#Conbon’s Prompts
connorsbonez · 8 months
DC/DP Crossover Idea #62
After a stinging conversation with Bruce, Damian decides that the best course of action for himself is to pack up and run away since he can’t stay at the Manor and he absolutely cannot go back to the League.
Which…leaves him two choices: either go off by himself or….
• • •
Damian glared at his reflection in a window as he impatiently listened to the dial sound that came from the payphone he stood at. He hitched the collar of his jacket higher as he discreetly glanced around him.
He didn’t have many options left after he decided to leave the Manor and the Waynes’ (it was for the best) if he had, Damian wouldn’t have dared to contact him.
Maybe it was just the anxiety and fear that he would also turn his back against Damian
Finally, just as Damian was about to slam the phone back into its place, a voice spoke. A familiar one that made his face scrunch up.
“Fenton household. This is Danny speaking.”
“Tsk. Hello, Danyal.”
Damian jerked the phone away from his ear as a harsh static sound erupted from it but it disappeared just as quickly as it came, a silence taking over the filled Damian with anxiety anticipation.
“Oh. Hello, Damian. Been a bit hasn’t it?”
A bit is a light way to say it.
“It has.” Damian took a moment to check his surroundings again.
“Uh huh. So, why are you calling me? I didn’t think the heir would wish to speak to the little ol’ spare.” The words in on themselves were harsh and cruel, but there was a lightness to the way Danyal spoke which made Damian’s chest both loosen and tighten simultaneously.
He opened his mouth to answer but couldn’t find himself able to do so, instead making a soft choked sound as he tried to inhale discreetly but it came off too sharp. The phone made a crackling sound as the two brewed in the silence.
“…Damian? Are you okay?” Danyal voice finally broke through hesitantly, a mixture of unsureness and surprise concern hidden in the layers of his tone and the general poor condition this payphone was in. “What happened? Aren’t you supposed to be with Bruce?”
The mention of Bruce Father, Damian couldn’t stop the soft keening sound that escape him. He clasped his hand over his mouth but it was too late, Danyal had heard it.
“Damian- Brother. What the hell happened?” The words were harsher this time but they were not directed towards Damian, who didn’t flush in embarrassment at the moment of weakness as he took a breath to recollect himself.
“The League is gone, Grandfather is dead, and…I did not meet Father’s expectations.” Damian summarized quickly, unsure how much Danyal knew since he hasn’t been with the League in years.
It was silent for a moment. “I see.” Danyal replied in a neutral tone before growing quiet again, the static seemed to return but softer and more in the background.
“Brother, where are you?” Damian could hear the sound of his brother shuffling around as if looking for something and a feeling of relief hope swelled inside him as he swiftly recited his location.
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connorsbonez · 4 months
DC/DP Crossover Idea #65
In which an adult Danny goes back in time per Clockwork’s request for some mission he didn’t even bother explaining, and falls in love with a man and subsequently marries the guy despite all logical reason.
This obviously goes wrong when Danny gets ‘murdered’ and instead of being about to get back up and fight back, Clockwork apparently decided that his mission was over and slingshots him back to present time.
Danny obviously was upset by this and grieved his long dead by now husband.
So imagine how he fucking felt when he went on a mission with Batman sometime later and stumbled upon some expired ectoplasm and a man that looked uncomfortably like his dead-husband.
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connorsbonez · 2 months
DC/DP Crossover Idea #66
In which an older Danny (while trying to escape his past) becomes another butler to the Wayne Manor before Martha and Thomas die and helps Alfred raise one Bruce Wayne after their tragic deaths.
Aka: Bruce grows up with two butler dads.
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connorsbonez · 2 months
DC/DP Crossover Idea #69
Haha. Nice.
Danny didn’t think this would happen.
He didn’t think this would happen, he thinks as he stares blankly at the roaring flames that consumed the base in front of him, sparks of green liquid popping sharply from within the flames, this wasn’t how he wanted it to go.
He didn’t mean too.
Danny licked his dry lips as he finally managed to tear his gaze from the wreckage to the squirming bundle in his arms. He lifted a shaky hand to tug down the soot covered blanket to look at the small, pudgy, downright grouchy looking baby. Acid green eyes met softer green and Danny gulped, a new weight on his shoulder as it fully registered what he had done.
He couldn’t fix this.
The Phantom shifted the baby in his arms, earning a small babble as a small hand reached and gripped his finger with that usual baby strength.
Something in Danny’s core shifted, making the small splinters that resided in it mend ever so slightly. It wasn’t a fix, it could never be a fix, but it was something.
He hadn’t wanted it to happen this way, never wanted it to go this way, but it did and now Danny had to pick up the pieces that he shattered in the first place.
Danny gazed down at the baby, so young and so alive, and swiped one of his free fingers along the baby’s grimy cheeks, wiping it clean. The baby gurgled and Danny exhaled softly as he used the Ring of Rage to rip open a portal away from this tragedy.
He would pick the pieces up and mend them back together that best he could.
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connorsbonez · 2 months
DC/DP Crossover Idea #68
Danny is given an assignment in class where he has to write an essay on a superhero of his choice, now he could do himself but where’s the fun in that? This seems like a good excuse to go talk to Martian Manhunter.
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connorsbonez · 5 months
DC/DP Crossover Idea #64
In which Danny is the alternate version of Talia Al Ghul and Sam Manson is their worlds equivalent of Bruce Wayne.
Getting thrown into the DC verse had some…very interesting reactions and epiphanies.
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connorsbonez · 7 months
DC/DP Crossover Idea #63
Bruce gets de-aged and thrown through a portal to a different dimension. Now, typically, he would try to find his way back because even if his limbs are much smaller now and his motor skills are much to be desired, he still had a home and children to get back too. Luckily he was found by a friendly, though loud and eccentric, couple who were quick to take him in as their third child, so Bruce wouldn’t need to worry about having to fend for himself.
That was the plan.
It became a bit harder when…the parents looked so much like them.
His parents.
Looking at what could only be the alternate versions of Thomas and Martha Wayne, who were still alive and happy, who looked down at his small form with so much love it made Bruce’s chest squeeze painfully and the baby instinct to cry took over, it made it so difficult to continue to resist the urge to cling onto them and never let go.
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connorsbonez · 1 year
DC/DP Crossover Idea #45
Where Amity Parks insanity gets exposed to the Justice League not through rumors, teenagers being teens in social media, or even ghost shenanigans getting leaked out. No the Justice League discovered Amity Park because of a 100k slowburn strangers to lovers fanfiction written by a Paulina Sanchez with the pairing being Phantom/Reader, this being read by Red Robin who got curious on who this character ‘Phantom’ was and began doing research which eventually led him down a rabbit hole and discovering the fuckery of Amity Park.
Let it be known that RR didn’t actually tell anyone how he discovered Phantom or Amity Park, if he did then he would never had been able to live it down by his siblings or literally anyone who knew him.
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connorsbonez · 1 year
DC/DP Crossover Idea #34
After a few months of the Justice League ignoring Amity Parks cries for help with the ghost problem, Danny, in a moment of sheer pettiness, told his ghosts that the only place he’ll leave them alone to terrorize for a long period of time is the Justice Leagues headquarters.
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connorsbonez · 1 year
DC/DP Crossover Idea #13
Danny has lived for a long time, a long fucking time. He’s outlived everyone he has cared about that were from his time.
This, of course, doesn’t stop him from visiting his family that has long time the name Fenton and now use the name Drake, all while invisible. He doesn’t stay long, just a quick in and out.
Until he meets Tim.
It seems like the parental habit of leaving their kids alone for work is still a thing.
So Danny moves in as Tim’s imaginary friend that slowly turns to being his older brother figure as time goes on.
However, Danny never bothers to reveal himself to the Batfam even as the years pass.
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connorsbonez · 1 year
DC/DP Crossover Idea #44
Somehow Skulker is the one to acquire a de-aged Phantom and decides to just…take him along in his hunts?? Just strap him to one of those baby carriers and they’re good to go.
Like sure, he could just drop the welp somewhere in his haunt back in the Human Realm and wait till the kid is back to his normal form but that would require Skulker having to drop by the Human Realm often to check in on the welps status so it was just easier to carry him around till the boy changes back and they can go back to hunting him down. (He’ll change back, right?)
Of course, nothing is that simple when it comes to the Phantom boy, because due to him getting suddenly shrunk down his powers have decided ‘hey, you can no longer reasonably control me’. And it’s not usually a problem because Phantom is usually hanging out in a good old baby carrier that’s close enough to Skulker so his core kind of…helps stabilize the powers a bit??? Like sure, more often than not there’s a thin sheet of frost covering his body from where Phantom was, and every so often the boys limbs would randomly disappear or shoot out ectoplasm but that only really happened in the times that Skulker had to remove Phantom from his person and leave him alone to his own devices.
Skulker had quickly learned that he couldn’t just leave Phantom because 1. The welp was a natural wanderer and only being able to either crawl or barely float didn’t stop him, at all. 2. He was a trouble magnet and 3. All these got worse when the boy got bored, causing him to wander off and attract trouble
There totally wasn’t a 4th reason, nope, not at all.
To fix this problem, he put the welp into one of his cages (it got changed into a more child-friendly version, imagine a play pen with a top on it and there you go), perfectly baby Phantom proof so he couldn’t get out, and he even threw some baby ghost toys in there so he can entertain himself while Skulker went after his prey.
Eventually Skulker + Phantom find themselves in the DC universe for a reason of your choosing, maybe a group heard of the Infinite Realms Greatest Hunter and they needed his help to take a creature down.
Well, he goes and the group is greeted by a large robotic-looking man with solid green eyes and firey hair, and the white haired baby boy with glowing green eyes that sat happily in a baby carrier as he chewed on…ice that was formed in a doughnut shape and had a green tint to it? It wasn’t hard to see the sharp teeth dig into the ice that seemed to refuse to crack even a little.
They weren’t really given the chance to question the child, from both the lack of interest that the hunter had in answering and also the very reason they even tried to contact Skulker in the first place.
Some side-glanced the cage that suddenly appeared and now contained the small child who didn’t react to this like it was something normal for them. Some even tried to touch the cage, only to be quickly greeted by a shock of electricity, a clear sign to not touch the cage.
It’s only till after Skulker was able to deal with the creature that they needed him too, does he answer.
The problem is that Skulker forgot that these mortals weren’t from the Infinite Realms, they weren’t ghosts, and they also didn’t know how Skulker and Phantoms dynamic worked, as he wasn’t used to interacting with those who didn’t know all of those at least vaguely.
So maybe answering with “I’m waiting for him to grow up so I can have his pelt hung amongst the rest of my trophies.” And then immediately disappearing afterwards with Phantom wasn’t the smartest idea but hey, it’s not like Skulker knew.
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connorsbonez · 1 year
DC/DP Crossover Idea #51
Cujo runs into another green (a-bit not glowing) dog and is like ‘new friend :D’ before proceeding to scruff the lad and book it back to Danny (who had told Cujo to go fetch something before the dog got distracted)
Garfield is wondering what exactly he just got himself into. One that apparently included a giant green glowing dog and a teenager that looked just as surprised as he was.
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connorsbonez · 1 year
DC/DP Crossover Idea #43
It’s the Ghost Kings birthday soon and his rouge gallery want to throw him a surprise party to cheer him up from everything that’s been happening recently in his haunt.
Problem is that none of them know how to do a child’s birthday party.
So in a purely genius moment, they decide to kidnap Bruce Wayne so he could help them figure it out. After all he has like a bunch of kids surely he knows what he’s doing.
It’s about five minutes before a portal is opening in the Wayne Manor and a sheepish Johnny 13 is asking the butler Alfred if he could help them.
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connorsbonez · 1 year
DC/DP Crossover Idea #39
Where Billy and Danny long before the ghost joined the Justice League and they already know each others secrets due to some silly shenanigans, so at some point, Danny offers to help Billy out with selling the idea that he’s this centuries old champion via time traveling adventures.
So then when Danny (Phantom) does join the Justice League, him and Marvel already treat each other as old friends…almost sibling-like. Mainly talking about their time traveling trips as a way to sell both their covers.
Batman eventually does intensive research to look for past signs of Phantom and Marvel, tracing back centuries of sighting of them, and the interesting thing is that he could find very few sighting of them alone(just a few of Phantom, none of Marvel) just them being together constantly over the periods.
In general, the Justice League get the impression that Phantom and Marvel are related, probably siblings, that have just been sticking together over the centuries and only taken brief moments to separate.
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connorsbonez · 1 year
DC/DP Crossover Idea #37
Where when Danny gets de-aged instead of moving him to a different location or even dimension, Clockwork just…keeps him in his part of the realm.
Which leads to when the Justice League somehow comes into contact with Clockwork for whatever reason, they first see talk imposing creature with a purple flowy cloak before the middle of the cloak to reveal a bumbling and babbling baby sitting in one of those baby carriers.
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connorsbonez · 1 year
DC/DP Crossover Idea #35
Danny manages to convince the Justice League that he’s just a hundreds of years old being that’s stuck with a baby face, which leads to him being able to do dangerous missions and other things that he wouldn’t have been able to do if they knew his actual age.
However he has do deal adult things like them wanting to consume alcohol and Danny’s fine with a lot of things, fighting in near death situations? Sure why not. But underage drinking? No, Jazz raised him better than that.
So now Danny has to think of why he doesn’t do certain things that your average hundreds of years old being would do, like drinking apparently.
He manages to absolutely fuck himself over when his mind completely blanks and Danny straight up says he’s pregnant.
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