mim70 · 2 days
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Noravank monastery,  Armenia
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peterokii · 3 months
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ressource thread !!
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scooobies · 5 months
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dostoyevsky-official · 8 months
120,000 armenians are currently being driven from nagorno-karabakh, which they've called home for over 2,000 years, by azerbaijan. they are going to armenia, a small, poor country without international backing. please donate to the armenian food bank, a non-profit operating in yerevan that is providing incoming displaced persons with food, clothes, and hygienic goods. i personally know people involved and i can tell you that your money will be put to good use
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jacensolodjo · 7 months
In case you haven't heard yet: There are officially no Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh also known as the Republic of Artsakh, the survivors of the "Anti-terrorist offensive" attack in September of this year (2023), all the skirmishes since 2020, that killed hundreds of Armenians, have been driven out by Azerbaijan. Armenia has had to decide the fight to return them is a lost cause and would only result in more Armenian death.
The Armenian Genocide in that region is complete. Over a thousand years of Armenian history in that area is done. The Republic of Artsakh will be officially dissolved starting January 1st 2024, this was officially signed by Samvel Shahramanyan. But by the 1st of October, so for a month now, it was considered an empty Republic anyway.
Please consider giving to the Armenia Fund who have pivoted to helping the Artsakh refugees as much as possible.
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hussyknee · 7 months
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Freedom for Sudan! 🇸🇩
Freedom for The Congo! 🇨🇩
Freedom for Armenia! 🇦🇲
From River To The Sea, Palestine Will Be Free! 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
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harminuya · 7 months
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Antique Armenian Embroidered Textiles.
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palipunk · 6 months
Armenians have lived in Jerusalem for 1,600 years and Armenian Palestinians are the oldest group in the Armenian diaspora. From their indigenous land in Artsakh to the Armenian Quarter in Jerusalem, Armenians have been facing ethnic cleansing and persecution on multiple fronts. With the escalating genocidal violence in Gaza and the West Bank, armed settler encroachment into Armenian holdings in Jerusalem has fallen under the radar of some pro-Palestine activism and it is critical we do not allow this to happen.
Some context:
( In 1948, Armenians in Jerusalem numbered about 16,000. Today, that number has shrunk; estimates range from 700-1000, with a smaller community in Bethlehem. )
“We are not the objectives of the Israelis, but we occupy a huge chunk of Jerusalem. The fact that we’re here is an obstacle for them, but we’ve been here for 1,600 years and we’re not going anywhere.” "These are only the most visible of the challenges facing the community....Israeli discrimination, economic decline, and political insecurity have taken a toll on Armenians, encouraging emigration. A century after the community was nearly annihilated, Armenian Palestinians today say they feel deeply at home in the Holy Land, but fear how much longer they will be able to hold on."
“Don’t ask me about the massacres that happened 100 years ago [1915],” Annie Guluzian said when asked about her experiences as an Armenian Palestinian. “I won’t open [up about] those topics. Because if I do, I will start talking about my brother who was martyred by the Israelis in the [second] Intifada.” The toll of the Israeli occupation in Palestine is what defines her life today, Guluzian added. Source
Since October 26th, 2023, when the leader of the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem announced it would cancel a once-secret 2021 land lease deal with a real estate company that has alleged links to settler interests, the company, Xana Gardens, has sent in armed settlers and bulldozers to steal the land (including Armenian Chruch property and several Armenian families). Armenians have been resisting the occupational forces day in and day out.
From November 5th:
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Link to tweet and video
November 5th:
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Link to tweet and video
November 22nd:
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Link to tweet and thread
November 25th:
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Link to tweet and thread
In response, Armenians have created an account on Twitter called SaveTheArq which has been documenting and updating on social media the recent land demolitions by Israeli settlers in the Armenian quarter, they have also launched a fundraiser for legal actions to protect the Armenian quarter and I highly recommend donating, if you can't, please share it around:
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mlmxreader · 1 month
just a reminder to COMPLETELY boycott Eurovision this year; Azerbaijan and Israel, despite committing genocide, are STILL allowed to compete & have NOT been banned. by refusing to ban both countries, Eurovision is profiting off of the genocide of Palestinians and Armenians.
do not listen to the artists. do not pirate or stream the artists' music, and this applies to ALL the artists who are competing and performing this year. do not listen to the songs on ANY platform, do not give them ANY attention.
write to your broadcasters and tell them you REFUSE to watch the channels until they recognise the Armenian and Palestinian genocides & that you find it disgusting how they are allowing Eurovision despite Azerbaijan and Israel's entries.
do NOT give eurovision OR the competing artists ANYTHING but silence.
boycott ALL of eurovision.
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bonnibatz · 6 months
“The question now becomes: Will the world respond, or will Armenians face another genocide alone?”
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September 29, 2023
October 3rd, 2023
November 17, 2023
December 17, 2023
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dozydawn · 5 months
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“Two Armenian girls tramp grapes during a wine festival in the village of Areni, Armenia, on Oct. 4, 2014.”
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xannerz · 8 months
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→ More than 100,000 (of 120,000) ethnic Armenians had to flee Artsakh to Armenia due to Azeri aggression. World leaders chose not to sanction Azerbaijan or offer any substantial intervention over the past 3 years while Armenians endured violence, shelling, and a nearly yearlong blockade - all on top of a global pandemic.
→ Azerbaijan deprived Artsakh of food, medical supplies, and outside aid, and took advantage of the West's reliance on its oil supply to force Artsakh to capitulate. With almost the entire population having fled out of fear of continued violence and ethnic cleansing, displaced Armenians are relying heavily on government and community support as they rebuild their lives.
→ "As tens of thousands of ethnic Armenians flee their homes in Nagorno-Karabakh, several international experts say the exodus meets the conditions for the war crime of "deportation or forcible transfer", or even a crime against humanity."
Awareness and donations are critical at this time.
Kooyrigs Artsakh Housing Development Fund
VIVA: Doctors and volunteers for Armenia
Armenian Food Bank
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artsyaprilmr · 6 months
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It's been two months since more than 100 thousand armenians have been ethnically cleansed from their homeland of Artsakh. This doesn't mean that everything is over and everyone can get back to their daily lives and forget about it. I found some ways to help that I urge you to at least reblog.
Greenhouses and Beekeeping for displaced Artsakhtsis
H.R.5683 - Supporting Armenians Against Azerbaijani Aggression Act of 2023
H.R.5686 - Preventing Ethnic Cleansing and Atrocities in Nagorno-Karabakh Act of 2023
H.Res.320 - Recognizing the Republic of Artsakh's independence and condemning Azerbaijan's continued aggression against Armenia and Artsakh.
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haykhighland · 7 months
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[left: Anam is 90 years old. She lived through the Nakba in 1948, and today she was displaced again from the city to the south of the Gaza Strip.]
via ig: belalkh
[right: Amalia born in Martakert, Artsakh in 1920. Older than the borders of her region. She has experienced genocide all her life. She is now a refugee.]
via ig: stufankjian
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I'm gonna try to compile a list of resources for the genocides and humanitarian crisis going on so people will at least have a place to start so they can stay informed
Each place will have a link and then just click on the link to go to the resources. If yall have any you wanna recommend say it under the post of that place
Pls reblog the original posts so more people can see what’s been added
Hope this helps someone
Western Sahara
West Papua
Yezidi People
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hauntedhookah · 7 months
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After being starved and imprisoned in blockade for months, 120,000 indigenous Armenians in Artsakh just faced mass deportation and ethnic cleansing at the hands of Azerbaijan, aided by their brother country Turkey and supplied military aid by a third genocidal country, Israel. Noting that in case my American friends think this is a small regional conflict-- guess who funds Israel?
Artsakh will be dissolved on January 1st, 2024 and for the first time in 3,000 years, it will be void of Armenians. Hard to put the pain into words. Turkey and Azerbaijan will not stop here, as pan-turkic doctrine claims all of Armenia as theirs. Armenian existence threatens the fabric of Azeri (and Turkish) national identity so it is no surprise they want to annihlate us again.
With the violent occupation of Artsakh, our ancient holy sites will be desecrated and our history rewritten while major news outlets will find pretty words for genocide like "conflict" or "war". No one will punish Azerbaijan's war crimes, no one will remember white phosphorous rain on our homes. And the perpetrators will continue to live a lie.
I think denial is a fragile basis for any relationship, to a person or to a land. What is built on a foundation of denial will break under enough tension, after enough time. I believe we'll be back someday.
And we are our mountains. I think they will always remember us.
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