#I'll get back to shanty writing soon
prince-toffee · 21 days
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L I F E I S A H I G H W A Y !
Written by Prince-Toffee (me)
Art by the absolutely supreme @themazziah @cosmiccanineart
Created as part of The @spopbang 2024
Before we begin, I just want to say thank you to @themazziah for creating this absolutely gorgeous piece of art that you're looking at right now. It was so good in fact that I was inspired to rewrite the story to incorporate it into the narrative. When writers and artists were being paired up, I was sure I'd be left without a partner, but after you said that I was your first choice I was honestly so moved and touched. Thank you for picking me. Nothing I write could ever express how lovely it feels to read a kind comment like that. And that's why I'll try to get back into writing Entrapdak fics, it's been a while, and I'd love to do more, the world can never have enough Entrapta and Hordak in it. (and Glimmadora, my first time writing them, hope I did okay) Thanks, Mazz, I hope this story gives you a good few chuckles.
Second of all, thank you to all the organisers of @spopbang I may not know many people there well, but right from the start people were nothing but kind and helpful, and this event is a beautiful gift to the fandom. You guys are absolutely amazing!
Finally, on a more personal note, this is a three parter, I could only manage to finish Act One before the deadlines as I was working on my final university assignments at the same time, and now I'm finished and free! And I can't think of a better way to celebrate! I'll try to get the rest of the story out as soon as possible. I hope you enjoy this little space road trip.
Life Is A Highway
Act One (of Three)
~One Year After The Defeat of Horde Prime
CloneTown, or as the inhabitants of the settlement chose to dub it, Doormat, was a small shanty town at the foot of Mount Dryl on top of which Castle Dryl stood. The doormat of Dryl, of Etheria, of the universe, Adora assumed that was the intended joke. The warrior of light examined the sign closely, a hastily put together sign stood before her, it read: ‘Welcome To’ with CloneTown crossed out. A separate board, made of wood not matching the rest of the sign, was nailed underneath, on it carved crudely was ‘Doormat’. Adora never knew clones had a sense of humour, then again, it wasn't like she spent much time among them. Or at all. As She-Ra, the Protector of Etheria, she visited many villages on the continent, observed as many cultures of as many people as she could, opened her heart and reached out a helping hand to all... all except the newest refugees of Etheria. Every time she had ventured to a clone settlement, she felt unease - most villages across Etheria worshipped her (so to speak, and that invited its own unique forms of exhaustion), but when she set foot on clone grounds, she felt unwanted, which of course, she was. Perhaps the unease emerged from the fact that all the staring eyes that silently watched her stroll into town as she did so now, all belonged to the same face, the face of her old master. One she worshipped in her youth, but no longer. But that didn't matter now, now she was walking down the muddy roads of Doormat, and attracting quite a few puzzled, angered glares. Adora approached in her normal form, strolling up as a 9-foot-tall glowing, radiant, goddess might have been a bit too much. Not that it mattered too much as she still stuck out like a sore thumb, she was the only non-clone in the village, nothing she could do about that. The warrior was cloaked in torn and tattered robes, a hood obscuring her face, so at least they didn't know who she was.
Soon enough the Warrior of Grayskull happened upon her destination, Bar Nefcy, a local, clone-ran establishment. She got a bit lost, but Entrapta’s directions were correct. There was a hanging sign spelling out the bar’s name in uncharacteristically bright pink paint. Almost acting as a centrepiece of the town. From what she heard about it, the establishment acted as a sort of neutral ground for clones: regs, defects, and whatever came between. And as she entered the establishment, she wondered whether that mentality and ideology would extend to her. And almost immediately she got her answer as the chatter throughout the room stopped, all the various patrons turned to look at her, a sea of red and green eyes staring into her. She wasn't exactly scared, if anything came down to violence, she had plenty to keep herself safe, including the enormous broadsword channelling cosmic energy that would transform her into the most powerful woman in the universe. Adora made her way over to the barline and sat herself down, each of her footsteps making the wooden floor creak, which could be heard over the silence.
She attempted to stay invisible and stay silent until her contact would show up, however that turned out to be unlikely as she caught a glimpse of her bartender, a small “Oh!” escaped her and she immediately regretted it, and felt awful about it. Adora’s bartender did not look like a regular clone, he was downright bizarre, he was overgrown with vines, flowers, and moss, all intertwined and weaved into the clone’s being. Where his eyes would be, now two thick vines ran outward spreading into a patch of moss and grass atop his head. Effectively rendering the man, blind. Admittedly, she stared for a bit too long, but she didn't think he'd know.
“I may be as blind as a bat, but my hearing is as good as ever. I heard you walk in and sit down, the floorboards are on purpose. So? What’ya want?”
Adora gulped, and put on her best diplomatic voice, “No drink for me, sir. I only ask permission to stay in your bar for- I don't know, uh, a few more minutes. I'm meeting a... friend, shall we call him. A clone. I'm a friend! An ally!” Whoof. She never had to pull that card out before. The bartender didn't seem to look convinced. The diplomatic voice slipped halfway through all that. “Please.” She finished with an awkward smile on her pinched face.
“Uh huh, look this is a clone-establishment, not for… natives. You're unsettling my clientele, so if you'd be so kind and find the exit as I can't, ya know on the account of a magic flower growing out of my face. Good day, Princess.” Wait he knew? How? Was her voice that recognisable?
Just then another voice rose from the back of the bar, from a far corner booth, “Ah, come on Manny! I thought this was a ‘neutral ground’ and whatnot. You gonna denie the guy their poison? They're just trying to get through today like the rest of us.” The bartender, who Adora now knew was named Manny, groaned in annoyance, if he could roll his eyes, he would have. Adora turned around to see where the voice was coming from. There, far in the back, in the corner booth, set an elderly patron a clone no doubt, he spoke with the same voice. But he too looked downright bizarre, unlike all the other clones. This clone was thin, like a skeleton, he looked sickly. (A defect, they were called, she believed, though not entirely sure). The lower half of his face looked normal enough, well for a clone that was. But the top half of his head was a glass-like red dome with some strange displays flashing inside like a radar monitor. And not only that, protruding out of his face was a long witch-like nose, sharp as a knife. Almost as sharp as the red teeth that formed a, what was meant to be a friendly, smile.
The clone wore a mechanical suit (of armour?) that framed his skeletal features. His feet were kicked up on top of the table. His feet resembled… clamps? Like mechanical vulture talons. There was another clone at the corner booth with them, but they had their back turned to Adora, they were clearly uninterested in this interaction. The vulture-like clone stood up and wobblingly made his way over to Adora. It was clear he was drunk. But from Manny’s reaction she gauged that this was his default state. The bird-like man spoke up again, “Leave the freak alone. ‘Serve all, not one’, right?” The woman noticed that the clone acted as if he had a cup or glass in his hand... But he didn't, there was no drink in his curved hand.
“V,” Manny spoke, so that was his name, “Should have known this freak was with you, something always happens when you're around here. Trouble seems to follow you wherever you go, and you always bring it here. So why don't you take your royal friend, and go lead trouble away from here.”
“I won't cause any trouble, I promise.” Adora proclaimed, she reached into her coat pocket and pulled out a piece of paper, she placed the page onto the table and slid it over to Manny. “I'm actually here on behalf of the Queen, to hand you this Establishment License to let you run your business officially... it was illegal before, just so you know. As a show of gratitude and togetherness.” Adora gave her best smile. Manny just looked at the piece of paper and groaned, he turned around and walked off with the paper in hand, grumpy. Adora swivelled around back to V, she awkwardly thanked them, “Hey, thanks, uh, V was it? For taking my side. And I'm sorry I caused a commotion here.”
“Eh,” He waved dismissively, “Don't take it too personally kid, Manny over there's still a little peeved that you turned him and a bunch of others into walking compost heaps back when you turned The Velvet Glove into a giant tree, heh.”
“I- I did that to him?”
“Oh, not just him, every clone hibernating in a pod and whatnot. Thousands.”
“Oh, gods, what have I done.” She murmured to herself, she combed through her hair, a thousand yard stare on her face. “I'm so sorry... I didn't know I was unwelcome.”
“Eh,” He shrugged, “Don't take that too personally either, neither is he.” V pointed behind him with his thumb towards the doorway. Adora followed the thumb to the silhouette in the door frame. Hordak. Her drinking partner had arrived.
The Ex-Lord of the Horde entered the establishment and silence befell the bar once more, the collective of eyes glared at him and followed him as he slowly made his way over to the warrior Princess. Not too different of a reaction that they greeted Adora with. V just then realised there wasn't a drink in his hand and so he moved out of the way to give Hordak room to sit down next to Adora. He did so. The villain maintained silence, Adora thought it was to seem intimidating, but in reality he simply had no idea how to talk to people, and was too awkward to be the one to begin the conversation.
Hordak was cloaked in a black cape and hood. His blue, curly, fringe poking out from under the hood. Another thing she just now noticed about Hordak was that his eyes were different, usually fully blood red with black makeup around, just now realising that those must have been contact lenses of some sort, because now she witnessed his real eyes. Soft and organic rather than the glass shields which is what their texture usually looked like. Now his corneas were fully pitch black with black pupils and bright blood red irises, the way they shifted about it somehow made him far more emotive. He was clad in matte black and gun metal grey plated armour with neon red highlights running throughout. No Horde symbol on his chest plate however, The Wings of The Vampire where nowhere to be seen. What Adora didn't see was the First One's crystal embedded within his armour powering his entire suit. He wore the same double slit dress he always wore, thighs on full display. That was certainly a choice.
Adora spoke up first, “Sooo, ahem, I'm sure you're wondering why I asked to meet with you.”
“Yes.” He spoke with his deep, smooth voice, “Entrapta, my dearest, did not disclose why you wished to meet. And why here of all places. I am usually summoned to BrightMoon by the Queen.”
“Weeeell, I thought meeting here might make you feel more comfortable. Heard this place serves drinks to anyone, guess... guess not.”
“Hmm, indeed. I do not drink here. I am unwelcome. I do not blame anyone for that belief. My shunning is just.”
“I thought you'd be a hero to your people, especially after killing Prime and all.”
“You killed Prime. I'm surprised many of my brothers haven't turned to worship you She-Ra Adora.”
“It's just Adora. And more people ‘worshipping’ me is the last thing I want.”
“And as to why many of my brothers hate me? Well, everyone has their own reasons. For many I will always be that authority figure, a High-General, sending them off to their deaths. For others, like Manny here, good man that Manny, they believe my... ‘campaign’ here has led to your people hating them. I destroyed any chance of a peaceful coexistence. I am keen to agree with him.”
Adora didn't disagree, but there was more to it. She did not want to unpack all of it just yet so she chose to instead change the topic of conversation, “Hordak. The reason I wanted to meet with you... I have a job for you.”
“I imagined as much. However, it is usually the Queen who imparts assignments upon me and my brothers. Why this- breaking of routine?”
“Because this concerns the Queen. This ‘job’ isn't her idea, it's mine, in fact, it took a lot of convincing to get her onboard.”
“And the mission is?”
“A road trip, so to speak.”
Hordak quirked his brow. “Ooooh-kay.”
“There is an Intergalactic Conference in the Summit solar system, few galaxies away. Glimmer needs to attend in the next few days. It's quite possibly the most important event in Etheria’s history.”
“And what does the conference pertain to? If I may ask?”
“Securing Etheria’s status in the universe. Glimmy wants to appeal to The Council of The Known Universe and have Etheria recognised as a developed-enough world to join The Council. Ever since Etheria had been freed from Despandos it has been at the mercy of the rest of the universe. As a magical mediaeval world, Etheria’s has been seen by the rest of the universe as ‘underdeveloped’ and ‘primitive’ and as ‘defenceless’. Becoming a part of The Council will grant us safety. Their technology advancements. Limitless food and medicine - access to planets they’ve constructed dedicated solely to agriculture and harvesting. Respect among other worlds. Protection from other tyrants across the cosmos like Prime. Make sure it never happens again. The Council of The Known Universe, turns out, was established to create a barricade against tyrant empires like Prime and The Galactic Horde. Etheria needs protection like that, but there's a problem.”
Hordak placed a hand against his chin as he pondered on the matter, “The Primusians.”
“Yes. You've heard?”
“I have, through the ‘grapevine’ as you would call it; clones talk, or think (telepathically), especially here. V doesn't keep anything to himself. Primus pirates have been assaulting crafts around the system, many of them clones seeking home off-world. They've been quite active since our ‘stunt’ with the Minister of Armament and Defence. You're afraid they have their sights set on the Queen. Making transporting her a major risk.”
“Yeah, you got it. I knew you'd catch on.” Hordak shot her an inquisitive look as well as a bombastic side eye, “Anyway, the plan is to send a new unmanned decoy ship on the route to the conference. Pirates explode it, and hopefully they'll think the bodies got incinerated.”
“That's that then.” Hordak remarked satisfied.
“Yeah, except Glim still needs to make it to Summit. And that's where you, and your... team comes in. I hear you have a ship, don't know how, but you do. You'll escort Glim on the longer way around the Black Donut system and deliver her to the conference on time.”
“That will take days.”
“One week exactly. One way each. That's why I’m here now, the Queen’s orders.”
“It does not sound like the Queen would be thrilled about this idea. My brothers can be... a lot.”
“She isn't. But she knows it's the right thing to do.”
Hordak sighed. “Adora why would I-“
“Because you owe me.” She suddenly became incredibly serious, her glare at Hordak hardened, and Hordak fell silent. He really did. Freeing him from Prime’s influence. Dropping in a good word for him at his trial. He most likely wouldn't have been with Entrapta at all without her. He simply nodded in agreement. “And... because I love her.”
“And you would trust me to keep her safe?”
“The same way I'll keep Entrapta safe while you're gone... So? Deal?”
-        - -
Day One (of Seven)
“No. No deal.” Glimmer remarked defeated. “This is a bad- ugh- I don't like this plan, just stating that for the record.” The Queen of BrightMoon spoke to the holo-pad, arguing with the screen. On the other side of the screen was a smiling but slightly scared Adora. Glimmer marched through the corridors of Castle Dryl, the never-ending labyrinth, that Glimmer was 80% sure was constantly shifting, trying to confuse her. It didn't help that she was constantly going down, deeper into the mountain. Entrapta was the master of traps after all. But Glimmer continued on her path anyhow. She had a map display hovering over the holo-pad that clearly outlined where to go. And surely this wasn't a trap, a planned scheme to assassinate her, right?
“I know what you're thinking; It's not a trap.”
“I- wasn't thinking... that.” She squinted at the map overhead, “I swear the corridors are moving, how is that even possible. It also doesn’t fill me with confidence that Entrapta called this, ‘The Basement’.” The monarch wore her traditional purple outfit, glittering cape, golden accents around the belt, shoulder pauldron, and of course her royal tiara. Her stern look faded away and a sadness took its place. “Why couldn't you’ve come with me?”
“~Oh, StarLight, I'm sorry. I want to always be at your side, and I would be if I could. But the strange signals emanating from the Crystal Castle, it could mean LightHope’s back. And if LightHope is back, which her is she? And why would she be transmitting off-world?”
“So you'll be on the other side of the universe.”
“As soon as I'm done I'll B-line it to you. Just- just wait for me. You're in good hands until then.”
“...I wish I could hold you, I miss you already.” Glimmer's words brought a warm smile to the She-Ra’s face. Adora turned away, avoiding eye contact, a blush rising across her face.
“I miss you too. But please, trust me, it'll be okay.” Adora turned to look at something out of the holo-pad’s view, she sighed, “I have to go. I love you. See you in a week.”
And the transmission terminated.
Glimmer sighed. Already missing Adora’s voice. She believed she was approaching her destination, a large mechanical door stood before her. The GPS on her holo-pad indicated that she had reached ‘The Hangar’. “Okay.” She accepted the journey ahead with one word. Glimmer swiped the touchscreen on her whole pad, the bypass code got transmitted to the control panel at the doors ahead. The green light indicated the door unlocking. And the metal doors slid upward with a hiss. A light spilled into the corridor, so much so Glimmer had to shield her eyes with her hand. She took a step inside and almost tripped over immediately. She looked back to see what it was, and noticed that the floor was littered with a variety of… strange and seemingly unrelated things; Pipes, cables, and various other pieces of machinery, she guessed. There were also art supplies; Paint buckets, brushes, canvases, and spray cans. As she turned around to face forward once again she ducked immediately as she was almost closelined by a low hanging clothing line, various photographs hung up along it. Various landscapes from the brief glimpse that Glimmer caught of it.
“Look out.” A familiar voice called out, but it came from an unfamiliar character. Glimmer followed the voice to match it to the clone face. The man wasn’t even looking at her, which meant she must have yelped quite loudly at some point. She re-composed herself and made her way to the clone, the closer she got, the more details revealed themselves to her. The man was, in fact, a clone, he had the same voice and Hordak’s face, but that was almost where the similarities ended. The tuft of hair on top of his head was dyed in a patchwork of every colour, it was quite strange seeing all that colour on a clone. But the most defining characteristic was the fact that he was wheelchair bound due to his two missing legs, amputated just above the knees. The defect was sat in front of a sizable canvas, a paintbrush in hand and in the middle of creating a new painting. The painting was, no doubt about it, gorgeous. It depicted Doormat, at the foot of Mount Dryl. The light that had blinded Glimmer earlier when she entered had come from the massive open hangar bay doors letting the daylight in. She assumed that was where he got the photos and references from.
“It's beautiful.” She remarked.
“What? This? Thank you, but no, it's just a warm up, and it's hideous. I think I might be having an off day. See that tree?” The clone pointed to a perfectly fine tree on the painting.
“Right.” She should have probably introduced herself, “I'm-“
“Cargo.” He finished.
“Not how I'd like to put it. But yeah, I- uh- I’m Glimmer.”
“I know. You’re the Queen. You send me and my brothers on suicide missions.”
“Yeah... uhmm, yes, soooorry about that, and you are?”
“Moe. I'll- I'll remember that. Is Hordak here?”
“He's with Entrapta, doing… whatever mad-scientists do. Making time travelling microwaves that send your meal forward in time to when it's already done?”
“Heh, it's Entrapta, it wouldn't surprise me. She can do anything she sets her mind to.”
The joke seemed to resonate with the artist, he smiled, “We're taking off soon, Dak’ll be down in a bit, feel free to get set up on the ship, try getting used to it, the trip’ll be a few days long.”
Glimmer turned to the ship in question, The Annihilation it was called. It was a Horde troop carrier dropship repurposed as a mobile home to The Defects as they recently began calling themselves. Looks like they were really owning it. The dropship had a new paint job, no doubt thanks to Moe, an angry face painted over the cockpit, angry eyes and a row of sharp teeth. And a mural on the side of the hull, abstract, but unfinished, she presumed. The ship had Christmas lights hung up all along it, a TV satellite dish on top, and a footpath leading to the lowered ramp into the loading bay. The Annihilation was surrounded by a white picket fence, turf of fake grass, a small cheap fountain (kinda ugly, with a gnome spitting out water at the centre). And a mailbox at the front, not that anyone ever sent in any mail, it was all very cute however.
The Queen of Light made her way into the loading bay, up the ramp, and quickly realised it was... A living room? A TV, a couch, and a carpet. All bolted down so it wouldn't fly out presumably. She was surprised at the mundanity of it all, she was expecting something far more alien or militaristic. While her head was in the clouds she tripped yet again. She growled at her own clumsiness, “What? Do I have two left feet today? What now?” She looked down at what had tripped her up and she almost jumped out of her skin. It was a man, slumped over, on the ground, leaning against a wall, a cable lodged into the back of his head. He was silent, he wasn't moving. Glimmer’s thoughts raced madly; He's dead. They killed someone and stuffed him into their ship. She was looking at a corpse right now!
Then a voice came from above, “Heh, you know that happened to me once.” She looked up to see a skinny man hanging upside down from the ceiling like a bat, he smiled with his bright red fangs, “Mortar shell. Blew me into pieces. Turns out I grabbed someone else’s leg! HA!”
“...Wh- What?”
“Two left feet! We all match so the joints just pop in! Customizable action figures, batteries sold separately.” V cackled to himself as he descended from the ceiling and landed before the monarch. Glimmer wasn't sure how to respond, or what she was looking at, some sort of birdman? She was at a loss for words, since her mind was still on the potential corpse at her feet. “V.” He indicated himself with his hand.
“Is this a dead body?!” She pointed to the clone on the floor in panic and anguish. V craned his neck to look past the Queen. V waved it off matter of factly.
“Eh, don't worry about Drag. Kid’s just taking a nap.”
“So I shouldn't be worried?”
“Oh, well, no, you definitely should. ‘Nap’ so to speak. The truth is far more horrifying. You see little Drag is in a state of constant rapid brain degradation the curjigger he's hooked up to continuously recreates his brain through... woff nanobots? I don't know, Dak’s the one who does machines. The boy fainted not long ago, so he'll be out for a good while.”
“How long is he usually out for?” She still asked panicked.
“Uh, I don't know, varies, sometimes hours, sometimes days, whatever the story needs really. I'm sure he'll be back by the third act.”
“... What are you talking about?”
“I don't know. Anyways, make yourself at home, but not too much, the chaotic mess is on purpose.”
“The ‘I know where everything is’ type of organisation system?”
“What? No, I don't know where anything is, it's just to annoy Hordak. Sometimes I dump buckets of mud and dust inside just to see how furrowed his brows can get. Ha! He gets so angry.”
Glimmer just now noticed that V had patted the couch as he made his ‘make yourself at home’ statement. “Wait, I'm… sleeping on the couch?” She remarked in disbelief.
“Weeell, yeah, what did you expect?”
“A room?!”
“Ahhh... No. Heh. No.”
“Hey, it's not that bad, this is the best spot on Anni! You got a perfect view of the TV (which has channels from the next three galaxies). A few itchy blankets and who knows what wonders hide between the couch cushions; Just today I found Drag’s goldfish’s food... Oh shoot, I knew I forgot something.” He tapped his chin.
“I'm in Hel. I died, and now I'm in Hel.”
“HA! Not yet. But The End is coming. Soon!” V waltzed away saluting her away as he ventured off to check up on his younger brother’s fish.
“Wait! Can't I have Drag’s room? Or is his room the corridor?” She asked sarcastically.
“Sorry, Candy Floss, he ain't interchangeable. You’ll just have to deal with it.” The doors to Drag’s bedroom closed and he was out of earshot.
“...Great. Perfect. Great idea, Adora. Thanks, hun.”
-        - -
“I wish you could stay.” Entrapta sadly remarked.
Hordak took a moment to reply, he looked away and down, “... As do I, Beloved.”
It was another day, another mission and once again the universe had decided to tear them apart as it often did. It was especially bittersweet and tragic as the couple had plans for today, family picnic, so to speak. Entrapta sighed as she soldered the motherboard in front of her, their mask down and covering her face, “I was really looking forward to working on the power couplings for the hyper light telescope. I bet we can see the Lynks system from here! I heard rumours that they've managed to construct an entire artificial star! It powers their two nearest colonies!... I- I can wait for you... And we could do it together when you get back, how long can the escort be? Two?- Three days?” She tried to keep up a genuine smile.
“We estimate a week to the Summit system, and one week to return.” Hordak hid most of himself under his cape like a weighted blanket, “I know how much you love star gazing, you shouldn't have to wait for me. You should enjoy yourself without me.” He reached out for Entrapta’s hand. Entrapta let go of the soldering iron, and accepted the taloned hand of her partner. The Ex-Lord of the Horde softly massaged her hand, his thumb moving in circles.
She gently squeezed Hordak’s hand in return, “But I'd love for you to be with me. Us, together, you know?” She snuggled into Hordak’s chest, leaning her head against him. Dak held her hand and placing his other hand against Entrapta’s back, a gentle touch, “That's the life I wanted for us.” She murmured lowly, almost a purr.
“I know.” Hordak spoke solemnly.
“...It feels like we're apart every day now. I thought things would get better… and here you go again.”
“I know. But this request- it came from-“
“Adora, I know.” Entrapta lifted her mask, revealing a small smile, “That's the only thing I like about this.” That made Hordak raise one of his brows, “You, opening up to her, it's cute. She's a good girl. I'm glad you're making new friends.” She patted Hordak’s chest.
“Well, I wouldn't go that far-“
“Ah!” Hordak jumped, scared by the voice inside his head. The clone turned around to find Lee, another one of his brothers, just standing there – Menacingly. “Lee! How did you- ? Where? Why?!”
“We have a problem.”
*Italics indicate telepathy – Toffee*
“The Queen is currently in our home.”
“Yes, she is the cargo.”
“…Why was I not informed of this?”
“Because you wouldn't have liked it.”
“We are transporting (possibly) the most powerful woman in the universe - that is going to turn heads, and paint a target on our backs. Are we not meant to be secret task force?”
“That is why we and the She-Ra are the only individuals aware of this mission. And, were you not the one who urged me to establish a more trusting relationship with the rulers of this world? Do you not think that a favour such as this would aid in improving relations between clones and natives?” Lee pondered on it, he nodded. He would have grunted if he could, unfortunately for Lee, his entire lower jaw was missing. By far his most noticeable and unique feature.
“...Sooo? Are we-? Is this-? Are we done? I'm just getting half of the conversation here, just so you know.” Entrapta poked in.
Suddenly V also appeared out of nowhere behind Hordak, “Hey we have a problem.”
“Gahhh! Where did you?! How- What?! Ugh. Yes, we know; the Queen.” Hordak face palmed.
“What? No. It's Drag’s goldfish, it's dead.”
“What? I thought you were feeding it.”
“I thought Lee was feeding it.”
“Well, I thought Moe was feeding it.”
Hordak sighed, face in his hands, “Fine, we'll figure it out on the road, just go, get out of here.”
Lee just looked at him, and turned away, “I'll be on the ship. I'm assuming all the relevant mission information is on board?” Hordak nodded. “Then I will be there, studying.” And the clone disappeared as soon as he appeared. V followed.
“He's scary good at that.” Entrapta remarked.
“I don't think he likes me.”
“They’ll come around...”
Both of them stood there for a moment, in silence. “So... you should probably get going.” Entrapta remarked sadly, not ready to let go again so quickly.
“Mmm.” Hordak looked around the lab, “Where is Imp? I wished to say goodbye to him before departing.”
“Probably hiding, lil rascal hates to see you go. He misses you you know.”
“I know…” A sadness washed over his face. 
“Look, I know you're at work, the last thing you need up there is me. But-”
“I would spend my entire life at your side! I love your voice. I adore your beautiful mind. And worship your heart for all the love you have offered me. You are not a hindrance!”
“Okay, okay, haha.” She looked down at the ground with a warm blush on her cheeks, “I know, I get it.”
“You think so little of yourself, I know how you are. And I do not appreciate it.” He landed a soft kiss on his partner's cheek. Which drew a chuckle from her.
“OK, OK, enough! You know I can't take compliments!” She exclaimed joyously as she smooshed his cheeks with her soft gloved hands.
“It is my duty as your lab partner to remind you of your worth, your beauty and your wonder, and that is just a scientific fact. Now, what- uh- what were you going to say before I rudely interrupted?”
From a large pouch on her utility belt Entrapta fished out a small Rubik’s cube-like object, which shifted in her palm and unfolded into a large two-handed holo-pad, and handed it over to Dak, “You know how I've been working on the intergalactic communications array?! So, I've been working on downsizing it and managed to incorporate it into a screened device - this holo-pad will allow us to stay in touch, even worlds apart. It’s only a prototype, of course, but it should work perfectly.”
What a loving gift. Entrapta always bestowed such wonderful presents, Perfuma proclaimed that it was her love-language. Hordak did not understand what that meant exactly, but his mind wondered, how could he further ‘communicate’ in this ‘language’? “Beloved, I- This is a most thoughtful gift, but... it is standard protocol to not take any contraband that could possibly link us to and could be traced back to Etheria in case the ship is breached... but, I suppose with the literal Queen of Etheria on board, that rule does not apply.” He smiled. Entrapta matched the smile.
“I will call you, when you're on your way, later today.” She raised on her tippy-toes and kissed her tall partner on the cheek, “Keep you company.”
“I would appreciate it.”
         Hordak and Entrapta lost themselves in each other's eyes as they often did, they wordlessly embraced in a warm hug. Their foreheads found each other, eyes closed, they allowed themselves to smile just a little.
         “I love you.”
         “I love you, more.”
         “Scientifically impossible, I love you far more.”
         “No, I love you more!” They giggled softly to each other.
-        - -
Glimmer had unpacked, to the best of her abilities, that is to say she was pecking at one of her packed lunch sandwiches and marked the couch as her territory by placing her luggage all over it. The Queen was now just sitting on the couch, slouched. This was going to be a long trip, she could tell. So she tried to distract herself by glueing herself to the TV. Unfortunately, the channel she was watching was broadcasting from an alien system with a language she did not understand. She could infer from the tone of the voice and the acting what was going on. It was some sort of telenovela, ooorr a reality TV show? No, Glimmer had no idea where the remote was. So that was it, her life for the next week. Hopefully Adora and the rest of the Princesses would take her on the way back after the conference.
         “Oh, nice, that's a good episode.”
         “What?” She turned back to see V standing behind her like a dad at a BBQ over a grill, a coffee mug in hand.
         “Sapphire Lakes. Great show. A handful of wealthy women who pretend to be friends are locked up in a small lake house for a week where they scream, lie and backstab each other for a cash prize. It's truly peak television. Tiffany's just confronting Jade about cheating with Keith.” He pointed gleefully at the screen.
         “How do you know all this? It's not even in Etherian?”
         V taped the side of his head, presumably where his ears would be, wait, did he even have ears? “Air-Vibration Translators. Convert any nearby language to clone speak.”
         “Your majesty.” Glimmer’s eyes followed the voice to the clone entering the drop ship, it was Hordak. Long black cape covering his body and draping behind him on the floor. His battle armour underneath, no longer bearing the symbol of the Horde, but rather the symbol of Dryl, purple gear with a star at its centre. Proud property of his wife. 
         “Hordak, finally. I wanted to speak with you.” Glimmer spoke up.
         “Lee here?” Dak turned to V.
         “Yeah, he’s in.” V replied, still glued to the TV screen.
         “What? I didn't see anyone enter.” Glim remarked confused.
         “Yeah, that's Lee. If he wants to, you won't see him all week.” V shrugged.
         “One can only hope.” She murmured.
         “I see you've already gotten acquainted with the crew. Uh- Make yourself at home, I suppose. We depart soon.”
         “Uh- Thanks...”
         “...Soooo, How- uh- how are you?...”
         “Yeah, I'm- I'm good- I'm alright... How... Are you?”
         “Good. Good...
         “... Yeah.”
         “... Alright, let's go.” He awkwardly turned around and departed to the ship's cockpit.
         V stopped on the way, “Hey, Daky, beloved brother of mine, my favourite person in the whole wide cosmos.”
         “What do you want?” Hordak sounded tired already.
         “Can I drive?”
         “I'm a pilot! I was a pilot back in the day! I'm good at flying. I'm a pilot... Can I-?”
         “You are not touching my ship.”
         “But you let Entrapta work on the ship!?”
         “That, dear brother, is because she's competent.”
         Glimmer huffed as she leaned against the couch cushions, “This is going to be a long week.” She returned to her slouching.
         Hordak marched up the small steps that led to the cockpit which was a narrow space; and sat one on the front seat, the pilot seat from which one would steer the ship via the steering wheel and the numerous unlabelled buttons covering the control panels on either side of the wheel, some blinking, some not. (How Hordak knew to press what, was beyond this trans-fourth-dimensional narrator.) V attempted to flick a switch, but his hand was slapped away by Dak, who didn't even take his eyes off the panel. V frowned like a toddler that was denied cookies from their mom, and he fell down onto the back seat of the cockpit, the navigator seat. The navigator would advise routes throughout space and monitor the status of the ship.
         A finger taped Glimmer on the shoulder, she turned to see Moe, now on board, “Can I take some of these?” He asked, pointing to the pillows on the couch.
         “Uh, yeah, sure.” She handed the clone the pillows, and watched him make his way to Drag. Moe climbed down from his wheelchair and gently moved his brother to lean forward, still unconscious, and placed a pillow behind his head. He wanted to lift his younger brother and place another pillow under him, but Moe, being a defect, was unable to lift his weight. So, he was surprised when Drag did lift up. He looked up surprised to see that Glimmer had lifted the comatose clone up by the underarms. Moe was pleasantly shocked for a moment, but continued and placed a pillow for Drag to sit on and one to lean against. Glimmer lowered him, and helped Moe up onto his wheelchair. And pushed his wheelchair to the couch.
         “Thanks- Bay doors.” He pointed to a big red button with a lock image on it. Glimmer pressed it, and the ship’s ramp receded in and the heavy shutter doors sealed them in, and would seal the void of space out. “Thanks.”
         “No problem.” They returned to the couch.
         “He's always sore when he wakes up.” He remarked worryingly. The gesture was cute, that little act of kindness surprised Glimmer.
         V’s voice echoed through the ship, “Non-clones and gentle-clones please take your seats as we're about to rocket ourselves into the void of space through a wall of fire surrounding the planet, so we're all probably going to die, so say your prayers to whatever deity you believe in, won't matter though because we live in a nightmare world where there truly is no god.” He announced cheerfully. A loud smack could be heard and an “Ouch.” from V.
         Hordak’s voice came through, “Ignore him.”
         “You’ll get used to that,” Moe spoke up, “That's like Dak’s catch phrase.”
         “Is your brother, the bird one, always like that?”
         “No, he's usually worse. He's on good behaviour since we have a guest over.”
         “Are we- going to experience some turbulence? No offence to your brother but anything he makes is usually held together by duct tape. Are we about to turn into a giant fireball? He loves big fiery explosions.” Glimmer asked concerned, recollecting about the Fright Zone.
         “HehHa! Yeah that sounds like Hordak, alright.” He wheeled himself over to a front corner of the ship which had a standing canvas, some small cabinets at the side supposedly housing some art supplies. There was also a small circular window at the corner framing the view of the outside. “The Annihilation has been through a lot, but you won't find a more reliable (and lucky) ship in The Holy Armada! You won't even feel the take off.”
         “How do you know?” Glimmer asked unconvinced.
         “Come take a look.” He just pointed to the window. Glimmer, confused, waltzed over to the window, her eyes widened in shock at what she saw. A blue surface, rippling and kicking up as the ship zoomed past; a river, then fields of trees, zipping by. They had already launched. Mount Dryl shrinking into the distance.
         They had launched from the side of the mountain, out of the hangar bay doors, cloaked by Entrapta’s holographic disguise field. Soon they surpassed the clouds, and pierced into the atmosphere. For a moment the window became coated in fire and flame. And then it passed, and now the Queen of Light stared out into an endless black void reaching out into infinity. Across the blackness were white speckles; stars, distant suns, sustaining worlds and civilizations all of their own, Etheria a distant speck to them all.
         Before they could leave Etheria behind there was one obstacle left; a barrier of warships guarding the planet from the upper atmosphere. An impenetrable wall of hull and fire power. The most powerful warships that side of the galaxy. After the Fall of Prime over a year ago the clones were freed from his control, left to aimlessly wander Etheria - for the first time in their lives without purpose. The clone population was stranded on Glimmer’s magical world, the Princess Alliance weren't about to just let their invaders take back their war machines and leave to who knows where, or worse, turn the weapons back against Etheria. So, at first the warships over Etheria were disabled. But over the following months, as Entrapta established communications with various systems, and rumours began to spill out. A sizeable number of them coming from the clone grapevine. The refugee clones slowly began to form pockets of community around Etheria. The Princess Alliance never stood against it, and even helped establish those pockets, BrightMoon was always involved in combating homelessness, a programme started by Glimmer’s mother, often allowing homeless citizens take shelter and live within the walls of BrightMoon castle.
         Within the clone settlements many managed to establish contact with the outside, smuggling becoming a major enterprise. Clones being the main item smuggled off world. Through Hordak various rumours reached her; Word of various larger neighbouring systems eyeing Etheria with watering mouths. Smaller less developed planets often fell prey to larger powers, Glimmer wasn't about to let that happen. And the answer was right under her nose. The clones knew how to operate the worships, of course they'd be supervised by BrightMoon knights, but to her pleasant surprise the clones dedicated themselves to their posts rather quickly and without much convincing or argument. They were desperate for a mission, for a purpose. And so, Glimmer gave them one; Protecting their new home.
Glimmer sighed, “I'm going to be honest I would’ve felt much better about this if the starships could escort us... No offence, uh…”
“Short for Mosquitor.”
“I'm guessing the point of all of this is to stay unseen, and not to attract much unwanted attention.”
“It is. Heh, not to mention the reason why we're going to The Council of the Known Universe is to make allies, it’d be hard to do that if we just pulled up with a starship overhead. Don't want to prove the threats and fear mongering rumours correct.”
“Didn't you just reason your way out of the predicament?”
“I suppose I did.”
“Also, those aren't starships, heh, you haven't seen a Starship yet. Warships of The Holy Armada are impressive, no doubt about it. But starships are unfathomably enormous. Giant rings, large enough to surround an entire sun, draw power from it, often acting as a shipyard constructing warships for the Prime’s endless conquest. They’re pretty, in a horrifying kind of way.”
Glimmer couldn't even imagine something of that scale. Things like that often made Glimmer put things into perspective of how small and secluded Etheria was. How little she was in the vastness of the cosmos. It frightened her, but she chose not to think about it. But unbeknownst to the Queen that phobia had led her actions subconsciously. Many people are guided by fear, even kings and Queens, whether they know it or not. Glimmer, whether right or wrong, was stepping along the path of fear.
Glimmer’s eyes scoured the dark space and managed to spot a small brush of green among the canvas of black, the only spot of colour in space. “Huh.”
Moe took note of the response, “What? The Velvet Glove? Huh, looks different than when I last saw it, greener!”
“Yeah, that might have been my and my friends’ doing. My… friend, Adora, kinda,” Glimmer scratched the back of her head, “Turned the ship into a giant tree.”
“With many of our brothers still within.”
“Yeah, sorry about thaaAAHHH!” The Queen of Light embarrassingly shrieked as she noticed a third figure standing behind them silently. A man missing his lower jaw. He narrowed his blood red eyes, their wrinkles around his eyes more visible. Glimmer covered her mouth like an old Victorian maiden. “Sorry. My bad. Sorry. Hehe.” Lee seemed unamused. The old clone’s pupils lit up and he turned to Moe. Moe turned back to face him, his pupils lit up too. The two stared at each other without a single word spoken for a moment or two. Glimmer’s eyes shifted between the two. Are they buffering? What's going on?
Moe returned his gaze to the Queen, “He– ugh, welcomes you on board and wishes you a pleasant stay. And is honoured to be in the presence of royalty, especially one of whom allows us to stay on your world.”
Lee signed with his hands, clearly some sort of sign language, Glimmer managed to make out some of it, but not enough to further the conversation, “I'm sorry I don't know sign language, I- I should but I don't.” She remarked sadly.
Moe translated for his brother, “He just wants to discuss with you- uh- some matters.” He sounded a little awkward and nervous. Lee gave him an angry look for not translating fully. Moe just shrugged.
Outside across the depthless night a streak of light zipped across their view, Hordak spotted it, and moved to tail the craft. It was the decoy ship. As a mediaeval planet-locked civilization BrightMoon had no spaceships with which to cross galaxies. Which was why Adora got Entrapta to step in, and she was all too overjoyed about it. Being the genius she was, Entrapta fished out a crashed Horde ship fixed it up and customised it, now sporting the colour scheme of BrightMoon; purple, pink, and gold, even a painted mural of Glimmer on the hull. You couldn't get more overt than that, if this bait wouldn't work, Entrapta didn't know what would.
That was a lovely day, Entrapta and Hordak made a whole day of it, a date, that was what normal couples did so they thought they'd try it out too. And it was wonderful. Just them working together, bouncing ideas off of each other, problem solving, like two lobes of the same brain working in tandem. It was like a dream. Hordak would cherish this memory for years to come.
Hordak pulled up behind the decoy ship. With a single press of a button the clearance codes were transmitted from The Annihilation to the warships. Then; quiet. This moment was always horrifying. The silence. The wait. Hordak and the rest of the crew knew the codes were correct, Glimmer approved them herself, but each time Hordak’s mind briefly flashed to the thought of; What if the codes were wrong? If the warships would open fire, they would be dead in seconds - if not instantaneously vaporised by the battery lasers then they would freeze in the void of space. Seconds ticked away. They waited for the go-ahead; Hordak tense, V, behind him, completely relaxed and indifferent - the fear of death had left the old clone long ago, and then...
A green light lit up on the control panel. And the barricade of warships began to part like the Red Sea. And the tightness in Hordak’s chest disappeared and he released a sigh of relief. The two ships bypassed the armada wall and soon after separated, Glimmer watched the bait craft shrink into a dot out of the window and disappear. Soon the armada faded from visibility as well, and they were off on their voyage, no turning back now. Nothing but an endless stretch of darkness.
“Well, I guess there's no going back now.” She stepped up to the cockpit and looked on at the eternal night ahead.
V put his feet up on the pilot chair ahead, annoying Hordak, “Why so gloomy your highness. They should call you Gloomer. We’re here to have a good time! You know this is a road trip, and you know what that means!”
Dak: “No.”
Moe: “Oh Prime.”
Lee just turned around and left to his room.
V opened a compartment in the chair he was sitting on and pulled out a CD, and practically crawled over Hordak to get to the front control panel and slid the disc into a rectangular device. Glimmer believed it was called a CD player. And so music began to play from it. A country song come on not that our protagonists knew what that was exactly. The song began:
‘Life is like a road that you travel on,
When there is one day here and then the next day gone,
Sometimes you bend, sometimes you stand,
Sometimes you turn your back to the wind’
Hordak face palmed, unable to escape the sound of the song, trapped in the pilot's seat. He had clearly heard this song a thousand times before. “I can't believe this.”
‘There is a world outside every darkened door,
Where the blues will not haunt you anymore,
Where brave are free and lovers soar,
Come ride with me to the distant shore’
Glimmer bowed her head down and sighed, “This is my life now... for the next week... No going back.” She echoed the words to herself once more. She turned and waltzed back to the couch defeated.
‘We won't hesitate, to break down the garden gate,
There's not much time left today, yeah –
‘L I F E   I S   A   H I G H W A Y  !’
‘And I want to ride it all night long.’
End of Act One (of Three)
Next Time on LIAH
"I've been checking our food cabinets, some thing's eating our supplies, some thing's here with us."
Dun. Dun. DUN!
"Don't be mad!"
"What did you do?!"
"I said don't be mad!!!"
"Is that a shotgun?!?!"
"Fifty Romulaks?! Where are we crossing over to Terabithia?!!"
"Keith... I'm pregnant."
"I knew it."
To Be Continued
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maximwtf · 7 months
 “A momentary escape”
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Stede Bonnet x Reader
words: 1590
google docs pages: 3,5
warnings: Description of noise related overstimulation. 
opening: The noise from a celebration happening on the ship gets a little too much for you, and you decide to retreat to somewhere a little quieter. Though, someone soon notices your absence. 
AN// Reader can be any gender! For absolutely no reason I’ve been really overstimulated for days now and this is the result of that. Also a chance to learn how to write for Stede. (Apologies if this appears lazy, I’m tired as all hell but felt like writing this out) I'll be back on the requests soon <3
 “A momentary escape”
The Revenge’s crew were having a ‘small’ celebration as they had put it. Though, by your definition what they were having was a whole ball. It might have started as something small, but once the rum and music had truly come to play, it might have gotten a little out of hand. And now by the sound of it they might as well have been dancing the hornpipe for all you knew. You’d retreated a little further away from all the noise, not being able to see what truly was going on. At the very least, the sea shanties were sung rather loud, you being able to hear the singing through the wooden walls. It was all getting a little too much. Too much noise from too many directions, an overwhelming amount. It had started to feel like there were multiple tv channels on at the same time, some of them being just static noise. 
So you’d seen it best to leave silently and make your way from the galley to the main deck through the lower deck. You didn’t want to go off on anyone for simply having fun, knowing how snappy you might become if you’d stayed for longer. 
Even the main deck had gotten a little messy before the crew had ultimately decided to leave as the evening started getting colder. A soft, yet amused huff left your nose, knowing Izzy wouldn’t be thrilled tomorrow morning. Some poor hangover crew member would be mopping the deck clean as soon as the first mate’s gaze would land on the mess. 
You shook your head, the thoughts mixing with the overstimulation in your mind. You needed some peace and quiet, a place where you could be alone and as far away from noise as possible. Sure, there was room on the deck, but it felt like anyone could have appeared to come and bother you. Your eyes landed on a ladder that led to the crowsnest. There. No one would be looking for anyone from up there. 
You took a lantern with you, having to hang it from your mouth while climbing the ladder. The flame in it, being so close, warmed your collar. It would have been nice in the cool weather, but you were more scared it would light you on fire if you didn’t make it to the top quicker. After making it through the lubber’s hole, you placed the lantern on the right side, seating yourself on the left. 
The waves hitting the bow of the ship and swaying the vessel felt a little more intense from the height you were in. But you didn’t fear getting seasick from it, your mind was too busy being too loud. Without even noticing you’d started chewing on your inner lip while leaning on the mast behind you. A muffled sound of the celebration happening below deck was still coming through, all the way up to the crowsnest, but it was a lot better this way. 
The air was slightly colder than you would have liked, the feeling of your fingertips getting colder bringing up the realisation. Sometimes a gush of wind would hit the fabric of the sails and cause a silent noise. A couple of waves would hit the bow of the ship, the splash of them audible if you focused on the sound. With a deep breath your gaze landed on the surface of the sea, trying to calm down by following the movements of the water. 
Time passed, but you didn’t feel much better. The muffled racket still haunting you enough to make it almost impossible to calm down. The sound of the ladder hitting the mast irritated you, but only after the initial anger did you realise that the sound was caused by someone being on the ladder. “Who-” You started, but didn’t have to ask the rest. Stede’s head appeared through the lubber’s hole, before he was able to climb higher and stand up on the platform. “Oh, there you are. Quite a party down there, aye?” He’d said before that. 
You stared at the man quietly, irritated by the sound of him talking but not wanting to upset him by telling him to leave when he’d just gotten up there. “Now, why are you here alone? It’s rather awfully cold up here.” He spoke, kneeling down a little to get to your level. Closing your eyes and placing your palms over them, you took a moment. “I needed some air.” You said, voice slightly muffled from speaking in a lower tone. By the sound of it, Stede had sat down as well. He wasn’t going to leave. 
“Ah, I see. Well, at the very least take my coat, it is cold up here after all.” He said, the sound of him sliding his arm out of one of the coat’s sleeves following after. You lowered your hands, the other forming into a fist beside you. “Stede, shut up…be quiet.” You said in a rather desperate voice, taking another breath. You had no idea how this man was able to keep up such a one sided conversation either. You’d barely replied to anything he’d said, yet he kept talking to you. A sweet thing, in any other situation. 
Stede had fallen quiet for a moment after that, his mouth slightly agape as he thought of what to say, not sure if he should have even said ‘of course’. The captain’s mouth closed. He took a more comfortable position on the platform, moving his gaze to where yours was. On the water. You hadn’t told him to leave, only to be quiet. And he wanted to respect that, wait for you to maybe say something. 
A more comfortable silence filled the air. Almost like the appearance of Stede had silenced some of the noise coming from below deck. Almost like all the noise in your mind had gotten silenced along with it. This also allowed you to think of what you’d said previously. The man had just tried to be kind, offering his coat and asking why you’d left. “I’m sorry about that.” You said along a sigh. This gained the attention of the blonde captain quickly, as his eyes turned on your huddled up form. “Oh, It’s alright. Are you okay?” He asked, his hands playing with the buttons of the coat as he worried for your well being. He’d noticed your absence rather quickly, but taken more time than expected to finally find you. “Yeah, the…noise got a little overwhelming, is all.” You said, voice attempting to betray you as it shook. Not out of any emotion, but it was starting to get cold. Your hands had lost all warmth some time ago, but you could also feel the cold creep up to your face, feeling your jaw start losing its warmth. It made talking a little harder, having to speak more slowly. 
You couldn’t see Stede all too well, but his expression had softened. A more concerned yet gentle look on his face now. “Ah, I see. They did get a little rowdy, I admit. Would you rather me leave? I wasn’t sure earlier.” He said, tone almost apologetic after realising that you’d most likely left to be alone for a moment. You shook your head, and replied. “Stay, please?” To which he gave you a nod, lifting the coat. “Would you like to find a quieter place? My cabin is mostly sound proof.” He suggested, clearly seeing you were starting to freeze. You turned to look at him, tilting your head slightly. “Won’t you be needed? The crew will come asking for you soon, I presume?” You asked, not even quite sure how no one had yet come on the main deck to look for the man. Stede chuckled silently, shaking his head. “I doubt they even noticed I left. So?” He raised his eyebrows slightly, waiting for your answer. 
It would only get colder from here, forcing you to give him a slow nod. Though, the warmth of a cabin didn’t sound bad. “Sure.” You said, standing up. Stede smiled gently as he stood up with you, offering the coat again. He didn’t say much more, only happy that he was able to offer a place of respite when you needed it. “Thank you.” You said, pulling the coat over your shoulders. It felt heavy, not used to wearing such fancy clothing. You didn’t even know which part of it weighed so much, like a small back bag. “Of course.” Stede smiled, allowing you to go down the ladder first, following only after you’d gotten back down on the main deck. 
You watched Stede descend, waited until he was next to you once more. Even in the dark, you could have sworn you saw his hand rise and suddenly stop. “Is it okay if I-” The captain asked in a rushed tone, seemingly still careful around you, not wanting to be the cause of your distress. You smiled faintly, taking his hand in yours. The touch felt comforting, mostly because the man’s hand was still somehow warmer than yours. Stede gave you a gentle smile, leading you towards his quarters in a comfortable silence. Suddenly the disturbing noise was all gone, not even the speaking sounded louder than it truly was. But the silence was still a comfort. 
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Below you will find the character profile for my One Piece OC (one of them, anyway. I have at least five, but I'll be working the most closely with this one for now).
So, here we go. Only been working on this shit for like...three days. Okay, technically over ten years since I used to write her ages ago when I was on fanfiction.net, but I've redone a lot of things.
I'm already in the process of working on a novel-length Mihawk x AFAB!OC fanfic, so here's the overly extensive character sheet for my OC because I always put way too much effort into character development.
The character history practically devolves into a mini fanfic itself around the middle by total accident, but whatever.
The fanfic(s) will toe the line between Live Action and Manga canon. We'll just call it AU and leave it at that.
Karimi Lionne
Associated fanfics: Hearing Problems (coming soon to an Unknowable Horror near you) and Any Way The Wind Blows (eventually, bear with me)
Age: 24
Occupation: Pirate; Mercenary
Kiku Kiku no Mi: A Paramecia type devil fruit that grants the user the ability to hear...well, everything, all the time. Within a certain range she, can hear the thoughts of people around her. The range varies with her focus; standard, it's anyone within a range of about fifty feet in any direction. She can close that circle down to either listen to one person's thoughts, or expand it to search a city or town for a particular person. Activated (which she hasn't yet), it allows the user the ability to plant thoughts in others' heads, and potentially control their thoughts.
She considers the ability more of a curse than a blessing since she has never managed to hone it quite well enough to shut it off entirely, and can often be found sitting at a dock or on a beach with her feet in the salt water, just to get some peace and quiet in her own head.
Blades: Karimi carries a pair of daggers with ornately carved ivory handles, the head of a lioness carved into the top of each hilt, in sheaths at either side of her belt. They belonged to her grandmother, who raised her from age four to age fourteen, and also taught her most of what she knows in combat. She also keeps a handful of throwing knives in a holster belted to her right calf, a couple inches below her knee.
Her fighting style relies primarily on agility, evasion, and accuracy rather than raw strength due to her relatively small stature of 5'2".
Haki: Not a master by any means at all. Learned from Red-Haired Shanks during her brief stint working with his crew, used largely to assist in suppressing her devil fruit abilities and making them more manageable. Not really proficient enough to use it for any other application.
Music: Karimi was taught to play guitar, fiddle, and piano by her grandmother, but she hasn't touched an instrument since her grandmother died, so she doesn't know how much of the ability she has retained. Karimi also learned several sea shanties from her, and often hums or quietly sings them to herself while out to sea.
Faceclaim: Jane Fonda c. 1960s, facial structure, skin and hair edited via Faceapp
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Long, dark green hair, in wild curls that she can't do much of anything with except tie back in a bun or stuff under a hat. Sharp emerald green eyes. Fair-skinned with a handful of freckles.
The Resting Bitch Face is strong with this one.
Slender, petite, 5'2" tall.
Tends toward wearing long-sleeved shirts/dresses to cover the scars on her arms. Almost always wears her grandmother's hat, an old and tattered brown leather tricorne with a patch on the front left brim and a few more in the back.
Confident, toeing the line of outright arrogance at times. Humor that ranges from dryly sarcastic to quite silly, depending on who she's around. Guarded. Brooding. Cynical. Empathetic. Gentle. Uses sarcasm as a coping mechanism. Not easily offended. Prominent issues with self-harm and PTSD.
Backstory (prior to beginning of fic)
Karimi has next to no knowledge of her origins. She knows her mother died shortly after giving birth to her, that she was born on her father's ship, and that she got her hands on a devil fruit the crew had found and ate it when she was three or four years old, not knowing what it was. Shortly thereafter she was taken to live with her grandmother on a remote island village called Conch Cove, somewhere on the Grand Line.
Her grandmother, Helena Lionne, had been a pirate captain shortly before Gol D. Roger came around and into his earlyyears of piracy, but Karimi didn't know much about her history. Helena was a powerful haki user, and was able to use the power to dampen Karimi's devil fruit abilities, largely for the sake of the girl's own comfort and sanity. Helena trained her to fight in order to defend herself in the event that she ever left the island, as well as survivalist training. She wasn't shy about telling Karimi that the world could be a dangerous place, particularly for a woman on her own, amd wanted to ensure that her granddaughter had everything she needed to safely make her way in the world.
Karimi found out more about her grandmother a week after her fourteenth birthday.
She discovered that her grandmother had been captain of the Siren Pirates. She discovered her grandmother possessed the abilities of the Mizu Mizu no Mi (logia type, water). She discovered that her bounty was in the billions...and still very much active.
The Marine Admiral who showed up to the island, Admiral Jackson "Volcano" Vesper, brought a large crew with him, with no intention of taking Helena alive. His moniker stemmed not only from his explosive temper, but also from his own devil fruit abilities—the predecessor to Fire Fist Ace, he possessed the power of the Mera Mera no Mi (logia type, fire). He also possessed an intense desire for revenge on the woman that had killed his father.
He didn't bother revealing how he managed to track her down—he simply went in guns blazing. The battle between him and Helena, between his crew and what remained of hers, waged for nearly two entire days, leaving several Marines and villagers dead and the town in total ruin. Karimi stayed hidden the entire time as her grandmother had asked her to, but with Helena's haki focused on defending herself and her allies, Karimi could hear everything with her devil fruit abilities.
She could hear the moment when Admiral Vesper's first mate got the drop on her grandmother, pinned her to the ground with the butt of his rifle, which he had coated in a layer of sea stone, instantly sapping her strength and her devil fruit powers.
Karimi could hear Vesper's thoughts, his intentions to humiliate her, kill her, and return to Marineford with her head.
And Karimi emerged from hiding and managed to toss a throwing a knife into the back of his leg.
She was captured almost immediately. Her physical resemblance to her grandmother in the woman's younger years was noted immediately by Vesper, and he knew in that instant that he had won.
And Karimi knew it too, with the man's bowie knife to her throat.
He agreed to let Karimi go in exchange for Helena's life, and Helena gave in without a second thought when she saw the bowie knife start to cut into her granddaughters neck.
He took the remainder of Helena's old crew as prisoners—the only four other villagers on the island left alive, but not before slitting Helena's throat and sawing her head from her neck with his bowie knife, while Karimi was held captive and forced to watch.
Then he and his men left her there on the remote island, in a ruined village with nothing but the corpses of friends and neighbors and the woman who raised her to keep her company.
She doesn't remember much of the following two weeks. She knows she was able to make a spear out of a throwing knife and a shovel handle to catch fish for food in the shallows around the island. That she had a fresh source of water in the form of a pond. She knows she was nearly through building a raft out of the rubble that was left of the town when another marine ship arrived at the island, captained this time by Vice Admiral Garp the Fist. She was understandably beyond wary of Marines, and she fought tooth and nail, kicking and screaming, when they took her back to their ship.
They took her throwing knives and her grandmother's daggers, and she was forced to stay in the brig because she made very clear that she would gladly gut any marine who came near her. She was still treated with kindness and provided full meals given her situation, and as she bided her time and got her strength back she formed a plan of escape.
She was able to use her devil fruit powers effectively in her escape—by listening around and finding the easiest target. This came in the form of a fifteen year old cadet who would check on her and talk to her during his downtime. He thought she was pretty and couldn't believe she had managed to keep herself alive for two and a half weeks after what she had been through, admired her sheer strength of will. It was incredibly easy to sweet-talk him into getting her weapons back to her, playing on his sympathies by telling him that they were all she had left of her grandmother.
She hid them once she had them, and did a little more sweet-talking...until he agreed to steal the keys and get her out of the cell. Once she was out, she wasted no time in knocking him out, stealing his uniform, stuffing her hair under the hat, and discreetly stealing enough rations to last herself a week and slipping away on a dinghy.
She had no idea where she was or how she was going to get anywhere, but she wasn't exactly of sound mind after the trauma she had endured. Her only thoughts at the time were that she wanted to put as much distance between herself and the Marines as possible.
She was picked up by a merchant vessel after a few days, and they took pity on her story and allowed her to remain on board the ship, assisting in cooking and cleaning in exchange for room and board and safe passage to their next stop. They were bound for Loguetown in the East Blue, and that suited her just fine.
Loguetown was a large city right outside the only passage onto the Grand Line, and it gave her plenty of options for work. She worked odd jobs that provided her with room and board, saving up money over the course of the following two years.
She was working in a tavern and staying at the attached inn when the Red-Hair pirates made port in Loguetown, and she knew she had her ticket back onto the seas, with only one goal in mind—to find her father, and tell him what had become of her grandmother.
Her memories of him were too vague for her to give any decent description, but she wasn't telling anyone her reasons anyway. She waited for her shift to end before approaching Shanks himself and asking, confidently, to join his crew.
That got a tremendous laugh out of the crew at large, but only a little bit of a chuckle from Shanks himself.
"And why would a little slip of a thing like yourself want sail around with a bunch of old men?"
"That's not really important." She sat down at the neighboring table at this. "But what I can provide your crew is."
"And what might that be, love?"
"I've trained with daggers and throwing knives since I was four years old. I also possess the abilities of the Kiku Kiku no Mi."
Yasopp, sitting between Shanks and his first mate Benn Beckman with bis feet propped up on the table, snorted at that, grinning. "So what, it improved your hearing?"
Karimi leveled her eyes with his. "Immensely," she daid. She gave a small smile...and began narrating his thoughts out loud. "'The hell is this girl's deal? Does she have any idea who she's even talking to right now? She can't even be much older than my—Wait. What the hell? What the hell is she—'" His feet slipped off the table, his mouth falling open as he registered what was happening. "'Holy shit, is she in my head? Is—'"
"Okay, you made your point, cut it out!" he half-shouted, staring at her in alarm.
No one was laughing anymore—and she knew she had their full attention now.
"That," Shanks said lightly, the amusement gone from his eyes and replaced with caution—but also intrigue, "is a very dangerous ability for someone as young as yourself to possess."
"I've had it since I was four. I've learned to manage it."
That was, of course, only half true—she could deal with it, yes, but she couldn't fully control it.
After a long, silent moment, in which members of his crew exchanged glances and Shanks quietly studied her, he leaned back in his chair, nodding to himself.
"Let's give you a real test," he said, leaning his arm over the back of his chair. "See how well you can put your abilities to use." Karimi lifted her eyebrows, waiting. "I want you to sneak into the Marine base here in Loguetown. Find where they keep the treasure and money they've confiscated from pirates and thieves they've arrested...and walk out with as much as you can carry." He lifted his bottle of rum from the table. "Undetected."
"Have you lost your goddamned mind?" Shanks glanced across the table at Benn when he spoke up.
"That's been gone for years, but go on."
Benn gave a growl of annoyance at his captain. "She's a kid. You're talking about sending a kid into a damned Marine base to steal from them. That's a suicide mission."
"The girl wants a chance to prove herself," he said simply, shrugging a shoulder. He looked back at her. "That's my offer, love. We're setting out no later than noon tomorrow. You bring your haul to the ship, you can come with us."
Karimi nodded, and stood from her chair. "Then I will see you all no later than noon tomorrow."
A few hours later, when the tavern closed for the night and the crew returned to the ship, they were met with the sight of Karimi, wearing a Marine uniform and sitting on a sizable burlap sack right in the middle of the deck. She stood from it and kicked it over, spilling gold bricks, jewels, and piles of Berry notes and coins across the deck.
Sneaking into the base had honestly been a piece of cake—she found a half-drunk Marine a couple years older than her at another tavern, did a little sweet-talking and got him back to her inn room. Suggested some rather kinky activities that would involve him stripping down and being tied to the bed and he jumped on it. Once he was securely tied, she gathered her few belongings, put on his uniform, put a do-not-disturb sign on the door, and slipped out the window.
It had taken longer to find and get into the rooms where they kept any seized contraband, but it had been as simple as keeping her head down and listening. Hiding and ducking down empty halls when she heard anyone drawing too close. The entire ordeal had taken just under three hours.
After a long stretch of silence, it was Benn Beckman that voiced what everyone was thinking.
"Holy shit."
Shanks grinned over at him. "Suicide mission, aye?"
She was officially welcomed aboard the ship at this, as promised, but there was some deal of commotion when she told them her name.
Particularly her surname.
She learned very quickly that both Shanks and his first mate were familiar with her father—and that Benn utterly despised him. To the point that he, however briefly, threatened to throw Karimi off the ship himself against his captain's will if necessary. The brief altercation ended in Benn storming off to the gun deck on his own, leaving Karimi wondering if she had made the right choice of crew.
Shanks was far more personable.
He told her about her father—Lyon D. Rollo.
He described her father as having been like "the annoying little brother he never wanted." Told her about their time spent as deckhands aboard the Oro Jackson. About his devil fruit abilities that had caused absolutely nothing but trouble for years because they were incredibly difficult to master without massive repercussions: the Kaze Kaze no Mi (logia type: wind).
Told her how they met Benn not long after Roger's execution after setting out on their own—Benn and his younger sister, Sedna, who he had looked after on his own since he was around sixteen and she was six, when their parents had been killed by raiding pirates.
Who Karimi's father had apparently fallen inmediately head over heels for. Said he refused to leave town without her, and did exactly as he set out to. Benn had refused to leave her side, and came with them despite his hatred of pirates at the time.
It was a year later that Shanks and her father had gone their separate ways. It had always been the plan, as they were both too stubborn to accept being anything but captains. Once they gathered enough of their own crew members and got their own ships, they parted as friends. Benn stayed with Shanks, and Sedna remained with Lyon.
It wasn't long after that they recieved word that Sedna had been killed during a firefight with the Marines.
"He never mentioned a child," said Shanks, shaking his head and looking at Karimi like he was looking at a ghost as he leaned forward against the railing around the bow. "I imagine he couldn't have been much older than seventeen." He shook his head a little, still in disbelief. "I don't think I need devil fruit abilities to know what you're doing here."
Karimi nodded shortly. "Do you know where—?"
"No, unfortunately."
No one knew where Lyon was—it had been five years since Shanks actually last saw him, and he and his entire crew seemed to have just vanished into thin air around a year ago, despite still holding active bounties.
Karimi didn't tell him anything else, not why she was looking for him—only that she was, and that she had no intention of remaining with the Red Hair crew for the long term. Just long enough to get a bit of money together and purchase her own ship, something small like a sloop that she could handle by herself.
She ended up sailing with the Red Hair Pirates for around two years, give or take few months. Shanks became something of a mentor to her over that period of time, taking time to train her in Busoshoku Haki, the same type of Haki that her grandmother had used to repress Karimi's Devil Fruit abilities, so Karimi could use it herself when she wished to. It wasn't fool-proof, but it at least helped lessen the mental load.
Once on her own, Karimi ultimately began working as a mercenary; taking on jobs with various pirate crews that required stealth or a subtle touch, avoiding Marines as much as possible, and attempting to gather any information she could about her father, but to no avail on the latter front—it really seemed like he and his crew had just vanished into thin air. His bounty was still active, along with those of his first mate and officers, but no one had heard hide nor hair of them in literaly years.
Nothing much changed for her until Karimi took a job from the Buggy Pirates a few years later, at twenty-four years old. Buggy was searching for a map of the Grand Line, and he needed someone to steal it for him, since he and his crew more or less stood out like sore thumbs and couldn't very discreetly sneak into the naval base in Shells Town where it was being kept. She was reluctant to accept—she usually avoided jobs that had anything at all to do with the Marines, but Buggy made an offer she couldn't refuse.
He claimed to have information about her father that he would gladly trade for the map.
She kept her ship anchored next to Buggy's overnight to set to preparing, planning to make way for Shells Town first thing the following morning...but news came down the grapevine that night that the map had been stolen during a break-in by another pirate crew into the Marine base.
In his rage that his plans were foiled after spending months gathering information, Buggy laid the blame on the hired hand—that she had left immediately, she could have beaten the other crew to the base and gotten the map first. He ultimately sunk her sloop, nearly with her on it before she managed to gather her most valuable items and get herself onto Buggy's ship, where he informed her she would be working for him until her debt at failing to get him the map was paid off—now she was going to have to steal it from the pirates that had taken it.
Karimi had little choice but to agree—being a devil fruit user, it would be far too risky for her to steal a dinghy and take her chances with thr open oceans.
They found the crew on a schooner and took them prisoner easily enough, given that there were only three of them. Karimi recognized one of them from a description Shanks had mentioned during her time with the Red Hair Pirates of the boy he had lost his arm to a sea monster saving (a story that she had honestly thought had to be an exaggeration), who claimed to be their captain and insisted he was going to be king of the pirates...while the other two claimed they weren't even a crew.
Whatever the case, Karimi knew they were her ticket out of servitude to the Buggy Pirates, and mutinied against them the second that the odds shifted in favor of Luffy, Zoro, and Nami.
Luffy was more than happy to welcome her aboard their tiny ship, especially on learning that she knew Shanks. She didn't tell them of her devil fruit abilities, still keeping them suppressed with Haki, a mistake she would regret in the next island they made port at due largely to their schooner springing a leak. They lucked out on landing in a town with a shipyard, but none of them really had a Berry to spare between them to actually purchase a new ship—the vast majority of the money that Karimi had saved herself had sunk to the bottom of the ocean with her own ship amd most of her worldly possessions.
On meeting and quickly befriending Usopp at the shipyard and learning the owner of the place was his "best friend," they had something of a plan, if a bit of a ridiculous one—Luffy was convinced that if he just talked to Kaya and explained their situation, she would just give him a ship and they could be off and on their way.
Both Karimi and Zoro recognized the butler Klahador, but couldn't quite put their finger on why. This was Karimi's mistake—she didn't think enough of it to release her haki and just listen in on his thoughts. It wasn't until everything later fell apart in Kaya's mansion that she did release her haki and quickly learn he was Captain Kuro, a cutthroat captain who had been believed dead for years, that he had been poisoning Kaya for years, and that he planned to murder Kaya and take over the estate himself that night.
She also learned while her abilities were active that Nami had every intention of stealing the Grand Line map and taking it to the pirate crew she was serving against her will. By this point Karimi had developed a soft spot for all three members of the Strawhat Crew (even if two of them still claimed not to be a crew), but she decided not to confront Nami about it—yet.
Kaya was more than happy to gift them a ship after they helped defeat Kuro and freed her from his suppression. She offered Karimi one as well, but she declined, stating that she would prefer to purchase one herself once she had the means to do so—but that she would happily return to Syrup Village and purchase one from Kaya's family's shipyard. In truth, she was honestly enjoying her time with the ragtag little crew, and wanted to stick around with them just a bit longer to see how far Luffy's ambitions could take them.
Usopp joined them at this point as the crew's sharpshooter. They were intercepted not far from Syrup Village by a Marine ship, and Karimi recognized Vice Admiral Garp almost immediately—as did Luffy, to her and the others' astonishment on finding our that Garp was his grandfather. Luffy was able to use his devil fruit abilities to deflect a cannonball thrown at their ship by Garp, and damage Garp's ship enough for them to slip away into a dense fog and lose their pursuers.
They happened by pure luck upon the restaurant ship Baratie, where our story begins in earnest, following Luffy's idiocy at trying to pass off a very expensive bill with an I.O.U. and getting stuck washing dishes in the kitchen to pay it off.
Helena Lionne (OC): Grandmother, deceased. A powerful pirate captain in her heyday, Helena disappeared from the seas without a word one day and no one really knew where she had gone. Helena raised Karimi from age four to fourteen, when she was tragically murdered by a revenge-crazed marine admiral whose father Helena had killed years earlier when she was still pirating. Karimi looked up to her immensely and loved her to death, and thinking about her still hurts.
Lyon D. Rollo (OC): A active pirate captain on the grand line, though no one has heard hide nor hair of him or his crew (the Hurricane Pirates) in years. She's been trying to find him for the past ten years, to tell him what happened to her grandmother/his mother, since Karimi was the only witness left alive and no one else would be able to tell him exactly what happened. It doesn't help that she last saw him at four years old, and remembers next to nothing about him. He's actually the one who gave her the hat—he took it when he left home at thirteen to become a pirate himself, and left it with her when he took her to her grandmother. (A/N, if and when I ever get to working on Any Way The Wind Blows, it will be about his history.)
Red-Haired Shanks: Working with the Red-Hair pirates for two years led to her becoming fairly close with Shanks. He had known her father over two decades and became quite protective of her as a direct result, with her looking at him almost as a father figure as well as a mentor.
Benn Beckman: The first mate of Red-Haired Shanks, Karimi learned from Shanks that her mother had been Benn's younger sister, Sedna, and that Benn absolutely despised her father and blamed him for his younger sibling's untimely death. As a result, Benn spent a while both wary and untrusting of Karimi and treating her with indifference that bordered on hostility; but he eventually let it go, accepting that she was capable (and, in his own words, "a hell of a lot smarter than Lyon D. Dipshit"),
The Marines: Karimi positively despises Marines, with the sole exception of Garp since has come to recognize that she wouldn't be alive if not for him, though good luck getting her to admit it.
Luffy: For her short spell traveling with Luffy and his "crew," she bonded with Luffy pretty quickly, coming to see him like a goofy little brother. He absolutely reveled in hearing stories about her time on the ocean, especially any that involved her time on Shanks's crew. She's quick to scold him for his naivety and questionable decisions, but it's mostly out of care; his ambition is definitely infectious, and she wants to see him achieve everything he's set out to do.
Nami: As the only other girl on the Going Merry, Karimi did her best to get close to Nami, especially on learning about her tragic situation with the Arlong Pirates via her devil fruit abilities, but Nami makes herself intentionally distant.
Zoro: She butted heads a fair bit with Zoro, largely due to both of them being exceedingly sarcastic, but she doesn't hate him by any means. Quite the contrary, she admires his abilities as a fighter and passes time sparring with him on the deck. They're about evenly matched in fighting ability, as his style relies largely on strength and her own on evasion and agility.
Usopp: Usopp is always quick to pipe in with his own epic stories of his supposed adventures when Karimi mentions any of her own past ventures. Not unlike Luffy, she looks at him almost like a younger sibling, though honestly he annoys her a little more than Luffy.
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miqomonkly · 10 months
Alright, the OC brainworms are strong today, so I'm gonna take some time and write down some thoughts I'm having for new OCs. If I don't, then I'll never do it, and they'll never see the light of day, which is too horrible a crime to imagine! 😫
Alright, first we have:
Derniergeant Noblecoeur
This character is a male Elezen Duskwight. I'm still trying to determine his name; I want it to be something that can be shortened to John.
Yes, "John." I know it's considered to be a boring name, but this name has special meaning to me, and I would be remiss to not give it to a character I play.
The idea behind John is that he is a bit of a self insert, though not quite; he's a shy sort of fellow, can be awkward to be around, and is actually very intelligent! And deep beneath the weird and knowledge, his heart is bigger than that of a dragon.
Speaking of dragons, John actually spent a good portion of his life in Ishgard. After his parents, former Duskwight bandits, died in an ill-conceived raid on a Gridanian supply caravans, he was passed around between several "caretakers." Each would pass him off quickly as his desire to be one of them was nonexistent. Eventually, the boy would stow away on a diplomatic envoy to Ishgard.
Once more, fate would conspire against him; the envoy was attacked shortly after crossing into Ishgard by none other than the Dravanian Horde. No survivors... except John.
Temple knights arrive sometime after, and take the little Duskwight back to Ishgard. There, he meets a younger Stephanivien, and discovers the wonders of Machinstry.
I have to stop there. I wanna write more, but I've got two others to introduce and this post feels long already XD
Minnow Merigyem
Minnow is a Hyuran Midlander girl. She was born to a woman by the name of Nevva; she never learned her birth father's name. During her youth, her mother became betrothed to a Roegadyn man named Wastlahz, a sailor in work for the Admiral.
Though he was more often out at sea than at home, the leave he accrued allowed him anple time to watch his little Minnow grow into a fine young woman. The two shared many a tale of ne'erdowells and scallywags, adveture and treasure, all while their mother laughed and sang along to their boisterous sea shanties well into the night. When Watslahz finally proposed, it was with his soon to be daguther's blessing.
The marriage was due to take place around her 17th summer. Unfortunately, it was that same summer Garlemald made their move on Cartenau. Their little family had been in Gridania, making the final preparations for the ceremony when word of Dalamud's descent reached them.
Wastlahz took the fastest carriage he could find and herded his family inside, riding west to try and get to the coast. They made it as far as Eastern Thanalan...
Then Bahamut emerged. Their cart was caught in the raining debris and Megaflare.
Nevva didn't make it.
When the chaos finally settled, Minnow's father by bond carried the lifeless body of her mother to Drybone. There, they mourned for a great while, both devastated by the sudden, painful loss of one they both cherished so dearly. Minnow couldn't imagine a world without her...
But the courage of a single Miqo'te woman, with tearstained cheeks and a heart of gold, pushed her forward.
Tijin Denijin
Tijin Denijin is a lalafell of a peculiar nature. Son of a wealthy Ul'dahn family, it was expected that he would fall in line and study to become the proper heir to his family's estate.
This was not at all what Tijin had in mind!
Ever since he was a whelp, Tijin was loud and slightly obnoxious, but lovable all the same. He would often do crazy and rambunctious things just to get people to laugh or react in any manner. It gave him a spark of joy, of excitement, though his parents assured him he would grow out of it.
Now, he is almost forty summers old, and he can assure everyone that he has certainly not outgrown it!
Leaving his parents at the age of twenty, he joined with a caravan of performers to make his way across the continent. He would dance, sing, and pantomime his way into the hearts of many, leaving them with a smile and a flamboyant bow.
Then the Calamity came.
His caravan was destoryed; friends he had grown close to annihilated in the blink of an eye. Everything he had once enjoyed... gone.
Save for him.
He awoke in the care of the conjurers of Gridania, having slept comatose for nearly seven moons. When he learned the fate of his Caravan, he was dumbstruck and heartbroken. All he had worked for and with, no more?
What was he to do? He had nowhere to go, no means to get home... would his family even accept him?
He broodes on this dilemma for weeks while being tended to. He nearly gave into despair when a family with a young boy was brought into their care. The child was sullen, quiet... cold. The devastation wrought upon the world had touched the poor boy with a numbing finger, consigning him to a life of apathy and nhilism...
If Tijin didn't do something.
And sure enough, he did something.
Well enough to stand, the lalafell began to jiggle and jive in a way that caught the boy's eye. Soon, a smile would spread on his face. Then his parents, the chirurgeouns... soon, everyone in triage was laughing and signing in a way that would not be heard for some long time again.
Tijin didn't know what his future held. But he would be damned if he didn't go out and bring a little light to this bleak world.
Aaaaand that marks the end of my current OC ideas. There is still SOOOO much I wanna write about them, but first, I need to get a few things squared away... namely, actually create them in game! XD
Don't worry! You'll see lots more of these guys to come, I promise
...though if someone wants to shoot me an idea or two for my Elezen's name, I'd be grateful xD
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msm-tsotmw · 1 year
"Hello there. To any of you who may be reading this, I am [------], the Strombonin from Cold Island. I've recently been informed by my friend [-------] that-"
"Hiiii [------]! Whatcha doing? Who are you writing to?"
"Oh, greetings [---------]. I'm simply writing to a trio of traveling monsters. [-------] told me about them a while ago after their visit to Fire Oasis."
"Whoah! That's cool! But what are those weird empty spaces though?"
"Ah, it seems that not even the ask box allows for names yet…"
"Oh. So we can't tell them our names?"
"No, but we can call each other by our species name. *ahem* As I've said, I'm Strombonin from Cold Island, and my dearest friend here is Yawstrich."
"Hello! :D"
"Anyway, back to the topic at hand. I'm writing this to wish you three safe travels on your journey, wherever it may lead you. May you be safe and discover many great things on your quest."
"And hopefully you get back to your homes safe with whatever you get to bring back! It'd be cool to see something from new on Air Island, recently it's been harder to find things to do on there."
"That's because you've been "grounded", Yawstrich."
"Well- okay yeah that's true, but stiilll! It's boring without you and the others :("
"Why don't you two just kiss already?"
"OH MY GOD [--------] WHY ARE YOU HERE!?"
"Because >:)"
"Ugh, whatever. Just leave us alone. Can't you see that me and Yawstrich are doing something right now?"
"What I'm seeing is you two being idiots right now! Like, you two are already so-"
"Shut. Not another word out of you. Go away right now. And leave us in peace."
"Make me >;)"
"… [---------], keep writing. I dealing with this damn jester myself."
"Wha- oop!… And they're gone… Umm, sorry about that! [--------]- um, I mean, Hyehehe and Strombonin don't get along very well. They're always fighting about something ever since Hyehehe came to Mythical Island. Hope you don't mind that!"
"Umm, [--------]? Would you mind trying to calm down [------] right about now?"
"Yeah, it's like, totally killing the vibe, man."
"Oh, hi [-----], [-------]! Oh right, you can't type names here. These are G'joob and Anglow! And the one that Strombonin is chasing is Hyehehe! We're all chilling on Mythical Island right now and-"
"*ahem* [---------], if you could please calm [------] down right now before they actually throw Wheezel at [--------] that would be very much appreciated!"
"Wait they're doing what! Uh, umm- but they told me to-!!!"
"... Aaaand there goes Wheezel… I'll go get the little dude, check up on him for anything bad, y'know?"
"Thank you [-------]…"
"… Okay, I should probably get going now before Hyehehe starts making Strombonin tear down the castle next... Hope you guys have a safe trip! Bye bye now!"
(They all forgot to sign on this post...)
Ahahah , Thank You !! We Will Be Leaving The Shanty To Explore More Soon , And I’m Glad You’re Wishing Us Well . But We’re A Bit Delayed Since My Sister And Punkleton Hid Furcorn’s Glasses Somewhere 😅 Also , I Know Hyehehe Can Be A Bit … Rude Sometimes , Hahah ! Speaking From Experience .
ey thanks
T(abk yo7 for th3 widhes, but I’m ttying to lpok for my gladdes.
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I stole this from a copypasta group.
1: To 'hold space' for someone = To sit and stare at someone with emotional issues for an uncomfortable amount of time, then pat yourself on the back for basically doing nothing while your homie has a breakdown.
2: I'm in transition = I'm unemployed and totally fucking lost, so I have created an identity out of being an opportunist. Maybe you have some trim work for me or food? Or a trade? I do crystal readings!
3: I'm processing a lot of downloads from the Universe = I smoked too much DMT and can’t afford therapy. By pretending that my fragile brain is a sacred record keeper, I receive validation for speaking gibberish.
4: I'm a lightworker/empath = I am depressed and unstable and take zero responsibility for my own self-destructive tendencies, and need to focus on condescending your dark shit to avoid my own. (PS: I'll diagnose you as a narcissist)
5: I am a Reiki Master= I crave human contact, And this makes me feel less insecure than Tinder. I can cross personal physical boundaries with ease if I so choose, depending on what my client looks like, or I can think about random things while getting paid handsomely to hold my hands awkwardly over someone’s body.
6: You have an amazing Aura = I would love to bang you.
7: I am writing a travel blog = I don't want to go home, I no longer fit in: I never have. I don't know where I will end up, but I’d like to get paid to figure it out.
8: I'm not looking for a relationship/ only deep soul connections = I have commitment issues and fear of intimacy so I collect partners with compatible insecurities. I understand you will head off to Thailand soon anyways. “Bread-crumbing my love keeps me safe” is my mantra, while I dip my dick like a candlestick in every Shanti ratchet priestess in town.
9: 'Inner Goddess Within' workshops = An understanding of daddy Issues and a way to overdevelop the masculine side to protect the little girl within. Helping participants to surrender to the bias that all men are shit ( all of this for a nominal fee). The level 2 masterclass will teach you how to galactivate your man’s scrotum chakra enough to make him forget that you pay for bullshit workshops with his harvest money.
10: A guru = Someone who has overstepped the threshold of self-development into supreme egotism and found a niche market. Carries a flute and has a name you can't pronounce (though his driver's license says Steve) and chants words he doesn’t understand. But interesting tattoos...right?
11. A shaman = see above.
12: Worshipping the Beloved = Classic scenario where a cluster B personality type convinces you at a festival that you are their twin flame, lost for centuries in the ether. If you have never been loved by your primary caregivers, this is paradise on earth as your fear of abandonment gets spanked with a mala on the magical, mystery tour of self-deception.
13: In the flow = I never commit to anything, especially plans to do anything with anyone, so that I can completely flake out and not take any responsibility for it; ie I didn’t pay my phone bill this month.
14: Co-creating a retreat/gathering = my borderline personality friends and I have exhausted all other means of making an honest income, and have decided instead to use our social media clout (aka naked buttcheeks) to radically overcharge a too-large group of saps for 2-14 days of mediocre vegan food, awkward group encounters, and real-world-style sexual politics.
15; Substance Free Event = Powder drugs are fine but if you bring alcohol, we’ll judge the shit out of you. Tobacco’s cool if you snort it and call it "ceremony" or roll your own.
16: Speaking My Truth = I reserve the right to be an asshole in this conversation and you must honor it, regardless of how deep my delusion may be. I’ll probably use this phrase every time I don’t want to be called out for my phony bullshit, because it’s all perspective man.
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shantiesofthegar · 3 years
Clone Shanties and Songs to Keep Track of
As of now they aren’t in any particular order or grouping by genre. This might change.
Some of these songs did not have titles in their original posts/submissions so some of these are working titles. Send in an ask and we’ll change it to whatever you want to call it. Same policy for the short descriptions afterwards, if you want anything added let us know and we’ll fix it.
The 501st On Leave (Drinking Song) - to the tune of the Colonel Bogey March [An upbeat song about the kind of antics that the 501st gets up to when they’re not fighting the good fight; Under a cut for adult implications (including references to drinking, drugs, violence, gambling, and sex.)] by @crystalshard
The Negotiator comes - to the tune of the Wellerman [Sung by the 501st when they are waiting for the 212th for reinforcements] by @songbird-wings
What Will We do with a Drunken Jedi? - to the tune of What do you do with a Drunken Sailor [sung by the 501st and the 212th; nobody’s quite sure which Jedi they’re talking about in the last section, a series of bets has been placed since there’s been multiple reported sightings of several Jedi sneaking off with politicians] by @songbird-wings
Leave her, Brother - to the tune of Leave her Johnny! [sung by the Shinies leaving Kamino for the first time] by @songbird-wings
The General’s Robes are Gone - [I don’t know the tune, but it just gets louder as every trooper joins in, and definitely something to make fun of Obi Wan specifically for a great time] by @alderaani
Jetii at Our Side - to the tune of My Jolly Sailor Bold [I think it speaks for itself, or sings for itself in this case] by @rose-blooms-red
He’s Got No Robes At All - (don’t know the tune) [Another song about how General Kenobi loses his robes, although maybe more popular amongst all the battalions since it seems that all Jedi adhere to a strict code of dramatics] by @the-stars-are-warring
Corrie Guards’ Guides for the Shinies - to the tune of Excursion ‘Round the Bay [Fun song about all the things you can do wrong and be put on Commander Fox’s bad side. A rejected, suggested title was going to be What does the Fox (Make you) Say] by @leias-left-hair-bun
“Bless” ‘em All - to the tune of Bless ‘em All [I love this song. It’s so great. I love it. It’s incredible and sensational, and definitely speaks to the Clones’ ability to deal with every single thing with a shit-eating grin as they mentally curse all the bad ideas and plans that they have to deal with. I do recommend listening to the version by Sods’ Opera (warning for language though)] by @leias-left-hair-bun
When the Last Ship’s Launched - no particular tune, suggestions welcome! [It’s sad, you have been warned. Also a ShantiesOfTheGAR original] by @shantiesofthegar
Growing up on Kamino - (don’t know the tune) [The clones bond about many things, and they share many things, being clones. And while they disagree on many things, one thing they can all agree on, is that Kamino Cloning Labs was a shitty place to grow up] by @kyber-queen
Good Soldiers Follow Orders - (no tune yet) [You might say “this is a poem”. And you’d be correct. But aren’t all songs just poems put to a beat. Certainly read better poetry than a lot of lyrics out there. This is very good and was prefaced with the phrase “Jesse Angst”. This is a very apt description. I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that it’s not made popular until after the Clone Wars, deals with thoughts, feelings and the fallout of Order 66.] by @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life
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jotatetsuken · 2 years
i don't wanna be okay without you
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submission for: @h-shibas's "Lights, Camera, Action" Collab (also, here's wishing the organizer a happy birthday too <33)
type of writing: oneshot
trope: actor au, film au, love triangle (story’s inspired from many Hindi movies, especially Om Shanti Om minus the reincarnation part, iykyk)
warnings: living a hard life in the slums, familial isolation, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of domestic abuse, toxic marriage, mentions of miscarriage, adultery, angst from Erwin, comfort from Levi, Erwin being a sexist director, police arrest, suggestive (implied NSFW, so minors please DNI), please lmk if i miss any more cw . also this is kinda dark so i'm tagging it as dark content just in case
song: i don’t wanna be okay without you - charlie burg
beta reading: @beware-of-the-rogue @tsukisdarling
tagging: @akaashi-todorki @hyeque @wakatshi @wakasa-wifey @azrail-core @fuwushiguro @ry0m3n @tokyometronetwork @cirigiri @reinaphoria @scandescent @zorosbozo @megumischubbycheeks
(taglist form / library account, turn on notifications to be updated)
number of words: 4880
a/n: okay, so this took me A MONTH to do this, and I'm finally finally here. I know I touch on really sensitive topics here, but I've had this story in my head for weeks now, so i hope y'all understand. ALSO, I love Erwin Smith, okay? I've made him a villain for the sake of the plot, nothing else. Likes, comments and reblogs, especially reblogs are appreciated. also, fyi, i do not condone cheating in any way. Also, (Y/N) = Your name, (L/N) = Last Name, (E/C) = Eye Color
Levi was sprinting through the dimly lit halls, pursued by onlookers. When he used to dwell in The Underground, a covert term for the filthiest slums in Mitras, Wall Sheena's most populous city, he had stolen a loaf of bread from the bakery. “Thief, thief,” shouted the crowd behind him as he bolted for his life. He wasn't a coward, and he was a self-taught marksman and martial arts student, but he was in a hurry to assist his ailing mother, Kuchel. She could only eat one loaf of bread at a time. He tripped over a rock while running and was about to drop the loaf of bread when he screamed. As he yelled, his body jolted as he was startled awake by the ringing of his mobile alarm. He grumbled and turned off the alarm, taking deep breaths to bring himself back to reality.
 He sat up and drew his legs closer to him, his elbows on his knees, his face on his open hands, and he groaned nonstop. He had been having recurring nightmares for a long time and had no idea how to stop them. With troubled eyes, he gazed to his left at a framed photo of his mother, who was currently in a coma, hoping that she would recover soon enough to witness his debut in his first cinematic venture. His phone abruptly rang at the right bedside table. He checked the caller ID and saw that it was Furlan, one of his best pals who was now working as an assistant director in the Eldian Film Industry, along with two other people on the conference call.
Levi answers the phone, his jaw clenching in irritation, only to hear his two other close friends, Isabel and Hange, shriek at the fact that Levi was half-naked. “Put on a freaking shirt, Levi bro,” Isabel grumbles, her left arm concealing her eyes while her right grips the phone. He gets out of bed, throws the phone on the bed, looks for a black full-sleeve shirt, puts it on, and returns to the call with a large grunt.
Isabel teases, “It took you long enough, Levi bro.” “Get to the point, Isabel,” Levi continued, grumbling. “Why did you all call me?” says the narrator. Hange rambled on, enthralled. “I hope you remember, Leviiiii, that you have to meet him today.” “Who is he?” Levi wondered, his eyes narrowing. “Erwin Smith, the head of the Survey Corps Productions,” Furlan interjected. “He was the one who cast your mo-” “Shhh!” Isabel says to Furlan, calming him down. “Levi bro doesn't need to be reminded of his mother's lineage.”
“All right, I'll go,” Levi said, sighing. “Now, everyone, hang up, right now. Don't forget to meet me there, four-eyes,” he said, addressing Hange.
They saluted him and said, “Aye, captain,” putting an end to the call. “Ugh, Do I really have to do this?” he grumbled, but then turned to gaze at his mother's photo and replied, “Only for you, ma.”
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Levi chose to go by a mononym when he discovered he was descended from the Ackerman family, one of Tinseltown's most prominent families along with the Yeager and Arlert families because he carried animosity towards the clan for isolating his mother when he was born out of wedlock. He'd worked odd jobs, extra roles, and minor actor roles ever since to develop a sense of punctuality, cleanliness, orderliness, and a sense of understanding of the profession so he could help her find work. Until she was involved in an accident and went into a long-term coma, with doctors unsure when she would wake up. That’s when a tall, blonde-haired man with a certain nobility about himself introduced himself to Levi as Erwin Smith, the renowned director. 
“Levi, I was good friends with your mother. Ever since her banishment, I've made it a point to find her work in some capacity.”
Rolling his eyes, Levi says, “Look, Mr. Smith, I understand that you’ve extended your helping hand to my mother in the past, but now you can wash your hands of her,” gesturing to Erwin’s hands, “because she’s in a coma, and there’s nothing you can do to help.”
Erwin adds, folding his arms, “I knew you’d say something like that. Hence, I did not only come here to see Kuchel but also to see you. I'm offering you a lead role in my film, 'Attack on Titan,' as your first major cinematic role. You can then invest your money towards her treatment. How do you feel about that?”
He then turned to face his dying mother, who was still on a ventilator and fighting for her life. He then phoned his manager, Hange Zöe, as well as his best friends, Furlan Church and Isabel Magnolia, who had already entered the film industry, working as assistant directors to Miche Zacharius. They eventually persuaded him to do the film after a long and drawn-out argument. Levi then shook Erwin's hand and agreed to the bargain.
Erwin saw Levi and Hange come into the office with a black polo neck shirt and blue jeans on the first day of the script reading of ��Attack on Titan.” “Okay, let's finish this soon,” Levi grunted, to which Erwin replied, “sure, sure, come in. The actress has yet to arrive.”
Suddenly, someone knocked on the door a couple of times before Erwin answered, “Come in,” causing the door to open and you to enter. In addition to your black jeans, you were wearing a white shirt with lace at the top. Every time you showed up, it was as if the entire world came to a halt for Levi.
When Levi saw you for the first time in the film, “Shiganshina Came Crumbling Down,” his eyes lit up. Not only was he in awe of your beauty, but also of the way you carried yourself. When he played small parts in TV shows and movies such as “Escape to Trost,” “Life at the Garrison,” and so on, he gained more respect for you. In your initial encounters and later interactions, you appeared kind to him.
He shook his head in disbelief, “Mr. Smith, am I-” Erwin smiled, continuing, “I remember you said you liked (Y/N) (L/N), so what better way to get to know her than by working with her?”
Both of you shook hands with each other, you stated while smiling, “It will be a pleasure to work with you, Levi,” and he agreed, replying “Same here, Ms. (L/N).” As they sat, she laughed and said, “Please, call me (Y/N). It's okay.”
As she turned to Erwin, Levi noticed that she had a genuine bond with him, one based on love and respect. You honestly felt glad that you had Erwin by your side. He’d been there for your ups and downs and stayed with you by your side. He was your husband after all.
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However, because Erwin wanted to keep the marriage a secret (one of the reasons being that the industry is not kind to married women working in films), only both of your friends were the ones that knew, which included Mikasa Ackerman, Eren Yeager, Armin Arlert, Jean Kirstein, Connie Springer, and Sasha Braus. They were the ones who would keep an eye on you and warn you to be cautious around Erwin. Not because he didn't love you; he just had a different way of expressing it.
As you and Levi rehearsed the lines from the script, you both silently noticed that the flow was surprisingly smooth, as if they knew exactly what and how they were going to say the lines. Erwin was ecstatic about the interaction. The script readings went so well for a few days that you all decided to start shooting right away.
Months after the filming began, the level of difficulty gradually increased, especially for Levi. “I don't know how to channel these feelings into acting.”
“That's because you always have a straight face,” Furlan joked, and Isabel laughed along. Levi scowled at both of them, causing them to stand firm.
“Well, why don't you guys bond?” Hange suggested, laughing. “Start talking more, and maybe you guys will eventually help each other, and Leviii, maybe it will benefit you in some way,” they shrugged and grinned at him.
After some thought, Levi responded, “I don't see why that wouldn't be a good opportunity.” “So it's settled,” Erwin said as he clapped. “Levi, you and (Y/N) should get together and practice lines, stat.”
You went to Levi's house that day and began rehearsing the lines. While you two were taking a break, Levi nervously asked, “Would you like anything to drink? Tea, coffee, or something else?” You replied, “I'd like tea with milk, please.” Levi smiled at you, nodding in agreement and relieved that you liked tea as much as he did.
You enjoyed his way of making tea while you two were drinking. “Levi, this is some of the best tea I've ever had!” you exclaimed with twinkling eyes, “how did you learn to make it?”
Levi's eyes became sad as he looked down at the ground and said, “My mother used to teach me. She enjoyed drinking tea like this.”
You placed your hand on his and said, “Erwin informed me of the situation. I'm truly sorry. What is your mother's condition?”
Levi sighed, “She's doing okay, but I'm...,” his voice becoming softer as his shoulders sagged. “I'm terrified, (Y/N). What if she doesn't make it? Everything will be for naught.”
You took a deep breath and held his hand, “Levi, if it weren't for Erwin, I wouldn't be here today. As the world knows, the (L/N) family is well-known, but it wasn't always that way. They were in shambles and were unable to support themselves. When I was seven years old, my parents split, and I was raised by two families, one of whom, the (L/N) family, became famous. It was through them that I first met Erwin. Our conversation finally led to a strong friendship. However, both of my families liked to tell me what to do, how to eat, and how to look, and that bothered me a lot, it made me feel uncomfortable within my skin, but then Erwin promised them that he’d take care of me and I moved out of the house ever since.”
“The fact that I’m able to be the way I want to be where I am, was because I chose to do so,” you continued, putting your hand on Levi’s shoulder, smiling, “and so can you. I’m very sure that your mother loves you very much and wants nothing but the best for you. I know you’re doing this for her, and she must already be proud of you for going through this regardless.”
He turned to you with a sorrowful expression, his anxious breaths slowly calming down, smiling at you, “thank you, (Y/N). It meant a lot, and I’m sorry I had no idea you were going through a lot.”
Nodding, you smiled at him, and like gravity was trying to set you two up, you were about to stand up, but because your feet were sore, you stumbled and were about to fall off your chair, only for Levi to catch you. Both of you couldn’t explain what this pull you had towards each other but as you were going to give in to the moment, your faces approaching each other, you’re brought back to reality with a jolt as you receive a phone call from Erwin.
“Hi, Erwin,” you answer the call, and you hear from the other side, “babe, are you still at Levi’s house? Let me pick you up.” You nod, “yes, Erwin, I’m here. Thank you, please let me know whenever you’re here.”
You two adjust your clothing as if you were about to commit a travesty. “Can we not-” you start, but Levi interrupts you, “don’t worry, I won’t tell Erwin or anyone. Thank you, for everything.”
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You nodded, thanking Levi, as you got a call from Erwin, where he informs you that he had reached. Levi waved goodbye to you as you got into the car with Erwin, who said, “I miss you, baby,” as he kissed you on the cheek, and you smiled while he drove you home.
Over the next few days, shooting continued as usual, but suddenly, one day, you felt uneasy, nauseated, even. So you said you would be back in five minutes. That five minutes turned into an hour. Erwin checked on you in the meantime, and another hour passed by.  
Levi was then sent to your vanity car to call for you but as he approached you, he could hear you crying from outside. So, to avoid being caught, he stayed out of their line of vision, while peering through their window. “Babe, I can’t do this, I can’t hide whatever we have with us,” you vent to Erwin as Levi overhears with a confused expression.
“(Y/N),” Erwin said with a straight face, “you know that the fans of the Elysian Film Industry are not kind towards married women,” causing Levi to gasp silently in shock, but what was said next, caused him to go blank for a while, “let alone be married to me and be the mother of our child.”
In trying to comprehend what he had just heard, Levi realized he needed to get out of their sight before Erwin saw him. Thus, he hid behind the vanity car. His heart sank as he squatted on the ground, shocked to learn that his romantic interest was married and pregnant. It irked him more as he realized that you had to hide all of this due to prejudice against married women.
A moment later, he contemplated walking out of the film shooting, the reason being that it hit too close to home. He was reminded of why he hated this industry, to begin with, because his mother was isolated from him by it. Even so, he was determined not to leave you behind as he wiped the tears from his cheeks despite not having realized they were flowing. Instead, he will be by your side every step of the way.
Levi waited for Erwin to go before knocking on your door and calling out to you as he clenched his fist and clicked his tongue in annoyance. As Erwin left, he knocked, “Can I come in, (Y/N)?” You responded, “sure, please come in,” sniffling and wiping away your tears as you put on a phony grin.
When Levi enters, he kneels alongside you and takes your hand in both of his. He looks at you, concernedly. “(Y/N)? Is everything alright with you? Can I help you in any way?”
Even though you smiled, cupped his cheek, and said, “I'm fine, Levi. Thank you for taking such good care of me. I was just sick, that’s all,” he wasn't convinced by your response, but he was willing to overlook it all for the sake of your well-being.
Because you weren't feeling well during the next few days, production had to wind up early. Levi had noticed that your face had turned pale and you'd lost your usual pleasant smile one day at the shooting when you opted to leave early. Your shoulder had a bruise that he could see through. He sensed something had happened to you, and he was determined to find out what it was.
This time, Levi was the one who came home to see you, and when your butler opened the door, he was momentarily astonished, as if he had seen a ghost. Your face looked pale, your makeup was streaked with tears, there was a lot of material all over the place, and you were sobbing hysterically.
“(Y/N), are you okay? Please tell me what happened!” he exclaimed as he ran to you and took you in his arms. He looked at you with sad eyes, softly asking, “It’s okay, shhh,” quieting you, “I’m here. So, please, tell me what happened.”
That’s when you wrapped your arms around him, sobbing, “Levi, my baby, she’s gone. I had a miscarriage. Ever since then, Erwin’s been rude and distant with me, in private,” and showed her shoulders that had bruises, marks that most likely looked like from being hit. You continued, sniffling, “I even suspect that he's been cheating on me.”
This pissed Levi off but as he was about to suggest halting the production of the film, you said, sniffling, “Listen, Levi, we’re going ahead with the film. I don’t want this film’s reputation to be marred by this, it’ll cause a scandal and I don’t want that right now, so please, can we still do the film?”
He caressed your head and said, “okay, but I’ll be staying with you in the vanity car as a ruse for practicing lines. I want to protect you,” and that caused you to nod.
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For the next few days, you hide your emotions and pain and channel it through acting out certain scenes. Erwin felt would make this your best performance, when in truth, you're terrified of his behavior if things go wrong.
However, the ambiance deteriorated. Erwin treated you rudely anytime you made a minor mistake, forcing you to shudder and be afraid of him. He insulted you in front of everyone by stating that he took you from nothing and made you the actress you are right now and that you needed to pull yourself together.
You were irritated especially since this was the first time he criticized you in public, but the completion of the project was critical to you. As you returned to the vanity car to rehearse lines, you found safety in Levi, who was wise beyond his years. He, a rookie, supplied more insight into his character than any seasoned actor you'd dealt with, and he incorporated that into their methods. It had gotten to the point where you only felt comfortable in the vanity car or other places where you hung out with Levi.
During one such vulnerable moment, in the vanity car, you were crying while he was hugging you. “Levi,” you sniffled, as you two were sitting in the car, “I don’t understand why he’s being rude to me, he’s not spoken a word of kindness to me these past few days, and I’m scared that he’ll leave me.”
Levi cups your cheeks with his hands and says, “If I were you, I’d walk out of the movie and the marriage, because you deserve much better, but I know that you’re a champion and you’ve handled him so far, I believe you can handle him till the end of the film. You should leave him, though,” smiling at you while wiping the tears off your face.
He examined your face for a moment, and looked at you in sheer awe. “(Y/N), do you have any idea how beautiful you are?”
Suddenly, something sparked in his mind as he took something out of his bag to give you something. It was a snow globe that had the figures of two of them kissing while the snow was falling. As he keeps the snow globe to a side, in awe of him and everything that he’d been doing, you put your hands around his neck, draw your face closer to him and place a peck on his lips. Levi was expectedly dumbfounded by this action but closed his eyes anyway to not let go of the moment.
However, what was supposed to be a peck evolved into something else as your lips start to lock with each other, and you two end up kissing hard, as your fingers raked through his hair and he places his hand on the nape of your neck. A good amount of time passed by as you two were kissing only for realization to hit you hard as you forcefully released yourself from the kiss. “Levi, this, this can’t happen.” You stutter as Levi nods, and while both of you stayed silent, both of you realized that this was the best kiss that each other had in the longest time.
Despite that moment, everyone behaved professionally, not wanting to interrupt the shooting schedule, ensuring the film’s success. However, both of you were oblivious to the fact that ever since the accidental kiss you two shared, you're all he thought about, and he was all that you thought about.
You were the light in his life that was shrouded in darkness, and he was the escape that you needed from your harsh reality. As his Instagram account was established, and he uploaded the photographs that Furlan forced him to upload from the photoshoot, many people loved him, and many people judged each other for loving him and claiming him to be theirs, but one day, when the shooting ended, as you turned to him while you were walking away with Erwin, the languages that your eyes spoke said a thousand words to each other than flattery ever could. You two were truly in love with each other in a world full of facades, and you didn’t want to be okay without each other.
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During your usual hangout at your vanity car, once you were done rehearsing the lines, you stared into each other’s eyes continuously, and with panting breaths, it hit you two that both of you realized that you liked each other and couldn’t stay away from each other. That’s when you gave in to your desires as you drew your faces closer to each other enveloping yourselves into a deep kiss as you move back to the bedroom that you’d made for quick naps.
As the clothes started to peel off each other’s bodies, the sheets were witness to a new love story blossoming as Levi kissed you in places that had the bruises, which caused you to wince, but he didn’t lose eye contact with you, because before you went back to shooting, he needed to express how deeply in love with you he was.
This didn’t end up being a one-time thing as every day, whenever you two finished practicing, you two would sleep with each other. You thus started a tryst with Levi unbeknownst to Erwin, who was clearly in awe of the way you two acted eventually in the scene, bringing the passion you two had for each other towards the film.
You didn’t just get closer to Levi physically. You two talked more often, connected on a deeper level than you with Erwin, and he introduced you to Furlan and Isabel, who accepted you wholeheartedly and were willing to defend you with all they had. Hange, while being friendly with you, warned the both of you, suggesting that you two be careful as Erwin would make life uneasy for you if he found out.
When Mikasa found out about the situation, she was concerned and doubtful about Levi’s intentions. However, once they met, she realized that he truly possessed the blood of an Ackerman. Stern and stubborn, yet kind-hearted deep down and accepted him wholeheartedly, willing to pitch in to help in however she could to ensure Kuchel’s recovery. During this time, Erwin and you had a big argument which led to you exclaiming that you were moving out of the apartment, and you then moved into Isabel’s apartment to ensure you and Levi continued to meet in secret to avoid any scandal. 
Five months later, the production was wrapped up and the film was set to release. A day before the private screening, Erwin called you, “(Y/N), are you excited about the private screening? I’d like it for us to go together.”
You scowled and were dumbfounded by his audacity to still appear on good terms in public. “Listen, Erwin,” you retorted, sitting up on the couch while you were initially lying down, “no matter how much you cajole me to come back to you, it’s not going to work. You’d made me feel miserable about myself ever since I had the miscarriage. Do you think I depended on you to get out of my miserable past? No, I chose to go with you. We married each other, remember? Or no, your reputation is too important for you, more important than our marriage!”
Erwin laughed maniacally as fear gripped you with his tone changing to something that she’d never heard. “Oh, poor (Y/N),” Erwin smirked, “did you think I’ll let the baby come into the world while we were supposed to be the most successful couple? Hah!” He scoffed, “absolutely not! Isn’t that right, Petra baby?” Petra? Baby?
You thought to yourself for a moment as it clicked. “Wait, Erwin,” you inquired, “did you cause the-” Erwin laughed again, as he responded arrogantly, “yes! I was the one who caused the miscarriage. Remember when I asked my assistant, Petra, to serve you tea before I came to call for you?”
Your eyes widened in the realization that that day, Erwin slipped a pill in the tea, that caused you to feel uneasy and that’s how you eventually lost the baby. You started seeing red as you clench your fists in rage, but as your (E/C) orbs land on the picture of the two of you in the hall, an idea pops in your mind as you take a deep breath and tell Erwin with a cunning smile, “you know what? Let’s go! There’s no point in arguing, right?”
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As you walk in your red halter neck gown with Erwin and Levi to the private screening, several pictures were taken by different paparazzi. As you posed with different supporting actors, and finally, when you posed with Erwin and with Levi, people could observe the difference in your interactions. All of you went inside the theater, and as all of you saw the final product, Levi and you secretly held hands as you two saw that every scene was picturized beautifully and for his debut, Levi created magic on screen.
After coming out of the screening, Erwin was interviewed by Connie who had opted to be one of the interviewers for the screening. “Hello, Connie,” Erwin greeted him with a smile, following which Connie grinned, replying, “Hello, Mr. Erwin, I hope you can spare a couple of seconds for an interview.” Erwin nodded, causing Connie to tell Sasha to roll the camera and Jean to make notes. “So, Mr. Erwin,” Connie asked, “how did you like your film?” Erwin beamed and continued, “I can’t be more proud of my casting choices. As always, (Y/N) has left her mark on screen as one of the most talented actresses, period, but it was Levi’s night tonight as he shone on screen. He is a force to be reckoned with.”
Connie smiled, continuing, “that’s wonderful. Speaking of (Y/N), we’ve heard from different sources, that you two are actually married in secret, and that she even bore your child, is that true?”
Erwin scowled on hearing this, but put up a fake smile, saying, “Even if it was true, the industry sadly makes fun of married women, saying that they don’t deserve to work, so you should be able to understand why we kept our marriage a secret?”
Not fazing from his stance, Connie then asked a hard-hitting question. “Ah, that makes sense. Is that why you caused her to have a miscarriage?”
Erwin widened his eyes in shock, how did people come to know? Nervously laughing, Erwin said, “oh, but that’s nonsense. Who told you that?”
That’s when he heard a voice from a distance who replied, “I did,” Levi approached Erwin and Connie and replied, “Erwin, I thank you for the opportunity that you gave me. Working with you gave me the confidence I didn’t know I needed. However, I dug deep into some articles, and I realized that it was you, who reported to the press that my mother was pregnant with me, causing her to be isolated from the family. I also know, that my once close friend, Petra Ral, who now works with you, is now dating you. So, when I came to Isabel's house, I noticed that you and (Y/N) talking over the phone. So, I found a way to record the conversation and once I recorded the conversation, I found enough arsenal needed to take you down. So I took the tape to Mikasa, who took it to Eren and Armin, who then took it to Connie, Jean, and Sasha and we devised a plan, together.”
That’s when Levi’s uncle, Kenny Ackerman, a senior superintendent in the Military Brigade of Mitras, cuffed Erwin’s hands with Sasha continuing to record the whole thing. “Erwin Smith,” Kenny ordered, “you are under arrest for…”
As Kenny was reading out the crimes Erwin was arrested for, Levi walked away from there and ran to you to hug you. Your hug then caught the attention of a section of paparazzi. “It’s all over now, baby. We can be together without any fear and I promise to support you in every way,” he tells you while you smile, seeing that justice was finally served. 
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© Shyna 2022 - reposting on any other platform is not allowed
121 notes · View notes
syubub · 3 years
2021 Reading for BTS and the collective!!
Wow wow wow! I didn't disappear or get dragged away by a demon. No no, I just got thrust into unexpected shadow work and I now have an unhealthy obsession with sea shanties and a love of pasta.
I had this idea planned to be early in January but that didn't pan out so I'm doing it now. I have another yoongi reading in the works and another fun thing coming soon as well!!
I promise I won't bore you to death any longer but I hope you've all been doing well!!
Disclaimer: This is for entertainment purposes only and not to be taken as fact.
If this message doesn't apply, let it fly!
Cool cool cool.
Let's get it.
Oki. I first want to say that this I gonna be long lol. I did a meditation and gathered some little pieces of things y'all might need to hear and then I pulled cards for every month. The fountain tarot deck is the cards for us, the collective, and the rider-waite cards are for bts. It'll make more sense when I add picks and stuff. I did a little extra card pull for yoongi for the month of May too :) I'll make sure to type out all the cards in text so you know what they are (the pics are kinda wack.) I also used my pendulum to ask if there was a bts related event for every month and that's at the bottom. It's just to take in the possible energy for the month and something that could result from that energy!
Starting with the section for the channeled messages. I want to reiterate that this was collective so if it doesn't resonate with you, the message might not be for you! Use your intuition.
(Enough talking. Damn)
So. As I said this was through meditation and connecting to the big column tree thing (I told my cousin about the tree/pillar and they were like,, "so basically a big energy dildo in the æther?" .... I CAN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT IT. h e l p m e) and asking if there was any messages or advice that needed to be delivered and it was... intresting?
Things came fragmented. So there was little messages like, "Its gonna be okay" and "things are changing for everyone" and "open your eyes if you want to see" (that's sassy.) There was one particular thing that was confusing me though. Straight up it was just "flower" on repeat and like a really bad picture of a flower? Like you could tell what it was but it was bad quality. Anyway, I was like "okay. Kindly shut the fuck up. Pls." And I wrote down flower, pink flower and rose. Sooo.... idk but there you go.
More messages were things like, "the block isn't in your head", "try calling forth that which you seek" and... February. Possibly there is specific (very very very loose) connection to the 10th-19th? I'm not to sure what or why but I'd say maybe look out for opportunities on these days and also maybe external events.
Continuing with dates. In the last this 21 and January 21 came up. It came up again but with 2 messages. So first, either 21st is a day where something is put into motion (possibly private or public) or announced and the second was "add them together dumbass" that's not very kind but 3. Again this has been discussed too but but but... maybe a signal of a third mixtape 👀 (not necessarily on the 21st per say but possibly in March? I'm really not sure).
Oki. I got side tracked like I always do and started thinking about tattoos and stuff and I really want koo to have a peony tattoo. I feel it in my BONES. It would suit him so well. and as I was thinking about tattoos I heard, "don't be surprised if yoongi gets/shows a tattoo this year" ??? What the fuck? I think maybe they messing with me but now I have hopes and I don't want them to be crushed and thrown to the wind :(
Back to normal stuff, "the theme is growth" I think that fits very well with the reading. "Blue might be a lucky color" self explanatory. It might be lucky. "Start practicing grounding and centering" this was LOUD. This will help you in how you react to events in the future. Really do practice this if you haven't.
This is where it gets a little weird. So, I got a message that said "start living as if you never existed." I am not a 100% sure what this means but I think I have a pretty good guess. I hate to make it sound weird like this but by sort of focusing on something that is so hard to comprehend (because our brains can't comprehend not existing very well) you kinda break the 4th wall? Like in Deadpool when he addresses the audience and is aware that he is a character played by Ryan Reynolds? anyway, focusing on something that seemingly impossible you kind of accidentally open up the floodgates for a lot of other things. I would say if you are not in the right headspace to do this don't do it but it can be a powerful way to break up the monotony of reality. The theory that everything happens simultaneously bc time isn't a linear progression events blah blah we are energy blah blah the multiverse blah blah.. Theres so so so so so so so so so much about this and how it applies to things that I could probably write you 10+ dictionaries worth of material but for the sake of simplicity and not wanting to write a novel right now, I will continue. The main lesson is to start challenging your perception of the world around you. Ask why and why and why and why. Essentially seeing cracks in the matrix. Pulling your head out of your cosmic ass, realizing that rose you're smelling is actually daffodil ect. It's not supposed to bring you fear but just kinda encouraging you to question all the things that you perceive as given truths.
I tried to make that sound cohesive but really it's such a big concept that I can't really wrap it up all nice and neat.
Oki. May and March are also important times.
Listen to your intuition and try not to take everything so seriously. I'm not saying to check out and go squat in the Himalayas but it's important to find joy in the now. Life is already tough enough so don't forget to watch a silly show that you like or change your hair to a style you've never tried, wear makeup in a very loud way. Just have fun and don't worry so much about things that you can't control. Listen to yourself and your intuition.
Well that was all over the place. Let's get on to the actual tarot part now.
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For the record, the pictures are right to left.
January for the collective
We have the empress, the sun, 7 of swords and a fortune that says "act well your part; there the honor lies"
Hmm. Ngl I was a little confused to see the empress and the sun for January... I mean it hasn't been great. So I pulled clarity card 7 of swords. The 7 of swords is all about betrayal. It's about the deception and and actively getting away with things. This is people lying, cheating, sneaking and the works.
This makes much more sense!! The Sun card is usually about joy and success and happiness but in this case I see it as illuminating the betrayal. It's shining light on the deception and keeps the spotlight there. Its also an energetic card so I think that shows passion for uncovering the truth.
With the empress card too I think January is all about getting creative in all forms. Creative ways to protest, to mourn, to celebrate, to connect. Also taking in the abundance that we DO have. The beauty that surrounds us. I like to think of aphrodite energy for this. Its not just love and passion and creativity but is also asserting yourself and having strong passion for what you love and fighting for it. Did you know aphrodite was also called upon in ancient Greece in times of war? She was honored as a goddess of war but still a goddess of love, the sea, fertility ect. What I'm trying to say is that being a creative and "feminine" energy is in no way weak. Sometimes the most powerful things come from this energy. Love aggressively with good intentions. The point is that you should take whatever you're feeling and translate it into something creative or something you care about. The fact that covid is still a thing really sucks but take any rage, hurt, sadness, joy, love whatever and use that shit to make something amazing. Bake bread and punch the fuck out of it, paint your frustration, play hopscotch in higheels while you listen to heavy metal. You get the point.
Now January for BTS!!
We have the death card. (I only pulled one card bc I have things planned from this)
January has been... strange? To say the least.
This card can be a lot of things for them. I think this points to more maturity in their music? Like they've finally ditched the "shiny kpop boy band" label and are being taken seriously in the west. I also think that they're going through a musical/concept transformation~ I think it also signified the change in plans bc of the Grammys perhaps they had things planned an that fell through so they were forced to rapidly change plan/course.
For January: possible mixtape or announcement.
February for the collective
We have 8 of coins reverse and hanged man reverse.
The 8 of pentacles reverse talks a lot about self improvement. Doing that good good inner work and self care. Working on developing parts of you that you've maybe neglected. It's also learning how to work with how you are instead of wishing you weren't the way you are. If you have a therapist its a great time to maybe ask for any extra tips that you can practice daily to help you even more. Maybe exploring more into insecurities relating to finance or jobs or your passions. If you don't have a therapist but you have the means to get one I always highly recommend. You don't have to have "problems" to see a therapist. Everyone could use a non biased point of view that is literally trained to help you be you best self. If you can't get therapy, I get it. Shits tough rn but there's still things we can do to better ourselves like Journaling and reading therapy blogs or self help books (not the taky shit) or trying a hobby you fell out of touch with. There's also a lot of places where you can get therapy promise on the internet. Most importantly, better yourself in the way that you need. Take time in February to take notice of what you want to improve upon. The 8 of coins reversed does come with the warning not to get stuck in perfectionism. Go easy on yourself and if you find yourself getting frustrated when working on projects, try to take a step back and practice whatever it is in a fun way and then come back to it later
Hanged man reverse talks about knowing that you need to chill but you don't. You'll need too. Maybe you'll find yourself swept up in work and tasks and you're over whelmed and know you need to stop and catch your breath but you resist. Why? Well, perhaps you're trying to ignore reality by filling the empty spaces with things and stuff so you don't have to face what's bothering you. Not wise. Take time for yourself. There's also the flips side where people are just kinda stuck.. creative block. Maybe you want something to turn out one way and it just isn't, so your stuck and frustrated and can't move past it. Let go of your expectation of how it should be and let it be what it is. Go with the flow and maybe you'll see a new way to overcome your problem. You'll eventually get that break through that you need! The theme of February is about self improvement. Listen to yourself.
February for BTS
We have judgment.
Hehe yeah. This card is about rebirth and the inner calling. Letting go of the old to step into the new version of you. This is also a very spiritual card lol. This can talk about a new decision that you have to trust your gut on. This is a very significant card that screams comeback to me. It also can talk about sharing your struggles with a group of people and that to me sounds comeback ish. Maybe this will be an announcement in February, maybe they'll be working on it idk but this is ultimate comeback energy so I hope they utilize this for a big group project!!
February: possible BTS comeback (even my pendulum knows)
March for the collective
The chariot and justice
This plays directly off of February! With the chariot you're taking the self improvement that you've done and putting it to action! Now is the time to act on the dreams and passions that you have don't wait and hope for the best. March is about action and standing in your power.
Justice card is cause and effect and truth. What you do will have consequences good or bad. Not doing anything also has consequences. Cease the moment and make the best of it. You'll be taking responsibility for what you do. You start a business? Now you have the responsibility of running it and you get the credit. Stuff like that. Stand by your decisions with conviction and trust yourself.
There's also the side of justice that talks about bringing justice. If you've been wronged, you'll be brought justice if you stand up for yourself.
We also carry the continuous lesson of learning what we truly believe and challenge those beliefs!
March for BTS
Oki we have the hermit and the 6 of pentacles reverse.
Well... let's start with the 6 of pentacles reverse. This can really talk about being so generous and giving to everyone else that you forget about yourself. I think that maybe they might be over exerting themselves and giving so much that they're exhausted physically and emotionally as well. I think too, they take on so much of our pain like its their own? Idk but this would be a good time to do a large scale fan project to show them a little extra love!
With the hermit card it talks about a self introspection so they could be looking inward as a team and kinda evaluating their bond.
I also see this as maybe being alone as in they maybe can't physically go to the grammys? Or maybe they had been planning the rescheduled concerts and they had to be pushed back even further? Things like that. Regardless this signals re thinking/reevaluating the goals that they have and considering what direction to go in!
March: possible mixtape or solo project?
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April for the collective
We have 6 of coins and 3 of cups reverse.
Let's start with the 6 of coins. It's about sharing. It can be about charity so sharing money via donation but also giving time, effort, energy to people as well. Giving knowledge is good too! It's an all round exchange. Maybe someone lends you money or you lend money to someone. It's give and take. It's a two way street. It's also a card of balanced finance. So money stuff should be looking promising around this time (for you U.S people this could point to more stimulus help as well)
And for the 3 of cups reversed... I see this as reopening of places and people struggling to find the balance. So think people who've been in lockdown celebrating by throwing a big party... yikes. This card reminds that we should be mindful of the long-term consequences that come with our actions.. maybe also people that are experiencing fear of being in public places now. This is only one facet though. Bc I think this also means in general, missing being with friends and having a renewed relationship because you've really realized how important it is to have these people that mean so much to you in your life. Don't forget that you have people that love you and want the best for you. Call them when you feel alone.
April for BTS
The heirophant
Mhmm. This one kinda gives me vibes that they'll be mentoring people? Idk but I see them more as the heirophant teaching what they've learned/ know to help guide others. HOWEVER this could also be them taking a new task under their belt. Learning something new. Since this is as a group reading I assume that this talks about the group as a whole. This card is also very tradition oriented so maybe they are taking lessons that are connected to traditional Korean culture? Maybe its for RUN or maybe its to incorporate into music and preformance. Think bts mma preformance but all of them learning together? Idk, it's just a thought (maybe wishful thinking). It also talks about seeking counseling so maybe they'll do yoongis idea from the most recent RUN.
This can also be them embracing this kind of leadership/ status.
April: I got nothing. It does feel like something though
May for the collective
Five of cups and queen of cups reversed
Five of cups is disappointment, regret and self pity. Now honestly this to me looks like possibly a tightening of restrictions yet again. Regardless of the situation that this is talking about, the best thing you can do is not wallow in the bullshit. You scrape yourself off the pavement and move foward. You'll need forgiveness of yourself and others and that if shit isn't going your way, you need to pull your head out of your ass and look around bc there's options out there. It's like drowning in a kiddie pool. Just stand up, dude. The water is like 5 inches.
Queen of cups reversed talks about self love and self care. It's more of that look inwards energy. Think about really taking care of yourself. May might be emotionally draining so you need to be ready to take care of you! Part of self care is making sure that your boundaries are well enforced.
Be on the look out for codependent behaviors. Check in with yourself.
The queen of cups is very intuitive and having it in reverse can talk about you not taking enough time to listen to it. Make an effort to meditate for like 5 minutes a day at least. Do something to let yourself connect to your intuition and higher self.
May for BTS
9 of pentacles
This about enjoying the fruits of your labor and absolute abundance and luxury. This could talk about them rolling in the dough after signing a new partnership or having a concert or something if the sort. This could also be a time where we see them buying new things like houses, cars and rings (lol) but also this could be them doing a very high production value project! Also namjoon and his bonsai army are thriving in this time!
May: possible concert or scheduled concert event. Activity of some kind.
Yoongi interlude
I asked for one card to give me an idea of what the mystical May 13th really is. I got: the star, 2 of cups, 4 of wands, the world and the sun.
Guys. I can't with this. 2 of cups is a card of union, romance, soulmate. 4 of wands is celebration, joy, homecoming, bliss. The world is completion and the sun is happiness, joy, marriage, enlightenment.
I've said it a billion times but that's some soulmate shit. So soft so cute and May will be eventful for his personal life.
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June for the collective
Death and the heirophant reversed.
Wow wow wow death is transformation and a new chapter so a new way of life and something new/ different that changes how we see things. Again this could be relating to new covid things and new policies and stuff like that but also new as in new to all of us. Groundbreaking perhaps?
The heirophant reversed talks about teaching yourself. Being your own teacher and making your own path. This might be spiritual or otherwise. Challange what the world wants from you and instead listen to what you truly want bc you don't need anyone's approval. Continue to ask questions about why things are the way that they are.
June for BTS
Page of pentacles
Oki oki page of pentacles means a new creative venture and manifestation. Maybe something that they've been wanting for a while finally comes to fruition. This might be the start of a new project that they haven't done before or something cross genre? Idk but its a really good sign of being motivated for a new endeavor and manifesting any projects that they've ever wanted to do. Love this promising energy!!
June: idk
July for the collective
10 of swords and 9 of cups reversed.
10 of swords signals a painful ending. Also deceit. Its a necessary end to a long battle. The only thing you can do is control how you react in these situations. You just kinda gotta surrender into the pain and know that it's temporary. Take time to reflect on what happened and why and how it will help you grow.
The 9 of cups reversed talks about valuing stuff and material things over emotions and spiritual things. This can be talking about society in general, that we are becoming more aware to the fact that there is often more value placed on ephemeral items rather than humanity as a whole. This also can be talking about coming to the realization that we've been working so hard towards... something we don't really care about simply because we were told that it's what you do.
If you want something different to happen you have to put in effort. You can't be sitting in front of a water fountain being like, "damn. I'm thirsty. I really really want water so why isn't it in my mouth yet?" Like?? Hello? You have to take the first step, my dude.
Certainly don't try to do anything that would cost you finatial security or health.
You have the potential to find happiness within yourself. So try looking inside instead of looking outward.
July for BTS
4 of swords.
This is about rest and relaxation!
Taking time to meditate and take some time to look at what you've done objectively. Ots like the hermit in a way but much more focused on resting and relaxing so you can come back stronger and with better direction. Maybe they'll take a break for a couple days but I really see it as them reassessing options. Especially if July goes how I think it will. Maybe they'll film something like In The Soop again? Maybe we'll see bon voyage type thing? Idk. But it could be something kinda out of the spotlight? Maybe something more healing?
July: maybe something?? I'm not sure but it seems like something might be in store.
August for the collective
5 of coins and the wheel of fortune
Well let's see. 5 of pentacles talks about isolation and a negative mindset. This talks about falling on hard times but its a temporary set back. This energy can be talking about falling on hard times emotionally as well. In the card it shows a woman outside of a church shivering and cold but she's too busy thinking about all that she's lost that she doesn't notice the warm church that she could step into for shelter.
But then with he wheel of fortune that talks about fate/destiny, opportunity and luck so maybe this is a necessary loss so that a new door can open. This does kinda tie in with July as well. The end of something is painful but it's often a necessary thing. Might be a bit uncomfy but that's how things change. Again I see this maybe hinting more towards society but none the less it's definitely a theme for August to have doors closing and new ones opening so be on the lookout for that.
August for BTS
The devil.
Now don't fret. The devil talks a lot about choice. Most notably the choice between instant gratification and and something more substantial and the devil leans towards indulgence. It also has a lot to do with the shadow side. This could talk about ~scandal~ sure, but I think its more of a time where you become aware of negative patterns and you shine a light on that part you've ignored. On a much lighter note this card talks also about an incredible bond between people. It can be unhealthy if not given space or boundaries. Listen to pied piper and come back to me.
I also REALLY REALLY REALLY hope that this card points to this: sexuality. The boys have always been pretty pg when it comes to the topic of sex and embracing sexuality so I really do hope to see something more daring and grown up and exploring a tastefully sexy concept. On the same vain as sexuality this card also talks about kinks and stuff like that so don't be surprised if we get more outfits like fake love Era bondage harnesses.
August: ???
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September for the collective
We have the world and 10 of wands reversed.
The 10 of wands reversed talks about carrying burden. Doing extra work and taking on more responsibility. Doing everything by yourself and carrying this heavy load alone will get you burnt out quicker than anything. You might be taking on too much and you'll need to prioritize what you really need to focus on. I also think there will just be a lot happening in September for a lot of people. It's a lot of working hard because you know it's good work or because it's what's right. This could be social responsibility that's placed on you or work responsibility. For whatever reason this burden isn't something you want to share with others because you think its yours alone to deal with. It's not though bc you'll figure out eventually that if it hurts so much you'll find a way to lessen the burden. 10 in tarot is all about the completion of a cycle and going through the wands cycle is hard work because for anything to be made of passion, you need to put the work behind it. The burden isn't forever, the heavy work load will lighten but this is you seeing things out. It's a good thing!
Especially considering this is paired with with world. The world is all about completion and that's what you're doing here is finding completion. You are seeing things out until the end but you just need to learn to give up some responsibility, lessen your burden.
This also talks about hard work being put into wider social spheres as well. Things like the vaccines becoming more widespread through the whole globe or at least better planing and infrastructures not related to covid. Things are looking up!
September for BTS
Knight of swords reverse
This bad boi is restless energy. It's being so pent up that you're ready to burst and you really want to take action but you can't because something is keeping you from taking that action. Again I do think this is kinda covid related in regards to touring bc if they do tour in 2021 its gonna look a lot different. This energy can be a bit impulsive and directionless so I think maybe they'll channel this into album material something? I'm not really sure tbh. I'm suprised this energy didn't show up earlier because it almost seems inevitable.
September: no clue
October for the collective
Ten of coins and the star reverse.
Welp let's start with the 10 of coins. Its about wealth, financial security, and long term success so this is a pretty prosperous time. This talks about the obvious monetary wealth and material wealth but also an abundance of opportunities. So this is definitely a good time to enjoy whatever consistency you have. This energy is really really abundant in the career space as well. So October could be very prosperous in the job field and you'll have likely found what it is you really want and could be successful at. This could be the actual act or just the idea. This is could also talk about investing in something for your future, this could be time or money.
With the star reversed it can talk about a loss of faith and a disconnection. This often points to feeling like you've just been forgotten or left out. Like the universe doesn't give a shit about you and left you out to die. Things might seem unfair but always try to look for the lesson that you can take from the experience. Seeing the 10 of coins and the star makes me think that a lot of people have kinda lost faith in their manifestations and also just in the concept of not living in a state of need. Especially if you see other people doing well and you've been trying so fucking hard but you haven't gotten a break. I know we hate to hear it but this can serve as a test of faith. Or rather an opportunity to get your shit in line and take a second to breath. Do something good for yourself and then continue on. This star in reverse serves to show you what no longer sparks joy and helps you find what does and what that initial spark was in the first place. Helps you get back to the original vision/ spark.
October for BTS
5 of pentacles reverse.
This signals the end of difficult times and getting that groove back. The last month was restless energy with no where to go but this month that energy is certainly put to good use. They might be figuring out what has been missing In their lives and starting to rectify that. They are definitely reminded that material wealth doesn't bring spiritual or emotional wealth. Might be also feeling a bit alienated too.
October: something is likely but idk
November for collective
Six of swords reversed and the moon.
Transition and change is prevalent. The 6 of swords is about leaving behind the familiar. Maune this is leaving a job, a new change in the status quo, leaving a relationship ect. The thing you have to keep in mind is just how amazing this is in terms of what it will do. It will alow growth!! And bring clarity!! Thos can also be societal as well, something being left behind in favor of something new. It's letting go and reflecting so that you can move foward.
This is strengthened by the moon card. The moon card is the subconscious and all the things that come with it. The anxiety, the illusion, the uncertainty. You'll want to deal with whatever emotions come up. The moon can signify a confusing time where things aren't what they seem to be. That's the illusions so you'll have rely more on intuition at a time like this. Your dreams might hold significance in this time as well. Listen to your guides and your own guidance because it will help you understand more than you did before this journey began. Using moon cycles to your advantage in November might really help you!!
November for BTS
7 of wands
Challenge and competition. People are envious of bts. We know this. But people will be challenging them for what they've gained: music industry domination. This might co.e in the way that people will spread vicious rumors in attempt to disenfanchise or possibly it will be a fair fight. It could also be a challenge/ battle for some other aspect that involves legal matters.
My best guess though is good old competition. Bts has proven again and again that they will continue to do what they do how they do but they will not be trampled over. In the best way this could renew some of that spirit in friendly competition. They will tear eachothers throats out for a pack of ramen so maybe a bit of competition will be good for them. It keeps life intresting.
November: nothin
December for the collective
Two of cups and the emperor!
Let's start off with the emperor card talks about stability and order. It can also signify being the "breadwinner" so its a good sign that you'll kinda be on top of your shit. The emperor is also an amazing leader so you might find yourself taking on a leadership role too! This is very organized energy that works very smoothly!
two of cups is such a lovely way to end out the year! It's love and partnership and attraction so if you aren't in a relationship by this time you might meet someone who strikes your fancy!! On a none romantic relationship note though, this card is also great for business partnership bc it signifies that you're on the same page and have the same goals in mind!
It's harmonious relationships and trust between them!! Love love love this energy so much! Cups are the suit of emotions and this card is so promising.
If you are in a relationship, this can talk about "falling in love all over again" like you're just reminded of how good they are.
December for BTS
Queen of cups
Intuition, creativity and emotional stability. They're using intuition to guide their moves foward with emotional maturity. They are in a place of knowing what they want and why. This would be a good time to work on an album or a book or to release them. The queen of cups is like the friend that you can tell absolutely anything and somehow they have a helpful answer. This card is really calm and it can also talk about subconscious thoughts.
I think that bts is maybe making more of a conscious effort to make sure that what they do is just as emotionally fulfilling for them as it is for us! They might be kinda pondering the future at this time and considering if this is what fills their emotional cup!
December: possibly a thing?
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Now these cards are the vibe of the year and some advice.
For the collective (on the left)
Three of swords and judgment reverse.
The fortune says "accept the challenges, so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory"
The 3 of swords is about disappointment and hurt and heartbreak. It's about the emotional release that we all need when shit gets tough. Don't pretend to be strong. If you need to cry, fucking cry. This year is about letting go of expectations and do what you have to do to release so you can move foward and not have these things pile up.
You have to make an effort to not let yourself take on what other people think of you. You aren't defined by what some asshole says. You define yourself.
Judgment reverse is about self doubt and ignoring your path. It's being stagnant and being harsh on yourself. This year has a focus on building yourself up and noticing when you are not. Bring light to the things that are holding you back without harsh judgment for yourself. You can't beat yourself up. If you make a bad decision you know not to make it again. Take accountability and move on.
The oracle card is inner temple.
Seriously all the focus of this year is in self improvement and dear god, please take time to work on yourself spiritually!!! Everything you want to know is there if you take the time to listen. This should be a place where you feel safe and welcome. It definitely should not feel like something you HAVE to do.
10 of swords and page of swords
The fortune says "you create your own stage. The audience is waiting" (how tje fuck?? This is the perfect fortune)
The 10 of swords is a painful but necessary end. This is accepting the current situation. They maintain focus for 2021 for them is adapting and keeping their spirits up.
With the page of swords it talks about new ideas and that kind of creativity. It's also a lot about communication so I really think that they'll be figuring out new ways to connect and new projects that will be prosperous.
The oracle card is Pleiades
This is what we talk about all the time. Bts has helped so many people want to be better and do better. They are uplifting humanity and giving people a sense if belonging. Bts finds you when you need them most 💜💜💜
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Wow I had to write this up over 2 days bc this was so fucking long. I need a nap. Idk if I'll proof read this before I post it so don't hate me for the mistakes (honestly, there's like 10,000 spelling and grammar mistakes in my other posts too 🙃)
I hope you guys enjoyed it and maybe this will be helpful to to have a forecast of some possible energy for you to look out for!!
Also bts bc I love them. I have another bts 2021 reading I'll do soon too!
Hope you guys are happy and well 💜
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you-are-another-me · 4 years
1: To 'hold space' for someone = To sit and stare at someone with emotional issues for an uncomfortable amount of time, then pat yourself on the back for basically doing nothing while your homie has a breakdown.
2: I'm in transition = I'm unemployed and totally fucking lost, so I have created an identity out of being an opportunist. Maybe you have some trim work for me or food? Or a trade? I do crystal readings!
3: I'm processing a lot of downloads from the Universe = I smoked too much DMT and can’t afford therapy. By pretending that my fragile brain is a sacred record keeper, I receive validation for speaking gibberish.
4: I'm a lightworker/empath = I am depressed and unstable and take zero responsibility for my own self-destructive tendencies, and need to focus on condescending your dark shit to avoid my own. (PS: I'll diagnose you as a narcissist)
5: I am a Reiki Master= I crave human contact, And this makes me feel less insecure than Tinder. I can cross personal physical boundaries with ease if I so choose, depending on what my client looks like, or I can think about random things while getting paid handsomely to hold my hands awkwardly over someone’s body.
6: You have an amazing Aura = I would love to bang you.
7: I am writing a travel blog = I don't want to go home, I no longer fit in: I never have. I don't know where I will end up, but I’d like to get paid to figure it out.
8: I'm not looking for a relationship/ only deep soul connections = I have commitment issues and fear of intimacy so I collect partners with compatible insecurities. I understand you will head off to Thailand soon anyways. “Bread-crumbing my love keeps me safe” is my mantra, while I dip my dick like a candlestick in every Shanti ratchet priestess in town.
9: 'Inner Goddess Within' workshops = An understanding of daddy Issues and a way to overdevelop the masculine side to protect the little girl within. Helping participants to surrender to the bias that all men are shit ( all of this for a nominal fee). The level 2 masterclass will teach you how to galactivate your man’s scrotum chakra enough to make him forget that you pay for bullshit workshops with his harvest money.
10: A guru = Someone who has overstepped the threshold of self-development into supreme egotism and found a niche market. Carries a flute and has a name you can't pronounce (though his driver's license says Steve) and chants words he doesn’t understand. But interesting tattoos...right?
11: A shaman = see above.
12: Worshipping the Beloved = Classic scenario where a cluster B personality type convinces you at a festival that you are their twin flame, lost for centuries in the ether. If you have never been loved by your primary caregivers, this is paradise on earth as your fear of abandonment gets spanked with a mala on the magical, mystery tour of self-deception.
13: In the flow = I never commit to anything, especially plans to do anything with anyone, so that I can completely flake out and not take any responsibility for it; ie I didn’t pay my phone bill this month.
14: Co-creating a retreat/gathering = my borderline personality friends and I have exhausted all other means of making an honest income, and have decided instead to use our social media clout (aka naked butt-cheeks) to radically overcharge a too-large group of saps for 2-14 days of mediocre vegan food, awkward group encounters, and real-world-style sexual politics.
15: Substance Free Event = Powder drugs are fine but if you bring alcohol, we’ll judge the shit out of you. Tobacco’s cool if you snort it and call it "ceremony" or roll your own.
16: Speaking My Truth = I reserve the right to be an asshole in this conversation and you must honour it, regardless of how deep my delusion may be. I’ll probably use this phrase every time I don’t want to be called out for my phone bullshit, because it’s all perspective man...
Written by: Ang Stoic
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kit-kat-astrophe · 3 years
💫mutuals birthday appreciation💫
i tell myself that this is when i started my blog so let's pretend that this is also and anniversary thing
***if i actually know you then you're not gonna be here***
@wak4tosh1 your writing is chef's kiss, mwah, mwah. i love screaming about ashnikko to you over text and when you scream back!! reading the asks from your moots that you answer is certainly... entertaining, i'll call it. you have such chaotic energy but you seem to have it all figured out. um like wtf teach me. it is very admirable that you are the "mom friend" that has to regulate everyone's water intake. i do not like that milk doesn't count.
@everythingnerdyxoxo !!!! i consider you as one of my OG mutuals. you found me through reading a gruvia fic i wrote for their special week (no i did not complete the other days) and you said you were excited to read my other works! this is a huge compliment for me so i am very sorry that i have literally not written anything gruvia related since then. HOWEVER i am always glad to see when you've tagged me for anything, and i promise i will write something that doesnt make me want to bury it in the core of the earth eventually.
@rintaroll seeing as our first interaction couldn't have been longer than a month ago, we haven't talked much, but i would very much like to!! your writing is similar to a new song i've discovered in that i could spend all day appreciating it. the characters are so true to their original selves but they're not completely 2D either. and i appreciate your y/n being spicy, i'm tired of seeing uwu soft y/n everywhere so this is a welcome change!!
@tellescora we met through FT at first, and even though you don't post about it any more i still enjoy your content!! i'm just waiting for the genshin nintendo switch port so i can catch up already, because attempting to play it on my poor laptop gives me about two FPS. i am in love with your artwork, your hatching stands out to me a lot, and your colours pop but are never too distracting!! remember me when you get famous :']
@youreneighborhoodfandomfanatic you bring the variety to my dash. it's a mix of genshin memes, every iteration of the wellerman shanty there is on tiktok and i now declare you the news presenter that gives me political memes. i will bring you more headcanons like Ice Bridge Kaeya as soon as i can!! and also if i see somethinf that is even vaguely related to razor in any way i will not hesitate to submit it to you. he has a f r o g g i e h a t
@deadontheinsidebut angel!! whenever you call me your "day one" i feel so proud. my tiny fledgling is now a haikyuu writing master and i am but a tiny worm about to be eaten up by thou. i'm gonna let you in in a secret: sometimes i still go back to the shirabu matchup you made me!!! and i still get as excited as i was the first time i read it because it's still that good. seeing you grow so fast was so wonderful because it was so well deserved. now despite this i will continue to send you tsukki slander whenever it comes across my fyp. xoxo
@demiwizard7 weird thing is that we never talk, but i always know exactly when you're logged in because of the 20 notifs i get from you alone!!! i'm not complaining tho, it's like a silent nod of approval, which is very reassuring considering that i reblog whatever comes makes me laugh. i' glad to see that someone enjoys my trigger-happy reblog sprees, amd rest assured that i enjoy yours too!! i just don't always want you blow up your notifications-
@pokeprism14 we really need to talk more!!!!! i will take the time to explain juvia's character development thoughout the entire series if that is what it takes because i aint a quitter
@fairyreaper22345 you need to sleep on time at some point, ess. ignore when i am writing this. i can always rely on you to answer dms faster than, like, anyone. it's like you have them typed before i ever wrote anything. anyway: ess you are so pog. your fairy tail quotes never miss, your niceness is infectious and somehow you're more innocent than i am which doesn't check out at all. i adore asking you random things as 4am then complaining about the time that you're reading it. and you recommended pipeline punch which is now my favourite flavour so that's cool. we have the same slightly obscure interests (fountain pens, crime) which makes it all the more engaging to talk to you. ur just pog.
@anarchistasexual why are your political views so smart, i bet you know what happened to the stocks too. other than that youre very cool and so are all your friends. i thoroughly enjoy clowning around on the server and ignoring my homework. oh also you're just chill, and i like your vibe. you're one of those people who i'd hang out with just stare at my phone and show you memes
@pinkbtr you are also one of my oldest mutuals!! it's just hilarious to me that you figured out you like the guys with the daddy issues. you seem to have just accepted it joke and i live for it, frankly. i will use the new information that you like obey me very wisely and debate share my opinions with you. i appreciate you popping into my notifs every now and then.
happy birthday to me!
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orange-waterfalls · 5 years
Protect Me
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Captain Magnum x gender neutral!reader
@obessionfanboy ty for the... request? Request! Ty for the request.
A/N: Me: *uses the exact same picture for two fics*. lol. It seemed to fit here as well and I was too lazy to go back and change the other one... uh this one's angsty, dude. Mostly angst. I had to add fluff at the end I'm SORRY. I had such a good time writing this, dude, I just... AHH. ok. ok I'm good. Rated T for torture, blood and gore(?).
Word Count: 3.2k
Captain Magnum glared angrily towards the horizon as he clutched the wheel tightly. He'd never had a problem with other pirates before. But he never had anything to lose before. And then you came along.
You were his soft spot. His weakness. He knew people would take advantage of that, but he didn't think much of it.
And then they took you.
It all happened so fast. You were sitting next to him, singing a shanty he taught you while the others danced. He couldn't help but stare at your face. Your wonderful face… He found it hard to believe that you were his. Not like you belonged to him. You were your own person. But… you were his! It was too good to be true…
That part was right.
There was a sudden explosion from the left. You would've gone flying if Magnum hadn't caught you. He could barely see through the smoke, but he could make out a ship next to theirs. He led you to his cabin and put you inside.
"Stay here 'til I tell ye 'tis safe," he instructed softly. You grabbed his hand when he tried to walk away from you.
"What? No, I'm helping,"
"No, ye're not. Stay here."
"I'm useful!"
"I know ye be!"
"Then let me-"
"Y/N!" He grabbed your shoulders and looked you in the eyes. You stopped at his sudden authority. "I wants t' keep ye safe… please… I don't want t' lose ye." your eyes softened and you sighed.
"Ok. I'll stay here," you smiled. He kissed your forehead and closed the door. You figured, at least, you could hide a bit better. You found a large barrel in the back of the room. You thought that'd be as good a place as any.
Captain Magnum fought off opposing pirates on the deck with the rest of the crew. His size helped an awful lot. He was much larger and stronger than the other pirates. He batted them away like flies. His ex-first-mate ran up next to him.
"Captain, where be Y/N?" He asked over the gunshots and cannonfire. He had been salty over the fact that you'd been made first mate, but you soon got along. He started thinking of you as a little sibling, so he wanted you to be safe just as much as the captain did.
"Safe in me cabin, don't worry," Magnum answered. The ex…(look, imma just call him… John. His name is John now) John looked over at Magnum's cabin to make sure you were actually safe.
"Uh… Captain?" He called for his attention. Magnum looked at him. He was pointing towards the open door of his quarters.
"Oh, no, no, no, no," he mumbled under his breath as he ran over to the open door. He threw the stuff to and fro, not caring what he broke, trying to find you.
"Oh, God," John whispered. Magnum whipped around to him, finding him staring to the side. He ran over to see what he was looking at. There you were.
Tied up.
In the arms of the enemy.
Magnum couldn't believe it. He didn't want to believe it. He'd lost you. He'd failed you. He wanted to keep you safe… that's all he wanted to do.
"Um... I found... I found this attached t' th' wall..." John said and handed a letter to the Captain. He gently took it.
"If you want them back, you'll follow these directions…"
You sat staring blankly at the ocean while the pirates drank and cheered all around you. You were tied to the mast in the center of the ship, unable to move your arms. You were sitting. The captain of the ship walked over to you.
"Oh, come on, now. Lighten up!" he shouted. "We be good scallywags... Right fellas?!" the entire crewed bellowed out a "yeah" that shook you to your core.
"What you are is a bunch of squiffy miscreants who need to let me the fuck go," You snarled. You had picked up a bit of pirate slang while on the ship. You learned that "squiffy" meant "stupid" and "miscreant" meant "villain".
"Oh, I see we 'ave a brave one here," the captain chuckled darkly. You turned your head away from him, but he grabbed your chin and turned you back towards him. "I don't reckon ye understand... I be-" his villainous monologue was cut off by you biting his thumb. He yelled out and stumbled back.
"Fuck you, dickhead!" You shouted.
"Ow, wha' in Davy Jones' locker! Are ye feral or somethin'?" He hissed as he cradled his bleeding hand. You bared your teeth and growled like a wild animal. The crew all stepped back. He looked at them, then turned to you. "I don't take disrespect lightly. I bet we can fix that courage o' yers…" he snapped and two men untied you from the pole. You kicked them and ran towards the plank at the side of the ship. You turned towards them as they stepped towards you.
"Don't move! I'll jump! I will!" You warned. The captain held out his hand for the crew to stop walking.
"Listen, kid, we be plannin' on holdin' ye fer ransom against Captain Magnum. If he gets here 'n ye're dead? Well, then, we be jus' gonna kill 'im 'n his crew, 'n take thar loot fer ourselves. Ye wouldna like that, now would ye?" He asked. You frowned and looked at the water below before sighing and walking back onto the deck. "Yeah, that's wha' I thought." You could hear the smirk in his voice and it made you sick. A particularly large man with an eyepatch led you under the deck. He closed the hatch and pulled out a knife. Your eyes widened as you stumbled back and fell onto the floor. You started to hyperventilate and tried to move away from him. He sighed.
"This will hurt less if ye jus' sit thar 'n take it."
The crew finally arrived where they were told to go. Captain Magnum instructed two crewmates to bring a chest full of treasure. John ran up to him.
"But, Captain, can't we try 'n-" he began.
"Would ye rather 'ave treasure or 'ave Y/N back?" He responded bluntly. John opened his mouth, but sighed when he realized he had nothing to argue.
They walked into an abandoned building and entered a room that looked like it used to be a ballroom. The opposing captain sat in a velvet chair at the top of some stairs.
"Well, well, well! Look who finally decided t' show up! One eyed Jack was gettin' tired…" he mocked. Magnum clenched his fists at the implication that something happened to you.
"I brought yer treasure. Give me back me first mate," he glowered.
"Oh, come on now. Why so serious? Can nah we chat first? How was yer day?" The captain laughed. Magnum's crew all took out guns and pointed them at the opposing crew. The captain rolled his eyes.
"Alright, fine, take yer mate. They was so borin'. They barely even screamed durin' th' torture…"
Magnum could feel his face heat up in anger. His body went cold as he saw a large man drop your limp body in front of him. He breathed shakily as he saw the blood all over you. He could see tears stream down your face. Your breathing was shallow and your eyes were closed. Jack and another crewmate lifted you up and carried you back to the ship. Magnum refused to look up from the floor.
"Now, hand o'er th' chest, Magnum," the captain said in a sing-song voice. Two crewmates started sliding the chest over to the opposite crew, but Magnum blocked them with his log-leg.
"Fight me fer it." Magnum demanded.
"If ye're such a good pirate, then fight me fer th' chest."
"Wha'? No! That wasn't th' deal!"
"I guess if ye're too scared…" The pirate clenched his fists for a moment before smirking.
"Alright, then, Captain, ye've got yourself a deal." Both men stood in the center of the room. "Good ole-fashioned duel?" Magnum nodded and took out his pistol. The other captain did the same. One eyed Jack stood back a bit, and leaned over to Captain Magnum, covering his mouth with his hand and whispering something in his ear. The other captain didn't think much of it. His first mate would never do anything to harm him.
One-eyed Jack counted to ten paces, but the opposing captain turned before he finished. He had a shit-eating grin on his face, thinking he'd caught Magnum off-guard. His grin fell when he saw Magnum already pointing his pistol. Both men fired, but in his panic, the other captain missed. Magnum did not. The captain fell, screaming and holding his shoulder. Magnum looked down at him for a moment before putting his pistol away and lifting the chest, taking it back to the ship. His crew followed. The other captain sat on the floor, breathing heavily as blood gushed out of the wound. One-eyed Jack leaned down to him.
"Wha' in Davy Jones' locker did ye say t' 'im?!" The captain yelled. One-eyed Jack took the Captain's hat and put it on his own head.
"That ye always turn at 9, cap'n," he monotoned. The captain stared at him in disbelief as the larger man patted his good shoulder and left him there to bleed.
Captain Magnum stared at you from across his cabin as John patched you up. You stared blankly into space, and it was making him nervous. You hadn't said a single word since you got back. You'd barely even moved. He'd tried to get you to eat something but you just sat, staring. He was worried.
Jack finished with the last bandage and patted your arm.
"Feel better soon, kid," he whispered. You made no response. He sighed and nodded to the captain as he left. Magnum slowly walked over to you and sat in the chair by the bed.
"A-Ahoy, beauty... How... How are ye doin'?" He stuttered. You didn't respond. "How much... Does it hurt?" Still nothing. "Are ye okay?" You made absolutely no effort to make any sort of sign to let him know anything. He felt his stomach tighten when he realized you were probably in shock or… traumatized or… something. He felt tears stinging his eyes, but he refused to let them fall. He needed to be strong. For you.
"Ye... ye needs t' eat. Ye... prolly lost a lot o' blood. Ye needs t' eat." he said desperately. He sat a plate down in front of you. Nothing. "I'll... Be here if ye wants t' talk. I won't weigh anchor. I promise I won't." He moved to the other side of the room again, wanting to give you space.
You didn't move for the rest of the day. It had gotten dark, and two meals had passed. You hadn't moved an inch. You just sat staring into space. He tried to initiate conversation a few times, but stopped when he finally figured out you weren't going to respond anytime soon. When night came around, he figured he'd get into bed with you. You did close your eyes as he laid you down and held you close to his chest.
"I love ye," he whispered against your head. You didn't respond.
You made no effort to get up in the morning. Magnum had to sit you up against the wall himself. He brought you breakfast and tried to coerce you into eating again. When that didn't work, he tried to feed you. He held a piece of food up against your mouth. You did nothing, even when he practically begged you to eat something. You did, however, let the water slide down your throat when he tilted your head back and poured. He figured that was good, so he left you alone. Not once did he leave the room when you were going through this. He stated by your side the whole time and left Jack in charge of the ship. He talked to you, knowing you wouldn't answer. He didn't even know if you could hear him. It didn't look like you could.
Every morning he sat you up, trying to ask how you were, eventually leaving you alone.
Every meal, he tried to feed you and eventually gave up, giving you water.
Every other hour he tried to make conversation, eventually realizing it wasn't working.
Every night he laid you down and held you close, saying I love you, eventually realizing you weren't going to say it back.
This went on for… days? Weeks? He'd lost track at this point. He barely slept at night because he wanted to make sure you wouldn't have nightmares. You had one or two, but mostly, you were fine. He didn't eat until you drank water, and he spent hours trying to feed you. He felt like his sanity was slipping every day you weren't alright.
One night, while he was holding you close as always, he said something different.
"I won't always be able t' protect ye, I know I won't. But I needs ye t' trust that I'll try me best," he paused, hoping you would respond. You didn't. He sighed. "I love ye…" he thought he felt you clutch onto his shirt as he was falling asleep. Nah. Couldn't be. He thought.
He sat you up against the wall in the morning, as always. A crewmate brought food and sat in on the bed. He sighed as he watched you for a minute. Your eyes looked… better. Less dull. He shook his head, brushing it off as his imagination. He picked up the food and held it up to your mouth.
"Please, darlin', please. Jus'... Eat?" He begged. You didn't move. He looked down, feeling the tears. No. Not now. Be strong. He told himself. He took a deep breath and looked back up at you. You were sitting there, same position, with your mouth slightly open.
Your mouth… was open! Only a bit, but it was open. Magnum felt his hand start to shake in excitement and joy, but he kept it down. He swallowed, deciding to push his luck.
"Well, ye can nah put grub in that wee space. Come on, open up!" he pushed. One side of your mouth upturned a bit, but fell back to its original position as you opened your mouth wider. Magnum smiled and breathed shakily as you chewed the food and swallowed.
You are the entire plate, and he gave you water like always. He sat on his knees, laying his head on his arms, watching you for any other movement. You glanced at him occasionally and that was like all the treasure in the world to him. He sat back in his chair and started talking again. You seemed to be listening, or at least paying attention to him, so he kept talking he made a joke at one point and you exhaled through your nose, grinning slightly. It was the most beautiful thing to him in that moment.
You would open your mouth to let him feed you for the next couple days, and you'd make small responses to things he'd tell you. You'd tilt your head slightly, raise your eyebrows a bit, he even got the occasional eye roll. He would watch you the whole time he talked just to see these little actions. They were what kept him going.
A few weeks after you'd started this, he'd stayed up all night trying to see you do something. He'd already fed you breakfast, and it'd be time for lunch soon. He sat at the other side of the cabin, looking at you. You sat straighter in the bed. You actively looked around instead of just staring at one place, and your fingers occasionally twitched when you saw something you found interesting. He tried to stay awake to feed you lunch, but he just couldn't. He fell asleep in the chair.
He woke up feeling groggy, the way you do after a nap. His neck was sore and his back was stiff. His vision was blurry, and he groaned as he adjusted to the lighting of midday. His first thought was to look over and see what you were doing. You were just sitting there, eating…
You were eating?! You were eating!
You were picking up the food and putting it into your mouth, drinking too!
Magnum almost shot up from his chair as he realized this, making both the chair and the floor creak in protest. You looked over at him, eyes wide. In your eyes was confusion with a slight hint of fear. Magnum sat back down, hands clutching the armrests. You turned back to your food and continued eating, glancing at him in concern. He just sat there and watched you, wide eyed, a goofy smile on his face. When you finished your food and water, he sped over to the bed and plopped in the chair. You leaned back a bit, and you both sat there staring at each other for a solid minute. He cleared his throat.
"Ahoy, beauty!" He said in a raised voice. You winced, so he quieted down. "How are ye doin'?" He asked. You gave him a small smile and a thumbs up. Magnum felt his heart speed up and his breathing quicken.
"How much does it hurt?" You held your hand with your palm facing the ground, shaking it a bit. He nodded.
"Are ye okay?" You smiled again and nodded slightly. Magnum felt the tears again and let them fall. Your smile dropped as you set a gentle hand on his shoulder, shaking it slightly.
"I be okay, I be alright. 'tis alright. I be jus'... So, so happy ye're okay…" he reassured. You smiled and laid your head on his shoulder as he started talking. You participated a bit more during his storytelling, letting out little gasps and laughs and "oh"s and "eee"s and… it was a bit overwhelming for him. He hadn't heard this much out of you in months. He hadn't realized how much he'd missed it…
You ate your other meals on your own as he just watched you. You blushed and turned away from him a few times, which made him laugh.
A few days later, he'd decided that it'd be a good time to take you out onto the deck. The crew stopped what they were doing and looked at you in concern and surprise. Jack was in the middle of a story, and Magnum told him to continue. He kept watching you for any sign of anything bad, but smiled when you let out a snicker. The crew understood that you probably wouldn't want to talk about your… experience and left you alone about it. You still hadn't really talked, but they were happy with what you had done.
That night, Magnum got into bed with you, same as always. This time you turned and snuggled up into him yourself. He smiled at the affection he missed oh so much. He sighed and kissed your head, whispering the same thing he always did. This time, you responded.
"I love you more…" you whispered in a scratchy voice. He decided to push.
"More than wha'?" He asked. You don't answer for a moment and he worried.
"More than all the treasure and adventure in all the seven seas…" you finally stated. He smiled and pulled you close, holding you tight and never wanting to let go...
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belxnskx · 4 years
How to start this off. . .
• Okay, Sandman is a man of strick business, but will often up to anyone he knows just like his squad.
• A complete babe and gives the softest hugs.
• He cooks. He cooks. He cooks. He cooks. And loves it cause well, it allows his freedom of imagination to be let free.
• Adding on, he will experiment with spices and seasonings and what not, the boy will go wild, especially if it's on a grill.
• Smiles a lot because he wants everyone to know that they are safe around him. If Shepard met him, he better watch his ass.
• Protective of his boys and radiates BDE, or as i said it to be Best Dad Energy.
• If there are stores in towns he has missions in and said stores are empty or destroyed, he will scavenge for small little candies and what not to give his boys.
• If anything but, he loves the heat from the sun, but will occasionally say he favors winter time more.
• A big softie for his boys and loves them all but will murder if anyone hurt them. Like a gun will be found up someone's ass with his engravings in the gun.
• He can be energetic and will confuse the boys a lot with how hyper he can be sometimes but they see it as a normal thing. Kinda scary but normal.
• He plays basketball in his free time, and people can fight me.
• If he grows his facial hair out, he will put clip on bows and put it in a bun. If not, his hair will do.
• Will tell jokes to lighten up the tense air during missions.
• This might seem random, but he will start singing sea shanties like it's Assassins Creed: Black Flag and shit.
• Screeches like a dinosaur sometimes I stg and he won't stop sometimes. He'll even use a megaphone to make himself louder.
• Sandman will also take the chance, if he's anywhere near sand, to bury himself like a sand salamander.
• He has 3 dogs, and one of them he even named Truck. The others were named after Frost and Grinch, he doesn't even remember.
• Marco Polo is a cute game he plays after missions. If he falls, he'll get up and start laughing like an idiot and just continue with a smile.
• If they boys are feeling like absolute shit, he'll ask if they want a hug, and he'll end up cuddling them because he knows they need the comfort.
• The biggest dad ever and even cares for civilians like they're his family, because he knows that they must feel hurt cause their town is destroyed and their home is either gone or their family has died during it.
• He has a Fannie Pack full of fruit snacks and juice pouches just for the boys.
• If they did something stupid, they get celery and carrots. No fruit snacks for them today then.
• Just a big teddy bear to anyone who's lucky enough to give him a hug or get one from him.
• If he ends up getting hurt, he hides it from the boys as long as he can, and then will go to a medicine as soon as they get back from that mission.
So, here's a whole husband cause you have NO IDEA HOW FAST I WANTED TO WRITE THIS BOY BUT NO ONE ASKS FOR ANYTHING ELSE AND MY ASK PILE IS STILL THERE, I just never got to them, but I WILL!
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theincaprincess · 5 years
Family Moment
Good morning my darlings, I have a fic here for you I hope you enjoy it!! 
Main master list here
You can listen to the song here
Forever tag list @amyf20 @blankdblank @deepestfirefun @moonfaery @catthefearless @meyoko10 @tolkienprincess @starlightintherain89 @southsidesarcasticwriter @fuer-immer-jetzt @fizzyxcustard @lady-of-lies @xxbyimm​
Thranduil tag list @sdavid09 @nikolett3 @j25m18c24 @letsbeinspiredby @gwendelerynan @shanty-lol @tigereyesf @the-small-loki-wife 
Hobbit/LOTR tag list @slither-in-a-half
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Word count 1,000
For months now Thranduil and his wife would get into heated arguments, not one of them would back down, the sounds of pottery smashing on walls and floors echoed the halls of Mirkwood, then the hurried feet and horses hoofs echoed through the night. 
Everyone in Mirkwood would know the King and Queen would have a fight and she would leave, only to be bought back by the king slung over his elk like a deer who paid the ultimate price in a hunting game. 
But one night it was different, they argued, of course, what would you expect in an arranged marriage but the hurried feet along the floors didn’t match any elves, no they were heavy far to heavy for an elf or dwarf or even a human for that matter, these footsteps belonged to more fouler creatures, Orcs. 
The night patrol set the alarm off as the king and his personal guard rode after the creatures who not only kidnapped his wife but Mirkwood’s joy the 1 month old child Princes Legolas. 
“That Arizona sky burning in your eyes, You look at me and, babe, I wanna catch on fire, It's buried in my soul like California gold, You found the light in me that I couldn't find”
Hearing the cries of her child the Queen opened her eyes, to see she was being carried by one of the foul creatures, trying to squirm out of its grip, it only gripped her tighter “don’t struggle, your majesty, the child will be fine” the orc’s foul tone whispered into her ear, as her eyes searched for the baby. 
“So when I'm all choked up, but I can't find the words, Every time we say goodbye, Baby, it hurts, When the sun goes down, And the band won't play, I'll always remember us this way”
Following the heavy footsteps left in the mud, Thranduil pushed his elk and men forward, by his guess they only had an hour on them, which they could easily make up if they rode non stop. 
“Lovers in the night, Poets trying to write, We don't know how to rhyme, But, damn, we try, But all I really know, You're where I wanna go, The part of me that's you will never die”
“It won’t shut up” one of the orcs complained to other as Legolas was screaming in the clearing where they had stopped because he was making too much noise. 
“Because he's scared you moron” the Queen snarled from her spot on the ground, feeling the ache in her chest at her baby screaming and she wasn’t even allowed to soothe him. 
The two complaining orcs looked at each other than to another who was standing a few inches away, with a slight nod to them, the orc holding the baby walked up to Queen and undid her bonds “shut it up” he snarled as he pushed the baby into her arms. 
“So when I'm all choked up, but I can't find the words, Every time we say goodbye, Baby, it hurts, When the sun goes down, And the band won't play, I'll always remember us this way”
Grabbing a hold of her baby the Queen gently rocked him as he started to calm down, looking up to the forest her eyes could see Thranduil and his men slowly approaching, her small smile towards the forest confused one of the orcs and as he turned he got an arrow lodged in between his eyes as Thranduil and his men opened fire. 
“Oh, yeah, I don't wanna be just a memory, baby, yeah”
Watching the swords and arrow fly around them the Queen tried to protect her baby, by crossing her legs and tucking him in between them, before looking up and sensing something behind her, soon enough she screamed to her people to stop.
Turning to her scream Thranduil and his men lowed their swords and bow, as the last orc was kneeling behind the Queen holding a knife to her throat with a foul smirk on its face. 
“We’ll be going now” the creature said as he lifted her up by her hair, “you can keep the screaming thing” it said as he nodded towards baby Legolas as he slowly backed up dragging the Queen. 
Taking a step forward Thranduil saw his wife eyes tearing up, as small beads of red started to roll from her neck down the knife and onto the grass below. 
With a pleading glance, the Queen allowed a single tear to roll down her face as she watched Thranduil twitch one of his fingers, and one of the Guards released an arrow that found its mark in the orcs head. 
“So when I'm all choked up, but I can't find the words, Every time we say goodbye, Baby, it hurts, When the sun goes down, And the band won't play, I'll always remember us this way, oh, yeah”
Falling to his knees Thranduil caught her as her body fell to her knees feeling the warmth of her blood trickling down her neck, looking into Thranduil eyes she could see sorrow, trying to speak he shook his head at her. 
“Don’t speak, we can save you” Thranduil said lovingly as her eyes darted around searching, with a nod one of the guards handed Thranduil the baby, and he placed him into his mother's arms, as his own eyes were beginning to string with the tears pooling behind them. 
Looking from the baby to Thranduil the Queen wet her lips and took a breath speaking in nothing but a whisper “When you look at me, And the whole world fades, I'll always remember us this way.”
Holding her hand Thranduil watched as her eyes rolled back into her head and her chest stopped moving, while the other hand cradling the now silently sleeping baby Legolas fell to the floor, at that moment Thranduil knew his wife, the mother of his child and the Queen of Mirkwood, was dead.
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fly-pow-bye · 6 years
DuckTales 2017 - “The Ballad of Duke Baloney!”
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Story by: Francisco Angones, Madison Bateman, Colleen Evanson, Christian Magalhaes, Bob Snow
Written by: Colleen Evanson
Storyboarded by: Jean-Sebastien Duclos, Mike Morris, Sam King
Directed by: Jason Zurek
Not full of balogna.
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Here’s an interesting way to start this "ballad": begin with a scene from the season finale that didn't really have a conclusion. I just saw as a good way to include a beloved villain in a montage filled with cameos from previous episodes. There was clearly more to this story, but it wasn't important compared to the whole "sorceress just took over the entire town" plot.
In particular, Glomgold’s shadow ends up throwing him into the ocean. As he shouts “curse you, me”, he ends up nearly drowning, only to be saved by some fishers.
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Specifically, he wakes up to find himself caught in a net. Glomgold reacts as well as one would expect, telling these fishermen to get their hands off of him. Turns out, that's not the right word to say.
Lady: Whoa, fisherperson?
The "gag" with her is that she wants everything to be more socially conscious, though I'm not sure if this is supposed to be one. Their names, from left to right, are Fisher and Mann, something Fisher point out almost immediately to defend this stranger's wrong word. Glomgold isn't having it, and asks them if they knows who he is. They don't, as they're simple fisherpeople. He tries to exclaim in a dramatic way, until he realizes...
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...even he doesn’t know. Yes, this episode starts with that cliche where someone loses all of his memories after a bump in the head, or a bunch of water going through it in this case. However, they use this as an excuse.
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After the theme song, we cut to a report showing what exactly happened between Glomgold’s disappearance and now. A new CEO just barged into Glomgold’s absence, as she literally pushes away his silhouette to reveal herself. Her name is Zan Owlson. I swear, I misheard it as Van Owlsing, and that still made sense. Glomgold is practically a vampire compared to her.
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Even the newsreporter decides to tell the viewers that this new CEO is not insane. We get a small bio of her past: she was the top of her class, and she ran a charity called Change for Chicks! No, Johnny Bravo, she means literal chicks. Unlike her predecessor, she cuts a lot of funding dedicated to revenge and sharks. Even moreso unlike her predecessor, she is completely open to make deals with long-time rival company McDuck Enterprises, as we see her shake hands with its CEO.
In other words, she’s exactly the opposite of Glomgold in every way, as enhanced by the news cutting to a Simpsons-esque file photo gag of him eating shrimp in an unflattering manner at a charity auction. Maybe the one from The Golden Lagoon from Agony Plains?
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It’s also shown by the old Glomgold logo being replaced by a treasure chest filled with a bunch of people. She doesn’t even include herself in this, definitely not something Glomgold would do.
Zan Owlson: At Glomgold Industries, our community is the greatest treasure of all.
She even makes an outright reference to the Glomgold motto that Glomgold just made up to get those henchmen he hired to like him in Woo-oo. What happened to those guys?
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We cut from the newsreport, which we barely get back to, to a fisherperson's wharf, where Louie and Webby are planning on going fishing. While it’s a day in the limelight episode for Glomgold, that doesn’t mean we don’t get to see the nephews and honorary niece.
Webby is all about hunting fish in a more barbaric way with a stick, while Louie just wants to fish with a fishing rod. Louie is more of the straight man here, though they seem to swap back and forth between scenes depending on one's viewpoint. They do realize that they forgot one thing that would help them immensely, and there happens to be someone with a South African accent.
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While his beard was dyed by several unfortunate squid ink-related accidents and his accent has changed, it’s clearly the duck that attempted to kill them and their uncle several times over. They react very similarly to Bart and Lisa Simpson reacting to Sideshow Bob, but this bearded guy has no idea who this Glomgold guy is.
He rechristened himself “Duke Baloney”, just like the humble sandwich meat, in his words. This does not go well with Louie, who already makes the obvious quip about his name. Webby has to take him aside to talk about this.
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Webby and Louie get into their conflict, though for Webby, it's a little less defined and more just "she doesn't agree with Louie's idea". Louie thinks this is all just an act, and he even says he should know because it takes a con artist to know one. Webby, on the other hand, thinks that he really is suffering from this and needs to go back to his old self. Either that, or maybe this is Glomgold turning into a good person like a reverse werewolf, her reasoning changes throughout the episode.
They do humor the idea that maybe this guy is just a different person altogether, but then he gets caught in his own rope trap.
Duke Baloney: Curse you, rope!
Louie & Webby: It’s him.
This is a slight hint that this will probably not be permanent. That would be an odd way to write off a huge arch-nemesis!
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Glomgold invites them over to what I now realize is the closest TV-Y7-FV equivalent to a bar, offering them a bucket of fish heads, to Louie's disapproval. I’m sure real ducks eat a lot worse than that.
Webby tries to show off a Missing poster with Glomgold on it that also seems to function as a wanted poster due to tax evasion! Oh, how unrealistic, everyone knows rich people always get away with that. Unfortunately, all this gets is scorn from Baloney’s fellow crewmates for even suggesting he’s related to that tyrant. This is a "bully-free zone" according to that one fisherperson, after all. That's pretty much it for the socially conscious aspect of her character.
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Even Louie joins in on this chants along with everyone else. Sure, he was totally against the guy, but the boy just wants his free Pep! However, Webby notices the money happens to have a very fancy money clip. They decide to stay back to investigate this from afar.
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A general theme that pops up in this episode is that Duke Baloney may have amnesia, but his inner Glomgold continues to show more and more. This especially comes in once we see a McDuck Enterprise company get involved. While this doesn't entirely revive his memory, he does get a sudden dislike for "that boat."
This is especially shown with disagreements with his fellow crewmembers. The crewmembers are okay with being #2, However, considering #1 is owned the richest duck in the world, I wouldn't blame them for not wanting to fight a battle they can't win. Duke Baloney, on the other hand, doesn't see that as impossible.
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One clever bit is that he does the cliche “look at me, I’m a pretty lady and not a trap” gag, and realizes he could get more fish if he did something for the ladies, too. He never does realize that, if this plan did work, he would get some really messy fish guts. All in all, aside from the dynamite, he just seems like this misunderstood guy who’s down on his luck.
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At least, that's what Webby thinks. Louie accuses her of being naive about this, as that’s what she assumed when she was a humble deliveryman and a humble pastry chef. Yeah, Louie, you invited him to a party, if I remember correctly.
While looking at Baloney trying to convince his fellow co-fisherpeople to do a plan that is oddly similar to that Scottish guy. Webby & Louie, continuing to spy on this kind fellow to confirm their different suspicions. Louie says that he's going to be thrown in a pit full of sharks with bombs strapped on to them. Webby says that's ridiculous...
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...and we immediately cut to Duke Baloney's plan to get fish, which just happened to get to the part involving sharks with bombs strapped onto them. They don't have womp womp music, they're not that blatant most of the time.
This whole scene is funny, though; it's just like that scene from The Infernal Internship of Mark Beaks where Glomgold details his plan with similar drawing. Speaking of plots that weren't resolved in the episode that could use a continuation...that one. Louie and Webby still can't see what any of this could prove, so Webby has an idea that Louie is not a big fan of: record investigation!
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Granted, Louie getting hit in the face probably didn't help in any way. I like how the next scene shows Louie walking into Webby’s investigation room. See, anything can have a consequence, even slight gags like that one.
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She gets out her board, with a drawing of the moneyclip, a picture of Glomgold, and a picture of Duke Baloney, and...nothing else. She couldn't find anything. Not only is there no record of Duke Baloney, there’s no record of Flintheart Glomgold before he came to America.
In order to find more information and possibly either reveal Glomgold's evil plan or bring Glomgold back to normal, they decide to do a plan involving a certain rich duck. If one can ask why would they want to bring Glomgold back to his former self to terrorize the McDucks, just wait.
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Meanwhile, in Duke Baloney’s dreams, we see a bizarre sequence full of odd imagery. Some of it is obviously referencing what will happen in the future, some of which possibly not even in this episode. One of the big ones that isn’t addressed again is that shot on the bottom left. Everyone knows Glomgold is evil, but…is there a more spiritual reason we don’t know about?
That’s not the only unanswered question, either. The shortest description I could say is that he constantly gets a message from what looks like his younger self that the boiler room is out, who slowly turns into Zan Owlson. No connection is made to how Glomgold would be familiar enough with the new CEO to have her appear in his dreams, since all of this happened after he got amnesia.
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While most of this dream sequence's symbolism is subtle, there is one line that just whacks you right in the head.
Duke Baloney: This GOLD! It’s GLOOMING onto me!
Yeah, that’s pretty forced. It's at the end of the dream sequence, they may have felt that they needed something blatant at the end to make him wake up.
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He wakes up, and his final reaction to all of this? To essentially tell himself to "never mind all that." Hey, it’s not like those dreams mean anything, anyway!
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While Duke Baloney is getting welcomed into the family of fisherpeople and telling himself that nothing can possibly ruin this day, in comes Scrooge McDuck. He was invited by Webby and Louie the to talk it out to see what's really going on.
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We don't get to hear their conversations, and neither do Louie and Webby, so Webby tries to read their lips. Of course, she does it in a way that makes it seem like she was right all along, even making them say "oh, that Webby was correct all along, huh? I wish I was his housekeeper's granddaughter!" However, while she may be able to read lips, the next move shocks both her and Louie. They look like they're going to fight...
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...and then they hug it out. After all the time of Webby seemingly succeeding at everything she does throughout Season 1, it’s a little refreshing to see her actually be wrong for a change. Nobody’s perfect...I learned that with the last episode. Scrooge tells them he's far happier this way, and they should just let him be Duke Baloney.
Webby and Louie accept this, and decide to go back to their initial plan of fishing. However, a storm is brewing.
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Duke Baloney, who somehow has that missing/wanted poster, decides that even if he was this Glomgold fellow, he wants his life at the sea. He throws the paper, but it hits him right in the face, symbolically proving that any kind of face turn with him is ultimately futile.
The storm starts happening, and Baloney sees Webby and Louie in trouble. Being the hero that he is now, he tries to. However, he gets hit by, and ends up nearly drowning in the same way he did in the beginning of the episode.
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We get another scene from Baloney’s subconscious, but this time we get an outright memory rather than symbolism. In particular: this one is right from one of Baloney’s repressed memories. I decided that outright spoiling it wouldn’t add anything to the review, but the best hint I could give is that I really do mean Baloney’s repressed memories. That shot from the dream I had on the top right is a pretty good hint of foreshadowing this, too.
I will say this: the first thing I did after watching this episode was look up whether or not any of this had any basis in the original comics. The simple answer is not really. While Scrooge first meets Glomgold in South Africa, Glomgold was already grown-up and clearly evil from day one. This flashback adds another dimension to that entirely.
There is one important-to-the-plot takeaway from this, a literal one, I might add, but I’ll talk about it later.
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Everyone’s cheering him on to save the kids, and it appears that maybe, just maybe...no, of course not. What did you think was going to happen? No, he made his decision. He says it in such an epic way, that I decided to make this a GIF. A really small GIF to fit Tumblr's restrictions, but I had to keep that animation as smooth as it was.
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Duke, er, Flintheart Glomgold: (in his usual Scottish accent) Because I'm Flintheart Glomgold...and I always will be! Ha ha ha ha ha!
I know I implied that I didn't want to spoil, but this scene is just so amazing. It's a lot smoother, they needed to animate it on the ones. It's an impressive sight seeing him laugh with all that lightning behind him.
I did give him a little bit of a That seems to work in his favor, as he happened to have his a spare grey beard in this pocket this whole time. It makes more sense when you watch the episode, trust me.
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We somehow fade to him being surrounded by his crewmembers and their friends under very calm weather. This is the one scene transition that doesn't really add up to me. Was the storm in his head the whole time? These former crewmembers only accuse Glomgold of stealing from children rather than attempted murder, which seems to go with that theory.
One thing's for sure: Duke Baloney has left the building, and now it’s Glomgold’s time forever. He starts a Glomgold chant that even he expects no one will join in, as he dives into the water.
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This chant continues with him going into his formerly owned organization, where Scrooge was talking with Zan Owlson about how using nickels would save more money than dimes.
Scrooge and Glomgold making a big deal, mostly due to Glomgold still having an all-important money clip, referenced. Yeah, Scrooge treats it like it’s this big deal, suggesting there’s something more to it than just gold. Honestly, considering the Number One Dime twist in The Shadow war, it could be anything at this point.
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Also, I am so glad they apparently didn’t decide to push the reset button to prevent any potential plots with Van Owlson, since she barely did anything in this episode other than show her apparent benevolence. Quite a few plot points to this new story arc...at least, I hope it’s a new story arc. I have no reason to believe it’s not.
Oh yeah, and no Dewey in the episode for the first time ever. Not even a mention. How weird!
How does it stack up?
Despite only having an A plot, it is indeed an A plot this time. I can’t wait to see what happens next with this future plot this time. There's some very interesting twists to the classic Glomgold character, and I’d say it could pay off in the future. No bologna here, that’s for sure.
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Next, America may not be getting their cartoon, but they will be getting their DuckTales 2017 appearance!
← The Depths of Cousin Fethry! 🦆 The Town Where Everyone Was Nice! →
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