#I love me some himbo vampire what can I say
luxthestrange · 1 month
BNHA Incorrect quotes#22 Simps-
On your...Hang out with Fatgum, you two went into an arcade and you won a prize for an all-you-can-eat buffet for Fatgum on his favorite buffet-
Fatgum: I'm so happy, I could kiss you! Villain!Y/n: Um...Neat. *later* Villain!Y/n, lying face down on their bed: I said "Neat," Dave!?! Who the fuck says neat these days? It's not neat to say neat but I said it anyways because I'm fucking stupid!?! Dave, reading a book: Don't beat yourself up too much, Boss. Everyone gets nervous sometimes. Remember what I did when Steve confessed his love for me? Villain!Y/n*Blinks and looks up at him* Didn't you thank him? Dave*closes the book and looks at the ceiling* I fucking thanked him
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Say Hello to my precious babies OC's-
Dave(Short one, With rainbow color eyes): Is the Top Henchmen under your command...don't let his young age & adorable appearance fool you he TOP DOG for a reason...
Steve(I'm blue!~ Da ba dee da ba diIm blue doo bee~):...He is just Steve, and we love Steve in this organization...Our Vampire looking, himbo-
Do you guys want more of them?
Part 4 of :
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jacevelaryonswife · 2 years
► Modern Headcanons | 「AU」
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pairing: Jacaerys Velaryon | Aegon Targaryen | Aemond Targaryen x Fem!Reader (the famous big three).
a/n: This is situated in college and I hope you all like it. English is not my first language, sorry for any mistakes.
warnings: mentions of alchool, drunking and sex.
Modern headcanons masterlist
— Aegon ↺
We must begin with Aegon. The dude changes of graduations like he's changing clothes. He never knew what field to choose, he never had a big dream to fulfill or an aspiration to something — perhaps because his family was flying in money.
In high school he was the typical popular boy who part of the team and dated one cheerleader a month, in college it's no different.
He's a fuckboy, living in a frat (even though he doesn't have to) and throwing a thousand parties. He loves all girls, but freshmen, exchange students or super smart girls get his special attention. And some boys.
When I said that he changes courses like he changes clothes, I wasn't exaggerating.
First he tried physical education (why? He don't know), then computing at Luke's insistence (lots of numbers, he fucking hated it), then he tried law (WHY DOES A BOOK HAVE 800 PAGES?), he considered international relations and end tourism.
He wanted to do an exchange, but Alicent forbade it until he settled on something.
He just wanted to be an heir :(
He would probably meet you at a party and flirt compulsively. He wouldn't rest until he had your number, or kissed you, or better yet, performed obscenities in his room.
Eventually he would rent an apartment to have more privacy for his one night fucks.
Aegon would try to steal Jace's girls — why not?
He's used every drug you can imagine.
He would wake up drunk in the middle of campus.
He's a himbo.
— Aemond ↺
You know that handsome and mysterious guy that you would definitely have a crush on? Well, it's probably Aemond.
Among the areas he could choose, in addition to history and philosophy, I see physics or some impeccable academic career.
Unlike Aegon, the opportunity to run the family business would eventually excite him, so studying business administration is also a high possibility for our boy.
He would attend the best colleges.
He's intimidating at first sight and likes to do things alone, which makes you reluctant to try to get close.
But damn, he's super charming and seems to give off attractive pheromones and you can't pay attention to anything but him.
It's like Edward — you thought he was a vampire too.
He is super stylish and has an impossible presence to divert attention.
He would NEVER live in a frat. The idea of ​​sharing a house with other guys his age is a nightmare. Seven Hells, he thinks he'd throw up at the smell of alcohol, drugs, and bed sheets after sex. Fucking gross.
He would rent an apartment close to university and other things that can enrich his routine.
He goes to some parties (not like Aegon) but getting drunk is not an option.
Maybe he'd try marijuana at a certain point, just to prove it.
He would always be with a book or phone in hand, or just contemplating the environment.
You'd meet him at some party or the library or any other part of college.
He was the best kiss you've had in years.
He makes you feel stupid with his intelligence and eloquence, even if he doesn't mean to. When you tell him you feel inferior, he'd take your hand and grope your face and say there's nothing that makes you any less than him.
— Jace ↺
I confess that choosing an area for Jace was the HARDEST thing about this headcanon, so he was the last.
I see him as a sports guy, but it would hardly go from a hobby. He could do business administration like Aemond to take care of the family business, but I also see him doing architecture. (If you have another option please enlighten me).
He would be a frat boy, BUT, with BIG caveats. He would be the boys' dad, guiding them not to drink too much, use illicit drugs and not take girls to his room (the latter mainly).
He's all sweet, kind, and protective with girls, unlike most frat boys.
He loves parties but tends to stay sober at most of them (sometimes he allows himself to get so fucking crazy and he turns cute and red when he's drunk).
He would smoke marijuana a few times and would definitely be a smiling high. Afterwards he would feel a little guilty.
You would also meet him at some party and be suspicious of him. Respectful, sweet and handsome? Just one low blow to get into your pants.
However, he's kind of hard to resist and by the end of the night he has your number and Instagram. Maybe even an excited kiss.
He's such a great kisser, it's so fucking unfair.
He would take you to a candy store or anywhere you want to go. Totally a good boy who treats you like a queen.
He would try to hide you from Aegon's clutches at family meetings.
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stephpotterart · 2 months
I had a thought about Nandor and the perceived himbo dumbass nature of him, and now I'm thinking and I have to write it out.. It's kind of stream-of-consciousness, so please bear with me 😅
Yes, I love the occasional dumb-as-a-post nature of him, it makes him a big, less than scary (you know, to a point) teddy bat of a Vampire. But... it's also not accurate for his history?
Like, absolutely you can be highly educated and still dumb-as-a-post, but I don't think that's what's going on with Nandor.
Let's just... look at his overall behaviour for a moment. Nandor gets into periodic, strong, obsessions that come on like a wildfire, then burn out. We can see the evidence of this with his sudden desire to join Jan's cult with extremely little evidence and knowledge of what he's getting himself into. Yes, the brainwashing came once he was there, but it was mild, fairly transparent, manipulation that got him thinking about it. He latched onto it and pinned his entire persona and future upon the cult at the drop of a pin. There's also the same behaviours circling with his relationship with Gail. When he is with Gail, she is everything, and nothing else matters much - not how his friends feel, not how much Gail has continually hurt him in the past, his focus is purely on her and almost worshipping her.
There's nothing necessarily wrong with this behaviour, other than the fact that it has continually caused Nandor to break his own heart.
I'd argue that these examples, and other behaviours shown by him throughout the current five seasons, point to a prevalence for hyperfixations, and undiagnosed neurodivergence of some form. Which form that neurodivergence takes, well that's up to interpretation. Which, means that once a hyperfixation ends or is ended for him, that interest just dies off. It can come back, but it's not the all-consuming interest that it had been.
So with this in mind, lets look at his human history, with the neurodivergence in mind, for context about his intelligence and his education.
Nandor was born in the 13th century, in an Islamic nation, and likely to a family of renown or nobility. If he was not, then he himself earned that ranking, renown, and nobility for his family. But, lets just say that he was already born into a family of some privilege.
Whether it's through his family's ranking, or his show of military prowess, Nandor ends up ruling his country... at the age of seventeen. This is not placement for a man of little-to-no education. Whether it was from a very young age, or not, Nandor would have been surrounded by tutors from the reaches of both his Kingdom and the rest of the world, in order to best prepare him for what his life would be. Whether it was from a tender age, or once he was already designated as future Supreme Viceroy, Nandor would have been in classes whenever he was not training on the field of battle.
Nandor would have been educated in multiple languages, beyond his own native Farsi. He would have been taught Latin, and Greek for certain. He would have been educated and well read in the Classics, in order to learn statecraft and political strategizing. He would have been incredibly well-read (I would argue that much of the library in the Vampire Residence, other than the outright pornography which is likely thanks to Laszlo, is Nandor's centuries long collection), and able to analyze those works in order to show comprehension of what does and does not work as a ruler. And he must have been successful, as he clearly ruled from the age of 17 until at least his turning at the age of 41. Even without years as a Vampiric Viceroy (debatable if he was ruling as a Vampire, or if he joined the Ottoman forces once he was Vampire and had been exiled from his homeland), that's 24 successful years on his throne.
Back to the languages for a moment; even though the show canonically ignores that Nandor was born during the Mongol rule of Persia, he would have likely been taught Mongolian as well. Along with the exposure to Mongol culture, and the opening of Mongolian empire, comes tutors from further lands. Nandor would have likely been taught Medieval French, Italian, and it's not out of the question to suppose that he was also taught Middle English. It is the knowledge of Middle English which may explain his troubles with modern English. Not because much of Middle English was retained by Modern English, but... imagine you already learned a language, and now you're expected to learn it again just because the people decided in the late 1400s that they were changing the way they speak in that place. That would personally make me give up on learning it perfectly, which I rather suspect Nandor, who would be highly capable of multiple languages at that point, did as well. He can speak just fine, he just didn't care to put the level of effort into the acquisition of those skills the same way as he had previously. If he drops words here and there, it doesn't matter - you can still understand him just fine, and well, that's how it works in all these other languages!
Nandor would have been educated in more than just languages and the Classics. He would have been taught world history (as it was known at that point), he would have been taught arithmetic, astronomy, and other 'sciences' as they existed at that time.
There is no reason that Nandor's education would have slipped through the cracks. it simply would not have been allowed, especially not for the Supreme Viceroy.
So, Nandor is a highly educated man, who happens to be neurodivergent as all get out. He must have had his interests. His hyperfixations. Hell, it's right in his epithet: The Relentless.
Let's pause for a moment and look to Laszlo Cravensworth as our main point of comparison with knowledge of 'the sciences'.
Laszlo is from the 17th century at earliest, and 18th century most likely. He was a noble of some standing, hence why it was unthinkable that he marry a "common, peasant, girl with no family name". He, too, would have been highly educated to the standards of his time. All of that said, it's rather clear that Laszlo's general knowledge of the sciences does not exceed passed the mid-19th century (arguments can be made that it peters out around the 1930s if we factor in psychology and include the advancement of cinema from the 1890s on).
This means that Laszlo didn't keep up with the advancements in the sciences after a certain point, right around the time it was advancing faster and faster, and the ability to keep up became more and more difficult, given the inability to attend classes during daylight hours, etc. Let's also not forget that Laszlo dabbles in the sciences, viewing his knowledge as more of a novelty than anything necessary. He absolutely knows how to use his knowledge, but it's all good fun!
Nandor wouldn't have had the luxury to view his education as a novelty or as fun. It was essential to his title, his rank, and his continued rule.
Leap of faith here, but I'm going to assume that for a good deal of time, Nandor continued to view his education in this way. Especially with an eternity in front of him, he'd have to keep up with the times and keep learning, as best to blend in, and as best to rule should he ever rise up and crush the world under his boot once more.
I suspect that he only started to loose interest in keeping up sometime around the mid-18th century. Perhaps even as Laszlo was coming onto the scene. Not because of Laszlo, but because he was already settled more into his existence. He didn't really expect to rule again, even if he still boasts and brags, it doesn't appear to be in Nandor's nature now to even want that level of responsibility, not really, if he ever did. He likely had it thrust upon him and was just expected to continue.
If he simply burned out, it would be completely understandable that he'd no longer keep up-to-date with how knowledge changes and things advance. But, maybe something happened that made him want to abandon all that work and effort to keep his education as finely tuned as it had been?
It was mentioned that a joke was cut from Season 1 that Nandor had been in a threesome/throuple with both George Washington and Benjamin Franklin. We're not positive of the years, but we can assume it was at least during the Revolution, and a bit after (he does canonically mention Washington as America's First Gay President).
But, lets go out on a limb and assume he was with them, or at least Benjamin Franklin, earlier than that. Maybe he was around during Franklin's experiments with electricity.
Maybe Nandor was present for Benjamin's kite experiment in 1752.
Nandor, at this point, would have had at least 470 years of knowledge regarding the natural world, history, languages, sciences, and religion. Introduce the power of electricity and the behaviour of lightning, and now he has dots connecting in his mind, he has context for some of the things he did not understand when he was learning originally. His interest is piqued, his mind engaged, and now he's finding another hyperfixation.
And he has questions.
Perhaps Nandor starts asking multitudes of questions, excited by eletricity, electrical fire, and all the historical and religious (as much as he can voice without saying certain words that make his tongue burn just as painfully as 'sky fire') implications of this discovery.
He askes so many questions, and no one can answer them because the research doesn't exist yet. His excitement and curiosity, without the ability to learn why annoys him and makes his obsession a flaw to those around him. They think him obtuse - he can't think of anything else, and when he's frustrated he breaks things. He doesn't mean to, but between his Vampiric strength, large hands, and a temper... sometimes small instruments break. Eventually this becomes detrimental, and not as sweet or naive as his interests were once viewed. Benjamin starts to see Nandor as the volatile Warlord from history, and not as the innocent and curious man he had met originally. He starts to see his curiosities as burdensome and annoying.
Without meaning to, Nandor's curiosity and hyperfixation has caused everyone around him to withdraw, as they look at him with derision.
Annoyed, the people around him start to tell him to find something new to pass his time with. Viewing him now as more volatile and violent than they had, they start making comments about him being better at fighting and warfare than with books. He's obviously the Brawn and not the Brain.
It hurts Nandor. His interests are disregarded, his questions met with disdain. He's treated as a hapless child and not the well educated and knowledgeable man that he is.
He's seen as only the beast with too many questions for his own good, for his mind to contend with.
He's seen as uneducated, without ever thinking of his human history and how that is simply not possible. He's seen as better for the battlefield than for the classroom, no matter that he is now more at home in a library than he is with a sword in his hand.
He's accused of simply having "random, fleeting, interests", that won't last long enough for him to actually learn anything that he'll retain. It's easier to insult him than admit his questions were worth asking, but that they have no answers for him. It's easier to turn him away than admit to him that they too don't know. Easier to blame him for a crime he hasn't even committed, than ask if he'd like to help or lend a thought given his years of experience.
So, relegated to the only the soldier and not the diplomat, or the scholar, Nandor stops asking questions. He stops allowing himself his interests and his hyperfixations, at least when it comes to furthering his education, so that does not upset those around him.
He stops furthering his education, beyond what he manages to glean and absorb from his daily life as an immortal being. He makes himself smaller because he's been told he's not smart enough to be asking those sort of questions. He's been told he's too much, even in that aspect of his life, as he's been told time and time again by the people around him that don't view him as anything other than a luxury to be used and abused, and ultimately abandoned when he no longer serves their purposes.
Even if Nandor abandoned all further learning, beyond what he acquires organically and accidentally, in approximately 1760, that's still a scholarly history of nearly 500 years.
Nandor is not stupid. He's not dumb. His reference materially is simply out of date, or in out of date languages. He hasn't been given a reason to want to continue his education after 500 years of learning.
I bet if you asked him any medieval knowledge question about, say, botany… he'd have an answer that is accurate. It might take him a few minutes because 762 years of knowledge and memories in that neurodivergent filing cabinet of a mind (that's how i refer to my own brain), but he has the answer.
Nandor is not stupid, or uneducated. He's not simply the Brawn without the Brain. He's just out-of-date, and neurodivergent. He might be dumb-as-a-post when it comes to social cues and modern slang, but it has nothing to do with his intelligence or his extensive education. He just needs someone to listen and care enough to nurture his curiosities, rather than dismiss them.
He just needs the right questions to be asked, he has the answers.
Just... don't give him very valuable and breakable instruments if you're not able or willing to replace them when he accidentally damages them.
Sorry for that wholeass essay, I just... I have feels for Nandor's depiction.
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davidsdussy · 2 years
Can you do headcanons NSFW and SFW for dating Dwayne and Paul?
Oooo my first ask! I'll love to give you such satisfaction, I hope you like it!
❈•≫────≪•◦ Warning ◦•≫────≪•❈
SMUT! minors dni- Sexual themes, language.
❈•≫────≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫────≪•❈
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•°•❥Oh you're feeling frisky huh? Idk how you got these two beautiful himbos to gracefully kiss your inner thighs but this is a good ass dynamic!
•°•❥ Surprisingly Dwayne was the one who got to meet you first. You just so happened to be minding your business when a man was trying to flirt with you, but you kept telling the guy to fuck off. Dwayne was attracted to your boldness of kicking the man in the nuts after her tried go grab for you
•°•❥paul was there too, but he only showed up during the nut kicking and was confused but laughing his ass off. Paul thought you were a bit spicy
•°•❥ But Paul was definitely the first one to give Dwayne the idea. He even bothered him for weeks until he finally agreed. Don't get Dwayne wrong, he thinks you're attractive... But they're vampires! What if you scream and run? He's gonna have to kill you and he don't want that.
•°•❥once they found you on the boardwalk again they told David they were gonna walk around a while, which David doesn't care go ahead have fun.
•°•❥Paul was the first to speak to you, giving you compliments about your style. Well that's the first! Most guys just ask to fuck but that wasn't his case at all. You could tell, soon he eased you into meeting Dwayne too! You liked him, he was quiet and even gave you small compliments too.
•°•❥After weeks of hanging out, causing trouble, bullying surf Nazis and beating up jar heads that try to flirt with you, they finally asked you out. They took you to the beach where you three can have privacy, and talk.
•°•❥Who are you to deny such handsome men! You only live once might as well see how it goes. Buuuuut they did eventually tell you what they were and even introduced you to the crew
•°•❥David thought you were fun to hang out so he didn't mind you sticking around the cave as long as he knows you aren't trying to betray them but they all know you wouldn't do something that stupid!
•°•❥Cuddles with these two is the best! Paul always has his hands on your hips, kissing at your neck, he's so damn needy! All while Dwayne watches you two or just hugs your waist from behind, trapping you between their bodies.
•°•❥They always share you, Unlike DAVID! Dwayne isn't that kind of possessive. He enjoys watching you and Paul cuddle each other while he monitors the surrounding area. He knows you'll come to him when you want to
•°•❥Paul also doesn't mind sharing, especially since he's always invading you and Dwayne alone time, he can't help it! But you both don't mind Paul. After all how can you say no to his puppy eyes?(me)
━━━━━━━━『 ♡✓NSFW✓』━━━━━━━━
•°•❥ooooo what you tryna doooo? Being stuck between these two in bed is wild and so sensual at the same time. Dwayne kissing at you neck and having you between his legs as he opens you up for Paul. And oh booooy Paul is munching in between your thighs like some starving man
•°•❥Dwayne enjoys watching you and Paul get each other off before ruining you both. You and Paul should hold hands as he's taking back shots (pfft why am I like this just foul )
•°•❥I like to think Dwayne is sensual and rough with you in bed, a gentle kind of rough. Slowly pushing his cock in and out of you, pinning your hands above your head as his free hand caresses your beautiful body
•°•❥Paul is in between. He'll give you what you want, just ask! Paul likes watching you sit pretty in his lap as he pounds upwards into you, spreading your ass and smacking it with a hard squeeze.
•°•❥Or....if you want.....they can split roast you to glory! Its okay to die this way, its worth it! Especially when Paul is eating you out from the back and you're sucking on Dwayne's cock.
•°•❥100/10 will cum again
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butmakeitgayblog · 4 months
I don't know if you'll answer this because I don't see a lot of questions about it but I was reading (again) you Vamp!AU.
It made me laugh a little because in the first chapter, when they killed the half-himbo, Clarke mentally rolls her eyes because Lexa is possessive because Clarke was the bait.
So are you tellin' me that Clarke would not be possessive when Lexa is the bait? And I have another question: is Lexa as flirty as Clarke when she is the bait? Because I can't really see her being flirty but again, they are vampires, they are flirty by nature...
Thanks in advance if you'll answer this! I really love your stories! 😊
Thank you 🥹 and yeah you can ask about any au at any time! It's never off the table 💕
Oh Clarke would possessive. Worse in some ways, actually. Because Lexa's always been in love with her since there were children (the whole, um, apple throwing incident not withstanding👀), and yet still she has the audacity to act as though she has something to worry about. Lexa spent months all those centuries ago watching Clarke being paraded around with various suitors, having to work and serve and listen while the lady of the house went on and on about what a wonderful wife Clarke would make for her husband. What a good mother. How they'll find her the most dashing beau in society. I mean Clarke was engaged for God's sake 😑and Lexa had to deal with the emotional punches through all of that, all while still being unerringly faithful and loyal to their love.
But Goooood forbiiiiid someone who Lexa quite literally intends to murder within a half an hour's time maaaybe vaguely touches too low on her waist once they're on the dancefloor 🙄
Like,,, perspective, Clarke. Get a grip. Honestly.
That aside, I wouldn't say Lexa is flirty per se. Certainly not in the same way Clarke is when she is on the hunt (cue Clarke in a fanged-out fit of jealousy, "fiNE I'm hypocrite, but Lexa? She touched your ass and you barely stopped her and you're nOT going to make me calm down about this 😡). Lexa's more of that aloof kind of predator. She let's the prey come to her. She lets her natural draw pull people in - that moody, dark eyed aura she has about her whenever the thirst is in control. But also the annoying thing about that is they both tend to prefer feeding on people who are... less than stellar, if you will. That nagging bit of humanity trapped inside among their demons always colors their game, fighting between the sweetness that comes from the innocent and wanting a victim whose absence would actually be a gift to society, so sometimes it takes a minute for her to decide on someone. Which inevitably just annoys Clarke all the more for a myriad of reasons. It's... it's a whole headache when Lexa is the bait 🤧
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tacetnix · 1 month
Tagger: @hexenjagd // Oh you~ Name: TK! Pronouns: He/They Most Active Muses? -- Mary, both here and in FFXIV -- "URIEL", an OC that I can best describe as 'What if John Carpenter's The Thing was a psychic emotional vampire and was trying to figure out human coexistence on a whim. -- Tsengel Malaguld, my FFXIV main who is a big loving himbo as a facade for a calculating lizardman terminator.
RP PET PEEVES: Oh you aren't ready for this list. Where to begin?
God-Modding is the old adage. When someone can't let anyone give them consequences for their actions. Whether it's saying heinous stuff, assaulting other RPers and then refusing to acknowledge attempts to settle the score, etc. etc. People who refuse to take what they dish out. Most recently this was someone who "avoided all the guards trying to tie her down because she assaulted a man in public because she's really flexible". If it comes down to two people not knowing how to solve a scuffle, please roll. That's wat luck and the dice are for.
People who refuse to engage in what's going on group-wise and then complain that there's nothing to do. This is very particularly targeted to some people outside of the RPC here but I wanted to throttle you. 'I'm not engaged in [Group Activity]', well I apologize but 20 other people were. You are not giving me critique or constructive criticism by saying 'I'm bored.'
Oh, my god, people who just enter a chat to say 'I'm bored.' as though they're expecting people to spoon-feed them with interaction.
Loops back to the god-modding point but "I'm too powerful for you, so I'm gonna no-sell anything you do to express the difference in our power levels." like, dude, get hit, at least give the person you're fighting the pleasure of seeing their blow push you in the dirt a bit. Have a reaction rather than "haha no *punches back with anime*". >// Multiversal RP is fun until the Anime character wants to fight.
"I am strictly into [x] so if you're anything other than something I wanna fuck then I'm going to be extremely hostile to you and casually and vocally espouse how much everything other than [x] is awful and will cite it often as a reason why I refuse to engage in any RP in this public area.' >// Unfortunately, this has happened multiple times, much to the detriment of peoples' safety and comfort in public spaces I've been in. Moderators have refused to step in, and the behavior has been allowed. ://///
"My Character is Vocally Racist." You suck. You chose to pretend like that's a character trait. You're choosing to make every minority who's experienced that shit IRL to see it again in the middle of their feel-good hobby. 'It's realistic' and you're the one choosing to bring that realism into a space for people to enjoy. Costs you zero cents not to make your characters straight up bigots.
That's all I got for now, but I could keep going, I'm sure. Sorry to just splurge all over main; I've had some baaaaad RP drama go down in the last few months in other mediums/RPCs.
LEVEL OF RP EXPERIENCE: Hah. Haha. Been RPing for 16 years about now. Started back in SPORE while coming up with little stories for my creations, and RPing out diplomatic relations with other people, to going to the JoeyRay's Bar forums for StarCraft 2 where I actually picked up proper narrative RP. Then I went to DeviantArt, RP'd in the chatrooms and learned sauciness (way too young, but oh well), and then was brought over to Tumblr by my ex who showed me @axemurderercreighton back in the day. And I've stuck here, through UNDERTALE, through Skype, through Discord, through playing FFXIV. Always back to here as a casual place to RP.
FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT? Angst is the most reliable, but I know I write good smut and it lets me play out fantasies. Fluff is fun, but in moderation. Too much of it and you grow stagnant. Angst brings with it conflict, and conflict drives stories onwards. Smut is the victory lap, and if that also helps serve conflict, then fuck yeah, two-for-one!
PLOTS OR MEMES? Give me a skeleton of a plot an we'll fill in everything in between. I prefer spontaneity to a firm constellation of everything that will happen for years down the line. Improv is the spice of life. Memes facilitate the funniest stuff that's happened in RP, but you wouldn't get there without plotting and having relationships with others. So... cop-out answer, but both.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES? I err on the long side. But at the barest minimum... - Respond to what your partner has given you to work with (usually matches their length pretty well). - Offer insight into my characrer's thoughts or feelings or give them a general action to help immerse in the setting/scene. - Give my partners something to reply/respond to.
However long that all takes is how long my replies will tend to be.
TIME TO WRITE? Whenever I can. When I'm at work I'll steal Discord replies, when I'm waiting for bad lights I'll type and respond. When I'm in the bathroom -- you get the idea. Discord is my preferred method because I can respond without having to have icons or formatting or what have you. It's easier to just throw random ideas like darts on a board, and I get more clear notifications when someone's responded to me.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE? For better or for worse, I put a lot of my anxious thoughts and my paranoia into Mary. I put a lot of how she overthinks based on my own ideations, and in a way... all of that is merged with a lot of how my wife acts. Almost any time I write Mary and you feel the love that I put into her actions, it's because I'm basing that on things I've seen and experienced intimately. She always had this role in my mind of 'cold woman who is accidentally adorable' but -- it took seeing someone who I found absolutely adorable to find the life-inspiration and information to properly convey that and bring it to life in a way that was natural and earnest.
.........God that was so much I'm so sorry for splurging. Tagging: @yellowfingcr @urbanumviolentium @bidotheuncanny @theblackwarden @tinyredrose (to surprise some of you whenever you get back, ehehe)
Thanks again to Cat for @ing me. It's been fun!
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nalyra-dreaming · 2 months
I look forward to seeing Cyril and Thorne so much. I love their dynamic and commitment to the job. I remember someone said they want to see the two dorks as a couple and I can get behind that! Also I personally see Cyril and Santh being a thing too (or the three of them 💕). I also hope to see Louis having his dear friends/defense squad. “he asked for no pickles” and you look up and it’s a redhead viking bear, a buff blond jock, and an Egyptian powerhouse.
I thank fanon for adding to the existing personalities of the three. Cyril being a goofball but taking his assignment seriously. Santh being a himbo. Thorne being a gentle giant who towers over everyone and isn’t the most brilliant dude ever but still a force to be reckoned with if you hurt his friends…
I love them, obviously. Heh. Not gonna lie, I’m probably going to get a little self-indulgent here, but these guys are precious to me.
In the case of Santh, @fofoqueirah wrote a fic where there’s a background event of Louis and Santh going to the Burning Man Festival together and I just 🥺 Louis needs that.
Thorne, I hope for him to be portrayed as strange but amicable, just as he is in the books. His as-matter-of-fact attitude makes me laugh. Marius’ tendency to greet with bloody kisses? Sure? Maharet has had enough and decides to chain up Thorne? Cool. I honestly imagine Lestat fussing over Thorne every time Thorne gets hurt trying to protect him or stop Lestat from accidentally starting another turf war lol 💕💕
Cyril. Cyril! Louis’ bodyguard and “friend” (historians will say as such, ahem 👀). I hope they get to read together and get into trouble together. I hope the show builds on their bond. It will hurt soooo bad when Louis gets taken by Rhosh. It’s never mentioned in Blood Communion, and I am certain Cyril was DEVASTATED. Because he’s supposed to be protecting the royal couple and one of them just got nabbed.
And I didn’t forget about Mitka! He’s so cute and awkward. He can read with Louis and Cyril. I hope there’s a sexy little blood-sharing scene where Lestat watches them make out or whatever. 😏
What I don’t understand is how Anne Rice added like, 60 new OCs in the last three books only to do very little with most of them. Accidental minor villain potential of Gregory comes to mind, as well as expanding on the vampire counsel and the inevitable infighting
Haha yes. :))
I mean Anne noted at some point that she was planning on three more books, but... she couldn't finish them.
So I also always felt like there were hooks in the last books, hooks that she might have taken up in those planned books. (I do feel as if the show has taken some of those hooks up, like Fareed wanting to get the "day" back for them, and the sex itself, and so on?! You know?) But I agree, it's a lot of new characters in the last trilogy, and not all of them are as fleshed out as they deserve to be.
I also hope that we will get to see this particular trio, and what the Rhosh-situation does to them... I'm not a 100% sure we will (on the show), because it really is a lot of new vampires, but... I mean, Fareed is there^^. Gimme, Rolin^^.
And oh gosh, I have to read that!! Because yes, Louis needs these kind of things *g*
Ahhhh, I cannot wait.
There is SO MUCH yet to come.
And AMC actually seems to be in for the long run.
Fingers crossed^^
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juicypassionfruit · 2 years
Watching Twilight
Summary: how the Jackass and CKY guys react to watching twilight
A/N: idk if anyones done this already but its raining and I got some inspo
Warnings: Twilight spoilers
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Johnny Knoxville: Doesn’t mind it and watches it with you. I don’t think he’s invested in it and thinks its a little dumb but he loves watching anything with you
“Can we watch Twilight?”
“Alright sweetheart, we can watch it tonight”
Ryan Dunn: Doesn’t like it. Makes fun of it. You have to literally drag him to watch it with you but once its on hes asking questions and trying to get it.
“So, he adopted all of them and now they’re dating? C’mon tell me that isn’t weird”
“Just watch it!”
Steve-o: You have to beg him to watch it. Confused the entire time. Doesn’t understand whats going on. Tries to get it and asks a million questions. Uses it as inspo for a stunt. Wants to jump from tree to tree.
“Babe would you date me if I was a vampire”
“Yes Steve”
Bam Margera: SWEARS HE HATES IT but secretly loves it and is completely invested in it. You guys watch the whole series. Wants to be Edward so bad. Definitely wants to dress up as them for halloween. Has deep conversations about it with you.
“Y/n c’mon! We have to be them!”
“Oh my god”
Chris Pontius: Giggles while watching it. Absolutely makes fun of it but wants to watch them all. He definitely teases you for liking it in the first place.
“This is so dumb” cue his himbo laugh
“Shut up you like it”
Dave England: Complains throughout the whole movie. Doesn’t like it. He gave it a slight chance and decided he’d never watch them again unless he absolutely had to.
“Not again!”
“Oh cmon! You chose last nights movie”
Ehren Danger: Defends it whenever someone makes fun of it and him for watching it. Actually enjoys it and appreciates the time with you. Doesn’t want to watch it unless its rainy or the moods right.
“Twilight tonight?”
Wee-man: Likes it and likes when you suggest watching any of them. Doesn’t care what anyone has to say about it. Gets so into it.
“This is the best part!”
Preston Lacy: watches it with you for you. Doesn’t really like it but can sit down for two hours and watch it.
“Theres more Twilights?”
“Theres five!”
Dico: After watching it he definitely does a skit dressed as a vampire. He tolerates the movies and like cuddling and watching them together but he wouldn’t choose to watch them.
“Here put this on”
“A vampire cape and fake fangs?” - you
Raab Himself: Watches it with you and enjoys it. Is excited to watch it and has been trying to watch it with someone. Bam definitely catches you guys watching it and will not let it go. He loves having a movie night as it is but he’s more enthusiastic with Twilight. I can absolutely see him gasping watching breaking dawn part 2 when Charlise dies.
Rake: Refuses to watch it. Hates romance movies as it is but Twilight is number one on his list. For you he gives it a shot but cant get over the cheesiness of it. Stays in the same room as you while you watch it but does other things.
“Don’t tell me you’re crying over this!”
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vampireseftover · 2 months
I had a weird dream tonight. Like there was a movie about Astarion. Not about his canonical story, something different. I don't remember everything, but i do remember that he was played by Neil, obviously, and BW (certain someone who we have to "thank" for "I want you. I want your body" line) worked on the script.
There were 3 main points in the plot:
1) him being himself, with all emotional baggage that he has, his snarls, seductivness, sassyness, puppy-dog-eyes: all different parts of his personality, everything you would expect from 3-dimensional character;
2) his fall into the metaphorical "hell", some place on another plane he falls into for some time;
3) his comeback.
He wasn't the main character of this movie. MC was a woman, some kind of a royalty, the crown princess. And she was a narrator as well. I remember the ending of that movie most clearly. Royal bedroom, late Baroque, Astarion's sitting on the bed, holding a 3yo-ish boy on his lap, playing with him and smiling, dressed up for some fancy event. In front of them - Main Character, also dressed up, heavilly pregnant, stroking her belly. And while camera moves around the room, narrator's voice says: "He became a good friend, caring father and excellent lover". And then: "He came back, but not entirely" or "He didn't actually came back". Camera moves on main character, smiling wholeheratedly, happy with her consort-husband.
I woke up and started to think what this dream could mean to me personally, as for loyal AA-enjoyer.
First point of the plot - Astarion's being himself. I love him a lot, more than anyone should love fictional character, many can relate, i believe. I love all of his sides. Snark comments, jokes, sassyness, seductivness, his pain, sorrows, greed for power, fears, everythig that makes him... well, him. There's much more I love about him, there's no point in writing it all down, i know why i fell for him, that's enough. For me this part of my dream kind of represents Act 1, maybe something from EA, haven't played it yet, but've seen a lot from it.
Second part - his fall - feels like a time, when BW put it's hands on his story, and more. It's about changes made on characterisation, reducing him to a plain "victim of abuse" and nothing much more. Simplifications. The way they made all of the characters "more likable". Washing away complicity for making the story easier to consume. Less questinable choices, more "progressive" and "on point", cheking boxes for representation etc. Sacrificing the quality of writing for commercial success.
Third part, i think, represents my personal trauma with not bg3's fandom, not Astarion's fandom, but Spawnstarion's fandom. For me it's like... He came back from "Hell", but left all of his "bad" traits there. All that left from him - pretty face and some funny jokes. He's likable, kind of good, obidient "consort-husband" for his queen-wife. He makes babies and happyly takes care of them, he doesn't bother anyone, like kind of a himbo? Something SHE can mold into anything SHE wants. I'm sure in that dream he was "cured" from his vampirism as well. And Main Character was so happy about everything. Like, she literally said "He didn't really came back, some part of him left there, in Hell, it's not him whole, only likable parts". And she was like "And that's good". She didn't care that he's lost parts of himseld. She was happy with her own personal domesticated Astarion. He didn't have any power or ambitions of his own, he was just some pretty prize for her, obidiend puppy eating from her hands.
Well, that's a lot to think about.
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modernbaseball · 2 years
... i want you to drop your numbered list of s4 problems <3
omg anon i love you. sorry if this gets long except no im not you asked for MY list so you shall receive MY long ass list!!!
obligatory if you don't want to hear criticism then don't go further. it is not my problem if this enrages u. but if u disagree/agree/have other opinions let me know im totally fine with some respectful back-and-forth about this season. despite what i make it sound like i don't HATE it and im open to other opinions
i do not talk about the marwa problem because. yeah. there's one more episode i guess. so what i'm saying is come back next wednesday to hear me talk about the marwa problem
character traits and flaws are being played up in excess
remember how DUMB nandor is? remember how BAD he is at understanding others? he is never going to understand a single thing said to him or when someone is upset or when he has made a mistake despite having established deep relationships with these characters. and also he's going to have the same story arc as last season but with a LOT less respect for women!!! (so much for himbo)
nadja is #GIRLBOSS (a lot of people might go "well maybe i like her like this!!!!" ok fine sorry that i like my female characters to be more than a plot device. she had to want a night club so they could do night club stuff. so empowering. she's had some good moments this season but half the time its YAS GIRLBOSS!!! ok just recognizing that this is a stupid "feminist" trope doesn't make it anything more than that)
laszlo is BISEXUAL DAD (honestly don't have a lot of issues here. good for him. just wish they would chill out with the Quippy One Liners. they're funny because they exist within the narrative)
guillermo is SOMEHOW STILL BEING MISTREATED (despite having 2 seasons dedicated to this particular issue. can we move on)
2. disregard of detail
ok it's stupid but it really DOES bother me that the intro has adult colin pictures when the intro was adjusted to fit details like colin's death in the past. if the vampires in-universe see baby colin as being his own person, why do we see him lumped into the same images as adult colin?
other little things that bug me
the vampires are suddenly well liked and have friends in the community (nadja's club opening and nandor's wedding)
the baron being seen as someone of prestige when the whole thing was that he is a vampire nobody
ignoring the big obvious fact that there WAS a vampire nightclub
where is all this blood coming from
hypnosis was previously only used as an occasional plot device and we got a whole episode about why that is (brain scramblies) and now it is in EVERY. SINGLE. EPISODE. it is TIRING. it is CHEAP. it is NOT. INTERESTING.
the nightmarket just existed this whole time?
all the wishing stuff. if nandor was willing to take guillermo's advice for one wish, why not others?
3. bigger isn't better/nothing matters
so in the past, wwdits was built upon a pretty simple concept: What if vampires existed in modern day, but they were pathetic and lame and boring?
oh an epic and powerful baron is meeting with them? no he's actually lame and also guillermo kills him on accident. a trial with the vampiric council?? nah it's in some basement and the vampires get away because colin brought an umbrella. vampire killers??? lame inexperienced group of young adults who end up not killing a single vampire.
things had weight and importance. the show worked as a dark silly mocumentary because it felt grounded in the simple docu-type shit, like "how would modern vampires find more virgins to eat?" "how does guillermo get rid of bodies?" now it's like, yeah we have blood on tap pretty much. whatever.
4. the fucking time jump
why spend an entire season setting up an epic three part finale which then sets up an insane cliffhanger to fucking throw it away within the first episode? tension created for nothing. elaborate story set up for nothing. character's individual motivations and obstacles set up for nothing. no pay off. makes season 3 feel significantly less good because what was it even for anyways
5. character motivation
character motivation is not shown or understood over time: it is not stated ("i want a vampire nightclub!") and assumed we believe it
vampire night club. just.........................this has never, EVER made sense for nadja's character. especially now. there was 0 set up to indicate she would ever want a thing like this. is this trying to be more female-empowering? ppl might call it "satire" or "subverting tropes" but it isnt enough to just preform a trope and state in-universe that you know it is a trope (saying she is a girlboss)
nandor wants to find love still i guess. this feels sort of like they realized nandor was left without something to do after scrapping his journey home story so they were like ok i guess he's just doing the same thing he did last season. i thought his new motivation was to find himself but i guess they just didn't feel like doing that anymore so
6. the nandermo problem
ok. this isn't so much a criticism like the other ones as it is...idk. my Feelings or something.
if this is NOT leading to nandermo: ok i guess. not the end of the world. sucks that they baited this particular couple (not QUEERBAITED, yes, i am aware) and continued to run the "WHO IS NANDOR'S LOVE INTEREST!" plotline into the ground for nothing but ok. i would have been fine with a brief romance and a horrible break up FYI. they are just funny when they are obsessed with each other. sue me
if this IS leading to nandermo: would it fucking kill you to act like it. what's the point in them getting together if they avoid the two of them being together or having any normal romantic/sexual subtext like the plague except for one-off lines and D-plots. either commit or don't
7. actually fuck you im adding this one to the list
ohhh we are so diverse ohhhh we are so inclusive look at all the same sex casual sexual relationships and romances. NAME A WOMAN. NAME A WOMAN. yes we've gotten f/f breadcrumbs but can nadja just fuck a woman or something. can we just have some same sex women in here. so much classic lesbian media is vampire related it would not be that hard. it would not fucking kill you. come on.
charmaine is there. the guide is there. marwa is there. better yet get some more female characters in general. better YET. i want my jenna back
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krsonmar · 2 years
You're all driving me wiggedy-wack thinking The Slap was the big clue in the Sire episode. You're so close--sooo close!--it's right next to it in that scene!! "Nandor's testing Guillermo hurr durr and his facial expression is him figuring out the hypnosis didn't work huuuurrrmpamcakes"…Nandor might once have been a military strategist, maybe…700 years ago, if his "strategy" wasn't just brute force (his epithet isn't Nandor the Subtle Manipulator, guys)…but these days our adorable himbo is a little more reminiscent of a menopausal church lady who just dropped the casserole she's been slaving over for a week right outside the Bible study group meeting room's doorway than a paragon of stoicism or gravitas, and when he can get up the motivation to rub two neurons together hard enough that they put a dent in his depression inertia, he comes up with stuff like the Doug Peterson hypnosis attempt. He's a dear and I love him to little bitsy pieces, but Ender Wiggin he is not, if he ever was.
The moment there that you need to notice is not Nandor's reaction to The Slap…it's Colin's. Yes, he's feeding off the drama, but in the moment of the attempt to entice The Sire with our favorite thirst-trap vampire-slayer's slick booty-shaking moves, Colin encourages him, "Yeah, Guillermo, shake your money-maker!"
So? What's that got to do with anything?
That, my friends, is a test coming back conclusive. That is a Chekov's gun being fired.
When the vampires think they're hypnotizing Guillermo not to hurt them, right before they finish the spell and break off the connection…Colin adds in that whenever he says Guillermo's name, Guillermo has to meow like a cat. He tests it as soon as Guillermo "wakes up"…and Guillermo plays along and meows to keep the illusion against them all going.
Gun on the mantlepiece.
When The Slap happens, the characters are all too shocked in that instant to put the pieces together…including Nandor, whose blood is not flowing into the head that's on his shoulders at the moment, if you catch my drift. But Colin has always been a little more "with it" than the bloodsuckers, and when he eggs Guillermo on later, he doesn't call him Gizmo…and Guillermo, busy with other things, forgets to meow.
Pow. The gun's been fired.
The interesting thing is that if Colin has indeed purposely tested the efficacy of the hypnosis here, he knows it didn't work…and he appears to keep it to himself. By the time Guillermo himself spills the beans to Nandor during the fight, Colin has conveniently been dead for an episode or so, seemingly taking the secret to his grave. Except, of course, that he doesn't have one, he reincarnates. And with that weird, middle-aged head on an infant's body, too! Which visually suggests some kind of continuity between Colin's lives; is he the same Colin, or a completely blank slate? Does some "essence" remain of his previous self? Or maybe…some memories? Will Colin 2.0 have any recollection that Guillermo is immune to vampiric hypnosis? If so, will he continue keeping that a secret? Why or why not? And if he did have this figured out prior to being rebooted in his meatspace form, why might he have chosen not to say anything? That could go either way: was he keeping that in his back pocket strategically, or out of goals that might not have been self-serving?
Never trust the accountant dude, guys…he keeps all the books and knows where everything does or doesn't add up!
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prpfs · 5 months
Note: all of these plots could be yandere esque or straight up stalker obsessed I’m into that!!! I’m also looking for timely responses as in don’t ghost me for a week I understand people get busy but please please don’t do that to me without notice!
Hi I’m looking for an rp based on a dating sim called A Date with Death I’m not looking for someone to play the character himself but if you’re inclined I won’t say no!!
If you don’t know what the game is here’s the short and sweet of it. It is about a grim reaper trying to take the soul of a human who has escaped death one too many times! That’s the main plot but if you’d like to follow the game more closely they mainly interact via a messaging app the Grim reaper made. He tries to kill the mc in various wacky ways and the mc always ends up unscathed!!!
I’m looking for and mxf pairing me playing the f I unfortunately don’t do double ups. This can be an ocxoc or canonxoc if you’d like to test your hand at playing the canon character but I do love me some ocxoc!
I have other plots which include
Himbo werewolf/Well rounded responsible vampire/ village baker girl(roles can be reversed for this!!)
Cynical vampire/Faye who accidentally wanders into his territory/ village healer who stumbles upon him looking for herbs(roles again can be reversed)
Alien race/ researcher stranded on their planet
Naga(or any magical creature)/ researcher sent to learn about their culture (would prefer to play the researcher)
Stalker popular dude or loner dude also an option(instead of a straight up loner I’m fine with some opposite aesthetics like a metalhead or rocker)/well known sweetheart
I’m also open to hearing any new plots based on the ones I’ve mentioned and maybe crafting our own!!
My kinks include (I’m a switch and I can give/receive for most )
Non con
Dub con
Size differences(prefer to be the smaller one but in cases like fem werewolf I’m fine with being the larger partner!!)
[prefer to receive the above]
[can give or receive anything below here]
Marking(scenting,biting, carving)
Minor knife play
Some blood play
like if you're interested and op will reach out
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goddesspharo · 1 year
fruit emojis asks: 🍒🍌🍈
fruit emoji asks! (I keep wondering how they chose which fruit corresponded to which question!)
🍒 What’s your favorite character dynamic to write? (Can be romantic or platonic, specific or general!)
Idiots in love who don't know it! More specifically, I love antagonistic relationships with an undercurrent of something more. A key example of this was Amy/Dan when Veep was good (so...not the last few seasons). I wish I could've written a line as good as "Amy, the gates of hell have opened and you are my plus one!" because that is ultimately the dynamic I strive for 90% of the time. The enemies to lovers trope is a classic for a reason! (The enemies to enemies who-are-boning to enemies-with-feelings to enemies-who-were-maybe-never-really-enemies trope is obviously the greatest sub-genre of said trope). Another key dynamic is awesome ladies and the himbos they feel begrudging affection towards! Sad sack dudes fighting injustice while being sad! (Basically, The X-Files?!??!?) I love it all! One dynamic that I love so much that I don't think I have enough perspective to write it is the dead girl haunting a narrative trope. (Jackie Taylor, you will always be my number one! Like Lilly Kane and Laura Palmer before you! The Solaris of it all!) I keep toying with the idea of it in different things but the legwork needed to translate what's in my head to something halfway decent feels like too much!
🍌 In your opinion, what’s the funniest joke/reference/pun you’ve made in a fic?
I probably conflate a lot of humor with banter because like...no one's telling knock knock jokes here so it's more like the dynamic of the thing is funny or it's not. That said, the end bit in that's what narcissists do cracks me up if for no other reason than because you could throw the line "It's called operant conditioning, dickhead" into Top Gun: Maverick without feeling out of place. (I also think that the Batman/Vampire references re: Robert Pattinson's Bruce Wayne are hilarious every time I write or read them but I'm dumb like that.)
🍈 Who’s your blorbo and what are some of your favorite headcanons/ideas about them that repeatedly show up in your fics? Free pass to rant about blorbo opinions.
When did we start calling them blorbos? That has to be a tumblr specific thing, right? Or I'm just An Old? Didn't they used to be referred to as Flavors of the Week/Month/Year/Embarrassingly-Extended-Period-of-Time? Apparently all I write anymore is TGM fic (let me stopppppppp) so I guess it would be Hangman? Although I almost never write in his perspective - stay tuned! maybe! this new thing might not see the light of day - so maybe it's Phoenix? I don't know, I think Hangman is a handsome idiot who deflects that he is a marshmallow encased in spectacular abs by being a jackass. And Phoenix has had to grind for every rung she has climbed and applies that well-earned weariness/caution to her relationships outside of the Navy so the only thing she can easily commit to is her lack of commitment.
I think it's almost MORE interesting to have a "blorbo" and have no canon for them. After all, fic is excuse to let your favorite characters be chameleons. If you frame something right, you can get away with a lot of differing ideas so I find that I am more flexible with "headcanons" for characters I love (re: backgrounds; not necessarily the fundamentals of what I think make the character who they are) and can't stop writing than I am for drive-by peripheral characters, to be honest. For instance, I decided while writing we're busy still saying please that Halo was a new age weirdo who was super into burning sage and healing crystals (cue Breaking Bad Hank's "it's not a rock, it's a mineral") and that tiny bit of characterization has popped up here and there ever since.
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3gremlins · 10 months
having astarion musings playing through the final release version of the game with seeing his background now (i don't remember it being in the EA but i could also have just missed it). might be vaguely spoilery so cut for that plus i'll tag it (i'm still only in act 1 tho, so if i guess anything correctly i was just lucky. also don't tell me if you know!)
so if you read the background description under his section in the inspiration menu, you'll notice he's got the charlatan background. This bg is all about deception and manipulation, like you'd generally pick it if your character was a con artist.
This *could* be just a lying for survival kind of background (or b/c you were kinda bored and lost and got into fooling people for fun/to protect yourself and your insecurities and aren't at your core, malicious- the moist von lipwig [discworld] type as it were, where you can be redirected in a less destructive path) but I was thinking it would be SO interesting if he really is lying about EVERYTHING.
like if it was just a lying for survival bg, you'd think he'd instead have a criminal or urchin bg, like your life was rough and you did what you had to, but the charlatan choice makes me think we're supposed to be clued into him not being at all what he says (like what if there is no vampire lord at all and he's setting you up/using you for some kind of con/manipulating your tav in such a way to benefit him later at his true villain reveal?? just interesting to frame what he tells you in light of his background/what he gets inspo from).
obviously it would hurt a bunch in the romance/friendship arcs, but i also would love to see something that wild play out (i feel like larian games are tricksy enough that they might but idk i could also be reading to much into it). but what if the creepy scar/writing on his back was actually put there by someone trying to stop him and if you help him translate it/get rid of it/etc, you're actually unleashing something terrible?
unfortunately my chars tend to be very ride or die so as long as a character's not actively hurting animals or children (and also himbo/thembos so they're not going to be that aware of deception), they'll probably stick it out and it'd go from "i can make him better" to "he has made me worse" XD
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
Response to an ask from Ophelia:
Ophelia! Hello! You're not bothering me at all I love talking about Twilight so much, you're right! Also your description of your reaction to my enthusiasm is really comforting, I don't think it's weird to see
I put my twilight character rankings in order with some explanation so to save dash space I'll put it under a cut :)
Okay so I'll rank them both objectively and subjectively and start with subjective of just my personal preferences and enjoyment of the characters:
Alice: She's my special little guy. Energetic and powerful and positive and so cunning I love it. 10/10 want to be her
Emmett: Himbo bear man. He's just having a good time! So endearing and sweet and protective and just a ray of buff sunshine
Edward: He's a miserable little worm and he fascinates me. Half of what he says is a lament on his own nature and I am enraptured with his despair.
Rosalie: She's got a presence and juxtaposition with everyone I appreciate. She's bold and knows what she likes and what she wants, unafraid to speak her mind. Also hot mechanic vampire lady
Bella: Solid middle ground. I've grown attached to her seeing the series through her, but I'm not overly moved by any of her defining traits. I can appreciate her importance to others but she doesn't outright speak to me
Renesmee: Sweet little demon child. I think I'd grow to like her a lot more if there was more page time for her. She's brand new so I haven't gotten to know her as her own person yet, which is the only reason she's kinda low. Otherwise yeah she's pretty cool :)
Carlisle: This man is so so kind and I love that for him. Everything you want on terms of self control and values from a man. Another situation where I can appreciate him but he's just not what catches my interest
Jasper: I think his ability is interesting and his struggle with resisting human blood adds a nice contrast to everyone else, he's just not my kind of character. Fun to see him but I don't miss him when he's gone
Esme: I'm sorry Esme. She just doesn't stand out to me. She's motherly and concerned about everyone, but otherwise her presence feels like it fades into the background. It doesn't catch my attention.
Alice and Emmett are so special to me I love them so much. Everything to do with them is a joy and I love every moment they're on page. Also Edwards just a pathetic guy and it delights me.
As for an objective ranking, there are many different criteria I could use, but I think I'm going to go with character complexity? How rounded and explored they are? Which I admit is also a little subjective but hey
Edward: Listen. With Midnight Sun we get fully into the absolute misery and despair that is his life along with backstory. There's so much there to look through I think he takes #1 by default. We see his thoughts so clearly, even if we don't think like he does
Rosalie: I wasn't sure where to put her but her whole talk with Bella about her backstory and why she thinks Bella shouldn't become a vampire really bumped her up. We know what she thinks of herself, what she wants more than anything, and what she cares about. She wants a family and a baby and to be loved. She wants attention and is vain. She killed the people who took advantage of her in a wedding dress and refused to spill a drop of blood because she knew she'd loose control. Even if she's not on page a lot there's a lot there that I find compelling
Carlisle: He seems to be one of the most complete people in the series. We know his past and how that shaped his values, we know his beliefs and the efforts he goes to to preserve them. He feels rounded out. There's a mix of tragedy and of faith and perseverance. I think I could figure out what he'd do in a situation with high accuracy
Bella: I know everyone talks about how Bella's bland, but I'm putting her here simply because we see almost the entire story through her eyes and as such we know a lot about her. Her motives and thoughts might be boring but we know what they are and what she wants. We know who she cares about and what she's willing to do. We know her past and her future. Bland as she may be, it's there.
Alice: I'm not sure I'm totally sold on putting her here, but my reasoning is that there's just as much we don't know about her as what we do. She's positive and fashionable and bold, she takes control and her ability gives her a certain charm. But she's also pretty agreeable with Bella (they are great friends after all) so that doesn't stand out as much, even though I love her. There's also her not remembering her past, so there's gaps. She and Jasper are on about the same level for me
Jasper: We've got backstory for him and know he's not always on board with everyone else (was gonna kill Bella), but as for what he personally values it's not as explored. What does he think of things as his own person disconnected from Alice? Couldn't really tell you
Esme: We know her backstory and the tragedy of her life but it's not as prevalent in who she is. She doesn't talk about it really and seems to have mostly moved on. So there's not a whole lot going on with her (to me at least)
Emmett: I love him but he's pretty basic. Strong buff guy was killed by a bear and loves his girl. Likes sports. Endearing but there isn't as much there as with everyone else.
Renesmee: Sorry kid but you've existed for half a book and are a child. All anyone says about you is that you're sweet and lovable. Could have potential later in her life but it's not there now
That ranking took a lot more thought than the first one but I think that's about how I'd rank their complexity? Bella, Alice, and Jasper gave me some trouble so they could be switched around a bit, but my ultimate conclusion is that Edward and Rosalie are the most explored and compelling characters. Which is a little subjective but I think I also supported it with reasoning from the series so!
But yeah! Those are my rankings for the Cullens! Probably overexplained some aspects but too bad!
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wuekka · 6 months
@neiti-kassiopeia tagged me for rambling about 10 characters from 10 fandoms, thank you and okay, lets do this...These are not in favourite order, I don't want to make a puzzle for myself. :'D
Majima from Yakuza/Like a dragon. One of the biggest twists for me getting into the series was that Majima wasn't Joker-type insane recurring villain! He's actually smart who fakes being dumber/crazier than he is (character type I love when it's done right) and actually cares about people, another surprise was that he was in the same family as Kiryu, that he's his aniki. I just love you can see his fooling that he doesn't care/understand, then turns back being like "shit.". He's the smartest playable character Yakuza has, others are himbos.
Vincent from Final Fantasy VII. I love his tragic backstory with his lover Lucrecia and tying to Sephiroth's backstory 👌.+Vampire aesthetic and turning into a monster he can't control is just more tragedy on top of that.
Gale from Baldurs gate 3. I'm sorry Astarion, who is little too self-contradictory at times (You don't like saving other slaves Astarion?!) but Gale's just so adorably nice with really funny lines.
Percy from Critical role/Legend of vox machina. There's a reason I have a tag of "badass percy lines", he's so awesome with those. Tortured man with a secret demon he isn't aware of with vampire arc-nemesis, just beautiful. Taliesin plays him so well, he fits into the worlds talking style perfectly. Even his "life needs things to live." I feel is made fun of a little too much, like it's basically "you need stuff in able to keep going."
Jianzhu from Rise of Kyoshi. Reason why rise of kyoshi is the best avatar novel. He gets good motivation, pov chapters and is shown very well to be not fully manically evil.
Enji Endeavour from my hero academia. I'm not in this fandom anymore at all, except for the ship of endhawks. Turning Enji's character from cartoon evil jerk villain to a regretting, flawed man who tries to become better and focusing on it was the best writing decision Hori made. Sadly Hori stopped and decided Bakugo is ultra gary stu more important than main character. -_-
Ashe from Final Fantasy XII. Real main character of the story, awesome literal queen with revenge plot. Only minus is her hot pink way-mini skirt.
Nanami from Jujutsu kaisen. Again, fandom I dropped but this man was such a brainrot for a good while, he and Gojo got me trying to write again.
Amaterasu from Okami. Snarky by body language, a wolf who doesn't say a word, but she's badass and adorable. What other game lets you play with a character that paints with their tail creating a better world and poops exploding stuff at their enemies.
Terra from Kingdom hearts. ...I don't like the joke of calling him stupid or himbo, because he's not. He goes along with some villains, not because he's trusting them but because he has no other choice or wants to see how things play out without intervening ("no meddling! -Donald) Terra's also the strongest character, "man too angry to die." The angst of being Xehanort/Xemnas and getting moments of losing identity is just angst factory gold.
Tagging @homo666 @vampiricfruitcake but no pressure doing this. :D
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