#I love thinking he’s a very touchy feely person when he sleeps and when he’s got something/one in a koala grip he sleeps in bliss
starryluminary · 6 months
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Got caught up in posting the collab and forgot to post my own contribution. I think that the naps they take together are some of the best naps they ever have
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dizzy-n-busy · 7 months
[can (and most likely will) contain SOME poly hcs!]
« Shaw Pack headcanons »
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Younger David and Darlin' had a 'platonic confession' - as Milo and Asher put it - with each other (they confessed that they were besties for the first time)
Younger Darlin' was hella touch starved and tried avoiding it at all costs bc it made them feel weird; Darlin' now is constantly being touched and completely immune to it
Angel and Asher are VERY touchy feely, love language of physical touch havin asses
David and Baaabe are the cooks of the pack - Baaabe also makes snacks for pack meetings bc David's too preoccupied (Milo and Sam are good sous-chefs !!)
Sweetheart loves buying things and going to expensive ass restaurants with the pack (they're restricted for special occasions bc the pack doesn't want them going broke)
Angel and Baaabe met each other in college but never found out each other's names till later
Everyone is immensely protective over Sam (esp during pack meetings)
Sam and Darlin' stay getting cuddled and clinged onto bc they think that they're outcasts
Milo learned how to stitch at a young age so he could personally tailor some of his clothes shorter; he was embarrassed to get them done professionally
Angel likes wearing short clothes/bottoms so when their shoes untie, the pack's literally dolphin diving tying it for them so they don't have to bend down
David gets called 'mama duck' and he literally hates it
Someone always records whenever they all hangout for memories (I'd say Baaabe, David or Sweetheart)
Darlin' and Sweetheart are menaces when it comes to pissy chrissy, they love intimidating him (Darlin' looms over him and Sweetheart jumpscares him with cloaking)
Milo has a daily skin care/shower routine which is oddly complex
Angel spams the gc with David smiling when they catch him in a photo or to lighten the mood - everyone loves it
Angel got Asher hooked on cheek kisses (or vice versa)
Movie nights or sleepovers/camping go crazy
The pack has, at some point in time, all fallen asleep on or next to Sam (he's too comforting for his own good)
It's always Milo vs Asher till you bring Darlin' into the picture (2 against 1 and they still lose lmao)
Baaabe literally obliterates everyone at arcade games
David has his last name tattooed on the back of his neck; he says how they'll be his demise /j
Sweetheart stress cleans (twinninem)
Baaabe gives fantastic pep talks
Darlin' takes Angel out whenever they struggle with sleeping and don't wanna bother David (Asher sometimes goes too)
Sweetheart is the go to for missing stuff, they always manage to find it somehow
Sam lets the pack play with his hair
Angel got David to match fits ONCE and they were literally vibrating in excitement
The amount of 'embarrassing' old pack photos and videos that David hides is FEDERAL
Darlin' gives really nice hugs
The werewolves all shift and form a cuddle party, it's very cute (many photos for evidence)
Angel likes riling Darlin' up when their shifted and gets chased like a bat outta hell - they have literally mounted the rest of the pack tryna get away
Sweetheart always gives the pack's shifted forms head kisses before and after rubbing their heads
David won't admit it but he loves hanging out with Sam on the sidelines while everyone else is playing around (shifted)
Darlin' got assorted matching piercing with the listener mates (angel bites for Angel, gages for Baaabe and either a tongue piercing or snake bites for Sweetheart)
Milo gets picked up a lot for some reason - it only slightly pisses him off
They were all matching for the Summit, I might draw it to show what I mean
Sweetheart and Milo LOVE making and holding eye contact, they like how it flusters ppl (they always win staring contests/j)
Angel's super into interior designing, they interpret it thru minecraft bc I said so
Group therapy goes crazy/lh
I have so many thoughts abt them, I might have ta make a pt2 💪💪
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hoshalicious · 1 year
ateez bf headcanons hyung line
a/n: this was requested like two years ago and i’m working on the maknae line now and it should be out soon :p enjoy!
content + trigger warnings : seonghwa, yunho, and yeosang have food mentions, otherwise everything should be okay. please send an ask if i missed something! -daisy
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• seonghwa would be the sweetest boyfriend ever i just know it
• he’d call you so many pet names like babe, baby, sunshine, etc
• if you were working late he’d have a full meal cooked for you even if he worked that day and was tired because making sure you have eaten is way more important to him
• you definitely have him wrapped around your finger
• like all you need to do is pout and he will do like whatever you want
• would tease you all the time because he loves seeing you blush
• would coo at you calling you his pretty baby while pinching your cheeks to see you blush
• would ask you to build legos with him, would ask you every once in a while if your future home could be built of legos
• he says he is joking but you aren’t too sure
• cuddles and kisses all the time, he’d definitely let you know how much he loves you every chance he gets
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• hongjoong would be a relaxed boyfriend
• he would do things with you, but definitely would rather be at home with you
• hongjoong to me seems to be a really domestic person when it comes to a relationship
• since you know he likes to work a lot you spend most of your time just being around him while he works
• whether he is at the studio or at home he would always be inviting you to stay with him whether you sit in his lap while he works or watch a show on the couch
• although if you needed hongjoong to not work and to spend time with you outside of the usual quality time he would definitely not hesitate
• although hongjoong doesn’t tend to be the touchy-feely but he would always hold you to sleep
• whether you fall asleep in his lap while he is working or he spoons you in the bed, if he’s home he’s holding you to sleep
• would definitely fall asleep with you on the phone while he’s on tour if the timezone permits it, and will always find the time to call you when he’s away on tour
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• yunho boyfriend is the best boyfriend
• he would do anything you wanted because he wants you happy
• always touching you
• so you would never be in need of backhugs, regular hugs, kisses, cuddles
• can’t cook but he’d learn how for you
• matching outfits, jewellery, etc. wants people to know you’re his partner
• if anyone would be the jealous type it would be this man right here
• he does not want anyone to even THINK about being with you because you’re his partner
• would always have his hand on the small of your back in public
• he’s gonna be goofy with you because your laugh is his favourite sound
• very protective over you because he doesn’t want you to get hurt
• communication is key to him so he’d always be asking your feelings about things
• would try his best to never hurt your feelings
• you could ask him to try soup and put salt in the spoon and cover it with soup and he’d taste it and tell you it was the best soup he’s ever had
• loves you so much and will always make sure you know
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• yeosang would be your clingy bf
• he would always be around you
• “yeosang you do not need to come to the bathroom with me”
• would make sure you are fed!! orders you takeout from wherever you want
• wants to watch tv with you in a pillow fort
• wants to hold you all the time
• doesn’t want to leave where you both live because he can’t hold you outside of your home
• will pout at you when you have to leave
• in public i feel like he’d walk behind you instead of the side because he can see you better
• would always protect you like if you were walking by a group of people who made you visibly uncomfortable he would be either behind or to the side of you
• his love languages with his partner would be physical touch and acts of sevice
• will do anything for you if it meant that your life would be easier
• bestest boy ever
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inoreuct · 8 months
if youre willing could you please do (more) headcannons of (were)tiger!zoro x sanji?
or (were)tiger!zoro in general with the crew
he’s definitely very protective. if there’s one thing that can rival his tenacity for his dream, it’s his love for his crew. he knows that they can handle themselves but once the danger has passed he has to stand on his own metaphorical tail so that he doesn’t usher them all back to the ship and look them over one by one
even when he’s not a tiger he’s still vaguely cat-ish; he bristles when he feels threatened and yawns to casually put his canines on show as a subtle don’t-fuck-with-me. he just has a vaguely feline countenance to him. it’s in the way that he slinks when he walks, the head tilts when he’s focused or trying to intimidate, the way he tries to act uninterested but perks up when he’s excited 🤌🏼🤌🏼
(sanji finds it awfully endearing. he’d never admit it, though.)
the crew probably tries to keep the fact that he can shift under wraps, considering how many people would pay a pretty penny for his pelt (not that they’d succeed, but. still). HOWEVER. he’s a force to be reckoned with as a person, but if he gets mad enough even while around enemies/strangers he’ll just shift anyway and start ripping people apart with his teeth lmao, especially if his nakama need backup. the eyewitness accounts saying they saw a massive green tiger bounding across the battlefield with a sword in its mouth all sound crazy anyway 😭
i think he licks people just to fuck with them, but also to satisfy a grooming instinct. sanji definitely gets the brunt of it, since they share a bed more often than not; he’s woken up too many times to count with zoro nuzzling at his hair, or callused hands smoothing his bedhead back into place. when they’re arguing zoro will pop into tiger form and lick the hell out of sanji’s hair just to make the cook screech, but if he can tell that it’s not one of sanji’s good days he’ll cut it out because he’s a shithead, but not an asshole. come on.
DEFINITELY shifts when he’s getting yelled at. sanji or nami nagging at him? he turns into a giant tiger and flops down onto the floor to nap. sometimes he puts his paws over his ears for emphasis.
when they’re sailing through colder areas, he just watches indifferently as everybody else shivers and complains because he runs BLOODY hot and it doesn’t affect him at all. but then after dinner he shifts into his tiger form and pads around in a circle before laying down and blinks at them like …well? and they’re all scrambling curl up against him. he snaps at luffy’s fingers when luffy tries to pet his head, but luffy just goes “oop, sorry :p” and goes to sleep and, well. zoro supposes it isn’t all bad.
(he is so used to being the one pinning others down that the weight of his crew is an entirely new experience. he likes it more than he expects.)
speaking of touching. he only really welcomes sanji getting touchy-feely in his tiger form. he tolerates the occasional scratch behind the ear from luffy, because it’s luffy, but his captain knows he doesn’t really like his fur touched beyond that. enter stage right: sanji, who had the audacity to start petting zoro’s head absentmindedly while reading one of his french romance novels and using zoro as a backrest.
zoro had been purring before he even realised. then sanji had realised, and they’d both freaked out, and then zoro had scrambled up to the crow’s nest to figure out what the hell was going on. this whole incident was perhaps his biggest personal indicator that he liked sanji as more than just nakama; funny, because he hadn’t thought he’d like sanji very much at all, period.
he started paying more attention to how much he was willing to make exceptions for the cook, and sanji finally got the hint after weeks of zoro butting his head into his palm. it went something like:
sanji, scratching beneath zoro’s chin: nami, what do you mean he likes me? i do hope that he likes all of us, considering he’s— nami, about to jump overboard: you idiot. you fucking idiot. sanji, leaning against zoro’s side leisurely: nami what do you MEAN nami: HE CAUGHT YOU FISH. *pointing at the huge net full of tuna* sanji, zoro draped across his shoulders like a shawl: HE’S FEEDING THE CREW! nami, at her limit, eye twitching, so close to ripping her hair out: HE’S FEEDING YOU
mind you, throughout all of this zoro’s being absolutely useless and just sitting there incredibly amused. he hadn’t minded waiting for sanji to come around on his own, and that in itself was a sign that he’d been gone from the beginning.
sanji is the only one zoro has EVER rolled onto his back around. his belly is the most vulnerable spot on his entire body; sanji knows what a privilege it is. it’s essentially zoro’s version of puppy dog eyes.
i think he had plenty of run-ins with hunters when he was younger. his pelt is thick and vibrant and highly sought-after, and a few close shaves had left him with scars and major wariness of people in general. he used to hide the fact that he was a weretiger at all cost but now… well, now protecting his crew’s more important. s’not like they’d let anything get to him, anyway.
i see him as a wahnsien tiger, with black stripes and fur in various shades of green; he’s big, heavy too. the first time he woke up with sanji squashed beneath him he panicked a little inside but the cook was fine. his eyes are gold in his tiger form, luminous like all cats’ are, and hella unsettling.
which is interesting, because i like to think that after so many years he’s picked up a few tricks and now? he can sort of half-shift. lengthen his fangs or claws with a neat snk or make his eyes phase burning gold when he wants to scare someone; it’s a brilliant intimidation tactic but it takes a lot of concentration, so he only ever does it on home turf where they have enough territorial advantage for him to feel safe doing it.
wow okay this got LONG. i’m sure i’ll think of more but that’s all i have for now! THANK YOU FOR THE ASK ANON 🫶🏼
part 1 | part 3
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yourheart-inmyhands · 8 months
hi hi, i wanted to say its totally okay not to post frequently, bcz your health matters much more than some silly requests<3
Do you think you could write yandere furina and venti (separately) with a reader who got drunk and became very clingy to them? If ur uncomfortable with that then It's no problem!
so i really liked this request but i unfortunately don't write for anything alcohol related aside from like brief mentions here and there so i changed it from drunk to sleepy/drowsy (fun fact, i am the type of person to become more clingy when tired XD)
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Warning: this post contains yandere-themes, including delusional behaviors, implied being held against will, trickery, archons being cute and nice for once, and other potential topics. Please read at your own risk!
Yandere!Furina with a partner that gets clingy when tired is like a dream to her. She often works late hours and gets home after dinner time, with you often eating alone because of this.. She thinks it adorable how you cling to her at night, your mood flipping in the morning as the exhaustion clears away.
You were always a sight for sore eyes, after watching Court Proceedings all day, Furina was more than happy to get home to see you. She had been held up a little later than normal, with her getting home late enough that you were likely in bed already. To her surprise though, you had waited up, fighting sleep as your eyelids tried to flutter shut, head resting against the back of the couch. Her heart fluttered as you shot up hearing her enter, a tired smile on your face as she reached out for you, pulling you into a hug. Furina hums a pleasant tune as she simply holds you, relishing in being able to hold you in her arms, knowing full well that by day break you’ll be back to your usual, less touchy self.
Yandere!Venti would love that his partner is overly affectionate when tired. He’s always super touchy feely and he loves when you reciprocate, even if it’s only once in a while. He likes especially to wake you up in the middle of the night just so he can ask for cuddles. 
Venti laid in bed looking at you sleeping, his false heart skipping a beat as he thinks about his life with you. Slowly, hea reaches over, shaking you awake just enough for you to register what is happening without remembering it in the morning. He asks you for cuddles, saying that he’s cold and misses you, knowing that you’d eagerly accept. Venti would never ask you for cuddles when you’re awake and not drowsy as he knows you’ll never accept, but he doesn’t mind, grateful for these moments with you at night. He likes being able to hold you, even just a part of you sometimes, so that he can feel your closeness to him, a physical reminder of the bond you share. Now and forever.
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respectthepetty · 5 months
Pit Babe Colors Ep. 8
I'm challenging myself with this show and seeing how good my color skills really are, so I'm doing my normal thing of watching it double-speed on mute, but now, the captions are off also. It's just colors and vibes here. Also, I know way more than I intended because of comments and reblogs on previous posts, so I'm in the know now.
Kim looking at Kenta's face right before the elevator closed is the only thing keeping me from losing it. If Kentana doesn't save Kimberly, what is the point of this?! What is the point of Kentana?!
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Are y'all a couple now? Y'all are starting to color and outfit coordinate, and it feels very gay.
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I don't know what to do with these two.
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I'm pretty sure I'm just not seeing pink on Pete, which means he has connections to the red, and Way refuses to stay blue, so I'm sure he is still planning some corrupt red nonsense.
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JUST BE BLUE! Just be in love with each other. Accept his love, Waymond!
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I never thought I'd write this, but be like Jeffrey, Waymond. Turn blue. Commit to the blue. Fall in love!
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Look at him! No matter what connection he has to the red, he is beating the allegations. Peter is a GOOD MAN! If Waymond doesn't fall in love with him, somebody else will. Guaranteed.
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Not going to read too much into that red stripe at the top of the room, but this is a red's room. Is this Kimberly's?! Why is there so much blood?!
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When you take people's superpowers, yet have no idea how to use the superpowers. Apparently, Babe without superpowers is still better than everyone else. At least Charles is no longer a lying blue.
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I think Big Red knows something is different with Babe, and even though Jeffrey still has that damn red bag . . . IS THAT WAYMOND?! No, Waymond, no! Do NOT work with Big Red. You have Peter RIGHT THERE! Quit your bullshit, Waymond!
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WTF, Kentana?! If I have to pick between you two, I pick Peter. No contest. Kimberly, Peter, and Alan above everyone else. Kentana, you better stop it! You are still on my shit list!
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Hold up! Do you two know each other? Like biblically? What is this tension? What are these looks? Why does this feel very personal? I ain't mad at it, but Kentana still needs to save Kimberly!
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Jeffrey, why would you go there in that red and blue flannel shirt?! That won't save you, buddy!
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Kentana, the ONLY thing that will redeem you is saving Kimberly. I didn't like Jeffrey, but now he is matching with Alan, so they are in love, and you can't break Alan's heart! You are just fucking up left and right today, and I hope you get punched in the throat before this episode is over.
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KIMBERLY IS DYING! And y'all are about to have sex in the blue after tending wounds which is pointless because you have superpowers that will heal you!!!!!! Y'all continue to amaze me by the lack of priorities. Save Kim Possible!
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Why is this shot in the mirror? Why is there a barrier between you two? This is odd. More lies?
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Who takes a shot like that?! A KILLER! Barbara, get it together! This isn't an episode of Dead Friend Forever, and you are no longer a red.
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Everything about this scene is ridiculous. Charles in blue. SONIC in blue. North and Waymond in black. AND EVERYONE IS DRINKING RED SODA! This not looking good for the blues. Whatever they are talking about, the reds already won.
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Barbara continues to be touchy-feely with Waymond. Why can't he just let Waymond brood in peace? Barbara knows Waymond loves him, yet gives Waymond no space. Go tend to your boyfriend's fake injuries, Barbara! Waymond is working with Big Red and not falling in love with Peter, yet you have me feeling bad for him, Barbara. I should hate Waymond! BUT I CAN'T BECAUSE YOU WON'T LEAVE HIM BE!
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These two have to be sleeping together. Cooking Crush had the Chicken Bite product placement too and Prem and Ten definitely want each other in that show, so North and Sonic have to want each other too, yes? Yes. Now why are they watching Whiny Winifred while flirting IN THE BLUE?! They finally are both wearing blue at the same time. Thank, Baby Jesus.
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I was worried seeing Waymond in the red doorway, but he has Charles and Barbara. But they aren't saving Kimberly. Why does nobody care about Kimberly?!
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The kid is blue. Is he the insider informant? He is a child!
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Why are there so many red kids in the world? Big Red, why do you need an army?! Overthrow your shitty kidnappers with your superpowers, kids! REVOLT! Sí se puede
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North and Sonic are going to save Kimberly! They are finally in the blue and saving my favorite red! I never doubted them!
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Southwest Airlines and Vegas' Hedgehog did NOT save Kimberly! Kentana watched as Kimberly got taken, then had the audacity to have chemistry with Peter. Jeffrey walked right into the reds like that was gonna save him instead of saving Kimberly! Whiny Winifred kicked Kimberly. Waymond is working with Big Red and not saving Kimberly. Charles and Barbara CANNOT prioritize and are talking to a blue kid and giggling at each other instead of rescuing Kimberly.
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These men need to get their shit together! The ONLY things that needed to happened this episode were 1) SAVE KIMBERLY and 2) ACCEPT PETER'S LOVE! Neither happened. Honestly, Kentana and Waymond could die and leave Kimberly and Peter to be the power couple of Alan's company. They both wear too much black, and unlike Barbara, they aren't the title character, so either commit to the blue Waymond or Kentana, or else I'm gonna start thinking y'all are disposable.
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thebottomfromhell · 7 months
Hiiii! Could I request something for Hantengu (main body). I could imagine him getting jealous over his clones. Maybe they’re being extra touchy feely and he’s jealous. Thank you so much!
No prob, jealous Hantengu coming up! Sorry for the wait, as always.
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Hantengu being jealous over his clones, GN Reader
Warnings: idk, this one seems pretty safe, Slight harm to reader (Hantengu just grabs you). Also a description of Hantengu that might inply sexua content.
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Hantengu has always been fine with having you around the clones. Who else is meant to protect you? To keep you around? Him? HAH! Nice one, the idea of you depending on him make him want to throw up of the nerves. How is he supposed to keep you safe and happu when everything is so scary? So unfortunate! He can't, he can't do it by his own, that is why he has clones!
Amd of course, just like he loves you, his clones adore you. Sekido watches over you, Aizetsu likes to spend time with you, Karaku is the first one to come up with something fun to do and Urogi even sleeps over you (he doesn't need to sleep, he likes the cuddles). The four are rather protective over you, which is good. Is good, of course it's....
"And Sekido was like "Urogi, you better stop before get angry" but he didn't need time to get angry before attacking us all! We are so in pain! We need attention and adoration to heal up!" Karaku justifies the fact that he si sitting in your feet while Urogi is grabbing you from behind to lean in your back. Aizetsu is just quietly cleaning his spear besides you and Sekido is fumming some steps away. "You should be more respectful of people's property and personal space!" Aizetsu speaks without looking. "You can leave if you want to. It's sad that you pretend you don't want attention too, getting the short stick for your pride." Holy shi- as if Heantengu didn't need more reasons to feel insecure. His clones are so.... likeable, maybe, probably even more than him, and the fact that They. Keep. Touching. You.
It's an impulse that gets him into grabbing your arm and pull you from Urogi's hold, pushing Karaku to the ground in the process. "Eeeeeeck! Get away! Get away!" The clones just look at him, slightly confused, as the main body keeps pulling you to himself. "Get away!" Hantengu is trembling, thick tears rning through his arms as he squeezes hard enough to leave some marks in your skin. The clones then look at each other, Urogi and Karaku smirking at each other.
"Oh! Is Hantengu jealous? Is he afraid that his emotions will take his beloved Y/N away from him?" Karaku stands to tease, passing his arm through Hantengu's shoulder, making the main body squeal and release your arm as he brigs his hands to cover himself. "That's not true! That is not true!" He blushes hard as he keeps crying and sobbing, specially when Urogi starts flying around them. "So cute! So cute! Hantengu wants attention! He wants attention but he is too shy to ask for it!"
Even Sekido and Aizetsu smile a little as the pleasure clone and the joy clone keep teasing their main body. You must also contain a laugh, the scene is cute. Your beloved looks so nervious, shy and a embarrased... soft, in a way. He always looks so delicate and fragile, so pitiful. "I'm not! Stop bullying me! It hurts! It hurts!" And honestly, you are into that. "It's so pitiful, so sad. Y/N is Hantengu's lover after all. But the fact that he is jealous of clones of himself. It's very, very sad, pathetic even." Even Aizetsu joined in!
Part of you wants to wait and see if Sekido will also join to tease and bully Hantengu, to let you see that face become more flustered, the body shaky, the whimpers louder. A pretty mess for you to pick up for yourself. But. You can also feel the intense, begging gaze, of Hantengu upon you. He wants you, needs you, he can't share you with anyone. Help him, make him feel safe, pleasepleasepleaseplease
"I think that's enough." You decide to have mercy with Hantengu and push Karaku off gently, the main body taking the chance to cling into your waist, kness on the ground and face burried in your stomach as he weeps. "Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Too much accusations! Please! I'm being bullied!" You can only smile as you pet his head. "Don't worry darling. You are safe with me." He keeps crying against you as you comfort him, the rest of the clones looking. Urogi chuckles, Karaku looks bored, Aizetsu is pitying Hantengu with a side-eye and Sekido just looks uncomfortable.
"Can you leave me alone with my little Hantengu? I want to have a moment." Sekido rushes before anyone else can speak, using his staff to stab both joy and pleasure before they can speak. As they complain of the pain, anger stamps the ground with the end of his weapon. "We will be leaving now! We don't want to see whatever you will do! So you all three fuckING MOVE!" He stamps the floor again, this time attacking with the electricity, forcing everyone but you and Hantengu to move before joining them.
"Mine... mine... please! Please let me-" He can't even articulate his thoughts, but you don't mind. "Yes, I am yours. No need to make a little scene." He relaxes once you say that, and damn- "Or do, it's so cute when you act so helplessly." He sobs again as he grips harder against you. What? He is fun and cute to tease.
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ryuichirou · 3 months
Alright, random question but what are your headcanons about which of the TWST boys are affectionate? You know, like they love cuddling, leaning on or just being close to whoever. Not to necessarily instigate anything, they just like being touchy-feely.
Another episode of “Ryu thinks that it’s going to take 20 minutes but ends up talking a whole lot” lol Thanks for your question, Anon! Even though you asked about them being affectionate, I think I ended up talking about them liking or not liking skinship… which isn’t necessarily wrong I guess, but still.
I hope you enjoy this list nonetheless. And thank you for the wait!
Riddle –  the perfect example of “he isn’t affectionate, but he likes affection”. He would complain if he got hugged, but it would actually feel very good. HUGGED, NOT SQUEEZED! >:( STAY AWAY, FLOYD! Although after Floyd attacks him with his tight hug and then releases him, Riddle starts feeling his surprising pleasant sting in his shoulders and thighs. Maybe he does like tight hugs…Not from Floyd though! Also, if Riddle gets overly emotional, he might hug someone, but he’ll get embarrassed about it.
Ace – he is at the stage of his life when he thinks that public displays of affection is cringe, even if it’s in a friendly way. But he still does a lot of physical stuff: he ruffles hair, grabs hands, leans on people and stuff. It’s not unusual for him to use Deuce as an armrest lol But hugs and all this stuff – he doesn’t like it.
Deuce – similar to Ace, but he is a bit more reserved these days. He used to be more physical though, because his delinquent senpais were very comfortable with each other physically. In a way, Deuce and Ace are also pretty comfortable with each other. They fall asleep together quite often: while sitting on a bench during recess, after PE on a mat, on a couch or even on their beds. If one of them starts dozing off, chances are, someone is going to find them sleeping together and drooling all over each other.
Trey – he would’ve been more openly affectionate if he didn’t try to stay neutral at all times. But Trey just can’t stop balancing between being not too friendly and not too distant, can he? Still, he could squeeze one’s shoulder, occasionally ruffle hair, but in general he is a “thumbs up” type of guy. But if he’s alone with someone he likes (Riddle yes), he would hug, caress his back, play with his hair and in general act like he’s compensating, being very greedy about it.
Cater – he’s pretty touchy-feely. He loves hugs, squeezing his cheek against another person’s cheek to take a selfie, he loves cuddles and holding hands, but he himself isn’t even sure how much of it is genuine. His go-to is to try to hug someone and get clingy anyway; whether he really likes it or not, touching another human being feels great. Wow I made him sound like an alien…
Leona – nah, he isn’t really affectionate. In theory, he wouldn’t mind napping with someone, but in actuality it would only make him super annoyed. It makes him remember all the times he and Falena used to sleep together as cubs, and he doesn’t like thinking about it.
Ruggie – he would be affectionate if he liked at least one person in this hellish school lol He feels like he doesn’t really need to be affectionate, there is just no point. Sometimes he thinks that Leona would want him to be, but Ruggie thinks that if Leona wants it, he could just ask for it, otherwise Ruggie won’t even bother. That being said, he ruffles Jack’s hair sometimes as a friendly gesture. Not often though, Jack’s too tall.
Jack – mega affectionate good boy who tries very hard not to get too touchy. If he didn’t hold back his urges, he would’ve grabbed people’s arms, hands, lean to them, smell them, nuzzle people’s necks with his cold nose, do a lot of ehhh dog skinship I guess. But in reality he feels way too awkward about these things, so he doesn’t do it often.
Azul – yes and no. He loves touching other people, but it’s more about asserting dominance, not showing affection. But even though he rarely shows it, Azul likes physical affection – he used to be cuddled a lot by everyone around him, so if he is way too happy he could hug and even kiss someone (if they’re close enough of course). He also never does it, but he loves to cuddle, but his cuddling style is cursed. Somehow, even when he’s cuddling, Azul is never fully relaxed, so he just squeezes his cuddle-buddy with his limbs so hard that he (mostly Idia) can’t even move… It also hurts afterwards…
Jade – not affectionate at all, his body language is as cold as his eyes. He is grabby, but it’s the observing/learning kind of grabby + the type of grabby to freak people out. I honestly can’t imagine a situation in which Jade would want to cuddle, other than maybe if he knows that a person he tries to cuddle would get scared or super mad. Because in that case he’s the cuddliest person alive! ^^ Cuddling is just a tactic to him to get what he wants, even if he just wants a reaction.
Floyd – he is a bit more cuddly than Jade and much more physical than him, he is one of the touchiest people in the cast. This is just how he talks to people, he plays with their clothes, hair, fingers, everything… but I guess it also doesn’t mean that he is affectionate at all. A lot of it depends on his mood, and every once in a while I can picture him wanting to grab someone and cuddle, but I think in general cuddling is pretty boring to him. Well, only if he can move around and touch his prey everywhere!
Kalim – the cuddliest bastard in the world. Skinship never ends. He hugs people he’s just met, he shakes hands, he high-fives, he clings to people, rests his head on their shoulders, touches everywhere. And it isn’t always obvious if he is being flirtatious or just playful, because he always seems flirtatious… but in fact it’s just him being friendly and very affectionate. He kisses his friends’ cheeks when he feels like it, why not? The only person he doesn’t do it all the time with is, ironically, Jamil, because Jamil always says “Kalim, don’t…” and sighs deeply. Every once in a while Kalim doesn’t bother him… every hour in a day.
Jamil – maybe it’s due to the fact that he has been overcuddled by Kalim for his entire life, but he isn’t very affectionate. He would prefer not to touch anyone and for others not to touch him. But unlike some others touch-me-nots on this list, Jamil doesn’t have the same awkwardness that comes to not being a hugger, for example. He is confident, he knows how to touch people and how to make affectionate gestures, he also knows how to respond to this kind of stuff (he’s way too used to it); he just doesn’t want to be touched. I feel like he wouldn’t even be able to cuddle properly, because he is never 100% relaxed.
Vil – he seems very unapproachable, but this is him always keeping TPO in mind. He is a Pomefiore Housewarden, and while it doesn’t mean that he can’t show affection, he thinks it’d be inappropriate for him to go around hugging people for no reason. He is pretty cuddly when he is alone with his loved ones, be it Rook (although Rook overpowers him when it comes to affection), Epel (this one is pretty rare lol), his dad (Vil is probably the most affectionate with him) or Ortho (he deserves all the cheek kisses when he is being a good boy).
Rook – one of the most physical and cuddly people in the cast. We’ve seen him grabbing and hugging people tightly a couple of times in the main story lol And this is him trying not to act too wildly! But sometimes he just can’t help his emotions. He really loves hugging and touching people, and just like with Kalim, sometimes he takes it a bit too far for it to be a friendly type of gesture, but unlike Kalim, he is much more aware of it. When it comes to intimacy with his loved ones, sometimes he wants to do nothing but to have sex and cuddle, but luckily for Vil (and all of us) he has a lot of stuff to do, a lot of people to hunt and a lot of irons in the fire, so their cuddling sessions usually last for an hour max.
Epel – sometimes he is pretty cuddly! When he is in his giggly mode, he could even get a little clingy. I feel like he was surrounded by ehhh physical warmth and cuddles?? Since he was the only kid in his village and he always got treated with adoration. But if someone was to address the fact that he is clingy, Epel would get angry and embarrassed…
Idia – he is so touch-starved and so isolated and asocial that I wouldn’t call him affectionate; he prefers to keep his hands to himself, and if it was possible he would hide his entire self in a pocket of his jacket and never come out of it. That being said, while it is super difficult, it’s not impossible to get him to cuddle, but it’s more of a “his loved one cuddles HIM and he allows it while secretly enjoying it a lot” type of thing. But I also think he enjoys rough treatment more lol
Ortho – he wasn’t designed to be affectionate, but he does pick up on things that he sees around or in the movies. Sometimes he implements some of these actions (hugs, hand holding, back rubbing) in his programme just to check which ones Idia reacts strongly to. Of course, he remembers all this data and uses it when needed~ Real!Ortho would be super affectionate and physical though, pretty close to how Kalim is.
Lilia – medium level, but closer to a high level. He is not a grabber/hugger, but a poker/tickler lol He would pat heads, scratch chins, play with hair and do this kind of stuff. He isn’t a huge fan of cuddles, but he enjoys them more now that he’s older and likes being lazy.
Silver – he is one gentle kid. He isn’t actively affectionate, i.e. he doesn’t hug and stuff, but when he does enjoy falling asleep next to someone or on someone else’s shoulder or lap. Sitting on someone’s lap is also a very comforting thing to him, as it reminds him of Lilia, but he doesn’t allow himself to do that anymore: he is too old for that. So, isn’t necessarily affectionate himself, but loves being petted, caressed and scratched.
Sebek – he is very physical, but not affectionate. Maybe it’s because he is still young, but he doesn’t want to show this “gentle” side that he might or might not have: it feels more natural for him to grab and pull. It’s not like he would completely hate cuddling if he was in a situation with someone he really really loves (*akhem* Malleus), but isn’t not something that he even thinks about all that often. And if Silver falls asleep on his shoulder… Sebek’s going to push him away (almost💕) every time!
Malleus – depends on a person and on his mood; for the majority of time he isn’t very physical, but he does crave this kind of thing sometimes. Mostly he would just hold hands or do this kind of stuff, but neither Lilia nor Sebek are the type to do that with him (Sebek would pass out lol). Malleus used to be more cuddly when he was younger, there was a period of time when he would always nuzzle to Lilia’s neck or chest and hug him tightly, but as he grew older he kind of stopped doing that. It’s a very vulnerable thing to him I guess.
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cheolsfae · 7 months
𓃭 Ateez as your bf
Requested: no
Genre: Fluff and stuff
Warning(s): none
He's such a mom lmao
You didn't sleep enough? You got scolded, and he made you take a nap.
You didn't eat? He's on your ass like a lawn mower on grass.
I get the vibe he likes to bake for you a whole hell of a lot.
Expect plenty of cupcakes, cookies, pies, cakes, etc.
I also think that he is the type that when you are feeling insecure, he gets upset about it. He doesn't like when you are down on yourself. Bro wants you to see yourself the way he sees you!
Definitely the jealous type! But not in a God awful way. More like in a pouty way.
One time, you'd been hit on in a bar, and he wouldn't stop pouting!
Yes, you rejected the person, but man! He wouldn't let it go! You had to make it up to him in a different way 😏
He would show you all the corny love songs he'd made for you!
And my lord were there a lot!
He really did love ya a whole lot!
This man...
When I tell you this man would clown on you whenever the hell he felt like getting a rise out of you!
The amount of energy he has is astounding.
Expect plenty of playful wrestling!
He lets you win like 90% of the time though because you are his partner and he could never harm you!
Psych! He kicks your ass almost every single time!
Constantly smacks your ass in passing but you do the same to him.
Especially in public! He likes the reaction you give!
He liked playing video games with you.
Especially Mario party. Mainly because he would always win!
He loved winning because you would pout and get all cute. It gave him an excuse to kiss it all better 💕
But you would always win at Mario Kart so it was fair. Whether or not he let you win it all the time you would never know because he wouldn't tell you.
He loved the look on your face when you won! So bright and happy, almost jumping for joy!
He liked to play with your hair or your fingers whenever he was nervous!
Never leaves you alone!
Going to go to the grocery store to get something you forgot? He's tailing along with you.
Going to the bathroom to pee? He's right there following you. Sitting on the floor across from you talking to you.
He's your shadow!
He's holding onto you all the time! Whether it be holding your hand or hanging off of you.
Holding onto your waist. Whatever it is, he's there!
Words of affirmation are very important to this big baby! 👏
He needs to be told how much you mean to him and how cute/handsome you think he is!
I think he's the type to go along with whatever you want to do because he's so whipped for you!
You do the same for him though!
Small spoon!
Absolutely loves to be small spoon! Practically demands it lmao
Feels safe and warm when you have your leg thrown over his waist!
Loves it when you baby talk to him.
This man loves to be babied and deserves to be treated like the little prince he is!
Definitely the touchy-feely type! Not as much as San but pretty close.
Expect to be held onto a whole hell of a lot.
Constantly starting little arguments to fight with you (but like in a playful way, not in a toxic way).
You guys always made up in some cutesy way. Whether a kiss on the cheek or maybe a little date night.
Small spoon #2!
You make him feel so safe and protected! He really trusts you!
I don't think he'd be the cuddle bug type but I do think he'd be want to be near you a whole hell of a lot.
His love language is definitely quality time.
Don't think he won't want to ever be physically affectionate. He will be, but when he wants to.
Hell, you guys would be laying down In bed, he'll lay on your stomach while you play softly with his hair.
He has his moments! 😭
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gimmeyourlovepls · 8 months
summary: you and the other Baudelaire siblings are on the Queequeg, and seeing Fiona all touchy feely with Klaus makes your blood boil. So, you write your feelings out, but you didn't know that he would read them.
a/n: hi! Was rewatching asoue and the ideas just exploded. Side note, normally you, the reader, at least in this one-shot, are very clingy to Klaus, always hugging him and holding his hand. Anyway, read!
You sat on a chair, staring at Klaus and that girl that is currently too close to him. You wanted to push her away so badly, to hold Klaus and drag him away, but you weren't his girlfriend, and you probably never would be with the way he's falling for literally every girl who's not you, starting with Isadora and now Fiona. Getting up, you walked to the chambers that Fiona gave you to sleep and found your journal, right on top of your bed.
Before Uncle Monty's horrible death, you and him got pretty close and you told him about your love for writing, so he gave you one of his empty journals and told you to write every once in a while and come show him. You never got to show him a single one.
Picking up the pen that you always put on the notebook, you started to write angrily, your hand moving so fast the ink becam sligthly smudged.
Why is Klaus touching her so much, being touched by her so much? I should be the one clinging to him, okaying and helping him with his ideas, touching his arm, smiling at him, kissing him. The idea of Fiona and him makes me sick. Why should she and her stupid submarine come and steal Klaus away? But, if he really likes her, I'll go along, I'll smile when they say they're dating, giggle at every time she makes him flustered, and I'll cry at there wedding, although the tears will not be ones of joy. When they have their first kid, I'll hold them happily, smiling at how they have his eyes, his beautiful, shining, kind, intelligent eyes that I could lose myself in, and I have. And I'll cry myself to sleep every night, alone because I can't imagine myself with anyone else but him.
You finished writing, pen ink slightly staining your palms and fingertips. Reading over what you just wrote, a sense of dread and disgust filled you. How could you write this about another person? Without another thought, you ripped the page out, crumpling it and throwing it somewhere it would not be seen for hopefully a long time.
Frowning, you were lost in your own mind, drowning in your thoughts as Violet talked about something to do with the machinery. "...what do you think, Y/N?" You look up, confused. "O-oh, yeah, sure!" She looked at you with a stange look. "I just asked you if you'd eat glue with apples? What's wrong Y/N?" Sighing, you sat up straight. "Nothing, just... do you think that Klaus likes Fiona?"
You saw the gears turning in her head before she smiled, and you immediatley regreted your question as she started speaking. "You like Klaus!" The way you looked away from her said everything she needed to know. "Y/N, you should tell him!" "Do you see the way he smiles around her? I don't stand a chance!" You frowned, thinking about Klaus and Fiona. Violet smiled kindly, taking your hands in hers. "I'm gonna be honest with you, my brother is not always the brightest when it comes to love. I think he'll accept you."
"Accept you for what?" You looked up quickly, and saw Klaus holding a book and a... crumpled piece of paper? Thankfully, Fiona wasn't around him for once. "Y/N has something she wants so ask you." You gave Violet a glare, but she just smirked and waited for you to speak. "I u-um, wanted to ask you... where Sunny is! Yeah, I n-need to see Sunny..." Klaus gave you a funny look, a look in his eyes that you couldn't quite decipher, and said, "She's just in the kitchen, helping out." Getting up quickly, you gave Klaus a kiss on the cheek as a thank you, and walked to the kitchen, still pondering what Violet said. You always gave him a hug or kiss on the cheek, but that one was different. You tried to convey all your feelings in it, even though he wouldn't be able to tell.
Taste testing Sunny's food will make you feel better.
A whole bunch of stuff had happened in a suprisingly short amount of time, and long story short, you were about to escape Count Olaf for the umptenth time in the Queequeg with Sunny, Klaus and Violet, and Fiona was leaving to follow her brother, which was the hook-handed man who was an associate of Count Olaf. All the information was making your head spin, but you didn't need to focus on that right now.
Klaus was trying to convice Fiona to stay, and you honestly were not as happy as you thought she would be at her leave. As he grabbed her arm, she leaned in for a kiss, which you could see from a mile away, but what you weren't expecting, was for Klaus to turn his face, so it was only a kiss on the cheek. Fiona left, Klaus having a solemn look on his face.
As Violet powered on the submarine and you were putting down Sunny, Klaus took your arm and dragged you to an empty room. You looked up at him in confusion, gasping softly as he pushed you down on a chair in the room, and as you stared at his face, you still couldn't tell what he was feeling.
He took out a piece of paper, it slightly crumpled, but you could still see the writing, and as you squinted slightly, you realized it was yours. Oh crap.
"Y/N, do you know what this is?" He said, holding it in front of you. "A-a piece of paper?" You muttered soflty, not wanting to actually say what it was, even though you knew exactly what it was, and who wrote it. "Don't play dumb with me Y/N." Under his glare, your head fell down as you looked at a "very" interesting stain on the floor. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean for anyone to see it, especially not you... I just wrote it while I was angry, it doesn't mean anything!" You rushed to explain yourself, still scared to look him in the eye.
You felt a hand on your shoulder, and you worked up the courage to look up at him. He was... smiling? Suddenly, laughter bubbled out of his chest, and he was giggling. Ok, what the hell?
"D-do you seriously think I would ditch you for a lady I just met?" He chuckled. "...maybe." He pulled you up into a hug. "Y/N, I have known you for almost my whole life. I could never. ...and I might have a slight crush on you as well." You grinned, blushing. Maybe your feelings weren't one-sided after all.
a/n: when i tell u i hate this so much. ill just post it.
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mysecretlittlelibrary · 3 months
Operation Keep Busy (Peter Anthology AU Pt. 3)
Pairing: Platonic! Peter Parker & Reader; Reader x Bucky (but that's not really plot relevant)
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: none really except some mentions of death, they visit the cemetery
Genre: super fluffy minor angst
Summary: You happen to be the only person who still remembers Peter Parker exists and you are not about to hang him out to dry. So what happens when you take Peter in and basically become his guardian? Well- nothing is simple where super-teens are involved, but you and Peter can certainly handle whatever comes your way. Right?
"Hey, kid, come here." Bucky stops Peter as he walks past the kitchen on the way out of your apartment.
"Hi Mr. Bucky. What's up? Did I do something? Are you going to yell at me?" Peter asks.
"Why would I yell at you?" Bucky frowns.
"Well you don't seem to like me very much so- I kinda just assumed that if you wanted to talk it couldn't be anything good." Peter shrugs.
"Oh. Just so we're clear, I don't- not like you or- Not the point. I need your help with something."
"You need my help?" Peter's eyes widen.
"Me and Y/n's anniversary is next week and I'll need your help distracting her for the afternoon while I set some things up." Bucky explains.
"You need me to distract her for a whole afternoon?! How am I supposed to do that?"
"Just a few hours. I think you can manage." Bucky shrugs.
"What if I can't?!"
"You're basically her surrogate child, you tell her you need her for quite literally anything and she'd drop whatever she's doing to help you. Just make something up that'll keep you busy for at least two hours."
"That's a long time Mr. Bucky." Peter frowns.
"You have a whole week. I'm sure you can come up with something." Bucky clasps Peter's shoulder as his form of encouragement.
"Like what?"
"Sorry kid that part's your job." Bucky shrugs. Peter lets out a huff through his nose.
"I'll do my best." He nods. He's not about to screw this up and make Mr. Bucky actually have a reason to not like him.
Bucky's lips gently caressing the back of your neck slowly pull you from your sleep this morning and you let out an appreciative hum at the feeling.
"Good morning baby." He says.
"Good morning indeed." You smile, turning in his arms to face him.
"Happy anniversary doll."
"Happy anniversary my love."
"I-" Bucky's interrupted by a timid knock on your bedroom door.
"Hey- y/n, can I come in?" Peter asks hesitantly.
"One moment Peter!" You call back.
"No tell him to go away." Bucky grumbles pulling you back against him when you move to get up.
"Don't be a child, if he's at the door first thing he obviously needs something. Plus what if he heard you? That's mean."
"There's no way he heard me." Bucky rolls his eyes.
"You don't know that." You pluck his forehead and roll out of bed. You quickly put on your robe and open the door to find Peter in the hall.
"Hi- good morning. Sorry if I woke you."
"You and I both know you know you didn't wake- nevermind. Good morning Peter. What's up?" You ask.
"Well... I was just wondering if maybe- canyougowithmetovisitauntMay?!" He rushes out so quickly you're not sure you heard it right.
"Huh? Say that again, slower this time please."
"I was wondering if you would go with me to visit Aunt May today. I haven't been in a few months and I feel really really bad about it but I don't have it in me to go by myself again, it's too hard but if I don't go today I won't be able to live with myself so I was really hoping you'd be able to come with me." Peter nervously twiddles his fingers as he speaks.
"I-" You glance briefly at Bucky still in your bed "Peter of course I'll go with you, sweetheart." You say.
"You will?"
"Absolutely. We can even hit up a florist first and pick out a special bouquet for her if you'd like."
"Thank you!" Peter almost tackles you in a hug and you wrap your arms around him, though taken aback. He's not the most touchy-feely kid.
"No problem honey. Go ahead and get dressed."
"Okay. I'll be quick!"
"No rush. I still have to make breakfast." You call after him as he darts down the hall.
"You're really going to spend our anniversary in a graveyard?!" Bucky scoffs.
"Not the whole of it. And instead of being dreadful about it, you could think about it as me spending our anniversary being there for the child I decided to take in when he needs me." You say. "Besides, it's a Tuesday, we can literally hit up any restaurant and go to dinner later we'll be fine."
"I had hoped to spend the day with you." He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you back into bed with him.
"Oh and did this day together involve getting out of bed at some point?" You quip.
"Only after a few hours if I could help it." He litters kisses along your throat as he speaks.
"Oh so no different than any other day. Good to know." You chuckle. "Look I'm sure we won't spend the whole day at the cemetery, we can just go to dinner somewhere later this evening. It's a Tuesday we should have no issue getting a table at literally any restaurant we'd like to go to." You say.
"I guess." He sighs.
"Don't pout." You kiss his protruding lip with a chuckle. "What do you want for breakfast?"
"Alright. I'll leave some for you for whenever you get up." You tell him before going to your bathroom to get ready. You wash your face and brush your teeth and when you go back into your room to pick out clothes Bucky is still in bed. He quite enjoys an opportunity to lounge around when he gets the chance. You get dressed pretty quickly and head to the kitchen to make breakfast. Peter slides into the kitchen just as you finish making the pancakes and eggs.
"Ooo pancakes." He says.
"Help yourself." You tell him.
"Are you going to have some?"
"Yeah, I'm just getting some strawberries first." You say. You cut up the fruit and put it on a plate with two pancakes and a scoop of eggs.
"You made a lot."
"Some's for Bucky, whenever he gets out of bed. He's being a bit pouty right now." You shrug.
"Pouty? About what?" Peter asks.
"Oh just about me spending the afternoon with you. Don't worry about it, he'll be alright." You wave a hand dismissively. 
"You're sure? I don't want him to hate me."
"Oh you have nothing to worry about there. The big scary thing is just an act he's such a softy. He'll deny it if you ask but it's true."
"If you say so." Peter frowns at his breakfast plate.
"You are so adorable." You chuckle. "Hon do not let that grumpy old man stress you out. You're a sweet kid, as long as he's not rude to you and vice versa don't panic about him 'liking you' he can't justify being a hater." You shrug.
"... Being a hater? Where did you learn that?"
"Peter I am not that old don't start." You point your fork at him. He puts his hands up in surrender and continues eating without another word. The two of you finish breakfast and are out of the apartment in the next half hour.
"Okay there's a florist a couple of blocks away if you want to hit that one, or we can find one closer to the cemetery if you'd like." You suggest as the two of you walk towards the subway.
"I think we should- find one near the cemetery." He says.
"That's fine. Let's just get on the train then." You say. Your ride isn't long maybe 15 minutes but tracking down a florist near the graveyard proves to be a much more difficult task. Or rather, Peter makes it a difficult task, for some reason he swears to know one 'not far' but after a ten minute walk you insist on checking your phone only to find he's had you walking in the exact opposite direction.
"You're not usually so bad with directions Peter, I have to say I'm surprised we ended up so off."
"Sorry I just- I think I'm distracted because of the whole- visiting May thing." He frowns.
"Oh honey- don't worry about it. Lucky for us it's the 21st century and everyone has a digital map in their pockets at all times." You say rubbing his shoulder. Eventually, you make it to the flower shop. Peter takes his time picking out flowers for his aunt, you help where you can but he seems to have a specific vision and you're happy to let him create to his satisfaction. It does take a while, you're in that flower shop for almost thirty minutes. When he's finished, you pay the florist and thank her as you leave.
"You ready kid?" You ask him before you reach the actual cemetery.
"Yeah- I've got this." He nods.
"Let's do this Pete." You turn the corner and follow Peter into the cemetery. It takes him no time at all to find his aunt's stone, there are some wilted flowers on it but otherwise, the area is pristine.
"Happy must've- he still comes here a lot." Petter mutters.
"Is that what stops you from coming?" You ask.
"No- not entirely. It doesn't make it easier. It just- reminds me how much of my life I don't- everything's changed."
"Yeah- nothing in the world could prepare you for the things you've endured. I can't imagine having some of those experiences at your age." You sigh.
"Thank you." Peter says after a moment of quiet.
"I mean it's pretty objectively crazy, you don't have to thank me for acknowledging it-"
"No. I mean thank you for being here. I think I'd be much worse off if you hadn't found me."
"Peter you are- scrappy. You're incredibly resilient I truly believe you'd be able to make it out of anything the world throws at you. But I'm more than happy to be around to help." You tell him. "Do you- want me to give you a moment?" You ask.
"No- you can stay. Please."
"Alright, but I'll step back a bit so I'm not eavesdropping." You say taking two steps back. You'll still be able to hear him if you listen but you'll do your best not to because you're just here for support. He talks for some time. You make a point not to listen so you don't know what all about but you stand nearby for support while he does. When he's done, he sets the flowers down and turns to you.
"Do you want to say anything?" He asks.
"Hey May, hope the afterlife is treating you well. I've got the kid so, you can rest easy. I miss you, but I expect you to have peace, take care." You keep it brief. Death is sad, but you believe you've always made the most of your time with people and you find peace in knowing your relationship was fulfilling while she was here, even if there are things you'll never get to do with her. You clear your throat and adjust Happy's wilted flowers so they're not askew before you and Peter leave.
"Thank you." Peter mutters beyond the gates.
"For coming along?"
"I mean yeah who wants to waste their day at a graveyard?"
"Peter I will never feel my time wasted if it's spent doing something important to you. You could have me here for 40 days and 40 nights and I still wouldn't see it as a waste if it meant something to you." You say. Peter stops walking and suddenly wraps his arms around you.
"You're so awesome." He says.
"Thanks kid, so are you." You chuckle as you hug him back. "Anything else you wanna do before we head back?" You ask him when he pulls away and begins walking again.
"Actually- would you be willing to check out NYU's campus with me today?"
"You know we don't have to check out NYU. If there's- another school you'd like to visit like... say- I dunno MIT maybe- there's nothing stopping us from popping in for a quick visit." You suggest. Peter shakes his head.
"No. Ned and MJ they're doing great I'm sure- I can't- I don't want to mess that up for them by going there and risking a repeat of anything that got me into the mess I ended up in."
"Peter- they're going to find their ways back into your life you know. Avoiding them will not protect them." You frown.
"I dunno I think I got really lucky the first time around- that kind of fluke doesn't happen twice."
"I gotta disagree with you there man, there are hundreds of versions of you and hundreds of versions of them and I'm no Dr. Strange but I have a hunch that in most of those variations of the universe they find you. Some bonds are stronger than spells, they can transcend time and space. I've seen very few bonds like yours with Ned and MJ- I know this isn't the end of the road." You shake your head.
"I still don't want to go to MIT." He shakes his head.
"Fine we won't go today but we have to go before you make a decision on where to go to college."
"I still don't think it's a good idea for me to leave New York."
"The city will survive without you for a few months at a time. We've got enough heroes around you know."
"Yeah but don't you think people would notice if Spiderman were only around from May to August and then again in December? What if someone figured out I was a college kid?"
"I mean unless you start superheroing in Massachusetts no one would know where to find you." You shrug. "Plus I can always bring you back if something reaaaally needs your attention."
"Do you want me out of your place that bad?" He jokes.
"Never! Peter you'll still live there." You throw your arm around him. "You could stay with me til you're 30 and I wouldn't be upset."
"I would." He scoffs.
"I know. That's why I wouldn't be. I know you'll move out before then. I do expect you back for holidays though." You warn him.
"Absolutely. Your cooking is too good to not come back as often as you'll let me." He says. You roll your eyes though you can't help but smile.
"Of course, it's food that keeps you around." You scoff.
"Well it's not Mr. Bucky that's for sure." He shrugs.
"Alright!" You point a warning finger at him even as you laugh. "Let's just do this unguided campus tour."
The two of you make your way to NYU after a while and you pretty much just follow Peter across the campus through each building. You look up at the quickly darkening sky and check your phone as the two of you leave the campus.
"I cannot believe you made us go through every single building on that huge ass campus." You say.
"If I'm gonna go here I need to know where everything is!"
"Peter if you go here I can promise you some of those buildings you'll probably never step foot in." You say.
"You don't know that!" He says.
"What do you plan on studying again?"
"I- I'm not sure, computer science or engineering probably?"
"So a science cool, do you plan on picking up an instrument? Cuz you don't play one now."
"I don't think so."
"That means you will probably never need to go to the orchestral practice rooms. Unless you plan on befriending a bunch of music majors in which case my questions are why and how does that happen?"
"I could meet a really cool music tech major in one of my gen ed classes! Or someone in my major could have a violin performance minor! Or I join a club of some sort-"
"You probably still wouldn't go to those orchestra rooms you made us find." You laugh.
"Better safe than sorry." He shrugs and you shake your head because what else can you do here. The two of you head back to the apartment discussing the things Peter did and didn't like about the school. When you get back the lights are off in the apartment but you don't get a chance to fix that before a cloth is placed over your eyes.
"What are you up to Bucky?" You ask, immediately feeling his presence behind you.
"Got a surprise for you doll, but you have to trust me for a minute."
"I trust you for eternity." You say.
"Should I leave-?" Peter asks.
"Nah don't worry about it kid. I'm taking her away. Thanks for your help."
"His help? Peter what did you do?" You frown.
"Don't answer, Parker. You ask too many questions doll. It's time for your surprise." Bucky says leading you, you assume out of the apartment.
"Do not let me bump into anything James or I swear-"
"When have I ever allowed harm to come to you?"
"Fair point but you've also never blindfolded me outside of the bedroom." You muse. Bucky lightly taps your ass
"You'll be fine." He chuckles. You hear the ding of the elevator and Bucky presumably guides you inside. You ride for a while and step out again. You're still inside, you can tell you're walking on carpet, and every so often you'll hear a voice as you pass what you guess are other apartments. So you're not in the lobby. Bucky opens a door and as you step forward you know the flooring has changed.
"We're going up some stairs, we'll take it slow." He warns you. Bucky guides you up the stairs slowly, one hand holding one of yours and the other against your back. Eventually, you hear another door open and feel the coolness of night against your skin when you step through it. You walk a little further before Bucky gently unties and removes the blindfold. You blink a few times to reacclimate your eyes and gasp as you take in the sight before you.
Candles, and rose petals surround a picnic on a blanket in front of a projector screen. It's like something straight out of a movie and for a moment you're not even sure what to say.
"I hope the silence isn't a bad sign." He says.
"Oh Bucky." You spin around and throw your arms over his shoulders. "It's beautiful. I can't believe you did all of this!" You kiss him, sweet and slow, hoping your appreciation is felt through it.
"I'm glad you like it, spent all day up here setting up."
"It's the sweetest thing anyone's ever done for me. Thank you." You say.
"Come, let's eat. I tracked down some of the movies you've been wanting to watch. I figured we'd just work our way through a few of them until we're tired or it gets too cold to be on the roof. Whichever happens first." Bucky takes your hand and guides you over to his rooftop picnic, helping you onto the blanket before he joins you on the other side. You watch as he opens and starts setting out various food items. It's a full set of courses with an appetizer, entree, and an array of desserts.
"Oh my gosh, this all looks so wonderful." You gush.
"Yeah- pretty proud of this if I do say so myself."
"Wait- so how did Peter have anything to do with it?"
"You just have to know everything huh." He chuckles kissing your temple.
"Well, when you've rarely said more than 5 words at a time to him on any given day. I have to admit it piques my curiosity that you had him help you with something." You shrug.
"Well I couldn't very well work on this with you around could I?"
"You told Peter to take me to the cemetery?!" You blink at him.
"I told Peter to get you out of the apartment for the day. The cemetery was all him." He shrugs.
"Unbelievable." You shake your head and chuckle.
"I'll admit I was surprised when that was his angle this morning, but it did the job so-" Bucky brings a bite of pasta up to your mouth as he speaks. You take the offered food and the taste of it on your tongue completely steals your focus. You and Bucky talk and eat and cuddle while watching movies well into the night, basking in each other's uninterrupted company as the hours tick by and you honestly can't think of a better way to have spent your anniversary.
Tagged Users: @mrsbuckybarnes1917 @buchi91
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loveing-eyes · 1 year
tamaki amajiki with an affectionate s/o
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tamaki amajiki
• poor baby gets flustered easily and has panic attacks when he's not expecting something
• so when you randomly came and hugged him unexpectedly he freaked out
•he didn't get mad cause he knew you were touchy-feely but the two of you made an agreement for if you were not just alone in your rooms or just with mirio and nejire to ask for hugs and he would give you quick ones
•he is affectionate when not in public and very affectionate he is
•he loves the moments just between you and him with you sitting on his lap holding him close as the two of you sit in peaceful silence
• he loves cuddling with you as the two of you sleep
• he likes laying on your stomach almost as much as he enjoys it when you lay on top of him laying your head in the crook of his neck your soft breathing helps him sleep
• he actually quite likes your touchy behaviors though sometimes he wonders if you're thinking about someone else which you arent
• he likes kissing your hands i don't know why just something speaks to me about him picking up your hand keeping eye contact and kissing it softly
• holding hands almost 24/7
• he enjoys long hugs before he leaves to go help with something cause he's seen too many people die to be ignorant of the fact there's always the possibility of him not coming back
• hes happy you chose him to be with otherwise who knows maybe he never would have felt so loved by a single person
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starfall-jade · 1 year
Meant for me -Josh Kiszka
A/n: I’ve been having tons of childhood friend to boyfriend Josh thoughts lately and that’s where this idea was born from if that’s any idea of how I’m coping right now :) also that pic of him is so boyfriend I had to use it!
TW: LOTS of fluff (that’s all)
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Your feelings for Josh had been clear to you since fifth grade. The two of you met during first grade. You were the new girl at school, timid and shy. And when the teacher called on you to read the current chapter you instantly clammed up, trying to hide your face behind your folder in an attempt to buy some time to think about how you could refuse. Until you heard a boys voice come from the desk behind you. "I'll read if she doesn't want to Mrs. Sanders." His kind voice accompanied by his sweet smile instantly made you want to know him better. You two were inseparable for the rest of first grade and every year after.
That was the start of your ever growing feelings for Josh, the two of you had been through everything together. Vacations with each others families, bad dates and one night stands, both good times and bad. Everything had brought you and Josh closer together your feelings only growing, and his? Well you had no clue.
You had never been too sure how Josh felt about you, whether he saw you as just a friend or more. Always hanging on to little moments like your life depended on it. Moments when his eyes grazed over your face a little too long, his fingertips brushing the back of your hand or hip, his lips "accidentally" meeting the skin of your cheek during a long hug.
As the years went on, you and Josh only grew closer. On the outside the two of you looked very much like a couple. But it was painfully obvious to you that the two of you were just friends. Josh was a touchy feely person towards everyone.
When had you come to the realization that you were in love with Josh? After a talk with his twin Jake, at a bonfire in the Kiszka's backyard. You hadn't even noticed that your eyes had been tracking Josh's figure the whole night, but Jake noticed. Jake saw the way your face lit up in the orange tinted glow from the fire whenever Josh spoke to you or met your eyes. If you're being honest with yourself you hadn't even noticed that you loved Josh until Jake made you come to terms with it.
That's how you ended up here, music softly playing throughout the warm, cozy kitchen of the Kiszka's vacation cabin. Your hands worked to whisk the bowl of blueberry pancake batter, hips swaying to the music as the lyrics flowed lightly from your lips. After waking up earlier this morning and spending some time on the porch reading and looking over the peaceful rolling mountains, you made your way back into the warmth of the house and decided to start breakfast for the group.
The eggs and bacon sat cooked and keeping warm in the oven, now you were just focused on the pancakes. Being in this place, surrounded by the serene mountains and the cozy warmth of the cabin was your greatest escape. Every time you had been invited to join the Kiszka's on their annual vacation you were astounded at how peaceful and stress free you could be, and you swore you would bottle the feeling and keep it forever if you could.
Suddenly a pair of shuffled footsteps entered the kitchen space, your head whipping around to meet Jake's groggy features. "Morning." He mumbled, his voice thick with the remnants of sleep still clinging to him.
"Good morning sleepy head."
"Y/n, It's 7 am." Jake moved to start setting the table as you finished up the breakfast spread, "Not everyone wakes up at sunrise you know."
"It was a pretty killer sunrise."
"Assuming you watched it after hiking up a mountain?"
"Nope. Just a light 2 mile hike." Jake always did love to tease you about your love for "all things granola" as he so lovingly put it. He loved to jest that it made you perfect for Josh, he didn't love the reactionary slap to the arm that he always received after saying it though.
"You went on a sunrise hike without me Birdy? I think I might cry." Josh's voice suddenly sounded from the bottom of the steps leading to the loft where he had been sleeping. "Birdy" was a nickname you earned from Josh while on a field trip in the ninth grade. Your class was visiting a state park in the area, when your group reached the summit of the hiking trail. While admiring the view you spotted a small bird laying on the ground exhaustedly flapping its wings. You couldn't just pass by the small creature so you gently scooped it up in your hands, walking over to the edge before releasing the bird, watching as it flapped its wings and began to fly away from your eyesight. Josh was with you during the event, secretly admiring your tender heart and compassion for even the smallest of creatures. He had always loved how gentle and kind you were, even in the situations where you wished you could be anything else.
A grin settled into your features at the nickname, as always, "You drove yesterday, I thought you might enjoy sleeping in a little longer."
"Well his snoring woke me up so I'd say he did enjoy it." Jake piped up, smirking at his twin over the mug of coffee resting near his lips.
You let out a giggle before turning back to the stove to cook the remaining pancakes. The conversation between you and the twins drifted off into comfortable nonsense, and soon you were joined by the rest of the Kiszka family, and the Wagner family.
You were always made to feel as if you were a part of the family with both the Wagner's and Kiszka's and especially during times like this, gathered around the table sharing in conversation as rumbling laughter echoed through the rental cabin.
Not long after everyone finished eating, Karen suggested a movie in the large entertainment space contained within the cabins basement as the forecasted rain had begun to fall. Members of each family followed down the stairs, leaving just you and Josh still sitting at the table.
"Well, I should probably put all of this away." Your voice broke through the thick silence that had settled over the room. You kept glancing at Josh almost expecting him to say something, but every time your eyes traced his face they were met with the distinct face that he makes when he is deep in thought. As you moved to stand from your seat Josh's eyes darted up to yours as if your sudden movement startled him from his trance.
"Oh, yeah. Let me help you." As he stood from his seat you stepped over to the small speaker placed on the counter that was already connected to your phone from earlier, pressing play to resume your Spotify playlist.
You recognized the song immediately as it softly began playing throughout the room, it was one of Josh's favorites from when you were younger. The first song he ever sang for you. You had instantly fallen in love with the song back then, buying the album just to play it on repeat, but nothing ever compared to the way the lyrics sounded coming from Josh's mouth. But you had never stopped listening to that song, even now you had added it to your playlist and you'd play it almost daily.
You tried to busy yourself with collecting the dishes from the table, trying your best not to think that the boy who had made you fall in love with the song was currently standing in the same room as you. You had realized years back that you didn't just fall in love with the song that day but instead, you fell for the boy who was gently singing the lyrics as he gazed into your eyes with those glistening soft brown eyes.
As you went to place the dishes into the sink you felt the presence of Josh's warm body step right behind you, his hand coming around your body to gently grasp your free hand before slightly tugging it causing you to turn and face him. "Dance with me please?" You almost asked him to pinch you as the words almost made you think you were imagining this moment. This couldn't possibly be happening, right?
"Dance with you?" Your eyes had to be the size of saucers right now, as they flitted from Josh's face to where your hand was still cradled within his larger one.
"Yes Birdy. Dance with me." The smile on his face was wide and bright as his other hand moved to rest on your waist. Noticing how stiff you still were Josh gently guided your hand up to rest on his shoulder, then he placed his other hand on your waist as well. He began to sway with the beat of the song, his hands guiding your hips to sway in tandem with his.
You started to relax, your other hand coming to rest on his bicep as the hand on his shoulder slid up to rest on the back of his neck. You were tempted to close your eyes and savor this moment, sure at this point that soon you would awake from this dream. Your eyes caught his and you found yourself lost within the swirling shades of honey.
"How mad would you be if I kissed you right now Birdy?" Josh suddenly asked, one of his hands leaving your waist to cradle your cheek. "Who says I would be mad?" Your reply came as a shock even to you, but you decided why not be a little brazen as you hadn’t imagined any of this happening when you woke up this morning.
Your eyes caught the smile that tugged at the corners of his plump lips, before you saw those very same lips begin to near your own parted lips. Not being able to stand the nerves and anticipation coursing through your veins, you tilted your head up planting your lips on his. Your body erupted in chills at the feeling of his lips being molded to yours in every way possible and your hands reached to pull him impossibly closer as both pairs of lips moved in synch.
If you hadn’t been rather occupied you swore you would’ve turned cartwheels across the cabin. You had dreamed of this moment. This feeling for so many years you couldn’t believe you were finally experiencing it. You slowly pulled away from Josh’s lips, still tucked closely into his body.
“I can’t believe that just happened.” You vocalized, a grin stretching itself across your mouth. Your eyes bright as they gazed into his. “Honestly I think I’ve wanted that to happen since the fifth grade.”
Josh let out a laugh at your revelation, his lips descending to meet yours a second time. This time the kids was just a small peck. “You know Birdy, I think I’ve always known that if there was ever anybody meant for me it’s you.” His voice was just a quiet whisper, like his words were truly only meant for your ears.
“Josh. I’m so in love with you it’s insane.”
“I’m in love with you too Y/n.”
Your grin widened impossibly and you pulled his face down to plant another kiss on his incredibly soft lips. “I think that’s the first time you’ve said my actual name since freshman year.” You laughed out as you pulled away, Josh’s laughter soon joining and mixing perfectly with yours. You could die at this moment and still be the happiest person in the world.
“Woah. That’s new.” A new voice startled you out of your elated thoughts as both of your heads whipped to face the direction of the voice. Sam’s shocked figure stood, open mouthed, right beside the entrance to the basement stairs. Your eyes went wide in response and they flickered to Josh’s calm expression. “So I’m just going to go. Come down when you guys are…done I guess?”
You watched Sam turn and rush down the steps, your cheeks flaring in embarrassment. “Birdy, I’m ready for this if you are.” Josh’s voice held no worry or fear, or even embarrassment. But instead his voice sounded relaxed, serene almost. You knew immediately that he wasn’t just referring to facing his brother after being caught lip locked. No Josh was referring to a relationship between the two of you, an ongoing thing serious enough for his family to know about it. Surprisingly you didn’t feel panicked at the thought of that much commitment hitting you all at once, you felt completely at peace, not to mention excited to see where life with the curly haired cutie that had stuck with you since childhood would take you.
Instead of a reply you simply placed your hand in Josh’s and intertwined your fingers together. The two of you descending the stairs hand in hand, once at the bottom you felt the eyes of everyone in the room meet your figures. Swallowing roughly, your eyes traveled from family member to family member just waiting for someone to simply react at all. “I told you it would happen!” Karen’s voice rang through the room, a bright smile falling onto her features as she lightly slapped Kelly on the bicep. Soon both families were smiling ear to ear and erupting with cheers of excitement mixed with confessions that they knew it would happen all along.
Josh moved to sit in an unoccupied spot on the sectional, pulling you gently by the waist until you were sat directly beside him, tucked into his side with his arm resting around your lower back. Once the room was calm yet again the movie was started.
During the opening, Jake leaned over to Sam before saying, “I didn’t forget that you owe me $20 by the way.”
“You guys seriously bet on us?” A laugh bubbling out of your chest at the revelation that everyone around the two of you realized that you’re eye in love before either of you did.
“Of course we did. We’ve had the bet going since the 8th grade dance when Josh took Jessica Stanley and you tried to avoid him for a week.” Jake replied, your eyes rolling at the memory of your ridiculous preteen exaggeration. Your eyes travelled back to Josh to find him already looking at you, a smirk taking residence on his face.
“Don’t you even say anything.” You pointed at him, trying to look intimidating but ultimately failing with the smile that overtook your downturned expression.
You had always felt like you were meant to be with Josh, but now you truly felt that you belonged right here. Tucked deep into the side of his body, his arms wrapped tightly around you not willing to let you go, surrounded by his family and friends sharing laughs and heartwarming conversations. You belonged with Josh.
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shanksxbuggy · 10 months
PLSOLSPLSSS share more of ur shuggy headcanons the last one was so good that it has been my lil entertainment in the head cuz i cant write for shitttt
Ask and you shall receive c: I didn’t know if my headcanons would be very interesting, so I’m glad to hear you enjoy it.
I started this out thinking hmm do I even have any more headcanons, but now I’ve written all this…
Sometimes I imagine them as cis, but sometimes I like to headcanon them as trans. Shanks as a transman, Buggy as nonbinary or trans or genderfluid or like a drag queen. However they are, they’re hanging with Ivankov and the rest of queer community because they just fit there.
Buggy used to be insecure about his hair and hid it under a beanie. He used to want a more ‘normal’ hair color like the other crewmembers.
Shanks is the better liar when he wants to be. He doesn’t lie as often, but he’s better at controlling and hiding his emotions.
Buggy first became interested in the circus by seeing street performers as a kid, and somehow felt the circus lights calling out to him. His heart longs for the stage, to be at the center of attention before a huge crowd. But he also hates being made fun of and isn’t very good at dealing with criticism. He became inspired to include circus techniques and magician’s tricks in his fighting style, light and airy and impossible to predict.
Buggy didn’t come up with being called the clown, the Marines did. He just begrudgingly went with it.
Shanks is a lot more touchy-feely. He likes casually having an arm around Buggy, having their thighs touching, resting his head on his shoulder. Buggy is generally fine with it in front of people he knows, but he’s not one for overly public displays of affection. He has a reputation to uphold.
After Buggy got his powers, whenever he used to get annoyed or mad at Shanks, he’d detach his body and float away where Shanks couldn’t reach him.
Buggy knows sign language, because it’s useful for subtle communication and even better when you’re someone who can detach their hands.
Shanks used to show his affection by teasing Buggy a lot, who’d take it the wrong way and thought Shanks was just being an ass for no reason to Buggy. It’s classic pigtail-pulling behavior.
Buggy was real upset about not being able to swim anymore, so Shanks promised to take Buggy out into the water whenever he felt like it, so he could experience the seas without fear of drowning.
One of Shanks’ favorite foods is lobster, which is hard for him to eat unless someone cracks open the shell for him. Buggy is always the one who unshells it for him.
Shanks is a morning person, Buggy is more of a night owl who consumes multiple cups of coffee to function.
Shanks doesn’t like sleeping by himself so he shares sleeping quarters with the crew. After Elegia, he started getting nightmares more frequently. Sleeping with a room full of people he can trust helps put him at ease.
When Shanks can’t sleep, he’ll drink a lot of alcohol until he just knocks himself out.
Same as Luffy, Buggy also has the special ability to turn people into allies, just in a slightly different way.
All the Red-Haired Pirates already know about Buggy because of Shanks’ tendency to ramble while he’s drunk. At first they expected Buggy to be this exotic beauty, they were shocked when they found out the love of Shanks’ life was a literal clown. But then again, Shanks always had…questionable tastes, so they should have expected it.
Shanks really loves Buggy’s red lipstick. He especially loves it when Buggy leaves red lipstick marks on his clothes and skin. Buggy does it as a way of staking his claim.
Despite his good looks, Shanks is bad at posing for photos. He’s not the type to try and utilize his looks, so he’s more awkward in photos than in real life. Buggy is the one who knows how to work the camera and loves showing off in front of it.
Shanks definitely isn’t the type to whine or complain about pointless things…except he will with Buggy, just as a way to get his attention or be pampered. Shanks turns into a big, immature baby around Buggy, but it’s because he feels comfortable enough to do so.
Shanks likes summer islands, Buggy prefers winter islands (his nose gets sunburned easily lol)
They used to swap clothes a lot when they were kids. As adults they don’t do it that much anymore, but when they do, usually it’s Buggy stealing Shanks’ things.
Shanks wears the same damn outfit all the time unless someone forces him into something else (usually it’s Buggy who does). Shanks also sleeps naked or just in his underwear most of the time.
Buggy trains Uta in the circus trade and teaches her tricks so she can include them in her performances. The Buggy Pirates and Uta do collaborations on the stage. It’s like an idol concert meets Cirque du Soleil and the result is mind-blowing. Shanks is not talented enough in that area to be an entertainer, but he is their biggest fan.
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yourdeepestfathoms · 11 months
Dadkovsky and Clara
i LOVE their dynamic, so here’s some content
Daniil is THE reluctant caretaker
He acts like he doesn’t give a fuck about Clara, she’s just some insane brat stepping on the toes of professional adults, but the MOMENT he realizes something is actually wrong with her, he goes STRAIGHT into Dad Mode
And he didn’t even know he had a Dad Mode!
Pet names? Pet names
“Sweetheart” and “pumpkin” are his go-to for her
He questions her choice in bottoms. Her legs are going to get cold!
As such, he’s CONSTANTLY nagging her about putting on pants
“Oh, is the great Bachelor worried for me?” “No, you just look idiotic.”
(He is worried about her)
He doubts the Saburov’s ability to take care of Clara, especially given all her strange…quirks
Sometimes he finds her asleep on benches outside, groans to himself, and wonders if he REALLY wants to deal with this today. And then he trundles over to her and wakes her up, telling her she can sleep at the Stillwater instead of out in the elements.
“God, DON’T look at me with those eyes!”
He once let her use his coat because she was shivering (probably because she doesn’t wear pants), and he genuinely thought he was never gonna get it back (he did. very reluctantly)
He’s the type to worriedly insult Clara when something and happens. like, “what did you do, you stupid girl?”
He and Clara throw jabs at each other constantly, but one day, Clara was just in a really bad mood, and Daniil made a comment, and she just burst into tears
Cue Daniil going, “wait, no, no, no, don’t cry!” and frantically trying to get her to stop
Daniil Very Quickly learned that Clara is EXTREMELY touchy-feely and has no concept of personal space At All
One time, he snapped at her for hanging on him, and she looked like a kicked puppy after, so he heaved a sigh and apologized before explaining that she can’t just go and always get in people’s personal space bubble whenever she wants. She understood well enough!
She still likes using him as her own personal piece of furniture, though
She’s just very touch-starved and craves affection more than food
Speaking of food!
If Daniil has some to spare, he’ll give Clara some food
She always refuses it, though
Which makes him snap at her for being so humble in the time of a famine
After the Plague has ended and Daniil and Artemy become a thing (because we all know those two want to be together), Daniil is even more adamant on getting Clara to eat
Among other things
He’s lucky enough to have found a family in this damn town
Clara has nobody anymore
And although she acts like she doesn’t care, Daniil knows that’s not true
The poor kid is lonely. She wants a family again. But, as brash as she may be, she doesn’t want to impose, especially on Daniil and Artemy
When she invades the house (which happens a lot), Daniil forces her to take a bath while he washes her clothes and that stupid beanie
Daniil tried to teach her how to swim (because i just know that girl can’t)
“Get over here and let me fix you” -Daniil, 24/7
I headcanon Clara with claws because she’s a weird little earthborn creature and deserves freaky bestial traits, and Daniil attempts (key word: ATTEMPTS) to clip them because they’re a safety hazard for EVERYONE, including herself, and she is SO DRAMATIC about it. yowling and crying like a dog getting its nails trimmed. Daniil thinks it’s amusing. and then she bites him.
She once fell asleep in his lap, and he Could Not Move
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melodygatesauthor · 1 year
hi hi! do you have any hc on what love language the moonboys prefer from reader?
Melody Gates Procrastinates
Hi Nonnie!
This is a great question! (The answer was longer than I expected and I did both giving and receiving)
Ook ok ok
I think Marc likes to receive words of affirmation from reader. He likes to (needs) to know that what he's doing is something that you like. He also likes to know that you're happy with him. Telling him that you love him and reassurance is very important with him. The way his face lights up when you look him in the eye and tell him how grateful you are for having him there, or for something he did, it takes your breath away. It has, admittedly, brought him to tears at least once or twice.
I think Marc GIVES acts of service personally. Anything he can do for you to make himself feel useful and less like a burden will make him happy. He's going to constantly make sure there isn't a single thing out of place in the house, and if there's a chore that you despise, he's already done it ten times over. Remember that one thing you said you thought was interesting ages ago? No? Marc remembers, and you're getting it for your next birthday or big holiday.
Steven likes to receive words of affirmation as well but mostly he wants reader to spend time with him. He wants to look back on his life and think about the time you stargazed together or watched a crappy movie wrapped in each other's arms on the couch. He wants to chuckle thinking about the cake you tried to bake together and he wants to remember all the times he read you to sleep.
I think Steven likes to give physical touch a lot. Always having his hands on you, and not necessarily in a sexual way, but just lacing your fingers with his is fantastic for him. He likes cuddling on the couch and having his cheek against the side of your forehead while he's got his hands touching your skin in any way he can. I think he does acts of service in the way of caring for you when you're sick, picking you a flower from a bush while he waits for the bus at the bus stop, and listening to you complain after a long day.
Jake likes to receive physical touch I think. Again, not only sexually, but if he's getting ready for a cab shift, standing in front of the mirror, putting on his tie, and you come up and put your arms around his waist and rest your head on his back? He's smiling like a fool at himself in his reflection. He loves it any time you give him a nice firm squeeze on his behind or when you comb your fingers through his hair idly while reading a book. He just wants to be touched by you.
Jake likes to give gifts. He's a whore for it. He wants to spoil you, buy you jewelry, dresses, suits, whatever you prefer, he's got it. He likes to make sure you have everything you need and more. If you have hair appointments or nail appointments, he's paying for those too. He also likes to give physical touch, he's a touchy feely man. He has his hand on the small of your back while you walk together, and he kisses your cheek while you do dishes.
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