#Because to ME that seemed like a good sign that negotiations or some kind of discussions might be taking place
saltpepperbeard · 5 months
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thezombieprostitute · 3 months
Imagine this:
accountant!reader x IT tech!Jensen x manager!Andy x CEO!Lloyd
The intent was to write something short and sweet but smutty. The result is approximately 2200 words with a ton of smut! I blame Lloyd.
Warnings: Power dynamics; Creepy boss; Smut, smut, SMUT! Minors DNI!!!!
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“Thank you, Jake,” you half whisper, half moan into his ear. “I really needed this.” You’re not normally one for hookups in the supply closets but you’d had such a stressful day you really needed to let off some steam. Thankfully Jake was always happy to help you out. And he was very good at helping you feel good. 
The two of you had a friends-with-benefits situation that had been carefully negotiated and navigated. Sometimes you got the sense that Jake wanted more and that’s why he was so eager to please. But you were both quick to talk if either of you felt things were getting too serious. It definitely made office parties a lot more fun. Everyone else was enjoying the cheap food and you and Jake got to go to a private office and actually take your time together.
You both do try to be careful at the office but your manager, Andy, has been really ramping up the sad sack shtick with all the women in your department, desperate for a date or some feminine attention and pity. You could only take so much, especially when your coworkers pointed out to him that you’re single. Traitors. 
Every day he would ask you about your plans. You tried being polite and got nowhere. You finally told him, directly, that you weren’t interested in him last Friday. Today you were called into a meeting with HR about “appropriate workplace behavior”. They told you they’d received complaints from your manager about flirting with him despite him telling you “no”. You smiled tightly and nodded, staying quiet and signing the documents saying you’d been talked to. 
You texted Jake on your phone to meet you in the hall closet. One of the things you appreciated? He didn’t ask questions, he just showed up and gave you what you needed. He really seemed to like it when you would repeatedly whisper “thank you’s” into his ear. It’s only a quickie but it definitely helps. You kiss Jake’s cheek and thank him as he blushes. You leave at different times and head back to your respective desks.
 You check your email and find yourself looking at an appointment with Lloyd Hansen, the company’s CEO. Thinking it must’ve been in error you hit the “Decline” button and add the most polite note that you can think of. Just a few minutes after you get yet another appointment notice with Mr. Hansen. No explanatory note. You’re extra grateful to Jake because your brain immediately jumps to Andy complaining about you to Mr. Hansen because your HR visit wasn’t enough of a punishment. 
The appointment is for tomorrow so you silently stew for the rest of the workday. At home you treat yourself to your favorite meal and shows. Your sleep is full of stressful dreams and you wake up more exhausted than when you went to bed. Not wanting to look like a mess in front of Mr. Hansen, you make sure to take extra care of your makeup and clothing choices. Working as hard as your caffeine deprived can to balance “I’m okay” with “I’m not trying to flirt with anyone”. It’s never an easy task.
As you log on to your computer you smell Andy’s cologne and internally wince. You turn to face him, “yes, Mr. Barber?”
“Easy there, tiger,” he chastised. “I just want to make sure that you’re doing okay after that HR meeting.”
Gritting your teeth you reply, “why wouldn’t I be?”
“Well I know a lot of people can have a kind of whiplash when they realize their behavior isn’t acceptable,” he explains in an obviously condescending tone. “I’ll understand if you want to take some vacation time.”
“Mr. Barber,” you seethe, “I think what would help me the most is keeping some distance between us at all times in the office.”
“Okay,” he scoffs. “Just remember who it is that HR listens to.” He walks away and you find yourself trying to not throw or break something. 
As soon as you can you head straight to Mr. Hansen’s office. His secretary lets you in, though he is not yet in. You should probably be upset that he’s late for the meeting he insisted on having with you but it’s better than sitting in your cubicle waiting for Andy to strike. 
The quiet is broken by Mr. Hansen storming into the office, yelling at someone on the phone. You recognize him immediately if only because of the mustache. “And I told you to handle it, Six! Get your head out of your ass and fix it!” He lets out a small huff as he listens to the person on the phone. “I don’t give a shit. It should’ve been handled weeks ago. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a meeting.” He hangs up without waiting for a response and turns to you with a smile that makes you feel like prey caught in a trap.
“So you’re the girl Barber was complaining out,” he starts. You’re unable to hold back your grimace and he laughs. “Don’t worry, sweetheart, I don’t give a shit about that cuck.” You tilt your head in confusion. “See, he tried to play up the whole “women don’t know how to take a compliment” thing but I was able to see through him. He’s pathetic and you weren’t having it. Even flat out told him, “no”. That’s something I respect. Not everyone would do that to their boss.”
He sits down in his chair and continues, “so I started looking into you and imagine my surprise when I find out you and Jensen are hooking up!” Your eyes widen in shock and you start stammering before he holds out a hand, gesturing for you to stop. “You’re not in trouble for that. Hell if I could get laid instead of attending those lame work parties I absolutely would. Which is why I brought you here.” 
He leans his elbows on the desk, “I want in on whatever fuck-buddy deal you and Jensen got going on.”
“S..sir, I,” you’re at a loss for words. 
“Tell you what,” he slaps the desk and stands up, “I’ll make it easy for you. Either you agree to be my own fuck-buddy, occasionally still get some good stuff from Jensen, or I’ll make you Barber’s personal secretary.”
“What if I quit instead?”
“Then I’ll go ahead and fire Jensen,” he quips. “It would be a damn shame, though. Jakey is one of the best IT guys we got. Likely up for a promotion that would get him a private office.”
“Can I talk to Jake first,” you plead. “It is part of our arrangement that we communicate changes before they’re implemented.”
“You know what, sure. I can respect that a deal is a deal.” He goes to the phone on his desk and tells his secretary to send Jake up.
When Jake does arrive he’s shocked to see you. At Lloyd’s gesture he closes the door behind him. Lloyd doesn’t let you speak and lays everything out for him like he did you. 
Jake looks at you, “it’s…umm…I appreciate you looking out for me and my job,” he starts. “But it’s also your body and I would never want you to accept something like this just for me.”
“You know, Jakey here has a point,” Lloyd interjects. “You really don’t know what you’re in for with me. How about a demonstration? I’ll even let Jake join in to help keep you comfortable.”
Knowing that you were being watched shouldn’t excite you so much. The fact that both of these men wanted you was making you wet. You straddle Jake in his chair and start making out with him while taking off your clothes and grinding your hips against his crotch. 
Jake moans as he takes off your bra with practiced ease, “you’re sure about this?” 
“Feel how wet I am, Jake.” He obliges and sticks his fingers inside your panties. He rubs your clit and you arch your breasts into his face as his eyes widen at the wetness he finds there. 
“Holy shit,” he breathes. He gets a dark glint in his eye that you don’t entirely recognize. He removes his hand and starts to unbutton your pants. “You gotta taste her, Mr. Hansen. Sweetest pussy and it’s already drenched.”
You hadn’t realized Lloyd was standing behind you until he grabbed your breasts, lifting you a little as he nibbled your neck. He pulls you off of Jake and the two of them finish undressing you before setting you on Lloyd’s desk. You’re on your back, your head hanging over one side, your legs spread wide for the both of them. 
Lloyd doesn’t hesitate and dives tongue first into your pussy. Your reaction is immediate as he uses his mustache to tickle your clit. You throw your head back and moan before you’re able to stifle it. 
He pulls away from you, “don’t worry about noise, sweetheart. My secretary is gone for the afternoon and no one else would dare be on this floor.” He turns to Jake, “you were right! This is a damn tasty snack.” He gets back to it and you don’t hold back your sounds. It was such a relief to get to be as loud as you wanted. 
“Fuck, I love those sounds,” Jake groans.
You reach out to him, “your cock, Jake? Please, can I stroke your cock?”
“Love those sounds, too,” he grins as he undoes his belt. You look to Lloyd to see if he has any objections but he’s too focused on licking up all of your juices. Jake is already half hard and your hands know just how to get him fully erect. His hands start playing with your tits, gently pinching, pulling and fondling. 
The two of them quickly bring you to the brink of orgasm, then Lloyd sticks two of his fingers inside you and it pushes you over the edge. You cum loudly and Lloyd keeps scissoring his fingers while sucking on your clit, enjoying the show. When the aftershocks fade, he removes his hand and backs away just a little.
“Jensen, you take her mouth,” he orders. “I’m gonna make a mess of this pussy and I want to hear her choking on your cock while I do.”
You let go of Jake’s erection and he starts pushing himself into your mouth, grunting and moaning as he does so. He’s careful with you, like always, and places your hand on his thigh so you can signal if it gets too much.
Lloyd, however, lines himself up with your opening and quickly thrusts himself fully inside. If your mouth wasn’t so full of Jake’s cock, you’d likely have screamed. They fucked both of your holes with abandon and you were loving every second of it. Occasionally Jake would ask for a status and you’d tap his thigh twice for “all good”. 
“Not gonna last much longer,” Lloyd admitted. “This pussy is so fucking tight. I see why you risked your job for her.” He started rubbing your clit and you careened towards another orgasm. As soon as Jake came in your mouth you were done for. You tightened your legs around Lloyd as you came hard and swallowed all of Jake’s spend. You heard Lloyd mumbling, “fuck, fuck, fuck,” before he came with a yell. 
You’re still in a daze as both men pull out of you. Lloyd whistles, “now that’s a pretty picture. What say we get you cleaned up?”
“What the fuck?!” A voice from the office door crashes your post-orgasm euphoria. You look up and see Andy, standing in the doorway.
“Ah, Barber,” Lloyd says as he zips his pants back up. “Right on time.”
“What?!” Jake exclaims as you look, wide-eyed, at Lloyd. 
“You see, Andy,” he walks over to your manager and claps him on the shoulder. “You’re a complete cuck and we both know it.” Andy tries to protest but Lloyd cuts him off. “This is the closest you’re ever going to get to some pussy. Now be a good boy and clean up the mess I made.” He throws Andy to his knees in front of your spread pussy. 
Andy groans at the sight and you feel a stir of courage. “Well,” you scold. “Are you going to be a good boy and do as you're told or am I going to have to clean myself up?” His eyes darken but you don’t back down. He dives into your cum filled pussy and starts cleaning you up.
“Good boy,” Lloyd smirks. “Probably the only way you can actually please a woman.” He looks at Jake, “whenever you’re done with her, call her cuck over to clean up. Sound good?”
Jake looks to you and sees you writhing with pleasure, “I think so.”
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Tagging @alicedopey because I promised I would.
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total-drama-brainrot · 3 months
TD World Tour AU, where Noah is Chris’s Assistant from the start of World Tour, instead of a contestant ... Alejandro tries to charm Noah, like Alejandro had charmed Chef, but Noah is immune to his charms... What if Assistant Noah still told Owen that Alejandro is like 'an eel dipped in grease' and Alejandro CAN'T get rid of Assistant Noah for saying that?... Would they have a weird frenemy relationship for the rest of the show?... With Alejandro sometimes teasingly flirting with Noah, like he does with Heather? 😘
In my take on an Assistant Noah AU, Noah would be entirely immune to Alejandro's charm, not because he's switched on to The Archvillain's true colours (which, he is, but I digress) but because Assistant Noah is The Saltiest Bitch.
Imagine with me, for a moment, that you've landed yourself a pretty sweet gig; you're the personal assistant of an A-list celebrity who's only real job at the moment is hosting and directing one (1) reality TV show. The pay is really good and the job itself comes with a tonne of benefits, plus it's the perfect position for you to develop networks within the business (Noah canonically mentions "working his way up this 'biz", implying he has a desire to continue in the field of showbusiness).
Now imagine with me that said celebrity is Chris McLean, renown sadist and all-around disaster of a man. This guy absolutely pawns off the majority of his work onto you, meaning it falls onto your shoulders to; corral the on-set interns into some semblance of competency, make sure that each challenge is properly set up and ready to go, make sure Chris himself is set up and ready to go, and put up with regular coffee run requests. That's a lot of work for one 16~17 year old, even if you are a certified genius.
You're overworked, sleep-deprived and two seconds away from snapping at the nearest intern at any given moment.
And then, during the filming of the latest season, the guy you hand picked to star in the non-existent "Total Drama Dirtbags" (mostly because he was better looking than his brother, who also applied) tries to charm and flirt his way into you giving him advantages in the competition- or at the very least, trick you into divulging information on their next challenge. It's as if he thinks you're somehow not aware of the fact that he's a total scumbag, despite knowing you work on the show and therefore have seen both his acts of sabotage and the confessions in which he plots them.
Suffice to say, you're kind of insulted. I mean, really? Flirting? You don't even have time for something as trivial as a relationship, or even a fling! There's challenges to set up, international negotiations to suffer through, and unpaid interns to boss around- your schedule's booked!
And yet he keeps flirting with you, even after you've snubbed him multiple times. At this point you're pretty sure it's become a point of wounded pride for him, instead of the game tactic it started as; after all, his charms have worked on pretty much everyone on the cast, what makes you so different?
Eventually, as the herd thins, you decide to warn your best friend (who's somehow miraculously remained in the competition, despite his 'team leader's' obvious dislike of him) about Alejandro's less-than-noble intentions. Owen misconstrues your selfless act of solidarity as a sign of jealousy, or god forbid 'denial of your feelings', towards Alejandro. Which, what? No, that's not it at all! The one time you try to be a good friend and this is how you're repaid?
Alejandro overhears this, unfortunately, and seems to take the fact that you're not fooled by his obviously fake mask as some sort of personal affront. Of course, as the person who's essentially running the show, there's not much he can do to you besides carry on being the nuisance he is- which is exactly what he does, but more.
Suddenly, his flirting from before seems like nothing, because now he's really trying to get under your skin with that same plastic charm; it's like he took the dial to his natural flirtatiousness and turned it to eleven. It's annoying. And worse, it's getting in the way of your work flow.
You'd love to stage his elimination, but you know the public outcry from his untimely departure from the show would outweigh the relief of being rid of him, so you resolve to do as you have been; ignoring Alejandro until he gets bored. (That's easier said than done- he's really good at getting under your skin, like the thorns on a rose bush.)
To make matters Even Worse, your elusive appearances on the show- as Chris' personal assistant it would be impossible to avoid the cameras entirely, but you'd bribed the editing team to cut as much of your unwitting footage from the final edit as they could- paired with your 'entertaining dynamic' with Alejandro has the viewers clambering for more, so now you're obligated to act as a de facto co-host alongside your boss.
So now you're stuck having to at least acknowledge Alejandro, if only to give the editors something to work with. Great.
At least, that's what my take on an Assistant Noah AU would entail.🤷‍♀️
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polyamzeal · 6 months
My wife and I very recently (in the last month) started trying out being poly and we've been dating separately. It's been good. She's been dating someone for a couple weeks or so and I've been talking to someone I really like for a week. Yesterday she said she wants to take a 2 week pause from dating/talking to people bc she wants all of my attention due to some stressful things happening in our life.
I didn't react well and thought it wasn't fair to ask me to pause my budding relationship. She would be pausing her relationship too but we're very different in how we communicate and date.
Anyway, what's your take on this? Was I wrong to be upset and not want to pause?
I feel my answer might be a little controversial so take with a grain of salt. I think a pretty common response from the non-monogamous community (at least part of it) would be to take her side and demonize you for not immediately respecting her pause.
I think it is pretty valid for you to feel hurt by it. I am sure your response wasn't the best. But I feel like when a couple is openning up at first that there is this expectation that if anything goes wrong that they can just close back up like nothing has ever happened. And that is very hurtful and disrepectful to anyone else involved with them. Stuff like that is why a lot of polyamous people don't want to and even advise others against dating newbies. While the instant revert button sounds nice in theory, it is often not practical or realistic at all.
Let's come back to the current situation. I think the more ideal version of how it should have played out is your wife tells you that she has been really stressed out by whatever so she would really like some extra time for the next 2 weeks which probably means seeing other partners less. Let's say for this example that you have been seeing this newer partner an average of 3 times a week. So you tell your wife that you can cancel 2 of those weekly times the next 2 weeks but you and this new partner just paid to sign up for a weekly class/event together on a certain night so it is important that you keep that commitment. Your wife understands that is important but is still concerned that she might still just be extra needy these next weeks so she asks if on one these new nights together you can both commit to some kind of ideal date or event that you have both been talking about going to together for a while. You agree and say you really look forward to that. Then you go and talk to your newer partner and explain the situration to them. They are probably a bit sad about it but they get it and want you to take care of your wife. But maybe they make some extra plans with you for 3 weeks.
I know sometimes the word "negotiations" has a negative connotation in the community. It doesn't sound very romantic often, it is very business and transactionally orientated. But honestly when 2 people wanted different things it is useful. And then when more than 2 people want different things it become quite vital. Also keep in mind that your wife wants attention so the easiest solution might seem like taking away your attention from other partners because that eases jealousy and insecurities. But maybe you also have a weekly night out with buddies or something so you could just cancel that instead and spend that time with her and maybe that is actually all she needs. It wasn't the first solution thought up because other partners seem more threatening but maybe that isn't the actual focus and there are better ways to re-allocate your time and attention towards her.
So let her know your concerns and hurts but also stay calm and explore all possible options to hopefully come to a fair compromise.
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blockgamepirate · 3 months
I know the no comment policy is Quackity's whole thing and I do think in many cases it's the smartest move
But in this case I really don't think it's a good idea, I worry that it's only gonna make things worse. This isn't just a bunch of drama or some kind of public scandal, this is an actual structural problem with the project, and Quackity himself obviously knows that too
It's fine if he doesn't talk to the public but at least some kind of message to the ex-admins, even if it's just "we'll contact you later" would help so much
As well as discussing with the Solidaires; they're not the enemy unless he wants to make them his enemy
I know he's still very young and inexperienced and I guess maybe he learned in law school that you should always rather shut up than say the wrong thing, which makes sense when it comes to law, but this isn't a court case (not yet at least) and if you're gonna have a company, you need to learn to negotiate with unions, and to work with people in general
Also I know people keep saying that we can't trust what the ex-admins say because they don't know what's going on but can we at least agree that they know that they've been kicked out and that they haven't contacted since? And that's already a problem, because if they want any of the ex-admins to come back some day, surely they should involve them in some way in the negotiations, right? And if they don't want them to come back then they need to at least let them know that they won't be needed anymore and give them some sort of compensation for the inconvenience
(Also from what I can tell it's not even about the money for most of them, which is all the more reason to negotiate because it might not even end up costing him anything)
What I really worry about is that he's gonna end up making all sorts of drastic decisions out of fear, and sabotage himself and the whole project, when the best approach would be to have a genuine and respectful conversation to work things out like adults
I've seen a lot of similar independent creative projects fall into similar traps and I genuinely don't want it to happen to QSMP
I'm concerned because to me, based on my experience, this doesn't seem promising right now. Yes, I don't know everything that's going on behind the scenes, but we do know that people are being excluded from whatever it is, and that's never a good sign, it's just gonna lead to more distrust and hostility
My point is, communication is good, actually. And so is teamwork. Cheesy, I know, but it's just true. And people tend to respond very well to being treated like respected members of a team. And they tend to respond badly when they feel disrespected, whether you mean to disrespect them or not. That's just something you need to learn if you want to be a good leader
This is not me hating on Quackity, this is me saying that I think he's making a mistake, and I wish I could somehow let him know that because I want things to work out well for this server I love
(Also, seriously, the cooperative model would work so well for QSMP, I really really wish they'd try it, even if Quackity maintains some sort of veto power)
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destinyc1020 · 3 months
I think that many of this SM4 rumors come from different factions that are pushing certain stuff at negotiations. I don't think that SM4 had anything to do with the delay of Euphoria because contractually Euphoria would have taken priority over Spidey for Z since Zs Spidey contract (and its precedence over Euphoria) expired with NWH. Also Sydney straight up said that Euphoria was going to be her next project so this decision to delay Euphoria was very recent and the most likely reason is that Sam is going through some shit probably triggered by the deaths of Angus and Turen and he's not accepting for anyone else to help him with the writing (I do think that the Euphoria situation is a major contributing factor to Zs stress. She's not only the lead of the show, but also a producer and a close friend of Sam. We know she would go to his house to motivate him to write during S2. All of this shit should be stressful as hell for her. I think she needs to be ready to walk away if Sam is not willing to get help with the writing. She can't put her career on hold to be a therapist for a friend)
Anyway, we saw during NWH press how Amy Pascal straight up lied to reporters saying that Tom had signed a new Spidey contract. I would bet good money that many of these fake leaks are coming from her. There are billions of $$ involved with the franchise, and when there's so much money at stake people become ruthless. I would not believe anything about SM4 unless it's coming from Variety, Deadline or THR. Until then I'm not going to stress about Spidey at all
Thanks Anon for your input ☺️
Well.... All I'll say is that I definitely hope that Z isn't stressing out about "Euphoria" based on Sam's account. 🥴
While I love Zendaya's incredibly sweet heart and kind nature, I really don't think she should be responsible for babysitting a nearly 40-year old man, and holding his hand to get his freakin' work done. 🙄😒
Going over his house to try to "motivate" him to write??? 🥴 I'm sorry, but NO. 😒 He is a GROWN MAN. My coworkers don't come over to my house to try to get me to sit at my computer and do my job anytime I'm having an emotional or mental bad day. 👀
If the deaths of Angus and Turen have been too much for him (which is totally understandable), then he needs to hire some writers (like NORMAL directors do), OR, take a bit of a break, and revive the show for one last season years from now. 👀 He could even do what "Downton Abbey" does, and just make a full-feature film at the theater after the show seasons ended lol 😆
Making a 2-hour film might actually be easier for him than trying to do 8 one-hour episodes. 👀
Either way, I hope Sam is getting some therapy. 👀 I just think it's incredibly stressful (and shows a lack of common courtesy) to your cast to be taking years to write stuff that really should have been finished long time ago, and to be changing scripts LAST MINUTE every single filming day 🙄(cuz the cast has def talked about this 👀).
Let's also not forget how the crew was constantly complaining all during the S2 filming about the crazy conditions they were under. 🥴
Idk, maybe it's just me, but it just seems to lack common courtesy... but maybe Sam is a perfectionist. 🤷🏾‍♀️
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foster-the-world · 3 months
Why do I get my hopes up
Remember how I thought they found a special ed provider? Well I was wrong. I signed the authorization form but now there is no start date. Lots of emails, phone calls, no response except "I emailed and haven't heard from them."
Now I have to do the due process hearing tomorrow. I'm glad I had the foresight not to cancel. But I would have prepared a great deal more. Dreading every second of it. Taking unpaid leave off work since I haven't earned leave, yet. Which adds insult to injury.
Also, baby boy had a big outburst yesterday. Knocking over chairs, not listening, etc. He's high energy but this is not normal. He's been doing well in school. Had his parent teacher conference last week- nothing like that mentioned at all. All good reports on his benchmarks - letters, etc. Teacher said "she loved him." A week back she told my husband intelligence wise he's "#1 in the class." Probably not appropriate to say but not bad to hear. Last night we made a big deal out of his bad behavior. Not much we can do but talk to him but we talked a lot. Today we got our first call home about the same bad behavior. He was climbing on the book shelf, running out of the class, threw a milk bottle down. He hasn't done this all year. Nothing at all has changed at home. It's daylight savings time but he still got his normal 12 hours of sleep last night. At a loss for what to do. I told the teacher I could come get him but I'm afraid it would make him do it again. He likes school but his preference is always to be with me. She said they didn't want that. Tonight we tried not mentioning the bad behavior at all. We are wondering if making a big deal out of it somehow perversely makes him do it again. Talking about it certainly didn't help. Not saying its a good idea we just don't know what else to do. He was an angel at home and the playground. Sharing his toys, making new friends, etc, etc.
Emailed the school assistant principal, counselor, teacher, etc. Said we would love to work together to come up with a solution. Cc'd the special ed lady who is supposed to find him providers. Explained in the email they haven't found him providers and hoped that she would provide insight. No response so far. Blah.
If he keeps acting like that at school we will have to pull him out. Its a public school so they can't kick him out (or at least not easily) but we aren't going to let him make his teachers/classmates miserable. They deserve a safe, calm classroom. I guess we would try to find a daytime sitter. We have a few options.
Before that we are thinking we will pay the crazy, insane amount of money for a special ed provider out of pocket if the hearing does not go our way tomorrow. Ten hours per week will cost roughly the same as my take home pay as a full-time nurse. We had talked about paying for four hours - which was more manageable in our budget. But with this kind of behavior that won't be enough. In theory, it will only be for three months.
If I had a really stressful job I would be considering giving it up, if this behavior continues. It seems like a full time job trying to get these services and he could stay home with me until we figure it out. Financially, we could afford for me to stay home another yearish based off the money we made selling our home. However, this job will eventually be a really good job as a parent. There will always be time for me to do some family logistic stuff during the day. At some point I can work from home two days a week. Once sick leave/PTO kicks in I'll have a lot. FMLA benefits are generous. I have a union. In the long run I'm sure I could negotiate time off to figure out his needs if it so requires. Its just a shitty time for all of this to be going down because I only started six weeks ago. Not to mention I want to work. I went to nursing school for a reason. So far, I really like the work. I started trying to get him services last May. How in the world does he still only have a half hour out of the 13 hours he is assigned? Its all so depressing.
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skaruresonic · 5 months
Wall of ramblings incoming
The whole debacle around Shadow, to me at least, is basically one of the signs of the generational shift in the fandom. Except now instead of people saying that everything after the classic games sucks, its everything after the adventure games that does, because adventure games was the golden time when Sega meant SRS BZNSS and was so DARK and so MATURE, and nowadays its all just babby games for babbys and not true fans. And what better character to use as a glorified example than who's pretty much the face of that era? At least from what I managed to understand among all the headcannons, it's that some people seem to believe that overamping of Shadow's angst will somehow outweigh the "kiddiness" of current Sonic and restore the universal balance or something that will remind the blind sheep how truly good and SERIOUS Sonic used to be. Yes, some are doing it just for angst's sake or because they just discovered what angst is and they learned that it makes them feel things so they want more of it, but with the supposedly serious fans I'm more inclined to think that what I described could be at least partially the reason. Why else would, for example, you have Shadow manipulated by illusions of Maria, have him blindly believe her and have an "emotional" boss fight with her afterwards like in Omens, if not to make people go "oh wow that is so not like the current Sonic games".
To me, it speaks of a lack of imagination. People like to act as though Big Bad Sega is putting him under lock and key with all these fictitious mandates, but really, at this point he's the one with the most carte blanche because there's very little actually tying him down. He's moved on from his past, he can't be manipulated by villains anymore, and he may or may not even be a part of GUN atm considering Eggman decimated them in Forces. Where do you go from there? Anywhere you can think of. You (general you) could take Shadow in literally any direction, do anything with him, have any number of stories and character arcs. You could do a lot with "seeks strong foes" as a motivation, provided you, you know, build a solid story around it. And yet, somehow, the only thing you can think to do is to drag him back to his past, over and over again.
And, well. Definition of insanity, and all that.
Obviously I'm not opposed to the general idea of revisiting his time on the ARK - otherwise I'd be a huge hypocrite in making a VN with that exact setting, lol - but I feel like ST has the best idea out of anyone by showing us Shadow's happy moments rather than any suffering he may have experienced there. The contrast makes the tragedy hit harder.
The insistence on seeing Shadow suffer in just this one specific context feels weird. It makes it seem like the only thing he does of note is suffer, just like how Maria's only apparent contribution is to die.
Folks want muh deep dark Sonics, but then overlook the context behind that suffering. The games don't include dark content without reason. There's usually a parable or message of some kind attached, typically a hopeful one. ---
At least from what I managed to understand among all the headcannons, it's that some people seem to believe that overamping of Shadow's angst will somehow outweigh the "kiddiness" of current Sonic and restore the universal balance or something that will remind the blind sheep how truly good and SERIOUS Sonic used to be. Why else would, for example, you have Shadow manipulated by illusions of Maria, have him blindly believe her and have an "emotional" boss fight with her afterwards like in Omens, if not to make people go "oh wow that is so not like the current Sonic games".
What gets me is, okay, even if Shadow has to suffer, even if that part is non-negotiable... why does it have to be related to the ARK? What about the ARK raid was so special that something else couldn't make just as big an impact on his character? Maria's death? Yes, it impacted him greatly, but that doesn't mean he can't still suffer. Forces made him suffer when Infinite stuck him in Virtual Reality, but apparently making Omega and Rouge's visages mock him wasn't good enough. Those illusions needed to be Maria or otherwise they wouldn't be seen as legitimate. And that's not even getting into the logistics of how Infinite managed to learn about Maria in the first place. Not to mention, "Do you really think Shadow is stupid enough to fall for the illusion of someone he knows for a stone-cold fact is dead?" Like. It's almost as though they expect a Pavlovian response, like Shadow's supposed to suffer flashbacks on the spot or something. Actually kind of vaguely gross if you think about it. The real irony underpinning all this is how Forces offered to deliver a Return to Form to those Serious Games with a story about the horrors of war, but because it wasn't the flavor they wanted, people snubbed their noses and threw it in with the rest of the discards. If SA2 were remade today and no changes were made to the story and dialogue, people would probably be like "omg Shadow threatens Rouge's life wtf is this Segaaaa why aren't they besties right off the bat" or "why is Shadow smirking so much" because they have this idea in their heads of how Shadow Should Be(tm) that's based more on nebulous vibes and fanon than anything else.
This isn't even getting into how regressive it would be to push Shadow back to his SA2 portrayal when he was essentially brainwashed for most of the game. Nor how '06!Shadow and SA2!Shadow aren't even the same character. The latter is the result of the former having gone through three games' worth of character development and finally deciding to move on and not be manipulated by assholes anymore.
I feel like what people are trying to say is they want a certain vibe from Shadow, this... idk, chiller version of him? That doesn't have any discernible rough edges. In reality, Shadow's always had rough edges. He's always been a little competititive, a little arrogant, a little violent, a little bit of a petty bitch, a little misanthropic. But, again, he has multiplicity of character, and it's the context which matters in terms of whether those traits appear and to what degree.
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sgt-scottymoreau · 7 months
MWII Event: Alone
Summary: With one less missile in the wild, the 141 can rest a little, but when they return to Los Vaqueros' base thing seems to have changed.
Warning: None
Words: 2.3k // AO3 // Masterlist
A/N: This part as a lot dialogues from the game, mostly because this mission is by far my favorite and I had to include some of the banter <3
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Driving back to base, the atmosphere in the car was jovial. Scotty and Soap joking around as usual. Alejandro liked to see that and jumped in a little. Ghost remained silent but was proud of his sergeants. Even if the mission wasn't over; they still had to find Hassan. Hopefully Valeria would talk a little more. "I can't wait to get dry clothes." Soap said, taking off his sweater.
"Well at least you finally did your laundry." Scotty joked looking at him in the rear mirror. Alejandro laughed while Soap made an offended gasp. He went on saying that he was a very clean man.
"Yeah that's why they call you Soap."
"Fuck you, Scotty!" He laughed heartily. Alejandro's base came into sight. The rather happy mood turned upside down quickly. Shadow agents were stationed at the entrance. One waved at the vehicle to stop. Scotty and Alejandro, having the clear view, exchanged a look of confusion. They both silently agreed that something was off. As soon as the car came to a full stop, Alejandro stepped out. 
"What is this?" He asked. He was visibly pissed off. Scotty exited the vehicle and glanced at Ghost. He was also having a bad feeling about this. They stayed at a safe distance, while Graves explained how he was taking over the base. Two shadow agents moved to Ghost and Scotty's side. She remained calm, but her muscles tensed up. It was like a pack of wolves slowly closing on their prey. She was paying half attention to the conversation. 
"What the fuck did you just say to me, pendejo…" Alejandro bitterly chuckled.
"You're out of line, Graves." Soap intervened, holding the colonel back.
"Don't do that. Don't. do that. No one needs to get hurt here." Graves warned. That did not sound friendly at all. Something the four of them caught quickly, but Ghost was faster to reply.
"Are you threatening us?" First word he spoke in a while. Scotty was eyeing the Shadows. They looked impatient. Adjusting their weapons, shifting their weight. She knew that if anyone made a single move to be at the ready, this would aggravate the situation. The idea of simply resting her hand on her pistol was tempting, but this would mostly likely be seen as a sign of aggression. Maybe they could still talk their way out. However, her hand rested against her thigh, right where she discreetly had access to her throwing knife. 
"Soldiers, I don't make threats. I make guarantees. So let's not do this." So much for parley. At least, Soap had a good idea that could clear up this mess.
"I'm calling Shepherd." What followed made them go on high alert. The fuse had been lit, it was only a matter of time before it all exploded. Every word, movements, glance had to be careful.
"General Shepherd sends his regards. He told me y'all wouldn't take this well."
"He knows about this?" It was rare to hear surprise in Ghost's voice, so when it did it sent a chill down Soap and Scotty's spine.
"He's putting me in command of this operation from here on out. So y'all need to stand down. It's time to let the pros finish this." Soap and Ghost looked at each other. A silent agreement to be ready. An order Soap relayed to Scotty by giving her the same look. "And why the hell are we talking like this is some kind of a negotiation? It's not. I have my orders and now you have yours."
Alejandro was beyond pissed now. "And who the fuck you think you are, cabrón? My men are inside!"
"I'm afraid not. Your men have been… detained." This was the last straw. Alejandro jumped on Graves, but was intercepted by other agents. Without a second thought, this was the signal the three others had waited to act. The Shadow agents opened fire. Soap grabbed the one behind him and used him as a shield. Ghost and Scotty took care of the one near them with their knives. Scotty ducked behind the car and saw Soap hit the ground. He was wounded. Ghost who was right behind her held her down.
"Go Johnny, get out of there!" He ordered. "Soap...Go!" The few seconds it took him to get up and jump up the road barrier was enough to give him to give order to Scotty. "Let's get out of here. Go!" 
She nodded. They sprinted in the opposite direction, toward a dark area they could blend in and disappear from the Shadow’s eyes.
The way to the city was not easy. Shadows were crawling everywhere killing anyone that was deemed to work with the cartel. Ghost and Scotty made a path as stealthy as possible. No weapons, only knives. However, they got separated at some point not far from the outskirts of the city when a patrol almost caught them. Scotty was advancing on her own, but kept radio communication. Waiting for a patrol to pass before moving towards, Scotty switched the channels of her radio. "Are you planning on leaving Soap behind?" She asked her lieutenant when she switched back to his channel. The idea of leaving a friend behind was not her cup of tea. However it wasn’t something that would surprise her coming from Ghost. Seeing this in action was still chilling.
"If he's even alive. I’m used to working alone… For now we need to get ourselves to a safe place where we can have advantage." Ghost said. ‘‘See the church in the distance? RV there.’’
‘‘You’re used to working alone, yet here you are still around and talking to me? Simon don’t bullshit me.’’
‘‘The difference between you and Johnny is that I know you are still breathing…’’
‘‘And the difference between you and me is that I’m not going to give up on Soap just yet.’’
She returned to switching channels. "Ghost, Scotty, this 7-1, do you copy?" Finally a sign of life on his part! She had to hold down a yelp of victory and had to hold it together to not rub in Ghost’s face that it was a good thing she kept hope. They had to focus for now, celebration later. Hopefully there will be some. Scotty quickly notified Ghost about the right frequency and they switched from here. 
Scotty found her way through the city at a slow pace. Shadows were everywhere, leaving a bloodbath behind. Even if some of these people were working with the cartel or some police officers allowed the cartel in exchange for the safety of their family or money, it sickened her to see such disregard for fair trial. Not that a fair trial would have brought better justice but at least she wouldn't have to hear all the wifes and childrens crying, begging for the partners or fathers's lives.
Despite her old days in the army, hearing Ghost giving advice to Soap about the art of improvised weapons was welcomed, interesting and distracting. In a good way. Hearing their voices kept her going, pushing through the situation. Even cracked a few jokes with them. It was a familiar feeling that also dated from her army’s days. 
"Two fishes are in a tank. One says to the other, do you know how to drive this thing?" Ghost said. "Little army humor."
"Very little." Soap replied. 
"Because you think you can do better MacTavish?" Scotty taunted. Not that she should be doing it as she had to watch a patrol pass by and time her next move. If it wasn't from the fact that she was down to her last knife and would be against three shadows, she would have gone for a kill. She found a bottle on the ground and used it for diversion. 
"Why don't shrimps share? Because they are little shellfish." The Scotsman said. Even through the radio, he could sense Scotty rolling her eyes. But the snort she made was proof that it was not bad. "What about you?"
"Ok… What do you call a soldier who survived mustard gas and pepper spray? A seasoned Veteran." She would have given all her money to see their faces. If Ghost remained silent, she heard a small snort coming from Soap. After the small exchange another silence came. She kept crawling in the street avoiding all Shadows. She had to go inside and start to look for anything she could use for distraction according to Ghost's instruction. The first building she made her way in, she started to open all the cupboards, looking in every room in total darkness. She would kill for a light. Scotty was able to find some chemicals, old candles and bottles. Makeshift smoke bomb, it will come handy. 
She was hiding under a car, carefully watching the patrol step away and make a silent run for the store that was in her sight. Still with no headlight, she made her way in relying on the faint light coming from the lampost. She advanced calmy, hyper aware of her surroundings. She could hear the chatter of Shadows in the distance. They weren’t too far.  "I'm in a clothing shop across from a coff- Son of a fucking bitch!" She took a sharp breath to not scream. Her heart was pounding in her chest to the point she thought it would burst out. 
"What? What's wrong Scotty?" Soap came in through the radio. It took her a good minute to answer, which worried both men on the other side. Should she admit it? Should she really say why she just had an almost heart attack and threw her only knife at? She got up to retrieve said knife. 
"Fucking mannequin…I thought it was a Shadow." Scotty groaned. She hated these with a passion. 
"Oh, you know who just opened yourself to a lifetime of teasing." Soap smirked. 
"Sergeants, focus." Ghost chimed in. "But he is right." 
"Fuck off you two… Soap is that you see in the coffee shop?"
"Aye. I'll wait for you." The Scotsman looked by the window and noticed her. He also saw Shadows coming her way. Grabbing a bottle that was on the counter, he threw it in the opposite direction. Scotty understood the message and crouched to cross the street. She climbed the stairs in an almost crawl. 
"Good to see a friendly face again!" She smiled as he patted her shoulder. 
"Likewise. Now that I fixed your problem, let's get Ghost's problem fixed."
"What's my problem?" His voice came through their earpiece.
"The mask…take it off." Scotty's eyebrows raised at Soap boldness. Then again, the two men had known each other for much longer than she did. Had Ghost really never shown himself to him?
"Show my face?"
"Yes sir."
"Negative." Obviously that would be the answer. 
"Are you ugly?" Soap replied with a cocky smile. Scotty shook her head with an amused smile as she kept looking around for material for more improvised weapons. Oil and bottle, perfect cocktail! 
"Quite the opposite."
"I doubt that." She was glad to not face Soap as they finished that exchange because the Scotsman didn't see her whisper how indeed she could confirm Ghost was more than the opposite. A Shadow patrol was nearby and they had to move to the next building. 
‘‘Still upright?’’ Ghost asked after a five minute silence.
‘‘So far so good.’’ Soap replied while Scotty was looking around the corner. Clear. They moved interior, 
‘‘You get caught out there, they’ll kill you slow...’’
‘‘Mercs or Narcos?’’ They watched hidden behind a desk two Shadows passing in front of the window. Their lights shined just above the two sergeants' heads. Then the footsteps walked away.
‘‘Narcos… they’ll take videos.’’
‘‘I’ll give them your email so they know where to send them.’’ Soap said this all while looking at Scotty. She didn’t hide the smile and the judging look. 
‘‘I won’t watch them… more than once anyway.’’
‘‘Watching Soap being tortured and killed might be interesting. Might watch it twice.’’ Scotty teased. Soap punched her shoulder.
‘‘LIke they won’t do the same to you, if you get caught.’’
‘‘Let’s be honest, they might do something else before the whole torture and kill part… I don’t think any of you want to see that. Anyway… not like you, or I, would let them. Better get moving.’’ The two men agreed once they understood what she meant. 
The two sergeants then continued on roaming the city till they reached the tunnels. The water was cold, if they were about to fall asleep from tiredness, they were wide awake now. A quick swim to pass the heavy armored patrols, last fly of stairs and the church was in sight. All they had to do was cross the plaza to join Ghost. Soap preyed open the door as she covered his back. In retrospect, she should have covered his front. The door opened to a Shadow who was more than happy to bash him with the back of his gun. Scotty readied her weapon, but the man dropped dead quicker. And so did the other two. This had to be Ghost. She helped Soap to get back on his feet and they made haste to the stairs of the church all while avoiding the remaining hostiles in the area. The few smoke bombs she still had proved useful. They pushed forwards just as Ghost came out with Shadows on his heels. He finished them quickly, jumped over the fence and took cover with them. They had to find a vehicle to escape. Scotty pointed out the pick-up truck she noticed earlier and they agreed to make their way there. They made one final push to reach it.
No time to check for seating space or anything. Ghost took the wheel, Scotty cramped between the two seats and Soap was shotgun. They ducked as two Shadows fired from behind. Ghost didn't waste time to just back up and roll over them. "That's one way of doing it." Soap snorted. His eyes caught on the enemy that was aiming. He forced Scotty to remain low, pushing on her back. "Get back!" He told Ghost as he aimed for him. Without a second thought, Ghost pressed the pedals and the truck roared. They were safe for now.
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coexistentialism · 2 months
kind of want to reply to that person who asked for "advice for people who just found out they have DID" and i'm hoping you don't mind if i respond here. (sorry if not.)
my little bit of advice is just observe your life for a little bit. try to work out what little things may stem from your DID and go from there. things bother or cause trouble for you, and things seem to indicate that you've switched or are being influenced by another part or alter or whatever term you like, that sort of stuff, anything else that's interesting too.
for things that cause trouble you can try to work out why and what you can do about them. sometimes it's just accepting little things, sometimes its changing something you do or adding something to make things better. some things are really big and complicated and a lot but you don't have to work on everything at once. some things are better done with the help of a therapist, some things take time and energy, some things take a long long time to start changing, and sometimes its just tiring to try manage everything. i do find its good to be aware of some problems though, it can give you something to aim for or work on, or it can just make dealing with them a bit easier because you know it's happened before. (it also helps with denial some if thats an issue for you. i forget my symptoms and experiences a lot which makes it easy for me to slip into thinking i don't have any.)
for signs of switching and parts/alters/whatever i have less to say i think. i sometimes really don't know why i would keep track of those things. (and i don't keep track of them nearly as much as i see others do.) some stuff is nice to know though. i like knowing what pronouns and names i use sometimes. sometimes being referred to more distinctly matters to me. sometimes knowing why i feel small and scared helps somehow. sometimes knowing about the parts of me helps me negotiate with myself about things. sometimes recognising the voice in my head makes both of us happier. i don't voluntarily switch but sometimes knowing who would (and wouldn't) be good in a situation means that i can at least try to pull myself or others forward a bit. accommodating for yourself even when you don't know who you are is good too. you don't need to try work everything out all the time. you don't have to work every little thing at all.
Ultimately i've found going with the flow and just 'noticing' has helped me more than other things i've done. just existing with myself and not trying to be like what i see of others with DID. and a lot of lists, everything slips away from me at times so written stuff helps me.
uh yeah that's it. i don't know if it will but i hope this helps someone maybe. i'm sorry it got as long as it did.
Oh no worries, that's fine with me! And it's okay that it's long as well :P
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iviarellereads · 8 months
Network Effect, Chapter 1
(Curious what I'm doing here? Read this post! For the link index and a primer on The Murderbot Diaries, read this one! Like what you see? Send me a Ko-Fi.)
In which Murderbot doesn't want someone to make a sad face at it fulfilling its named destiny.
Murderbot has had clients who wanted absurd levels of security, and clients who thought they didn't need any. Dr. Arada, whose "marital partner" Overse(1) calls her a terminal optimist, is somewhere in the middle. Dr. Thiago, a marital partner of Dr. Mensah's brother, wants none. Which is why Arada is just inside the hatch to the observation deck, and Thiago is on the observation deck trying to negotiate with a potential hostile. MB, for its part, is swimming under the raider vessel to infiltrate.
Several pages are spent establishing the scene. MB kind of wants to fly a drone into the leader's head, but Arada would be sad, Thiago would be angry, and the raider's wearing a helmet anyway.(2) Still, eventually Thiago seems to be making headway, as MB gets to the control station.
MB is a little upset that Thiago doesn't trust it. He'd had a discussion with Mensah before they left, in which Mensah threatened to withdraw permission for Amena, one of her children, to go along if SecUnit wasn't in charge of security. He was surprised that she trusted it so fully. MB mostly just feels the pressure of being responsible for Mensah's child's safety.(3)
Back in the present, the raider leader is starting to move toward Thiago, and MB wants to avoid a hostage situation. MB uses some of the drones to attack raiders on its way to prevent disaster, but makes them go for nonlethal spots, thinking of Arada's sad face again. It finally gets out onto the deck of the raider boat, and uses some more drones to disable everyone but the leader, who has a weapon pointed at Thiago's head by now.
MB walks up the ramp onto the team's own deck, and says to let him go. The leader is showing signs of stress, as is Thiago. Leader asks what MB is, Thiago says, a SecUnit, bot-human hybrid construct. The leader asks why it looks like a person. MB, aloud, says it asks itself that sometimes. (Over the comm, Ratthi says it is a person. Overse tells Ratthi to get off the comm.)(4)
The leader tells Thiago to order MB to back off. Thiago says it doesn't listen to him. MB thinks it listens to him plenty, actually. Leader says whoever controls it should order it to stand down, but MB says it's destroyed the raiders' engine. It didn't, but the leader doesn't know that yet. He jerks in reaction, letting Thiago lean away from him, out of the line of fire, just as a hole blooms in the leader's arm, between two sections of armour.
MB takes the opportunity to launch at the leader, throw Thiago to the side, relieve the leader of his weapon and then knock him in the gut with it. Arada asks how they're doing, having reengaged the safety on her weapon. She took a course in weapon use after the GrayCris incidents, and MB was setting up her shot.
In the feed, MB tells them both to get inside as it throws the leader to his own boat. Its scans show the raiders' weapons system is charging, and it tells Overse now's good. Overse and the others have been preparing for launch in the background, so the deck rumbles and the ship heaves out of the water. The raiders, not expecting this, get shoved sideways and lose their target lock.
Our outer supports folded in and we lifted further above the surface. The comm loudspeaker broadcast a siren and a translated warning about minimum safe distance and I guess the raiders believed it because their engines revved frantically. I recalled my drones and they shot down toward us to stream in through the hatch. I walked in after them and let the hatch close behind me as the launch protocols started.
(1) I know they were described as together in Exit Strategy, but I think adding marital to the mix is new. Where's my confetti… (2) Some of the asides like this could be considered kind of pointless, I gotta grant that much. But, to me, they add so much personality. It's aware that it shouldn't try to kill the other humans except as a last resort, but it's gotta make its preferences known, at least within its own story. And, it's another way of showing how… See, I dance around calling MB human a lot because it doesn't want to be, but "how much of a person" is clunky. Either way, it shows how person-adjacent it is, to have rambling internal monologue. (3) It cares for all its humans, but it's definitely closest to Mensah. And being so close, it puts so much extra burden on itself to save her from any distress it can. It's so... so good. (4) Ratthi tries so hard. I gotta admit, he's growing on me.
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navree · 10 months
I love all of your brilliant analyses through the answers!
There’s not much information about the historical Targaryens, so could you please give us a check up for the Conquerors? Can you describe each of them in a few sentences? Especially Rhaenys, because she died young and beautiful per Lana del Rey, and didn’t have much time to show her personality. I would really love that because the book did all of them dirty
You're too kind, thank you so much!!!
How to describe my precious most beloved Conquerors (especially Rhaenys, my fave who, as you said wonderfully put it, did get Lana del Rey'd and did die young and beautiful)? Toughie, because there really isn't a whole lot of information about them that hasn't been warped via mythologization, either in a positive and negative direction, and also because it seems like they were particularly tight lipped about their personal lives in both words and actions. But I will endeavor to do my best because I love them. I also have a lot to say about their interpersonal relationships with each other and with other people, especially once the children start getting thrown into the mix, but for now, simple personality descriptions of Aegon, Visenya, and Rhaenys for me are as follows:
Aegon - Aegon, first and foremost, appeared to be an introverted and deeply private person. Likely not someone who relished solitude, but didn't necessarily have a need or want for a lot of people around him, choosing instead to intensely value the few that he had, like his siblings and his children or, well, at least Aenys. For all the talk of the dragon's temper and all that, Aegon also didn't appear to be someone with that tempestuous a personality, and certainly no fits of fury, as exhibited by the way he waged a very methodical conquest and the way he was willing to deal with the North peaceably, as well as his willingness to sit down and end the conflict with Dornish even after Rhaenys's death (really, the two years of the Dragon's Wroth appears to have been the exception to the rule, motivated by very understandable extenuating circumstances to allow for such a breach in character). And in spite of what appears to have been pretty consistent neglect of Maegor, Aegon also seems to have been a devoted family man, never proving unfaithful to either of his sisters, deeply loving towards his eldest son, and an almost constant babysitter to his grandchildren, all the signs of someone who valued family and, if my own theories about how he got around to conceiving Maegor are to be taken as fact, valued duty even in the face of his own wants. And lastly, between being willing to negotiate with Dorne and accepting peaceable Northern surrender and the fact that the dragondreaming thing was a piece of lore that came from GRRM himself, Aegon seems to be someone who always did what was best for the greater good of the people, things like ending wars he might not have personally wanted to end for the realm
Visenya - Some of the more pervasive perceptions of Visenya are actually right, in my view; she was a stern and unforgiving person who could be as implacable as a wall when she wanted someone to suffer, and never willing to take anyone's shit, whether it was an enemy defying her or a little sibling (most likely Aegon) being irritating when they were children. But Visenya was also a dragon, and she did have that classic dragon temperament, we know that she had a temper given how involved she was in the Dragon's Wroth, and her determination to continue the war even after it was clear it was exacting a heavy cost and the more pragmatic move, the one that Aegon saw, was to try to come to a peace. Visenya was passionate, clearly, not just from those examples but from the way she was willing to keep on keeping on through the force of her feelings alone, like pushing through injuries to keep on fighting, like at the Field of Fire. She also had a bit of a cruel/sadistic streak, though that didn't really come too much into play when things were serious, more like it was an outlet for some of her darker thoughts. Then, there's this part, which is vital to understand: like Aegon, Visenya was family oriented, but not in the way Aegon was. While Aegon was a family man who valued time with them and only showed his true self to those loved ones, Visenya's devotion to family was exhibited in the way that there was nothing she wouldn't do for her family. There was nothing she wouldn't entertain, no line she wouldn't cross; she would usurp rightful leaders, go to war happily, burn a country to the ground in revenge, engage in dark arts in order to keep her family secure, everything she did she would say was in the service of her family, without compunction. Also, Visenya was a lesbian.
Rhaenys - Most important thing to know is that Rhaenys was absolutely perfect, so jot that down quick. I do subscribe to the way that Rhaenys's personality is described in the book, that she was kind and curious and occasionally impulsive and had a wide imagination, the last of which is what helped inform her love of poetry and music. But I also firmly believe that she was quick witted, not just witty but genuinely fiercely intelligent , and because she was so personable and able to make people love her as quickly as she did (because I will always subscribe to the belief that Rhaenys was very well loved by most people), Rhaenys was also incredibly gifted at not just reading situations and finding out the best outcomes, but also at just reading people, at understanding them and their motivations even at just a glance. Rhaenys was also a fascinating political mind, she knew exactly what she was doing with the propaganda she was creating through singers and minstrels, and though I don't think she ever consummated any relationships outside of her marriage, she absolutely flirted in order to get more people fond of her and her family by extension and spread the Targaryen agenda throughout the land, an early precursor to what her grandson Jaehaerys would do with the Doctrine of Exceptionalism. Rhaenys, while kindhearted, was also both capable of holding long grudges, and absolutely not a pushover; she had a spine of steel and sometimes could just continue on a course out of sheer stubbornness, nothing else. But she was kind, and extraordinarily loving, and the most openly affectionate out of all her siblings, capable of bringing a smile to Visenya's face and getting Aegon out of his shell, and she was an attentive and loving mother to Aenys for the three years that he had her. And this emotional openness is what allowed her to also be more "spiritual" than her siblings, but not in a way that we typically see it, as ascribed to religion, but in the way she was able to bond so fiercely with Meraxes, to really love her and spend so much time with her and want to be free with her, to be the only one out of her siblings to really forge that "one heart, one mind" kind of dragon bond that they never did with Balerion or Vhagar.
I'm sticking to just what I extrapolated based on the book that I use to then flesh out some of the stuff that's pure speculation on my part (like Visenya's romantic feelings towards Rhaenys specifically, Rhaenys's dynastic ambitions when it came to her family with Aegon, or what I believe to be passive suicidal ideation from Aegon following Rhaenys's death) but these are basically the core personality traits of the three Conquerors as I've interpreted them.
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heavensbeehall · 4 months
"Catching Fire", Chapter 22
Part 3: The Enemy
Chapter 22: The morphling woman dies. Peeta talks to her. The monkeys vanish. Their poison blisters start to itch. Katniss and Peeta go to sleep to allow Finnick to grieve for Mags. Haymitch sends ointment for their gas burns. Katniss and Finnick play a prank on Peeta. Another parachute arrives with bread and Katniss assumes this means she is to be friends with Finnick. The District 5 female is killed by the tidal wave wedge. Johanna, Beetee and Wiress arrive on the beach. Johanna got them out for Katniss. And tick-tock the arena is a clock.
-- Peeta sees Katniss take care of Beetee and Wiress and thinks she'd make a good healer. Katniss disagrees but she seems okay doing a lot of unpleasant things if she likes someone. I would like to know if you guys thinks Katniss could be a healer when she grows up?
Peeta drops the sheath and buries his knife into the monkey's back, stabbing it again and again until it releases its jaw. He kicks the mutt away, bracing for more. [...]
"Come on, then! Come on!" shouts Peeta, panting with rage. But something has happened to the monkeys. They are withdrawing, backing up trees, fading into the jungle, as if some unheard voice calls them away. A Gamemaker's voice, telling them this is enough.
I want to bring this part up for two reasons:
Peeta basically says "Come at me, bro!" to the monkeys. And that makes me laugh.
Also, there is this misconception that Peeta is useless in the arena. Peeta doesn't kill a lot (human or animal), but he will, despite what Katniss said before about him trying to negotiate at the Cornucopia. I imagine this is much what happens with Brutus and Chaff. Though we don't "see" it, we are told later that--during the confusing night just before Katniss blows up the forcefield--Peeta sees Brutus kill Chaff. (I assume Chaff was trying to protect Peeta and jumped in, much like the morphling does here.) Enraged, Peeta then kills Brutus. I don't need canon to tell me that Peeta fucked Brutus up either. I know it in my heart. Chaff was Haymitch's pal.
Peeta crouches down on the other side of her and strokes her hair. When he begins to speak in a soft voice, it seems almost nonsensical, but the words aren't for me. "With my paint box at home, I can make every color imaginable. Pink. As pale as a baby's skin. Or as deep as rhubarb. Green like spring grass. Blue that shimmers like ice on water." The morphling stares into Peeta's eyes, hanging on to his words
Katniss herself notes the similarities between this and her singing to Rue. This is the first games where Peeta lost an ally.
His eyes are still puffy but I pretend not to notice.
I consider this a sign of true friendship.
I draw back an arrow, readying for an attack. But all that happens is that the one who was being dragged collapses on the beach. The dragger stamps the ground in frustration and, in an apparent fit of temper, turns and shoves the circling, deranged one over. Finnick's face lights up. "Johanna!" he calls, and runs for the red things.
Not Finnick knowing it was Johanna from her kicking someone apparently injured.
It takes a moment to place Blight. I think he was Johanna's male counterpart from District 7, but I hardly remember seeing him. Come to think of it, I don't even think he showed up for training.
Johanna and Blight are here. They like trees and they don't give a fuck.
There's no choice but to strip him naked to get him clean, but I have to say this doesn't make much of an impression on me anymore. Our kitchen table's been full of so many naked men this year. You kind of get used to it after a while
Ah, the truth comes out. So her annoyance at Johanna being naked wasn't just about nudity. But who she got naked for.
I wonder if this is what it's like to have an older sister who really hates you.
Yes! I love Johanna and Katniss's relationship in Mockingjay. Sisters. Katniss, Peeta and Haymitch should adopt Johanna in the future because she is the only "sister" who would never remind her of Prim!
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suzuki-chiyeko · 6 months
Here's the prologue for a Beauty and the Beast AU I wrote years ago. I never finished it, because I was too bothered by the idea of Misaki reading books. Dumb reason, I know ^^;;
Anyway, I found this while going through my backup of my old fics. Maybe it will inspire other authors in the fandom, or maybe not.
It was a dark, cold night. The sky was pitch black, not a single star to be seen that could bring some light to the darkness. An old lady, walking through the icy cold, clutched her worn brown cloak tightly. After traveling through the woods on foot, not knowing when some wild beast would pounce and attack her, she had finally made her way through safely.
The journey had not been in vain, as she found herself at what appeared to be a castle. A single lantern hung from the wall, granting just enough light for her to see the golden door knocker. Hoping to be given a chance to stay the night, she grabbed the knocker and slammed it against the large wooden door in front of her.
After several seconds, a tall figure opened the door. It was a man with hair that seemed to shine like silver, and an aura that made the old lady realize that this man had royal blood running through his veins. Politely, she bowed before him, yet did not take off her hood.
"Good evening, my prince," she greeted him. "I apologize for disturbing you at this hour, but I'd like to ask you a favor. You see, I'm on a long journey and have walked for miles without any rest. If you'd be so kind, may I stay in your castle for one night?"
The prince furrowed his brows. He didn't seem willing to show any hospitality, so the lady tried to negotiate with him.
"I'm not asking you to let me stay for free. I don't have much to offer, but if you let me stay I'll give you this." Shoving one of her hands into her cloak, she showed the man a beautiful rose. The petals were a bright pink color and almost appeared to be radiating light somehow. "You can have this lovely rose as a sign of my gratitude.
Unfortunately, it didn't do much to impress the prince. All he did was scoff while fumbling with the silver buttons on the sleeve of his shirt. He didn't even pay any attention to the rose the poor lady offered him.
"There is no room for an old hag like you," he told her coldly. "Now leave."
"So it's just as I thought. You're nothing but a selfish pig that has no love in its heart." All of a sudden, there was no more kindness audible in the lady's voice. "You won't even offer help to those who need it desperately, who beg for it. For that, I will punish you."
"Save your breath, woman. I'm not going to change my mind, no matter how much you threaten me."
The old lady only smiled, which the prince couldn't see because of the hood concealing her face. Running her fingers over the petals of the rose, she snickered evilly.
"It's too late now, Usami Akihiko," she said with a grin. "From this day on, you will live the life of a hideous beast. If you wish to return to your normal, handsome self, you must find true love. Find someone who loves you for the arrogant, selfish monster that you are."
Before the prince could respond, she continued. “As time passes, the petals of this rose will begin to fall off. Once the rose has lost its last petal, the curse will be irreversible, so you better hurry and find that true love of yours before time runs out.”
It occurred to Akihiko that the old lady was actually an enchantress in disguise. The rose petals were really glowing this time, and the hand that was holding the rose no longer seemed old. Instead, the woman’s skin had become smooth, as though she had grown significantly younger. Upon noticing this, the prince knew he had been tricked. The enchantress simply wanted to test him.
Seeing that the prince finally understood her intentions, the lady gave the rose to him. Akihiko took his eyes off her for a few moments to examine the flower in his hands, trying not to touch its thorns. It was indeed a beautiful rose, yet he couldn’t help glare at it because of the curse that had been laid upon him. His own hands had turned into hairy paws, making him cringe at the mere sight of them.
When he looked up to face the enchantress again, she was already gone. Cursing under his breath, Akihiko went back inside and shut the door behind him. He didn’t know what he had ever done to make her want to destroy his life, but it was too late to try and apologize. The information that he had been given proved useful, even though he had no idea where to start. How could he find someone who loved him if he had been turned into an ugly beast, like the enchantress said?
Akihiko wanted to know whether it was as bad as the woman made it out to be. Looking for a mirror, he walked through the halls of the castle and found a small mirror on the table in his bedroom. The mirror didn’t seem familiar to him, but he was too worried about his current appearance to care. Looking at his reflection, he gasped at what he saw. His face no longer looked human, but was covered in silvery fur. He had two long, pointy horns on top of his head and sharp, predatory fangs. Although eyes were still the same shade of lavender, he was hardly recognizable anymore.
Hastily, the beast moved away from the mirror in a state of panic. He had to find his true love to break the curse—there was no doubt about that. Anything was better than living the rest of his life as the horrifying creature he was now.
Keeping a firm grip on the enchanted rose, Akihiko made his way to the back of the castle. There, he opened the door to an old, forsaken room. The floor creaked as he walked towards the dusty table that stood in the middle of the room. An empty glass case lay on the table, as it had probably been knocked over by someone or something. It didn’t seem like the room had been visited recently though, so Akihiko decided to take the risk.
Carefully, he lifted the glass case and put the rose inside, reminding himself to tell his servants that the room was off-limits for everyone. It was for the best if no one knew about the existence of the enchanted rose. That way, it was easier for Akihiko to keep it safe and focus on the task at hand.
Finding true love wouldn't be easy, not for a monster like him.
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theladyragnell · 1 year
For the three sentence ficlets: ACoFaF, the bird cousins and "The Baroness' Revenge", should that strike your fancy
(I didn't have much to say about this one that wouldn't have gotten into Explicit Land, which I wasn't in the mood for tonight, so have a ficlet with some of that implied!)
Chirp’s first sign that something has perhaps gone wrong during her visit to her family in the Mortal Realm is that she tries to take a drink of wine and tastes only sea water. In the spirit of science, she takes another sip. “Cousin,” she says, turning to Squak, who’s grimacing his way through his own glass, “it seems to me that perhaps someone has sabotaged your bottle of wine.”
“Just keep drinking,” he says, waving a hand. “It still gets you drunk, I have discovered over the past few days, it just tastes like the sea.”
Not just one bottle, then. If Squak had been on the same bottle of wine for three days, something truly would be gravely wrong. “Perhaps we could buy something new?”
“Oh, I’ve tried that. Then I bring it back to the next, and it’s sea water.”
Chirp considers that in silence for a moment. “Do you think that perhaps, cousin, this has something to do with, well. With the Seafoam Court? Or people within it?”
“Perhaps, cousin? Certainly, I would say. The first bottle of wine came with the compliments of Baroness Alven.”
“Ah.” Chirp puts her glass down. She’d like to be drunk, but not at this cost. “Your suitable but not suited match. She intends to hold you to your promise? Grandfather may have given us leniency, but I don’t know if he’ll allow it if she sues you for breach.”
“Blackmail would add a certain spice or our relationship,” Squak says, and they both consider that for a moment. He isn’t wrong, really. Still, it would be inconvenient at the orgies, if they were caught in some kind of vengeance duel. Squak seems to come to the same conclusion, because he sighs. “No, it will never do. I’ll simply have to fake my death. Do you think Grandfather would rename me Viscount of Peckerton?”
Chirp frowns. “That doesn’t seem likely to help. I don’t suppose you could, well, do as I did with Prince Andhera, could you? That is, put her off while making her think you care? You could tell her, quite rightly, that everything about Apollo was simply a ruse. Surely she would appreciate a ruse! Especially as he’s dead.”
“Then she might ask why I haven’t written to arrange our wedding.”
“You could at least talk to her. Esmé is a great believer in talking about things, and it does seem to work.”
Squak sighs and finishes his glass of salt wine. “I suppose it’s the only option I have left.”
Chirp stays around, partly to make sure Squak doesn’t ruin the beverages in the nest for the next several centuries and partly because she does love a good scandal. As soon as the baroness gets the message Squak sends (with a tern, of course, Squak wisely considers that a sea bird might soften her heart), the thing with the beverages stops, so at least it’s not too onerous waiting.
Baroness Alven, when she arrives, is dressed to kill, enough to make Chirp sigh a little over being married. “Lady Featherfowl,” she says, barely inclining her head. “I hope you have been well since the Bloom.”
“Oh, you know me, always in the beak of health!” Baroness Alven raises her eyebrows. “Do go easy on him, won’t you?”
She sniffs a little. “I haven’t once expected fidelity. Why should I? But I expect respect, and I expect information. And now I expect an apology. On bended knee.”
“I do hear he’s very good on his knees,” Chirp says encouragingly, and leaves them to it.
Chirp doesn’t see or hear anything about either of them until Baroness Alven comes out to drink tea for breakfast, looking very self-satisfied. “I do hope that our families can be on better terms again, after whatever negotiations you and my cousin engaged in last night?” she inquires.
“Negotiations were satisfactory, yes. I have an invitation to the next orgy. Perhaps I’ll see you there, Lady Featherfowl?”
“I wouldn’t miss it,” Chirp assures her, toasts her with her teacup, and moves on to discussing other gossip.
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fairy-made · 1 year
Whew. I knew landlords were insane but its interesting seeing them reveal themselves live, in real time.
So far, over these past 1-2 months, our landlord has:
1. Reminded us of how nice they were for setting the price of rent and “discounting” it specially for us (poor idiot black folk) which no one knew about, negotiated, or asked for, several times over the past few months to show how generous and kind they are.
2. Reminded us of how great they were for taking care of repair/maintenance issues in a timely manner, because it couldve been worse and some landlords dont care about things like that at all.
3. Accused my parents of deliberately hiding the fact that I live with them (despite the contract they all signed initially, stating that I lived with them) to pay less rent…. meanwhile calling themselves good Christians because they ignored my parents “lie”
4. Being the aforementioned good Christians they are and showing the house to a potential buyer on this easter sunday ☺️
5. Threatening to use my parents “deception” about me living with them as ammo so they can evict us early, if we do not have the house cleaned and neat as possible for the easter sunday showing. Which we arent legally obligated to do at all. And wouldnt be possible to use as ammo because it was in their fucking contract that I was living with them as a dependent.. but nevertheless, a “reminder” to make sure the house is as clean and un chaotic as possible despite us being in the process of moving.
Landlords are crazy as hell. Like were moving in 2 months. We are literally leaving. What the fucks your problem?? Whats with the wild ass demands and low key high key threats lmao???
This is also great and wonderful bc I just somehow get the feeling my bf does not really want to move in together so its real nice feeling like, in case of an emergency, hes gonna be acting weird about me needing to live with him. He says its not a big deal but idk man, ive seen him genuinely offer someone a place to stay. This is something else. In fact it almost seems like hes hesitant because it would be too real too fast, and unexpected. So Im not relying on him at all. Kinda makes me want to end the relationship lmao.
But! I could be imagining it since Im super stressed out! Who knows!! This is great!!
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