ruler-of-thorns · 9 months
Malleus having older sibling trauma. Malleus resenting how Lilia is able to openly express being Silver's parent but had to keep Malleus at arms length because of their roles. Malleus having to know someone who was presumably initially very cold and softened only as he was growing older while Silver had a very openly loving father immediately. Malleus being the child who taught Lilia how to parent and love. Malleus never feeling like Lilia truly loved him after seeing how he was able to love Silver. Malleus loving Silver because they're brothers and at the same time resenting him for having the father he always wanted.
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north-noire · 2 days
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i've had the reference image for this for a while now and always wanted to draw it with these two but apparently it's a trend now for ships while i wasn't looking. so here you go, sorry for the late post.
feel free to interpret this piece however you like! i don't personally ship my william and henry myself but i'm cool/open with interpretations/not against the ship! i love how malleable and flexible their dynamic is as a duo as a whole honestly and i like the interesting ways people use the dynamic to the narrative's advantages (for better or for the worse of them both haha)
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genericpuff · 7 months
About LO backgrounds isn't blending well and looking very 3D, while you're correct I honestly think LO is more tame case if you look to Webtoons like Midnight Poppy Land and Let's play for example; at least RS oversaturate the backgrounds with colors so it won't be very noticeable and doesn't make it hard (at least for me) to read the comic, I can't same the same for the aforementioned two! (sorry if my English was weird)
oh yeah no, LO's backgrounds aren't even half as bad as Let's Play and MPL, both of those comics have their anime characters literally just floating on top of Google SketchUp and Acon3D backgrounds and it's so brutal. LO's backgrounds are definitely more "bad when you squint", though the tradeoff is that unlike in MPL and LP, the character art is WAY worse and so half the time you don't even look past the noodle limbs and brick shithouse bodies and bug-eyed faces to notice just how dull and empty the backgrounds are. Frankly I think the models they use would be fine, if they put more effort into actually coloring them instead of just washing them out with a single color that doesn't tell you anything about the setting (especially when those single colors make the foreground characters look even worse with the color disparity.)
Case in point, we sometimes use 3D models for buildings and furniture in Rekindled and I don't think people even notice half the time lmao LO's 3D backgrounds aren't blending well because they feel like they shouldn't even be there when they're just using void backgrounds anyways, vs. LP and MPL which are overusing 3D backgrounds with no effort put into blending them to make them look natural.
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captainbuzzard · 2 months
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was clearing out my phone's gallery and once again realized how much art i never posted here, so here's a stijn strongbody!
[ID: a digital line drawing of Stijn Strongbody, a middle aged Japanese man with four sheep's horns, and, barely visible before the canvas cuts off, four arms. he holds a pencil in one hand as he looks off to one side with a good-natured, contemplative expression.]
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I can’t articulate it, but it gets to me that, outside of Spock and I think Tuvok, being logical and regulating emotions isn’t something that Vulcans are shown to just endure, the same way they endure lower temperatures for other species, or higher oxygen for other species, or anything else that has to be incredibly uncomfortable at best to painful at worst that they just endure
The vibe I get from it is that a majority of Vulcans enjoy it, they like being logical, maybe they didn’t get a choice in being logical as kids, but unlike the select few like Sybok, they don’t seem to be resentful that they were raised like that at all
This isn’t just something they’re all forced to do now to prevent their emotions from causing their species’ end, dedicating themselves to logic brought them inner peace
#Star Trek#Vulcans#can’t articulate it especially while really tired and lying in bed#but hopefully y’all still get what I’m trying to say#I say I think for Tuvok because I know he struggles with violent thoughts#but I don’t think it has the same vibes as Spock struggling with his human half to fully accept Vulcan’s ways#even though it seems like fully dedicating himself like that brings more harm to his human half#which causes it to be more prominent like a vicious cycle#fuck definitely can’t articulate rn#also maybe for Tuvok Vulcan’s ways are actually even more appreciated#because they’re exactly there to help Vulcans regulate intense emotions#also I think this is part of why it seems more like Spock struggles compared to other Vulcans#for other Vulcans logic and regulating all emotions is seen as a way for them to be content#to be able to live their lives peacefully and to its best extent (peace and long life)#in a way that embracing emotions wouldn’t because they’re intense emotions would destroy themselves#but for Spock logic and regulating emotions is more about trying to reach impossible standards and get acceptance from everyone else#abd things like that again very tired can’t articulate#also adding to my hc that while Vulcans regulate their emotions and come to logical terms on why they feel like they do#and peacefully handle it#Spock believes that they’re all suppressing so that’s what he’s actually doing#just suppress suppress suppress everything which isn’t healthy#just my personal thoughts
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wow look at me posting twice in a day i’m so productive
anyway i love avasarala so much she’s so cool
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deanncastiel · 23 days
Do you think Hannibal was in love with Alana and Bedelia? The same way he was in love with Will? Or how do you see Hannibal's relationship with Alana and Bedelia compared to his intense love for Will?
a Hannibal question!!! in the year of our lord 2024!!! yes please 😊😊😊
This got way longer than I anticipated so I'm putting it below the cut, enjoy!
So there are a few parts here - one do I think Hannibal loved Alana and Bedelia, and the answer to that is yes, I do think that he loved him in his own... fascinating way. Now is that love romantic? Sexual? not sure. I do think it's more than platonic, though, but Hannibal is really interesting to me and I find it a bit difficult to ascribe "normal people" feelings of love to him, so it's bit difficult to describe.
There was a lot of respect for both Alana and Bedelia - as professionals, as colleagues, as people, as friends. And I think for Hannibal, respecting a person is even more important than liking or loving them. He's known both of them for years and years in both a professional and personal capacity, and he does care for them.
With Bedelia - he killed for her. And we can talk more about his motivations behind that (bc everything he does has some degree of manipulation and alterior motives in it), but the fact is that if Hannibal didn't care about Bedelia in some capacity, he never would have manipulated that situation to occur in the first place. Nor would he have brought her with him when he ran away to Europe. Bedelia was the person who knew him better than anyone else until Will came along and was one of the first people to truly see behind the curtain when it came to Hannibal. I do think he loved her, but I think this relationship was the furthest from romantic love.
Alana on the other hand, is the kind of person that Hannibal would fall in love with if he was interested in being more "normal." The show told us that from the beginning of their relationship, Hannibal was protective of Alana - keeping her away from the Chesapeake Bay killer case, doing his best to "blind her" from who he truly was. He cared about her, he respected her, but she was never someone who he would truly be open with, like he was with Bedelia and Will.
With that all said, no, I don't think that he loved them in the same way he loved Will and certainly not nearly as intensely. Will is unique. Hannibal was not only obsessed and fascinated by Will, but Will returned said obsession and fascination to an equal if not greater degree. And there's something about someone else requiting the same kind of love back at you that takes it to another level. Will and Hannibal are like too objects resonating off of each other, the signal (aka their love) building stronger and stronger the more fucked up they get and the more they try and kill each other. (it's so toxic and i'm obsessed with it).
Hannibal manipulated and tested Will the same way he did Bedelia in the beginning of their relationship. However, whereas Bedelia essentially withdrew from the battlefield and took steps back from it all after the whole incident with her patient, Will was like "no fuck that" and retaliated to an equally unhinged degree. And that is what cemented the difference between Hannibal's feelings towards Bedelia and Alana versus his feelings for Will.
While Hannibal did love and respect Alana and Bedelia, he did always consider himself their better. But with WIll, all of a sudden we have someone who can match Hannibal step for step and is, in fact, an equal. And then Hannibal proceeded accordingly, attempting to turn Will into the best version of himself (according to Hannibal) that Will could possibly be.
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wingsyliveblogs · 11 months
So! At present, I’m aiming to provide update posts whenever I can’t manage some actual blogging time, so as to avoid a repeat of the past several months. Time will tell how effective this tactic is, but for now, here’s your semi-regularly scheduled update: 
While my distractibility is partly to blame for the delay in blogging, the most prominent issue at present is that I’ve been attempting to smack my unfortunately deeply broken sleep schedule into shape for the past few days, and blogging sessions have been a tragic casualty of battle. I’m hoping to watch a bit more within the next day or two, though, once I get an opportunity at a reasonable time! 
...it remains to be seen, however, whether or not my efforts thus far have actually accomplished anything regarding the aforementioned time management issues. Evidence suggests probably not. 
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infizero · 9 months
light and misa's "relationship" is rlly tragic and fucked but also in an isolated state its really fucking funny. ESPECIALLY if you consider them both to be arospec like i do
#misa is like ''oh light my wonderful boyfriend~!! we need to go on a date we haven't been on one in so long!''#(i know that when you're dating you're supposed to go on dates. so we have to go on a date every so often to assure me that i'm getting a#good grade in Having a Boyfriend something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve)#and then light is like (internally) 'i would literally rather kill myself than spend time with her but i need her for my purposes so i have#to appease her' (externally) ''ok sure i guess misa''#and then they go to a restaurant and misa waits for him to kiss her the whole night (she does not attempt to herself)#meanwhile light just sits there and goes nonverbal for long extended periods of time while he monologues in his head about how to appear#like a normal (straight) human being (spoiler: he's really bad at this)#and every so often he'll be like ''you look nice. this food is good. other boring pleasantries'' while glaring as if he's poisoned her food#THEY LIVED LIKE THIS FOR 4 YEARS.#again. awful. but also kind of fucking funny. gay aroace guy and aroace girl going through the motions of a heterosexual relationship for 4#whole years. they hate each other for sure dawg ToT obvs misa to a lesser extent but i think she definitely had a lot subconscious hate for#light. that only got stronger the longer things went on#also during this time they definitely had sex a Single Time because they got to a point where misa was like we've been dating for like#2 years normal couples usually sleep together way before then...... and light was like. LOUD SIGH. ok#it was terrible. neither of them enjoyed it and they never spoke of it again#gee wonder why that was (holding the ace spectrum behind my back)#anyways they're so awful im obsessed w them. awful apart and even WORSE together. it's beautiful#then you throw L in this mix and it gets even funnier and MORE awful#(he's bi aroace to me btw. for the record)#serena.txt#death note posting
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I know hello future me is like. THE guy who talks about avatar the last airbender in all of his videos. But did he really have to do it like that in the one about the japanese human experimentation death camps? Its part of his central thesis about how japanese war crimes arent in the cultural memory like german ones are but. It should have been like. An example at the very end. Not the first thing he talks about right after the intro.
Like call me a prude but i think talking about how the fire nation is inspired by imperial japan between clips of graphic descriptions and heartwrenching witness testimonies of japans crimes against humanity is uhhhhhhhhh bad taste!
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i thought sungirl had sunboy/inferno's powers
not buffed killer frost powers
Gotta say I'm not super familiar with sunboys powers so I can't really comment on him but yeah Sungirl is op as hell
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vaugarde · 1 year
as much as i do love all these characters i am pretty glad that the kirby supporting character designs have finally shifted away from the same “floating hands, pupilless eyes, and no legs” mould thats been there since rtdl
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Do you ever read a book and realise how it's going to make you exponentially worse
#finished the monsters we deserve by marcus sedgwick in (according to the handy timer on my library's ebook reader) one 46 minute session#am not normal about it!#like it's possibly a letter. we don't know who from or who to but it's written KNOWINGLY like the narrator will correct their own grammar#the narrator will point out their own use of a comma in the very first lines and that WILL come up again like I am categorically not okay#about 'a fairytale (comma) ending'#it's about an author who hates the book frankenstein it's autobiographical in the same way Lemony Snickett books are if that makes sense#it asks the question 'was frankenstein the monster? is he still the monster if he's real and his ghost stands in front of you just a puppet#it says okay if mary shelley made the monster frankenstein to what extent did frankenstein make mary shelley#did she know what would happen to it how it would get misinterpreted over and over in adaptation?#and if you hate a book like HATE hate a book how do you get rid of it? you can't destroy your copy how do you destroy the very Essence Of#The Book because the narrator's an author he can't ban the book or burn it because he Knoqs what that leads to and yet...#the phrase 'frankenstein made a monster' can mean many things at once#it's also about - and this is key - what if there was a fucked up cabin in France#I think I've mentioned before how reading pterry left its mark on my writing#but reading this reminded me of how year 8/9/possibly 7 me read pretty much every book by him in my school library#which has Definitely influenced me too
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lokis-wager · 7 months
I don't really like Undertale that much. I don't hate it, but I don't really like it either. I think Earthbound is much better and actually emotional resonates with me in the way that Undertale tries to, but doesn't quite hit. Undertale does have better characters tho, there's been no one so far who really 'hits' like Papyrus and Alphys did for me.
I haven't finished either game, though. I really don't feel like the ending of Undertale is gonna be worth grinding to try to beat the final (?)boss. I hate combat in Undertale. I'm probably a third of the way into Earthbound and haven't had to grind yet, but I really enjoy turn-based combat, and the system where you get to walk over weak enemies and kill em without even making it to the battle screen. Even if I hit a grind wall or a tough boss, I don't see myself losing interest.
And Earthbound has better music :p
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yatiso · 2 years
Hey I was just peaking at the reblogs for my addition bc I did not expect it to pick up any kind of traction but then it did dhjsks anyways I want to clarify that when i said its not the artists fault what I meant (and didnt say bc I felt it was a whole other discussion oops thats on me) is that its the labels fault. Recording labels are notoriously nefarious in how they exploit artists and i didnt wanna blame all artists for that (tho some are def part of the problem as a whole they are not imo). I hope that clears things up and I enjoyed reading ur thoughts!!!
omg when i was typin up those tags i was literally hoping op wouldnt read bc it came off so cunty >~< im not upset at you im just really passionate! record labels ARE notoriously horrible but i rlly feel like if an artist has a backbone they can figure out SOMETHING ya know! is a painter a painter if they only paint what and how and when theyre told to? is an ai algorithm that produces something that makes u think of a painting based on what you feed it a painter? no! it might be interesting, might be cool— but theres no substance to it, intrinsically— the art aspect would come from the person putting in the keywords or the viewer (art is in the eye of the beholder, but art isnt art without some sort of soul.) would u want to only see ai paintings forever? would you get bored with meaning strictly coming from how you perceive it and knowing that thats the case? or would you start to crave something created by a real person? record labels are horrible and theyre seemingly doing just that with music! but i feel like if its not common knowledge that record labels are rancid rotten… then im not sure what is! i think with such an in flux of Artists that are more Face than talent, and with Influencer becoming a dream job for every one their kids and their mom, if someone that is Not an artist decides to try make it big as a musician for fame (or sells out for the maintenance/continual acquisition of fame) then i think theyre also to blame and theyre gonna get (and according to the streams, are getting) whats coming to them ya kno. (note that im not saying Bad Artists, music is subjective but i think its very easy for ppl to recognize on some bare minimum level when someone famous/trendy that puts music out that doesnt have a musical bone in their body, or a vision/idea to express truly) like its late and ive been up since 6 am so im passionate but the adderall is wearing off so im not sure how much sense this makes, but an artist, i feel regardless of most situations, is responsible for what they put out, especially with how easy it is to do the work of a record label pretty much on your own now.
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indefinite hiatus from tumblr [where 'indefinite' does not mean 'forever', merely 'a week? two weeks? a month? who even knows at this point']
still be available for DMs for a bit at least, but I'll not be checking my notifications or dash. tag me if you want me to see something in ??? time :)
love y'all
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