already im gonna feel so soft during this ep... watch me cry (pls dont watch me cry)
i love adventurer spooner and all her tricks for navigating around and i also love astra not knowing shit and bitching about everything and human gideon just being happy to be there i bet shes loving having a body
gideon.exe has stopped working lmao being a legend makes you have a moral dilemma with yourself... thats how they roll! we'll do this together ;-; i cant
JAX!!!! gideon definitely misses jax the most from the og cause he was the only one that knew what he was doing when fixing the ship...
oh... he's back.... a different version of him but still him.... did he steal gideons code????
this is so complicated... im with spooner on this one lets just go and not try to understand shit! AVA AND GIDEON INTERACTION ;-; im loving this already!!! getting to know more about gideon and how she changed from a normal AI to who she is today is the best
OG GANG!!!! ray ;-; SNART!!! oh god the captaincanary memories are coming back.... theyre still a very good m/f ship tho... gideon was just Tired Momtm of a bunch of murderous children (and ray and firestorm) and i love that
what song is stein singing? i hope its a musical so we get more of victor garber singing... OMG THIS IS SO CUTE ;-; it is a musical song! singing in the rain for anyone also wondering :) NOO DAMMIT EVIL GIDEON I JUST WANTED MORE SOFT LEGENDS
i love how theyre on the wall from shortest to tallest ;-; just the ogs being their dumb selves! ray sweetie... no... nobody likes ceos... THAT AINT RIP WHY CAN HE SEE HER??? GIDEON GET OUT OF THERE NOW FUCK YOU EVIL GIDEON
WHY ARE YOU BRINGING THESE MEMORIES BACK????? ZARI MY BABY ;-; all these moments ;-; gideon my beloved stay strong!! of course it was programming... did anyone not think that? shes still a computer in the end...
gideon being a great singer is a lovely headcanon and legends karaoke night is amazing! YEAH GIRL GO KILL THAT VIRUS!!! oh shit its becoming a story moral thing!!! YES YOURE A LEGEND GIDEON AND WE LOVE YOU!!!!
anyway gideon has always been a legend and shell always be the best one! and i really hope to see more interactions from the team with her cause its the best thing ever!!!!
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imaginefan · 3 years
Chris Halliwell X Reader 
Word Count: 1226
Requested: @teen-wolf-obsessed4life​
Request: omg i love your writing!!!!!!! i wanna request a chris hallowell x witch reader imagine or one shot or whatever where him and the reader r together despite knowing that he will have to go back to the future at some point, and it’s the epsiode(s) where everyone thinks it’s good for him to go back to the future so they say their goodbyes and everything but then he and leo end up in the evil paralell universe so then she has to go thru the portal with the sisters to save chris and leo and basically that episode and after they get everything back to normal chris can’t go back to the future yet cause the portal didn’t work and then he and the reader can reunite and be together a little longer and it’s like super cute and loving 🥰 thanks (sorry ik this is specific i just love this idea)
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You and Chris had decided that you were going to get together with the knowledge that he would have to leave, you knew that there was time that you were forced to say goodbye to him. You were sitting in your room, you were looking over some books hoping that you could find a spell to help Chris but as you sat there you found your mind going back to all of the things that you had done with him and before you knew it tears were welling up in your eyes, you looked up at the ceiling trying to stop yourself from crying but it was useless and then you felt a pair of arms around your waist and you tightened your grip on the book you were holding "Are you okay?" Chris asked and you nodded.
"I'm fine." You answered, "We both agreed on this." "Doesn't mean that you have to be happy about it, I'd take you with me if I could." He said softly. "Doesn't matter this is just the way that everything had to be." You sighed. "Are you worried about going back?" "A little, I mean how much do you think my life has changed." He answered. "Probably a lot but Wyatt will be different, maybe you could have something that you didn't have before." "Mmm." He hummed as he rested his chin on your shoulder, you leaned back "did you find anything?" "Nothing yet, did you guys?" You asked. "Me and Dad are going to try something before we decide whether we are going to use Gideon's spell." He answered and you nodded. "You should get going then." You suggested but he gripped you tighter for a minute before lifting a hand to turn your head so that he could kiss you. "I love you." He said softly and you smiled. "I love you too always." You promised, "just remember to say goodbye okay?"
You got more than what you wished for when Chris called you to the school because they had finally said that they were planning to finally send him home, you waited for him to say goodbye to his family before he turned to you, he pulled you away from the rest of the group to get a bit of privacy "Your going to be okay right?" He asked. "Could you stay if I said no?" You asked. "You know I can't." He answered and you nodded. "Then it doesn't matter, what does matter is that you make it home okay so concentrate on that." You ordered and he smiled. "Your always bossy when you wanted something to be over quickly." He said. "I've never been a fan of goodbyes." You shrugged "but I'll be here, It'll be like you never lost me." "It'll be different." He sighed. "Maybe so but that's what we agreed to." You shrugged leaning up and pressing a kiss to his cheek "go they're waiting for you." "They can wait a little longer." He dismissed your worries before pressing his lips to your for what was going to be the last time ever. After deciding that he had said goodbye properly you both walked back and they started the spell and then Chris was gone but instead on an empty space where he once was there was a different version of him, on that pointed a crossbow in your direction before changing targets and shooting at Paige, you frowned as Piper stopped the arrow and the evil versions of Leo and Chris disappeared. "What was that?" You asked and Gideon launched into a pretty detailed explanation, you didn't entirely trust everything that he said but you had nothing else to go on so you set about finding the other two before they caused any trouble.
Once you found them you brought them back to the school and made sure that there was no way for them to escape, once that was done you Paige and Pheobe set about finding a way to get you Chris and Leo back before something bad happened to them. Another one of Gideon's suggestions landed you all on the other side of the portal in a darker version of your world, it took some work but you found you Chris and Leo before anything happened to them "They're not evil." Leo said as he looked at us. "Are you guys okay?" You asked. "We're fine," Chris answered and you nodded before noticing the approaching party of your evil counterparts. "Guys company." You warned them as they all looked where you were looking, Chris pulled you over to him when he was close enough to you, you rolled your eyes as they all seemed to square up for a fight well everyone except your counterpart who stood with her arms crossed. "This is dumb." You muttered, "are you really going to try and fight them?" "We have to," Paige answered and you rolled your eyes. "There is no way that you can win that." You informed them. "Well, they're not going to let us leave." Both Paige's said at the same time. "We don't have much time we have to get back," Phoebe said. "I guess Gideon didn't know how wrong this could all go." Chris sighed as he laced your hands together, your double's eyes lingering on your connected hands for a second. "Gideon," Barbas asked. "Mmm." You hummed. "Well, then there's a chance that he knew exactly what was going to happen," Barbas informed you. "Gideon has been desperately trying to eliminate Wyatt." Both Paige's phones rang at the same time and they answered to find that Piper had gone into labour, if you were going to do something it had to be now.
After half vanquishing Gideon and getting back to your dimension "The portal is closing we have to get the others through." Leo said and you nodded. "Me and Chris will get them." You said before he robbed you both to the school where you had left them. "Knock, knock time to go home!" You called through the door before opening it and narrowly missing getting hit with a crossbow bolt. "I'm really getting sick of being in danger today." "Then stop opening doors when I'm not around." Chris scolded as he checked you over to make sure that you weren't hurt. "Your Paige, Phoebe and (Y/N) are waiting for you." Chris gestured for them to come over. "I'll have to leave you here for a second while I take them." "Go, get them home and then come back for me." You smiled before stepping back away from him, you waited for him and as he promised he came back for you and you both robbed back to the house where you found that the world was not the same as you left it, you and Chris had volunteered to look keep an eye on Wyatt while the others worked to make sure that the world was corrected and that Piper had her baby. "This is not what we expected this morning." You laughed as you run your hand through your hair. "Nothing we can't handle," Chris said and you nodded. "Then we find a way to get you home." You nodded. "Mmm." Chris hummed as he pressed a kiss to the top of your head. "One problem at a time."
Requests and general question!
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mayraki · 4 years
The Trained Assassin.
Spencer Reid series. Part 1.
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Not my gif! Credits to the owner.
Summary: Life’s not easy when you found out that instead of being trained to be a spy for the CIA, you are being trained to be an assassin, a killer. The people you wanted to stop, they were making you one. That’s when you joined the BAU to become someone new, you didn’t want to be someone’s toy. You wanted your past to be errased, that’s all. But it’s not easy to hide a past like that.
“The First Case”
You could felt your heart beat faster than normally when the lift to the BAU building started moving. You closed your eyes and the face of your previous boss came in front of you, you opened them as fast as you could, anger was not the feeling that you wanted to feel right now.
The lift made a noise letting you know that you arrived at the floor you wanted, the doors opened and the noises of keyboards typing and phones ringing came into your ears immediately.
You stepped outside the lift and walked to Hotchner’s office as you were instructed when you talked to your old friend. When you were walking you felt a lot of eyes on you, but didn’t put much thought into it, you were used to that.
But Doctor Spender Reid was no used to that, the fact that a total stranger walked into the floor like she knew the place, caught his eyes. You looked interesting, like you were hiding something, someone mysterious and that’s why he couldn’t takes his eyes off of you.
You knocked on the door and you heard a “come in” from inside. Once you opened the door Agents Hotchner and Gideon appeared in your sight. Hotchner stood up from his desk and came to you to give you a big hug.
“Hi, y/n” he said after letting you go.
“Hi, Hotch.” You said with a smile “it’s good to see you again. And you too, Gideon”
Guideon hugged you with a half smile on his face. “I’m glad you’re here”
You nodded and sat down at the chair Hotch pointed.
“You’ve grown” he said.
A half smile appeared on your face and looked down “I lot has happend since we last saw each other”
It’s true.
A couple of years had past since you worked on a case with Agents Hotchner and Gideon, you were 21 and now, 25. Since then you three didn’t see each other face to face but kept in contact in case the BAU needed your help or your... special abilities.
“I’m sure you’re gonna fit well with the rest of the team, they are good people and they’re not much different from you” Gideon said and when it took you a second to give a response, he noticed and added quickly “different stories, same motives” You nodded with a half smile.
“And don’t worry, we didn’t tell them anything. Is your story to tell if you want.” Hotch said and I gave him a half smile.
“Thank you”
“We have a meeting to discuss the next case in ten minutes” Hotch said “you can set you stuff in your desk in the mid time.
“Thank you, Hotch” You stood up and once Gideon left the room you said “seriously, for everything”
“You know I always wanted you on the team, you’re one of the greatest.”
When you left the office and walked down the little stairs, you searched with your eyes your desk and in a matter of 5 seconds, you read the name “y/n y/ln” on a peace of paper on one of the desks.
You put the box that you were carrying since you left your car on top of your desk, when you realized you didn’t have much of “your stuff”. You didn’t want anything from your life to be remembered. Just... one thing.
You opened the box and the only thing that could bring you joy on this time was on a picture with a big smile on his face. Your little brother. You grabbed the picture and tapped it to the side of your desk. You missed him.
When you put the box aside, you felt a set of eyes on you. You looked to your left and a guy with glasses on was staring at you, but as soon as you looked at him, he went back to the book that was on his hands.
“Everyone on the meeting room” Gideon walked fast to the room followed by Hotch.
Once you were on the room, the eyes of 5 people were on you.
“Guys this is agent y/ln, she’s going to be a part of this team from now on. We can have the introductions later on, we have to talk about the case immediately”
“Three woman were found dead in the matter of three weeks in a small town from Ohio” A blonde girl said when she gained everyone’s attention “the local police wants us because they think that they have a case of a serial killer.”
“And why’s that?” The big man sitting next to you asked.
“The three bodies had the same cut on their stomachs,” she pressed a little controler that she had on her hand and the pictures of three stomachs showed on the big screen “they all have the letter “X”
“Looks like the killer took his time” the other lady that was sitting down said “look at the lines he carved, they are perfectly cut, not a single one is bigger that the other one”
“On the stories of pirates, they used to put an X on the treasure, maybe he thinks them as treasures?” The guy with the glasses that was looking at you before said quickly.
“Maybe” Hotch said.
“If we are talking about a serial killer, he has the same tarjet.” You said without looking away from the pictures “They are all woman on their 40’s, blonde, and for the look of their clothes, with money. Maybe he hunts them, he stalks them for a while, and when he kills them he puts a an “X” on their stomachs like “treasure found” you finished your sentence and felt all the looks on you. A silence came into the room and to break the tension you said with a half smile “Did I said something wrong?”
“No” the guy with the glasses said quickly. And when he noticed the way he said it he cleared his throat “that was good.” He moved uncomfortably and stood up. “Are we ready?”
Hotch nodded “the car leaves in ten minutes”
Spencer hoped no one noticed his behaviour back there, but he would be a foolish to think that in a room full of profilers. That’s when Agent Morgan appeared next to him putting his arm around his shoulders.
“What was that all about?” Morgan said with a smile playing dumb, because he knew exactly what was happening.
Spencer didn’t look at him and kept putting his stuff on his bag “What was what?”
“You have a crush on the new agent” he said with a bigger smile.
“What?” his voice went high pitch “No I don’t, what makes you think that?” He said while putting his bag over his shoulder, making Morgan let his shoulders lose.
“Oh, c’mon, pretty boy. You should ask her on a date”
Spencer started walking towards the lift followed by Morgan, and now Garcia.
“What are you guys talking about?” she asked.
“I just said that I think Reid should ask the new girl on a date”
“On a date?” Spencer said “I barely know her. You’re crazy”
“Well, that never stopped me” Morgan said with a smile winking at Garcia.
Once everyone stood inside the plane, you felt it turn on and slowly starting to move.
You opened the case file and started to read it, when you felt a body sat down next to you.
“I’m Derek Morgan” the big man said when you looked at him.
“Nice to meet you” you said with a smile.
“Is it time for the introduction?” A voice inside the computer that was in front of Agent Morgan talked and suddenly a blonde woman appeared. “I’m Penelope Garcia” she said with a big smile and you noticed all the jewellery she was wearing.
“I like your necklace” you said with a half smile.
“Oh! Thank you! That’s so sweet”
“I’m Jennifer Jareau, but you can call me JJ” the blonde girl who talked about the case sat down infrot of you.
“I’ve seen you on TV a couple of times, you’re good”
“Thanks” she said with a smile but you noticed that she was not expecting the compliment.
“I’m Emily Prentiss, nice to meet you” she shaked your hand and smiled. “I’m sure you will feel comfortable in no time”
“I’m sure I will” you gave her a half smile.
You looked around to see if everyone introduced themselves but the guy with the glasses was very focus reading the case file. You noticed that his finger was moving quickly on the paper.
“And he’s Dr. Spencer Reid. And yes, he can read that fast.” Morgan let out a little laugh and Spencer looked up from his file.
“Ah, Yeah, nice to meet you” He said and went back to the file.
Morgan and Garcia gave each other looks and you felt confused.
“How did you ended up in the BAU?” Emily asked once she sat down across from you with a coffee on her hands.
You had an answer prepared for this kind of questions, it was not the full story, but neither a lie.
“I worked with Agents Hotch and Gideon a couple of times, I always wanted to work with the FBI, and when I found out that there was a spot for the BAU I didn’t hesitate”
“How old are you when you started? You look kinda young” Morgan said.
“I worked on my first... case when I was eighteen. Now I’m 25” you were tempted to say “mission” but remembered quickly that you couldn’t just say that and pretend that they were the same thing.
“Wow, you started really young!” Garcia said on the screen “Are you a genious like Reid?”
“No, I’m not” you said with a half smile “I just... started way to early”
“You heard that pretty boy?” Morgan said loud enough so Spencer could heard him “your spot for the baby on the team has now been compromised”
Everyone laughed and Spencer just let out a simple “Mhm” while still reading the case file.
What’s up with that guy?
The three days that you were on Ohio went flying, it felt like hours instead of days. But the case wasn’t finished. The profile was done, but he was fast, always a step before the team. But then he made a mistake, that’s the opportunity to catch him.
Garcia was good, she found the name of the serial killer faster that you could ever imagined, you never worked with someone like that.
You were at his house, ready to go in, with Morgan and Spencer at your side.
“He’s not here, he’s not at his job” Gideon said on the communicator that Morgan had on his shoulder, “are your ready to go in?”
Morgan looked at me and I nodded, same did Spencer.
“Yeah” He said to the communicator.
“Ok. Keep me posted”
You three approached the door and once you were all on you positions, Morgan knocked the door down and you walked in.
“Clear” Spencer said in the kitchen.
“I’m going to check the back yard” you said and Morgan nodded.
“He’s not inside the house. We are right behind you” you nodded and headed to the door that lead to the back yard.
Once outside, you noticed a leaf moving on the right side, but there was no wind. You got closer and before you could think of anything you felt a body crashing into you pushing you back.
“Hey!” You said and ran after the man.
You heard Morgan and Spencer behind you, but you were faster, being able to pass the man, put your hand on the wall next to you and push your body upwards, hitting the running man on his neck with your knee.
“Nice...” Morgan said tying to catch his breath while you put the man on handcuffs.
“Thanks” you stood up and heard Morgan talking to Gideon.
Once the whole team were back on the police stacion, you decided to stand alone outside. It was something you did after you finished a case. Being a able to think something else that wasn’t the case, that wasn’t murder... it was something you were grateful for. Those moments.
You hear the voices of your team talking and the fear of them finding out your past came into your body. Not a lot of people can pull off moves like the one you did before, they are profilers, they are smart to figure it out. Why did you think that this was gonna work out?
You sighed and closed your eyes when you felt a body stood next to you.
“Hi” Spencer said with a half smile.
“Hi” you repeated the action he did.
“You ok?” He said with a concerned face.
Wait... he didn’t even look at you when he introduced himself, didn’t even talk to you when you were on the case and now he’s concerned? What a strange man.
“I’m ok. What about you?”
“I’m fine. Used to it.” He put his hands on his pants and you noticed that he was trying to say something. He opened his mouth like he was going to say something but he closed it. Yes, Spencer was trying to ask you something, but he didn’t find the courage to do it.
After a couple of sencods, he finally said “that was a good move you pulled before”
Your nerves were going way up, but you kept it cool because you knew if you showed a little bit of it, he would noticed it.
He was trying to find the confidence he had deep down there, he knew he had a lot of it, but somehow you made him feel like the most insecure man of all time. It was the way you talked, the way you moved your eyebrows when you were thinking, it was the little things he thought they made you so interesting, he wanted to read you like a puzzle, but not like the ones he did every day, you were different. He tried to think like Morgan, how does he do this all the time?
“Do you think that maybe... you would want to grab coffee sometime?” He didn’t knew how he got it out, but he did, and he was glad he did.
The question took you for surprise, and now the fear of them knowing your past turn into... happiness?
“Are you asking me on a date, Dr. Reid?” You said with a smile.
“Uh... yes... maybe, if-if you want to?” He was nervous, you could tell and that made your heart skipped a beat.
“Sure, whenever you are free” you said.
“Yeah?” He said a little bit surprised and happy that you said yes.
“Yeah, it’s a date”
“It’s a date” he nodded and both of you went back inside, with the rest of the team.
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nataliedanovelist · 4 years
GF - How A Star Is Born ch.V
A Hercules AU, founded by @evaroze, whom this fic is a gift for. I hope y’all like it!
ch.IV - ch.VI
AO3 link
Years went by. Both Dipper and Mabel went through vigorous training under their uncles’ supervision. After allowing Mabel to visit the world, Stanford had combat training be added to her lessons so, if needed, she could defend herself. Now a master of duel swords and a brand new goddess of the arts, Mabel spent her days inspiring humans, helping to keep Olympus beautiful and safe, and exploring the woods throughout Greece.
She also spent a lot of time talking to Dipper. At least once a week he would sit at night and draw in his journal to talk to his sister, swapping stories and inspiring each other to learn and grow.
Dipper was no longer a scrawny little boy, but a strong, muscular, clever young man of seventeen. Stan had never been more proud in his entire life, boxing with the kid and having him go through trials and tests and watching him grow up. He even managed to teach Dipper a few swears.
Stan coughed into his fist, standing at the end of the most difficult obstacle course Dipper had ever been set to. He grinned as Dipper emerged from shark-infested waters, blazing hoops, electric spikes, and racist homophobes, without a scratch on him, and Stan and Dipper high-hived and cheered and celebrated.
“You did it, kid! You were great!”
“Thanks, I couldn’t have done without you.” Dipper said with a smile.
“Obviously.” Stan smirked, earning him a soft punch in the beer belly. “Oof! Okay, okay. You go pack up, ya gremlin. We’re going to Thebes!”
“Isn’t that place, like, the worst place in Greece?” Dipper asked as they headed back to the Mystery Shack.
“You got it, you’ll be just what the doctor ordered.” Stan explained. “Young hero like you can help a lot of people in an Underworld-hole like that. Great place to start out. If you can make it at the Big Olive, you can make it anywhere.”
The men set sail before the sun rose the next morning. For some odd reason, Stan locked up the shack in a way that made it seem like they were never coming back, but Dipper assumed it was only because Stan believed that Dipper could make it big. The young man smiled, determined not to let his teacher down, and made sure they were on the right track.
After sailing across the ocean for a few hours, they floated into a river that traveled along the woods, taking a shortcut for Thebes rather than travel through the sea for Greece. Stan was resting in a chair with a cold drink in his hand, letting Dipper sail for a while, when they heard a scream.
The old man shot up and grinned. “Perfect! A damsel in distress! Good warm-up before we hit down. Lower the anchor here.”
Dipper did as he was told and they crept down the river for the waterfall, where they saw a young lady stumble away, groaning and growling in her throat.
The girl had long, beautiful blonde hair and stunning blue eyes that crackled like raging fire, wearing a long baby-blue dress. She hurried to her feet but was soon scooped up by the enemy that came around the river bend.
A huge Manotaur with a toga around his waist was so huge he grabbed the woman in his fist around the waist. “Not so fast, sweetheart.” He growled.
“Put me down right now, Chutzpah, or I’ll…!” The woman threw a punch at the monster, but he held her away and laughed.
“I like ‘em fiery!”
“HEY!” Dipper yelled from the riverbank and stomped on the river, leaving Stan in the bushes to munch on some popcorn.
“My money’s on Hooves.”
The girl and Chutzpah stared at the newcomer and the monster growled, “Beat it, twerp, I’m busy.”
“Sorry, mister, but you’re gonna let her go, or…”
“Keep moving, junior.” The girl sneered.
“... or I’ll…” Dipper’s sentence dropped and shattered. “But aren’t you… er, a damsel in distress?”
“I’m a damsel.” The woman said as she tried to pull herself free from the giant fist. “I’m in distress. I can handle this. Have a nice day.” She said with a sly grin with cold blue eyes.
Dipper swallowed and cleared his throat, reaching for his sword. “Uh, ma’am, I think you might be too close to this situation to realize your…” But the Manotaur punched him with so much force that Dipper flew onto a big boulder on the other side of the river.
Stan winced while Chutzpah laughed and the damsel looked bored. “C’mon kid, shake it off!” The old man coached.
Dipper charged, leaving his sword behind, and started to toss left and right hooks back and forth and landing, making the monster dizzy, and then used his head to hit him so hard it was his turn to fly back onto a hard surface, landing behind the waterfall and dropping the girl in the process.
“YES! That’s what I’m talking about, sport! Keep it up!”
Dipper looked down at the wet girl and gently scooped her up out of the river to sit on a rock. “Oh, I’m sorry, ma’am. That was dumb… Excuse me, please.” And he and Chutzpah resumed their battle, the demigod using his strength to throw the Manotaur over his shoulder and putting him in a head-lock.
“Fight! Fight! Fight!” Stan chanted while the girl rang her hair dry, a smirk on her face.
“Not bad, not bad.”
“What are you talking about, he’s great!” Stan cheered. “Throw him a left! Atta boy!”
With one final punch, Dipper made Chutzpah the Manotaur fly up in the air and then come back crashing down face first in the water, a shiny bruise on his snooze button.
“Alright! Nice work!” Stan coached. “You could’ve gone without the distraction from a pair of big goo-goo eyes, but good recovery! Alright, let’s hit the water and move on.” And he walked off for the boat.
But once again, Dipper was distracted. The woman was rubbing her arms dry and sliding off the rock to stand, stretching her slender back; Dipper’s face felt hot and his whole body felt like it wasn’t even there. “Uh… are you alright, miss…?”
“Pacifica.” The girl said with a voice that dripped with sarcasm, like she believed she had better things to do than be standing here and talking to him, but she didn’t know what. “I’m fine. Thanks for the save. So, you got a name to go with all those rippling pectorals?”
“Uh… um, ah… I’m uh… uh…”
“Don’t speak Greek or something?”
“Dipper!” The man cleared his throat and answered in a calmer tone. “M-My name is Dipper. How did you get mixed up with the…”
“Knucklehead with hooves?” Pacifica finished for him. “Ah, you know how men are. They all think ‘no’ means ‘yes,’ and ‘get lost’ means ‘take me, I’m yours.’ Well, thanks for everything, Dip. Bye-bye.” And Pacifica began to walk away.
“Wait!” Dipper called out quickly, a reflex of seeing someone beautiful and cool-headed going away, and he offered sheepishly, “Uh, c-c-can I give you a ride on my boat, erm, me and Stan’s boat?”
“I’m fine,” Pacifica giggled coldly. “I’m a big tough girl, I tie my own sandals and everything. I can look after myself. See ya, Dippin’ Dots.” And Dipper watched as she disappeared beneath a hill.
“Uh… bye.” Dipper said weakly, clumsy on his feet as Stan sailed their small boat behind him, going down the river for Thebes.
“OY! Knucklehead! We going or what?”
“Huh? Oh, yeah… yeah…”
Dipper pulled himself on board, smiling with his head in the clouds. Stan sighed and shook his head, muttering, “Twitterpated.”
As Pacifica walked further and further into the woods, the atmosphere got darker and darker. The young lady walked as coldly as the air, unafraid and all too familiar with who was approaching her. When a huge gust of blue fire erupted from the Earth and a floating triangle appeared before the teenage girl, she rolled her eyes and sneered, “Great, I needed cheddar for dinner.”
Bill cackled as he held his three-sided body and kicked his legs in the air. “Oh, my little Llama. Care to explain what exactly happened?” He made a chess board appear before him with various pieces of monsters and anomalies on the board. “I thought you were gonna persuade the River Guardian to join my team for the uprising and, here I am, kinda River Guardian-less.”
“I gave it my best shot,” Pacifica said coldly as she flicked Chutzpah off the board. “But he made an offer I had to refuse.”
“Okay, fine,” Bill replied as he made the board disappear, closing it like a book. “Instead of taking two year from your lifetime sentence, Imma add two on, okay? You got your best shot?”
Pacifica groaned and walked away, leaning against a dead tree. “Look, it wasn’t my fault, okay. It was this Wonderboy who beat your Manotaur up.”
“Wonderboy?” Bill repeated.
“Some new hero who came with this big innocent farm-boy routine, but I could see through that in a Peloponnesian minute.” Pacifica said with a cold snap of her fingers.
“New hero, huh?” Bill said, a hand to what might have been his chin but was really just under his eye. “If some new guy is beating up my minions it could weaken our chances of over-throwing Sixer…” The demon stopped his talking when he heard a voice. He swooped Pacifica up into the trees as a dark cloud, just in time to hide from the intruder.
Mabel was running through the woods with a pig at her feet. He had grown quite large since the young muse had met the pig, and now they both ran as fast as they could, but the teenage girl made it to a tree first, planting a hand on it, making the dead tree sprout leaves with life, and she jumped and cheered and punched the air. “That’s twenty-two for me… How about twenty-two out of forty-five?” She asked Waddles.
The big tired pig flopped over and showed his belly lazily. Mabel awed and fell to her knees to scratch him. “Aw, you’re just a big dummy-dumb. C’mon, why don’t we go see if Grunkle Ford is too busy to hang out. This Mabel’s gotta have some family time.” And she picked up her pet pig and skipped back home.
Bill plunged back onto the ground, dropping Pacifica, who sat on a rock boringly, as Bill glowed red with fire and yelled loudly, “WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!” And soon every tree circling them was no more.
“Who’s a cute lil guy? You are!” Gideon said into his hand mirror, sitting at the front desk of the Underworld.
The huge doors flew open as Bill, still red and fiery with anger, entered and grew to the size of a giant before his minion. “YOU SAID YOU TOOK CARE OF THE TWINS!”
“The what now?” Gideon asked calmly.
Bill towered down at the white-haired chubby teenager and bellowed, “Sixer’s brats! The ones destined to stop me from ruling this dimension! You said they were dead as doornails! But the girl is still alive!”
“Yeah, so?” Gideon asked. “The prophecy said both twins had to be there for you to lose. There’s only one. So there. And besides it took you seventeen years to realize Stanford was still dotting on his niece. If anything you suck at keeping up with your own prey.”
Bill shrunk down, shaking with anger and still red, but he had to admit that the jerk was right. “Fine, but the boy, Mason, is dead, right?”
“More or less.”
“He will be when the mortal world is done with him.” Gideon sneered with a crooked smile. “That scrawny twerp doesn’t stand a chance in Thebes.”
“And you know all of this HOW?!”
“It’s fun watching him struggle and lose.” Gideon admitted with a shrug.
“I’m not taking any chances!” Bill yelled and floated away. “We’ve got one year until I can free my friends and take over this dimension! Since I can’t curse Shooting Star into a mortal, I can still kill Pinetree.”
“I’m telling you,” Gideon said, following his boss. “That loser doesn’t stand a chance. I know just who to send to kill him.”
And Bill’s anger melted away as he listened to his minion’s plan and helped make it better.
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the-sara-voe · 3 years
Chapter 5: The Bitter March
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Luke coasts down the street, the dial tone blaring through the car's speakers. The tone barely skips one beep before Tusa answers.
“Scam calls not accepted”, she stated, as she tip-tapped away on her keyboard.
An arrogant grin spreads across Alvez’s face, as he asks, “I’m a scammer now”?
“Well, you didn’t answer my text about movie night. So yes, you are a scammer”.
“I’m sorry, Pen got a new kitten behind my back, and we are trying to get Roxie and Belle to get along”, he said, the grin still present in his speech.
“Oh”, Tusa said with surprise, a somber hint filling her voice. She bit her tongue to keep her thoughts at bay, saying “Well that’s alright. Is the cat cute”?
“Despite me not being a cat person, it is adorable”, Luke said, feeling her discomfort on the other end. “Hey, we can have a movie night another night okay”?
His voice is buttery to her, but his words slip past her ears. Just as quickly as he could raise her pulse, it would slow the minute he talked about Penelope. The woman didn’t have a face to her name, but she could summon the rains of the Amazon through Tusa’s eyes. 
They have never met, but Tusa has heard nothing but great things. How she is kind, witty, talented. Garcia even left a note for her. Everyone talks about Penelope Garcia like she is a legend, because she is one. 
Tusa hates being the one to fill Penelope’s shoes. It makes her skin prickle and her throat sour. She doesn’t want to, but she resents the woman. The unfortunate part is, it isn’t because of her reputation that Selemani disliked Penelope so much.
She perked up her voice, going an octave higher, before saying, “Yeah, yeah I know. I was just looking forward to it. But on the upside we avoided Sena rooting for Monty Python for the hundredth time”.
“That’s a good point”, he said before saying, “Hey while I got you, can you help me find-”
“Find the Church that belongs to those shirts? Bud who do you think I am? I already did it”.
Alvez chuckled as he listened to her. “Address is 7226 Grand Blvd, and it’s a Mormon Church. The t-shirts are for a program they have called Home Sweet Home, and proceeds help the homeless. The church makes a lot of money, and last I checked they ordered 6,000 t-shirts”.
“And they got to be storing those somewhere”.
“That’s what I thought”.
“Alright, thank you Chica I’ll talk to you later”.
“Bye”, she said, rushed, hearing him hang up. 
She sat, frozen from the conversation, before she threw her hands to the air. Her hands encompass her face, leaning back in her chair and releasing a groan. All the pressure behind her eyes had moved to her stomach. The aching in her gut festers with every thought of him. 
Slipping her palms down her cheeks to her lap, she says, “Luke Alvez, you are breaking my heart”.
The black pavement glisten in the sun from the unforeseen water shower. Rossi's shoes kick up water drops; upchucked tequila and wasted food becoming more fragrant. The open corridor housed a soiled, kelp-colored dumpster, its neighbors being wrinkled heaps of plastic. Hidden from the opening of the alley, where the ground lay littered in cigarette butts and chewed gum, is the temporary resting place of Daniella Cortez.
"She was propped up against the dumpster", the detective remarked.
Rossi observes the corner. Although the untrained eye would be unable to tell, a small stain of rusty brown glued to the asphalt. Daniella's body had made its presence.
He crouches down, examining the stickers and graffiti that lingered on the brick and steel. The majority of them had faded around the edges and are stained from the decaying muck. "The alley seems fairly secluded in the daytime. How trafficked are the alleyways at night"? Rossi asked while the gears in his head turned.
"Everyone tends to stay away from the alleyways at night, but on Fridays and Saturdays some prostitutes sit here, waiting for guys to drive by. That's how she was found actually".
Rossi's eyes squint. There is one piece of paper, crumpled over itself, but not colored by the garbage mildew. "A prostitute found her"?
"Yeah, said she came back looking for her wallet and found the body instead. She said that the victim wasn't anyone she had seen before, but she saw the victim come out for a smoke".
"Did she see anyone that picked her up"?
"No. She said that she picked up the last guy of the night, and their alibis checked out. Daniella was alone out here".
As the detective continues to ramble, David's eyes fixate on the brick. He slips his hand into a latex glove, plucking the paper from the brick wall. His fingers swivel the folded square open, revealing a manufactured drawing. The thin, black lines branch from one another, to make a set of twig feet, wings, and a minuscule beak. But most startling, the image is clouded in a burgundy red.
"Detective, does this sticker seem familiar to you"? Rossi asked.
The detective hovered over Rossi's shoulder, looking at the image. "That's a sticker a bar nearby uses instead of stamping. Bar's called A Larkin'".
Rossi's face scrunched at the name. "Probably where she was before. Did you guys interview bar staff yet"?
"No, but it is just across the street, I'll take you over there".
Rossi thanks the detective, putting the sticker in a bag for evidence. He stares at the blood-stained lark. Gideon would have thought the lark symbolism was clever for the bar, despite the dumb name.
David halts his walking. Jason believed birds were like people, that they explain themselves through their behaviors. Jason studied their symbolism in various cultures and religions. Birds always had a significance for Gideon, so what was the significance of his letter being with a robin painting?
He pulls out his phone, dialing Tusa. "Selemani"?
Before he could hear her speak, the background rings with metal gently scraping plastic. She must be on her lunch break. Her voice thick and full, she spouts, "Present, sir. You guys get a good lead yet"?
"Not on my end, but would you do me a favor"? He asked, his words spilling like those of a child caught red-handed. "An old friend asked me to look at a case of his. I may have found a potential lead for him, but I need your expertise".
On the other end, Tusa ceases her fidgeting. David could feel her sincerity through the phone. It is something he appreciates about her. Although Penelope's presence is well missed at work, Tusa carries a similar warmth as Garcia. If someone she cared about truly needed something, she would get it for them.
Her voice takes a serious tone, "Alright sir, I'm all ears. What do you need me to do"?
"What is the symbolism of the robin"?
The rattling of the keys is followed by her saying, "Robins represent perseverance, fresh starts, good luck. Associated with spring, Robins tend to migrate during March. Any of this help"?
It was sheer luck that Rossi and Stephen discovered the letter. Stumbling upon that one book, out of all the books Gideon had, and turning to that page. Sheer luck learning about Harper. Does the robin pertain to her?
Rossi's face relaxes slightly, the corners of his mouth upturning. "Yes, that does help. Thank you, Tusa".
"You’re welcome, sir".
After hanging up, Rossi took a moment of pause. His hand found the picture of Harper before he had told it to. Staring at the baby picture, he said to it, quietly, "You're a March baby, aren't you Harper"?
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Criminal Minds Musings: Season 2
(Spoilers ahead... you have been warned.)
So much angst... what happened?
Gideon - Ruh Roh. You seem sadder then usual. You are such a dad. Oh no dad, be careful, people might realize that you're actually kinda sappy. Don't be mean to Emily! Aww you accepted her. Look at you, taking another child under your wing. Daddaddaddaddad. Protect your son! Uh oh... you know about Spence. You're scaring me. Something is going on with you. Oh god... oh no. You poor thing. That guy was a bastard. Holy shit what did he do to you? None of what happened was your fault. I'm sorry about your girlfriend.
Hotch - Please just let this man be with his family. You missed your child's first steps? :(. Aww no! Hey! Don't be mean to the new girl. Uh oh... you have a new BAU child to protect now. Look at you! Being supportive and vouching for the new girl. Save your wife and son! Good dad! You're kinda emotionless but I still love you. I TAKE IT BACK... YOU ARE NOT EMOTIONLESS YOU POOR THING!Don't be so hard on yourself! Uh oh... you know too. Oh no. Yes! You tell her! Oh shit... watch your back Hotch... I have a really bad feeling about the next season. Oh no.
Garcia - She's back! Happy, confident Garcia is back! I missed you! You're in the intro now? :D Ooh. You like spooky stuff. The most fun. Caring woman. Much love. Oh sweetie please look away from the gory stuff. I don't need you anymore traumatized than you already are. Everytime you appear with your confidence my heart grows a little bit. You poor thing. Everyone keeps scaring the shit out of you.
JJ - You are still a mom. Oh you're a soccer mom! Strong woman. Much smart. This team wouldn't survive without you. AHHH! Please don't die! Oh thank god. Reid getting kidnapped is not your fault! Don't blame yourself! And stop trying to hide how you feel! Tired mom friend. So supportive, even to people you don't really know. Also look at you! Proving to people that you are more than some dumb blonde they all assume you are.
Elle - You're alive!! Oh wait stop. No, please take a break. I love the new hair though. Holyshitholyshitholyshit. You just killed a guy. Holy shit. Wait no! Come back!!!
Derek - it's the first episode and you already have one of your siblings jumping into danger. Why would you kick down the door if they had a key??? Uh oh! You're angry at someone. Remind me to stay on your good side. You are an incredibly empathetic man. Good man, much niceness. Oh... oh no... oh nonononono. Yes, defend yourself. Holy shit you are so strong in so many ways. You are a secret nerd! Look at you getting along to well with Prentiss. Every episode makes me think that you realize how much Spencer is struggling after what happened. Such an older brother. Look at you, taking care of everyone.
Spencer - You have glasses now??? :O. Oh baby I'm sorry about your mom. Don't be scared please. Aww. You're so concerned for you friends. Look at you being supportive. Nerd boi! Fast Reidy (read-y) boi! Why do you look so scared and sad all the time?? Oh god no! Oh nonononono. Leave him alone you bastard! Leave my baby boi alone! You poor thing! Stupid kidnapper. Oh shit... welp, that's not good. Wait don't be mean to Prentiss! Oh good, you're becoming more like yourself again. They know! They know what's going on with you! Please just talk to someone!
Emily - Oh! New person! You are very smart... I like you. You speak other languages! You are already a valuable member of this team and you've only been here for an episode. Ooh! You're a nerd too?? I love you. Strong woman. Another hidden nerd! It's okay, don't worry about Spencer brushing you off and being mean. I appreciate how forgiving you are and I'm sure he will too when he gets better. Much empathy, we love. Oh no...
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everythingoesnk · 5 years
Once in Rockfield Farm (4/5)
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summary; in this house we stan brian the hero
word count; 4 638
warnings; mary austin.
part 1
part 2
part 3
“Brian, can you get your fucking clogs out of the way?” Roger groaned, kicking them with the tip of his shoe.
“What’s gotten into you?” John complained, tired of his babyish behaviour.
“Don’t bother trying, Deaky” Brian said, sending Roger a look.
He wasn’t paying attention to them, perfectly displaying the lack of interest in carrying a conversation.
About you, you spent a lot of time with your friends lately, celebrating the successful end of the semester. All your hard work was rewarded, and you were finally clean and done with University.
There hadn’t been more opportunities to talk with you privately, and Roger wished you’d notice his efforts for things to go back to normal. It annoyed him that you always had something to do and wouldn’t find time to invest in him.
He fucked up everything saying he’d follow your suggestion to find another chick. It was childish and a mistake. He didn’t mean it and didn’t do it. He wanted to apologize and kept trying to do his bit, but you were closed off.
Excuses and excuses kept coming out of your mouth to avoid being alone with him.
Anxiety. That’s what you felt when recalling yours and Mary’s conversation.
Just the thought of Roger’s real intentions being the ones she addressed made you want to puke. You didn’t hate him or disliked him overnight, but you wouldn’t risk getting hurt.
Also, you’d been contemplating moving to America. Rockfield Farm’d become a vacation home rather than your residence.
Indifferent to your intentions to stay away from him, last Wednesday, Roger tried again.
He bought two tickets to attend a Romeo and Juliet play. He didn’t give two shits about Shakespeare or the performance, he just happened to hear you talk to John about how much you wanted to go. Turned out a guy called Gideon asked you first earlier that week to accompany him to that same bloody play. He could remember sympathy written on your face when he revealed you the plan.
Roger played it cool the best he could when you politely declined, justifying yourself saying you’d already agreed to go with Gideon.
“Maybe next time” he took a step back, staring down at his hands.
When you left the room he didn’t hesitate to tear the tickets into pieces.
“But I’m curious” John insisted.
“He’s angry because (Y/N)’s having a date tonight” Freddie half smiled.
Roger’s expression hardened. Freddie’s grin was no longer there.
“Oh, Rog” he pouted.
“What’s going on, Fred?” Brian asked in an undertone, leaning closer to Freddie.
John joined the little circle after looking briefly at Roger, who was peering through the window and susurrating something under his breath.
“Our sweet child is lovesick. Tonight was supposed to be his date with (Y/N), but she rejected him”
“She didn’t reject me” Roger claimed through gritted teeth. “Gideon happened to be faster”
Pronouncing this stranger’s name burned his tongue.
“It doesn’t mean it’s a date” Brian guessed. “I wouldn’t lose sleep over it, Roger”
He shook his head.
"She chose him over me, I'll get over it," he thought saying it out loud would make the statement sound easier.
“(Y/N) adores you, Rog. It’s not that deep, trust me” Freddie assured.
“What have I missed?” John asked.
“Something happened in the pub we don’t know about” Brian commented.
The image of Mary dragging you to the bathroom by the wrist sparked his curiosity. He was the only one apart from Roger who saw it, and he didn’t mention it to anyone.
Roger stopped listening somewhere around Freddie's words concerning drama and paid exclusive attention to what was happening outside.
An unfamiliar car that could only belong to Gideon pulled over in front of the house. He saw you climb out with him and head to the door.
“Hey, baby!” you hugged Sherlock after walking in and taking your coat off. “How’s my favourite boy doin’? Oh my God yes, I love you too my baby prince”
Sherlock barked happily a few times.
Hearing his paws against the floor, quickly running to announce your arrival to Her Majesty, made you smile from ear to ear.
“Sherlock ignored you totally”
“It’s fine. Can we go to your bedroom?”
The four of them heard the conversation.
Roger froze, and the others wanted the Grim Reaper to take them in time to escape the awkwardness.
Leaning with your shoulder against the living room door frame, you took off your heels.
“Hey guys," you greeted, undoing your ponytail and shaking out your hair.
“Hi, (Y/N)” John and Brian responded in unison.
“How’d it go?” Freddie asked straight forward.
Roger chewed his bottom lip, incapable to keep his eyes off you. The way the fabric of your jeans hugged you was distracting, but as soon as Freddie made sure to try and collect information, his eyes and ears snapped upwards to hear every single word of what was going on around him.
“Horrible” you announced. “The play exquisite, amen to that, but we had a large family with children behind us that wouldn’t shut up”
It wasn’t after your rambling that you saw Roger standing in one corner. His jersey was so tight you could appreciate a tiny hint of his belly button.
You stared at each other for a bit: you sent him a mini smile that he didn’t respond to. On the contrary, his lips pressed together.
He was jealous.
So fucking jealous.
He felt like one big wolf caged, ready to storm out as soon as someone were to release him.
You got your eyes back on Freddie, colour mounting in your cheeks at the excruciating gaze Roger put you to test.
“This is Gideon, guys. Old friend of mine” you said, patting his shoulder.
Brian was the only one to say hi this time. John and Freddie simply nodded with a smile, Freddie pouring wine into a glass.
Sprawled across the sofa now, Roger looked imperturbable. He kept on twirling a drumstick and stealing quick looks at Gideon: he had his head shaved off, he was bony and very quiet around new people.
At 6:45 a.m. the next day, Roger woke up due to a bad dream of his drumkit being set on fire by accident because of Freddie.
Patting Sherlock’s head along the way, Roger’s steps took him to the kitchen to get some water.
Eyebrows furrowed as the light was switched on already, he couldn’t believe his eyes when Gideon turned it off and almost bumped into him in the hallway.
“Oh. Sorry, lad”
Had he spent the night here?! With you?! Roger didn’t speak for a few seconds.
“What are you doing here?”
“I stayed over for the night. I’m leaving in the morning… don’t worry” Gideon said, perfectly aware that the drummer didn’t appreciate his presence.
God, Roger was so obvious.
Gideon left to go back to sleep and Roger considered crashing his head into the wall.
Shoulders deflating and hands on his face, he understood it was time to give up on you. You pushed him to no other option.
An enormous impulse to stab a knife through Roger’s chest was dangerously growing inside you for the fiftieth time in the last half an hour. It sent your brain reeling how dumb he could be on purpose.
Jumping onto your bed, you reached for a magazine and started to flip through the pages, not really reading any of it. It was for the best, you needed to distract yourself or you’d indeed end up doing something stupid.
His ‘rocker’ habits started to get up your nose. You lost count of the number of times you told him not to bring home any of his bootlicker groupies.
You were already doing them a huge favour, but that's abusing your trust on large-scale.
There was a soft knock on the door.
Just like everyone could recognize someone’s footsteps after living together for some time, you could also tell who was behind such gentle noise.
“Come on in, Bri, come and fucking help me count to ten. Suddenly I don’t know anymore” you tossed the magazine away. It landed on top of the mountain of clothes scattered on the floor.
Lying now on your belly with your face against the pillow, you sensed the bed sank a bit when he took a seat next to you.
“You know,” he spoke, “it will only make things worse if you let him get to you like that”
“Oh, that’s rich” you snapped. “He’s been pushing my buttons for weeks now. I’m human, of course I’m gonna end up exploding”
Brief pause of you chewing your gum and Brian rubbing his thumbs against each other.
“I haven’t exploded yet, though” you reconsidered. “He better stop testing me”
“You’re just proving my point” Brian laughed.
You turned your head in his direction and shot him a look.
Brian patted your back with encouragement.
“How about I take the evening off and we go for a bike ride? Would that cheer you up?”
“Yes!” you cried, getting up.
A little getaway sounded marvellous.
Besides the fact that spending time with Brian was one of your favourite things to do ever since you met him, it was a beautiful day outside. Too beautiful to waste it indoors. The sky was entirely blue, not a single cloud spoiling the bright rays of sunshine from shining.
“The boys won’t mind?” you asked.
“We’ve been locked in the studio for days, not a single break. Freddie’s working hard in a new piece on the piano, John surely needs some time off too, and Roger’s keeping himself entertained. They won’t even notice I’m gone” Brian explained.
“Maybe John wants to join us” you added, looking for a most comfortable pair of boots.
“I don’t know, I’ll go ask him”
After lacing up your shoes you reunited with Brian downstairs and smiled widely when you saw John standing next to him, although disappointment overtook your face when Brian pouted at you. John wasn’t tagging along?
“Freddie asked me first to go shopping with him, sorry” he welcomed you in his arms when you opened yours to embrace him. “Everyone wants to hang out with me and I can’t please everybody at once” he winked at you.
“Brian told me he was gonna lock himself up with the piano the whole day, huh?”
Brian’s mouth curved into an apologetic smile, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
“I deserve to treat myself too, my dear” Freddie sang, going down the stairs with his characteristic grace and a triumphant smug look.
The four of you started discussing your plans for the rest of the day.
They were going to the mall, seeing as Freddie wanted to renew his wardrobe. John was okay with the idea of rating outfits, but everything was a good excuse to go out and relax the mind a little, overwhelmed by having worked so many weeks non-stop. The album was almost done, and Rheid already mentioned to them something about touring Japan after the launch.
Perhaps they could find something interesting to wear on stage.
Bri and you preferred to get on the bikes and ride aimlessly instead, seeking some peace.
They headed to the van and Brian excused himself saying he needed to go to the bathroom.
You were gently tossing your hair in front of the round mirror hung on the main hall waiting for him, trying to tame the baby hairs that were all over the place.
You heard the clacking of heels approaching, and within seconds a stunning blonde doll was behind you.
Staring at each other in the glass, she bit her inside cheek, her gaze making it clear that she was mentally criticizing your appearance.
She felt special? She wasn’t, you wanted to tell her. The fourth one in a week maybe?
“Can I help you?” you began with one eyebrow raised.
“I was just leaving”
She took one step forward and wiped off the smeared lipstick around her lips.
“Roger’s asleep” she informed, chin up as she cleaned herself.
“Good to know”
She held her purse in between her arm and hip and gave you a half smile.
“Nice house” she smiled and clucked her tongue.
You didn’t respond and waited for her to get out of your sight.
When she closed the door, you let out a grunt.
“Roger Taylor, you’re a fucking pain in the ass” you condemned with your eyes shut, and flinched at the unexpected contact of a big hand on your shoulder, opening them.
"I grabbed a few snacks and two bottles of water," he said contently, turning over himself a little for you to actually see his stuffed backpack.
You chuckled. What would you do without this precious soul?
“We’ll be gone for less than two hours, Bri”
“Just in case”
You stroked his chin fondly, getting a beautiful smile from him in return, and both walked out without worrying about leaving a note for Roger in case he woke up and saw the house empty.
Much to your amazement, you finished the supplies Brian had brought with him. Stopping at one of the bars in the nearest port before returning to Rockfield Farm was his idea.
People were enjoying the soft breeze of the first moments of the night before it was too cold to be outside.
"(Y/N)?" Brian asked softly.
You took the beer to your lips.
Brian sighed.
“What happened between you and Roger? I know he can be a little bitch sometimes, but you guys were together all the time and now—“
"It was a misunderstanding"
“Misunderstanding? What was a misunderstanding?”
Brian looked startled. Nothing was clicking.
Out of the blue, Mary’s intrusion to yours and Roger’s heated moment in the club seemed to be gaining weight for him.
“That day in the pub,” he started, and you turned your head away holding your breath, “what happened?”
"Nothing," you said, picking at your nails absentmindedly.
That wasn't enough for Brian.
"Look at me"
You did.
“Are you lying?”
“What would that get me?" you answered with a question, avoiding saying a resounding ‘no’.
"I don't know," he responded, resting his elbows on the table and framing his hands on either side of his face.
A personality trait of yours and many people, you hoped, was that you didn’t enjoy lying to the people you loved, and since you were aware that what you said wasn’t true to an extent you didn’t want to deny it again to try to convince him.
Everyone saw you and Roger flirting, but what happened between you and Mary was yours and Mary’s business. And possibly, just possibly, Roger’s.
“He’s been acting weird since…,” he looked up to the sky, mentally counting, “since that day you brought Gabriel home”
Putting your head in your hands for the slightest second, you wished Brian’d shut up and talk about anything but this. You didn’t even tell him he fucked up the boy’s name.
You folded your arms dropping back on the seat and chose to not open your mouth.
“You know it’s because he thinks you fucked him, right?” Brian sentenced.
He didn’t want you to think he was blaming you or insinuating anything. You were free to do the heck you wanted to do. He was just pointing out the obvious.
“I do”
Brian didn’t say anything.
“I do, and… But what if I did? It’s my life. I don’t owe Roger anything” you answered, spreading your arms.
He remained silent and just kept on listening to the words erupting out of your mouth.
“It’s not like we were dating. Why’s he so butthurt? I’m not stupid. I know he’s bringing those girls just to provoke me”
“Did you?”
“Did I what?”
“Fuck Gabriel?”
“Fuck no. We’ve known each other since we were four, and we happen to meet up every now and then. He’s moving to Dublin soon with his sister. It’s a tradition that he stays over when he pays me a visit. It’s not like there was a single room available, y’know” you hinted, and Brian quickly nodded. Yep, because of them. “That’s what we did, Brian. Talk and fall asleep. And Roger instead of asking keeps fucking Barbie after Barbie. Fuck him, really”
“Sure what?” you snapped, irritation clear in your voice.
Brian succeeded in hiding a smirk.
“Screw him. He deserves it”
You looked at him as if he were fooling you. You really didn’t know where the conversation was going anymore.
“Screw him for living his life like you’re doing”
You blushed violently.
"You're jealous, (Y/N). It's alright, love. Roger's being a jerk. What I find strange," he said back with a worried face, the tone in his voice making it clear that he knew you knew what he was referring to but were refusing to tell him, "is that in the beginning it was you giving him the cold shoulder. He came to me, you know, asking if I had the tiniest clue of what was going on”
Jesus, if Brian’s goal was to make you feel like trash, he was doing the job quite good.
“It’s totally fine if you don’t want to tell me,” Brian spoke, lowering his head and glancing at your fingers grasping the beer bottle tight, “but things are the way they are because you’re being stubborn and dishonest with each other”
“Bri, you’ve got to stop” Mary laughed timidly, hella uneasy due to Brian’s cold gaze upon her.
Brian, John and Mary were chilling downstairs waiting for you. Freddie and Roger were in the studio instead, having a laugh and playing around. They were all looking their best just for you. It was the 19th, your long awaited graduation day. It felt dreamlike to you, but it was finally here.
Nothing and no one would ruin it.
“Are you proud of yourself?” Brian questioned in a tranquil tone.
“What?” she put her brows together.
John, sitting with one leg over the other, lowered the newspaper and stared at them over the rim of the page.
“Don’t be silly, Mary. Whatever you said to (Y/N) that day in the pub, you messed everything up”
Mary was surprised that Brian came at her like that. They never argued, never. But she could tell the subject mattered to him.
Shifting on her feet, she hesitated where to start.
“Seeing as you care so much about (Y/N), like I do," she reiterated, "you should know that I made her a favour"
“Who are you to interfere, Mary?”
“C’mon, you know Roger better than I do and know that he doesn’t take commitment seriously“
“I asked you one thing. Who are you to interfere?”
Mary’s face went blank. She looked at John, but he quickly hid behind the newspaper only to peek at her again as soon as her eyes met the ground.
“For Christ’s sake, Mary! Who are you to interfere!” Brian shouted, pushing for an answer.
She clenched her fists.
“What’s happening here?” Freddie’s voice interrupted.
Both turned their heads at him, surprised that he was back so soon.
“Nothing” she hurried to say, and sent Brian a pleading look.
"Nothing?" Brian asked sarcastically, his voice raising a bunch of octaves.
Freddie and Roger stepped further into the room.
When Roger’s eyes connected with Brian’s, he knew something important concerning him was the main topic.
His eyes wandered between him and Mary.
Brian gestured her to speak.
She'd never felt this way before, since a mighty character was one of her many strengths. A woman with little hesitations. Roles changed, though. She couldn't even dare to give Freddie a fast glance, afraid that he'd hate her for this. She truly cared about you a lot, and clearly wasn't fond of Roger. She thought she was doing the right thing.
You and Freddie were the ones who mattered to her the most in the world, and losing you both because of this drama would destroy her.
Roger, fed up of so much suspense, proceed to move closer to Mary. He stared right into her eyes.
“What have you done?” he asked with an alarming and shocking put together voice, to which Mary consequently felt goosebumps run through her spine.
It was now or never.
“I encouraged her to stay away from you. I assumed you just wanted to…” she made a vague gesture with her hand, “and I didn’t want her heart to be broken because of you”
“Mary!!” Freddie gasped.
Temperature in his body building up, and face as red as the blood boiling in his veins, Roger’s hands went to rub the back of his neck where one vein was perilously showing.
John took a long sip of his drink, not really prepared for shit to go down now.
“You… you…” Roger didn’t know how to put into words everything that he wanted to say.
Mary’s lower lip started trembling. Freddie didn’t like one bit seeing her so vulnerable, but he couldn’t force himself to feel sorry for her when he didn’t.
“Christ, are you going to cry now? You’re fucking sick in the head” Roger sassed, exasperated.
The colour drained out of Mary's face yet again due to the embarrassment he was putting her through.
“Fuck you. You don’t know anything about me or my feelings” Roger cursed.
“They sure aren’t that strong when you’ve been fucking women here, in her bloody home!” Mary lectured, hoping to win some confidence in her speech.
“I DIDN’T FUCK THEM! I brought them only to end up kicking them out every time because I couldn’t!” Roger snapped, tightening his expression. “I like her too much!”
The room fell silent.
Roger stared at his mates with arms slightly raised at the quietness. His gaze paced between all of them, who couldn’t articulate a single sound even if they tried. He then turned to Mary and snapped a finger at her with threatening eyes.
“Now I’m gonna go upstairs and explain everything to (Y/N), and you better don’t interrupt us, got it? You already did enough”
"Rog, I think she does get it," Freddie said coming at Mary's rescue, worried that he might spit at her.
“Let her speak, she has a mouth, right? A fucking stupid dirty mouth that should’ve been kept closed”
“Talk to me with respect, you asshole!” Mary screamed angrily.
“You didn’t earn it!!!!” he growled.
John cleared his throat loud and clear in an attempt to make them shut up in time.
Five heads snapped at the bottom of the stairs, where you were.
Barefoot but dressed in the pastel blue dress Roger gifted you what seemed like an eternity ago. Your hair wasn't done yet, up in a bun so it wouldn't get in your way when doing the makeup.
Tugging at her earring, Mary’s face dropped, embarrassed.
As soon as Roger’s eyes landed on you, his legs turned to jelly.
He didn’t think twice: in a hurry he grabbed you by the arm, basically dragging you out of there, until you were both locked up in your bedroom, and murmured an apology when slamming the door by accident.
Seeing as his lighter didn't want to cooperate plus the agonising need to smoke, Roger began to hiss barbarities under his breath.
“What’s the matter? We have to leave in twenty minutes” you said, sitting down.
“No, get up”
“What? I don’t want to, I have to—“
“Please, get up. I can’t speak to you if we’re uneven”
You did as told, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Fine. I’m standing up now”
Anchoring your attention discreetly on his body language, you came to realize that whatever was holding him back was causing him so much trouble.
He drew nearer to you, but regretted it and stepped away. You straightened and gave a very short laugh, impatient.
“Do you still regret what happened in the pub?”
“What does this have to do with… anything, now?” you blurted out with difficulty, hot in the face.
It was the first time you were talking about it when sober.
Roger jerked his head towards you, staring intensely.
“Does it matter?” you breathed, saddened, learning that he wanted a much more elaborated response you didn’t have.
“Of course it fucking—“ Roger stopped there and decided to start again. “Of course it matters”
Because you didn’t know where he was going, you didn’t speak. Roger continued.
“I don’t expect you to care, but I’ve got a few things I want to clear up”
He looked so desperate you found no choice.
“I’m listening”
“Honestly, I… God, you’re so smart but so stupid at the same time”
You blushed. Dude… what the?
“I… I care so much about you, and you don’t even seem to notice shit”
He paused and ran his fingers through his hair.
"Those girls I invited over I didn't do anything with"
“Woah, not even a blowjob? Hard to believe so. The last one fucking came to me with a… triumphant smile, and swollen lips, and… Ugh”
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
“Maybe I made out with one. But that’s it, we only kissed. I was drunk, I can’t even remember her face. Believe me. One of them even punched me for dumping her before she could even unzip her dress”
You laughed at that but quickly covered your mouth. You were supposed to be serious about this, you couldn’t just laugh like that!
Roger shook his head but smiled a little.
“(Y/N),” he called, back to the relevant stuff. “Mary told me everything. Now I get it when you thought that staying away from me was the best option. My reputation doesn’t help, I know”
His eyes were incredibly soft.
There was an intense wish to deny it, to convince yourself that you weren’t thrilled about him opening up to you. Who could you fool? That’s everything you ever wanted from him. But you couldn’t allow yourself to give in. There was no way that this would have a happy ending.
He sighed deeply.
“I miss you. Talk to me again, I can’t bear it anymore. Next time I’ll be nicer to Gideon, I promise. But if he hurts you I won’t hesitate to kill him” a tormenting sentiment devoured him whole as he confessed.
You shook your head.
“There’s nothing between Gideon and I. A boy and a girl can be friends, Roger”
“But you slept together and I thought—“ he replied with flushed cheeks.
“We. Did. Nothing” you reassured him.
Shame drawn on his face, he nodded and you clapped your hands upfront.
“My turn”
Roger cocked his head in your direction questioningly.
“I’m moving to New York by the end of the season, approximately”
He first looked at you unblinkingly and then stared off into space.
“You can't," he said after a while pursing his lips, breath hitching in his throat.
"What do you mean ‘I can't'?" you asked suppressing a shy chuckle, your heart suddenly pounding vigorously in your chest.
“You can’t leave like that”
“Well… I’ve got nothing to look forward here”
Mouth set in a hard line, a new idea better than the one he had of buying you the dress held on to his conflicted mind. The light at the end of the tunnel didn't seem so far away now. He just hoped it all would work out as he wanted it too.
He checked his watch.
“If you don’t hurry up you’ll be late”
His attitude was confusing you. You slowly nodded.
“Are you alright, Roger? Your mood swings are scaring me”
“I am”
Your heart shook furiously at his following declaration.
“You look absolutely ravishing, love. Money well spent”
tagging; @sweetdaisys @multifics @incorrcctqueen @namelesslosers @benders-diamond-earring @mercurycrowley @ixchel-9275
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justjessame · 4 years
A Reluctant Hero Chapter 20
Kelsey was coming home within hours, and it took that long for JD and me to come up for air from our practice session.  He was brushing my hair over my shoulder so he could taste my shoulder and I was arching my back into his body curled around mine.  Bliss.  That’s what being with JD was for me.  Absolute bliss.  Reality would have to be addressed though, so after we sated ourselves, and he made sure I took another round of medication for my stellar display of cowardice during Gideon’s birth, we sighed through pulling on clothing, thinking that for the conversation we were going to have to have it was best to put temptation out of the way.  For now, at least.
Sitting at his table, with a larger than usual breakfast since we needed to recharge our batteries so to speak, JD was the first to bring up the biggest issue with our newly established future.  Actually, that’s inaccurate, he simply put my first worry off the table by telling me something he’d decided before Gideon came screaming into the world and right after he fell in love with me.
“I’m giving Kelsey this house,” he said it with ease, as though he gave away houses all the time.  “Your house is huge, but it’s also tucked out of the way, so-”
“You’re willing to move into my massive place and give up the serenity you have here?”  I had to admit, I’d fallen in love with JD’s place.  The quiet, which I admittedly had at my house too, but I didn’t have the simplicity.  The smaller space gave a feeling of comfort and HOME that was lacking in my house.  
He reached for my hand and smiled at me.  “Your house is pretty damn serene too, well it will be when we make some rules for how much we allow the outside world to interfere.”  I bit my lip, thinking about how Kelsey had to tell us to turn our devices off so we could get on with it.  “Unless you don’t like that idea.”  He seemed less sure.  
“I’m thinking that my house is going to be a lot more cozy with you in it, JD.”  And I felt it, that’s what had been missing.  Him.  Love.  “Have you told her?”  He nodded, and I rolled my eyes.  “I’m always the last to know.”  
“You’re always the last to realize things, Ani, not the last to know.  You probably knew what I was thinking, but you didn’t want to admit it.”  Possibly. “Now, for the elephant in the room.”  
I raised an eyebrow, wondering if he meant my birth control, but it dawned on me.  A huge irritating elephant.  “Roger.” I bit out.  “I’ll call my attorney when we get back to my house, after we settle Kelsey in and get you packed.”  I planned on taking my team’s advice and suing him for revenge porn.  Just because he didn’t get the outcome he wanted, didn’t mean I was willing to let him get away with it.
“Actually,” JD stood up and pulled me to my feet, breakfast had been finished for awhile.  “Your dad called me while you were-”  Passed out because I can’t stomach blood and gore, I inserted it in my mind.  “He’s already called the attorney, who was apparently already working on the paperwork.  He was on the email list.  Roger is a dumb ass.”  I shook my head, I hadn’t managed to look through the entire CC list on the email that sent out the video.  “All you have to do is sign off, and then we’re in the clear on that one.”  
“He was the elephant wasn’t it?”  I was feeling a little confused, but JD shook his head and smiled down at me.  “Well, what is?”  
He pulled me outside, onto the swing that I fell in love with when we arrived.  Letting me sit down, he made my breath completely leave me when he got down on his knee in front of me.  “The elephant, Anilea Ampstead, is that we’re talking about cohabitating, potential babies, and commitment without actually making a commitment.”  Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a dainty band that managed to look like a twisted twig, the stone a raw gem that was unique and gorgeous pale blue.  “So?”  
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I felt like I was floundering.  My mouth searching for words that I didn’t know.  “When?”  My eyes met his and he looked as confused as I was.  “Did you get this?”  I touched the ring and swallowed hard.  I didn’t know why it mattered, but I wanted to know.
“After I left, that first night.”  I nodded, remembering he’d been called away by a job.  “I was working, and one of the people I spoke with is a jewelry designer.  I saw this on her worktable, and she told me it was the first one she made that was inspired by nature.  And I knew I wanted it for you.”  His Adam’s apple bobbed and he took my hand.  “So, Ani?”  Ah, right, my answer.
“Let’s see if it fits,” I held out my hand for him to slide it on my ring finger.  “Looks like it belongs there, doesn’t it?”  I bit my lip, seeing him studying my finger wearing his ring.  “I’ll never take it off.”  His eyes met mine and his smile hit me like a freight train.  “Of course I’ll marry you, this way I don’t have to fatten you up or burn all your clothes, right?”  He laughed as he leaned in to kiss me.  
JD had told my dad when they spoke during my indisposition in the hospital.  And Dad, for what it was worth, was beyond happy.  In JD Richter, Dad saw a man who wasn’t interested in my wealth, and one that would take care of me and keep me safe.  That was something I hadn’t seen coming, but I probably should have.  JD and Dad had things in common that had nothing to do with their work.  
Dad was at my house when we arrived after Kelsey and Gideon settled into their new house.  Dorothy had gone to my house and gotten the baby things, after I’d programmed Pandi remotely to give her access.  The three of us, a trio of grandparents, helped make sure that they were comfortable, Dorothy promising that she planned on staying on for some time to get Kelsey and Gideon’s routine straight.  
Pulling into my driveway, Dad stood alongside his security guru, Kelvin.  I had a flash of panic, but JD put me at ease. 
“Kelvin came to make sure that Roger didn’t add any new enhancements while we were gone.”  His hand touched mine, the ring he’d given me sparkling gently in the sunlight.  “He’s a-”
“Good guy?”  I smiled, remembering that Kelvin had said the same about the man sitting next to me.  “I think I’ve heard that before.”  
Dad let Kelvin and JD discuss security while he took me inside.  “Let’s see it.”  I held out my hand and he took it in his own.  “He knows you better than every other man you’ve ever been with, doesn’t he?”  When his eyes met mine he was smiling.  “I approve, not that you need it-” “Yeah I do,” I said, moving so I could hug him.  “I do need it, Dad, because I truly screw up when I don’t have it.”  He chuckled, his hand cupping the back of my head like he’d done when I was little.  “JD is-”
“The man for you,” he whispered, kissing the top of my head.  “Knew it from the moment I met him, Ani.”  I grinned into his shirt.  “He walked in this house and acted like he couldn’t see anyone but you.  That told me everything I needed to know.”  
“Kelvin probably helped too,” I offered, pulling back and seeing him staring down at me with a smirk.  “He told me he knew JD, so knowing he was YOUR guy-”
“With a brain like yours, I’ll never know why you can’t-”
I sighed and pulled away with a grin.  “Yeah, yeah, yeah.  Why I can’t do math and science doesn’t leave a mark.”  Maybe, I thought, my kid would be more like Dad and he’d feel more fulfilled.  The thought had me giggling.
  “What’s so funny?”  JD was alone when he came inside, and he told Dad that Kelvin had another job to get to to explain his absence.  “Ani?”  
“Sorry,” I said, getting myself under control.  “I just had a funny thought.”  
Both men looked at me like they wanted to know, but I shook my head.  “Who wants food?”  I asked, deflecting with my best weapon. 
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yevonscribbles · 6 years
Home for the Holidays Pt. 3
Christmas Dinner. Prepare for feels and some surprises.
Judy Hopps made her way down the labyrinth of her family den to find her friends. Her fox partner and her childhood bully turned friend were somewhere near the nursery. The fox pair had been accepted as an honorary couple of the rabbits family. Judy thought about the series of events that lead her life to this moment from joining the ZPD to the impossible missing mammal case, and then to that damn interview that almost ruined her life forever. Gideon and Nick were the ones who helped bring her out of her slump which lead to beating Bellweather and breaking the night howler case. After that, Nick joined the ZPD and Gideon’s bakeries grew substantially.
Over time, the rabbit had learn more about the foxes in her life. Nick was bisexual but very quiet about his sexuality, while Gideon was gay but deep in the closet. The baker had only came out when Bonnie asked him about it. In a fit of panic, Gid had called Judy having second thoughts about coming out to her parents and it had taken the rabbit officer an hour to get the fox to calm down. Ironically Nick had been at her apartment when Gideon called. The officer fox had taken the phone a few times and talked to Gideon to help calm him down. Apparently they shared a few bad memories from coming out and that understanding lead to the pair establishing a connection.
A week later, they went on a date in the Rainforest District of Zootopia. Judy remembered how excited and nervous the pair of foxes became as the date neared. Eventually, she turned off her phone to keep them from calling and texting her every few minutes with first date jitters and worries and they had been a couple ever since. Eventually, Gideon moved in with Nick and lives there when he isn't traveling. The baker had opted to keep his childhood home and stay there whenever he traveled back to the Burrows. Judy found herself spending most of her time with the foxes. Jokingly, the boyfriend’s say the rabbit officer is their permanent third wheel.
“We are really quite the strange group,” the rabbit mused to herself. With another turn and a push on a door, Judy found herself in the Kindergarten area of the den. This space is where the majority of the smallest members of the Hopps family learn, play, and grow up. Many of the older kids and elders worked in the Kindergarten to help raise their expansive family. A large brightly colored center room was filled with toys and kits happily at play. Classrooms branch off from the main room along with a few private rooms in case any kit needed a nap or time alone. Many of the rabbit’s prefered to be homeschooled, however some older kits, like Judy, decided to go to public school and branch out from the family learning.
At the very center of the playroom, a group of about twenty young kits were in a ball laughing and squealing with delight. Judy tried to stifle her laughter at the sight of the foxes in front of her. Nick and Gideon were seated on the ground and were playfully tickling kits as they climbed and tickled back. A particularly brave red furred buck had laid himself on Gideon’s head. Judy made her way to her friends and dramatically put her paws on her hips in mock frustration.
“What are you two doing?” Judy said, thumping her foot. “This is no way for adults to behave. Just think of the example your setting for these kits.” The gathered little ones began to twitch their noses in fear and the foxes dropped their ears. Judy felt confident in her acting ability until the little red buck on Gid’s head caught her bluff.
With a wicked smile, he let out a battle cry. “Get Aunt Judy!!!” Shortly after the rabbit officer found herself seated next to her friends battling the kits. After a few more minutes, the tickles stopped and the kits began to cuddle up to the trio. Judy looked over to Gideon and smiled at the little buck slowly falling asleep on the foxes head.
“I like your hat Gid, what's up with that guy?” Judy asked. Gid slowly lifted the sleepy kit off his head and laid him in his lap. The buck protested for a minute before settling down and lazily closed his eyes.
“This here is Little Gideon, when ah first came to the Den to help out he was just ah little guy who wouldn’t settle down for anyone. Ah picked him right up and he feel asleep. That's why they call me the Nanny now. His Dad was so pleased he named him after me.” The baker said with a chuckle and a little pride. “He is getting so big!”
Nick leaned back and looked around the worn out kit’s around him smiling. “Judy thank you for inviting us. I didn’t know I needed to be attacked by an army of rabbits but I really did need it.”
“Well well, you actually called me by my name, you must be serious.” Judy teased. “I’m glad your having fun, but now its food time and Mom wanted to give you guys a fighting chance before sounding the dinner bell.” Judy gently moved the kits sitting in her lap and offered a paw to her partner. “Come on, these kits won’t stay tired long.  We got like 5 minutes before they are ready for round two.”
The fox officer took the paw and started to stretch. Gideon placed the red kit down and got up with a few pops to his spine. “Arg! Ugh! ah am getting old.” The baker protested. Leaning down he whispered to the little red kit. “You rest up little one. ah will be back later.”
“O.K. Uncle Gid.” The kit waved goodbye lazily.
The trio made their way out of the Kindergarten and back towards the main hall. Nick was excitedly telling his work partner all about the babies and how well he did. Gideon was grinning from ear to ear. He had been looking forward to a lazy cuddle day but seeing his best friend and boyfriend excited and feeling all the love from the Hopps had been the best Christmas present he could ask for. They may have a new holiday tradition.
Back in the main hall, the trio found a table and caught their breath. “I hope you boys are ready for some food-Oh there’s Dad!” Judy started to wave at Stu Hopps, who made his way over the table gave his daughter a hug before taking a seat.
“Ah am so tickled all of you could join us today!” Stu said with a smile. The dark grey bunny was still wearing his usual work attire, a trucker hat and denim bib overalls. “Ah was a little scared you boys wouldn’t come.”
Nick smiled and reached over to hold Gideon’s hand. “I won’t lie I was a little worried at first but today has been perfect. Thank you for having us Mr. Hopps.” Judy smiled to herself. Her partner was known for hiding his emotions and could seem rude and distant at first, but deep down he was the kind mammal who had just spent too many years taking a beating from the world. The rabbit felt that both Nick’s relationship with Gid and his success at the ZPD, had pulled the fox from a dark place.
“Ah’m just glad Gideon found such a good partner, and ya take care of ma daughter to boot. Mr. Wilde yer were a hero in ma book before we even invited you over. Ah never would have guessed ah would have not one but two foxes in mah den on Christmas!” The older rabbit laughed to himself. “Ah wanted to ask you boys a question, can I officially welcome you to the family during the Dinner toast? Judy warned me ah should ask first…” The buck waved his paw encouraging one of the foxes to respond.
“Ah think we can skip the official welcome fer now Mr. H.  We aren't even married...yet.” Gideon added with a whisper, a red flush coming to his cheeks.
“I’m with Gideon Mr. Hopps. Everyone knows we’re here. They can either say hi or keep their distance. We don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable.” Nick added.
“See Dad I told you, they are really shy...sometimes.” Judy added.
“Ah will respect yer boy’s wishes. Ah will just welcome ya now personally.” The buck reach out his paw and shook both Gideon’s and Nick’s paw. “Yer officially Hopps boys now! Now if you will excuse me ah need-” Stu was interrupted by a loud bell echoing throughout the hall. Suddenly, rabbits in a variety of colors start to pour in from all the conjoining rooms. Looking closer, Nick could see some larger hares and even a sheep or two in the mix. The officer nudged his work partner and leaned in close.
“You didn’t tell me some of your siblings were in interspecies relationships!” Nick seemed surprised.
“We have a total of 10 interspecies relationship couples right now.” Judy said matter-of-factly. Nick just raised his eyebrows. “What!? Did you think that would bother my family?  Love is love you dumb fox.” Judy said with a smirk and a light punch to the shoulder.
Gideon tried to say something to Stu only to find the old farmer had moved to his own table near the tree. It was a rare sight to see all of the Hopps in one place. The baker had met several of the older family members and couples during his days in the den, but the sheer number was astounding. Several couples came to the table and took a seat with the trio. Many more couples waved to the foxes as they found their own tables.
“Hey Judy!  Are these our new adoptive brothers?” A younger doe with light brown fur and black spots sat herself next to Judy. Another doe with white fur and pink eyes sat next to the first and leaned in close. The baker fox assumed they were together. “My name is Jennifer and this is my partner Sasha welcome to the family!”
“Pleasure to meet you both.” Nick said with a wave. He felt a small tug at his sweater and looked down to see a small bunny with white fur and rich violet eyes. “Why hello little one can I help you?” Another pair of rabbits, a buck and a doe this time, took a seat next to Sasha and Jennifer with a wave.
“Oh don’t worry about her sir that’s our daughter Violet. My name is Jordan and this is my wife Jane.” The new pair waved at the other mammals seated around the table. With a wave, Violet went back to her parents and found a seat at the table. Lastly, a large brown hair came to the table.
“Room for a few more adopted Hopps?” The hare asked with a grin. He wore a similar sweater to the foxes and the other couples with the name “Randy,” spelled in gold tassel. His shoulder length head fur had blond streaks in it. Three brown rabbit-hare cross breeds followed him. Murmurs and loud talking could be heard throughout the hall as everyone either introduced themselves at their tables or started catching up on stories.
The large hare offered his paw and shook hands with everyone seated. “I will start with the introductions; I am Randy Tumblepaw.” He dramatically gestures to his shirt with a wiggle of his eyebrows and all his kits rolled their eyes. Their father enjoyed the reaction. “And these are my amazing daughter’s Savannah, Ellie, and Joanna.” Each daughter waved in turn.
“You’ll have to excuse my Dad, he’s a big dork.” The middle kit, Ellie, said with mock irritation.
“I’m Jennifer and this is-” The young rabbit seated next to Judy began.
“Honey, you already introduced us…” Sasha placed her paw on her partner. “You get so excited.”
“Well, I didn’t get to introduce myself to Randy!” Jennifer said with a pout.” The kids at the table giggled at the exchange.
“Hey foxes, can I join ya?” Donna waved and made her way to the last seat at the table next to Gideon. Nick noticed that a few whispers followed the young doe that he had met down at the nursery. He gave Judy a confused look. The pair of officer’s had gotten really good at their non-verbal communication. She dropped her ears, giving the fox a sad look. He didn’t know the details but he knew one thing, something had happened to the cheerful tan doe that was loving and caring for kits a few hours ago.
Another bell rang, and all eyes turned to the Christmas Tree at the center of the hall. Stu and Bonnie stood up with their paws together and every mammal began to clap while a few whistles echoed through the hall. The older couple started to giggle at the attention. Finally, once the noise had died down, the leaders of the clan began to address their family.
“Merry Christmas one and all!” Stu raised his paws in a dramatic flair. “Here we are again! Celebrating family and friends in our humble den. As usual, I wanted to first introduce all of our new family. Congratulations Sasha and Jennifer! They married during the summer and live over in The Meadowlands. Congratulations to Donny and Summer for their marriage as well a few weeks ago. They will be living here at the den. And one last wedding to announce, Drew and Savannah were married towards the beginning of the year...and they are now expecting their own litter!” Cheer erupted from the gathered mammals. The couples mentioned stood up and waved to their family. Much to the foxes surprise, Donny and Summer were a rabbit and ewe pair. The sheep was trying to hide her embarrassment by being in the spotlight, while her husband gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.
“We also have twenty eight healthy babies down at the nursery with fifty three under the age of five running around the Kindergarden. Thank you to all the family who help raise our future generations.” Stu announced with another cheer exploding from the crowd. Bonnie step forward and the foxes felt the mood somber.
“As with any good news there is also bad news to share. This year we lost my dear sister Aunt Holly and her husband Joe due to a car wreck. This year we are also missing the presence of Grandpa George who passed early in January at the age of ninety four. The hardest of all is the loss of five young kits during birth. Many of you know the story and have lifted our family member up. Before I give her name, please know that I did ask before hand. Losing a litter is never easy and everyone grieves differently.  Donna Hopps I want you to know that your family is here for you whenever you need us. Please stand for us dear.” Donna seemed to be fighting back tears as she stood from the table and faced Bonnie. All eyes were on the young rabbit as she started to tremble.
“We love you Donna.” Bonnie said fighting back her own tears. Slowly more voices began to chant various words of love.
“We love you Sis.” “Thank you for being my family.” “We love you.” “You are loved.” “I love you.”
Judy got up from her seat and wrapped her arms around her family member. A few more members came and placed their paws on their family member who had suffered a great loss. Composing herself and wiping away her tears, Donna raised a paw to speak.
“I...I just want to thank everyone for the love and support. I tried to carry my young babies but my body wasn’t able to. Worse off I can never try again…” A few gasps filled the room, Donna continued with a shudder as more tears fell from her eyes. “At Bonnie’s suggestion, I have been seeing a counselor in town for a few months now. As of right now, I don’t know what to do… but Stu suggested I take care of the little ones in the nursery and that has been a lifesaver. Thank you all for your love.” The gathered family once again exploded in applause as Judy helped Donna back to her chair. Once seated, Gideon open his arms for a hug if she needed it. With a large sigh, Donna fell in the fox’s arms.
“Ah had no idea Donna.” Gideon held the tan rabbit close. “Bonnie mentioned needing a good counselor but I didn’t know...Oh hun.” Donna had caught her breath.
“Thank you for finding me the right people to talk to Gid.” The rabbit leaned back to her chair. “It means the world that everyone wants to help.”
Bonnie and Stu once again got the crowd's attention. “So before we eat I want to thank each and every one of you Hopps for being in our lives. We are a family.” Bonnie said. More cheers erupted from the seated family.
“Now, cheese and crackers, let's eat!” Stu interjected. With a laugh, the family applauded as several rabbits made their way from the kitchen and brought plates of food to the tables. Gideon and Nick smiled,holding their paws together as they shared a realisation; they were truly home.
The feast had gone long into the night. The Hopps Family Christmas had been loud, rowdy, and filled with so much love. It might have been the foxes first time as family, but they felt like they had always belong. No one batted an eye as they got caught under some mistletoe or played with any kit who need them. Little Gideon has demanded the most attention. Nick had found himself covered with babies while helping at the nursery again. Judy had been able to talk with Donna and offered her apartment if she ever needed a break from the den. With a laugh, the pair of foxes fell through the door of their home on the outskirts of Bunny Burrows.
“Finally got that damn door!” Gideon had his arm around Nick as the pair made their way to the living room. Each fox was exhausted from the day and a little giddy from all the fun. The baker locked the door and moved to the couch next to his partner. They smiled and shared a passionate kiss.
With reluctance, Nick pulled away from the baker. “Soooo ‘official Hopps’ how was your Christmas?” The officer asked with a smirk.
“Well ‘official Hopps’, ah think we have went from stay at home and avoid family to bein’ invited to every Hopps event for every year fer the rest of our lives!” GIdeon said with a smile.
“Oh I almost forgot the gift I got for you Pumpkin!” Nick leapt from his seat and ran out of the room.
“Nick? Honey? I swear if ya bought me anything ah am gonna kill ya!” Gideon called after the fox. “We agreed no gifts!”
“Oh shush you!” Nick came back to the room with his paws behind his back. His tail was wagging and a stupid grin covered his mussel. “One little gift is allowed.” With a little flair the fox took one knee and produced a small box affixed with a red bow. Gideon felt his heart stop. He locked eyes with his boyfriend and saw nothing but warmth and a little mischief.
“Oh hell no…” Gideon muttered.
“Gideon Grey, will you marry me?” The fox officer opened the small box to reveal a silver band with a single blue and a single green stone to the center of the band.
“Ahhh…” Gideon couldn’t find the words he wanted to express. The fox was scared, elated, and feeling a little sick all at once. “But...how..why?” The baker stammered trying to organize his thoughts.
“Umm..babe…” Nick’s ears fell and his eyes started to water. “Is...is that a no?”
Gideon jumped from the couch and wrapped his paws around his boyfriend. He held his partner’s face and kissed him like it was the last thing he would ever do. “Aw babe yes! Yes!! Aw cheese and crackers yes!!” Gideon managed to say between kisses. His eyes began to water as warm tears streamed down his cheeks.
“Oh thank heavens!” Nick let out his breath, his own tears falling. “I was worried it was too soon but I can’t imagine my life with you Gid.” The officer took his boyfriend’s paw and placed the ring on it. “But what was with the hesitation there!? I thought I was going to die Pumpkin!” The slender fox let out a laugh.
“Ah well…” Gideon got up and made his way to a bookshelf and produced his own small box. “Ah had planned on asking ya to marry me after a drink or two…” The baker started scratching the back of his head. Gid made his way to his partner and took a knee next to his partner. “Nick Wilde will you be ma husband?”
After a moment of kneeling next to each other, the officer began to laugh. It started off small, but soon the pair were laughing and crying together. Gideon took Nick’s paw and put the ring on it. The officer looked over the ring and let out another loud laugh.
“Oh boy! did we even get the same ring!?” Nick wiped away a tear and inspected the ring. Sure enough, it was the same silver with two stones; one blue and one green. “Oh Gid, of course I will be your husband!” Once again the pair shared a kiss. The pair got off their knees and backed on the couch, their heads resting next to each other, holding paws. The baker took at look at his ring, then over to his partners.
“Well dang, we did get the same rings…” Which caused another laughing fit from the now engaged couple.
“Ok you sneaky thing, how did you get my ring size?” Nick asked with a playful slap to his partner’s paw. Gideon gave Nick a large grin.
“Yer a heavy sleeper hun. And what about you?!”
Nick gave his own smile. “Same thing, a few beers and you were out like a light!”
“Cheese and crackers what a pair we are!” Gideon threw his paw over his eyes.
“You know you love me…” Nick said with a grin.
“Ah do love ya...ya sly fox!” Gideon softly nuzzled his fiance's neck. After a moment the baker added. “Ye know Judy is going to kill us…”
“Oh crap…” Nick said with some alarm.
So here we are; the last part of my first multi chapter work! I learned a lot writing these and I hope to have even more coming soon. Thank you for the likes, comments, and re-blogs it really brightens my spirits. Have a wonderful holiday everyone!
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masterofmusic · 7 years
My Issues With OUAT
Alright guys, you know I have issues with A&E’s mess of a show. I love it, but I am disappointed at how they decided to write it. It’s full of dropped storylines, plotholes, underdeveloped characters, OOC characters, overused plot devices, you name it. So I decided to list all my issues with the show, and maybe I’ll give my solutions in a different post. Here we go (I’ll edit this if I miss any)
Season 1:
Curse broke too quickly. And I think that’s where the trouble started- once they reached this point, they had no idea where to go with it. Knowing that the Black Fairy is the supreme evil, I’d introduce her here in some capacity, so we can develop and build up to the final battle properly- especially as she is vital to the Dark Curse mythos. Put backstory of Blue and Fiona here as well- we get more info on fairy culture and start the “shady blue fairy” thing. 
Realms fully explored here: Enchanted Forest, Wonderland, Fairy Realm, Atlantica (mermaids)
Villains- Regina, Rumple, Black Fairy, Blue Fairy, Cora
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Season 2:
They killed Cora off too soon. That’s my main gripe here, there’s so much more they could have done with Cora- have her linger in SB longer so there would be more Regina and Cora development (hell, Snow included). We could have incorporated OUATIW here, when Regina questions what she’s been up to in Wonderland. We get more detail of Cora’s ruling years as the Queen of Hearts (including Alice meeting Cora). Cora lives on as a villain- mother/daughter time.  Regina discovers the Cora/Rumple affair, so that can be explored as well. 
Emma and Snow going to the EF: more could be done here, including a full background of Mulan and Aurora (Maleficent too, including Lily’s father). Cora again, chance to develop her character.
Blue gets more screentime- more buildup of Fiona
Along with Frankenstein, Dracula comes into play as well.  
Also the finale- there should be consequences of Regina’s electroshock torture. No mention of nerve damage? Really? 
Realms explored: Storybrooke, Enchanted Forest, Wonderland, Atlantica, Fairy Realm
Villains- Same as season 1, plus Maleficent 
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Season 3: 
Zelena. Oh man Zelena. We get the wicked witch, but such a dumb backstory. We’re gonna fix this- develop her character more, give her way more screentime. Introduction of the Zades relationship. Cora again with Zelena- but different father. For Zelena to be so powerful, she could have a father like Merlin. This could tie in Camelot. 
Neverland arc- Yeah um let’s make Neverland look more like Neverland, yeah? Plotwise, Robbie is excellent, but I feel we need something extra going on here. Not sure what- maybe Tink and the mermaids get more focus?
Oz arc- More development of Oz culture. Why is magic so taboo here as opposed to the EF? 
Regina Vs. Zelena- an actual witch fight. One that takes more than 5 seconds. 
Robin Hood- Backstory. Outlaw Queen. Like, Sherwood Forest, Nottingham, etc. Also soulmate thing- maybe Robin and Regina have met in the past and Rumple made them forget? 
Oh yeah. Regina puts herself under the sleeping curse this time, and Robin has to wake her. This is how the soulmate thing ties in. 
Time travel plot- same, except Marian is not brought back. 
More development of the Missing Year- Outlaw Queen galore. 
Realms explored: Neverland, Enchanted Forest, Oz, Underworld (Zades), Camelot (Zelena’s origins as the daughter of Merlin)
Villains: Regina, Zelena, Cora, Rumple, Black Fairy, Hades
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Season 4:
Dark One mythos origin here due to Rumple’s plot. Everything stays the same, but we go into the origins more. Nimue/Merlin, and all the other dark ones get a small backstory so we know the full history of all their shenanigans, and how absorbing the powers of all the previous dark ones affects Rumple. With Merlin, he creates Excalibur and defeats Nimue and all that, but here we see him in his mansion mourning the loss of Zelena- the daughter stolen from him. His mission is to find her- we understand more about Zelena’s unique powers. Her breaking the laws of time travel magic is a big deal. 
The author mythos is explained better here as well. Henry gets more to do, is actually important as the author. 
Frozen arc- Not much changes, but Ingrid doesn’t die. Instead, she’s Cora’s third daughter- conceived after Regina due to a safety measure. Cora was unsure if Regina would take the throne, so she went after Arendelle’s royal line. The ice magic comes from a blend of Cora’s magical genetic line and the King of Arendelle’s nordic genes. Ingrid meets Regina and Zelena, they bond. Ingrid becomes Queen of Arendelle after her release from the urn. 
Fiona and Blue continuation of story as a subplot, more buildup to final battle
Maleficent arc- Focus on Lily/Lily’s father. Interaction with Regina in the past/present, her own storyline with Aurora. Ursula and Cruella stay the same.
ZLENA WAS NEVER MARIAN. No baby drama, no love triangle mess. Good lord. 
Cora is still around being Cora. 
Heroes and Villains AU- we give this more than one episode. Maybe explore how Regina dying for Henry affects Robin
Regina becomes the Dark One instead of Emma. This triggers Cora’s remorse at how she treated her daughter, once she sees what the curse is doing to her. Zelena and Ingrid both are determined to save their sister. Robin gets more of a role. Rumple/Henry/Emma/Charmings involved
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention ships. Outlaw Queen is a big focus, as well as Zades, Snowing, Rumbelle, and yes, Captain Swan. 
Realms explored: Atlantica (Ariel/Ursula), Enchanted Forest, Camelot, Arendelle, Fairy Realm, Oz
Villains- Cora, Regina, Black Fairy, Zelena, Ingrid, Rumple, Maleficent, Hades
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Season 5: 
Camelot arc- the gang has to go the Camelot to find Merlin and save Regina from the darkness- she’s gone worse than EQ mode. Wearing more exposed outfits, etc. Merlin finally meets Zelena, tells her of her potential for true light, as he was responsible for the Dark One curse and she is the counter to it. She is the one that can save Regina. Cue Zelena redemption! Morgana Le Fay is introduced as Cora’s mother! 
Arthur is an ass. Hits on Regina, tells her that if she hooks up with him she won’t be burned at the stake for being a witch (magic is outlawed in Camelot) 
We see how the darkness continues to consume Regina- Epic Outlaw Queen development (Dark Outlaw Queen at first, then Robin protects her from the witch hunters). Zelena breaks the curse on her sister. 
These witch hunters are good at what they do- in the midst of it all, they kidnap Zelena (they sense something different about her magic). She is held captive somewhere in Camelot- discovers they wanted her for the demigod baby she carries. 
Underworld arc- We meet Hades, who is in a rage over the kidnapping of his wife. He summons a portal to Camelot and sucks everyone else to the Underworld. Everyone else finds out about Zades, and it is revealed to them that she’s pregnant. He asks them to get Zelena back. We get Hades backstory on Olympus and meet other gods like Zeus, Poseidon, Athena, etc. What Hades’ life has been like pre-Zelena, character backstory. Other gods have a bigger role- maybe the gang ends up on Olympus somehow?
They find Zelena, but she’s in bad shape. Close to death. The only way to heal her is ambrosia- she becomes a goddess (because would Hades have let her stay mortal, for her to eventually die and for him to be alone again? No.)
Regina has to deal with meeting the souls of her victims and apologizing for everything. 
Subplot- Merida and Mulan backstory! We visit Imperial China and Dun’Broch, how did Mulan become a mercenary? 
Realms visited: Underworld, Camelot, Oz, Enchanted Forest, Dun’Broch (Merida)
Villains- Regina, Zelena, Ingrid, Cora, Hades, Rumple, Black Fairy, Arthur
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Season 6:
Origin of the dark curse is the same, but now that we’ve been building Fiona’s story for 6 seasons, this is actual payoff. Blue is shady AF. Lots of time spent at the fairy realm. 
Rumple family drama with Gideon/Fiona/Henry
Land of Untold Stories- we explore this more. 
Wish realm- We spend more time here too. except that actual Robin gets sucked up with Regina and they encounter the banished, older queen locked up. 
Split Queen- only difference here is that Regina becomes whole again and takes the EQ back inside her, becoming one person again, learning to deal with her darkness. OUTLAW QUEEN WEDDING Y’ALL (and eventual pregnancy)
Regina is pregnant! Praise the gods! (both Mills women are pregnant at the same time- cue comedic relief). Ingrid/Cora/Regina/Zelena finally feel like a family unit. 
Final Battle time- This is it. The culmination of 6 seasons and it’s hella epic. Fiona casts her curse because she’s just plain evil, and its chaos. The realms are collapsing, and everyone has to step up and save them. We go to each realm and save it like in Kingdom Hearts, Regina’s castle is the Traverse Town hub. There’s at least an hour long battle between everyone else and Fiona- think Battle of Hogwarts/Helms Deep from LOTR rolled into one. It’s one giant magic battle with swords and bows and fireballs and it’s epic. It takes a lot to bring Fiona down. But she is defeated eventually. 
Epilogue- Everyone goes back to the Enchanted Forest. Regina and Robin rule as King and Queen, welcome a daughter. Snow and Charming are no longer the main royal line with the birth of Regina’s daughter. Zelena is Empress of Oz, visits Hades in the Underworld and her sister in the EF, has a daughter. (Cora’s magical bloodline can only have daughters). Ingrid is Queen of Arendelle, etc. Henry and Emma invent a way to have easy portal hopping, so that people can cross realms back to Storybrooke with ease. There. No season 7 nonsense. 
Whew! that was long!
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ok, so I I know I said this wouldn’t contain season 7, but this last episode gave me an idea. Regina and Robin are ruling in the Enchanted Forest, like where I left off with season 6, but all is not well. Somewhere in the kingdom, a witch named Oriana Gothel is stirring up trouble, creating the Coven of the Eight. 
Why? Well, Gothel thinks the magical balance of light and dark needs to be restored after Fiona’s defeat- the practice of dark magic has become nonexistent in the Enchanted Forest as a result of Regina’s reign. Deciding to “restore balance to the force”, she recruits 7 promising dark witches for the coven, with the goal of resurrecting Fiona. Fiona’s her idol- the darkest of them all. With Fiona back, Gothel believes that a new world order will be established and things will be as they should (think Voldemort and his view of purebloods, but replace that with dark witches/wizards).
Obviously, Regina/Cora/Ingrid/Zelena aren’t going to stand for this, but this doesn’t stop Gothel from trying to recruit them. The Mills family is going to have to team up once again, this time with the forces of Oz, Camelot, and Arendelle behind them. The stakes are high, with young children to protect from Gothel’s greedy hands. 
Subplot 1: Rapunzel (Megan Warner). Rapunzel has  2 daughters and a loving husband, but she has magic, was the first person approached by Gothel. When Rapunzel refuses to join the coven, she’s locked in the tower. Victoria Tremaine (Gabrielle Anwar) is recruited instead. We find out that Victoria is Cora’s sister.
Subplot 2: Tiana and Dr. Facilier. The voodoo doctor is very interested in Gothel’s plan, offers her his help in finding recruits. 
Subplot 3: Rumple and The Guardian. The Guardian will be someone that can withstand the Dark One curse without going insane- he searches to find the person that he can finally pass the Dark One curse off to. However, things are complicated when he finds out that Mommy Dearest is awake. 
Realms visited: Enchanted Forest, Oz, Camelot, possibly Underworld 
Villains: Gothel, Fiona, Facilier
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General gripes:
* More Regina backstory that’s not her searching for Snow. What was her marriage like in the early years? What was her relationship with her mother/father growing up a princess? What if her and Zelena met more than that once?
* More development of characters like Aurora, Cinderella, Ruby, etc. 
* No more character assassinations- like seriously, Emma, Regina, Snow, Belle, and Rumple’s characters were all destroyed 
* Too many memory curses. Like seriously, no more. 
*No more recycled plots for Rumple/Rumbelle
* Development of Zelena. True development- not just some flashbacks of her being jealous of Regina. More time building up Zades. Zelena spends time with Henry being his aunt. 
* No musical. Just unnecessary, and doesn’t fit the tone of the show. 
* Timeline disaster- we establish a solid, concrete timeline. No more “many years ago” and conflicting flashbacks. 
* Maleficent- Nothing against Kristin, but what the hell did they do to Maleficent? She’s not as evil as she was in the movie
* More effort put into magic battles- think Harry Potter level of CGI and effort
* Regina’s redemption- this could be handled better- you can’t redeem someone that doesn’t regret killing hundreds of people, and still has a vault full of hearts 
* explanation of magic/laws of magic. 
* actual sex scenes- not quite HBO levels but almost. 
*More magical creatures- we have werewolves, so where are the vampires?
If I missed anything, or if I can improve on things,  let me know!
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tomeandflickcorner · 7 years
OUAT Episode Analysis- The Black Fairy
*Sigh.* Characters of OUAT, I thought we discussed this.  Never EVER pay any mind to any dusty old prophecy you might hear.  Because they’re almost ALWAYS going to turn out to be a self-fulfilling prophecy.  No joke, when it comes to someone trying to stop a prophecy from coming true only to have the actions they took to prevent it being what ensures it will come to pass, how many times does this make?  I’m pretty sure this makes three.
Anyway, we start with Gold, Belle, Emma, Killian, Snow and Charming in the back of Gold’s shop, trying to revive Shady Blue from her magical coma.  In his latest attempt, Gold tries some sort of spell involving Oud D’Rotten Dragon Egg, and at first, it doesn’t seem to work, so Gold storms outside and has one of his trademark hissy fits, complete with destroying a nearby mailbox.  Belle comes out after him and they talk for a bit about the typical stuff, like how Belle believes he can save Gideon.
Their talk is interrupted when Emma informs them that the spell worked after all, and Shady Blue is awake. So they go back inside, and Killian, deciding that there’s no point in beating around the bush, immediately questions Blue as to where the rest of the wand fragment is hidden.  Snow is quick to reprimand him for not giving Blue a moment, but Blue seems to be on the same page as Killian, and starts to tell the Nevengers that the rest of wand is hidden in ‘The Center of Storybrooke.’  However, this is when ‘Snow’ starts to essentially tell Blue to shut up, threatening to choke her in the process.  Turns out, this wasn’t Snow and Charming after all, but Black Fairy and Gideon in disguise.  Before they can do anything to stop her, Black Fairy teleports off, taking Blue with her.  But Gold manages to stop Gideon from teleporting off as well.  Admittedly, I might have missed something, but it seemed a bit too easy for them to stop Gideon from taking off.  And, in the next scene, he’s tied up to a chair.  On the other hand, the fact that Gold is announcing his intention to get Gideon’s heart back in front of everyone does seem to indicate the Nevengers have been informed about how Gideon was being heart controlled.  If that’s the case, I’m admittedly impressed.
So, after Emma makes a phone call to make sure her real parents are okay, and tasks them and Killian with finding the missing half of the wand, she and Gold decide to team up and look for a way to get Gideon’s heart back.  Gold decides the best way to go about that is to use the Sands of Morpheus, which he apparently still has from the first episode of the seasons, and he sends himself and Emma into Gideon’s dream world.
Meanwhile, while all this is going on, we get a subplot with the Mills Sisters.  Zelena is trying to adapt to life without magic, and Regina is actually being sympathetic, stating how it took her a while to get used to not using her magic when Storybrooke was first created.  Which, come to think of it, does seem kinda strange.  With Zelena, she was able to harness magic from the moment she was born, as indicated by the fact that she was able to deflect the tree branch before it fell on her adoptive parents.  And she was just a newborn baby at that point. As such, Zelena has never experienced a moment in her life when she wasn’t magical.  But Regina spent a good 20+ years as a non-magical person, and only began utilizing magic when she decided to train under DO Rumpelstiltskin. So, I would think it would have been much easier for Regina to get used to being non-magical again than it would for Zelena.  But perhaps I’m just being nitpicky.   Anyway, as part of her attempt to help Zelena acclimate herself to a life without magic, Regina decides to teach her half-sister how to drive.  In what is quite possibly the greenest car you have ever seen in your life. (Although, can anyone identify the car model? Because it almost looks like the Ecto-1 with a completely different paintjob)  As you might imagine, Zelena’s first driving lesson goes almost as well as Henry’s first lesson.  And I’m once again asking why they never think to start the driving lessons off in a vacant parking lot, where there’s a lot of space and very little chance of hitting something.
However, this is when Regina reveals her ulterior motive in teaching Zelena how to drive.  Basically, Regina is planning to send Henry out of Storybrooke in order to keep him safe during the final battle with the Black Fairy, and wants Zelena to be the one to escort him out of town.  Now, while I completely understand that Regina wants Henry to stay safe, I’m wondering if she actually discussed this with Emma and the Charmings before making her decision.  After all, as Henry’s birth mother and biological grandparents, they have a say in the matter, too.  So, was this a decision they all came up with together, or is Regina making decisions without consulting the others again?  And before anyone can accuse me of overreacting, let me remind you that it was only about two episodes ago that Regina decided to set Author Isaac free without discussing it with the rest of the Nevengers first.  Forgive me for wondering if she’s doing the same thing now with Henry.
As for Snow, Charming and Killian, because Baby Neal is still in the realm of nonexistence, their search for the wand leads them to the Clock Tower, as it’s the geographic center of town. But they can’t find the wand there. After a call to Regina, however, they realize that Shady Blue actually meant the ‘Heart of Storybrooke.’  Which is apparently Granny’s Diner.  Sure, why not?  So off they go to Granny’s.  And the old woman is clearly not happy that they’re practically tearing the place apart to find the wand.  It made me wonder if she was seriously considering issuing out a few lifelong bans.  In the end, Charming and Killian locate the wand under a loose floor tile beneath the diner’s jukebox.
Just as they find the wand, The Black Fairy pops up again to try and stop them.  Regina, who seems to have forgotten that she practically got the snot beaten out of her last time, challenges Black Fairy to a fight, with them teleporting outside.  But, when the two women are beginning the showdown to determine who gets the wand……
BLAMMO!  Out of nowhere, Zelena zooms in, driving her new green car, slamming right into Black Fairy and sending her flying!  I’m not gonna lie to you- that was undeniably AWESOME!!!!  I even think that moment made it into my Top 10 Best OUAT Moments. And it is also nice to see Regina and Zelena actually working together for once.  The Black Fairy, apparently nursing a bruised ego, decides to retreat for now, thereby leaving the Nevengers in position of both halves of the wand, which they later fuse back together so they can use it on the Black Fairy in order to banish her again.
Now, getting back to Emma and Gold in Dream World, they’re searching around for Gideon’s Dream Form.  Because doing so will somehow help them find out where his heart is being kept.  Turns out Gold dragged Emma along because he wants to make sure she won’t do anything to the Black Fairy before he finds out where Gideon’s heart is being kept. Which seems to be a bit dumb. Even Emma points out that he could have just asked her to hold off a bit until Gideon’s heart was safe.  But Gold just spouts off some nonsense about how Saviors can afford to do the right thing, but he doesn’t have that luxury. I’m sorry, that just seems like a lazy excuse.  Storybrooke is filled with people who don’t carry around the mantle of Savior and still manage to do the right thing.  Doing the right thing is not exclusive to the Savior.  Apart from that, how does that answer Emma’s question of why he couldn’t have just asked her not to go after the Black Fairy for a while longer? By his own logic, Emma would, as the Savior, do the right thing and wait until she had confirmation Gideon was safe. So what exactly is Gold talking about here?  Regardless, their search leads them to some old hut in the woods.  When they enter the hut, they come to the conclusion that this isn’t Gideon’s dream after all- it’s Gold’s.  Because this hut was the one where he was born, and most likely lived up until Malcolm decided to de-age himself and become Pan.
Gold, voicing his refusal to stick around and reminisce, decides to continue looking for Gideon, as he’s sure he’s somewhere in the Dream World, even if it is Gold’s dream.  As they continue looking around, Emma tries to have a heart-to-heart with Gold, saying she knows how scary it might be to think about how you were abandoned by your parents, pointing out she can relate to what he feels.  (Even though Emma’s childhood was considerably worse than Gold’s.  Emma wasn’t the one who was raised by two loving adoptive mommies.  All things considered, Rumple’s childhood was virtually ideal in comparison to Emma’s.)  But Gold isn’t interested in Emma’s sympathy, stating he has no feeling at all for Mama Black Fairy.
Out of nowhere, Gideon pops up, saying he’s grateful that Gold is trying to find his heart, but it doesn’t look as if they’ll find it in the Dream World.  Instead, Gideon suggests Gold take this chance to learn Black Fairy’s darkest secret, as it could be the key to defeating her.  Which leads us to the flashback portion of the episode.
Here, we learn Black Fairy’s real name is Fiona.  We end up witnessing the night she gave birth to Baby Rumple, with Malcolm at her side. Right after the baby’s birth, Shady Blue and Tiger Lily appear before them.  It turns out Tiger Lily has been appointed as Baby Rumple’s fairy godmother. Because some prophecy states that the baby is destined to be the Savior.
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 Okay.  I have things to say about this, but…. I’m going to reign it in for a bit.  Trust me, I’ll discuss my thoughts on that, but I’m not up to that part yet.
Anyway, a couple of days pass, and Tiger Lily pays a visit to Fiona and the baby.  But Fiona is not happy, because she has somehow gotten her hands on the Book of Prophecy (because that’s not just something exclusive to Oz), which contains the one about her son.  Turns out the prophecy also states that the Savior will have a Final Battle with an enemy that will be born that winter.  And that the Savior will ultimately die while fighting that battle. Fiona, understandably, doesn’t want to see her son die, so she manages to turn herself into a fairy, much to Tiger Lily’s surprise.  Nevertheless, Tiger still accompanies Fiona on her search for the great enemy her son is supposed to die fighting.  This prophecy also states the enemy will bear a crescent moon-shaped scar on her wrist. The pair check the wrist of every baby born that winter, but they don’t find the one they’re looking for. Eventually, the designated time of the great evil one’s birth starts to come to an end, and it looks like there won’t be any danger after all.  However, Fiona isn’t satisfied, and she decides to just get rid of all the babies.  By creating a powerful spell that will send all the other babies away to a world without magic.  Fiona’s reasoning is that doing so will keep her baby safe.  However, Tiger Lily knows this is a really bad idea.  Not only is the spell Fiona is creating more of a dark curse (get it?), it would be a bad thing to keep Baby Rumple from his destined path.  His death is supposed to be a good thing, as it will vanquish the great evil and therefore keep everyone else safe.
Unfortunately, Fiona takes up a whole ‘if you’re not with me, you’re against me’ stance.  To punish Tiger Lily for refusing to help her, she yanks out Tiger Lily’s heart.  The moment she does this, Fiona transforms into the Black Fairy, and a crescent moon-shaped scar appears on her wrist.  Thus, it is revealed that Fiona was the prophesied great evil her son was supposed to die fighting.
And that is what Emma, Gold and Gideon learn within the Dream World.  So when they return to the Awake World, they tell the others what they’ve learned. Which, of course, leads to Belle grinning like a loon, feeling that this is the proof that Gold was always meant to be good all along.
Okay. Now if you’re someone who loves Gold/Rumpelstiltskin, and actually liked the direction this episode was taking?  You might wanna back out now.
So, on to my reaction to this revelation:
This is stupid.  They’re trying to tell us that, all this time, Rumpelstiltskin was a Savior, too? Well, pardon my French, but if that’s the case, he’s done a piss-poor job of it.  Just think about how many people he’s killed.  Like that guy he turned into a snail.  And the Mute Maid.  Look what he did to Geppetto’s parents.  And Milah.  And Gaston. And how many times he tried to kill Emma and the people she loved.  Not to mention how many times he chose to hold onto/reclaim the power of the Dark One instead of giving it up to be the man Belle has always wanted him to be.  Some Savior he turned out to be.
Also, it is despicable they have the audacity to slap the label of Savior onto Rumpelstiltskin like this, as if giving him a fancy title cancels out all the deceitful, cruel things he’s done throughout his life.  Not only that, it really cheapens Emma’s role as the Savior.  Doing this is like they’re saying having the title of Savior automatically makes you a hero.  No. No, it doesn’t.  Emma isn’t a hero because she was the Savior.  Being the Savior isn’t what makes her brave, strong, and kind.  That was all her.  She was all those things even before she became the Savior.  Same is true with Aladdin.  And in the end. he proved he didn’t need to be the Savior to be a hero.  So the fact that they’re now treating Gold like a hero just because they were told he was supposed to have the mantle of Savior once is just so head scratching.  Not to mention being straight-up insulting to Emma and how hard she’s had to work up until now.
I also feel the need to remind everyone about what happened during the Dark Swan arc.  This is pretty much the same thing as when Gold pulled out Excalibur.  Everyone was instantly acting like he was a big hero then, too.  But he very quickly proved he was no hero at all, as he conspired to take back the power of the Dark One again, and even planned to trick Emma into suicide to achieve his goal.  
Okay.  Ranting aside, Gold later approaches Black Fairy by the Storybrooke Lake to tell her he found out why she abandoned him- because she knew he was destined to kill her.  But Black Fairy tells him that there’s one more missing puzzle piece.  Which she reveals to him via Vulcan Mind Meld.  We once again flashback to the point when Fiona first became the Black Fairy.  Before Black Fairy could harm Tiger Lily, Blue suddenly arrived on the scene, managing to get Tiger Lily’s heart back.  Blue then produces the Sheers of Fate and gives Black Fairy the option of using them on herself.  Doing so will turn her back into a human, and therefore make it so she won’t be the great evil her son is destined to die fighting.  But Black Fairy ends up being unwilling to give up her fairy powers. Instead, she uses the Sheers on Baby Rumple, thereby keeping her power and taking the mantle of Savior away from Baby Rumple.  As punishment for her decision, Blue banishes Black Fairy into the Dark Realm. Once she completes the story, Black Fairy asks Gold if he forgives her.  While we don’t hear his answer, the show jumps ahead to Gold meeting with the Nevengers, announcing the Black Fairy is gone, showing them a blackened heart as proof.  He also is able to restore Gideon’s heart, much to Belle’s delight.
On a side note, it was interesting to see the reason why Malcolm resented his son so much.  It turns out he really did love his wife, Fiona.  And, when she was banished, Malcolm ended up placing blame on their son, feeling that if it wasn’t for their baby, Fiona would never have gone down the path she did, and she and Malcolm would have still been together.  As such, Malcolm saddles the baby with the name ‘Rumpelstiltskin,’ which I guess is a name that means something repulsive, because Malcolm clearly meant the name as something to express his disgust with the baby.  (However, I am surprised Fiona didn’t come up with a name beforehand.  Granted she was probably too focused on trying to locate the evil that was supposedly destined to kill her son, but I got the impression she didn’t immediately learn about that prophecy after her son’s birth.  So there was probably a few days between Rumple’s birth and Fiona learning the Savior was fated to die.)
In the final moments of the episode, it’s decided that, since the Black Fairy is no longer a threat, it’s safe to proceed with Emma and Killian’s wedding, with Snow announcing it can take place the following morning.  Now, I’m not a wedding expert, but I find it a bit far-fetched to believe you can actually throw together an entire wedding in less than 24 hours.  You got the caterers, the seating charts, reserving the wedding venue, getting the marriage license, dress fittings, invitations to mail out, with the guests probably wanting some time to buy a wedding present for the newlyweds.  Not to mention the fact they usually need to have a rehearsal so everyone in the wedding party knows where they’re meant to stand and whatnot.  That’s a lot of stuff to cram in if you’re going to hold the wedding the following day. I suppose it’s hard to judge how much time has passed in the show, but they’ve only been engaged for a couple days at best.  I’m just saying, I’m fairly certain A&E are both married.  So they clearly know how much work typically goes into wedding planning.  But I guess I’m just rambling again.
Back at the Swan Jones house, we get a really lovely Captain Cobra moment, with Killian giving Henry the role of his Best Man.  It’s just really wonderful seeing how much Killian genuinely loves his soon-to-be stepson. And it also shows how Killian knows full well that Emma and Henry are a package deal.  And he respects and appreciates that.  After giving Henry the task of holding onto the wedding rings, Killian bids Emma goodnight.  Because he’s still a seafaring man at heart, and therefore is not about to ignore the superstition about not seeing the bride before the wedding.  As such, they share one last kiss before Killian heads off, probably to spend his final night as a bachelor aboard the Jolly Roger.
Unfortunately, the episode doesn’t end on this sweet note.  Because we then see Gold secretly meeting up with the Black Fairy once again.  Turns out, Gold was lying through his teeth and the Black Fairy is still roaming free.  The two actually made a deal, and are now working together, with Black Fairy announcing that Emma is still the Savior, and as such, she will die on her wedding day.
Okay, was anyone really surprised by the fact that Gold is betraying the heroes once again?  Especially since we know Mama Black Fairy stripped him of the Savior mantle when he was still a baby and is therefore unable to claim that title after all.  Because the only thing that surprised me was how Emma’s superpower wasn’t tipping her off to Gold’s deception.  Then again, the writers have a bad habit of forgetting about her internal lie-detector when the plot calls for it.  But hey, next week is the big musical episode.  So there’s something to look forward to, right?
(Click here to read more Episode Analyses)
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Thoughts During OUAT Series Finale: The Final Battle
Yeah, you heard me. Series Finale. Season 7 is a spinoff as far as I’m concerned. Let’s get this stupidity over with. At least it looks better than Descendents though. ....Sigh, ok that sounds abrasive....I’m going to miss this show, don’t get me wrong. 
Let’s do this one last time, ya’ll. 
Oh wow Pilot flashbacks. Season 1 flashbacks. Good times. Remember when this show was complete and utter magic. 
“Time of great upheaval.” ......Ok then. 
Thought that was Gideon for a sec. He about to die though. 
Ah! Starting with Henry. Where you at boy? Oh look, SB looks populated again! She in the hospital? Wha...... Oh a regular psych ward. ......Whoa ......OH HELL NO! FIONA IS THE MAYOR NOW!?! .....I shouldn’t be so surprised..... OH HELL NO HENRY IS REGINA’S KID YOU BACK OFF!!! Well...I’m unnerved. 
And here’s the sneak peek that was released today because someone on the team is a complete moron. Regina worried about Henry is my aesthetic. Oh and hi Baby Neal. ....Is Zelena back in Oz? 
He’s not...your son....you sneaky B****! There was some funky camera work there that makes everything uneasy. Nice. Ok, you need to stop calling her Miss Swan. Only Regina is allowed to do that. Quit trying to replace Regina!!!! ....I mean, granted, you’ve been more interesting to watch than Regina this season but omg you are not going to take her son and her co-parent away from her! SQ BroTP! 
There’s Z! Escape....Oz? CGI definitely improved. 
What did she do to Belle? 
Tank Top Emma! Jailbreak! 
Uh, as sweet and lovely as this speech is Hook time is of the essence so if you and Charming could get moving that would be swell. 
Henry is trying so hard. 
Whatcha doing Gold? Geez so Fiona made it where Belle just straight up “abandoned” them. And made herself the central maternal figure in Gids life. .....You evil witch. 
Oh hey EQ!!!! ....Ok...my three favorite witches/queens teaming up is all I needed in life. 
She’s going to push him down the stairs.... and yep. There it went. His foot was literally right on the edge, and then he turned his back to the stairwell. Of course she was going to push him. Although, she apparently still has her magic. 
She freakin tried to break his neck!! WTH! You know....I completely forgot the fact that Henry is her great grandson. 
You know....this dragon just reminded me that we have not seen Mal or Lilly, or even mentioned them, since the end of season 4. .....A&E completely forgot about them. Unless of course this dragon is Mal? 
Fiona you evil conniving witch! Your photoshop skills aren’t even that good! But you know what’s funny. That’s exactly what I always wanted Belle to do. Ditch Rumple and go on an actual adventure like she always wanted. Like, the only problem, really, is that she left her son. That part isn’t cool. 
Fiona is like that voice in the back of your head, man. 
NO! EMMA DON’T! YOUR FAMILY IS GOING TO DISAPPEAR!!! DON’T DO IT! Really? You show Hook but not any of her other family? Not, you know, her mom and dad, Regina, or August, or any of the other six or seven people that mean something to her? 
Sup Tiger Lilly. You talking reunited in death or what, girl? 
She’s trying to add to her orphan collection with Henry is seems. 
That sharing a heart thing comes in handy. And we all knew Hook would be fine. Hook, it would be preferred if you took Regina and Z and Snowing with you. The more people that are trying to convince her the better. But I bet the writers are only going to send Hook because screw Emma’s family. (Yes, Hook’s a part of her family too but this is so dumb.) 
Also, “Hello there, Mommy.” ......pfft
I recognize this apartment. 
“Henry’s her son too.” .....Henry has four mommies. (Counting fake Momma Fiona.) Kids needs therapy. 
Dang it they’re cheating! Playing the scene from the pilot, reenacting.... it’s just so cute! I can’t! I’m a sap! 
“What are you up to, grandpa?” That’s still weird. “She betrayed me...again.” I mean, that’s a given. 
Is EQ sacrificing herself!? Oh my god....my baby.... YOU GO GIRL! BE AMAZING!!!!! THROW THE BEAN! 
Seriously, throw the bean already.....or is it still not in top shape? Either way, Emma believes and just in the nick of time, honestly. 
That was bad CGI. The book, I mean. Where’d Gid- oh, there he is. And Fiona has completely dropped the charade. Good boy, Rumple. WHOA HOLY CRAP! HE JUST - DID HE JUST - ........Her curse! It’s undone! He did something right in Season 3. It only took three more seasons for it to happen again. 
Are you kidding me.....twisted ankle....? Belle continues to be useless! REUNION!!!!!! And what do you know, they’re in the street for the final battle. 
...... SQ Bro Moment of beauty. 
Oh wow, they actually brought the whole inner Dark One thing back. Never thought they’d address that for Rumple. 
Ok Emma, the speech can wait. 
So they killed her off. .....No, there’s no way. Also, there’s not even a tear in her shirt. HENRY TLK!!!!!! oh my god....that actually made me tear up a little.... That’s it. That’s what this show is about. That moment right there. Henry got to save Emma. 
Gideon’s a baby again? ....ok. Shrug. I’ll roll with it. 
And there’s the book. Aw Snow. I’ll let the cheesiness slide because yes. Yes. 
Arendelle! Neverland! Wonderland! JASMINE AND ALADDIN! 
Aw, they got an actual house! Henry with his Moms!!!!! CS in the Bug! Aw Regina and the Dwarves! Aw EQ and Wish!Robin! Zelena and Robyn! 
....L-look at this family....look at them! This...this is... 
Hello, little girl.... here we go again it would seem. Yeah so that’s not a spin off I’ll be watching. 
Ok. Well....I guess this is it you guys. Wow. I...genuinely don’t know what to say. Ya’ll know more than anything that these last couple seasons have not been easy. There have been some hard times and some moments where we all wanted to storm off and never return to watch this crazy, tolerance testing show. But we kept on, whether due to curiosity, some strange loyalty to the show, loyalty to the actors. I’m sad that the journey had to falter so much toward the end but I’m still glad I watched the show. 
This is my last Once review. And I wish all you Oncers out there, those staying and those leaving, the best. Love you all. Bye! 
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unwanted-animal · 7 years
Hey John! Have you been keeping up with ouat? I stopped watching right before rumple has really short hair? What's happened since?
this is gonna be long erin i’m so sorry 
-sucks in a breath-
So S5 ended with Belle putting herself in a sleeping curse so Rumple could save their baby. He does, and when he get back to storybrooke he takes Hades’ magic crystal and takes the magic from Storybrooke so he can try to wake her. He goes to new york, henry and violet and emma and regina chase him because wanting to wake your pregnant wife is TOTES EVIL GAIS so Snow tells the new villain, Mr. Hyde, that Rumple’s trying to wake his pregnant wife so Hyde steals her and they have to go to the land of untold stories to get her back
s6 starts with rumple getting her back and he goes to “Morpheus”, god of dreams, to wake her. but in the dream, when he’s trying to ease belle’s nightmares and wake her, “Morpheus” reveals himself to be their son all grown up somehow even though he’s a fetus inside belle and now belle is mad at rumple for tricking her when he DIDNT FUCKING DO ANYTHING and so her unborn fetus kisses her and she wakes up and she storms back to storybrooke because reasons apparently.
Anyway she breaks up with rumple AGAIN - they’re married, I want to point out - and goes to stay on the jolly roger because living with the man who tried to kill you three times is apparently better than living with your husband who hasn;’t done ANYTHING wrong in a whole season but what the fuck ever right? anyway hyde is loose and rumple puts a spell on the boat to protect belle and keep the bad guys out but SURPRISE Dr Jekyll is the real bad guy and he was??? already on the boat??? so Hyde uses the dagger to force rumple to stand around useless as Jekyll tries to kill belle
and Captain Rape Bro gets to save her because this show can’t do a fucking thing without trying to paint Admitted Serial Killer and Drunk Captain Hook in a good light
rumple can’t like. look himself in the eyes in a mirror. so he cuts his hair because bob had to cut it for Trainspotting 2 and all their wigs were terrible and could not capture the majesty of the floof
so Belle yells terrible things at rumple for using the spell on the boat and says he cut his hair??? for her??? when no he did it because he hates himself you’ve known him for like a hundred years belle wtf and rumple gets mad and says yeah you’ll only be with me when you need me for something and they stay apart
Belle, throughout the next half season arc, continues to fucking come by rumple’s shop just to insult him. meanwhile regina drinks the potion to separate her and the evil queen just like hyde and jekyll did so the EQ is just. free. because lana is amazing and they wanted two of her. so, fuck yeah for that. but the EQ wants to jump Rumple’s bones even though they’ve NEVER had that sort of relationship and it was always mentor/student - you know, because rumple was in love with C O R A. Her MOM. 
anyway eq is like hey look we can speed up the pregnancy and rumple’s like alright and she kisses him a bunch and he goes to see belle but he doesn’t use the potion. belle uses the ‘IF YOU DO THIS WE’LL NEVER GET BACK TOGETHER’ line she’s been using since s5 because nothing says true love like literal emotional manipulation
so rumple dumps the eq 
there’s like some shears that can cut the strands of fate??? rumple wanted to use them to free their son from any ties to the darkness(tm) but hook gets a hold of them and rumple has decided that was dumb anyway
Belle refuses to let rumple anywhere near her or the child so when the EQ speeds up her pregnancy- which she blames rumple for, ugh - she gives baby Gideon to the Shady Blue Fairy.
Who gets beat up.
The baby is taken by the black fairy, rumple’s mum, and like taken to a land where he’s aged up into an emo brat
and again, belle blames rumple for this
also emma has dreams about a cloaked figure killing her and she thinks it’s regina but she’s also super anxious because OH NO SHE WANTS TO BE HOOK’S HAPPY ENDING BECAUSE HE DESERVES ONE AND SHE WANTS TO GIVE HIM BABIES TO MAKE HIM HAPPY and Archie is like “fuck this y’all need Jaybus they don’t pay me enough for this shit”
Anyway the figure turns out to be Gideon who wants to be the saviour.... because???
for some stupid reason Snowing is cursed so one half of them is always a sleep i think the EQ did that i don’t know
anyway the EQ gets ahold of... the lamp? something? and makes a wish that emma gets put in like her perfect world so she’s put into a wish realm where she’s a princess and she married Bae but he died and her parents are still the rulers and it’s kinda cute but Regina follows her in and pretends to be the EQ so she can wake emma up and she does!
Also hook’s old and grey and has a huge beer gut and it revitalized me
So emma and regina are gonna go home but then! LO! A ROBIN HOOD!
robin’s not even a hero anymore he’s just a fuckin layabout thief
in a Gay Panic(tm) regina’s like eeeeyyyyy come home with us bc i can’t exist without a white man in my life apparently and they have to go find pinnochio who’s still a shifty bastard and they go through a tree wardrobe back to storybrooke because fuck continuity 
and now gideon is back and he’s emoing all over storybrooke and there’s sexual tension between him and rumple ‘cause he blames rumple even though rumple didn’t do??? a fucking thing??? and rumple’s like ‘fine then punish me’ chicka bow but gideon’s dead set on becoming the saviour so prances about in his voldemort cloak and belle’s like ‘shit we messed up’ and i’m like ‘YOU messed up miss gold but whatever’ and they seem to be bonding but we all know adam and eddy hate the rumbelle fandom so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ who knows
and that’s about where we are right now, s6 is still airing and it’s bad 
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