#-Tails close to him not only so he could hear that Sonic is alive- but also to try calming him down a little more.
donelywell · 1 month
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February 29- March 2 2024
The first time Sonic went Super in Road Trip wasn't exactly as stunning to Tails as other au's and stories.
Tails is like maybe 5 here (I'm not actually that organized on the timeline for this au yet, I'm getting there though, things are getting in order.) and he wasn't forced to grow up and be a hero in this au. So he's a bit more childish than canon Tails because he doesn't feel as pressured to mature and grow up fast. Plus, he genuinely thinks Sonic is going to die and this is the last time he see's him, so tears are bound to come down.
Part 1
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thatninjacat27 · 1 year
The Chaos of Time
Summary: When an incident at the lab involving the Chaos Emeralds leaves Sonic trapped in a time loop, it’s up to him to figure out a way out of this mess with everyone alive and his sanity intact.
Warnings so far: Major Character Death
(Ao3 link above and below is the same stuff)
It was dark outside and Sonic and his friends were going through the forest in search of Dr. Eggman. The doctor had stolen the Chaos Emeralds from Tails’s lab and it was up to the group to get them back.
“Tails, are you sure we’re going the right way? We’ve been out here for a few hours and,” Sonic yawns. “We’re all getting pretty sleepy and tired over here.”
Tails yawns too. “Yes Sonic, we are heading the right way.” He flies over to the hedgehog and shows him his tablet. It was a map with a light flashing repeatedly in a single place from what looked like only a few minutes away.
“I put a tracker on the Emeralds just incase something like this might happen.”, the fox says and then he makes a thoughtful sound. “It looks like he’s going into his old warehouse.”
“Wait didn’t he abandoned that place a few years ago?”, Knuckles asks.
“Yeah he did. And I remember that day too. Eggman had moved out to the beach side so he could have his lab in a more open area.” Amy Rose said. 
“Right and he was a lot happier for it.” Tails remarks as he flies more towards the back with Amy and Knuckles.
”So why is he back here?” Knuckles questions. 
“Well whatever his deal is for returning, I willing to bet that it has something to do with the Chaos Emeralds and something in that building. Look over there.” Sonic says as he ducks behind some bushes and points out. 
Everyone ducks behind him. From where they were, they could see Dr. Eggman’s old laboratory/home. The warehouse looks slightly decrepit and really shows its age. It also looked like it had been recently put to use plus there was a few robots guarding the outside of building.
The bushes surrounding them covered them up well and none of the robots noticed the group’s presence.
“Alright, so we all know what we’re doing?”, Sonic turns to his friends.
“Yep.”, Tails said while Amy and Knuckles just made sounds of affirmation and nod.
“Okay, Let’s roll.” And with that, They all jump out of the bushes in their battle poses, surprisingly the robot guards.
Amy swings her hammer knocking one robot towards Knuckles. Knuckles take a swing, deactivating the bot with one blow. Meanwhile Sonic does his dash attacks and Tails helps take down a few of the guards. In less than a few minutes, they’ve destroyed all the bots surrounding the warehouse.
“Good work guys.“, Sonic gives a thumbs up. “But now it’s time for the main event.” With the guards now taken care of, the group proceeds inside.
“Stop right there Eggman! We’re here to get those stolen Chaos Emeralds back.” Sonic announces as he and his team bust down the door to Eggman’s no longer abandon warehouse, leaving a trail of destroyed robots behind.
“Ha ha ha ha! You are too late to stop me, Sonic. With these Chaos Emeralds in my possession, I can now begin testing my latest machine.”, Eggman said as he flew up high above them with his flying chair. “Observe!”
Eggman presses a giant red button on the remote control in his hand.The machine begins to power up. Doors open up to reveal hordes of robots coming their way.
“Fuck!”, Tails said as everyone else turns to look at him in disbelief even Eggman.
“What? I play online games. What did you expect?”, Tails shrugs off. Everyone nods along still very confused on what had just happened, chalking it up to needing coffee/sleep deprived-itis. Sonic is still a bit distracted with hearing Tails curse out loud for the first time and narrowly dodges a punch from the one of the more faster released Badniks.
“Guys I know that was a little weird but we kinda gotta focus right now.” Sonic backflips over another bot as more start to close in. “These bots are coming in hot and we got to stop Eggman from testing out that machine which he inconveniently forgot to explain the purpose of in his unusual not very descriptive evil monologue.“
The team fights off the robots. It’s not easy. The Badniks are almost swarming them like mosquitoes desperate for blood. It had seemed like the doctor had finally made enough robots this time to keep the Sonic team preoccupied for a while. Keyword being seemed.
Amy and Knuckles were making short work of those bots, while Tails was offering air support and used some of his inventions to help clear off the bots when they got too gathered in anyone’s personal space. Sonic tries to get closer to Eggman.
The blue hedgehog manages to make a clear a path up to doctor when out of nowhere, an error sound can be heard in alarms. The sound is screeching through the speakers, making everyone’s ears feel like bleeding.
”Uh Eggman, is your machine supposed to do that?”, Sonic questioned. Chaos the ringing was making him feel a little dizzy. 
“No it’s not. I don’t know what’s wrong with the blasted thing.” Eggman says as he types away at the computer. The alarm sound only gets louder and Eggman begins to look panic. “Come on come on. Work dammit work.” Eggman said as he punched the keyboard with both fists.
The doctor’s attempt at a solution does not work. The building begins to go on lockdown as the final Badniks get deactivated by the heavyhitters that are Knuckles and Amy Rose.
“Huh what’s happening?“, Tails asks as he lands to look around in confusion. An automated voice starts speaking after him, almost as if the universe had a sick sense of humor.
Energy emits off of the machine in visible waves. It sends small shockwaves in intervals and different loud screeching noises coming from within the machine almost as if parts were breaking on the inside. The sounds were worse than the alarm. And combined, it was torture worse than anything you could imagine hearing.
“Can someone make that thing shut up already?!” Knuckles yells as he covers up his ears. The machine then sends a blast so strong that it pushes everyone off their feet and back a couple meters.
Amy uses her hammer to keep her footing and avoid getting sent back too far. Tails manages to grab on to some piece of broken equipment. Knuckles falls on his butt. Eggman falls off his flying chair landing on the hard concrete head first. And Sonic lands right through a pole.
The pole pierces his heart. The blue hedgehog hears voices of concern coming from his friends and lights flashing all the colors of the rainbow to a steady yellow before settling to white. Eggman is yelling for everyone to trying and get out but his voice is muffled by the other loud noises playing in the background. The loss of blood is fast and the last thing Sonic sees as his life fades to black is a blinding white light consuming everything in its wake.
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teamxdark · 3 years
Mirror, Mirror
Based off of this little interaction between @damnitd and @silvermun a long time ago. It’s basically unedited, but the story I’ll end up putting on AO3/FFnet another day won’t be much different from this one here.
What can one do, when the heart is split in two? Where does one end, and the other begin? Where is the line drawn? 
Or should it be drawn at all…?
Sonic stared at the twisted heap of metal on the kitchen counter, bisected by a sword, and tried his hardest not to scream.
“Lancelot,” he said, struggling to keep his voice even, “that was a toaster.”
The knight in question wrenched his sword from the mess, causing sparks to fly and little bits and bobs, both mechanical and breadlike, to scatter across the counter and fall to the floor. “It was burning up,” he explained gravely, “achieving heats far too intense for today’s weather. I could not trust it, and when it let out a scream, I had to act.”
“That ‘scream’ was an alarm,” Sonic snapped, too tired and hungry to deal with this nonsense. “That means that the toast is done and we can eat. Which we can’t now. Because you attacked the toaster.”
The dark hedgehog turned his sword over in his hands, and Sonic braced himself for his rebuttal, and then they would argue over who was in the right, but the knight uttered a soft, “I simply wished to protect you. I am still getting used to the complex machines of this era, and I cannot bring myself to trust them. I realize that this is… unbecoming of me, and an irritation to you. I apologize, and I will try my best to keep my impulses under control.”
Sonic let out his breath in a loud exhale. It was so easy to forget, still, that this wasn’t Shadow in front of him.
No one could quite explain how the switch had come to pass; one day, Shadow and he had parted ways, the sensation that there were still words left unspoken between them that would be better saved for another time, and the next day, Lancelot had been found in his place. 
The knight was having trouble adjusting, to put it lightly. It had been weeks, but the advanced technology of contemporary times drove him to paranoia, and Sonic had seen many a monitor, vehicle, and appliance fall victim to Arondight’s wrath, much to Tails’ chagrin.
Worse, still, was that Lancelot refused to stay anywhere aside from Sonic’s home. The knight graciously declined Shadow’s place, leaving Rouge and Omega down one roommate, staying instead in any spare room he could find, so long as it was where Sonic was staying as well. Rouge had laughed it off, waving the knight away with a taunt that he was ‘Sonic’s problem now’, but the hero had seen the flash of hurt and worry in her eyes.
No one knew where Shadow was, or if he was ever coming back.
And now incidents such as these, with another appliance in pieces, were commonplace.
Sonic rubbed at his forehead, trying to put his buzzing thoughts together in his head before he spoke. “Lance, I get that you’re trying to protect me from my evil cookware and all that, but I don’t get why.”
The knight started, one ear tilting to the side in confusion. “Why would I not? I swore to do so, did I not?”
“No,” Sonic deadpanned. “You didn’t.”
That seemed to offend Lancelot, who let go of his sword for a moment to cross his arms. “I do not wish to speak out of line,” he said, sounding like he was struggling to remain calm, “but you are mistaken. A knight is loyal to the sovereign who knights him, until the last of his days.”
“But I didn’t knight you!” Sonic protested, at the end of his rope. “I’m not your king!”
In response, Lancelot pushed up his visor, and Sonic took in the set jaw, the way his pointed white teeth bared themselves in a snarl, by all means, the spitting image of Shadow, with just the smallest thing here and there that harshly reminded Sonic that the one standing before him was not the one he had spent so many years with. He saw it in the same set jaw, as it trembled with the effort to keep everything held back. He saw it in the snarl, which was more dismayed than hostile. Most of all, he saw it in Lancelot’s eyes, red and wide and so very expressive without the visor to shield them away.
Sonic was so used to seeing those eyes guarded, cut off from him, with only the smallest of opportunities to peek inside before they closed him out again.
Lancelot reached out, holding one of Sonic’s hands in both of his, delicately, like he was something infinitely valuable and the knight was afraid of sullying him with his hands. Sonic had only blinked when Lancelot dropped to his knees, his head bowed forward, and he heard him clear his throat before he spoke.
“You are him. You may not believe me, but I know it to be true. You are Arthur, my king, in this life and all others.”
Sonic sighed, unwilling to let this go but also not wanting to keep on this path of conversation, especially on an empty stomach. He tried to wrench away his hand, but Lancelot held tight, lifting his head, eyes ablaze with passionate certainty that made Sonic freeze in place.
He had never been looked at like that before…
"Every piece of you is the same,” Lancelot declared, his eyes unwavering, drawing in the hero and refusing to release him. “It is not only in image, either. I see it, I hear it, I feel it... It's more than just the body, the vision I see before me. You have his soul, free and unbound and hungry for adventure. You have his heart, strong and kind and noble. I see it in your eyes, you are him, you are who he would be if he were not burdened by his destiny! Don't you understand, Sonic? The only difference between you and Arthur are the memories you keep! You are him! You are him, and that's why I will follow you and protect you with my life. I gave you my vow, and I will not break it. No matter the time, no matter the life... I will stand by you until any and every version of us ceases to exist. That is my promise to you, as your knight!"
He said it so resolutely, so earnestly, that Sonic couldn’t find the words, nor the will to argue against him. In all his life, in all his wildest fantasies, Sonic could never have imagined those words, coming from that mouth, spoken in that voice… It was enough to get his heart pounding, that was for sure.
Sonic closed his eyes, taking a deep breath, but Lancelot’s hands clasped around his kept him anchored in this strange reality he was in. He didn’t like it; it had taken so long to get to where he had gotten with Shadow, so much time and effort and tenacity to get every last crumb from him, but Sonic had been adamant. He had wanted to break Shadow’s walls, to reach through, to understand him and be someone trusted and cared for. He had tried so hard, made so much progress… and now Shadow was gone, and in his place, Lancelot knelt before him, eagerly baring his soul for him without so much as a command.
Sonic would have been a liar if he said he didn’t like what he saw in Lancelot, either, but after all he had done for Shadow… it felt… wrong? Bad? In poor taste? Off, to be feeling similar flutters in the chest for a man who shared his face but not his past, nor his experiences.
Yet, as he opened his eyes and saw Lancelot still staring resolutely at him, as though desperate for him to understand, Sonic had to wonder if the knight had a point; Shadow had had amnesia twice, now. His memories had reset, but he had still been Shadow at his core. Sonic had never doubted that.
Did memories truly make a person who they were? And if so… were Lancelot and Shadow truly two different people?
Are you him? Sonic wanted to ask as he was burned alive by those eyes, crimson and intense, focused on him and him alone. Are you who he could have been if things had been different?
He wasn’t sure, but at least he could kind of understand where Lancelot was coming from.
Sonic heaved out an exhale, using both hands to pull Lancelot to his feet. “Okay,” he conceded. “Okay… but no more protecting me from my house or my friends. I’ll let you know when we’re in danger, okay?”
And Lancelot beamed, overjoyed, his teeth poking out through his lips and his eyes crinkling with happiness, and Sonic would be an even bigger liar if he denied that it was one of the most gorgeous sights he had ever seen.
Lancelot… I think I want to know you, too.
The sound of his pen scratching along the page was the only sound in the room. King Arthur sat back in his chair, stretching out his fingers, his eyes seeking out the room’s only other occupant, who was standing by with his back against the wall, looking displeased.
Shadow was silent, as always.
Arthur let out a breath, drumming a couple of fingers against his desk. “I cannot solve anything if you do not speak,” he finally remarked, much to the displeasure of the other.
“I don’t want to be out there with the others. This is the only room where no one barges in. That’s all.”
“Hm. Quite.”
It was mostly true, he supposed. Sometimes an advisor would poke their head in, but usually those weren’t the people Shadow was hiding from.
Arthur had started hearing the rumors a while ago; Sir Lancelot, his greatest and closest knight, and his longtime friend, was deeply in love with him. The rumors had followed him every day, and plagued him by night, as he wondered if they could be real, and wondered what he would do if they were real.
He had started to see and feel it, too. Lancelot’s habit of looking his way, his gaze, hidden behind his visor, lingering just a moment too long before he looked away again. The way his knight’s hand would remain on his person, his touch still warming him even after he drew his hand away. These moments had grown in number in the latest months, though their time together had remained fleeting, as the life of a king and the life of a knight were wrought with busy schedules and hardly enough time for a ‘hello’ to be exchanged.
For a while, Arthur had felt that something unsaid but reciprocated was between them, but Lancelot was gone, now, and Shadow had taken his place, and now the knights and the maids and the servants all looked at Shadow in the same way they had done to Lancelot, and the whispers and giggles followed the dark hedgehog until he ran into Arthur’s study and shut them all out behind him.
He made for some rather unsettling company, this sullen, tense man who shared his face with that of his closest friend.
Arthur missed him. Arthur missed him so much it hurt, and every day that passed he wished for the man who had stood by him from the very beginning to still be there, by his side, in a world that demanded the most he would be able to give as the bare minimum, but that didn’t mean he was allowed to take it out on Shadow. Nor was he about to dismiss the fact that Shadow was in a strange new world, and likely every bit as confused, disturbed, and frightened as he was.
“Would you like me to speak with them?” Arthur offered, figuring it was worth a try.
Yet Shadow huffed in response, the proposal seeming to offend him, and Arthur wondered why. “Don’t bother, I can handle my own problems.”
That was the other thing about Shadow: he had never, at any point, treated Arthur like he was royalty.
“It’s considered bad form to refuse the offer of a king,” Arthur pointed out, partly as a piece of advice; though he didn’t mind it himself, he knew Sir Gawain would throw a fit upon hearing that Shadow had shown such dismissal.
And the other part of him wanted to push Shadow just a little more. To get more of that strangely satisfying feeling of being treated like a man instead of a crown.
“I don’t care,” came the instant reply, and Arthur had to fight back a smile. “There are no kings where I come from, so your title means nothing to me, and even if it did, I won’t bow to you, or to anyone.”
The ‘not again’ went unsaid, but Arthur could hear it in Shadow’s voice, could read it in his body language. Arthur was always rather adept at deciphering Lancelot’s small cues and gestures, though Lancelot kept many of them hidden behind a wall of steel, but with Shadow, who bared his face and his body for the world to see, nothing could be hidden from Arthur’s discerning gaze. It was fascinating, truly, to be able to read someone new so well and so easily. Shadow was a puzzle with clear edges, but with many, many pieces that Arthur still had to search for.
All in all… a refreshing individual, despite the circumstances.
“Okay,” Arthur relented, and the sight of Shadow’s eyes narrowing in confusion only served to make fighting back his smile impossible. “In that case, I shall leave it to you.”
With that, he picked back up his pen, continuing to draft the latest ordinance on adjusting the limits of imported goods past Avalonian borders. The work was tedious, boring, dull, and even though he had just taken a break, Arthur felt his hand start to cramp with just a few words jotted down. The king sighed, rolling his wrist a few times, before getting back to work.
Just grin and bear it, he thought to himself as an involuntary noise of discomfort escaped him as his hand twinged again. You’ve done it before and you will always be able to do it. A king cannot show weakness. A king may not make excuses for poor judgement. Everyone is counting on me to do the best I can.
The thoughts only served to worsen the sense of anxiety that always seemed to cloud his mind, and Arthur grimaced, dropping his pen, holding his head in his hands and wishing for comfort for a man who was no longer with him.
His ears perked up as he heard a noise, something akin to a footstep taken in his direction, and when the king lifted his head, he noticed that Shadow no longer had his back flush against the wall. The dark hedgehog was doing his best to mask his emotions, but Arthur could still peel back every layer he put up, seeing the concern and the discomfort in the smallest things, from the slight narrowing of his eyes to the light raising of his spines. Shadow’s body language was silently screaming in empathy, something Arthur wasn’t used to receiving from others, and it intrigued him more than it should have.
“I’ll be fine,” he assured Shadow, not waiting to be prompted; he doubted the other would have asked, anyhow. “It’s simply sobering, sometimes, to remember that I have a kingdom’s worth of expectations to meet.” The king looked back down at the piles of papers on his desk; it was the same work, day in and day out, with decisions ranging from laughably easy to crushingly difficult. Yet, he had to make them all. Without thinking, he murmured aloud, “A single mistake could cost me everything I’ve done up to this moment. All the good I’ve done, all the efforts I’ve made, all the reputation that I’ve struggled to build up… it could all go up in smoke in a second, and I would be back at the beginning, needing to prove myself over and over again to people who expect everything from me.”
It was a moment of weakness, of cowardice, wherein Arthur was so tired from years of work and the loss of his most precious ally, for whom he still had almost no time to mourn. His eyes flicked back up to Shadow, and he prepared to apologize and ask that he forget all that he had just divulged 一 it was hardly fair on his guest, after all 一 but then he saw Shadow’s face, stunned and amazed, his red eyes wide and fixed on him, welling with a look that Arthur almost never saw on another person; understanding.
Shadow was looking at him with such mind-blowingly clear understanding and empathy that Arthur’s breath was taken away.
For a few more charged, heart-pounding moments, all they could do was stare, the sensation of something new connecting them becoming stronger and stronger with every passing second.
Then Shadow tore his gaze away and flung open the door, stepping outside and closing it behind him, leaving Arthur alone in his study.
As the king sat back in his chair, he stared into space as he tried to make sense of what had just happened, and what that might have meant for Shadow.
He was certain that, even though his dear friend’s face was too often hidden from view, that Lancelot had never once looked at him like that.
Shadow… what is your story, I wonder?
Just when Lancelot thought he couldn’t hate the odd technology of Sonic’s world any more, it came to a sudden and violent peak as the blue hero was called into action as a swarm of machines called ‘robots’ began invading Station Square. To make matters worse, they were created by some sort of mad doctor, and upon seeing an image of the man in question, Lancelot had to restrain himself from running the monitor through with his sword.
This mad doctor held a horrible resemblance to a certain ‘emperor’ that had caused Arthur far too much trouble, back at home in Avalon, and it made Lancelot desire nothing less than for this man’s complete and utter demise at his hands.
According to Sonic, these attacks weren’t anything new to him and his team, and though he knew it was a distraction or a trap, they didn’t have any options aside from stopping them quickly and efficiently, for the sake of everyone who lived in the city. He rallied his team effortlessly, leading the chase down to the battle, not bothering to bark orders because of the trust he carried in his followers…
Lancelot’s heart swam with affection. Sonic truly was Arthur, whether he believed it or not, and it showed in everything he did. He was a leader who cared not for the title, a man who cared for even the smallest life under his protection, and his bravery was unmatched, inspiring, and absolute. Someone of such immeasurable importance that needed to be protected at all costs.
So what else could Lancelot do but run to shield him when, during the battle, he saw a robot take aim at Sonic’s back?
His ears registered the sound of Sonic moving, then stumbling, but he only paid attention to the blast that came his way, soaking up the impact with his legendary strength, but he was not indestructible. Blood began dripping from a wound on his arm, and the scent of singed hair prickled in his nose in the most unpleasant way. Lancelot hissed in pain, his mind threatening to cloud with this new kind of pain, like fire but so much more unnatural, but he took pride in knowing that he had done his job. Sonic was safe. Sonic was safe and…
And he was dragging Lancelot to the side?
“What the hell was that, Lance?” Sonic demanded, panic and fury coloring his tone, and Lancelot’s feet almost froze in shock. Why was Sonic so frightened? Why did he sound so angry?
Had he done something wrong?
In a space several yards away from the battle zone, Sonic sat Lancelot down, and swore under his breath when he saw his battle wound. “Damn it Lance, I knew that robot was there! Why didn’t you just let me dodge? Oh Chaos, you’re bleeding, why did you run in like that?!”
Lancelot only gaped at him, his mind struggling to make sense of his leader’s words as Sonic inspected his arm and fretted over how it wasn’t healing.
Was he supposed to heal quicker than the average being? Lancelot supposed that maybe, with the help of his mother or Merlina, that could be possible, but the young girl who appeared to be his mother’s counterpart appeared more of a fighter than a healer, and he had not yet seen a counterpart to the royal wizard.
Lancelot wanted to ask these questions, to get some answers, but the near furious look on Sonic’s face made him hold his tongue. Such a look on someone he admired and loved so strongly… it was enough to make him feel like the scum of the earth.
The knight sat out the rest of the battle, staying in place even as Sonic left to finish the job, and the humiliating feeling of utter shame managed to overpower even his need to ensure his leader’s safety. Every time he felt the urge to stand up regardless, to charge into the battle even while wounded, and fight by his leader’s side as his sword and shield, the image of Sonic’s distraught face would flash before his eyes again, and he would remember his words, sharper and more painful than any sword, demanding why he had interfered.
Why had he failed his job as a knight?
What good was he, if he couldn’t even fulfil his one objective?
Lancelot’s head remained bowed in shame, even as he heard rapid footsteps coming his way. It remained bowed, even as he felt steady hands clean his wound and wrap a bandage around it.
It was only when Sonic lifted his chin and forced his visor up did Lancelot finally manage to look him in the eye.
“Why did you step in front of me like that?” Sonic asked, his voice calm again, though it did nothing to soothe Lancelot’s inner turmoil. The knight wanted nothing more than to no longer speak, to be swallowed by the ground and forgotten, the pathetic knight who couldn’t do his job when it mattered.
But he couldn’t refuse his leader, and so he forced himself to talk.
“It was the promise I made to you,” he said, and he struggled to keep his dismay in check as Sonic immediately looked displeased at his answer. “I am… protective by nature, and even moreso as a knight. I swore to protect Arthur, and I must protect you, too, even if that comes with my own life as a cost. That is something I must do, for I--”
“Oh stop it!” Sonic interrupted, once again looking angry and upset, and Lancelot bit back his speech, both ashamed and relieved. Had he gone even further, he might have lost control of his emotions and revealed just how deeply his affections for the blue hedgehog lied.
And then, Sonic asked something very, very strange.
“Isn’t there more to being a knight than serving a king?”
Lancelot, who up to that point had felt so certain of his standing, of his mission, of who Sonic was and what he represented, felt his heart break in two as cold reality settled over him.
“No,” he whispered in response, having never felt further away from the other than he did in that moment.
Sonic was not his king. Sonic was Arthur, but he was not his king. Sonic had no want for a knight, no desire to act as a king.
But if that were the case, what was Lancelot to do?
Sonic’s voice was firm, and Lancelot braced himself for some hard truths.
“I’m not a king, Lance. I’m a hero, I guess. That’s what people call me, anyways. But the point is, I’m a free hedgehog. I’m not here to give orders or have people die for me, I’m just around to have a good time, to go where the wind takes me, and if I have to save a few people from some robots in the meantime, I will. I just gotta do what I gotta do… and I can’t do that if all you can do is try to protect me.”
Even with his face raised, chin still supported by his leader-- no, by Sonic’s hand, Lancelot tried his best to look away. His eyes watered treacherously, threatening to spill over. Being a knight was Lancelot’s life, his identity, the air that he breathed, the reality he lived in. It was everything he knew, but… but now it was…
The hand disappeared from his face, and then Sonic was reaching for his own hand on his uninjured arm, and Lancelot was pulled to his feet. Sonic looked him full in the eyes, their pull hypnotic, and even as Lancelot tried to choke back his tears, he felt his breath catch in his lungs.
“Hey… I need you to trust me with my own life, okay?”
Lancelot blinked, and the smallest of tears managed to escape him. Sonic didn’t think he trusted him.
In a sense, Lancelot supposed that he didn’t.
Yet when he reopened his eyes, he saw the look the other hedgehog was sending him, a look he had seen in Arthur’s eyes many times, mixed with a sense of sad resignation. Lancelot had never been able to read it perfectly, a fact which had always frustrated him to no end, for all he wanted was to be Arthur’s closest, to be the one who knew him at a level that no one else could hope to achieve.
But in Sonic’s eyes, the message was plain and clear.
He wanted to be seen as an equal, not someone above him, unattainable, on a pedestal. No, it wasn’t just that… Sonic looked determined to pull them both onto equal ground, to the same level, and the thought made Lancelot’s head spin.
“Lance… I know it’s scary, but you can choose how you want to live your life now, and trust me, it’s a good thing.”
And Lancelot, who knew nothing aside from being a knight, felt the crushing weight of the world in front of him, dark and untamed, when before he had Arthur’s light to follow. Paths were branching in front of him, too many to count and too many to walk down individually and explore. His head spun with possibility, and fright gripped at him, tempting him to deny, to refuse, to hide his face, or perhaps, to die as a knight in a world that refused to house him as he was.
Then he felt Sonic’s hand, still holding his, warm and comforting and safe, and somehow, in the midst of his existential turmoil, Lancelot felt a warm glimmer of hope.
“Okay,” he murmured in response, and Sonic’s brilliant grin soothed and delighted him more than he could properly understand.
Sonic… I shall do my best. For you… and for me, as well.
It hit too close to home, in this place that was about as far from home as Shadow could get.
Every day, whether he looked for him or not, Shadow saw King Arthur struggle silently. He saw him work day in and day out, endlessly trying to prove that he was worthy of being king, of being in everyone’s good graces and that he wasn’t just entitled to be there, but that he was supposed to be in his position. Even while all around him there sat obstacles and red tape and tough decisions and divides and people who were just never satisfied and…
Shadow closed his eyes, recalling every debriefing he had had in G.U.N.’s headquarters. He remembered feeling as though he was on a leash, that every mission, every move he made had to be executed perfectly, otherwise he would lose his right to exist as a free being.
No… Shadow had never been free. Not since the day he was created, with the power to hurt and to heal, and every day he had to face the consequences of actions he had committed years prior. Shadow remembered the feeling of the imaginary leash shortening, tightening around his throat, reminding him that no matter what he did, it would never be enough.
Shadow would never be considered a true person by the people who saw him as a weapon.
And Arthur… Arthur seemed to be considered in the same way by the people who saw him as a king.
Shadow’s heart ached, and the dark hedgehog grit his teeth as he recalled all the times he had caught the other wincing and massaging his hand while drafting laws and messages, how he plastered a smile on his face as he met people and made addresses when he clearly would rather be anywhere else, and how he kept his voice even as he ordered his knights around, even though he obviously didn’t want to be giving orders, he just wanted to be looked at as an equal, but he was so ingrained in this life that he felt resigned, and so he stopped trying to fight where the fight could not be won. Shadow knew all these feelings, all the sensations of being worked to the bone, of putting on an act to protect himself, of accepting that there were some things that, like it or not, would simply never change…
But Arthur, unlike him, was not the Ultimate Lifeform. This man was not made of infinite power and energy, was not capable of rapid healing or boosting himself in body and mind with his own energies whenever it suited him. Arthur was a remarkable but regular hedgehog, who had been working off of nothing but his own willpower and strength of mind, and that knowledge hurt perhaps the most of all.
Arthur and himself… they both pulled a painfully similar weight, a weight that, even on his worst days, Shadow had never wished upon another person.
So what else could Shadow do but grab Arthur’s hand and run him out of there, out of the castle, yelling vague excuses at anyone who tried to stop them?
Arthur followed easily behind him, not asking a single question as Shadow ran, ran away from suffocating walls and legal obligations and the knowledge that it was never, ever enough.
Shadow was used to Sonic keeping up with him. They had always been on equal grounds, and Shadow knew it, even at the beginning stages of their rivalry when they both had asserted that they were the stronger, the faster, the more incredible hedgehog. With time, that knowledge became easier to swallow, as their rivalry held a friendlier edge to it, and especially so when their friendship and partnership had become more undeniable, and when those dumb, weird feelings started springing forward and…
But with Arthur and his frightfully similar situation, Shadow’s empathy had hit him like a truck, and seeing him in so much concealed pain every day had turned into something too much to bear, and so, just for this one, Shadow decided he would be the man’s savior, even for just one evening.
They stopped in a meadow, far beyond the castle and away from the treeline where the forests began, and Shadow avoided looking at the exhausted king, unsure how to express what was in his head, in his heart, in his soul.
How was he supposed to tell him that watching him take all this weight, all this responsibility, was too much for him?
How was he supposed to say that he had similar issues, with G.U.N. and the people of the United Federation breathing down his neck and observing his every move, and that perfection was the bare minimum?
How could he express that they both deserved to live their lives without earning the right to exist without constant scrutiny, where one slip up meant everything falling apart, absolute ruin, the end of the world…
Shadow took in a deep breath, his mind spinning with thoughts and feelings he wasn’t sure he could put into words, but when he finally looked over to Arthur, the breath left him and wouldn’t return.
Arthur didn’t look angry or annoyed or anxious, even though Shadow had ripped him from his work that he couldn’t afford to fall behind on. Arthur didn’t look upset at all.
He looked grateful.
He looked serene.
Arthur looked directly into Shadow’s eyes, his own green ones reflecting the stars up above, and Shadow wanted to tell him everything, even though his body refused to breathe and his tongue refused to move.
The hand in his hold shifted, and Shadow felt Arthur squeeze his hand softly, just once.
He understood.
Chaos above, Arthur understood, and Shadow didn’t even need to say it.
Shadow swallowed, feeling overwhelmed, and Arthur seemed to understand that, too. Wordlessly, the blue hedgehog moved closer, his hand never leaving Shadow’s, and he leaned his body against Shadow’s, answering an unspoken need for comfort without smothering him, without trapping him in place with a hug or an embrace.
Shadow closed his eyes, hating how the gesture reminded him of one time Sonic had done something similar, a small shoulder check that had lingered a moment too long, and at his side, he felt Arthur breathe in deeply and hold it in, as though he were resisting the urge to sigh.
Shadow knew he was probably thinking about Lancelot.
Their hands both squeezed at the same time, and they both knew.
It was a strange feeling, as though both of them had lost a large piece of their lives, only to gain another to take its place. It was something that felt like infidelity, even though nothing warranting such a thing had been established with the other person on their minds.
Yet this closeness… this was something that Shadow had wanted for a long time, but had never been able to truly obtain. Shadow didn’t always know how to use his words, how to explain what he wanted or what he needed or what he was going through, and now here he was, with Arthur, a man who understood him without words. A man who he understood, who brought out his empathy to an almost painful degree, and Shadow wanted in that moment for nothing more than for them both to be happy.
As he felt the warmth of Arthur’s body and the beautiful comfort of being understood, even in a world that wasn’t his own, Shadow figured he might be on the right track.
Arthur… I don’t know how to thank you.
When Sonic first kissed Lancelot, it was after another battle, in which neither escaped without injury. Sonic could see Lancelot try his hardest to hold back his instinctive reactions, struggling to trust him and not place the blame on his shoulders, and Sonic looked out the window, knowing that life was short and uncertain and that any day might be his last.
He also did it knowing that waiting for Shadow was not going to help either of them at all.
He felt Lancelot tense up in shock, then relax, lifting his hands up to his head and burying them in his spines. Lancelot was pilant, willing, eager to receive whatever Sonic wanted to give him, and Sonic responded with his best efforts to make the kiss special, the sort of kiss that Lancelot deserved, after so many years of putting himself second. Whenever Lancelot made a noise that suggested he enjoyed what Sonic was doing, Sonic resolved himself to keep going, to deliver the indulgence that Lancelot had always been denied of.
It was completely different to how he always imagined kissing Shadow would be like. He had always imagined a competition, with both of them trying to one-up each other like they always did, but Lancelot’s sweet eagerness as their lips met again and again pushed all thoughts of Shadow from Sonic’s mind, and as they finally parted for air, it was Sonic’s name that escaped from Lancelot’s mouth.
When Arthur first kissed Shadow, it felt like a long time coming. The king knew he would need to take the initiative, with Shadow struggling to come to terms with his own feelings, and he felt the striped hedgehog become rigid in shock when Arthur’s hands landed lightly on his arms and he pressed their lips together.
He also did it with the knowledge that he might never see Lancelot again, and if that were the case, that Shadow was someone he couldn’t bear to let slip through his fingers as well.
When Shadow recovered from the shock, he kissed back, roughly and intensely, and Arthur found himself being pushed to keep up. It was like a battle, fueled by unspoken, deeply internalized feelings, finally being let loose until their heads swam with a lack of air and an overflow of emotion and the immeasurable feeling of connection without words.
Kissing Shadow lit a fire in Arthur’s soul, even as he felt Shadow start to calm down, finding enjoyment at being able to be vulnerable without pain for once in his life. Arthur could feel the heat flush off of the other’s face in waves, and when they finally parted, gasping for air, he was so, so glad that there was no visor or helmet to create a barrier between him and those eyes, softer than he had ever seen them, that he could read like a book.
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Give Me a Task to Do
Sally is busy.
She’s the leader of the Freedom Fighters, she has to be busy. She has to keep everyone in check, make sure their missions go smoothly, try to get everyone out alive. She has to get survivors to safe, hidden villages in the woods, she has to work all night on her programming, trying to figure out a way to hack Robotnik’s drones or to reverse the roboticization process. She has to keep the little ones from realizing how awful the world is while at the same time keeping them from running into battle headfirst.
Even in a small, secluded place like Knothole, she has work to do. She has to be contacting the other resistance bases, keeping an eye open for messages from hideaways. She has to repair houses, work on new weapons designs, check the tunnel system underground in case Robotnik finds them. She has to fix the walls Bunnie crashes down on accident, she has to pry Antoine off of the roof and convince him that the others were just trying to scare him and the floor is not lava. She has to help Rotor with his tinkering, update him on her findings and listen to his. She has to find a better landing place for Dulcy to prevent another roof from caving in, she has to read bedtime stories to Tails with a silly voice so he doesn’t think about what’s happening outside the forest. And, of course, she has to keep up with whatever problem Sonic has gotten himself into, catch up to him and drag him back down to reality. She has to send that message out to Lupe and hook Nicole up to the supercomputer to charge and try to decipher the jumbled code she thinks might be from her dad but could be another red herring, just like everything in the last ten years.
Sally doesn’t mind, though. She’s never liked to sit around and do nothing, not when there was work to be done, and there was always work somewhere. She hummed while fiddling with tech, and laughed while helping Rotor fix a shield. And, well... most of the resistance found missions into Robotnik’s territory to be tense, terrifying even, but Sally was never too afraid. She kept her mind in a sharp focus, her brain hardwired to pay attention to the mission, only to the mission, and think about the details later.
She doesn’t fear missions, no, and really, she doesn’t fear Robotnik, either. She knows getting caught by him would mean death, would devastate the rebellion, but honestly, it all seemed like a distant thought, the idea that she could be held captive. She’d always broken out or been rescued every time, before anything bad could happen, and no matter how many times Antoine warned her that one day they might not be able to reach her, no matter how many times Bunnie told her if she didn’t stay home she’d tie her to a chair, how many times Tails wandered into her hut at night to make sure she was still there, or how many times Sonic would hold her close after a rescue, nearly refusing to let go... it just never seemed like something she should be worried about. It had always worked out before, it would always work out in the end. She had to believe that, she guessed, otherwise she would’ve broken long ago.
What could break her was silence.
She was good at working. She was good at double-tasking, triple-tasking, doing whatever it took and doing it well. She could focus on anything, on several things at once, or at one thing so much that she blocked out the rest of the world. But if there was nothing? Nothing to do, nothing to fix, nothing to distract her...
I need a task to do, she’d often thought, upon waking up in the middle of the night. But this night, she couldn’t find anything. Nothing needed repaired, everyone else was sleeping soundly. There were no messages, no alerts, no robots hovering dangerously close to their location. She’d set up her computer to update its range overnight, so she couldn’t program with that. Rotor wouldn’t want her working on his stuff without him there.
She tried to go back to sleep, but she’d always been a bit of an insomniac, so just returning to a dream was a whole other challenge. She didn’t want to just lay in bed, alone with her thoughts, so she got up, going to a bench at the corner, looking through plans, re-sorting her books. She went outside and checked the garden, made sure there were no pests and that all the food was growing alright. She checked everyone’s huts, and checked the perimeter twice, and then sat by the extinguished campfire and stared at the stars.
She could catalogue the stars. She and Sonic had done that when they were seven, still too young to wander out of Knothole (not that it stopped them). They’d made star charts, maps, listed constellations and made their own. She looked up at the sky, but... ugh, too many clouds, it was hard to really even see them. Maybe it would rain, and she could collect water. Maybe she could fix their water purifier. Maybe she could upgrade something? Maybe...
Her foot kicked the ash surrounding their campfire spot. She had to think of something. She couldn’t just do nothing. She couldn’t do nothing. She’d been moving and working as long as she could remember, ever since she was six years old and watched her kingdom burn behind her. She always knew that she had to keep pressing on, keep her head high, and be the leader. If she didn’t look back, didn’t think back, she didn’t have to feel. Feelings got in the way of her work. That was why she had those flowers whose scents were supposed to ward away nightmares, why she only talked about the past in order to inspire the others, why she preferred working with machines- machines couldn’t hurt, machines couldn’t die.
Sometimes she wondered if that made her like Robotnik, to prefer technology to emotions. She would remind herself that no, she wasn’t trying to take over the planet, but oh how she could fall there, she could feel it. In another world, maybe she’d be like Robotnik, wanting to make everything metal and cold.
But that wasn’t this world, in this world she had to do right by her people. She’d had to take over her dying kingdom when she was six, and now she was sixteen, and she needed to do something before she drove herself mad.
Sally checked the garden again, and then the perimeter, and each hut. Nobody was in danger, nothing was broken, and there was no sounds at all. Just the occasional cricket in the distance, or the wind rustling through the leaves. It was a petrifying silence, and Sally did her best to keep it from breaking her. She ran her hands through her vest, swung from a tree branch, hummed to herself quietly enough that nobody would wake. But it felt like that quiet was pushing into her ears, trying to deafen her so that silence would be the only thing she could ever hear again. Whatever she did, she could still hear the silence, she could still feel the stillness, she could still feel.
I need a task to do.
SOMEONE give me a task to do.
I need a...
Sally sat once again by the campfire, curled in on herself, and cried.
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cutegirlmayra · 3 years
Random AU Sonamy cause you know what?
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It was time to go.
That other dimension… I didn’t figure I’d come back, but I couldn’t let my friends know that.
They each saw through me though, first with Tails and that Team Chaotix. Although Tails tried to send me off with as much hope as he could muster without shedding a tear, his entourage were wiping their tears without holding back or hiding. I respected them for it, but Tails even more, for how brave he wanted to be for me.
“Don’t worry, I’ll take of this…” I slowly raised my hand, expecting myself to say, ‘See ya around!’ but couldn’t muster it this time… instead, I just held it up… and let it flop down as though trying to act just as cool as my little dude.
I kicked the ground with a hop in my step as I moved back and raced off, heading to the next group, which were waiting to hold the portal for me when it opened.
“You’re a brave soul, Sonic… I’ve admired you for that.” Was probably the only directly nice thing Shadow ever said to me. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a swell guy! If you minus all the shady things he did in his ‘awakened’ life outside of Dr. Gerald Robotnik, but I could tell he was trying to be respectful too.
“Hey, it’s not that big of a sacrifice. Besides! With me gone, you’ll finally have a reason to show up!” I gave a goofy grin and put my hand to his shoulder, swaggering up with a wobble of my head and jerked upwards a thumbs-up from my hand.
He actually gave me a crooked smile for a moment… before dispersing off again with Rouge and Omega, looking disheartened.
Rouge looked like she wanted to say something, maybe ‘Be careful, Sonic’ but she didn’t quite get it out in time.
She stepped forward and put her hands to her chest, but as Shadow passed, looked down and decided not to say it. ...Probably for the best, I was getting sick of half-meanings. I wasn’t coming back, and the slim chance I could, I would be barely alive to tell the tale.
As she turned, something triggered in my mind. ‘Oh yeah… I’m forgetting someone.’ I felt myself getting reluctant. The person she reminded me of… the person that would definitely not be okay with any false hope, generalized chit-chat, and who wouldn’t hold her tongue back on how she felt about it.
Neither her tears… She would be the one to say, ‘Come back, Sonic.’ without a shred of regret.
I felt a hand on my shoulder, and lifted my head up from that realization that I would have to face her… and convince her… of letting me leave…
For good this time.
“It’s not like you to look so gloomy, Sonic.” Knuckles… the only one who really wouldn’t put on a front that was fake.
I turned to him and flicked my nose, as we stood and faced each other, saying more with our stares into the other’s soul then any ‘not saying it’ goodbyes everyone else was trying to hold back.
He shakingly held up a hand, and seeing him about to lose himself, I took it immediately, giving him strength to help him rise up and stay strong.
He nodded, but couldn’t look back in my eyes… he was probably gonna cry somewhere off on Angel Island… and I… preferred it that way.
I gave a strong pull and tightened my grip on the embraced hands, giving him a strong look, and he finally smiled with a ‘tsk’, realizing I wasn’t gonna let him go till he could do it.
He returned the gesture and smirked, narrowing his eyes back into mine.
‘That’s it, buddy. Don’t falter the good fight.’ I thought to myself as we held that position for a moment, and finally… he let me go.
“Safe travels… but that would be an understatement.” He folded his arms, still smiling, before looking his head to the ground and concealing his smile… “Tails told me he wanted to say more to you… I would let him.”
“...Haa..!” I breathed out and arched my back towards the ground, not really wanting to face another hard goodbye so soon… but if it meant holding off from confronting Amy… I would do it. “Guess everyone’s taking my vacation kinda hard, huh?” I joked, but Knuckles just grabbed my head and started rough-housing his glove against my spiky quilled head.
“Get in a tan while you’re at it! You’re too pale skinned!” he gruffed.
I tried to push my head up but he kept it down, “H-hey! Knuckles!” but I did get a glance up… and let him keep my head down…
I could see water streaming down his muzzle like a cascading waterfall… guess I was bound to see it. No use keeping it all together and within.
With Knuckles and Tails… I embraced them, closing my eyes as Tails finally said what he really wanted to.
“I won’t forget you!” He cried out, gripping my back tightly. “I will be everything you believed me to be! I will protect the planet and things we love most, and I won’t let Eggman get away with this!”
‘Hang in there, buddy.’ I just lightly patted his back, about two or three, but was really starting to feel the toll now.
My eyes felt droopy, I was losing energy…
“You’re not gonna be alone! In that dimension, I’m sure you’ll meet others that look like us too! They’ll be there to support you, I’m sure of it!” Tails’s comforts only gave me a greater stone in my heart, but I knew he was only trying to help.
“Thanks, buddy. Take care of yourselves.” I pulled away but felt Tails resisting.
I paused as Knuckles saw I couldn’t show Tails my face… and took his arm.
“Come on, kid. He’s got a whole galaxy and then some to save.” Knuckles helped pulled Tails off and redirect his tears and anguish onto himself, having him coil up with his tails around Knuckles and start banging his chest.
“He doesn’t have to go alone! We could go with him!” he cried out, as I froze in my spot… tired. Too tired to even walk ahead… to be away from hearing it… to be away from my friends who were as close as family to my lonely self now… though I’d never admit it out loud.
“...Then who’d be here, Tails? Guarding the Master Emerald? Saving this world?” Come on, don’t give him--or me--that.” He patted his back strongly, “Stay strong, kid. We’ve gotta show him off with strength, it’s that strength he’ll need for the coming battle.”
“R-right…” Tails fought through his tears and turned around, “Sonic… We’re with you. You have our strength.” he held up his fists,... but I didn’t feel strength.
I felt so… weak.
I felt my body wanting to just submit but I wouldn’t let it.
I gave a sharp nod behind me, letting it linger, showing my friends nothing was going to phase me… and took off.
I couldn’t face Amy.
How could I?
I almost collapsed to my knees unable to move from everyone else!
However… my feet brought me to her home, and by now, it was pretty late at night.
She had no idea.
She didn’t know I was leaving, how long I’d be… how I needed her to move on.
A part of me hated to imagine that. But as I approached the home, the lights were out, and I felt a moment of relief.
‘Sleeping…’ my eyes lowered, as I tenderly and sorrowfully looked up to her window. ‘Quietly… peacefully… I shouldn’t disturb it.’
I felt so weary… tired of saying so many goodbyes without actually saying the stupid word.
I hated it.
The tears… the fear no one was admitting… the unknown was now looming over my fate, and at first I felt prepared… but now… I just wanted to get it over with.
‘Keep my friends safe first, then move on.’ I tightened my fist, finding a resolve. ‘I’ve gotta at least see her… Even if it is the last time…’
I felt power rising back to my bones, my muscles tensing and getting ready. I zoomed off to pick a flower, one I had always found to be Amy’s favorite--and well, might as well admit mine too--and took off to a tree branch right at her window.
I was off-balance, flailing a bit as I only had the tip of my shoe to steady myself on the ledge of her bedroom window, but putting the flower in my mouth I started to squeeze my fingers through the small crack under the plane.
It gave way, at last, not being locked.
I slowly rose it up after a few tugs and darted in, rolling on the ground with my quills as a cushion to make sure I landed swiftly but didn’t cause a stir.
Not much of a sound, besides the tumbling of my feet back to the ground.
I rose up and looked to my side…
Even in the night air, her quills swayed in blissful ignorance of the current situation. Her soft breaths lured me in and back, as my feet began to softly tread forward towards her.
I passed her nightstand, with a picture of us holding up peace-signs and hearts with our fingers and thumbs, just something goofy we did at some park or whatever.
Near it, a vase of the flowers I usually brought her. Some were wilted, yikes. I had kinda hoped I would visit at least enough times so she could switch them out frequently enough to not keep the dead ones.
I flinched at that imagery and thought… she kept the dead ones… when I didn’t replace them fast enough… and visit her often.
I took the flower out of my mouth and gently was about to place it on her nightstand… but stopped.
Time froze then, as my eyes darted up.
I won’t accept this.
I pulled back the flower to me and squinted my eyes, turning away from the picture and bent flowers, balding as their petals lay around the vase’s bottom…
I was getting irritated. Amy was the last, I had to do more than this. It wouldn’t be fair… no matter how much I dread it… I can’t just leave her without her final words…
I lightly pressed the freshly picked flower up to my muzzle… taking in it’s scent and thinking how I was going to do this… efficiently… without her suspecting this was my final farewell…
To lose her… to knowly have her lose me…
How to word this… how to even plan this?
All of that faded when I took another glance at her.
My serious expression was replaced with silent admiring.
She was so loyal. Any man would be crazy not to see her fidelity.
...She’d move on without me…
Find someone to love, Amy? I couldn’t say that, it almost made me gag to think about it. Plus, I’d think about it in hindsight once I’m floating in the nethersphere and realize that was too boldly assuming Amy could find anyone besides her miraculous gift at always locating me.
Be loved, Amy? As if no one does, that’s just cruel. She’s constantly surrounded by people and friends that adore her. No… No, I couldn’t say that.
She’d stir and think something was wrong with either of those lines…
I tapped the flower against my muzzle, further watching her quills sway gently in the blowing breeze, as though comforting her from the heat of the moment she was so innocently unaware of.
‘Alright,’ I finally said, having taken long enough time to figure this out. I hadn’t thought about any of my goodbyes this long because the people were already awake and holding up fronts. No fronts here… Just Amy. Sleeping. Waiting patiently for me to come by and replace a dozen of her dying roses…
Man, this was hard.
I leaned my head back and felt myself wincing at the idea I had come up with. Fool her into thinking she was dreaming? It could work, since Amy often daydreams and would go, ‘Is this a dream?’ quite frequently.
Yeah… That outta do it.
I sighed, this would still be faking it unless…
I twirled the stim of the flower between my two finger tips…
Unless I put the front down.
I looked away… I knew what I was talking about, duh.
But… that would be hard. I’m normally really shy about expressing my feelings, especially when it comes to receiving admiration or… Well, or this.
I lightly kissed the flower for good luck, winked to try and get myself into a romantic mood, but also took a long breath in and harshly let it out in a bit of stubbornness to prepare myself for speaking with my heart over my image…
Her hero… deserves to send himself off after wishing her goodnight.
I moved to her bedside and decided it was best to bend to one knee, at least, she may find it endearing.
Lightly, I teased her awake gently by brushing the rose over her eye, twiddling it before lightly stroking her face like it was a paint brush.
She gave little, soft groans of discomfort, tenderly waking up as I smiled in eagerness to see her again.
I didn’t want to think this was the last time, nor play it out like that.
I wanted, at least this one, to be genuine but disguised as a wishful, whimsical dream she was having. I could… send myself off knowing she was happy.
That was the way I wanted it to be. An ideal.
Amy crying in my arms and me having to hold her till it was time to go was too painful to even bare a thought of!
I didn’t want to waste my time trying to comfort when this wasn’t something that anyone could be comforted on!
Strength… Knuckles spoke of strength?
I tsked, I didn’t want to leave Amy with ‘strength’ or take anyone else’s strength when they needed all the help they could get!
They already mustered everything together to see me off, I wouldn’t bare it again, I would never let Amy bare that either…
Maybe she’d hate me when she fully came too, realized what had happened, and sob for centuries…
I felt something stab at my throat, and I forced myself to swallow after a few failed attempts.
‘Don’t cry, Amy… I want to make that very clear.’ I thought I could do this, but seeing her blink her eyes open made me realize how I really just wanted to flee from this whole ordeal.
I didn’t want to break Amy’s heart. Even knowing she’d cry later was just as equally tormenting than having her do so in front of me now.
I wouldn’t break her heart… but I probably should. I wouldn’t dwell too much on it. Amy’s a big girl now, she’ll have to come around and realize that I’m not coming back-
I couldn’t finish my thoughts as she rubbed her eyes and yawned, looking over to me.
“...Emm… Sonic?”
Now was my last chance… to tell her everything or… at least, not put up the charades anymore.
“Heya.” I whispered, finding a smile I didn’t realize I still had. “Long time no see.”
She looked a bit confused, maybe still half-way through dreamland, but relaxed back and took my hand holding the flower, “Flowers~” she giggled, and suddenly my entire night was made.
“Yeah, just for you.” I played, dangling the flower above her head and watched her drowsily paw at it like a cat would a string. She scrunched her nose up, still snickering as though trying to laugh but her lungs hadn’t woken up that far yet.
“I like it.” she yawned again, and her batting reach grew lesser and lesser until I handed her the flower. “I missed you.” her grip on my hand was so light… I didn’t realize how the touch would send me into such immediate, gripping grief.
My heart was being choked, man, I’m so dramatic! I never knew I could feel this intensely about something like saying goodbye to everyone!
It wasn’t goodbye… If I told myself that, I could do it!
“I-” I felt my voice get constrained and had to take a moment to wipe my own face and get a grip. ‘Keep it together, Sonic… or she’ll know.’ I pep-talked myself and shook my head, “I thought you would.”
“Hehe… You’re still funny.” she let her sluggish finger poke and slide around my face, making me watch her with a puzzled but funny look that continued to keep her laughing.
“Am I still in a dream?”
That… made me so happy.
“Well, depends.” I stated, getting comfortable as I moved from my knee to squatting by her side, inching closer and pulling my hands back to give my heavy head some leverage… more than what I could do for my heart at this point. “What was going on in your dream?”
“Hmm…” she thought a second, almost closing her eyes and drifting back to sleep.
Maybe that was for the best… but…
I kinda didn’t want it to end.
“Amy..?” I lightly called out to her as her eyes twitched slightly and she graced me again with their vision… green… darker than mine, but emerald like the sea below Angel Island… highlighted by it’s chaotic glow.
“We were… having a picnic… in Spagonia, maybe?” she rubbed her eyes, still having the other hand holding mine.
“Ah, I remember that!” I instantly found myself looking up, and my spirits soar. “You were so obsessed with the architecture! You barely ate, you had so much to say about how beautiful it all was.”
“Well, it was..!” she lazily commented, her eyes trying to fight the sleep. I didn’t feel bad about keeping her somewhat awake though… I realized… I needed this. I needed this too.
“Amy… You were beautiful there too.” My words I had never uttered allowed, now made me think back and remember all the times I’ve thought it, but wouldn’t dare speak it out loud. “But you know that, don’t you?” I smiled even wider, seeing her pause a second as though falling back to sleep or in disbelief.
“This is a dream!” she exclaimed and started laughing as though evilly, “Then come to bed. I need a good cuddle…”
I looked away and had to hide my snickering, I never knew Amy could be scandalous! ...scratch that, I never knew she would DREAM of something so ridiculous!
“How about just your hand?” I cradled it with both mine, seeing her fiddle with the flower and press it right up to her nose. I worried it’s strong scent would wake her up… but it didn’t. I tossed her dead-weighted hand around and toyed with her a moment, before lowering my head to it, and letting her own scent trail its way into my memory and feel her warmth from the bed’s covers override my own heated anxiety.
“Amy… I-” I felt my eyes growing sleepy too… All the times I could have just teased her by climbing over the covers and laying beside her… how I wanted that more than ever, to just… take a nap and let each other hold the other… No images, no expectations… just.... Tired. “I missed you too.”
“Hmm?” she was waking up more, I needed to make this quick.
“Heh,” In the moments I had had with her… this was bound to be the best, though bittersweet, of my favorites. “I’m gonna miss you… but I need you to go back to sleep now, finish that wonderful dream of yours… and never stop having it.” I couldn’t tell her to move on. Gosh dang it, I couldn’t!
I was holding her hand, I was letting it rest right up against my face and I- … I-!!!
I was getting to invested in this goodbye.
I speedily let go of her hand and got up, startling her awake.
I gripped my fists tightly, “This was a mistake.” I looked away, “I can’t stay here… I can’t say these things anymore.”
“I have to go away now, Amy.” I couldn’t be sweet to her, I’d ruin her!
“What… why?” she started to turn on the bed, “Is this… real?”
A real nightmare. I was gonna die. I knew it. Even if I lived, I would be stuck in another dimension with no way out.
Tails… Even if there was another Tails, Knuckles, and-... And Amy! I would owe it to her but..! But..!
“If I find you again… I won’t hold back anymore, alright?” I didn’t want to make a promise.
“What..? N-no…” She started to sit up on her bed, and I rushed to put the covers back over her, hoping to convince her to go back to bed.
“No other will do… that’s wrong, isn’t it?” I had seen people who looked like my friends in other dimensions… it was foolish of me to think that would suffice. Amy… if she knew what I was saying, she’d probably stomp the ground and cry out that it wouldn’t be fair, that none of those other girls were still her… it would be too cruel. I’ve messed up. I’ve gotta go-!
I felt her suddenly grapple me and turn me onto the bed.
“A-Amy!” I was absolutely startled, I didn’t expect her to be so strong while she was still getting up.
“I’m cold.” she lied, holding me down and tightly. “Don’t go.”
“Amy, I can’t do this. I can’t do this anymore..!” I tried to fight it, but she was absolutely strong, and I even questioned if she was faking being asleep.
But I waved my hand over her eyes and watched as they closed and she was slowly falling back to sleep.
“You make this so challenging.” I huffed, but smiled and chuckled at how even in her sleep, she was a rascal. “I can’t stay…” I lightly put my hand to the side of her face, which she leaned into, and tried to move her head to my chest. “But trust me,... if there is a way… I won’t fail you twice.” I cupped her adorably sleepy but scarily strong head in my hands as she tried to resist it a bit, but was able to move and lower her back to her pillow. Slyly figuring out a way to not disturb her, I pushed the other pillow to have her hold it, and made my way out of her grasp. “Phew…”
Memories of Amy’s antics swarmed me… then Tails… then Knuckles… then everyone…
I ended up falling to my butt and spending a good minute trying to conceal my tears without a sound.
She fell asleep… thank goodness.
I got up and picked up the flower that was slightly crushed from under her back, and placed it back on the counter. I took two petals that had fallen and placed one in her hand… then the other I tucked under my glove and held in the space between my bare palm and glove.
“Don’t wait for me anymore.” I tugged the bottom of my glove down, making sure the petal wouldn’t accidentally fall out and that it was secure. I gave one final, good look over to her…
“...But dream of me… always…”
-A New Day-
I woke up immediately when I groggily read the text from Tails that Sonic was badly injured, but somehow, used the last of the Chaos Energy inside his body to locate the Master Emerald across dimensions, and jumped!
“Jumped!? W-woah-woah!” I fell out of my bed and crashed hard on my chin, but adjusting to the pain, I kept scrolling through the updates.
He was Chaos Controlled directly from the Master Emerald with the help of a confused Knuckles who reacted at once and used his own influence over the Master Emerald to channel it’s power to wherever Sonic was reaching from.
He apparently came back, half-alive…
My eyes shook in terror, “Oh, Sonic!” I felt my heart leap out of my chest as I quickly wrote back as I spoke the words aloud. “Where is he!? I’ll house him. Tell Vanilla and Cream to bring everything to my house! Food, medicine, the works! We won’t lose him again!”
My eyes were still red from countless, sleepless nights of waiting for him to come through my window and surprise me again. I really had thought I imagined it… but I woke up with a petal from a new flower in my hand, and looked to see the one from my hallucinations that night on my nightstand.
When the others told me what he had done, I bashed the trees down and ranted with a mighty thunder in my step and tone how they should have believed in him more, should have given him hope, and the strength he needed wasn’t their undying love for him but their support in that he could do the impossible!
I kept telling myself, ‘Of course, he’ll come back!’ but my anger was from knowing that when he was trying to take my hand and say goodbye… he couldn’t.
He needed me! Oh, how my Sonic needed me to pull him in and shout out to the universe that he was going to be alright, that he was going to return, and that none of this was necessary!
I should have woken up and seen more clearly! I should have… I was the only one who could have contested their naysaying and cheered him up. I would have… I would have gotten so many words out that would be completely incoherent due to my rushing tears…
They brought him to me right away, and I was upset I couldn’t reach them in time to have helped moved him, but they insisted I stay put.
When I saw him… on a white gurney and barely able to stay awake… looking rough and completely done for… I felt my whole being cry out that he would make it… but my whole being slid down the door’s frame at just seeing him look so badly… so drained of life... 
He was out for days… but he had been gone for so long…
I was replacing his bandages, starting with the cooling rag, I was just gonna wipe him down from the sweat. I put him in my own bed and was sleeping by the side of the bed with my head to his side at night… sleeping in my chair, nursing him back to health.
He didn’t make much noise expect for awful twitches that would make me think he was dying… it scared me so much… but I held his hand as he would groan in his sleep, as though trying to move and wake up … but couldn’t.
Couldn’t… shouldn’t… wouldn’t… 
Could, would, should…
These words were infuriating me lately.
I dipped the cool rag into the water on my nightstand, which I had used to replace the vase with flowers, but kept the last flower in a see-through box, letting it sit on my windowsill as I waited through endless nights for him…
My eyes must have made me look like a raccoon rather than a hedgehog by now… but as I wiped them and patted his darling, but hurt face… I finally saw him breath out and roll his head towards my touch.
My eyes widened, was this his last breath or first real moments of consciousness?
“S-…” I felt my voice break against a dam of emotions. “Sonic?” Then flood my mouth, “Sonic!?” the sound vibrated to every cell, sparking me to life as I jolted up and hung over him. “Sonic, can you hear me!?”
His eyes were blurred, but he opened them, looking around as though unable to see me.
“Sonic! Sonic, you’re alive! You’re here!” I said that to assure him of him, not for myself.
I embraced him with restrained joy, trying to not hurt him further, as I heard him cough and try and reach his hand up.
I immediately pulled back and helped him up, hearing him hiss at the pain but fighting it.
“S-sorry! I’ll let you rest more-” I was gonna lower him back down but he put a hand out to my shoulder, as though telling me not too.
He adjusted himself to leaning back and I put pillows in his way to give him some comfort as he was somewhat up now.
“How are you feeling? You okay?” That was stupid to ask, but I was so worried… one peep, one little, measly sound would drown out all this panicking… anything!
He coughed again, and looked around.
Seeing where he was, his eyes widened and he looked back to me, as though stunned.
“You’re home… Sonic, you’re…” I covered my mouth, bursting into tears and dropping to my knees, holding myself up with my other hand gripping the bed.
I turned my hand around to show him the palm of my hand, tucked into my gold bracelet was his petal he had left in my hand, ripped and torn, crinkled and decaying… I never let it go.
He smiled and let out a puff of relief and--what I assume to be--joy as he scratched weakly at his own glove.
“Y-you want it off..?” I was speaking through tears, and blinked several times to see what I was doing, and wiping my tears away before lifting his glove up and seeing…
Not even tarnished. It was as though the petal in the palm of his hand was eternal, as though the dimension was only a blink in time, but it was still a vibrant rosy color, pinkish hue, but leaning more towards the red.
I dipped my head to his hand and just cried, kissing the palm and the petal as I knew what it meant.
“I missed you too.” I finally broke my voice and wailed in my tears.
I knew he hated goodbyes and crying…
But I knew how much he loved ‘hellos’.
(resisted Italics this time lol  Better with or without them? -meaning both Bold, Underlined, etc.-)
(ALSO! I remembered I was gonna do kissing but I was so wrapped and enthralled in the drama that I forgot o-o; Eh, makes it more in-character XD)
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ninjakasuga · 3 years
Sonally Celebration Week! Year Three, Day Six: Rescue
Sonally Celebration Week, Year Three, Day Six: Rescue
Day six, and admittedly the toughest piece to write since well, action scenes require more finesse than a domestic/slice of life story. The journey continues, and since my main focus mostly centers on Sonic and Sally’s post Robotnik/Eggman war peace time lives, I like to flex different events when the prompts give way to good inspiration. When one has to do with rescuing, well, let’s just say, if you’re dumb enough to harm someone’s children, woe comes to you in waves.
Day Six: Rescue.
It was supposed to have been a nice, pleasant day. Go to Spagonia with your big bro and his wife, enjoy flying in a fancy transport ship. While Sonic and Sally do the diplomatic thing, Sonia and Manic would watch J.C. and Kathy as they got to enjoy the city. See the sights, enjoy some ice cream and crepes from the city vendors, and just have a good old time! However, it wasn’t to last, the day was ruined when the sound of their ‘secret tail’ security guards crying out after being, well truthfully Sonia didn’t get to hear what exactly happened to their bodyguards (she hoped they were alive). All she heard was some muffled noise; some people screaming, and suddenly a van rolled up, and people in masks and jumpsuits grabbed and knocked them all out.
After coming too, she woke up to a bag over her head, only to have it torn off, and bright lights flashing in her face. A camera was aimed at them as some jerkoff using a voice-modulating helmet to obscure his identity was making some long list of demands and basically laid out they were collateral if those demands were not met. She tried to make everything out, but she was still groggy from waking up from whatever they used to knock her out. Manic was no better when she asked him if he gleaned anything she missed, sadly he was as groggy as she had been. She knew better than to ask the kids, clearly the six-year-olds were ‘terrified’ and wanted nothing more than to go home and jump into their parents arms.
Hell, the sixteen year old herself wanted to hug her parents just as badly. After that song and dance with the camera, all four were dragged to this cell of sorts, and left there with a guard detail. Whatever they wanted, they seemed to be serious, or at least wanted to come off that way. Her keen eye noticed some of their guards seemed unsettled. Like they were not keen they had kidnapped children. Maybe she, or Manic could use that? A little of the ol’ duo-charm to-.
“Auntie Sonia?” The small, childish voice snapped the older hedgehog out of her thoughts. Instantly her head snapped to the small child resting in her lap.
Forcing a calm smile, Sonia gently petted Kathleen’s soft auburn hair, which had blue tips at the end. Many thought it was dyed, but it was merely something that seemed to happen to both children, who inherited their Mother’s auburn tresses. Yet at the tips, bits of blue would form over time. No doubt the stubbornness of her big brother’s genes at work. Just hand to mingle with Sally’s.
“What’s up kiddo?” She asked her niece as she continued to stroke her head, and did her best to seem calm and collected. She and Manic were the adults here, they needed to be strong for these precious babies.
Green eyes look up, then over to the cell door, then back to Sonia’s own. “I wanna go home.” A simple request, but what child wouldn’t want to go home with this kind of situation abound? “Why do these guys wanna be mean to Mommy and Daddy?”
Another voice spoke up, the disdain high and snark on full. “Cuz they’re- and I quote.” Manic Hedgehog interjected, keeping his voice calm, and then upping the volume as he aimed his words at their guard. “A BUNCHA COWARDS WHO RESORT TO KIDNAPPING KIDS!!” He shouted with full malice at their captors, which made both children recoil, and his sister wince.
“Manic!” Hissed Sonia as she reached out and yanked at his ear. “Stop it! You’re just making it harder for J.C. and Kathy!” She growled at her brother, her eyes going to the door to their cell and sure enough their masked guard had turned to regard them. Thankfully he just turned away and went back to guarding.
“Well these bozos need to know what kind of d*ckless, wussies they are!” Retorted Manic, the green-dyed-furred hedgehog with a growl in his voice. Usually Manic was chill, and easy-going with a touch of mischief. He was running red right now, his niece, nephew and sister being put in danger can do that to someone. “Plus they’re f*cking idiots!”
“Manic, language!” Sonia chastised further as she covered his mouth with a hand. “Not that I disagree with you, but is antagonizing our captors the wisest idea?!”
Removing her hand from his mouth, Manic let out a dismissive snort. Yet his gaze softened some as he saw the kids were looking antsy again. “Maybe not, but seriously what kind of idiots kidnaps the Prince and Princess of a Kingdom? I mean, you want a war? Plus think of their parents, heroes of the war against the Big Robo and Big Eggy! I mean that’s a recipe for doom more than my Taco Tuesday Blowout Cookout.” The food wasn’t the issue, so much as the aftermath, but worth it in Manic’s eyes.
A small rumbling was heard and J.C. blushed as eyes rested on him. “...I’m hungry, and Uncle Manic makes great tacos.” He managed a smile, despite clearly still being scared.”
“Heheh, once we get out I’ll make us all some.” Manic promised as he lovingly scratched the back of his nephew’s ears. He did the same for Kathleen, not wanting her to feel left out. “Also, sorry about the yelling and language, I’m just pis-er-pointedly angry at the bad guys.”
“We’re ‘not’ the bad guys.” Their guard finally spoke, snorting loudly. The way he seemed to clutch his weapon and his covered tail (they seemed intent to make it hard to guess their species) twitch and move, hinted at his anger at such an accusation.
Despite having just chastised Manic for antagonizing their captors; Sonia found herself unable to not engage them. “Not from where we’re standing. Uncouth as my brother put it, he called it right. Nobody who kidnaps children are the good guys.”
“We’re not going to harm you, we’re just sending a message.” His steadfast tone, carried a firmness of whatever convictions he carried about their unknown ‘cause’.
“What sort of message? We’re kidnapping your kids, so we invite you to come kick our butts? Seriously, what else do you expect?” Sonia inquired, keeping her tone polite, hoping perhaps this guard might spill some kernel of information they could use. Then a thought occurred to her. “What happened to the bodyguards watching us? I heard them cry out, did you capture them too or did you kill them?”
“We shot them, but we didn’t shoot to kill.” The guard callously responded. “They should live.”
“Do you know that for a fact? Even a crippling gunshot can lead to death if they bleed out before they get help or the injury causes the right amount of trauma. I heard multiple muffled sounds… If they got shot multiple times that increases the chances they didn’t make it.” The magenta-dyed hedgehog stated with cold, medical fact. “They also had families, so nice job dipwad, you possibly widowed and orphaned two families.” It was petty, but seeing his body language shift and just slightly shake before firming back up gave Sonia a sense of satisfaction. “You could have used stun-blasters.”
The guard hissed back his reply, but she could tell he was trying to justify his words to himself. “You can’t silence stun-blasters.”
Rolling his eyes, Manic decided to chime in. “So you bozos prioritized not making noise, over making your little power grab as bloodless as possible.”
“If they die, our leaders will make it right, all of this has a purpose! It’s to make things better-!”
It wasn’t Sonia or Manic that cut the man off, but J.C.’s small but clearly angry voice. “So making Mr. Hunigan and Mrs. Fletcher dead is alright when you say so?” The boy’s fists clenched tightly. “They were nice people, and we know their kids, they’re our friends… you took their Dad n’ Mom from them you-you, j-jerk!”
“Gee, even the six year old can see it clear as day.” Sonia icily sneered at their captor, scooting closer she slid both her arms around her family and kept them close.
“Mommy, sh-she and Daddy are gonna find us.” Kathleen managed to speak up, wiping her eyes, like her brother managed the most fearsome glare she could. “They’ll find us and kick your butts! They’re heroes, they always save the day!”
Turning, the guard’s helmet, visor and cloth covering their mouth obscured whatever Mobian species they were. “Your parents are part of the problem! If not for the Acorn Kingdom’s meddling along with the other outsider nations, we wouldn’t need to do this!”
“Only meanies justify their actions by blaming others!” Humphed the young princess as she turned her head away, as if to utterly disregard her captor. Oh Sonia and Manic’s heart swelled.
“I gotta agree with Kathy here, sounds like blame-gaming here-.” Manic mused, only to be cut off by their clearly irate captor.
“If they hadn’t meddled with the trade tariffs making exporting goods harder, not to mention their invasive meddling with our affiliate cities-!”
A lightbulb went off in Sonia’s head. “Wait, wait, time out!” She put her hands together in the referee gesture to hopefully get a word in. “You guys are blaming them for the trade issues and the Acorn Kingdom’s presence in your sister cities? Um, dude, hoo boy, you are probably being played by whoever your leaders are.”
“Bite your tongue-!” “Okay you know what, screw that, and kids I’m sorry but-.” After giving her niece and nephew an apologetic look, she quickly sent her captor a fiery glare. “First off, F*CK you! Second, the Kingdom sent delegations to those cities BY REQUEST! The mayors asked for aid in looking into some oddities with exports from Spagonia going in and out because they realized something was hinky with the weird laws and micro-managing coming out of Spagonia’s Trade & Commerce Ministry. Any of your Minister’s calling the investigations meddling or preludes to occupation are trying to play the dodge game moron! Second of all, the tariff problem? I shouldn’t say this, but I love talking shop with my sis-in-law, and boy a lot of the issues stem from how they were set up, like someone ‘wanted’ the tariffs to cause issues and sow discord. It’s a big political set-up but my big-brained Sis likes big-brained chess and she’s onto some corruption from within Spagonia’s Trade & Commerce Ministry.”
She watched as the guard looked uneasy, and his compatriot to the far way seemed to be listening in as well and had lowered his weapon some. “That, that can’t be possible.”
Footsteps could be heard as another similarly dressed guard walked into view of the first one. “Ignore them comrade, they’re trying to unnerve you.” “What if it’s true our leaders are lying to us? Given who some of them are-.” “Shut your mouth before you give anything away!” The other, more burly guard hissed as he raised a gloved hand, poised to smack his comrade if he didn’t do as he said. With his associate cowed, he turned to the cell and pointed his weapon. “Shut your mouths or I might just have to shut it for you.”
Manic moved in front of his sister, nephew and niece, arms out. “Touch them buddy, and you and I are gonna tussle!”
“Uncle Manny don’t!” “D-don’t get hurt!” “Manny…” Sonia held the children close, but tried to soothe her brother. “Don’t, they’re clearly too deluded to listen.”
“You will see it is you who is delusional!” The burly captor spoke, with a zeal of a true-believer. “Once it’s clear your Queen and your treacherous nation are outed as the villains they are, things will become bet-.”
Suddenly the entire room rumbled, and the sound of muffled shouts, and fighting could be heard in the other room. All their captors turned toward the metal door just out of view of Sonia, Manic and the children. Suddenly the door flies off its hinges, slamming into the far guard who cried out in pain and terror as they are taken out. A familiar ‘rev up’ sound is heard and then a blue blur slams into the burly captor sending him flying. As the sounds of fists fly, another far off captor raises their weapon, only for the sound of jets to get clouder and a familiar southern drawl is heard shouting. “TAKE A NAP YA’ CREEP!” A blaster bolt is heard firing off screen. Soon a blue energy blast hits the captor, causing them to drop their weapon as the stun-bolt freezes their whole body. As another guard attempts to fight, the flying Rabbot zooms him and body-tackles the would-be-attacker, a loud, thick ‘crunch’ of metal hitting flesh is heard. Clearly a one-hit-KO.
The original guard readies their weapon, trying to pick a target, clearly panicking. “Ho-hold or I’ll shoot!”
Their weapon is cleaved in two, falling from their hands, and in the next half-second, the tip of the weapon responsible is held at their throat. This man finds himself looking into the very, angry blue eyes of the Queen of the Acorn Kingdom herself, Sally Acorn. Wielding an ornate sword with the crest of her family on the hilt, and ornate lines etched into the blade. For a second the guard swore the weapon’s blade glowed for a moment, but whatever the case, it was clear the Sword of Acorns (reforged and imbued with Sally’s residue Super energy) was capable of cutting quite nicely.
Her voice was ever commanding, calm and serene, yet deadly and potent. She was clearly angry, but using said anger as a laser-focused weapon instead of being consumed by it. For now.
“You will let my babies and my younger siblings out of that cell. Now, no questions. If you so much as dare do anything but I ask, you will regret it. Do not force me to spill blood before my children, because you WILL live to regret it.” She vowed.
“N’ she ain’t the only one you need ta’ worry about.” Uttered Bunnie Rabbot, as she got up from pummeling her foe into unconsciousness. She flexed both of her cybernetic arms which transformed into blaster mode on the right, and nasty energy axe on the left. “You further threaten my God-Children or Manny and Sonia’s well-being. I might just forget I’m a Southern Lady.” While plain and frank, there was a menace in her eyes mirroring Sally’s, and the hum of her weapons furthered showed she was not playing games.
A small ‘boom’ and a flash of blue from across the room, and the guard found Sonic the Hedgehog on the other side of him, arms crossed, and foot tapping rapidly. “Door, open, my kids and siblings safely in arms, now!’ He didn’t bother making threats, he didn’t need to.
The guard simply let out a pathetic sound, wet himself and passed out onto the floor.
Without a word, Sonic dug at their belt, found the key and quickly as he could unlocked the cell door, and threw it open. All anger, and intimidation left his face (as well as Sally and Bunnie who put away their weapons) as the look of a worried parent and brother overcame all else. “Are you four okay?! Did they hurt you any-?!” “DADDY, MOMMY!!” Instantly Kathleen, and J.C. dashed into the arms of their Father, with their Mother soon joining in the hug, checking them over.
“Oh my babies!” Sally clutched her family tightly, kissing the children all over their faces and tops of their heads, as she checked them for injuries. “It’s okay now, Daddy and Mommy are here, oh God I’m so sorry this happened, that we weren’t there to stop you from being taken.” She babbled, as the kept-in-check emotions burst from the dam she erected to focus on the rescue.
“We’re sorry, we’re sorry…” Sonic murmured, his heart still racing even with all his joy held firmly in his arms. Lifting his gaze, tear-stained he looked to his siblings worriedly. “How’re you two holding up? They didn’t hurt any of you did they?”
“Nah, they just… dragged us around at most.” Manic shrugged, but was clearly relieved this whole thing was over. As he stood he found his legs shaking, and leaned against his equally leg-shakey sister. “All that said, glad you guys found us so soon.” Moving closer, Bunnie shifted her arms, what was metal now, began to flash with energy and seemingly disassemble back to flesh and blood. The wonders of bio-nanite tech. Once her arms were organic again she pulled the two hedgehog siblings into a hug. “Sorry we didn’t get here sooner sugah, but we had to basically strong-arm some of the Spagonia government to give us the okay to act. Though once Sally n’ Sonic scared these bozos' supposed leaders into talkin’ they squealed like- well sumthin I can’t say within earshot of kiddos.”
Sonia let herself chuckle, relief and a sense of security flooding her being as she leaned into the hug. “So, lemme guess, the Trade Minister and his flunkies were the culprits?”
“Yeah, I mean we were gonna confront em’ with the evidence Nicole uncovered, but you all bein’ taken kinda forced our hands.” Bunnie further explained as she scratched the back of their ears soothingly. “U-Uncle Manny and Auntie Sonia, looked after us, we’re okay…” J.C. managed to speak once his throat wasn’t sore from crying (this time from happiness).
“Hmm-hmm, they’re the best as always!” Kathleen agreed, sniffling and wiping her eyes as she remained cocooned by her parents and brother.
Smiling, Sonic reached over and managed to give each of his younger siblings an affectionate arm-punch. “Somehow I knew they’d have it under control.” Well more hoped, but he didn’t want to devalue his sibling’s efforts. No if anything he wanted them to ride the pride of keeping themselves and the kids safe.
“Lucky for us, as Sonia called it, these guys were morons. Dangerous ones, but morons.” The green-furred hedgehog blew out a breath, and then he recalled something. “Um, ah, how’re Agent Fletcher and Hunigan?”
“Alive.” Sally replied, still nuzzling her children, still unwilling to let them go. Her own heartbeat was finally starting to calm down and the adrenaline high was crashing. “They were hurt badly, but both are tenacious and they got help just in time. They might have to retire from active duty early but we’ll be sure they’ll be looked after, their families too.”
“Oh thank goodness!” The two teens, and the younger children exclaimed, as joy at the news eased their hearts from the dread they felt prior.
Footsteps could be heard approaching, but the boot clomps’ were familiar. So no one tensed or got ready for another fight. Especially once Captain of the Royal Guard, Antoine D’Coolette emerged, wiping his sword blade clean with a cloth before sheathing it into its scabbard. “My Queen, ze fools have been disarmed, and rounded up. As you requested, we managed to take them all alive, if injured.” After a beat, he contemplated making a joke about some being ‘literally’ disarmed, but with the children there, he decided against it. “How are ze young ones?” He asked, decorum giving way to concerned God-Father, and as a fellow parent.
“Thankfully unhurt Sugah-Twan.” His wife replied, flashing a smile his way. “Where’s Tangle n’ Whisper?”
“Helping out Tails to ensure we didn’t miss anyone and secure the location.” Informed Antoine as he walked over, making sure all were fine, if to soothe his own fretful nature. They also will wish to zee’ that our rescuee’s are le’fine.”
Sniffing away the last of her tears, Kathleen looked up at her Mother. “Uncle Tails came too? I thought he was testing his new plane in the South Seas?”
“Once he heard the news, he jetted over as fast as he could and offered to help.” replied Sonic with a wide smirk of pride and relief for his ‘not-so-little’ bro. “Family sticks together, and well you guys are as much family as his own. Which by the way, I’m sure Tails will wanna set up a face-chat so Mina can see you’re all fine.”
“She is very fond of her biggest fans.” Chuckled Sally, who internally still found it ‘very’ weird, that Tails and Mina Mongoose hooked up. Their age gap wasn’t too bad, and clearly whatever happened to bring about their dating didn’t occur until Tais was eighteen/nineteen-ish. Then again he clearly had a thing for older women, at least his choices after Fiona Fox were an improved taste. As long as Mina was good to Tails, that was all she cared about, and they did seem like a good couple. Still weird but that was on her.
“Can we leave now?” J.C. asked softly looking up at both his parents hopefully.
“You got it son, we’ll juice n’ jam out of here and get you guys some food and tucked in for the night.”
“Can we have a sleepover in the hotel suite? Like all of us with blankets on the floor and pillows nests?” Asked Kathleen with big, hopefully eyes. A look her brother mirrored and nodded to her suggestion.
“Yeah, can we have a sleepover?!” Manic echoed, doing his best impersonation of the look.
“I don’t see why not, if everyone else is on board.” “Wouldn’t be hard for us all to fit in, big ol’ space, and like you could ask us to stay away after today.” Bunnie voiced her opinion with a warm smile at the children. Giving them assurance she was on board.
“Like the saying goes, the more the merrier.” Antoine stated to voice his blessing. “Plus I’m sure Bunnie and my own angels would love the idea as they too were worried about you four. As was your Nanny Miss Cream.” The coyote gently ruffled the hair of the two youngsters, his mind drifting to his children two years their senior. Yes, if they had been through this, he’d gladly acquiesce any whimsy they wanted within reason, and a sleepover to help soothe their nerves? A piece of cake.
Kathleen’s face fell as childish concern flooded her mind. “Oh no, that’s right, we were supposed to meet Jacque, Belle and Miss Cream after lunch…” “Hey they know we didn’t stand 'em’ up by choice.” Manic interjected as he flashed a smile and reached over to ruffle his niece’s cheek tufts.
“Let’s blow this pop stand, I want a hot bath, lots of bubbles and all the cheese cake…” Sonia muttered, feeling her own adrenaline rush and the weight of the whole ordeal finally sapping her energy.
“I hear that, let’s go home everyone.
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liveandlearn-kg · 3 years
Live and Learn
Prologue - Act 2/3
Read on Archive of Our Own!: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31463474/chapters/79061071#workskin
Previous Act: https://liveandlearn-kg.tumblr.com/post/652459405063995392/live-and-learn
Chapter Content Warnings: N/A
Despite our initial impressions, the two of us thought we would eventually find something of note that would explain where we are or why we’re here. However, the more we explored, the more we realized just how vast the land was. Loop-de-loops to run across, log bridges to cross, beautiful waterfalls that painted over a baby blue sky, and platforms that were both grounded and floating in the sky. The grass that was striped with different shades of green seemed to go on and on, seemingly only stopped by checkerboard dirt walls that held the grass on top of it. To say the place was expansive would have been underestimating it, as the land before us seemed to loop forever.
“I wonder when this’ll end?” Tails wonders aloud, as we roamed the landscape. I couldn’t help but agree with his question silently, not having an answer.
The land felt fake, but real at the same time. We hadn’t known where we were, everything was just too unfamiliar.
It was only seconds later we heard a new, feminine voice come out from above us, “You might not wanna step there fox boy.” it says.
However, the warning was too late, as Tails took one step forward, before stopping where he was to look up towards wherever the voice came from. The ground beneath him began to shake, before giving out and crumbling into dust in seemingly one second. The fox cries out in surprise, scrambling for the edge as the dirt seemed to disappear into nothingness. I run over in panic and grab his hand, pulling him up to safe ground. He panted, holding onto my own hand in a vice grip as he caught his breath, only letting go when he seemingly composed himself again.
“Told ya’ so,” the voice comments, causing Tails and I to look up again. There, on a platform above us was a white bat sitting with her legs both crossed and hanging off it. She had a cat-like smirk on her face, before jumping down from her perch in front of us. “Look down there,” she states, pointing to where the pit was.
The two of us look back to where the platform was, and I couldn’t have been more thankful I had stepped in even more. “Oh.” I state, not finding the right words to say. Tails seemed to be in the same boat, shocked at what was once below him. There was a pit filled with sharp, iron spikes that seemed to be able to puncture anything.
“Yeahhh this place is loaded with death traps like that, you might wanna watch your step.” the bat says as though this was a casual thing. She puts a hand on her hip, “Anyways,” she starts, putting emphasis on the n, “Hi strangers, I’m gonna assume you don’t happen to know where we are?” she asks.
As he hid his second tail around the first one, Tails shook his head, “Sorry.”
She shrugs, “Eh, it was worth a shot. So beside that, I’m just gonna assume you’re Ultimates like everyone else.”
That got an eyebrow raise from me, “So there’s more of us here?”
“Yep” she confirmed, popping the p as she glanced at her surroundings, before turning her head back to us. “What’re your guys’ names?”
I started first, pointing towards myself with a proud thumb, “They call me Sonic the Hedgehog! But Blue Blur, and Fastest Thing Alive are common nicknames for myself if you prefer those. I’m what the news refers to as the Ultimate Trackstar.” I brag.
Tails leads off of me, “And I’m the Ultimate Mechanic. My nickname is Tails.”
The bat nods, “Ah, I see who’s the more modest of you two,” she snarks, “After those two tails of yours right?” Tails looks surprised, before giving a sort of dejected look. She adds on, “Yeah you don’t do a good job of hiding them. But relax, they’re pretty neat. Just don’t try hiding them anymore, it looks silly when you do.”
“Oh… Okay…” Tails simply replies, folding his hears while looking embarrassed.
“Now, with that out of the way,” the bat starts, “You can call me Rouge the Bat. Like you two, I’m an Ultimate, the Ultimate Phantom Thief to be precise,” she states casually with a mischievous smirk.
“A PHANTOM THIEF?!” I cry in surprise.
Tails seemed to be taken aback by her response too, “Rouge the Bat?! As in THE person behind the heist of the Illusion Sapphire?!” Illusion Sapphire?
Rouge merely smirks, “The one and only,” she replies with a wink in our direction. I begin to scold myself internally for not being familiar with all these accomplishments or faces, just a consequence of deciding to not familiarize myself with the daily news.
“What’s a thief like yourself doing here?” I ask, trying to push aside the fact that I didn’t know this… accomplishment of hers, raising an eyebrow at her.
Rouge waves me off with a single hand with pursed lips, “Relax kid, it’s not like I steal from anyone. Besides if I had an answer I’d tell you, but like everyone else I can’t tell ya a single thing I know. I was just inspecting my jewel collection and then suddenly I fainted and I woke up here,” she explains, putting a hand on her hip and looking off to the side. “Just like you guys, am I right?”
I slowly nod, “Yes…? How did you know?” I could tell my eyebrow wasn’t going down anytime soon, as her behavior made me question her more and more.
The bat shrugs, “It’s the common trend. You two haven’t met anyone else here besides yourselves, so it makes sense you wouldn’t know. Everyone else has recounted similar experiences. They just have different beginnings, so I’m just assuming its nearly the same for everyone.”
Tails nods, “I see…” he trails off, looking to the side. He appeared to be thinking deeply about something. Both Rouge and I raised an eyebrow, but we didn’t say a thing.
I look towards Rouge, thinking back to her ultimate. “So you really are a great thief, huh?”
She nods, “You’d be surprised at just what kinda security I can weave through to get what I want. Luckily for you, it’s something I could never catch you all with. I’m only after jewels, so you don’t have to worry about anything. Unless you have one…” she explains, giving a mischievous smirk with her eyes sparkling at the mere thought of gems.
I cringe, “Nah, it’s not that I’m worried about being stolen from, it’s just the morality of it.”
She shrugs, “Suit yourself.”
“Anyways, you all should follow me. I’ve been scouting this place for other people before taking them back to this one spot. Everyone else should be there.” Rouge explains, motioning back behind her.
Tails looks in the direction she pointed towards, “So there are more people here besides us?” he asks, making a curious expression.
She nods, “Yeah, including us there’s 18 people in total so far, and given a trend I assume you’re the last of them.”
“What trend?” I ask.
Rouge just jumps in the air, flapping her wings and taking flight, “Follow with me and find out!” she yelled, causing Tails and I to look between us. I just gave him a shrug. She began to fly towards the direction she motioned towards. We took off in a run to follow her closely, being lead to where everyone else was, hopefully.
It took a while, after being suffocated in nothing but an ocean of green and brown. After a while though, we were greeted with a new splash of color, a splash of many colors actually. We met so many different faces of many different shapes.
“I have two more!” Rouge called, waving the group over. Everyone turned towards us, taking a look to see who it was. Rouge flew down and landed next to the group, “If everyone here is an Ultimate in the news then, they should be the last ones.”
“Everyone’s an Ultimate?” I asked, walking up to everyone else.
“Yeah, and if there’s eighteen known Ultimates then we’re probably the only eighteen people here,” explains a pink hedgehog. I nod, making a mental note about the number of ultimates. I admittedly didn’t knowing just how many there were, just that there were a lot. I look over a Tails who was by my side, making a nod that seemed to indicate whatever he was thinking about was confirmed.
Suddenly a little rabbit in an orange dress weaved out of the crowd, pulling a large purple cat in a belt by the hand. They ran up to Tails and me with hope in their eyes, “Um! Excuse me!” she called in a soft voice, “Have you seen a chao with a red bow tie or a frog with a tail?” she asked. “They were with us when we fainted and they never leave our side, but we haven’t seen them here. So we’re really worried…”
Tails frowns and scratches his head, “I’m sorry, but we haven’t seen anything like them since we woke up here. Just Rouge and you guys.”
The rabbit and cat share a dejected look, “Ah… okay…” the rabbit simply stated with a sigh.
“Froggy…” the cat mutters,
The pink hedgehog runs up to the two with a sympathetic look on her face, “Hey it’s okay, if anything it just means they’re probably away from here. When we get out we’ll go looking where you fainted, I’m sure they’re just as worried as you are,” she reassured with a gentle voice. The rabbit and cat merely nod. She then turned to us with a hand outstretched, “Hey, we haven’t introduced ourselves yet. I am Amy Rose, the Ultimate Fortune Teller. I assume you two are Sonic the Hedgehog and Miles Prower, the Ultimate Track Star and Ultimate Mechanic respectively.”
I look at Tails who was wearing a flustered look on his place, “Your name is Miles Prower?”
He began to knead his second tail and look off to the side, “Y-yeah. It’s embarrassing, I know. Miles Per Hour and all that haha... “ he explained, trying to give his best grin despite his obvious embarrassment.
I shake my head, “Yeah I can see why you would prefer a nickname over that,” I simply state, “Would you prefer me to still call you Tails?” I ask. Tails just nods as a sign of affirmation, not saying a word. I then turn to Amy, who had a questioning look on her face, “Anyways, yeah that’s us. But Miles prefers Tails over his actual name.”
Amy nods, giving Tails a thumbs up, “Tails, gotcha. I’m sure everyone else is willing to call you that, I don’t see why people wouldn’t be willing to,” she says. She looks back over at the crowd, who don’t voice any objections. She then turns back to the rabbit and the cat, “Why don’t we all introduce ourselves to them individually, to familiarize ourselves with each other, before we discuss the situation at hand. Let’s start with you two.”
The rabbit nodded with an “Mhm!” She slapped her cheeks with both her hands gently twice, before introducing herself, “Hello Mr. Sonic, Mr. Tails, my name is Cream the Rabbit, I’m the Ultimate Pet Sitter,” she said with a gentle voice, bowing her head. “It’s nice to meet you!”
The cat then continued off of her, “And I am Big the Cat. I am the Ultimate Fisherman.” He looked at us with an almost dead look in his eyes, but that didn’t really bother me. He seemed nice enough for the most part.
After Big was a silver hedgehog with sparkling, excited eyes. He waved excitedly, “Me next! My name is Silver the Hedgehog! They call me the Ultimate Psychic! It’s nice to meet you two.”
Another purple cat in a purple dress with a ponytail then followed up on him, noticeably more aloof than him, “My name is Blaze the Cat. Despite the inaccuracy of the title I’ve been assigned, I am what the public calls the Ultimate Pyrotechnician.”
We looked over towards Rouge, who was now next to a black and red hedgehog who had his arms crossed, and the big robot who seemed to constantly be glaring at us. She noticed the two of us were looking in her direction, as she then elbowed the hedgehog gently, “C’mon Shadow, introduce yourself,” she nudged slightly.
The hedgehog, who I assumed to be named Shadow, grunted. He looked up at the two of us, “The names’ Shadow the Hedgehog, and I am the Ultimate Life Form.” My eyes widened a bit, given how I was within the vicinity of THE Ultimate Life Form. I had only heard about him through word of mouth, and he seemed more like an idea than an actual person. But… here he is! It’s surprising to even here an Ultimate Life Form even exists.
The robot then went after Shadow, stating his name and title.. well, robotically. “I AM E-123 OMEGA, THE ULTIMATE MACHINE, AND THE ULTIMATE E-SERIES ROBOT.” I look over at Tails, who seemed to be a bit nervous at the sight of Omega, but I figured I’d ask him later when we weren’t in the middle of something else. Like now.
A red wolf then waved in our direction shyly with a hand behind his back. He had a large pair of red glasses resting on his muzzle and a utility belt of sorts placed across his chest. “Hi, I’m Gadget the Wolf. You can call me Gadget though. I’m the Ultimate Gunman, but I don’t actually shoot people so don’t worry. I just do sports, think of the shooting events from the Olympics,” he explained almost frantically.
A red armadillo then raised his hand above the crowd, making himself known to us. “We’ll go next!” He announced. He had a friendly and warm smile, obviously attempting to maintain a non-threatening appearance. Close by his side was a yellow flying squirrel wearing a baby blue scarf and a pair of goggles in the same shade. He was noticeably more excitable just by a quick look, wearing a big, unapologetic grin. “The name’s Mighty the Armadillo, and the news calls me the Ultimate Wayfarer. Hope we can be friends!”
The squirrel next to him nodded, “Yeah, what he said!” he continued, before before going off on his own introduction. “Ray the Flying Squirrel, you can call me Ray. I’m the Ultimate Navigator AND Mighty’s partner.”
Tails nodded, giving a slight chuckle, “Well, you do seem to be very close from what the news would say about you two.” The squirrel nodded eagerly, with Mighty giving a light chuckle at his friend.
A green hawk grunted, letting out an “ahem”, making himself known and drawing all eyes onto him. He had a prideful look on his face that was near sly. If I had to say anything from first glance, it was that he probably thought he was the most important thing in the world. “The name’s Jet the Hawk. I’m the Ultimate Racer, a title which I officially won at the World Grand Prix.” He announced with a smug grin as he cracked his knuckles, “And if I had to guess, I’m the only one here with an official title.”
As much as I wanted to challenge that, the rest of us just kinda ignored him, as a strange group of three just moved on from Jet’s bragging. The hawk let out a sound of surprise at the rest of us just kinda said ‘cool.’ A crocodile pointed at himself with pride beaming from him, “I’m Vector the Crocodile, the Ultimate Detective-“
A purple chameleon led off of him, posing by raising two fingers to his face and looking down. “I am Espio the Chameleon, Ultimate Ninja-“
A bee then flew up behind the three, pumping an excited fist up, “AND I’M CHARMY BEE! ULTIMATE ASSISTANT!”
The three then posed in unison, with the three of them quickly lining up uniformly. Vector raised an “ok” sign of sorts with a wink, with Charmy jumping onto his shoulder with a thumbs up, and Espio leaned up onto the crocodile, crossing his arms. “The three of us make up the Chaotix! We leave no case unsolved, so long as you pay the right price,” Vector stated.
I couldn’t help but hold a giggle back. There was an air of chaotic silliness to them, not helped by the wacky personalities emanating from them after just a mere introduction. I could tell I wasn’t the only one who wanted to laugh, given the hawk’s wide eyes and shut beak. Tails nudged me in the shoulder, telling me everything he wanted to say. I immediately attempted to compose myself, and it worked for the most part, but I still couldn’t help but let out a small huff of laughter.
There was one last person among the crowd who I had yet to pin a name too. Tails and I looked over at a red echidna with purple eyes, who had an aloof look to him. He noticed the two of us were looking at him with an expectant look, before nodding. “Knuckles the Echidna, Ultimate Treasure Hunter.” He stated simply, giving everything we really needed to know.
I made a mental note of all names and talents, figuring they’d be useful for later down the line. If not to talk with them, at least for conversation starters to look like I made an active choice to keep up with whatever the public was raving about nowadays. It wasn’t as though I had a dislike for it, far from it, I just wasn’t interested in it for the most part. I just wanted to do my thing, ya know?
Amy nodded, before turning back to us. “Well, that’s all of us. Eighteen Ultimates, eighteen people. Now…” she said, tapping her chin as she lowered her glance into a thinking look, “Do you two have any chance of knowing where we are? Why we’re here?” She asked, looking back with a somewhat hopeful look in her eyes.
Tails shook his head, “Sorry, but no. In fact we were hoping you all would have some form knowledge of something like that.”
Amy gave Tails a regretful look, shaking her head. “Sorry, not even Vector knows a thing.”
Vector nodded, “She’s right. The only clue we have is our identities and what’s on us, but that’s about it. Everyone else gave their own testimonies, but they’re all similar. We all were doing our own thing before being knocked out, suddenly waking up in this weird field.”
“‘What’s on you’…?” Tails repeated with an inquiring voice.
“Those of us who had them on us at the time, such as Amy and Espio, woke up with weapons on them.” Knuckles answered as though it was a matter of a fact, “You wouldn’t happen to have any on you two, would you?” the echidna asked.
The orange fox then waved his hands frantically, “No no not at all!” He answered, before then looking to the side, “That is concerning though… why would we wake up with weapons on us…?” He whispered to himself.
Jet snorted, “You’re telling me. We all black out n’ then wake up in this new place with death traps littered all over, some of us having weapons too! It’s as though this place was made to kill us.” A couple let out noises of agreement, and I couldn’t help but follow them.
I tsked, muttering a ‘damn’. To myself. But then a lightbulb went off in my head, “But this is an open field, right?” I asked.
Mighty confirmed my question, “As far as we know, yeah.”
“Well couldn’t I just run to find the nearest town to figure out where we are? I could probably find info and get us outta here quickly!” I explained. Wow Sonic, why hadn’t you thought about this sooner! I made my mark, raising one leg, ready to take off-
“That’s not gonna work.” A raspy voice interrupted, I look up to who made themself known, seeing it come from a certain black and red hedgehog. “I already tried that, but the place loops.” He stated as a matter of fact.
I shrug, I didn’t believe him for a second. “How could it loop? The place has to end at some point.”
Silver then interjected, “Yeah, it shouldn't be possible. I think Sonic should try it out, it wouldn’t take very long.”
Shadow didn’t argue with that, placing a hand on his hip, “You’re asking the wrong guy, I don’t know how it’s possible, but that’s how it is. You can try running in a straight line if you want, but it’ll give you the same results as it did me.”
I took him up on his offer, “You don’t have to ask me twice!” I started, before taking off with a streak of blue and the wind following close by.
I felt the wind blow through my quills as I ran as fast as I felt, knowing the world around me would be a blur no matter how fast I ran. However, the more I ran, the brown and green would continue. And despite the blurred look around me, I could swear some locations felt as though I had seen them earlier before. All before I was met with a familiar crowd of colors and faces. I pressed my foot roughly on the ground, coming to a screeching halt.
“Holy shit he’s right.” I simply state with wide eyes. “I ran straight, I swear I made no turns, and yet I ended back here.” The crowd gasped.
Shadow just gave me a look that simply just told me, ‘told ya so’, with as much of a gloomy look you could have with that expression.
Cream let out a cry of terror, “D-does this mean we’re trapped?” She asked with a shaky voice. A twinge of fear ran down my spine, as it suddenly hit me what Jet pointed out earlier. What he said couldn’t have been true, absolutely not.
Amy quickly came to the rabbit’s side, getting on her knees, “No, we’ll be out of here eventually,” she comforted, to the best of her abilities anyways.
“Well how would we?” called out Jet with a hint of annoyance paired with panic in his voice, “cuz as far as I’m aware, we’re stuck here with a bunch of death traps and weapons!”
Mighty inched closer to Ray, with a protective look on his face, and Tails’ tails stiffened. Amy furrowed her expression, and was about to disprove him, but the squirrel interjected before the pink hedgehog could say a thing. “But that can't be true! What kind of person would do such a thing?”
Rouge, on the other hand, sides with the green hawk. “Hate to agree with Jet, but he’s right. It’s almost as if the only way to escape from this place is through death.”
“Well there has to be some other way out!” yelled Gadget. “We’re stuck in a looping plane but SOMEONE has to know where we are!”
“But you guys said we are the only Ultimates, so we have to be the only people here!” pointed out Knuckles, who was now wearing a more worked up look on his voice.
“Well then why are we here?” asked Espio, “Someone obviously brought us to this place so someone has to know.”
“Well I have a lot to say to the person who brought us here…” announced Knuckles, who was now riled up.
“But-“ Charmy started, before he was interrupted suddenly by a new voice that rang out from seemingly nowhere.
“And we are here to answer that!” it said, causing me to go into a sort of defensive position as I wildly looked for a source by moving only my head. My gloves were clenched and my knees were bent. And I could tell others were alert too, as this voice only added to the widespread fear between us all.
A stage seemed to grow from the ground, manifesting from seemingly nowhere and nothing. It was made of wood, and had a set of beams standing up from the sides, carrying yet another beam on top that carried a red curtain. Our entire group let out gasps of surprise rang out, with cries of “How?” and “How is that possible?” echoing among the crowd.
We weren’t able to revel in our disbelief though, as from the stage a little robot popped out with confetti and streamers surrounding it. Right as it was about to land, the robot began to float, refusing to make contact with the ground. I let out a hiss though, as I got an eyeful of what this robot was.
The thing was a stubby one, that’s for sure. It was painted black and white, one side lighter, the other darker. The way I’m describing it doesn’t seem so bad at first. But what if I told you it had two heads. One side an orb, and one side a cube. The orb was painted all black, and had glowing red eyes, whereas the cube was white, and had cyan eyes that would glow just like the orb’s. Sure it isn’t horrifying, but it’s the least bit creepy.
I could tell others agreed with me too, as Cream let out a yell of surprise and looked away, as Mighty simply noted under his breath, “Well isn’t that creepy.” Tails’ ears seemed to stretch slightly as they stood up high, and even Shadow had wide eyes.
The orb started first, “Welcome to Green Hill Zone!”
“I am Orbot-“
“-and I’m Cubot!”
“And together we make Monobot! We’ll be your host for the game!”
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allegra-writes · 4 years
"Fine line" part I
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Peter Parker x SHIELD Agent! Reader x Harry Osborn
Teen and Up
Warnings: Canon typical violence
Part of the "Fine Line" series. Welcome to the endgame.
He had never seen you fight before. It was stupid of him, and potentially dangerous, to stop and think about something like that in the middle of a freaking battle, but he just couldn't help it. You were graceful, deadly. You and Kate Bishop moving together like a well oiled machine. Strike team Delta, Fury's pride. A blur of perfectly shot arrows and high kicks. 
But not even you were enough to stop the giant monstrosity in its path of destruction, not even him was. And it had hostages now. 
"I know K, I'm seeing it!"
"I'm on it guys!" Peter called back as he swung by you like a red and blue meteor, following the greenish abomination currently climbing up the side of a skyscraper, carrying a sports car on his free hand as effortlessly as if it was a toy. 
"One little question though" He switched to coms, "What the hell is that thing??"
"That thing" You explained, "is Norman Osborn…"
Peter's hand slipped, sending him flying face first into the building wall,
"Say what?!" 
"We'll fill you up later, Spidey" Kate quipped, "For now, would you mind giving us a hand before King-kong over there kills anyone? I don't trust his butter fingers not to drop that Audi"
"Yes, ma'am" You could hear Peter's smile in his voice, "S.H.I.E.L.D girls are so bossy"
"Well, we are your superiors..." You noted, finally arriving at the entrance of the building when he was already halfway to the top. 
"Ugh, I hate it when you pull rank on me" He groaned, swerving to dodge the shards of broken glass raining upon him.
You snorted, 
"No you don't"
"No, I don't" He admitted, "Kinda turns me on"
"Ew! Guys, I can hear you" Kate catched up to you, shooting an arrow hooked to a line around her belt. Peter wasn't surprised to see it hit its mark flawlessly on a ledge above his head, "Hi, hot stuff, need a ride?" 
You rolled your eyes, but wrapped your arms around her shoulders nonetheless, holding on tight. 
"Hey!" Peter protested, mid swing, "No flirting with my girl!"
"I saw her first!" Kate released the latch, and soon you both were ascending at breakneck speed, easily surpassing Peter, "Race you to the top, Spidey!" 
His laughter resonated through the coms, as he sped up to follow you, guns blazing into the battle.
There was no laughter anymore. The friendly banter and quick comebacks had died long ago, the second you had realized it was a trap. The goblin creature was far more intelligent than you were led to believe, having set the ploy from the very beginning, his seemingly driftless rampage through the city, not so random after all. 
And far more psychotic, as you had learnt when he tore open the car in his hands to reveal the terrified blond man inside. 
Peter's horrified scream matched your own.
"Well well well, it seems you awake quite the loyalty" a massive hand closed around Harry's torso, his indigo orbs finding yours across the rooftop "for such a pathetic little worm"
"Let him go, Goblin" Kate's tone was placating, almost gentle, "you don't know what you're doing…"
The creature laughed,
"That's what you think? What your imbecilic little investigation concluded?" Kate and you exchanged a look. Of course. Your investigation about the Green Goblin and other Oscorp shady experiments relied heavily on Norman Osborn personal files. The thought of the passionate scientist, who valued his work more than his own son, lying in his own research had never even crossed your minds. He had played you like a fiddle, misled you every step of the way, and you had bought right into it.
"I worked with S.H.I.E.L.D longer than you had been alive, and Fury thinks he can sic you after me? Two little girls playing spy and my own creation??" Harry looked about ready to pass out as the Goblin waved him around, gesticulating with his hands as he spoke.
Through the corner of his eye, Peter caught a glimpse of Kate inching closer to the beast, and was only half interested when he inquired,
"What do you mean your creation?"
"Everything special about you," The Goblin's deformed visage twisted in what Peter assumed was supposed to be a smirk, "came from one of my labs!"
"That might be true, you might have involuntarily given me my powers, but you didn't make me Spider-man" Peter countered, "Mister Stark gave me the suit, and showed me what it meant to be a hero, and I loved him and admire him more than you will ever be able to understand, but he didn't make me Spider-man either. 
I choose to be Spider-man, every day. I created myself, cause it isn't who we were made to be that makes us who we are. Our choices make us who we are! You might have the powers and appearance of a monster, but you don't have to be one!"
"If you really think that, you are even more stupid than I thought, Peter Parker"
"Pe-peter?" Harry gasped through the creatures crushing grasp around his torso. Peter hesitated for a second, before taking his mask off. 
"Yeah, it's me, buddy" He admitted, watching his friend's eyes go wide, "It's going to be ok, Haz. We'll get you out of this, I promise…"
Famous last words. Peter should have known better by then than to jinx things like that. Because not two minutes later, he was seeing Kate's little ambush fail, the creature's tail whipping around with enough force to send her flying against a wall and knock her out, Peter's own kick just a little too slow to stop the Goblin from grabbing you in his free hand.
"Wings? It has fucking wings??" Peter cursed under his breath, scrambling to follow the monster as he flapped his enormous, membranous wings, soaring across the city. But the creature had no intention of going too far.
"You say our choices make us who we are, very well" The Goblin challenged him, hovering above 700 feet of empty air, and Peter's heart stopped. "Let's see what yours are. What is it going to be, your friend… or your lover?" 
"Don't do it, Goblin!" He yelled, standing on a ledge, ready to pounce, when he saw it. Or rather, saw her, purple hair blowing in the wind, standing on the air, a little lower and further behind from the Goblin, one palm pointed down, creating some sort of sonic wave that kept her up. She signaled a series of orders with her free hand, and Peter nodded almost imperceptibly, but enough for you to realize something was happening. You twisted in the Goblins grip to see what was going on at your back. Oh, fuck.
"Make your choice, Peter. Now!" 
Norman Osborn let go of you and Harry at the same time, leaving you to watch your boyfriend dive for your ex. But you weren't falling, you were floating, cushioned by a column of vibrating air. 
"Don't worry, rookie," You heard an annoyingly familiar voice say, "big sis is here…"
Great. You were never going to live this down, now. 
Meanwhile, Peter had problems of his own, the momentum the Goblin had thrown his own son away making it difficult for him to catch Harry on time.
And even after he had the other man safe in his arms, he wouldn't stop squirming, fighting in his hold. 
"Noooo! Go after her! Save her!!"
Peter managed to land the both of them in a terrace, 
"She's ok! She's fine, see? She's got this! She's got this…" Peter finally released Harry, pointing up to the place where you still were hovering in the air with that other agent. 
"She… she's… flying?" 
"I think that is actually the other one's making…" Peter shrugged, scratching the back of his neck. Harry started pacing back and forth, obviously overwhelmed, trying to make sense of everything that had just happened.
"And you're Spider-man…" he turned to Peter, who nodded. "And that thing… what the fuck was that thing?" 
Peter hesitated,
"Apparently, a crazy scientist" he finally decided on a half truth.
"A crazy… Mate, what even is your life?"
"Honestly? I've been asking myself that same question for years…"
Harry barked out a watery, hysterical laugh. He wanted to punch the shorter guy, he wanted to throw himself at his feet and thank him for saving his life. To apologize for all the drunken midnight calls, and also stab him in his boyishly handsome face for being so fucking noble and heroic and brave and impossibly perfect and for stealing his girl. 
He clutched as his chest, the burn almost making him double over in pain, and he realized he was hyperventilating.
"Harry, Harry, look at me. Look at me! Do you feel my chest? Can you feel my chest under your hand?" 
Harry noticed then that Peter was pressing his open palm, splayed against the spider logo on his own chest. He nodded his affirmation.
"Good, feel how it moves? Breath with me" Peter ordered, "inhale…" 
Harry breathed in, in time with his friend's expanding chest.
"Now exhale" 
Harry let go of his breath.
"That's right, you're doing so great" Peter's praise warmed up something inside his gut. "Inhale…" and Harry did, catching a faint whiff of your perfume. Peter smelled like you, the realization making him notice just how close to each other they were, only inches apart. And he wondered idly if that was the view you were used to, the one you favored over everything else: warm brown eyes, staring into your soul, right before leaning in. He wondered if you appreciated those hard, muscular shoulders under your hands, before pulling him close. He wondered if Peter's lips still tasted like you.
And before he knew it, Peter found himself with Harry's mouth crashing on his.
He knew he should stop it, step away, but he was rooted to the spot, caught off guard by the sudden onslaught of sensations. It was different from kissing a girl. Hard planes where he was used to soft curves. The tickle of scruff, and slightly chapped lips where he was used to your strawberry sweet lipstick. But as Harry's tongue licked his bottom lip, begging for entrance, Peter couldn't help but open up to him, to surrender to him, as his tongue conquered every inch of Peter's mouth, a greddy, hungry victor. 
"I hate you so much" Harry breathed against Peter's mouth, even as his big hands came to frame the brunet's face, the metal of his finger rings cool against Peter's cheeks
"Doesn't feel like hate…" He quipped, before scraping his teeth against Harry's lips, tearing a moan out of him.
"No, it doesn't" the taller boy admitted, pushing one thigh between Peter's, gasping as he felt one of the hero's hands coming to rest against his lower back, pressing him closer. 
"You taste like cigarettes" Peter marveled, for some reason finding the bittersweet taste delicious. 
"And you taste like her" Harry replied, diving in again.
Peter froze. Her. You. His girlfriend. 
"Harry… Harry stop" Peter muttered, between nibbles "we need to stop. This is wrong"
"Feels right" The heir protested, teeth latching onto Peter's lower lip to stop him from pulling away. Peter groaned, but managed to break the kiss anyway. 
"It's not. We can't do this to her." 
Harry sighed, resting his forehead against Peter's, still reluctant to let go completely,
"I know…" he admitted. 
They stood like that for a few moments, willing breathings to calm, and hearts to slow down.
"You should go" Harry spoke finally, taking a step back, Peter immediately missing the warmth of his body in his arms. He wanted to say something, anything, to chase away the heartbreak, the loneliness in those pale blue eyes, but he couldn't. The knot in his own throat would not allow it. 
So he just stepped away, slipping his mask on, and jumped. He caught a glimpse of Harry's teary, red face, sticking out from the balcony to watch him go, before shooting off a web and swinging away, back to the skyscraper where Kate had fallen. Because if he knew you at all, that was exactly where you were going to be, taking care of your best friend.
"...I'm telling you, I had everything under control!"
"Is that why you were hanging 700 feet in the air?" The purple haired girl argued, crossing her arms over her chest, "Admit it, rookie, you're lucky I arrived just in time to save your ass. Again."
You were fuming, face flushed and eyes bright, and Peter found himself struck yet again by how gorgeous you were. A pang of guilt stabbed his stomach. 
"I didn't ask you too" You replied, petulantly, "and stop calling me 'rookie', I'm a level 9 agent."
"... I'm still higher than you"
"For one level!" You cried in frustration, "One single fucking level!"
"Would you two shut up?" Kate stumbled up, and Peter broke free from his haze to hurry and wrap a stabilizing arm around her shoulders, "You're giving me a headache"
"Yeah, that would be the concussion," purple quipped, "don't worry, Simmons should be here any minute to take a look at that"
"Yay, finally a sane person to talk to" Kate deadpanned. Purple ignored her.
"And you must be the boyfriend…" She singsonged, nudging you with her shoulder, "He's cute under the mask, how did you managed to get him to go out with you?" 
"Hey!" Peter and you exclaimed indignantly, in unison. 
"I'm kidding, jeez!" She raised her hands in surrender. "Come on, won't you introduce us?" 
You rolled your eyes, but complied anyway,
"Daisy, this is Peter Parker. Peter, this is Daisy Johnson, weirdo fancies herself my sister"
"Ooh, 'fancies'! You've spent way too much time with that brit boy, didn't you?"
"Daisy, I swear to god I will-"
"You need to tell her" Kate whispered, taking advantage of your distraction.
She scoffed, Kate had never had much patience for anyone's bullshit.
"About what just happened with Harry. She will understand, Peter, I promise. But only if she hears it from you"
"H-how do you know?"
"I see better from afar" The archer smirked, before returning her attention to you and, apparently, your sister.
"Are they always like that?" Peter whispered, a little alarmed. Kate snorted,
"Just wait till you meet the rest of her old team…"  
"Yeah, what do you say, boyfriend?" Daisy smirked, mischievous glimmer in her eyes so much like yours, "Ready to meet the family?" 
Peter gulped, he really wasn't. 
To be continued...
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waystobuild-blog · 3 years
Spare Room?
Hey everybody. Last year, I had worked on the Sonic Zine @stayhomesonic which was a fanzine that would be sold to fans each with pieces of art and writing about the pandemic, with the proceeds going towards Doctor’s Without Borders in the end. $612 was raised and it was great to take part in such a nice cause.
Now that the zine has been finished, I am able to post my piece to social medias which I am doing so now. Rather than something soft or emotional, I decided to go a little more comical with these characters while also going into the importance of staying home and social distancing.
Spare Room?
 With a global pandemic going on, everybody was asked to stay inside their homes. This was a good thing, it kept people safe. But if you were a guy that didn’t really have a house and just kinda camped out wherever you stopped running, then you were in for a problem. Unfortunately for Sonic the Hedgehog, that was his predicament.
He now stood in the Mystic Ruins outside of Tails’ lab where he hoped that he could crash until this whole thing blew over.
Tails arrived at the door decked out in a hazmat suit that even covered his namesakes.
“Hey, bud!” Sonic smiled and waved at him.
“Sonic, it’s good to see you!” The fox grinned.
Sonic was quick to go in for a hug, but Tails was quick to duck away. “Sorry, Sonic. No touching. You know how it is right now.”
The hedgehog sheepishly rubbed the back of his head. “Sorry, Sorry. Forgot.”
“It’s all good. So what brings you by these parts?”
“Well, everybody’s been told to go inside for this whole virus thing, and I don’t really have a house so I’m like ‘Why not bunk with the best little bro in the whole world?’ y’know?”
“Sonic that’s great and I’d love to have you.”
“Perfect!” He beamed as he began to make his way towards the door.
But for the first time in a long time, Tails was faster than him as he quickly produced a remote control with a single red button on it and stepped back into the house.
Suddenly, metal bars appeared in front of him as warning sirens went off all around. Sonic was quick to cover his ears as he watched his friend’s shack basically become Fort Knox in a matter of seconds.
“Sorry, Sonic. I’d love to have you but I just can’t. I’m busy trying to find a cure so it’s not safe here.”
“They’re trusting an 8 year old to find a cure for a worldwide pandemic?”
“Yes and they pay me handsomely. Good luck trying to find a place to stay, I gotta get back to work.”
Sonic waved him off before leaving.
If Tails wasn’t gonna let him stay then who would? He wondered as he ran off.
However, quickly he found himself in Station Square and that’s when he realized that he knew someone that would have to let him in.
It wasn’t long before Sonic stood outside of an apartment and rang the doorbell, giving off his best winning smile.
When the door opened, Amy Rose stood before him, wearing her usual outfit but a facemask as well.
“Sonic!” She cried. “It’s good to see you!”
“Hey, Ames. Good to see you too.”
Sonic reached out for a hug, but Amy was quick to back away. “No, no mister, you know the rules. Keep a safe distance.”
“Aw, come on, it’s just one hug.”
“Sure first it’s one hug and then it’s one kiss and then it’s one virus.” Amy shook her head. “We’re not in good times right now.”
Sonic chuckled. “Who are you and what have you done with Amy Rose?”
Amy swiped her hand around and laughed with him. “Oh, stop. But seriously, what brings you by?’
“Well, with this whole virus thing going around I’ve been looking for a place to stay, so I thought Amy will definitely let me-”
“Stay and so I’m just gonna go in and- wait, did you say no?”
Amy gave a placate smile and shook her head “Same thing, Sonic. Any other day, I’d love to have you over, but right now it’s just not a good idea.”
Sonic sighed at this but nodded in understanding.
Amy quickly closed her door and Sonic was left to find someone else to bunk with.
First Tails and now Amy. This was proving to be a lot harder than he thought. He thought he was a shoe in to get inside Amy’s apartment but the girl was far more serious than he initially thought she would be. Part of him was proud of her for sticking to her guns and staying safe, but another part of him just wanted a bed to sleep in for once.
Who else did he know that actually had some sort of roof over their head could he go to?
And then it clicked. While definitely not ideal, he supposed he could give them a try.
Sonic raced off from Station Square and shortly arrived in Westopolis where he went to a specific high rise apartment complex to find Team Dark.
Team Dark, having more government funds than they knew what to do with lived incredibly comfy in what was more or less a penthouse and they were 100% fine with that. It was a bit too stuffy and fancy for Sonic’s tastes, but desperate times called for desperate measures.
Sonic’s eyes widened in shock when he went to the top floor of the building and found steel plating surrounding the entrance to their apartment.
Sonic looked confused at this as he walked over to ring the doorbell.
But as soon as he placed a finger on it, alarms began to blare causing the hedgehog to instinctively jump into a battle pose.
But no danger came.
Instead, a massive screen flared to life and there stood the face of E123 Omega. “Who dares violate the safety of Rouge?!”
“Omega?” Sonic looked confusedly.
“Sonic the Hedgehog how dare you try to infiltrate our place of dwelling during the infection?! Please vacate the premises immediately or lethal force will be taken!”
Suddenly a comically large laser gun appeared from next to the panel and pointed dangerously at the hedgehog.
“Woah, woah, woah!” A sharp voice came from offscreen. “Omega, put those away right now!”
“But Rouge, he-”
“We do not vaporize our friends, Omega!” Rouge shouted.
If Sonic wasn’t mistaken he thought he had heard the robot groan but the laser was in fact put away.
In a few short moments the camera was turned in a new direction and he could see Rouge the bat lying lazily on the couch wearing a bathrobe and slippers, a magazine discarded at her side.
“Hey, Big Blue.” She waved. “Sorry about Omega, he’s gotten a little extreme when it comes to the virus.”
“A little? Dude tried to blast me!”
“And I would do it again.”
Rouge rolled her eyes at this. “Omega put the place on lockdown as soon as news broke out and won’t allow me to leave the house. I don’t really care though so I’ve just made myself comfortable.”
“Okay… what about Shads?”
“Shadow?” She snickered. “As soon as he heard, he didn’t even bother with me or Omega, he just used his Chaos Control and left. Who knows where he is?”
“Knowing him, he probably thinks he can’t be infected or something and is off trying to figure out how he can punch the virus.”
Rouge simply shrugged.
“Anyway, you gonna let me stay?”
Rouge shrugged. “I’d love to… But I am 100% sure Omega will vaporize you…”
“I will!”
“And I just can’t stop him.”
Sonic sighed. “Alright, thanks.”
Sonic ran off yet again, trying to find where exactly he could go but to no avail. He had friends all over the world and yet, none of them were taking him. He tried the Chaotix, he tried Professor Pickle, he even considered Omochao but then realized nothing was worth that hell.
But soon, he ran into someone that actually wanted him.
If only he could say the same about them.
“Hello, Sonic!”
Sonic stopped his running nearly tripping over his own feet with how sudden the gravelly voice had come out at him.
He looked up to the source of the voice and saw a floating screen before him and on that screen was none other than Doctor Eggman himself, giving him a big cheeky smile. The doctor wasn’t looking to good, he was covered in a blanket, his face redder than usual, his usually bushy moustache drooped down low.
“Sonic!” He announced. “I hear you are looking for a place to stay!”
“Pass.” Sonic tried to run away but the same floating screen was quick to have two robot arms extend from it and grab the hedgehog.
“Now hold on there, Sonic. I would like to extend an olive branch to you. With these trying times, we all need to stick together and I happen to know that you need a roof over your head. So, stay with me and we’ll make great company!”
Sonic let himself go from where the arms were holding him. “You’re sick, Eggman.”
Eggman violently coughed at that. “N-n-no, of course not. I am of perfect health.”
“I meant you’re messed up but yeah, that too.”
Eggman frowned at that. “Wait, I promise that no harm will come to you.”
“Is that right?”
“But of course.”
“In that case…”
“Chaos Control!”
Sonic and Eggman both looked up in shock to see none other than Shadow the Hedgehog drop down and dropkick Eggman’s screen, causing it to break.
“I- okay, I wasn’t expecting that, Shadow.”
Shadow rose from where he was crouched down on the ground and glared at the hedgehog.
“So… since you’re here, I was wondering if I could bunk it in wherever you were hiding out an-”
“Absolutely not!” Shadow roared. “After Rouge called me on my communicator, she informed me of your little crusade to find a roommate. So I’m telling you here and now, stay away from space. If I hear you so much as step one foot off the planet, then I will not hesitate to-”
“Woha, wait, space? I didn’t even know that…” And then it clicked. “You’re hiding out on the Ark aren’t you?”
Shadow’s eyes widened in shock and he quickly tried to cover himself. “I- I- I- cannot confirm or deny that… I- I have to go. Uh… Chaos Control!”
Sonic sighed at this, being left all alone with flaming pile of machinery.
After trying all his friends he was left in complete isolation. What was he to do now that he had nowhere to stay, nowhere to run to… He was all alone.
But it was those thoughts of loneliness, isolation that made him realize that he had one friend that he had completely forgotten to ask and zoomed off.
It wasn’t long before he arrived at his destination. Lush greenery surrounded him, birds were singing, nature was alive and well, standing amongst it all was a great big altar where a massive green gem of power could be seen radiating a comforting energy that rolled over him in waves.
Leaning against the same gem was none other than the Emerald Guardian himself, Knuckles the Echidna and as soon as Sonic stepped foot on the Altar, he cracked open an eye and looked over at his visitor.
“Hey, buddy. It’s good to see ya!” He sheepishly waved.
“What are you doing on my island?”
“Well… ya see, there’s this whole virus thing going on and…”
“Virus? What virus?”
Sonic stood there in stunned disbelief for a moment, staring at the echidna in complete befuddlement as Knuckles looked at him expectantly.
He just shrugged. “Forget about it. Anyway, you mind if I crash on Angel Island for a while?”
Knuckles put a hand to his chin in thought for a moment. “Eh, sure. Just stay away from the Master Emerald and me for that matter.”
“Works for me.” Sonic shrugged as he left to jog a few laps around the island, finally having a place to stay during this pandemic.
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Frisk Hart Clips #54
[Cursed Chara is on the loss on Ebbot City. The citizens are running for their lives, screaming for help, and hiding at any place where they can’t be seen. The Six and Frisk are looking for Cursed Chara with a chocolate bar attached to a fishing pole while it’s been carried by Frisk.]
Frisk: (panicking) Where the helado are you, Chara?!
Cyan: Yeah, if we don’t find her soon, the Monster Exterminators will catch her, or the Anti-Magic Association will get her.
Orange: Quickly, Blue. Use your new powers.
Blue: Already on it.
[Blue then steps forward to close her eyes and put her hands together. She opens her eyes again to reveal them glowing blue, and her pigtails go up like an ant’s antennas. She begins pirouette to let radar waves come out from under her feet, and this technique is called Ultra Sonic Radar. She then pilé to stop.]
Purple: Well, Blue? Where is she?
Blue: She’s at the Colorant Plaza with the Monster Exterminators on her tail.
Green: Okay, but how do we get there faster?
[Just then, Rojo the Red Lion appeared and kneeled before the Six and Frisk so that they could ride him.]
Yellow: Rojo, just in time.
Frisk: (as everyone gets on him) Onward, Rojo! To Colorant Plaza!
Orange: (as Rojo runs super fast) It’s a good thing you have super speed, Rojo.
Frisk: Si, si! Much mas rapido, Rojo! Andele!
Cyan: What did she say? I don’t speak Spanish.
[When they arrived at Colorant Plaza, they found the doors ripped off for something to go in and left behind the unconscious and beaten up Monster Extimernators.]
Yellow: Oh, wee. Chara came through here alright. Just follow the out-cold Monster Extimernator trail.
Frisk: (as she and her friends get off of Rojo) Stay here, boy. We’ll be back. (enters the blackout mall with the Six) We’re coming, Chara.
Purple: Man, it’s so dark. Yellow, you think you can bring the power back.
Yellow: Sure.
[After she snaps her fingers and the power comes back, Cursed Chara is standing right in front of Frisk and the Six, bearing her teeth with anger in her eyes. They were so shocked that they gripped their hearts in terror.]
Cyan: (calm down through talking) You know we are used to seeing Monsters appearing before our faces that we can’t scream at them anymore.
Frisk: (taking out the chocolate bar baited fishing pole as Cursed Chara growled) Hey, Chara. Look what I got for you.
[Cursed Chara was about to take a bit off it, but it was shot into pieces by Mr. Johanson, far off and holding an elephant gun.]
Orange: (confused) Mr. Johanson, what are you doing here?
Mr. Johanson: What does it look like? I’m here to prove that you, Rainbow Brats, are connected to the MONSTERS. (taking out a camera) Now that I have proof and destroyed your bait to lure your MONSTER friend away, I can finally show everyone that you’re the descendants of THE RAINBOW HUMANS!!! (noticed that the Six and Frisk are running off) Hey, where are you Brats going?! (paused in fear when Cursed Chara comes facing him in angry for destroying her chocolate bar) Uh...Nice Monster…
[Back with the Six and Frisk, they are seen run toward the food court as they can hear Mr. Johanson’s screams and Cursed Chara’s roars.]
Purple: That idiot of a librarian should’ve known better never to destroy Chara’s chocolate.
Blue: (concerned) Even though he’s a jerk, I hope he’ll be okay and not get eaten alive.
Yellow: But that was our last chocolate bar to keep Chara at bay. Where are we going to find another one?
Frisk: (spots a vending machine with chocolate bars) I think we found our lifesavers. But we don’t have money with us.
Green: (takes out a dollar from his pocket as the Six sees it too) Mom said she only handed me this for emergencies. (hears Cursed Chara roaring before panicking) Oh, yeah! This is an emergency.
[Green tries to put the dollar in the slot, but it came back out.]
Orange: (impatient as Green tries again, but the dollar came out again) Come on, Green! Come on, Green! Come on, Green!
Green: (trying to straighten the dollar while panicking) The corner is all wrinkled!
Purple: (after hesitantly gasping and seeing Cursed Chara on her way from afar) She’s-she’s coming!
[Green continues to make the dollar straight while his friends are shaking in hesitation for him to hurry. He then puts the dollar in the slot.]
Green: Come on! Take it, take it! (when he hears the vending machine make a ding, happily with his hands high and fists balled up) YES!!!
[But his smile went to shocked when the dollar came out. He then breathes heavily in fear.]
Green: (picks up the vending machine and shakes in the air) COME ON, WORK!!! (smashes it constantly on the ground while his friends watched in shock and terror) WORK, MACHINE!!! WORK, OH!!! (puts it down hardly before punching it violently before all of the chocolate bars came out) YOU WORK!!!
Frisk: Well done, Green. That was scary but cool.
Green: (calms down while holding his head and slightly hyperventilate) What happened? I just blackout there for a second.
[The Six and Frisk turned around to see Cursed Chara is about to pounce on them. While in slow-motion, Frisk takes out a slingshot, loads it with the chocolate bars, and fires them into Cursed Chara’s mouth, turning back into her old self. When the motion goes back to normal, she lands on top of her friends.]
Yellow: (joyfully) Yee-haw! We survived, and Chara is back!
Chara: Yeah, I’m back, baby! Come here, guys. (Before the Rainbow Kids group hug each other)
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alison-anonymous · 4 years
flawsome bandits pt. 21 ♡ sonic
Flawsome Deceptions
Part 21! Only 3 more chapters left, my darlings! I hope you enjoy! This is also being uploaded to Wattpad as well, if any of you are interested. Love you all, darlings!
Warnings - violence (not too bad though), and some angst near the end
...and smashed it onto the ground.
Robotnik’s mouth dropped open in horror as he watched his creation sink into the ground, singeing the blades of grass beneath Y/n’s tennis shoes until they were no longer recognizable. It even began to eat away at the shards of glass next to it, and Y/n winced.
That could have been her insides.
“YES!” Sonic cried out in victory just before he got punched in the face by Metal Sonic. But at least his girlfriend - or ex girlfriend - was still alive.
“What the hell have you done?!” Robotnik screeched like a banshee, rising up out his seat and gasping in horror at his specialty made poison that was supposed to melt Y/n’s insides and was now instead melting the ground beneath their feet.
You see, the lion’s actual plan had been to deceive Y/n into thinking that he would let her friends go if she came with him. But being the actual VERY HAIRY buttho- I mean intelligent scientist that he is, his actual plan was never to leave her friends alone. He would take Y/n, kill her, then destroy her friends as well so that he has a bunch of weird alien animals to conduct his experiments on. But then he got an amazing idea (not really).
What if he made Y/n kill herself in front of her friends?
God, it was genius! 
Seeing their friend kill herself would definitely put a damper on their strength, as the loss of their friend would be very debilitating. But they forgot one thing.
“I’m not a fucking idiot,” Y/n snarled, her fur beginning to tingle as her powers began to churn. She cracked a smirk. The zebra was back. “I think it’s time that we switch roles, don’t you think?” 
Robotnik furrowed his brows, confused as to what she meant. She took this small window of opportunity, reeled her fist back, and punched him straight in the face.
“I’m not a zebra anymore! I’m a lion, you motherfucker!” 
The impact was enough to send the man falling straight out of his drone and he collapsed onto the ground, a pathetic jumble of limbs and mustache hairs. He let out a groan in pain which soon turned into a snarl, and he quickly noticed that his controller was no longer in his grasp. This was a little bit of an issue because that controller was the one that he could use to power Metal Sonic, supercharge him, and shut him down. While he was distracted, Y/n quickly dove into the drone and snatched up the controller, staring down at the three buttons that blinked before her.
They were all the same color.
“You little bitch, WHY WON’T YOU LOVE ME?!” Two strong gloved hands wrapped around Y/n’s furry ankles and ripped her out of the drone. She let out a shrill scream as she went airborne momentarily, and thinking quick, she let out a low hum. Her body instantly responded, holding her up into the air so she was in a sort of trance. Shadow let out a low growl from the ground, his ruby irises flaming with heartbroken rage. 
“Because you’re a creep!” She shouted down at him, and slammed her fist onto the first button on the controller. She glanced down at Metal Sonic, who was in the process of trying to kill the actual Sonic, only to find that it didn’t change anything. She grunted and pushed the one on the bottom. 
The robot froze. 
Sonic rolled on the ground and stood up, preparing to run off again as he watched the robot in confusion. The red eyes on the bot grew bold for a moment, and then… turned off. That was the off button. Y/n breathed a sigh of relief and lowered herself onto the ground. Unfortunately, her victory was short lived as Shadow tackled her to the burnt grass.
The icy blue hedgehog let out a shriek as she went collapsing onto the ground from his weight.
“Get off of me, you pervy walrus!” Y/n snarled, immediately trying to shove the dark hedgehog off of her. But he wasn’t ready to let go that easily. He latched his strong arms around her waist, and sent them tumbling onto the ground like a bad gymnastics performance. While they were distracted, Knuckles took this opportunity to slash the binds around Spirit and Tails, freeing them. The duo quickly bounded up, armed and ready to fight, only to find that the bot was already shut off. Sonic quickly sped over to the struggling hedgehogs only to narrowly miss a burning hot laser. He froze, gaze shooting up to meet that of a very pissed off Robotnik.
“What the hell, man?” Sonic snarled, throwing his hands out to the sides in exasperation. Robotnik simply shrugged, hitting some buttons on his gloves and turning the attention of his egg bots towards him, Knuckles, Spirit, and even Tails.
“Are you forgetting that I am being portrayed as the bad guy here? It’s my job to make your life a living hell.” Robotnik rolled his eyes like he was explaining this to a five year old. Sonic had lost most of his sense of humor upon witnessing the love of his life almost kill herself, and he frankly didn’t have much time to even throw in a good natured joke when he was trying to take out a bunch of robots while his friends did the same.
Meanwhile, Y/n had other problems.
Shadow kept trying to yank the remote control out of her hands, presumably to turn back on Metal Sonic so that he could kill them. But she wasn’t having it. 
“Quit groping me!” She snarled between panted breaths as she countered all of his punches and smacks, clutching the remote tightly between her right fingers. She was in a very unfortunate position with him practically straddling her on the ground, eyes full of fire and rage as he tried to get the upper hand. But just as she had managed to land a punch to his face, she spotted something out of the corner of her eye that could prove useful.
Shadow’s gun.
Spirit’s baseball bat collided with three of Robotnik’s bots, knocking them into the oak tree beside her almost instantaneously. She let out an exhale, but her eyes were already on high alert, searching for any more signs of danger around her. She had lost track of where Y/n had gone after witnessing her almost kill herself, and she was frankly feeling rather light headed. But that wasn’t important right now. The important thing was to get them all out of here safe.
And alive. 
Tails, who was never really one for being on the front line in battle, timidly hid behind her legs while he watched with hearts in his eyes as she took out a bunch of the egg bots. The determination and the fire in her eyes… the way her hair swung about in her ponytail with her motions… She was beautiful. 
Knuckles sidled up next to them after having taken out a bunch of the other bots as well, followed shortly after by the Blue Blur. Sonic let out a frustrated groan as another hoard of bots began to carreen their way towards them, lasers at the ready. Robotnik stood under the cover of his old drone not too far away from them, and it was then that Sonic hatched a plan.
“Guys, if we can get those controller gloves away from him, then maybe we can stop the drones long enough to get Y/n.” Amazing how even in the most dire of circumstances, Sonic’s first instinct was to find a way to make it to his beloved girlfriend.
Gotta stop doing that.
Spirit and Knuckles immediately stepped up in front of Sonic and Tails, already beginning the process of punching and smashing the next line of robots. Even Tails was able to prevent some of the bots from getting too close by whacking them with his tails and with random sticks he was able to pick up on the ground. Using their amazing fighting skills as his que, Sonic sped through the darkness the trees gave him before coming to a stop just behind Robotnik. Thankfully, the man had been captivated by the fight as well, his eyes trained steadily on the fight as one hand controlled the bots and the other stroked his unwashed mustache hairs.
Disgusting, Sonic thought bitterly. He would make sure that this man would never harm another person again. 
He slowly took two more steps forward, and the second Robotnik’s glove was within his view, Sonic ripped it off of his hand and slammed it against the ground with a rock. Robotnik let out a choked scream in surprise, cursing himself for being off his game and blaming it on Y/n’s hate filled punch, he turned only to hear the static sound of his precious controller being destroyed.
“NO!” He screeched like a little girl, not knowing how to defend himself in the absence of his beautiful bots. He dove towards the little blue hedgehog, seeming to have forgotten that Sonic was… well, Sonic. “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!” 
“I just saved my friends,” Sonic answered boldly, stomping on the controller again for good measure. When he watched the drones drop dead by Spirit, Tails, and Knuckles, he knew for sure that they were toast. Now just one more thing left to do.
Sonic slowly reached into his right glove and pulled out a tiny little object. It was small enough for Robotnik to not quite figure out just what it was, and it was only when Sonic held it up towards the burning flames in the trees that Robotnik understood.
A golden ring.
Robotnik, for the first time in his life, was speechless. 
He could only watch as Sonic closed his eyes momentarily, then threw the ring onto the ground before him. Instantly, the ring began to glow and spin before opening up a portal to some other world. Robotnik recognized it as the Mushroom Planet at first, but this one looked a lot darker. More nutrient-starved. It would be impossible for Robotnik to try and get any supplies for his drones on a planet like that. Even when he was on the Mushroom Planet, at least he was able to find some watering holes and mushrooms that didn’t seem poisonous. 
This was it.
“It’s all over isn’t it?” Robotnik asked dazily. Sonic wore a very rare expression. No ounce of mercy could be seen in his searing emerald orbs as he stared down at the pathetic man who used to be a mad scientist. He wasn’t planning on pushing Robotnik in. Robotnik was going to crawl in himself.
Like the pitiful excuse of a human that he was.
Robotnik glanced around at the burning vegetation and destroyed babies he had once cradled in his arms. The little beings that came out of his egg sack (see what I did there?) They were all destroyed. He had gone through so much trouble to come up with this beautiful plan, this beautiful robot, only to have it taken down within seconds by a couple of angry hedgehogs?
Maybe he should find another hobby.
Maybe Agent Stone had been right all those times he had tried to steer him down another path. Maybe he could find some other outlet for his personal problems that didn’t have to do with forcing his wants on other people and hurting them if they didn’t go with it straight away. Threatening people and making them try to kill themselves just because they were weak. Maybe if he had been a better person, then none of this would have happened. Maybe then he and Agent Stone could have been happy. Maybe then he could have been friends with the hedgehogs. Even though they were painfully annoying.
This was it. Robotnik was never a lion, was he? No. He had pretended to be a lion, always putting his bark before his bite. Always trying to use his smarts and his pride to trump character. He thought he was better than everyone else. And then he got punched in the face by a girl.
The true zebra surrendered. 
“Well played, Sonic,” Robotnik had to commend the alien creature. Sonic’s eyes widened momentarily at the first comment he had ever received from this man. “Well played.” 
And with that, Robotnik drug himself forward and fell through the portal.
Shadow’s gun glinted in the dancing flames of the trees from his tool belt. 
Y/n stared up into his angry red irises and immediately went limp. Shadow freezes momentarily, confused by her sudden actions. Why had she stopped fighting him? He enjoyed it when she fought him, it brought up some weird emotion of adrenaline and plea-
Wait, what? Shadow felt a strange lightness on his waist. He glanced down only to hear the sound of a gun cocking. 
“Shit.” He cursed, looking up to be met with a very shocking sight.
There Y/n lay beneath him, her teeth gritting as tears streamed down her glowing e/c orbs. Her hands were trembling as she held the gun to his head, trying her very hardest to fight against the debilitation that he put her under. He made her want to die just by looking at her, let alone touching her. And now she had to make him stop. He glanced to the side by her head and felt a draining sensation through his chest when he saw what used to be the remote controller for Metal Sonic. She must have found a way to smash it at some point.
But then he realized something. 
“You’re a fool,” He scoffed, shaking his head. “A beautiful fool.” 
Y/n didn’t respond, but the shift in her expression let him know that she heard him perfectly. 
No, she thought. This wouldn’t work. He isn’t afraid of the gun. He isn’t afraid of it because he knows that even if she wanted to, she might not be able to pull the trigger. No, his fear wasn’t of having a gun put to his chest. But what he was afraid of...
Y/n slowly turned the gun around in her hands until it was pressed up against her forehead. 
She placed her finger over the trigger, and Shadow’s facade crumbled almost instantly. He wrapped his hands around hers, trying desperately to yank it away from her forehead. They were no longer physically fighting one another as he sat on top of her stomach, pinning her to the ground. No. The fight was now over the gun Y/n was pressing to her head. But even when Shadow tugged at it with all his might, it didn’t budge an inch. The glowing in Y/n’s eyes explained why. 
But she wasn’t done yet.
“You did this to me.” 
Shadow froze, staring straight into Y/n’s burning e/c eyes as they swirled with a tornado of emotions. Anger, hatred, betrayal, hurt, disgust. 
“You did this to me, Shadow. You made me think that dying would be better than living on this earth. You hurt a perfectly good batch of people, all for what? For money? For something that you didn’t even understand. You hurt me, Shadow.” 
Shadow’s hands fell limp by his sides, and if Y/n didn’t know any better, she could practically see his soul shatter through his eyes. 
“You. Hurt. Me.” 
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Shadow instantly began shaking his head, the last bit of denial still trying to claw its way to the surface. 
“N-no, no, n-no, I-I love you, I-”
“You tried to make me kill myself. You. Hurt. Me.” With her final words, Shadow finally broke. Watching all the fire drain from his eyes, Y/n took the opportunity to smash the gun against the side of his head, knocking him out successfully. He slumped onto the ground in an unnatural position and Y/n finally heaved in a shaky breath. She pulled her shaking body up into a sitting position and stared down at the gun in her hands.
A tiny tear drop fell onto the trigger.
She had won.
♡ a.a.
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chaosmallet · 4 years
AO3 Link ♡
Sweat dripped down Amy’s brow as she took in weak, labored breaths, admiring the wreckage of Eggman’s latest line of badniks. This battle had caught the team by surprise and had been especially rough on them. Since the doctor disappeared again, everyone had taken a much needed break, and Robotnik had struck right when everyone’s guard was lowered. Although he was defeated again, no one was going to leave the battle unscathed. Amy thought that she had been especially lucky, maintaining only a few ugly bruises and a few minor cuts.
Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles had been out investigating reports of badnik sightings near Spiral Hill Village when they were quickly overwhelmed by a swarm of menacing robots. When Amy received a transmission from Tails asking for assistance, Shadow had been with her and insisted on coming with her to help.
From a few yards away, Shadow was now briskly walking towards her with his posture rigid and his fists clenched by his sides. He held Amy captive in his intense gaze, keeping her rooted in place as she pondered what the issue could be. Out of breath, the rest of the group watched as Shadow made his way up to her, too tired to ask him what was wrong. She didn’t have any time to react before his hand gripped her upper arm and they suddenly appeared in the middle of her living room.
Shadow immediately let go of Amy and turned away from her, walking away as his fists shook from both adrenaline and anger. The pink hedgehog was confused about his reaction to their victory and why he would Chaos Control them away so quickly rather than check up on Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles. Seeking answers, Amy followed him as he silently walked into the kitchen. He stopped right in the middle of the room, but didn’t turn around to face her.
“Shadow?” Amy called as she timidly reached out for him. He sharply turned around with such an intense glare on his face that Amy had to withdraw her hand and take a step back. After a few moments of silence, Shadow finally turned around to face her fully, arms crossed.
“...Why would you do that?” he questioned in a controlled tone. Amy could tell that he was holding back frustration, but over what, she didn’t know. At her lack of a response, Shadow quickly sucked in a breath and released a slow sigh, getting more frustrated over the lack of an explanation on Amy’s part. His fists clenched and unclenched again.
“Why were you being so reckless?” he asked, the venom in his voice now apparent. His unrelenting gaze dug right through her as if he was searching her for an answer.
After racking her brain for a few moments, Amy realized what he must have been talking about. During the battle, several super badniks that were at least three times his size had locked onto Shadow and were closing in on him from all directions. He had decided to break off from the group to lead the robots elsewhere and to keep everyone else out of harm’s way. As soon as she saw what he was doing, Amy knew that she couldn’t let him try to deal with all of those enemies alone.
As she ran after Shadow, she could see that he was already a bit worse for wear and was bleeding a considerable amount. Amy knew he could heal fast, but the sight was still something that made her stomach twist. Amy began to run even harder, pulling out her hammer and jumping over the closest robot with a shout of pure adrenaline. She managed to connect her hammer to the head of the robot she launched herself over, severely denting it and taking it out immediately. Fatigued, Amy took a second to pull her hammer out of the robot’s remains, stumbling backwards from the effort when her hammer finally popped free. Upon looking back at the rest of the fleet, she realized that the robots that were once focused on Shadow were now closing in on her. There was no way that she could move out of the way of their oncoming attack.
Suddenly, she was swept off her feet and was travelling at a dizzyingly impossible speed. Regaining her composure, she realized that Shadow was holding her while propelling them away from the horde of super badniks. She could hear the robot’s massive legs pound against the earth as they gave chase, but they were no match for Shadow’s speed. The black hedgehog’s expression was hard and focused on his surroundings, and Amy couldn’t help but admire his features while he was distracted on the task ahead.
In only a handful of seconds, they neared Sonic and the rest of the group who were almost finished with Eggman’s fleet of lower-level badniks. Catching sight of Shadow, Amy, and the machines chasing them, the team prepared themselves for one last push against Eggman’s horde of bots. Shadow raced past the rest of the group, nearing the edge of the battlefield. Once he was satisfied with his distance from the fight, Shadow came to a clean stop with assistance from his air shoes and set Amy down gently before racing back into the fray. Battered but determined, the hedgehog heroine gripped her hammer tightly and ran after him, determined to help finish the fight.
Pulling herself out of her thoughts, she realized that Shadow was still waiting on an answer to his question. Taking a few seconds to relax under his intense glare, she took a deep breath to steady herself.
“...I think it’s worth it,” Amy hesitantly started. “I think being reckless is worth it if I can protect the people that I care about.” Shadow squeezed his eyes shut and pinched the bridge of his nose at her response.
“I am the Ultimate Lifeform, it’s my job to protect others, not yours,” Shadow responded, clearly not satisfied with the answer she gave him.
Amy’s brow furrowed, confused as to what his problem was. “How can you say that? You can still get hurt!”
“My skin deflects bullets Amy. I’m basically indestructible.”
“But you can still feel pain!”
“That is irrelevant. No one can heal as quickly as I can.”
“But I hate seeing you hurt Shadow!”
“I am the most durable member of the team. It’s best if I face the bigger challenges alone.”
“But you don’t have to fight alone! Who’s looking out for you then? I wanted to help you!”
“I don’t want any help from you if you’re going to jump in front of harm’s way so easily!”
“Why won’t you just drop this, Shadow?!”
“Because I can’t lose you! I won’t allow it!” Shadow shouted, a pained expression revealing itself on his face.
Amy gasped at the intensity of his words as tears gathered in her eyes, now understanding what Shadow must have been feeling. He had lost everyone he’d ever loved, and it would only take one mistake for him to lose her too. She gave Shadow a sad but understanding look before walking over and wrapping her arms around him. Although he remained motionless, Amy wanted him to know that she would never try to purposefully cause him distress. The full horror of the situation suddenly hit her as she cried out into his chest, sobs wracking her small frame. Shadow finally hugged her to him as if she could disappear at any moment; as if she were the most precious thing in the world.
“I’m so sorry Shadow,” Amy whispered into his chest, trying to hide her tear-streaked face from him. Shadow began to lightly rub her back in comfort.
“Please… be more careful.” Shadow murmured, his voice cracking from stress as he held her closer, tucking her head underneath his chin. He had never felt like this about anyone before, alive or otherwise, and he’d be damned if he was going to lose her now. Amy turned her head sideways on his chest so that she could hear his heartbeat, internally psyching herself up to tell Shadow what she was feeling.
“There’s no way I could leave you to fight alone,” Amy began. “Why don’t we just… always stick together. I’m still going to fight alongside you Shadow, but… I’ll be more careful. For you.”
Shadow only gave a soft grunt in reply. He knew how strong Amy was, and didn’t want to discredit her strength. It wasn’t her ability to fight that worried him, it was the unpredictability that all battles against Eggman usually had, and Shadow didn’t like the odds of Amy getting hurt. However, he knew that victory often came easier when fighting alongside others, especially those that cared deeply for each other. He felt that he could be victorious against any enemy as long as he had Amy by his side. He held her closer, relieved that she was here in his arms.
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pinejayy · 4 years
The Forbidden Boyfriend ( Dr. Robotnik x Reader )
part 4 ( end )
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Prompt: You are the little sister of Tom Wachowski, Y/N Wachowski, just 5 years younger than him. You had everything you could ask for, great friends, a great home, a wonderful job and a great realtionship between your bother. You also had a forbidden boyfriend and he was Ivo Robotnik. No one knows about you two and you tend to keep it like that. (This is an au where Robotnik doesn't get sent to that mushroom planet.)
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 (current one)
Word count: +2.5k
Warnings: Angst, Death mention, bad ending.
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"Y-Y/N?" Hearing Sonic's voice. As he just walked up just getting down with his head low. Not being able to look at you. "He was dangerous, I had to do it for the town and everyone's safety."
Tom just held you, and you just cried not being able to talk nor look at them. Until you just looked at your brother and looked away. You just pushed him away, standing up. "He was the the love of my life."
Both Sonic and Tom just looked at each other, both just frowned. Tom just held his hands out he wanted to hold you. "No no Y/N...he was a bad man come on please." He said, he took a step in front of you. "Look I'm sorry for what I said, you're my sister and I care about you."
You just looked down, sighing and shook your head. "Just get away from me." You say, as you turn around walking away until Sonic just ran in front of you.
"Wait please! Y/N I miss you! I miss my friend." He said.
You just walked passed him just ignoring the Hedgehog. Sonic just watched as you walked away. He almost felt guilty for what he did, but he was bad man and he hopes you could see that.
As you just got to car, you got in and just sat in the driver's seat not being able to grip on what just happened. Just placing your head on the wheel you cried hard. No one understood Robotnik. You needed to find a way to get him back. Wiping your tears you needed to see Agent Stone. You turned on your car, you hope he's still at the lab.
As you just drove to the lab, parking outside. Getting off and slamming the door closed, thank god you saw his car outside. Quickly making your way in your kick the door open making Agent Stone jump.
"Oh? Y/N you're here, Robotnik isn't here."
You bite your lip. "Of course he isn't here! That blue hedgehog sent him to an other world!" You snapped at him, just tearing up once again. You didn't mean to snap at him, but you were just so upset. "He's gone."
Stone just frowned, he was shocked not knowing what just happened to his boss, he just took you in his arms and hugged you. You immediately hugged him back.
"We have to get him back!" You say in between sobs. Then it finally hit you the rings he had! The ones he got from Sonic! "I got it!"
The Agent just looked at you, he gave you a confused look. "What do you mean? Get him back how?"
You didn't answer his question but just moved yourself away from his grasp and walked around the lab. You began looking in every desk he had. Until you found a very familiar box. Grabbing it and opening the box only to reveal three gold rings.
Stone was standing behind you, not really sure what he's looking at.
You just smiled and turn around to face him holding the box showing him the rings he still wasn't sure what he was looking at to be honest. He just raised an eyebrow at you and spoke up. "What are these, and how are you going to help the Doctor with rings?"
"These are something special from the Hedgehog, these can create portals and I'm going to create one to find them!" You were about to walk off until Agent Stone grabbed your arm.
"This is crazy what if you kill yourself, what if The Doctor is dead you can't take these risks!" He said looking down. "I don't want to lose another friend."
Looking at him, you let out a sigh. But you had to save him your gut feeling was telling you he still alive. "I promise I will be okay, but you have to trust me okay."
He just looked at you frowning, but soon after he nodded. He didn't say an other word and just walks away wishing the best for you. "Good Luck."
You took the box and walked out of the lab. And back to the car. You needed to get home so you could get these things working. I mean how hard can they be to work with? Right?
Driving back home made you felt nervous, your heart is pounding. But as you finally got home you pulled up to the drive-thru, but as you pulled up you saw Tom's car. Your brother and Sonic we're standing outside. You groan but just got off the car holding the box with the rings in it and just started to walk towards the door trying your best to avoid them.
But I guess the world was just against you right now. As Tom step in front of you with Sonic at his side. Holding on to the box closer to your body you didn't want to lose it.
"Look, I'm sorry about your little boyfriend but he's bad don't you understand. A bad guy with bad intentions don't you get that huh." Tom said. "Now please, don't run away from your problems. I miss my sister."
You rolled your eyes. "Yeah right, you told me you no longer had a sister. So you can fuck off Thomas. Now move." You said as you try to walk past him. As doing so you dropped the box and the rings fell on the ground. Quickly you try to pick them up but Sonic beat you to that.
"Where did you get these!" Sonic said, he was looking angry.
You bit your lip and growled. "None of your business. Now give them back!" You try snatching them away from him but obviously he was too fast. Stupid Hedgehog.
Sonic just looked at you "I can't believe you. You really want to save his life. Bring him back here."
Tom just stood there quietly, as Sonic really never gone mad and when he did it was very rare. But he was right. "Y/N he's right."
You just broke down crying, your blood was boiling. You just walked passed them walking into your home and looking at them one last time before slamming the door shut. You pressed your back on a door and just slid down and just cried on your knees. He was really gone, they're really going to keep you away from him. Your only opportunity to save him gone. You didn't know what to do, the love of your life was gone and there's nothing you could do.
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As a few months passed by. You were a mess, totally emotionally drained. You weren't functioning right, you didn't want to eat and go out. Already quitting your job not so long ago, you were just a mess after Robotnik's disappearance. Both Sonic and Tom heck even Maddie try getting you out of the house or try talking to you but you just closed yourself away from everyone. Even Agent Stone try calling you, sometimes you would answer but most of the time you would ingore him. And whenever you did speak with him he would bring you food.
You were currently in the shower, just sitting there as you allowed cold water to hit your back. Sitting there as your thought about Ivo. Sighing to yourself, you got out and just changed not bothering to put the towel in the dirty pile of clothes. As you just flopped onto the bed you heard a loud crash coming from the kitchen. You didn't bother to look up, soon after it began to get annoying. Just groaning you got off and up from the bed, grabbing a baseball bat underneath your bed and started to head to the sounds. As you got to the kitchen you see a dark figure. As you turn on the lights, ready to swing your baseball bat at the intruder. But you saw who it was, it was your boyfriend. He looked different but not totally different. It looked like he gained a few pounds, had no hair on his head and his mustache was now dramatically big. He was still wearing his red pilot suit, it was all ripped and dirty. Dropping the baseball bat, you took a step towards him.
"I-Ivo? Is that you." You look at him, tearing up and placing both your hands on his cheeks.
"Yes... it's me." He replied, looking down at you he had his head low.
You hugged him crying softly. "Oh how I missed you sweetheart! I thought I wouldn't see you."
He hugged back just holding you, he missed your touch, your voice and everything about you. "I've missed you so much, you don't know how hard was it...and losing you."
You just nodded and placed a small kiss on his cheek. "Why don't you shower and I find you some clothes okay sweetie and get you something to eat."
He smiled slightly at you and just nodded.
After he was done with his shower, you got him clean clothes and some food, and after he ate he was laying on the bed with you. You were asking him so many questions. Like how was the place he got sent to? What did he eat? But most importantly how did he get back.
"How did you get back sweetheart?" You asked him.
"Well you see when that bloody hedgehogs sent me to this world called the mushroom planet or something like that. And I made my way to a other place where there was more of his kind. It was odd." He began saying just looking at you. "But soon after I followed this Fox who had two tails and it had some kind of device that teleported it here, and I just followed him."
You bite your lip and nodded. "I'm glad that your back. I was going to use the rings you had but...Sonic took them away." You whisper softly, tearing up.
Robotnik just looked at you, he wiped your tears away. "The most important thing is that we are back together."
You nodded "That Hedgehog ruined everything for us...I want him to pay."
Robotnik just smirked slightly and patted your back. "Well why not destroy him hm? He ruined your life babygirl." He whispered.
You look at him, biting your lip but nodded. "Tonight! Let's go after him tonight!"
Your boyfriend just chuckled at your respond. "Well what are we waiting for. Let's catch us a Hedgehog."
You were about to get up until Robotnik pulled you back into the bed and kissed you. "First, I need you sweetheart."
♡ ♡ ♡
As you Robotnik and you went back to his lab, getting suit up and ready. Thankfully he had a other Eggpod, and you guys were ready and at Green Hills. He was destroying everything he came across, laughing like a mad man. While you hid somewhere else while Robotnik would distract Sonic you would shoot him with a very special invention Robotnik gave you. It was supposed to be something to just stop Sonic and basically make him pass out and it was also a shocker.
As Robotnik continued to destroy things, a blue blur came along. This time he was alone, looking annoyed. "You're back Eggman and looking uglier than ever."
"Yes! I'm back and I'm not alone Hedgehog. But first why don't we catch up." He said, clicking on a button in launching missiles at him. Sonic quickly dodged all of them. "You took my beautiful girlfriend away from me! But now that I'm back I have a special surprise. Oh princess!" Robotnik yelled out.
You appeared out of no where, a meaning of ice at Sonic and pulling a trigger it began stocking him and he yelled out in pain. He fell onto his knees and just looked at you. 'Y/N?"
You just smirked and look down at him. "You took everything away from me, and now it's time to pay little hedgehog." Pointing the device at him, pulling the trigger once again but when you did do he ran off and to the other side.
'What are you doing! No! Please Y/N why are working with him!" He cried out.
Pulling the trigger once again, trying to hit them again but he kept on dodging your hits. It started to make you mad. "Stay still!"
Sonic just frowned and looking over at Robotnik he saw him laughing. He was getting angry at him, he clenched his fist and started to charge towards his ship. Robotnik threw more missiles at him, missing him. Not a single one hitting him at all.
You could tell Robotnik was getting angry an angrier at the moment. He just began to push buttons trying to throw everything he had at him.
You were too caught up with something, not noticing one of the missiles came towards you. You reacted too late and was to slow. About to move it hit where you standing. Sending your body to the hard ground. Your body made a hard impact on the floor. You just laid there, not moving. Just laying there you began to bleed out, whimpering to yourself. Soon after your eyes began to feel heavy, no longer being able to keep them open you closed them while taking your last breath.
Robotnik nor Sonic didn't notice you until Robotnik just watched your body on the floor not moving, he just looked shocked tears started to fill up in his eyes. Sonic then turned around his green eyes widen at what he saw.
"Y/N!" He yelled and ran over to you, checking on you. He began to cry, falling onto his knees crying. "She's not breathing!"
Tom's car soon came in speeding in, he saw Sonic crying on his knees with you on the floor. He quickly ran to you and Sonic. He got down and just looked at you, seeing your blood he began to tear up. "No no Y/N...you can't be gone!"
Robotnik just watched, he was shocked. Horrified. What did he do? He just watched with tears filled in his eyes. Not being able to watch this anymore he flew off leaving. Leaving you there. As Tom just held onto your body crying.
Sonic looked at you and watched as Eggman flew off. He was going to pay for what he did no matter what.
As Robotnik just flew off, he landed somewhere far away. Soon after he just parked down his eggpod once he did he broke down crying loudly. He lost you for reals this time. He lost the only person he truly loved and who loved him. As he cried he pulled out a small box he opened it revealing a beautiful diamond ring. He was going propose to you, and ask you to be his. As he just clench onto a ring, placing a small kiss on it. Sonic is going to pay, he's going to kill him no matter how long it takes. He took everything away from him.
"Don't worry Y/N, he's going to pay.... I love you, I will always love you." He said to himself as he looked up at the sky.
Tagged Robotnik list: @misskirsti @flutterskies @hs-killjam @xxcherry-killerxx @doctor-rothotnik @iclown69 @arvadswife @along-the-lines-of-space @jimbotniks @read-me-to-pieces @agent-catarina-glenn @penelope-potter @ssdarlin @shiniapples @smokindoinksinthejungle @a-frozen-bag-of-corn @beeetleejuicee @enaelyork @baerura
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teamxdark · 3 years
A WIP of the beginning of Mirror, Mirror, since it’s taking me longer than I’d hoped.
Sonic stared at the twisted heap of metal on the kitchen counter, bisected by a sword, and tried his hardest not to scream.
“Lancelot,” he said, struggling to keep his voice even, “that was a toaster.”
The knight in question wrenched his sword from the mess, causing sparks to fly and little bits and bobs, both mechanical and breadlike, to scatter across the counter and fall to the floor. “It was burning up,” he explained gravely, “achieving heats far too intense for today’s weather. I could not trust it, and when it let out a scream, I had to act.”
“That ‘scream’ was an alarm,” Sonic snapped, too tired and hungry to deal with this right then. “That means that the toast is done and we can eat. Which we can’t now. Because you attacked the toaster.”
The dark hedgehog turned his sword over in his hands, and Sonic braced himself for his rebuttal, and then they would argue over who was in the right, but the knight uttered a soft, “I simply wished to protect you. I am still getting used to the complex machines of this era, and I cannot bring myself to trust them. I realize that this is… unbecoming of me, and an irritation to you. I apologize, and I will try my best to keep my impulses under control.”
Sonic let out his breath in a loud exhale. It was so easy to forget, still, that this wasn’t Shadow in front of him.
No one could quite explain how the switch had come to pass; one day, Shadow and he had parted ways, the sensation that there were still words left unspoken between them that would be better saved for another time, and the next day, Lancelot had been found in his place. 
The knight was having trouble adjusting, to put it lightly. It had been weeks, but the advanced technology of contemporary times drove him to paranoia, and Sonic had seen many a monitor, vehicle, and appliance fall victim to Arondight’s wrath, much to Tails’ chagrin.
Worse, still, was that Lancelot refused to stay anywhere aside from Sonic’s home. The knight graciously declined Shadow’s place, leaving Rouge and Omega down one roommate, staying instead in any spare room he could find, so long as it was where Sonic was staying as well. Rouge had laughed it off, waving the knight away with a taunt that he was ‘Sonic’s problem now’, but the hero had seen the flash of hurt and worry in her eyes.
No one knew where Shadow was, or if he was ever coming back.
And now incidents such as these, with another appliance in pieces, were commonplace.
Sonic rubbed at his forehead, trying to put his buzzing thoughts together in his head before he spoke. “Lance, I get that you’re trying to protect me from my evil cookware and all that, but I don’t get why.”
The knight started, one ear tilting to the side in confusion. “Why would I not? I swore to do so, did I not?”
“No,” Sonic deadpanned. “You didn’t.”
That seemed to offend Lancelot, who let go of his sword for a moment to cross his arms. “I do not wish to speak out of line,” he said, sounding like he was struggling to remain calm, “but you are mistaken. A knight is loyal to the sovereign who knights him, until the last of his days.”
“But I didn’t knight you!” Sonic protested, at the end of his rope. “I’m not your king!”
In response, Lancelot pushed up his visor, and Sonic took in the set jaw, the way his pointed white teeth bared themselves in a snarl, by all means, the spitting image of Shadow, with just the smallest thing here and there that harshly reminded Sonic that the one standing before him was not the one he had spent so many years with.
He saw it in the same set jaw, as it trembled with the effort to keep everything held back. He saw it in the snarl, which was more dismayed than hostile. Most of all, he saw it in Lancelot’s eyes, red and wide and so very expressive without the visor to shield them away.
Sonic was so used to seeing those eyes guarded, cut off from him, with only the smallest of opportunities to peek inside before they closed him out again.
Lancelot reached out, holding one of Sonic’s hands in both of his, delicately, like he was something infinitely valuable and the knight was afraid of sullying him with his hands. Sonic had only blinked when Lancelot dropped to his knees, his head bowed forward, and he heard him clear his throat before he spoke.
“You are him. You may not believe me, but I know it to be true. You are Arthur, my king, in this life and all others.”
Sonic sighed, unwilling to let this go but also not wanting to keep on this path of conversation, especially on an empty stomach. He tried to wrench away his hand, but Lancelot held tight, lifting his head, eyes ablaze with passionate certainty that made Sonic freeze in place.
He had never been looked at like that before…
"Every piece of you is the same,” Lancelot declared, his eyes unwavering, drawing in the hero and refusing to release him. “It is not only in image, either. I see it, I hear it, I feel it... It's more than just the body, the vision I see before me. You have his soul, free and unbound and hungry for adventure. You have his heart, strong and kind and noble. I see it in your eyes, you are him, you are who he would be if he were not burdened by his destiny! Don't you understand, Sonic? The only difference between you and Arthur are the memories you keep! You are him! You are him, and that's why I will follow you and protect you with my life. I gave you my vow, and I will not break it. No matter the time, no matter the life... I will stand by you until any and every version of us ceases to exist. That is my promise to you, as your knight!"
He said it so resolutely, so earnestly, that Sonic couldn’t find the words, nor the will to argue against him. In all his life, in all his wildest fantasies, Sonic could never have imagined those words, coming from that mouth, spoken in that voice… It was enough to get his heart pounding, that was for sure.
Sonic closed his eyes, taking a deep breath, but Lancelot’s hands clasped around his kept him anchored in this strange reality he was in. He didn’t like it; it had taken so long to get to where he had gotten with Shadow, so much time and effort and tenacity to get every last crumb from him, but Sonic had been adamant. He had wanted to break Shadow’s walls, to reach through, to understand him and be someone trusted and cared for. He had tried so hard, made so much progress… and now Shadow was gone, and in his place, Lancelot knelt before him, eagerly baring his soul for him without so much as a command.
Sonic would have been a liar if he said he didn’t like what he saw in Lancelot, either, but after all he had done for Shadow… it felt… wrong? Bad? In poor taste? Off, to be feeling similar flutters in the chest for a man who shared his face but not his past, nor his experiences.
Yet, as he opened his eyes and saw Lancelot still staring resolutely at him, as though desperate for him to understand, Sonic had to wonder if the knight had a point; Shadow had had amnesia twice, now. His memories had reset, but he had still been Shadow at his core. Sonic had never doubted that.
Did memories truly make a person who they were? And if so… were Lancelot and Shadow truly two different people?
Are you him? Sonic wanted to ask as he was burned alive by those eyes, crimson and intense, focused on him and him alone. Are you who he could have been if things had been different?
He wasn’t sure, but at least he could kind of understand where Lancelot was coming from.
Sonic heaved out an exhale, using both hands to pull Lancelot to his feet. “Okay,” he conceded. “Okay… but no more protecting me from my house or my friends. I’ll let you know when we’re in danger, okay?”
And Lancelot beamed, overjoyed, his teeth poking out through his lips and his eyes crinkling with happiness, and Sonic would be an even bigger liar if he denied that it was one of the most gorgeous sights he had ever seen.
Lancelot… I think I want to know you, too.
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Filmverse!Knuckles is gonna be Tikal’s Little Brother and if he’s not I’m suing Sega
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[ID: Two images; one of clipart of Knuckles the Echidna beside a poster for Sonic the Hedgehog (2020), and another from Sonic X of Knuckles and Tikal together while Tikal is injured. End ID.] 
Thankfully, this might be shorter than my last couple theory posts but unfortunately I am possibly more passionate about it because this could conceivably happen and if it doesn’t I don’t know what I’m gonna do. 
So in this theory, I will endeavor to prove these points:
Knuckles will very soon be present in the filmverse. 
In the Filmverse, Pachacamac (and by extention, Tikal) are no longer four-thousand years gone, but exist at the same time as Sonic.
Knuckles is going to be in this clan not just as any member, but as Tikal’s brother. 
We’re going off the rails and I’m going to tie this all in to the Chaos Emerald Filmverse theory. 
Who’s ready to go? Everything under the cut. 
1. Knuckles is Coming #2k22
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[ID: Another edited photo, placing clipart of Knuckles beside a promotional photo for Sonic the Hedgehog (2020). End ID.] 
This will probably be a short section but... there’s no way Knuckles won’t be in the filmverse very soon. Likely, in the second fucking movie. 
Let’s start with the basics: Knuckles was originally going to be in the first movie, but was cut in order to better establish the Sonic vs Robotnik rivalry. Director Jeff Fowler made the following statement: 
“For this first film, we really were just looking at the 1991 game and just see where it all started and keep it simple…Just really try to nail Sonic and Robotnik and just set up their rivalry because you don’t…I mean, I love…There’s a lot of great characters in Sonic universe, but it’s the most important thing is just to get Sonic set up and just tell a little bit of an origin story with him, and just do it in a way that really makes everyone fall in love with him as a character and just be rooting for more.
And then, if all that goes well, then we can kind of open it up and bring in some of these other characters that fans know and love. And yeah, I mean, no one’s more excited than me to have that opportunity.”
As well as this, co-writer for the film, Josh Miller, has stated he really wants to bring in Knux. 
“I will only hint that we wanna bring in some of the other characters from the games. But, really, it’s all about Knuckles’ love.” [x]
Second, voice actors have, reportedly, already been considered for Knuckles’s voice, including Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. [x, x]
And third, Mushroom Hill. 
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[ID: Two photos; one of the Mushroom Planet from Sonic the Hedgehog (2020). The second is a screenshot from Sonic & Knuckles, where Knuckles is running through Mushroom Hill. Both photos feature gigantic mushrooms resembling trees and an orange tint. End iD.]
The “Mushroom Planet” is a direct reference to the first level of Sonic & Knuckles. The first level of.... the game with Knuckles’s name in it. 
So, you wanna hear something funny? What’s the first thing Knuckles does in the game timeline? 
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[ID: Screenshot from Sonic & Knuckles. Sonic is standing on the left side of the screen, beneath a mural of something holding an emerald towards something that looks like SuperSonic. On the right side of the screen is Knuckles, ready to fight Sonic. End ID.]
Well... Robotnik shows up, convinces him that Sonic and Tails are gonna try to steal his emerald, and sends him off to fight them. 
And where’s Robotnik at the end of the 2020 film?
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[ID: Robotnik on the Mushroom Planet in Sonic the Hedgehog (2020). End ID.]
While the Mushroom Planet may not be where Angel Island is in filmverse, the direct reference would definitely generate fan attention. And it implies that Robotnik, wherever he is or is going, is headed towards Knuckles. And with the game inciting incident of Robotnik having Knuckles fight Sonic for him... well, wouldn’t that be a wild introduction? Especially for casual fans who don’t have Sonic Lore memorized and may not know that Knuckles was originally an antagonist/rival to Sonic. 
Oh, and there’s one more piece of evidence that Knuckles is gonna show up... the fact that his tribe already has. 
And among them, by the way, are Pachacamac and Tikal. 
2. Pachacamac and Tikal are no longer 4000 years old
So. Let’s talk about the opening scene of Sonic the Hedgehog (2020). As many of you have probably noticed, Sonic and Longclaw are attacked not just by any masked intruders, but by... the Knuckles Clan of Echidnas. 
And we’re sure they’re not any other clan, because they have the trademark Knuckled Gloves. 
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[ID: Multiple gifs of the echidnas attempt to attack Longclaw and Baby Sonic. They are dressed in vaguely tribal wear, and have gloves featuring pointed knuckles, signifying them as the Knuckles Clan. End ID.] 
Now, that’s not evidence of Pachacamac/Tikal itself; we know the Knuckles Clan lasted at least long enough to spawn our Knuckles. What is evidence, however, is in the specific Echidna who shot Longclaw. 
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[ID: Gif of the Echidna who shot Longclaw, isolated in the frame. End ID.] 
Look familiar?
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[ID: The echdina who shot Longclaw in the 2020 film next to a render of Pachacamac. The mystery echidna’s helmet has the same forehead markings as Pachacamac, along with a design that looks like his mustache. End ID.]
And fun fact: this isn’t me reaching for once. This was confirmed by Tyson Hesse, film character designer and savior of Sonic, on his twitter. 
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[ID: Tweet from Tyson Hesse, showing the pictures of the Echidna and Pachacamac. He says, “Late to the #sonicwatchparty but this is an easter egg I haven’t seen many people catch.” End iD.]
Pachacamac is canonically in Sonic 2020. As director Jeff Fowler has said he believes Sonic as ~13 during the events of the film, we could say he’s about three years old in that intro. And we know this because it is specified specifically that the main timeline takes place ten years after the prologue. 
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[ID: Screenshot from Sonic the Hedgehog (2020), the first shot following the logo. It is a landscape shot of a street in the middle of a green field, and the caption reads, Green Hills Montana: Ten Years Later. End ID.]
Meaning... Pachacamac was alive ten years before the film takes place. Quite the departure from the four-thousand year time jump in the gameverse. Seeing as Pachacamac is alive so close to this timeline, we can reasonably assume that Tikal is, too- she’s his teenaged daughter, canonically ~14 when she is turned into a spirit, which would put her as solidly alive during this timeline. 
...wanna know who else would be alive in this timeline? 
Knuckles, who is only a year older than Sonic. 
And, um, obviously a member of the Knuckles Clan. 
3. Where is Knuckles in this Filmverse Canon?
Okay “Knuckles” is going to stop sounding like a word so can we just call the Knuckles Clan the KC rn? okay? Okay. 
Knuckles is canonically a year older than Sonic- listed as 16 while Sonic is 15. So if Sonic’s alive, Knuckles is alive. Basic logic there. 
In the gameverse, Knuckles’s backstory is as thus, paraphrased from Sonic Wiki:
Knuckles was born and raised alone on Angel Island as the last surviving member of the Knuckles Clan, a long-lost race of echidnas devoted to protecting the Master Emerald from being abused. However, Knuckles’s own past was a mystery to him; he knew nothing how he came to be and believed himself to be the last of his kind entirely. The one thing he did know was that he had always been living on his island, protecting the Master Emerald. Knuckles knew from an innate knowledge that his duty was his fate, and he was content with that.
While we can’t expect his backstory to stay exactly the same, seeing as Sonic now has a dead owl mom and knows how to Fortnite dance, but Knuckles’s backstory does fuel a lot of his character and decisions in the games. Here are what I believe to be the two main points of this backstory:
Knuckles is, or at least believes himself to be, the last member of his race 
Knuckles considers it his sacred duty to guard the Master Emerald 
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[ID: Screencap from Sonic X of Knuckles the Echidna holding the Master Emerald above his head. End ID.]
Now... if Sonic was three during that backstory, the KC was around at least when Knuckles was about four. Most children don’t develop long-term memories til then, but if 3yo Sonic could remember his backstory in Green Hills near-perfectly, then clearly mobians are a bit different. We can reasonably assume that Knuckles would then remember at least part of his tribe or family, so that’s a definite change. 
Thing is, what would be the reason for this change? Even ignoring Pachacamac, it was definitely intentional for the clan attacking Longclaw and Sonic to be the KC, which does change quite a bit of Knuckles’s backstory. Which isn’t a problem, you see- it’s a drastic change, but character changes aren’t bad if there’s a reason behind them. 
So what would be the reason for Knuckles having memories of his tribe? 
Well... how easy would it be, then, to get that Sonic Adventure flashback via Knuckles instead of a glowing ball of Tikal/Navi? 
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[ID: Screencap from Sonic Adventure, showing Knuckles the Echidna staring down Chaos and the glowing ball of light that symbolizes Tikal. They are standing in front of the emerald shards. End ID.]
Would be an easy way to get any chaos emerald/Master Emerald exposition out of the way, as well as establish some basic and early Sonic Lore- Chaos, echidnas, chao. And if Knuckles, um, remembers his entire race being massacred by an elder god?? That would definitely affect him in a way that he’d consider protecting the Master Emerald, the controller of the power Chaos used to do such a thing, a duty for himself. 
And... what would be the best way to get that backstory out? 
4. Knuckles is Tikal’s Baby Brother
Here’s the thing- the KC citizens don’t seem to know much about what’s going on outside of Pachacamac’s orders. From talking to them in Sonic Adventure flashbacks, we can see they’re quite a bit... confused, I think is the best way to put it. 
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[ID: Dialogue screenshots from Sonic Adventure that I had to nab from a Game Grumps video because nobody else had these online. The echidnas say, “The daughter? I saw her in front of the shrine.”, “Well... I.... I just can’t sit still!” and “I think, therefore I am.” End ID.]
So if Knuckles was just an ordinary tribe member, it’d be unlikely for him to know enough to provide the necessary flashback details. And if Knuckles’s past was changed in order to provide an easier connection to the SA lore, he’d need to be very near to the action. Of course, he could just be a curious child, but even then, he’d likely be left out of several conversations surrounding Tikal. 
Most of Tikal’s flashbacks are spent alone- she only has a few arguing with her father, but most of her scenes are spent with the Chao and Chaos themself in the Chao Garden. Considering Tikal seems to be the only echidna frequenting the Chao Garden- the chao are afraid of her when she first approaches, Pachacamac arriving is basically seen as a declaration of war- there’d be no reason for an echidna to be there unless she brought them herself. 
Who would she bring with her? Perhaps... her little brother. 
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[ID: Screencap from Sonic X of Tikal, surrounded by flying Chao while at the Master Emerald Shrine. End ID.]
First off, let’s get over the age thing-- I know you’re gonna say “Knuckles is 16 when Tikal is 14,” HOWEVER, TIkal did not age while inside the Master Emerald. She could go in at any point in Knuckles’s life, which means she could be anywhere from ten years older than him to a twin sister to two years younger. 
There’s no real concrete evidence of how old Knuckles would be in filmverse when the SA events happen, seeing as we have only seen Pachacamac existing and have no idea where this is in his timeline. However, from a writing standpoint, if you want to keep a bit of Knuckles’s backstory of living alone for a good chunk of his life, I’d say the massacre happening when he was ~8 seems likely. Old enough to have clear memories of the SA events but young enough to have his life completely sidetracked and feel like he raised himself. 
It’d be very easy for the flashbacks to feature Tikal taking a baby Knuckles to the Chao Garden, just telling him “don’t tell Dad, he won’t understand,” to talk to him about the grandmother he doesn’t remember who used to teach peace, to explain Chaos and the Master Emerald to him. 
And it’d be very easy angst for Knuckles being dragged along with the rest of the clan to take the emerald(s), watch his father basically doom his sister and his tribe murder innocent chao, and then see everyone he’s ever known murdered by Chaos, with his older sister stopping the rampage only by sealing herself and the destructive god in that emerald, leaving Knuckles completely alone. That’s all severe angst that pretty much no writer would pass up. 
Especially because it means Knuckles guarding the Master Emerald has now turned into Knuckles guarding his sister. 
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[ID: Sonic X screenshot of Knuckles and Tikal looking up, surrounded by fire. End ID.]
So that’s the general theory. But let’s talk about something more fun: how it all ties into the Chaos Emerald Filmverse Theory. 
5. It all ties into our Chaos Emerald theory shh 
If you haven’t read Cori’s manifesto on the Chaos Emerald Filmverse Theory, allow me to summarize: 
Sonic is definitely a living Chaos Emerald, meaning that there are six other living Chaos Emeralds running around that we’re gonna need to track down. At least one of them’s Tails. 
First thing’s first... Robotnik going after Knuckles then makes perfect sense. If Robotnik somehow figured out exactly what Sonic was, he’d want a way to dilute his power. And the Master Emerald literally nullifies the power of the chaos emeralds. So whoever has the Master Emerald can severely nerf Sonic. Imagine Sonic getting within the boundaries of the ME and then immediately losing speed and falling flat on his face. Big oof. 
Second, it’s possible that Knuckles will also know what Sonic is. Because, well... what was Pachacamac after in Sonic Adventure?
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[ID: Pachacamac attempting to talk down Tikal, who is t-posing in front of the Chao Garden in attempt to keep them out. Behind him is an echidna army, ready to attack. Pachacamac is saying, “We need those seven emeralds to give us total power!” End ID.]
The Chaos Emeralds. In order to use their power as weapons. 
And what was he after in Sonic 2020? 
Interesting, huh.
Knuckles is gonna be the last member of the Knuckles Clan, guarding his older sister’s spirit inside an insanely powerful emerald, and will definitely be manipulated by Robotnik into using his Master Emerald to fuck up Sonic. 
And it’ll be really awesome. 
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[ID: Sonic X screencap of Knuckles giving a thumbs up. End ID.]
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cutegirlmayra · 4 years
More Sonamy Prompts? More?!
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Prompts are still on shutdown but I have an old prompt idea I’m gonna go for~
With a free-wheeling tumble, Sonic landed over Amy’s form and protectively took the impact of Eggman’s attack.
High up in his massive, mega robot--The doctor laughed and began firing on Tails and Knuckles, seeing as Sonic and Amy were left as a pile of dirt after the assault of firepower.
A single strand of Sonic’s blue quill stood out... it lightly swayed in the wind before ruffling quickly as the dirt began to fall to the sides of the mound.
Sonic, like a dog shaking off water, shook himself free of the dirt. Still having that same smile on his face he had while rushing in to cover for Amy, he narrowed his brow and began burrowing for Amy.
Only when he couldn’t find her did he lose his smile and began sticking his head up and around to locate her.
However... Amy had dug herself up out of the mound herself and quickly turned around to see she was behind Sonic.
Being sneaky, she stalked up quietly behind him... But his head turned and saw her with a gasp as she leapt at him. She had hoped to catch him off guard, but his reflexes were better than that.
He caught her as she hugged him and tried to shower him with missed kisses, due to the fact that he kept her back just enough away that none would get a solid landing.
He closed one eye but smiled with the other as her voice rang out in delight, “Oh, Sonic! You saved me!”
“Heheh.” He chuckled, lightly, “More like I just kept the dirt from getting in your hair. You okay?”
She pulled back a moment to really look at him, “Oh Sonic~” She turned back to Eggman, “He’s really got something up his sleeve this time, doesn’t he?”
Sonic, after scratching his head from the embarrassment of Amy’s showering devotion, turned back to look at it.
“Yeah, it’s different alright. From his usual, crazy, hair-gripping schemes...” Sonic joked, but there seemed to be something off about today.
Even though everything was happening as it usually does, even Amy’s typical admiration of himself, something wasn’t quite right...
He sneezed.
“Sonic?” Amy blinked curiously back to him.
“I’m fine.” Sonic sniffed, wiping his nose to his glove a few times before getting up and tapping his foot behind him. “I’ll take care of Egghead, you just take out those clunky feet!”
Amy got up on a knee, flinging up her hammer, “Got it! But Sonic-!”
He was rotating his shoulder out, feeling something stuffy in his chest. “Ugh... *Sniff*, yeah, Amy?”
As he looked back, trying to look more like his usual self, she suddenly gave him a flirty look.
“Marry me?”
He noticed she was on one knee and looked back to her, unamused. He just rolled his eyes and dashed off.
“Silence means it’s not a no!” Amy called out, giggling to herself before getting up to help.
As the battle dragged on, Sonic felt drained and like he couldn’t breathe. His head was warm as Eggman finally admitted defeat...
“And that’s... what you get-! You loser!” Sonic, looking a bit scatter-brained, seemed to be wobbly on his feet, standing over the giant robot before it began to glow green...
“My emerald!” Knuckles cried out as the robot got back up from the grave, seeming ready for round two as robotic wings began to form on it’s back. A metal wire-line that soon blasted electrical webbing throughout itself.
“HAHAHA!!! HOHO! Take on this, Sonic!... Sonic?” Eggman looked around, but Sonic was being secretly dragged off the battlefield...
“Where’d he go?” Knuckles looked around a moment, then shrugged it off and cracked his neck to the side, “Ah, forget’em! It’s just you and me, Eggman!”
“Hardly any fun...” Eggman pouted, but seemed to engage the fist-pounding Knuckles who came directly at him.
“Give me back my eeemmmerrallldd!!!”
Beyond the bushes and treeline, Tails lightly put Sonic down as Amy rushed to join him.
“What’s wrong with him?” She worriedly held her hands to her chest.
“He seems kinda out of it.” Tails concluded, touching his forehead before pulling out his Miles-Electrics.
“I’m... Fine...” Sonic huffed out, laying down as he seemed to be stuck there. He tried to reach out and move his upper-torso to sitting up straight but was like a tortoise on his back.
“Oh no... He seems-” Amy began but Tails finished the line for her.
“Woah! He’s off the charts sick!” Tails shook his head, then looked to Amy, “I knew this would happen. Sonic said he felt ill earlier but then carried on like he never told me. I thought that maybe he fought it off but it looks worse than before.” Tails sighed, “I think we can handle Eggman from here, but... We really shouldn’t leave him alone like this...” Tails frowned as he saw his friend struggling to kick his legs up and move off from his back.
Sonic was strangely tired, that never happened before. Not like this, anyway. Usually, he had to move or else the energy in him would collect and explode! His face was warm too, odd, and it seemed like a perfectly good day to destroy a giant robot too...
“I don’t need to be put on the sidelines, Tails... I’m-HACHOO!” he sneezed, as Tails and Amy flinched. Tails held up his miles-electric to block any germs that might have been spread in the air, but Amy just stepped back and covered her face.
“Don’t worry, Tails.” Lovingly, Amy put her hand on Tails’s shoulder, which caused him to lower the device blocking his face. “I already got the feet pretty damaged, maybe just ask Knuckles to tunnel it under?”
“Good idea!” Tails nodded, then got up with an apologetic grin to Sonic, “Sorry, buddy. But you need a break!” he took off then, waving to Amy, “Make sure he rests!”
“Right!” Determined, Amy walked around Sonic and pulled him up by a bit by getting her hands under his armpits. “Come on, Sonic! Let’s have you rest somewhere safe- Ah!” she turned to see Eggman Robots hacking through the forest.
“They’re... not gonna just let me sleep... not on my watch.” Sonic’s head could barely stay up, but he could see what she was worried about. “I’ll take’em on.” He tried to kick his feet up and managed to squabble up, then went to spin-dash but it rolled so fast it made his stomach ill.
It was like a drunk tire rolling left and right, missing the robots completely before he uncurled and held a hand to his mouth. “Ohh man... Maybe this is a bit more serious than I thought...” Sonic turned around and punched a robot, then kicked one away before hearing a- ‘Ow!’
“Opps, sorry, Amy!”
Amy just frowned up at him, a bit annoyed. “Let me handle this! You’re being stubborn!” she took her hammer and began hitting what Sonic thought were trees.
“I’m fine~ Just doing my- oh geez!” he tripped, “Help! Amy! There are bugs on this floor!”
“Oh, come on..!” Amy whined, seeing he wasn’t just gonna rest like Tails and her were hoping he would.
After fending off some of the robots, she quickly got Sonic under what looked like a tree’s roots and began digging to make something comfortable for the two of them.
At this point, it was just to hide, but Sonic was so terribly ill by now that he had to be pulled through the small gap between the tree’s large roots just to get into the hole.
“How are you feeling?” Amy, feeling a little too close to him for comfort, ignored her own warm forehead and tried to make things better for him.
His feet flopped into the hole at last and he dizzily looked up at her, “You... You can’t hold them off forever.”
“Watch me.” She narrowed her eyes, but then sneezed. “Ha-choo!”
It was adorable.
Sonic chuckled, “Uh oh. Sick party.”
“D-don’t say that.” Amy looked around and pulled a leaf off to blow her nose into it.
“Hey... that’s smart, mind passing one?” He held out his hand.
She gave him more leaves and the two continued to clear out their noses non-stop into them.
He laughed, “Look, we’re bonding!”
“Ugh... my nose is itchy now...” Amy complained, before laying down beside Sonic.
“Woah, you’ll get more sick if you... ha... ha.. HACHOO! Ugh... stick this close to me, Amy.” He tried to warn her, but she laid her head next to his anyway.
“The hole’s too small,” she sniffled, “And I’m not as bad as you. If it’s the same cold or something, then we’re fine.”
“Buried alive together... again.” Sonic joked. “When they find our bones, will they be able to... ha...ha-!”
Amy put her finger up to his nose, catching the sneeze before it happened, as Sonic’s nose twitched and then calmed down.
“Haaa... thanks.” He sniffled, “Will they know we were stuck here from sickness or just acquired a hopelessly cheap coffin?”
“Sonic, you say the darndest things.” Amy took some more leaves and passed them to him. “What got you so sick, anyway?”
Sonic paused a moment, about to blow into the leaf before putting it up against his nose, and then looking off to the side. “...Well, yesterday I went out with you to help at the farmer’s market... you had a stand and-”
“THAT GUY!” she shrieked, “He was sick as anything! I couldn’t sell my garden’s produce with him coughing and hacking everywhere! But we left before... he... ha...ha...HA-!” she felt Sonic’s finger hit her nose. “...Haaa...” she took a leaf and replaced his finger with it. “CHOO!” the leaf went flying.
The two watched the leaf drift away before laughing.
“Hurricane Amy.” Sonic teased.
“Oh, stop that. *Sniff* I’m serious, we’re both really sick!”
“I mean, it’s cute, right? But, like... what if we get Knuckles and Tails sick too?”
“Eh, nothing a little tender love and care can’t solve.” Sonic pulled out what looked like some stow-away’d food.
“That’s gross.” Amy blew into another leaf. “Let me have a bite.”
“With your boogers all over your gloves?” He held it away, “Fat chance.” and took a bite of whatever the cloth he had unfolded slightly was hiding.
“Heeeyyyy... come on...” Amy whined, “Girls don’t have boogers. We’re too polite.”
He stopped from taking the first bite and looked over to the leaf that had been blown away moments before. “I think that poor ant person on that leaf would say otherwise.”
Amy chuckled, but only from the numbing headache she was getting. “There are no tiny ant people.” she giggled.
“Really? Waking up tomorrow and finding a tiny letter stating that Mr. Ant can’t afford house insurance on the nasty green blob you just delivered all over his great-grandmother’s leaf will make you think otherwise.” He took a bite as Amy continued to giggle from his sickly humor.
“You’re silly.”
“I tend to be goofy when I’m sick.” He admitted.
“Hehe, I just gave him a free paint job.”
“Wooowww that’s awful.” Sonic saw her slowly losing her intelligence as the sickness carried, but then he wondered if Tails and Knuckles were the same.
Suddenly, his own consciousness seemed to wane, and soon, the two were sick buddies.
They laughed next to each other in their hazy mess, kicking leafs out of the hole as they stuck to one another after a while.
“So gross...” Amy whined out.
“Hey, that’s mostly your mess, not mine.”
“All the tiny little lawyers...”
“Still, not my problem- HACHOO!”
“There goes a few hundred rings.” she laughed.
“Eh,” Sonic wiped his nose, “I’ll collect them again later.”
“How many you need?”
“Just one.” Sonic flicked the ring out and held it up to her. “One to survive this awful cold.”
“We should share it.” she sniffled, reaching up for it. “Quick, put it on my finger...”
He was so out of it that he began too, but halfway through, he heard her giggled and removed it.
She stared at him, a huge, sickly grin on her face as he shook his head and refused to make eye-contact with her.
“We’re so sick.” Amy teased.
He huffed.
“You like me~” she joked, pulling out some more leaves before gasping, “We’re out of leaves!”
“Maybe we should ‘leaf’ then.” He teased.
“You’re just upset cause you almost put a ring on me.” She made a face, “Mr. Grumpy quills... sir, Mrs. Grumpy Quills would like your side of the leaf pile, please.”
He folded his arms, bundling the leaves around him. “It’s your fault we’re sick.” His voice sounded stuffy, and it made her groan.
“Oh, are you still sick too? It’s been a while, I don’t hear robots or explosions anymore.” she looked out towards the roots. “It’s getting dark too...”
He tried to stand up, felt his head, and then lowered back to where Amy was. “For the record-! ...Oh, bad idea, bad idea... hmph, you’re not Mrs. anything.” he joked, gripping his head. “This is worse than any headache I’ve ever had.”
“Spring fever.”
“Is that what it is?”
“No, I mean, I don’t know? I just know that spring is the best time to get engaged.” she giggled, bringing it up again as he groaned.
“I have mucus in my head and throat and you want to joke about tricking a sick man into marrying you again?” he turned his head and suddenly... the two were right next to each other.
She giggled before opening her eyes and seeing his large eyes, though small green irises, looking back to her.
“...Hee,” she let out a cute but nervous chuckle, “What are you staring at? Your sick bride-to-be? Haha!”
“No..” He smiled, “A nasty girl booger.”
Amy slapped her hands over her nose, “Ew! Really?! Give me a tissue, quick!”
He laughed and held the leaf up over her head, reaching back to grab a few more. Dangling it playfully, he taunted her as she removed one hand to try and grab it.
“You’re tormenting a beautiful, sick young woman!”
He just laughed.
“Ohhh, give it up, already!”
“How many rings do you have?”
“You’re gonna make me pay for it?”
“Absolutely!” there seemed to be a double-meaning that he meant by that, but she didn’t catch on to it.
“Ohhh...” After using up most of her energy trying to grab the leaf, she gave up. “You’re mean...”
He noticed with a tilt of his head that she was still covering her face, so he brought the leaf close to her nose, “Here, blow.”
She stared down at his hand offering, wondering if he was being real or not. She removed her hand, still revealing the snot as he placed the leaf up to her nose.
“Isn’t this gross?” Her voice sounded off when he pitched her nose against the leaf.
“Very, but I figured, you’re my gross bubble too. Now blow.”
She did so, and he threw the leaf off towards the almost plugged hole with sticky, gross leaves.
“Think they’ll dig up our bodies and say we died of the farmer’s market guy?”
“If anyone is getting a lawyer, it’s us.” Sonic folded his arms, rubbing his hands against two more leaves in attempts to clean them.
Amy giggled before pausing a moment on something he said, “Us?”
She saw he was getting sleepy, and went for the question again, “Not just you?”
“Not just me.” He groaned, turning to throw an arm around her, getting comfortable in the small space as she sniffled in her gasp.
“W-what are you...”
“I’m sick.”
“I-I know you’re sick, I am too, but-” she stopped questioning it, but instead, leaning into his embrace.
“Emm... This is nice.” She admitted. “But you’re really warm, and I’m already so warm too...”
“Eh, take what you can get.” Sonic sniffled, reaching back for more leaves, blowing his own nose.
“Ewww... groosss...” She giggled, but he seemed to purposefully make nose-noises right next to her and wiggle his head more towards her. “No, no, no! Haha!”
“Ugh, you’ll be the death of me.” he threw the leaf, but it stuck to his hand. “Ah, I should really get back at Eggman and just get him sick too.”
“Sneeze on his pillow?”
“You’re evil. I was just gonna pile all these leaves into his robots.”
“Haha! Make them all look icky while he thinks they’ve grown minds and made camouflage!”
The two tiredly laughed before dipping more into sleep.
“Hey, Sonic?”
“Hmm?” he seemed barely awake now, completely slipping into a sick-induced sleep.
“Can I be your sick wife?”
“You can be my sick friend in this hole we may die in together.” He countered.
“But... Can I, though?”
“Where else will you go?”
“I’d like to die in your arms...”
“Don’t say that. Don’t say that again.” He held her a bit tighter.
“Too morbid?”
“...Something like that.”
She felt his breathing go at a steady pace.
He didn’t respond.
“...I’m glad we’re sick together. It’s like the first time I really get to enjoy being around you without you wiggling away from me... Hey, Sonic?”
He groaned from his throat, which caused her to giggle again as she slowly began to slip into sleep too.
She yawned and sneezed lightly, as Sonic frowned next to her but she turned and moved further into him. “I hope you take me to the farmer’s market again... I hope you still hang out with me... and go on dates with me... and let me take care of you when you’re sick.”
“...We’ll take care of each other.”
“Deal...” she fell to sleep... but Sonic blinked his eyes open, smiling as he took a leaf and wiped her nose for her, then hugged her again and fell asleep too.
“...Should we move them?” Tails peered into the hole.
“Ew, what this is?!” Knuckles shouted in a whisper, trying to get some stuck leaves off of his gloves. “They won’t-! Grr! Come off!”
“We should at least get them home. Come on.” Tails, sucking in his germ-phobias, used his beautiful tails to wipe the pile of yucky leaves away, cringing as some stuck to his tails.
They pulled the two out, feeling their heads to see they were really burning up, and helped them to get some medicine in time.
While washing up, Amy noticed her nose had turned red on the underside of it, and sighed at how irritable it was.
When she came out from Tails’s bathroom, she gasped to see Sonic on the couch, some ice on his head, and when he turned... a red-stain under his nose.
He smiled at her though, seeing her matching one too.
“Oh, you poor thing!” she giggled, “We should have shared that ring!”
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