#I just want Logan to be happy
gridcheck02 · 19 days
I have such bitter feelings towards the pr team of Williams because when Logan renewed his contract for this year, I feel they did not push out this much content for his contract extension, but now that Alex has extended his contract we are seeing an absurd amount of pr and content push from them for him,
it is making me feel that they are showing how they really feel about Logan, and I truly feel bad for him because just look at how Williams has treated him this year. So I hope that the haas rumors going around have a bit of truth in them, as much as I don’t care for that team, I would actually like to see a place where he might actually thrive and be appreciated….
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rave-lord-nito · 2 years
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i don’t know how many more forza logan sargeants i have left in me
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chimonystack · 6 months
so there's been an Orange Side™ teased for a long time now in Sanders Sides, right? And the common theory is that Orange will be some form of Rage or Wrath, and will either take over or split from Logan, right? Well, I want to voice my opinion on this, because I believe it's extremely accurate, and could also provide an amazing character to the mix to oppose all of the sides (yes, INCLUDING LOGAN.)
So, first point:
This point is very minor, but Logan was the first side to have his name revealed. If Orange is the last side to be revealed, that would mean he'll also be the last one to have his name revealed, which is an interesting parallel.
Second point:
Logan rarely shows any emotions. Yes, he gets excited about Crofter's, he has some small amount of pride whenever he's right, and earlier in the series he feels small amounts of remorse whenever he does something that hurts one of the other sides. But, most of the time, Logan doesn't show any emotions (and in "Alone on VALENTINE'S DAY!" he even says "Call me when you have something a little less feelingsy"). He shows nothing, except for one emotion (which is fairly obvious given the intro to this post, but I'll still save it for later).
Third point:
Logan has had excellent character development since the beginning of the series. In the beginning, Logan only cared about the logical solutions for any of Thomas' problems. He would constantly fight one of the other sides about a problem until one of the remaining sides or even Thomas himself forced him to see what he was doing wrong and concede or compromise. But as the series kept going on, Logan started becoming not just more academically intelligent, but very importantly, more emotionally intelligent. He understands the other sides more, and he eventually comes to realize that every side has their merit, even Janus and Remus.
Fourth point:
Logan often gets ignored or dismissed by the other sides and Thomas himself. Yes, Thomas calls on him for help for several situations, and Logan often saves the day, but even so, he doesn't always get the full credit he deserves. The most notable examples of him being dismissed or ignored are in "Moving On," and "Working Through Intrusive Thoughts." In Moving On, Logan makes a mistake and suggests they go to Patton's room, but once he realizes what Patton's room is actually doing (especially to Virgil), he immediately tries to get Thomas and the other sides to leave. Thomas, Roman and Patton ignore him, and Logan gets frustrated enough to leave. In Working Through Intrusive Thoughts, Logan constantly tries to get Thomas to follow his schedule for the day, but Remus keeps breaking Thomas' focus on his chores. Then, once Thomas finally gets called by Nico, the final thread of Thomas' focus on his chores is broken and he instead decides to go meet Nico to look at art. Despite all of this, Logan still tries to listen to everybody, including Janus and Remus.
Fifth point:
There seems to be a pattern with the sides and whether they're associated with more positive or negative traits. Logan, Patton, and Roman are all positive. Janus and Remus are both negative. Virgil is both positive and negative. If Orange is Wrath or Rage, this creates symmetry on both sides, with Orange joining Janus and Remus as a negative trait. This is also supported in the Sanders Sides Anime Intro (which I'm sure everybody already noticed but it's still worth it to me to bring up).
Now, to bring it all together:
If Orange is indeed going to be Rage or Wrath, it absolutely makes sense for him to either take over or split from Logan, because the one emotion that Logan shows consistently and often is anger. His frustrations whenever he makes mistakes, or when he gets ignored or dismissed, and especially his "FALSEHOOD" are all examples of how he commonly has outbursts (or at the very least, visible) bouts of anger. Logan's eyes glowing orange when he yells at Remus in Working Through Intrusive Thoughts only add to this. If Orange is meant to be a reflection/the opposite of Logan, then he'll likely show emotions constantly, with the only thing that stays the same being the outbursts of anger, just severely intensified for Orange. This also opens the door for the character development that Logan has had being completely reversed (no matter whether Logan is taken over or if Orange just splits from him). All of a sudden, the rest of the sides have somebody that simply does not care about their opinions or feelings. Orange likely will ignore all of the rest of the sides, or even lash out at them constantly, never giving them the time of day. Orange will refuse to see the merit in any of the sides' functions, which is the exact opposite of Logan, who tries to see everybody's merit. The new biggest problem becomes avoiding Wrath, but to no avail, as he keeps coming back angrier every time, until eventually they all realize that, just like with Virgil, they need to try to understand him. The only problem with that is that it's harder to understand and accept Wrath than it was to understand Virgil.
No matter what, though:
I am SO hyped for these teasers to pay off, no matter what Orange ends up being. I have no doubts at all about Thomas' ability to create an amazing and compelling character for all of us to love just as much as the other six sides.
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thecrowslullaby · 2 years
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I got posessed with the desire for ballet, so i come to you with ballerina!Logan
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imerian · 2 months
Here goes little essay about everything going on with Logan bc i have a lot of thoughts that I want to organise a bit .
I'm not sure where i want to start bc there so much to this whole situation with Logan and Williams but I'll firstly discuss today's fp1.
I hate what media portraying Williams got, yes they fucked up and critique is fair but there much more than just critique online. I tend to believe that the gave logan repaired chassis not bc they disrespect him but bc his car is tuned to alex and tune new one to him is faster than redoing both of them. It may give him some disadvantages that it's too bad. The part that I'm really sad about is that Williams didn't clarify any of this and we never gonna know for sure. It all doesn't exclude possibility of this just being decision but somehow i find it unlikely.
Another part that i have a lot of emotions about is today's crash, i hate it and people's responses so bad bc firstly we never gonna know is it car or logan bc once again we can't be sure with how Williams talked about it, but even if it was logan i can hardly blame him bc amount of pressure on him js insane.
He wasn't ready for f1 when he was brought into it, everyone already said that. Plus he constantly compared to oscar which isn't fair, you can look at their cars for example (bc in this sport they matter a lot, fact that somehow a lot of people forget) or where their teams are. I remember how in f3 oscar told that he was excited to fight with Logan and that shows for me that logan can do better it's just his circumstances that are unfortunate. He's season in f2 also was really good, he obviously couldn't get first place with domination of filippe but he still did his best.
Another thing about f2 is how much pressure he had there because Williams announced him as their f1 driver even before season finished and it put Logan on a spot bc he could actually become that driver only if he finishes in top three. And he did!!
But you can see how than, in his first f1 season and eveb now amount of pressure doesn't go down, he constantly needs to prove himself or he'll get kicked out of sport, same sport that his family sacrificed all for him to get in.
I absolutely don't understand his haters, especially those that compare him to alex at least because comparing them is stupid with this big of experience gap. Same discourse i see about lando and oscar which is also stupid because at the moment lando is objectively better at least because of his experience, and oscar doesn't need to be better than him, he needs to learn and get that experience himself for any comperasing to make sense.
Big problem with Logan is that he can't get that experience to grow as a driver, even alex said that it isn't stange that he crashes that much in his first season bc Williams car is hard to work with. It was Alex that said that, same person that car was made for so i think it's pretty good evidence. Also that was ghe reason why u was very excited to see Logan this year because he would finally have car that made for him as much as it was made for alex. And then the season started :)
In first two races he couldn't prove himself in any way bc of the reasons that wasn't in his control and what happened in Australia is just horrible for him as a driver. But i really hope that his patience will help him to hold his seat for the next year. As much as it sucks right now if him helping the team can improve his chances for the seat next year than it matters most, bc even of he has shit year he could have another one to prove himself ( which i think will absolutely happen at one point or another of his career if it continues)
In the end i want to add that i believe that James have good intentions bc even knowing how negative internet going to be he made that decision in Australia for the team. As logan fan i was very sad about it but i hope that with same good intentions for team he will keep logan that already shows how supportive he is to the team and with their growth it's probably exactly who they need at the moment
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ghouljams · 2 months
I would like to start this by saying that I love your writing. However I am curious as to if you are a part of the Deaf community? I saw your fae!Roach stories where you added sign and I like the idea of that but you also give him a sign name and it rubs me the wrong way. I don’t mean to be rude about it and just want to make sure that you are aware. It’s just that giving a sign name as someone who isn’t in the Deaf community is super disrespectful.
Hi! I've been learning asl on and off for about 4 years, but I'm not part of the Deaf community.
I want to start by saying being disrespectful to the Deaf community wasn't my intention. My intention was only that as a fae Gaz would never finger spell Roach's name, and would have to use a signed nickname for him. I suppose I could have, and perhaps should have, simply not had Gaz signing with Roach. However, since Roach is selectively mute, I felt like it would have seemed one sided for Roach to be signing and Gaz to be speaking. I want the 1fae1 to meet Roach where he is instead of expecting him to accommodate them.
I don't know how much overlap there is between the Deaf community and mute folks, so I don't know exactly what to say in terms of sign names there, but I'll drop the 'G' from Roach's nickname and just use the sign for insect. BSL is part of Roach's identity within the story, I don't want to drop it entirely, but I understand your concern.
Also if you know the BSL sign for cockroach I would love to use that instead because I could not find it even after like an hour of research.
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p-perkeys · 3 months
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POV: you’re a little exhausted from team hopping and doing good thing after good thing to finally prove you’re worth the investment just to see your dad again and he doesn’t even say anything to you about the fact you’re still alive and it’s almost like he doesn’t notice you at all but you get to see your oldest little sister again so that’s pretty cool
POV: you’re a little exhausted from taking on mission after mission to live up to your name which is your dads name which is the person you were conditioned to be so in a way it’s like the facility is still controlling you and your dad notices you too much and is always volunteering you for the things he doesn’t have time for but you get to see your big brother again so that’s pretty cool
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rosehathawhey · 9 months
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THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL Season 36, Episode 235 | Aired August 29, 2023
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jocelynships · 2 months
I cannot believe I have seen people say “certain VAs for X-Men 97 sound like they’re trying too hard to sound like the originals”
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ayoungeststark · 3 months
I think I'm going to start doing the same thing here that I'm doing on my other blog, and start focusing more on being more comic book-inclined or at least a lot more mixed rather than focusing on the mcu.
It's not that I like the mcu, but I feel like it limits me and Logan a lot, and forces me to be stuck with some stuff that I don't really like. There are a lot more things to explore using the comic book world, a lot more characters to use and things like that so… yeah. It’s a change I’d like to make. Some differences I’d be implementing in my replies/threads right away would be:
Tony's alive.
The avengers are still a thing ( it could be the mcu team with the original six and some others or the current one from the comics that i really like )
The x-men/fantastic four/all the other heroes exist, and Logan knows ( at least by reputation ) all of them.
Logan grew up alongside the Avengers and is friends with other young heroes/other children of the Avengers ( say Frank & Valeria Richards, Katie Barton, Gerry Drew, Mayday Parker & some ocs too bc why not. Also Riri, Harley, Kate, Cassie, Billy & Tommy & more ! )
SHIELD still exists too
And some other things that i’ll be implementing with time ( bc I can't remember everything right now ).
I’ll still be exploring the mcu timeline and some points that i find interesting too but it’s just not gonna be set in stone you know ? If we write together and you prefer to strictly follow the mcu timeline that's okay, you can let me know and we're doing this. But if not, you'll notice that i'll leave things a bit more open to new possibilities
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thyqueerblueberry · 1 year
i think in the final episode kendall is going to die. and also rome. and also shiv. and also tom. and also greg. only the old guard will live and thrive god bless.
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snoppy · 1 year
I'm sorry but I think its good that tom is saying stuff that makes you all uncomfortable. I think everyone is a little too willing to make him the hurt innocent underdog
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s0undsinmyhead · 2 years
I love Veronica Mars but they did not know how to write a love triangle at all. I didn’t realize that’s what they were even trying to do until I read about more about the show and interviews. Like it’s Logan. Even when she’s with Duncan or Piz it’s gonna be Logan. Because they did nothing with the Duncan or Piz characters. They’re barely characters to begin with. They are boring white bread nice guys with no issues or interests except they like Veronica. No chemistry. No nothing. At least Duncan had a real purpose and storyline and being best friends with Logan and dating Veronica first added some drama. Piz was just there and he liked her and she didn’t care and then she broke up with Logan and she kinda cared? Idk just a rant. Rob Thomas should have focused on other aspects because the love triangles were a fail and a waste of time.
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schmweed · 10 months
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wolvertooth · 8 months
trying to piece together the team x/weapon x timeline is so difficult but i think origins sabretooth puts it best⤵️⤵️⤵️
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they just keep mind wiping them lol.
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