#I almost made a 'plate too full' joke with the first half btw
The Best Quiche in Tokyo
Rating: ‼️18+ Minors Do Not Interact ‼️
Warnings: explicit sexuality (it literally takes place at an orgy so like.......Y’know)
Characters: Hatter (Takeru), Aguni, and Female Reader (You)
Summary: When one of your customers invites you to a potluck-slash-orgy, you assume the “orgy” part is a joke—because nobody really hosts a potluck and an orgy at the same time, right?
Notes: One time, @nessinborderland (happy belated birthday btw) gave me the brilliant idea of Hatter hosting an orgy and serving really good food and I just......ran with it. This ended up being part comedy, part character study—and mostly features Aguni, if you can believe it! I don’t know, I just let the story take me where it wanted to go! (Also, this is definitely the longest thing I’ve written on here, so get ready to dig in!)
It’s a beautiful Sunday afternoon in March, and you’re standing in front of a hat shop. Well, technically, you’re slightly to the left of a hat shop, peering down a skinny alleyway in search of a door or a set of stairs—something to indicate that there is, in fact, an apartment up there and this is not just an elaborate prank.
There is a very good chance this is a prank—after all, the eccentric man who walked into your stationary store two weeks ago seemed...off. Not in a bad way, just. One-of-a-kind. Unique. Entirely himself, in a way that people usually aren’t.
Was he flirting or was he just overly friendly when he leaned in just a bit too close to see the various fonts available for his choosing? It’s difficult to say. He did seem genuinely interested to know the difference between serif and sans serif, which doesn’t much thrill your customers on the regular. Does asking for an extra business card ‘for his personal records’ count as a pick-up line? It’s hard to say. Not that it matters much, of course—you are a professional, he is a customer, and there’s nothing more to it.
And you really are a professional, because when he told you that he wanted—in metallic gold, 30-point, center aligned—to say, quote, “The Third Annual Springtime Potluck and Orgy: Presented by Danma Takeru,” you didn’t so much as bat an eye. Partially because he was very insistent that you spell his name correctly, and partially because. Well. How does a person respond to that?
In truth, he ended up being one of your better customers—he showed a genuine interest in the process while still deferring to your expertise—and when one of the printed invitations arrived in your mailbox, you figured you might as well go see what the fuss is about. It could be an opportunity to meet some new friends, maybe drum up a little business if you’re lucky.
And besides—a potluck-slash-orgy? Who would even do that?
The merry little jingle of bell catches your attention, and you turn your head to see a solemn-looking man peeking his head around the hat shop’s glass door. He looks at you. He looks at the plastic-wrapped pie in your hands. He looks back at you.
He frowns.
“Hi,” you say, putting on your most charming smile in the hopes that he’ll stop looking at you like you just slapped him across the face, “I’m, uh, I’m here for the party!”
You shuffle over to him, careful not to scuff the white of your sensible-yet-pretty patent leather heels on the sidewalk. Maybe you’re dressed too formally—he’s wearing a plain white t-shirt and a pair of jeans while you’re sporting a calf-length chiffon dress dyed in a lovely array of watercolor blues and violets.
Oh dear, what a faux-pas! There was no dress code listed on the invite, but maybe you should’ve dressed in a more casual fashion. You don’t live far, you could probably run home quickly and change...
“Do you...have an invitation,” the man asks, crossing his arms across his chest and furrowing his brow. Is he annoyed? No, no. He seems. Confused? Wary? How very strange.
“Oh, of course,” you answer, reaching a fumbling hand into your purse to search for the little pink envelope, “I almost forgot it walking out the door, but I remembered at the last second! I can be a bit scatterbrained sometimes!”
The man doesn’t say anything, but leans forward to inspect the invitation once you manage to produce it from the cluttered mess that is your handbag.
“I know the time said it started at three, but the pie took a little longer than expected. It takes time for the chocolate to set, and—“ you gasp, covering your mouth with your invite-laden hand, “I haven’t kept you waiting, have I? I’m so sorry, Mister...?”
“Call me Aguni,” he says, and his eyes narrow slightly when you give him your most chipper ‘thank you’ and apologize for not being able to shake his hand at the moment. What a strange man.
“You,” he asks slowly, “you read the invitation, right?”
“Of course I did! I’m the one who made them,” you explain, puffing your chest up with pride, “and our host was kind enough to send one to me! He must have really liked my work!”
“...Yeah,” the man called Aguni says, “I’m sure that’s it.”
But, to your pleasure, he steps aside and holds the door open for you to enter. Such a strange man, but at least he’s gentlemanly enough to hold the door for you as you step inside.
“Oh, wow,” you say, “this place is amazing!”
And maybe it sounds silly, but you’re being entirely honest. There are hats in shelves, hats hanging on the wall, hats on faceless plastic heads on the counter and placed atop a long wooden table to the left—all of them in different shapes and colors, embellished and feathered and ribboned to the nines. There’s a certain magic to a little place like this, a kind of whimsical charm you want to bottle and keep on the kitchen windowsill.
“Walls could use some paint. Floor needs polished, too,” Aguni says, “but...yeah, I guess it’s nice enough.”
You follow him as he leads you towards the back, your eyes drinking in all the details of this fascinating little shop.
“No, no, the walls and the floor are perfect,” you assert with a wide-mouthed smile, “it gives it character. Makes it feel...like home, I think.”
“Takeru says the same thing,” Aguni answers with a chuckle, “although I also think he just doesn’t want to put in the work. He’s...not very handy.”
There is a second door at the very back of the shop, and once again, Aguni holds it open for you. Perhaps his original air of discontent was a simple case of shyness—maybe he just takes a bit to warm up to people. Well, just wait until he tries your homemade triple-chocolate silk pie; you’ll be best friends in no time!
He leads you into a tiny courtyard, which is just barely big enough to hold a steep set of metal stairs and a handful of plant pots, which remain empty due to the early spring cold. But, oh, it must be so lovely back here when the plants are in full bloom! You say as much to your companion, who actually manages to smile a bit in your direction as he leads you up the stairs.
“Those are mine, actually,” he tells you, his boot-covered feet thunking up the stairs at a leisurely pace, “He lets me garden back here.”
You picture it—this tall, stoic man, kneeling on the ground, his gloved hands tending little green sprouts as the morning sun shines gold and warm on the cold stone ground. The thought of it warms you. Does he know anything about succulents? You’ve always thought they would look so cute in the shop...
“Look,” Aguni says when the two of you reach a very drab-looking door, “I’m not trying to be a jerk, but...you sure you’re ready for this?”
What an odd thing to say! Maybe you’re acting more nervous than you originally thought? It is rather daunting, walking into a party of strangers; but, nothing ventured, nothing gained, right?
“You’re sweet for worrying about me,” you respond, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder, “but if everyone is half as lovely as you, I’m sure I’ll do just fine. I will probably stick with you for a while—if that’s okay, of course!”
“Alright, then.” Aguni says—and is that a hint of a blush you see creeping up his neck? All this time, you thought he was just being strange, but he’s just a little shy! You give his arm a knowing pat before withdrawing your touch, and he quickly turns around to unlock the door.
Are all of Takeru’s friends this adorable? You hope so. You follow your bashful escort inside—the genkan is already full of shoes, but you manage to squeeze yours in between a pair of snakeskin wedge heels and the wall. Aguni also removes his boots, and you’re happy he isn’t going to stay down in the hat shop the whole time. He can introduce you to everyone, and maybe—
You hear something. Was that...? No, no, you must be imagining things. You definitely did not just hear a woman moan on the other side of the wall. You stop and angle your head towards the door slightly to get a better listen. It’s all rather muffled (it must be well-insulated!) but there’s definitely some kind of music playing. Maybe it’s part of a song?
It happens again. This time, it’s deeper, and more of a prolonged “ah” sound. And then laughter. Aguni is looking at you in that concerned way of his again.
Instead of waiting for him to open the door for you a third time, you decide to take initiative and open it yourself—a show of confidence, to put his mind at ease. For a moment, it looks like he’s going to try and stop you, but he instead just crosses his arms and watches as you open the door to the rest of the house.
The first thing you see is candles. Little flickering spots of yellow-orange flame, winking inside clear glass votives. A trio of them on the kitchen table to the left, surrounded by a mismatched variety of trays and plates and bowls, each holding a different delicacy.
There’s a candle on the kitchen counter, next to the refrigerator. One on a bookshelf, which is filled to bowing with vinyl LP’s. Two on either side of the television, and a cluster of them on a coffee table next to a fishbowl of shiny gold squares and—
Oh, dear.
There are limbs. Moving, writing, reaching. Hands grabbing. Mouths kissing. Mouths...doing things other than kissing. Oh, God, there’s boobs. And somebody’s butt. Aw, geez, there goes another one. How many naked people are there in here, anyways?
“Oh, hey!”
A familiar voice calls out from the fleshy throng, and your stomach drops. Like Venus emerging from the surf, you see Danma Takeru rise up from the crowd, hair mussed and smiling mouth smudged with at least two different colors of lipstick. While he does appear to be wearing some kind of brightly-patterned robe, the more he stands, the less confident you are that it’s actually covering anything.
You spin on your heel, unwilling as of the moment to become visually acquainted with your host’s penis, and you’re met once more with Aguni’s concerned stare. This time, though, you understand why he’s looking at you like that, and it makes the burn of embarrassment creeping up your neck that much hotter.
“Do you want to leave?”
This is. Oh, boy. This is a lot. Aguni must be able to sense your discomfort, although you imagine it’s rather palpable at the moment.
“I,” you say, “I don’t...know.”
And you say you don’t know because you truly don’t know what to do. Was it really so naïve of you to think that the ‘orgy’ part of the invitation was some kind of weird inside joke? Is there some kind of social protocol for these things?
You feel two hands descend upon each of your shoulders, and you try to convince yourself that they are slightly damp with sweat as opposed to any other kind of aqueous material.
“You made it,” Takeru exclaims with genuine excitement as he gives your person a gentle shake, “I’m so glad you decided to come!”
“He’s covered, don’t worry,” Aguni says to you before directing his attention over your shoulder, “I take it you didn’t tell her.”
“Tell her what?”
The hand on your right shoulder stays while the left slips away, leaving room for Takeru to stand at your side and squeeze you against him in a weird little half-hug. In another situation, you might enjoy the way the silk of his robe whispers against the skin of your arms, perhaps smile at the warm comfort of a lazy arm thrown about your shoulders like a heavy scarf, but. Well. Right now, it’s just a little...awkward.
Aguni rolls his eyes.
“About that,” he says, gesturing impatiently at the debauchery behind your back, “I mean, just look at her face.”
“Mori-chan, how could you be so rude to our lovely guest? Darling,” Takeru says, turning your face towards him with two fingers under your chin, “don’t listen to him, you’re...ah, I see what you mean.”
Is your expression really that bad? It must be, because Takeru very slowly and very carefully withdrawing his arm from around your shoulder and taking a generous step to the side. His mouth is twisted into a rather comical gaping frown, his eyes nervously darting side-to-side.
“In my defense,” he says, putting his hands up like some kind of fucked-out traffic cop at a four-way intersection, “the, uh, the orgy part was very prominent. Big letters, right at the top.”
“I,” you reply, “I thought it was...a joke?”
“This is why we don’t just hand out invitations,” Aguni grits through his teeth, “for fuck’s sake, Takeru, we’ve talked about this!”
“I know, I know. I am humble enough to admit when I’ve fucked up, and this time, I have fucked up in a truly spectacular fashion,” Takeru’s gaze shifts from horrified to quizzical as he scrutinized you for a moment, “Unless...you’d like to stay?”
You look at the pie. The slowly-warming chocolate is beginning to sweat beneath the thin film of plastic wrap you so lovingly secured with lilac ribbon.
“Or you could slap him on the way out,” Aguni offers, “he’s very slap-able.”
“It’s true! And when you slap me,” he whips his head to the side suddenly, “my hair does that and it looks really cool!”
Yeah, okay—it did look pretty cool. But, does he deserve to be slapped? Probably for something else, but not for this. It’s a simple misunderstanding, and honest mistake on both your parts.
“I want...” you start, and the way they’re looking at you, wide-eyed and breath-bated, reminds you of the final rose ceremony on The Bachelorette.
It’s kind of hilarious, actually.
“I, uh,” you continue, “I want to...to put this in the refrigerator, if that’s okay? It’s, uh, starting to melt...”
To say that Takeru’s face lights up is an understatement. With a mega-watt smile and a sparkle in his eye, he swoops his arm back around your shoulder and begins leading you towards the kitchen.
Although you have (almost) gotten used to the sea of strangers fucking and moaning in the background, you still choose to politely avert your gaze as you pass them by. You instead focus on Takeru, who has taken this opportunity to explain the inner-workings of...whatever this is.
“...And I personally see to it that these events remain exclusive,” he says, “Although I do occasionally invite outsiders, such as yourself. You were just so sweet and helpful, I couldn’t resist trying my luck and sending you an invite.”
“Thank you,” you say, “although, I, uh...”
He opens the refrigerator door and motions for you to place the pie inside. Luckily, it’s mostly empty, save for a collection of bottled water and a tin of what looks to be cat food. You’re grateful to not have to carry it around anymore, and thank him for his assistance.
It’s finally time for you to acknowledge the proverbial ‘elephant in the room’—except, you’re not exactly sure how to begin.
“I,” you start, stopping to bite your lip, “I, uh. Is it okay if I...don’t, y’know, do the whole...uh...sex thing?”
“Oh, do you prefer to watch?”
“No! I mean, no, uh,” you laugh nervously, “I’m just...”
Takeru chuckles.
“I’m only teasing. You’re more than welcome to skip the sex and go straight to the food. As long as you’re on the kitchen side, nobody will touch you. It’s one of our rules.”
He motions for Aguni to come over with a wave of his arm, smiling when the tall man comes to lean against the kitchen counter.
“Mori-chan also prefers to abstain from the more salacious aspects of our little gathering, so the two of you can keep each other company.”
“I’m usually in charge of the food,” Aguni adds, “and I try to make sure the candles stay lit.”
“I, uh, I noticed those on the way in. They’re nice.”
Takeru leans towards you as if he’s about to share a secret.
“I don’t mean to be indelicate,” he says in a low tone, “but there is a certain stench that comes with these events. Sweat, musk, various secretions...it all really adds up in the end.”
“It’s awful,” Aguni concludes, “but candles help dissipate the worst of it.”
“Oh, and the ambiance,” Takeru exclaims, “there’s just nothing like candlelight to really get people in the mood for—“
A sharp ding! makes you jump. From what you can gather, it came from the small oven to Aguni’s left.
“Hold it right there,” Takeru growls towards Aguni, who had been in the middle of donning a pair of floral-printed oven mitts, “she needs thirty more seconds.”
Aguni looks at you and rolls his eyes. You stifle a giggle behind your hand, hoping your host doesn’t notice.
“I saw that,” Takeru snips towards Aguni, “honestly, Mori-chan, you get one new friend...”
And even though he’s mid-scold, there remains a joviality to Takeru’s tone—a testament, you believe, to what can only be a long-standing friendship between him and Aguni. It’s hard not to feel jealous of their easy back-and-forth, their banter like a well-matched game of tennis.
“Now you can take her out,” Takeru says, “but, so help me God, if you don’t let her rest for seven minutes–“
“–They’ll never find my body, I know, I know,” Aguni finishes, gingerly placing a metal pan on the stove, “Look, we’ve got it handled. You can go back to your side of the party and I’ll call you when it’s plated.”
“Fine,” Takeru answers with a false pout, “but only because I know she’ll keep you honest.”
And just like that, it’s just you and Aguni once more—but, this time, he seems much more at ease to have you around. Happy, almost. It must be kind of boring, sitting alone in a kitchen while everyone else is...well, busy.
“So,” you say, moving to Aguni’s side to peer into the baking pan, “looks kind of like...a quiche?”
“Not just any quiche,” Aguni answers, opening the drawer to his right and digging a hand inside, “the best quiche in Tokyo.”
He pulls out a shiny silver chef’s knife and places it on the counter. Next comes a pair of dainty forks, delicate little things one might use for tea cakes at a French-inspired bistro. Knowing what you know about Takeru—which, granted, isn’t very much at all—it doesn’t surprise you in the least.
“You’re in front of the plates,” he says, tapping the cabinet directly in front of your face, “grab us some?”
“But we’re supposed to wait seven minutes,” you protest, all while following his instructions, “it’s only been...like, three.”
Aguni’s eyes take on a glint of mischief.
“Only a problem if we get caught.”
Honestly, it looks divine. Pillowy-soft and the perfect pale-yellow hue, delicate tendrils of steam billowing out as he drags the knife through. You hadn’t ever seen a non-rectangular quiche before, but you suppose it makes sense; there are a fair few people in attendance, and the standard circular composition wouldn’t quite feed everyone.
He serves you first. A corner piece (which he insists are the best), speckled with herbs and studded with little pieces of what you assume to be some kind of ham. Little strings of cheese stick to the blade of the knife, and Aguni scrapes them off with the side of a fork, which he then hands to you.
“Takeru doesn’t cook much,” Aguni explains, playing his own small square, “but when he does...”
The sound that comes from your mouth as you take your first bite of quiche could rival any of those happening in the orgy across the room. Oh, that is so good! Buttery crust, the salt of cheese and ham, the subtle bite of onion—and there’s something else there, something you can’t quite place, but you know it tastes absolutely heavenly. Immediately, you take another bite.
“Grew the herbs de Provence myself,” Aguni mentions, “He refuses to use store-bought.”
“Makes all the difference,” you respond, “I could eat the whole pan by myself.”
“I did that for my last birthday, actually,” Aguni chuckles around a forkful of quiche, “Takeru insisted on putting all thirty-eight candles in before carrying it to the table—you know, like a dumbass. Part of his hair caught fire, and I had to give him a haircut at two in the morning because he was so distraught.”
The two of you laugh—Aguni at the memory, and you at the idea of a tearful Takeru sulking as Aguni snipping the fried locks with a pair of kitchen shears.
“He forgave me, even though I took a whole two inches off,” Aguni sets his empty plate in the sink and looks out of the small window above it, “He’s not a bad guy, you know. Doesn’t always make the best choices, sure, but he’s got a good heart in him.”
There is a sadness here, something in Aguni that speaks to a troubled past you haven’t quite unearthed yet—and you know better than to press him, especially here, especially now.
“Well, I can’t say I’m an expert,” you say, handing him your plate, “but you two seem like decent people. Orgies aside, of course.”
“Of course,” Aguni nods, “though I don’t suppose you’ll come to the next one, will you?”
For the first time since your arrival, you allow yourself to watch the festivities happening across the room. It isn’t that bad, you suppose—it’s just a group of people having a fun time together, laughing and gasping and enjoying each others’ bodies in a safe and comfortable place. It’s not something you necessarily want to do yourself, but...well, the ‘weird’ factor of the whole thing has gone down exponentially over the past hour or so.
“And miss out on the best quiche in Tokyo,” you say, nudging against Aguni’s arm with your shoulder, “not a chance!”
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horansqueen · 4 years
You & Me : chapter 1
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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-one chapter is her pov, the next is his. -4k -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
- notes!!! hello to all of you, who gave AM CONVERSATIONS a chance and are ready to join me for this sequel too. thank you so so much, ill never say it enough. you make me want to write and that in itself is incredible for me. i hope i can surprise you, make you laugh, make you a bit frustrated and make you emotional, too. i really hope it reaches your expectations and maybe even exceed them, who knows! (fingers crossed!) please please please, keep the comments, suggestions, ideas, requests, questions and asks coming, it means everything to me! (ill start adding requests to the chapters a bit later btw, i need to set the story first!) so here it is.
Chapter 1 : His chapter
Time passed by so quickly I had a hard time keeping track. I thought about Olivia every day and although I did miss the romantic relationship we had, most of all, I missed the friendship. I hadn't seen her in over a year and I was not really sure I ever would again. I did know almost everything there was to know, though, and I was also aware that she had moved to California, which was the place I lived half the year.
After I broke up with her, I had spent a lot of time locked at home just writing songs, and one of my favorite things to do was to check her father's web site and read the reviews she wrote about upcoming movies. One day, though, she published a short story that became popular very fast. She started filming it instead and turned it into a low budget online tv show. Luckyly for me, she didn't have the money to hire real actors and she ended up playing it in herself. I felt like a loser and a creepy ex boyfriend every time i'd lock myself in my room, in the dark, to watch the new episode, but I couldn't help it. She made q&a's videos and she seemed happy but for me, the more time passed, the more I realized that I needed her in my life.
My debut album was doing great and I was leaving on tour in a few months. I should be the happiest I have ever been but I couldn't hide that the songs I was about to sing every night still made me very emotional. My life was not all bad, of course. in fact, it was probably the best time of my life but it was tough for me to realize that I wouldn't be able to share it with my best friend... the girl I still wanted to end my life with.
My phone beeped as I was walking in the busy streets and I quickly searched my pockets to read the incoming text message.
'Don't forget to pick the cake for Joey at the bakery.'
I rolled my eyes and quickly typed an answer.
'Almost there.'
It was not a lie. Ten more seconds and I was pushing the doors of one of the biggest bakeries around. I didn't see the point in getting such an expensive and big cake for a birthday but I also didn't like to argue so I just went along with it.
I leaned against the counter and smiled as an employee moved closer.
"I'm here to pick up an order." I explained in a low tone. "Horan."
The lady smiled and nodded before leaving and I turned around, leaning more against the counter. I took my phone and started checking my messages until I heard it. Something I never thought i'd ever hear again. A laugh. It was clear and happy and although extremely fucking cheesy, it reached my heart like nothing else ever had in my life. I stopped breathing and my heart twisted but it took me a few seconds to react. I looked around the place but couldn't see her anywhere until I realized there was an other room a bit further. I took a few steps closer, a bit scared of what I was going to see but at the same time, I was full of hope.
I saw her first. She was standing up on the side, her head slightly down and her nose raised up. She seemed to glow in a way only she could and the thumping of my heart against my rib cage got even worse. She laughed again and something inside of me seemed to wake up suddenly from a very long slumber. It took me a few seconds to realize she was with Julie and when she noticed me, she hit Olivia's arm a few times to get her attention. With a quick chin movement, she incited her to turn to me and I held my breath when our eyes finally met. I was trying to decipher how she felt through her facial expressions but I couldn't seem to. Did we lose that connection we had? Was it gone forever?
I cleared my throat but walked up to them, trying to act casual as I sent both of them a smile.
"Hey, it's been a while."
"It has, in fact." Julie just replied. "Liam wanted to invite you over soon, so just text him."
My eyes moved to her and I sent her a small smile before nodding. "Will do."
I pushed both my hands in my pockets, feeling suddenly nervous to be around her. Her eyes finally met mine and she smiled to me sincerely. I expected her to be a bit embarrassed, or to feel uneasy, but she tilted her head and I let my eyes roam on her face. She smelled exactly like I remembered, the addicting scent of vanilla and honey invading me completely, and once again, my heart skipped a beat.
"It's been even longer for us." I just said, making her nod slightly. "How are you? How's your boyfriend?"
She chuckled and shrugged. "We're both good, thanks for asking, what about you and your girlfriend?"
"Good, we're good."
My eyes moved on her features and I licked my lips, suddenly wondering if hers tasted like they used to..
"Congrats on your tv show, by the way, it's incredible" I added, trying to keep the conversation going. "I'm very happy for you."
We both heard Julie's phone ring but I kept my eyes on her, giving her all my attention.
"Thank you! I'm having a blast with this I mean, who would have thought acting was so much fun, you know? I knew I loved writing but this is... beyond my expectations." she expressed with passion, making me smile more. "Oh and congrats on your first album!"
"Oh thank you, thanks!"
I moved slightly and opened her mouth to say something just as Julie came back and we both turned around as she hung up.
"Okay so Liam says we have to pick 'chocolate'."
I frowned and suddenly remembered where we were, my eyes roaming around the bakery and I licked my lips again. They had a few plates placed on the counter in front of them with pieces of different cakes and I realized it was probably for a wedding cake.
"I thought we were the ones in charge?" Liv frowned, moving her hands up while looking at Julie. "Since when does he get a say in this?"
"Wedding cake? Can I taste?"
I moved forward and grabbed a fork, taking a bite from the chocolate one.
"Mmhm dis one's gweat!" I replied, my mouth full, making Olivia roll her eyes with a smile. "I agree with Liam." I continued with a smirk after swallowing.
I hadn't seen Liam in a few months and now I knew why he wanted to invite me over. It was only a matter of time until he'd ask Julie to marry him. After all, they had been dating for years and nothing would ever tear them apart. It reminded me of my mistakes and all the things I regretted. My eyes found Liv again and I swallowed the lump in my throat. The way I broke up with her and especially the reasons why I did it were horrible but we would end up together, I was still sure about that, as pathetic as it sounded. I didn't tell anyone, I knew they would say i'm delusional and I didn't want to let them kill that conviction or even make it falter.
"Thanks for your input, Niall." Liv joked, raising her nose up with a smile. "Your opinion's been noted."
I laughed and it made her laugh too and for some odd reason, it brought a bunch of memories in my head. That time we played football together and I fell on top of her... or that time we danced in the living room and tripped over each other... that time we fucked on the stairs of a radio station and had to rush down and out not to be caught... that time we made love for the first time next to my christmas tree... that time...
"You okay?" she asked with a frown, a smile still gracing her lips.
"Oh yea, sorry it's just... it's good to hear you laugh again."
This time, her smile turned into a fond one and I smiled too. We kept staring at each other for a while and all I could think about was how beautiful and radiating she was. Even in the way she was standing up and moving, I could see that she was more confident and happy and that her insecurities weren't as bad as they used to be. It was not just a facade.
"You're... glowing." I let out, feeling suddenly uncomfortable with my confession. I chuckled, a little embarrassed, and scratched the back of my head, trying to think of something to add before she could answer. "It's crazy that we meet, I mean, we both moved here and it's a big city."
She nodded, understanding that I didn't want to talk about the first thing I had mentioned and she finally just shrugged and shook her head.
"Yea well, you know what they say, it's a small world after all." she just replied, making me smile more.
"L.A. is a world in itself, it's true." I agreed before laughing again. "Love how you quoted disney, and also not surprised."
"Some things never change."
Her words made something twist in my stomach. The only thing that never really changed in the past two years was the love I felt for her. It was sad how it was still strong and burning my insides. I was still in love with the girl I broke up with a year ago, a girl I was seeing for the first time in months, a girl that did so fucking well without me.
"Just like your love for coffee, yea?"
I glanced up only to notice Julie was tasting cakes, making sure to stay further to give us space, but knowing her, she was probably listening to every single word Liv and I were sharing.
"I.. still love coffee."
"Good, how about one, tomorrow, to catch up?"
Her lips parted and I knew why she hesitated. It was a mix of what we used to mean for each other, the hurt I put her through, the fact that we were both taken and also, the uncertainty of us still getting along after all this. The truth was, I needed a 'yes'. I needed to see her again, to talk to her again. I needed her in my life. This whole plan of us ending up together was based on us becoming friends again but reality had just hit me. If she didn't want to be around me anymore, there were barely any chance left for us to date again. That was something I hadn't thought about too much.
I took my phone out of my pocket again and handed it to her after unlocking it. She glanced at it before looking back in my eyes and I just shrugged.
"If you want to add your number." I proposed gently. "I mean, unless you think your boyfriend wouldn't like that."
The truth was, I didn't care at all, and I knew that would trigger her into doing the opposite.
"He's never tried to stop me from seeing anyone. He's not the jealous type."
I didn't say anything, I just raised my eyebrows with a smile and she finally grabbed the phone from my hand while rolling her eyes with a smile. I stared at her with a grin as she typed and when she handed it back to me, I quickly sent her a smiling emoji to make sure she also had my number. Her phone made music as it received my text message and my smile faltered. I remembered when it was my voice she had used as a ringtone and as a notification for her messages. Of course, I couldn't expect her to have kept it after all this time but it still did something to me to realize that she was now using something else. So many things had changed and despite what I tried to make myself believe, it really fucking hurt.
"Oh is that... the theme of your tv show?"
I knew damn well it was but I didn't want to make it seem like I was obsessed with it only to see her face, even if it was exactly that. When did I fall into this disgusting pattern of regretting my own decisions? Now that I was standing right in front of her, I realized that it was a bit creepy of me but at the same time, I couldn't help myself.
"Yes! It's good isn't it?"
It was, in fact, very good, and I also knew exactly who wrote it and who was singing, but once again, I didn't mention it.
"Yea, definitely."
She sent me a smile that I sent back and we suddenly went quiet. I kept staring at her, wondering what she'd do if I'd just cup her face and kissed her but also knowing i'd never have the guts to do it. Having her so close made all my feelings so much more real, vivid and alive that I could barely breathe in her presence.
We had been friends for decades and had dated for a year but never before have I felt like this around her. Everything about her was shining in a way it never did before and what emanated from her was reflecting on me and illuminating my soul. I had no idea how she did that and most likely, she wasn't even aware of the effect she had on me.
"It's just... so good to see you." I let out, shaking my head as she raised her eyebrows and smiled.
I had missed her. I had missed her energy, her presence, her vibe. I had missed her laughter, her touch and her kisses. I had missed her friendship and her love. It was hard to believe I actually broke up with her for... for what, exactly?
"You too, Nee." she just said, tilting her head. "I'll text you."
I knew in the way that she was looking at me that we weren't on the same page and even though I didn't want to admit it to myself, I sort of wished she would still love me the way she used to. Hell, even just half of the love she used to feel for me would be enough. But there she was, standing in front of me, acting like we didn't have this painful and crazy history, and that hurt in a way I couldn't explain.
"Liv, are you gonna help or not?" Julie let out from a bit further, sticking her fork in one of the pieces of cake. "I'm getting a bit nauseous, you know I don't have a sweet tooth!"
Olivia looked back but turned again to me and chuckled without answering her. It made me laugh a bit when I saw her expression. Finally, something that was still exactly the same.
"Sorry, i'm gonna have to-"
"Yea no, it's cool." I replied, cutting her and frowning as I shook my head and shrugged. "Just text me."
I grimaced at the sound of my name being mispronounced and cringed slightly, making Olivia laugh even more.
"I should be used to this but I never will." I admitted, my eyes closed. "You'd think after a few platinum albums, people would get it right."
"Well, keeps you grounded doesn't it?" she joked, trying to suppress a laugh.
"For sure." I just agreed, rising my nose up before sending her a smile. "Take care yea?"
Without thinking, I brought my hand up and my fingers brushed against the skin of her arm and I realized I hadn't touched her in over a year. It gave me a shock that seemed to cross my entire body and I held my breath, taking my hand back. She didn't seem fazed at all by this connection and she just raised her hand up as a goodbye sign. I took a step back and finally turned around to reach the front of the shop to pay. I turned to look at her again but she was back to trying out cakes and I took the box the lady behind the counter was handing me before thanking her and leaving.
Everything seemed surreal as I stepped foot out and I held my breath and closed my eyes until I heard my phone beep again. My heart skipped a beat at the thought of Olivia messaging me already but it dropped when I noticed it was only my girlfriend again.
'So? The cake?'
I sighed, slightly annoyed, but typed a quick answer as I was reaching my car.
'Got it. On my way.'
I quickly opened the door and took my shoes off before closing it with my foot and walking to the kitchen. I didn't know where my girlfriend was and simply put the cake in the fridge before sitting down in the living room, grabbing my guitar and putting it on my lap. I took the notebook I had left on the coffee table and started scribbling the two-line lyrics that had been stuck in my head the whole drive until home.
I was not ready for a new album yet but that didn't mean I couldn't work on new music while waiting and I just stared at the words written for a few seconds without blinking. Quickly, I added a few words before and worked on the verses. I could feel my heart beat hard against my rib cage as I re-read the words and I finally took my guitar and started playing while recording myself. I didn't know if half an hour had even passed when I heard footsteps coming from downstairs and I stopped recording, barely believing I had written something decent enough to be used in a future album. I was so lost in my mind that it took me a few seconds to realize someone was taking to me.
"Niall? Hello?"
"Mm?" I blinked a few times and turned my head, my eyes meeting my girlfriend's. "Sorry love, what did you say?"
"The. Cake." she let out very annoyed, after probably repeating it a few times.
"The. Fridge." I replied meanly, feeling suddenly a bit guilty for being rude. "You're gonna have to try and trust me, you know." I added slightly louder as she reached the kitchen.
She came back with a bottle of water and sat next to me, swallowing half of it quickly. She was wearing her work-out clothes and pushed her high ponytail over her shoulder, taking one of her earbuds off.
"I thought you were going out for a run?" I asked, frowning for a second before closing the notebook in front of me.
I didn't want her to read what I had written or to ask to hear it but I knew it was not likely that she would. She had stopped caring about things I enjoyed a while ago. Why did we start dating again?
"Wasn't in the mood to be photographed." she let out with a grimace, making me chuckle.
"Oh yea? Since when?"
She turned to me and if looks could kill, i'd be fucking dead on the spot. I cleared my throat and shrugged a shoulder, leaning against the couch. I wanted to point out to her that I was right but instead, I closed my eyes, humming my new song and feeling something twist in my chest. How could one person inspire me so much? Was she also going to be the muse for my second album? I desperately wanted to believe i'd be back with her soon and be able to write a few happy songs for the second one but after the short encounter we just had had, I was not even sure she still had feelings for me. It did the opposite for me, though ; i was now totally sure that I was still in love with her.
"Okay well, can you order?" my girlfriend asked, taking me out of my daydream as she put her hand on my thigh. "I need to rehearse a bit more, okay?"
She didn't wait for my answer and just got up, running back downstairs with her water bottle and I closed my eyes again. After I broke up with Olivia, I decided to go out every night, have fun and fuck whoever I wanted. The first few times felt amazing but the more I was fucking around, the more I realized it was not for me. The flirting part was nice enough, and the sex wasn't so bad most of the time but the feeling i'd get when i'd wake up in the morning was horrible, like a bitter aftertaste of some expired milk that remained in your fridge for too long. The truth was, sex with a stranger is good, but never as good as sex with someone you love, for many many reasons. When feelings were involved, there was clearly something stronger coming from the whole moment and after a while, you know that person so well that you know exactly what she wants and what it means when she does a certain face, or moans a certain way. There was something important and safe in the choreography of our bodies and I hadn't found that special feeling and connection with anyone else,  not even my current girlfriend. No, sex was not everything, but with the right person, it was ecstatic and emotional at the same time.
I grabbed my phone and looked at our conversation. There was only the smiling emoji I had sent her yet and I started nibbling on my bottom lip. She hadn't messaged me yet and I was a bit scared she never would. I started typing a message slowly, telling myself that if she'd never message me, at least, she'd know how I felt.
'If honesty means telling you the truth, well i'm still in love with you'
I blinked a few times, staring at the words I had typed from the song I had written, until I couldn't read them anymore due to the tears in my eyes. I couldn't believe I was crying, I couldn't believe it would hurt so much to see her so well without me and at the same time, that thought was so selfish it made me feel guilty. After all, I was the one who had broken up with her, and she didn’t owe me anything. She hadn’t spent the last year dwelling on the past or crying for me.
I swallowed, ready to hit 'send', when my phone beeped. I wiped my eyes quickly and the left corner of my lips raised up. I felt like someone had taken a load off my shoulders and I breathed in deeply as I read her message.
'Coffee tomorrow afternoon, are you free? 🤪'
I chuckled at the emoji and quickly, I deleted the lyrics I was about to send her to replace it with an answer to her question. I wanted to see her and if she had asked me to drive to her at this exact moment, I would have in a heartbeat. Everything I did in the past year was only to lead me to this exact moment.
'Always free for you 🥰'
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secondhand-trash · 5 years
Dick Grayson(Nightwing)- Goner
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A/N: Based on this modern day fake dating au by @queenpotatothegreat ! (btw I hid a Hamilton reference in there. Tell me if you found it and you’ll be my favorite person ever uwu)
Description: (See linked prompt, I’m too burned out to come up with a smart description)
Wordcount: 3083
She’s So High//Tal Bachman
Best Friend//Rex Orange County
You nearly choked on your drink when you heard what your friend just asked you to do.
“You want me to what?”
“Pretend to date me for two weeks.”
You stared at Dick, searching his face for any sign that he was just messing with you but he did not look like he was joking at all. There were things that people simply should not do, this was one of them. You grew up watching dumb rom-coms and seeing the overused trope a million times, you knew for a fact that this wouldn’t end well.
“Uh.... Why?”
Dick sighed, running a hand through his hair, “Because there is a gala coming up,” you raised a brow and he hesitantly added, “and I kinda told the fam that I’ll bring a date out of annoyance.”
And somehow you think that bringing a fake one is the best solution? “Why me then? You could have just ask one of the people you went out with.”
“How am I supposed to go to an ex with something like that,” he whined, “please (y/n), you’re the only one I can count on to pull this off.”
Boom. All sense of logic was gone. Maybe it was the way he looked so helpless, or maybe it was how you used to have a hopeless crush on your now best friend, all reasons flew out of the window the moment he turned those eyes on you.
To be fair, everyone who grew up in Gotham who were somewhat attracted to men have had a crush on Dick Grayson at some point. But it was different for you because you actually got to be there to witness those small moments that made people swoon. You got to hear his laughs, you got to listen to his circus stories, you got to be there to witness that one summer he went from being a boy to the way he looked now in all his Adonis-like glory. You knew that he never liked you the way you wanted and you were alright with that. You were the civilian best friend he needed to keep him anchored and you took up that role gladly, trading your heart to keep his eyes in your life. It hurt so badly at first, seeing him look at so many different people the way you always looked at him. But as time went on, the wound mended. The faces of the one he embraced changed through the years but you were the one that stayed.
And that was why you could never say no to Dick Grayson, not even when he asked you to do something you knew would end in chaos. Dick Grayson could ask you for the world and you would gladly give it to him, not that you would ever let him know.
Looking into those damned puppy dog eyes, you sucked in your breath and said, “Ok, fine.”
His pout quickly turned into a toothy grin, “You are honestly the best! Seriously, what would I do without you?”
There it was, that smile that used to make you toss in your sleep. You felt a long forgotten but familiar flutter in your stomach at the sight of his eyes lighting up, and you knew immediately that you were a goner down this disastrous road.
“So, how are we doing this whole ‘fake dating’ thing?” You asked, laying on Dick’s couch. You caressed the fabric of the couch subconsciously, feeling the touch of the soft fabric. Dick’s taste with decor was questionable but that couch was truly a good asset. “Well, of course,” you thought to yourself with a childish sense of pride, “I was the one who picked it.”
“People who fake date in fiction always ended up torturing themselves because they caught feelings, right?” he said, “We don’t want that.”
You throat tightened and you almost felt bitter. Right, of course we wouldn’t want to catch feelings. Of course.
What you didn’t expect is what he said next, “Which is why I proposed that by the end of the two weeks, we would sit down to have a chat and we’re gonna be honest to each other if either of us got feelings.” Oh shit oh shit oh shit.
You managed to hide everything you felt for him under the facade of platonic love for so long and now he had the decency to suggest being honest? You swallowed the breath you were holding in. He said that you two would be honest, but he wouldn’t know if you do lie. After all, god knows how many times you succeeded in fooling yourself into thinking that friendship was all you wanted for you two.
“So you’re basically assuming that I will catch feelings? Narcissistic much?” you teased with a dramatic eye roll, pretending that the heavy feeling in the pit of your stomach wasn’t there.
He laughed and you couldn’t help but smile. Come on now, get a grip. “I’m not implying anything but people do say that I’m a bit of a charmer,” he winked and you cursed the quickened beating of your heart for selling you out, “maybe I can make you fall in love with me by the end of this.”
Oh, if only he knew. If only he knew.
If you had doubts at first, then you were most definitely sure that you were a goner when introduced you to his friends for the first time.
The gala was a one-time thing, so you weren’t really sure why Dick insisted on bringing you to a dinner party hosted by a work friend from his ‘day job’. “Legitimacy.” he said as he put an arm around your waist and grinned. Your body stiffen at the contact and your determination that you could brush everything off as an act was shaken just a little.
You put on a purposefully nonchalant expression as you were greeted by the host of the gathering. A man that seemed to be in his mid-30s opened the door and pulled Dick into a hug with a wide smile, giving him a firm pat on the shoulder before pulling away. The man looked at you and turned back to Dick with a teasing smile, “Well, Officer Grayson, why didn’t you mention that you’re bringing a special someone?”
Out of habit, you were prepared to hear him clarify that you two were merely best friends with a light-hearted smile. You almost couldn’t stand firmly when he casually threw his arm around your shoulder and pulled you closer to him, “This is (y/n). We’ve been friends since we were kids and we just started seeing each as something more recently.”
He said it so naturally you almost forgot that it was all part of the plan. There was a time when you painted scenarios after scenarios in your head of what it would be like if he realized how in love with him you were and what would happen if he realized that he loved you in the same way. How ironic that this was how you finally hear those words you used to dream of after believing that it was not something you longed to hear anymore.
You forced a polite smile and shook the man’s extended hand, “Darren.” He led you into the dining table that was already set up, all while making fun of Dick for ‘keeping this one all to himself’ by not mentioning that he was seeing someone. You couldn’t really focus on what Darren said, not when you could feel the way his muscles contracts every time he moves with his arm so permanently on your waist.
It was a bad decision. All this pretending felt like pure torture because you enjoyed it a little too much. You were indulging in it and you hated how you let yourself sunk in the phony warmth despite knowing at heart that it wouldn’t last. Days later, things would go back to the way it was. Yes, exactly the way it was, with your heart falling safely in line of your role as the supportive friend. Not unless that rush in your pulse when Dick gripped your hand on the table got the better part of you when time of confession comes and you end up spilling everything you held back for so long.
No. You pushed that dangerous thought to the back of your head like you always do. That would be too much risk. You could not risk everything you had. Not even for the way chills went through your spine when he brought the back of your hand to his lips as his friends remarked on how lovely you looked together. Not even for that unmistakable pounding in your heart when he oh so casually called you ‘babe’. Not even for the fragile chance that maybe, just maybe, this little game of pretend could last as long as you wanted to.
You laughed along at a witty remark someone made at the table, only because he was laughing too and how were you suppose to not be affected by that?
Two weeks was more than you had ever bargained for. And for that, you were grateful.
Dick knew he was a goner the moment he realized that he had no intention of letting go of your hand even after it was only the two of you.
In all honesty, he was just as shocked as he was delighted when you actually agreed to help him with this tomfoolery. At heart, he knew that all of it could be avoided if he just stayed calm for a moment instead of blurting out that he was seeing someone for real when his brothers were poking fun at him for always ‘mindlessly messing around’. Somehow, it hurt his pride more than it should and he felt so guilty for dragging you into the mess for this petty reason.
He couldn’t be more than concerned when you didn’t even do so little as utter a word after leaving the dinner party. Was it too much for you? Did he went overboard and acted too lovey-dovey for you to feel comfortable with?
It was only the two of you walking in silence and the occasional screech of tires from the distant highway. Finally, you softly breathed in before opening your mouth and Dick didn’t even notice how fast he turned to you upon the barely audible sound, “Is it just me or is that truly a really small plate of pasta because I’m starving.”
He snorted and it turned into a full-body laugh as you hit his arm. You were laughing too, and all worries that clouded him were gone. “What?” you said, panting between laughs, “Don’t you dare laugh at me, Dick Grayson. It was barely half the serving for an regular adult!”
He grabbed your forearm to steady himself and despite the glare you were sending his way, you lifted your arm just a bit higher so he could regain his balance. “I’m sorry! But I was so worried that I made you uncomfortable back there because you were being so quiet just then and you’re telling me that you’re just hungry all along. You were the one saying you were full when they asked if you want another serving for god’s sake!”
“Uh excuse me? Is that not basic manners? When a guest said they don’t want more, the correct response is to ask again, not letting it slide!” you huffed.
His hand slid from your forearm to link with yours, with the smile lingering on his lips, “Whatever you say. Chinese takeout on the way to your place?”
“Only if you pay.”
Playful bickering filled the streets of Gotham as the two of you made way to the Chinese restaurant that was very conveniently located just around the corner of the street you lived on. You brought him here when you just moved there, excited that you discovered a store that he didn’t know of. Dick had gone there so often that he had the both of your usual’s memorized by now. No matter how busy life got, you would always greet him with a smile if he showed up unannounced with food in his hands at your doorstep.
He didn’t even realized that your hand never left his grip on the whole way until you pulled back to let him reach for his wallet, you did not seem to notice it as you were still chuckling at a dumb joke he made. He frowned at the sudden emptiness of his palm.
Wait, he frowned?
Now that he was thinking of it, why did he hold your hand? It wasn’t like there was a need for you two to act like a couple when it was literally just the two of you. At that point, he only did it because you two were laughing together and he just acted on instinct without thinking about it at all. And boy, did that made him feel giddy.
Just like that, Dick Grayson was hit by the realization that he had tumbled down the very hole he dug for himself.
The gala itself was pure agony for the both of you.
You were not in the high society and that meant you would have to introduce yourself as “Dick Grayson’s best friend turned lover” at every turn. Each time someone would ask anything regarding your well-fabricated relationship, it felt like a stab to your chest as a reminder that this all was a ‘what could have been’ to all of your fantasies. As you followed Dick across the grand ball room with arms linked together, you knew that denial wouldn’t be as easy as it used to be now that you got a taste of the sweet poison that left you wanting more. Dressing in his sharpest attire, he was like the sun, radiating charm and so captivating. There wasn’t a time in your life when you could recall your eyes not following him whenever he entered the room. But now you were right next to him and the light was so bright that you could barely open your eyes. How cruel that life decided to mock your pitiful effort to hide your feelings for years by showing you that it only took two weeks for you to go so far down the spiral that you didn’t want to climb back up anymore.
Although it was a sweet gesture on his part, you could almost hear your heart shattering into a million pieces when he pressed a soft kiss to your cheek before leaving you alone in front of the door to your apartment, knowing that you could not hide from the screams in your heart anymore.
Dick did not think of himself as a possessive person but he wanted nothing more than hiding you from the gaze of the crowd right after you walked in the huge room with him. His heart stopped every time your arm started sliding away from his and he could not help but let out a relieved sigh upon seeing that you pulled away just to tighten your hold on him. The odd swell of pride when people asked about your relationship did not went unnoticed by him and he found himself more than willing to tell people those lies that you two made up. You and him, what a lovely thing to say. He wished he could keep saying that. You had always been a piece of hidden treasure to him, always something more to add to your charm even after knowing you for years. But now he felt the inner conflict of wanting to let the world see your shine and wanting to keep you all to himself. After all, everyone wants a piece of treasure in their lives.
He was not a love-struck teenager anymore, or so he told himself but that did not stop his heart from stammering after he gathered all his courage to kiss you on the cheek as you parted. Why the nerves? It was just a kiss on the cheek. As he left, he wondered what you would say if he ask to kiss you for real next time.
“So, it has been two hectic weeks.” Dick said, tapping his finger on the side on his mug and you nodded in response. You averted your gaze from him but forced yourself to look him in the eye as you thought of how suspicious you were looking.
You had avoided this for so long, you weren’t even sure if you wouldn’t just combust here and there when the time finally came for you to confess everything.
"How do we feel about, well, us?”
Us? As if you didn’t know the answer way before you even realized it yourself. Still, you kept your composure to the best of your ability and motioned for him to continue.
Dick tried to chuckle but it sounded more like a cough. He said in a bashful manner that you had never seen him in, “Alright then, let’s just say it together and get it done and over with.”
Alright, just casually confessing your love for your best friend. No big deal, no big deal....
“IhavelikedyouforsolongImightaswelladmitit.” “IdidntexpectittohappenbutIfellinlovewithyouforreal.”
You two stared at each other after the sudden outburst of rapid words and like best friends do, burst into laughter at how ridiculous you both sounded.
As you laughed, you felt the weight in your heart slowly shifting away. You watched him threw his head back and hid his mouth under his hand as he tried to calm down, the crinkling in his eyes you loved so much being ever so bright. You would give him the world if he let you. “I was saying,” you spoke those lines that had been buried deep down inside you for so long, “I have liked you way even before you asked me to be your stupid fake date and I’m not afraid to admit it anymore.”
He smiled, “Oh wow.”
“Yeah, wow.” You could feel yourself grinning from ear to ear as he reached out to place his hand on your cheek, leaning forward from his seat.
“I’m sorry for not noticing that earlier.”
“All forgiven.”
His gaze flicked between your lips and your eyes and your head almost hurt from the drumming from your ear. “Let me make it up to you.” he whispered before finally closing that painful distance between your lips and his.
That kiss was better than you had ever imagined it to be.
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fanfics4homoships · 4 years
Name Change Nerves (Part 1)
So this is a Spideyson fanfic about him being biologically a Stark and coming out to the world, I hope you enjoy.
Peter is flamboyant and gay in this fic BTW.
It is such a small change when you really think about it, but this will affect Peters life forever. The problem is it isn't even anything that needs legal action, this has always been his name just nobody outside his family knew about it. You see, Peter has been known to the outside world as Peter Parker for his whole life. Everyone was under the illusion that his last name was Parker, that just is not the case. Peter Anthony Parker Stark is his legal birth given name, and that makes him the child to one of the richest and most influential people in America.  
He knows deep down that once this is out he will still be the same person, however, the idea that he could change his mind screaming at him in self-doubt and anxiety-ridden dreams. This is the secret worry he has been hiding from his family as soon as they told him when he turned 18, he would have to tell the world who he truly is. This isn't something they all want to do, if Peter could live his life out of the spotlight Tony would give anything to do that for his kid, but when that kid is inheriting a multi-billion dollar company and is the Queens vigilantly Spider-Man it is impossible to achieve.
Peter woke up at 6 am on Monday morning on his first day back at school, although he never wakes up early normally, Peter was excited because this was the year he was going to be himself fully. Peter stood up and turned off his alarm before making his bed again, he walked over to his ensuite bathroom to have a shower and facemask before getting dressed. As he stood in his walk-in wardrobe he picked out items to create his look, his Dad told him that since in a few months time it will be confirmed that he is a Stark he might as well dress, act, and look like one to spice things up in the media. Tony was very excited about the news talking about this new rich kid on the block and the speculations on their relations. So keeping that in mind Peter looked at himself in the body length mirror, he was wearing 6inch wedges in black with black skinny jeans. He has a Gucci belt and a science pun polo tucked in a french tuck, over the top he had a grey denim jacket over the top covered in patches on the back and on the front one that said "Gay-ish", he had a Sekonda black and navy blue watch on and a single piercing in his left lobe. He felt amazing, now to go to school and be self-conscious secretly all day. 
"Petey come down here and have your breakfast" he heard his Mom call from down the corridor.  He grabbed his pre-packed bag and walked out of his room and down the long hallway filled with half of his household family's rooms, stepping into the living room he smiled as he watched his crazy family getting ready for breakfast. Steve and Bucky had just gotten back from their morning run and now we’re sitting on the sofa with a bowl of cereal each, clint was sat in his nest (on top of the bookshelf in the corner of the room) he had a chocolate bar hanging out of his mouth and was cleaning his bow watching everything happening in the room. Sam and Pietro were sat on the sofa by the windows chatting and eating popcorn, Thor had been rummaging through cupboards looking for his pop tarts and Loki was seen putting 5 boxes of pop tarts under the sofa. Natasha and Wanda were having a long discussion with Bruce on the island waiting for their breakfast to be ready, Tony and Pepper were stood together over the hob making sausage, bacon and eggs for the people who wanted it. Peter was smiling widely to himself, he loves seeing his family together like this, especially since it wasn’t an everyday occurrence. 
“Hi everyone!” Peter beamed, he waved to everyone as he placed his backpack next to the lift for when he leaves. He walked over to the island and pulled out his chair sitting down. Tony turned around with a pan full of bacon and placed a lot onto the plate in front of Peter.
“Hey Kid, what car do you want to take to school today. You’ve got the entire garage as an option from now on.” Tony asked Peter turning to the other to place the rest of the bacon on the respective plates. Pepper was doing the same with the eggs and sausages smiling at her husband and son decided which car they were taking.
“I saw you have the Lamborghini Veneno in the back that you haven’t used much, do you think we could take that? It is really cool!” Peter smiles at his father continuing to eat his meal.
“Sure thing kid, I’ll drive you in today.” Tony ruffles Peters’s hair and went back to his food. Today was going to be full of changes and people staring so they might as well have some fun with it.
Time Skip To When They Are Pulling Up To School
Also, this is the car they are in if you want to know.
As Tony got closer and closer to the school grounds Peters confidence was slowly deteriorating, this morning he had told himself that he doesn’t care what anyone else thinks but now he is almost there, he just wants to curl up in a ball and hide from the world. This shift in mood was noticed straight away by Tony, Peter had stopped ranting about nothingness and was staring out the window only talking to respond to a question.
“Hey Peter, you’re going to be fine, you know that right? Ted and MJ will be there with you and I’m just one button away. It’s fine to be nervous, hell I’d be more worried if you weren’t.” Tony’s voice was soothing but also playfully joked to try and lighten his son’s spirits, he placed a hand on Peters’s knee squeezing slightly before taking it way to continue driving. 
“Thanks, dad. I know I’ll be fine I’m just nervous, I promise to call you if anything happens.” He turned towards Tony smiling and reached down to grab his backpack from next to his feet, they were just turning into the car parking area outside the front gates, Tony insisted earlier to drop him off right outside because as he puts it, “You might break your ankles wearing those shoes.” As they pulled up everyone around them turned to look at the expensive and unknown car, many even had taken their phone out to record and take photos. Luckily the windows were heavily tinted so nobody will be able to see or recognise Tony, Peter turned and gave his dad a big hug and said bye and that he loved him before opening up the passenger side door and stepping out.
When Peter got out he made sure not to look at anyone right away, he turned around and gave a small wave to Tony and shut the door waiting for him to drive off. Once Tony left he saw how many people were watching him, he stood up straight and kept his head up. Some advice Natasha came to mind and when he turned around to go inside he decided to follow it and it worked, Natasha told him if he is ever feeling nervous but all eyes are on him and he wants to look strong to think about killing or hurting the person you want to keep your head straight and don’t make eye contact. This makes everyone separate and not get in your way and makes you look very confident in yourself even if your not. So as Peter walked past everyone he thought about every single criminal he has stopped and the ones he will and strutted down the corridor, everyone was staring at him but he was too focused to care. He walked over to where his locker was and saw Ned standing there waiting for him, his face softened intently at the sight of his best friend. Once they got close enough to each other they started doing their handshake as normal.
“Hey, Ned! How have you been?” Peter said while opening up his locker to sort out his things for the day. Ned told him all about the holiday he had been on and the new lego set he was given, Peter loved to hear his friend talk about his life. Although the two had been best friends for years Peter was never able to talk fully about his family and was never allowed to take his friend around his, this was because Ned was terrible at keeping secrets and his safety previously had relied upon secrecy. Ned understood because he knew one day he would be told for now he just fantasised about the possible awesomeness of Peter's life. Before school started he had messaged Ned telling him today he would find out the secrets of his life, he promised he’d explain everything at lunch. Ned was talking about that now, his theories were ridiculous which amused Peter but what was the funniest thing was that Ned hadn’t even noticed his expensive clothing and some obvious giveaways such as the not released Stark Phone he held out in his hand.
The pair were walking towards their first lesson, it was chemistry together with Mr Cobbwell, they were meeting up with MJ in class beforehand. She already knew Peters secret having found out in her own way, luckily she kept it a secret and they had become even closer than before, they had even agreed to be each others wingman/woman. When they walked into class they greeted their teacher and went to sit next to MJ who was currently reading a book called ‘Surrounded By Idiots’ very fitting.
“Sup losers.” MJ put her bookmark in and turned to see her two friends. Peter sat next to her and Ned was across the table to them both, they were talking about pleasant nonsense as the class started to fill up. They stopped talking when Mr Cobbwell told everyone to be quiet for the register, this was the moment Peter had been dreading. On the school system, his name has been changed back to saying Stark and since there is also a Peter Andrews in this class Mr Cobbwell insists on saying both their first and last names. 
Peter sat nervously bouncing his leg viciously, Ned was giving him a strange look and MJ was trying to calm him down since she had already guessed what was about to happen. Mr Cobbwell was saying the names off the register and had just finished the P section, Ned noticed this and looked over at the teacher and back to Peter. Peter looked at him and smiles slightly whispering a simple “Wait for it.” this made Ned very excited.
“Amy Sitlock, Louise Sopper, Jake Sopper, oh is this correct?” Mr Cobbwell read off the names on the register stopping at Peter, Peter nodded his head shyly at his teacher and sat there in anticipation. This was the moment everyone was going to find out.
“Peter Stark.”
There were a few seconds of silence when he said those two words then an uproar of questions arose from the class all directed at Peter and only a few to Mr Cobbwell mainly checking that they heard him right. Ned looked like a deer in headlights for a few minutes before he jumped out of his seat and ran to hug Peter as hard as he could.
“Oh my, Thor! Oh my, Thor! I can’t believe this! You’re Mr Starks kid! I’m best friends with Iron Man's son!” Ned shouted not letting go of Peter until he finished and didn’t stop jumping up and down until the teacher told him to get back into his chair and for the class to quiet down so he could finish the register.
“Everyone Quiet!” his voice echoed throughout the room, he could be very serious if he needed to be. “ I’m sure you have lots of questions, however, it is up to Peter if he wishes to answer any and I expect you to respect his decision whatever it may be. I need to finish the register and then you can ask a few questions, only if that is okay with you Peter.” The class went silent looking at Peter in anticipation, they hoped he’d let them ask their questions now.
Peter sat up in sit properly now there were lots of eyes on him, he thought his answer for a second before deciding to let them question him. He didn’t want to get too swarmed at break and lunch today.
“You can ask questions but some answers might classified information so I’ll just say classified if that is the case and you can’t question further on that. If that okay?”
There was a chorus of agreements before it went silent again for the register, this was going to be a long day.
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canumoveurseatup-no · 6 years
Date Night (Bruce Banner x POC!Fem!Reader smut)
Summary: Bruce keeps missing date night and he feels bad about it so he does his best to try and make it up to reader.
btw my fics are going to be POC so yeah.
Warnings: none really? except language, dirty talk, a little angst if you squint, 18+
Word Count: 2,676 
“I love you” Bruce kissed Y/N’s cheek and swatted her butt in a joking manner.
She’d finished making his lunch for the day, knowing if she didn’t, he’d starve himself in that damn lab.
“Don’t forget tonight, please” Y/N sent him a warning glare as she handed him his lunchbox.
It was Friday and that’s date night. The past couple of Fridays, Bruce has been too enthralled in his projects with Tony to even remember. But tonight was just a rest night in so hopefully he’ll be looking more forward to that than getting dressed and going out
“I promise I won’t” He rushed out the door and she sat down at her desk to finish up on an assignment for one of her criminal justice classes. Y/N yawns as she’d been working on this assignment everyday this week and was almost finished. Working towards your PhD is NOT easy.
She was ready to finish up and have a wonderful night in with Bruce.
It had taken Y/N all day to finish and send in her assignment and by the time she finished it was almost time for Bruce to be heading home. She’d started dinner and that took about an hour and a half and he still wasn’t home so she called him but no pick up. She’d dialed Tony and also no pick up. Y/N knew that when that happened it wasn’t good.
She waiting another hour before calling both again and decided that Bruce had forgotten again and Tony had sucked him into a new project.
Y/N sighed and wondered if she should let it slide or go to the tower and drag him out. She decided to just shower and go to bed. This was his job after all and though it was tiring for her to constantly miss out on date nights, she understood.
As she was putting her school stuff away she heard the jingle of keys and Bruce stumbled in looking exhausted. He’d seen the somber look on her face before she plastered a fake smile and greeted him.
“Hey hun, dinner is in the kitchen. I kept it in the oven on a low warm setting so it didn’t get cold” she averted her attention back to putting her stuff away and she’d zipped up her book bag.
”Believe me, I didn’t forget. Tony just came up with a new project and it took longer to plan out on paper before we could start making the prototype-”
‘Bruce, babe it’s okay. This is your job”
Bruce could see the tears welling in her eyes but she looked away and headed into the kitchen. He followed her and saw her beginning to make his plate. She had made their favorite and he felt bad.
“Tell me when to stop” she said softly as she started to portion his food.
“That’s good” He came up to her and kissed her cheek, she gave him one back and handed him his plate. “Salad is in the fridge” she told him
Bruce went to the fridge to put a good portion on his plate. He looked at her from behind the door and damn did he feel bad.
Hell, school was a full-time thing for her AND she worked at the police station but she still remembered him and their date nights. She made him dinner and made sure he actually ate throughout the day, she made sure he ate good portions and took care of him.
He knew he had to make up for not only this but the past month and half worth of missed date nights.
She made herself a good portion and sat at the table quietly eating and he sat down beside her. And took her hand in his for a brief moment and she squeezed back.
He could tell she wasn’t mad but she was a little upset.
“What movies are on the roster for tonight?” He shoveled a fork full of his food in his mouth. 
“Actually I was just thinking of resting tonight, that assignment took a lot out of me” she shrugged.
He low key pouted at how she didn’t want to continue their plans but he understood that he kind of stood her up in their own house.
She’d gotten up to get him a beer and pour herself a glass of wine.
“Thanks, honey” he muttered
Dinner was finished in silence and he came up with the plan to at least make her feel a little better about the whole ordeal.
After dinner the two had spent a good fifteen minutes cleaning up with kitchen before retiring to the bedroom.
“I’m gonna take a quick shower” she said before kissing his cheek.
Bruce had the plan in his head and was wondering if he should even follow through with it. He heard the rinkling of her shower cap and the water began running. He waited a couple minutes before getting undressed himself.
He slowly crept into the bathroom and quietly shut the door. He stood there wondering if he should get in the shower with her. If she didn’t want him in there she’d kick him out and he’d respect that.
He open the curtain to see her rubbing her dove soap on her shoulders and down her arms. She tried to get her back and he used that as his cue.
“Let me help”
His voice caused her to jump and squeal but she realized it was him and handed him the wash cloth with a little smile. He got in behind her and started washing her back and running the washcloth down against her ass cheeks. This action caused her to laugh and shake her head.
“Gimme that, ya gotta wash your front bits before the back, ya goof” She took the wash cloth from him and gently cleaned her front before running the wash cloth under the water and gently went back over it washing the soap away. She added another drop of soap before lathering it up and washing her legs then her back bits as she put it. 
In the midst of this, Bruce also began to wash himself. They both stood under the water that pounded down on their skin.
Bruce stepped closer and held her waist in his hands before giving a good squeeze.
“I’m so sorry, honey”
He kissed her neck and down her shoulder before retracing his path.
“I’m going to make it up to you now, is that okay?” He questioned
“Yes, Bruce” Y/N sighed and he took that as his chance to turn her around and kiss her with such passion it almost knocked her off her feet. His hands ran up and down her body, squeezing the love handles that he adored.
His lips trailed down her neck and chest. He nipped here and there which elicited cute little noises from Y/N. He got to her breasts and he knew that was her main weakness.
He took her left nipple in his mouth before sucking and tugging. His hand tugging on the right.
“Fuck, Bruce. That feels so good”
Bruce switched sides and gave the same attention to the right one. His left hand trailed right down to her clit, giving it pressured rubs.
Her hands flew to his shoulders for balance.
“Let’s sit you down, baby” he whispered in her ear and she feverishly nodded.
They have a walk-in shower and luckily a little sitting place was installed. He sat her down before getting on his knees, the hot water pounding on his back.
He kissed her inner thighs giving them a few bites which excited Y/N even further.
“Please Bruce, I need you” she begged.
Bruce used his right thumb to rub circles over her clit, then running it up and down her folds to spread the wetness that was flowing from her. His left arm kept her grounded as she shook from the pleasure.
He leaned forward and took her clit in his mouth
Y/N gasped and her right hand flew to Bruce’s head.
“Bruce” she moaned.
“More please” she whimpered.
He took is middle and ring finger and slowly pushed them into her and he felt the wonderful squeeze of her walls.
“Make me cum, baby please” she cried out.
Bruce used his tongue and flick her clit sideways, up and down, in any direction as he fingered her at the pace she liked.
Her moans and begging became more frequent and he felt the delicious clenching of her before she came on his fingers.
“Ooooh fuck” she practically shouted. She slumped back and sighed trying to compose herself.
In the midst of her recovering, Bruce stood up and grabbed the removable shower head.
She looked at him with a look of confusion.
“What are you doing with that?”
“Oh. don’t act like I don’t know that you use this to get off sometimes. I wanna see it for myself, how it makes you shake and whimper. I want to see those hips buck up as you chase your orgasm”
He fiddled with the dial and changed it so the water jets were closer together in space, that way it could target her clit directly.
“Baby you know how sensitive I get after my first org- FUCK!” she mewled,
He spread her lips and pointed the shower head right on her clit.
Y/N grabbed the shower bar for leverage. She felt the muscles in her calves tense as she curled her toes because of how good it felt.
“Baby, I- I can’t take it, it feels too good”
He shushed her and coaxed her with a smile.
“Be a good girl and take it. You gonna take it for me?” He smiled at her state. 
“Oh my god” she tried to move but he wasn’t allowing it.
“You’re gonna be a good girl and take it, aren’t you, Y/N? Take it” His stare bored into her soul and she nodded her head weakly
“Yes, yes, yes!” Her head flew back against the shower wall with a light thud.
“Good girl” he muttered as he kissed and bit her left inner thigh.
“Cum for me. Show me how you cum from the shower head, baby”
“Baby I’m gonna cum!” Her hips raised up and little and he smiled.
Bruce slowly pushed his fingers back in her and teased her sweet spot while keeping the shower head on her clit.
She opened her mouth in the shape of an O and had her eyes clenched tight.
“No. You’re gonna open your eyes and look at me as you fall apart. Do you hear me?” He moves his fingers faster but she still didn’t open her eyes.
“I won’t let you cum, Y/N and you know it. Be a good girl and open those eyes’
She slowly open her eyes and stared into his while biting her lip.
Her body was shaking, she wanted to cum so bad but he was teasing.
“Are you gonna be a good girl and cum for me again?” He smirked she bit her lip harder and stared into his eyes and gave an innocent nod of the head.
“Baby, I’m fucking cumming” her hands braced herself on the seat as her body convulsed.
His fingers moved in her faster and she grabbed his arm as if to tell him to stop but he kept going.
“Bruce I-” she was cut off by her pussy gushing. He removed the shower head but her orgasm just kept coming
“Fuuuuck” she pulled herself back off his fingers to compose herself.
He moved to hold her and calm her down as she shook.
“It’s okay, baby. You did so good” he kissed her cheeks, forehead, nose and lips.
They stayed that way for a bit before he felt her fingers wrap around his hard on.
“Last one” she whimpered. “I want it”
Bruce took his dick in his hands before teasing her entrance with his tip.
She shivered out of sensitivity and whined.
“I got you, baby” he slowly bottomed out and they both let out a moan that sounded like a beautiful harmony.
“Faster” she pleaded.
He grabbed her ankles and pushed her legs back as he picked up his pace. The sound of skin slapping against skin filled the bathroom along with Y/N moans and Bruce’s delicious groans.
She stared into his eyes as he thrusted into her. He moved his hand to wrap it around her throat and gave it a good squeeze. She smiled up at him with adoration and that look alone almost made Bruce bust right then and there.
Bruce moved down and attached his lips to hers in a sloppy manner but neither of them cared.
He pulled out for a minute before reaching for the shower head. The water wasn’t too hot but it wasn’t cold either, it was a comfortable warm. He thrusted back into her before placed the water jets at an angle right on her clit and the way she clenched around Bruce made his hips stutter in momentum.
“Do that again, honey” Bruce bit his lip as she did as he asked and he could tell they were both about to be spent.
Y/N moans and pleadings were flowing out of her almost at the same rate her juices were.
He saw that she was getting weak and he encouraged her.
“Cum for me one more time and we’ll clean you up and get you in bed, okay baby?” He kissed Y/N’s forehead and thrusted harder.
“It’s too much, I can’t take it” she wrapped her legs around his waist and held onto the arm that wasn’t holding the shower head.
“You can. And you will.”
She internally smiled at his dominance that he rarely brought forth.
“Okay, okay” She exasperated.
“Let go, I can feel it. Cum for me, Y/N”
Her eyes rolled back as her back arched and she came on him, she had triggered his orgasm as well.
“Fuck you feel so good” His voice dropped an octave of two as he whimpered. His hips stuttered and twitched as he emptied into her.
He slowly pulled out as they were both sensitive and they both stayed there gasping for air.
Bruce hung the shower head back up and got her washcloth to wipe her down and clean her up as he used his own to clean himself off. He turned off the water and carried her out of the shower, wrapping her in a towel then setting her on the bathroom counter, getting her toothbrush and wetting it before putting toothpaste on it.
Y/N tiredly opened her mouth and had him brush her teeth
“Spit” he continued to brush after she did as instructed.
“Tongue out”
He gently cleaned her tongue and handed her a cup of water to rinse. Once he was done helping her, he brushed his own. He removed her shower cap and retied her headscarf before placing the red and black bonnet on her head.
Bruce carried Y/N back into their room where he then rubbed her favorite oil on her, which he then used on himself. He crawled into bed next to her and spooned her.
“Thank you” she yawned. “Best way you’ve made up for missing date night thus far” she snuggled back into him.
“I’m sorry and I promise to be more conscious of time so I don’t keep missing date nights. I know it was bothering you, you don’t have to keep that from me. But I love you and I’m gonna get better with that. I told Tony not to call tomorrow. We’re gonna have a movie day and we’re going out to dinner”
She could tell he was sincere.
“I love you” she whispered before she shut her eyes and letting sleep take her.
“And I love you” He kissed her shoulder, following suit of actually getting some shut eye.
leave feedback please!!!
@tinydramatist @sugarhoneybee928 @booknerd1324 @bees-love-books @toaster-strudel-witch @un1verse-addict @lxdyred
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tomhollandwritings · 6 years
single ~ t.h.
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synopsis: the reader and tom have a complicated history, but no matter what happens they always seem to find their way back to one another. 
word count: 2.4k+
based on the request: tom holland one with the song single by the neighbourhood?? like where ur younger than him? 💞💞 i love ur writings so much!!
a/n: i literally had a full draft for this and then started again from scratch bc i was so unsatisfied w it. im actually still so unsatisfied w this one too, it’s kind of jumbled and all over the place but i hope you enjoy anyways. (oh btw i fucking LOVE THIS SONG and i love the nbhd, literally my fav band so thank u sm for requesting xoxox)
listen to the song here if you’d like!
The hustle and bustle your cozy house party had created around you left a warm feeling of contentedness and accomplishment in the bottom of your stomach. It had been your friend Sara’s idea to throw a small party on the quiet Friday night, using the celebration of the first day of spring as her excuse. After prodding at you all week, you had finally agreed to let her use your small London apartment as her hosting place. Despite the fact that you were itching with annoyance because of the amount of people that had shown up was extremely far off from your friend’s estimate of guests. The place was full, not so much that it was stuffy, but people were still slipping in the door every few minutes with a bottle of wine or flowers to signify spring’s soft beginnings.
“You will never believe who just walked in.” Sara’s voice pulled you out of your thoughts as she came walking into the kitchen and you looked up, still swirling your wine around in the glass absentmindedly. You look at her expectantly, eyebrows raised. The answer she gave was something you had never expected. “Tom Holland.” She exclaimed. Her voice was hushed, as though she didn't want him to hear her, as she put down yet another cheap bottle of chardonnay onto your counter.
It almost felt as your heart had stopped for a moment as you processed her words. You’d known Tom for a while, and the two of you had a somewhat tumultuous past. To explain your history to anyone felt pointless, so everyone in your life had no one idea that the two of you had ever been involved. Your history was so complex that you didn’t have the energy to explain why you knew the Spiderman superstar.
Your immediate reaction was anger, the knowledge that Tom had shown up at your small apartment knowing full well what the consequences of that action were.
“Tom Holland… like the Spiderman guy?” You asked, trying your best to play dumb.
“Yes,” Sara whacked you in the arm lightly. “he’s so good looking.”
You nodded slightly, taking another gulp of your wine.
“You should go say hi.” She hinted at you, pouring herself another drink.
“What for?” You scoffed, failing miserably to hide your disdain.
“Because you’re the hostess.” Sara scolded. “Don’t be rude.”
You sighed loudly before downing the rest of your wine.
You stepped into the crowded living room to see what appeared to be a sort of mob forming near your front door. Stretching up onto your tiptoes, you still could barely make out the familiar face of the boy, despite even wearing heels. You began to push your way through the crowd, huffing quietly before clearing your throat and doing your best to play nice hostess.
“Hi,” you said cheerily, just sweet enough to sound real but fake enough to know you were pissed. “welcome, it’s so nice to meet you. I’m Y/N.”
Tom looked over at you in surprise, his eyes widening as he shamelessly scanned your body.
“Y/N,” he said. “hi.”
The crowd around Tom began to disperse and you reached out as if to shake his hand. He grabbed onto yours gently and you dragged him out of your apartment and into the hallway in one swift movement before shutting the door gently behind you.
“What the fuck, Tom,” You interrupted harshly, pulling your hand away from his. “are you fucking serious right now?”
“I had to see you.” He admits, wincing at your anger.
“What for?” You asked incredulously.
“You know what.” He replies, his demeanour softening.
“I’m having a party.” Was all you said as you took in his soft expression, trying to push down the feelings that were bubbling back up inside of you. 
He was wearing dark jeans and a white t-shirt with a blazer over it, his signature silver necklaces hanging down over his shirt. His hair looked disheveled, different from the slicked back style you’d grown used to since he’d been away on a press tour. You could feel his scent lingering around you and the familiarity was enough to make you cry.
“I know, but…”
“You left.” You said. “You left me. You have no right to just show up at my apartment.”
“I know.” He repeated. “I’m sorry.”
I don't know if we should be alone together
I still got a crush, that's obvious
If nobody's around, what's stopping us?
Taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes momentarily to drink in his presence. You weren’t sure if there was even a need for Tom to apologize at all, or if you should apologize. All you really knew was that you missed him. You had missed him so much it was unbearable. You opened your eyes again, now stinging with tears.
“I have to get back inside.” You said quietly.
“Y/N,” he murmured, reaching out to run his warm fingers down your arm.
“Tom, thank you for the apology but…” He watched you with sad eyes. “I have to go inside, okay? Can we talk about this later?”
Tom’s expression relaxed slightly at your hopeful words, nodding eagerly.
“Sure. Okay.”
You nodded again, squeezing his arm quickly before turning around and slipping back into your apartment, trying to swallow the lump in your throat.
Despite the drama the party continued, and people loved Tom. He was sitting on the arm of your couch, a glass of whiskey in one hand and people surrounding him as he told silly stories about things that had happened to him on his press tour, during filming, in his daily life.
You did your best to ignore the fact that he was there, making yourself busy by speaking with a few friends at the entrance to your kitchen. You could feel Tom’s eyes on you occasionally as you spoke with your friends, and it took everything in you not to glance back over at him.
I don't think that we should be around each other
When you're in the room, you get my eyes
You open your mouth, I'm hypnotized
Tom couldn’t push your voice out of the corner of his mind, despite all the people surrounding him and speaking. He kept glancing over at you, nodding occasionally to keep your guests engaged as he watched you talk.
You threw your head back laughing, a glass of what he assumed was your favourite red wine in your left hand. His heart ached at the familiar sound, remembering when he used to make you laugh like that. No matter how hard he tried he couldn’t seem to tear his eyes away from you. To say you looked beautiful was an understatement. Your outfit was so simple, a white t-shirt tucked lazily into a jean skirt that he recognized as one he had bought you the year before. You had a loose cardigan draped over your body and were wearing tights and a pair of adorable little kitten heels that made him smile. 
He could still hear the voices speaking around him and he was suddenly wildly aware of the condensation from his drink stinging his palm with its coldness as he held onto it tighter, returning himself to his conversation. 
Despite your somewhat distracting job of hosting a growing house party, you were physically unable to get Tom out of the corner of your eye. No matter where in the room you moved, you always felt the need to keep him in your sight and keep his voice in your range of hearing. You could hear girls laughing around him at minuscule things he said, most not even jokes, and smiled to yourself at Tom’s probable distaste towards their desperation. 
You glanced up at him to find his eyes already burning into you, and your chest sizzled with excitement. He threw you a small wink, using his amazing way of making you feel like the only person he cared to see in the entire world to his advantage. 
You felt as though you were staring at him with literal hearts popping out of your eyes and twirling around your head like a cartoon. Tom was picking up on this, a small smile gracing his handsome face as he stared at you. 
You blinked, feeling your face flush as you realized how silly you must look. He chuckled softly to himself, causing you to smile against your will, looking down into your wine glass. Tom felt himself puff up unintentionally, proud of himself for getting a smile out of you for what felt like the first time in years.
  I can make you laugh until you cry
You know you got all my attention
You know you got all mine
By the time 1 o’clock rolled around, people were slowly but surely filing their way out of your place and leaving half full glasses of liquor in different places around your apartment. 
Even Sara had left, and you began to collect the endless amount of garbage and paper plates with half eaten grapes and cheese slices on them while stifling a yawn. 
“Need some help?” His familiar voice rang out as he came following you through the hallway, picking up pieces of trash and empty glasses that you had missed along the way. You felt unbelievably excited that he had stayed, having expected him to leave a few hours before. 
As you threw your collection into the garbage in the kitchen, Tom came in the doorway holding an impressive amount of glasses.
 “Jesus, Tom,” You let out a small laugh, walking over to take a few of the fragile glasses out of his hands. Your fingers brushed and his fingertips lingered on yours as his eyes scanned your face. “impressive.” You added softly. 
“I’ve always been good with my hands,” he said cheekily. “you knew that.” 
You looked over at him with wide eyes, feeling your face on fire. “Tom!” You hissed, a smirk painted on his face. 
“Sorry,” he laughed. “you walked into that one.” 
You sighed in defeat, carefully putting the glasses down in the sink to be dealt with later before turning around to face him and leaning against the counter, arms crossed. 
“Y/N…” He started softly. 
At some point during the night he had slipped his blazer off and his lean arms were sun kissed, muscles seeming to bulge every time he moved. You were watching him, almost drooling. “I was going to…” He looked up and saw your face, mouth slightly open. “Are you okay?”
“What? Yeah, of course.” You respond quickly, swallowing hard. He steps closer to you, watching you with curiosity. 
“Are you sure?” He didn’t believe you. You nod fervently again, wishing your cheeks and chest weren't burning so obviously. 
Tom reached out slowly and you watch him, breathing hard. He pressed his cool fingers against your warm cheek and you relished in the feeling of it. 
“I’ve missed you.” You murmur. “So much, Tom.”
“I’ve missed you so much more.” He says, stroking your hot cheek with his thumb tenderly. You were breathing hard, hot air catching in your throat as Tom watched you. 
“What were you going to say?” You asked quietly. 
“I was just going to say how sorry I am.” He replies, his voice barely above a whisper. You found yourself subconsciously pressing your cheek into his palm. “I know I shouldn’t have left things the way I did, I just… I didn’t know what else to do.” 
“I know.” You said quietly. 
As you looked at the boy in front of you, the one you’d been so infatuated with for so long, it was as though everything was forgiven, as if nothing had happened at all. 
All you could think, all you could bring yourself to think was that you felt so happy that he was in front of you again and you never wanted him to go. 
Before you could help yourself you reached up and wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him close to you forcefully, clinging to him. Tom responded immediately, his arms enveloping you tightly and large hands running slowly down your back. 
"Baby," I can't help but call her that
Even though I shouldn't say it
She was my baby girlI might never get her back
But I don't mind being patient, yeah
“Baby,” he whispered, lips moving against the skin of your neck where his face was pressed. The warmth of the familiar nickname mixed with his whiskey-tinted breath mingled deliciously on your skin. 
“Yes?” You delicately traced the growing hairs along the nap of his neck, twirling them between your fingers. 
“I’d wait forever for you.” He breathed. You felt your heart swell. 
“You don’t have to wait at all.” Your voice was hushed now, heavy with the threat of tears. 
You could feel the problems you shared melting away, pooling at your feet. His hot tears burned on your neck, singeing your skin, and you pulled him impossibly closer to you. 
“M’in love with you.” Tom mumbled, sniffling before he pulled back slightly to look at you. 
The heat from your cheeks seem to have transferred to his, his face now dotted with redness and streaked with tears. You reached up with both hands to wipe the tears away gently with your thumbs. 
“I’m so in love with you.” You said finally as his eyes scanned your face desperately. They were twinkling, and a grin was growing on his face as he ran his hands down to your hips, squeezing them. He leaned in, giving you the gentlest and most intimate kiss you’d ever had, and it made it feel as though your whole body was on fire. 
“You have no idea,” he murmured in between soft and fervent kisses pressed to your lips, “I’ve waited to hear you say that to me.” 
His hands were tangled in your hair and you giggled softly against his lips, running your hands down his torso, feeling his lean figure as he pushed closer to you.
He kissed you once more and you let out a soft noise of disappointment as he pulled away, pressing his hands against the counter on either side of you.
“We have to finish cleaning the kitchen, remember?” He teased quietly, pinching the skin of your waist gently. You squealed and grabbed his hand tightly. 
“Quit it,” you said softly, his touch causing you to shiver. He laughed softly. “Besides,” you said as he ran his hands around to the small of your back, pulling you against him and kissing you again as you began walking him backwards towards your bedroom. “the kitchen can wait.” 
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a javid fic thing
im not creative so i don’t have a title
here’s the first chapter
aa it’s a um. modern au btw lol
1. Jack’s POV
"Jack, wake up." I woke up to see Crutchie standing next to my nightstand right by the bed.
"Crutchie, what do you want?" I slowly sat up in my bed, stretching.
"Jackie, Davey's making waffles for us three, come on!!" he beamed, grabbing my arm and trying to yank me out of my bed.
"Jeez, Crutchie, relax, hold on. I gotta get ready first."
"Alright, we'll be waiting in the kitchen."
By the time I had walked into the kitchen, Crutchie had eaten four waffles and squirted half of the whipped cream can into his mouth.
"Hey, save some for Jack, won't ya?" Davey was washing the dishes.
"Mornin', Davey." I yawned. I sat down at the counter next to Crutchie.
"Hey, it's about time you woke up." Davey joked. He handed me a plate of two waffles.
Davey had always been a good cook. I've lived with him and Crutchie for about two years now and there's never been something he's made that we both didn't like. His mother had the same skills, and there's no doubt that he got this from her.
"So, Jackie, how'd you sleep?" Davey asked.
"Alright, until Crutchie woke me up," I laughed and playfully elbowed Crutchie next to me. He was stealing the waffles I didn't eat off of my plate.
Davey laughed and went over to sit next to me. "You?" I asked him.
"Fine. I would've woken you up, though. Crutchie said he wanted to when the waffles are done."
Suddenly, Crutchie got up and got the plate of waffles off of the counter.
"Hey, Crutchie, where ya goin'?" I questioned.
"Oh, just in my room." He smiled his Crutchie smile. "Have fun, you guys!" and he made his way over to his room.
Davey and I looked at each other and exchanged smiles. "Hey, Jackie, wanna watch something?" He kept his adorable smile. I couldn't help but smile back at him, even though I'd much rather sit and talk with him. "Is that a yes?" Oh. I guess I was staring at him for too long. Hm.
Shit. "Oh no, I'm jus-"
We heard a scream from Crutchie's room. I didn't know what to say. I just stood speechless looking at Davey. He stared wide-eyed at me and looked across the living room to the door of Crutchie's room. Suddenly, he got up, almost knocking over the stool but quickly adjusted it and tucked it under the counter. He ran over to Crutchie's room and opened the door.
"Is everything alright?!" Davey sputtered. I could hear him breathing heavily.
"I-I'm fine!! Get Jack in here!!" Crutchie didn't seem scared. He seemed more.. Happy. I wasn't as scared anymore.
Davey called my name and I gingerly got up from the chair and walked over to his door. "What's going on?"
"I-I found a Pinterest board. Full of. Adorable cats."  The light from his computer screen lit up his smiling face.
I glanced over at Davey. He had his hand pressed to his forehead. I could tell he was not amused at all whatsoever. "Crutchie, next time don't scream that loud. Just text us or somethin'." he said flatly. "I was worried out of my mind."
Davey sighed. "It's fine."
I subtly laughed and grabbed Davey's hand. "Alright. Let's find something to do."
We walked out of Crutchie's room.
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uberhero-chorus · 6 years
🕰 ((u already know))
Sneak Peek
(( Prepare yourselves kiddies you are about to read one helluva drabble.This also explains some of V; Uberhero High ‘s World btw ))
Hatapon lost count of the years for awhile, as many long-lived Patapon did. He still did his duties in leading hunts and the occasional army to drive away a giant or two, and he still remained a very important member of the tribe.
Except, he witnessed his tribe grow steadily. The population grew in size, and thus needed more space. The tribe became a village, and then a town, before becoming a small city. Then, as relations with Zigotons and Karmens became stronger, some of them joined the mix. Soon enough, Patapolis had become a sprawling metropolis full of Patapons, Zigotons, and Karmen alike.
With the Zigotons and Karmen came advanced knowledge of materials not well known by the Patapons. And the brightest of them all pooled their knowledge together to gradually create new technologies for all to enjoy.
Somewhere along the way, something extraordinary happened. The masks of Heroes and Uberheroes were starting to be unearthed, and their powers still intact. And while they no longer had the essence of Almighty Patapons in them, and the amnesia they had given to Heroes and Uberheroes of old seemed to have vanished or had been reduced, something still had to be done with those who accepted their powers. From then on, anyone who should obtain a mask would be required to attend special training academies.
Hatapon happened to think about the Uberheroes while he read the papers one day. While most of the masks had been found (sometimes, there were even duplicates of the same mask recovered!) he had heard nothing about a particular mask he had hidden away long ago. He wondered if they would ever find it, actually...
Myamsar Mask Located at Long Last in Mater Park
The emboldened headline in the papers that next day caught Hatapon’s attention right away. How could it not? Every time he saw or heard that name, his attention was immediately stolen away. He had made good on his promise to Arye that day, that he would not be a forgotten hero. The tales of Arye the Almighty of justice, Kitt the Hero of the Patapons, and the “Ballad of the Uberhero” were popular folk tales that had been passed down from generation to generation. They had even been illustrated, painted, and put into print! Some textbooks even held excerpts of the tales within them!
And, lo and behold, here in the newspaper before him.
The mask that the Almighty Arye once used to fend off the Archfiends has been discovered once again after centuries upon centuries of hiding.
“Didn’t think I hid it too well.” Hata giggled. “All I did was bury it, guys.”
The new holder of the Myamsar mask is a twelve-year-old Patapon from the outskirts of Patapolis. The article continued. His identity and exact place of residence have been withheld from the general public to protect his identity.
“As they should.” The Flagbearer huffed.
The new Myamsar will be seeing a tutor immediately, and will start attending a Hero Academy once he turns fourteen.
“Hrmph.” Hatapon slumped a little. “New Myamsar”, something about that just didn’t sit right with him. The Myamsar he knew, however, was Almighty Arye fused with the Hero Kitt, though... This kid was probably very different. He probably wasn’t going to be the Myamsar he knew.
Well, he’d just have to wait and wonder.
The news about the Myamsar mask’s recovery had been... What? Four years ago now? And quite a lot seems to have gone down since then.
First, being called out  on a special case: To find an Uberhero who had fled his abusive foster parents and remained on the run for quite some time. They had contacted Hatapon and the Trifecta when the situation was getting desperate, and the safety of the kid was most definitely a concern.They did find him. Well, Chin did. It was a rainy, cold evening when the Tatepon found the Uberhero, bleeding on the soaked pavement. Turns out he had encountered the wrong crowd, who attacked him with a switchblade.
The Flagbearer, amid the organized panic that was the Trifecta, had frozen when he saw just which Uberhero he was handling here.Myamsar
It had been forever since he had seen that cat-like mask on an actual Patapon.
And when he had heard the kid was in foster care, and that he was now out of a home after this incident... Well, the ever kindly and now powerful Meden dropped a few hints on CPS regarding their newest foster parent, and Hatapon was given a call about a “Sixteen-year-old Uberhero in need of a home.”
On the day he showed up to pick Myamsar up, his Zigoton social worker seemed to immediately swoop in and pull him aside. She had a lot of things to explain, as evident by a hearty stack of folders containing paper after paper on things regarding this kid.
“-And here is the medicine he is currently taking.” Kyuton said. “This here is his emergency allergy shots- he should have at least one of these on his person at all times. And this one is his painkillers.” She praddled on, talking a bit quickly. “He needs one half of these everyday. If he is feeling any abnormal pain, then call his doctor- number here!” She pointed out a phone number on the label. “Next... Um... I should probably explain why he needs the medicine...”
“Where... Where the heck is the rice in this place?”
Supermarkets usually got Hatapon a bit confused as he tried to find one or two items within such a large and cluttered place, and he was rightfully teased for being ‘Old Man Hata’ because of it. Fair enough.
It was getting a little late, and he really had to get started on dinner soon. While he had to buy a little extra for the other mouth he now had to feed, Hatapon swore to his foster charge that he would be using the government checks on his needs and only his needs. He had to admit, though, that money was quite a savior to his bank account! It felt good to foster properly, knowing he was putting the money towards its intended use.
While Hata was still trying to track down the rice, he happened to catch a whiff of the fish as he passed the meat isle. He slowed down and looked to a cute chalkboard sign.
Super Saturday Sale! All fish products, 50% off!! It read.
“...Fifty percent?” Hatapon speculated. “Sounds kinda... Fishy. Heh.” He joked to himself, making his way to the clerk in charge of this section. If Myamsar were here, he’d probably make some kind of noise in between a laugh and an “UUGGHH MISTER HATAPON-”
“’Scuse me.” Hatapon said to the clerk. “Is uhh... The fish priced like this for a particular reason or...?”
“Aha! Nah, buddy, nothins’ gone bad, I promise!” The accented Dekamen running the fish isle laughed. “Nah, it’s only on sale ‘cause the guy who orders the stuff bought WAY too many, so we knocked down the prices until the stock evens out.” He explained.
“Oh, okay, good!” Hata giggled. He remembered one tiny detail about the Myamsar he had known long ago... He had always loved fish. If a traveling merchant was passing by with a load of fish, he and the Trifecta knew what would be for dinner that night.
“Okay... How about I get some tuna, rainbow trout, some grouper,,, And some salmon.” Hatapon ordered.
“Comin’ right up, sir.” The Dekamen replied, gathering up the fish in some paper bags.”
“Thanks, and... Where’s the rice?”
“Down three isles, it’s right by the pastas.”
“I’m home, Myams!” Hatapon called as he stepped into the apartment, carrying a good load of groceries in each arm. “Where have ya got to...?”
To Hatapon’s amusement, he had stepped into the living room to fins Myamsar fast asleep on top of the radiator. His school jacket and bag had been tossed onto a chair, he must’ve come home from a meeting and conked right out.
“Heh, imagine that.” The Flagbearer giggled. “I’m not sure if I’m looking after an Uberhero, or an actual cat!” He gave the teen a nudge. “You conscious, Myam?”
A slight ear twitch, but he otherwise showed no sign of waking.
He was really starting to remind him of Arye now, it was almost frightening. While it was never a radiator, the Uberhero did find quite a few... Unusual places to take catnaps. And when he did that, it was either impossible to find him or impossible to wake him up. The only thing that stirred Arye from his beauty sleep was...
Hatapon began to work on dinner right away. While he had initially planned on making something else, he knew that fish should be prepared as soon as possible to prevent spoiling. He set the other fish in the freezer in favor of the salmon tonight, Arye’s favorite...
Lemon seasoned salmon with wild rice on the side was dinner tonight, and the aroma was pretty good (for now). When everything was pretty much done, Myamsar had finally been drawn to the kitchenette, a yawn escaping him.
“I see you’re back among the living!” Hatapon greeted. “Have a good nap on the radiator?”
“..Hrrm? It’s a warm spot...”
“Yeah, but it’s also metal. Don’t go killing your muscles now.” He advised. “Now sit down, dinners ready.” The flagbearer smiled. “...And I think you might like this one!”
Myamsar sat down at his plate, not hesitating on trying some salmon. Instantly, his expression perked into a more wide-awake one.
“Oh, wow! This is really good!” He mewed. “What is it?”
“Salmon. It’s a type of fish.”
“It’s really tasty! It feels... Nostalgic, even...” The teen nodded as he ate more of dinner.
Hatapon was speechless. This... This can’t be a coincidence anymore. It seemed that as Myamsar opened up to Hatapon more and more, he only continued to resemble the Arye he knew...Maybe he should ask now...
“Say... Myams?”
“Mister Hatapon?”
“Do you... Do you trust me, Myamsar?”
“...Yeah, I’m pretty sure I do now.” The Uberhero admitted. “I mean, thinking back on it, you did help me when I got stabbed that one time... And you are one of the kindest fosters I’ve ever had.” He mused. “I feel like I can actually talk to you, you know? Even though I’ve been through so much, you’ve been really patient with me.”
“That’s.... That’s good, because...” Hata began. “Myamsar, I know that Uberheroes keep their birth names between themselves and immediate family, but... Do you mind telling me your name? The one you were born with?”
Myamsar remained silent for awhile, causing Hatapon to worry.
“I-it’s okay if you don’t-”
“My name? It’s Kitt.” Myamsar said. “Kind of a... Dumb name, yeah.” He rubbed the back of his head nervously. “...You look kind of wide-eyed there, Mister Hatapon. Does “Kitt” mean something to you?”
...So it’s true. Hatapon summed up in his head. This seriously can’t be coincidence anymore, they’re just too alike... Almighty Arye, did you revive the Hero Kitt’s soul with a fragment of your own?
“Oh, Myamsar... Kitt isn’t a silly name, now.” Hatapon said wholesomely. “It... It actually does mean something very important to me...”
Welcome back, Arye... Kitt... Myamsar.
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newgeekcity · 7 years
New Geek City is Live Blogging MST3k The Return
Once a upon a time there was a bored kid. He just moved to a new place where he didn’t know anyone. Hair was coming in weird places. His face looked like it came from a rare Garbage Pail Kid card.
Other things were changing for the kid, namely his tastes. To him everything started to be so childlike. His books, Full House, even Saturday morning cartoons. There wasn’t anything that really appealed to him anymore.
Except for Batman the Animated Series, that was still awesome.
So one day while trying to avoid the Smurfs or some shit, the kid flipped on Comedy Central. Gamera was on. Everything sucked, but he wasn’t too big for Toho movie monsters. 
Just look at it...
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And see those guys on the bottom? They were cracking jokes, making astute observations. Then they would do silly musical numbers. It was the best, and for years after, no matter what, the kid would tune in to see what crazy schlock the boys of MST3k would do next.
And yeah yeah, the boy was me. Twist ending, M. Night Shyamalan style. Blah blah.
Since MST3k came into my life so early, sometimes I wonder where it started and I begin in the soup of neurons and my memories. Am I sarcastic and love terrible movies because it brings me back to my safe space? Or am I drawn to MST3k because I am sarcastic and I love 1960s Godzilla movies.
I don’t think there’s a real answer to that question. However, after a long long departure. MST3k is back and on Netflix... so lets dive into the first episode which is called... episode 1? Seriously guys? Way to be descriptive.
We got movie sign after the jump
00:00 - Hold on I need more coffee. 
00:00 - Alright, back. Lets see what’s up. I’m really curious about the opening. If I remember right the opening song was sung by Mike Nelson. So lets see how this stacks up. 
I’m not looking for a perfect recreation, but something in the same spirit.
1:39 - People? There’s other people in this universe? I thought there was like 10 tops in the entire world in the original series. Then there’s Wil fucking Wheaton. I don’t mind the people, but I do mind Wil Wheaton, that fucking guy. The DIY effects and models are really great though.
In what looks like the Gizmonic mission control, the staff are puppets. I love that.
Wait I know that lady... She’s Erin Gray. Colonel Deering from Buck Rogers. When I was 5 I wasn’t sure if I was going to marry her or Princess Leia. 
Hey it could have happened, I was a cute kid.
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But seriously, Fuck. Wil. Wheaton. 
2:00 - I have to admit, I’m sort of liking Jonah. He has the same affable quality as Joel and Mike. 
4:30 - Gypsy could talk? Like for reals? Weird.
I also did like the opening sequence, a lot. Its different. It feels like that’s what the sequence should have been for the movie. But I really liked it. Great work Joel. 
8:00 - Invention exchange is back. Patton Oswalt is perfect as TV’s son of TV’s Frank. Although I was doubting Felicia Day, I have to admit she is charming here. 
The movie doors are different, you could tell they used a computer for this one. Not sure if I like that, But whatevs its minor. 
The bots voices are actually pretty good too. Crow sounds like Crow. Tom sort of sounds like Tom. I do have to get used to Jonah though.
9:00 - Its not skin, its beef. Just saying.
Delicious ground beef.
10:30 - Tom can fly! He can fly!!
13:15 - We have Super Dragon reference! Also one of the best MST3k songs 
14:00 - “You know an aquarium is just a pet store that doesn’t sell anything.” Made me lol.
14:41 - Gypsy showed up and made a quip. I already forgot what it was. I wonder if it’ll be a thing.
16:35 - I’m hoping the movie picks up. I doubt it because its MST3k. But they did a “commercial break” just now. They repeated the name of the movie and showed I guess would be the Deep 13 House Band. 
I think a skit would have worked better. Its not like they have to fit in actual commercials. But they’re probably trying to keep as close to the original format as possible.
18:30 - Scientist 1: “I envy that young man.”
Scientist 2: “He will be busy now.”
Me: Yeah with your daughters, you Dane weirdo.
20:00 - Who just keeps an electric eel in a tank in a hallway? Nothing is gonna go wrong there. Nothing at all....ARRRRRGHG 
22:00 - I’m having a really hard time picking up who’s speaking. Particularly with Tom / Jonah. 
But Jonah’s Monster Mash / Reptilicus cover was definitely out of the Joel Robinson playbook. 
25:00 - Can someone tell me if that Dane blonde, scientist daughter has a single daughter along the R line? And that wound looks like pudding. Just saying it looks like delicious reptile pudding.
27:00 - Ok the skit break is this kaiju monster rap. The bots, particularly crow are more animated. He’s able to move his arms around now.
The song itself is way different from the original series. Which I’m giving it a thumbs up. It fits well into the original ethos. Its catchy, fun. Its a good update. Nice work modern MST3k writers.
32:00 - One thing I’ve noticed is the actual filmic quality of the movie. In the old MST3k’s you could still see the scratches and dust, and the warping. It looks like that this is a restored film. 
Its not awful or really a distraction. But its just something I noticed as a long time fan.
35:00 - Dickweed. It makes me laugh every time.
36:00 - Of course the goofus stuck his hand in the electric eel tank. You know comedy. It had to happen. Like the sun rising, and the rain falling in the amazon.
38:00 - I wish netflix would have some way that it counts up instead of down. It would make my life easier here.
Another “commercial break” I was wrong, in the new series its Moon 13 and Patton Oswalt gave a fun fact about the doors. The house band is playing at the same time. Its very Svengoolie.
39:00 - Xanadu reference. Not sure how many youngin’s would get it. I barely do because my dad had a bootleg VHS tape. 
It was awful.
41:00 - I was about to say a lot of the jokes are falling flat, but when that scientist “screamed” and one of the guys dubbed it with Opera, that was brilliant. 
43:00 - I get that MST3k was never really about plot when it came to the host and bots. But they seemed to jump into the riffing really quick. I was expecting some sort of intro for Jonah, like he’d ask questions about why he’s there throughout the movie and the bots would fill him in and he’d grow into the host role. 
I think it would have added some sort of dimension to it. But I would get why they would just jump right into it. 
45:00 - Also I’d expect the Mads would show up more by now. Maybe in the next skit sequence?
47:00 - No Mads, but the cloning of Tom Servo in the “genesis tank that’s conveniently off camera” was real classic MST3k. 
So far, Jonah I would say earned his spot. He nailed it. 
Crow, yup classic Crow. 
Tom, well. He’s not awful. He’s funny but I just can’t get past the voice. Kevin Murphy really owned the character. I hope its just matter of getting used to it. Like when Kevin originally took over in Season 2 (I think) of MST3k.
51:00 - Hold on I need a gif of that.. give me a few minutes.
Ok, I couldn’t get a gif. I’ll have to check into that. BUT I did grab a screenshot.
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Single handedly this is my most favorite special effect ever.
54:30 - Although another stray observation, when the people are in frame, the film is alright. Like no scratches (for the most part) but when the monster is up it looks like someone went through it with sandpaper. 
Which lazy bastard only did half a restoration?
55:00 - It feels like Tom should have had that ability to fly all along. His bottom always reminded me of a hovercraft.
56:00 - Yup the commercial breaks definitely is reminiscent of Svengoolie, Paton Oswalt should just show up on that set one day as TV’s Son of TV’s Frank. 
It would be some great cross promotion.
BTW, go watch Svengoolie. Its not as funny as MST3k, but it’s really charming and fun.
Occasionally they show a good movie. Which I guess defeats the point, but whatever.
60:00 - We’re about at the halfway point. So far, I will admit the new MST3k is... I don’t want to say a worthy successor but Joel Hodgson really did something special. This definitely feels in place with the originals. Almost like it never went away. 
I do want more Mads for this episode. Where are they?
62:00 - How did they get letters? This is like the first episode in almost 20 years. How many 8 year olds could sit still long enough to watch reruns? Aren’t they making methlabs and sexting? 
63:00 - Just a note, I know nothing about modern children.
71:00 - Have you ever wondered why Kaiju are impervious to tank shells? Think about it, they’re designed to punch through concrete, steel plating, etc. I don’t think they’d have a problem with reptile skin, prehistoric or otherwise.
74:00 - Another thing I noticed is that the guy and the bots are more animated compared to the originals. They’ll move around, fly by, bring in barrels to interact with the screen. 
I know the originals did similar, but it seems to be more frequent here. Its not unwelcome. Its actually nice.
77:00 - Another commercial break. Its a TV seal of quality with the Moon 13 house band. I’m still liking them.
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Patton talked about how Kinga established some TV group, probably to make profit. 
Its not so much how the joke was clever, I just liked how they used that to add some background of the world of MST3k. Because we really don’t know much about it, besides the SOL and Deep 13 and such. 
I never thought it was missing, but now that I’ve seen some glimpses into the surrounding world I am interested in learning more. Does the world know about the Forresters? Have they always run in secret? Or they make their intentions known and the government is powerless to stop them. Who is the government there anyway?
Are they considered brilliant or total fuck ups? Are they part of something bigger? Like SMERSH or the illuminati or something?
78:00 - They’re freaking out about getting a gallon of some sort of lizard knock out drug. Do Danes know how much a gallon is? It’s not that much, if it was like an oil drum’s worth then you got problems.
80:00 - The gallon is really just a beaker. So I guess Danes don’t get the imperial system after all.
83:00 - Seriously the guy playing Crow is really good. If I close my eyes I’d have a hard time telling the difference between him and Trace Beaulieu.
Although I noticed the mouth movement on Crow isn’t as pronounced as it was in the originals. Its a little detail, but it went a long way in figuring out who was talking.
85:00 - Monster’s dead, yay I guess.
86:00 - “Push the button Max” doesn’t have the same cachet as “Push the button Frank.” But I’m glad they brought that back.
87:00 - The end credit song sounds like it was made with a real orchestra. It gives it some gravitas. Its rather lovely. 
88:00 - They’re repeating the monster rap. Not bad, still cute. 
89:00 - Wait, in the end credits, They gave the proper name for the Moon 13 House Band, they’re called “The Skeleton Crew.”
I like Moon 13 house band better.
90:00 - Nice touch--
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And of course--
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The end tag. Its nice to see some old standbys come back.
Final Thoughts - 
I suppose if you really wanted to you could say its worse or better than the originals. I guess its like how you wanted to fight over Joel vs Mike. 
They’re different. They had their own styles, and they were very funny in their own way. 
MST3k The Return is a lot like that. There’s enough elements of the originals that it feels familiar, but stylistically its been updated. I personally think its a good thing. 
With the bigger budget, and more modern delivery I feel a lot of the fun, DIY, anarchic, lo-fi qualities that was so mind blowing about the original show is very much here. 
I like the new cast, except for Wil Wheaton (fuck you Wesley Crusher), and I think they’re as charming and clever as the previous casts. Just... different.
So if you loved the originals as much as I did, I definitely think its worth binging with your kids. Personally I plan to make this a Saturday morning thing like I did way back when.
One last last thing. From what I saw of the preview for the next episode it looks like Pearl, Bobo, and Brain Guy are visiting. Hopefully Mike shows up too.
I. Can’t. Wait.
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ezzydean · 5 years
roommate woes under the cut, feel free to ignore it’s just me needing to vent it out before i get too irritated and it’s in no particular order.  just... word vomit
okay like i love the girl to death.  she might as well be my sister.  i just.  she’s so frustrating lately.  she applied for and got an assistant store lead position.  which is amazing.  she deserves it.  it means she’s in training right now.  a week at the company headquarters, a week at a training store, then the hq again, then 3 weeks at the store, and a final week at hq.  which while i get it.  living out of a suitcase and all that isn’t easy.  and doing it for like 2 months isn’t fun at all.  last week she used a week of vacation instead of doing her 2nd week of store ops training.  then the midwest just had our disaster of a shit fuckton of snow so she couldn’t go to her training store monday or tuesday.  tuesday she actually went to her actual store and worked there because the roads were clear enough to make it there.  all she did tuesday when she got home was complain about how she didn’t want to go to the stupid training store cause it’s slow and whatever i don’t even know.  and how she’ll just use up more vacation she doesn’t care and blah blah blah.  like.  bitch i worked 17 and a half hours on saturday because of the stupid storm and you’re throwing a shit fit because you don’t wanna go to the training store cause it’s slow?  i just... am so irritated right now.  she gets to stay in decent hotel rooms, hotels with hot tubs and pools and when she’s at the hq training she’s with a big group of people she goes out with and have fun with and shit.
along with her position she got a raise, naturally.  it makes sense.  it also makes sense that an assistant store lead will make more than the kitchen lead (which is my position in my store).  they shouldn’t make as much more than kitchen as they do because kitchen lead is a shit ton of work and even she admits that the kitchen lead should make closer to her pay rate than we do.  but okay.  she got the raise.  and now it feels like every fricken day she’s rubbing it in my face in subtle ways.  i say something about maybe we don’t need to buy this right now and she’s just like ‘oh i make enough now it doesn’t matter much’ or we’ll be out and getting stuff and i make a joke about us going out a lot and she’s all ‘oh do i need to cover you’ in kind of a condescending/joking tone.  like i get it.  you now make a lot more than i do and your job comes with guaranteed overtime.  thanks for reminding me every damn day that I do twice as much work as you for half the yearly income.  like she’s been talking about buying a house in a year or two and we were talking about it a little and all of a sudden she’s like ‘well it won’t take me long to get a downpayment now.  and i won’t even need your help.’  like wow.  yeah.  you don’t need my help for it now.  i get it.  fuck.
and then she’s doing the training.  so she’s gone during the week and home basically friday night through either sunday afternoon or monday morning depending on if it’s the hq or the store she’s going to.  so she’s gone during the week and before she gets home on fridays i’ve been getting everything cleaned up from what i’ve made a mess of during the week.  all the dishes and cleaning up the living room and taking the garbage out and all that.  and like less than a day after she’s back it’s a fucking disaster.  there’s stuff all over the couch that’s ‘hers’ (we have a couch and a loveseat and she almost always uses the couch and i use the loveseat) and she gets inside the house and just drops all her shit.  her suitcase sits in the middle of the living room all weekend, any bags she has just sit on the floor.  if she brings snacks or drinks back the bags just sit on the counter until she leaves again or it put it away cause i’m tired of looking at it.
this last week she was home all week.  she didn’t do anything until thursday when she finally did some dishes.  and then over the next few days she dirtied up another sink full of dishes that are just sitting there.  granted she did shovel out 90% of the snow from the storm and that was how she spent sunday.  but she was also home all day monday and did nothing.
oh but she did manage to eat most of the food we had in the week and a half she was home.  including the hot pockets that were mine and she knew it but she ate them anyway cause she ‘was hungry’ and ‘they’d been in the freezer for a month already’.  (completely ignoring all the other food she could have made most likely because it would require doing dishes.)  and she didn’t bother buying any groceries before she left.
and then i got home yesterday and had to spend 40 minutes shoveling out the end of the driveway cause the plows went through the alley again at some point after i left.  and she gets home like 20 minutes after me and i said something about how i had to shovel cause of the plow and she’s like ‘oh yeah i had to drive through it when i left’ and just... okay.  you couldn’t have sent me a message at all?  like a quick ‘btw plow went through the alley and filled the driveway in’?  just for a heads up?  that would have been great.
instead of bagging up the garbage she just left her paper plate and garbage on the counter.  and i went to take the garbage out and found the empty bag from my cat’s food in there.  and i know i had said she could have it when she ran low because i wouldn’t need it any more since i had to put my cat down.  but it kind of felt like a slap to the face that it was just shoved in there and she never even said thanks.  at all.
and i am not doing well at all with having lost my cat and other than the first weekend she was back after i had to put him down she hasn’t even asked how i am.  then this entire week it feels like she’s rubbing it in my face because she’s constantly cuddling with her cat and making a big dramatic thing out of it.  like he hops up next to her and she’s all ‘OH SKYLAR YOU LOVE ME YOU’RE CUDDLING WITH ME I LOVE YOU YOU’RE SO SOFT AND CUDDLY’ and i just.  it hurts.  a lot.
i’ve just had a really long couple of weeks and need a break from life
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