camilieroart · 27 days
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Animation commission for @/zero_zarrow on Twitter !
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cordeliawhohung · 5 months
imagine reader working in a shop that borders on the territory of another crime group, and said crime group sends their muscle to threaten reader to pay up and ghost hears about this
cue to him literally risking a gang war by beating the men up who threatened reader, ultimately marking her as “his girl” (for better and for worse, because being seen an his makes everyone else back away but also puts a target on her back and make her his weakness 🥴😭😩💕)
YES YES YES AHHHH ready for some more mafia!Simon lore?
see, the thing about our sweet ghost boy is that he is really good at fighting. violence is his specialty. back when he still did blue collar work, before he ever joined up with John, he used to do underground boxing. illegal, of course, because nothing legal ever pays good enough lmao. people would place bets and he would get a portion of the winnings, plus whatever tips anyone would toss his way. thing was, he never lost. not even when people fought dirty. he's quick, smart, brutish, he knows his shit.
so imagine when these goons try and threaten his girl? oh no. no, that won't fucking fly at all. and these punks think they have the upper hand. sure, he's a big guy, but three men against one? come on, the odds aren't in his favor at all. so they're especially surprised when they've got broken teeth, bones, bloody noses, ringing ears, you fucking name it, he's given them that ailment. everyone around him looks on in horror as he leans over the pained men.
"you got a problem, next time come straight to me. if i ever see you around my girl again, i'll fuckin' kill you. yeah?"
and when they eventually flee, you're freaking the fuck out. his knuckles! it looks like he got an elbow to the eye! that was one of the scariest things you ever saw! and you're trying to drag him to the back, trying to force ice onto his face and he of course listens because it's you.
"it's nothing, sweetheart, really."
maybe this is how shy!reader finds out simon's in the mafia lmao. but UGH i love the knight in shining armor trope i could write that shit for the rest of my life <3 i'm so glad you're enjoying it!
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dior-desire · 4 months
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johnny cade crushing on a popular soc hcs
“ she smiled and looked at me, i was surprised to see, that a woman like that was really into me. ”
───── ˚ ୨୧ ⋆  ─────
— the two of you met in class, although he never talked unless the teacher called on him—you thought he was the cutest thing
— being a soc, you would never get the chance to actually have a civil conversation with him without being judged, so you just ended up pushing all those thoughts to the side
— that was until one day, the teacher had asked if you could come back during your lunch hr so that she could ask you something
— once the bell rung and it was time for lunch and you made your way to her class. walking into her class you made eye contact with the one and only johnny cade
— “ i’m glad you here ( your name ), i wanted to ask if you could help johnny here study for the upcoming exam? ”
— johnny cringed and looked away in embarrasment, “ of course ms. jones, when should i start? ”
— that day johnny had came over your house and the two of you only got closer there on
— johnny noticed how you werent like the other socs, you never made fun of someone because of their social class and had a good image amongst both socs and greasers
— the only person who knew that you and johnny had been talking was ponyboy, johnny would reguarly vent to him on how he wanted so badly to confess but he wouldnt want to tarnish your reputation
— as johnny and you spent more time studying together at your house, the tension between you two grew. one day, while going over notes for the upcoming exam, johnny couldn't contain his feelings any longer. he looked into your eyes and confessed how he felt, his voice trembled a bit from nervousness. It was a sweet moment that made your heart skip a beat
— after the confession, you both couldn't help but smile and laugh, feeling a weight lifted off your shoulders. from that day on, your study sessions turned into moments of shared affection and stolen glances. It was the beginning of a beautiful relationship
— once you and johnny got together, ponyboy was so proud that it ended up slipping out to sodapop, and of course it wouldnt take long for the whole gang to find out
— they all bombarded johnny with questions,
“ whered yall meet? ”,
“ you’ve been to her house?! ”
“ have yall done anything yet?? ”,
“ she got a sister?? ”
— everybody was happy for johnny, while dallas on the other hand was a little upset on why he was just finding out johnny had a gf
— soon enough you end up meeting the gang and of course everybody loves you but once again dallas is still iffy
— he wouldn’t want some soc girl to break johnnys heart so he still had his guard up around you
— once dallas got to know you better he seen that your intentions with johnny were pure and even looked at you like a little sister, not by any means would he ever admit it though
───── ˚ ୨୧ ⋆  ─────
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nimaanila · 6 months
Slow Down, Cowboy (Part 3)
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Paring: Billy the Kid (Tom Blyth) x reader
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: Mentions of violence, blood, injury, some angst and suggestive phrasing, and LOTS of fluff!!!
Synopsis: Billy gets injured in a fight. Reader is there to take care of him.
A/N: Part 3!! There will be one more part after this! Veeeery fluffy. I loved writing this and I hope you enjoy reading it. Thank you!! Please leave me requests on what to write next 🥰
Part 1: Here; Part 2: Here
Part 3: Touch Starved
You and Billy promised to see each other tomorrow, like every night. Only tomorrow had come and you hadn’t seen him.
The later and later it got, the more and more you looked at the door every time you heard the bell ring, and even when it didn’t. You tried to quiet the worrying in the back of your mind, but it nagged at you all night while you were working. You tried asking Billy’s gang if they knew where he was, only to get shrugs and murmurs of “Not sure, ma’am.”
You had closed up the saloon like normal and headed upstairs to your bedroom to get some shut eye. There were some perks of living just above the saloon: no commute, rent paid for itself. There were some drawbacks too, like living in a public building that everyone knew the location of. It had never been a problem before.
Just as you had settled in to bed to sleep, you heard someone banging on the door downstairs.
You didn’t get up until you heard the banging several more times, the knocks getting closer and closer together, the person landing them becoming increasingly impatient. This had never happened before, your safety never threatened by a stranger for as long as you’d worked in and lived above the saloon. No one knew you lived above the bar. No one except… Billy!
You leaped out of bed, throwing a thin robe over your satin nightgown and lighting a candle to take downstairs with you. You galloped down the stairs, setting the candle on the bar as you strode over to the door and unlocked it as quickly as you could. Billy was standing in the dark with his head hung low, shivering from the cold.
“Billy! Where on earth have you been?! Get in here, it’s freezing!” You grabbed his wrist, tugging him inside. You didn’t notice it while you looked for passersby, but Billy winced in pain after you threw him inside. You locked the door with a quick flick and ran around the saloon, shutting all the blinds for some privacy, leaving only the light from your candle to illuminate the space around you and Billy.
“I was wonderin’ where you were all night. Scared me half to death showin’ up now, but I’m glad to see you, anyway,” you said to Billy, walking around the bar to get him a drink. It was just habit at this point.
The only sound being made was that of you pouring the light amber liquid into the bottom heavy glass. When Billy didn’t say anything, you grew even more worried. He was quiet, sure, but not with you. He stood where you had left him, in the middle of the saloon surrounded by empty chairs and bare tables, not making a sound, his eyes on the floor. You walked around to face him, drink in hand, setting it on the table next to you.
“Billy? Everything all right?” He still wouldn’t make eye contact with you. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion and worry, gently reaching out to place your thumb and forefinger under Billy’s chin, slowly lifting his face to force his eyes to finally meet yours. Although there was next to no lighting, as you looked at him, there was no way you could miss his busted lip, a cut above his eye that was still bleeding, and that same eye threatening to bruise black and purple. You gasped in shock. “Oh Billy, what happened?” Again, Billy only offered you silence. You let out a troubled sigh. “Here, let me clean you up.”
You grabbed his hand and led him closer to the bar, sitting him down in a chair while you rounded the counter to grab supplies. Drunk patrons were regularly getting injured as they sank further and further into their cups over the long hours of the night, so you always had the necessities on hand. Namely iodine, gauze, bandages, and of course, plenty of alcohol to sterilize wounds. You also made up a bowl of warm water and fetched a clean rag before you turned your attention back to Billy. You set the supplies you gathered up onto the counter and made your way over to Billy, bringing the candlelight with you to get a better look at him.
You gasped again as you brought the light closer to his face. He looked worse than your initial assessment led you to believe. Wasting no more time, you began to work, first using the rag and warm water to clean the wounds as best as you could, trying not to make it hurt any more than it already did. You gently dabbed at the cut on Billy’s lip, removing the dried blood and revealing a faint slice in his bottom lip. It should heal without worry. It was a different story when it came to the cut above Billy’s eye. He noticeably winced when you started to clean it. “I’m sorry, darlin’. This is a nasty one.” You spoke sweetly as you worked. “It’s okay,” Billy said softly.
You prompted him to tell you what happened. “Now, are you gonna tell me how you ended up like this or are you gonna keep a lady wonderin’, who you also left waitin’?” There was a whisper of a smile on your lips as you asked Billy to tell you what happened, using a soft tone but one that conveyed to him that you needed an answer. Billy met your eyes and gave you a half smile, nodding as he said, “Once you’ve cleaned me up, I will. You look so pretty, I just don’t wanna miss anything.” Billy said shyly, his gaze traveling all across your face and down your body.
You quickly realized how under dressed you were for the occasion, the thin material of your nightgown and robe leaving little to the imagination. Your long wavy hair was not in its usual ponytail, which is how Billy always saw you. You blushed remembering this fact as well as realizing you didn’t have any undergarments on. You swallowed the butterflies swarming in your throat and nodded your head, paying attention to his wounds. You had cleaned up all of the fresh blood with warm water and moved to sterilizing the wounds. “If that’s what you want. But this is gonna sting,” you cautioned Billy, motioning to the clear vodka and dry rag you were planning to use. Billy looked at the vodka and then at you, nodding his head before taking his bottom lip under his teeth to brace for the pain.
When the alcohol hit his lip, Billy hissed but could tolerate it. You then began to address the cut above his eye, which continued to bleed. He yelped and banged his fist on the table. You moved quickly and gently so as to not prolong the pain for him. “I’m sorry! There, all done.” You put the dirty rags, water, and alcohol back on the counter before assessing his wounds again. Billy’s eyes searched your face while you examined the damage. Your hair had fallen into your face while you tended to his wounds, a long strand of wavy hair covering your eye and caressing your cheek. Billy tentatively reaching out to tuck the hair back behind your ear. You blushed, meeting his eyes and thanking him before turning your attention back to the cut above his eye.
“This one is gonna need stitches, I’m afraid,” you told him. “But I can’t bend down like this anymore. Here, stand up.” Billy did as he was told, standing up and turning around, watching you as you moved behind the bar again to get more supplies. You pulled out a makeshift suture kit, made up of a sewing needle and thick wire-like material along with some clean alcohol, and more gauze.
“Help me up onto the counter, would ya?” You asked Billy. He tilted his head to the side, confusion coloring his stare. “Since you’re so freakin’ tall, I figure I could sit up here while you stand and I stitch you up. That ok?” You asked him innocently. Billy nodded and gulped, hesitant to move closer to you. His hands moved to slowly grip your waist and hoist you up onto the counter with ease. “Thank you, cowboy. Much better.” You gave him a smile which he returned. “My pleasure, ma’am.” His gaze then dropped, and regretfully so, because in the process of placing you onto the counter, your night gown had ridden up slightly to reveal the soft skin above your knees. Billy cursed under his breath when he also noticed that your robe had dropped off your shoulder, too, leaving only a thin strap of satin.
You set up your tools to stitch the wound and turned your attention back to him. He was standing too far away. “Well, how am I supposed to stitch you up with you all the way over there? Come here, I don’t bite.” Billy hesitantly took a few steps towards you, seeming bashful all of a sudden. You remembered your lack of clothing compared to his and blushed again. Deciding to fully embrace the circumstances of the situation rather than hide, you grabbed one of his belt loops and gently tugged him closer to where you sat on the counter. Your legs were spread apart slightly so he could stand between them, your nightgown hiking up even more to reveal even more soft skin of your thighs as you did so. It took all of Billy’s strength to keep his hands to himself. Contemplating what to do with them for a moment, he settled on resting his hands on the counter on either side of your thighs, his thumbs threatening to play with the lacy edges of your night gown.
“That’s better. Now, look at me and tell me what happened,” you asked softly as you began to work on stitching him up. Billy recounted the story as best as he could in between winces from the stitches and being distracted by your beauty. His eyes traveling everywhere: your eyes, nose, lips, collarbones, hair. Every part of you looked so soft. He wanted to run his fingertips over it all. He had never seen a woman so beautiful, so innocent and wanted to commit everything he observed to memory.
“The guys and I went on a usual outin’, only this one wasn’t in our favor. It got ugly real fast. Most of the guys made it out without a scratch. I was just about to leave when one of those farmers said he knows you. Said he comes in here as much as I do, lookin’ for you. Said some disgustin’ things about you that made my blood boil. I wasn’t thinkin’. I saw red and ran at him. He got in a few good punches and got me with his knife before I knocked him out. Came right over here so I could protect you, if he tried anythin’, that damn son of a bitch.”
By the time Billy had finished his story, he had become so passionate that his jaw was clenched and he was gripping your thigh. You had finished stitching him up and dabbed some iodine on the wound, covering it with gauze. Satisfied wjth your work, you put your tools down and placed your hand over his that was digging into your thigh. Now having realized what he was doing as he told his story, he immediately released you, jerking his hand back and dropping his gaze to his feet. “I- I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to. I was so mad when I heard him talkin’. Guess I got mad again just tellin’ you.”
You shook your head at him, moving both of your hands to cup his face and bring his eyes up to meet yours. You ran your thumbs across his cheekbones in a soothing manner. “Billy, I’m sorry that I got you into this. No more fightin’ guys over me, you hear?” Billy looked at you incredulously. He held your wrists as he stared into your eyes. “How can I not? You are the most beautiful, kind, smart woman I have ever had the pleasure of knowin’. Too pure for this earth. And I’ll be damned if I let another man talk about you like that. Especially to me. You hear?” You couldn’t help but chuckle has he used your own words against you. “I can’t argue with that,” you told him. “Good,” he said, smiling at you. He reached out to run his fingers through the ends of your hair, which ran all the way down to your lower back. His hand brushed against your waist before settling back down on the counter again.
You mustered up the courage to ask him a question you had been wondering all night. “Why are you afraid to touch my body, Billy?” You asked him plainly, searching his eyes and only being met with shyness and adoration. Billy was taken aback by your question. “I guess I just didn’t want you thinkin’ I was takin’ advantage of you, sittin’ here and lookin’ all pretty like that. A gentleman never assumes that a lady wants to be touched by him.” Billy’s consideration made your heart soar. You smiled, shaking your head in disbelief at the kindness in his heart. You reached out to grab his hands, placing them around your waist. Billy let them rest there, but you could feel that he was still hesitant. He wasn’t getting the message, bless his heart.
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, pulling him as close to you as the bar counter would allow. Staring into his eyes, you confessed, “Billy, the only person I want to touch me is you.” And you kissed him.
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sunflowergirl522 · 2 years
Angel Face
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Henderson!Reader
Summary: Eddie takes Dustin to pick up his sister from the airport and is surprised with seeing his long ago best friend.
Word Count: 3395
Eddie Masterlist
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“You know Henderson, I didn’t know you had a sister.” Eddie turns his head slightly to glance at the younger boy in the passenger seat. He had found out about her when Dustin gathered everyone up in a meeting to announce the news that she was moving back.
“It’s not like it was a secret.” Dustin shrugs before turning his body to face Eddie. “Thanks again for driving to pick her up. It means a lot to my mom and I that you said yes when I asked.”
“Why couldn’t your mom do it again?” Eddie wasn’t complaining, he owed his friend one after he dragged him out of the upside down, though he would’ve driven him even if he hadn’t.
“She had to work because her dick of a boss wouldn’t let her take off.”
“Bummer. Tell me about this famous sister of yours that everyone knew about except for me.”
“Oh she’s the best! She’s the coolest, kindest, most caring person I know. Whenever she would come visit she’d always bring gifts for not only me but the guys too. And she was constantly sending me new dice in the letters she sent me. She’d ask me all about my interests and if I mentioned something just once she’d bring it up again in a couple of months asking if I still enjoy it. She was so quick to bond with everyone when she first met them and it wasn’t a shock that they all basically adopted her as their sister too. I mean she was there for Will in ways that I don’t even know about and I know that she had been in communication with him while they were in California more than the rest of us. And you’ve seen how Nancy and Mike interact. They don’t have the best sibling relationship so she had tried to give him the closest thing she could to what we have. And Lucas and Erica adore her completely. I get most of my best qualities from her.” Eddie smiles as he listens to Dustin ramble on about his sister. He could tell how much he loved you when he asked him to pick you up. It was obvious in his voice and his eyes how excited he was and how much he adored you. It’s why Eddie had said yes without asking questions or double guessing. Sure he had to cancel band practice but it was worth it to see Dustin so hyped up.
“She as annoying as you too?”
“Haha, very funny. I actually think you’ll like her.”
“Well the Henderson clan does seem to have a hold on me.” What with Dustin being his best friend and his mom taking a liking to him and constantly inviting him over for dinners.
Dustin practically jumps out of the van while it’s still moving as Eddie parks it in the airport parking lot. If it wasn’t for Eddie grabbing onto the back of his shirt he would’ve. Once it’s stopped fully Eddie has to rush to catch up with his friend who’s almost running to the entrance. When he finally gets him to slow down Dustin bounces with every step he takes closer to baggage claim. Eddie can’t help but smile at his excitement. Admittedly he’s excited to meet the sister that had the whole gang so excited. They had all burst into excited gasps and cheers when Dustin had brought her up and Eddie couldn’t help but feel left out at not knowing why everyone was so excited.
At the baggage claim Dustin bounces up and down in his spot while he tries to spot you in the crowd. This is easily the most exciting day of his life. His sister is coming home permanently! When you called him up to tell him that he swears it could’ve been the best day of his life. He hasn’t seen you for a few months because of school and dad not letting you visit when you normally would once a month. And while he’s upset for you that you flunked out, you had been so excited to get your degree, he’s glad you decided to continue it at a school close enough to Hawkins that you can live at home.
You spot Dustin in the crowd within minutes of getting to baggage claim. It was hard to miss the thinking cap you sent him months ago disappearing and reappearing over people's shoulders. 
“Dusty!” You squeal and shoulder your way through the crowd so you can bring him into a hug.
“Y/n/n!” He flings himself into your arms and you could cry at the warm feeling of his arms around you. You were losing your mind being stuck with your dad for so long. The only thing you regret about flunking out was that you hadn’t instead dropped out forever ago and moved back. 
“You’ve gotten so big, oh my god.” You pull away from Dustin still holding him at arms length to get a good look at your growing brother. While the two of you talk Eddie finally gets a good look at you and his eyes nearly bug out of his head as he recognizes you.
“Y/n?!” The sound of his voice has you whipping your head around to see him. His voice is deeper than the last time you heard it but you’d still recognize it anywhere.
“Eddie?! Is that you?”
“You know it, Angel Face.”
“Oh my god!” You abandon Dustin to jump into Eddie’s waiting arms. “What are you doing here?”
“Brought Dustin to pick up his sister which turned out to be you. Didn’t even know he had one till like a week ago. I thought your brother went with you when you moved.”
“We have the same dad but different moms. Dusty got lucky with dad honestly. You know Dustin?” Your face is still buried in his neck and he holds onto you tight.
“What is going on?” Dustin asks, breaking out of the shock of seeing his sister wrap herself around his friend that she’s never met.
“Eddie was my best friend before I moved away with dad. But we lost contact after high school started because we got busy with life.” You finally let go and turn towards your brother while Eddie keeps his arm around your shoulder afraid if he stopped touching you you’d fade away like a good dream.
“She got busy with school and friends while I got busy with the band and Hellfire.”
“Is the band still around?”
“The members have changed a bit since the last time you were around but yeah, Corroded Coffin is still kicking. We even play at the Hideout sometimes.” You turn your head to look at him and gasp when you really take in how much he’s changed. You’d been too shocked at him being here to really notice anything before.
“Whoa Eddie your hair got so long.” You pull a strand between your fingers while he goes to rub the back of his neck.
“I know, I should probably get it cut.” Dustin's mouth gapes at that. Every time someone had suggested that to Eddie, even as a joke, he would yell at them to shut up. He never thought he'd see the day where his friend actually agreed with that statement.
“No, I like it. It’s very metal.” As the goofiest grin Dustin has ever seen spreads across Eddie’s face he realizes two things. One, that Eddie’s obviously absolutely smitten with you and two, he’s gonna have to let Steve know that his chance is gone because with the way you’re smiling and playing with Eddie’s unruly hair you obviously have some sort of feelings for him too.
“Jeez how much stuff do you have Y/n?” Dustin asks as he spots your suitcases coming towards him on the conveyor belt.
“I brought everything I could fit in my bags. All my clothes, books, records, important memory stuff. I had to buy two new suitcases.” You grab two of them off of the belt while Dustin grabs the other two and Eddie swings your duffel bag that you dropped when you hugged Dustin over his shoulder. “I shipped a few things over before I left too. They should be showing up at home over the next few days.”
“What about your car?”
“I sold it.” You shrug. “I’ll miss Bessy but I can just buy one here once I find a job instead of having a friend drive her down and have to drive them back.”
“I can drive you around till you get one.” Eddie offers while taking one of the suitcases from your hand.
“You don’t have to do that Eddie bear. I’m sure you have better things to do.” Dustin watches as Eddie practically melts at the nickname. His shoulders slouch like all the tension he’s been carrying around just disappeared completely, his head drops so it’s leaning towards your own, and he gets the most relaxed smile.
“Better than hangout with my Angel face whenever she needs to go somewhere? Never.” You giggle at that and shove his shoulder in a playful ‘stop it’ kind of way. 
“Alright can we go now?” Dustin's had enough of watching Eddie flirt with his sister.
“Yeah, let me take one of those for you Dusty.” You go to take one of the suitcases from Dustin since Eddie took one of your own but as soon as you get it in your hand he takes it from you. “You don’t have to do that Eddie, you’re already doing so much.”
“And yet not enough. Now come on Hendersons lets go.” Eddie starts walking away with a suitcase in each hand trailing behind him and the duffel swung around so it rests on his back leaving you and Dustin no choice but to follow behind him.
Once you get to the van Eddie packs everything into the back not letting you do any of the work, trying to shoo you away when you tried to help. Meanwhile Dustin had just dropped off the suitcase he was carrying at Eddie's feet before moving to the passenger seat.
“Get in the back Dustin. Let your sister sit up front, I’m sure she’s had a long flight.” Eddie says as he opens the door for you just to find Dustin already in the seat.
“What about the rules of shotgun?”
“I don’t mind sitting in the back.”
“You’re not sitting in the back Angel face.” Eddie leans on the top of the van with one arm while leaning closer to you. You sigh and roll your eyes feigning annoyance as you cross your arms and lean back on one foot. Dustin just groans at the scene in front of him before climbing into the back hoping it stops whatever this is. Once you’re in Eddie shuts your door and runs around the front to his side. You spot the familiar bandanna as it flows away from him as he goes.
“Is that the bandanna I sent you?” He nods in response as he starts the van up. “You still have it?” There’s butterflies swarming in your stomach at the thought of Eddie holding onto the little memories of you the same way you had him.
“This old thing?” He reaches behind him pulling it out of his back pocket to show you. “It’s only one of my favorite possessions along with this.” He then hooks his thumb around the chain hanging from his neck pulling the guitar pick necklace out of his shirt. You gasp when you see it and lean over excitedly grabbing it to inspect it closer.
“Is this the pick I got you when Wayne got you your first real guitar?”
“Yep.” You smile wide before excitedly fumbling to grab one of the chains on your own neck that has the ring he gave you before you left on it. You’ve only ever taken it off maybe a total of six times since then. “No fucking way! Is that-”
“Your ring? Yeah.”
“Hey guys can we go now? Everyone’s waiting for us.” As much as Dustin was genuinely enjoying two of his favorite people being so excited and happy and learning the origin story for certain trademarks of  each of you he didn’t want to keep everyone waiting much longer all because neither of you could keep it in your pants.
“Everyone?” You turn to look at Dustin, your eyebrows scrunched together while Eddie pulls out of the spot.
“Shit!” He wasn’t supposed to say anything. “Y/n you have to act surprised when we get home. You’re not supposed to know they’re all there.”
“Okay, I can act surprised.”
The drive back home is filled with you and Eddie catching up after all these years. He explained how he knows Dustin from school and how he invited him to Hellfire which led to their friendship. And then Dustin had brought up all the Vecna stuff and how Eddie’s a hero to which Eddie's eyes had gone wide because he had been thinking that you wouldn’t believe him or think they were crazy. But you had shocked him by understanding everything and telling him that you wish you could’ve seen his mini concert. At the questioning gaze he held you had just shrugged and told him about how you were around last summer and went through something like that, though your adventure was more Russian based.
When the van is parked in front of the house Dustin jumps out and runs to get inside to let everyone know you’re here with Eddie yelling at him to get his ass back here and help with your stuff. You just laughed and told him it was fine while opening the back doors. You grab two suitcases while he grabs what he had while leaving the airport.
“Hey Eddie, I didn’t expect that when I moved back we’d be reunited but I’m super glad we were.” You send him a smile so wide it causes your eyes to close while he shuts the doors and it stuns him for a minute.
“Yeah, yeah me too.” He licks his lips and starts making the short trip to the door. “Don’t forget to act surprised.”
“I won't, I won't.” Eddie opens the door and gestures for you to go first.
“Welcome home!” Everyone screams as you enter the living room.
“Oh wow! You guys are all here!” 
“Damnit Dustin, you told her?”
“Why do you have to be so bad at acting Y/n?”
“Sorry Dusty. Now, I’ll hug everyone once all my stuff is in my room alright? If I don’t take it now they’ll stay in the doorway forever. This way Eddie.” You start to lead the way out of the room to the bedroom that’s been yours since the first time you visited Claudia’s new house.
“Why’s Munson following her like a lost puppy?”
“Yeah so apparently they’re long lost childhood best friends or something. They’re so painfully into each other though.”
“No way, he would’ve known her then instead of being shocked you even had a sibling.” Dustin shrugs at Mike.
“He probably didn’t realize we were related because she looks like a spitting image of her mom instead of anything like dad. You should’ve heard them though. Oh Eddie, your hair has gotten so long I like it, it's sooo metal.” Dustin raises his voice to mock you before deepening it to mock Eddie. “I’ll drive you around till you get a car, let me carry all of your bags Angel face, I should probably cut my hair.” Robin gasps at those last words.
“No way he said that! Eddie like loves his hair to death. He’s always yelling threats at us when we joke about cutting it while he sleeps.”
“Oh but he did, the moment she commented on how long it was. And the man melts when she calls him Eddie bear.”
While they all talk about you you’re peacefully rolling your suitcases into the corner of your room and telling Eddie to just leave the others wherever and the duffel bag can go on your bed. Once all that is down you sit on your bed and fall back so you’re laying there with your legs dangling off the bed.
“You tired?” Eddie asks, leaning over you.
“A little.”
“Want me to tell everyone you don’t feel good or something and send them home?”
“No it’s fine, I’m excited to see everyone. It’s just been a long day.”
“Alright well c’mon then, you’ve got people to see.” He holds his hands out for you to take and pulls you up once you grab them. You keep a hold of one of them as he pulls you back to the living room.
“How was the flight in?” Steve asks as he pulls you into a hug.
“It was alright no screaming babies this time around.” 
“That’s good.” You’re not really paying attention to Steve anymore though as your eyes spot Will from over his shoulder.
“Will!” You rush over to the boy giving him a bear hug. “I’m so excited you guys have moved back too! I was planning to fly out to Cali to see you guys again when Dustin told me you were back permanently.”
“I’ve missed you so much.”
“God I’ve missed you too bud. C’mere Johnny boy.” You hold out your arms for Jonathan after separating from his brother. “I’ve missed you too.” You murmur into his shoulder before separating and greeting Nancy with a nod and kind smile since the two of you have never been as close as you were with everyone else though maybe now it’ll be different. “Bring it in Sinclairs!” As Lucas and Erica embrace you in a group hug Eddie admires the way you interact with everyone and the big smiles on everyone's faces. You embrace Robin next, the girl pulling you into a hug as soon as you were done talking to Lucas and Erica. After you greet Mike and El you move back to Eddie's side. 
The two of you sit on the couch with you staying as close to him as possible. While you talk to everyone you absentmindedly play with his rings which you don’t even notice you’re doing until he moves his hand away from you to grab the bag of chips Dustin had been offering. You would’ve stopped then too if it wasn’t for Eddie placing his hand back on your knee for you to keep going.
“Do you need someone to drive you back up to get your car?”
“I sold it before I left.” You shrug while answering Steve.
“Oh, you can always call me if you need to get anywhere.” Eddie’s heart drops at that because why would you pick him and his beat up van that slightly smells like weed over Steve and his nice clean BMW.
“I appreciate the offer Stevie and I’ll call you if I need you but Eddie already offered to drive me around. Right Eddie bear?”
“Y-yeah.” He smiles wider than he ever has before and he tilts his head down as he looks at you, your foreheads almost touching. “As long as I’m not working I’ll drive you anywhere you wanna go, Angel face.” Steve looks over at Dustin wide eyed because he hadn’t believed him when he was talking about how obvious they were. The boy fake gags at the two of you and misses Steve's stare.
“You heading home Eddie?” Dustin asks once he’s the only one left over. 
“Yeah, I’ll see you later Dustin.” He ruffles the kids hair and starts to make his way to the door with you trailing after him.
“I’ll probably pass out after you leave.” You yawn through your words. “So unpacking will have to wait till tomorrow.”
“Yeah you should get some rest.”
“Do you wanna come over tomorrow and help? We can listen to a bunch of my new records and catch up some more?”
“Yeah of course. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He brings you into a hug and when the two of you separate you lean up and kiss his cheek feeling bold.
“Good night Eddie bear.”
“Night Angel face.” Once you shut the door and he’s heading towards his van his hand goes to his cheek in shock before another big grin takes over his face.
Eddie Taglist: @phluffybunny-blog​ @sadbitchfangirl @notbeforelong​ @kenzi-woycehoski​ @celestialsxturn​ @daisyellsong​ @urmomashleyyy​ @ofherscarlettwitchways​ @munsonswhore86​ @katsukis1wife​ @violet-19999​ @navs-bhat​ @that-chick212​ @dixontardis​ @ruinedbythehobbit​ @pikapickabitch​ @emotionaldreamer​ @kodakoalabear @chaoticevilbakugo​ @thatsamegirl​ @fromasgardandback​ @lupinpetersclearwaterodairparker​ @fangirl199812 @greenclues​ @isshecrazyorissheclever @rockchickrebel​ @yourdailymemedelivery​ @magicalchocolatecheesecake​
Everything Taglist: @munsonsmuse​ @starbxcks​ @bubsonnobx​ @practicalghost​ 
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alyakthedorklord · 1 year
Chiroptophobia: the Fear of Bats.
Bruce Wayne is Scared of Bats. This is a Canon Fact.
In a difference from canon, Batman pretends to actually BE a bat man.
(Again, “Loading and Aspect Ratio” by JUBE514 situation with fake wings. Please go read it I love it so much.)
Bruce turns himself into a physical manifestation of his personal worst nightmares, and sets out to be a street cryptid. People see him flinching from bright lights and loud noises (he hasn’t slept in three days and he really hates guns) twitching weirdly (testing his wings function/stimming) not fully understanding human social niceties (you cannot tell me this man isn't Autistic) and, duh, wings, and go ah yes this being is Inhuman.
However, people KNOW Brucie Wayne™ is petrified of bats. There was an incident at a party when one flew through a window, another at a zoo, there was this one time Manbat showed up and he practically teleported away. No one saw him for a whole month, even after Batman had captured Manbat. (He got injured in the fight.)
By extension, this means that Bruce Wayne is afraid of Batman. Just- absolutely terrified of him. No ones seen them in the same place. Ever. Bruce Wayne actually publicly refuses to even believe in the cryptid for YEARS past when he's already been proven to exist.
When the Justice League gets called in to protect Bruce and his smattering of children from some plot (batman conspicuously absent, despite Gotham being his territory) Bruce straight up tells the league that he doesn’t believe in Batman, and he feels much safer with “real heroes” rather than “a urban legend spawned from overdramatic furries and gang wars.”
The justice league is, obviously, confused.
Certified little shits Dick, Jason, and Tim, (because we’re going with JUBE514’s canon and jason doesn’t die they’re all brothers f off-)
ANYWAYS: Certified Little Shits Dick, Jason, and Tim, ready for chaos/solidifying secret identities: “Don’t worry! We believe in batman! We saw him!” :D
They then proceed to tell the justice league that Bruce HAS met Batman, but he has a phobia of bats, so when Batman saved them at a gala Bruce screamed so loud and shrill he threw off the bat-hearing and then punched batman in the face so hard he knocked him out cold, grabbed then-baby Jason and ran. (Nightwing and the second Robin had to HEROICALLY rescue a dazed Batman, Dick saw it with his own eyes!)
Bruce was so scared of the bat coming to take revenge that he jumped at every shadow for a whole month. Why, Jason, (who was younger then) had slept in Bruce's bed to keep him safe! (Dick is crooning about his cute little brother. Jason, who is hitting his growth spurt and not a little kid anymore, is infinitely embarrassed.) Right now, Brucie has settled into firmly denying Batman’s entire existence so that he can sleep soundly at night.
“Why is he so scared of bats?” The Justice League is wondering. Oh, they are so glad they asked!
“Alfred told us a story once,” Dick says, eyes wide and innocent as he prepares to lie through his fucking teeth, “that when Bruce was little, really little, he got trapped in a cave filled with bats, and his dad had to come rescue him. Apparently, Little Bruce had been crying about a massive bat, even bigger than he was, with glowing red eyes and human hands and (gasp) wait oh my goodness gracious what if that was the BATMAN :0”
“The baby batman.” Jadon adds.
“Batboy?” Tim wonders.
“Alfred, do you think Bruce met Batman when they were little?” Dick asks.
“I believe,” Alfred “the greatest enabler” Pennyworth hums, offering fresh baked scones to thier gleeful audience, “that Master Bruce referred to what he saw as ‘the bat king’ and reported seeing him outside his window several times over the years.”
“Maybe it really was him! Will you ask Batman for us?” Tim asks, already planning to hack the watchtower cameras and set up some popcorn with his brothers.
The Justice League, who have learned more about the Batman in one conversation than they have over MANY years of working together, tell the Wayne children that it will be their Genuine Pleasure to quiz batman on his interactions with BRUCIE WAYNE who has, apparently, laid batman out cold with one punch.
Alfred adds on that he personally thinks the Batman is being rather courteous to Master Bruce, as “bat king” sightings were after “difficult times” and he doesn’t come near the manor otherwise, as robin had been the one to return some family heirlooms that one time they were stolen. He calls the batman and his robins “polite young gentlemen” and then leaves.
But now the gears are turning in the justice leagues heads. Batman? Courteous? Polite? Batman is not Courteous or Polite. Not unless something else is going on.
Now. From their point of view. Batman lives in the cave systems under the richest houses in Gotham, Phantom of the Opera style, hiding his meta form (because this batman is playing cryptid really well. Maybe he was a mutant baby of some Rich Gothamites, who threw him into the caves in shame!) He’s been watching Bruce Wayne, likely as he struggled with the highly reported on demise of his parents, seeing the effects that crime had on the boy that fell into his cave all those years ago. Batman has always been so protective of children, so hateful of guns, obviously the Wayne tragedy is part of what motivates him. He loves Gotham dearly, territorial of it to the point of keeping other heroes out, and yet he breaks that rule here, for Gotham's prince, solely for Bruce’s comfort.
Bruce, another person who obviously loves the city of Gotham just as much, putting millions into charity and relief efforts. Who is clearly very protective of his children, even if he usually has no spine, to the point of attacking his greatest fear to keep then safe, and good enough to land a hit, even. (Bruce Wayne is also considerably attractive.)
Its all so clear to the Justice League: Batman is madly in love with Bruce Wayne. Has been for years. To the point of watching him sleep, on occasion. How very tragic! Batman, in love with someone he can never be with! Not only would it paint a massive target on Bruce’s back if they ever did get together- there’s no questioning what Gotham villains would do if they discovered this, (and denying himself love out of an attempt to keep others safe is EXACTLY the kind of self-sacrificing nonsense Batman would pull) But Batman can’t even truly see the man he’s in love with without Brucie running away in terror! Well, the poor guy… how sad…
This conclusion can be supported by the following evidence-
Batman being the one to catch the guy who put the hit out on Bruce. He sent them to babysit/make sure Bruce was safe while dealt with the actual threat. (Bruce had a suspiciously long bathroom break/a nap)
Batman’s first appearance being right after Bruce Wayne returned to Gotham. Was the bat following him to protect him in those missing years? Or maybe he decided to clean up the city now that his beloved had returned?
Batman always being seen near where Bruce is. He’s never once been at the watchtower when Bruce has a public appearance- he must be watching over him, a silent guardian in case someone gets it in their head to kidnap Gotham’s Prince.
Batman insisting that Bruce is innocent in a corporate scheme, despite evidence to the contrary. (Hes right in the end, of course, but they’ve never seen him ignore evidence so clear.)
Batman casually referencing Wayne Tech/Foundation inner workings- he keeps an eye on them, of course. (If he can’t be close to the object of his affections, the league reasons, of course he’d make sure that Bruce’s company and projects are on the right track)
Nightwing, when asked, confirms the Bruce Punching Batman story. He says “honestly I think B was impressed! Caught him off guard!” (Since when does Batman lower his guard? Only when he’d be… distracted, perhaps…)
Superman saves Bruce, who thanks him with a kiss on the cheek. Later, justice league was teasing Clark, batman huffs and leaves the room. He’s CLEARLY jealous! Superman feels just awful!
Batman inexplicably knowing social dances/high society manners- he must have learned by watching (stalking) bruce! He can navigate high profile talk if he wants to, he just doesn’t want to most of the time. but if the situation calls for it he can talk like the Richest of Pricks in a way that only comes with observation.
Batman bristling when some of the league members start making Comments on Brucie Wayne’s Physical Attributes. (Jealousy? Defensiveness? Perhaps… embarrassment at GL’s detailed explanation on what he’d do with a chance in bed with Brucie.)
Batman absolutely freezing up when confronted with any of the above evidence. (He’s trying SO HARD not to laugh/go tell his kids)
Dick/Jason being big enough to wear the Bat-wings rather than thier own and be convincing- they save Bruce, though the man passes out (from fear? Blood loss from an injury? Perhaps- he is faking) and Dick/Jason, either out of genuine concern for their dad or general “how can i stir the pot” chaos, gently strokes his hair away from his face in an act of compassion that the cameras just so happen to catch. (There’s a few tears shed in the justice league- poor batman! He can’t be with his love!)
The robins (in both identities) telling the justice league that they've seen batman watching him.
“oh yeah he does background checks on aaaaaall bruces conquests. Had a conniption when brucie found a mafia boss that one time.”
“And when he found out Bruce and Two-face had a fling!”
(The league notes that often, if a criminal gets too close to Brucie, they’re put away not long after. B is usually collecting evidence in his civilian ID. But it looks like angry Batman wanted them to get the hell away from his mans.)
The Justice League is swooning over this tragic, forbidden love story. Batman is a little creepy but hey. He apparently grew up in a cave system. Its a wonder he's as well adjusted as he is. Batman has their sympathy, he seems less unflappable/untouchable, they’re a little more understanding with him now. Superman is all too happy to be a rebound, if needed. There are magic users offering glamour spells. Green Lantern is making exposure therapy innuendos.
The robins can’t believe how lucky they got. They’re def grounded but B can’t be too mad bc his secret identity is FUKIN SET.
Alfred is rather proud of Batman's new nickname in the league being “the bat king” and keeps sending batman along with cookies. The league thinks Batman is checking up on bruce with his butler. Its a mess.
Eventually, Batman loses a bet to one of his kids. Committing to the Bit with an exasperated sigh (he’s definitely not having fun, shut up jason.)
He admits to his crush.
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illvmii · 9 months
Home For The Weekend.
TAGS: DBF!Miguel, Nsfw, a little fluff ig, pining Miguel, I gave you good parents because you deserve it, oral (fem receiving), praise, p in v, unprotected (use protection gang), a little exhibisionism (people are in the house), Miguel is pretty soft in this one, LMK if I forgot anything
A/N: Because I had to swap accounts and all that, I decided to write smut as a sorry (cause I know that’s what most Miguel fans want LMFAO) so here you go!! It’s Dad’s best friend cause GODDD I love DBF Miguel lemme tell ya. Also not proof read (I’m really fucking tired rn I’ll proof read tmr probably)
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You’ve been away from home for a good while at this point. Your college really wasn’t all that far away, but you’ve been so freaking busy it’s unbelievable. You called your parents at least three times a week, even at that point you were failing to do so. You were completely overwhelmed and it was awful.
But finally, finally you had a weekend where you were free. You didn’t have anything to do, so you decided to drive home and spend the weekend there. You knew your parents really missed you, so it was the best choice for all of you (plus you’d been killing to taste some of your moms cooking once again).
You had called your father to let him and your mom know you were coming, but were told a very interesting surprise. It was for sure a welcome one, though. Your father’s best bud, Miguel O’Hara, was staying with your parents for a week. Apparently the man’s house got termites which fucking blew chunks for him. But for you… well, aren’t you just lucky?
That man is HOT! We all know it, he’s absolutely stunning. So when you figured you’d be in the same house as him for a whole weekend, your entire stay seemed to get much more interesting.
Of course it was a ‘Look don’t touch’ scenario, you couldn’t even imagine the hell that would let loose if you made a hit on your dad’s best friend. You knew your father and Miguel were super close, they have been since you were a little girl. Miguel and your pops met when you were in third grade, because you were on your schools little soccer team. Miguel was the coach, since his own daughter Gabriella was on it.
You and Gabi actually became pretty good friends, still are to this day. She’s fun to be around and you text her whenever you have the chance. Of course she doesn’t know about the absolutely disgusting thoughts you have about her father on the lonelier nights. You think nobody but you really needs to know those. God forbid if your dad found out.
You haven’t seen Miguel in… what was it? Nearly three years at this point. He didn’t come around the house much after you turned 19 for some reason. Your dad and him always hung out at bars and such. So you haven’t seen him in a long time. The barbecues Miguel always had once a month were strangely on days you had told your dad you weren’t available, either. It’s very strange. You never have had the best of luck with men, so you just assume god is playing a cruel trick on you.
You eventually pulled into your childhood home driveway, the second you entered your mom pulls you to the side and presses kisses all over your face.
“Oh my gosh! It feels I haven’t seen my baby girl in ages! How have you been, honey?!”
Pressing a kiss to her cheek, you smile, “Been good. Busy, as I’ve said on our calls. But finally got some free time!”
Your mother grinned and pulled you into a hug, “I’m so glad your home, sweetheart. The house just isn’t the same without you here.”
“Dad already getting on your nerves, huh?” You snicker, hugging her back tightly.
Your mom chuckles and shakes her head, “He’s still the same ol’ grump. You should have heard him and Miguel when the soccer game was on… my goodness I was worried we were going to get a noise complaint.”
“Are they really that bad? Geez. I know Dad is bad, can’t imagine two of them.”
Your mother chuckles, “Your father is in the living room. Go say hi, hes been waiting for you all day.”
You give her a nod and walk off to the living room to greet your dad. He’s on the couch, so you plop down next to him. “Hey, Dad. How’s it hanging?”
He turns to look at you and bumps your shoulder with his, “There you are, squirt. Where you been for so long, huh? Outgrown us regular people now you’re a big shot at college?”
You smirk at his tease, “Don’t worry. I won’t forget about you. Least not yet.”
He flicks your forehead, chuckling to himself.
“Miguel is out in the pool. You should go say hi.”
Your face immediately heats up. He’s in the god damn pool?! With probably little shorts? Oh god…
You nod and stand from the couch and make your way to the pool. You slide the glass door to the patio open and dear god.
You see Miguel, hes swimming laps in the big pool. As long as you’ve known him, he’s worked out a bunch. No wonder he’s so fucking buff.
Stepping down into the patio area, you send him a wave, “Hey, Mr. O’Hara?”
He pauses his swimming and looks up at you. He flashes a smile, “My god, that you, pequeña?”
Miguel shakes his head to get the excess water out, swimming too the stairs of the pool to get out. You see now that yes, he is in little swim trunks.
He grabs his towel to wipe his extremely chiseled chest down. He smiles at you as he does, “How have you been, chica? I haven’t seen you for a while. Your dad sends me photos of you sometimes, but they really didn’t show off how much you’ve grown.”
You blush as he runs his eyes over you to really take in your growth. “I’ve been okay. College is keeping me busy. How about you? I’ve heard your house has termites.”
Miguel let’s out a loud groan, “Mhm. I could hear them in the walls at night, it was hell. At least they’re getting taken care of now, ‘Eh?”
“Yeah. I could imagine that would be hell,” You add on, not helping the conversation at all. You really couldn’t focus on conversing well. The man who has plagued your mind since you hit puberty is standing right in front of you, wet and in tiny shorts.
Miguel fully dries himself off, “I’ll go in and change, alright? Then we can talk some more.”
He walks off and you follow behind. You sit next to your dad in the living room and patiently (not at all patiently) wait for ‘Mr. O’Hara’.
Miguel walks into the living room wearing some loose shorts and a white t-shirt. He sits on a free chair and looks to your dad, “Man, look how big your girl is now! Can’t even believe it. Can’t believe how big my Gabi is, either.”
Your dad chuckles and groans, “I know, right? Time really flies when you get old.”
Miguel shoots you a smile, “I’m not that old, am I, cariño?”
You shake your head quickly, “Of course not.”
Your father chuckles, “You don’t gotta lie to Miguel, honey! Let him have it.”
Miguel leans forward to smack your father’s shoulder, “Ay! You aren’t young yourself.”
Your father and Miguel banter back and forth for a bit, before the soccer game starts out. They shut up immediately to watch, though once the plays start happening they shout at the TV like mad men. You chuckle whenever they do. It brought back memories of you and Gabriella having a play date and hearing them go nuts over the match in the other room.
After the match, it was dinner time, and holy fuck did it smell good. Your mother knew how to cook man, let me tell you.
You were sat in between your mom and Miguel. Your dad and the hunk were talking about the game, while your mother asked you questions about how college was going. You told her all about it, from the gossip to how the vending machine in the lobby stopped working again, which pissed you off to no end.
While you were talking and ranting about “those damn machines”, you felt a thigh press against yours. You glance down, seeing it was Miguel’s. Strange, because you didn’t remember his chair being this close. You shrug it off and keep talking to your mom.
After dinner you were stuffed, so you head up to your bedroom for the night. You were currently sitting on your old bed, snuggled up all nice and cozy while watching some YouTube. That was until the door creaked open. You figured your mom had done your laundry like the lovely lady she is, but indeed it was Miguel.
He stepped into the room with a soft smile, closing the door behind him, “Hey, pequeña.”
You sit up immediately at the sight of him, plucking your earbuds from your ears, “Hey, Mr. O’Hara. What do you need?”
Miguel sits himself on the edge of the bed, “You can just call me Miguel, sweetheart. Mr. O’Hara makes me feel ancient.”
“Alright, Miguel.” You smile, which makes him chuckle. He looks up at you and speaks;
“We haven’t had much time to speak one on one. I just wanted to catch up with you, hadn’t seen you in a while.”
You tilt your head endearingly, “Yeah, it has been a while. College has kept me from coming home, plus you and dad don’t hang out around the house as much as you used to.”
Miguel’s face actually pinks a little at the statement, to your bewilderment. He scratches his head, “Yeah. Just gettin’ out on the town as you kids say makes us feel young, I guess.”
Cuddling your blankets a bit closer to you, you grin at him, “You really aren’t that old. You had Gabriella decently young, right?”
“I guess so,” He shrugs, “It feels like forever ago, yet also yesterday. Can’t believe my flor pequeña is in college now.”
You nod, “Oh yeah, I can’t believe we’re in college either. Gabriella texts me all about her college days. She rants about her boyfriend constantly, she seems to really like him.”
Miguel groans, “Don’t even get me started on that boy. He is not worth my daughter, not even a little.”
You giggle at his protective nature. You’re positive that no matter who Gabriella dates, Miguel will never deem them as good enough for his daughter.
Miguel looks into your eyes, “So, you got a boyfriend, niña?”
“Oh, no. I haven’t really met the right person,” Which was a total lie, by the way. You’ve gone on dates and met super nice guys, but in your head you constantly compared them to your first crush ever, Miguel. They never shaped up, so it never went anywhere.
His eyes widen, “Really? You’re so beautiful now, I’d figure you’d have tons of boys chasing you.”
The statement makes you blush fiercely, “Ah, no.”
Miguel lets out a thoughtful sigh, “You really have grown into a lovely young woman, you know.”
You blush even harder, “Thank you, Mr. O’Hara.”
He places a hand on yours with a chuckle, “I told you, it’s Miguel.”
“Right. Sorry. Sorry,” You take some deep breaths, trying to calm yourself down. Miguel sees this and smiles.
“Why so flustered, cariño? Is it because I called you beautiful?”
You end up covering your face to hide said blush from him. Geez, your heart could not take this right now. You were dressed in some baggy Spider-Man pajamas, yet he is calling you beautiful?
“I-I’m not…”
You can’t believe you’re stuttering. The things this man does to you is insane.
Miguel reached a hand forward to take your hands away from your face. He doesn’t remove it, though. He rests it on your cheek.
“Do you want to know why I stopped coming around your house?”
You nod, staring into his chocolate brown eyes.
“It’s because of your 19th birthday. Do you remember it?”
You think back to those years ago. It was a pretty fun party. You got a bunch of friends and family over and swam in your pool. It wasn’t anything extravagant, but just a fun time.
“Yeah. What about it? Did I do something?”
He chuckles and tucks a lock of your hair behind your ear, “Nah. It’s just me. You… that day, do you remember what your swimsuit looked like?”
You think back again and blush. Not one of your smartest moments, buying a white swimsuit. It looked cute online, the thought of that it was supposed to go in water and get wet not really cementing itself in your head.
He nods and chuckles, “I saw you step out of the pool, and rushed over with a towel to cover you up. Remember? Sure, it was because I didn’t want you to expose yourself like that. However, I had a selfish reason.”
You look up and tilt your head a little.
“I didn’t want anyone else to see that part of you.”
“Huh?” Your brows furrow.
He smirks, “I was confused by the thought, too. I left right after the party and went to my house. I figured I’d stop having such strange thoughts after a day… but amor, I haven’t stopped thinking about you once.”
Your eyes widen, “Wh- Huh?”
“You’re so beautiful, I don’t think you understand. You grew into this woman who I admire, not just for your looks. You’re wonderful, absolutely wonderful. You’re kind, you’re thoughtful, you’re funny, you’re perfect. I can’t get you out of my damn head.”
You can’t manage to speak at this point. You stare up at the man in shock as he moves his hand from your cheek to the back of your neck.
“Please, let me kiss you, niña,” He basically begs, his eyes look full of desperation, “I’ve wanted to do it for years.”
You manage a tiny nod, so he rushes forward to kiss your lips. He holds you very close against him and kisses you hard. He lets out a groan at the contact. His tongue prods at your lips after a while and who are you to refuse such a man? You let him in, letting out a little groan of your own when he explores you.
After what felt like too short, you have to pull away to catch your breath. He doesn’t stop being on you, though. When you pant, he moves to kiss your jaw and neck.
You let out a little groan, “M-Miguel…”
“No good?” He speaks between kisses, “I’ve wanted to touch you for years, you don’t understand…”
You let out a little whimper, a god damn whimper.
“Please, let me touch you. Fuck, please,” He begs again. You manage a small nod once again. He dives back in to keep kissing your neck.
You wrap your arms around his neck to pull him closer. His hands move downwards towards your shirt. He tugs it over your head and moans. His hands immediately reach down to squeeze your tits, and you have to cover your mouth to keep your moans in.
He mumbles out a soft “Fuck…” when he uses his thumbs to glide over your nipples. After a few seconds, he leans down to press kisses all over your soft breasts. He still uses his hands to softly prod at them.
You let out a low whine and he looks up at you, “Be quiet, my girl. Can’t have anyone hearing you.”
You nod and keep covering your mouth as he leans down to keep pressing soft kisses to your chest. After a few moments, he tugs at your bottoms and looks up at you. You nod embarrassingly, and he takes them and your underpants off in one fell swoop.
You hear him audibly choke a breath, which makes you blush more. He manhandles you so your thighs rest on his shoulders, and just goes to town.
You let out a loud yelp when his tongue presses against your clit, so he reaches down and puts his fingers in your mouth to silence you. He keeps his mouth going, sucking on the bud to bring you pleasure.
Miguel pulls back with a long breath, “Tastes so good…”
You whimper against his fingers when he leans down to insert his tongue in you. You cry out as he holds nothing back, forcefully having his way with you.
His one hand that isn’t in your mouth is softly caressing your thigh, which is driving you crazy in its own right. It feels like everywhere he touches you is pure heaven.
Though that one hand leaves after a moment, instead he moves to insert a finger in you. You clamp down on his fingers, which makes him chuckle.
“Feel that good?”
Against his hand, you mumble, “Fingers so thick…”
He smirks and curls his index finger, making your hips buck up and you let out another whine. He can softly hear you beg for more.
He complies, of course. Hes waited for this for years, no way he won’t give his girl everything she wants.
He inserts another finger, moving them around a little until he eventually finds your most sensitive spot. He presses the pad of his fingers up against it suddenly, making you jerk and squirm around.
His mouth dives back down to suck on your clit, which drives you absolutely insane. His fingers in both your mouth and inside you, as well as his skilled mouth was far too much for one woman to handle.
Miguel looks over at one of the thighs placed on his shoulder, seeing it shiver and shake. He breaks away briefly, “Are you close already, amor? You’re so sensitive for me. Have you been wanting my touch too?”
You nod frantically when he lowers his head to your clit again. You cry out, “Uh-Huh! Y-You were my first crush!” Your words were mumbled against his fingers, but he understood them just fine.
He sucks on your clit hard and curls his fingers at the same time, which causes you to let out a moan and your thighs shake more. He breaks away,
“Look at me when you come. Look into my eyes as I make you come. You understand?”
You nod and keep eye contact with him as he inserts a third finger, pressing over and over to your g-spot. He uses his tongue to swirl around your inflated bud at the same time.
His gaze, his mouth, his fingers, it was all far too much. After one harsh suck, you came with a muffled shout.
Miguel drank it all up immediately, seemingly absolutely satisfied to be covered in your juices.
He lets you catch your breath and removes his fingers from your mouth. He also lowers your hips back to the bed, being delicate as he does so he doesn’t hurt you. You were panting very harshly, still coming down from your high.
Everything was a bit fuzzy at the moment. Though you refocused a few seconds later- holy shit.
His shorts have been discarded, along with his shirt. He was naked just as you were, and god damn was he big.
He leans down to press a kiss to your stomach, “You think you can go again? Can you take me, pretty girl?”
You try and speak only to realize that you, in fact, can’t. You settle for a thumbs up, which just makes him laugh softly.
He gives you a few more seconds before aligning himself up with your pretty pussy, pushing himself in agonizingly slow.
You let out another moan, so he quickly puts his fingers in your mouth again to keep you quiet. He really, really did not need your parents who were down in the living room to hear this.
He kept pushing himself in, holding his own groans back. He’d used his hand and imagined how you’d feel in the past, but it was nothing like this. This was perfect.
Once he was in as far as he could go, he stopped and let you get comfortable. Of course it was a battle for him, he was fighting his primal instincts to just take your hard and fast.
You keep letting out the most adorable little whimpers, which even though he’s currently fucking you, make Miguel’s heart melt.
You hum against his fingers, “Ready…”
He nods and begins to move very slowly. He focuses on your face as he watches it contort and squeeze with his movements. You were so pretty when you were experiencing such pleasure, he thought.
He whispers, “Good job, pequeña. Such a good girl for me.”
The praise makes you bite down on his fingers a little. Your hands travel upwards to scratch on his back, too. It was taking all your willpower to not be loud.
He moves a little faster, leaning down to kiss you as he does. He keeps mumbling “My pretty girl” And “So perfect, just for me” as he increases his speed.
He knows he isn’t going to last long. He’s been dreaming about you for years at this point.
He begins to sweat as his hips snap against yours. His free hand moves down to rub on your already abused clit. You grunt on his fingers, pursing your lips against them.
“You gonna come for me again, amor? Come on my cock. Can you do that for me?” He speaks very softly. Both to keep it down, but to also be intimate with you.
You breathe heavily as you feel him pound into you. You can feel tears brimming at your eyes from the sensation.
He licks his thumb and places it back down on your clit, rubbing circles over and over again. At the same time, his hips were slamming against yours. Soon enough, you reached a second orgasm. He let out a moan that was nearly too loud when you did. The sensation was his end, because a few thrusts later he pulled out and came on your stomach.
You and him sat there, panting like you’d just ran a damn marathon. Though after a few minutes, Miguel stands and walks over to your nightstand to get the wipes there. He begins to wipe you of his cum and your sweat, cleaning you off so you can sleep comfortably.
You were so fucking exhausted it was insane. You could barely register as he carefully slid your pajamas back onto you, then changed back into his own clothes.
He leans down and presses a kiss to your forehead, “If I could sleep in here, I would.”
“Mhm…” You mumble, a little upset he wouldn’t be cuddling you to sleep. But you obviously understood his reasoning.
He pressed a soft kiss to your lips,
“Let’s do this again sometime, pequeña.”
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Hope you enjoyed you rabid Miguel fans!! Feedback is always welcome. I used spanishdict so please correct any mistakes you see. Reqs open too!!
This was my first time posting anything NSFW on any site ever so I’m sorry if it’s bad LOL
Don’t repost or claim as or own and all that stuff please!! ❤️❤️
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sku11s1asher · 4 months
Hi omg first time requesting from someone, but like soulmate aus?!?? Can you pretty please (if you can) make one of like arataki itto and the reader (male obvs) where its the first words of your soulmate and ittos first words are like something completely stupid??? Thabk you if you can but its alright if you dont wanna!!
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itto x gn/male reader (soulmate au)
notes: i love itto, sorry this took so long bae; i had a fic already but my friends said it sucked so here’s this. i actually need to get a beta reader..i finish fics but i look into them too much and delete it without an actual reason. beta readers hmu frfr ;3
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⊹ you always knew your soulmate was the brightest crayon in the box, you got a reminder of it every time you looked at your wrist, ‘worm’ was there.
⊹ though you won’t lie, you were very curious on who they were..who wouldn’t be?
⊹ you lived in liyue, you looked everywhere trying to find your soulmate, but there wasn’t anyone that dumb. at least not that you knew of..
⊹ you complained to your friend, kazuha, about it a lot. eventually he had enough and decided to take you with him on his next trip to inazuma.
⊹ once you arrived in inazuma, you kinda maybe forgot about your soulmate and explored the city looking for interesting things instead of your soulmate.
⊹ you were walking around town talking to kazuha, “what compels someone to do something so stupid?” you asked, “well if you knew him, you'd know he's the definition of stupid,” he responded. all you could think about was how and why a grown man would battle against children, with beetles. “what’s his name again?” “arataki itto.”
⊹ once you heard the man’s name, it immediately reminded you that you needed to look for your soulmate. “kazuha, you’re distracting me from my mission!” “your mission?” “finding my soulmate..?”
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⊹it’s been around 3 days, and still no soulmate. you were walking around the city, sulking to yourself about how you’d be alone for life since your soulmate obviously died. you didn’t see the person in front of you since you were too busy thinking about how you’d be alone for life.
⊹ bump. “what the..” it felt like you walked into a brick wall, but before you could fall you felt arms wrap around your waist. “you good, buddy?” the brick wall had a voice?
⊹ you looked up and felt your heart stop, “oh my god.” you were looking at the finest man you’ve ever seen in your life. once you snapped out your gaze you quickly composed yourself.
⊹ “ah, yeah, my apologies.” you took a step back, getting out of his grip. when you apologized, he let out a big smile, “it’s no big deal, im glad you’re okay.” while he was talking, you couldn’t help but take a look at his chest.
⊹ it was like his pecs were basically asking for you to touch them, but you decided to be a good man and not touch this strangers chest.
⊹ “you make me feel funny, like we have a deep connection even though we just met.” his words caught you off guard, “what?” “you must be my soulmate!” he said after a moment.
⊹ you looked at him like he was stupid, “how did you come to that conclusion? you know what, i don’t even want to know. what’s your name?” you asked him with a sigh.
⊹ “arataki itto!” he exclaimed with a huge smie. you immediately busted out laughing. you didn’t expect this guy who looks like he could pick up a house by himself, to be the guy who fought children with beetles.
⊹ you immediately apologized when you saw him pout, “i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to laugh. i just didn’t expect you to be the guy who does the beetle fights.”
⊹ “let me see your wrist.” he asked but he grabbed your wrist before you could answer. after a few moments of closely looking, he hugged you, “i knew it, you’re my soulmate!!”
⊹ you could barely move your arms to hug him back, he was sucking all the air out of your body with the tight hug.
⊹ “cmon, i need to show my soulmate to the gang!” “gang..?”
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extra 1:
⊹ “please, just one touch.” you whined while leaning onto ittos chest, your hands slowly going up his stomach.
⊹ “why are you so obsessed with my chest?” he asked with a laugh, but allowed you to touch them.
extra 2:
⊹ “are you really that proud with yourself for beating children?” you asked unimpressed when he bragged about winning matches.
⊹ “you don’t understand! that kid normally beats me! this is a huge accomplishment, y/n!”
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coraniaid · 9 days
Speaking of Faith, Hope & Trick: that first conversation between Buffy and Faith must be so different from Faith's point of view.
I mean, the episode itself is very much told from Buffy's perspective. She's only recently reclaimed her identity as "Buffy, the Vampire Slayer" and she just started to reconnect with her friends as of the end of last episode. Of course she feels challenged by Faith's arrival; of course she feels like Faith's deliberately trying to upstage her. Of course she feels Faith is trying to intrude on her life. She reacted much the same way when she met Kendra, and that was when she was a lot less keen on being "the Vampire Slayer" and much more comfortable with her place in Sunnydale. As she tells her mother later, she's "just getting her life back […] not looking to go halfsies on it".
But think about it from Faith's side. Even while she's lying about where her Watcher is, she admits that she came all the way from Boston looking to meet "the infamous" Buffy Summers. She presumably set up the earlier encounter with the vampire deliberately to try to lure Buffy out (she's the one to lead him outside and she only starts fighting him seriously once Buffy and the Scooby Gang have arrived looking for her). She must have picked out her never-to-be-seen-again outfit and practiced her slightly too casual introduction of "I've got it. You're, uh, Buffy, right?" (as if she came all the way to California to meet some girl whose name she didn't quite remember) well in advance. She's already calling her 'B' while the vamp's dust is still cooling. You think she hadn't planned that too?
And Faith is trying to so hard to connect with Buffy in this scene. Yes, she tells a lot of "tall tales" (as Scott Hope will later put it) -- she wants to seem impressive! she wants Buffy to view her as an equal! -- but she's also the only person in the group who keeps trying to get Buffy to share things. It's not her fault that the rest of the gang talk over Buffy's attempts to talk about her own past battles or that they undermine her attempts to tell equally impressive stories. It's not even really her fault that she ends up sharing things about being a Slayer that Buffy as obviously been trying to keep secret from her friends (I mean, it's her fault a little, sure, but I don't think it would even occur to Faith to be embarrassed by anything she says).
"Did you really use a rocket launcher one time?" Faith asks, having already heard the story from somewhere and so done her best to convince Buffy that she too has done equally cool things (she hasn't). "What was your toughest kill?" she asks, having fled most of the way across a continent to escape a vampire she couldn't kill herself. "Isn't it crazy how Slaying always makes you hungry and horny?" she asks and "You and I are gonna have fun," she promises. What can that mean but: don't you feel the same way I do? Aren't you just the same as me? Aren't you glad I'm here?
Yes, Faith is jealous of Buffy's friends and her Watcher and her Mom, right from the start, but she didn't arrive in town looking to meet them. She came looking for Buffy; and look at how quick she is to accept Scott's description of her as "Buffy's friend" the next day. But Buffy (very understandably, from her point of view, because of experiences Faith has no knowledge of) just keeps trying to shut her out. The harder Faith tries to impress her -- by trying to win over Buffy's friends, and her Watcher, and her possible boyfriend, and her Mom -- the more aloof the other Slayer seems to get.
No wonder Faith gets annoyed by the rejection. No wonder she starts to get angry. No wonder she's ready to start exchanging threats once they're alone on patrols and the vampires aren't even showing up the way they're supposed to. Like she'll complain later in the season: she came to Sunnydale, she slayed, she did the good little girl routine, and what did she get? Not Buffy, that's for sure.
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tragedybunny · 8 months
Dance With Me Under the Diamonds, See Me Like Breath in the Cold - Astarion x F!Reader
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I've been waiting to write this for some time. I'm absolutely thrilled with it and I hope you think it's beautiful.
Reader and Astarion have come a long way since that meeting on the beach. They've made it all the way to their wedding.
“Where in the hells is Gale?” Astarion fusses while fidgeting with the brocade crimson overcoat he’s wearing. “That man is always late.”
“He’ll be here Love,” you give him a small kiss on his cheek and take his hand, trying your best to keep things calm. "He's not even actually late yet."
“Still haven’t found patience to be a virtue I see,” Shadowheart strolls over to the two of you where you wait under an arbor of night-blooming jasmine, her arm hooked in Lae’zel’s.
“Would you expect any different,” Lae’zel adds a wide smile to her words, an attempt to make it clear she’s joking. The Githyanki has certainly seen her share of change since you met her, really hadn’t you all though?
“While I’m glad you two have finally developed a sense of humor, I’d rather not be the subject of it.” You can feel his agitation rising and it’s your turn to silently plead with the universe for Gale to hurry up.
“Perhaps he’s nervous,” Lae’zel turns to her partner, pretending Astarion isn’t right there fuming.
“I am not!” Before he gets any more worked up, they both pull the pair of you into a sudden embrace, leaving Astarion stuttering and you trying not to giggle at his expense.
“Congratulations you two, we’ll go mingle and pray for Gale’s safety if he’s any later,” The two of them join arms again and make their way back over to the crowd greeting an enthusiastic Mol and her gang of children that’s expanded beyond just the original tieflings. They’re becoming quite the criminal enterprise. There are so many people here, lives you’ve both touched. Originally you’d planned to just stay at your little house for the event, but when more requests to attend kept coming, you had to choose somewhere else. Duke Ravenguard had graciously offered you private use of Bloomridge Park.
“You are nervous, aren’t you,” you whisper mischievously and watch him try to hide it.
“Of course not, I managed to convince you to come this far, now it’s all formality,” your heart skips a beat when he smiles, the tips of fangs peeking out from under his lip. Smiles like that were all too rare when you first met him.
“I don’t recall needing much convincing.” Truthfully, you don’t remember what had brought the subject up, but Astarion had reminded you that it wasn’t a point, legally speaking, as neither of you technically existed.
“It doesn’t have to be in an official record anywhere, it’s just a promise we would make to one another. And we do know the perfect Cleric for a nighttime ceremony.” The way he’d just stood there for a moment you thought you'd said something wrong. Perhaps it was bringing up a Cleric and making it a sworn oath, he didn’t exactly have any love for religion. But then he was dropping to his knees, taking your hands in his, and begging you to be his wife. It was appropriately dramatic for him. And now, here you were, gathered with friends and found family, waiting on a late wizard.
“Brother!” Beside you, Astarion braces and a pale figure collides with him, embracing him tightly
“Hello Dal,” he gingerly returns her hug, as you notice Aurelia remaining a respectful distance behind them. “It’s good to see the both of you too,” he nods in Aurelia’s direction. His relationship with his “siblings” is complicated, but the horror they shared bonds them, and some of them have tried to make a family out of what is left to them. Dalyria seems to be the most persistent, she even had the two of you come visit their home in the Underdark.
“I’m so happy for you Astarion,” she finally releases him but leaves a hand on his arm fondly. “You’ll have to come visit again. I’ll even make Petras promise to behave.”
There’s turmoil in him only you can see, he would love to forget about anything that reminds him of Cazador, but the sisterly love Dal tries to give him is something he’s missed in his life. “At least it will be safer for him that way.”
“Stop,” she smiles and gives him a peck on the cheek. “We’ll talk more later.” As she walks away, Aurelia gives a stiff wave.
“His time is up, he's de-” A flash of light interrupts and when it fades two figures are standing amongst the crowd, a wizard you know well and one you briefly met.
“Sorry for the wait,” Gale begins awkwardly, trying to ignore Astarion’s considerable glare, “we were occupied in a bit of an undertaking…”
“But I am sure you will find the reasons most acceptable,” Elminster takes over, giving your floundering friend a reprieve.
Another flash of light as two more figures appear and you can't believe your eyes. Your heart leaps and you shout inadvertently. "Karlach! Wyll!" Without a second thought, you launch yourself at both of them, Astarion following along more reservedly.
"Steady on there, Soldier," Karlach pulls you into a smothering hug.
"How," you ask, smoothing the cream lace of your dress as she lets you go, still stunned she's outside Avernus without exploding.
"Wizards," Wyll smiles, glancing at Gale and Elminster. "We had to find a way back, there's no way we'd miss this."
"It won't hold forever, but we think we've got a way I can come back for visits. Until we get something permanent. Good news is Zariel's seemed distracted by something lately."
"I suppose overall this is an appropriate excuse for being late," Astarion finally relents.
"Aww, come on Fangs, don't be sour, it's your wedding." Karlach has a wicked gleam in her eye.
"Do not," but it's too late, the tiefling picks him up in a crushing hug. "I missed you too Karlach."
Tears suddenly start to form in your eyes, seeing them all together again, it was something you feared might never be. Wyll gives Asatrion a less brutal greeting and you turn to Elminster. "Thank you. You will stay right," it's the least you can do.
"Gale has assured me there are to be many culinary delights after, and of course, I've never seen a vampire spawn get married. So I believe I shall."
"Ah. I see Father made it," Wyll waves to Duke Ravengaurd who had been waiting a respectful distance away. "Best go see him, we'll catch up more after."
"You both better save a dance for me," Karlach calls over her shoulder, taking his arm, and kissing his temple.
"Tell me you have them," Astarion has fixed his attention back on Gale, and you rush to his side before he can begin another tirade.
"Worried I would eat them?" Gale has recovered himself from Astarion’s initial onslaught and is smiling brightly.
"Yes," your beloved is still in no mood for jokes.
"Honestly Astarion," you give him a look.
"Ugh, fine, I'll calm down. Once he hands them over." You're lost as to what Gale has that's so important considering the occasion.
"Never change my friend," he laughs and pulls a small box from a pocket on his robes and opens it gently. Inside there are two gold rings with small red stones set in them, you can feel the hum of magic in them.
“Sending Stones?” You glance at Astarion as he takes the box from Gale.
For a moment he seems almost shy about it. “I thought it would be nice if we were always able to speak to each other, no matter what. I know it’s not feasible to never be separated.” The two of you had spent almost every moment of the last couple of years in each other’s presence, but as Astarion continued to heal, he seemed more comfortable with time spent apart.
“You’re adorable, you know that,” your lips brush the tip of his nose, the gift is an incredibly sweet sentiment, and you’re so proud of how far he’s come.
Under the right circumstances, vampires actually can blush. “I..” he starts, sounding like he’s going to grouse about something, probably being called adorable in front of everyone, but stops. “I don’t know if I’ll ever understand why you think that my Love, after everything I’ve done.”
You reach up to brush his cheek and run a finger through his curls. “That wasn’t who you really are.”
“I take it, we're ready.” Isobel joins you under the arbor, eyes already fixed on the moon above, and you both nod in response. “Then let us begin,” her voice carries to the crowd and silence falls. “We come here, under Our Lady’s Light, to bless this couple and sanctify their bond.”
You honestly don’t remember many of Isobel’s words after that as Astarion takes your hand and you get lost in his soft, crimson eyes. Maybe it’s a bit terrible of you to ask Selune’s blessing and then not pay attention, but you think she can understand. “The rings,” Isobel prompts and Astarion retrieves them from his pocket, opening them so the Cleric can bless them. “May the Moonmaiden’s light ever guide your hearts toward each other.” A nearly imperceptible mote of silver light seems to land on them and lends the jewels in them an unearthly glow.
Astarion tenderly picks one up as you proffer your finger. Isobel had agreed to let you both speak your own vows, as long as they didn’t directly offend any of Selune’s teachings. You’d reassured Astarion every step of the way that you didn’t need it to be a sworn oath in front of clergy, but he’d oddly insisted, saying he wanted to swear himself to you to the fullest. “As long as it’s Isobel though, she’s the only trustworthy one.” Shadowheart was still figuring out how much religion she wanted in her life, though it seemed Selune was patient as she continued to have a Cleric's gifts.
The ring slips on your finger perfectly and your heart stutters, your vision getting watery again. You do the same for him in turn and you both entwine your hands, speaking in unison. “Unto thee, I vow, mine heart and home, mine life and love, for now, and all seasons. Let me never from thy side be parted, and unto thee, no evil do. Until, at last, my life shall leave me, this my beloved, is my pledge to you. So I do swear.”
“And so sworn before our Lady, I do pronounce thee wed.” The crowd behind you applauds, and you can barely see Astarion through the tears.
Lae’zel and Karlach are shouting raucously, “Kiss! Kiss!”
You start to lean forward and notice his eyes are just as wet as yours. “Hells, why did I agree to do this in public,” he laughs, dabbing his cheeks with the cuff of his sleeve.
“You couldn’t miss being the center of attention,” your laugh is lost in a happy sob. “Damn it, kiss me before I pass out or something.”
Softly, he pulls you in, lips finding yours. The chaste peck turns deeper, giving the crowd what they want judging by the noise. But then something unexpected happens, there’s the tinkle of mischievous laughter, as though a woman stands near to you. A voice that’s both honey-sweet but radiating power whispers in your ear, “congratulations my dear child,” and you feel a surge of fae-touched magic, reminding you of that day you took a different oath.
The kiss breaks and Astarion is staring at you, surprise clearing away his tears. “I know you.”
Everything goes numb in the rush of terror that follows, he’d learned some of who you were before the Nautiloid, but there was much still to tell. “Astarion I’m so-”
A slender finger is pressed to your lips. “Hush Love, tomorrow. And it changes nothing, I still love you with all my unbeating heart. Now let’s indulge everyone since they came all this way to celebrate us.”
The night is full of feasting, drinking, song, and dancing. The two of you mingle with old friends and those whom you met only briefly, the scents of a delectable feast wafting through the air. When the music starts, you share a waltz under the night sky, Astarion holding you close and whispering in your ear, “love you Sunlight.”
True to her word, Karlach insists on a dance with both of you, surprising you with her talent for it. “I’ve been teaching her,” Wyll looks over at her and Astarion lovingly from where he’s dancing with you. “Once you find a safe place to rest, Avernus can be a bit boring.”
You stumble across Lae’zel, angrily giving gold to Mol and her crew. “She lost a bet,” Mol says proudly.
“Oh really, and what sort of scam bet did you get her to agree to, my favorite tiny criminal” Astarion asks fondly. Mol comes to visit you sometimes and you’ve decided you’d rather not know what he’s been teaching her.
“She thought you might light on fire as soon as it got religious,” Mol laughs and scampers off.
Astarion pinches the bridge of his nose. “You’ve seen me in temples before.”
“Chk, but never swearing an oath.”
“She has a point,” you nudge him playfully.
“Oh you are going to pay for that later,” he leans in to nip at your neck, causing you to shiver.
Dawn nears much too soon and you can see some of his happiness evaporating. There still was no solution you’d found to let him live in the light. “We should go,” you whisper in his ear, “what’s a wedding without the wedding bed?” Ever so lightly, you let your tongue brush against his ear, a spot of divine torment for him you’ve found, and listen as he gasps softly.
“Indeed my Love,” his mood revives and the two of you make your good-byes, your friends having promised to clean up the aftermath of the night. A young woman you think you recognize passes you an open bottle of wine on the way out of the park, “a gift from summer’s best,” she says and it fills you with a strange sensation for a moment before Astarion’s mouth is on yours again.
Your house isn’t far from Bloomridge and the two of you stroll the streets in a blissful, dreamy state, wrapped in each other’s arms, sharing drinks from the wine that tastes of sweet berries and summer rains. Lights dance in the morning mists and everything feels transcendtly perfect as you ascend the steps to your home. Astarion pins against your front door, kissing you hungrily and letting his hands wander your body. “My wife,” he breathes against your skin as his lips travel down your neck.
Heat sparks inside you, ravenous for him. “My husband,” you sigh, lost in your love for him.
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star-suh · 4 months
Don't Chew More Than You Can Swallow
Johnny Suh x Male Reader
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cw: top johnny, pseudo-incest, underwear kink, musk kink, degradation, praising, breeding, hickeys, blowjob, deepthroat, manhandling, implied size kink, snowballing, age gap (yn is 20 and johnny is 25).
an: this is the other idea from @ldrei
also i was lazy to think about names for the mom and the stepfather so yuh.
“ok yn, i want you to put on a smile on that face we're almost near the house” yn's mom said while driving towards their new home.
some years ago yn was part of a loving and happy family until one day his father, an honorable police officer, died during a raid against a gang. yn and his mother were devastated, mourning his death for the next couple of months. but life goes on and we have to let go and move on, right? after like a year yn's mother started dating another police officer, months later they made their relationship official and decided to get married, which brings us to the beginning of the story, yn and his mother would move to their new home, where yn's new father and new brother, a 25 years old guy, live already.
“hello we're home” yn's mom greeted, “hey honey” yn's stepdad appeared and kissed her, “hey yn, how are you?”; “i'm good.. thanks” he replied, “glad to know that” the older man said with a smile on his face.
yn walked towards the kitchen searching for a glass to drink some water, “the cups are up there” someone said, yn turned around and there he was his new stepbrother “the name's johnny” he extended his hand and yn grabbed it to shake it, his hand was way bigger than yn's, “i'm yn.. n-nice to meet you” he laughed nervously, “i say the same, see you later then” johnny said winking at him and waving a goodbye.
a couple of months have passed, everything was going good for everyone except for yn. he was thirsting over johnny 24/7, when he walked around the house with just a short on and no underwear because he can clearly see his bulge swing around everytime he walks, his body is to die for ‘god i wish i could lick those abs right now’ thought yn. it was even more harder for yn to not think about johnny fucking him when he was on the room next to him rearranging some woman's insides, the banging sounds going straight to yn's ears, ‘i wish that was me’ he thought. and that's the only thing yn can do, fantasize about him because well… his stepbrother is straight.
johnny sent yn to search something in his room, he did as he was told but something catches his attention, a pair of underwears resting on a pile of clothes. driven by his impulses, he grabbed one and began to sniff it, his face immediately turning red and a bulge growing in his pants "johnny~" he moaned softly.
he went quickly to his room, locked the door and began to jerk off, wrapping the underwear around his cock sliding it up and down while biting a pillow to suppress the moans.
the weeks passed and yn's desire for johnny only increased. every time johnny brought someone home to fuck, while his parents were away, yn always masturbated listening to their moans.
one day yn was masturbating again with his the underwear until a voice interrupted him, "hey yn!" a shirtless johnny called opening the door with a bang "what the hell were you doing? i've been calling you for a while" he asked with a somewhat angry tone. "sorry johnny, what do you want?" yn questioned, "these last few months you have been the one picking the dirty clothes to take them to the laundry room, have you by any chance seen my underwear? they have been missing” he scratches his head. “i have no idea johnny” yn replied with a nervous laugh. “hmm… it's okay” and just like that, johnny left.
worried that johnny would find out, he grabbed all the dirty clothes and ran down to the laundry room. there he turned on the washing machine and placed the underwear there and just when he was going to press the button to start the washing cycle a big hand stopped him, a low and very deep voice whispered in his ear "i thought you didn't know where my fucking underwear was" the warm breath sending shivers down his spine, “you're such a dirty pervert yn” he laugh was deep and sexy.
“j-johnny i-i” yn didn't know what to do, “you thought you were slick with it but no, did you think i didn't notice how you stared at me every time i walked around the house shirtless, how your eyes went from my abs to my bulge, shit i even could feel how you fucked me with your eyes”. johnny positioned himself behind yn, his huge bulge rubbing against yn's ass, "even every night i fucked someone i could hear your slutty moans on the other side of the wall, how you moaned my name was… so sexy... now i kinda want to hear them again" the taller was leaving small kisses on yn's neck, he then took out his huge cock from his shorts and rubbed it on yn's clothed ass “do you want to taste my cock, yn?", his sexy low voice doing things down there on yn's crotch area.
“j-johnny” yn stuttered “i-i'm sorry” a little moan escaping his mouth. “if you want to apologize you have to take responsibility about this” he slams his thick heavy cock against yn's ass again. “y-yes” yn fell to his knees and started kissing the tip, using one hand to stroke the rest of the shaft while the other was stroking his own.
“you're so nasty yn, look at you sucking at your brother's cock. aren't you such a nasty slut huh?” johnny grabs his head and starts to mouthfuck him, forcing yn to deepthroat him, “come on you can do more than that, it's barely halfway in”, little by little yn swallowed it all, johnny locked his head with his arms. the gagging sounds being like music to his ears. “there you go, you're doing so good for me”.
johnny lifted yn and fold him against the washing machine, rubbing the tip of his cock in the other's hole “want me to destroy you, cockwhore?” he says once again using that sexy low voice that drives yn crazy “p-please~ do it”.
johnny was slamming so hard that the washing machine was moving too, yn's legs were shaking due to how good johnny was fucking him, "how does my little fucktoy feel.. is this what you wanted? my thick, heavy cock opening your ass?"; “yes johnny please wreck me” yn replied withiut thinking, “so desperate”.
johnny lifted yn and carried him from the laundry room to his bedroom but without stopping fucking him. the thrusts were slow but as powerful as the harsh ones because he always manages to brush yn's prostate with the tip of his cock, drawing whimpers out of his mouth that made johnny chuckle, ‘so cute’ he thinks.
they're finally on the bedroom, johnny throw yn towards his bed, attacking his neck with kisses and leaving some bruises here and there. his big, tall body towering over yn's. “i have a deal for you” the taller comments, “if you can take me without cumming you'll be my little fucktoy boyfriend. what do you think?” he keeps on kissing yn's body until he reaches the nipples and suck on them. “hngh i really w-want that” the bottom squirmed.
the fat cock went in and out, going in even harder than the last time, johnny's balls slapping against yn's ass “who's being a good cockwhore?” the top asks, “m-... me” yn struggles to answer due to the harsh thrusts “i'm johnny's g-good cockwhore”.
“but you're only mine right?”.
“yeah i'm only yours…”.
both sealed the deal with a gentle kiss, contrasting with the rough thrusts. “fuck i'm gonna cum” johnny growls, he took advantage of the fact that his cock reached so deep inside yn to make him cum, however he let himself be carried away by the moment and filled yn's ass up with that warm sperm.
yn barely managed to hold off his cumming so johnny now has to fulfill the deal they just made. "it seems like i'm your little fucktoy boyfriend now"; "i think so," johnny adds, “and a cute one”.
“you took me so well pretty boy, i think you deserve a threat” and as he said that he went down and started to suck yn's cock “j-johnny you don't have to~”; “mmm mmm, i want to, prince” the sweet name embarrasing yn so much that he covered his face with his arms, feeling the little chuckle the taller let out. with a few more strokes yn came inside johnny's mouth, “shit that's some good blowjob johnny” yn rode his high while johnny crawls up until he is face to face with yn, with one hand he opens the bottom's mouth and spits the sperm in there, then kisses and plays with it between their mouths.
johnny carries yn to the bathroom where they both take a bath, then get dressed and fall asleep in the bed.
“look at them, aren't they cute” yn's mom said watching them both sleeping while hugging, “yeah i think they're gonna be good brothers” the stepdad adds with a huge smile in his face.
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sorcererofsolitude · 2 months
Wednesday: Bianca, you'd better play fair this year in the Poe Cup, or else. Besides, if you poison Yoko again, Divina will surely quit the team.
Bianca, rolling her eyes: Oh, please. Already scared that I'll beat you this time, Addams?
Wednesday: Very well. You leave me no choice, then. Unleash... the glitter beast!
A door opens. Smoke pours out of the room, casting an eerie haze over the rest of the space. A silhouette lurks in the mist... only her light-up shoes give the indication that she's moving forward.
Enid: OMG, hey Bianca! I'm so glad we're gonna have some girl time, yay!! Ready to do arts and crafts?
An hour later, Bianca comes back to Wednesday covered in sparkles, crazy glue, and miscellaneous bits of colored paper stuck to her uniform. There's glitter caught in her eyelashes, and she's pretty sure Enid bedazzled her Amulet.
Bianca, looking like she lost a fight with a gang of My Little Ponies: I... I surrender.
Wednesday, smirking darkly: Excellent, you've finally seen reason. May the best woman win.
Bianca slinks off in defeat, presumably to go take at least three consecutive showers.
Wednesday, turning to Enid: Your efforts are appreciated, mia lupa. You have my gratitude.
Enid kisses Wednesday on the cheek, leaving a lipstick mark along with some leftover glitter.
She doesn't wipe it off.
AO3: SorcererOfSolitude
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bucky barnes x reader
summary: things had been uncomplicated between Bucky and you, then things ended. Now he’s seeing you again after months and he realizes he never wanted things to end. Do you feel the same?
“...and if my wishes came true, it would have been you.”
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Sirens rang in Bucky’s ears; the flashing lights illuminated his face as he stared straight ahead. Agents’ mule around in the background as Sam talks to a few – Bucky never did the talking and he was glad about it, especially now. He hadn’t seen you in what felt like years, but months would be more accurate. You stood tall but looked stressed; hands firm on your hips as you listened to what he assumed was a subordinate. Nodding as they spoke to you, he didn’t know your division was working on this case too. But why would he? He wasn’t a man in the loop, and he liked it that way; Sam was the one that did the planning and arranging, he just showed up for the job.
Bucky couldn’t stop staring, everything around him went dark and it was like there was a spotlight shining down on you. Face stern, hair brushed back behind ears. He knew the look of concentration on your face and for a moment, he smiled. His head ached a bit, he had been bleeding from his head earlier but now everything was dried and matted on his skin.
“You’re staring too hard.”
Bucky blinked and looked at his partner. “You didn’t tell me she would be here.”
Sam shrugged. “Need to know basis, remember?”
Right, his own policy.
“You should go say hi at least, better than staring like a stalker.”
“Shut up, Sam.”
Bucky frowned when his friend patted him hard on the back, leaving him to his brooding. He stood among the crowd of agents, deciding on whether it would be okay to say hello. The two of you hadn’t talked in so long and the last time you did, things didn’t feel right. It wasn’t like you were a couple, it had never gotten that serious. Things hadn’t gotten the chance to even become serious – workload and ambition had gotten the best of you, he tried to be understanding. While you were in this lifestyle for want, he just was around because what else was someone like him to do?
It started off innocently enough – flirtation over beers, blowing off steam with Sam and others in the field. A gang of friends turned family, but things never got complicated. A kiss led to another than he had you in his bed, sometimes in your bed and most times, in hotels while on the job. It had been light, free, and sweet. Then he started to get attached, he felt himself going in a direction that didn’t seem to even cross your mind. Bucky started to crave you in ways more than sex; he wanted to hold your hand, share a meal with you, scratch your back until you fell asleep beside him.
It started to feel dangerously close to love and it scared him.
The sirens died down and that’s when you noticed him. Bucky’s heart flinched when you met his gaze and he couldn’t bring himself to smile, even as you started towards him. His eyes followed your every step and when you finally stood in front of him, he still couldn’t smile.
He wanted to smile then, but he just asked how you were. Your face softened; a sigh rolled off your shoulders. “Tired as shit. I’m glad this case is over; I need a vacation.”
The notion of you vacationing finally made him crack and he smirked. “Have you ever taken a vacation?”
“Yeah, when I was twelve.”
Bucky stared at you and then the two of you shared a laugh, and it felt wonderful. It felt like air finally whistled down his lungs and he could breathe. You grinned and touched his shoulder, smile fading as your eyes fell. His shoulders slumped as he held your arm by the elbow, asking what was wrong. It could see it in your face, that you were crumbling from the inside. He recognized the look because he saw it every morning in the mirror.
Your fingers touched the lapel of his leather jacket. “I’m sorry…”
Voice quiet, shameful.
He stood quietly among the noise.
“…I was scared because things were starting to feel different. I started to feel differently about you, Bucky.”
Oh, he frowned. This is where you were going to break his heart. You were going to explain why you had stopped taking his calls, ‘ghosting’ him as Sam explained. Even stopped talking cases with the pair, switching agencies to get away from him. His mouth dried as you looked at him and he wanted to walk away, cover his ears. He didn’t want to hear what you had to say because then he couldn’t go on with his delusion. That you just weren’t ready, that if circumstances had been different, the two of you would be together today.
That everything would be different.
“I was falling in love with you…”
The word love struck him awake and all his senses warmed his body, catching your hand as it fell from his jacket. His fingers gripped around your wrist and his eyes examined your face – trying to understand what you were saying to him, right to his face.
“…I didn’t think you felt the same, we always kept things uncomplicated, and I thought you liked it that way. That’s why I stopped coming around.”
The word slipped through his lips, and he was instantly annoyed at himself, but you laughed. “Shit? We haven’t seen each other in months, and I just poured my heart out to you – in front of all these people, mind you and all you can say is shit?”
Bucky dipped his head back and took a deep breath, holding onto your hand so you wouldn’t dare leave. He wasn’t going to let you leave his life again, not ever again. Warming his smile, he carefully pulled you closer as if that would give the two of you some privacy. He reached for your face with both hands and grinned.
“I want complicated.”
Your chest ached in delight. “You do?”
Words careful and concerned.
Bucky nodded, face serious. “I love you and I’ve missed you.”
Forgetting that you were a known hard ass among your peers, you practically leaped into Bucky’s arms. He embraced you, lifting your feet off the ground and holding you tight against his body. His warmth engulfed you and all you could do is think of a vacation with him. Lounging in bed, talking walks on the street – hand in hand. Sharing meals and falling asleep to the feeling of his fingers dragging against your back. All the things you had been earning for all these months, were finally going to come to fruition; and when his lips brushed against yours, you didn’t care if the whole world was watching.
Pulling your head back after a moment, you beamed at Bucky.  “I love you too.”
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weepingchronicles · 3 months
yan!azula (atla) getting back reader 🙏🏻 (headcanons, or one shot please!)
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yandere azula x airbender reader (part 2) platonic or romantic tw/cw: yandere, choking, death threats, verbal abuse, possessive behavior a/n: erm guys.. it's getting kinda scary  😰 😰 (part 1)
being with aang and the others was unlike anything you've ever experienced.
when you first met everyone you were scared- but they all welcomed you with open arms. katara emphasized with you, having her mother also die at the hands of the fire nation. sokka tried to flirt with you, which you were oblivious to, until aang and katara told him to knock it off. after that, you became like katara to him, like a younger sibling who'd he protect.
you were so naive to the world, never stepping foot outside of the fire nation before.
when aang had told you his story, how he was in a iceberg for 100 years and was the avatar, but more importantly one of the last airbenders- you could hardly believe it.
the more the gang told you their stories, the clear it became that the fire nation had took away your parents, your culture and your freedom. you knew azula was evil, but you still believed you had no other choice but follow her.
you told aang that you had no airbending ability, you thought you'd be discarded away, just for being useless
but aang did no such thing, just offering a smile and saying he's just glad he has someone from home.
and you did feel at home.
You woke up to shaking, and your eyes immediately lit up. For a minute, you were back in the palace. Azula waking you up so she could sleep beside you. It was when we were in our younger years and Azula would wake you up at odd hours of night, slipping with you under your blanket. You assumed it was because she had nightmares, you did too, but you never dared ask her about it, fearing you'd end up with a scar like Zuko's.
You woke up from your flashbacks and took in to the actual scene in front of you. It's Aang.
"What's wrong?" "It's someone. They're following, come on, we need to get onto Appa."
You all pack your sleeping bags and ride on Appa. It's still the middle of the night, and the cooling wind blowing past your hair is not making your exhaustion any better.
Finally you all spot a place to settle down, it's in a middle of a forest which will be hard for anyone to navigate through
You lay out your tents and sleeping bags again to finally rest. You find yourself somewhat missing Azula, when she would be nice for once and fall asleep beside each other until morning. You push back those thoughts, remembering how she treated you. If she really cared she'd let you go and be happy.
With all these thoughts swirling in your head, you don't notice yourself start falling asleep.
You feel a hand on your mouth causing you to snap your eyes open. There she is, Azula. It's only been a week and she's already found you. Your eyes look to where the rest of the gang were sleeping but instead they're gone!
"Aw, don't look so surprised. You really thought I wouldn't go looking for my favorite pet?" The nickname made you cringe and Azula removes her hand from over your mouth, but both her knees restrain your arms to the ground.
"Where's Aang, Katara and Sokka!?" You spit out, but you instantly regret when you see Azula's sly smirk turn to an expression of jealous rage.
"Really? I could kill you right now but you're more worried about your friends!?" Before you could reply, her hand slapped over your neck, squeezing around your throat. Perfect manicured nails dug into your flesh, practically leaching the breath you had left in your lungs out of you. Azula's eyes leaked of fiery rage, pure fuel and the truth is you've never seen her like this. She's dangerous, more dangerous than ever before but she is not as calculated. You knew that Mai and Ty Lee couldn't defeat the Avatar on their own so she must know that, but instead she came for you.
Still, your heart ached for your friends, the only true ones you've made all your life. You yourself felt a fire deep inside you, not as fiery as Azula's, but it was ignited when you first met Aang.
"Please.. don't hurt them." was all you could manage out before you start turning purple. Azula's face turned shocked, like she couldn't believe you care more about your friends than her. She dropped her claw-like grip on your throat, you let out a gasp of air before rolling to your side and coughing.
While you were coughing, Azula let go of your arms and stood. "(Y/N), they don't truly care for you. At least not like I do, look at what I have done for you! You really think a pesky water tribe girl, a non-bender and a 12 year old Avatar really care for you? Tell me, do you really think the Avatar would save you if you weren't from the Air Nation?"
You were on your side, refusing Azula to see your face. Was she right? It's true that Aang came for me because we are both air but Aang is a good person! He would definitely rescue me even if I were someone else.. right?
You felt Azula's hand cup your cheek and turn your gaze towards her. Her eyes now are half-lidded and the fire was just warmth now.
"(Y/N), please, come home now and we can forget about this. This is silly." She tucked a piece of hair away from your face, which would have been loving but all it made you feel was owned. Like you were a pet, something to leash and expect obedience from. You wanted to show her you were nothing like her, and she did not own you.
Without even thinking you smack her hand away, a surge of strength powering you as you stand up. You moved to shove away Azula but as you did so, a gust of wind flew her back more than 8 feet away from you.
You look down at your hands and back at Azula wobblily getting up, pure shock but also confusion on her face.
You turn around, hearing a familiar girls voice calling you.
"Katara!" You yell, running back to her. "Come on, we have to go! This girl somehow took away my bending." The girl Katara was saying about sounded Ty Lee but you knew you had to get out before Azula fully recovers. You finally made it back with the others and flew away safely on Appa. You look down as fly away, Azula's form getting smaller and smaller by distance. Aang speaks, finally pulling you you of your daze.
"(Y/N), are you okay? How did you manage to fight off Azula?"
"I.. I don't know." The group looks at you with confusion but you're more confused than they are.
You were safe from Azula for now but you knew she'd be back for the Avatar, especially now since he wasn't the only Airbender..
And that's a wrap! Sorry it took so long, I got really busy and I couldn't figure out an ending I liked. Comment or request whether you'd like reader to fully escape Azula or not, or something completely different!
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Helloooo! Its me again hehehehe! I just got some one question by the way, about thoma... Is he on the side of reader? Plus itto, nilou, yunjin and xinyan, chongyun, xinyan and xiangling. Sorry if i asked too much characters about on their sides, it just brought me so much curiosity. But by the way saw the jouno fic you did it really brought me chills! Always love your work that you made❤️
I am glad, that you enjoyed Jouno's fic. I am planning the next one. Still not sure, who will be the main character.
Either Fitzgerald (Ningguang and Pantalone), or Dazai and Fyodor, or Verlaine (Furina). Or someone else.
To your question.
She and Gouba are on Reader's side. Xiangling it's that kind of person, who will try to hurt innocent people.
She and Gouba found Reader after they were trying to leave Liyue on a boat and were attacked by Zhongli. Reader managed to escape and hide in an abandoned hilichurls' camp. Exhausted, Reader fall asleep, only to woke up to a smell of cooking, and Gouba, pocking their cheeks.
Xiangling gave Reader food and find the way to get Reader to a safer place.
She is on Reader's side. She doesn't like, that everyone is talking about Reader like they are some kind of monster. Most of the gossipers have never seen Reader before.
Xinyan wasn't far away from hilichurls' camp, Reader were hiding. She saw, how Xiangling helped you. She approached you three and offered her help.
It was her idea to hide Reader with Doctor Baizhu.
He is on Reader's side.
When he met Fake Creator, he was horrified. He felt the 'Tainted powers'. Sinful and dirty.
So, Chongyun didn't believe a word Fake Creator said. He stays silent. His family doesn't feel the tainted powers as clear as he.
Chongyun's yang energy also made Fake Creator feel pain, so, they try not to go near him.
Chongyun felt the echoes of 'pure powers' from Reader. That make him believe Reader. Chongyun would stay near Reader, to mask their powers' presence with his yang energy.
Xingqiu is on Reader's power, but he can't do much.
His family will be in danger, if someone knew about him helping Reader.
Yet, he was the one, who organized Reader's trip to escape to Inazuma. With some outside help.
She is on Reader's side. But, she also can't do much.
She is a public figure, so, it's hard for her to help Reader without public finding out.
But, Yunjin helped Reader leave Liyue.
She preformed in a port, destructing others, letting Xingqiu get Reader on the ship to Inazuma.
Thoma is on Reader's side. Technically.
He believes, that Fake Creator are Real Creator. But, he can't stand the thought of hunting a one single person. He can't do much, Kamisato siblings are on Fake Creator's side, and Thoma don't want to put himself or Kamisato siblings in danger. Still, he gave Reader food and helped them reach Chinju Forest, where Reader met Inazuma Saika, Matsuzaka and Iwao. They helped Reader get help from Yoimiya.
Itto and his gang are on Reader's side.
Itto was horrified, when Fake Creator ordered everyone to hunt Reader. He is up to the challenge. But, the thought of hurting a human made him sick. He faced enough prejudice from humans. He won't act as bloodthirsty oni everyone except him to be.
Itto and his gang helped Reader escape from Narukami Island and get to Watatsumi.
Nilou is on Reader's side.
But, she on a more tight spot, than Yunjin.
Nahida, before she and Aranaras were captured, managed to tell Nilou the truth about Fake Creator.
But, Nahida's imprisonment and her helping Reader means, that Sumeru will go over the top to prove, that they aren't sinners and obey Fake Creator.
Nilou and Zubayr Theatre took a big risk and managed to get Reader to Port Ormos, where Alhaitham and Kaveh took it upon themselves to get you to Fontaine.
Tag list: @withered-blossoms , @myluckymoon @cocodrilofeliz @c4xcocoa @vvyeislazzy @whisperingwinters
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squishycheekanon · 1 year
Human!Techno x reader
Warnings: friends to lovers, fluff, smut, humanTechno being a grump, grumpy guy-sunshineish girl. George complaining (no hate). Touch starvedness. I didn’t mean for there to be a size kink but there is one.
You’re confused, nothing new there, your head swirling from your long week and silly meetings at work. Nothing was more tedious than listening to George drone on about utter nonsense, mindnumbingly stupid complaints that were pointless to point out.
But even after getting up at four am every morning to work late into the night you still agreed to hang out with the gang at their shared house, at first you thought it was idiotic so did Techno maybe that’s why you two and a few of your other friends didn’t join in on the whole living together fiasco.
As much as you loved your friends thirty plus people in one house, no matter how big, was a recipe for disaster. Apparently not. Two years later and they had all managed to make it work setting up chore schedules, and bathroom schedules that seemed to make the house run perfectly.
Still you couldn’t be more glad to end the night in your own apartment snuggled up in your large bed, which is why you’re confused as to why you agreed to hang out tonight knowing full well that Wilbur wanted to have a piss up.
Pretty much everyone had a drink in their hands expect for you. You instead, after having half of the sangria Quackity had made for you, had claimed the little area in the back corner of the big living room. Head tipped back again the sofa, eyes closed and pressing into something warm.
Techno had arrived half an hour after you did, his week had started off great, but by the end of it he couldn’t help but feel a little agitated. He hadn’t seen you the whole week and as much as he’d never admit it out loud, and definitely not to you, he’d missed you.
You were the only person he could truly relax around and he needed that. Has done since he met you. Ten years ago it was, you had been stood up, sitting at a bar quietly crying to yourself when he bumped into you pouring his whiskey on the rocks all down your back, soaking your dress and pulling a squeal from you. A squeal he still teases you for. But he spent the rest of the night doing everything he could think of to make you smile and laugh to make up for it. It worked and you’ve been friends ever since.
Techno weaved his way through the huge hallway into the large kitchen to grab a beer from the double door fridge offering small nods to those who greeted him on his way to the massive living room area. His curious eyes scanning the space until they landed on you, the corners of his lips turning up slightly at the sight before him.
With a shake of his head he sat down next to you perhaps a little too close but when you sighed so softly pressing yourself into his warmth he relaxed against the leather sofa. “Long week?” He asked watching with a knowing gaze as you nodded. Knowing because this would be one of the nights he’d have to get a very sleepy you into his car and all the way up to your apartment and into your bed.
Techno dragged his gaze away from you to watch Wilbur try and teach Tommy and Tubbo how to play poker. At that point Phil and his wife arrived, Phil immediately coming over to Techno giving him a bro hug and saying hi to you which revived a thumbs up and a lazy smile. No matter how hard you try to open your eyes they were just so damn heavy you couldn’t do it, Phil smiled anyway glancing at Techno when he huffed at you.
“Take her home dude.” Phil patted Techno’s shoulder making the latter nod passing his unopened beer to Phil before picking you up. It was meant to be bridal style but you clung to him subconsciously wrapping your legs around his waist. He adapted a big arm around your waist and another under your tush, glaring at those who made whooping noises or whistled too loud making you whine softly onto his neck.
“Alright bun we’re going, we’re going.” He soothed, the words feeling a little foreign on his monotonous tongue.
“Tec!” Tommy was quick to stop his beefy uncle hooking your little handbag onto his shoulder, the sight was enough to make Tommy snicker to himself as he walked away. With a roll of his eyes Techno left the large house rather happy he had managed to skip the get together.
You thanked Techno ten times over in the morning when you woke in your own bed, you knew exactly who got you there. You felt ridiculously bad resulting in you spending the whole morning and most of the afternoon baking him sweet treats while you waited for his reply text to see if he was coming over or wether you’d need to drop them at his.
Music played through out the kitchen, your cherry covered apron wrapped around your oversized T-shirt clad body as you iced the cupcakes to look like little Minecraft piggys giggling as you did so.
“Well isn’t this a sight.” You jumped back at the sound of Technos voice, looking up to see him grinning at you.
“What the fuck Tec!” You huffed dropping the icing bag to place your hands on your hips, he simply held up the spare key you’d given him before slipping it back into his pocket. “Dick.” You scoffed instantly regretting it when Techno gasped loudly, overexaggeratingly.
“Excuse you missy! I carry you home-“
“You drove.”
“Risk my life getting you up those stairs-“
“You always take the elevator.”
“Almost die trippin’ over the pile of dirty laundry-“
“It was one sock.”
“And this is the thanks I get?! Unbelievable.” He huffs crossing his muscular arms over his rather burly chest. You suppose you’ve never stopped to think about how big your best friend is, how good looking-
“Those better be for me.” He grumbles coming further into the kitchen freezing when he rounds the island you’re icing the cupcakes on to see your exposed legs. Clearing his throat and shaking off whatever that was, it’s not like he’s not seen it before. Hell he’s seen you in a bikini, this is nothing but he swears that’s his shirt as he walks closer.
“Yes they are Mr.Grumpy.” You smile when he pinches your hip slightly, his hulking form compared to you standing behind you, hovering over you as you work to get the pig just right. What you don’t expect, it really does take you by surprise and a warmth spreads in your stomach when he gently undoes the apron sitting on your hips only to redo it tighter.
It’s a simple act of helping but it has your cheeks warming like this man hasn’t done it before, like it’s new but it isn’t. “Thanks.” You internally praise yourself for not stuttering. Techno doesn’t even notice the slight tremor in your voice too focused of the that fact that you smell so good. Like vanilla.
Well maybe great minds think alike because his musky scent is now all your mind can focus on, it swirls around you stinking up the area around you, bursting your precious bubble replacing is with his cologne. Cinnamon and hint of tangerines? An odd combination but it smells so fucking nice on him, you just wanna bury your face in it.
“You missed the eyes.” He chuckled, eyes scanning over your face while you blink out of your little trance.
“Oh right.” You laugh stiffly, nervously. It makes Techno frown, he’s never heard you nervous around him. Others, yes. Him, never. That’s how it should be, yet you are. It makes him lean forward placing both palms on the worktop, essentially caging you in.
“What’s the matter bun?” He asks gruffly and as if by instinct your thighs press together, a small wiggle of your hips to create some unknowingly needed friction. His voice and that nickname, both of them usually so sweet and calming suddenly have a strange effect. Maybe it’s just you simply being touched starved? The loneliness catching up with you?
“Nothing.” It’s a blunt reply but it’s all you’ve got, you don’t dare turn around. How can you? Then you’d have to stare at his gorgeous face, you already feel his careful gaze burning holes into your head.
“Now I know that’s not true.” His breathy laugh skims over your skin making you shiver, he notices his hands sliding to your hips to turn you around, thumb and index finger keeping your chin locked so you have nowhere else to look but him. “Tell me bun, what’s troubling you? The long week?”
His voice, his eyes, his whole demeanour is too sincere it has a whimper slipping from you. The noise enough to make you both freeze, Techno’s eyes darkening.
“I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” You admit honestly, fists tightening in frustration. You hadn’t felt like this in a while always too busy with work to sit and wallow in your feelings, maybe that was a good thing because right now with Techno so close; someone you trusted and knew cared for you; your body was taking control, letting you natural instincts take over.
You needed him, and Techno understood. He understood the look in your eye from what he’d seen in his own. Moving a few inches forward he wrapped his arms around your waist, one hand sliding up to tangle itself in your hair soothingly. Before you could even think about freezing up, “Relax bun, I got you.” He encouraged making you melt slipping your own arms around his muscular form.
“What do you need from me?” He asks after a few minutes feeling you grow restless in his hold. He knew you needed more but what he says next takes you back slight, “Do you need an old school finger fuck and make out session on the couch?” He asks jokingly though there is an air of seriousness to it. Especially with what he says next, his beautiful eyes sparkling with want, “Or do you need to sit on my face and let me lick you until your cum runs down my jaw?”
He squints when you whimper gripping his arm tighter, his head tilting slightly as he looks you over “Or maybe you just need a good fuck?” It takes you a second to comprehend but his hand’s already sliding up your leg, his rough palm against your soft skin.
“Mmmhmm, yeah, I think that’s it. Here, lift my t-shirt up a little so you can slide these panties off.” You blush at his words but do as he says, watching in almost shock when he drops to his knees large hands sliding up your things guiding you to open your legs slightly.
“Oh god your thighs are so soft bunny.” He murmurs against your skin, his nose dragging over the part where your thigh and your stomach meet. “And this pretty pussy, I can’t believe you’ve kept this hidden Bunny. So selfish.” He chided playfully.
The grin broad as daylight disappeared between you thighs, your head falling back, hands seeking purchase on the kitchen countertops. He placed a pressured kiss right on your clit listening to the hitch of your breath. Techno swears he’s never heard a sound so pretty than the moan he pulled from you when he wrapped his lips around little nub.
He wants to work night and day to make sure you never stop making that noise. Techno watched your wetness trickling down your thigh quick to lick it up not letting any go to waste. It’s as if his first taste transformed him from the composed grump of a man you knew to a starving man who had a three course meal laid out in front of him, your eyes rolled back, sinful moans echoing in the room.
He moved his tongue like he was possessed, licking into your clenching hole as if he was digging for something before closing his lips around your clit and sucking it so hard you swear it will be bruised tomorrow. His harsh and continuous actions on your cunt had one of your hands grasping onto Techno’s hair, your back arching as you started a slow grind on his tongue.
“That’s it Bunny make yourself cum, use my to tongue.” He hums into your weeping entrance, but you’re so focused on the feeling of euphoria coursing through your veins you don’t hear him, all your senses being taken over and before you know it you’re cumming, drenching the lower half of his chin though he doesn’t seem bothered in the slightest, slurping down all you give him, trying to pull more from you.
Though with a push of your hand against his head and whine of sensitivity he conceded rising from his knees instantly pulling you close into his hold, lips pressing against your own.
With one roll of his hips he’s inside you and not giving you a second to comprehend it. No, he’s already pulling back and slamming into you over and over again watching as you arch your body into his.
Techno is swift and slick with how he manages to pick you up, placing you on the worktop and deliver a hard thrust quickly after leaving you short of breath.
His large hand slides up over your throat applying slight pressure to push you down against the counter. Then up to your mouth, two thick fingers slipping inside letting you moan and whine around them, saliva dribbling down your cheeks. Neither of you care so engrossed in the feeling of being fucked so thoroughly.
Your moans down right pornographic, when he hit that spongy rough patch inside you. Striking it over and over again, Techno had never looked more happy than when he watched your head fall back, eyes rolling with it.
“Fuck, yes bun clench around me like that, take all that I’m giving you like a good girl.” They way he grunted the words into your ear before sucking your earlobe into his hot mouth had you whining around his fingers. White hot pleasure engulfing your messy form, nothing had ever felt better than this moment.
Your body felt like it was burning with each thrust of his hard cock, all you could do was lie there on the kitchen counter and dribble around his fingers while he fucked your pussy ruthlessly. If this was his version of a good fuck, you’d happily have it everyday.
The coil in your lower abdomen tightened and tightened, until you shattered on his cock, cumming harshly as the waves of pleasure rolled over you so intensely, your walls clenching around him tightly. He snapped his hips into you quicker chasing his own high, wanting to fill you up desperately.
“Please Tec, cum inside me!” That did it for him, absolutely finished him. He groaned thrusting into you so deep as he finished inside you just like you begged him to.
“Fuck bun, you did so good for me. Just relax, breathe, I’ve got you.” He soothed blinking away the last remaining blur of his orgasm, focusing on you and the aftercare you not only needed but deserved.
Cupcakes forgotten about Techno picked you up and carried you to your room laying you on your bed then helping you remove his shirt.
“So fucking pretty bun.” He shook his head staring down at your body, you were ready to disagree absolutely sure you looked like the mess he’d certainly fucked you into but the way his eyes darkened as they raked over your body had your mouth closing.
“Now, before I start running you a bath. I need another taste.” He groaned kneeling in front of the bed, grabbing your ankles to pull you closer to his face.
“But Tec you already-“
“No but’s bun, you’ve been keeping this fucking delicacy from me for far too long. I’ve got a lot of pussy worshiping to make up for and I’m sure she would agree.”
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