#Also happy radiostatic week!
labyrinthofsphinx · 16 days
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Gonna be busy the next couple of days and I didn’t want to hang onto these for that long so Suprise!
Part 1 I guess. No idea how long on the other parts but I hope you guys like it! Let me know.
Part 2
1K notes · View notes
s-creations · 3 months
Comes in Waves - Canon Divergence
Entries for the 2024 RadioStatic Week.
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel Rating: Teen and Up Audience Relationship: Alastor/Vox Additional Tags: Cursing, Angst, Fluff and Angst, I'll try and write a good mix of both happy and sad, They're both idiots when it comes to love.
For the record, Vox thought this was a fucking stupid idea. 
He and the other Vees should be back at the tower. Watching what was about to go down instead of being on the front line. But Velvette just had to put her foot in all of their mouths. When Carmilla had ‘graciously’ informed the other Vee what was going to happen at the hotel, finishing with “Surely your attitude could lend some help on the field.” ,Velvette just had to make her stand. Which also meant that Vox and Valentino were roped into this as well. 
Fucking Hell, this was horrible. But there was little Vox could do about it now as he watched the portal to Heaven open up. Heart racing as numerous Exorcists poured out and headed directly to the hotel.
“Here they come.” Someone unhelpfully provided, but Vox didn’t turn to find out who. 
He was already charged, fangs bared as the first Exorcists engaged. The Cannibals took down the first few easily. Those flying after directed to the main group. 
Vox barely dodges the sword’s arch, gaining enough of an open to dig his claws into the angel’s skin. Delivering a high voltage to his attacker that caused them to scream in pain and step away.
Leaving their sword stuck in the ground. 
Vox didn’t waste time. Picking it up and plunging it straight through its original owner's heart. Taking small satisfaction in watching them drop. 
That was forgotten for a moment as a dark dome encompassed the area. Vox watching as those Exorcists who were about to enter were either cut in half or squashed when they ran into the obstacle. 
“Step one is lowering numbers and separation. They’ll be sending their fastest fighters first to deal out quick damage before the heavy hitters come in. Alastor will create a barrier around the hotel to cause that separation. While it’s up, focus on taking down the numbers that got in.”
Vox let out a huff as he scanned the battlefield. It was a mess of different fractions struggling to survive and come out on top. Velvette and Valentino had teamed up, the former providing cover while Valentino shot his way through. The same could be said about Charlie and Vaggie, just replace the gun with a spear. Husk was providing arial support, with Angel Dust and Cherri Bomb delivering massive ground coverage. 
Niffty was running around, gleefully stabbing angels that had already fallen. Sir Pentious barked orders from the balcony while his Egg Minions rushed around to offer aid. The Cannibals were honestly just biting the closest thing that moved. Thankfully, it seemed to alway be an Exorcist.
And Alastor…
Vox’s attention flicked to the top of the hotel, where he knew the Radio Demon stood. Watching. Waiting. Eyes no doubt trained on the largest angel up there. A small part of Vox felt that he shouldn’t be so worried. It was Alastor after all, the Radio Demon. He could handle himself. He’d proven that time and time again. This was just another stoll for him. 
Except he’s never fought an angel before. Let alone fucking Adam of all souls.
“Oi, Vox!” 
The Media Overlord winced as an Exorcist was shot in the head. Taking a step back to avoid being downed by the dead angel. Heart hammering, he looked back to find Valentino blowing the smoke from the gun barrel. Velvette glaring at the Media Overlord, clearly pissed.
“Get your fucking head out of your ass and focus.” She shouted before they went off to take down a few more angels. 
Taking a few deep breaths, Vox attempted to find a target or someone to help.
Only for his attention to go do the barrier after a loud ‘crack!’ sounded around them. Worry grew as the protection started to crumble away. Adam’s face cracked into a triumphant smile as he instantly went for the rooftop. 
“Fuck…” Vox whispered out. 
Alastor was by himself. 
By himself facing Adam. 
“If the barrier is broken, and it probably will be, Alastor is our best bet to keep Adam busy. No offense to the rest of you Overlords, but I’ve never seen you in battle before. I know Alastor’s power. Plus, with him making the barrier, Adam will be gunning for him, no doubt. All you have to do, Alastor, is keep him busy.”
“Are you saying I can’t take this angel down on my own?”
“I’m saying that we need to play this safe. Especially if you’re taking him on, alone.”
Before he could really think about what he was doing, Vox was running towards the hotel. The brick and mortar on the side of said building crumbling away as live wires sprouted from the newly created hole. The Media Overlord grabbing onto them the next second and launching himself up to the roof. 
It wasn’t the most graceful of landings. Having to do a random tuck roll to avoid smashing his screen. But he was saved from the embarrassment given the fact everyone was too focused on their own fight. Vox ducked behind the hotel’s sign and rooftop windows as he searched for Alastor. 
Well, ‘searched’ wasn’t the best word. More watched in fascination as Alastor faced Adam. While it was pretty clear the angel was used to just swinging his weapons around at random, Adam wasn’t used to an actual fight. Against someone who could fight and had to fight on an almost daily basis to survive. 
Even the dialogue swapped between them wasn’t comparable. Alastor was smooth and to the point, able to hit right where it hurts. 
Adam continued to flounder, grasping at such basic insults that all he could really blurt out was, “Fucking Red!”
Between the barrage of attacks and his inability to focus, Adam wasn’t prepared as a familiar shadow tentacle to wrap around him. Sending said angel in the hotel’s sign. 
Vox was very happy that he had inched away from there as that impact almost split the sign in half. 
Alastor didn’t hold back on the mocking laugh, “Poetry! What a way with words you have.” 
Emerging from the floating debris and electrical sparks, Adam got back onto his feet easily. Ax held tightly in hand,  he took to the skies once more. “I’m going to wipe that shitty smile from your face. Because radio is fucking dead!”
Vox barely had time to duck down behind his cover before Adam’s attack landed. Feeling the actual building beneath him shake. Taking a deep breath, the Media Overlord peeked out again…only for his heart to stop. 
The roof of the hotel now carried two deep gashes in the roof, dug out on either side of Alastor. It was clear that whatever the Radio Demon had done was enough to keep himself safe. But his microphone had not fared as well. Completely in half with black essence dripping from it, which hissed softly when it made contact with the building. 
“What just happened?” Alastor asked to the open air, eyes eventually landing on his broken tool. “...Fuck.”
To caught up in his loss, Alastor seemed to have missed the point where Adam was winding up for another attack. The angel’s ax sparking with more power than the previous charge. 
But Vox saw. 
He was fully aware as to what was about to happen. 
Alastor’s not going to survive this.
Why wasn’t Alastor looking up? He was still in the middle of a fight. Look up you idiot!
This is going to kill him.
How can you claim to be so powerful yet so oblivious during such an important fight!
He wouldn’t survive this if it landed. 
Was Alastor really going to let himself be taken down by an angel after that show?
Wait…if it landed.
That moron. 
He’s a moron. 
Fuck it. 
With clarity like he’d never held before, Vox ran out from behind his barrier. Neither of the other occupants had seen him. Which was a small blessing as he now held an element of surprise to use for his advantage. 
Just as Adam swung his ax, Vox had wrapped his arms around Alastor. The Radio Demon finally looked up from his broken toy to fix Vox with a look of confusion. Unable to get out his question before a barrier of wires erupted between the Overlords and the angel. 
Vox knew it wouldn’t be enough. But it was the best he could make. 
Adam’s attack sliced through the wires like it was nothing, but did thankfully reduce the damage it could cause. It didn’t make it hurt any less when Vox’s back was sliced open. At least he and Alastor were still alive. 
The blow caused both Overlords to fly back, hitting the back of the hotel’s roof with a pained grunt. Vox found he couldn’t move. Either because the attack damaged something vital or he was in too much pain. Left to lay against Alastor uselessly as the Radio Demon attempted to recover quickly. 
“What the fuck did you just do?” Was the first thing out of Alastor’s mouth. 
Vox just let out an exhausted laugh as he looked up. He couldn’t catch his breath. “W-What? You upset you c-can’t cause this kind of…d-damage to me? …F-Fuck this hurts…”
The Media Overlord let out a groan as the world shifted around him. Now cradled in Alastor’s arms as he frantically looked the injured demon over. Who noticed how pinched the smile was, how Alastor’s hands gripped him tightly. 
“H-Hey, don’t freak out Bambi, I-I’m okay.”
“Your back is sliced up and you can’t move,” Alastor hissed, “You expect me to believe that.”
“...Kind of?” Vox smirked back. The uncomfortably familiar taste of copper filled his mouth. That’s not good. “I-I’ll be okay, really… You need to f-focus…”
“I’m not leaving you like this.”
“I-I think you have to…” 
“Aww, well isn’t this fucking cute? NOT!” Adam landed on the roof before the two demons. Pretending to gag before continuing. “This your little boy toy? Little sacrifice for you, turning you on? …Demons are into that, right? Sacrifices and what not.” 
The air around them became filled with static. Vox watched as the familiar dials replaced Alastor’s eyes as the Overlord glared the angel down. The Media Overlord pulled closer as if to get him further away from Adam. 
“I̳̿͟͞ w̳̿͟͞i̳̿͟͞l̳̿͟͞l̳̿͟͞ m̳̿͟͞a̳̿͟͞k̳̿͟͞e̳̿͟͞ y̳̿͟͞o̳̿͟͞u̳̿͟͞ r̳̿͟͞e̳̿͟͞g̳̿͟͞r̳̿͟͞e̳̿͟͞t̳̿͟͞ t̳̿͟͞h̳̿͟͞i̳̿͟͞s̳̿͟͞.” 
“Oooh, big tough guy got his feelings hurt cuz I broke two of your play things?” Adam laughed, “If you actually put up a decent fight, maybe this would have turned out differently.” 
Alastor let out a hiss, teeth bared at the angel. Vox tensed slightly, feeling a cooling sensation beginning to envelope him. Worried that he’d been further injured than he’d originally thought. Only to relax as shadows began to enclose around him and Alastor. 
“I hate to take a break in the action,” said Alastor with as much disdain he could squeeze into his words, “But we’ll have to take a short commercial break before the show can resume.” 
As they sunk into the shadows, Vox heard Adam’s condescending “Bye bitch!” before being swallowed by the darkness. When he could see again, he found they’d been moved to the entrance of the hotel. Mainly at the top of the stairs, tucked away in a dark corner. 
Vox couldn’t help but hiss in pain as a hand just barely touched the gash. “E-Easy, I’m already in enough pain.”
“Shut up.” Alastor snapped back.
“I’m fine-”
“Stop talking.”
“Seriously, I just n-need to-”
“W̳̿͟͞i̳̿͟͞l̳̿͟͞l̳̿͟͞ y̳̿͟͞o̳̿͟͞u̳̿͟͞ b̳̿͟͞e̳̿͟͞ q̳̿͟͞u̳̿͟͞i̳̿͟͞e̳̿͟͞t̳̿͟͞ f̳̿͟͞o̳̿͟͞r̳̿͟͞ o̳̿͟͞n̳̿͟͞c̳̿͟͞e̳̿͟͞ i̳̿͟͞n̳̿͟͞ y̳̿͟͞o̳̿͟͞u̳̿͟͞r̳̿͟͞ m̳̿͟͞i̳̿͟͞s̳̿͟͞e̳̿͟͞r̳̿͟͞a̳̿͟͞b̳̿͟͞l̳̿͟͞e̳̿͟͞ e̳̿͟͞x̳̿͟͞i̳̿͟͞s̳��͟͞t̳̿͟͞e̳̿͟͞n̳̿͟͞c̳̿͟͞e̳̿͟͞ a̳̿͟͞n̳̿͟͞d̳̿͟͞ l̳̿͟͞e̳̿͟͞t̳̿͟͞ m̳̿͟͞e̳̿͟͞ t̳̿͟͞h̳̿͟͞i̳̿͟͞n̳̿͟͞k̳̿͟͞!” 
Vox snapped his mouth closed as Alastor glared down at him. Okay, so, maybe the Radio Demon was more upset than he’d originally planned on. Which, to be honest, he didn’t think Alastor would be upset period over seeing his rival in pain. Vox fully expected to be tossed aside to let Alastor get his second wind while the Media Overlord escaped to lick his wounds. 
This…was not in his original plan.
Mismatched eyes flickered up to Alastor’s ears. Which were pinned back as far as they could go. “Y-You’re really upset…”
“...You fucking idiot.” Vox didn’t fight it as he was pulled close once more. Even allowing himself to relax into the hold as Alastor pressed his forehead against the flat screen. “What were you thinking?”
“T-That you weren’t going to s-survive that…” 
Alastor let out a humorless chuckle, “And you were?”
“H-Hey, I’m still breathing.”
“I’ll b-be fine.”
“You keep saying that.”
“Because it’s true.” 
They fell silent as an explosion sounded from outside, quickly followed by a roar. 
“You n-need to get back out there.” Vox said, trying to prop himself up. 
“I need to make sure you’re okay first.”
“This isn’t up for discussion Bambi.”
“You’re right, it’s not. So stop moving so I can see how bad it is.”
“Would you-” 
The moment was interrupted once again when something large and heavy came barreling into the front of the hotel. Vox was pulled back against Alastor as the shadows swallowed them once more. The former just making out a downed winged beast and Vaggie falling into the lobby proper before he was consumed into the darkness once more. 
Light returning showed they were now in the surrounding forest. Vox still able to see the hotel and battle, but far enough that he doubts he’d be in further danger. Unless the Exorcists won and left the confines of the hotel. 
“You’ll be safe here. At the very least…you’ll be far enough away that I can focus better on the fight.” 
Vox let out a hiss as he was laid down. Watching as Alastor removed his jackets, folded it up, and placed it behind the other demon’s head. A hand lingering to rub a thumb along Vox’s screen. Who had no issues leaning into the touch. 
“...Kick their asses, yeah?” Vox offered in a small whisper. 
“That was the plan,” Alastor replied with a gentle smile, “I’ll be back for you once this is over.”
“You’d better be…” Reaching up, Vox gently took the hand resting against his screen and brought it closer to his lips. Pressing the back of Alastor’s hands to them before letting go. “I’m expecting a show until then.” 
“Well, I’d hate to disappoint.” 
Vox could only watch as Alastor sunk into the shadows once more, alone this time. Leaving the other demon to rest against the tree. Who was fighting to remain conscious, eyes following what was happening below him as best he could while his vision blurred. 
A strange chirping pulled Vox away from the battle. Finding a familiar formed shadow hovering over him. 
“Ah…Alastor sent you, didn’t he?” 
The shadow didn’t reply back. 
“Okay… I’m okay…” 
He fell into the awaiting darkness. 
He let out a small groan feeling something touch his back. 
“I have you…”
He heard people talking. About what, he couldn’t say. But he couldn’t seem to care.
“I wish you could hear this nonsense…”
He felt something brush against his screen.
“You can wake up now… Please.”
He was warm. Comfortable. 
“Don’t make me wait too long for you…”
He felt someone holding his hand. 
“Vox… You need to wake up…”
Vox let out a small groan as he powered on his screen. His limbs felt heavy as he moved them to rub his eyes. As best he could anyway. The whole screen thing made it rather difficult. Moving slowly, he sat up, barely paying attention to the sheets that slid off him and pooled into his lap. Taking a deep breath, Vox finally opened his eyes to look around. 
He was in a bedroom. It was decked out in varying hues of deep reds with accents of black. He was currently resting in a large canopy bed, the curtains drawn and tied back with gold rope. Large armchairs faced the fireplace, which was currently unlit. An overstuffed bookshelf had been placed opposite from the foot of the bed. Next to it was a large wardrobe with a full length mirror. 
The walls were filled with numerous pictures and mounts of both animal and demon heads. Only bare for the furniture and the ornate black door that no doubt led to some kind of exit. 
“Not my first choice in decorations…” Vox muttered softly. He pulled the blankets off and shuffled over to the large mirror. 
He looked horrible.
The wound had been dressed, with wrappings covering his entire middle, leaving just enough room for his arms to be exposed. His skin, which was usually a deep navy blue, was ashened. The embedded lights flickering weakly. His face was barely visible, due to how low the light on his screen was. He didn’t have any more energy to light it further. 
Giving a small scoff to himself, Vox made for the door. 
He paused before gripping the handle when he heard music coming from the other side. Jazz, Vox guess, songs that he’d not heard before.
There’s no way he was…
Vox opened the door and stepped into a parlor. Same design as the bedroom, deep reds with black accents. It was spacious and comfortable, homey. The closest you could get when in Hell. A small kitchen that was connected to a dining area. Enough room for two to three people at a time to move around comfortably. Further along, the room changed to that of an open bayou. Vox smells the damp earth and even hears the chirps of creatures that he knew weren’t actually there. 
Sitting at the small dining table, cup half way to his lips, was Alastor. Red eyes wide as he stares Vox down. Who can only look back, frozen to the spot. 
“Um…hi?” Vox weakly offered. 
“...Hello. Care to join me?” Alastor offered, gesturing to the chair across from him. 
Realizing he didn’t have much of a choice, Vox took it. Closing the bedroom door behind him. He cautiously approached the table, eyeing Alastor before sitting down. Thankful that the chair was padded and didn’t bother his wound. 
Vox twitched in surprise when a plate appeared before him. It was filled with small tea cakes and sandwiches made with ingredients that he couldn’t recognize. Picking one up, Vox looked it over before casting his eyes over to Alastor. 
“None of it is sinner meat,” was the quick reply, “I’m not that cruel.”
That was enough for Vox. His composure to look put together fell away when he took the first bite, stomach squeezing and moaning as if to signify how long it had been since he’d last eaten. He didn’t care how he looked as he tried to stuff as much into his mouth as possible. All Vox could focus on was keeping his mouth full. Unaware that the plate continuously filled itself back up with every piece that was eaten. 
The music continued on.
Vox only slowed down long enough to down some water, by some it was a few glassfuls worth, before going back to eating. 
Alastor didn’t say a word as he nursed his own cup of tea. Eyes pointedly looking away to let Vox eat without an audience. 
Eventually, Vox leaned back into the chair, hand on his stomach as he finally reached his fill. Eyes closing as he settles in to let it all digest. 
“Feeling better?” Alastor asks, placing his cup down. 
“Yeah… Thanks.” 
“Good. With that out of the way.” 
The calming atmosphere suddenly disappeared when Vox found himself trapped in the chair. Wide eyes going up to the Radio Demon, whose face was already beginning to twist. Alastor leaned closer with his hands digging into the chair’s arms. 
“Where do you get off,” Alastor hissed out, “Taking an attack for me.”
Vox frowned back, “You’re telling me you wanted to die?”
“You have no proof that would have happened.” 
“That attack only did the damage it did to me because I was able to make a barrier. You didn’t even have your magic raised! You were just a sitting duck, you moron!” Vox’s bravado fell away when Alastor let out a hiss, inching closer. 
“Mind your words.”
Vox frowned softly, turning his attention away from the other. “...Why are you upset?”
That caused Alastor to pull away, putting on an air of standoffishness. “I’m not.”
“You almost went full Radio Demon on me and you expect me to believe that? Why are you upset? Is it because I stole your thunder?”
“Because I saw you lose?”
“I didn’t lose.” 
Vox rolled his eyes. “Sure, whatever…” 
He shifted to sit better in the chair, involuntarily letting out a small hiss of pain. Looking back up, Vox froze, finding Alastor’s eyes had returned to him. Ears flat on his head while red eyes darted around the Media Overlord. 
“...Were you…scared for me?”
The music continued on.
“...Alastor…I said I was fine-”
“Do not.” Alastor hissed out. Not out of anger towards Vox, but out of fear. The Radio Demon turned away so his back faced Vox.
The record scratched. The music stopped. 
“You were…passed out when I returned to the forest. I didn’t know what to think. I didn’t know how deep that gash was. You didn’t respond to anything I tried. We didn’t have a hotel to return to, it had been destroyed during the fight, but you needed somewhere safe to recover.” 
Vox slowly stood and cautiously made his way over to Alastor. Whose back was still facing him. 
“I overreacted, I know I did. Your business partners wanted to take you back to your stupid tower. I should have let you go, but the thought of you being so far away from me was… I hated it. So I fought for you to stay here. More like threatened to bite their hands off if they reached for you. But the warning did its job well.”
Still moving cautiously, Vox moved to stand next to the other. Turning to look Alastor in the face as best he could. Finding the other demon’s eyes closed, a comforting smile weighing on him. 
Alastor’s eyes snapped back open, causing Vox to take a tentative step back. The Radio Demon followed until the other had his back pressed against the wall. Holding back a flinch as a hand reached up to brush across his screen. Involuntarily, Vox closed his eyes as he leaned into the touch, sighing softly. 
“If I was…scared…how would that make you feel?” Alastor asked, his voice barely a whisper. 
“...Confused?” Vox weakly started, “Because I have no reason to believe that you should be worried about me.”
“I should say the same about you. You left the battlefield specifically to oversee my fight against Adam. I fully planned on facing him alone, I was ready to handle the outcome delivered to me. Yet here you come, racing over to act as a shield for an attack meant for me. Someone you called a rival.” 
Vox looked away, still allowing the hand to rest on his screen. “You broke us off all those years ago…and then left… I thought you wanted to get away from me. I thought you hated me.” 
“...I don’t.” 
A heavy sigh sounds, “Sure feels like it.” 
“...Have I ever told you why I smile?”
Vox looked back up at that, brows furrowed in confusion. “No…”
Letting out a small hum, Alastor gently pulled Vox away from the wall. With a wave of his hand, the music returned once more, filling the air with a slow waltz instead of jazz. Vox didn’t argue as one of his hands was claimed, flushing slightly when Alastor’s other one rested on his waist. The Media Overlord resting his free hand on the Radio Demon’s shoulder. 
As if they’d only done this just the other day, they easily fell into step. Vox felt a little tense at first but relaxed as the second song came around. 
“I smile because it’s a weapon like anything else,” Alastor said softly, “I keep everyone on their toes when I’m around because no one knows what I’m thinking. A smile makes everyone assume that I’m in control of the situation. A smile can offer comfort or terror depending on who it’s directed to.”
Vox frowned, “Okay…” 
“I always hold my cards close to my chest. Always. I never like anyone having something over me. Manipulation is my tactic, no one else’s.” 
“What point are you trying to make here?”
“I thought I was playing my game as safely as I could. Perhaps in my stubbornness I became a little…short sighted.” 
Vox frowned, “Is…someone blackmailing you?”
“In a way.” 
That caused the Media Overlord’s heart to freeze. “Wha- Who? Who in all of Hell would be dumb enough to tangle with an Overlord. More specifically, you.”
Alator’s smile thinned as his eyes flickered away.��
“...Is it not someone from Hell? Did you run into an angel? Alastor-”
“I left because I became…short sighted. In my attempts to appear untouchable, I loosened my grip…and someone stole a card from my hand. Yes, I left our relationship and I disappeared because of you. But not from hate or displeasure. The time I had with you is not something I would trade for anything.”
Alastor turned his attention back to Vox, “Come now, you’re not that dense. I can’t always spell things out for you.” 
“You never have.” Vox argued back, but muddled over what had been said. Figuring Alastor wouldn’t be ‘allowed’ to offer more insight to his predicament. 
His eyes widened slightly in understanding. Raising his screen to stare Alastor down. 
“Did…someone threaten me?”
The tight smile returned. “I had unknowingly painted a bullseye on your back.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because, I’m ashamed to admit, I panicked. I just had a desire to put as much space between me and you. When I returned, I figured it would be better to have you hate me to keep that distance. …I didn’t think you and your business partners would have joined this fight.” 
Vox rolled his eyes. “Yeah, well, that’s what happens when Velvette runs her mouth… You were really okay with me hating you for all eternity just to keep me safe.”
“You…fucking idiot.” Vox laughed softly, shaking his head. “How can you be a serial murderer yet a martyr at the same time?”
“I care for only a few lives in this place. I will always act as a shield for them.”
“Bleeding heart.” Vox couldn’t stop the yelp that left him as he was suddenly dipped down to the floor. Shifting his hand on Alastor’s shoulder to now wrap the whole arm around the other demon. The Media Overlord looked up with wide eyes. 
“Those are the best kind to devour.” Alastor commented smoothly. 
“Yeah, I remember that…” 
Vox was slowly brought back up onto his feet once more. Relaxing as he found his balance. Both demons were content with just swaying slowly where they stood. 
“I hope you understand that, now that you’ve told me a bit as to what’s going on, you’re not getting rid of me.” Vox stated definitely. 
“I figured as much.”
“And you’re not going to run away again. Are you?”
“It was not in my immediate plans, no.”
“I suppose that’s the best I’m going to get…” 
“Suppose so. …How about this as consolation?” 
Vox tensed suddenly feeling lips cover his, relaxing the next moment as he kissed back. Arms moving to gently wrap around the other, eyes closing as Alastor’s hands rested on his hip. Both didn’t seem to hear the static as the music paused in its progression. 
When they pulled apart, Vox kept his eyes closed. Content in allowing Alastor to press his forehead against the screen.
“How was that?”
“Better than I remembered.”
And the music continued on.
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onesidedradiostatic · 3 months
Alastor being AroAce has personally made me so happy. The fact that he's AroAce and just thinking about it makes me smile. I felt so seen when Rosie made that "ace in the hole" joke. I literally paused the episode to squeal over how Alastor's sexuality to be explicitly referenced the show. Viewers who had/have no idea that Alastor is AroAce probably took the joke another way or went right over their heads, but I feel like everyone who knew Alastor's orientation went "that's cause he's Asexual, ha!"
Even in the past Alastor's own sexuality made me wonder about my own and think "huh..am I like him?" when it comes to sex and romance. Now I feel more confident in who I am, and I'm happy that Alastor is a character that helped me be more comfortable in who I am. When it was confirmed to be Aromantic too along with still being 100% Asexual, that made me unbelievably happy and I didn't know why at first. I also love how a lot of fans, including the Hazbin Hotel team, fully respect Alastor's identity and how everyone here also respects the fuck out of his identity (and agree the best thing about RadioStatic is that it's completely one sided with Vox being pathetically in love)
I'm definitely somewhere on the aspectrum(s) and I can say with confidence that Alastor helped me discover that about myself. Happy Aromantic Week everyone!
FR the ace in the hole comment made me like so unbelievably excited. like it's such a small thing but it's also like so rare to find a media where it's acknowledged verbally in the media itself??? I'd started questioning being on the aroacespec before I started hazbin but I can definitely relate to fictional aro characters helping/kickstarting the questioning!! very glad alastor's helped for you!!! happy aro week :D
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Vox biology headcanons I mentioned last time, because why tf not
• Vox has 2 brains Well, only technically. He has hardware needed to power a TV in his TV head and an actual, human brain just below his head, somewhere along high-chest level. The actual biological spine starts just under where the neck part of it would end, but instead of there being unsupported nothingness, there's a fucking metal spine that fills in the void. A bunch of wires extend from the hardware, forming a sort of secondary nervous system, allowing Vox to do all his tech bullshit.
The thickest of the wires runs all the way down Vox's spine and exits in the place where the tailbones would usually be, succesfully forming a tail. The tail actually can extend about 2 meters (or 6ft), but about half of it is tucked away inside his body. He can roll up the tail to about 25 cm (3ft : 4, 3/4 of a foot ig?) or extend it up to the afformentioned 2m/6ft. It's mainly used to be able to move around while charging or to be able to find a chargeport from the comfy spaces to sit.
Vox's tail is shaped like your standard computer charger, with the end being a B-type plug used in the US (due to him being American while alive). It is, as mentioned before, not actually a tail, but, rather a charging cable. After updating his head to a newer, more energy-consuming model it just appeared one day. As stated in previous hc's, Vox needs both sleep and charging, and here I explain why.
Basically, charging is for his hardware, and without it he can't do all his tech bullshit, overheats a lot and generally enters a state that is most simmilar to the flu. He also experiences problems with his display due to the hardware powering it literally dying.
Now, sleep in needed for his human brain. Without sleep he will show typical symptoms of a person who hasn't fucking slept in a while. What's suprising is that he won't notice for a while, since his biological NS (nervous system) will use the energy of his mechanical NS to stay alive (and vice versa!), but before the 'no sleep' symptoms set in, he'll have trouble with his memory due to the lack of sleep, which makes it unable for his short-term memory to be transfered to his long-term memory, and his ADHD making the whole short-term memory shit even worse. (Yes, he does have ADHD; will be explained in another post)
When Alastor dissapeared, Vox put himself on the amazing "23h work day" schedule and allowed himself one hour of charging time. Due to sufficient charging, his symptoms of lack of sleep were limited to shitty memory and light chronic fatigue, which kept progressively getting worse each year that Alastor was gone, but Vox substitued sleep and combatted his symptoms with...!!! (drumroll please!)
A shit ton of energy drinks, coffee (both drink and powder) and sugar mixed together into an unholy mixture that no other denizen of Hell nor Heaven would dare to touch with a 300m/900ft pole
So when Alastor returned to find his bf/husband barely alive (or, well, as alive as a demon can be) he analyzed his schedule and proceeded to seduce/force Vox into taking a week-long break to get some motherfucking sleep for once. Vox then proceeded to not be able to sleep on the first day and then completely crashing and sleeping about 60 hours straight (gay) on days 2-4. Alastor basically wandered around, cuddled Vox and was happy that his masterplan worked. After trying to make up for as much missed sleep as he could, Vox woke up, ate like 5 kg of spaghetti (Al was in the mood for pasta), drank like three big-ass bottles of water (about 4,5 liters), went to the bathroom and took an hour-long shower, after whichhe crashed back too sleep for another 12 hours before he stopped the sleep fest.
Alastor was both concerned and impressed at that, since that's a lot of fucking spaghetti, but also that's almost certainly more water than the average demon is supposed to drink per day.
In the end they went on a date and just chilled for the remaining time and Alastor made Vox a new, 6 hour work plan and he would't take 'no' for an answer.
(credits to @deppresion-soup for the tail thing and most of the Radiostatic bonus. It was their idea, I just kinda changed and expanded it in the 1:35 AM rush) (PS they have an amazing fic on ao3 with two-sided radiostatidc for once)
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inviisiiblelee · 3 months
The Beginning of a Lifetime
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel Word Count: 2,030 Rating: Teen and Up Audience Relationship: Alastor/Vox Additional Tags: Vox is named George Taylor, Vox is Brand New, Alastor Has a Heart (Hazbin Hotel), Fluff, First Meetings, i love writing about first meetings, Vox died in the 40s, Probably only a handful of years after Alastor at most, Alastor Takes Vox Under His Wings, porting from AO3, link included above if prefered. Notes: Always based around headcanons. I named him George Taylor simply because its a really non-unique and generic type of name. Meant for a boring, plain little man. I thought about V names like how Angel is Anthony, but I was looking up popular names for boys born in 1890's when I headcanon Vox was probably born and wanted to stay within the top of popularity. A (late) entry for RadioStatic week day 1. Enjoy! <3 Meant to rival in name my other work, The End of a Lifetime, too.
George Taylor was not a violent man in life, and to be faced with so much violence immediately in Hell? He was absolutely not ready. Not only was he unprepared for the levels of pure chaos, but even his own body was beyond a little different. He couldn’t say it didn’t make some sense, he’d only died with a large television set dropped directly onto his head. Turns out that’s quite enough pressure to cause the skull to give in and be crushed completely. He had enemies, sure, while alive, it wasn’t something that could be easily avoided in the line of business he had pursued, at the end of the day. And some of those people were more temperamental than he was, but that was where his disarming charm was used the best. He could talk a majority of people down from a direct conflict, could sugar his words just right so that they would feel reassured. White lies, little seeds of doubt or warmth, a way of wriggling into their hearts and minds. He was good at it. He was just a plain, simple man, anyway. What was intimidating of someone as plain as him? Dressed well and groomed, with an easy smile and all the patience in the world. A soft voice, dulcet tones, easy airs of confidence and pleasantry. It worked.
His life’s final confrontation was impossible to ease down, and George was not a fighter in any way. He could be quick on his feet, but fear, while motivating, didn’t make it easy. It wasn’t as though it wasn’t a fair experience - he’d gotten the man booted from his job, needled down with debt, and serving time for something he definitely did not do, as a star witness who lied on the stand in full confidence and with the performance of a lifetime. It made sense he was murdered, and it made perfect sense he found himself here in Hell, something he did, at least, gather quickly.
He didn’t anticipate some sort of warm welcome, of course, no group of happy campers to explain how things worked or to help him out, but he also didn’t quite anticipate being jumped and pushed into an alleyway by a small group of three rough looking demons (he had to guess? Surely that was what they were called?) who threw him to the ground, searched his pockets, slammed his head against a wall, and took his slightly worn out jacket and his shoes of all things, considering he had nothing else to offer. He wasn’t sure how a television of a head could lead to the pain shooting through his back and limbs, and while he was unsure of anything else that was injured, it hurt more than he liked to admit, and trying to stand led to such severe vertigo that he slid down against the wall and just stayed there. 
He had never been so beaten down so fast while alive, even as a sickly sort. He was often ill, pushing through regardless and a little less than sturdy as a result, but he’d always been able to keep some sort of victimization at bay. Yet here he was now, exhausted already, in pretty poor shape and relative thundering pain, hazy vision and some sort of buzzing in the back of his mind that was steadily growing. It was a little distracting, really, and he sort of leaned into the sound, trying to follow it, the odd tones and shifting noise. It reminded him of an older time, before he was a television personality, back when he worked in the industry fixing problems with the tech. It was a sound mostly associated with audio problems, really. He wondered how deep the effects of having such a … changed physical form went. He hadn’t even had the opportunity to really look or examine it much before things went down, anyway.
Static was building in his head, and George was finding it hard to think. The sound of it shifted and changed every moment, pitch and tone flowing up and down like someone trying to tune an old instrument, except interspersed by buzzing and screeching of something electronic. Like a speaker ruined by water, or being in general interfered with. He tried reaching out to it mentally in some way, a sort of … internal troubleshooting. It felt weird and almost nauseating to explore, but he was trying to make any sense of it. He found he could sort of lower the volume of it, but it kept rising even when he did, steadily, and eventually he gave up, letting the buzzing, shrill feedback take over his mind. 
He barely noticed a shadow tower over him.
But he did. He saw it projected along the ground and over his person, and his heart dropped into his stomach. A soft little plea for mercy escaped him, and he realized he had been whimpering quietly for a little while now. He hadn’t noticed in the whirlwind of emotion and sensation, and something akin to tears appeared to be dripping from his screen. It felt weird. A chill settled over him, and he felt fear sink into his soul. 
George looked up at the person causing the shadow. Shades of red, black accents, a demon dressed rather formally and holding something that looked like both a cane and some sort of … microphone? The buzzing was so loud in his ears, and then it abruptly cut quiet as the looming form spoke.
“Good to see you, old friend.” A hand was outstretched to him, the friendliest gesture anyone had shown him so far, at all. 
Old friend? For a moment, all George could do was stare at him, this strange … person? Man? Devil? And then it clicked. 
Was that Alastor? They had met a couple of times over the years they lived on Earth simultaneously. A radio host, whose voice George was fairly familiar with when he would make his trips through his area. They’d met in person only a handful of times, at various functions that George ended up at per his workplace. The two had shared a few conversations, and he remembered them well, one of which being recommended to look into broadcasting himself, a compliment that George had taken quite seriously. Alastor had been a hell of a man when alive, certainly, in spite of what he thought he knew of his potential crimes. It wasn’t as though it was his job to judge, and it wasn’t as though he felt he had been in any danger. He remembered hearing about his death, finding it quite regrettable and sad, even. It was quite the accident to learn of. But Alastor was far from who he expected to run into, let alone to be recognized by.
Idiot. It was the only thing he could seem to say, even as he reached forward and placed his own hand in the other’s. His blue fingers contrasted so starkly against the red of his old acquaintance’s. But he found support and strength in the grip of his friend’s, and Alastor helped him stand and steadied him easily when he swayed. He was smiling wide, and George wondered if he was really that happy to see him. He couldn’t help but feel a little relief - okay, a lot of it. A weight was being lifted from his chest, seeing someone familiar, someone he would happily trust in this moment. Maybe a little naive, or a dangerous line of thoughts, but he couldn’t help himself. 
“The one and only!” Alastor replied, chipper energy in the words. “You look an absolute mess, friend, what happened?”
“Oh, uh,” George hesitated to respond, but it was hard to miss the clear evidence of an attack, anyway. Or at the least, the torn clothing and dazed expressions. “Someone stole my jacket and shoes.” He said it with a shrug, and he offered his own easy smile. It was something he could do, at least. He could pretend, in this moment, that it didn’t matter. 
“How shameful of them! Come along, I’ll get you sorted out straight away. What did they look like?” The question had him blinking, and then scrambling to remember. It hadn’t even happened more than an hour ago, so he gave what description he could. Alastor simply nodded, looking away in what he thought was some sort of consideration. He placed a hand on George’s back, urging him out of the alleyway finally, leading him down the sidewalk.
“Sorry, I’m just a little out of it still,” he said quickly. “Just got here and I didn’t quite think it would all be so … immediately exciting.” Carefully chosen words as he examined his surroundings, peering around to finally get a sense of where he might be, the state of things around here. He’d barely made it a few blocks on his own, before. 
“Worry not, we’ll get you right as rain in no time at all,” was all Alastor offered, and George fell into step with him cautiously. 
Things were odd. Alastor brought him to what seemed to be a tailor, offering to cover him getting repaired and refreshed clothing for the time being. He didn’t ask for anything from George as they left, but he couldn’t help feeling relieved. He noted that many seemed to shy away from Alastor for some reason, fleeting glances and then people crossing the roads, as if to get away from him. It was a weird thing to see - Alastor was still only smiling, seemingly unbothered by any of it. 
“What’s with the parting of the crowd?” George finally asked after a little more walking, entirely unsure where they were even going, now. 
“Oh, they’re merely getting out of the way,” Alastor said simply. “I’ve made a few waves here, they know to move pretty well.” He said it so jauntily, George couldn’t find a reason to mind it. If Alastor had made a name for himself already, then all the better, right? Good for him. 
They walked only for a few blocks before George realized they were within sight of the group that had attacked him. Stepping a little closer to Alastor, without realizing it, he tensed up. Alastor seemed to notice, however.
“Is that them?”
“I- I think so? The one on the right has my jacket, at least.”
“Stay here, yes?”
“Uh. Okay.”
Alastor broke away from him with a few strides and approached the small group of other demons. Alastor’s height towered over them, and they seemed very startled by his presence. George stayed where he was told, unable to hear the conversation, though it was clearly mostly Alastor speaking to them at length before holding out one hand, palm up, expecting something. A moment passed, and then something in the air changed, and the buzzing static and feedback roared in his ears all of a sudden. He saw the space around Alastor darken, saw a long, strange set of antlers begin to grow from his temples. Dark shadows formed around the trio, and those around otherwise were quick to clear away at the display, but George could only seem to stare. The shadows traveled up and wrapped around each of the demons, and he snatched George's jacket and shoes from them, as well as other belongings. The shadows squeezed harder and harder, until they were certainly pleading desperately, before being abruptly consumed into the ground without further showing. Alastor draped the jacket over his arm and returned to George’s side, holding his things out.
George blinked a few times before remembering himself, taking them from him with a rushed set of thank you’s, which Alastor only waved away with a quick dismissive comment. They fell into step together again, and Alastor asked if he felt fine enough to join him for lunch.
“Oh, yeah, of course. I’ll be fine, thank you.”
“No thanks necessary. What else are friends for? You must catch me up, I’m sure we have plenty to discuss, so stay close, hm?”
“Definitely will do.”
And, well. Vox would be a man of his word, for as long as Alastor wanted him there.
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HI!!! I’m super super new, and i just browsed through the tags for Dadstaticradio AU, CATCF AU and Radio Guard AU and need to say that i am sooo obsessed with them!! I certainly plan on browsing all the other AUs (especially secretly married AU, i am very excited about that one), but it is very late where i live (*cough* 1 AM *cough*) and i want to go to bed soon, so they’ll have to wait for tomorrow (well, “tomorrow”).
But before i do retire to bed, i would like to put my own two cents in, because i am soo happy i found a place where i can finally share my little ideas and stories!! (I do hope i don’t annoy anyone, I apologize if i do 😭).
Basically, it’s a radiostatic AU. Of course. And it might sound a lot similiar to the secretly married AU from what i gathered about it, but how i mentioned earlier, i haven’t checked that one out yet + this AU has been brewing in my head for maybe like… two weeks??
It goes with the trope of Alastor and Vox getting married way before Alastor disappears for 7 years. I’m not sure if they’d be exactly public, but i like to imagine they would like to keep their relationship to themselves but wouldn’t be exactly insistent on hiding it either. But, that isn’t the main thing about this AU.
The plot revolves all around Alastor’s disappearance. The reason why he disappeared in the first place.
Because of Vox.
And let me get this straight, i do not have this fleshed out at ALL. Like, it’s just a little concept i have. But the premise is that maybe some really powerful Overlord wants to take advantage of Alastor and his power, and make Alastor work for them. They would be trying to find Alastor’s weakness, because goddammit everyone has one, so what’s his deal? but being unsuccessful for a long time. Until one day, they notice Alastor’s interaction with Vox. And they start observing them. Which leads them to conclude that, Vox is Alastor’s weakness. So they build this really elaborate plan, where they threaten Alastor that if he doesn’t work for them, they’ll bring harm to Vox. Alastor tries to find out an escape at first, but the Overlord has been preparing for a long time for this and that leaves Alastor with no other choice than to comply.
So, Alastor finds himself in a deal. His soul for Vox’s safety. The Overlord doesn’t wait any longer and takes Alastor to god knows where, making him disappear for 7 years. And the worst part? Alastor isn’t allowed to tell Vox anything, lest he reveals his deal and risks Vox safety.
At first, Vox is worried for Alastor. Because what if something happened to him? But he later acknowledges, through his bond with Alastor (i kind of hc that when u marry someone in hell, you bind your soul to them) that Alastor is completely fine and (relatively?!?) safe. Making Vox believe that Alastor just straight up left without a word. So he grows angry and frustrated and swears Alastor as his enemy (even though he could never actually hate him. Not his Alastor. It’s just the hurt speaking). And when Alastor comes back, he’s not met with love, but with blind rage.
So, for both his and Vox’s sake, he plays along. Pretends to be Vox’s biggest rival and enemy. Even though it hurts more than he could ever imagine.
Hi !! Always v happy to hear new people are enjoying things, and dw no one is annoying here, all ideas are welcome
"Vox is Alastor's weakness" punched me in the chest /pos, I'm such a sucker for self-sacrifice especially if the second person doesn't understand why they did it
Also the idea of marriage in hell being a soul bond is so. Amazing. I have no words for it
Love this love this
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vylad243 · 3 months
Au where Vox's demon form is also aquatic maybe saltwater croc or shark...(probably a shark as they have gills and can breath underwater)--still has a T.V head, but the rest is built for Swift swimming and underwater attack which is also adopted to his electrical powers. After the failed extermination Valentino keeps pressing Velvette and Vox to press an attack on the other overlords (especially Rosie) --now Vel and Vox aren't stupid, and Vox knows Val will stop pressing Vel if he disappears for a bit and besides as long as his work gets done, no one will care, right?
Vox's vacation lasts about a day before Velvette texts him with a message that Angel Dust is asking her where he (Vox) is at, and why the hell is Val forcing poor Angel Dust to be his go between. Vox swishes his tail, Vark swimming alongside him. He sarcastically texts back: "Tell him I'm dead and it takes six months for me to reform from total body inhalation. Everything is running on backup power so everyone better be on their best behavior! There's only so many generators."
Velvette OF course tells Angel Dust, Who of COURSE panics and races back to the hotel, screaming for Lucifer, asking him if he has another tech demon.
Lucifer: "Why the hell would I need another tech demon? I have Vox, he does excellent work. Sides, most of the tech workers end up in Heaven... I only got Vox because of that hit and run he did...." *sees everyone at the hotel looking at him.* "500 people died in that hit and run, thank you! Anyway, what's wrong with Vox?"
Lucifer: o.o "Oh Dad...I have to make an ANNOUNCEMENT!" *Goes to put Pride on lockdown.*
Charlie: "Uh...Al?"
Alastor: *radio static.* "WhO KiLlEd HiM?!"
Angel Dust: "Velvette didn't know. She told me he was in his penthouse last, you could search for clues there." *a dark grin stretched across his face.* "Maybe ask Valentino? He was pretty pissed at Vix the other day...."
(Meanwhile, Vox swimming peacefully.)
This is honestly a good idea for Mermay! Radiostatic week for mermay anyone?
Vox would be so unaware and happy until Velvette is spam texting him
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prince-liest · 2 months
Hello! Since I’m binge reading all of your Genshin fanfics I wanted to ask how would you describe your experience contributing to zines? I’m considering it and wanted to ask someone who’s done this before. Is the process fun? Stressful? Both? I’d assume writing with a deadline is not easy! When did you first start? Don’t spare details please, tell me everything about your experience! I have minimal knowledge on the topic
Hey, there! I'm glad you're enjoying my Genshin works!! And of course, I've been in about three fucktillion zines by now so I'd be happy to talk about what it's like! Long post under the cut:
Not all zines are the same but most of them follow approximately the same outline of expectations for you as a contributor, which is:
After you've applied and been accepted, you're sent an acceptance email with a link to the zine server.
You join the server, and after a few days for everyone to trickle in, the mods will post a spreadsheet or a google form where you can submit 2-3 pitches, aka. ideas of what you think you could write for the zine, which should be reasonably different from one another. The reason for having 2-3 is so that not everyone ends up writing the same thing. I prefer when zines give spreadsheets rather than google forms so that I can see what other writers are pitching and make sure I'm not submitting something samey. There will likely be guidelines for what you can pitch (limitations on characters, ships, rating, etc).
(Optional) Some zines do author/artist collabs, and this is usually the time period during which folks figure out if they'd like to collab, and if so, with whom.
After a week or so, you are told which of your pitches you will be writing for the zine.
Creation period! Now you write a fic based on your pitch, usually 2-3k words in length depending on the zine. There's usually 3-4 check-ins scattered throughout the several month period that you get to write during, when the mods basically want to see how far you've gotten to make sure you're making progress. Sometimes you have the option of asking for feedback, but often the writing mod isn't going to be doing that until your final piece is submitted.
At the end of the creation period, you submit your final piece, usually with some formatting stuff like "highlight every time you use italics so the formatting mod can see it." The writing mod will beta it, toss it back to you so you can accept edits, and then that will be the final version in the zine. Voila!
Everything after that is just you waiting for preorders and production. Other stuff that will probably happen at some point includes submitting a snippet for the graphics mod to make a little preview graphic of your piece, and reblogging/retweeting zine stuff during preorders to promote sales.
To answer your more specific questions:
I started in late 2020 when I applied to a Hawks-centric My Hero Academia zine at the same time that I was invited to a My Hero Academia and Harry Potter crossover zine, both of which were an amazing experience. I find that the deadline is really not a source of stress, because you get several months to write 2-3k words and each check-in is only asking for a little bit of progress. My first check-in, for example, is pretty much always just the outline. That said, I'm not really applying to zines anymore (unless something exactly up the alley of my current hyperfixation pops up, which at the time of writing would be a Hazbin Hotel or radiostatic zine, haha) for a few different reasons.
Firstly, I've legitimately been in four dozen zines. I've scratched the itch, haha.
Secondly, particularly in the Genshin Impact space, the zine craze caught on so aggressively that the average quality of zine mod teams declined pretty sharply. There are a number of zine mods that I really trust, and I've been in some phenomenally run zines, but I'm also just kind of tired of the physical production period of a zine taking a year or longer when I know it can be done in like three months. Not to mention the number of times people in the zine space have straight up absconded with money.
Thirdly and most importantly, the actual part of zine writing that I don't enjoy very much anymore is the limitations put on my writing. It's an inherent and understandable part of the process that a fic has to be within a specific word count and topic, but I also have just hit the point where I personally want to write whatever the hell I want without coming up with three separate fic concepts and hoping that the one I actually feel passionate about is chosen - not to mention I've actually ducked out of zines before when the mods were so nitpicky about what they wanted me to write that it felt less like I was a guest writer invited to create something of my own, and more like they were looking for a cheap way to basically custom commission writing from me. And I've also noticed that the pickier the mods are about my writing, the less I end up liking what I create. There's actually three zine fics, now, that I'm never going to publish because I just don't think they turned out very good, and they are all from zines where I felt my writing got micromanaged.
All of that said, I'm basically highlighting the small number of things I disliked out of, again, four dozen zines, so I really encourage you to go for it! A well-run zine is a blast to be a part of, and my favorites have always been ones where it is clearly a labor of love and genuine interest.
Here are some tips when choosing a zine to apply to:
Look at the mods and their pages, and look for mods that have completed zines in the past, but aren't currently part of 4+ incomplete projects. For mods, you want experience, but you don't want someone who's just jumping into every single project they see.
Every P4P zine I've been a part of has been fucking amazing so far. These only get made in certain fandoms, though (mostly danmei). I'm sure they're not all perfect (there's one I know that's a little sketchy), but I think the lack of promise of profit attracts people genuinely invested in the project itself rather than money or clout or whatever.
Pick a zine that you know you will enjoy writing about the subject of. Don't apply to something because you like the character it's about, but you don't actually really know what you'd write for it.
Make sure they have a reasonably large number of followers on Twitter and appealing graphics. This speaks to a couple of things: 1) how well the zine is likely to sell and 2) how well the social media and other mods actually know what they're doing in terms of promo. If a zine has less than several hundred followers and they want to put out a physical copy, I would personally hesitate, because there's a good chance they won't break even on sales. Especially in the Genshin Impact fandom specifically.
Hopefully that was helpful! If you have any more specific questions, feel free to throw them my way.
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fanby-fckry · 2 months
Fanfic Author Asks
Thanks, Nonny!
2. What's your shortest fic? What's your longest?
Shortest is Seeing Stars at 230 words (which I might rename because I forgot that there’s a Helluva episode by the same name), and longest is Bloodlust and Butterflies coming in at 22,115 words.
Seeing Stars was a kinktober prompt that accidentally became angst and Bloodlust and Butterflies is my multichapter masterpiece, the true start of UH3, the angst with a happy ending, polyamorous, QPR, RadioApple, cannibal kink fic.
5. How many WIP do you have?
*nervous laughter* Like, active WIPs, or…?
Let’s do active, because the other answer is, ‘more than I’m willing to admit.’
I have roughly 6 UH3 WIPs, 1 active WoE WIP, 1 misc. non-UH3/WoE Unholyverse WIP, 1 active Ace Alastor Week WIP with 3 more planned, and 1 kinky RadioStatic fic that lives rent free in my head, causing me enough brainrot that I work on it fairly consistently.
The RadioStatic fic is also technically getting a prequel for the Ace Alastor Week A-Sexy Day prompt. Because I have too much fun writing aegosexual Alastor. (I might be aego? Idk if I’m aego or just a very kink-favorable ace. Either way, writing the disconnect in fantasy vs desire vs action is sooo fun. :3)
17. What is your most written pairing?
It’s not actually a pairing, it’s a throuple! :3 RadioAppleSiren, QPR Alastor x Lilith x Lucifer. UH3 currently has 5 works (not including the Supplement Fic), and I also wrote a precursor RadioApple fic that was intended to include polyamorous Lucilith, even if I didn’t do a great job showing it.
22. Do you reply to comments?
I try to! I’m currently behind by like 30 comments, but I intend to respond to every single one.
I love, love, love all of my commenters, and engagement keeps me going!
I have BPD and ya know what they say, if you can’t make your own self esteem, farming it from fandom engagement is fine. (Nobody says this.)
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s-creations · 3 months
Comes in Waves - Who Did This To You?
Entries for the 2024 RadioStatic Week.
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel Rating: Teen and Up Audience Relationship: Alastor/Vox Additional Tags: Cursing, Angst, Fluff and Angst, I'll try and write a good mix of both happy and sad, They're both idiots when it comes to love.
Every step hurts. Every breath was painful. His vision was horrible with how cracked his screen was. It was amazing that he was even still standing. He was pretty sure he was running off of adrenaline and the moment that fell away, he was going to drop. 
Vox couldn’t hold back the hiss that escaped him when he met with some uneven ground. Needing to dig his claws into the closet surface to gain some balance for himself. Unable to move from the new wave of pain, Vox tried to catch his breath as he tried to ‘look’ around. When his vision did clear, he’d been able to catch some snippets of the path he was on. 
Truthfully, he wasn’t sure why he picked this way. He could have just gone back to his Tower. It would have been easier. Less damage to his already bruised ego. Less chance of being seen by demons who shouldn’t know about his condition. 
But, at this point, with how much pain he was in, Vox was just on a one track mind of just getting to safety, to comfort, and that wasn’t back at his Tower. 
It was at that stupid, fucking hotel. If he was even allowed to come in. He could just barely make out the large structure. He was about halfway up the path from where he stood. It felt…so far away. But he was also so close, closer than before. He can make it. He can, he has to…
He was so tired…
He couldn’t move…
It took everything for Vox to place one more step. Only to freeze when the shadows shifted to form a familiar figure. Alastor’s smile tight as his eyes narrowed down on the injured Overlord. 
Vox couldn’t tell if the other was angry, annoyed, or both. 
“Well, you’re rather far from home.” Alastor said so casually, you would have thought they’d just met on the street any old day. But that damn smile was still tight. 
Vox’s retort was nothing more than his words being cut off in a stream of broken static. Pain coursing through him once more, causing his hand to become dislodged from the tree he’d dug them into. Body convulsing for a moment before he began to fall. Unable to pull the feeling back into his legs or arms to catch himself. 
But the landing never came. 
Instead, in the blink of an eye, Alastor had closed the distance between them. Staff disappeared to allow both arms to be free as they caught the unresponsive Overlord. Vox, on his part, was just barely online at this point. Knowing that he was open to whatever attack the Radio Demon might have for him. Expecting to feel the sting of a knife to cut through his back and into his heart, putting him out of his misery. 
Shock flickered through Vox once more when he was easily lifted off the ground. Wanting to feel some bit of annoyance or embarrassment to hit as he was basically cradled in the arms of his rival. But all he could do was lay his head on Alastor’s shoulder. Just able to make out the sharp smile pointed at him through his fogged vision. 
“I suppose you and I will have a long chat after you wake again.”
Vox merely blinked back as a reply. 
Alastor didn’t seem to care as he turned and made his way up to the hotel. Seeming to take his steps deliberately as if to not jostle Vox too much. The Media’s last memory was that of the double doors opening, the residents inside peering at them both with a mix of worry and panic, and Alastor pushing past them with ease and without a word. 
Vox was out before they reached the base of the grand staircase. 
When he woke, Vox was pleased to see that his vision had cleared up. That was the millisecond of relief he had before he realized he was not in his room. He was on a bed, a plush one. One that felt as if he was on a cloud, far softer than any of the beds the Vees’ owned. The canopy overhead was a deep red, a blood red, nothing like the reds from Valentino’s room. And Velvette didn’t like deep red. 
“W-Where…” Vox winces hearing how terrible his voice sounded.
He couldn’t move his head, still too tired from healing himself. But he could hear footsteps approaching where he laid. Confusion grew as Alastor came into view. That smile still in place as the Radio Demon sat on the edge of the bed.
“Well, look who finally decided to wake. You were giving Sleeping Beauty a run for her money.” Alastor said calmly. But Vox could tell there was another emotion hidden underneath. You don’t study your biggest rival without learning a few cues.
With how tight Alastor’s smile was…was he…worried?
“What…happened?” Vox asked weakly. 
“I was hoping you could tell me, good man. You come shuffling your pity parade of one towards the hotel and I thought you were being your foolish self. Going to make another silly proclamation to fight me or what not…” Alastor’s chipper tone slowly disappeared as he started the other down. 
“Only to be colored surprised when I find you clinging to consciousness and barely able to stand. I thought, at first, maybe it was a ruse? Some way to have my guard be dropped. To foolishly let you in…”
Vox blinked, slowly, trying to remember. “...How long have I been asleep?”
“2 days, 11 hours, 52 minutes, and a few seconds… But who’s counting really.” That tight smile was back. 
“Where…am I? I mean, the hotel but…one of the rooms?”
“My room, to be more exact.” 
That caused a hit of confusion. Vox still couldn’t turn his head, to confirm if Alastor was telling the truth. But the Radio Demon had no reason to lie about something like this. So…
“You deliberately brought me to your room?” If Vox was his usual self, he would have put a teasing tone. Openly mocking the other for his action. But he was more surprised to have been not only brought into the hotel but specifically into Alastor’s room. 
His domain. 
Allowing Vox to just sleep on his bed. 
“Of course I did. The only one allowed to see you in such a state is me…” Alastor’s voice was just barely a whisper. Reaching out to run the back of his hand along Vox’s frame. 
Only to pull away quickly with his eyes a bright red, “Because only I should be able to take such pleasure in seeing you this broken.”
Vox growled as the laugh track played throughout the room. “Fuck you, Alastor!”
That gave Vox enough energy to sit up in defiance. Only to feel his body jolt in pain from the sudden movement, causing him to lay back down in intense suffering. 
“Ah ah,” Alastor wagged his finger, “I wouldn’t do that if I were you. You were, and still are, in bad shape and none of your electrical annoyances are here to help you along. Your recovery is going to take some time.”
“Did I get any calls?”
Alastor tilted his head at that. “How should I know?”
“What- Just, tap the screen on my phone and tell me what it says.”
“What phone?”
Vox let out a pained growl. “Now’s not the time for your technophobia or whatever. I need you to find my phone and-”
“Your phone’s not here.”
That gave the Media Overlord some pause. “...What do you mean it’s not here?”
“I mean it’s not here. Not sure how much clearer I can make it for you. You arrived here, but your ‘phone’ did not.”
“Don’t use air quotes, you ass.”
Alastor merely laughed. “Tell me, where do you remember your ‘phone’ being?”
Really wishing he could smack that smirk off, Vox contented himself with rolling his eyes. Looking away from the other as he tried to recall what happened. 
He was heading back from a meeting.
It was dark and he decided to duck into an alleyway. 
For everything he couldn’t remember why he didn’t call his limo or move through the current as he normally did. But he hadn’t felt like it that night.
He was engrossed in his phone, planning the next big event or meeting or something. 
He didn’t see the entrances being blocked. 
He didn’t see the first attack. 
He remembered fighting back. 
He’d dropped his phone to focus on everything else.
But between being jumped and with how many there were…
It’s shameful to think an Overlord would allow himself to be jumped so easily. 
Alastor’s voice pulled Vox back to the present. The Media Overlord nervous with how close the other was leaning over him. Red eyes narrowed as he waited for Vox to reply. That tight smile was back. 
“I…just lost it,” Vox replied weakly, “It’s fine. No one can access it. I’ll get it later.” 
He tensed when Alastor let out a low growl. Vox heard a tearing sound right next to his head. His mind helpfully offered that Alastor’s claws were digging into the bed. 
“What a horrible answer.” The Radio Demon’s voice was distorted as he spoke. 
Vox felt his heart racing. “What?”
“Since you seem to want to make this difficult, I’ll just cut to the chase.” Alastor’s face was barely an inch away from Vox’s. The Media Overlord knew the other didn’t have hypnotic powers, but he found he couldn’t look away from the deep red eyes staring into him. 
“Who did this to you.”
Vox swallowed weakly. “Just…some sinners. It’s not- I was just off- I wasn’t paying attention. It’s fine.”
The deep growl said otherwise. “Who. Give me descriptions. Detail. Locations. Something.”
“I- Why?” 
“Because I’m going to make them suffer,” Alastor hissed, “I’m going to send their screams of panic and fear through the airwaves for all to hear. I’m going to make an example out of them. I’m going to tell this wretched place that the only demon who’s allowed to even look at you is me. Do you understand? Y̳̿͟͞o̳̿͟͞u̳̿͟͞ b̳̿͟͞e̳̿͟͞l̳̿͟͞o̳̿͟͞n̳̿͟͞g̳̿͟͞ t̳̿͟͞o̳̿͟͞ m̳̿͟͞e̳̿͟͞.”
Vox knew he should be terrified. That he should fight back in some way. To stand his ground and say he could handle this himself. But an ever growing part of him warned to not fight this and he quickly sided with it
“I-It was the alleyway off of 6th,” he started to spill, “Next to that little bakery, I think, I-I don’t know, but it has a weird name. They were sharks, loan sharks maybe? I don’t know. I know a few of those organizations owe me money so maybe this was them trying to clear the debt. There were about 5, maybe 6 of them? I didn’t get a good look.” 
The air suddenly cleared up. Vox letting out the breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding as he sunk back into the bed. On his part, Alastor looked as if nothing had just transpired. Merely corrected his tie before addressing Vox once more.
“Rest easy know that while you’re in my domain, no harm shall come to you.”
“I suggest you rest a little longer. Maybe you’ll get some feeling back in your limbs instead of just your mouth.” 
“Alastor-” Vox froze again, feeling fingers under his chin. Eyes following said hand as it was casually waved over his screen. Exhaustion suddenly gripped him. Just barely able to keep himself awake as he watched the other stand. “Alastor…”
“Rest, Vox. I’ll be back soon.”
As Alastor fully turned away, making for the door, Vox fell into the calming darkness and slept. 
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s-creations · 3 months
Comes in Waves - 'Date Night'
Entries for the 2024 RadioStatic Week.
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel Rating: Teen and Up Audience Relationship: Alastor/Vox Additional Tags: Cursing, Angst, Fluff and Angst, I'll try and write a good mix of both happy and sad, They're both idiots when it comes to love.
It was always a gamble to visit establishments so out in the open when you're an Overlord. Even if you do have the power, that doesn’t mean you want your evening ruined by lesser demons having the audacity to ‘challenge you’. And on those nights, there never seems to be an end to those demons. It was an aggravating issue, whenever Overlords wanted a night on the town. 
Which is why Vox selected a bar near his tower and one that had rooms in the back to hide away in. Solitude with an easy route to his place. The perfect match. 
The Media Overlord had become a bit stir crazy being in his tower for days on end. But that was more often than not the norm for him anymore. Demons wanted bigger, better items. And they wanted them here yesterday. So Vox was always trying to find ways to push the envelope, to improve upon what he’s just created. Gluttony was a Hell of a sin, for sure. 
The partition hiding his table was parted slightly. Vox raised his brow to the Imp server who’d been waiting on him for the past few hours. 
“Sorry to bother you sir,” the Imp said quickly to avoid the Overlord’s wrath, “But there’s someone who wishes to share your table.”
“Did you tell them to fuck off?”
“In so many words, yes.”
“And they’re still asking?”
“Yes sir. They also said that…um…”
Vox frowned as the Imp fell quiet. “Spit it out.”
“The buck is looking for some entertainment?”
Well, he took a drink at the wrong time. Vox slammed the glass down so hard, he was surprised it didn’t break in his grip. He took a few deep breaths before spitting out, “Bring him and the entire bottle of whatever the Hell I’m drinking.”
“Y-Yes sir.” The Imp scampered off. Leaving Vox to fester over what the hell was currently happening. 
The partition parted once more. The Imp placed the bottle of whiskey on the table before stepping aside and allowing Alastor to slide into the other side of the booth. 
“Would you care for anything sir?” The Imp asked Alastor. 
“Tea, if you would. And the leg from some sinner, I don’t care which.” Was the quick reply. 
The server looked a little pale with the last request, but eventually squeaked out, “Yes sir.”
They darted away. 
Vox poured himself another glass and stared at it, glaring as if it was somehow at fault for this. 
“I hope you’ve had something to eat before downing all of that. It can’t be good for you.”
“Fuck off, Alastor.” Vox hissed out.
“Temper, temper,” Alastor’s smile tightened, “Is that anyway to treat an old friend.”
“I said, fuck off. What are you even doing here? You don’t seem like someone who would enjoy a place like this.” 
“Trust me, I’d rather not be here. But I just so happened to see you were in the neighborhood and decided to drop by to say hello.”
Vox finally looked up to the Radio Demon, confusion clearly written on his screen. “I’m sorry, what? None of that last part made any sense. How did you see me and when have you ever just wanted to say ‘hello’? And of course I’m ‘in the neighborhood’, my tower’s here!”
“I am unpredictable.” 
“That’s putting it mildly.” Vox muttered before downing his next glass.
“Goodness, you’re not slowing down, are you. What has you so distraught?” Alastor’s smile seemed to widen as Vox started him down. 
The Media Overlord wasn’t able to offer a response before the Imp returned. Her tray laden with the items Alastor had requested. Vox doing his best to not look at the amputated leg that had been placed on a platter. It smelled fresh.
“Ah, wonderful work, I thank you for your quick timing.” Alastor praised before shooing the Imp away. Who looked more than happy to depart from that table. 
“You didn’t answer my question Alastor.” Vox growled out, attempting to steer the conversation back so he could figure out what the Radio Demon wanted.
“Yes I did, you just weren’t listening,” Alastor coolly shot back, “That’s what happens when you allow your mind to be wrapped around your frivolous technology.” 
“Fine, then I’ll just state that your answer was stupid and made no sense. Give me a better one.”
Fork halfway to his mouth, Alastor huffed and glared at the other demon. “Last I checked, I did not have to explain myself to anyone. Least of all you.”
“I feel that I deserve something or a reasonable explanation when you basically interject yourself into my life without my consent.”
“First, I didn’t realize I was crashing a pity party of one this evening.”
“You fucking-”
“Second, I did ask for consent. I had my message passed to you and you agreed to let me join you.” 
Vox felt himself heat up at Alastor’s smug face. Fine, fair, he was truthful on that front. That didn’t mean Vox liked it. But that also meant that he wasn’t going to fight for it. He instead turned back to his drink. Forgoing the glass and instead took giant gulps from the bottle directly. Alastor seemed to decide on not discussing further either as he focused on his meal and brewing tea.
“...Do you know what today is?” Vox suddenly asked.
The Radio Demon looked up from his plate, “Wednesday.”
“No, you fucking- the date, asshole. The date.” 
There was a pause before Alastor sighed and placed his utensils down. “It’s the 16th.”
“When we went on our first date…”
“Yes, I remember that.” 
“Is that why you were in the neighborhood?” Vox asked, his voice barely a whisper. But Alastor heard him nonetheless. 
“Yes.” Even if the Radio Demon couldn’t frown, his sorrow was still easily heard. 
“...I’m still mad at you.”
“For the break up?”
“That and for you disappearing on me for 7 years,” Vox took another heavy swig, “I mean, you just… No one could find you and it was right after we- after you decided that this wasn’t working for some reason. Do you know that I was in turmoil for that entire time? I thought I had done something so wrong that you’d rather never be seen again then have the chance of running into me. Then you just pop back up as if nothing happened! You with your smug face and…and perfect voice.”
Okay, maybe he was drinking this a little too fast.
Vox tensed slightly as a hand was gently placed over his. Looking up to find Alastor leaning close. 
“I do think…that our separation was…needed… But I did not take it well either.” 
“Then why did we?”
Alastor suddenly looked unco. “An unforeseen situation that…you shouldn’t have to be a part of.”
“That…sounds worrying,” Vox frowned, “Are you in danger? Are you hurt? Did…something bad happen?”
Alastor’s smile went very thin, the Overlord casting his eyes away and Vox panicked feeling that the other was slipping again.
“Okay, I won’t ask anymore. Sorry…”
“...You have nothing to apologize for.” Alastor shifts his hand so that it could easily wrap around Vox’s. “I have missed this.
“Me too…”
“But, I suppose too much damage has been done for anything to be corrected.”
Vox frowned at that, leaning back into his chair but not letting go of Alastor’s hand. “I don’t know. I mean…the other Vee’s would not take this so well… But that doesn’t mean I don’t want this. It’s just…a lot to take in right now. Maybe we can have another conversation about this when I’m not possibly drunk and it’s on more neutral terms.”
“Darling, you are absolutely drunk,” Alastor laughed, “But that’s not unreasonable thinking.” 
Vox smiled, “I haven’t heard that nickname in awhile.”
“I haven’t used it for a while…” 
There was a sudden shift. Vox blinked a few times before his mind caught up to the fact that Alastor had moved himself to sit right next to the Media Overlord. The other seemed unbothered, instead focusing on eating his meal once more.
“You could warn me next time.” Vox laughed softly.
“But then I would get to see that look of surprise that I’m so fond of seeing.” 
“You’re such an ass.” 
Alastor didn’t put up a fight as Vox leaned against him, laughter dying down slightly as he relaxed. Still using the Radio Demon as support. Not that he was that bothered by it. 
“Suppose I am… But I have a feeling you don’t mind.”
“...No… I don’t.”
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s-creations · 19 days
Fluctuates Chapter 2 - Sharing a Meal
One-Shot entries for the #RadioStatic Week 2024.
Yep, I'm doing this again! I'm going to make sure that I can keep track with uploading this time. Also, I will be sticking with the Fluff path, because I need more Fluff with these two.
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Relationships: Alastor/Vox (RadioStatic) Warnings/Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Lots of Fluff because I want it, Rosie will be in this, Probably other characters not sure at the moment.
Roise was not used to having visitors in her small section of Hell. None cannibal types gave a wide berth to the town knowing that they’d be high on the list of being the next meal. Even those who were cannibals weren’t known for being the social type. They tended to keep to themselves so there wouldn’t need to be a share of their hunting spoils. 
The bottom line to reach here is the fact that visitors are not a common situation. More so, surprised visitors. Alastor was the only person outside of the commune that would purposefully appear here. But he also announced his arrival before actually appearing.
So, when Rosie had been informed that someone was there to see them and that it was not Alastor, her curiosity was high. Moving as quickly as she could to her front parlor. 
There was a moment of stunned realization upon seeing Vox. Sitting on the plush velvet red loveseat as he attempted to make himself look relaxed. But unable to hide how unease he felt about being here. 
Straightening out her dress and hat, Rosie walked forward with open arms and a joyous cry of, “Vox! What a wonderful surprise!”
The newly appointed Overlord couldn’t hold back the twitch of built up nervousness being released from Rosie’s arrival. Vox stood quickly to greet Rosie properly with a smile that she knew Alastor had trained him to make. “Hello Rosie, I hope I’m not interrupting anything?”
“Nothing that can’t be put off until later. Between you and me, the less paperwork I have to worry about, the happier I am. You’ll be a wonderful distraction!” Rosie laughed while placing a hand on the other’s shoulder. “But enough about me, what are you doing here? I’m assuming it’s something Alastor related?”
“Ah, I hope I’m not that obvious.” 
“Honey, let me be frank. We have nothing in common when it comes to being Overlords. Even if I could help, my tactic wouldn’t work for your building empire. The only point of connection that’s strong enough to bring you here would be Alastor. So, I’m going to assume this is an Alastor related meeting.”
Vox’s shoulders dropped a little. “I mean…yeah.” 
“I knew it! So tell me what’s on that mind of yours?” 
“I was able to make a huge deal for my company that was only created because of Alastor’s connections. I want to celebrate and thank him for what he’s done, and I figured the way to do that would be to make a home cooked meal. Together.”
“Oh, that’s so charming, I love it! I’m confused as to where the problem lies?”
“Because I want to cook a portion that’s specifically sinner meat, because I know Alastor loves it. But I don’t know how to cook! Let alone cook sinner’s meat. Since you’re the only other cannibal that I feel the most comfortable with…and I have less of a chance of being eaten by you, I figured I could ask for help?”
“You bleeding heart. Who says romance is dead in Hell? They clearly haven’t seen you two!” Letting out another laugh, Rosie hooked her arm around one of Vox’s, beaming. “You’ve come to the right place my dear, I’d be more than happy to help. I’ll even let you in on some Alastor secrets. Might prove some use to you.”
“But, let's just focus on getting your cooking skills in check first. We’ll just tackle one thing at a time.” 
“Now, we’re going to focus on two dishes. Mainly due to that’s all we have time for and they’re Alastor’s favorite. So we’re just going to cut right to the chase.” 
Vox, now finishing the loose knot tying the apron to him, he followed Rosie’s movements as she collected what they needed. Wincing slightly when she slammed down two pieces of meat from the fridge. “Okay, so, what are we making today?” 
“Thigh and breast.”
“He eats breast?”
Rosie raised a brow as she stared the other demon down. “Mind out of that gutter. This is not in the ‘sexy way’.” 
“Oh, right, sorry.” 
“Now, I would recommend that when you’re planning on cooking these, you get them as fresh as you can. Same day would be best.” 
“Do they go bad easily?”
“It depends on the sinner and how far you’re taking it away from the original source. Once that sinner starts to reform, the meat starts to turn. This tends to be the reason why we will just take straight from the bone as soon as we can. It’s a treat when we can cook.”
“So this will be, like, extra special. Right?”
Rosie tilted her head as she thought about it, offering a wide smile after a bit. “Suppose so! Nothing makes a cannibal happier than knowing that someone went out of their way to not only cook for them, but even hunted.” 
Vox perked up a little more at that, eyes wide with interest. “I’ll impress Alastor?”
“You love sick little puppy, you absolutely will. Speaking of, Alastor prefers his meat cooked in a specific way. Only needs a number of spices to allow a nice zing of flavor without pulling away from what the meat already offers.” 
“Do we use different…everything for each piece?”
“The thigh is a tough cut of meat, we can make a rub that helps tenderize while it cooks. Breaks down the tight muscles. The breast is a fattier piece, so all it will need are spices that compliment the flavor it already produces. Now, I would recommend starting with the thigh as it will take the longest.”
“What about temperature?”
“Will be the same for both. Come over here, don’t be shy! If you’re going to learn, you’ll learn by doing and not listening.”
While he wasn’t the biggest fan of eating sinner meat, Vox apparently didn’t have an issue with working with it. He was fully focused on making sure he listened and retained what Rosie was instructing him to do. Brows furrowed in concentration as he tries to do everything as perfectly as possible. Nervously standing by when Rosie decided to taste test his creation. 
Only able to let out a sigh of relief when he received a nod of approval.
“I think you’ll do just fine.” 
Alastor hummed as he walked into the familiar high end apartment complex. Nodding to the front door security and making his way to the elevator. While traveling up, he took one last look at himself to make sure he was put together in the reflective wall. Ears twitching when the familiar ding sounded. 
His interest perked up when the door opened. Sniffing the air as he took in the familiar scents of species. His eagerness didn’t deter him from acting as a gentleman, making sure to knock before entering the private penthouse. 
Alastor found the small dining table practically dressed to the nines, glassware reflecting the light given off by the three prong candle holder. Vox was in the kitchen, his new outfit protected by an apron (that looked very familiar) as he put on the final touches on the meal he’d been cooking. 
Said demon looked up hearing the door open, beaming as he watched Alastor take it all in. “Right on time, as usual. Hope you’re hungry.”
“Ravenous. But my curiosity is winning over at the moment. Did you cook for me?”
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I?”
“Because we’re celebrating you tonight.” 
“But I wouldn’t be in this position if it wasn’t for you. Let me just spoil you for tonight.” 
Alastor laughed as he approached the kitchen, eyes on the dishes. “I suppose I can allow it… Are these- Did you cook sinner meat?”
“Not only did I cook it, I hunted as well.” Vox stated happily, hands on his hips with a smirk on his face. 
“You hunted. For me?”
“Yep! And, uh, I hope you don’t mind, but I made my own portion. Not interested in trying sinner meat. Maybe later! Just can’t get past that initial-” Vox was cut off when he was gently pulled forward. Screen sparking slightly as Alastor’s lips captured his own in a soft kiss. The Media Overlord let out a small hum as he kissed back. 
He held himself back from following Alastor as the other pulled away. Vox instead licked his lips before his smile returned once more. “I’ll take that as you impressed.”
“That’s a very minimal description of my feelings at the moment. I’ll demonstrate my full appreciation for you later.”
Vox swallowed weakly. “I- Uh- Shall we eat?”
“I love that idea.”
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inviisiiblelee · 3 months
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Word Count: 7,131
Rating: Mature
Relationship: Alastor/Vox
Additional Tags: Mentioned Valentino (Hazbin Hotel), Unrequited Love, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Minor Violence, Soft Vox (Hazbin Hotel), Vox Not Being a Jerk (Hazbin Hotel), One-Sided Alastor/Vox (Hazbin Hotel), Vox is Bad at Feelings (Hazbin Hotel), Complicated Relationships, porting from AO3, link included above since the word count is too high.
Notes: An entry for RadioStatic Week 2024 on Tumblr, day 4, "Who Did This To You?" Also officially my longest Hazbin short.
I love Alastor taking care of Vox but wanted to give Vox having a Singular opportunity to do the same.
Summary: The beeping was high pitched, but after a moment it registered that it couldn’t have been an alarm - none of the systems were set to send out an actual SOS code. So where the hell …
Oh, oh, fuck.
It was the literal distress signal, and suddenly Vox was scrambling out of his office, pushing through the moderately-sized crowd around his office door, forcing them out of the goddamn way.
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