#I need to switch ob/gyns
thebibliosphere · 8 months
My body is just straight up collapsing in on itself today.
I had a three day migraine, none of my joints are staying in place, my stomach is a nightmare, I'm breaking out in hives, my brain is looking for any reason to swan dive off the deep end into self-destruction and Everything Hurts.
All because my menstrual cycle started.
Meanwhile, my ob/gyn just keeps trying to push an IUD on me instead of the actual help I'm asking for. Like fucksake, just let me yeet this shit and try testosterone.
"oH bUt yOu MiGhT gRoW uNwANted hAiR"
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lynnbanks · 10 days
Ooh! Maybe a Luke x reader where it’s an unexpected pregnancy? She holds off telling him cause she’s afraid of his reaction, and accidentally tells Jack first.
She had no idea she was with child until her latest doctor's appointment where they made her take a test before she could be prescribed her new medication. One second she is worry-free and excited to get lunch with her boyfriend after her appointment and all of a sudden the thought of doing anything makes her sick.
“We know from your blood work you are pregnant but unfortunately you will have to go up to the 7th floor to make an appointment with an ob-gyn.” and y/n is still very much in shock and just shakes her head yes. Walking out of the doctor's hands shaking “What the fuck am I going to do.”
I can't tell Luke I'm pregnant, what if he leaves, what if this tears us apart, what if we are bad parents, what if I am ruining his career? All these what-ifs with nobody to pull her out of it.
She makes it to the spot where they agreed to meet for lunch “Hi baby how are you feeling?” Luke asked, taking in her pale face and shaking frame “Did everything go okay? You don't look too good.”
Pulling herself from her thoughts “Yeah um I-they had to take some blood so I'm a little shaky that's all.”
“Well, we should probably eat then!” He says it with a big smile, happy to see his girlfriend after just a few hours apart. and she couldn't be the one to wipe the smile off of his face so she decided to not bring up what the doctor had just told her.
3 weeks later y/n is now 11 weeks pregnant and has just about all of the early stage symptoms. Her first appointment with her ob-gyn is next week and she is terrified. Luke is starting to notice some changes in her too. She is more distant, and emotional this morning. He caught her throwing up after breakfast and when she was done she acted as if she had been caught doing something bad.
“Let's get you to bed sweet girl, you need some rest.” y/n can't tell if it is the fear, the guilt or the baby growing inside of her but she feels like she is about to throw up the very little food she has been able to keep down. “ you must have caught what jack had last week,” Luke says covering her up
And it is that exact reason Jack was home early from practice 3 days later to find his brother's girlfriend passed out on the floor in the middle of the apartment. And is sitting with her in the emergency room till Luke can switch with him. All is fine until the doctor walks into her room “Hi my name is doctor brown this is Emma she will be taking notes for me while we talk”
pulling out her stethoscope to do a plus measurement test “So what are we in here for today?” before y/n can say anything Jack says it for her “She was passed out on the floor of our apartment.” the doctor nodes her head “In your charts, it says you are in the early stages of pregnancy. Do you know how far along you are?”
the room goes dead silent “The reason I say that is because it is normal to be dizzy during the first few weeks but if it is causing you to faint we definitely want to check in with your OB to make sure mom and baby are doing ok.” y/n can feel the tears fill her eyes this was not happening right now
“ I'm assuming you are Dad?” the doctor says to Jack who looks just as pale as she did when she found out “Um n-no no that would be my brother” he says looking at y/n who looks like she might have a mental breakdown at any second
“Oh I'm sorry um well from what I am seeing everything looks good but we still want to do an ultrasound just to cover all our bases. We will have someone come in just a few minutes to get that done for you,” she says, pumping some hand sanitizer into her hands “My only suggestions would be lots of rest and to drink lots of water and if everything is all good with the ultrasound you should be out of here pretty soon.” be for leaving me to fix this mess alone.
“ Did you know?” Jack asked and all y/n could manage to do was sob into her hands and shake her head yes “Does he know?” she shook her head no “Oh y/n” he said as if she was a lost puppy coming up to hug her tight while she let it all go “I don't want him to leave me.”
She was full-on sobbing “What, why would you think that?” “ I am ruining his life!” Jack pulled away to get a good look at the girl he saw as a little sister breaking down in his arms “Hey it takes two to tango and it's not fair to him for you to say that when he doesn't even know.” y/n hadn't thought about how unfair it was to judge Luke for a reaction she didn't know he was going to have
“ I'm scared; every woman in my life has done it alone. I know what it looks like and I can't do it.”
Jack is rubbing her back trying to soothe her as best as he can. “Luke is nothing like those guys ok and if he did ever turn out to be one of those guys you know me and Quinn would be right by your side as you kick his ass.” y/n laughed a little at that “ but you keeping this from him is going to break his heart.
Let me know if y'all want Luke's reaction if I keep writing right now it is only going to get worse. I also love doing y'all requests. And again grammar spelling and all of the above don't exist here.💋💋
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From the are you ok response prompts can you write an Alexi and Michah fic with a sick Alexei and numbers37,87, and 71?
Thanks for the request! The prompts from THIS lovely list and I used:
37. "No. I have the worst stomach ache."
71. "No, I think I'm sick. Really sick."
87. *holding head in hands* "No. I feel like I'm gonna pass out."
Content Warnings: Mention of gender dysphoria, mention of gender affirming surgery (hysterectomy), gendered medical space (ob-gyn office). Graphic descriptions of emeto!! If I missed any CW let me know!
The car was stopped—parked in front of the clinic—but neither Micah nor Alexi moved. They each breathed deeply as if trying to push a weight off their chests. 
Micah knew very well why he was nervous. It was his first consultation with his doctor to get a hysterectomy. Micah already hated walking into the ob-gyn office because it was an overwhelmingly gendered space. His doctor did her best to make the experience comfortable for him, but it would never be perfect. 
So yeah, he knew why he was breathing deeply, but not why Alexi was doing the same. His boyfriend was a vital piece that made process this easier. Usually Alexi was calm and optimistic, but today he was antsy and glum. The boy had his head knocked back against the seat, eyes closed, hands still on the steering wheel. 
“Ready?” Micah asked, feeling like their roles were switched. Alexi was the one who asked that before every appointment. And there had been many appointments. Cramps, cysts, family history of cancer, not to mention dysphoria. Yep, there have been many appointments that began with Alexi asking ‘ready’, yet that day was opposite day. 
Alexi opened his eyes with a jolt. He sniffled and looked around, apparently remembering that they came here to do something. He blinked hard and dragged a hand down his face. “Yep—yeah, let’s go in.” 
“Do you need a second?” 
“Why would I need a second?” 
Micah shrugged. “You look tired, and a little pale.” 
“I didn’t sleep that well last night,” Alexi said truthfully. He had tossed and turned, aware that his body felt off. Achy, hot, and tight. 
And all those lovely adjectives woke up with him that morning. They got dressed with him, making his clothes feel wrong against his skin. Achy, hot, and tight joined him in the car as they made their way to Micah’s appointment. And now another word joined the mix: nauseous. 
He shifted in the seat, not wanting to get out of the car. 
But too bad, he told himself, you gotta get out because Micah needs you inside. 
Go. Get out right now. Now. 
But he was still sitting there. His stomach was the only thing that moved. It churned and cramped painfully.
“Lexi,” Micah said softly. “Seriously, are you okay?” 
He knew that Micah would be wearing the most concerned expression, so he tried not to look at his boyfriend. But he failed. He sighed upon seeing the patience written on Micah’s face, and said, “No. I have the worst stomach-ache.” 
“Yeah, you said something about your stomach hurting last night. Do you think you’re sick?” 
“No,” Alexi said immediately. “I’m not…I’m just—I don’t know.” He decided to end the conversation by opening the car door. “Come on or you’ll be late.” 
Micah shook his head but followed. He mumbled something under his breath about having a stubborn boyfriend. 
“I don’t mind if you stay in the car,” Micah said as he and Alexi walked up to the front of the building. His words might have rung true if he hadn’t grabbed Alexi’s hand as soon as they were close enough to touch. 
“Nope. I’m good.” Alexi squeezed Micah’s hand. This was where he had to be. Where he wanted to be. 
Micah gave his name at the front desk. The girl behind the computer smiled at him and told him to wait until they called him. They chose two seats in a corner, away from the other people in the waiting room. Micah rubbed his hands up and down his thighs as he sat down. 
“Are you nervous?” Alexi asked. 
“Yes, but this is what I want.” 
“You can still be nervous, babe.” 
“I know,” Micah said in a tone that made him sound like a teenager who’d been given sappy advice by a parent. “But it’s not like the surgery is today.” 
“So? It’s still important. This is the first step, and you’re going to feel however you want.” 
“I don’t want to feel nervous.” 
“You know what I mean. You’re going to feel however you’re going to feel.” 
Micah saw his opening to change the subject and he took it. “Speaking of which, how are you feeling? For real. No downplaying for my benefit.” 
Alexi exhaled and slumped deeper in his chair. “I’ve been better. Kinda queasy but it’s probably just because it’s early in the morning,”  
“Wow, you really misunderstood my instructions, didn’t you?” Micah gave him an incredulous look. “Anything that has the words ‘but it’s probably just’ is downplaying.” 
Alexi let the comment linger without replying. Micah dropped the matter when one of the staff members popped her head into the waiting room. She didn’t call Micah’s name, so he slunk into his chair as well, matching Alexi’s height. The two of them sat there anxiously, restless for different reasons.
Alexi crossed his arms over his belly. The churning did not subside. He watched Micah’s knee bounce up and down, and up and down. It was making Alexi dizzier than he already was. He wished he could find the energy to distract Micah from his worries, but he couldn’t even distract himself from his own sick gut. His breakfast swirled in its turbulent pit of acid. 
A burp escaped from his mouth, making him shiver with increased nausea. It wasn’t loud but it had been wet and tasted disgusting. He could feel more pressure building up in his tummy, so he excused himself to the washroom.
“Wait,” Micah said quickly before Alexi could leave. His eyebrows were pinched together with anxiety. “Will you be long? What if they call me?” 
“I’ll try not to be long,” Alexi promised. He didn’t like seeing the worry on his boyfriend’s face, but he really didn’t want to keep burping in the quiet waiting room. “Text me if it’s your turn.” 
“…okay,” Micah said in a small voice.  
In the bathroom, Alexi leaned on the counter. In the mirror, he could see his throat bobbing with the need to burp. The pressure rose from his belly and erupted from his mouth. This one was wetter and deeper than the last one. He let his head hang over the sink as saliva dripped form his lips. 
He pressed his palm into his aching tummy, praying that the organ settled down before Micah texted. The nausea was unbearable. It hurt so bad. Sweat dotted his grey skin. 
“Ugh—” His moans of pain were cut off by another deep belch. Alexi squeezed his eyes shut as his belly continued to cramp. He was surprised that he had hadn’t vomited yet. Only sickly burps were coming up. 
Then his phone buzzed in his pocket. 
Alexi let out a miserably moan. He couldn’t leave the bathroom. Not like this. He knew he was going to be sick very soon. His mouth was overflowing with saliva. He wanted to text back, but the nausea got the better of him. It pulled his feet towards the stall where he could gag over the toilet. 
His phone buzzed again. 
And again. 
With hand on over his mouth and one hand holding his phone, Alexi tried to text back. He was in the middle of his typo-riddled message when the bathroom door squealed open. 
“Lexi? Are you—” Micah froze mid-sentence when he saw his boyfriend kneeling in the stall with spit hanging on his lips. 
Alexi sniffled. “I’m sorry.” He spat into the toilet. “I think I'm sick. Really sick."
“You think?” Micah said as he came up behind his boyfriend. He knelt next to him and put his hand on his quivering back. “Oh babe, your poor belly.” 
“It really hurts, Micah.” 
“I know,” he cooed, wincing as Alexi belched up a mouthful of thick saliva. Alexi clutched his chest when a gag forced his shoulders to roll. “Oh honey, I’m sorry. Just get it up.” 
A sickening retch gurgled in Alexi’s throat. He felt his stomach squeeze before a torrent of vomit rushed up from his gut. “Ghuuggh…” he choked out in between the first and second heave. The next retch made tears leak onto his cheeks from the force of it. 
“Shh, that’s it,” Micah mumbled. “You’re okay. Keep going.” 
He kept going, unable to stop the flood of vomit from rushing from his mouth. It burned his throat and filled nose. Snot and sick dripped from his face, into the toilet. “Ugh, fuck,” he mumbled with a congested voice. 
“Here, love,” Micah said, passing him a handful of toilet paper. 
Blinking through tears, Alexi took the tissue and blew his nose. His head felt stuffed and heavy with sickness. The edges of his vison were blurry. “Uh, I feel like crap,” he said, throwing the toilet paper into the bowl. He flushed the toilet so that he didn’t have to look at what he did. 
“And yet,” Micah began, “you didn’t think you were sick until just now.” 
“I might have been understating that part.” 
“I had no idea.” 
Alexi groaned at the smug tone in Micah’s voice. His head was swimming in encroaching darkness. He rested his forehead against the toilet, waiting for the world to stop spinning around him. He could feel Micah’s fingers running through his hair. 
“If you’re finished, I’d like to get you home, babe.” 
“But your appointment,” Alexi mumbled half-heartedly.
“We’ll reschedule.” Micah patted Alexi on the back one more time and stood up from his knelt position. “Okay, time to go home. I can feel the fever through your clothes.” 
Alexi did not move from his spot. 
“Lexi, please. You’ll feel so much better at home.” 
He just moaned. 
Micah sighed and crouched back down. “Honey? Are you alright?” 
Finally, Alexi moved, but it was just to bury his head in his hands. “No. I feel like I'm gonna pass out.” 
“Oh. Well then,” Micah said, sitting back down and crossing his legs, “looks like we’re not going anywhere. Take all the time you need.” 
Alexi sniffled and gave a small nod in Micah’s direction. “Can I put my head in your lap?” 
“That’s what it’s there for.” Micah guided Alexi to the floor. It was still the dirty floor of a public washroom, but at least he could act as Alexi’s pillow. This was a better option compared to fainting and hitting his head on the floor. 
“Micah,” Alexi mumbled in a trance. Micah’s fingers running along his scalp were lulling him to sleep. 
“I love you so much.” 
“I love you so much more.” 
Alexi wouldn’t let himself drift off until he said one more thing. “I was supposed to make you feel better today. Sorry I couldn’t do that.”
“That’s alright, love. You will when you’re feeling better,” Micah said in a whisper. 
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burymoved · 2 years
❔ i love this game
01 )   clark kent and amelia shepherd,   from his grey’s verse that i made literally years ago, this was one of the best pairings we’ve ever thought of.       02 )   april kepner and conrad hawkins,  chinhands, enemies to anything else, bad first encounter then growing on each other. or never growing on each other lmaooo. 03 )   john wick and harvey specter,   maybe john needs a lawyer… 04 )   jesse chambers and lois lane, would lois like to adopt a cute speedster. 05 )   jackson avery and mark sloan, plastics posse things please angela i beg.  06 )   jo wilson and nancy shepherd,   okay but jo learning from her at grey sloan since she switched specialities to ob/gyn. 07 )   matías dante rojas and morgana pendragon,   i just think he would seriously have his ass kicked in camelot. using his abilities around her. enemies enemies enemies.
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aakashfertilitycentre · 6 months
When and why should you switch from your OB-GYN to a fertility specialist?
If you are looking to start a family, but you are struggling to get pregnant Who do you speak to? You can consult your gynaecologist at Aakash Fertility Centre who will examine you and help you decide on the best method of proceeding. What is the reason and when do you need to visit an expert in Aakash Fertility Centre ? Find out when it is time to leave your OB-GYN physician and consult with a Aakash Fertility specialist. Who is a Best Fertility Doctor?
Also known as an endocrinologist for reproduction, an Best fertility specialist is a doctor who is trained in female infertility. They know everything about the male and female Best reproductive systems. They also have a thorough understanding of male and female anatomy as well as the physiology and anatomy that plays a part in fertility. The only Fertility Expert to assess, analyze and offer treatment for fertility. If you’re unable to conceive or are experiencing problems with fertility, then this is the kind of best gynaecologist you should talk to.
Difference Between OB-GYN & Fertility Specialist An OB-GYN also has a degree in the the female reproductive system. They also have knowledge of pregnancy-related issues like the antenatal care, delivery, post baby care, gynaecological issues like excessive bleeding, irregular bleeding, white discharge and many more . The OB-GYN is also able to help in cases of PCOS or PCOD. However, if you’re trying to become pregnant because of these problems, you should seek out a Best fertility specialist in Vadapalani . Fertility Expert is a sub-specialty section of OBG which gynecologists undertake further studies of 2 to three years on fertility and its details . They can become a fertility specialist and perform fertility treatments.
OB-GYN or a Fertility Doctor- Whom Should You See? If you’re trying to become pregnant, it is essential to seek out an OBGYN. They can assist you in identifying the days you are fertile, recommend an optimal diet and lifestyle, as and prescribe supplements such as the folic acid. If you’re experiencing difficulties having a baby or are identified with an issue that prevents your from having a baby it is time to make the switch to a fertility physician and you may require fertility treatments.
What is Fertility Treatment? The procedure of fertility is medical, or Fertility treatment that can help couples get pregnant. Your fertility physician will request numerous tests and examine different criteria to determine if there is an issue with your ability to become pregnant. Based on their findings they’ll recommend an fertility treatment that could improve your chances of becoming pregnant. The many fertility treatment options suggested by a fertility physician include:
For Women: 1. Induction of ovulation and intercourse with time 2. Artificial Insemination or Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) 3. IVF ( In Virto Fertilization) / ICSI 4. Tubal Cannulation 5. Tubal Litigation Reversal 6. Egg donation 7. Surrogacy
For Men: 1. The surgical sperm retrieval 2. Varicocele surgery 3. Reversal of Vasectomy 4. The freezing of the sperm 5. Donor semen
Should I Have to Consult a Fertility Doctor in Aakash Fertility Centre? When should you see an expert in fertility? If you’re suffering from one of the following problems it is recommended to see with a fertility specialist: * You’ve been trying to get pregnant in the last 12 months or more A female companion must be older than 35 years old and you have not been able to conceive for six months or more.
If you’ve experienced multiple times miscariiage with a loss in your pregnancy (a miscarriage is not uncommon, however, if you’re having multiple miscarriages, you require greater than just an OB/GYN) You have been being treated for one fertility problems like PCOS or endometriosis which is hindering your attempts at getting pregnant. * You would like to save your eggs or sperms to use in the future * Your menstrual cycle may be too short or long, and it is causing an issue when you try to keep track of fertile days and become pregnant. * You would like to test IVF or artificial insemination or other fertility treatment options (both male and female based) You’d like to reverse the family planning process
What to Fertility Expect When Seeing a Fertility Specialist? If you schedule your appointment with a Aakash Fertility Centre doctor you can count on these things: * A question about your menstrual cycle – the length of your period and frequency of your period as well as the amount of bleeding, etc. * Tests to determine that you are ovulating * Numerous test for fertility, both on the partner and in between. * The male companion must ejaculate at the Fertility Centre or in the laboratory for analysis of semen * Prescription of medications to increase Ovulation * Treatments for fertility that are basing on the results Treatments for fertility are costly and time-consuming for a lot of people and can not always work. The process of undergoing fertility treatment requires both parties to be equally well-prepared and accommodating.
A treatment for fertility is not just financial strain on couples, but it can also be emotionally stressful too. The many tests and trips to the fertility clinic and The negative outcomes can be difficult to handle when both partners aren’t totally committed to fertility treatment. Couples have to be ready for different problems that can arise during treatment for fertility. A fertility physician will only assist in a technical sense and can’t help with the emotional burden it may be a burden on couples. There are always support groups to help through this difficult time. Ask your fertility specialist for some ideas.
Why Leave Your OB-GYN? The main question here is why a woman should quit their OB-GYN after being in their practice for many years and receiving help with different issues relating with the reproductive organs of females, including diagnosing fertility problems. If your OB-GYN detects an issue with fertility, such as an obstruction in the tube or PCOS or identifies no issue in the female, and suspects it’s the health of the sperm, it is time to speak with an expert in fertility. The role of an OB-GYN does not end with identifying potential problems. The fertility doctor will confirm the situation and take the required steps to get you from here. Must Read : Flavourful Recipe of Central India to Boost Fertility
Conclusion If you’re having difficulty concocting naturally despite all the suggestions and help from your OB/GYN, it’s the right time to seek out an expert who is qualified to assist you with fertility treatments to help your dreams come true of having a child.
FAQs 1. When is the best time to visit a fertility doctor following having a miscarriage? The miscarriages that occur in the early stages of pregnancy are quite common. However, if you experienced an extremely late miscarriage or had multiple miscarriages you should consult a fertility specialist to pinpoint and fix the root of the issue.
2. Should I visit an IVF center? * If you’re having difficulty conceiving naturally, then you should consult an expert in fertility. In the event that you with your fertility specialist decide that IVF is the best option of treatment, you’ll need to visit an IVF center. There is more than IVF treatment at these centers. In many IVF centers, other treatments for fertility are also available.
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merakiui · 3 years
obgyn albedo ;) pop off with this my liege
your previous gynecologist retired, and with a baby on the way, a low paying job, and kaeya(your crazy ex-boyfriend), you quickly choose another clinic close to you in a hurry to make your next appointment.
your new doctor, mr. keideprinz(although he insists you call him by his first name, albedo) is warm and friendly. always ready to answer any question you might have about your pregnancy, always there with a soft smile to ask about your day.
shamefully, you'd admit that the favorite part of your appointments is when he checks your cervix, thrusting his long, lithe fingers deeply into your hole to make sure everything's fine and well. you moaned the first time he did it, and while he laughed it off, saying that it's completely normal for you to feel more sexual desires during your pregnancy, you remained mortified about it to this day.
one day, though, you talk to some of his other patients in the waiting room to gush about him, only to find that their experiences with him are much, much different than yours. apparently, he's ice cold with them, only ever speaking to them when needed, and their appointments are always rushed. it's like a total personality switch, you think.
you brush their words off, because surely albedo couldn't have favorites, right?
I am absolutely going to pop off.
(cw: yandere, nsfw, female reader, pregnancy, implied baby-trapping and past toxic relationship with kaeya, stalking, abuse of power/trust)
You're very anxious when you meet with your new ob-gyn for the first time. Your previous doctor was female and she was always very respectful towards you. Not that this new one wouldn't be the same, of course. You’re certain he’s not as bad as your anxiety is making him out to be. It’s been rough trying to find someone you’d feel comfortable around after your previous doctor retired. But you’ve heard from a friend that he’s a great doctor—very intelligent and kind; cares about his patients’ health. He truly listens to his patients and knows just what to say and how to answer their questions. And if your friend is giving him such high praise, why wouldn’t you believe them? So you schedule to meet with him and hope for the best.
And it really is the best. He’s everything your friend said he’d be. He answers all of your questions honestly and is very upfront about everything. He even tells you that he understands your apprehension towards him, considering you may not be used to having a male ob-gyn. It’s completely okay to feel that way. If you’d prefer a female ob-gyn, he can refer you to a few wonderful ones he knows. By the end of the meeting, you’re sold. You felt very comfortable around Dr. Kreideprinz throughout the whole meeting, so you suppose it wouldn’t hurt to schedule an appointment. So you do and he tells you that he looks forward to working with you on your exciting journey.
The first appointment goes by smoothly. Albedo and you run through simple, friendly introductions before he gets right into it. You’re a little awkward at first, but it’s only because you’re not used to interacting with a male ob-gyn. He assures you that your hesitance isn’t misplaced and that this is a procedure he must do with all of his patients. You’re in good hands, so you needn’t worry. He tells you that if you feel uncomfortable at any point during the check-up, just tell him and he’ll stop so that you can take a moment to gather yourself.
He takes your weight, height, and blood pressure. Draws blood and has you do a urine test. Asks you questions related to how you’ve been feeling physically and emotionally. Any issues he should be aware of? Have you been sleeping and eating well? He’ll make sure to go over healthy diets with you so that you can eat foods that are good for both you and your baby. When it comes time for the more invasive exams, like checking your cervix and examining your breasts to make sure everything is healthy, you’re a little embarrassed. He’s so calm about the entire thing, telling you in a gentle voice to relax. Although you’re absolutely mortified when he places one hand on your abdomen and then slips two gloved fingers inside you and you let an accidental, quiet moan out.
Yet even when you apologize profusely and nearly beg him to forget about it, he tells you it’s all normal and that you have nothing to be ashamed of. This sort of thing happens. It’s not embarrassing. Still, you end up leaving his office feeling incredibly embarrassed. It isn’t until a few appointments later that you slowly find yourself getting more and more comfortable around him. You tell him everything that he needs to know and you make sure to shut your mouth when he does any physical exams to prevent yourself from making any embarrassing sounds. At some point he tells you to drop the formalities and call him by his first name. Albedo. It’s a really pretty name. You like saying it because of how easily it rolls off the tongue.
Another thing you like about Albedo, other than his name and the fact that he’s been so knowledgeable and helpful during every appointment, is that he doesn’t pry into your personal life. He only needs to know things related to your health and pregnancy, so you’re relieved when he doesn’t ask about things like work or your ex-boyfriend. Then again, why would he? He has no reason to ask about any of that. Although those are things you’d rather not think about, and you’re certain he’s figured out (or has at least suspected) that something’s amiss in your relationship when you refuse to mention the father. But he never asks you to elaborate; he simply nods and types up another note in his laptop. He does tell you, however, that if there are any problems at home—
And you’ll stop him before he can say it. You don’t want to hear it. It brings back horrible, vivid memories. You simply force a smile and tell him that you’re living alone. There aren’t any problems. Even though you’ve managed to escape the one who created such problems, you’re left with the permanent reminder of what he did. You’re not keeping the baby for his sake. You’re keeping it because you don’t want to feel like a cruel monster, as Kaeya has often told you in the days leading up to your escape when you even implied getting an abortion. You want to prove him wrong. You want to prove that you’re not who he says you are. And it’s because part of you is too soft and has yearned for a moment where you can hold your baby’s tiny hand and look upon their sleeping face with fondness. You could have waited a little longer before getting pregnant, but you didn’t have a choice.
And it really hurts.
Albedo always notices the shift in your behavior when you recall unpleasant memories. He’s always been perceptive. He’ll ask if you’re okay and you’ll always nod in reply. He never presses for anymore confirmation after that. Though maybe he should. He’s curious about what goes on in your head.
- - -
You’re not used to seeing Albedo outside of the doctor’s office. He looks good in casual wear. Then again, he looks good in anything. Even his work clothes are an attractive fit on him. You’re not afraid to admit that he’s good-looking or that he has a way with words that would leave anyone charmed. You only see him as your ob-gyn and therefore have no romantic interest in him. The last thing you want to do is put yourself back out there after all that happened with Kaeya.
It’s a coincidence you and Albedo shop at the same supermarket. You almost don’t recognize him at first because he’s wearing his glasses and only ever has his contacts in when you see him for appointments. He greets you with a small smile and it’s amazing how easily you fall into conversation with him. Granted, it’s mainly you doing most of the talking. But he still listens to everything you say. He’s glad that you seem to be doing well. He asks what you plan on making with the foods in your cart and you tell him all about this new healthy recipe you found. Oh, you’re just too precious. The way your face lights up when you talk about the things you find interesting or the way you smile so brightly at him. He can’t help but wonder if you show other people this same smile…
It’s a brief interaction, but many more are to come. He runs into you a lot. It seems like the both of you are always picking the same days and times to shop, as you’re practically destined to see each other. And each time he engages in friendly conversation with you and you chat about various things. At first it was just useless filler—stuff about the weather or your pregnancy—but now you talk about what you did the other day for fun or how you want to buy a houseplant to brighten up your room. Albedo learns bits and pieces about you through these short exchanges and he files them away for later reference. You probably forgot about that seemingly insignificant detail you mentioned, but he sure hasn’t. And he’ll make good note of it. Always.
After all, he needs to know every little thing about you. Not just as your doctor, but as someone special. Surely you like him. Most of the people he meets are quick to like and enjoy his company. You are no different; he’s sure of that.
- - -
Your appointments usually run later than expected because he’s so thorough with the process. You never notice that he seems to linger on your soft, pudgy breasts or that his fingers sometimes curl experimentally inside you, causing you to grab at anything in your reach—usually his arm—to ground yourself. It’s not your fault that your pregnancy has caused you to feel all sorts of new lustful feelings, which Albedo often tells you are completely normal and healthy. He even brings up the fact that many women often have some of the best sex of their lives when they’re pregnant. He says it with such a straight face that it flusters you a little. You’re perfectly fine on your own; you don’t need anyone to fulfill those types of desires. And when he says something like that with his fingers buried so deeply inside of you… It gives you way too many mental images that you forcibly chase away.
You really haven’t had a bad experience with Albedo. It’s definitely strange when the other patients in the waiting room tell you of their experiences with him after you happily go on and on about how he’s just so caring and informative with the check-up; how he spends time going through certain things with you and how he’ll make sure you’re being healthy. The stares you get from the other patients are truly shocking. You learn that he’s not that thorough with them and that he’s actually quite quick with everything. It’s really just business with him, as he’s always so indifferent and cold. Just a doctor doing his job—that’s all he is.
But that’s not right. He’s not like that with you. You have a hard time believing them because that just doesn’t sound like Albedo. They give you more weird looks. Apparently none of them ever call him by his first name because they either never knew it or he never told them to call him by it… One of the patients jokingly asks if you’re actually his secret lover, to which you can only scoff and say, “It’s not like that at all.”
After that, you start to pay more attention to the things he does during your appointments. You considered asking him to confirm whether or not the words from the patients were true, but you decide not to in the end. The moment never presents itself, so you’re never able to ask.
It’s one particular appointment when he notes that you’ve seemed tense lately. And with such an observation come the questions. Are you all right? Has something been bothering you? Are you still eating and sleeping enough? Have you had any problems eating and sleeping? The whole spiel. You tell him you’ve probably been overthinking some things and that has led to the stress. But it’s nothing too concerning, so he doesn’t need to worry.
Albedo insists. He says that too much stress isn’t good for you while you’re pregnant. He tells you that alleviating the tension and stress will do you a world of good. Not only will you sleep better, you’ll also be able to relax. He’s in the process of examining your breasts after you complained about a sudden soreness, massaging them softly and rubbing slow, gentle circles against your nipples, when a sudden question occurs to you.
Has his touch always been this sensual?
Has it? You really couldn’t tell, but lately it feels like he pays special attention to the areas on your body that are most sensitive to touch. And when he touches you in such a way, you can’t help but recall what he said—something about how sex during pregnancy is some of the best sex a woman can have. It’s embarrassing that you’re thinking of this when he’s only doing his job, and you know that neither of you see each other in that way, but you can’t help it. He’s so close to you and you can see the focused look in his eyes as he stares at your breasts and runs his fingers over your perky nipples.
You can’t take the intensity in his gaze or the vivid fantasies that play out in your mind, so you grab his hand and tell him that everything’s okay. Your breasts don’t feel sore anymore, so he can stop. Albedo blinks at you, seemingly caught off guard, but he retracts his hands and nods.
It’s such a shame he’s only able to touch you like this during appointments. If only you knew of the effect you have on him. You’re truly the most addictive person he’s ever met and he’s found himself ensnared in an overwhelmingly powerful infatuation.
He’s a patient man; however, so he can wait for you to fall for him and his soft touches. And if you don’t? That’s all right. He has so many months to make it happen. And it appears your precious baby is in need of a father. Well, he’ll just have to fill that role himself, won’t he?
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redhairedwolfwitch · 3 years
Doctor Y/n - Attending Orthopedic Surgeon - 6 - Grey's Anatomy x Fem!Reader
"Jackson, I need you out here!" Webber summoned Jackson over to the ambulance bay, where you were helping a woman who had been hit by a tear gas canister get onto a gurney.
"Her name is Nell, that's all I got, she was hit by a tear gas canister!" Webber explained as he and Jackson ran over.
"Shot, not hit. Shot, close range, shrapnel went everywhere." Nell stammered, wincing as she was helped to lay on the gurney.
"Trauma one's open, let's move!"
"What the hell happened?" Jo enquired as she spotted you watching Jackson and Webber take Nell for a CT scan.
"I went to the BLM protests with Webber, she got shot with a tear gas canister, close range. They're taking her up to CT, but there's no fractures, so I'm on the ER." You explained to Jo before heading to go change into scrubs.
"Hey, if you're starting your residency all over again, does that mean I'm your boss now?"
"Either way, I'm still your boss, Schmitt." You interjected, making Levi and Jo jump as you appeared behind them.
"Doctor S/n-"
"Chill, Schmitt, it's Y/n... but you can carry these for Joey here." You chuckled, passing Levi the box of OB/GYN books that Jo was carrying.
The three of you were heading down the corridor when Teddy appeared, hurrying over to check on you and Jo.
"What's, what happened?" You raised an eyebrow, welcoming the affection as Teddy fawned over the two of you.
"A COVID, uh, denyer died. He refused treatment, thought COVID was a hoax and he walked out, he died barely outside of the ER." Teddy stammered, your breath hitching as you processed the unnecessary death, whilst Jo frowned.
"Oh my god, seriously?"
"I'm going to tell her today." Jo announced, sitting up and throwing the duvet off of her, and sadly, you.
"Tell who what?" You grumbled, rubbing at your eyes as you propped yourself up on one shoulder.
"Tell Bailey I want to switch specialities."
"That's nice... come back to bed, it's 1am." You murmured, letting out a whine as you rolled over and found Teddy's side of the bed empty.
"Aw, are you missing your girlfriend?" Jo teased, slipping back into bed to be the big spoon.
"I think I got used to us being three in the bed... sometimes four if Ally won't settle down..." You admitted, running your hand over the empty space.
"There were four in the bed, and the little one said, roll over, roll over!" Jo quietly sung, right in your ear.
"Shush, sleepy time." You murmured, covering her mouth with your hand jokingly, until she licked it and you were trying not to screech so loud that Allison woke up.
"Can we do movie night tonight?" Jo enquired as she found you at the coffee cart.
"Is this because Jackson disappeared or because Levi is with Nico tonight?" You enquired, quirking a brow as Jo gasped dramatically.
"How dare you, maybe I just want to spend time with you? Especially since I have to talk to Bailey today and yeah, Webber told me everything I need to say, but it's Bailey!" Jo exclaimed as you rolled your eyes downing your coffee then pulling your mask back on.
"Get it over and done with, Joey. Then you can work with Carina DeLuca before she leaves or whatever." You shrugged, walking into the hospital with Jo.
"I miss you." Levi announced, approaching you at the nurses station.
"Excuse me? Are you practicing for Nico?" You gave him a confused look, biting your tongue as Levi sighed.
"No, he won't look at me, I actually miss working with you when ortho's involved in cases, because you'd actually look at me." Levi admitted, pausing for breath as you sighed.
"I don't know what runs through Nico's head, but I wouldn't push him, he might just pull away even more or something." You advised, shrugging as Levi chewed his lip in thought.
Joey: Bailey said no
Braces: why?
Joey: she said it's a bad time
Braces: damn, I'm sorry Joey
"Stent looks patent after the procedure." Winston announced, as he, Webber and Teddy looked into Meredith's room.
"And the liver enzymes? The creatinine?" Webber enquired, looking at Winston.
"Already improving."
"Then why isn't she waking up? We have given her time. We have given her time, and every test and every treatment. We removed the clot, perfectly - perfectly, and she's still not waking up, and she's still not improving and she's still not going home. Why isn't she-" Teddy began to ramble, staring into Meredith's room.
"I'm sorry, I can't, I have to take a walk." Teddy announced, hurrying away.
Webber paused as he spotted you up the corridor, having heard everything.
"Did she wake up?"
"Not yet." You answered, leaning against the door as Teddy sat on the on-call room bed, breathing heavily.
"What if we did something wrong? What if we caused the clot to break off and she's having a massive stroke right now-"
"What if she's in a dreamscape where she's seeing dead people and has to decide whether to come back or not? There isn't anything to indicate any of it-" You began, but Teddy starting to hyperventilate stopped you.
"Teddy, my love, you need to breathe, okay? Here, do you feel that? Do you feel me? Concentrate on me, Teddy." You murmured, pulling Teddy's hand so it rested over your heart, the feeling of your pulse under Teddy's hand to ground her.
"Just let it out, cry, scream, whatever. Feel it, feel all of it, don't internalise it, let it go..." You whispered, feeling Teddy rest her head against your shoulder as the sobs wracked her body.
Joey: Braces, where are you at?
Joey: Bailey changed her mind
Joey: I'm coming to find you!
"Is that a new intern?" You whispered, a smile on your lips as you watched a suited-up Zola be led into her mother's room.
"Come on, Meredith. Come back for her... she needs you, your daughter needs you, she loves you." You whispered to yourself, so focussed on Zola with Meredith that you didn't notice Teddy's eyes drift to you.
A grin crossed your lips as you spotted it.
Meredith smiling at her daughter.
She was awake.
Teddy was quick to wrap her arms around you and Amelia, smiling as you wrapped your arms around her and Amelia too, a weird sandwich situation occuring as Jo rocked up, having been looking for you.
"Oh my god!" Jo squealed, grinning at everyone as she realised what everyone was watching.
Meredith Grey was finally awake.
Tags: @nnightskiess @emskisworld @multifandomlesbianic @thegirlwhowishedeveryonelived @inquisitive-nix @fire-and-blood-targaryen @unexpected-character
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beauvibaby · 4 years
hospital - m.barzal
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requested [] yes [x] no
a/n: so no one requested this, but (prepare for a little rant) the idea came to me while I was thinking of my next dr appointment, as someone who struggles with PCOS, and never see it spoken about especially among young women, I figured I’d write this as a little something to just make myself feel like I made a small difference in normalizing it. This is based on my experience from when I had my first ruptured cyst when I was 16, it was the worst pain I’ve ever felt in my life (and that’s from someone who’s dislocated their shoulder 2x), I could barely stand, and the ultrasound was undoubtedly excruciating, yet I was never really diagnosed until just a couple of months ago, and as frustrating as it is because there really is no treatment for PCOS, I feel better at least knowing that there’s a name for the issues I have, rather than just having them and no definition for it... sorry for the long note hah, I hope you enjoy the fic!
warnings: hospitals, reader pain, mentions of sex (idk if I should warn that but I did anyways)
You finally managed to trudge out of the bedroom, you’d been feeling a little crampy all morning, even though you were still well over a week away from your period, you brushed it off, thinking at the worst you caught a little stomach bug. But it couldn’t be ignored anymore, “Mat?” You squeaked out, barely able to look up long enough to see that he wasn’t there, Tito looked over. “He ran down to the corner store.” He spoke up, glancing over and doing a double take when your hands gripped your side. You hunched over in pain, nearly falling to your knees, “Y/N!” Tito shot up, rushing over to you, he knew you hadn’t felt good, which is why Mat made him stay here while he ran out to get you some stuff. “Call him please.” You whispered, leaning against the wall, blinking away the tears in your eyes, Tito moved you to the couch, apologizing repeatedly every time you winced or groaned. This wasn’t a type of pain you ever felt before, it was sharp, and nauseating. Just as you sat on the couch, finally letting the tears fall, you couldn’t be bothered to feel embarrassed, this was the worst pain you’ve felt of your life thus far, the front door opened and Mat walked in. He took in the sight of Tito kneeling beside you, phone in hand as he was about to call Mat. “Baby, hey, talk to me.” Mat rushed over, dropping the bag on the couch, he took Tito’s spot in front of you. He watched as you shook your head, crying to hard to speak coherently, “she needs to go to the hospital, she could hardly walk.” Tito explained shortly, “come on.” Mat didn’t hesitate to stand, sliding one arm under your shoulders to steady you. He walked slowly, alongside you, a million thoughts and worries going through his head but he didn’t express any of them, knowing you were thinking the same. “You gotta tell me where it hurts, princess.” He whispered as you hid in his chest in the elevator, you placed his hand on your lower left stomach, he rubbed slightly to see if it helped but yanked his hand away when you let out a strangled cry. “I’m sorry.” He rushed, sloppily tying your hair back, knowing you hated when it stuck to your face with tears.
Finally, you got to the emergency room and they took you back almost instantly, saying they needed to make sure it wasn’t appendicitis, which only made you more nervous, although they quickly ruled that out, thankfully, but the next concern was kidney stones. “We want to do a CT scan to check, they’ll be in to take you back shortly.” The doctor, who had zero bedside manner, disappeared the second he was done speaking, you had stopped crying, the pain not really subsiding but it was a mix of adjusting to it, and finally being stuck in one position long enough to not agitate it. “Hey, calm down.” You sighed rolling your head to the side, Mat’s knee was bouncing furiously, his chin resting in his hands. Kidney stones, if that’s what it was, you’d be fine, but you couldn’t shake the feeling that it wasn’t. “Sorry, sorry.” Mat whispered, sliding his chair closer, he leaned up, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead, “you’ll be alright.” He assured you, hating the pain you were in. “I’d switch places with you if I could baby.” He added, and you chuckled softly at the thought, he raised a brow at you, “why is that so funny?” He retorted, taking advantage of your momentary smile. “Because, you’re so whiny when you get a cold, if you went through this you’d go insane.” You giggled, stopping when it made your side shoot in pain again. Mat’s smile died down as well, pouting softly when you sighed, closing your eyes, only to be interrupted again by the nurse coming in to take you for the scan. Mat spent the whole fifteen minutes you were gone, texting Tito freaking out about how much pain you were in, Tito having to continuously tell him you’d be fine, you were in a hospital after all, they could give you strong pain meds once they figured out what was wrong.
When you returned, Mat helped you sit back on the bed, wiping at the fresh layer of tears on your face. The nurse smiled at you when his back was turned, you got that look a lot, especially from the older ladies when they saw how Mat would tend to you. “The doctor will be in soon to go over the results.” She spoke walking out the door, “that tube is so small.” You mumbled after a short silence, Mat laughed softly, “I know.” He’s had his fair share of scans over the years for injuries, “at least you didn’t have to go head first.” He pointed out and you shivered at the thought, “no way, not ever gonna happen.” You mumbled, you weren’t really claustrophobic, but the thought of being stuck in that tube with your arms forced behind your head made you cringe. “Well hopefully you don’t need anything from the hospital for a long, long time.” He sighed, neither of you liked hospitals, not many people did, but growing up you’d seen your fair share of them and preferred to stay as far away from them as you could.
“Good news.” A new doctor walked in, a female doctor, instantly your eyes shot to her badge, OB/GYN sewn into her white coat, you went wide eyed, Mat was too worried about what she was going to say to notice. You had a million thoughts running through your head, even though you knew you weren’t pregnant, they had done a test before the CT scan, but still for a second you panicked. “It’s not kidney stones, but we did find a couple of cysts on your ovaries.” She explained, you let out a sigh of relief before your next concerns started kicking in, Mat shifted awkwardly in his seat, even though you’ve been together for years, he still got a little pink at such topics. She started explaining how they couldn’t really confirm if you had a larger one that ruptured, causing your pain, but she was pretty confident based on your symptoms, then she started asking some questions, to which you could tell Mat was tuning out. But then one in particular made his eyes shoot over to you when you took longer to answer, “any pain or discomfort during intercourse?” She looked up from her clipboard when you didn’t answer immediately, her eyes darted between you and Mat, your cheeks a little pink as you gave her a look, that silently answered her question. “Not pain, but discomfort definitely.” You admitted making Mat go wide eyed, he staid silent until the doctor left, telling you that she’d be back with discharge papers soon. “Y/N.” He started, you looked down to your hands in your lap, picking at your nail polish. “Why didn’t you tell me? Jesus, how long has this been going on? Did I hurt you?” He rushed his questions together, you felt even worse for not telling him how, but you didn’t think much of it, thinking it was just an odd phase your body was going through. He felt terrible, suddenly feeling like he was forcing you to have sex, even though it didn’t feel right. “I didn’t want to say anything, it’s not your fault, I just knew you’d be worried.” You whispered, it was a stupid excuse but it was true. “Of course I would be worried! Do you really think I’d be so selfish about my own needs? How long?” He stood, getting a little wigged out over the sudden revelation, you looked away, only making him more stressed. “Like a month and a half?” You whispered, he froze, mid pace. “A month and a half?!” He whisper shouted, being mindful of the fact you were in a hospital. “I’m sorry.” You sighed, looking at him with apologetic eyes, he shook his head softly, sitting back down in the chair when he heard the doctor coming back in. She went over a few quick instructions, the usual if it gets worse or you get a fever come back, but she told you to schedule a follow up with your gynecologist, which you assured her, and Mat that you would do. The doctor could sense the tension, she looked over to Mat. “Don’t be so hard on yourself, plenty of women go through this and don’t say anything to their partners.” Her words visibly eased his shoulders, although in his mind he was still reeling in the fact that you wouldn’t say anything, especially for that long, he’d thought of all the times you’d been intimate and felt worried that he had caused you any discomfort.
The short trip back to the apartment was silent, he had his hand glued to yours the whole time though, which told you he wasn’t mad, but you still felt guilty, it was stupid, childish to not say anything. His phone rang as you walked into the apartment, he dropped your hand, you glanced back. “Go ahead, I’m going to shower.” You whispered, smiling softly, you really did need a shower, especially after sitting in the hospital all afternoon, it made you feel dirty.
“Hello?” Mat answered the phone, softly shutting the door behind him, he heard the water turn on in the bathroom, “hey, I just wanted to see how you guys were.” Tito spoke, oblivious to the bomb he had just stepped on. Mat couldn’t help but scoff, “let’s just say she was having issues and didn’t tell me, and I was possibly making it worse.” He explained without divulging any too personal information. “I’m sure she didn’t tell you for good reasons.” Tito responded, as best as he could without knowing the whole situation, “you sound like her.” Mat grumbled, earning a chuckle from his friend. “She knows how worked up you get, and with the season starting back up soon she probably didn’t want to distract you.” He assured him, “I get that, but I’m her boyfriend, she’s supposed to tell me these things, if this had happened during the season I would’ve been more distracted.” Mat rambled, Tito being the voice of reason for him. “Dude, you just have to calm down, it’s over now, don’t be a jerk, I’m sure she’s beating herself up for it now. The last thing she needs is you making her feel worse.” And with that Mat came to his senses, muttering a quick goodbye before going to the bathroom to check on you. He knocked softly on the door, making his presence known before he tried turning the knob, he furrowed his brows together when he realized it was locked. He couldn’t think of a time in your relationship where it had ever been locked. “Y/N?” He called, knocking again, he heard you gasp softly, scrambling around in the bathroom. “Almost done.” You called out, rushing to wash the conditioner out of your hair as you begged the tears to stop.
You wrapped a towel around yourself and looked in the mirror, grimacing at the puffy face staring back at you, it was no use trying to hide it, the knob jiggled again. “Baby, are you okay?” He had concern lacing his voice, you nodded, more for yourself, clearly since he couldn’t see you. “Yeah.” You mumbled, unlocking the door, he opened it immediately, the steam from your shower flowing out of the room. “What’s wrong?” He mumbled cupping your face, eyes searching yours for any pain, “you’re mad at me.” You spoke sheepishly, he shook his head. “Baby, I’m not mad, I was just shocked you didn’t tell me.” Mat assured you, feeling guilty for letting you think he was actually mad. “I guess I understand why you didn’t tell me, but you should’ve, you could’ve gone to the doctor earlier and maybe this wouldn’t have happened, I just feel bad for causing you pain.” He explained, lips landing softly on your forehead. Your gripped him a little tighter at the action. “I know, it was stupid, I’m sorry.” You sighed, he nodded, giving you a quick kiss. “Still hurt?” He asked, following you around like a lost puppy, you nodded silently, brushing your hair out. “You didn’t hurt me, you know? If it had hurt I would’ve told you, it was just different?” You tried to explain, seeing the wheels turning in his head. He met your eyes in the mirror, “I don’t know how to explain it, you wouldn’t understand.” You added lightening the mood with a laugh. He smiled, “no I don’t think I would.” He agreed, relieved to at least see you joking around. “Just promise me you’ll tell me if anything like that happens again?” He came up behind you, “of course bub.” You winced lightly, sighing at the continuing pain, they told you it would be bad for a couple of days, so you weren’t surprised. Mat on the other hand grew more frustrated every time it hurt, wishing he could do something. “I just want to lay down, please.” You whispered when he kissed the top of your head. He nodded and walked you to the bed, even though you were fully capable, you allowed him to have his moment of feeling like he helped. Which he did, just by being there, he always helped. It’s safe to say he was very hesitant to touch you for a while after that.
Taglist: @mtkachuk​ @softstarkey​ @literarycharleton​ @thathockeygirl​
434 notes · View notes
Cloacked Heart | Jackson Avery
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Requested by anon:  Hi😊💕 Are you taking requests? Also, I wanna tell you that your works are very good💯👏👏👌🏻 and then, I was thinking on using “Oh, do you ever shut up?”; “You can call me whenever you want.. Even if you don’t have a reason to.”; “Tell me I’m wrong.” where the reader is DeLuca's sister and gets to work for the first time with Jackson but they don't get very well at first :) xx
Word count: 2.7k
Warning: none
Note: not my gif! kinda enemies to lovers
Thank you so much, darling! It really means the world to me :) Hope you like it xx
#11 - ‘Oh, do you ever shut up?’
#46 - ‘You can call me whenever you want.. Even if you don’t have a reason to.’
#67 - ‘Tell me I’m wrong.’
Today was your third week at your new job. Thanks to your brother Andrew, you got in at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital. Before, you worked in a hospital on the other side of the country which you thoroughly enjoyed but due to staff cuts, you had to leave. Being incredibly good at what you do, you got offered some jobs but none of them interested you. So Andrew spoke to his superior and got you a job as an attending in OB/GYN. Your sister Carina worked in OB/GYN also, so that’s where your fascination and passion for this specialty came from.
‘Hey, Y/N! How’s moving in going?’ Arizona asked, handing you a coffee. You took a sip and let the hot beverage slip down your throat. Warmth spread through your whole body as you enjoyed the bitter taste on your tongue.
‘It’s going okay, actually. All I need to do is paint the walls and I’m done,’ you nodded contently. Moving in was less stressful than you thought it would be, thanks to your newly made friends here at Grey Sloan. Arizona was the first person Andrew introduced you to and since he’s her roommate and head of Ped’s, you knew you would most likely see each other more.
‘Cool! Hey, you wanna come over for dinner on friday? I’ll kick Andrew out and we can have a girls night. If you want I’ll invite the other girls too,’ she said, pointing to the three sisters at the end of the hallway who waved at you.
‘Yeah, that would be fun. If it’s not a bother to you, that is,’ you said. You hated being a bother to anyone and always did your best to keep to yourself. Especially since you were new, you didn’t want to intrude. All of the staff seemed really close to each other by what you had seen so far.
‘Oh it’s no problem at all!’ she waved off, ‘And besides, after such a stressful time you deserve a glass of wine. Or bottle.’ She winked at you and left to check up on het patients. You knew you had surgery tonight, so you decided to lay down for a little in one of the on-call rooms. Thinking about your life before and now made you smile. The job you had was great, but they didn’t let you do what you did best; save lives and deliver babies. There was always someone who was better than you or stole your patients. It was unfair and definitely uncalled for, but being here made you feel appreciated and welcomed. You hadn’t met everyone yet, but so far you got along with everyone.
You heard a knock on the door and got up. It was one of the interns who told you the surgery had been moved to the afternoon. You decided to check on the patient before surgery, but someone already beat you to it. A man was talking to your patient. He was tall, muscular and had piercing blue eyes. You knew it was Jackson Avery, as you had seen on the board earlier today, but you had yet to meet the man. Your breath hitched for a moment and that caught the attention of both your patient and the still unknown man.
‘Hi, sorry to interrupt. I’m doctor DeLuca. I’ll be performing your surgery with doctor Avery,’ you introduced yourself to the patient with a smile. She shook your hand and then turned her attention back to Jackson. He explained every step of the surgery. She was pregnant with twins, but her skin had been completely stretched out, making the continuation of the pregnancy very dangerous. You would deliver both babies safely while Jackson restored the skin. It wasn’t a risky procedure, but it did require some skills. Hence the two of you being here. Once he was done explaining, she felt safe enough and two interns took her to pre-op. You handed the tablet to one of the nurses, who you remembered was called Linda, and turned to Jackson.
‘I don’t believe we’ve met yet. I’m Y/N DeLuca, ’ you said with a smile and held out your hand for him to take. He shook it and nodded at you.
‘Jackson Avery. Let me be clear straight away. Don’t try anything funny with me or anyone in this hospital. This hospital is funded with the money I provided, so this placed is owned by me, no matter what anyone says. I can kick you out as easily as you came in. So, let’s do this surgery, because I have more to do today.’ Not waiting for an answer, he turned around and left to prep for surgery. You stared at him until he left and shook yourself out of your haze. What crawled up his ass and died?
When you tried to leave, you bumped into Andrew.
‘Hey, Annie,’ you asked, hearing him groan behind you. You had called him that since you caught him singing along to Annie: The Musical one night. He hated it ever since, but after doing it for so long his actual name sounded weird so you just kept using it. ‘Is Jackson always such an ass?’ You turned around and watched his face turn into a frown.
‘No.. most of the time he’s the nicest guy around, why?’ he asked. He saw you frowning and stepped towards you, placing a hand on your shoulder. ‘Did he do something?’ 
Your sister was older than you and he was younger, making you the middle child, but he always protected you like an older brother. Whenever you felt sad or angry, you came to him first before anyone else.
‘No, nothing happened. I just introduced myself and he started going on about me not trying anything funny here because he could kick me out if he wanted to,’ you mumbled.
‘Hmm.. maybe he has a bad day? I can talk to him if you want me to?’
‘No, it’s okay. I’ve got surgery with him, so I’ll talk to him. I gotta go, see you tonight?’ you asked. He nodded and smiled. 
‘Goodluck, peanut! Page me if you need anything.’
You scrubbed, changed into different clothes and stared operating. You could see how tense Jackson still was, so you tried to lighten the mood.
‘So, Jackson, how long have you been here for?’ you asked. Your hands worked flawlessly and Jackson noticed. He was pissed off at someone new coming to work at the hospital again, thinking it would only cause more drama again, but you seemed actually nice and talented. It sparked a little jealousy in him that he hadn’t felt before.
‘Long enough,’ he grumbled. You couldn’t help but notice how attractive he was. His eyebrows were furrowed and he watched the skin he worked on closely. You had seen his work before and it was incredible.
‘Okay, well..’ you started, ‘Not to kiss your ass or anything, but I think you’re a great surgeon and I am really looking forward to working with you more in the future.’
There was no response as you continued on delivering the babies. You soon delivered a boy and shortly after a little girl.
‘There they are. Please take them to either doctor Robins or Karev. They’ll check up on them and inform the parents. I’ll be right there,’ you told the interns with a smile and they quickly left.
‘That was really nice, you know.. Saving the hospital and all. I couldn’t-’ you got cut off by a load groan of Jackson.
‘Oh, do you ever shut up?’
Shocked at his sudden snap, your hands froze and your breath hitched. He seemed to be okay with what he said, since he just kept going. What you didn’t know was that he didn’t mean to snap. It was like he lost control over his mouth, because when the words left his lips, he was shocked himself. Snapping at a woman like that was very unlike him, so when you mumbled out a sorry, he wanted to apologize, but the words were stuck in his throat.
The ‘shut up’ incident had been almost a year ago. You had worked with him a few times after that and he talked to you more often now, but luckily Arizona offered to take your surgeries with him so you could take over hers. She had truly been your best friend since you started at Grey Sloan, besides April. The three of you got along incredibly well and you even went out for dinner once a month. Andrew and you had switched apartments, so you now lived with Arizona and he lived in your apartment.
It was saturday and you were about to leave, but you wanted to check on you patient Amy one last time before she left. She was allowed to leave tomorrow and you had the day off, so you wouldn’t see her anymore. Sofia was 18 and was now a mother of a healthy baby girl. Her parents refused to see her as they were religious and didn’t approve of their daughter having sex before marriage. So you kind of took her under your wing until she left.
‘How are you holding up?’ you asked her, sitting on the end of her bed. She smiled at the little peanut laying on her chest as she wrapped her little hand around Amy’s finger. 
‘I’m okay. I guess all the cliché’s are true. Whenever I look at her everything just falls away. I’m going to be okay. We will be okay. I know we are,’ she spoke and you felt extremely proud of her. When she came in, she was terrified, alone and hurt. Now, she was all grown up and not scared of what the future would bring.
‘I’m proud of you, Amy. I really am. You have my number, so if anything happens or if you need anything, just give me a call, okay?’ She nodded and you hugged her goodbye. You caressed the little girl over the head and was about to leave when suddenly her heartbeat picked up and she started seizing. You took the child away as you yelled at nurses to help you, but to no avail. She had a heart attack and didn’t survive. The baby was taken away to the pediatric wing and her body was taken to the morgue. You sat in the middle of the room, staring at the place Amy laid alive and smiling just a little over an hour ago. Your bottom lip trembled and you could feel your throat closing up as you choked back a sob.
Jackson was about to leave too, when he saw you sitting alone in an empty room quietly crying to yourself. He glanced around to see if anyone knew what you were doing there, but when he saw no one even noticed you were sitting on your own, he stepped in. 
‘What are you doing here?’ he softly asked you. He noticed you tensing up, but something inside him told him you needed someone to be there for you. Clearly you were shaken up, so he couldn’t just leave you here alone. He grabbed a chair and sat down next to you. He followed your gaze and it didn’t take long for him to realise you’d lost a patient.
‘How old was she?’ he whispered. You let out a shaky breath and wiped away your tears.
‘Eighteen. Heart attack,’ you whispered back, your voice breaking. His heart clenched when he saw you so broken. You always wandered and skipped around the halls, a smile on your face and carrying positivity with you everywhere you went. Seeing tears falling down your cheeks and a frown on your face was nothing like you.
‘I’m sorry,’ he said, placing a hand on your thigh. You felt a spark of electricity flow through your body and turned to face him. His eyes held remorse and his eyebrows were furrowed in worry.
‘I’m sorry too.’
You two sat like this for a few minutes. Sitting in silence cleared your head. You enjoyed Jackson’s company and it made you feel safe and warm to know he wanted to know if you were okay.
‘Come on. I’ll take you home,’ he offered, holding out his hand for you to take. You gladly took it and placed the chairs back on their spots. You got in his expensive car and silently drove to Arizona’s and your place. When you arrived, you didn’t get out right away.
‘Thank you Jackson. You didn’t have to do that, wait for me, I mean. But thank you for waiting and being there. I appreciate it,’ you told him, not daring to look him in the eyes. You could see him nod in the corner of your eye.
‘No problem. If you need anyone, you can call me whenever you want.. Even if you don’t have a reason to.’ 
Your heart fluttered at his words and you blushed. He reached out for your hand and kissed the top of it.
‘Goodnight, Jackson. Thanks again.’
Three years you had been working here. Since the passing of your patient, you and Jackson got along surprisingly well. Others seemed to notice as well, because both of you got invited to parties and dinners more, because you finally could be in a room with each other without one killing the other. Either of you were unaware of the feelings you shared for each other, that seemed to increase more every day.
‘Hey Jackson, wanna come over for dinner tonight? Arizona is out and I don’t wanna sit alone all night,’ you asked him, flopping down on the couch next to him. He seemed to ignore you as he continued playing on his phone.
‘Jackson? Are you okay?’ you asked again, this time softer and turning your body to look at him. You saw him swallow thickly and nervously play with his beard. It felt like a slap to the face when he ignored you. After three years you could finally have a decent conversation and now he was shutting you out again..? It simply didn’t make sense.
‘Did I do something wrong?’ you whispered. You swallowed the lump in your throat and Jackson finally looked up at you. He had to say it. It was now or never.
‘Tell me I’m wrong,’ he stated. His eyes held fear as he looked you in the eyes.
‘Wrong about what?’ you asked, eyebrows furrowing in confusion. ‘Jackson, what’s going on?’ Placing a hand on his knee, his eyes flickered from your hand to your face.
‘Tell me I’m right to believe you share the same feelings I have for you,’ he breathed out. Your heart beat loudly in your ears and you felt like he could hear it. He placed his hand over yours that laid on his knee and interwined your hands. You couldn’t believe it. Taking you silence as an answer, he chuckled bitterly and let go of your hand.
‘I guess I was wrong,’ he mumbled, standing up. You quickly stood up too.
‘I want to tell you you’re wrong, but that would be a lie. And I can’t lie; not to you. I actually wanted to tell you the same. Tonight. If you wanted to of course.’ You stumbled over your words as you tried to tell him how you felt. He chuckled at your rambling and he cut you short by placing a hand in your neck and pulling you against him, kissing you softly. His lips were soft and full and he smelled amazing. You closed your eyes, wrapping your arms around his neck and standing in your tip toes to pull him closer.
‘Only if it’s a date and I cook for you,’ he whispered against your lips. You giggled and nodded, making him smile.
‘I’m sure we can arrange that.’
You leaned in again, but froze when you heard a voice behind you.
‘Oh come on! Not you too. Now I’ve lost both my sisters to my co-workers. I shouldn’t have offered you the job, damn it,’ Andrew grumbled.
‘Oh, shut it Annie. Your time will come,’ you called after him, earning a middle finger in return, making you and Jackson giggle.
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generalfoolish · 3 years
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Dream Again
Part of the Do You Ever Wonder? Universe
This is for @autumnleaves1991-blog & @clydesducktape Writer Wednesday! I couldn’t not do this for Marcus Pike <3 it’s from last week
Pairing: Marcus Pike x Fem!reader
Word Count: ~1K
Warnings: A little angsty. TW: pregnancy/angst about being pregnant.
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You moved on auto-pilot as you made your way through the park. The natural light highlighted the vivid colors of the changing leaves. This had to be your favorite time of year. The city smelled like autumn, and it was only late September. You didn’t make it out to the city as much as you’d like anymore. Since moving in with Marcus out in the suburbs, you’d changed careers. He had supported and encouraged you to switch from your office job to doing your side hustle full time. Once you had begun giving it the time it deserved, your photography business took off. You stayed booked out for weddings and engagements.
Your mindless wandering brought you to one of your old haunts. The coffee shop was weather worn, the brick smooth and dark. The bell chimed above you, and the barista greeted you. You scoured the menu before settling on a warm apple cider. You relished the heat of the drink against the chill of the air, and sipped it happily. You made your way to a bench and stared into the park.
You had to tell Marcus something life changing, but you didn’t know how. It wasn’t really a question of if he’d be happy, but more of an issue of timing. Your wedding wasn’t for another several months, and Marcus was currently out of the country working on an assignment with Interpol in France. The reason you’d come into the city was to visit your OB/GYN, and she’d confirmed what you had already suspected. You were pregnant. You were alone, and you were pregnant.
You tried not to hold it against Marcus that he had to travel out of the country so often, and for such extended periods of time, but the truth was you missed him. It was hard, harder than it had been before. You no longer had your own space absent of him to retreat to, you had to live in your shared space, and the big house only seemed to echo him back to you. You had wondered if you could do it forever. The wedding was looming, and you were crushed every time he boarded a plane. Life with him certainly made up for the fact that he was often gone. He loved more fiercely than anyone you’d ever met, and you loved him all the more for it. He saw you, really saw you, in a way that no one else ever had. He knew your fears and hard truths, and didn’t mind them. He had even met your insane family, and managed to not only get along with them but also impress them, an almost impossible feat.
As much as it gutted you, knowing he was half a world away, you couldn’t give him up. That’s why you stayed. You were selfish, and you wanted all the time you could take from him. He promised it wouldn’t be forever, so you chose to trust him, and stay. But, now you are pregnant. And the father of your baby was currently thousands of miles away.
You blew on the cider to try and cool it before you attempted another sip. You were expecting a call from him soon, but this wasn’t really news to give over the phone. You took in the crisp day, and tried to calm yourself through a breathing exercise you learned in a yoga class, back when you did things like yoga classes.
When it failed to alleviate any stress, you grabbed your phone from your pocket. You didn’t want to call Marcus, just in case he was in a dangerous situation, and you typed out a quick message.
Hey love, call me when you get a chance
You quickly erased it, knowing that a text like that had big implications. If you were trying not to stress him out, then your wording needed work. Did you wait? You didn’t know when he would be returning, it could be weeks, months even. That was absolutely the worst case scenario, he’d never been gone for more than three weeks. He had already been gone a week, so at most another two. That wasn’t too long to sit on the news, and you’d be able to surprise him.
Your phone lit up in your hand as you considered your options. Marcus’ smiling face beamed up at you, and you panicked, quickly declining the call. You were too deep in your spiral to not blurt it out, but you wanted it to be special. Marcus had told you how much he wanted to start a family, if that was something you wanted too. Of course, you had. You hadn’t expected to be working so much, or stressing about the wedding so much, and you hadn’t taken care of yourself like you needed to. You had had an ear infection, nothing more. But the antibiotics had wrecked your birth control, and Marcus had wrecked you.
Your phone buzzed again, and you could almost feel Marcus’ frown from a thousand miles away. You took a steadying breath, and blew it out in a long huff as you answered.
“Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, I just…”
“If it’s not a good time I can call back.” You keened at the sound of him, your stress almost dissolved completely at the mere sound of his voice. Almost.
“No, I was just in the city.”
“What for?” He asked, and you wished he were here.
“I had an appointment. Lady stuff.” You told him, grimacing at your balanced lie.
“Oh, well, I hope it went well. I was just wondering if you wanted to grab me from the airport? I just landed, but if you're busy I can take a car.” You sighed, relieved.
“I’ll come get you. I missed you.” You told him, knowing that with him beside you nothing else mattered.
You looked around, taking in the sight again, before trashing the empty cup and walking to your car. If you didn’t blurt it out the first moment you saw him, then you’d wait until he wasn’t jetlagged. You and Marcu were having a child, and now you could share in the excitement and anxiety with him.
“I missed you too. So hurry up.” He chuckled at his own joke, and bid his farewell.
Tagged: @pascalslittlebrat
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malissawithan-a · 3 years
So, I had my annual ob/gyn exam yesterday afternoon and I need to rant about how she brought up my weight. I have gone to this practice for 10 years now but this doctor for only 2 of those years, my favorite doctor retired 2 years ago so I had to switch. I like her, she delivered Alice and Lucy and I've never had any issues with her. She's just blunt and it rubbed me the wrong way yesterday.
She brought up the fact that I've gained 5 pounds since I came in last year, last August to be exact. Kept talking about how it's higher than last year but lower than other years, etc. I had to cut in and defend myself and my diet. I've been low carb since Lucy was a few months old and it's just not as effective as it was when I went on that diet after Alice. I'm still up like 15 pounds from the weight I was when I got pregnant with Lucy and as much as I would like to lose that weight it seems like it's going to require a pretty restrictive diet. My body just likes to hang out at my current weight, I've been this exact weight for a good 8 or 9 years, even prior to kids. Then she brought up exercising more and I had to interject about that as well, I work out 5 days a week, it's not that. It was just a frustrating conversation to have because it's only 5 pounds, that's nothing. My old doctor would never have brought this up over 5 pounds.
I don't think this is worth switching doctors over because I know I'm healthy and my diet is good and my amount of exercise is good but it was definitely a ding to my self-esteem.
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jedimasterkelly · 3 years
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Shit happens when you're a woman. A lot of shit. Bad shit. And a lot of the time, you will run into doctors who do not listen to you. Will not care about you, and will not take you seriously.
This story is about the Great Cancer Scare of 2020.
I was 49, and 3 yrs post menopause. I was pleased about that, as it means no more period ever. I could deal with the occasional hot flashes, and the snapping of necks of anyone who dared bother me. Then in May of 2020, after the pandemic fully hit and the University I work at closed and sent all of us to work from home, I got very sick. Not from Covid, thankfully, but something else. I had started bleeding, and it wasn't menstrual blood. It was bright red and HEAVY. I was filling post-natal pads within 2 hours. I called the Women's Clinic where my OB-GYN lived. They couldn't see me until July. WTF! I called my GP, who got me in on an emergency basis, I mean, 3 yrs post-menopausal women don't just spring a leak, you know? My ovarian function had been almost nil for 3 years. He called my OB-GYN and demanded I get seen right away. They made an appointment for 2 weeks later. Keep reading, because it's quite a ride!
Seriously! 2 weeks later!
In the meantime, my GP discovered my thyroid was tanked out, so I was put on Levothyroxine 25mcg. It helped a lot. I started to feel a little bit more human, at least in the brain area. I finally got in to the OB-GYN, and he did a biopsy and trans-vaginal ultrasound. We got the results 2 weeks later and he called me in to go over them. He said I had hyperplasia with atypia. Cells were dividing rapidly, and he was very concerned. He recommended an endometrial ablation, or a full hysterectomy. At 49 he wasn't concerned with me having a sudden maternal urge (I have no kids), so he was fine with either choice. I decided on the hysterectomy, because why not? Endometrium grows back after an ablation, and why bother at my age? Just yank it all and let me get back to my life.
He said he didn't feel safe doing the procedure, since the cells were most likely cancerous and rapidly dividing, so he sent a referral to one of the cancer centers in OKC. I expected a call within a couple of weeks. I mean, really, if I have the early stages of endometrial cancer, they'd call me in immediately, right? Right?
Crickets. Literal crickets for 4 months! I was very concerned, hell, worried I was going to get full blown cancer and these jackasses weren't going to try and help me at all. I called OB-GYN several times during that 4 month period, and was told the cancer center in OKC wasn't returning their calls. I called them numerous times, and could never get a person on the phone.
I was told it was the pandemic. The pandemic was shutting everything down and causing huge backlogs for non-Covid issues to be seen. I told OB-GYN to refer me to the oncologist from Tulsa, who also worked once a month in Stillwater at the SMC Cancer Center. He didn't want to, he wanted me to see the doctor in OKC (who wasn't returning anyone's calls!) I called SMC Cancer Center and asked how soon I could get in with Dr. Thomas. His office called back within 2 hours asking for my chart and biopsy results. I had the Womens Clinic send my information to Dr. Thomas in Tulsa. Within a week, they called and had me on the schedule to see him in Stillwater on his next visit.
This is where the story gets good. And by good, I mean, WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. Thanks for sticking with me this far.
Got in to see Dr. Thomas. I researched him and learned we have the same Alma Mater. That day, we were both wearing t-shirts from said same Alma Mater. Instant bonding! I also work in Administration at said same Alma Mater, so we spent some time discussing (gossiping) about my department since he had taken classes with a lot of my faculty during his undergrad. Then he got serious and handed me my biopsy report. He told me he was going to assume I wasn't shown this, since I am:
1. A Master's of Science graduate student in Education Leadership - this making me a researcher who knows how to do research, do research, and understand research.
2. Work full time in a Physical Sciences department at a Big 12 University.
3. Edit manuscripts for my Dept. Chair, thus proving I am scientifically literate. You can't edit scientific manuscripts without having a good, solid knowledge of said science. If he's alternating between "adsorb" and "absorb", I have to understand his research in order to correct his manuscript. This is important because his manuscripts have to be peer reviewed before they can be published in a reputable journal.
"Read it to me, out loud," he said.
I started reading from the paper in my professional scientist voice. It didn't take long before I began to falter as I came to the realization I had been lied to.
"Read it again," he said.
This time, I read it with a lot more heat in my voice.
Diagnosis: no hyperplasia with atypia, no abnormal cells detected
Dr. Thomas waited for me to explode. I didn't. I just stared at him in anger and horror. He offered to do another biopsy to make sure, but he suggested I fire my OB-GYN immediately and find someone who actually gives a shit about me.
I was still randomly bleeding, 6-9 weeks at a time, so we agreed on another trans-vaginal ultrasound and biopsy. The attached photo shows he took 3 samples from my uterus. He wanted to be sure.
A little ditty about endometrial biopsies:
They hurt like a motherfucker.
Take 2-3 ibuprofen before you leave the house to go to your procedure.
Relax. It usually only lasts a couple of minutes. The doctor normally takes 1 or 2 samples. Pinch, snip, clip, done.
Not this guy. He wanted to be surely sure.
He went for a 3rd pinch snip clip. My uterus seized up in the most painful spasm I ever had in my life. I almost came off the table. He was seated on a little rolly stool so he shot back away from me before I could connect his head to my foot. He triumphantly held up his little weapon of Uterine Destruction and declared, "Got it!"
"Yeah, you almost got your ass kicked mister," I growled at him.
"It was worth it to get this beauty of a sample."
So, after a biopsy of your uterus, expect some bleeding and cramping. I had severe cramps for 2 days. I was not amused. We're talking laying in bed with a heating pad and ibuprofen every 4 hours kind of cramping.
Got the results back in a couple of weeks. No cancer. No hyperplasia. No abnormal cell growth. He recommended I find a new OB-GYN fast. I decided fuck it, I'm done. I'm never seeing another OB-GYN ever again.
Dr. Thomas said several times he's convinced my issues are endocrinal. I filed that away in the back of my mind.
(if you ever do test positive for cancer and you are in the Tulsa area, I highly recommend Dr. Eric Thomas! Make sure you have a sense of humor with him.)
My GP started pressuring me back in March of 2021 to find a new OB-GYN. The Women's Clinic has several, but they have a fucked up rule you can't switch doctors there. So if you go there, you are stuck with the same doctor and can't move over to his colleague on another floor. I saw my GP again, and asked if he was still best buds with a gynecologist who had his own clinic. He was always full, and not taking new patients, so GP would have to call his buddy to get me in.
Which he did. Buddy-GYN's office called the very next day to schedule me in. He had been sent my chart and was concerned about the long bleeds (6-9 weeks in duration) and why the fuck were they happening after being 3 yrs post-menopause.
I went in for a consult in April of 2021. First thing out of his mouth, "Has anyone ever talked to you before about PCOS?"
I laughed.
I laughed because every GYN I saw over the last 20 years told me I didn't have PCOS, endometriosis, or any sort of hormonal issues. I was just fat, lazy, and a piggy pig pig. I actually had one OB-GYN tell me to go on The Biggest Loser. Fat shamed while sitting there naked on his table after an invasive exam of my female bits. Thanks a lot, asshole.
I told him about that. He informed me he could tell by LOOKING at me I have the classics signs of PCOS. I use an epilator on my crazy man-hairs, so he asked if I was tweezing or waxing. I about fell out of my chair. Nobody ever believed me that I was having to remove crazy thick hairs off my chin and neck all the time. He asked if I ever had ovarian cysts. Affirmative, I was diagnosed with ovarian cysts the first time one exploded back in 1994. He stood there, holding the bridge of his nose and shook his head.
"Well, going by your chief complaints, your abdominal circumference, history of bursting cysts, and no period for 3 years, I am saying you have PCOS."
He went on to discuss my need for an appointment with an endocrine specialist, he was convinced my thyroid tanking out sent my ovaries back into production, and now my hormones are all over the place, most likely, and I needed specialized care.
He must have talked to GP, because I soon got a call from the endo clinic to come in.
This post is already long and tedious, but I am happy to say I finally have 3 doctors who listen to me. My new Endo doc tripled my levothyroxine and scheduled a follow up blood test for next month. Buddy-GYN talked me into a pap smear and cervical exam in July as well. He also wants a mammogram, which I begrudgingly need to schedule so he doesn't chew my ass in July when I walk in with no results. GP is working on my other issues (weight, bad fluid retention, etc...). We discovered from a blood test last Friday my iron levels are dangerously low. I am now on a Rx iron supplement. I've always struggled with anemia, but it never occurred to me or GP to check my iron levels. If you're a woman, and you feel like absolute dog shit and your doctor can't figure out why, have your iron and electrolytes tested. It'll probably take about 3-4 weeks for me to see any results from the iron supplement, but I can already see a reduction in fluid retention.
In September, I have an appointment with Dr. Le at Integris in OKC. He's a bariatric surgeon. I have gained so much weight from having PCOS and Hypothyroidism that I need to drop a lot of fat fast. I'm pretty healthy - I don't have the normal problems obese people tend to have. I'm not diabetic, don't have sleep apnea, my cholesterol levels are good. I am what they call "healthy fat" which seems like an oxymoron. However, it will improve my chances of getting approved for a sleeve gastrectomy.
I turned 50 last week, and had to endure 3 decades of no one listening to me. I feel I lost so many years of my life and I can never get them back. I hope this post reaches a lot of younger women having issues. Keep looking for a doctor who will listen to you. It sucks we have to hunt for these unicorns, but they do exist. I finally have a good team who actually cares about me.
You have a right to be listened to! You have a right to be heard!
I was asked: Who are my doctors?
Dr. Daniel Brown D.O. Stillwater Physicians Clinic
Dr. Yasuto Taguchi M.D. Taguchi Women's Clinic
Dr. Wynter Kipgen M.D. Stillwater Diabetes & Endocrinology
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deans-baby-momma · 3 years
Wounded Hearts 3
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Summary: When John Winchester leaves his two high school-aged sons in a motel in Fairfax IN while he goes off on a hunt, they both make friends. What happens after they have to suddenly leave when John comes to fetch them? Will those friendships endure? Does Dean leave a piece of his soul behind?
Word Count: 1,088
A/N: This is a sequel to Past Haunts, but it’s mostly what happened in the thirteen years between high school and when Sam and Dean return to take care of a haunting in their old stomping grounds of Truman High. The first couple of chapters will be mainly Dean’s POV and then after that, each chapter will switch from Dean’s POV to Rebecca’s POV. I will label them appropriately. 
Winter in Indiana 
Rebecca’s POV
Winter break is usually something I always looked forward to. Two whole weeks off from school, time spent with family and of course Christmas. 
But this year, the break was quite the opposite. Yes, there were 13 days I didn’t have to get up to go to school and be around all those who acted as if they are better than me. But the ‘spending time with family’ element was awkward. 
Mom still isn’t talking to me; it’s been a few days since I broke the news to them over dinner that I was pregnant and she hid out in her room the rest of the evening. Now when we are in the same area together, she only speaks to me if it is totally necessary. Does it hurt that my own mother wasn’t speaking to me? Does it bother me that I was getting the silent treatment? Hell yes it does! Mom and I have always been close and I could talk to her about almost anything. She is the one who told me that I could have any career I wanted and she and Dad would be ecstatic with whatever I choose. Now to not hardly ever hear her voice is killing me.
I make an appointment with the OB/GYN and really wish she would go with me but I’m afraid to ask her. Maybe if I just slide the paper with the date and time written on it to her, she’ll get the hint and take me. I grab the little note I had made when talking to the receptionist and head toward the kitchen. I know Mom is in there preparing dinner for my grandparents who have traveled from Nevada to spend the holidays with us. If Mom doesn’t agree or offer to take me, I don’t know what I will do because the doctor’s office is in Bloomington, a half hour away. I can’t drive since I’ve yet to get my license and I can’t afford a taxi.
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The nurse calls my name and I hesitantly stand, nervous about what is going to happen. I look back over my shoulder at my mom as I walk toward the woman in salmon colored scrubs. Mom gives me a forced smile and nods her head. 
In the week since I told her about the pregnancy Mom has only spoken to me when needed. All other times, if it could be avoided she would, sometimes using Dad to relay messages to me. 
When I had given her the paper with my appointment on it, she had stared at it like she was preparing for it to jump up and bite her then just said, "I'll take you."
So here I am, being shown a bathroom and directed to pee in a plastic cup and sit it inside a hole in the wall. 
Once in the room, the nurse smiles as she hands me a gown. "Undress completely and put this on but leave it untied. The doctor will be with you shortly."
As soon as she leaves, I do as she says and then take a seat on the exam table. My nerves are getting the best of me; I know what is going to happen and I am terrified. After making the appointment last week  I had researched and found out exactly what takes place during an initial pregnancy exam. Thankfully the doctor I had chosen was female, I don't think I could handle a man down there,  probing and poking and looking.
While I wait, I look at all the posters on the wall for different types of tests and scans for a happy, healthy baby. There are also a couple that discuss and explain the different methods of contraceptives. I read one and scoff, "Although condoms are a better birth control than nothing,  they are only about 98% effective." 'Yea, nice to know that now!' I think to myself.
A light knock on the door draws my attention and I turn my head to see a middle-aged woman with short black hair wearing a white lab coat and holding a clipboard walk in.
"Rebecca Quentin?"
I lick my lips and nod. "Yes, ma'am."
"I'm Doctor Wesley, " she says with a smile.  
As suspected, Doctor Wesley confirms that I am indeed pregnant, 11 weeks along. There is a human growing inside of me, a baby that is totally dependent on me. All because I decided to befriend Dean Winchester. I kept my head bowed as I walked back into the waiting area where my Mom was sitting there, reading a magazine. As soon as she saw it was me that had come from the back, she laid the publication of US Weekly down and stood. Watching her pay for the doctor visit was eye-opening. This news was life-changing! I had some big decisions to make. 
I followed Mom out to the vehicle and climbed into the passenger seat.
“So?” Mom asked as she pulled out of the lot onto the road.
“I’m 11 weeks pregnant,” I mumbled, preparing myself for the lecture I was sure to get.
Mom sighs, a telltale sign that she is about to give me a speech. One that I am fully prepared for, one that I deserve. In my 17 years, I had only been lectured twice. Once when I had cut Nancy's hair because she said hers was prettier and another when I punched a boy named James when he called my best friend Nancy (yep, the one and the same) a whore. The fact that she was indeed a whore was not the principle of the matter. 
My parents had sat me down both times, me in the armchair and them on the sofa, to explain that 'we keep our hands to ourselves. It isn't nice to touch something that isn't ours. Cutting a girl's hair even though she was boasting about it is a no-no.' Or the second discussion about 'fighting doesn't solve anything'. 
Two times was all it took to make me straighten up and decide to put my energies toward school and forget the trivial aspects of being a kid. And once I did that, the promiscuous Nancy eventually stopped being my friend and others followed her lead and left me alone. I was doing well with that fact until the green-eyed loner entered my life. One afternoon spent with him had altered everything. 
Mom's next words only confirmed that. "Rebecca, this changes everything you've worked so hard for."
@tftumblin​ @spnbaby-67​ @markofdean79​ @lostinaseaoffictionalbliss​ @travelingriversideblues-x​ @akshi8278​ @keymology​ @hoboal87​ @squirrelnotsam​ @natura1phenomenon​ @drakelover78​ @larajadeschmidt13​ @blacktithe7​ @atc74​ @sea040561​ @delightfullykrispypeach​ @vicariouslythruspn​ @sandlee44​ @mogaruke​ @deanwanddamons​ @supraveng​ @deandreamernp​ @lyarr24​
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booasaur · 3 years
I can understand jealousy on Maya’s part if it somehow leads to them talking about what happened with Jack. As in, Maya’s projecting in that situation. I know we’ll have to just wait until it airs, but based on previous experience with this show, it could be incredibly dramatic for no reason. And really, I don’t even see the need for it so soon after Andrew’s death. It just seems like if there's one time Maya wouldn't be jealous, it's when Carina is grieving and needs a friendright?
Hmmm, that could be an interesting way to broach a topic that hasn’t been discussed on scene nearly enough. 
Like no way Maya thinks Carina could actually cheat, except for her mixed up feelings about how she herself handled things and the guilt over it. Maybe, maybe.
Honestly, these two eps have been pretty good for them, a lot of screentime and actually growing Maya’s character and focusing on Carina. I hate that they had to kill Andrew to do it, I know I make a big deal about f/f deaths specifically but I hate when ANY nice characters die, tbh, as I said, this cuts off Andrew from their stories forever, but I can see why they went that way for Marina’s writing. This gives Carina not just a major storyline and justification for screentime on S19, it may also be the catalyst for why she’ll switch to the PRT, when we were saying we couldn’t see what an OB/GYN would be doing at a fire station. Ben’s patient this ep set up a reason to bring back the PRT and now with this particular hurt and anger Carina’s carrying, she actually has an understandable reason to work in it. The death of her brother is a strong enough reason to leave her life’s passion, even if just temporarily.
But the jealousy...honestly, getting the Jack and cheating convo out of the way might be a valid reason for doing that this early, but that seems like really the only reason I can think of. Maya being genuinely weird about it, or as you said, S19 doing its full unnecessary drama it thinks it has to every ep, on this, if it’s NOT to basically clear the air, that would just be so odd.
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coleyholts · 3 years
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Here it is.  The Medication Post.
Note: I’m going to start off by saying that this is highly personal and any judgement (although I don’t really care, but we’ll explore that) will not be tolerated and it will make you a bad person. This is a detailed account of my medication history and I am putting it out there in hopes that someone out there will benefit from what I know.  Okay. Glad to have that out of the way.
When I was in high school (maybe 16-ish??), I went to my doctor and told him that I was having trouble shaking the feeling of constantly being rushed and that people are looking at me like I’m less than they are.  These feelings were always present and made my life so much harder than it needed to be.
I was completely open to medication, having known many adults and a few of my peers that had benefited greatly from their qualities.  I started Paxil, and at first, I was so relieved.  As a few months rolled by, I noticed that while I wasn’t terribly sad or anxious, I was not experiencing any positive emotions either.  I had become completely numb to everything I was supposed to be enjoying as a high school Junior with a bright future full of mysteries.
After six months, doc and I had a check-in.  I told him how I felt, so I was switched to Effexor.  I felt like this medication made no difference whatsoever.  I felt like I was served this ultimatum by life that made me choose between being shaky and nervous and having no emotions whatsoever.  I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS, but I weaned myself off and didn’t look back...until recently.
During my complicated pregnancy filled with hurdles like spine surgery, physical therapy, pain management with the best medications to not harm my baby, gestational diabetes, excessive swelling, knee injections (the list really never ends), I found myself feeling sorry for myself.  I shouldn’t have to go through so much pain in order to bring life into this world like most other women.  I talked to my OB/GYN about this, and he said starting Zoloft would not hurt Natasha, and that a lot of at-risk women begin taking it in the third trimester in preparation for Post-Partum Depression.  I decided to tough out my pregnancy without medication, as I was already out of work at this point for blood pressure.
At your first check-up (usually two weeks after delivery), you are asked to fill out a survey containing questions that indicate exactly where you’re at emotionally.  I felt weird checking boxes of the symptoms I had been experiencing, asking myself if these feelings were real.  My biggest issue was that I was crying WAY too much.  Looking back, I think this was caused by feelings of guilt surrounding the fact that I could not care for my baby as much as I wanted to, being almost 300 lb. And recently being cut in half for a cesarean.  I started Zoloft that day.
For me personally, timing considered, Zoloft completely changed my life.  Although I was dealing with some nerve pain complications, I was able to “get it together” most of the time.  I was so happy that I put my faith in Dr. Aron, as I held my head high and enjoyed my baby and husband while I healed with steroids, muscle relaxers, injections and physical therapy.
Everything was getting better and better medically.  I had reached complete relief with my back pain, while working almost all of the way through my PPD.  I got my ADHD diagnosis, got properly medicated, and everything made sense.  I switched all of my medications to my primary care physician, and was just about to come off Zoloft completely.  I felt so accomplished.  
Then, the accident happened.
When we were discharged after Natasha’s surgery, I called my doctor’s office on the way home.  I sobbed knowing I had to do the exact opposite of what my goal had been and increase my Zoloft.  I left a message with a nurse (they know me from all the bs I dealt with during my pregnancy), and after telling her what happened, I got the notification that my prescription had been filled.  It helped in less than three days, and I was hopeful.
When the episodes (anxiety, tears, shaky, nausea) started, that’s ultimately when I knew that I had to utilize something else.  I was given Klonopin, which would also help with my restless legs.  We also decided to raise my Zoloft for a second time, considering I was starting therapy for PTSD and he thought it would be beneficial to help my chemicals all balance back out.
I still have the goal of completely coming off antidepressants completely; not because of any kind of judgement or stigma, but because I dream of the day when I can be happy again without any help.  I want to be able to walk outside on a fall day and see Daniel and Natasha playing in leaves in the yard without my irrational thoughts, giving me reasons why I don’t deserve this because of what happened.  I want to enjoy being at social events, and not feel like everyone has a reason not to want me there or like they’re thinking how much of an idiot I am for letting my baby roll off my bed. I’m working on this in therapy, and am making great progress.  I have very supportive doctors that help my work towards my goals that I get to set.
So, to close this post, do not be afraid to utilize medication.  Life does not have to be so painful.  You do not walk around with a neon sign floating above your head that says MY BRAIN IS BROKE AND NEEDS MEDS, and there is no need to be embarrassed.  Get the help you need to be the very best you, and give that truly authentic version of yourself to the people you love.
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meanermina · 3 years
"Whatever happens at this appointment, I'll be fine." Is a phrase Tamina has told herself over this from the time she woke up this morning. The tone sounding more apprehensive and broken record like the more she repeats. As if she was trying to convince herself.
Deep down, Tamina knew if the doctor gives her a solid concrete answer, she'd feel guilty for how she felt about it. On hand, if it's a no, she'd be overjoyed. No baby, no rift causing, and she could just go back to living her life. If it's a yes, her heart would be broken because she knows she's getting an abortion.
She also knows she wouldn't be telling Max. She knew he wouldn't be able handle it. Which, she admits is cruel, but Max isn't ready for that type of responsible, Tamina doesn't want to be a mother again, and he was taken. There was no point of them having a child together.
She doesn't want to hurt him, but she'll just have to deal with his anger. Maybe in another time or a another life she and Max could've handled the situation better. For this life, it could never be. At least she wouldn't be going through this alone.
She had Sasha and Naomi coming with her. So, at least if it ends in disaster, she's got two shoulders to cry on. Matter of fact, they would be at her house any minute. She's letting them drive because she feels like not in the right frame of mind to get behind the wheel of a car.
As she's getting ready, her mind is racing with all these thoughts. Mostly about how she should tell Max and how could she just take a life like she's going to do if it's a yes? Getting an abortion was such a major step, but it was the only way to end this nightmare quickly. She's been through a lot with this already, she can't take much more.
She finishes getting ready and waits for Sasha and Naomi outside on her porch. Tamina has never felt more on edge. Not even on her ill fated wedding day or the birth of her older kids was she this nervous and on edge. Course, all of that was planned and meant to happen. This potential kid wasn't.
Sasha and Naomi pull up in Sasha's car and Tamina gets in the backseat giving them a faint smile. "Let's get this over with." She sighs. They drive to Tamina's OB/GYN, get out, and get checked in. Tamina is being very quiet and had her eyes glued to the door that leads to the examination room. Fifteen minutes later a bubbly blonde in rose pink scrubs walks out with a clip board.
"Sarona?" The blonde calls out. "That's me." Tamina says as she stands up. "Come on back." She waves Tamina through. The nurse makes Tamina put on a hospital gown. "You're here to see if you're pregnant?" The nurse asked. "Yes. I took four pregnancy tests. One came out negative, the other three came out positive. I need a concrete answer." Tamina explains.
"And when was your last period, Miss. Snuka?" The nurse pressed on. "At this point, last month." Tamina replied. "Okay well when Doctor Ross gets in here, she's going to do a pelvic examination and an ultrasound. For right now, I'm just gonna check your vitals." The nurse explained.
Tamina gets her vitals done. "Everything seems normal. Just lay back and she'll be in shortly." The nurse leaves. Tamina feels herself starting to panic. As if a switch went off in her. She didn't want to be pregnant. Just as she was about to say something to Naomi and Sasha, Doctor Ross comes through the door.
Doctor Ross was a statuesque red head woman who was brilliant. She delivered both of Tamina's children. Why not go to her now? "Sarona! How are you? Congratulations on your title." Doctor Ross beamed. "Thanks." Tamina nods awkwardly as the woman gives her a side hug. "So, what are we here for?" Dr. Ross asks. "To see if I'm pregnant." Tamina replied.
Dr. Ross's eyes widen in surprise as she pulls away from Tamina.  "Oh my. Another child? At 43?" She asks. "I don't want it. I took four pregnancy tests. One came out negative. Three came out positive. I need a solid answer." Tamina sighed suddenly feeling embarrassed. She had been so worried about being pregnant, she hadn't taken in how embarrassing this situation was.
She allowed herself to get PREGNANT, by a taken man. What was she thinking? "Okay, well let's get you that answer. We'll do your pelvic exam first. Get in the stir up's." She welcomes. Tamina lays back as Dr. Ross is sitting down in a black leather wheeled rounded backless chair.
Tamina puts her legs in the stir up's while Dr. Ross is putting on a glove. "Now just relax." Dr. Ross soothes as she's inserting two fingers into Tamina for an examination. There's a silence over the room and Tamina shifts uncomfortably against Dr. Ross's fingers. "Oh dear" Tamina heard doctor Ross gasp. "What is it?" Tamina asks with wide eyes.
Dr. Ross slowly removes her hand from Tamina. Tamina is mortified when she see's Dr. Ross's rubber glove is bloody and a pity look in her eyes. "Sarona, I don't know how to tell you this." Dr. Ross started. "Tell me what? Did I get my period?" Tamina asked sounding relieved. "Not exactly. Your cervix is opened and thinned." Dr. Ross informed her.
"And what does that mean?" Tamina questions as the relief leaves her body. "Sarona, I'm sorry. You had a miscarriage." Dr. Ross finally tells her. Tamina feels her brain shut off for a second. What was she talking about? No way. There was no way in the world. "How is that possible? I'm not even showing!" Tamina questions.
"It's very common early on in pregnancy. I am so sorry. You need a minute. I'll go get your papers." Dr. Ross apologizes and leaves room. Miscarriage just keeps flashing over and over again in Tamina's mind. She lost her and Max's child. Max is going be so hurt. Tamina was very hurt.
What did she do? What could she have possibly done to miscarry? She understood that, yes she didn't want the baby. To miscarry though? She felt like a monster. It almost didn't seem real. Sasha and Naomi are staring at her and she's trying to avoid their gazes. She starts reaching for her clothes and putting them back on.
No need to stay in that hospital gown. Just as she starts picking over this situation, Dr. Ross comes back in with her discharge papers and pamphlets. "Here you go. It's not your fault okay? I'm sure you were very careful. Its just something that happens and at your age you are at higher risk of not carrying to a full term. There are counselors you can go to in order to heal from this. Try not to be so hard on yourself."
Tamina just kept quiet and nodded her head as the nightmare begins to seem endless. Tamina, Sasha, and Naomi leave the office. Once Tamina gets in that backseat there are no stopping those tears. She had never felt worse than she did in that moment.
How could this have happened to her?
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