#I love them a lot your honor
speremint · 1 month
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Do people still do Mermay? Whatever, I'm doing it anyway 😂💖
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2isted-chocol8-art · 15 days
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I'm sure Gabbro would love to listen about all your discoveries
-> More Outer Wilds Art!
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athenasnina · 1 year
there’s so much said abt the portland row trio and their dynamic. and even more abt the pining between lockwood and lucy. but there’s not nearly enough talk abt lockwood and george. their relationship ya’ll. it just warms my heart.
whether you ship it or see it as purely platonic, doesn’t even matter. because these two guys love each other without question. charming and confident lockwood offers george, a neurodivergent boy and self proclaimed outcast, a home, friendship, and a chance to research the subject that brings him joy. and in return, george gives lockwood his acts of service of cleaning, cooking, along with his unparalleled research abilities.
but more than even those things, george is aware of just how unhealthy lockwood is, telling lucy that she must learn to say no to lockwood’s reckless choices and crazy schemes, lest lockwood only get worse. george understands that in lieu of no longer having any family, lockwood needs george and lucy to keep him in check before he gets himself killed. he understands that they are lockwood’s family now, just as lockwood has been for them. and when it’s george’s turn to need saving, lockwood is ready, no hesitation, no irritation. george is in danger, his family’s in danger, and he immediately prepares to save him.
and the winks omg
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these are for george and it’s so cute
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this kid is thankful for and proud of his friend, and then said that there’s no better reason to die than to protect him. just... the utter devotion and care they have for each other. the acceptance and appreciation of each other’s differences. THEY LOVE EACH OTHER SO MUCH AND I HAD TO SCREAM ABT IT!
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latinokokonoi · 4 months
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“'cause we were both young when i first saw you” 💜
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crescentbunny · 1 year
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Specreqs 2023 reveals are out, and as you can tell, my piece was Shaeed centric. If you enjoy two damaged people wishing they weren't perfect for one another - then this is a story for you!
“Dammit, Zaeed—” she tried unsuccessfully to pry his fingers from her. “Fine. You just get it, ok? You get what it’s like to make sick decisions and live with them, and you don't feed me a bunch of bullshit to make it better. It’s not better, it’s never better. You don’t look at me like you pity me, and you don’t look at me like you are begging me to save you.” She finished her little tirade with a higher pitch than she would have liked.
He was gazing up at her with an inscrutable emotion on his face now, and she desperately wished she could rewind the last few seconds.
Finally he nodded, just a quick incline of his chin before he pulled his hands away to tuck them behind his head again.
Agitation creeped through her blood, trying to suffocate the lust smoldering there. “Wait, that’s it? All that wheedling and you give me a bro nod. What the fuck, Zaeed?”
He shrugged. “I thought you might cry about daddy issues or something. I didn’t think it would be that deep. Now I don’t know what to say.”
“Well holy shit, I’ve made Zaeed ‘stories’ Massani at a loss for words. Sorry to burst your bubble, but you’re the only old fart I’ve ever fucked.”
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agentwashingcat · 1 year
We are Designed to Love and Break
More Arven and Florian fic? It’s more likely than you think! This one takes place over roughly four years, featuring them navigating their relationship while Arven is at Culinary School in Kalos.
It’s roughly 2500 words which is unheard of for me lmao.
Features: Mutual pining, breaking up and getting back together, hurt comfort
Cross posted on ao3 under the same name!
“Hey, Flor, can we talk?” Arven and Florian were curled up on Arven’s bed, hanging out together while they finished up some school work for the end of the year. They had both been ignoring the fact that, once the semester was over and Arven graduated, he’d be heading to Kalos for 4 years of culinary school. Arven knew they had to have that conversation sooner rather than later, even if he didn’t want to.
“Isn’t that what we’re doing right now?”
Arven rolled his eyes affectionately. “You know what I mean, Florian.”
Florian sighed, setting aside his history work so he could cuddle with Arven better. Arven wrapped an arm around him, pulling him in, and Florian slipped his arms around Arven’s waist in return. “Yeah. I do.”
They sat there quietly for a moment. Finally, Arven spoke. “How do you want to do this?”
“I don’t know,” Florian admitted quietly. “A year is a long time to be apart.”
Arven frowned. A year? “4 years, Florian.”
“No, I know, but I’ll be here for a year finishing schooling. And then… I kinda thought I might go to Kalos. Take the gym challenge.” Florian was avoiding his gaze, staring down at the floor. “Stay with you, maybe.”
“Florian,” Arven said, gently. “Doesn’t Nemona want you to become an Elite 4 member, basically as soon as you graduate?” Nemona was already in the elite 4, having taken Larry’s spot so he could focus on his gym after she graduated last year. No one could tell if Larry was happy to have less work to do or not. But there were already talks of Geeta stepping into more of a support role and Nemona taking on the title of top Champion in Paldea. And it was no secret who she wanted to hire to replace her. 
Besides, Arven did not want Florian to put his life on hold for him. It wasn’t fair to him.
Florian frowned. “Maybe I don’t want to be an elite 4 member.”
Well, they both knew that was a lie. He’d been aiming for it, until Arven had mentioned he’d be going to Kalos. “And all your research is here in Paldea.”
Florian had taken up the mantle of his mothers research, studying the ancient pokemon of Area Zero. It wasn’t like he could do that anywhere else.
“Well, then what else are we going to do?” Florian asked in exasperation, pulling away so he could look at Arven properly. “I don’t want you there while I’m here.”
“I know.” Arven wished he had some idea of how to make this work, but he was coming up blank. “I won’t be so far that we can’t visit each other over holidays and breaks.”
Florian was quiet for a moment. “Is that enough?”
“I guess we have to figure that out.” Arven wasn’t sure, honestly. It was a lot, to be so far away from someone and not be able to hold them every day. He knew Florian, in particular, was very touchy. That wasn’t something that was easy to simulate in a long distance relationship. “We can try it and see how it goes?”
“Will you have enough time for me and culinary school?” 
“...I don’t know.” It wasn’t like culinary school was a walk in the park. Arven wouldn’t know exactly how much free time he would have until he started, but he guessed it wasn’t a lot.
Florian looked like he might cry. Arven reached out for him, cupping his face in his hands and letting their foreheads rest together. “I’m sorry, Flor.”
“Don’t be,” Florian answered, voice wavering. “You need to do what’s best for you. Even if it doesn’t include me.”
Arven felt a deep ache in his chest. He never wanted to hurt Florian, but right now there wasn’t any way around it. “We still have time. We don’t have to part now.”
Florian gave him a sardonic smile. “What, just 6 weeks in the future instead?”
Okay, it sounded bad when he put it like that. But Arven put on a smile. “I think we should spend all the time we have together until then, don’t you?”
“Yeah. Okay.” Florian settled next to him again, letting his head rest on Arven’s shoulder. “I’m really gonna miss you.”
“I’m gonna miss you, too.”
In the end, they decided to break things off. It was too far and too long, and Arven felt guilty about keeping Florian waiting for him. Florian was just stubborn enough to ignore all his concerns and move to Kalos after him, and Arven didn’t want him to do that. Not when he could be having his own life in Paldea. 
It turned out to be a good decision. Culinary school was, as expected, incredibly difficult and time consuming. Arven loved it. But he wouldn’t have been able to devote the proper time to Florian if they’d continued. They still talked almost every day, even if it was just a text or two. During his first break, Nemona, Penny, and Florian all came to visit. Florian gave him an extra long hug, which everyone pretended not to notice.
Things were weird between them. Good, but weird. It was Florian who finally brought it up, once Penny and Nemona had retired for the evening.
“Things are weird, right?” Florian asked.
Arven couldn’t help but laugh. “Yeah. Yeah, things are weird.” He looked at Florian across the table and was struck with the urge to kiss him. But he didn’t, because he was an adult and in control of his actions. Even if it took literally all his self control.
Florian gave him a sad smile, apparently reading his thoughts. “We could kiss once. For old times sake.”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“Yeah. Me either.” 
Florian still looked like he was considering it anyway, so Arven abruptly stood up, knocking his chair over in his haste. “Shit.”
Florian snorted. “Okay, I get the message, I’ll behave.”
“It’s not that-”
“I know,” Florian said softly. 
Sad puppy dog eyes stared up at him, and Arven felt his resolve start to crumble. It was time to make his exit. “Goodnight, Florian.”
“Night, Arven.”
The rest of the visit passed without incident. And when they had to say goodbye again, Arven let Florian have his extra long hug. A part of him needed it, too.
The rest of the year passed in a blur. There were more visits, more lingering hugs, but they both kept their word. But it was the crossroads of Florian’s graduation that had Arven worrying. He knew he shouldn’t, because Florian was an adult and could do what he wanted, but Arven didn’t want him to put his own life on hold, just to move to Kalos and be with him. Especially when culinary school was only going to get more intense and leave them less time together in the next 3 years. What if they tried and it didn’t work and everything imploded? Could they still be friends after that?
Maybe it was selfish of Arven, but he’d rather have him as a friend than not at all. 
After the graduation ceremony, Florian tackled him in a hug. Arven smiled, holding him tightly. “Congrats, Flor.”
“Thanks, Arven.” Florian smiled brightly. Penny cleared her throat behind them, and they took a step apart, embarrassed. 
“My turn for a hug!” Nemona took Arven’s place, practically picking Florian up off the ground in her excitement. He was taller than her now, but that apparently didn’t mean anything.
Florian laughed, and Arven felt a pang of jealousy. Not because he thought they were hooking up or anything, but because he missed being able to hug Florian with that kind of reckless abandon. He missed him. He was standing right there and he missed him so fucking bad he wanted to scream.
But Arven knew it had to be this way. He had to put all his energy into school and Florian had his own life to live. Maybe one day they could get back together. But not today.
Penny gave Arven a gentle pat on the shoulder. “3 more years, Arven.”
Arven glanced at her, before looking back at Florian and Nemona chatting away. “What if he finds someone else?” Arven would of course never stand in Florian’s way if he found someone better for him. But the thought had his insides twisting into a knot.
“What, like Nemona?” Penny rolled her eyes. “You know he’s not her type. He loves you as much as you love him. I don’t think you have to worry.”
“3 years is a long time, Penny. And we said we wouldn’t wait for each other.”
“Yeah, but both your actions so far say differently,” Penny said. “He’s also upset you don’t want him in Kalos.”
“Of course I want him there, but-”
“I know, Arven, you don’t want him to put his life on hold for you.” Penny rolled her eyes again. “I told him as much. But maybe he wants to put his life on hold for you?”
Arven glanced down at his hands. Mabostiff appeared beside him, giving a low bark, and Arven reached out to pet him. It made him feel a little better. “I can’t let him do that. Besides, I don’t think I can give him the attention he deserves while I’m busy with school. I’d rather just be friends than implode our entire relationship because of that.”
“Well, I think you’re getting your wish.”
Arven followed Penny’s gaze, finding Nemona turning back to them. She grinned at them, gesturing at Florian who stood beside her, looking a little embarrassed. “Now presenting, the newest member of the elite 4, Florian!”
“Well, not officially, I need to have an interview or whatever, right?” Florian noted. He met Arven’s gaze for a moment, almost as if he wanted Arven to say something. And then looked away when it became clear he wouldn’t.
“Oh, come on, you’re gonna ace it.” Nemona got a wild glint in her eyes. “Come on, let’s battle to celebrate!”
Penny, Florian, and Arven shared a fond, exasperated look. Same old Nemona.
“Alright, Nemona,” Florian said, grinning. “Maybe I’ll even let you win this time.”
Nemona laughed. “Don’t you dare hold back, Florian, I’ll never forgive you!”
Arven felt like he might be sick. He was in his third year of culinary school, getting ready to go back to Paldea for his annual winter visit, except this year he’d gotten texts from both Penny and Nemona. Letting him know Florian had been talking with someone.
He knew he had no right to feel this way. It had been two and a half years since they broke up. Florian was more than free to date other people, in fact Arven had specifically told him not to wait for him. 
So why did it feel like the world was crumbling beneath him?
Arven barely noticed he had sat down on the couch until Mabostiff barked, setting his head in Arven’s lap. Arven stroked his fur, curling over and breaking down into sobs. Part of him had, stupidly, been holding out hope that Florian would wait for him. And now he had to deal with the reality that he had moved on and found someone better. 
Usually he crashed at Florian’s place, but this time he opted to stay with Nemona. If Florian really had found someone, he didn’t want to intrude. And he thought it might be too hard to see Florian with someone else.
It was fine, until Florian cornered him while he was doing dishes in Nemona’s kitchen. He’d offered, since he was a guest here, and Nemona had done the cooking that night.
“You’re avoiding me.”
Arven nearly dropped the dish he was holding. He dried it, setting it on the counter with the rest of the dishes, and turned around. Florian was staring at him, looking incredibly determined. He wasn’t about to leave without answers.
Arven sighed, leaning back against the counter. “I thought you wouldn’t want me around. Nemona and Penny said you were talking to someone. I didn’t want to intrude on that.”
Florian blinked, shoulders sagging. “I guess I did mention that to them. But it wasn’t anything. Not really.”
“What do you mean?” Arven frowned, tilting his head. 
Florian sighed, crossing the kitchen to stand next to Arven, leaning against the counter. “I won’t lie, it felt good to get attention from someone. But I couldn’t.” He reached out, taking Arven’s hand and lacing their fingers together. “I still love you.”
Arven stared down at their hands, heart hammering in his chest. “Florian-”
“Don’t.” Florian shook his head. “I know what you’re going to say. But maybe I want to wait for you. I know I was kind of a brat about it, at the beginning, but I get it now. I’ve spent the last year and a half settling into my role as an elite 4 member and a scientist and it’s a lot. Culinary school is probably even more. Between long distance and our own obligations, it would have been rough.”
Arven squeezed Florian’s hand. It was honestly a relief to hear that Florian understood where he was coming from. “I just didn’t want to lose you over something stupid. I’d rather be friends than nothing at all.”
“Even though you’ve been avoiding me cause you thought I found someone?” Florian teased.
“I just didn’t want to get in the way!” Arven objected, face flushed. “And… yeah. I was upset. But I didn’t want you to feel bad moving on. Even though I was dying inside.” Okay, Arven, way to keep it cool and normal.
Florian rested his head on Arven’s shoulder. “Well, I’d rather wait for you to come back to Paldea, at any rate. No one compares to you.”
Arven felt his face get redder. “Florian, you can’t just say things like that.” 
“I can and will,” Florian insisted. “I love you and no one has ever compared to you. Not even by a long shot.”
Arven tried to blink away the tears as a rush of emotions overwhelmed him. Arceus, he loved Florian so much, what had he ever done to deserve him? 
Florian cupped Arven’s face in his hands, gently wiping away the tears that spilled over. “You alright, Arven?”
“Yeah.” He took in a shaky breath, smiling. “I just love you a lot.”
“I love you, too.” Florian kissed him softly. “Just a year and a half more, yeah? Then we’ll be together again. Forever, if you want.”
“Yeah. I do want.” Arven’s smile widened. “Almost there.”
The next year and a half passed by in a blur. Before he knew it, Arven was back in Paldea. For good, this time. Florian met him at the train station, and nearly knocked him over with the force of his hug. Arven laughed, holding him tightly. “Alright, Florian?”
“Better, now.” Florian kissed him eagerly. “You can’t leave that long ever again, promise?”
Arven smiled, kissing Florian again. “Promise.”
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brewed-addiction · 2 years
these four are my fav little meow meows-
im still sorta struggling to draw them, especially chromeskull but im working on it hagahga
just expect them to not look threatening whenever i draw them dhshhshs
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here's them playing uno tho 💀
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nellcher · 2 years
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Feel like sun on my skin So this is love, I know it is
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kritterscribbles · 2 years
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Woe, more BluesJazz be upon ye
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finemealprompt · 2 months
DP x DC Prompt #14
When J'onn offered to go to the distress signal, alone, he wasn't sure what he was expecting. Other Leaguer's were on standby, of course, but J'onn didn't sense any danger. In fact it was almost ... suspiciously quiet.
That's why when he came across a child who was bleeding so much he shouldn't even be alive he was more than concerned. The kid just smiled at J'onn, made a pun, did some sort of ... dance move? And then promptly passed out.
J'onn suddenly understood how Batman had an "adoption addiction."
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whatermelown · 2 years
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I- I waited 7 years for you and... I STILL LOVE YOU QAQ,, 🌸🥐 🌹🐈‍⬛ ✨
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ratislatis · 4 months
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I'll find you. Wait for me.
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On Tim's Boat
*Tim and Bernard are laying in bed sleeping, limbs entangled as Bernard sleeps on Tim's chest*
*at 3:47am Bernard is awoken*
Bernard, swatting Tim as he is squinting in the dark: Hey grasshopper? Is that a sleep paralysis demon-
Tim, shifting slightly, eyes still shut, basically sleepy mumbling: you wouldn't be hitting me, you'd be paralyzed
Bernard: then I think someone is stealing clothes from our closet
Tim, running his hand through Bernard's hair so Bernard knows he is listening: don't know why, we are the pits of fashion, they should be stealing from Sophie and Louie's closet, or even Tammy and Lauren's closet
Bernard: is that... Robin?
Tim, wide awake now, swiveling his head towards the closet: WHAT?
Damian, standing there in a Robin outfit looking through their clothes in the closet, gathering a pile on his arm: Your father wants you to call him, Drake
Bernard: Robin works for Bruce? Actually, that's not surprising.
Robin, walking out with a pile of clothes on his arm: I am confiscating these *walks out the door*
Bernard: Guess you could say he was... Robin us.
Tim: You're lucky I love you
Edit: Part 2
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dontpercievemeplease · 3 months
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Lil whiteboard thing of Tycho (Heart), Jupiter (Mind), and Terra (Whole)! I wanted to be silly with my guys (pro tip don’t try this on whiteboard, if you accidentally erase it’s hell)
Also have silly doodles under the cut so I don’t spam the cccc tag lmao. There’s a lot of Saturn- sorry he’s just so silly to do on whitboards
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gaytedlasso · 5 months
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Doesn’t matter what they’re saying, it’s just always like this 🧡
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shaykai · 5 months
Super rambley but Sceleritas tries so hard for Durge.
If they spare Isobel, he tells them they’re going to kill their nearest and dearest companion (which Durge has a history of not doing- Orin straight up calls them a liar if they say they’d kill those they’re closest to without hesitation) not because Bhaal asked for another head to replace Isobel’s, but because Sceleritas knows the consequences of not giving him one (and so should Durge, but their brain is ruined and muddied and surely they can turn this around because it isn’t their fault, they don’t know what they’ve done by sparing her)
They need something grand and dramatic and meaningful, it needs to be a sacrifice on Durge’s end because that’s the only way to possibly make up for them resisting their god given Urge
It’s not meant to be a punishment (but it is, isn’t it?) it’s meant to be repentance, a sad gift to Father in hopes that he’ll forgive their transgression
It’s not right, but that’s just how it is being under Bhaal. Sceleritas understands the consequences- his whole existence is purely meant to help steer Durge towards their purpose- what’s a bit of hurt now if it will save their very life? Their blood right?
The love is there, it’s just twisted to the point that the only people who would recognize it as love are other Bhaalists
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