#I started listening to this a couple months ago and I am INVESTED
dinocameback · 1 year
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This is canon bc I say so
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 9 months
What's the point of th's supposed popularity if no one is listening to his music? He's basically an influencer at this point. The Kardashians have more ig followers than Beyonce and Taylor Swift, but they could easily lose those followers, unlike Beyonce and TS, who have the most loyal fan bases in the world. Quality over quantity, honestly.
Wdym his instagram likes don't matter???!?!?!
I think it has to do with everyone's obsession with "GP". Kths started that conversation around some grammys red carpet, I don't remember what year it was when they said "locals" kept asking if taekook were a couple. That's the first time I remember being taken aback and confused about this "gp" and "locals" validation. Then it was because he was in that kitchen show and they all went "omg gp darling this, gp darling that". And it hasn't stopped since solo era started. Do you have any idea of how tired I am of reading "gp" - take a shot everytime you go on army/solos spaces and read those letters.
Nobody cared about "gp" when BTS got all those billboard hot 100 positions and streams thanks to the huge fandom. As I've said before, BTS had a huge fandom for a while but only became somewhat "popular" (as in, random people would know about them - oh sorry, I meant precious GP would know about them) after butter or maybe my universe. Mind you, I've never in 6 years heard anyone in real life say "BTS". Literally Never. Meanwhile I just started this new job a month ago and I've already heard 3 different groups of people of all ages talk about Taylor. I've got students umproptly coming up to me and say "Miss, I've been listening to Taylor Swift songs to practice my English".
You'll see.. kpop fans are stereotyped as white, chubby/obese high school girls with blue hair who spend too much time online daydreaming about celebrities and have no life and get no sex. The truth is that some fans -even if they themselves are white chubby blue haired girls- are obsessed with not being associated to that stereotype. They don't want Taehyung's fans to be some miserable, lonely losers. They want him to have "LOCALS" admiration and respect. When the members opened their own ig accounts, those interactions were a gateway to that, mostly because instagram is you know.. theee place for the skinny, tanned, successful, pretty LOCALS.
I've always thought the whole obsession with "gp" and "locals" was so stupid. There's absolutely nothing wrong in having a big fandom. That's literally how BTS came to be what they were until last year, and armys weren't praying and begging for "gp" support. Taylor gets the numbers she gets because yes, many people around the world know her name and willingly listen to her music; but also because she has a huge ass fanbase. She's been building that fanbase for more than a decade. Three years ago, if you listened to Taylor you would've been considered a pathetic, lonely loser too.
At the end of the day, all this popularity talk it's just fans' own insecurities and their itch to distance themselves and the idol from the image of a "fandom" because they know what everyone thinks of people who are part of fandoms. Ironically, most BTS fans started out as people who didn't know anything about kpop -gp- and two years later they're getting hit tweets calling Jennie a lazy slut and saying "my fave is so popular amongst locals."
Taehyung stans clung to his ig interactions because they thought having the likes of "locals" made him more important or better in every way than the other members. However, in music, it's always better to have a huge fandom that will make eight hours long playlists of your song and play it multiple times a day -investing their own money and time on you- than it is to have random people liking your ig posts. And if what I'm saying it's not enough, take his china bar activities as an example. They bought almost a million albums; there's no 800k "locals" that would've bought his album.
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thecompanionmoth · 1 month
i so over this breakup. my ex made me feel special and like shit simultaneously. they posted on their insta today about how they're grateful for the people in their life. and my gut twisted reading that because i know. i know how badly they used to want to talk to me. i know how much they enjoyed being with me. when we broke up, i swear to god they said that i was so strong, and that i was hard to describe—like a song, that they are unsure if they'll ever date anyone again, that they had wished that we could go out to get ramen the same way we did when we were together, that they want to be able to come back to my house again.
you don't fucking get that. you well never ever get that back. it has been two fucking months and i still feel horrible. i want to scream all of this in their face, show how painful it is. because they don't get it. they never fucking got it. when i told you i contemplated self harm, you started talking about resolving shit with my family. don't talk to me about them, don't lecture me about that. i wanted you to fucking listen. i never told anyone that and you didn't fucking listen.
you lied to me. you broke up with me after i finally asked if we were together. then, a month passed, i tried to be nice to you, i wanted to get back together despite what you did and how you treated me. and what do i get for that? nothing. good memories that only make me downplay all of the bad, disregarding of my fucking feelings. i tried so hard to make him love me, to see what i invested in, to make them see how much i cared about him. and what am i left with now?
the echos of how hard you cried the night we broke up. I asked, "we are never getting back together?" and the firm no i heard in response is the worst no i have ever been told. you may as well have hit me with how much that fucking stings. don't tell me how strong i am. i was literally too surprised to speak. despite you wanting to break up so badly, there i was, on my bed, asking you what it would be like if we were to be just friends?
oh, wait. back in october when you had an epiphany, a couple weeks before our one year anniversary (post the break up and get back together) that we barely have anything in common, that you know people who would work better with me, and you had the gall to ask that if we broke up, would we still be friends? i told you no, months ago, because i loved you too much. well so much for that. because either way, in fucking february, we still broke up. I had to bring it up. I had to ask, hey, how do you feel about us? i wanted to talk about the resistance to intimacy and whether or not you were really committed to being together. i swear to god a light went off. this had been the sign to them all along, the one they had been waiting for. we changed locations, felt better, and then i realized what that conversation pointed to. i had to fucking ask. you knew, you knew that i cared more than you did, and despite saying that you didn't want to lead me on,
saying that you just wanted us to "agree to let the romance (that they didn't really feel) go." oh my fucking god. fuck you so much.
there is so much to unpack here. i know it is toxic as helllll of me to still be hanging on, to still be angry, to post about it on my tumblr that is linked to my art insta, that they could see if they chose to peruse the blog. and i know it is also very toxic for me to want them to see it. but holy shit. i want them to know. i want them to know how shitty they made me felt and tell me they are sorry. while i don't like that they said they were unsure if they'd ever date someone again, i hope that if they were to continue acting this way, i hope they never start another half-assed situationship, fling, relationship, because that way, no one will hurt at their hands, in this way, ever again. because this fucking sucks.
and i know that i have been active on my insta's, i still have them on my close friends, but all i post are memes and selfies. not "i'm so grateful for everyone even though i'm a little tired." ok. great. i'm tired too. i just got hired for a wonderful job, and am working on some really cool shit, but it is so hard for me to love and embrace that, love and embrace myself, and to even focus on any of that, because i have been sick to my stomach with knowing all that i do.
i want them to know that their sister still replies to my stories, complementing my art. your mom and brother still follow me on insta. your grandma started following my art account.
i had to unfollow their band, a bandmate and their partner, and my ex from my art account, because i couldn't stomach seeing them again. i never liked that bandmate anyway. but i don't want to see shit about the band. i don't want to see how grateful you are on the feed that is supposed to be inspiring.
fuck you. <3
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dojae-huh · 2 months
so lucas got his first solo!!!!!!
u knw what twtr i is exploding.... Haha.... Some are being neutrals while some acting like the scandal is happened with them.... Like they have seen it through their eyes!!! I mean as a new one to this fandome I only can read the news.... Yes there was a scandal, a bad one actually.... But I don't knw how much of it is true.... So if u hate him ignore him nd don't listen to his songs.... Nd u like him just support him rather picking up a fight with those hate him..... That's all i can say.... But am really curious abt smthng...
I mean, even if u r doing a great job the company won't always invested in u much...most of the cases are like that....nd when u got into a scandal, there goes ur career into a bhooom....like u knw these entertainment companies won't just support someone....even if they are introducing a new face they work hard to make them famous coz they can't risk the amount they spent on that person..they want profit....but here in lucas case, what made them so confident abt get him into the field again... I mean he had such a big scanadal nd got really hate, ofcrs i knw he still has a good fanbase but u knw, it won't be an easy task... There is risk... There is a chance of it won't make it big... But still SM daringly made him a solo artist really makes me curious.... Does he have some connections or what.... Or is he really innocent that company wants to give him a chance..... Nd I don't think that pink company is that much generous.... Coz they even made shotaro nd sengchan into another group just becoz they are already famous, so puting them into another group would make more benifit to reach out to the fans.... That compnay only think abt profit rather than their artists feeling, so what in the world they got the confident lucas would bring back lot profit through this solo?! Normal idols not getting things while scandalous one got it..... I'm totally confused huh nim.....im soryy if my words made u offended, if I'm wrong correct me nd share ur thoughts on this.... Thankuu ☺
Lucas was accused of things of various degree of villainy. Most fans never cared to look into the things more deeply, read the disproof by fans who investigated the case, just jumped on the hate train. And now those people think they continue to stand on the side of "good people" who condemn cheaters, sexual harrassers, rapists, etc. And, of course, there are just plain antis.
Taeyong was cleared from accusations of being a bully and others in 2020. It is now known he had one of the worst childhoods among 127 neos, was even sent for a month to his granparents, away from school he didn't want to go to. And even today fans spread misinformation about him being a "nasty person".
Many Lucas' fans stayed and demonstrated they were waiting for him through trending of tags, comments on IG, etc. SM could see the continued interest and rely on that core fanbase. Lucas is going on a fanmeet tour around Asia, which demonstrates SM being sure it will be sold. The upside of working for the global market is that being cancelled in one country (here: China) doesn't nesessary mean that other countries will follow suit. When SK starts to hate a celebrety, that celebrety "dissapears" to Japan or China for a couple of years (works there non-stop), and makes a comeback back home, once people forget.
I suspect Lucas is Chris Lee's personal project. He uploaded a photo together with him a year or so ago, and appeared in the documentary. Either Chris was empathic, knowing Lucas personally and how the things actually were behind the scenes, or he wants to try to return a banished idol back and make a case for the future. Idols are cancelled all the time, and recently it has become a big problem. Just look how many idols were kicked out from their groups, and big ones. This issue will become even worse in the future, with deep fakes and AI voice generators.
LSM also gave chances to some of his artists after they caused problems.
SM signed Kim Woojin, who was ousted from Stray Kids. He managed to clear his name with the help of lawyers, proved the accusations were false, but it was too late.
Lucas wasn't a super big star, not like BigBang members, for example, or BTS. He has star quality, a potential to be very big, however, SM has new groups and current ones that bringmoney. It's not like he is last resort, worthy of risking everything. As such, SM returning him means whatever mess ha was involved with, it wasn't criminal. Not something that can comeback like a boomerang again if media really tries to dig something up (and not antis proliferate rumours).
Shotaro and Sungchan's opinon was taken into consideration. The transfer was agreed on with them. Yes, Riize gets a lot of problems with scandals, but the degree of it wasn't possible to predict in the past. The two boys fit Riize better than NCT Wish, and they don't need to work from scratch again and build thegroup's popularity slowly. Just look at choreos. Shotaro would be bored. Meanwhile Sungchan is too tall for teens like Ryo or Sakuya. He is pushed as the next SM visual, while Wish' concept is cute boys.
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gamebird · 3 months
About a month ago, I read 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad' based on a recommendation from a friend. It had some good points and bad ones.
Good points:
It is super important for me to have discussions with my kids about how to handle money, what their options are with the money I've given them, and what that means for standard of living, activities, etc.
It is very important in people's lives to have someone advising them about money, instead of just leaving them to fend for themselves and figure it out on their own.
If you already have money (like tens or hundreds of thousands of unencumbered cash), then there are a lot of relatively low risk, low labor means to put that money to work for you and generate income. It's a lot less tedious than, say, working for a living. But you have to have the money FIRST.
The various principles laid out in the book caused me to move my money around. Now instead of retiring in 4 years and leaving nothing to my kids in inheritance unless I died early, because I'd need everything to fund my retirement, I'm going to retire end of next year and leave millions, assuming I live that long. And if I don't, then there will still be a nest egg. Same standard of living for me either way.
Bad points:
Gotdamn does this guy undersell how hard it is to get your hands on enough money to start with to do this. It takes generations and he doesn't acknowledge that.
He also undersells the value and rarity of someone giving you good advice at every turn, feeding you opportunities, and picking you up when you fall ... and never victimizing or abusing you in the process.
He makes almost no mention of the severe adversities many people find in their lives, like chronic health problems, useless or abusive partners, addiction, expensive hobbies, terrible families, bad luck, accidents, legal problems, and the like. Some of these you have a little control over; a lot of them you don't; and even with barely controllable things like partners and family you don't know its bad until its already bad and its not exactly too late at that point, but it really sucks.
So anyway, I tried to get my kids to listen to the audiobook. No dice. I found it on YouTube for free. No doing. I bought the guy's Cashflow board game. Huzzah! They played it a couple times. This let us talk about things. (I mean, I'd already tried talking to them, but trying to discuss the relative merits of savings account vs t-bills vs etfs was not making much progress.)
We talked about:
What's a mortgage and why can't I just be homeless and not pay that
Why are my expenses so high
Why are children expensive
Why do I have to pay for a loan (I was surprised and shocked they only barely understood interest rates. My inability to communicate effectively about investments made sense now. I have failed as a parent. But I'm trying to fix it.) also: why is a credit score important
What the fuck why does this boat cost so damn much?!? (the boat is the most expensive piece of shit doodad you can get saddled with in the game; I talked to them about the dangers of expensive hobbies)
What does 'yield' mean
What's a trading range
And a bunch of other things. I also talked to them about the things the game does not include, those things I mentioned earlier like accidents, addictions, lawsuits, and health problems, or the same happening to anyone you financially support or feel beholden to, like a partner or child or possibly parent. I talked to them about the mentality of 'my savings always gets wasted on emergencies so why bother having any', which is valid and real, as well as a rational reaction to a maddingly irrational situation.
An interesting thing about the game - there's no rule for or against giving money to each other. And it makes a huge difference in propelling someone from the rat race stage of the game where you're working for a living and into the cashflow part of the game where your money is working for you instead. In the two games we played, I ended up ahead early each time (half of this I credit to good decisions while my kids were making dumb ones, even after I told them they were dumb choices; half was probably luck). But each time once I had my position secured, I started giving wads of cash to them and it was remarkable how much that improved their situation.
Kind of like real life.
I also read Bullshit Jobs a couple weeks ago and it ends with a lovely piece about the social value of universal basic income. Which, yeah. We need to do that.
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camgoloud · 6 months
22-25 for the end of the year reading asks!
(In response to this ask game which I reblogged Several days ago lmao)
22. What's the longest book you read?
By page count it's pretty close to tied between Iron Gold (Pierce Brown) and The Will of the Many (James Islington)! Iron Gold is the fourth book in a sci-fi series that I read a while ago—since this summer I’ve been slowly rereading/listening to the audiobook versions of the first five books because I learned that the sixth one was being released in July after a several year wait and couldn’t remember enough about the plot to jump straight into it. Working my way through the fifth one right now which is even longer (34 hour audiobook!)... hopefully I'll finish it before the end of the year so I can finally start the new one. Meanwhile The Will of the Many is the recently-published first in a planned trilogy and it's all about Gary Stu's adventures in the fantasy Roman Empire with a magic system that's a somewhat-clunky, hilariously unsubtle satire of trickle-down economics. I had fun with it :)
23. What’s the fastest time it took you to read a book?
I think the full-length novel that I went through the fastest is probably Catherynne Valente’s Space Opera, which I read in a sub-24 hour period (picked it up at the library on a Friday afternoon and was done before Saturday evening). My feelings on that one are somewhat mixed—it’s a quick read (lmao) and a fun concept (2/3 ex-members of a washed-up English glam rock band get forcibly conscripted to represent Earth in its first inter-galactic Eurovision analogue after first contact with aliens; if they lose humanity is deemed unworthy of entering the cultural conversation and the planet gets destroyed) and months later I am still compelled by the relationships between the main two characters/their narrative-haunting dead best friend, and there are a few specific sentences I could quote word for word because I liked the prose so much—but also the prose is just So Fucking Much. My god. Valente read the Goodreads quote page for Hitchhiker’s Guide and said “I’m going to write a book where Every Single Sentence reads exactly like all of these” and by god she fucking did it! Kind of grated on me after a couple of chapters tbh and also I can’t decide whether I think the ending was strong or not... I'd recommend it though if you're a fan of Hitchhiker's and/or Eurovision and/or rock band drama!
24. Did you DNF anything? Why?
I think the only things I got properly invested in (as in, read more than the first few pages) before setting aside for an extended period of time and don’t plan on finishing before the year ends are House of Leaves and The Crying of Lot 49 - and both of them especially House of Leaves are books that I actually would like to finish, but realized partway through that I absolutely did not have the bandwidth at that point of time to give them the time/attention they required. But one of these years I will actually sit down and read a Pynchon novel from cover to cover I swear… and I should be able to get to House of Leaves in 2024!
25. What reading goals do you have for next year?
I want to read more short stories! I got pretty into the speculative fiction short story scene this year—bits and pieces of various anthologies, finally subscribed to some magazines like Clarkesworld, etc.—and I’ve been having a really good time with it, so next year I’d like to keep that energy up. I’m also hoping to finish House of Leaves as previously mentioned!
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hiratelier · 6 months
Y'know I think if early 2023 me met late 2023 me…they would not believe the shit that I have accomplished:
develop new hobbies such as keyboard building; I've only built one so far, but I plan on building more in the future. I have a 75% keyboard that I modded a couple of months ago, and it's a joy to use
lose significant interest in using vocal synths such as UTAU over time (note: I still enjoy listening to such songs these days, it's just that I have more interesting things to work on). I still mess with singing robots but not as much, maybe the day will come when I'll actually enjoy this kind of thing LOL…maybe it's for the best
pick up animatics and motion graphics!! I am still relatively new to these, and it's been fun learning new skills to apply to my own work. I also have a couple of animatic projects currently in progress
improve my art significantly and taking art pratice more seriously (I ignored it for nearly 10+ years)…comparing my more recent art to the ones I made early this year reveals a drastic difference in my art style and the way I approach drawing. Also I should paint more background studies because they're fun to do
work on my OC projects with more effort, and I've made lots of progress with their respective stories and concepts…more details to come later on
quit FGO once and for all after 6+ years of playing it! I had 600+ SQ saved up for this one character I liked but then I lost interest over time. Still invested in the lore, but the game…not so much
get into Transformers (starting mid-September)!! I think with my interest in robot/cyborg-related media such as PGR/Nikke/Gundam, it did come full circle…I'd like to get more into the community since I've been enjoying TF media from the sidelines for the most part, but the community here on Tumblr has been very nice so far. god I love robots (and I've been getting realy comfy drawing mechs lately WOOO)
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isaksbestpillow · 1 year
The lovely @nieves-de-sugui tagged me in this ages ago but I'm only doing it now.
Favorite Color: green and yellow. blue and lavender in my wardrobe.
Currently Reading: I tend to be reading multiple books at once. I started reading No 6 again when I was in a dark place, it kept me going.
Last Series: Finished More Than Words. Best acting I've seen in a while, it was great. I probably approach that story from a different angle than someone who hasn't read both volumes of In the Apartment because I saw many reviews voicing disappointment over how things between Makio and Eiji fell apart when that relationship to me was a means to an end. That relationship is youth itself!
Last Movie: Do documentaries count? I just watched NHK's 3/11 — The Tsunami: The First 3 Days on Youtube. It was a hard watch because I live here. It's always there at the back of your mind. We've had several magnitude 7-8 earthquakes again in the past couple of years, they just keep coming. I just bought new emergency food for the pantry, and we've invested in a generator. We're probably better prepared than anywhere else on earth, but it's still scary, though the double earthquake last March did give me some peace of mind because the damages to our house were far smaller than in 2021 when we lived in an apartment and all the tableware came crashing down. If the tsunami comes again, you can see it from our balcony.
Currently Working On: Recovery!! The past couple of months were beyond awful. I've been in a lot of pain and too anxious to even listen to music. I'm so grateful to be alive and feeling somewhat ok and optimistic again. I got really scared because my doctor kept insisting I wasn't on hormonal birth control long enough for it to have affected me this way, but then I had a super weird ten day period almost instantly followed by a week of weird spotting, so I don't care what the doctors say anymore lol. Maybe birth control pills don't cause most bodies to go into mental and physical overdrive, but I am an outlier, a hormones Georg if you will.
My farming and gardening season starts in late March and is going to keep me busy for the rest of the year, I'm really excited about that. I'm gonna try growing brussels sprouts for the first time!! I'm also trying to get back into writing now that I'm no longer so on edge. I've started my rural Old fashion cupcake fic, and I'll probably write something for Moonlight Chicken, too.
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astramthetaprime · 11 months
Sh*t just got real
So I was sitting here yesterday on a day off, turning in job applications online in between reading IceMav fanfic, when my stepfather calls me.  
Normally he doesn’t do that.  We don’t get along.  There was an incident in 2021 when my mother took a fall and ended up in the hospital then a rehab hospital for three weeks, and my stepfather took it as a grand opportunity to use me as an unpaid therapist and marriage counselor.  For which I endured considerable discomfort because hello, it’s my mother he’s slandering.  While my mother and I also don’t really get along (dear god the masking is in full effect), she is my blood and listening to accusations that she’s an alcoholic when I know she’s not set me against him.  Then my mother made some accusations against him, and yeah it all went downhill from there.  End result, I really don’t want anything to do with either of them.  
Still, my stepfather calls.  My mom woke up yesterday morning, started to get out of bed, and her legs didn’t hold her up.  She fell again, and had been on the floor for several hours.  And instead of calling 911 himself, he calls me asking if he should call 911 and if I could come to their house and call 911 for him.  Because he apparently can’t hit 4 buttons on his phone.  
So I put some clothes on and immediately left to go call 911 for them.  Because people who are twenty-five years older than my frivolous autistic ass can’t hit four buttons on their phones.  Yes, your legs no longer working warrants calling 911.  
So the ambulance came and they got Mom off the floor and took her to the hospital.  Where Mom was argumentative and resentful and once my stepfather got there I left since she clearly didn’t want me there.  I didn’t want to be there either.  
There is the possibility that she may have Alzheimers or some kind of dementia.  It has not been diagnosed so until it is I am assuming she means everything she’s saying.  I am autistic, I am unable to parse neurotypical facial expressions and subtext for people who are entirely in their right minds, much less when they’re out of their minds.  So as per autistic standard procedure I am taking it all at face value.  And she doesn’t want me there.  So I left.  
I’d rather not go back.  But because she’s my blood I have to.  My stepfather refuses to let the rest of my family anywhere near my mother.  Fine.  I’m the only point of contact.  And oh yeah, I’m on my feet 7 hours a day and exhausted when I get home, and I need my days off to recover but yeah, I’m the only one who can deal with this.  
Fark that.  She doesn’t want me there.  I don’t want to be there.  I’m not a farking therapist or marriage counselor or dementia therapist.  She doesn’t want any help, don’t give her any help, leave her to die.
Am I reacting badly?  Maybe.  Do I care?  I don’t know.  Can medical science do anything to cure the degeneration of aging?  No.  Does she have Alzheimers or dementia?  She has not been diagnosed as such.  Am I going to have to quit my job to take care of people who resent me and treat me like shite?  Undetermined at present, but grimly expected.  
I got a forebearance on my mortgage for six months a couple weeks ago.  So I’ve got six months to get another better paying job.  I do have an ace in the hole that could solve that situation permanently and in my favor inside of a week.  In short, I have a means to pay off the entire mortgage.  I haven’t done it so far because the means in question is in an investment account and as long as it’s in there it’s making free money.  But I will if it ends up I have to quit my job.  Because fark this shite.  If I have to go through this hell, I’m freaking going to secure the house I built as my own.  This is my citadel, this is my fortress, this is my Tranquility, this is my home.  
Something worth living for has to come from this hell.  
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Odin altar update
Epic addition of a printed and framed meme I saw on Instagram.
I started working with Odin earlier this month. Felt that he's interested in working with me for a while after me working with Loki. However, I didn't think that I could handle working with two deities at the same time, and I also didn't have any idea what could I do with Odin. So, I rejected him and focus on working with Loki.
A couple weeks ago, I felt a strong pull to the rune ᛇ when I got it from a discord bot lol. I was so drawn to it that I immediately invested a set of runes from some online store. It also made me google about the rune, and I learned that it's about Odin. The description of the rune on the site is super cool that it made me felt interested in Odin.
The next day, I went to a book store (The same one I got my first tarot deck. That book store may be a major part of my spiritual journey lmao. Things keep happening 😭) and saw a book about runes. The book was meh but it reminded me of a dream I had, or maybe a vision was being sent to me.
In the vision, I was in a snowy place and there's a tiny wooden house. The door was open and Loki was there, leaning against the wall beside the door, telling me to come inside. In the house, I saw Loki drinking with an old man. Then they just kept drinking and the old man got so drunk that he slept on the chair 💀
After the vision, my mind returned to reality and I heard Loki saying that I could ask Odin to teach me runes instead of reading that book. Later that night, I did a deity message tarot reading with Loki, and the image of a card reminds me of Odin. Then he told me to do a tarot reading with Odin so I did one. In the reading, Odin said he'll be happy to work with me, so I decided to work with him, as I felt drawn to do so now.
For now, the main goal with Odin is to learn runes. The energy of the rune set I got is insane that it broke my apophyllite pieces smh. That's why Odin told me to not use crystals to cleanse or charge them because aarrgh 💔 I made a mistake by not listening to the old man 😔
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The runes are made of opalite and they look gorgeous. I am still very very new to runes but I can already feel that it's an extremely powerful tool for divination. They're more difficult than tarot. I have to feel confident about my intuition and my connection between the deities when using them. However, the message that comes with a single piece of rune is insane. The best part is I feel that Odin and Loki enjoy using runes to communicate very much, so I can make them happy by using runes to interact with them. So, it's very worth it to learn runes.
Besides the runes, I feel that Loki is happy that I work with his brother too. I thought they had beef but I feel that they're actually very happy to work together. It's so nice to see that the messages from them thru divination complement each other. It's a wonderful experience to work with Odin and Loki for now, and I hope I can do cooler stuff with them when I become cooler.
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coralcrow-and-co · 2 years
Upsetting my whole family and putting everyone I know against me (a meandering piece by cro)
Much to the disapproval of my family and everyone I know, I think avant-garde jazz is brilliant. Granted, I've only started getting into Sun Ra recently (and jazz in generally a few months ago) but I think it's incredible.
It started late 2021 when I was discovering the harsh noise scene. I loved the strangeness of it all and the fact that there was a whole community on the internet surrounding it. It was enlightening to know that the internet was big enough to cater to this specific niche, and even if you hate the concept of harsh noise - you can't deny that it's fascinating that whole communities would gather around to celebrate such a thing. But I found that people liked it for many reasons. Some found it catered to something that helped them relax, and for others it was to fill up empty space. Some thought it was fascinating to break all musical convention. I thought it was brilliant to see so many subgenres spawn from something I had originally believed to be static. Harsh noise, drone, tape noise, cut up, melodic, rhythmic. It was cool. Then I discovered the other side of noise music, a kind of 'noise inspired' corner of the genre. Here I found noise rock, pop and hop - all genres I have grown to love. In particular I took interest in the music of the noise rock duo "Lightning Bolt" with their strange tones and aggressive drums, the noise hop artists "Clipping" and "VoidDweller" and (though briefly) the music of noise pop duo "Black Dresses. Anyway, I'm getting side tracked.
On one of these noise music subreddits I found a video that was of a little something called noise jazz - made by sun ra. This video left little impact on me as I was left temporarily intrigued, but to no avail. I would go on to abandon noise music in the next months and focus on rock and hip hop. Then, I would discover the weird world of internet subcultures and that's a whole different tangent that I won't go on to save time (if you've read this far, I've wasted yours enough). This would pique my interest in surrealism which would culminate in me going to an exhibition which revealed me once again to noise jazz. Or surrealist jazz. Doesn't matter. This didn't effect me either. A while later I decide to get mildly invested in jazz and succeed in getting a couple of John Coltrane CDs (awesome guy if you didn't know). Then I buy a book a few months later, on krautrock. This book would compare Sun Ra to Stockhausen (who I think sounds like a dick, but who am I to say?) and then I started listening to Sun Ra.
Oh my god. That was a whole of lot of nothing and recommending a bunch of artists. Now let's take a break to look at who I'd recommend:
Earth (their album Earth 2): it's not exactly noise but it's a wonderful doom drone album and I like that genre name.
Clipping (every single clipping album): I love clipping so much.
Lightning Bolt (Hypermagic Mountain): You're just going to have to listen to me and stick with it, this album truly lives up to its name. A magical experience.
Black Dresses: I haven't listened to that much but Forever in your heart is a cool album.
John Coltrane (Giant Steps): It's a basic pick but it's a classic for a reason.
Sun Ra - Lanquidity: OH MY GOD IT'S SO GOOD AAAA
The reason I think a lot of people really hate avant-garde jazz is because we hold music theory so close to our hearts that anything different seems like shit. But if you can (and I know this sounds annoying) open your mind and just listen to the textures and composition of Sun Ra, you might just find something cool. If you need any consolidation - death grips sampled him on exmilitary so you know they're good.
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kalinaapologist · 6 months
oh its the worst!! bc then u have to spend time giving basis lore so they understand the nuance like u do!! i am so with u *handshaking emoji* i respectfully think u should continue ur rambles anyway <3
and im gonna be so real acoc was rough for me i think i mostly committed bc i was doing longgggg coursework at the time so it kept up being something to watch and become side invested in whilst i focused on the project stuff
and critrole i do love but its the same way as the sims where its like im really focused on it for a bit and then leave it for months- im mostly a character girly over there though and love the c1 characters so c2 was harder, c3 was alright and has a lot of c1 ties so been indulging on those moments specifically.
i think its something d20 does a lot more is character driven and npc focuses which crit role does too but there is def more of a story push over there
just with acoc theres so much Lore that i think i missed from the 2 episodes i watched months ago and im so confused 😭 i like heavy plot but woof with high fantasy stuff and all the Political stuff im like bruv whats goin on!
me and the sims are in a toxic on and off relationship.... i boughtg the new pack and played for. 30 minutes and god so bored. i just like downloading a shit ton of cc and making my oc's/d20 characters lmfao
idk if u've listened to the adventure zone balance campaign but GOD its the perfect balance (heh) of everything, because theres so much genres packed in. starts vaguely high fantasy but really the whole big plot is pretty much sci-fi? which i really really love, i want d20 to do another sci-fi season😭😭 i was the kid reading and watching sci-fi so i never got into any type of fantasy stuff until i listened to taz a couple years ago
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hannahssimblr · 1 year
I've tried to write sims stories in the past but I always end up running out of steam quickly and giving up on them. How to you stick to your consistent weekly schedule? I'm in awe of how you keep putting out full chapters every week
Firstly, apologies for leaving this unanswered for a couple of days, i'm very bad at writing back to people when I know the message is going to be very long lol.
I think maybe it comes down to like.. experience or something? I've been writing sims stories since I was 13 and everyone was doing it for sims 2 so I kind of got to know what works and what doesn't work for me, along with how to deal with and build engagement. OBVIOUSLY I am not a professional writer or anything like that, I'm just a lowly hobbyist but here are my tips!
Please plan! I get it, it's boring, but you WILL regret it if you don't. Literally, you can just plan in your head and that can be enough if you're thorough, but before you start you should have an idea of where you will end. If you launch in to chapter one and just write with the ~vibe~ then that's really cool, but you might find yourself out of ideas, or unsure what the theme of your story is by chapter five. You want to avoid getting overwhelmed and giving up.
Choose a theme and stick with it. Make sure you keep coming back to that theme and following the thread. Try not to deviate and start talking about side characters back stories, because while it's very fun to do, you'll quickly realise that you've created something that feels a little... disorganized, and then likely stop writing. (BTW! Side character stuff is fun! But you can explore that outside of your main story, in tumblr posts or in a little "extras" section on your blog if you want to!)
Stay ahead. I go back and change chapters constantly. It's so normal to write something and think it's fine, and then while writing a later chapter realise that the story would be better if you changed what you've written a couple of weeks ago, so give yourself the space to do that. Once the chapter is published, it is out of your hands. Currently I am 6 chapters ahead (Very manic) but i recommend having a healthy cushion of about 3. Don't post that first chapter until you're up to ch 4.
It's normal to care about what people think, but don't let it rattle you. Your story should be for you, and your should stick to your convictions even if others make noise or disagree. If you're trying to please everyone you will quickly burn out and lose interest, so don't be swayed by what others want you to write! Releasing chapters week by week like this is an interesting way to do it, as it allows people to view your work in segments rather than a whole finished piece. It's easy to be swayed off course by people's comments and think "hmmm maybe that person is right, I should change this.... DON'T, GIRL. Stick to your plan. Unless obviously, they have a point...
You need to stick it out. The first weeks or months of a story are the hardest because you can often feel as though you're writing into a void. I've noticed that an audience takes a long time to form, but don't take it as a reflection on you or your story. Most people quit writing their stories after less than 5 chapters, so people might not even click on your links until your past that point to avoid the risk of getting invested in something that will be abandoned. It took me a good 3 months to get almost any comments at all on Lucky Girl, and that was fine, because I was ready for it. (I was also prepared to keep going even with minimal engagement, but more often than not, if you build it they will come.)
You have to love it. You have to be genuinely passionate about creating something and telling a story. Everyone has a story to tell, so have conviction in yours. It is worth telling, and it will speak to somebody. Love your characters, get to know them, listen to what they want and don't force them to do or say things that you know they naturally wouldn't. Be obsessed with it and you'll be fine.
No pressure. If a schedule is too much, cut it out. Everyone is different. For me, it works, for others it is too much and they prefer to run on vibes and feelings. I've seen both methods work well.
Tips related to actual sims: people care about your screenshots, make sure that you put a little effort in, but don't burn out creating custom poses, building every lot and creating every background character if that will burn you out. I know I can't do this, so i stick with a style that's easy to uphold, and forgive myself if i can't make everything look exactly right. On my sims 3 story, Dustland Fairytale (SO to those who are still here after all this time!) one of the things that majorly burned me out and made me sick of it was having to build so many lots all the time when all I wanted to do was tell the story. Take advantage of the gallery, use CC and poses by other people, cut corners and focus on the parts that are important
I can't think of anything else! I hope this is helpful <3
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Quarantine Lovers | Charlie Gillespie
Requested by anon: Can we have a Charlie x reader where she is his secret quarantine partner and the cast keeps guessing who it is until Maddie names a famous writer and gets it right? Thanks!
Pairing: Charlie Gillespie x Female!Reader
Warnings: fluff
A/N: I’m not sure if this is what you wanted but i kinda like it haha
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Charlie has always been secretive about his private life. It’s always been his one thing he promised himself. Work life and private life needs to be separate. Especially in the industry he’s in now. You and Charlie have been together for a couple of months now and nobody knows. It all started when he’d finished filming Julie and The Phantoms and came back to Dieppe from Vancouver. He went for a hike with one of his brothers when they found you sitting on a rock, clutching your ankle. 
“Hey, are you okay?” his voice made you look up. You offered him a polite smile, trying not to show your pain or the fact you were thinking ‘Holy crap, attractive”. “Yeah, just threw my ankle a little bit on the rocks over there,” you pointed to a few feet behind the boys. “Was waiting for it to blow over and I could go on, but I’ve been sat here for…” you checked your watch, “About half an hour.” You chuckled at your own pathetic behavior. “I used to be really good at these hikes, you know?” Charlie then chuckled too, mostly at how endearing you were. 
“Can you stand on it a little bit if we support you?” Patrick, Charlie’s brother, asked then. 
“I’m not sure…” The two guys walked up to you, each taking a hand of yours to pull you up, and then wrapping one arm around your waist. You could go like that for about a kilometer until your foot began to throb again. “Can we take a break?” you squeak. Charlie and Patrick placed you onto a tree trunk very gingerly and took a seat next to you. 
“Are you from around here?” Charlie then asked.
“Yeah, I live in Moncton with my best friend,” you replied with a smile, glad he’s distracting you from the pain in your ankle. 
“No way! We live in Dieppe!” The excitement on his face was the most adorable thing you’d ever seen.  Your eyes and smile widen at this, not necessarily at the fact he lives kind of close, but at the excitement on his face. 
“Cool! I have family in Dieppe, so I know my way around there,” you told them. Charlie and Patrick nodded their heads at this, not entirely sure what else to say to this stranger they just picked up from a rock in the middle of nowhere. 
“So, what’s your name?” Charlie then asked upon reminding himself of this fact. “Y/N Y/L/N,” you replied. 
“Charlie Gillespie, and this is my brother, Patrick,” he introduced himself and his brother, who gave you a little wave. The wind suddenly picked up, and you knew exactly what that meant. 
“It’s going to rain soon. We better get going.” Charlie and Patrick nodded their heads agreeingly and helped you up from the trunk. 
“Get on my back,” Charlie then suggested. “It’s going to go quicker than you hopping along with us.” You hesitated for a few seconds, but then decided you agreed with him. Patrick helped you jump on Charlie’s back, and the three of you continued your walk down the trail, chatting about your lives the whole way down. 
You found out Charlie was an actor and had just finished filming about a month ago, and you told him you were a screenwriter. Your most recent work was on Outer Banks and Season two of Umbrella Academy. You talked about your hopes and dreams and agreed the industry you both were in was a tough one.
From that day on, the two of you have been pretty inseparable. You became really close friends and spent a lot of time together before he finally asked you out on a first date. Then came more and more dates, and then came March 2020. Quarantine. And since Charlie had been spending most of his nights at your place since your best friend was with their parents, you both decided to quarantine together. 
No one knew about your relationship. Not even his friends from the cast of Julie and The Phantoms. Only his family knew, and that’s all that mattered right now. No one knew you two were spending lockdown together at your place, and you could keep it a secret for a very long time. Charlie liked it this way, though the cast had been texting and calling non-stop because they knew he wasn’t home in Dieppe. 
When September 10th hit, and he could finally show you the work he’d done on Julie and The Phantoms. 
“What do you think, Baby?” he asked every five minutes when you were cuddled up on the couch watching it together. 
“Stop asking me that question, Char,” you giggled and pressed a kiss to his cheek. You were fine for most of the show, chuckling at the ghost jokes or pretty much anything Reggie did, bopping your head along to the catchy songs. And then Unsaid Emily hit. “Oh, no…” you whined as the music started to play and on-screen-Charlie started to sing the sad song. The Charlie next to you chuckled, endeared by your investment in the show, and wrapped his arms tighter around you whilst kissing your head multiple times. “HOW DARE THEY END THIS LIKE THAT?!” You screamed at the very end, making Charlie love you even more. Afterwards, he listened to all of your theories and your predictions for season 2. 
Thus far, quarantine is going really well at the Y/L/N-Gillespie Quarantine Residence.
The couple of weeks after the release of Julie and The Phantoms, Charlie had to do a lot of zoom calls for interviews. Sometimes even multiple a day. You made sure you were never in sight during those interviews, sometimes even leaving the house for a walk, but today, you decided to stay home and work on a script for an episode of season 2 of
Outer Banks.
You were sat on the sofa with your laptop and all your notes while Charlie was doing his interview in the bedroom. You could hear him talk to his castmates and the interviewer, and you often had to pause your writing because you wanted to hear what he was talking about.
“Where have you been spending quarantine?” the interviewer asked. Most of them said home with their families, and even Charlie said ‘home’. This answer melted your heart just a tiny bit.
“That’s a lie, Charlie,” Madison said with a giggle. “Charlie has a secret quarantine partner and doesn’t want to say who!”
“I am spending time with family, exploring Dieppe. I don’t know where you get your information from, Mads.” Though Charlie was a good actor, he couldn’t hide the fact he was lying to his own friends. Even you could hear how flustered he was.
“OK, I wanted to start with a couple of the fans’ questions that they sent in,” the interviewer continued, either ignoring the banter and the big piece of gossip they could get out of this, or not having heard it. “Someone asked who you’d love to work with on a next season.”
“Actor wise, I want to do scenes with Cheyenne Jackson,” Madison replies, “I didn’t get to do any scenes with him this season, but he’s really talented and I’d love to work with him. And I also have a writer that would be really great to work with on our show and that’s Y/N Y/L/N. She worked on Outer Banks and Umbrella Academy, and I loved the episodes she wrote.” Charlie’s face at the mention of your name is priceless. His eyes widen first before his mouth curled up into a smile, though he tried to hide it from his castmates and the interviewer. 
Madison and Owen glanced into the camera knowingly but decided not to say anything and continue with the interview. It’s when that interview was done, Madi, Owen and Jeremy called Charlie in a group FaceTime.
“It’s Y/N, isn’t it?!” You heard Madison scream from Charlie’s phone as he walked into the living room where you were working. He gave you a questioning look, as if asking for permission to tell them. You simply nodded encouragingly.
“Yes, okay, fine! You figured it out!” The three on the other side of the line cheered loudly, making you chuckle slightly. “You want to meet the cast, Babe?” he asked you whilst making his way over. You patted the spot next to you for him to sit down, and he obeyed, showing you the screen of his phone.
“Hey, guys!” you greeted with a wave. A chorus of ‘hi’ and ‘hey’ meets your ears. “How’d you figure it out?” You asked them, placing your laptop on the coffee table to get more comfortable. You tucked your feet underneath you, placing your elbow on the back of the couch and gliding your fingers into Charlie’s long, lockdown-hair.
“First of all, I follow you on Instagram, Y/N, and I saw the two of you tagged the same location on the same day once, and your last pictures kind of look similar. So, I had a bit of a hunch, but I wasn’t sure, and when I mentioned you in the interview, he got all flustery and happy and I just knew!” You gave the girl an impressed nod.
“We literally just hung up on the interviewer when Madi texted us ‘IT’S Y/N!!’ in all caps,” Jeremy added with a smile. Defeated, and a little embarrassed, Charlie groaned and hid his face in the crook of your neck, seeking comfort.
“We won’t tell anyone, Char. We’re just happy for you,” says Owen with a smile, “And us, because now Madi won’t be texting us non-stop with all her theories on who your quarantine partner is.” All of you chuckled a that, except for Madison, she glared at her blonde-haired friend through the screen.
“You all wanted to know!” she snarled.
All of you chatted for a couple hours until Charlie and you got hungry and decided to prepare dinner.
“It was nice to meet you, Y/N! Hopefully we’ll see each other soon IRL!” Madison said with the biggest smile on her face.
“It was nice to meet you too, guys! Ooh, by the way! I loved the show!” you complimented.
“Of course you did,” said Owen with a suggestive wiggle of his eyebrows.
“Bye guys!” you waved at them, completely ignoring Owen’s statement. Charlie hung up the phone and put his phone on the coffee table before turning to you. “Madison would be a good detective,” you pointed out with a grin. Charlie glared at you, which just made you giggle and kiss his lips. At least now you didn’t need to keep it a secret from his friends. Almost like a weight off your shoulders.
Taglist: @hannahhistorian92​ @marinettepotterandplagg​ @thequirkybookaholic​ @parkeret​​ @lukeys-giggle​ @gingerxarmy​ @lovesanimals​
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cocochannel00 · 3 years
Things that Husband!Harry would definitely do (a thread)
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(If you don’t think that Tiny Desk Harry doesn’t give off mad husband!harry vibes - he looks so fluffy- then we can’t be friends)
- He’d sneak into your room the night before the wedding because he missed you even though he knows its bad luck and when you’re mad at him for it he would just smile and place a kiss on your forehead and say “I don’t need any luck, I just need you”
- At your wedding reception he would walk around the room introducing you to everyone as “my wife” as if they didn’t already know who you were 
- During your wedding dinner he’d spend the whole night whispering dirty jokes in your ear trying to make you laugh because he knew that even though it was your wedding day you were still spooked by all of the attention
- On your first year anniversary Harry wanted to surprise you by making you breakfast in bed so he started making pancakes as you slept. You woke up to the sound of your fire alarm going off and Harry blowing the smoke off a pan with a pillow. He’d give you a sheepish smile before mumbling a “maybe we get takeout this year?”
- During the holidays he’d hang mistletoe all around your house and force you to kiss him at every one. “Look love it’s mistletoe, you know what that means” he’d state with a grin. “Harry I just kissed you literally 2 minutes ago in the other room” you’d grumble “Doesn’t matter love, it’s mistletoe and those are the rules. Now come here and kiss your husband”
- Anytime the two of you would get into any sort of major fight where you would say “I hate you” he would shoot back “Well I love you so I guess you’re stuck with me” before going to sulk on the couch
- Whenever you went to his shows or stayed with him on tour he would force you to sit back stage and watch him from the wings so he could watch your reaction to his corny jokes and steal a kiss from you in between sets and on his bathroom breaks
- You agreed to be the designated drive for your group for a night out so Harry gets drunk and becomes extra clingy. He spends the entire night stuck to your side, shoving his face in your neck whispering “I’m going to marry you one day” to which you’d remind him quietly that you were already married. He’d then nod thoughtfully and mumbled “Well then I’m going to marry you again just in case” 
- One night you would be tossing and turning in bed unable to sleep and you would accidentally wake up Harry. You’d apologies because you knew he had to wake up early the next day, but he would just shush you with a quick peck before repositioning you so that you could lay your head on his chest. He’d then softly start humming the tune to one of the new songs he was working on until you’d fall asleep
- Harry would convince you that he was capable of building the Ikea coat rack the two of you had bought for your new home on his own so you’d go into the room next door to take a nap. When you woke up and hour later you found him laying on the floor facetiming Mitch as he tried to figure out why the last piece wasn’t fitting properly only for you to look at it and realize he had built half of it backwards
- Harry would come home late from one his movie shoots and would mumble a quick hello as he walked in through the door. You’d be sitting on the couch watching and episode of Dateline and he would throw himself next to you and lay his head on your lap. You’d start running your hands through his hair as you finished watching the last couple of minutes of the episode before asking Harry how his day was only to realize he had passed out on your lap and was now quietly snoring, a small trail of drool slowly coming out of his mouth
- The next season of your favorite show Handmaid’s Tale had come out so you and Harry started watching it. Every five minutes Harry would ask you a question about the show until mid way through you looked at him and bursted out “Harry if you ask me one more question about the show I’m sending you to our room”. Harry would pout at you and sink into the couch, grumbling about how it wasn’t his fault he couldn’t remember what happened last season before he shoved some popcorn into his mouth
- You’d need to go shopping at Target one day to get some decorations for your niece's birthday party and Harry would decide to come along. “This is our list Harry, we’re not buying anything that’s not on the list” you’d say in the car before getting out, but it would be hopeless because every other aisle Harry would pick something up and say “babe we need to get this” and you would stare at him and say “is it on the list?” and he would grumble a no before sulking back down the aisle to put it back
- On road trips when he let you pick the music he would grumble when you would change the song every 30 seconds. “Love just choose a song, it’s not that difficult, gave you the bloody playlist” he’d state as you would continue to skip through the songs mumbling “I’m tired of that song though, just wanted to hear the chorus”. “Is that what you do with my songs too, just skip all the good parts to get to the bloody chorus?” he’d ask mockingly as you gave him a sheepish smile and mumbled a “sometimes” before finally picking a song
- It would be nearly 4 am and you would still be awake reading your book in bed as Harry slept soundly next to you. You could feel the tears running down your face as the main character just had their heartbroken and a soft sniffle left your nose which caused Harry to startle awake.��“Babe what time is it?” he’d mumble as you continue reading, paying him no mind. He’d turn on his phone and groan as he saw the 4 flash at him before turning to see the tears on your face. “Oh no love did she get her heartbroken again? Sure they’ll get back together by the end” he’d state, knowing this was your third rom-com book of the month. You’d mumble a yes as Harry gently dog eared the page before you could protest. He turned off your lamp before tucking you into his side, pulling the covers up to your chin, letting you crying into his chest over your fictional characters
- You and Harry going to your 15th high school reunion together and he gets jealous when he sees you talking to your ex-boyfriend from when you were 16. He’d come up behind you and wrap an arm around your waist while placing a kiss to the side of your temple before reaching out his free hand to introduce himself. “Hello I’m Harry. The Husband” he’d say as he shook your ex’s hand just a little tighter then necessary
- Harry would be overly invested in your work place gossip so when the two of you would have dinner together he would constantly ask questions about what happened with your coworkers that day. “So did Stacy and Justin get caught yet or does Janet still have no idea? Did Kathleen ever get that promotion? If I ever see Garrett I’m going to punch him”
-  He’d force you to wake up early with him so the two of you could workout together in your home gym, but you’d just sit on the floor against the mirror in your workout clothes staring at him. After several attempts at trying to get you to stretch with him he’d give up and say “If you’re not gonna workout at least give me some motivation babe” so he’d do his abs workout in front of you and every time he came up from a sit-up you’d give him a kiss
- Harry would come down with a cold and he would turn into a 5 year old boy and try to milk it for everything it’s worth. “Think the doctor mentioned that cuddles would really help with my headache, love.” “Harry I don’t think that’s what the doctor said” you’d reply as you placed a cold wash cloth on his forehead. “Don’t think I would have forgotten such an important order from her. Now, come here I want to cuddle my wife” 
- He’d come home from the studio fidgeting with his beat-up blue iPod in his hand as you were finishing up a quick dinner for the two of you. He would gently place the iPod on the counter next to you as he poured himself a drink to calm his nerves. You’d stare at it for a minute before asking “Is it finished? Can I listen?”. He’d nod before you gave him a quick kiss and took the device to the living room, leaving him there with his thoughts. An hour later you came back into the kitchen, tears streaming down your face as you ran up to hug him. “Liked it?” he’d ask nervously, this being the first time you’d heard the finished album. “Absolutely loved it” you’d whisper back causing Harry to release a deep breath before taking your face in his hands and kissing you roughly
- He’d start every award acceptance speech with “I’d like to first thank my wife for always supporting me” and then try to catch your eye in the crowd, giving you a soft smile that was only meant for you before going on to thank everyone else
- “We need an intervention Harry. Why are your suits in my side of the closet?” you asked as you came down stairs with one of Harry’s Gucci suits. “I was running out of space and I didn’t think you would notice” he replied with a blush. “Well I did so either you move them or I’m throwing them out” “Love but they’re Gucci you can’t just-” “Ah ah ah I don’t care. My side of the closet” you’d state before dropping the suit in his lap and walking back upstairs
So many others come to mind but these are just a couple that came to mind. I’ll probably do a Dad!Harry version at some point as well 
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Serenade (Daniela Dimitrescu/Reader) Pt. 8
Fandom: Resident Evil: Village Rating: T for language? Warnings: None? I think? Please let me know if I missed something Notes: Bit of fluff with some anxiety/update on primary conflict. Next chapter will be a cute date with Dani, the one after that will be maximum h*rny, and then what will likely be the finale. Music for this chapter here. PS this one is a bit on the shorter side, but I hope y'all still enjoy it. Past Chapters: Pt. 1: Nocturne, Pt. 2: Overture, Pt. 3: Accelerando, Pt. 4: Toccata, Pt. 5: Poco a Poco, Pt. 6: Elegy, Pt. 7: Harmony
Chapter 8: Obbligato
(Obbligato: An instrumental part which is essential in a piece of music)
“Okay, okay, serious this time, please? I’ll give you a kiss if you try hard enough,” you promised, grinning up at Daniela as you did. A week had passed since your talk in the library, with the two of you spending most days together, and you were progressing nicely with the musical lessons. Still, your girlfriend (you would never get tired of saying that word) was prone to getting a tad ‘distracted’. By you, usually. Not that it was intentional by any means. There was only so much you could do to keep her focused when the two of you were this close together.
“I could just kiss you anyway,” Daniela teased, leaning in with familiar intent. Right before your lips touch, however, she pulls back and smirks. “But if you insist, I can handle the challenge.” Then she’s turning back towards the piano, carefully finding the starting position. Even with her prior experience, you were impressed with how much she had already learned, and couldn’t help but be immensely proud of her. If anyone could meet Lady Dimitrescu’s expectations within a three month timeframe, it was the two of you. Except, of course, you still had to double-check just what her expectations were.
In the meantime, you were excited to hear your girlfriend play through the sheet music you had written up. Most of what you were working with had come from the family’s storage room, but you had also found some blank sheets, and figured it couldn’t hurt to create songs of your own. This particular one was relatively simple. It had been based on a song from a game you had played years ago, and only posed a moderate challenge due to its interesting rhythm. Daniela had seemed to enjoy playing it, with you even hearing her practice the song outside of your lessons, but had so far today refused to play it seriously.
Finally that was going to change. Once she found the starting notes, she nodded to herself, then started playing. For the first time today her expression is stern, focused. Seeing her like this was nice. She was always cute, you just thought that she was extra cute like this. But you tried not to let yourself get too distracted, knowing that you couldn’t give her feedback if you didn’t pay attention. In your head you “play along”, fingers miming the movements, knowing that it would help you catch any possible mistakes. Throughout the piece there are only a couple that you catch, none of them being severe enough to ruin the experience. Finishing with a little flourish, Daniela returns her gaze to you, grinning expectantly.
“Well? I seem to recall you promising me a reward,” she said, perking a brow. Laughing a little, you roll your eyes, before moving in to give her exactly what she wanted. Both of you are smiling into the kiss, enjoying every moment of it. Soon enough Daniela is running a hand through your hair, and pressing against you more, tilting her head just enough to deepen the kiss. You’re blushing hard now, thoughts going everywhere other than music. It’s not until you pull back for air that you remember what you’re supposed to be doing right now.
“As wonderful as this is… we still have a few more songs to go over,” you murmured, despite how much you wanted to keep kissing Daniela. By the way she groaned in frustration, you figured she felt the same way, more or less. “Hey, don’t fret too much. Think of this as an opportunity to earn a few more rewards,” you teased, gently patting her on the shoulder. For a moment she simply pouts, but eventually she sighs and gets ready to play another song…
Rushing up the steps, practically two at a time, you desperately hoped that you wouldn’t be late. This was your third “update meeting” with Lady Dimitrescu, which by itself was enough to make you a nervous wreck. Add in the fact that this was the first time you’d be meeting alone? And in her personal study, no less? Well, it was safe to say that you were terrified. You hadn’t even been told why things were different this time. No, you were about as clueless as could be, given the circumstances.
By the time you make it your Lady’s study, you cannot tell whether your heart is racing due to stress or physical exertion. Regardless, you make it there in short time, arriving precisely at the scheduled hour. After taking a moment to settle your nerves, you briefly knock on the chamber door. There’s the sound of movement from inside before the way opens. Lady Dimitrescu has to bend a little to see out, but quickly smiles when she meets your gaze. Which was rather unexpected. The last time you had met with her she had been distanced, although still polite. Then again, Daniela had also been with you, and the focus was, as always, on her.
“Lady Dimitrescu,” you greeted, giving a short bow per customs. Then you were being waved in, brought over to a small sitting area, where you waited for permission to sit down. Once it was given, you relaxed a little. Maybe I don’t have as much reason to be nervous as I thought, you muse.
“Please, make yourself comfortable. There are no reasons for you to be unsettled, as far as I am aware,” Lady Dimitrescu said, smile disappearing for a moment at the end. But it’s back as quickly as it had vanished. Did she suspect something? Perhaps she had seen the way Daniela looked at you, or even overheard the whisperings of your roommates. Both thoughts do little other than renew your anxiety. Noticing this, Alcina frowns and shakes her head. “I was merely joking. Now, let us get to the reason for our meeting: How are Daniela’s lessons fairing? There is only so much I can glean from listening.” Glad to have something to think about other than your secret relationship with your boss’ daughter, you nodded and began explaining.
“Lady Daniela is making outstanding progress, in my opinion. Even with her occasional… lapses in attention, once she puts her mind to something, she’s quick to master it. At this point she can sight read nearly as fast and accurately as myself. However, we’re still going over vocabulary, as well as keys and their corresponding chords,” you answered, barely able to maintain eye contact with your employer. Thankfully, she seems to have accepted the inevitability of your nervousness. You were especially thankful now that you prepared to ask her a question. “My Lady, may I inquire about what specifically you expect from my teachings? If there are certain genres you wish for Daniela to be familiar with, or techniques-... I must admit I am unsure as to how to best meet your requirements.”
Slowly reclining in her chair, Alcina appears to ponder your question. In the meantime she sips at her beverage, holding the cup as if it were a fragile heirloom (which it could very well be), eyes looking into the middle distance. Then she gives a soft hum, setting her cup down and returning her attention to you.
“I suppose I can understand your concern. In some ways you have already exceeded my expectations,” she said, expression oddly plain in comparison to her positive phrasing. “My daughter has rarely invested herself in anything as much as she has in your lessons. For this, I am left wondering what she finds so captivating- the music, or the one who pulls the strings?... But that is not the answer to your inquiry, is it?” In that moment, you are incredibly still, willing yourself to keep a straight face, despite the racing of your heart. At your silence, Alcina perks a brow, expecting you to respond. You can’t, your mouth suddenly dry. “What I expect is a passion to educate, a drive to see my daughter flourish. I expect you to teach her exactly as much as she wants you to, focusing on whatever brings her the most joy. But I expect professionalism. Your duties come first, above your health, happiness, and all other desires. Am I understood?”
“Yes, my Lady. Of course, my Lady,” you replied, stuttering, eyes wide. Did she know? Or merely suspect?... There’s another thought, one you try desperately not to voice, only to hear the words fill the room before you can stop yourself. “May I ask where Lady Daniela’s desires fit into this?” Silence hangs heavy over the room for several seconds. Your employer has narrowed her eyes, lips curled downwards into a sharp scowl, watching you with thinly-veiled anger. All you can do is gulp and wait for her response. When it comes, you are surprised by the stability of her tone. It was almost as if she respected your gall.
“She is young still, with the mind of a lovesick maiden. Daniela does not know what she wants, not really, nor does she understand what she needs. If her… flirtatious nature begins to interrupt your instruction, then your response must be swift, and uninterested. Regardless of how unkindly she takes your rejection, I will ensure that she does not harm you,” Lady Dimitrescu said, giving a stern nod at the end. Though her tone was reassuring, you hardly felt better, considering you were far past the point of turning Daniela down (if anything, you had only turned her on). “Now, with that settled, I believe I should let you return to your duties. Oh, and do tell Cynthia that the tea she brewed was perfect, should you happen to see her.”
Then she looked away, practically ignoring your continued existence. So you rose to your feet, gave another bow, and left before your panic could devolve into a breakdown. Daniela is not going to be happy about this.
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