andyling · 1 year
Half the stress of Limited Life for me is waiting to see if Tango or Jimmy kill one another
The other half is me waiting for these two idiots to lose another life due to stupidity
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fountainpenguin · 6 months
Secret Life finale highlights for me:
- "My strategy: Kill Skizz and Tango. Will happen at some point... Or, just maim them and watch them die in a corner." - Scar
- Scott on Grian's loyalty: "I have never seen a man drop a pair of sunglasses faster in my life [than last season after Joel died]."
- I think I reblogged someone's speculation weeks ago that at the dawn of final session, everyone's task book would just say "Win Secret Life." Congrats to them for Apollo's gift of prophecy.
- Martyn's beat of pause before saying to Joel "Welcome to the Out of Context video."
- At the start of the season, Etho said Joel was the first one he wanted to kill because "He's cheeky." When Joel is asked who he wants to kill, he says "Etho." Glad you're enjoying your rivalry, boys, smh...
- Joel, once again giving into his Shrek origins, watching Bdubs' wool globe go up in flames and chirping "My world's on fire; how 'bout yours?"
- Tango does not break his "pathetic death" curse. Just blipped out of existence. Love that for him.
- Spitting, crying... BigB panics and flees into his creepy backrooms for safety. Immediately vanishes into the tunnel maze. Scar pursues and skids to a halt because he hasn't seen it yet and is thoroughly creeped out.
- Scar coming up to surface and trying to describe how BigB disappeared. Martyn looks down at where they're standing and is just like "Oh, that's the backrooms." Mental image of Scar as that meme that goes "The. what."
- Scar describing BigB as a sneaky squirrel. "Squirrel" was the name of BigB's horse in Double Life.
- Joel's anxiety about entering a Nether portal on the final episode, specifically because of how he and Etho perma-died in Double Life
- Whatever was going on with Martyn flinging ender pearls up the ladder seconds before he died
- Additionally, people in the background commenting that they think Martyn's teamed up with Cleo and the only reason he was near them was an attempt to bear down and kill them
- Scar to Bdubs, watching Cleo and Etho from a distance: "Look at this- Mom and Dad are bringing their new ugly stepson to meet us, Bdubs." /camera pans to the warden chasing them
- Bdubs tells Scar that Cleo said he was her favorite son and Scar IMMEDIATELY, without responding or even waiting for Bdubs to finish his sentence, jumps a wall and books it to Cleo to confirm... Mental image of him swinging dramatically over it with one hand, his shawl billowing behind him
- Scar chases Cleo while they're both being pursued by a warden, asking her if he's her favorite son. Doesn't let up until she assures him she "just said it to keep Bdubs happy." what is wrong with the Clocker family.
- Joel somehow pulled off a beautiful PVP kill on Skizz despite having only 2.5 hearts
- In earlier episodes, Joel had people say "The florist sends his regards" on his behalf before striking. Before killing Skizz, he says "Scar sends his regards" since Scar really wanted to kill Skizz but bequeathed the fight to Joel instead.
- Scar trotting up to Etho and Cleo, who are watching him from a cliff, and announcing "I am not up to anything nefarious!"
- Scar's weird spiky wall design is really pretty
- slkdjfskldjfsklj?!?!?!? I had a bullet point on this list that said "Honorable non-finale mention to Scar getting both the Green and Yellow kill on Etho this season" but now I see I need to correct that:
- Shout-out to Scar killing Etho - in Etho's front yard - THREE TIMES this season. Etho rushing back to his base, tripping over his feet and saying "I'm going home, everybody- I'm dying at my home-"
- Scott to Scar: "I went down to BigB - to get him - and I see what you mean; he does just talk his way out of things so you feel bad; you just leave him." / Scar: "That's why you don't let him speak. You just inner monologue. You start talking about Star Wars so you can't hear his charms."
- As Scar drives his sword into Cleo, he says "Good-bye, Mom- This is for you telling Bdubs [he's your] favorite." Geez, dude. Scar killed both his parents; this family is a mess. Bonus points for Joel fumbling in the background like "Oh my gosh- Scar, you savage-"
- I watched multiple POVs until I was caught up to the standoff between Gem & The Scotts vs. The Mounders... So picking up from there with Scar's POV b/c his is the one I randomly started with today: I love how Joel basically went "I am once again throwing caution to the wind and charging into battle with a murderous Red rage in my eyes and no one behind me" like he ALWAYS does.
- Bdubs and Scar decide to back him up... Amazing.
- Scar has gotten 4 kills (Tango, Etho, Cleo, Impulse) and he was super close to getting BigB as well before Scott sniped the kill. Geez... The man is vicious today. During Limited Life, Grian made a comment that went something like "Of course Scar is only destructive / successful when I'm not on his team" and honestly? Yeah...
- Pearl begging Scar to kill her- Pearl warning Scar that if she perma-kills Gem, she'll go up 10 hearts- Scar refusing, insisting that he doesn't want to turn on her because it feels lame...
- Scar got Gem, he got Gem... GeminiSlay is DOWN!
Oh my goodness, I saw his episode title ("Can Villain Scar Win?") and the words that went through my head were "Welp, that's a spoiler that he's dead." I see I was wrong.
GG, SCAR WIN!!! Man who wanted so desperately to have friends, only to trip and fail time and time again... GoodTimesWithVictor!!
My heart, Scar letting that zombie knock him down to half a heart... playing up like he didn't just watch the lightning bolt mark Pearl's demise. He wanders, calling out to Pearl, asking where she went... quietly giggling and muttering to himself as that zombie pushes at him... GG, Scar. GG.
My goodness, is this the only time we haven't seen the winner die in their perspective? Scar slams that success button for winning the game, gets 5 hearts, turns back, and that's it... That's the game. End scene.
What a LAD!!
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poppyseed799 · 9 months
What are life series things that happened in the series but you never/hardly see them used in fan content, and wish they were?
I’ll go first with the two that come to my mind immediately, both having Martyn for some reason:
- 3rd Life, Scott’s final death, when Martyn and Ren were chasing him, but Martyn wasn’t red so he couldn’t hurt Scott and instead tried to slow him down so Ren could catch him. One of Martyn’s attempts to get Scott to stop running (and the last one before Ren killed Scott I think!) was yelling stuff along the lines of “come here and give me a hug! I wanna cuddle before you die!” And I’ve never been the same since but nobody has done anything with it. Mean gills fans, I’m begging you. I don’t even care WHAT you do with this. Just anything.
- Double Life, we all know the boat boys died to that portal trap. People do plenty of fan content surrounding that. But what I DON’T see a lot of is the fact that Martyn went through the same portal trap, accidentally stumbling across the mine craft equivalent of their corpses. Pretty sure he got in the same spot Joel died. So Martyn’s “allies” (exes) had to pull him out of a crime scene. I’m like. Silently losing my mind about it and I don’t see any fan content with it. Martyn being stuck with Joel’s burning body in the portal trap that smelted Etho.
EDIT: SO I DOUBLE CHECKED AND I MISREMEMBERED. THEIR STUFF WAS NOT STILL THERE, IDK WHY I THOUGHT IT WAS. Making up memories fr 😭 but it’s still the same portal so yeah 😁 EDIT 2: Martyn did say he saw the items outside the portal so actually?
Please add anything that you personally think about a lot, any minor details that you think are neat or major things that happened that you’re honestly quite offended nobody’s done anything with. Anything you can think of.
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korasonata · 2 years
Ok but there were so many MOMENTS during the last deaths of Double Life. Like
•the fact that Jimmy was out first AGAIN
•The fact that he’s literally JUST stated that he doesn’t have any food and then dies because he can’t heal
•All while Tango is on the OPPOSITE side of the map SCREAMING at him to eat but he cAN’T
•Grian killing Ren, and by extension BigB, his secret soulmate
•The fact that Ren and BigB were slain on the doorstep of their own home and they didn’t even see it coming
•The fact that Grian is yet again the reason that Scar loses his final life, like a sick twisted fate
•Scar and Grian being about as far apart as humanly possibly when they died
•Joel stepping out to find a lava trapped portal, the same trap that he himself tried to use against Etho’s allies all the way back in season 1 that failed, only now it’s the two of them on the inside
•Joel trying to warn Etho, frantically trying to push him back through the portal, which only backfires as Etho is instead pushed straight into the lava, which kills him
•Pearl straight up 1V2 ing Bdubs and Impulse and winning
•The fact that Impulse’s final act was to attack Pearls dogs, gloating over the fact that they would be dead soon only for Pearl to turn her entire pack onto Bdubs
•Bdubs, screaming at her that he didn’t touch them. Begging for his life as he yells and pleads that it wasn’t him, and Pearl killing him anyway. Taking his life as punishment for something his soulmate did.
•Cleo refusing to fight Scott when it’s only the 4 of them left
•Martyn getting stuck in a hole mid fight, the same way he died last time - the fact that the last thing you hear before he dies is Cleo’s distant terrified scream as she calls for him
•That after everything they went through all season, Cleo’s last word was his name. Screaming his name as she frantically calls him to come save her and he can’t.
•Them dying drastically different deaths simultaneously, indicating they were doomed either way, even if Cleo had made her final jump. The fact that they died fighting together
•Scott straight up committing suicide?! In order to kill Pearl?!
•Pearl being all happy and gloating only to transition immediately to a shocked horror as she watches helplessly as Scott detonates the TNT
•That last second realization you can see as a viewer when Pearl realizes that she might have been the last one standing but she’s still lost
•Literally just every single one of them
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obsessedwithao3 · 1 month
Headcannon timeeeeeeeee:life series and their friends edition
I headcannon that Ren has DID Wich caused some really awkward conversations with Martyn&Doc and Etho since neither him nor them knew Ren had DID until like middle of last life
I also think that "the canary curse" is evolving.Well,more specifically I think that it is mostly o ther ppl inflicted by it instead of Jimmy since in almost all of the series his allay/s didn't do very well after his death.Scott placed under the top 5(third life)Mumbo died almost immediately after Jimmy(last life)Tango generally had the worst luck(double life)Joel died very close to Jimmy(limited life)Martyn died like 10 mins after Jimmy(secret life)and in( real life)when Jimmy's group went to the cave he was the only one who didn't die at least once
I headcannon that Ren and Lizzie are still friends after Ll! So when Ren saw her in empires one of his alters(look at headcannon one)started screaming at him
Now this is the ✨ship section✨(strap in everyone bc I am a multishipper)
So the ship tree goes like this(nothing is poly unless specified)
Jimmy→Scott(married)→Martyn(dating)(Martyn is also Jimmy's ex)→Ren(situationship)→Doc and Etho(poly dating)
Doc→bdubs(dating)→Etho(dating)→Joel(soulmates)→ Lizzie(married)→Cleo↑(exs with Etho)(dating lizzie)→Joe(queerplatoni)→Cub(dating)→Scar&Grian(poly dating)Grian→Mumbo(unlabled relationship)→iskall(unlabled)→Stress(queerplatonic)→Gem(dating)
Etho→Bdubs(datin)→impulse(soulmates)→Zed and Tango(poly) Tango→Jimmy(soulmates)(see first branch)
Wels→Ijevin(married cuase why not)
Paltonic timeee:
Suasage&Gem(suasage is dating her twin Fwhip)
Xisuma&Grian(X adopted G at one point)
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earmuffstar · 2 years
alright! I have watched at least one pov from every duo so here’s my liveblog thoughts for this session:
- bigb and ren is like watching a ship with a hole in it that is slowly filling with water but instead of patching the holes theyre trying to scoop up the water using buckets and dump it over the side. last episode bigb jokes about how ren's the muscle and the brains and he doesn’t bring anything special. from the very start of the 3rd episode bigb's making sure that ren's not going to leave him for martyn. ren got insecure in his relationship and formed his own alliance but immediately fessed up once it seemed like bigb wasn't leaving him. they went through full-on couples therapy together where they worked out why they were feeling insecure or angry, why they were unhappy currently, how they could do better, and resolved to trust each other. and then it turned out that bigb really HAD abandoned ren for grian as his secret soulmate and lied about it.
- team rancher now have Many IOUs the other duos are going to cash in on (2 from jimmy to bdubs, one from tango to etho)
- pearl, completely normal: hey guys look out theres a warden coming
- etho, sneaking by jimmy in plain sight: you cant see me :-)
- the cycle of jimmys horn: jimmy -> pearl -> martyn -> joel -> grian -> jimmy. all in one session.
- you know what would have been funny. it would have been funny if tango dug the warden hole right under grian and scar's base and someone fell down it while they were digging around for the sugar cane
- I'm starting to notice that certain duos gravitate together every season. martyn and ren, of course. cleo, bdubs, and etho, even if it doesnt seem so at first. 
- i love tangos minecraft body language. its about the little head shakes and nods.
- ren: pearl is an evil demoness, practicer of dark magic, bringer of chaos, bane of the server, omen of death, those who approach her shall breathe their final breath. two seconds later: pearl's so nice
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flowers-for-the-grave · 7 months
Fields of Green, Rivers of Red
Scott nervously tossed and turned in his bed. The duvet felt itchy, too stifling on such a hot night, and too heavy as well. He kicked his legs, curled them up against his chest, then did some strange poses with them. One arm was tucked under his pillow, the other draped across the other side of the bed.
It was one of those nights when he wanted to shed his skin and fly free again. He wanted to tear himself apart, if only so he could feel the blissful emptiness again.
Anything was better than this.
He shivered despite the warmth, and tore back his duvet to go for a midnight stroll.
Silent, he snuck out of his house, past Gem's, and over to the diving board. He considered it, briefly; it was by far the fastest way to get down, but it was one of the louder ways. Could he risk it?
He glanced over his shoulder. There were no lights in Gem or Impulse's houses, which implied they were asleep, but sometimes that wasn't true. There had been instances where he'd been caught by one of them when he thought they would be asleep. This time, though, maybe he'd get away with it.
Scott shuffled towards the edge of the diving board. He felt as if he'd climbed to the top of a mansion and was about to make a risky jump, but it was either take the risk or die.
With infinitely less stakes than that, Scott stepped into the air.
He felt the air whip at his body as he plummeted down. An image in of himself, with gold-tipped snowy owl wings, falling in almost the exact same way, popped into his head. That happened more and more now, as the games progressed.
He collided with the water. He kicked his way to the top and broke the surface, panting heavily. He was soaked to the bone, and as he clawed his way onto dry land, he immediately regretted his decision. The water clinging to his skin, dampening his clothes and dripping from his hair irritated him.
Ah well. It was too late to turn back now.
Scott began to walk to Spawn, nervously eyeing the statue they went to hand in their Secret Tasks. He felt his very essence begin to pulse like a heartbeat, but multiple laid over each other.
The statue seemed to stare into his soul with its eternal judgement.
He sat down next to the button to reroll for a harder task. Scott pulled out his comm and typed out a message. Very few people would still be awake, but if he was lucky, then maybe he could not be alone tonight.
A reply was sent back. He exhaled in relief, eyes scanning the message, a small smile tugging at his lips.
Scott sat back, all tension leaving his body. He stared up at the moon and watched it make its nightly rounds in the sky. If he squinted, he could make out the vague shape of a howling wolf in the shadows cast across the moon, and a he shut his eyes with a small breath.
He opened his eyes to the sound of footsteps, and spotted four figures approaching; two blonds, one ginger, one brunette. Behind them was a white-haired man walking leisurely beside a man with dark brown hair with a coloured streak in it.
"Hey," he said, lamely. Cleo settled in beside him, slinging her arm over his shoulder. He leaned into her. Cleo was a constant that he could count on, across all the games; she was the ally he was guaranteed to have no matter what.
Martyn sat on his other side, Pearl next to him in turn. Grian perched himself in the centre of the structure, and Etho and Joel eventually arrived. They sat down on the floor against the button that signalled failure.
"Couldn't sleep?" Martyn asked. His cheeks coloured a little after he spoke. "Sorry. Stupid question."
Scott's hand reached out to the blond's and took it, squeezing it gently. Martyn looked down at the gesture with a soft smile.
They could all feel the malice radiating from Martyn; it was hypnotic, a blind lust for blood that caused a tingling sensation to spread through their bodies. It was a very familiar feeling, and it was one they did not fight against. Instead, they welcomed it.
After all, they were already awake.
What did it hurt?
"Crazy day today, huh?" Joel remarked. "I mean, my wife died, for one thing. Mumbo died."
"That's just life now, I guess." Pearl replied.
Scott nodded in assent.
Grian smiled. "Well, maybe in another game we can change it up."
Over the course of the night, the group moved in closer together until they were all huddled up shoulder-to-shoulder, laying across each other.
The night went on. The moon made its rounds with indifference to the collection of mortals beneath it.
Eventually even the Winners could not stay awake. They had all seen life, death and betrayal, and had learned to sleep with one eye open. But here, there was no need. Here they were among friends.
They let the night take their waking worries away.
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huskynotwolf · 3 months
-song by the Crane Wives
-fanfic by The Crazy Husky
No. 5
(Violin: Gem; Drums: Impulse)
Pearl seemed to get over her black cloud and was back to her constant murderous rage.
Gem had also practised several songs with Impulse, so the two were ready. She, apparently, also owns a violin. Scott seemed really troubled by the fact that Pearl had basically cried to How to Rest.
Tango and Jimmy, who last had heard Gem and Pearl (who were somehow on the roof), tried asking them to sing a Crane Wives song that would suit them, and Pearl broke Jimmy’s leg out of frustration.
Grain also seems slightly troubled by something. He keeps yelling at random things and telling ‘it’ to “leave him alone, he’s perfectly fine”. Of course, Scott’s been having weird dreams as well.
He was talking to Gem about how much he enjoys listening to music when Skizz crashed straight through the roof and fell on the deer lady. She shrieked in surprise and backed up, so instead of landing on her Skizz face-planted on the floor with a sickening thud.
“Skizz?” Scott asked, poking his side. He said nothing, but was still breathing. Then they heard a loud, “You should learn to respect personal space, Skizz!” From the third floor of the base. Gem looked up to see Joel arched over the window and smiling triumphantly. “Joel, I think you killed him.” Gem yelled back. He sniggered and disappeared from the window.
Scott sighed, cradled Skizz in his arms and dragged him into the infirmary, while Gem charged up the stairs to confront Joel. Scott soon learnt that not only Joel was nowhere to be found, she just completely wrecked his room instead.
Scott found Pearl playing the guitar by the windowsill on the second floor, while humming. Gem was next to her, playing the violin. “~~~” Impulse, who’s drums were just nearby, immediately took his seat and began playing along with the girls.
“Climb ye higher and higher and higher, ‘til you’re far away and breathing cleaner air.” Pearl sung while tapping her foot against the ground to make a steady beat. “Oh my brother, my brother, my brother, who have you become in the wake of all that's happened here?”
“They're burning down the orchard, to the soil. To the soil, to the grave.” Scott joined in. Pearl seemed relived she wasn’t alone. “Spreading out the ashes of a love, that only gave and gave.” Gem sung. She had put her violin aside and was playing the electric guitar. “~~~”
“Climb ye higher, and higher, and higher, there’s no room for all the hearts who will not stay.” Tango, who was passing by, noticed the commotion and sat down by the window opposite of the four and listened. “Oh my brother, my brother, my brother, the horses are running, the horses are running away.”
“Our hands are pulling everything apart, fall apart, falling back. Tell yourself there's no more need to lie, we don't have time for that.” Pearl half sung, half yelled the lyrics. “~~~” Impulse went for it on the drums, while Gem manipulated the strings. Pearl’s guitar was on her lap, as she wasn’t playing it. “It's okay, it's okay.” Scott sung. “My love will fall with grace.”
“~~~” Tango and Etho sat on the windowsill, watching them as they had a great time. “I wish BEST was like this. Just us homies jamming.” Etho murmured. Tango slapped him and snapped, “when have you ever learned how to jam?” Etho hissed and turned back to watching Impulse. “Seems unfair that we already broke team TIES. And Skizz isn’t here to witness this.” Bdubs pointed. He tried getting on the windowsill but failed. “Short,” Tango joked. Ren, who was passing by, heard that as well and snickered. Bdubs shot them both a glare and snapped, “Giraffe.”
“Climb ye higher, and higher, and higher, leave our footprints to be lost along the ground. Oh my brother, my brother, my brother, there is nothing left to bring me back down.” Pearl sung, while glancing at Tango, Etho and Bdubs yelling at each other, then noticed Ren was glancing at her. She said nothing and sung the last verse. “Spreading out our ashes in the sun, in the sun, in the sun.” Scott joined in. “Spreading out our ashes in the sun, in the sun, in the sun.”
Gem struck the last note, and they squealed in excitement. “Yeah! Icarus is off the list!” Impulse smiled. Then he noticed Tango and Etho looking at him, and he could feel guilt building up in his throat.
Does Team TIES exist anymore at this point?
(Couldn’t find the Spotify link; sorry)
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The final part of my AU LL fic of Bdubs getting the final life from Etho instead of dying.
Click above, or read below!
They were trapped in the fort. Not literally, but close enough. Leaving felt dangerous with how many players were still out and about, and none of them were friendly to Etho or Bdubs. That brief moment of security where they assured their own alliance, couldn't outlast the growing fears of what felt like an inevitable ending. This time though, there was a period to wait and prepare for good. Whatever time they had left before a confrontation was unknown, but they knew they had to be ready this time. Not just on armor, but potions and apples and anything else that'd keep them alive. Hopefully if they got into something, they had a better chance of making it out no matter how much they doubted that possibility.
  They were quiet inside the snow walls. Whether it was intentional to stop others from hearing them or simply because there was nothing to add, it didn't matter much. Every so often in repairing gear or the walls, the two locked eyes. Just a moment to remember they were together.
  Time felt slow, so slow and so quiet. Up until the moment Bdubs heard a voice just outside the walls, making him nearly jump out of his skin.
“Hey guys! How- uh, how's it going?” Grian's voice was very close, not far away like the last visit. His cheerful tone did nothing to reassure either Etho or Bdubs.
“Fine.” Etho said as he stood where he was, further back in the base.
The sound of Joel's voice and his clambering up towards the wall came quickly after. “Fine?”
“Really?” Grian exhaled, “I donno... I mean. You- um, Etho you killed Scott, yeah?”
Etho didn't answer. Bdubs moved a little further away from the wall, hearing the sound of snow crumbling.
“Yeah- How'd that happen?” Joel added, making quicker work of the fort's walls and squeezing through first. “Couldn't have been an accident.. sticking your sword right through him and all...”
“It was-” Etho started, but was promptly cut off.
“No,” Grian laughed, “no I don't think so! You don't just.. accidentally kill a yellow name. You guys were all buddy-buddy, weren't you? Not like you were on different teams even!”
  The two red names had pushed past their weak snow walls, making their way around the edge of the base. As reds often did, they danced around the likelihood that they were here to kill them- keeping them on edge as they rummaged through the base and made the pair below try to avoid getting close to them at all costs. It was always entertaining for them, especially now that Bdubs was on the receiving end of red intimidation. He had no power in this moment.
  Bdubs stood closer to Etho as they quietly watched the red pair, whispering to him. “Um. Should we attack 'em?”
As if right on queue, an explosion went off on Bdubs' right, making him stumble from where he stood. When he got to his feet, he could see Joel up on the edge of a central tower.
“Oh, I missed.”
Etho grabbed Bdubs by the shirt, moving them out of Joel's immediate vicinity.
“Let's just get out of the way.” Etho said, quiet enough for only Bdubs to hear.
  The TNT wasn't the only thing against them though, as the whizzing sound of arrows followed them moments after. Even while the two tried to escape Grian and Joel's fire, Bdubs turned back multiple times with his bow out. Etho lent a hand as well, but the slow down for readying their bows still got them hit a few times. The fight had certainly started now though, and the pressure was growing. It was either stay and try to kill those two, or run and hope they wouldn't run into more people who'd gladly join in on the fight against them.
  But as expected, Bdubs' need to keep up the damage as Etho directed them to safety was getting his health down even more than it should've. That was one thing Etho was watching, and above all he wanted to avoid it. They were not in a good position to stay and defend.
“We have to get out-” Etho said as he pulled on Bdubs again. “You need to heal up, we can probably lose them”
Bdubs breathed heavy, letting himself be pulled along. “Okay- fine, we can- we can get out of here..”
  They ran recklessly through the forest, ducking under branches and glancing behind them- hardly watching where they were going. Bdubs had managed to regain his health after a little bit of food, despite the wounds still stinging. They slowed down a bit as they stopped hearing Grian or Joel, instead readying their weapons again. They didn't want a fight, but there was no stopping it at this point. They had to keep themselves attentive, and moved further away from the woods in order to have a better perspective.
  At the edge of the treeline sat an open field, where Etho and Bdubs hung around the border of. They didn't want to be completely in the open, But the flat area gave them a good view on those sides where they could be flanked. Through the tense run for safety, nothing had been said. Adrenaline and anxiety filled them, but the pressure was rising in Bdubs' especially.
  “You think the other guys are after us?” Bdubs asked quietly.
“Oh, like.. all of the yellows?” Etho kept his eyes to the horizon.
Bdubs paused for a moment, making sure he too was focused. “Yeah. They're probably gonna find us, in the open- and- are you.. are you sure we should stand here?”
“I don't think it'll matter at this rate.”
Bdubs glanced over, teeth clenched. “I know we're being hunted by like- like.. everyone on the server. But don't say that right now!”
Etho's brows creased, but he kept his eyes away. “Sorry.”
  The quiet took over again. They both knew they needed to focus and shut up so no one would hear them. They were more prepared though- Etho was stocked with a few potions, an apple or two for Bdubs. Now it was a matter of waiting, and hoping this wouldn't go as bad as they thought.
  Murmurs in the trees could be heard. They were familiar and immediately made dread wash over Bdubs, turning to face whatever was coming. There was no mistaking it- what sounded like friendly banter was in fact some yellow names talking it out with Grian and Joel. There was only a slight relief in hearing that Cleo was not with them- but it would be four against two. Four people who were very eager to kill them.
  Etho was aware as well, standing close to Bdubs as they faced the trees. In moments an arrow came flying from the cover of the trees. A few more were caught in the branches as they started to disperse, looking to get out into the open while avoiding exposing themselves.
  Ren shouted from one side, “Go that way- in the open!”
It was hard to tell who he may have been ordering, as neither Bdubs or Etho could make out who was in the trees. Nothing but the sound of stomping feet. Only moments after did they spot Matryn revealing himself, arrow flying seconds after. And eventually, Grian and Joel with him.
  There was already so much to keep track of. There was no communication as Etho and Bdubs turned either way to shoot at whoever was coming. It seemed like everyone had the same idea- staying distant, using their bow and arrows. It was harder to get the hits if they all kept moving. Bdubs was missing a lot, but it didn't matter to him as long as he stayed away from death. Etho was already taking some hits on himself, but landed some solid shots on their enemies.
  However, in Bdubs' distraction of dodging arrows, Joel was quick to take the opening. There was a sting, a slice across his back, as a diamond sword swung behind him. He gasped out, stumbling from the pain and swiftly looking behind him. Joel was not someone he wanted to face in combat, and that fear was validated when he saw the other jump up with his sword raised. Bdubs just barely moved out of the way, wide eyed as he saw the sword lodged deep in the dirt.
A sudden pained gasp came from Joel's mouth as an arrow flew right into his side. Between the chaos, Bdubs could see Etho with his bow up. He was readying it once more as Joel straightened himself. As the next ones flew Joel quickly bounded back, giving himself enough distance to use his own bow again.
  Bdubs found himself panting on the grass, still only just getting out of the stun Joel's attack left on him. It didn't help with the arrows coming left and right- everything was utterly overstimulating. He stood up eventually though, ignoring the jabs from each hit he was taking. He saw Etho running towards him, away from Matryn and Ren who were drawing in closer. While at first Bdubs assumed he would get up and run with Etho, he watched Etho stop in front of him, turning to continue shooting arrows at them instead. Bdubs peered out from Etho's cover, gripping him by the sleeve.
  “Etho- Etho-” Bdubs started up, anxiety flooding his senses, “Etho stop, stop- let's get farther away!”
“I- No, no there's a lot of them Bdubs,” He kept his eyes trained on the yellow names. “If we stop fighting we'll just get hit even more.”
He was right- running meant they couldn't attack easily, and having four people with bows against them made it impossible to make it out alive at this point.
Bdubs adjusted himself, putting his back to Etho. “Okay, fine. Just- just be sure to use those potions, alright?”
  Etho didn't answer, but Bdubs' assumed he'd heard him. There was only small amounts of movement as they tried to cover all sides of the attack. Bdubs was already down his two golden apples, able to get some close quarters hits on Matryn with his sword, but it only went back and forth as the others used their own potions, or stepped back to recover. It was going on too long, and the four against them made the two exhausted.
  Bdubs especially. The pressure, the pounding heartbeat- he was not good at fighting in this head space. He was fumbling more and more, head buzzing with heat. His health was inching lower and lower as all he could do was become a pillow for punctures at this point. When he looked over to Etho, he realized the other was not doing so well either.. actually, worse. In all the mess and how much Etho was putting himself first, Bdubs thought he was fairing fine- but that wasn't the case.
  Whatever state Bdubs was in, it didn't help his next line of thought.
“Etho-” Bdubs panted out, “I'm- I gotta finish this, I can-”
He darted forward, quickly reaching Etho and tugging him closer by the back of his jacket. Etho had little time to process as Bdubs pushed him to the ground and shielded him with his body as much as he could, returning fire on those who were attacking.
  Once Etho processed the situation, he looked up at Bdubs with wide eyes. “Bdubs?”
“Drink your dang potions!” Bdubs shouted back. “You haven't used 'em yet. Why are you waiting?”
There was little time to talk, but Etho hesitated to do as he was ordered. “You need them, Bdubs. You're gonna die, and you're red. I'll-”
Bdubs held his shield up for a moment, barely looking at Etho as arrows thumped against it. “Shut up, they're for you. You're just- you're at one and a half hearts, aren't you?”
Etho paused, heart racing. “Y-yeah, I am.”
“Then stop tryin' to sacrifice yourself for me!” Bdubs said with a growl, peeking over his shield. “S-stop! You gave me your life, you've done enough for me, okay?”
  It sounded angry, but that wasn't the intent. Bdubs had felt like Etho gave up way too much for him, for what? For him to lose that life anyways, and end up red again? Bdubs loved being with him, but there was no way he was going to let Etho take even more just to keep him alive. He'd done too much for him.
  When an opening shot managed to hit Etho, Bdubs put himself over Etho entirely, only able to use his shield to block a portion of the fire now. As Bdubs grimaced at each pierce, he watched Etho finally take the potions he held. Etho didn't do so with relief or joy, though.
“Okay- okay, good,” Bdubs said, each word breaking his heavy breathing.
With more health, Etho was better able to process the violence, and in that moment he noticed a shadow quickly approaching.
“Bdubs-” Etho choked out, “Bdubs, behind you!”
As Bdubs looked over his shoulder, shield ready, it felt like Etho was trying to shove him off. He knew he was- he knew Etho was trying to take whatever blow was coming. That wasn't going to happen.
  It was Joel, unsurprisingly, who had returned with a ready blade. It crashed hard against the shield, breaking it completely. Joel laughed with excitement, knowing full well this was the moment he had been waiting for after all this chasing. Bdubs was confident he'd save Etho here, bracing for the pain that would strike through him in seconds, ending him for good.
In what time felt like a century, Bdubs watched the diamond sword come down, gripped by both of Joel's hands for a heavy and deep blow. It was quick, but not painless. A breathless and pained cry came from his mouth in the moment Joel inserted the sword and pulled it right back out. His killer stepped back after that, making sure to get out of whatever move Etho could make next. But Etho didn't move, as Bdubs' warm body slumped over him. Bdubs' form wavered, his breathing incredibly faint, and red seeping out of the white of his shirt. Bdubs could not get any words in as his vision turned black, and whatever it was Etho tried to voice was lost on his dead ears.
  The moment Bdubs' body faded from in front of them, Etho scrambled to his feet. He was aware enough that he needed to leave, especially after drinking those potions. He had enough health that he could take some hits as he ran, so he did just that. Running across the field and towards the distant stone peaks, it didn't take long for him to outrun them and hide behind the steep cliffs. Breathing heavily, Etho weakly leaned back against the rocks, looking up to see the sun setting behind the border.
  His clothes were warm and sticky with the blood that spilled from Bdubs' body. A stripe of deep red across his shirt. Dotting the white fur rim of his hood, his dark mask, the side of his pants. What a horrid reminder of death to have. Etho would have preferred to simply remember the warmth of Bdubs' body when it fell against him. He held onto that, no matter how gruesome- it felt like the last moment of intimacy he could have.
  Etho tucked himself into a crevice in the cliff side, sliding down the wall until he sat on the hard floor. In the dark and cover, he looked at the tab list. The greyed out name bdoubleo100 was there. Etho watched the list as he sat there, waiting for night to pass. The name remained, still.
  There was nothing to do. Nothing to see, hear, nothing to talk to. As Etho looked up at all that nothing, he hoped he was catching Bdubs' gaze, where ever it was that he was spectating from.
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grain-my-beloved · 2 years
thinking about how grian clearly desperately wanted to team up with scar again in lastlife season two, thinking about how he was upset that specifically scar (his partner in season one) refused to ever give him a life even when he had lives to spare, thinking about how obvious it was that grian had a very specific grudge against scar for seemingly rejecting his attempts, thinking about how scar immediately went off with joel instead and even at one point pushed past grian mid conversation to go find joel, thinking about how scar was in his list for so long, thinking about the interaction from grian to bdubs; "etho has no loyalty to you, he's just immediately teamed up with the next guy who came along! if he loves you why didn't he just give you a life, huh?! it's over, you're the only one left in b.e.s.t from what i see. we're all on the same page, though. etho's gotta go"
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andyling · 1 year
Okay now that I got my Tango rambling out of the way IT’S TIME FOR A BUNCH OF OTHER PEOPLE
Jimmy Solidarity (aka the man sending team rancher fans into a collective breakdown, it’s me I'm team rancher fans)
stealth mission IMMEDIATELY failed
Tango congratulating Jimmy on killing him (even though it was Joel) Team Ranchers is still alive guys I swear, NO ANGST HERE IT’S FINE GUYS
Love how Joel is being attacked and Grian is nowhere to be found because he’s too busy hunting down Impulse
jimmy shouting tango’s name and literally jumping towards him as he places tnt counts as a rancher moment 
either he’s stupid or he was confident tango wouldn’t blow him up, it’s probably the former but hey I choose how I interpret this chaos
mans was literally just :O
“what I'm realizing right is that everyone is thirsty” did ya have to phrase it like that??? I can hear the out of context compilations clipping this
Jimmy sounding so shocked that Tango was fighting Martyn as if he didn’t just spend several minutes fending him off from killing Joel
oh uh, the flower husbands are fighting
damn flower husbands enjoyers must be in absolute misery
love how Jimmy is not even trying to find Tango he’s just there watching this chaos unfold
“guys he’s not gonna respond” Jimmy you underestimate how dumb your rancher is, there is a reason I call both of you wet cats
the way jimmy hunches over closer to his mic when he’s whispering is so funny, he’s trying to hide irl 
ah yes, “the bad boys bread bridge bakery in the sky” my beloved
hey now Jimmy has been trying to protect Joel for half the session don’t kick him out, I mean he failed but at least he was trying
ending the session with robbery, how wonderful
“looking tasty” aaaaand that’ going into the out of context compilation
Grian seems to be extra manic this episode, I'm blaming that on the fact that he missed a session
the entire “definitely” bit is so stupid but I find it so funny
“normally this is last episode behavior” I mean last session was last episode behavior too I think this season has just made everyone crazy
oh my god the yellow hoard is even funnier from their perspective
the pufferfish plays are insane goddamn
“How about we just kill him for fun now?” SCAR NO
tango just has a 6th sense for wardens now
awwwwww grian’s sharing in order to help skizz (pity totem is still totem)
someone is gonna trap those ender-porters I just know it
the mean gills chatting on their little island resort really contrasts how badly the rest of this session is gonna go
Bdubs running to Etho for protection is hilarious in every POV
the bread bois and team ties have a fast travel to each other . . . we’ll see how that works out (please become allies please please please)
Martyn didn’t even realize Tango was still trying to kill him lmao
poor scar stood in the wrong place at the wrong time
Etho trying desperately to get people to leave Tango and Impulse alone
god Martyn is just having an awful time trying to stay alive this session
bruh Martyn really teasing us all with actual lore 
So uh, yeah that session was bonkers SEE Y’ALL NEXT WEEK
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