feelbokkie · 20 hours
📱Texting Boyfriend!SKZ "Give" with no context📱
☀️Feelbokkie M.list☀️
genre: crack, some fluff
pov: 1st/2nd person (depends on how you read it)
description: reader texting their boyfriend "give" and boyfriend!skz tries to figure it out
pairing: bf!skz x gn!reader
warnings: swearing, mention of food/eating, slightly suggestive
screenshot count: 23
a/n: everyone say "thank you, amy"
©feelbokkie (2024) — all rights reserved. reposting/modification of any kind is not tolerated.
방 찬 (Bang Chan)
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이 민 호 (Lee Know)
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서 창 빈 (Changbin)
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황 현 진 (Hyunjin)
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한 지 성 (Han)
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이 용 복 (Felix)
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김 승 민 (Seungmin)
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양 정 인 (I.N)
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Buy me a coffee?
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incorrectskzquotes · 2 days
Felix: You may be childless but you are totally a dorky dad. Chan: I'm not sure I like your tone young man.
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Need more angsty stuff...choose the pairing. Please☺️
Echoes of Dawn
Pairing: Binchan
Word Count: 909
Summary: As they agreed on, Changbin arrives at the studio to pick his hyung up, only to find him in a worse state than he thought.
Warnings/Tags: angst, fluff, hurt!comfort, fear of failure, guilt, chan's in need of a little love
A/N: Hope this was angsty enough for you even though I've made it fluffy as well🖤
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do not repost, translate, or plagiarize my works in any way here or on other platforms. ©️writingforstraykids 2024 -
The studio was silent, save for the soft humming of electronics and the occasional click of a mouse. Chan sat slumped over his mixing desk. The digital clock on the wall flicked to 3:00 AM, its gentle beep marking another hour spent in isolation. Pages of notes, half-drunk cups of coffee, and discarded headphone sets lay strewn around him, a testament to the relentless hours he had been pouring into the new album.
His eyes, red and sore from staring at the screen for too long, reflected a man pushed to his limits. Each track seemed to demand a part of his soul, and he was all too willing to give it, driven by a deep-seated fear of letting his team down. They were his family, his responsibility, and the pressure to not fail them was crushing him.
Suddenly, his phone vibrated sharply against the wooden surface of the desk. He glanced at it wearily—three missed calls from Changbin. A text message blinked at him, "I'm outside. Let me in?". Chan hadn't even realized he'd asked Changbin to come by if the session ran late. His concept of time had dissolved into the relentless pursuit of perfection.
With a heavy sigh, he pushed himself up from his chair, his joints stiff from hours of immobility. He trudged to the door, flipping the lock and pulling it open. Changbin's presence filled the doorway, his expression etched with concern.
"Hyung, you look terrible," Changbin said softly, stepping inside, his eyes scanning the chaotic scene before him.
Chan attempted a smile, which came out more as a grimace. "Feels about right," he murmured, running a hand through his tangled hair.
Changbin frowned, stepping further into the cluttered room, his gaze lingering on the multiple coffee cups and the disarray. "When did you last sleep? Or eat something real?"
Chan shrugged, the despair he'd been fighting to keep at bay now creeping into his voice. "I don't know. It doesn't matter. I need to finish this track, but it's not... it's just not right. Nothing I do is good enough."
The room seemed to shrink with his confession, a tangible weight settling between them. Chan turned away, embarrassed by his own vulnerability. He couldn't afford to break—not now.
But then, a gentle hand landed on his shoulder, squeezing reassuringly. "Hyung, you're doing more than enough. You always do. Let's pack up for tonight, okay? You need rest."
Chan shook his head, tears pricking at his eyes as he faced the console again. "I can't, Bin. I can't stop until it's perfect. I'm letting everyone down. I'm supposed to lead, to make things work, and I'm failing everyone."
Hearing the break in Chan's voice, Changbin moved closer, his own heart aching. He turned Chan to face him, his hands gripping his shoulders firmly. "You're not failing anyone. You're our leader, but you're also human, Chan. We don’t expect you to carry all this alone. We never have."
Chan's defenses crumbled, and tears streamed freely down his face. "I don’t know how to stop, Bin. I don’t know how to just... be okay with it not being perfect."
Changbin pulled him into a tight embrace, his voice soft and steady in Chan's ear. "It's okay to not be perfect. It's okay to ask for help. Let's go home, Channie. Let me help you through this."
Chan clung to him, his body racked with sobs. After a moment, he whispered, timid yet desperate, "Will you... stay with me tonight? Just... I think I need to be held for a while."
Changbin tightened his hold, his heart swelling with protectiveness and love for his friend and leader. "Of course, Channie hyung. I’ve got you, always."
They left the studio together, the early morning air cool and refreshing after the stuffiness of the room. Changbin drove them back to their dorm, a silent promise hanging between them, filling the car with a comforting warmth.
Once inside, Changbin made sure Chan ate something and got ready for bed. The normalcy of the routine seemed to calm Chan, his earlier panic receding with each passing moment.
As they settled into bed, Chan curled into Changbin's side, his head resting against his chest. Changbin wrapped his arms around him, a protective cocoon against the world outside. They lay in silence, the steady rhythm of Changbin's heartbeat a lullaby that slowly lulled Chan into a much-needed sleep.
Changbin stayed awake a little longer, watching over Chan, his thoughts gentle and forgiving. In the quiet, he made a silent vow to ensure Chan never felt so overwhelmed again, to remind him that he was not alone in his responsibilities. They were a team, a family, bound by more than just music.
As dawn crept through the curtains, its light gentle and unassuming, Chan stirred, his eyes fluttering open to find Changbin's steady gaze. A small, genuine smile crossed his lips, a stark contrast to the tears of only hours before.
"Thank you, Bin," he murmured, his voice thick with sleep and gratitude.
Changbin smiled back, squeezing Chan slightly. "Anytime, hyung. We’re in this together, remember? Now get back to sleep, it's way too early."
And in the soft glow of the new day, Chan felt something shift inside him—a relief, a release. Maybe, just maybe, he thought, it was okay to lean on others, to not be perfect. And with Changbin by his side, he felt ready to face whatever came next.
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Taglist (Please let me know if you want to be added to or removed from the taglist):
@atinyniki @galaxycatdrawz @zehina @silverstarburst @aaa-sia @lilmisssona @kthstrawberryshortcake @channieaddict @soullostinspaceandtime @rebecca-johnson-28 @lixie-phoria @kibs-and-bits @xxstrayland @ihrtlix @pheonixfire777 @mellhwang @palindrome969 @michelle4eve @harshaaaaa @rylea08 @heeyboooo @manuosorioh @gisaerlleri @andassortedkpop @lailac13 @bbokari711 @kazuuuaaa @rssamj @wolfyychan @stellasays45 @chrizzztopherbang @ionlyeverwantedtobeyourequal @silentreadersthings @myforevermelody143 @sapphirewave
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lotusbee07 · 2 days
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Hi!! Can i ask for a male reader x bang chan where the two meet of them meet again at a high school reunion and rekindle their relationship?
We Meet Again
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Paring: Bang Chan x Male reader
Genre: Fluff (Short)
More: Masterlist
A/n: Requests are open
M/n nervously adjusted his tie as he entered the crowded hall where the high school reunion was taking place. Scanning the room, he caught a familiar face in the crowd. It was Bang Chan, his old friend from school. They had lost touch after graduation, but M/n had always secretly harbored feelings for Chan.
"Chris!" M/n called out, making his way through the crowd. Chris turned around, a surprised look on his face before breaking into a wide smile.
"M/n! I can't believe it's you," Chris exclaimed, pulling M/n into a tight hug. The two friends quickly fell into easy conversation, reminiscing about their high school days and catching up on each other's lives.
As the night went on, M/n and Chris found themselves gravitating towards each other, their laughter and inside jokes flowing effortlessly. It was as if no time had passed at all.
"You know, I've always regretted losing touch with you," Chris confessed, his eyes locking with M/n's. "I've missed having you around."
M/n felt a warmth spread through his chest at Chris' words. "Me too," he replied, a genuine smile on his face. "But I'm glad we found each other tonight."
As the night went on, the two of them continued to talk and laugh, growing closer with each passing moment. There was an easy chemistry between them that neither could deny. Finally, as the reunion began to wind down, Chris leaned in toward M/n, his voice barely above a whisper.
"M/n, I've always felt a special connection with you."
M/n's heart skipped a beat as he listened to Chris' words. He couldn't help but feel a rush of emotions, both happy and nervous. He glanced up at Chris, whose eyes seemed to hold a depth of sincerity that he'd never seen before. Without thinking, he reached out and took Chris' hand in his, squeezing it gently.
"I like you too, Chris. Maybe we can make up for lost time."
Their hands stayed entwined as they continued to talk, the rest of the reunion fading into the background. As the night grew late, they decided to exchange numbers, promising to keep in touch this time. They exchanged lingering glances and shy smiles as they parted ways, each feeling a newfound hope and excitement about the future.
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gnabhyunlix · 18 hours
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*this user is drowned in photos, but he doesn't mind*
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hwangism143 · 2 days
Minho: I need some help with my homework, Jisung. Jeongin: What’s the assignment? Minho: I’m supposed to write a paper that presents both sides of an issue and then defends one of the arguments. Jeongin: What’s your issue? Minho: That’s the problem. I can’t think of anything to argue. Jeongin: That’s hard to believe. Minho: I’m always right and everybody else is always wrong! What’s to argue about?!
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huiracha · 21 days
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bahablastplz · 3 months
As a chronic fanfic reader, I have a lot of recommendations. So, these are the ones I think about the most. All of them include smut, so they're 18+. Red text indicates fics on AO3. Go support these amazing authors!! Enjoy!! <3
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Bang Chan 
The SKZ house @writeonwhiskey (Chan x reader x Hyunjin…SKZ but make it a frat… and also sexy) 
Silent cry @j-0ne25 (Fake dating/friends to lovers, live laugh hurt comfort… emphasis on the hurt) 
Love is intuitive @skzonthebrain (forbidden love and angst… so emotional and loving <3) 
Kinktober Day 8 @dreaming-medium (breeding, best friend, fake dating, so sweet and spicy) 
Summer in Seoul @writeonwhiskey (strangers to lovers, summer love, spicy and romantic) 
Saturday mornings @skzdarlings (Chan/reader/Seungmin where Seungmin is an absolute menace that gets reader in trouble… dom Chan is so good in this one omg) 
It’s cold out @therhythmafterthesummer (roommate Chan is going through his rut… oops there’s more ABO on this list than I realized sorry not sorry) 
Bodyguard: The first guard @skzdarlings (A sequel to the bodyguard, an ongoing work that has elements of enemies to lovers and great, in-depth world building and character development)
However you want it, lover-lover @cbini (you ask your bf Chan to step on you after watching spicy edits of him on tiktok omg)
More than just friends @kwanisms (roommate Chan is entering his rut... he's usually able to control himself but this time you're ovulating. sprinkle some brat taming in here as well and it's so delicious)
Lee Know 
The Experience Project @leeknowsallyoursecrets (Enemies to lovers Lee Know, really good plot and relationship building!) 
Sanguis Limerence @jl-micasea-fics (Vampire OT8, Lee Know x Reader x Chan, SUPER good world building, especially in their sequel with the backstories… I was so invested. And it’s super hot)
Barb Wired Brat @roseykat (BDSM Lee Know with reader going into subspace… awakened things in me) 
Audience @gimmeurtmi (2 min, wet dreams, exhibitionism, degradation… yeah) 
Well Shit @2chopsticks2eyes (Brother’s best friend, inexperienced reader, enemies to lovers and fwb… literally so good) 
Sea May Rise, Sky May Fall @skzms (Lee Know x Reader x Han, complete series, Pirate AU with beautiful world building, in-depth characters and GREAT smut. One of my all time favs)
rsvp @cbini (teasing dom vampire boyfriend Minho and you get the punishment you deserve... brat taming and so so so sexy like it's insane)
 The accidental acquisition of sugar @skzdarlings (accidental sugar daddy Changbin x reader that’s absolutely hilarious with great smut) 
Valentine’s series ‘do you really think you’re in a position to give orders’) @skzdarlings (forbidden love/romeo & juliet style but with gun play… um this was so hot tho) 
Close your eyes (...And count to seven) @MysteryBird (Possessive gang leader bf! Changbin that you’re trying to piss off by sleeping with the other members… 100k+ words and so delicious) 
Praise kink Hyunjin @dreaming-medium (A kinktober fic, enemies to lovers detective Hyunjin… absolutely delicious) 
Snowed In @moonjxsung (really artistic, heartfelt, and beautifully written)  
Jury’s still out @straywrds (rivals to hooking up/hate sex… super spicy and hot) 
Dressing down @jl-micasea-fics (shopping trip with best friend Hyunjin turns out spicy ahh the chemistry) 
Four of wands @straywrds (beautifully crafted story I was so immersed in!! witch Hyunjin and sex magick, the characters have so much depth! crazy tension)
Watch your six  @dreaming-medium (sensory deprivation kinktober ah this is engraved in my brain) 
The same but different @skzdarlings (ahh hanlix fairy au where they’re linked with great world building and is so funny… I maybeee think about this every day) 
Sea May Rise, Sky May Fall @skzms (Lee Know x Reader x Han, complete series, Pirate AU with beautiful world building, in-depth characters and GREAT smut. One of my all time favs)
Screen Identity: Mismatched Passion (SIMP) @leeknowsallyoursecrets (Spin-off series to the experience project! Jisung x reader enemies/academic rivals to lovers in which they’re both anonomously sexting each other on discord without knowing who’s on the other end of the screen!!! top tier level tension)
The bodyguard @skzdarlings (Forced proximity, enemies to lovers, had me SUPER invested and made me cry) 
The same but different @skzdarlings (ahh hanlix fairy au where they’re linked with great world building and is so funny… I maybee think about this every day) 
Snap out of it @2baabbies (Felix gives you the option to either go home with your shitty boyfriend or go home with him at the end of the night ahhh!!) 
Bet on it @skzonthebrain (Academic rivals, enemies to lovers and such good tension/chemistry) 
Audience @gimmeurtmi (2 min, wet dreams, exhibitionism, degradation… yeah) 
Saturday mornings @skzdarlings (Chan/reader/Seungmin where Seungmin is an absolute menace that gets reader in trouble… dom Chan is so good in this one omg) 
Seungmin + hairpulling @straykeedz (kinktober fic, best friend Seungmin finds out you have a thing for hairpulling and can't get you out of his head... this is taken straight from the deepest depths of my fantasies i s2g)
no nut november @gimmeurtmi (this whole nnn series is fantastic but seeing Seungmin lose his composure because of his breeding kink does something for me)
august is a fever @seungminheart (mean dom Seungmin... you don't think he is really into you so you see how far you can push him/I love mean dom Seungmin and I think this fic does it just right)
Lavender boy @hyunsvngs (A/B/O Alpha jeongin… super sexy and great dynamics) 
Clueless @jeongin-lvr (inexperienced big dick I.N. that just wants to make reader feel good… also omg he’s so hot in this pls) 
Better and better @seungminheart (sharing a bed, best friend Jeongin, amazing banter, soft dom Jeongin, brat taming, every trope from my hopes and dreams)
Third leg? @beesspacedotorg (huge dick alpha Innie... some brat taming, great banter and dynamics and sexy)
Sharing a bed series @skzdarlings (Best trope ever and they really do it justice) (Chan's is linked but you should read all 8)
Sharing is caring @skzms (Minsung x reader x OT8… really well written spice) 
Fake texts @thefantasyden (I swear these are like crack I read them every single time) 
Kinktober23 @roseykat (one of the first SKZ blogs that I started reading that really brought me deep into the fandom… My fav from this is Table Manners and Bible Studies, and it has a part 2)
All Bark no Bite @doitforbangchan (Main pairing is Chan x Reader with some OT8, it's an ABO au with some really good spice)
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hanfocus · 1 month
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winning: ❌ causing problems: ✅
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straykidsgallery · 1 month
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240203 KMS Fansign - Lee Know 🌹 | ©️ puppy express
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quokka143 · 20 days
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leather jacket skz is honestly elite ✨
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Chan: This is not the time for your shenanigans. Jeongin: It was a single shenanigan. Technically more of a hijink.
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lotusbee07 · 2 days
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milkteabinniechan · 16 days
Thoughts on Chan going to see his physical therapist and his regular old guy therapist has a thing scheduled so he sends a replacement - a hot, young and capable replacement, and Chan finds himself popping a boner while the PT is pretzeling him, causing him temporary extreme pain and lasting pain relief right after? Assuming this new therapist is also vulnerable to Chan's charms, even if they aren't a Stay (yet).
a/n: cliffhanger because this will definitely be a full story soon 🫡
just relax - chan
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Chan headed to his usual room. He made himself comfortable on the padded folding bed when he heard the door open.
"You won't believe the stupid thing I did, Doc. I was tryi-..." Chan's words lingered in his mouth.
You walked in with pink scrubs and a bright smile. Your dark hair tied loosely in a bun with small strands of hair falling lazily around your round cheeks. You weren't Chan's regular guy. He had never seen you before. You were... hot.
"Wh-Where's Dr. Weston?" Chan's voice was hoarse in his throat.
You gave a sympathetic smile. "He had a family emergency, so I'm covering all his patients. Shall we get started?"
You set your clipboard down and made your way to Chan who had changed his seating to an upright and respectful position. His heart was pounding through his ears like kettle drums. You cocked your head and gave him a curious look. You asked him to show you where it hurt. Your voice was soft.
"H-here." Chan motioned to his shoulder and hip.
You scanned his entire body and slowly ran your hands from the top of his shoulder down to his wrist. You searched his face for any sign of pain or discomfort.
"How does that feel?" You rubbed deep into his collar bone. Your fingers applying small amounts of pressure to where the muscle felt tightest.
Chan pressed his lips together into a thin line. He held his breath and nodded his head. Not exactly an answer, but the pain was beginning to prove to be more than he expected. You lifted your hands and instructed him to lay down. You wait for him to lay flat on his back. You ask him how his day has been and if he has plans later, while you lift his leg and bend it up towards his chest.
Chan watched as you lay your body on top of his bent leg, adding pressure to the stretch. Lightning bolts of pain shot up from his hip and screamed into the neurons of his brain. Nerve ends were desperately pleading for the stretch to stop but when Chan made eye contact with you, something else happened.
The longer Chan stared into your eyes, the more his cock began to grow. Just a twitch at first. But then you pushed deeper into him. The table creaked as you applied more of your weight onto Chan's bent leg. The pain was giving way to pleasure, a new pleasure, that his thin gym shorts were not going to be able to cover.
The outline of the tip of his cock was glaringly obvious as Chan's ears burned crimson red. Please don't look down, please don't look down. Chan kept repeating in his head. You grunted in frustration as you turned your head back towards his feet to see if you could get a better angle.
"Let's try the other leg." You layed Chan's leg down softly on the padded table and began to reach for the other leg when your eyes caught site of the growing appendage laying in front of you.
You looked up at Chan who had his face covered with both hands.
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elllisaaa · 8 months
no nut november with skz
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-> where the boys decide to participate to the challenge. who will be the winner ?
-> IMPORTANT : all these works contains smut, minors dni.
enjoy !
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❃ day three
-> hwang hyunjin - first to lose
❃ day eight
-> seo changbin - second to lose
❃ day thirteen
-> lee felix - third to lose
❃ day eighteen
-> bangchan - fourth to lose
❃ day twenty three
-> han jisung - fifth to lose
❃ day twenty six
-> yang jeongin - sixth to lose
❃ day twenty nine
-> kim seungmin - seventh to lose
❃ first of december
-> lee minho - winner
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-> i don't allow any copies, reposts or translations of my work.
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