#10000% quality writer
fluffywolverine · 9 months
a bunch of random thoughts on the new TEASER trailer for pjotv (remember folks it's still not a full-on proper trailer) because i don't have any friends to talk to about it :')))
- them using "riptide" as a main theme has absolutely no sense, but we all love it <333 also this makes me emotional
- "am i a troubled kid? yeah, you could say that" i'm not crying, you are
- the letters mixing made me remember the movie helpppp
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- this is a pen. this is a pen! (i hate the movie as any self-respecting fan, but we all know this is an iconic line)
- ms dodds looks surprisingly good! maybe it's just the fact it's so short, but the cgi looks really decent, especially knowing the usual disney cgi quality
- sally jackson our queen, long may she reign <333
- ZEUS HSDAHDGASD every time i see him, it hurts, rip lance :(
- i'm not convinced by how olympus looks tbh, i'm willing to change my opinion when i see it fully though!
- there is this tiny little cameo of luke when they run to capture the flag, but IT'S NOT ENOUGH GIVE ME LUKE AT LAST
- "grover why is there half a goat in your pants?!" "...so the important thing is not to panic" ICONIC
- ummm are cabins mixed?? like not in the order from the books?? interesting
- chiron was white in the books, but i never liked it anyway, so i kinda like they changed him to black
- CLARISSE. not a fan of her, but she looks dope as hell. i might stan her in the show. also when she goes after percy, she goes to KILL
- annabeth in her camp half-blood t-shit my beloved <333 also there wasn't enough annabeth in this trailer, i need more
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- what is that though? i'm like 90% sure it's hades welcoming them in his throne room - this looks a little bit like olympus as it is stated in tlt that hades' palace looks like he modeled it after olympus + there is this big throne, and a smaller one next to it, most likely for persephone. the person greeting the trio looks kinda like jay duplass (the actor for hades) too, but why does he seem so happy to see them?? weird
- the scenes with statues are 10000% in medusa's garden, but why does it look so dark and grim?
- THE LOTUS CASINO ARE YOU READY TO LOOK FOR A BOY WITH BLACK HAIR. also, again, hate the movies, but poker face made history and i'm a little sad they probably won't use it. a different song from lady gaga perhpas?
- edge looks SO GOOD as ares and i'm so excited to see him in this role!
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- i was thinking what scene it might be, and figured it's probably in the tunnel of love. i suspect the statue is aphrodite and since she is holding a shield with a hog's head on it i assume it belongs to ares + there are painting on the walls we see in one of the next scenes
- annabeth hugging percy makes me too emotional help
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- that's the scene i mentioned above. they are most certainly jumping out of the boat in the tunnel
- i'm veeery excited to see the st louis arch scenes, they look promising in this and the previous teaser!
- i might cry during the minotaur scene. a lot. :)
every snippet we get, i get more and more excited, damn. what i fear is that these dumb assholes in d*sney won't agree to pay the writers and actors what they rightfully deserve, which will result in a total lack of promotion from the cast. i need that! the main actors do too! i want to see them happy, proud and excited to share with us what they worked so hard on! so, folks, remember to support WGA and SAG-AFTRA strike!
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transmasc-wizard · 2 years
Pretty please, the black parade Opinions
several people have said they want to hear my opinions on this which is pleasantly surprising!! so, i love every song on this album to death, and due to procrastination on having to pick something for the lowest spot, i decided to start with the Best one. also this took rlly long because i ended up re-listening to the whole album, whoops
1: Mama
cmon. fucking cmon. does this genuinely need to be defended like at all. this entire song altered my brain for real. the circusy music vibes?? the fucked up lyrics?? the emotions??? you should have raised a baby girl i should have been a better son?? perfection. 10000/10. fight me
2: House of Wolves
there is just so much stuff in this song, and it's all immaculate. from start to end you've got the most sound per sound you can possibly get, in the best way. AND!!! fucking AND!! it's got villain song vibes. 11/10 what more could you want
3: Famous Last Words
*choking back unspeakable emotions* yeah it's fine i guess
4: Dead!
this is partly so high because it's also got that great concentration of most sound per sound, but also for the sheer upbeat energy of such a macabre premise. i'm a sucker for that!!! also, it is a Blorbo Song. i have assigned it to an OC who is very dear to me and that boosts it up. (Hey. i said this would be biased). also the unhinged energies near the end are just the best <3 10/10
5: Welcome To The Black Parade
it's the album's namesake. it changes your brainwaves forever. it's vibes are impossible to replicate. even my parents know every word. i couldn't not put it in the top 5. caaaaaarrrryyyyyyy oooonnn-- 10/10
6: Kill All Your Friends
ah. we've come to the one I can't play in the car because of how concerning the lyrics are to my mother. look,,, i am a basic bitch. i hear a song that's upbeat and tragic and i love it!!! it's also got that nice sound-per-sound quality again. black parade songs in general are good at that. 10/10
7: This Is How I Disappear
it's angsty. it's angry. it lets you scream "FUCK" really loudly. it lets the writer brain run wild. it sounds deeply, deeply haunted. there's 38 seconds of guitar before you get a single word. it's perfect. 10/10
8: The Sharpest Lives
10/10. theres a place in the dark where the animals go you can take off your skin in the cannibal glow juliet loves the beat and the lust it commands drop the dagger and lather the blood on your hands romeo
9: My Way Home Is Through You
we're back at soooo much sound per sound!!! this one is more raw and angry and i love it for that. it does something to my brain i dont even know what but it just does. it's Also a blorbo song too. 10/10
10: Heaven Help Us
i've probably actually listened to this one the least, but that's because it literally overwhelms me to listen to for more than a few times in the row. istg it's a religious experience. 9/10
11: Teenagers
i sing this one in the car with my dad very very loudly :D it's a funky funky tune, it doesn't really give quite the same vibes as the rest of the album but I really like it! 8/10
12: The End.
i think it's integral to the Dead! experience!!!! that's why it's higher than some of the others that i actually liked a bit better. if you haven't listened to these songs back to back (The End. coming first) then you have not lived. but on its own, i really mostly like the part from "when i grow up i want to be nothing at all" -> onwards. 7/10
13: Sleep
i have. zero thoughts. not a single coherent thought about this song. it is just,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, skjdfkdgjskda.sfdsdf. to be clear the lack of thoughts isnt "oh its fine i guess :/" it's "i am physically incapable of getting my emotions into a coherent order over this" lol. 8/10
14: Disenchanted
really good!!!!!!!!! but I'm not a huge fan of the really calm opening or the way he sings at the very very start. however it gets really, like.... hypnotizing? after that, and then really powerful, and i just. <3 <3 <3 absolute solid 8/10 song that i still VERY MUCH enjoy despite it being all the way at 15 on this list skhfksdkjf. (Tho... A Secret.... i had a bit of an enemies to lovers arc with this one. i used to dislike it.) 8/10
15: I Don't Love You
a good song but not one i'd listen to for hours on repeat like some of the others. I think it's got some REALLY banger moments but it could have been More bangery, you know?? still a solid 7/10 though
16: Blood
another funky one!!!!!! it's really fun and makes me laugh a bit, especially "i'm such an awful FUUUUUUUCK!!". however (and i know this is bc it's a hidden track but still) i can't stand the minute of silence at the start skjdfhksdjf, i like to loop my songs for constant Noises and i can't do it w/this one. 6.5/10 again
17: Cancer
objectively it's a good song but for subject matter reasons it tends to make me very very sad, so it's a lower one on the list. nothing against the song though it's so good but it genuinely makes me close to crying lmao. so i don't listen to it very much at all. 6/10
and that has been Black Parade Opinions with Nico!!! if anyone bothers me some more i will do the sweet revenge, conventional weapons & danger days opinions as well
(i,,,, have not listened to bullets. whoops)
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scyllas-revenge · 1 year
I am just dropping in to say I took your advice and read one of your Boromir one-shots, "Customer Service". I am officially in love with your writing and am now hoping for more! I have been looking for writers of top-notch "Men" fics, and am so pleased that you write for Eomer and Faramir as well.
The answer to this might be obvious, but which of those 3 characters is your favorite, and what is the quality you love best about each one?
Thank you!
Ahhh you're too nice!! Thank you so much, I'm so glad you liked it!
And yeah no surprise Boromir is my favorite to write lol (yes I am very predictable). There are so many things I like to write for him- I love his protective streak, his complex relationship with his family, this extremely practical side to him that makes his reaction to all the magical stuff in Middle Earth really fun to explore. As long as he doesn't die, I'm happy to write anything and everything about this guy XD
I also really like writing about Eomer- we get less about him in the books and movies so his personality is more up for interpretation, but I like making him a bit grumpy and prickly and rude (until he opens up, of course), and also brash and overconfident. At this point I don't even remember if any of those traits are canon or not anymore (I have a feeling they aren't lol) but they make for really fun character interactions and drama.
And I love Faramir of course, but getting into his head is kind of difficult so far. He's intimidating! And the differences in his book and movie interpretations aren't helping! But I have a few WIPs involving him so hopefully I'll get over it and learn to write him better soon. When in doubt I usually just write him as being 10000% head over heels in love with Eowyn and that seems to work pretty well XD
Thanks so much for the ask and for checking out my fanfic, you're the best!
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mdabdurrakib006 · 1 month
ChatGpt Prompts Bundle Review - Real Information About ChatGPT Prompts Bundle
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ChatGPT Prompts Bundle Review – Introduction ? In the vast landscape of creative and intellectual pursuits, finding inspiration can often feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. Fortunately, the ChatGPT Prompts Bundle offers a guiding light through this maze, providing a treasure trove of prompts carefully crafted to ignite your imagination and spark your creativity. Whether you’re a writer seeking to break through a stubborn bout of writer’s block, an artist yearning for fresh ideas to breathe life into your canvas, or a thinker craving stimulating topics to ponder, this bundle has something for everyone. From thought-provoking questions that delve into the depths of human nature to whimsical scenarios that transport you to fantastical realms, each prompt is designed to stimulate your mind and fuel your creative endeavors. In this comprehensive review, we’ll take a closer look at what makes the ChatGPT Prompts Bundle a valuable resource for creators of all kinds. From its diverse range of topics to its user-friendly format, we’ll explore how this bundle can serve as a springboard for innovation and a catalyst for inspiration. Join us on this journey as we dive into the world of prompts and discover how they can unlock the full potential of your creative imagination. Whether you’re a seasoned artist or a novice explorer, the ChatGPT Prompts Bundle is sure to be a valuable companion on your creative journey.
What is ChatGPT Prompts Bundle ?
The ChatGPT Prompts Bundle is a curated collection of prompts generated by ChatGPT, a sophisticated language model developed by OpenAI. These prompts cover a wide range of topics and themes, serving as inspiration for writers, artists, thinkers, and anyone else seeking creative stimulation or thought-provoking ideas. The bundle typically includes prompts in various formats, such as writing prompts, conversation starters, philosophical questions, creative scenarios, and much more. These prompts are designed to spark creativity, encourage critical thinking, and prompt exploration of new ideas and concepts. Users can utilize the prompts in the bundle for a variety of purposes, including: Overcoming writer’s block: Writers can use the prompts as starting points for stories, essays, poems, or any other form of writing. Generating ideas: Artists, designers, and creators can use the prompts to inspire new artwork, projects, or creative endeavors. Stimulating discussion: Educators, discussion group leaders, or anyone interested in engaging conversations can use the prompts to initiate thought-provoking discussions on various topics. Overall, the ChatGPT Prompts Bundle serves as a versatile tool for fostering creativity, critical thinking, and exploration of ideas across a wide range of disciplines and interests.
ChatGPT Prompts Bundle Review – ChatGPT Prompts Bundle Overview Product : ChatGPT Prompts Bundle Vendor : IMTOPDIGITAL Official Website : Click Here Front-End Price : $12.97 Recommendation: Highly Recommend! Niche: PLR / Whitelabel Launch Date: 2024–03–24 >>>Click Here & Get Access Now<<<
ChatGPT Prompts Bundle Features
Access 10000+ Highly Researched “ChatGPT Prompts” It Comes with Unrestricted Private Label Rights It works in 30+ Most Trending Niches Sell 10,000+ ChatGPT Prompts On w+ and Jvzoo Keep 100% In Profit On Each Single Sale Start Your Digital Selling Product Business Today Become A Product Creator Without Any Investment Best for Content Creator & Internet Marketers Boosting creativity and inspiration Saving time and effort in brainstorming ideas Improving overall writing quality & productivity Enhancing writer’s confidence and success rate
>>>Click Here & Get Access Now<<<
ChatGPT Prompts Bundle Works In 3 Simple Steps
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What are the ChatGPT Prompts Bundle Benefits?
Inspiration: The bundle serves as a wellspring of inspiration, providing users with a diverse range of prompts to jumpstart their creativity and overcome creative blocks. Versatility: With prompts covering a wide array of topics, genres, and formats, the bundle caters to the needs of writers, artists, educators, and thinkers alike, making it a versatile resource for various creative endeavors. Stimulation of Creativity: By presenting users with thought-provoking scenarios, questions, and ideas, the bundle stimulates creativity and encourages users to explore new concepts, perspectives, and storytelling possibilities. Enhanced Productivity: For writers and artists facing deadlines or struggling to generate ideas, the bundle can boost productivity by providing prompts that prompt action and facilitate the creative process. Community Engagement: The prompts can serve as a basis for collaborative projects, writing groups, or discussion forums, fostering a sense of community among users who share similar creative interests. Flexible Usage: Whether users prefer to work digitally or offline, alone or in groups, the bundle accommodates various usage preferences and environments, allowing users to engage with the prompts in a way that suits their needs. Continuous Improvement: Depending on the version, the bundle may be periodically updated or expanded with new prompts, ensuring that users have access to fresh inspiration and ideas over time. Skill Development: Engaging with diverse prompts can help users hone their writing, critical thinking, and creative problem-solving skills, making the bundle a valuable tool for personal and professional growth.
>>>Click Here & Get Access Now<<<
Frequently Asked Questions Certainly! Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the ChatGPT Prompts Bundle: What is the ChatGPT Prompts Bundle?
The ChatGPT Prompts Bundle is a curated collection of prompts generated by ChatGPT, a sophisticated language model developed by OpenAI. These prompts cover a wide range of topics and themes, serving as inspiration for writers, artists, educators, and thinkers.
How can I use the Prompts Bundle?
The Prompts Bundle can be used in various ways, depending on your interests and creative pursuits. You can use the prompts as starting points for writing stories, creating artwork, initiating discussions, or simply sparking your imagination.
Are there different categories of prompts available?
Yes, the Prompts Bundle typically includes prompts categorized into different topics, genres, or formats. This makes it easier for users to find prompts that align with their interests or current projects.
Can I use the prompts for commercial projects?
Yes, in most cases, you are free to use the prompts from the bundle for commercial projects, such as writing books, creating artwork for sale, or incorporating them into educational materials. However, it’s always a good idea to review the specific terms and conditions associated with the bundle.
Is there a limit to how many prompts I can access?
The availability of prompts may vary depending on the version of the bundle you have access to. Some bundles may contain a fixed number of prompts, while others may offer ongoing updates and expansions with new prompts over time.
Can I suggest new prompt ideas to be included in the bundle?
While the ability to suggest new prompt ideas may vary depending on the platform or provider offering the bundle, many creators welcome feedback and suggestions from users for future updates and improvements.
Is there a community or forum for users of the Prompts Bundle?
Some platforms or providers may offer a community or forum where users can share their creations, discuss prompt ideas, and connect with other like-minded individuals. Check the resources provided with the bundle for information on community engagement opportunities.
How often are new prompts added to the bundle?
The frequency of updates and additions to the bundle may vary depending on the platform or provider. Some bundles may receive periodic updates with new prompts, while others may remain static after initial release. Check the release notes or update history for information on new additions.
“Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this review are based on personal experiences and observations. Individual experiences with the ChatGPT Prompts Bundle may vary, and the effectiveness of the bundle in stimulating creativity and achieving desired outcomes is subjective. While efforts have been made to provide an accurate and comprehensive assessment, readers should exercise their own judgment and discretion when considering the suitability of the bundle for their needs. Additionally, any information provided in this review is subject to change, and users are encouraged to verify the current features and offerings of the ChatGPT Prompts Bundle before making any decisions or purchases.”
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marketingprofitmedia · 2 months
ChatGPT Prompts Bundle Review – AI Writing Mastery with ChatGPT Prompts
Welcome to my ChatGPT Prompts Bundle Review Post, This is a genuine user-based ChatGPT Prompts Bundle review where I will discuss the features, upgrades, demo, price, and bonuses, how ChatGPT Prompts Bundle can benefit you, and my own personal opinion. Its Includes 10000+ Well Researched ChatGPT Prompts In Multiple Niches With 100% Unrestricted PLR Rights Which Means You Can Resell, Reuse And ReBrand it & Make Money.
Are you tired of staring at a blank page and struggling to come up with ideas for your next blog post, marketing copy, or social media content? Do you find yourself spending hours brainstorming, drafting, and editing, only to end up with lackluster results? Do you find yourself spending hours brainstorming, drafting, and editing, only to end up with lackluster results? If so, I have an exciting solution for you. Whether you’re a blogger, marketer, content creator, or business owner, ChatGPT can help you streamline your content creation process and take your writing to the next level. ChatGPT Prompts uses cutting-edge AI technology to assist you in generating high-quality content, brainstorming fresh ideas, and crafting compelling messaging. With ChatGPT Prompts, you can save time and effort while producing engaging and impactful content that resonates with your audience.
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ChatGPT Prompts Bundle Review: What Is ChatGPT Prompts?
ChatGPT Prompts Bundle is a digital collection designed to supercharge your experience with ChatGPT, a powerful AI language model. It provides pre-written prompts, essentially instructions or starting points, that guide ChatGPT towards generating specific outputs you desire.
Imagine having prompts for crafting catchy marketing copy, brainstorming creative story ideas, or even writing different kinds of code. The bundle categorizes these prompts into various niches, making them relevant to tasks like writing emails, reports, or even sales pitches. By using these prompts, you can save time, spark fresh creative ideas, and ensure ChatGPT generates content that aligns with your goals.
ChatGPT Prompts Bundle Review: Overview
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Product: ChatGPT Prompts Bundle
Date Of Launch: 2024-Apr-21
Time Of Launch: 11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $13 (One-time payment)
Official Website: Click Here To Access
Niche: Software (Online)
Support: Effective Response
Discount: Get The Best Discount Right Now!
Recommended: Highly Recommended
Bonuses: Yes, Huge Bonuses
Required Skill: All Levels
Discount Code: “PROMPTMAX” Get $3 OFF Instantly
Refund: YES, 7 Days Money-Back Guarantee
<<>> Click Here & Get Access Now ChatGPT Prompts Bundle Discount Price Here <<>>
ChatGPT Prompts Bundle Review: Features
Access 10000+ Highly Researched “ChatGPT Prompts”
It Comes with Unrestricted Private Label Rights
It works in 30+ Most Trending Niches
Sell 10,000+ ChatGPT Prompts On w+ and Jvzoo
Keep 100% In Profit On Each Single Sale
Start Your Digital Selling Product Business Today
Become A Product Creator Without Any Investment
Best for Content Creator & Internet Marketers
Boosting creativity and inspiration
Saving time and effort in brainstorming ideas
Improving overall writing quality & productivity
Enhancing writer’s confidence and success rate
Instant Download & Access In Just 1-Click
ChatGPT Prompts Bundle Review: How Does It Work?
ChatGPT Prompts Bundle Works In 3 Simple Steps
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<<>> Click Here & Get Access Now ChatGPT Prompts Bundle Discount Price Here <<>>
ChatGPT Prompts Bundle Review: Can Do For You
Overcoming Writer’s Block: ChatGPT prompts can help writers overcome writer’s block by providing them with ideas and starting points for their content.
Sparking Creativity: These prompts can spark creativity and inspire writers to explore new topics and perspectives they may not have considered before.
Saving Time: Instead of spending hours brainstorming ideas, writers can quickly generate prompts with ChatGPT and focus their time on creating content.
Improving Productivity: By providing a structured framework for content creation, ChatGPT prompts can help writers stay focused and productive.
Enhancing Quality: By giving writers a starting point or direction, ChatGPT prompts can help improve the quality and depth of their content.
Diversifying Content: Using prompts can encourage writers to explore different genres, styles, and formats, leading to a more diverse and engaging body of work.
ChatGPT Prompts Bundle Review: Who Should Use It??
Time Management
Stress Management
Amazon KDP
Google Ads
Productivity Hacks
Email Marketing
Better Sleep
Prompt Engineering
Branding and logo design
NFT Trading
Mindfulness practices
ChatGPT Monetization
Dating Advice
Podcast Success
Ebook Writing
Landing Page
Customer Service
Passive Income
Social Media Marketing
Google Analytics
Amazon Success
Ebay Success
Print on Demand (POD)
ChatGPT Prompts Bundle Review: OTO’s And Pricing
Front End Price: ChatGPT Prompts Bundle ($13)
OTO1: ChatGPT Prompts Bundle Premium Edition ($27)
OTO2: ChatGPT Prompts Masterclass Edition ($27)
OTO3: ChatGPT Prompts Reseller Edition ($67)
<<>> Click Here & Get Access Now ChatGPT Prompts Bundle Discount Price Here <<>>
ChatGPT Prompts Bundle Review: Special Bonus Bundle
My Special Bonus Bundle will be visible on your access page as an Affiliate Bonus Button on WarriorPlus immediately after purchase.
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And before ending my honest ChatGPT Prompts Bundle Review, I told you that I would give you my very own unique PFTSES formula for Free.
ChatGPT Prompts Bundle Review: Pros and Cons
Efficiency Boost: Pre-written prompts save you time and effort compared to crafting them from scratch.
Enhanced Creativity: Well-designed prompts can inspire ChatGPT to generate more original and engaging content.
Improved Accuracy: Specific prompts guide ChatGPT towards outputs that align with your desired outcome.
Diverse Applications: The bundle caters to various content types, offering prompts for marketing, writing, coding, and more.
Reduced Learning Curve: New users can leverage prompts to grasp ChatGPT’s functionalities quickly.
You cannot use this product without an active internet connection.
In fact, I haven’t yet discovered any other problems with ChatGPT Prompts Bundle.
<<>> Click Here & Get Access Now ChatGPT Prompts Bundle Discount Price Here <<>>
ChatGPT Prompts Bundle Review: Money Back Guarantee
Your Purchase Is Fully Covered With Our 7 Days Money Back Guarantee
Do not worry — we will refund your money in full within 7 days if you are not happy with your buy. If you feel like you didn’t get what you paid for, just let us know, and we’ll gladly return your money without even putting on our detective hats.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
Q. What is ChatGpt Prompts Bundle?
Its Includes 10000+ Well Researched ChatGPT Prompts In Multiple Niches With 100% Unrestricted PLR Rights Which Means You Can Resell, Reuse And ReBrand it & Make Money
Q. Can I Sell ‘ChatGPT Prompts Bundle ’ On W+ & JVZOO?
Yes, after buying ChatGPT Prompts Bundle ’Unrestricted PLR licence, you can sell this product with Private Label Rights to your customers even on w+ and Jvzoo for Huge Profits.
Q. Do I have to pay monthly fees for this product?
No, you don;t have to pay monthly fees to access this products you can just pay once and use it Lifetime
Q. What if I am not happy with the product after purchase?
Yes it comes with 7 days money back guarantee in case if you are not satisfied we will refund your money
ChatGPT Prompts Bundle Review: Conclusion
ChatGPT Prompts Bundle offers a library of pre-written prompts designed to unlock the full potential of ChatGPT. These prompts act as guides, helping the AI generate content across various niches, from marketing materials to creative writing. While the bundle can be a valuable timesaver, especially for beginners, the key to success lies in the quality of the prompts. Carefully consider your needs and research the bundle’s content before investing. Remember, the bundle can be a springboard, but for long-term success, consider developing your own prompting skills to truly master the art of AI content creation.
<<>> Click Here & Get Access Now ChatGPT Prompts Bundle Discount Price Here <<>>
Check Out My Previous Reviews: DEVIO Review, CaptivateAI Studio Review, Explainer Video AI Review, AI Viral Kids Stories Review, MegaPLR Suite 2024 Review, Evoke App Review, AI Doodles Review.
Thank for reading my ChatGPT Prompts Bundle Review till the end. Hope it will help you to make purchase decision perfectly.
Disclaimer: This ChatGPT Prompts Bundle review is for informational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice. Before making a purchase decision, we recommend conducting your own research and exploring the software.
Note: Yes, this is a paid software, however the one-time fee is $13 for lifetime
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mahamid110 · 3 months
👉 Stoodaio Agency 50 Review ✅ 100% Best Agency 🔥
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Hello !! In this happy I will acquaint you with the most remarkable video creation and handling web application stage "Stoodaio Organization 50" . It is the most impressive A.I programming stage that permits you to do various activity with any video . Stoodaio Supporter is the best apparatus ever you have seen . You find here the entire bundle subtleties incorporate - Stoodaio Sponsor audit, Stoodaio Light 15+ survey, Stoodaio Organization 50+ survey, and numerous other.
If you interested about this software then I suggest you to read this Stoodaio Agency 50 Review till end . Because I’m trying to explain everything of this platform . By using this you can Make $10000 per month . So follow my suggestion & start the Stoodaio agency 50+ content. Let’s Start Stoodaio Agency 50 Review.
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Stap #2
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Stap #3
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Once you complete step 2 and feed Stoodaio all the information it needs to create your script, all you have to do is sit back and watch Stoodaio turn that script into a hollywood-quality, profit-producing video.
It’s going to turn your script into a voiceover
It will split your script up into different slides
It’ll then match your script with relevant background videos and images on each slide and mash it ALL together to create an AMAZING video in MINUTES.
And from there you can use the videos as-is or fully-customize them however you’d like.
Stap #4
Send Your Video To Our BLAZING Fast Video Hosting Platform And IMMEDIATELY Publish It To Our Profit-Producing Video Pages!
Yes, we could have TOTALLY sold EACH of these features as separate upgrades, however we have decided to WAYY over deliver during this charter-members discount.
So during the next few days, we have decided to include two VERY powerful features which will allow you to profit WAY faster than ANY other video creation app.
We want to make sure that you start getting VIEWS to your videos as quickly as possible. Without views, you’re NOT making any money. So what we’ve done is built our own CUSTOM video hosting platform that will allow you to create and PUBLISH your videos IMMEDIATELY in the SAME dashboard.
But to make it even BETTER, you’ll also be able to IMMEDIATELY publish your videos to a high-converting video page to start bringing in sales, collecting leads, making affiliate commissions and MORE!
This will allow you to go from creation to PROFIT faster than ANY other video creation app out there.
Stap #5
FULLY-Edit Your Video However You’d Like Before Publishing and/or Downloading
Although Stoodaio will create an ENTIRE video for you from start to finish, you will still have the ability for you to edit your videos as much or as little as you’d like.
You’ll be able to add your own videos, images, background videos, logos, edit/add text, record the voiceover in your own voice, add your own script and pre-recorded voiceover if you’d like, etc etc
Literally, you’ll have FULL flexibility to edit the videos however you’d like. OR use them AS-IS since Stoodaio will do it ALL for you.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Is this REALLY A.I?
Yes. This is NOT some hidden A.I. that you have to guess if it’s actually there or not. You can actually SEE our artificial intelligence at work with your own eyes. ALL of the content written is ALL done via our A.I engine. The selection and PROPER matching of your script with our media engine is ALL A.I as well.
How do the Credits Work?
It’s pretty simple. 1 credit is for 1 video created. That means during this INSANE charter-members discount, you’ll be able to get PREMIUM videos created for you for less than $3 per video!!!!
Does this work for Mac and PC?
Yes! Our app is 100% web-based. As long as you have a web-browser and an internet connection, our app will work for you.
When does the charter-members discount expire?
Our charter-members discount plus ALL the bonuses expires on December 12th at midnight PST.
How Long of Script Will Stoodaio Write For Me?
Our A.I Writer will be able to write a totally unique script for you that’s up to 1,200 words for just about any niche.
Can we have longer scripts than 1,200 words?
Stay tuned for a VERY powerful bonus that we may or may not be announcing mid-way through the launch lol It may be something we’re calling our Stoodaio ReWriter where our A.I engine will ReWRITE ANY existing content into a TOTALLY new and UNIQUE version that you can INSTANTLY turn into videos.
Is the content Stoodaio writes really unique? Will it pass CopyScape?
Yes. we are 100% confident that the content that Stoodaio writes for your videos will pass Copyscape EVERY SINGLE TIME! Again, this is REALLY artificial intelligence at it’s finest. It is UNIQUE content that our A.I system is creating. If Stoodaio writes an article for you that DOES NOT pass copyscape, we’ll happily give you FULL refund!
What are the upgrades?
Upgrade 1 is going to be our Stoodaio PLUS subscription. Stoodaio is a credit-based system, so here you will be able to lock in your monthly credits at the launch price discount. Plus, you just have to put down $1 and then $47/m after 30 days have passed. You’ll also be able to getting a VERY valuable TRIPLE-the-Credits bonus at NO extra cost. This SKYROCKETS the value of this offer and we may NEVER offer this again.
Upgrade #2 will be our Agency BOOSTER System. This is going to take your Agency rights BONUS to the NEXT level. Here you’ll be able to create “PREVIEW” versions of videos you create for clients and INSTANTLY share it with them BEFORE delivering the final product. On top of that, the preview page will have the option for you to embed a BUY button code so clients can pay you directly from that Preview page.
After they’ve paid you, you’ll then be able to generate a DELIVERY link which you can send to them RIGHT AWAY so they can DOWNLOAD their FINAL video - which is again - ALL hosted on our StoodaioPages system. This is agency video creation and delivery on STEROIDS!
PLUS, you’ll be getting our powerful Sub-Users feature as a free bonus, so you can outsource the ENTIRE process if you’d like. This will be a one-time payment of $97
Upgrade #3 will be the ability to Whitelabel our StoodaioPages System
This upgrade Elevates your video marketing game even MORE! Whether you’re going to use Stoodaio for your own business or for your agency, you’re going to want our Whitelabel StoodaioPages system.
This is going to allow you to INSTANTLY add ANY domain you’d like to your Stoodaio account so that ANY time you publish a video on our StoodaioPages system, it’ll have YOUR domain, YOUR logo, YOUR branding on EVERY page. This ALSO includes our Agency Pages too.
So any time you send a PREVIEW link or a DELIVERY link to your clients, it’ll have ALL of YOUR branding on it.
PLUS, you’ll also be getting the ability to add your branding (or your clients) as the WATERMARK on all your videos as well! This will be a one-time fee of $297.
Upgrade #4 is to unlock Our Voice-To-Text Feature
They say to save the BEST for last, right? Well, this is one that is REALLY going to make your jaw drop.
This puts your ENTIRE video marketing on STEROIDS!
How? Well, imagine if you can create videos from ANY pre-recorded audio track. Yup, instead of starting with a script, you start with a voiceover!
And once you upload that voiceover, Stoodaio will extract the text from your audio and turn it into a FULL-BLOWN video -  100% automatically?
This is PERFECT if you or your clients run a podcast, if you prefer to record voiceovers first, if you have audio interviews with Influencers, or if you simply prefer to NOT be on camera, but don’t mind using your voice.
Well, that’s EXACTLY What you’re getting in this upgrade. With the click of just ONE button, Stoodaio will automatically create a video for you in a matter of MINUTES from ANY audio track you’d like.
This opens up a WHOLE other level of possibilities for creating AMAZING videos using the power of REAL artificial intelligence. This will be a one-time payment of just $67
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butter-la · 1 year
How Much Does It Cost for Commercial Video Production Los Angeles
Cost of commercial video production Los Angeles is dependent on various factors, including crew costs, production quality, locations, broadcast, etc. Typically, it may start with $1000 per finished minute to $10000. These figures are approximately determined based on the product videos made. In the following, we discuss the determiners for commercial video production costs.
For a story to go up and live and haywire at the same time – serious hard work, intelligent ideas and execution is synchronized. People attribute their successes to the trade of work, challenging factors and acknowledge the role of marketing that essentially plays out. Remember, businesses reap benefits exponentially on a viral commercial video!
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Costs for commercial video production Los Angeles starts with the cameraman, studio shooting, script writer or marketer or copywriter, video editor, video director, video rendering specialist, actor or presenter, narrator, B-roll, equipment and miscellaneous. Sometimes, It would be daunting to engage a high-cost crew if the production budget doesn’t permit for it. Though some brands have a preconceived notion that their teams can handle it at the end, it rarely works out in that manner.
Since cameramen charges may vary from $35-$110/hour and similarly the costs authenticate genuine values to the truest sense of production, it’s difficult on any company to produce a video without proper guidance. Hence, hiring a professional commercial video production Los Angeles company turns out a great solution. Right from organizing video crew to chiseling out the execution in a format to produce results within required time, a video production company knows what to do.
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1, 10 and a wildcard of your choice for the questions pls and thank youuuuu!!! xox
Hey neighbor! I’m just catching up on things, so forgive my lateness. These look like some fun q’s, so I’ll give it a go. Be prepared for some long, rambly answers! 1. What are 3 things you’d say shaped you into who you are?
Fandom: Okay, so I’ve been in fandom for a longggg ass time. I think we’re going on to 19 years soon? I have no idea where I would be without fandom because the person I was before that was unsure, lost and intimidated. Fandom has helped me cultivate so many long-lasting friendships and that was what turned me into a creator. I don’t know how people know this, but I started off as a fic writer before becoming a fan artist. I used to write weekly drabbles, long fic and I did write a BB (44k!) once upon a time. The community I joined then was super wholesome and welcoming. The writing from those days makes cringe like hell now, but I really appreciate what I learned from that time. Then a couple of years later I jumped into making art, and for a while I was writing and drawing at the same time (don’t ask me how I did that while in uni either). I actually made my first HP art pieces while still in school, and I was thinking about pursuing art for uni. I had one piece that was accepted into an art gallery for a HP convention, and that was when I also made my first Drarry piece for a fest. I have not looked back ever since. Since I recharged my batteries and I’m now writing and drawing at the same time again, it’s amazing to see how much has changed and how my styles have matured. Processes have changed, and quality is way more important than quantity. But also, seeing how all of these things have reached other people and brought them joy has been pretty awesome. Art: See above. I am 10000% sure if it wasn’t for fandom, I would not be making art right now. And I know that would be super sad, because art has been part of the reason why I’ve always gotten hired for jobs, even though it’s not the premise of any of the roles I’ve had/have. But it’s the methodology and thinking out of the box that counts. Taking risks and seeing what sticks. That’s what has made me stick out every time I meet new people and I tell them I’m an artist.
Original art (which I do make too) is fun, but fanart has always given me a liberty to play in one or multiple sandboxes and has allowed me to take things to the next level in some crazy ways. I’ve found that it’s almost like journaling or milestoning things and ideas whenever I make something for a fest/event. It’s super different from making art to be sold for online or at conventions. Since I’m part professionally-trained (traditional) and part self-trained (digital) and I’ve been making art for quite some time, I also can’t see myself not making art. That’s just how I express myself...when visuals are easier to portray than words are. Life without would be like be cutting my limbs off. Tea + Tumblr: Okay, so here’s a fun story! I got into loose leaf teas and became a tea blender because of Tumblr back in 2013. Yeahhh. Adagio Teas introduced fandom teas at the time (where you can make your own blend of teas), and since I was using Tumblr to promote my art biz when that was the thing to do, I met some other artists who were making teas and I jumped on the bandwagon. It was such a pleasure meeting some amazing tea blenders (like Cara McGee or Aun-Juli Riddle), because we all were putting so much love in making these dumb teas about characters we loved. We’d illustrate all the labels and figure out tea percentages that suited each person. There’s actually some strategy around this (feel free to ask more if you’d like :P). Sooo, yeah, I’m still making teas to this day. Selling fandom teas somehow became a big foundation that has kept my art biz going. Local cons know me as the tea person, I have regulars who come back for more, and when I do come out with something new, people get really excited about it. I’ve sort of turned tea into an experience for people. And you can probably guess it...mentioning this in job interviews has gotten me some major kudos. :D 10. Would you say you’re an emotional person? YESSSS. 1000000% This doesn’t need a long answer, but I’ve always been a sensitive person since I was a kid (my mom actually had to read books on how to deal with that), and given my answers above, I pull from emotions when it comes to creations, listening to music, and pretty much everything. 6. What’s the best and worst part of being online/a creator?
Best: Ummm, I have to say, seeing people lose their shit about something you’ve had to keep quiet about is kind of fun and amazing. I’ve been participating in anon fests for a long time, and it’s always fun to see people guess who made what. I know that my style for art has changed a lot over the years, and it’s way more obvious whenever my art does get posted (since I have yet to find someone who draws so crosshatchy like I do). I’ll take that as a win though. People will either leave comments of squee, or they’ll reblog the crap out of it (something that wasn’t as easy to do back in the LJ days).
Worst: Imposter syndrome is so realllll. I know we’re our own worst critic, and sometimes, it’s difficult when I have days where I think my work sucks, or I have to ask why I’m making something. I’ve definitely learned over the years that it’s super important to enjoy not just the end result of something but also the process of making it. Because at the end of the day, we should do what makes us happy.
Thanks for the ask! ___ Previously answered: 11 and 17 Want to know more? Ask a q for questions I think would be fun to be asked!
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myassignmenthelpnew · 2 years
Best assignment writing providers in Malaysia
Today, one of the most severe inconveniences in the student's life is the intolerable academic workload. It not only disrupts the students’ minds but also isolates them from their near and dear ones. The educational line-up can’t be fulfilled in this way under this adorable stress. It is always considered better to think freely without any effect of pressure and to seek calm circumstances that foster rather than hinder the student’s growth. The apprentices’ performance is directly controlled by the successful submission of the assign academic papers. It is essential to perform best in all the assignment papers. If they fail to give the best performance, it will seriously harm their final result in academics. It is very throbbing for a student to accept unexpected bad marks, after working with Malaysian assignment helpers so hard throughout the entire academic year.
Hence taking assistance from the best assignment help Malaysia services like greatassignmenthelp.com, assignmenthelppro.com, and writemypaperpro.com is better for them.
Why these help services in Malaysia are considering the best in the world of assignment assistance?
This provider is too helpful all over Malaysia for its wonderful services like-
Professional help:  This Assignment helps service targets to help newcomers to Malaysia, make their best in their respective topics. This online assistance service always dispenses assignments prepared professionally by the finest Malaysian assignment helpers. Students get standard-quality assignments made by the oracles associated with this service. The assignments prepared by experienced writers always ensure the best result for the students, which will help them to get their dream job opportunities in the future.
Skilled assignment writers: There are more than 10000 super-skilled Malaysian assignment helpers associated with and dedicated to serving the students with their best efforts and skills. The tutees in various fields can receive extremely quality writing in each subject from the high-qualified professional academic content writers in their respective fields. Their years of academic knowledge enriched the assignment pages as well as the students.
This website is another popular supporting service on the list that provides wonderful help to students in the world of assignment assistance.
Help 24x7:The team of customer supporters of the assignment help service responds 24x7 in 365 days. Their prompt action and appreciable responsibility give the utmost support to the students in their emergencies too. For this advantage, college or university students prefer this assistance provider too much and recommend it to the needy ones.
Reasonable price: Students suffer from financial crises in their college life as they are not employe at this time. Keeping this in mind, Malaysian assignment helpers provide their expertise and skill at a very pocket-friendly price to needy tutees. Students can hire this online assignment supporting provider easily with their pocket money at any time of their academic year.
This provider is also well-known as it is one of the most trustable portals in Malaysia -
Secured payment gateway: Secure payment options are very much needed in any assignment help Students from all over the world can apply for the help of this portal and can pay in any currency they use. All currencies are acceptable in this assistance corner which is a helpful feature. Not only that, there is high security available to protect against any kind of misuse of any data of the transaction. Because, this website use only secured and firewall-protected payment gateways like Google pay, bank transfer, PayPal, debit and credit cards, and so on.
Fast delivery: With Malaysian assignment helpers, students need not worry about the submission of the assignments on time. They are very amenable to keeping the promise of their clients. The assignment maestros of Malaysia always deliver the projects before the mentioned time for the sake of their customers. The students will surely not face any difficulty due to late submissions of the assignments to their examiners.
Plagiarism-free solutions:
The assignment helpers in Malaysia never compromise with the standard of writing of the assigned workand always provide the best and most reliable solutions without any plagiarism.All the answer papers are provided to the students and checked thoroughly and by doing the proper research so that pupils can secure good grades.
Within a bat of an eye, it is seriously out of the question to write down standard quality assignments for each subject while carefully considering all parameters and never exceeding the deadline. But all these troubles can be convert into interesting propaganda with the help of the best assignment help service. The providers can substitute the life of brilliant tutees with the help of making perfect assignments.
Source Url: https://www.taptap.io/post/1743404
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hypronlinesblog · 2 years
How Content Promotion Benefits the Digital Marketing: Proven Content Distribution Strategies
Everyone writes content so that it can add some value to the reader’s life; eventually trying to make the earth a better place in terms of your particular niche. But, just think and see that there are 100 people who read your blog post daily. It’s good, but wouldn’t you like it if it is read by 1000 more people? Or 10000 more people every day? Yes! There was an independent study conducted by Derek Halpern which recommends maintaining an 80:20 ratio between content writing and content promotion.
Many bloggers and agencies having a blog section are not aware of blog promotion strategies. And they keep complaining that the blog has high-quality content but it isn’t getting the expected traffic! Nothing is rocket science in this world if you are willing to put in the effort. So, here we present to you all a content promotion checklist that you can find useful. Each time you think of writing a blog post, first go through all the points mentioned and keep a check on the blog growth.
The Hypr Content Promotion Checklist
First of all, let’s get to the main pointers that we will be discussing over here-
Isn’t planning a basic necessity for the success of any-to-all things in the world? Similarly, writing great content that is relevant to your audience is one thing. But, planning how to make millions of people read it is one totally different thing.
So, to begin with, one must plan a timeline of how to promote the blog for results. Research and define a persona for your targeted readers. Additionally, you may work with a copywriter to write nice and apt. Promotion copy.
Next, let us analyze the timeline planned in detail. The first and foremost thing is Search engine optimization. SEO serves the position of a backbone in any content piece. Every content being written digitally will be read by people googling a certain set of keywords that are specifically targeted by the writer. SEO plays a major role in the digital marketing of any brand and it begins solidifying straight from the quality of SEO keywords in the blog content.
Do you know SEO hacks to be followed? No! Talk to Our SEO Expert now->
After the article is fool-proof written and edited as per SEO, move to Social Media. Much of the audience is present on social media platforms these days. So, pushing your blog on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, etc. is a very important step. Don’t forget to use catchy captions and just fine hashtags!
Btw, Are you following our Facebook or Twitter handles?
This step can also be done before the social media step or after, with no hard rules. But, don’t miss it anyhow, viz. Email promotion. Always push your blog to all the subscribers you have via email. Try to keep the email personal, so that the traction does increase relatively.
Content syndication is also a crucial step if you really want your content to be read by many. There are many external publishing sites like medium or Inc.com. Here, you can additionally publish your content. If you want, you may import the whole content or write an excerpt there and backlink to your blog post.
Influencer Marketing
If you have been following celebrities on Instagram lately, you must know the value of influencer marketing. Almost more than three fourth of the population trusts the voice of their influential celebrities while making any decision. So, if you can reach out to influencers in your niche and ask them to shoot out a post for your blog on any social media platform; you’ll certainly grab a new load of readers.
In addition to these, you can try Facebook bots and messenger to link your blog page and get some extra clicks. We have left out one big platform in our checklist. And we have kept it thoughtfully for the end; because it is very effortful. Yes, we are talking of podcasts and vlogging here. Youtube has a population more than that of China! If you can make audio or video blogs explaining the content of your post, it’ll open room for a whole new set of audience.
Are you feeling the Vibe?
After all this hustle, we trust that you have got a few thousand readers to increase on your blog. But, you are craving for more. Yeah, that’s the spirit of a true writer. Activate Reading!
But, now we have to take the help of funds. Because the next step in our checklist is paid search and paid social. All the search engines and social media platforms have a paid marketing algorithm, where you can push your content as a campaign. And as and when people click the content to read/view it, you get charged. It's a not-so-traditional content promotion strategy, yet worth it if you know how to get the most out of a paid campaign.
Congratulations! You are all set on your way for a viral content piece. Write Good Content and promote it well! And, keep experimenting with various strategies mentioned here.
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chatonnoir · 2 years
It’s just very funny (derogatory) to me how fandom will dehumanize you and how people you disagree with will readily victimize themselves when they perceive you to be a “big blog” (whatever arbitrary follower threshold that is)
Someone made a post saying they envy the platform fanartists have while saying carelessly hurtful things about artists who write fanfic, implying that people only supported their fanfic because of their art, that their writing would never be the same “quality” as longtime fanfic writers, etc. People, especially fanartists who write, were naturally upset by the elitism and gatekeeping and general mean-spirited tone of the post and replied with their disagreements. Suddenly that person switches gears and starts talking about their age, even though the “““big blog”““ who replied to them was the same age.  Suddenly they’re talking about how they're a “small blog” with only a few hundred followers (as if having over 500 people following you is a small amount). Suddenly they’re talking about how it was just a poorly-thought-out rant post that wasn’t supposed to be seen (as if they didn’t self-reblog it seeking validation and stating that they were “correct”) and basically insinuating that it was morally wrong of the people they’ve decided are “BNFs” to reply in disagreement with that post for those reasons. Suddenly follower counts are being brought up in every response more than the actual content of the arguments themselves, because y’all love to categorize people as just “big blog” or “small blog” and the things we do are interpreted in completely different ways based on which of those two camps you fall in to.
Just .... the irony and the cognitive dissonance in doubling down and insisting that the platform these artists have has given them an unfair advantage because of “advertising power” and saying that they wish they had that platform, while simultaneously not being able to handle the smallest amount of attention that was anything other than praise. Not to mention making a post ABOUT a specific group of people and complaining about how their popularity isn’t fair, and then self-victimizing and acting like its wrong for those very people respond to it....
And somehow it doesn’t occur to these people that if they had the kind of platform that we do that they so covet and make these posts about, they'd get even MORE backlash for making these “poorly-thought-out rant posts” on main??? Not just one but at least a DOZEN hateful anons in their inbox???? Not to mention people acting towards them the way they acted towards us in this situation, basically dehumanizing them and telling them that they can't be upset and respond to someone else's ignorant/hurtful post even if it was clearly about them/their friends/people like them because they’re a """BNF"""" and the person they’re upset with is a """"small blog uwu"""" who they’re """dogpiling""" on. You don’t GET to have a bad day and make a poorly-thought-out mean-spirited rant post and get away scot-free when you’re a ~BNF~. If you can’t handle being watched and scrutinized by thousands of people and getting even the smallest bit of negative attention for a post then ... no, you DON’T actually want our “advertising power.” Sorry to tell y’all that having a few thousand followers comes with a cost and is not just a free faceless reblog/kudos/praise farm to feed your ego.
Nevermind the way some of y’all talk like a follower base/reblogs/likes/kudos are things you’re Owed for the “quality” of your work rather than, idk, real individual people who follow creators whose creations and personalities they Personally like? Creators are not Granted followers as payment for their fanworks. Artists did not start out with a Booster Pack of 10000 followers “simply by virtue of being artists” (to quote the fun words from people complaining about this). People follow creators when they want to see more of what they post. Fandom is social, not a competition based on merit and not a business. I know some of y’all seem to think it is based on the uses of “advertising power” and “stats” I’ve been seeing, but this isn’t some pay disparity in a workplace or a competition where someone got a gold trophy and you got a bronze one because they were friends with the judges. Fandom is a community experience of sharing things with other people who you’ve found who like that thing. It’s not some grand injustice that engagement with fanfic doesn’t directly correlate to technical skill because art is so incredibly subjective. It’s entirely based on personal preferences, on what people like, on who people are friends with and who they follow because people are more inclined to read something by someone who they already know and who they know has similar tastes as them, rather than something by a random self-proclaimed “quality” fic writer whom they don’t know just bc they have “””higher quality”””” writing.
“I wish fic writers got more engagement” was just fine on its own without tacking on “it’s not fair that artists get more engagement.” When it turns in to “this person shouldn’t get more attention than me,” it’s jealousy. You can phrase it in any pretty way you want and try to spin it as an injustice but what y’all are really doing is dressing up jealousy towards artists as a hot take, comparing the engagement of two Completely different art forms, and treating fic engagement and followers as something that artists with a bigger following haven’t “earned” and that you are owed instead
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jenniegolden · 3 years
hello i just started on my kdrama train recently;
(other than the first drama this list is not in a particular order)
goblin (i mean??! masterpiece never ever will get over it, the finale will haunt my ass forever, it was my first time crying for 2 hours straight without a stop, no other drama will ever top it, i can definitely say that it will forever be my number 1)
it’s okay not to be okay (the female character is everythiiiing, the scenario is everythiiing, there are so many life lessons to take from it, such great connection between the actors, i loOooooved everything about it)
fight for my way : great chemistry between the actors, my heart melted everytime the male character did sth for her, it was such a fun drama to watch, didnt disappoint at all, i loved it a lot, highly recommend for the ones that like romcom
weightlifting fairy kim bok joo (one of the best couple dynamics, no wonder they dated in real life, such a heartwarming drama with a great plot, every scene was perfect and cozy, cutest duo. to add best romcom kdrama ive ever watched tbh will rewatch it thousand times more lol)
crash landing on you (no word needed amazing scenario amazing couple the fact that they are together in real life makes my heart full, the show was flawless from start to finish. it didnt give any unrealistic happy ending, it did its best with the finale props to the writer. my heart is still hurting for the second lead couple tho, i cried for like 3 to 4 hours because of them. You must watch it!!! did i say i am in love with this show’s every scene? because i am. gosh... )
penthouse war in life (this drama is my stress reliever you gonna ask hOW? well there wasnt an any episode that i didnt curse and yell my lungs out, give seokyoung seokhoon suryeon a happy ending already!!!)(finale season was shit didnt live up to expectations)
skycastle (i love chaos what can i say chaos combined with great acting is my cup of coffee)
true beauty: it was meh the scenario in my opinion was pretty lame, good actors yet things didnt add up good show to watch while eating sth lol, classic highschool drama
vincenzo: god!!! just god!!! it was so fucking good. ive never seen a kdrama quite like this, the dark humor the great narrating of characters the perfectly written script, amazing acting??!! it was one of the best dramas ive ever watched like I AM OBSSESSED i cant get over the fact that its finished 10000/10000 like idek how to explain it was more than a korean show it was freaking a emmy worthy show.
strong woman bong soo: it was cute. the male protagonist was just SO WHOLESOME. i loved all the cutesy scenes between the couple. buuut didnt like the storyline as much as i liked weightlifting fairy’s. there was sth missing in plot.
at distance spring is green: i really enjoyed it from start to finish like the only problem with this drama is it is too shoort. i wanted to watch more. i liked the script a lot and how realistic the perspective was on youth. I cried, i laughed, how everything wasnt fairytale like and how they finished it open ended is realy beautiful. also the bromance 😎
my roomate is a gumiho: okay to start off i watched it without getting bored. jang kiyong is so freaking handsome, it was a visual festival on that end. buuut the story lacked emotional depth for real. i couldnt connect with characters the whole “i love food” agenda was not enough to do that. throughout the show i found myself waiting for second lead couple’s scenes to appear, they were more interesting in every way. loved hyesun.
mermaid prince: well saw it on insta reels then got curious watched it its a mini show with eps only 12 mins, nothing to add really lol boring cliche
extraordinary you: OH MY GODDDDDDDD!!!!!! it was literally flawless from start to finish. the plot, the acting, the chemistry, the script everything was top tier quality for a fantasy high school romcom. Eun dano is justtt ahh so cute, normally grown ass adults’ aegyo makes me gag but her natural adorable self made me warm inside. The actress is really talented like really, from skycastle to this. Every actor in this drama did their jobs pretty well. Haruyaah and eun dano’s chemistry story is beautiful. I loved side characters’ story as well like everyone was just interesting well also thanks to script. The ending wooh i cried from how beautiful it was. top notch quality quotes is a plus.
the world of the married: good actors, good script, wanted to punch the dude multiple times, the ending is realistic, kept me interested in every episode.
nevertheless: look. I get what the director wanted to do with the main couple’s dynamics, it is like a french noir if that makes sense?, like love is not rational it is not pure and fluffy it is painful i get that. but i wanted to just knock some sense into nabi, i really disliked her as well as the butterfly guy. BUT i want a show with the side characters i loved them i skipped the main couple to watch the side character’s storyline. Just please make a new show with the side characters as the mains.
squid game: is it even considered a kdrama? Probably not but just wanted to add it. Korean cinematography is really fricking mindblowing, the harsh truth about social class differences, sad reality of the poor with debt bigger than their being.. korea proved its lead in cinema many times with the handmaiden, burning, parasite etc.. and this series is no surprise they made it this big and successful. they understood the assignment of cinema as a form of art and served. quality man, quality; they have it. Well deserved success hope to see more. Also my girlies saebyeok and jinyeong, the actress who played jinyeong just put a sword in my heart with her smile and last words. Really great actress.
youth of may: my heart has been and IS shattered. myonghee and heetaes relationship was so precious, since its based upon real events i wasnt expecting a happy ending in the first place but i couldnt watch it at one sitting too heartbreaking:(, it was a well done show with great acting. Go minsi and lee dohyeon’s chemistry is honestly unmatched, they go so well together. Go minsi is such a good actress btw the way she can transfer feelings to the watcher was mindblowing AND i literally have personal feelings for lee dohyeon lol im in love with him he is just so dreamy his character from what i saw is close to the character he plays in the show and wow im in luv. lastly PLEASE PUT GO MINSI AND LEE DOHYEON ON A SHOW TOGETHER AGAIN BUT IN A ROMCOM WHERE THEY DONT SUFFER AND HAVE A HAPPY ENDING PLEASE.
run on: one of the healthiest relationships in a kdrama, the plot was so heart touching people who are in mid 20s will understand me on this one, the ideas that it presented to the viewer was so comforting. honestly a healing drama. if i say that i loved every character i wouldnt be lying. also my fav gg girlie sooyungie🥺 her character was *chefs kiss* i definitely recommend
hotel del luna: is there anything iu is not good at? at this point i believe there isnt. i fell in love with her once again among being the best vocalist and lyricist of all time she is also an excellent actress. it was honestly a top tier drama, i felt butterflies in my stomach, i sobbed for days, i laughed, i felt mesmerized and much more feelings in me were evoked. it was in one word flawless. the storyline, the acting, the cinematography 10/10. it became one of my top dramas.
K2: ji changwook is so handsome to start off lol. props to him for all the action scenes. overall there are soo many logical mistakes, only multi layered character and only character i liked was choi yujin. jeha had more chemistry with jss members than he did with anna. Anna can go down in history as one of the most annoying characters, but it is the fault of the writers her trauma was swept under the rug thus everything she did seemed like it didnt have a reason and stupid. Choi yujin im so sorry love. didnt like it tbh, i wouldnt recommend who searches for something with a good storyline.
happiness: short and sweet drama, tbh i am not a fan of zombie or monster kinda things i just watched it purely because of the romantic plot and it didn’t disappoint. the actors were talented so it made it more interesting. Tbh did not like the ending but not a bad drama, it is decent.
my name: han sohee’s acting daaaaamnn womaaan. The quality of this show was unbelievable in every aspect. I started off with han sohee since she is the main character but every freaking actor was so talented, choi mujin, gangjae i was amazed by the storyline and the portrayal of the characters, definitely was a fresh of air from the cliche dramas. you must definitely watch it you wont regret it
extracurricular: once again this show proves that korean tv series should never be belittled. i saw it being mentioned by my name actors in an interview and i found out it was from the same director; such qualified directors exists in the industry i’m so content with korean tv series taking the lead in entertainment. the topic of suffering teenagers in the korean society were never taken into hand without any embellishments. it was so raw, the script was well written. I have my own thoughts and problems with the ending butttt wont spoil it because i highly recommend everyone to watch it.
a korean odyssey: first half of this show made me hooked on it second half of this show made me confused as hell because i got bored and found myself skipping some parts. until the episode in which the real villain appears i thought wow ill like it as much as i liked goblin and hotel del luna but it took a weirdly bad turn in the end. again this show lacked the depth for the viewer. also the female character was literally a damsel in distress who was helpless all the time, her portrayal made me honestly uncomfy she was really boring. would i recommend it? If you dont have anything to watch and got plenty of time sure go ahead not that horrible but if you want some good storyline which makes you feel some things then search for something else
legend of the blue sea: pioneers of korean romance are the leading actors in this one, it is expected that it was good as it was. writing, directing, acting is all great, loved watching it. would recommend
business proposal: a romcom that is worth to watch, the actresses’ talent made the series what it is right now i guess because they were the ones that carried the show with their performance.is it the best? no, is it the worst? nah. it was a decent feel-good drama in my opinion
all of us are dead: normally i dont like any kinda genre or show that involves zombies but this series were so hyped up that i had to watch it and tbh it didnt disappoint, new generation korean actors are really talented their acting skills were pretty damn good. I liked the realism combined with supernatural elements. I cant comment much on the script tho not the best written character or storyline but it gave what it wanted to gave, you know what i mean?
semantic error: the lgbtq representation we’ve wanted! finally a korean show that was so pleasant to watch that involved actors who were not itchy or uncomfortable to act in a bl! i loved it honestly such an easy and heartwarming show. made my heart prrr, props to everyone who made it because it is rare to find a romcom bl that is actually good
my liberation notes: ohh i have so many things to say about this one, all of the stillness of the events all of the monologues and dialogues between the characters were top tier. ive started watching it after getting my first white collar job, on top of that i live with my parents so it hit home for me. after your teens being in your mid 20s and the mundane life it brings about along was depicted so beautifully. when you look at it your life becomes all about aiming for those 5 minutes, 5 minutes of relief and happiness.
"We can't exactly say we accomplished nothing, don't you think? Some days I feel like I am, and some days I feel like I'm back to square one. But I still feel I've been liberated even just a little."
“Five minutes a day. If you have five minutes of peace, it's bearable. When I open my eyes in the morning and remember it's Saturday, that makes me happy for ten seconds. Fill up five minutes a day like that. That's how I survive.”
the rawness of everyday life, the struggles you face growing up and by just, just living but still trying to have those 5 moments is beautiful in itself. i loved it, it should be recognized and appreciated by many in my opinion.
will update when i watch new dramas!!
Since you got an idea of my taste hopefully someone could recommend me other dramas! 🥺
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marketingprofitmedia · 4 months
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WebBookAI Studio Review: Overview
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See my other reviews: VoiceGenesis AI Review, Visionize Ai Review, Stealth AI Review, Mail Mate Review, Ai Talkie Review, Gmail Mastery 2024 Review, AI NexaMeet Review, Delta Review, AI Cloner X Review, AiWizard Review.
Thank for reading my WebBookAI Studio Review till the end. Hope it will help you to make purchase decision perfectly.
Note: Yes, this is a paid tool, however the one-time fee is $17 for lifetime
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orionfalling · 3 years
Ava's bday could have so easily been apart of her besties season, it just wouldn't have been the final clip. But hey, Ava keeps getting the short end of the stick so it the oversight makes sense. The writers and definitely the audience seem to favor Kieu My so im sure that even if her bday isn't apart of a clip, it'll be documented on IG instead. A more organized druck would have made all plans known by now though
yup yup. ur 10000% right and i think the reason ava's bday wasnt in fatou's szn was bc they genuinely didnt remember. which is bad if one of ur main characters has talked ab their sign non stop as part of their best-friendship with the season's main. like...fatou and ava talked about zodiac shit constantly.
but also yeah i think kieu my is such a universally liked character that giving us any less than quality ig content would be a huge misstep.
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handern · 3 years
Devy this is a weird question but you're my only mutual I know who speaks French. Do you have any recommendations for french language children's books? Especially geared at like 6-10 year old readers? I'm trying to practice my language skills, but my french isn't quite good enough yet to read the book reviews. There's "adult readers", but they have a startling lack of anything at all fun in them. I want dragons and spaceships and shit, not sad people buying groceries
Oh I'm going to pull out my list of french writers books I read when I was 7/10 but I'm not sure if it's really what you're searching for?
Even when they're aimed at kids french books by french authors can have a lot of very pedantic words no one uses on a daily basis
Also keep in mind that most popular books written in english out there have probably been translated into french at some point !
Erik L'Homme :
- Le Maître des Brisants (just read book 1 and 2, the 3rd one was a mistake sorry mister Erik sir) : Steampunkish scifi, I don't remember the whole plot but it was pretty epic and I think it was about a boy coming on a spaceship for an internship? Now I need to re read it
- Le Livre des Etoiles : a young boy training to become a mage in a world that was part of ours and is still linked to ours but through a very small gate. It has celtic themes and epic fights but in a more modern way than most fantasy books
- Phaenomen : four kids in a "hospital for children with special needs" realize they have some powers while they go searching for their favorite doctor who vanished one day without a word. Kind of a modern take on changeling kids, smh it gave me a coping mechanism for ADHD and sensory overload that I still use haha
Pierre Bottero : all his series are linked somehow so here's the publication order, which is not the chronological order
- Ewilan series : a girl finds out she has the power to cross from our world to another one, and also that she's the most powerful magic user born in that world. She goes in search of her biological parents trapped somewhere in that world along with a very eclectic band of weird people. It was some of my favorite books ever.
- L'Autre : set in our world, it follows two heirs of some 7 or so families of people who can use magic, they have to learn to control their powers and I also forgot the main plot but hey the girl can turn into a panther and at some point she murders someone which was very cool of her
- Elana : following my childhood hero, Elana from the Ewilan series. It starts with her as a toddler being raised in the jungle after her parents' death (the best book) then it follows her growing up and being trained as a Marchombre (less interesting but still good) which is a thing that would take too long to explain like, they could be assassins but they're not and they could be thieves but they are not but also they're both assassins and thieves for most of them except they're not, they follow a goal way more important than just assassinations and thievery, of spiritual and physical perfection. I started practicing climbing bc of these books.
Erik L'Homme and Pierre Bottero :
- A comme Association : monsters hunting monsters (4 first books are by both of them, the rest is Erik L'Homme alone). It's pretty fun but I didn't get the end at all. But it's pretty fun yes and makes me very emotionnal bc Pierre Bottero was my favorite author and he died right after the 4th book's completion. The characters are really cool and very fun, and of course there's some monsters befriending
Serge Brussolo : each of his series has like 10000 books, I have no idea how this man writes so much but I'm pretty sure his writing rate should be illegal somehow
- the Peggy Sue series : my grandpa gave me the second book instead of the first by accident and thank goodness he did because the first book absolutely TERRIFIED ME, the rest is really kids books but the first one is horror. It tells the story of a girl who can see ghosts and they make her life miserable for it like, literally try to murder her and her family. She ends up travelling through weird places/worlds, it's pretty cool but jesus christ the first book. Warning for graphic murders, mind control and cannibalism in the first book. Some kids get almost boiled alive to be eaten in the second book but you know what? That's tame compared to the impression the first book left on me! There are sheep who eat people in the 5th book also if I recall correctly
- the Sigrid series : A girl born and raised in a weird submarine realizes that something is wrong and weird, ends up travelling through very eerie worlds where she has to learn the rules very fast to survive, it's also kind of horror-like, but less horrifying than the first Peggy Sue book. There are some spaceships, submarines, ghost boats and a lot more
Fabrice Colin : this man is a genius but also sometimes a dirty little copycat man I love him so much. He wrote a lot and not all of his books are equal in quality but when it's good it's really excellent
- Les Enfants de la Lune : set during WWII, a child who lives with his grandmother finds a letter adressed to his grandfather who died 10 years ago, he goes to the meeting to announce it to the people who wrote the letter and ends up meeting the last elves trying to leave our world before the last portal closes. It's very bittersweet and has absolutely amazing characters including a crocodile who probably ate a nazi at some point, evil pterodactyles and a mechanical kraken in the Seine. I spent 10 years hunting for a copy of this book, I would borrow it ten times a year at the local library
Eric Sanvoisin : I was absolutely obsessed w the atmosphere of his books. Horror but not scary? Kind of intriguing and creepy but in a very cosy and familiar way?
- Les buveurs d'encre : vampires but they drink books ink
- Les chasseurs d'Ombres (type in the author's name or you'll just get the Moral Instruments in the results) honestly it's been so long I don't remember much except that I harassed my parents until they bought me the book after I read it at the library. I think it has vampire-y vibes too with investigations
I also read every single book of the "Autre Mondes" collection by the Mango editor, which has really cool scifi books but there are so many it would make this list way too long so I'll just recommend "Les Abimes d'Outremer" which is about space whales being spaceships, but this collection is a goldmine if you want well wrapped together short-ish novels
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gunsatthaphan · 3 years
Wanna run away with me to Sweden where we create our own BLs, where there's no homophobia, no cheating and good quality plot? Im a good writer, so I'll write the show and you can edit/direct BOOM
You know what,,, I'll think this out.. BUT THINK ABOUT IT
JASON OMG I’m so down for that ajshfk sign me up!!! I’ve always wanted to go to Sweden 🥺
I trust you 10000% with your writing and I’d be down to direct & edit! let’s think of some plot ideas!!!! (please no engineering) and I’ll be on the lookout for some potential actors & locations (no university) 
let’s make history!!! anyone wanna join us? 🥰 also we need sponsors. @ ikea ??? 👀🥺👉👈 
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