As workers prepare to begin a shift, managers call out: “How are you?” Workers must respond by shouting in unison, “Good! Very good! Very, very good!” This drill is said to foster disciplined workers. A laser-soldering worker reported, “Before shift-time, a whistle sounds three times. At the first whistle we must rise and put our stools in order. At the second whistle we prepare to work and put on special gloves or equipment. At the third whistle we sit and work.”
“No talking, no laughing, no eating, no sleeping” during work hours is the number one factory rule. Any behavior that violates discipline is penalized. “Going to the toilet for more than ten minutes incurs an oral warning, and chatting during work time incurs a written warning,” a line leader explained.
Foxconn maintains a policy of demerit points to drive workers to work harder. Another woman worker explained: “The policy penalizes workers for petty offences. I can lose points for having long nails. There are so many things. Just one penalty means losing my monthly bonus.”
Jenny Chan, Mark Selden and Pun Ngai, Dying for an iPhone: Apple, Foxconn and the Lives of China's Workers
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dessi-desu · 1 year
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Lunafreya! 🌙🌊 My knowledge of Final Fantasy 15 is admittedly pretty limited, so I had to do some research for this one. I ended up being really inspired by the Leviathan summoning sequence and designed a gown based on that scene, complete with Leviathan detailing. I enjoyed playing up the pleated fabrics on this design, along with the water themed skirting.
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memenewsdotcom · 2 years
Foxconn iPhone workers beaten
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azspot · 1 year
This week, videos showing police in white protective suits kicking and clubbing protesting factory workers have gone viral, drawing attention to longstanding labour complaints among the Chinese workers who make the world’s iPhones.
At the Foxconn factory in the city of Zhengzhou in China’s central Henan province, recent COVID-19 outbreaks have slowed production and led to unrest among employees over pay and virus containment protocols.
Exporters in China such as Foxconn are trying to fill orders for the holiday rush while coping with a “Zero COVID” strategy that abruptly shuts down cities for a week or longer to contain outbreaks.
Employees were enraged when Foxconn Technology Group allegedly changed the terms of wages offered to fill Apple’s orders for iPhone 14 production.
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tomorrowusa · 1 year
Republicans push policies which are largely anti-youth and then somehow wonder why younger voters avoid them like skunks.
Republican Scott Walker, who was one of the worst governors in Wisconsin history, blames the landslide loss of MAGA extremist Daniel Kelly for a seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court on young people. Walker claims that “radical ideas” are responsible for keeping younger voters from voting for Republicans.
Oh? Walker is like that saying about the pot calling the kettle black. It’s the GOP which is pushing a radical agenda which subverts freedom.
A liberal victory in Wisconsin’s recent high-stakes state Supreme Court election has left former Governor Scott Walker in a foot-stamping, multiplatform fume that targeted the young voters who swung behind the victorious Janet Protasiewicz. “Younger voters may be the behind [sic] the stinging loss for conservatives in WI this week,” he tweeted. “We have to undo years of liberal indoctrination.”
Not content to just tweet, Walker took his complaints to Fox News in an attempt to expand his brief against the “indoctrination” of youth. In his telling, the younger generations have been too exposed to “radical ideas,” such as “climate change and defunding the police … abortion, and all these sorts of other issues.” 
Last time I checked, it was Trumpists who want to defund the FBI and take power away from prosecutors who were investigating criminality. And Walker doesn’t seem to think that climate change is real but does think that the state has a role in regulating vaginas. Somehow Walker thinks the GOP lost because it simply wasn’t getting its warped message across.
Walker’s theory of the Wisconsin election might be more convincing if there wasn’t a far less convoluted explanation at the ready, which is simply that young voters did hear the opposing view and found it both substantially objectionable and antithetical to their interests.
Perhaps the largest matter at stake in that election was abortion. Everywhere you look, Republicans are finding it very difficult to actually run on the post-Roe dystopia they’ve engineered—so much so that they’re now trying to get people to just stop talking about it. But the fact that young voters back both reproductive rights and the Democrats who support them, by wide margins, is very well known. Republicans have had ample opportunities to account for this reality and moderate their position. They’ve failed to do so, and, wouldn’t you know it, young people have noticed.
To be honest, if Republicans publicized their views even more, they’d get even fewer votes from people under 35. hehe
So while Walker may believe that some level of “indoctrination” is behind the way the youth vote disproportionately tilts toward Democrats, perhaps there’s something to the theory that young voters are simply noticing what’s going on in the world around them and responding in kind to this abundance of observable information. For example, it could be that young Wisconsinites remember Walker, their would-be liberator from the chains of indoctrination, as the governor whose economic numbers lagged those of Democrat-run neighbor Minnesota, or the guy whose key achievement was saddling the state with his doomed FoxConn factory boondoggle.
Just a quick break to point out that Walker is the architect of one of the worst fiascos in Wisconsin history. Yep, the GOP is supposed to be good at business deals. 😝
Wisconsin’s Foxconn Debacle Keeps Getting Worse
Back to young voters who Republicans are profoundly out of touch with.
Looking further afield, maybe young voters are similarly observing that Republicans seem to just not like them very much! They are probably reading about how conservatives are banning books and drag shows, demonizing gay and trans people, and thwarting progress on climate mitigation—an issue pretty dear to their hearts since they, along with their own children, will be greatly impacted by the environmental calamities to come. It could be that young voters actually have heard the “opposing view” very clearly and they find it to be out of touch and off-putting. 
The GOP has had plenty of chances to avoid alienating young voters. Republican pollster Kristen Soltis Anderson has been sounding the alarm about this for several years now: In 2017, she warned that not only were young voters breaking toward Democrats “by massive margins,” they also weren’t “moving rightward” as they approached middle age. “Like the Gen Xers ahead of them,” she wrote, “they’re instead more and more likely to decide ‘liberal’ suits them just fine as a label.” This all came home to roost in 2018, when the highest youth turnout in the history of midterm elections swept Democrats into office.
Republicans didn’t take the hint and are becoming even more antagonistic to younger voters.
After taking a licking in 2022, Republicans once again failed to respond with soul-searching about losing the youth vote. Instead, they packed the postelection discourse with complaints about voters they’d already so badly alienated, grousing about how the voting age was too low. In recent weeks, a concerted effort has begun to suppress the youth vote in Texas by banning polling places on college campuses; similar measures are likely on the way across the country. And so all of this pathetic caviling about youth indoctrination rings false against the clear evidence that what Republicans actually want is simply to crush the political power of the young.
Republicans keep pandering to their gradually shrinking far right fundamentalist base and then wonder why newer voters think they are out of touch.
Compare how the parties feel on a lot of issues. It is not exactly a surprise that the GOP continues to fall short with younger voters.
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indizombie · 11 months
The company's success certainly rests on its impressive client base, but Foxconn is just as indispensable to those clients. To understand how essential it is to Apple, for instance, you just need to look at how much of the iPhone is made by Foxconn - around 60%, by some estimates. The factories in China make some of the most essential parts of the device - camera modules, connectors, even the back of the phone casing.
‘iPhone maker Foxconn to switch to cars as US-China ties sour’, BBC
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n0thingiscool · 9 months
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skleftist · 2 years
Womöglich habt auch ihr - am Rande - Meldungen zu Aufständen bzw. Tumulten in China mitbekommen. Die Medienlandschaft verkauft uns das als Aufstand gegen die Corona-Schutzmaßnahmen bzw. gegen die chinesische Coronapolitik, aus welchen Gründen auch immer.
Es geht nicht um Corona! Es geht um Arbeitsbedingungen bei Foxconn, die seit jeher genau das sind, wogegen die Arbeiter:innen aufbegehrt bzw aufbegehren muss. Ein Indiz dafür, dass es vorweg nicht um Corona-Maßnahmen geht, ist zum Beispiel, dass die Demonstrierenden durchweg Maske tragen und keine Parolen gegen Corona-Maßnahmen auf den Weg bringen.
Was aber ist Foxconn überhaupt? Vorweg: Eigentlich habt ihr alle Foxconn Zuhause!
Foxconn ist ein in mehreren Ländern tätiges taiwan-chinesisches Unternehmen, das unter dem Namen Foxconn Technology Group (富士康科技集團 / 富士康科技集团[5], kurz Foxconn 富士康[6]) auf dem Markt auftritt. Foxconn ist das nach Umsatz 20-größte Unternehmen der Welt. Foxconn ist der größte Hersteller für elektronische Produkte der Welt, der größte Dienstleister für elektronische Services der Welt, einer der größten Arbeitgeber der Welt sowie der größte private Arbeitgeber in China und der größte Exporteur Chinas nach Stückzahlen. Der Großteil der weltweit verkauften Smartphones, Laptops, Computertechnik und Spielekonsolen wird von Foxconn produziert. - vgl. Wikipedia.
Medienberichterstattung einfordern!
Vor allem der ÖRR muss hier endlich seiner Verpflichtung nachkommen und darüber berichten, worum es wirklich geht. Ich erwarte mehr von @tagesschau-de, ZDF und auch von Jan Böhmermann sowie vom Radio z. B. Hessischer Rundfunk aber auch von nicht ÖRR-Print wie dem Wiesbadener Kurier bzw. VRM-Medien.
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eternalistic · 2 years
Foxconn employee describes violent protests in China Video obtained by CNN shows violence in China at Foxconn, the world's largest iPhone factory. Workers are protesting unfair treatment, dirty living conditions, and chaotic Covid rules, as CNN's Selina Wang reports.
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restonse · 2 years
Far, far away in the Middle Kingdom, there is a place called iPhone City.
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breadcrumbstoons · 2 years
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By the offered political logic the current government is as much if not more incompetent than the previous government. 
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gwydionmisha · 22 days
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post-leffert · 6 months
angry Foxconn workers smashing the premises in Zhengzhou, Henan province, China (Nov 27th 2022)
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shamnadt · 4 months
Exclusive-India IT ministry fears losing out to China, Vietnam in smartphone exports race
India risks losing out to China and Vietnam as it seeks to become a major smartphone export hub and must “act fast” to lure global companies with lower tariffs, the deputy IT minister said in government documents seen by Reuters. Smartphone manufacturing is a key plank of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ambitions to boost the economy and create jobs by attracting companies such as Apple, Foxconn…
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gistglobe · 4 months
Foxconn CEO Young Liu Honored with Padma Bhushan in 2024
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asiantimes-world-news · 5 months
Foxconn to set up chip testing plant in India
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