michaelnotholden · 2 months
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princekirijo · 2 years
To answer the question from your tags: I did choose the name Alice because of Klee's mom, because seeing her mentioned on my fyp reminded me of how I think it's a very pretty name. The added bonus was that it gave me an absolutely AMAZING basis to work with for Alice's hypothetical witch lol
That is really awesome to hear and you're right Alice is a lovely name but ngl after that last bit I am suddenly very very scared of her 💀 (in a good way)
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miaonon · 3 months
a thousand faces in a thousand places
synopsis: the housewardens with a Sparkle (from honkai: star rail) reader. (headcanons)
gn!reader + reader is not yuu
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uhm! 😨 (scared)
there is not a single universe where this man, pre-overblot, did not hate you.
so, how did you two meet? considering your mysterious, yet still childish personality- you probably got sorted into heartslabyul!
you’re basically like alice but.. so. much. worse. 
pre-overblot he’d, most likely, be very cross with you.
do you know how many times you’ve been off-with-your-head-ed? because it’s happened a LOT. and i mean, a lot a lot.
you were in and out of everywhere, were rather cryptic, and had a strong mischievous streak.
how could he NOT be annoyed? smh.
though, post-overblot, i think he’d be more relaxed.
of course, he’d still be exasperated, but not to the level of annoyance he had before. progress, woop woop !!!
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i am still scared. not for you, but for leona.
he’d be annoyed, i suppose. you’re like a creepy, more out there, more literally insane version of ruggie.
so, how did you two meet? it’s similar to how yuu and the lion met, actually. except.. there’s kind of a difference.
whereas yuu stepped on his tail (by accident!), causing leona to go “ooh i’m gonna eat you” like a shark on steroids, YOU were the one who.. tried to eat him.
picture this, leona sleeping on the botanical garden, you seeing his tail and immediately going
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how romantic a meeting! be still, my heart! meetcute who?
you immediately started laughing hysterically when his startled awake gaze met your terribly amused eyes, so the impression you left to him.. eh.
you probably started a “Call Leona ‘Unca Weona’” trend on MagiTok (that cater undoubtedly joined in on), so he’s probably pretty annoyed at you.
— you’ve also probably used his money to fund some performances.
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“you have bewitched me body and soul. 🤩” “HOW DID YOU GET INTO MY HOUSE”
he’s probably mildly terrified of you and your absolutely horrendous schemes.
so, how did this lovely pair meet? WELL.
azul, doing paperwork in his office or whatever he does, looking like he sniffs lint, jolts when jade enters abruptly.
it’s unlike the eel’s usual respectful manner, so he’s pretty confused, immediately going “what is it?”
a sheepish jade smiles awkwardly and goes to say something like, “blah blah vanished into thin air before they could pay.”
azul is BEWILDERED. vanished??
so, obviously, righteously wanting his money, he tells jade and floyd to go look for you.
they did not find you.
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he has a new bestie now!
you two are great friends, your chaotic (one more so than the other) tendencies and fun-loving personalities make you a great pair.
jamil would say otherwise.
you two go on happy little excursions around the campus, terrorizing a few people here and there, and honestly just having the time of your lives.
he was so glad you weren’t his friend just for his wealth, but because you liked his personality as he liked yours.
though, you, as someone who can only have their interest piqued by amusement, didn’t understand why he’d think you were using him.
you wear the most stupid matching shirts (that kalim bought and jamil tacitly approved) and walk around, happily playing and leaving only destruction in your wake.
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you’re fashionable, he likes you.
with your skill in acting, you’re probably in the film studies club, which is most likely how you two met.
he admires your.. cough, dedication. and he also thinks your personality is a bit (is it?👀).
“your dedication to being you is admirable.” “hehe thanks but wtf🥰”
as literally everyone is, kalim not included, he’s pretty exasperated by your chaos-causing tendencies and unhinged personality.
illusion magic is your jam, so just imagine how shocked he was when looking into his mirror and seeing your evilly-grinning visage instead of his own face.
(rook approves.)
talking about rook, a curious vil had asked the hunter to.. stalk you for a while, because he was confused if you were really the person you portrayed yourself as.
a laughing rook gave the report that you had found him out and asked if he was close to his housewarden because he stripped himself naked and apologized for his crime of liking neige.
vil is flabbergasted.
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on one hand, he’s terrified, and on the other- he thinks you’re funny.
you come up with the most unhinged insults, and you always get the last word- he thinks you’re admirable.
your level of extrovertness is shocking to him.
first kalim, now you? he is Shaking His Head™.
how you first met doesn’t matter, what matters is what he accidentally said when first meeting you and having a good short chat.
“mesugaki..” he mumbled in the middle of your sentence.
your ears were good. his ears were working well enough to hear his own damn self.
he wants to cry. he wants to dig a hole in the ground and bury himself in it.
“hikikomori.” you immediately responded.
critical hit! idia will have to stay inside his room for three weeks, tell ortho he loves him..
you’d say you two get along well, idia would say otherwise.
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he enjoys your rambunctious personality. he’s normally chilling quietly in the corner, so having you drag him around probably does wonders for how people see him.
he approves (sebek does NOT).
he’s sometimes concerned. he knows humans don’t live long, will you Doing What You Do somehow make your lifespan even shorter? 
you’re just being you and he’s standing menacingly right beside you. imagine how that looks to other people.
your local terrorist gremlin and THE malleus draconia. standing next to eachother. chilling.
you probably call him “that guy with the horns”, or something more animal aligned.
like “ram horns boy”. 
lilia probably laughed at it, silver didn’t know if he should’ve felt offended for malleus or if it was a friendly joke, and sebek is going to use it as a horror story for the future generations of his family.
you’re just causing chaos and he’s there like 🧍😄
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talaok · 9 months
ok first of all, I love your writing!!! a scenario just popped into my head and I found it so funny, the reader and Pedro have been dating for some time, Pedro doesn't want to have children but you were always good with children and after a children's party you went together and he realized (or thought) that you were strange when interacting with the children (which would be just tiredness) made him nervous and anxious thinking that you were frustrated because you wanted children and he didn't, during the night he can barely sleep and that means he gets up early and being impatient waiting for you to wake up, and at the first sign that you are waking up the first thing he says is: be honest, do you want to have children? and the reader is confused like dude it’s 7 am wtf??? I leave her answer and the end up to you and your incredible imagination, kisses 💋
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x reader
a/n: no bc bestie I genuinely love this idea so much like omg im sorry if i didn't do it justice but tomorrow im getting some very fucking important news and my mind is a bit all over the place
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Your beaming niece ran to you as soon as soon as you stepped into the backyard.
"There's the birthday girl!" you grinned, picking Nora up to give her a tight hug
"I missed you!" she squealed, as her small arms reached around your neck "You never visit anymore"
You snorted "Did your mom tell you to say that?"
The way your sister was biting down a grin told you all you needed to know.
"no" she mumbled, making you huff a laugh.
Your sister was raising the perfect actress.
"Well aren't you miss popular?" you gasped, looking around at all the children running around the place "These all your friends?" you asked, as she turned to follow your gaze
"yep" she nodded proudly "I basically know every kid at school"
"well there's something you didn't take from your mom..." you joked, raising your eyebrows at your sister
"hey!" she shot you a look
"I'm just saying" you shrugged "I don't remember your birthday parties being this big"
"oh shut up, you're one to talk" she rolled her eyes.
"hi Pedro!" Nora noticed him as he walked into the backyard with your sister's husband.
"hi Nora" he smiled, walking closer
"Is it your fault that y/n never visits anymore?"
Pedro was very much taken aback by the bluntness, but all you could do was chuckle.
"oh my god, I'm so sorry" your sister intervened, taking her daughter from you "Here why don't you go play with your friends?" she suggested, making her comply immediately.
"I swear I didn't tell her to say that" she promised, looking as mortified as she sounded.
"I know Alice" you grinned "don't worry"
"I'm sorry Pedro" she turned to him nonetheless.
"It's fine" he smiled that charming smile of his 
"Nora's just very..."
"Exuberant" her husband finished the sentence for her
"yes, exactly" she nodded
You laughed softly "That's definitely one way to put it"
The next hour was spent chatting at one of the tables Jeremy, your sister's husband, had set up on the lawn, and as you talked and ate, and drank more champagne than water the tiredness started to really make itself heard.
The flight from LA to Washington was six hours and a half, so you had to travel during the night, and as much as you wanted to sleep during it, you never were able to do so on planes.
So you were basically only running on coffee, and not even the good kind, no, the shitty airport one.
A tug at your hand brought you out of your own thoughts.
"Auntie!" your niece was saying
"sorry" you smiled down at her, setting your glass down "What's up sweetie?"
"come play Simon says!"
You had to fight the urge to groan. The last thing you wanted to do right now was to play a game with a bunch of screaming children.
"right now?" you asked
"c'mooon," Nora moaned, jumping up and down a bit "I want you to meet my friends"
You sighed slightly as you stood up 
"lead the way birthday girl"
And as you disappeared behind a tree, dragged by your own niece, Pedro couldn't help but think
That was weird
And that same thought continued making its way into his mind over and over again.
You've never hesitated when it came to playing with Nora, you loved that kid so much you would have given her the world on a silver platter had she just said the word.
You weren't constantly taking pictures of her because you "wanted to remember every single moment with her" as you insisted every time, you weren't smiling every time you just looked at her either, and you weren't even entertaining the kids like you always did.
Fuck, Jacob and Alice used to tease you every time saying that they didn't need entertainers for her parties when you were there, that's how good you were with children.
Not that today you weren't good with them, Pedro could see and hear the laughs you'd elicit from the small crowd, but still, he couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong... and that he had something to do with it.
You were asleep beside him, and he didn't know if it was because you were in your sister's guest room and not in your own bedroom, or if was because guilt was clawing at him from within, but as much as he tried to sleep, his body opposed to it.
He was looking at you... so peaceful, so pretty, so beautiful and all he could feel was guilty.
He had racked his brain as to why you were acting weird for hours and then finally, thirty minutes ago he'd finally got it.
It was his fault
Of course, it was.
The only thing that had changed since you last saw Nora, was that talk you'd had that day at the park.
God, he was so goddamn stupid.
"Another reason as to why I don't want children" 
He'd said it so casually too, as a stupid joke, like it was nothing, without even thinking that maybe that's not what you wanted, that maybe he was ruining everything.
And now he'd fucked everything up, and panic was rising in his chest so fast that he worried in mere minutes he was gonna go into cardiac arrest.
And yes you'd told him you didn't want children too, but maybe you just said it because that's what he said and you probably hated him and-
Fuck were you ever gonna wake up?
he had thought about doing it himself but then realized how bad of an idea that was when he was halfway into shaking your arm.
He needed to talk to you. Now.
He needed to know, and to beg you, and to tell you to forget all about what he said at the park because it all went flying out the window when it was about you and-
Your eyelids fluttered, and shit but for a moment he pondered the existence of a god.
A whimper left your mouth as you readjusted your head on the pillow and he couldn't hold it anymore.
"Be honest"
Your eyes flew open in shock as your heart skipped a beat.
"Holy fucking- Jesus!" you breathed "You scared me, Pedro"
"Do you want children?"
Your eyes widened even more as your features filled with confusion 
"What the actual f-"
"I know that I said that I don't want kids, and I know that you agreed with me, but if that's not really what you want or if- if you changed your mind I want you to know that I-"
You propped yourself on your elbows to get a better look at him.
Was he fucking high or something?
"Pedro first of all it's..." you trailed off, glancing at your phone and groaning when you read the numbers on the screen "Oh my god" you sighed, running a hand down the length of your face "and second of all, what are you talking about baby?" you sighed, your voice softening as you took in his worried face for the fist time since you'd opened your eyes.
He took your hand in his
"I'm talking about the fact that I take it back- that if you want to have children then I'm sure I can make it work, that I love you y/n, and I don't want to lose you and that-"
"lose me?" you frowned, trying to squint your sleep away "Children?" you shook your head, trying to make some sense of what was going on "Pedro I- I'm sorry I thought we'd agreed neither of us wanted children?"
"Yes, but I understand if you've changed your mind"
"Why would I have changed my mind?" you asked, sitting up "Where is this coming from?"
"I just-" he looked like a sad puppy with those big brown eyes of his "You were acting weird today at the birthday and I couldn't help but think that-"
"That I wanted children?" you smiled, doing a poor job of hiding your amusement
"oh my god" you breathed, moving some messy hair out of your face "I was tired baby" you explained with a grin "I didn't sleep for shit on the plane and I wasn't exactly feeling like running around kids like I usually do"
Now was his turn to frown
"yeah, oh" you shook your head, still unable to get rid of the smile on your lips.
"Well this is embarrassing" he let out a low huff "I just... I don't know-"
you sat up to get closer to him as you inspected his face.
"Oh baby," you cooed, stroking his cheek "Did you even sleep?"
"I tried to" 
Your lips pulled into a sorry tilt as you intertwined your arms behind his neck.
"I don't want children baby" you said "I love our life exactly as it is"
"I'm sorry" he murmured
"No don't be" you shook your head, letting your forehead meet with his "It was kind of sweet to be honest" you beamed, leaving a quick kiss on his lips
"Did you really mean it? that you'd have children if that's what I wanted?"
And when he looked at you now, you felt as if he was staring right into your soul.
"Sweetheart" he murmured "I'm not sure there's anything on this earth I wouldn't do for you"
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pinyeti · 7 days
Is it just me or have they just not explained the Death Star properly?
I cant take Darthy seriously anymore, he’s just a bag of organs 
Whats quirrel doing here
Isnt this that old caterpillar from Alice n wonfderlad
WOW LUKE REALLY SUITED UP FOR HIS MESSAGE- DID HE JUST SELL???? GOLDENFACE AN R2-oh right Hans in the carbon - way to go to the dark side Luke, triangular droid trade YOU ARE YOUR FATHERS SON LUKE 
So much of Star Wars is just running into the problem with a glowstick and hoping it dies
Wow hansolo has been imprisoned, thrown into garbage, tortured, thrown into carbon, imprisoned AGAIN all cuz he has can’t shut my mouth disease
What even is their relationship with Luke btw, are they his adopted fWOAH WOAH WOAH WHEN DID LUKE TURN INTO A MAN??? Last I saw he was a child who couldn’t get a plane out of a lake AND THEY LEFT THE LAST MOVIE WITH ALL OF THTEM BEING TOGETHER wow the text in the beginning is more important than I thought 
No seriously why is Luke dressed like a pastor whats going on
Ok yoda we get it you’re 900 no ones talking about your wrinkles anyway with pastor Luke in the room, projecting much?
Is yoda suidicdal???
 Whos the other Skywalker?? lukes not even a Skywalker isnt his name Luke vader where’s skywalkers real son OH darthy’s deadname is skywalker
Nice the gang is back together, waiting for chewbakka to be revealed as darthy’s next offspring
I cant believe these are the idiots the emperors trying to kill
"yes I could sense you were my brother when my tongue was down your throat"
Oh yes Luke hands himself over- haha darthy sensitive over dead name 
Luke youre so stupid- but since jedis cant die is he gonna go to wherever yoda and obi wan is 
Lando is growing on me, also squid guy
This movie is gonna end with emperor and Luke dead isnt it
Is the emperor a jedi too how else does he have power or something something Sith
Id make a horrible jedi- im made of hatred
Hansolo my pathetic little idiot
You’re telling me this big of an empire cant take down 6 idiots lead by a happy go lucky guy, never heard of this before
Hahahah a hand for a HAND- wait what…. Why does he have a robo hand too whats going on 
Luke stop acting like you didnt hear about jedis 5 secs ago
Aw does darthy have a heart among his organs
Oh damn hes not as ugly as I thought he’d be
Kinda cute even - bro how did he even get this weak why’s he dying rn 
He has such kind eyes
Is the empire this easy to penetrate? No but they did it with the power of lOVE and FRIENDSHIP 
Love lando 
Yes Luke its so sad your daddy that blew up an entire planet in ONE second without a single thought died IM NOT FORGIVING HIM THIS EASY
No way thats it??? They took down the empire just like that???? What??
Damn no one in this world can dance
ok fine anakin is cute
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bizarrelittlemew · 4 months
okay. i just watched the movie Snakeskin (2001). i bought a physical dvd in the year of our lord 2024 because Taika has 6.5 minutes of screentime in it. and now i'm sitting here trying to process wtf i just watched asjdhfdjsk so here are the highlights (thank you Meow @blakbonnet for going through this experience with me)
first of all, enjoy these screenshots from the trailer (i'm still not sure if they're mandatory disclaimers?):
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...but say yes to snake imagery, because there will be a lot of it
we are definitely in 2001. this is extremely apparent throughout the whole movie. but especially from this girl's hair
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Taika's character (Nelson) and his girlfriend (Daisy, pictured above) drive around in a repurposed ice cream truck and sell drugs btw. it's called Mr. Trippy.
main character Alice (Melanie Lynskey) is a huge fan of ✨America✨. her best friend is in love with her but she only wants Bad Boys. also said friend's name is Johnny but it's actually Craig
ALSO Craig-slash-Johnny is played by Dean O'Gorman (Fili)??!?!?!?
their hobby is to drive around picking up hitchhikers but only those who look not boring
enter The American. this guy is the most American you have ever seen. americans wish they could be as American as this guy. no one else has ever Americaned harder.
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as you can see, i'm not lying. he even says "howdy ma'am" so we're convinced he is a real American
three skinheads are after The American because he stole their drugs (i think). he also stole drugs from Nelson and Daisy, who now owe money and/or drugs to their boss, who also has beef with The American for reasons i'm still not totally sure of
The American not only steals drugs and money, he also has a real gun(!!!) and fucks pretty much everyone?
"darlin'. u gotta earn the raaaiht. ter wear snakeskins 😎"
oh my god the sunglasses emoji just reminded me of the fucking sunglasses oh no i'm not sure i can do this akjsdhjsk this will make sense later i promise
do not learn gun safety from this movie
at one point, there is a whole lotta sheep. we are, after all, in Aotearoa New Zealand. and ok this had the cutest moment of Taika yelling "SHEEPY" out of a car
there's a scene where uhm. uhhh no not gonna describe this i think but. yeah fair warning this movie has some period-typical homophobia let's just say 💀 this is the live reaction:
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if you enjoy the 2000s aesthetic of "look how edgy we are doing drugs" *colorful-haired people on couches in dark club* *echo-y laugh* *hallucinations* *it's mushrooms look it's mushrooms we're doing psychedelics* then this is the movie for you my friend
oh and Alice also did acid at some point while being very "i've totally done drugs before" about it (((doubt)))
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[New Zealand accent] "wow. six and acid." yes she is living all her american dreams as you can see
by nighttime, all three cars (main characters, mr. trippy, and the nazimobile) and the motorcycle (mr. drug boss) have made it pretty far up the mountain, it seems. cute moment between mr. drug boss and nelson. look how :D he is!
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but you know a movie with Taika in it needs to have a father figure talk down to him so he gets very 🥺 right after this
lots of shit goes down (i won't spoil too much if by any chance you still want to watch this) and it turns out that the older skinhead guy is the best actor in the movie??
and NOW things get weird
Craig and The American have so much beef by now that they decide to solve it by russian roulette
Alice's reaction to this is something like "ugh, you guys are crazy, i can't watch this 🙄"
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like she just walks away?? GIRL THEY'RE AIMING A REAL GUN AT EACH OTHER
she keeps COMPLETELY UNDERREACTING TO WHAT IS HAPPENING like (spoilers from now on) CRAIG IS SHOT AND KILLED and she doesn't even run over and she doesn't even say anything to The American?? WHO SHOT HIM???? he's just standing there??
and then. AND THEN.
ok this is where i fully lost it for several minutes and missed half the following scene. i was fucking HOWLING like actually crying with laughter, i couldn't see or breathe and my partner got worried ksjdhfdjsk ok so here's what happens
they're in the car. craig is obviously very dead. alice is kinda in denial i guess. The American tells her to shut his eyes and she's like why? BECAUSE HE DEAD GIRL!! but she doesn't, she doesn't shut his eyes, no, this is what she does instead
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ANYWAY shortly after this we hear one of the funniest lines in the movie (and it's not even about the shooting and killing of Craig):
"fuck, Seth! this isn't fucking America, you can't just go around shooting everybody!"
oh yeah The American does have a name and it's Seth
i'll just post a few chat screenshots for the next part because i can't really describe it, i promise we're almost at the end
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after some incredible visual effects™️, we end with Return of the Sunglasses (and me scaring my cats away because i was sobbing again)
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i haven't even really talked about Taika's scenes much (the reason i watched this in the first place) because the ending took me OUT and honestly he is maybe the most normal person in this whole movie. one review (from the trailer) wrote this:
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and yeah that may honestly be the best way to describe it. 10/10 movie watching experience, highly recommend. thank you for coming to my snek talk
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lovelykhaleesiii · 1 year
Daddy’s Girl
PAIRING: Dad!Aemond Targaryen x fem!Reader | Dad!Aegon ii Targaryen x fem!Reader
WORDS: 1,774.
SUMMARY: Rough ideas of the Targaryen princes as fathers to their first, newborn daughters. 
WARNINGS: fluff, swearing, overprotective!Aemond, overprotective!Aegon, reckless Aegon, lactation kink, breeding kink, slight praise kink. 
A/N - Ya’ll knew this was coming surely... I can’t get enough of this domestic shit!!! Dad!Aemond has me in a chokehold and simultaneously, Dad!Aegon has my back arched, wtf do I do?!
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When Aemond saw and held his tiny little daughter for the very first time, it was like love at first sight. 
He didn't know how anything so small, so precious could bring out all these intense feelings in him, and yet here she was in all her glory.
She was the apple of her father's eye, they were obsessed with each other.
He actually wouldn’t fly her on Vhagar when she’s just a newborn, he would want to wait it out. Considering his first flight was very turbulent, he would never put his daughter at risk. 
She is his “byka prince” [little princess].
Aemond definitely selects her little outfits, if you both stroll around markets or attend royal visits to various other places, and he sees something he adores, he’ll buy it for her. If he sees a particular material/pattern and colour he likes, he orders the servants to have it made for his little princess. Even toys, he’ll have them hand-crafted, a small, hand-painted dragon for his little girl, it would be a miniature Vhagar. 
No doubt, he dresses her in the Targaryen colours or even occasionally Green, in honour of his mother. 
If she cries during the night, he’s usually the first to awake and check (he does not mind, one bit). He reasons with you saying “You did give birth to her, so your hard part is done now it’s my turn, issa jorrāelagon [my love].”
Immediately, she falls asleep after he cradles her for some time, sometimes you even hear him humming a song. On the off chance, that she doesn't settle, it’s often because she either is hungry and needs feeding, or she needs a nappy change.
Aemond would be so bad at nappy changes, although he’s willing to try and gradually gets the gist of it. He doesn’t mind the dirty work.
He loves to bathe his little princess, he only lets you and himself, maybe even Alicent if she’s free and willing to. 
Aemond would definitely do that skin-to-skin touch, when she’s a newborn: he wants her to get familiar to his touch and scent, in case he has responsibilities and duties he needs to attend to as Prince Regent. 
The thought of his daughter not recognising him or resembling him to a stranger terrifies him. 
Overprotective is an understatement. 
Aemond will literally kill anyone that even dares to hurt or speak ill of his daughter. 
Once she starts walking, growing into her toddler phase, she becomes more active and involved. She’ll literally fall and trip over herself (and you’ll be okay with it, and Aemond would just be losing his shit), and if another child is present, he’ll even scold them. 
If he sees a graze or cut or a tiny, spectacle of blood on her, it’ll be the end of the fucking world. 
Having lost his eye, he would never forgive himself if she ever has to endure pain or trauma like that. 
You try to reason with Aemond, that part of parenting you need to teach resilience and the ability to ‘bounce back’ although, Aemond’s not having it. So much to your disapproval, your daughter will definitely grow up spoilt and protected. 
Now that Aemond can hold her appropriately, and she can seat herself properly, he mounts her on Vhagar with him and take flight. At first, she's terrified of the height, although seeing how happy and comfortable Aemond is, she reads him so well and starts to enjoy it too. 
They literally have their own language, they can read minds. Aemond doesn't even need to ask or probe his little girl about what she wants, he just knows. Some water? Here you go. Some sweets? There you go, princess. 
He teaches her Valyrian at such a small age, as soon as she starts verbalising, that she eventually becomes more fluent than you. 
She definitely has Aemond’s Targaryen hair and lilac eyes, although your features, which Aemond fucking loves. 
He definitely takes care of her hair, has his own routine for it, just as he maintains his own. He even learns how to properly braid her hair. 
Aemond is so relieved and impressed that his daughter is not at all afraid of his missing eye, and the sapphire that replaces it. At times, she even tries to touch and grab at it, and he has to pull her away, otherwise she just smiles lovingly and laughs at him. 
She's the only one (besides yourself) that can genuinely make Aemond smile, like if he's having a shit day, as soon as he sees her (even if she's asleep in her cradle), that’s enough to warm him.
Aemond loves and accepts your body changes, he reassures you when you feel insecure, that your body performed a miracle, and that you grew his child effortlessly. 
He definitely watches you breastfeeding and has no shame: something about the way that only you can provide for her, makes him feral. 
The man has a lactation kink, 100%, once he knows he’s daughter has been fed, and now that she can start tolerating solid feeds, he spoils himself to your milk. He finds the sweet, creamy taste delicious. 
Nonetheless, he knows for certain he needs to have another child with you immediately, and won’t stop until he sees your belly swell. 
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Aegon would be so nervous having a little girl at first. 
The history with women that he's had and the poor treatment he had previously shown, he is aware was unacceptable and since having met you, he has changed.
Although, his past would haunt him regardless.
He did remain by your side during the birth, and when the maester declared a daughter, he was in a state of shock. 
He wouldn't completely withdraw himself from you nor the babe, he loved you too dearly to do that. And seeing how well you were with her, and how warm your daughter was with you, he slowly started to gain confidence in himself. 
You’d help him get used to holding her, demonstrating the correct technique, for she was so tiny against his body, he kept fearing that he’d drop her or hurt her in his grip. 
He actually even stopped drinking completely now, he didn’t want to risk being tipsy, in case he had to hold her.
Nonetheless, he became an absolute pro.  
He even begged to take her on Sunfyre with him, although you were still quite anxious for she was so small. 
Somehow, he convinced you for just a quick, short flight: he trusted Sunfyre with his life, and he knew the dragon would nurture and protect his daughter too. 
You would watch from the ground in complete silence, just anxious although, as soon as he landed and dismounted with the babe still nestled and settled in his arms, you were quite surprised.
Aegon would be so proud of himself, it boosts his ego. 
He would always regularly check up on her, even if he only just saw her 10 minutes ago. 
“Aegon she's been asleep in her crib for the past hour, nothing has changed, why do you feel the need to look?” 
He can’t help himself, you’ve come to find it’s as though a switch has flicked on for him, he’s become so protective over you and the babe, he can’t stand leaving you two alone. 
“But she needs me...” He’ll say, as he just stares at her asleep in absolute awe that he helped to make this angel. 
She definitely looks more like her Dad, soft, gentle features with the Targaryen traits. She literally looks like an angel. 
She has Aegon’s plump cheeks and he’s always just kissing and nibbling at them. 
Aegon loves how everyone fawns over her, including his mother. In a way, it makes him feel accomplished. 
Nonetheless, as soon as she’s more involved and interactive, she never wants to leave Aegon’s side. Like she clings to him throughout the day, and cries for him if he isn't around. 
You’ve come to accept that she's an absolute Daddy’s Girl, he’ll carry her around to his council meetings, and she'll bury her face in his chest or the crook of his neck when he tries to get her to greet other lords with him, although she’s too shy. 
Most of the time she even chills on his lap when he sits the Iron Throne. Listening and ordering his subjects for the day, she often remains unphased, although occasionally she’ll try to grab his attention by playing with his hair or trying to touch his crown. That’s when you come in and take her. 
On the days that she is not around, if he has urgent or serious matters to attend (no place for a babe), he feels so empty without her presence there, and feels something is missing. He itches to get back to you both. 
Aegon definitely struggles to be hands on, he hates the dirty work of nappy changes and sometimes begs for you to do it. Although, you both have agreements and take turns with bathing her, or if she cries in the night, Aegon does see to her (although struggles to awake and gradually gets to her).
As random as this is, Aegon would definitely have a Dad!bod and no one can change my mind. The drinking caught up although, his daughter sneaking in sweets to feed her Daddy whilst they chill on the throne doesn't help either. (Aemond will be the type to keep up with his regular training, Aegon struggles with all the responsibilities, although still trains not as often). 
You find Aegon blowing raspberries on his daughter’s stomach, and it makes her laugh like no tomorrow. 
He definitely tells you openly that he wants more children now. 
“Perhaps a son?” He suggests and you reassure him, that is completely out of your control and “Upto the Gods.” 
As soon as your healed from the birth, Aegon is fucking eager to get onto you, and his breeding kink shows. 
He moans how he can’t wait to see your belly swell with his child, another angel: he loves the idea that people will think scandalously of how quick you’ve become pregnant again. Aegon does not care though. 
He even prefers your postpartum body and idolises the changes: he loves how big your tits and ass are, only for his own pleasures.
During the night he'll leave his cock inside of you, making sure he seizes every opportunity to impregnate you. 
You are so proud of the father Aegon has stepped up to be, and you make it known to him, he favours your praise above anyone else. 
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steviesbicrisis · 1 year
Stranger things rewatch thoughts
I’ve recently decided to do a rewatch since I don’t remember anything that happens before the scoops ahoy shorts™️ and all of my memories are covered in a thick layer of rainbows and unicorns thanks to Tumblr. I don’t know if anyone will be interested but I wrote down my thoughts while watching 😂 this is season 1:
Where is Steve? I miss Steve
Honestly Mrs Wheeler isn’t half as bad as I remembered
Joyce best character ever I don’t make the rules
Mike your crush on will is showing, embarrassiiiing
Jonance looking cuuuute
But also Nancy this boi took pics of u naked how are u so chill about it
I’m remembering why I love hopper so much
Nancy being scandalized by Jonathan taking a gun is cracking me up
Not Nancy crawling into a creepy ass portal in a tree like wtf dude who do you think you are? Alice in wonderland?
Steve I really hate your current friends, when are you going to ditch them and become fruity for our resident fav metalhead weirdo?
Me pulling out google translate to understand what the Russian are saying: am I Robin Buckley?
Wait a fucking minute, the Party’s bullies were just chilling in the woods, causally brought a knife with them and stumbled upon Mike and Dustin?? How in hell-
I swear to god I have no clue how Carol kept dating Tommy after he almost kissed Steve in front of her
I’m sorry Harrington but that ASS going up the ladder, wow
Hopper best dad ever 🥺
Will telling Mike he’s the one keeping them together meanwhile Dustin is literally the reason why they stayed together
Steve wanting to apologize is so cute, my poor heart
I’m sorry but there’s just no way Jonathan knew the lights were actually Joyce in the upside down, I call bs
I did not remember the Wheelers going to pick mike up at the school, what did they tell them? Did they give an explanation at all? Lmao
I cannot wait to see season 2 I need some answers
There are Christmas lights and the season ends with snow and Christmas, stranger things is a Christmas tv show #confirmed
Did Will just throw up Dustin’s future pet?
Here my thoughts on season 2!!
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oceanmoonstarz · 11 days
Marauders’ Nicknames - a report
Okay so
James: Prongs, Sun, Chaser. Bucks. Pot? (Just learned people use flowerpot for Jily)(Am I forgetting one?)(keep ‘em coming lol)
Sirius: Padfoot, Star, Black(?)
Remus: Moony, Wolf (horrible name imo)
Peter: Wormtail (even worst name) Rock? (Since it is what his name mean, I hadn’t hear of it before but I do like it) also bro needs another option… what about like. Mercury or Earth or Meteor or smt HAH because the meteor killed all the dinosaurs like he killed all his friends…. No? I think it’s funny
Lily: Flower
Marlene: — (I’m gonna start using Wild personally I think it goes fucking hard) some people also use Star but like there is so many Stars already guys 😭 (someone also said Cherry!! which I think is very cute)
Mary: does Mary have one??? (Someone said Fire and I actually love that)
Dorcas: Gazelle? Some people use like.. flower? But there’s also so many of those 😭 I’m going to start using maybe Ocean or Garden ??? Still debating
Barty: K!ller
Evan: Rose
Regulus: Star, Seeker, Water (the love of this fandom and putting the worst thing to happens to a character as their ship name is crazy)
Pandora: — does she have one???
Bellatrix: k!ller (Barty takes after his mother /jk)
Andromeda: — none that I know of?
Narcissa: WAIT A MINUTE THIS WHOLE TIME I THOUGHT FLOWER WAS FOR ALICE AND NOBLE FOR NARCISSA?????? Flower…. (I be using Noble tho I think it fits her so well)
Rita: Quill
Zabini: Silver (that’s what I personally use) I think some people use Gold?
Alice: Noble???? My world is actually shattered wtf.. IT ALSO DOESNT SUIT HER THAT MUCH?? I- (guys pls let’s find another option)
Frank: — nothing that I know of? (Someone said Keeper and lowkey I like it? that’s his quidditch position)
Edward: Ted (lol) but also he also doesn’t have any I think? Something like Softconstellation or smt for Tedromeda could go hard
Sybill: Seer, Crystal?? Been trying to find a good name for her and Pete for ages (MY FRIEND SAID CRYSTAL METH BYE-)
Severus: PRINCE! (Many thanks to the person who reminded me) does he have one? I feel like he definitely do.. no? But I can’t figure out what it is
Lucius: silk ????
If you have any characters you think I should add pls tell me I’m trying to get them all at the same place because it’s confusing!! (Like Emmeline Vance, Emma Vanity, Xenophilius, etc)
Emmeline: Cosmos (cause of what 'emme' means), or Brave or Rival (full name meaning), or Marsh (last name meaning). - By @enbysiriusblack
I was getting lost so lol PLEASE ADD TO THIS
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malspinningyarns · 3 days
Random thoughts during Bridgerton season 3 rewatch, episode 3
The dream is so Mr. Darcy walking across the foggy field in the 2005 P&P
There is a editing mistake where Violet walks to Francesca twice pre and post Benedict’s comment to Gregory
Colin at Breakfast:
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Love Charlotte’s heart wig
Phillippa is so dumb. But this is why sex ed is important
Varley is so happy Penelope has a visitor and it’s Eloise
Another wrap to hide Claudia’s broken arm
No one really is going to notice Colin and Penelope unchaperoned again, aren’t they?
Colin’s coat looks dark purple in the light and Pen’s wrap has purple in it.
This is the most awkward Colin has ever been
Those are some massive antlers on that one taxidermy buck
Speaking as someone who is around a lot of taxidermy at work, you kinda just get used to it. But I see that look on Debling’s face very regularly
Debling’s WTF look the Cressida’s comment about rather being a predator than prey. 😂
There are some judgy faces from the Cowpers when Lord Cutbill talks to Francesca
Colin is in yellow, Penelope is in blue
Debling, don’t compare a woman to a dead animal (even I think their conversation is kinda cute otherwise)
The ballon is yellow and blue! (Of course it is)
I love that Dankworth is smart enough to make a double entendre and the Finches don’t get it
Colin is so down bad watching Penelope lick her fingers
Cressida is so lost at the beginning of the conversation with Debling
Penelope’s confusion at Eloise reluctantly bringing up the Great Auk and Eloise responding look of “Don’t ask” is a great moment
Penelope trying to get in on this bird conversation is me at work
I think this look is the best Colin look
Poor Colin is being bullied by these two guys
I do love Will and Alice even if I don’t fully know the purpose of their plot
I literally can’t figure out how old Lady Tilly is supposed to be
Business bitch in a sparkly suit
If I was Eloise, I also would not want to be a witness to this conversation
I love that it was the Dankworths getting interrupted that caused the balloon problem
Way to go everyone leaving Pen behind
Colin is so angry that Hawkins just gets on the balloon (and probably that Debling “saved” Pen)
Portia straight up denies Lord Hawkins in the cuntiest way. 😂
Love the suspenseful music for Cressida and Penelope’s chase to Debling
Francesca hearing he wants 8 children just smothered that relationship
Violet’s face crack realizing Marcus is Lady Danbury’s brother
The way Fran and John keeping looking at each other is very cute
Penelope using Colin’s comments about bravery to talk to Debling 😭
Debling just gave Cressida’s lemonade to Penelope, which is kinda a dick move. This man is fickle
Colin absolutely is not subtle around his mom
Colin’s head turn at that music chord is just *chef’s kiss*
I’m obsessed with the cellist’s crazy wig
So much gold in the foreground with the blue night in the background.
Colin’s going to cry watching this dance
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good4olivia · 2 years
modern!aegon in love with aemond's girl part 2
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warnings: uhh this one ain't for the aemond girlies lol, creepy aegon again but not as bad lol, slight nsfw, that's all i can think of, maybe the first one was better idk
Aegon had no reason to be upstairs, after he moved back in after dropping out of college he was living in the basement. But you were upstairs. All the fucking time, the Targaryen mansion was obviously much nicer than your shitty studio apartment. 
He had no reason to be upstairs but he was, sitting in one of the spare rooms. Like a creep cause he knew you were in the shower. Even better, he knew Aemond was downstairs talking with his mother so you were alone. He could picture you naked and wet, not having to filter his brother out from those images. 
The spare room was perfect as when he peered out it, he could see you leave the bathroom but you didn’t notice him. All too soon, you were closing the door on Aemond’s room to change. He fisted his cock at the thoughts of you, as he did all the time. Each time proved more frustrating as all he wanted you and his hand was never going to be enough. 
Sure, Aemond knew his brother had feelings for you. He just didn’t thought maybe it was a crush, one that would blow over. 
It wasn’t till Christmas he realised how wrong he was. Christmas with the Targaryens was well, basically like probably how the Kardashians would do it. Just over the top everything. You always loved Christmas but it was simple with your family. Christmas with Aemond was like out of a movie. 
It took 3 hours just to do the gift exchange cause of how many there were. Of course, you had gotten Halena and Alicent a few little things, and they got you some cute little presents too. 
You got Aegon a nice hydro flask because you hated his plastic water bottle habit. He laughed when he read the note, ‘now you don’t have an excuse anymore lol’. Alicent couldn’t believe her eyes, her son was laughing, a proper laugh that reached his eyes. 
It was fine, until you opened your gift from Aegon. Aemond would’ve been fine if Aegon had gotten you a gift card or something but that’s not what Aegon did. He got you a necklace. A beautiful necklace with a a small dragon figurine. “I know how much you love dragons and I saw, I just knew it would look beautiful on you. May I?” Aegon said, walking over to where you were siting with Aemond. 
You thanked him graciously for the gift, exclaiming it was too much but Aegon brushed you off and fastened the chain around you neck. You couldn’t help the shiver that erupted as his hands lingered on your neck. It felt like a such a private moment that everyone in the room was well, basically that monkey side eye meme. 
Side note: Aemond got your AirPods Maxs for Christmas. Sorry just had to mention that cause I would love to be spoiled by rich boy Aemond. 
After the gifts were done, Aemond dragged Aegon into a private space. “What the fuck was that?” 
“You got my girlfriend a very expensive necklace. That’s not a gift you get your brothers girlfriend, you know that right?” 
“She’s not just your girlfriend to me, she’s my friend.” 
“Then get her a fucking gift card!” 
“She deserves more than that. The necklace looks so pretty on her.” Aegon got so dreamy eyed when he said, Aemond was just like that tiktok sound “bitch wtf” 
“Are you in love with her?” 
“So what if I am? She’s beautiful, smart, funny. And she listens to me, and makes me feel like I could do anything I wanted too.” 
“She’s my girl, Aegon.” 
“Well I can’t just take the necklace back.” 
“No, but you’re not gonna see her anymore.” 
Aemond tried to get you stop hanging out with Aegon as much, whenever you mentioned plans with him, he’d tag along or insist you cancel. It was pissing Aegon the fuck off, if he couldn’t have you the way he wanted why couldn’t he at least be in your life? In his eyes, Aemond should be thanking him that he hasn’t tried to kiss you, hasn’t tried to confess his feelings for you. 
Alicent had grown aware between the growing tension between the two brothers (more so than usual.) It didn’t take her long to figure out what was going on. She tried to talk to Aegon, encourage him to move on. Find another girl. Aegon dismissed the idea initially. Until he found a girl that looked close enough to you. Same hair, colour eyes. Sure, she didn’t laugh the same or make him feel the way you do but she’ll do. For now. 
You were very happy that Aegon had a new girlfriend, you became quick friends with her and often invited her when you went out with Halena. This made Aegon more annoyed, if you friends with his girlfriend you’d have even more reservations to be with him. If only you knew he had to bite his lip to keep from calling out your name when he was fucking his girlfriend. 
It was his four months with this girl when he heard you and Aemond were ‘on a break’ whatever the fuck that means, Aegon didn’t care. He raced over to your apartment. 
“Aegon? What are you doing here?” 
“I… I heard about you and Aemond. Wanted to see if you were okay.” He rocked nervously back and forth on his ankles. 
“Oh. Yeah, come in.” You let him through, asked him if he wanted anything and when he declined  you sat on the lounge with him. “I don’t know, Aemond and I have been together for over a year and we basically spent every day together so I suggested he move in here. He just freaked out, said he had to focus on school. Said he’s not moving out till he’s done school and is working for your father, I told him hey that’s okay I was just asking. But then he went on about space and time apart and bullshit  like that so.” 
Aegon couldn’t believe his luck, “He’s a fucking idiot.” 
You laughed at that, “Yeah maybe he is. Just sucks though cause he said that this isn’t forever but what? Am I supposed to just fucking wait for him?” 
“No.” This was it. Aegon could kiss you, he was going to kiss you. Then he was going to fuck you, then you’d be his. And when Aemond finally realised how much he messed up, it was going to be too late. You were already his. Just when he was going to lean in, his phone went off. 
“Do you have to get that?” 
Aegon looked down at the messages pouring in from his girlfriend, shit he was supposed to meet her at the movies now. He turned the phone on silent and slipped it back in his pocket, “No, there’s no where else I have to be but right here.” He moved some loose hair of yours behind your ear, caressing the side of your face afterwards. “You’re so beautiful.” 
You could sense what was about to happen, you started leaning in as he did. Your lips were so soft, it was everything Aegon had dreamed it would be. When you broke apart, you whispered his name. You meant it was a warning that you couldn’t go further but Aegon was too gone to take it as anything more than an invitation, he moved his lips back on yours, pushing you down on your back, kissing your neck, hands roaming all over your body. He moaned in your mouth when his hands found all your curves. 
“Aegon.” You tried to push him off you but again he just saw this as you touching his chest. “Aegon, we have to stop. Please.” You managed to sit up right again and straighten out your clothes. 
Aegon took a deep breath, “What’s the problem?” 
“I don’t know whats going on with Aemond and I and you have a girlfriend!” 
“Listen to me, [name.] I’ve been in love with you for so long now and I’ve had to watch you with my brother and he- he doesn’t deserve you. If he did, he wouldn’t have let you go. He doesn’t want you.” He paused and cupped your face with one of his hands, “I want you. I’ll always want you.” 
You leaned into his touch, finally letting yourself feel for Aegon what you’ve kept bottled up all these times. He started kissing you again and you let him. “Go and put on the necklace I gave you beautiful.” He wanted the necklace to hang off your back the first time he took you - and every other time after that. 
Aegon knew he could die a happy man now that he finally knew what it was like to be inside of you, to hold you. He had no idea how his brother could ever give it up but that wasn’t his problem anymore, he had you. 
You told Aegon that Aemond couldn’t know about you two. At first it annoyed Aegon, he wanted to show you off. He wanted to see his brother face when he walked in with you hand in hand. 
But he found it much more fun to be in a secret relationship, he would say he was out with the guys and he loved that he could tell Aemond had his suspicions but couldn’t know for sure. 
You never took off the necklace now, before with Aemond you only wore it when he wasn’t around. It always put him in a sour mood but it made Aegon so proud when you wore it around your neck.
Alicent couldn’t place the sudden change in her eldest son’s attitude. The excessive weed smoking she pretended she hadn’t noticed has gone down, Aegon had gotten a full time job at a warehouse. No, he wasn’t going back to college but at least he wasn’t spending his days playing video games in the basements. If only she knew it was all because he wanted to be a better man for you. 
tags : @polireader @caramelcandescence
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nrilliree · 8 days
Why the fuck put that in the Daemyra tag ?
Plus, we love seeing them bring out the same bullshit that we've already contradicted a billion times.
Also, I don't understand their obsession with saying that Rhaenyra got herself into trouble for her marriage under the pretext that she could marry whoever she wanted ?
Precisely she could marry whoever she wanted, and she didn't find anyone she wanted. Namely someone she could love and co-run with. She doesn't just choose a husband but a future king.
Like, we blame her for not finding someone she likes (as if that's can be controlling...) to one of the countless idiots we've seen parade around ? WTF ?
Also, let's be realistic, the only person Rhaenyra wanted to marry is also the only one Viserys will never leave her, namely Daemon.
Plus, if I remember correctly, this situation wasn't so much about giving Rhaenyra a choice to marry whoever she wants, but about making her feel like she had a choice so that she would finally get married.
Literally Viserys had a discussion about it with Alicent !
To get Rhaenyra to marry the way Viserys wanted, he had to make Rhaenyra feel like she had a choice. So it was just the illusion of a choice from the start.
Additionally, Viserys literally choose Laenor in order to right his own mistake with the Velaryons, so a selfish behavior. He simply took the opportunity of having discovered Daemyra's escapade because of Otto to finally impose on Rhaenyra a marriage that would suit him.
Like... these people are blaming Rhaenyra for following her feelings for Daemon ? Oh yeah, she's such a spoiled brat for that.
Because it's such a spoiled person's behavior to want to be with the person you love !
I'm not even going to bother with the false mention of Daemon being a pedophile yet...
Besides, Daemon, so hungry for the throne, never really does anything to get it ? Whether it's in Fire and Blood or HOTD, the statement that he's so hungry for the throne makes me laugh. Is thinking too hard for these people ?
And sorry, but no, Daemon wouldn't have touched the Greens kids if it hadn't been for the usurpation.
He literally never had any threatening behavior towards them. He never showed the slightest interest in them, even negative. He is literally content to ignore their existence.
The fact that Daemon is ready to kill the Greens after the usurpation is not proof that he would have done it before (and I'm talking about the show). At that point the Greens have to kill Viserys for him, in addition to usurping his wife and causing the loss of his unborn daughter. And he suspects that soon they will come for them. You surprise me that he wants to get rid of it after all this mess !
The only children we see being threatened with their lives in danger throughout the show are literally the Velaryon children from the Greens. In addition, we also have proof that for the usurpation, they would have killed Rhaenyra and her family. They would have been killed if they had stayed after dinner in episode 8 ! And what's more, they wanted to take Daemyra's sons hostage !
Anyway, the only reason this argument exists is because... Otto says it. That's all.
Other than that, there's no indication that Daemyra would harm Alicent's children, you have to stop the bullshit after a while.
Everything proves that Greens are the aggressors for Blacks children. Not the opposite.
Tired of this bullshit.
Oh and this person is visibly neutral which... amounts to being a green no for me anyway.
Because such people want to attract attention so that later they can cry "TB they come uninvited and are rude :( :((".
Rhaenyra didn't want to marry a 10-year-old, or an 80-year-old, or a sexist Lannister who would force her to give up the throne to Aegon? What a spoiled, horrible brat! It's all her fault! Because you understand - her forced marriage to Laenor is her fault and she is not a victim. But Alicent and her forced marriage to Viserys, whom she visited alone in his chambers for half a year without saying a word that her father told her to, is a complete victim of the marriage. Not like Rhaenyra. Neither does Laenor. NO. Only Alicent is THE victim. Besides, I bet that if Rhaenyra had chosen Harvin, for example, she would have been advised against it so they could use her to fix Viserys' mess.
My favorite argument is always "Daemon doesn't want Rhaenyra, he just wants the throne." So why did he show interest in her when HE was the heir, not her :D?
And if Daemon and Rhaenyra wanted Alicent's children to be dead, they would be dead. They would meet with accidents over the years, because if Daemon could organize B&C, he could do this too. But he didn't. Because it was the TGs who had a plan to murder Rhaenyra and her family. Not the other way around.
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carothehotmess · 2 years
Rip Rhea Royce I just know that you were not hetero and tbh you showed up, insulted daemon’s virility, and immediately died and that was a pretty iconic character arc if you ask me
Laenor and Rhaenyra agreeing to have an open relationship and becoming friends and allies! We love to see it!
Joffrey talking about seeing the tournaments when Rhaenyra becomes Queen… oh my sweet summer child you shall never see them for so many reasons
But also I love that we got a little of his and Laenor’s relationship before his death
Ser Criston- bro?!?! Did you really think she was going to marry you?! What drug is this man on and where can I get some
Allicent sweetheart wtf was that skirting around the question? Just ask if Rhaenyra fucks!
But also I was very confused like did she understand that Criston and not Daemon slept with Rhaenyra? Because if so, why was she so pissed?? Like either its just a miscommunication situation, which is so dumb, or she understood that Rhaenyra didn’t lie to her so like… is she just jealous that Rhae slept with anyone?! So many questions.
The entrances. Good GOD they all slayed. The Velaryons win for having a whole ass routine and theme going on, Daemon wins for never listening to his weak ass brother and just showing up to cause chaos, and Alicent wins for badass moment and prettiest dress (well tied with Laena) because I just love that color green okay??
Rhaenyra and Laenor would definitely come across like they are a little in love to anyone who doesn’t realize because their shared excitement over their agreement and future plans was so cute. Like they seemed genuinely excited to be partners in secrets.
The dancing was SO FUN and Harwin just very subtly being the one dancing with Rhaenyra the most was great. She always seemed to be smiling or laughing in the brief scenes of them dancing together, and I’m just so glad she has him!!
The set up for Daemon and Laena was also great! Him clearly still prioritizing Rhaenyra but also noticing and being very much interested in Laena is fantastic development imo
THAT GRIP THOUGH. Like my Queen really taunted him and basically begged him to whisk her away and marry her and the way he gripped her face did not need to be so hot. I said it and I meant it.
HARWIN STRONG I LOVE YOU ugh him literally fighting his way over to Rhaenyra then throwing her over her shoulder like it was nothing was just chefs kiss
Rip Joffrey, you deserved to get to live your dreams of being in tournaments and fucking the king consort. Gone too soon
Fuck Ser Criston Cole. I do like that they made it about his “honor” or whatever as well, but it really mostly gave off the vibes of him throwing a temper tantrum just because he didn’t get what he wanted
I did love that Laena was also fighting to get to Laenor. Their bond is great and I hope we get to see them and Rhaenyra and Daemon grow closer!
Poor Laenor. The gays did not do well this episode methinks
Viserys bro why are you even still alive at this point
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chronicallyblyrie · 7 days
Tmagp 18 live thoughts, spoilers ahead!
Alright let's go I'm ready hit me with it
-teddy what's wrong my boy
- Alice I don't think he's trying to get with the oiar workers
-im with Alice teddy definitely has an obsession with Sam fr
-stalk him.
-lmao Lena trying to socialize like a normal person is lovely
-Sam be glad she doesn't talk to you more
-yes, ask.
-oh uh corpse description nice
-oh my god old house?? Too many rooms? Getting lost?? SPIRAL??
-Church street?? Why does that sound familiar
-holy shit why does his voice sound so much more real
-uhh clouds?? Lonely?? This is insane
-this is giving the house from the lonely domain in season 5, laced with fog? Can't find your way out??
-oh uhh the house is inside you? Why are you eating wood bro??
-this is more disturbing than the others wowie
-alice he's trying to help respectfully stfu and listen to him
-gwen what's up girly
-you sound depressed
-tell them about the monsters.
-Gwen tell them about mr.bonzo and his reading skills
-"like the monsters?" Yes, exactly
-oh okay she's crying oh
-BABYYY oh my god the fictional baby sounds so cute
-"I'm not!" *lying glitch sound effect*
-celia is not a government spy georgie she's just from another universe
- yes she goes outside in her pajamas quite frequently
okay so georgie doesn't remember anything from the past that's evident, celia definitely does though and she has to remember georgie for sure. We got Augustus again and WOW he sounds like such a real voice it's insane, they're obviously not text to speech voices like that's just proven by now. We also know Teddy isn't dead but he's avoiding texting alicenfor some reason. Gwen is on the verge of a mental breakdown, Colin is still MIA, Sam is just confused all the time, Lena is bring Lena, and Celia is still waking up and almost dying by roads and train tracks. Wowie.
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lovl3igh · 2 months
@ viserys targaryen
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i don't really understand what's the point of making viserys and daemon neglectful fathers in the show... yeah like daemon is around his girls a lot (especially baela in her childhood) and ig we could say he cares for his children with nyra, touching her tummy, searching for eggs, even clearly supporting luke and jace and their claim
but then we have rhaena's "father ignores me". we have scene when he hugs them after laena's death but it get cut so does it really count? we have him ignoring the fact his daughters were hurt during fight with aemond. he talks about dragonriders and unclaimed dragons and rhaena becomes uncomfortable (and it might means nothing for her relation with daemon but still). he ignores nyra in her labour (which is weirder when you think about jace's question. where is daemon? as if he expected him there. as if daemon was by nyra's side when she was giving birth to viserys and aegon, just like he was with laena. yes, he now plans the war to protect them but also he's wife may be dying). caring daemon - cut! comforting rhaenyra? cut! mourning visenya? cut! finding out about luke? cut!
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it seems like his character as a father (i already complained about daemon as a husband lmao) was written very inconsistent, writers wanted to show he's a family guy after all but really damaged his relationship with his children, especially his own ones, as if caring for family claims were more important than themselves for him
less with viserys but still. he was never a good father, not even in the books but his character was damaged his too (especially with rhaenyra). we see him celebrating aegon's birthday, touching alicent's belly, watching his kids and grandkids training etc and after that we have "rhaenyra, my only child"?? dear gods (poppy milk blah blah whatever). not even commenting on his behaviour towards aemond and aegon on driftmark (yeah, one just commitet a treason and the other was drunk but dude wtf). helaena didn't give a fck about him while in the book she visited him regularly with her children. the fact he doesn't even know his daughter is a dreamer (that one also... ehh)? that he doesn't talk with aemond even though they both love history??
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what truly bothers me that daemon is supposed to be a grey character but in the show if he wasn't in team black which is more "morally right" and also politically correct about claim to the throne we'd say he's fully antagonist cause of the crimes he commited and his good moments (as brother, father, husband) are really reduced
viserys and daemon are not good people, period. they have many flaws we could see clearly in books and show. i just can't understand why creators decided to destroy their characters as fathers (especially daemon) as if they needed to show this way that they're both bad men*. it's very one dimensional - you're bad man, then you're also bad husband, bad father, bad brother, bad friend. which is even more stupid when you see these big gestures that should prove otherwise (viserys coming to the throne room, daemon ensuring jace's claim or killing vaemond in nyra's protection etc)
*this confuses me much, viserys is shown as a "good guy" most of the time even after what he did to the realm, aemma or alicent, as peaceful king, family guy, who loves them all so dearly, but looks like him neglacting other children could in any way help rhaenyra being seen more as a rightful heir to watchers? idk unnecessary and speaks volumes, apparently as watchers we're stupid bc we don't see viserys is terrible (oh bc how could he be? he married 15yo instead of 12yo - i'm gonna write sth about these age changes too cause seven hells - such a good guy) after rping two girls and basically killing his wife at very least so they need to show us deadbeat father
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mochikofi · 10 months
Hello can give crush edward cullen x f!reader headcanons please 🙏 😊
Crush - (Edward Cullen)
Pairs: Edward Cullen x Fem! Reader.
Summary: Having a crush on Edward Cullen is not easy, especially when he have alot of fan. But you can't help but think of him all the time.. but little did you know, that the boy you like is a mind reader.
Headcanon! Kind of crack? And kind of oneshot?? Idk but i hope ya like it.
Note!: Bella's gonna be your cousin in this one. And bella is gonna be a bitch in here(I'M SORRY). Also omfg i love the cullens and the volturi so much their so PRETTY-
(sorry if y'all don't like it 🫠🫠)
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Having a crush on Edward Cullen is not easy.. especially when he have alot of fans, including your, oh so great cousin.
But that doesn't stop you! I mean, it's not wrong to imagine right? But nah Edward always reads your mind and is interested in your thoughs about him.
He always caught you staring at him so you tried to stare less so you wouldn't be embarrassed.
But you just can't help it, the Cullen's and the Hale's beauty is just so eye catching to the point that you can stare at them all day and not get bored. You mostly stare at edward tho.
You we're just walking and thinking about Edward until a pixie haired girl came to you and popped out of nowhere.
"Hello! I'm alice, it's nice to finally meet you!"
Wait? "Finally"? Did you hear her right?? Well of course being you, you decided to shrug it off and talk to her.
"Hello, I'm (y/n). It's nice to meet you too..?" That sounded more like a question to you.
And alice being the sweet girl she is, just pulled you into there seat and made you sit next to Edward like wtf?
What happened to hello? Hi? I mean, it did happen but like.. who the heck pulls someone and make them sit next to their crush?? Well, apparently Alice.
And you being the lover girl, freaked out. In your head of course. Being next to your crudh is nerve wracking. Your palms we're kind of sweaty so you hid them inside your pockets. (Pockets are the best fr.)
And Edward being the little emo shit he is, reads your mind and tries not to smile. And of course, he already knows you're his soulmate. But what was he gonna do? Tell you that you're his soulmate and you should live with the Cullens?? No lmao. But it will happen in the future cause alice said so.
And jasper being the nice vampire he is, made you calm like a water and you don't even know how. You think He's just.. like a capybara i guess.
But Bella had to ruin the moment cuz Rosalie was supposed to talk to you 🙄. This actually made Rosalie mad ngl and emmet had to pull her back. And Rosalie being the queen she is glared at Bella.
Well, of course Bella tried to pull you back but not on Alice's watch. They had a pulling competition and boy.. your arms hurt asf. And alice won ofc.
And you being a teenager who's crush is beside her, switched side and became quiet cuz you're afraid they will judge you. And ofc they won and made you talk and laugh.
You we're talking with Emmet and rosalie with random things until your eyes decided to land on Edward who was smirking st you with his handsome face of his.
You quickly looked at someone else before you become a tomato, and of course, you're mind is full of Edward.. atp it's just normal for him to read your mind.
And school was a little shit so cafeteria break was over not until Edward grabbed your hand with his. You hoped that you're not burning rn cuz your mind is going wild.
"we have the same schedule, do you want to walk to class together?" He said with his voice that can make girls weak.
"yeah." Yeah?? Just a yeah?? Well don't blame our poor main character, everyone will relate to this. We don't trust our voice.
You and eddie boy just walked together in class, holding hands. Your mind still going wild. And Edward just smiles like he's a saint.
And oh boy, you can feel Bella's stare 💀. But you couldn't careless, i mean who wouldn't want to miss the opportunity to sit and hold hands with their crush?
To your surprise, this happens everyday. The Cullen's/Hale's just treat you like you're a part of their family (The swans can't relate.) And Edward being the gentleman he is, confesses to you that he's a vampire and your soulmate and all that.
But you couldn't care less about the vampire thing, as long as they don't kill you. But the soulmate part got you wildin. And Edward being the little shit he is, reads your mind and tells your that your imaginations with him are cute.
You almost passed out.
Like wtf? I mean they are a vampire... But wtf he have been reading your mind ALL THE TIME?? Nahh the embarrassment bro.
But you still accepted Edward. And esme being the good mother she is asked you to move in with them cuz they know all the tea you got with the swans and how they treat you like you don't exist.
And you being the lover girl accepted. Who wouldn't want to live in a mansion full of hot vampires bro.
Their actually surprised that you're kind of hyper during the night like wtf. Emmett always makes fun of you 😭😭
But like, serious talking bro Edward is head over heels like you. This boy like to feel you, like literally feel. Both of you are kinda clingy to each other, but Edward sometimes questions your mentality.
"i wish i could go inside your skin so i can hug you." - (You)
"and i thought I'm the only one who needs a therapist." - (Edward)
Bella gives you the side eyes with her "friends" and she even tried to steal Edward like wtf.
movie masterlist. - navigation.
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