#I've missed green garlic so much
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Greens from the garden. No lettuce or spinach this year. Tried my best, but neither wanted to grow.
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(tl;dr at the bottom)
this one is just petty, and i'm too much of a pussy to actually do anything (though my friends do say i absolutely should) but:
wibta for filing a complaint (?) against my table group for a class?
i take culinary for one of my classes, and it's one of the saving graces of my otherwise utterly shit high school experience. and while i do enjoy the class, i've recently been put in a group with people who do absolutely nothing and it's been frustrating me. for example, as of the day i am sending this, we made zucchini fritters. the dishwasher and i, the sous chef, did basically all the work and the manager and executive barely did anything unless we actively made them. i can understand the manager doing nothing, since their job is to basically just supervise the kitchen and they don't get to actually cook (worst role for me ngl) but the executive chef, who should be involved in the whole cooking lab, just sat around and watched. now don't get me wrong, i love the process of cooking and making stuff, but it's a little tiring when it's me doing most of the work while other people just grab their phones (they aren't supposed to get them until the lab is finished and the kitchen has been cleaned, for sanitary reasons) and idle about. anyways, the manager at least grated the zucchini while i worked with the green onions and garlic i guess, and during this the executive chef just kinda. stood there and watched? he always had earbuds in and i don't really know what he does, but i thought he'd at least be mixing the batter. he did not, and turns out he really was just standing there the whole time so i mixed the batter after i finished up with my veggies. while i was doing so, i also thought that they'd have put the zucchini in a bowl or a colander or something and started sweating it with the salt, but nope. the two of them just sorta went off to do their own things (stand/ lean against the counters and watch) and so i panicked and dumped the stuff into the nearest clean bowl, and i did manage to get the executive to salt it. then when it was time to squeeze the water out, it was again my job to do so, though i am currently missing about a quarter of my nail on one finger due to it snagging and ripping off. at this point, i think i should mention i have chronic back and joint pains and headaches, and i was starting to feel worse and worse, so i once again asked the executive to squeeze the water for a bit while i snagged a pain killer. when i come back, not even a minute later, he's just dumped the thing into the batter mix, instead of fully squeezing it like i asked him to. then he hands the thing to me and i mix it and then i have to fry it. by the time i start frying, all the other kitchens have finished, we have like half an hour till class is out, and chef puts on hell's kitchen for the class. me and the dishwasher (who offered to help throughout the lab occasionally. she's a godsend.) make them fry the rest (one fritter). while i did do the dishes after it doesn't count since it was as a thank you to the dishwasher who helped me. but other than that, it's like this for pretty much every labs except for when i'm dishwasher, and even then it's not too different since it just means i have to go back and forth between cooking and washing dishes.
i vented to a friend, who also takes a cooking class (catering) about this and he says i should email about it to chef. now this is where the question comes in. i don't feel good about reporting it to chef since i don't want to be a snitch. i, too, engage in listening to music and chilling, so i get the joy of doing these things. if i were to tell the teacher, though, they'd get in trouble for it and i don't think i want that. and i might be biased/ just cranky. last lab, which was hamburger and fries, the guy who was executive today threw away the fries because class was ending even though not everyone got their share of it yet. this instantly put him on the "i dont like this guy" list of mine, and on top of that, i was already feeling a bit cranky and gloomy since waking up, and it was only further worsened by whatever class cooked in the kitchen before my class, who leaves the dishes all dirty and gross every time without fail (specifically, it was all three pans sticky with grease and a glass mixing bowl encrusted with a white substance that set me off today) so i might just be being harsh on them. i usually enjoy getting to cook and actually do things, and thus i haven't had an issue with the lack of help from my tablemates (is that a word) until now, so this could just be me wrongfully directing my negative feelings to them and blaming them.
tl;dr: people in my group in culinary class do jackshit and make me deal with the brunt of the work except for this one girl, friend says i should report their asses to the chef
why i might be the asshole:
i was already cranky and might be just making them the subject of my anger and blaming them
i usually enjoy getting to cook anyways
i might be biased against one of them since he dumped potatoes before i could grab my full share
why i might not be the asshole:
should not have to do pretty much all the work and they get the same grade despite doing nothing
still have to do most of the work despite chronic back and join pains and headaches + injury
having to actively get them to help me is a pain in the ass since they just go right back to doing nothing after half assing whatever they were asked to do
sorry if this is a bit all over the place, i am bad at articulating my thoughts and the likes, and am currently being fueled by spite, pain, and caffeine.
(@sousanon so i get a notif when this posts)
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freesia-writes · 1 year
The Master Post of All the Tags Lately
Jeez, you guys, I feel so stinkin loved. I've been here for literally 3 months and it's just... the best. It's redeemed social media, LOL. So much creativity and fun and humor and just absolute awesomeness.
ANYWAY. I've been hyperfixated on my smutty Crosshair fic collab with @lightwise, so I haven't answered any of the fun things y'all have been tagging me in lately, so I'm doing them ALL AT ONCE. ;)
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Last Song: Blinding Lights by The Weeknd
Currently Watching: nothing, can you believe it?!
Currently Reading: The Gospel of Mark and amazing fanfics (I'd tag em but there's too many and I fear missing someone)
Current Obsession: Clones right now. Fanfic writing, sexy clone fanart.
@sunshinesdaydream @rain-on-kamino
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My Mood Board/Core/Aesthetic -- Total disclosure, I hand-picked the images to reflect all the sides of me...
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@sinfulsalutations @the-bad-batch-baroness
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The Latest Line from my WIP:
Crosshair’s hand was suddenly on the small of your back again, warm and deliberate, a life preserver in a tumultuous ocean of emotions and memories; he stiffened as he felt your tension and the slight shudder as you fought to maintain composure.
@clone-anon @annwayne @ladyzirkonia
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9 of my Favorite Characters:
They actually are in order from least to most favorite, coincidentally. Although I might switch Gregor and Rex. ;)
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@annwayne @techs-stitches @photogirl894
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I'm too lazy to figure out the snow globe date thing but I can tell you it'd be me and my man in a forest by a river with a bunch of snack food. @anxiouspineapple99
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A scent I love: RAIN
Something I'm looking forward to this week: a super chill weekend with family and a ton of progress on the smutty Crosshair fic ;)
A book I'm currently reading: see above
A game I'm currently playing: Super Mario 3D World or Mario Kart on the Switch with the fam
Most recent movie: I never watch movies. Idk why. But I can watch hours of TBB or TCW, haha. So uhhhh. GEEZ. Honestly, no idea.
Watching anything on TV: not consistently. Occasional episodes of The Office. Taking a break from Star Wars as I'm writing and reading like crazy here. ;)
Favorite season: GARLIC IS A SEASON, @doublesunsets!? You're my hero. I usually say fall (basic white girl) but this year it's been spring. I love rain, green, salamanders, creeks, fog, etc. I was raised in Oregon but am in California now, so it's nice to have glimpses of the Pacific Northwest.
Something I've learned lately: Zoloft can significantly decrease your sexual responsiveness. ;)
Have I had water today? Heck yes. I tote my giant water bottle around everywhere.
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Also too lazy to make a picrew, but sending love and hugs to you @thecoffeelorian, haha
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Holla if I missed any! XD
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nancypullen · 14 days
It's the 19th of May and I haven't posted since late April. That's a sad state of affairs on this ol' blog. Since my last post we have celebrated Jamie's birthday and Mother's Day, two noteworthy occasions. In the near future we have Tyler's birthday, Father's Day, and Matt's upcoming trip to Ireland. Plenty to look forward to and celebrate, June should be a delight. On Saturday the library hosted a celebration of our renovations and re-opening (even though they been open since January). There was a ribbon cutting, food and drink, and a good crowd. I spent five hours in the children's area applying glitter tattoos to lots of small hands and arms.
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This little guy was thrilled with his glittery blue Batman emblem. He stole my heart.
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I actually put lots of books into those little hands as well, so mission accomplished. After working all week and then surviving enjoying a busy Saturday I didn't do much of anything on Sunday. We browsed the auction house. Do I need this globe?
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Probably not. I'll bet the countries are outdated and if it doesn't open up and become a James Bond style liquor cabinet, what good is it? I'm 100% sure that I don't need this gal around giving me body issues.
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Is it just me, or does she kind of look like Caitlin Jenner? I talked the mister into cruising into the Starbucks drive-thru while we were out. I'd had a headache for two days, and darned if an iced caramel macchiato didn't cure it. I guess there's something to be said for caffeine and sugar. I enjoyed every drop. Once home, Mickey went to his office to work on photos and I puttered. I checked out the gardens and gave everything a pep talk. The mister has been murdering moles so I have high hopes that the grass will fill in and flourish. At this point I'm willing to spray paint the dirt green. I ended up on the porch, which is looking so pretty. I'll have to snap some pics and share them. I don't know why a pretty porch makes me so happy, but it does. For dinner I cut up some chicken thighs and made bourbon chicken in a skillet - no actual bourbon involved. It's basically that yummy food court chicken. The recipe is apple juice, apple cider vinegar, low sodium soy sauce, ginger, garlic, pepper, and brown sugar. After the chicken cooked I thickened the sauce with a little cornstarch slurry and served it over rice. I topped it with a little diced green onion and sesame seeds to make it pretty. Normally I'd have tossed in some broccoli florets but I didn't have any. There was a crunchy cucumber in the frig so I sliced that up for our veggie. I probably should have made a salad, but I'm just so dang tired. I've started questioning my Oregon Trail viability. That was always how I judged my health/fitness - whether or not I'd survive walking beside a wagon for four or five months. I knew I could do it, even enjoy some of it. Now I know I'd be jumping off at the first trading post. I'd be selling maps in Missouri at the jumping off point. I don't feel good, I don't look good, and I'd just be dead weight in the wagon. Leave me, save yourselves. All of that to say that I've become a bit of a bore. I work most days and get home after six (sometimes eight) and my routine is the same - eat dinner, watch Jeopardy, take a hot bath, read in bed. Ho hum. Where's the fun? I've lost my magic. I really need to find my way back to playing with words and paint and paper. I miss it. I feel like a hypocrite saying that. Before taking the position at the library, I was lonely, isolated, longing for friends, and looking for a purpose in this dull town. Now I get to talk and laugh with nice people at work, I certainly have a lot to do, there aren't enough hours in the work day to finish everything (I have a deadline hanging over my head right now that is stressing me out!), and I actually do feel a little appreciated. The paycheck is a nice bonus. So I suppose I got what I wished for, I just didn't want it nine hours a day. I don't have a life. Right now the library is very short staffed, and I think everyone is stretched thin. Most people have no idea of how much work is involved in keeping a public library not just open, but relevant. The programs that we offer, the community outreach, the technology that we have to stay on top of, the daily tasks of keeping track of a large inventory, fielding reference questions from patrons and finding the resources and answers they need, processing materials that come and go in large tubs, the list goes on and on and that doesn't even include just the regular check-ins and outs. My calendar also includes a lot of children's programs - tomorrow I'm working with Petite Picassos, another day I'll be making bee hotels with a group of twenty, don't even ask about Bubblepalooza (guaranteed bad hair day). I've actually managed to get a month ahead in gathering materials and planning for displays. I have some birds to paint, but otherwise I'm ready. Getting ahead on some things means putting others at a lower priority - which is why I have an online training class for Beanstack, the software we'll use for all of our summer reading programs, still on my to-do list. I'm supposed to have it completed by the 22nd. Maybe if I don't get it done they'll fire me.
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I just want my life back. Not even all of it, maybe just half. I wanted to be a volunteer. Help.
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Okay, I've whined enough. It's past time to get my clothes ready for the morning, pack a little lunch, and pray that the building burns down overnight. Just kidding. Kind of. Sorry for this mess of a post, I just wanted to keep this blog alive. It tells the story of my life since 2007 and I'd hate to let it fade away now. I suppose everything runs its course, but I'm not ready yet. Thanks for staying this long and reading this far. Sending out lots of love tonight. I hope it finds you. I also hope that joy finds you - we can all use a healthy dose of that. It's most often homemade. I'll be back during the weekend. Until then, stay safe, stay well, stay hopeful. XOXO, Nancy
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jegaphone · 5 months
I've always loved to cook, but since I started working from home in 2020, I've really leaned into it as a joyful hobby. I live with three other adults and I'm the only cook, so I have a lot of opportunity to practice and flex what I've learned!
I've never posted my own words much on here, but honestly, I've been missing the LJ days in the current social media hellscape. So fuck it, I'm gonna start sharing what I've made when the urge strikes me. I want to share home cooking tips that I love, too - I still use recipes a lot of the time, but I love to freestyle and make the dishes my own.
Tonight I made one of my favorite quick dinners that's nice and flexible with the ingredients - pesto pasta. I grew up on basil pesto, but truly anything goes!
1/2 cup nuts or seeds - the classic is pine nuts, but those are expensive. My favorites are pistachios and sunflower seeds.
1/3 cup hard sharp cheese, like parmesan or pecorino romano, cut into chunks.
3-4 cups greens and/or herbs - I've used arugula, chard, mustard and carrot greens, blanched kale and collard greens... I don't think you can go wrong. Herb-wise I've only gone with basil or cilantro, but I bet there are a lot of possibilities.
4-6 cloves of garlic - note that I'm of Italian heritage and have already increased this level beyond what you'd find in a lot of recipes lmao.
A few teaspoons of salt, fresh cracked pepper, and a few dashes of lemon juice - vinegar would also work, just needs a bit of acid.
About 1/3 cup of olive oil, more if needed to get the blender going. You can also loosen it up with some water from cooking the pasta if needed.
Throw it all in a blender and go until it's all emulsified! This makes enough for two pounds of pasta. It's a fantastic meal to have leftovers of, we eat it for lunch throughout the week after I've made a big batch.
While I usually make this for pasta, you can also put a dollop on steak, chicken, eggs, steamed or roasted vegetables... universal condiment as far as I'm concerned! It's a great way to use up greens and herbs that are starting to wilt.
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motley-ember · 1 year
Cooking With Posey!
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We're over a week into the @woltourney, so I bet a lot of people are hungry! Now, I usually only share my recipes with my close friends, but I'll make an exception, since I'm not sure how I'll send everyone here a bowl of soup! (I had to put Piggy in baby jail because she kept trying to eat my fresh mushrooms! Don't worry though, Miss Tataru is watching her.) I can't take the entire credit for this recipe, I learned this one from some of the best chefs in Doma!
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Recipe for Doman Wonton Soup under the cut!
Or, if you still haven't voted for Posey, vote for him here!
Doman Wonton Soup
Cooking time: about 15 minutes Feeds: 4 People (Or 2 Poseys!)
20 Frozen Wontons I know most people don't want to make their own wontons, so I suggest using frozen. I used chicken for mine, but you can use any kind you'd like. You can also use a package of egg noodles instead!
6 cups/1.5 litres of Low Sodium Chicken Broth The soup will be plenty salty, I promise! You can also use pork or veggie broth!
1 1/4 tsp. / 2.7g Ginger This would be an inch/3 cm of fresh, but powdered is okay too! If you use fresh, slice it thin.
2 Cloves Minced Garlic
8oz/1/4 kg. of Shitake Mushrooms, thinly sliced You can use pretty much any mushroom you can get at the grocery store, and I've found that canned mushrooms work in a pinch!
1 tbsp/15 mL of Soy Sauce
1 tsp/5 mL of Sesame Oil
3 Green Onions, slice the green parts for your garnish If there are intact white bottoms, you can put them upright in water to grow more!
In a big pot, bring your broth to a boil.
If you're using fresh ginger, press down firmly on your thin slices with the flat part of a knife, this brings out the flavor. Add the ginger to the pot with your garlic, and let them cook for 5 minutes.
Add your mushrooms and wontons, and keep a close eye on them as you stir the pot. Depending on size, this could take around 2-7 minutes.
When the wontons are cooked through, stir in your sesame oil and soy sauce. This will give it the same flavor you'd normally see at a Doman restaurant. The oil makes it a bit nutty, and the soy sauce adds a nice saltiness to it. This is why we didn't use salted broth!
Divvy your soup into four bowls, and make sure everyone gets enough wontons! Garnish with your sliced scallions.
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waltwhitmansbeard · 1 year
Hewo. May I ask for dialogue #10: "I am trusting you with that hand, darling. I hope my trust isn't misplaced", for Shadowgast? Thank you :D
10. "I am trusting you with that hand, darling. I hope my trust isn't misplaced." sorry this took so long! it took me forever to find the right context for it. also i know nothing about gardening so no one come for me.
It isn't that Essek doesn't understand gardening. He is a highly educated man; of course he understands gardening. There is a process, sowing and tending and pruning and reaping. All food comes from the tender care of those who know how to grow it, and it is honorable work, if less intellectually stimulating than his own arcane pursuits.
No, what he doesn't understand is the time Caleb devotes to the craft. Rarely has Essek ever met a mind as keen as his own, constantly whirring and clicking, and it is what makes their conversations so lively, engaging, thrilling. And yet, after Essek, in his customary elven disguise, walks down the lane toward the little house in Rexxentrum he's come to think of as his second home, after he bends down to press a chaste kiss to his Zemnian friend's cheek, after he tells him that he has made a most fascinating breakthrough since they've last spoken, Caleb still digs at the roots of his green beans, a smudge of dirt just along the side of his nose.
"I will be in shortly, ja?" he says, flashing a brief smile up at Essek. "These must be separated before the roots choke each other."
Essek frowns. "Do they not sell these beans at the market here in Rexxentrum?"
"Pfft." Caleb flaps a dismissive hand toward him. "Those beschissen beans. None taste as good as the ones you cultivate with your own hands."
Essek doubts, but he stoops down to look closer. They are tall, these plants, though Caleb has assured him they will grow taller still, all the way up to the windows. Yes, Essek is an educated man, but it is still a bit astonishing that these tangles of stalks and leaves will one day sprout the spindly green pods that Caleb loves to sauté with garlic and butter.
Caleb has fully removed one plant from the ground, and much to Essek's surprise, he extends it up toward him. "Hold this for me, liebling."
Essek's eyes go wide. "What do you mean, hold this?"
Caleb frowns. "I need to move this soil here, but I only have the two hands, Essek. Just for a moment, bitte."
He eyes the plant warily. "Where do I hold it?"
"Put your hand just above mine, on the stalk there."
"I am trusting you with that hand, Caleb Widogast. I hope my trust isn't misplaced."
Caleb rolls his eyes as Essek finally takes the stalk from him. "He gives a religious relic to the Cerberus Assembly and starts a war," he mutters under his breath, "but it is a green bean plant that strikes fear into his heart."
With his free hand, Essek reaches into his component pouch to pull out a bit of fleece, and a moment later, the floating image of his own hand, rings and all, appears in front of Caleb's bent face, all fingers curled in except the middle one. Caleb laughs, low and throaty, and well, at least that is some compensation for the slight against Essek. He returns the plant as soon as he is able to, and then says, "I am going inside, my dear. You are welcome to continue to play with your dirt...or you can come in with me and I can show you how much I've missed you these past weeks."
Caleb freezes, a slow red creeping up his neck, and, satisfied that he has gotten his point across, Essek abandons him in his garden, pushing inside the little house to see if the bedroom has changed at all since last he visited.
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aria-ashryver · 5 months
Scents in Starlight
ive noticed this super helpful list of scents for writers popping up on my feed a lot today and it got me curious about what specific scents I have mentioned so far in my SICSIG descriptions, and whether i was making good use of scent in my scenes to create a sense of atmosphere.
Turns out I have mentioned at least 80 different scents so far, so uhh,, i'd say im doin alright on that front!
Here's a few favs ✨✨✨
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The trio's individual scents
Gabriel (Cas's POV)
Golden Boy always smelled like chamomile. Chamomile and licorice and vanilla ice cream with a hint of bourbon. Sweet, but not too sweet. It was a scent so delicately fragrant that every time Cas smelled it, it made him want to punch something. He was pretty sure it wasn’t a cologne or anything — Golden Boy just smelled like that. Not that Cas spent an inordinate amount of time sniffing Adalhard, or anything.
Luca (Cas's POV)
Cas couldn’t say he’d never thought about it. Some days he’d catch a hint of Luca’s scent, the cinnamon-caramel-brandy-laced heat of their skin making him think of baked goods and decadent desserts. It was only natural for some instinctive part of him to perk up and wonder if Luca’s blood would taste as rich and sweet as they smelled.
Cas (Gabriel's POV)
Gabriel was standing in the circle Cas Harlow’s arms, his chest solid and warm against his back. This close, he could smell the vestiges of Cas’s cologne clinging to his skin.
Bright mandarin, woody cedar, the earthy spice of patchouli mixed with notes of leather.
Cassius permanent-thorn-in-his-side Harlow had no business smelling that good!
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A few descriptions I like!
The rain had stopped in the time that he’d been gone; the world smelled of wet pavement and gasoline, and the air outside had a thin kind of quality to it. An empty, sucking thing. Grey. The pause before an intake of breath.
Flakes of off-white paint speckled their fingers as they climbed, the smells of rust and tractor oil comforting to Cas in an odd kind of way.
When Gabriel arrived at Luca’s house after a tiresome first day back at school, it was to be met with the homely smells of sugar and vanilla wafting through the air. He breathed it in deep, something nostalgic tugging at his heart.
The earthy smells of bursting pollen and damp moss lifted underfoot with each step of his heavy boots. A finch took off from the treetops, snapping a twig as it went.
Cas had smelled of melancholy when he’d arrived at the coven meeting last night. Of the hoppy, frothy tang of cheap beer and spray paint.
He’d dreamed of them last night. Memories so clear he could all but smell the paint thinner as his sister Michaela rinsed out her paintbrushes at the kitchen sink, her easel set up in the sunny bay window where their grandmother liked to read the mail.
Notes of bourbon clung in the air, cloying and sweet; then there was the saltier, muskier smell of sweat and leather; older scents of gasoline, concrete, and dust; smoky, electrical heat from the dim hanging lights; the bright florals of Val’s perfume cut through with notes of coffee where she stood next to him; and there, on Luca’s other side, a wild, masculine, mouth-watering scent that could only be Cas.
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I'm certain I've missed several, but here's what I've described so far in Starlight!
Green / Natural
Damp earth
Wet bark
Juniper resin
Pine sap
Fruit / Vegetables
(apparently I don't describe the scent of fruit much)
(which is criminal, bc my fav scent in the world is nectarines)
Florals / Herbs / Spices
Star anise
Urban / Industrial
Blood (death / copper / iron - its a vampire fic, there are a lot of iterations of this one lol)
Lemon dishwashing liquid
Cold night air
Diesel fumes
Wet pavement
Warm rubber
Paint thinner
Hot, old electronics
Candle smoke
Bubblegum scented gel markers
Nail polish
Mist of a freshly-used shower
Floral perfume
Musky cologne
Damp carpet (post-flooding)
Pine-based cleaning products
Cotton sheets
Spray paint
Tractor oil
Cheap beer
Bong water
Freshly-baked brownies
Burnt toast
Vanilla extract
Baking cupcakes
Sugar-scented air
Vanilla ice cream
Beef stew
Black pepper
Sourdough pizza
This list was so fun to put together! And it just makes me want to describe scent even more; its so very evocative in establishing mood and making scenes feel more immersive.
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wumblr · 1 year
i've been making this salad for the past few days (mostly due to the ingredience i got at the grocery store but also because it's good) that's like... spinach (or also arugula because the first box of salad greens i got was a blend of the two, yes i have wholly consumed two boxes of salad greens doing this), red or green onions (both is too much unless you use such a small quantity that it's barely worth slicing them), carrots broccoli and cauliflower (again i got a prepared vegetable blend, finely chopping broccoli yourself to eat raw is absolutely not worth the mess), and tomatoes (i ran out of these and their absence in the final round of salad is sorely missed). with honey mustard
every time i've been compelled to add a clove of minced garlic but i am too cowardly to add it raw (garlic from aldi has not historically kept well and i do not trust it). shredded cheese or croutons might be a nice addition but i either don't have them or don't remember until it's too late (this time i had garlic bread and parmesan asparagus as well as chicken, so it seemed a little overkill to add bread and cheese to the salad when the allure is sort of that it's a huge bowl of raw vegetable). my one downfall, if the failure to add raw garlic was not it, is that it's impossible for me to make a side salad. i'm macrodosing micronutrients. my most masculine quality is eating salad (this is not a quality but the way i eat i might as well just put it in a mixing bowl, like some kind of fratboy)
damn i thought i was just going to list the ingredients and say it was good i didn't realize i had that many annotations to make. what power hath these vegetables wrought within me ...
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nymfaia · 1 year
"I want - … to plant some flowers. As a memorial."
Valdeaulin's motions never ceased. The sound of him chopping cucumbers was almost musical; he kept a steady pace as he worked, cutting them into pieces akin to gil coins. He didn't offer her a glance as he did so, trusting the little mage at his side to dole out seasonings into the glass jars he had prepared.
"I'm sure the people here would appreciate it," he said, words hollow and mechanic.
"Not for them," Alta said. The sound of peppercorns clinking into the glass reminded him of rain on a tin roof, almost as if they were laughing at his assumption. "For - you. For Severa. For - … me, maybe."
His chopping stopped. Thunderous purple irises bore down upon her, guarded but inquisitive. As if she had constructed a mana wall around her, the Warrior of Light continued on.
"The people here - … have their memorial. But do you? Have you a place to grieve?"
No, he thought. No. His grieving was done in the darkest of night, when the emptiness of his bed made him miss her laughter and his daughter's hair in his mouth where she curled against him. Even now, the mention of his emotion had it curl around his chest, a vice that grew tighter if he struggled with it too much.
"No." It was decisive. He resumed chopping the cucumbers, stating, "I don't need one."
"...would you - … help me, then? And Severa?"
Alta spooned garlic into the jars. Quiet fell between them. Maybe he would say no again, she thought. Maybe he didn't want his grief on display.
"I've never planted flowers," Alta said sheepishly, her voice careful, as if she were walking on the tips of her toes. "So - … I wouldn't know where to begin. But - … I want to try."
"It's not difficult," Val stated. His chopping had ceased. He began to put the slices into the jars, filling them as he saw fit. "Gaius has a decent green thumb. He's the one who began the garden not far from here. Have him take you."
"I don't want him," Alta said. "I want - … I want you to go."
He poured salt water into the jars. Metal lids were secured onto the top, before he pushed the containers to the back of his countertop. It would be a week or more before they were ready, he had told her.
Alta wasn't sure she would still be on this star in another week to enjoy them.
"Fine," he finished. Valdeaulin wiped his hands on his tunic, offering her a glance that told her he was simply indulging her. "Can't have you wastin' good flower seeds. I'll get the shovels and water pots together, and we'll go soon."
The little mage peered up at him with a smile that had him huff a bite of laughter.
No wonder Gaius was smitten, he thought.
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rosella-writes · 2 years
tag people you want to know more about!
thank you for the tag @dreadfutures 🥰 I'll tag @cleverblackcat, @roguelioness and @noire-pandora
Favourite colour: green
Favourite food: chana masala with garlic naan
Song stuck in your head: Hozier's "NFWMB"
Last thing you googled: sulevin blade (I NEVER REMEMBER SULEDIN/SULEVIN)
Time: 9:08 pm
Dream Trip: Thessaloniki to see my bby
Last book you read: the last I finished was Sanderson's Warbreaker. Currently working on the Riddle-Master of Hed.
Last book you enjoyed reading: The Masked Empire
Last book you hated reading: tried the Song of Achilles and rode the struggle bus until I put it back down.
Favourite thing to cook/bake: bread
Favourite craft to do in your spare time: I've slowly been easing back into craftiness, since I'm anticipating living in a home again rather than an apartment. Used to be good at making salves and candles and things like that, even an effective flying ointment once (yes it was poisonous no pls don't do this at home). Miss it and can't wait to dress my new front door and bust out all my knitting projects that've been in boxes for a year.
Most niche dislike: vocal fry
Opinion on circuses now and in history: I've never been to one and tbh always thought they were kinda mythical. Didn't realise there were bad aspects until I was an adult.
Do you have a sense of direction and if not what is the worst way you ever got lost: NO I DO NOT and once I got lost while walking in the woods as a young teenager and almost fell down an old abandoned well... where no one would've ever found me, since no one knew where I was going when I left lol 🥲 By the time I stumbled outta there onto an old gravel road and followed the signs, I realised I'd wandered miles and miles from home through far too much wilderness. Got back to the house and no one had noticed I'd even left, despite being gone for most of the day. So uhhh don't go exploring alone, kids, especially not when you grow up in the boonies in the Midwest where there's not a light to be seen at night outside your bedroom window.
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sternbilder · 2 years
ok hello friends I'm finally ready to be normal again after extensive jet lag and also being a million years behind in chores
korea 2022 reflections! (long)
overall, I had such a good trip! I was so lucky to have jenny @madame-anaca as my travel partner who is a total gem to travel with and also like my jaeger pilot match in terms of being chill vs. flexible vs. responsible vs. down to do things on a trip
it's been....20 years......since I've been back in the motherland and it was such an experience to come back as an outsider with my now-american passport and rusty korean but it was also a lot of fun!!! we did so much!!! we ate so much good food!!! I wish I had like 3 more weeks to spend there bc there's just So much
hangeul museum my beloved. lots of other museums too but as someone with a definitely normal amount of thots and feelings about the korean alphabet this one was definitely my favorite! I maybe almost didn't not cry at several points in the museum, 😭😭
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food....esp street food....I ate so well the entire time I was there (more on this below)
hallasan, and jeju island in general. beautiful seascapes! tangerine picking! such good seafood! this is me halfway up our 5-hour hike, before our legs decided to betray us and fuck off into misery
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palaces and culture villages in seoul! dressing up in hanbok! not to be annoying but there were about 50000 points throughout our tour where I did stop to be like "hey I think I saw that building in a drama once"
also our hanboks were so cute and we saw a bunch of other people (both koreans and westerners) wearing them, some even matching, which was very cool to see!
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despite being somewhat forced into it bc of Weird Family Dynamics it was kind of nice to spend time with family I haven't sen in a while, even though I'm not really close with most of them at all
it was v awkward bc my korean isn't quite at the level where I can like. Assert Opinions and Participate in Adult Conversations meaningfully so there was a certain amount of polite smiling and nodding I had to do as I was lectured about how I had to make investments to be more financially successful or how I needed to look out for good men to marry or whatever the fuck, but you know. I also got to hang out with my older (still younger than me) cousins which is always nice
also all 3 of my aunts and uncles on my mom's side took turns inviting me over to their houses and treating me to dinner, which I can't complain about, esp considering some of them are like. incredibly loaded and had super fancy apartments
like. my oldest uncle apparently lives in the same apartment complex as IU. fucking IU,
food . . .
I had bbq like at least 5 different times on my trip. lmfao. jeju black pork 5-layer pork belly ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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waited in line for like an hour for michelin approved naengmyeon and it was SO good holy shit. it was hot as balls the entire time we were in korea and it was so refreshing and perfect and well seasoned and good
fast food & street food!!!! chapssal donuts, garlic nurungji dakgangjeong, bindaetteok fresh out of the fryer, multiple different kinds of hotteok, hodugwaja, gyeranppang, sikhye........also chimaek ofc, and the bulgogi burger at mcdonald's. chefs kiss.
korean cafes and bakeries......deserve their own bullet point.......I ate so many sweets.....drank so much many good coffee and coffee-adjacent drinks........I will def miss the flavors of black sesame, injeolmi, sweet potato, sweet pumpkin, chestnut, and sweet red bean everywhere,,,
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even the convenient store food...so good. not only onigiri (my beloved) but also I tried both the egg & potato salad versions of the inkigayo sandwich and they slapped. also a honey garlic egg salad sandwich that I'm going to have DREAMS about
also snacks!!!! 꼬깔콘 flavored pepero and 죠리퐁 lattes were two of my favorites but also injeolmi turtle shells....honey butter dried sweet potatoes......bottled asian bear juice......peach and green grape flavored beverages.....hello.......
things that did NOT go as planned:
I was so excited to see the death note musical with possibly the original cast (hong kwang ho/junsu) which just HAPPENED!!! to have been brought back for like a month!!!!! exactly the time that I would be in korea!!!!! but they ended up being completely sold out on the only day I would have been able to go, RIP 🥲🥲🥲 I would have reserved ahead of time but the ticketing website is a NIGHTMARE to use for foreign visitors so I was banking on being able to buy tickets on site but nope,
speaking of performances I missed, rolling quartz was supposed to do their first solo concert last week and I was gonna go but my family decided that actually, I'm going to be spending time with them instead so I was forced to miss it lmao 🙃🙃🙃
just in general, a lot of individual things on our trip were closed or modified due to COVID, not that it severely impacted our trip but we really had to both plan carefully and be prepared to change plans if something doesn't work out last minute
but other things that DID go super well:
as a consolation for not being able to go to death note my uncle bought me and my cousins tickets to the korean production of next to normal which was AMAZING, I forgot how much I loved this musical
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I had to keep myself from sobbing bc I could tell my cousins were not as into it as I was. lmfao. but inside I was feeling every single emotion by the final scene
man. I'm still over the moon that I got into oneus's the show prerecording. I wasn't allowed to take pictures inside the studio unfortunately but it was a treat to watch! now that I kind of know what I'm doing I'm gonna have to look out for other opportunities to watch music show recordings next time I'm in seoul
speaking of oneus they also happened to be doing this promotional event at this themed popup cafe thing in myeongdong?? it was cute, there were a bunch of little stations with activities and things, and videos/posters/photos displayed throughout. I ordered some snacks and they gave me these little cards with seoho's and ravn's faces on them
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just like. in general. seoul is a good place to be as a hallyu fan lmao.....like bless jenny for putting up with me stopping to point out when a song I liked was randomly playing or an actor/idol I liked was on an advertisement or something. which happened, and I cannot emphasize this enough, a lot
also with a little bit of digging I did manage to find (the otherwise sold out) lightsticks for both oneus and dreamcatcher in some random merch stores 😌😌 for way cheaper than what I would have paid on ebay not even including shipping 😌😌😌 I'm going to the dc concert in SF in july so I am PUMPED to be able to use this bad boy
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I mean look at this thing. it's beautiful. and it even came with the extension rods so I can make it stupidly long like this. does this not fucking rule
anyway I miss seoul a lot and I want to go back immediately, I've already talked about going at some point with my mom and brother and I cannot wait
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sassykattery · 1 year
hi, sassy!! hope your day is going great, for the ask game: 1, 33, 44 and 48 please
Hey thanks for asking!
What’s the last recipe you tried?
The last recipe I tried was my brother in law's green beans at Thanksgiving! He cooks them with garlic, bacon, and some other spices I don't remember and they are bomb as fuck.
Who or what are you missing right now?
This is probably a bit too deep and sad, but I'm missing the "me" from this summer. I was happy, healthy, doing really well mentally. I miss her. I miss that feeling. My health is kinda crap now and I'm exhausted from all the things I've had to deal with the last 3 months.
An artwork that makes you feel things.
I've always loved The Birth of Venus, by Sandro Botticelli 1486. The colors, the anatomy, the overall style. I just think it's really beautiful and makes me feel happy.
What’s different now from last year?
So much. This time last year my parents and husband had covid, and it was disasterous. I was also much worse off with my own health issues that are now somewhat fixed. But overall, what's different from a year ago is me as a person. I've really matured since last year. I also have these wonderful friends and mutuals now from here on tumblr. I have this amazing blog where I post this cool story people love! So it's not all bad, just very different.
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lemonflowercat · 3 months
75 soft: day 14
feeling so much better today!
[] morning walk/run or yoga x6/w
skipped to meditate because i was too anxious and...
[x] meditate x at least 15min every afternoon
...i cannot tell you how much i needed this meditation. it really helped me sink into my anxiety and just sit with, let it flow and let it be. i also tried to have a meditative morning, bringing my focus back again and again to what i'm doing instead of getting stuck in my thought loops. it was hard for sure, but it really helped.
[x] study 42h/w
finished lipids! officially down to just carbohydrates, and i don't know if it'll get done before i'm back from my birthday. this makes me sad but well. not going to dwell on it.
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[x] evening wxo x6/w
strength training after so long! did a full body wxo, and it felt amazing.
[x] [x] [] 1 raw veggie or a fruit x3 meals
i made this amazing hummus with the cowpea beans from my farm bounty. just boiled the tender green beans, shelled them and blended them with some garlic. i used that to make myself these wraps that don't wrap because they're too stuffed WITH GOODNESS. hehe.
i really wanted to break out of eating omelets for breakfast everyday and this thing sticks! it's definitely going to become a go-to breakfast idea. had them for breakfast and lunch because they were so good!
[] 1400cal x6/week
cheat meal of the week - although i know that i'm gonna have a lot of these this birthday. i've actually been thinking, i'm really going to change the way i order food. although i've been able to work on my food choices at home, i still have work to do when it comes to eating out. and i'm hoping to be super mindful about the choices i make this weekend!
[x] progress picture/day x6/w
[x] 2.5L of water/day
[x] brush before bed
[x] no media consumption (one movie/d allowed) - for freezes and PMS day
started with a Dune 1 rewatch tonight because we're going to catch the sequel this weekend!
going on a break till Monday because it's BIRTHDAY WEEK! (like my actual birthday - not everyday birthday, hehe). this one's being a bit of a weird birthday, mostly because i'm making plans that involve new friends i've made in Goa. i only know them since last year, and it feels a bit...well, let's say it's triggering my insecurities. i'm that kid who feels like no one's gonna show up to her birthday party. except now we're adults - and it is possible that people won't be able to make it, and i have to take that for what it is, because adult life. i really miss my inner-circle-friends - every single one of them is too far away T-T i would never be feeling this way with them! but well, this is what growing up is and this is what being open and vulnerable is (something i'm very very hesitant to do around new people) sooo, here's me just soaking it in.
i think the only thing i'll be sad about is that, in order to fit my weekend getaway plan into my budget, i had to settle on a non-pet friendly place so i can accommodate all my friends. it breaks my heart to leave my 2 babies alone, i would love more than anything to have them with me on my birthday. well technically, i will be back before the actual day of my birthday, so i can still make time for them then.
i wish for good things for everyone - i think if i had to ask the universe for something, i'd ask for every being in the universe to have one of those serendipitously perfect days this weekend. lots of love to everyone <3 see you when i'm 28 (haha so old T-T)
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laurkamkitchen · 4 months
This was another venture dedicated to my homemade vegan parm, as well as the potatoes I've been trying to get through.
I made roughly a third of this using half a small leek, dried rosemary and oregano, and chickpeas in lieu of the beans and lentils. I'd already had a lot of greens in my lunch salad earlier in the day, so I decided to skip the kale.
With loads of veggies to chop, I thought this would be a much more involved process than it turned out to be. If you can get your leek prepped first thing, the rest of this falls right into place in the in-between cooking time.
I didn't have any fresh parsley on hand, so I opted for basil instead, as I'd missed out it anyways as a dried herb. It worked beautifully here, as did the parmesan. However, I found the rest of the soup a little disappointing — such a rareity for a Minimalist Baker recipe! I think because a lot of the ingredients were more dense than others, some of the good stuff (the chickpeas and garlic especially) sunk to the bottom of my big bowl, so the flavors were not even throughout my eating experience. I could tell it was there in bits and pieces, but I never felt like I got the full taste all in any one spoonful.
So, overall, this recipe is really not anything special. It's a relatively easy and straightforward one if you're looking for a simple vegetable soup, but it's not something I think I would be interested in making again.
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Week One
You're looking for a recipe, for, I dunno, brussels sprouts. (Brussel sprouts? Brussels sprouts? Are they from Brussels?)
And you find one, from a food blog. It starts off with like a..."It's a gorgeous, sunny day in Maine, ladies and gentlemen! I remember the day I had my first Brussel sprout. I was two years old, wearing an outfit that my grandmother sewed for me by hand. I had never even heard of the color green. That day, my mind was blown - by the humble Brussel, which we are now going to blanch in homemade garlic butter, together. But first let's talk about the history of the sprout family -."
And you're like, ugh. This story is gonna be way too long. (It probably will be.) And not at all realistic. (This is for sure a work of fiction.) And there's so many stupid details that nobody cares about. Where's the "Skip To Recipe" button?
There is no goddamn button here, I'm sorry to tell you. There is only the story and the recipe. And the recipe is cool and all, but without the story, all you've got is some homemade garlic butter. And who wants that? ...Everyone?
Fine, fine, I can't figure out how to put in a "Skip To Recipe" button. I would definitely have a button if I knew how to code that shit in. I know that nobody wants to read recipe blog introductions. I know everybody scrolls through them as fast as they can. That's why this is the perfect place to say...whatever I want.
Vancouver, I found a body today.
no I didn't. But god, can you imagine? that would be rough.
I'm in training to be a forensic investigator, though. So while I'm not the person who finds the bodies, I'm gonna be the person who investigates them. I have about a year left before I get my degree and then I'll be investigating full time. Until then, I'm working at a 24/7 coffee shop called Beans Bros. Everyone calls it Beans for short.
Beans is definitely the coolest job I've ever had. I've always wanted to work in a coffee shop. It is JUST like I thought it would be. (If I'm honest with you, I thought it would be, like, perfect? And nothing would ever go wrong? But like, that's unrealistic. I spilled smoothie mix all over myself today and that, you know, just freaking happens sometimes. So, realistically, it's as good as it could ever get.)
I'm gonna miss it so much when I leave.
I do wish I was better friends with my coworkers. But it's only been a week, you know? I gotta give it time.
Anyway, here's my review of Trader Joe's mushroom and herb risotto.
First off, it was super easy to make. The design on the box is cute, although my risotto doesn't look exactly like the picture. I made it on the stovetop, sautéing the risotto in two tablespoons of olive oil. (The box says to use one tablespoon, but I didn't feel like that was enough. In the future, I think I'll use one and a half tablespoons.)
Then I added three cups of hot water and the herbs seasoning packet and stirred on medium heat until the pot was bubbling and boiling. I kept stirring until the water kind of cooked away, but the rice was a little too firm still, so I kept adding water in little increments (and stirred in melted butter) until it was just soft enough.
God, was it good. I love risotto but I've never made it before. If you like risotto, or you've never tried it but you want to, or you just want something that's easy to cook but tastes really good and kind of fancy, this is perfect for you.
I paired it with an edible from my coworker and some wine that might not pair perfectly with it, but who cares? It's wine. It's delicious. I think it's actually called The Delicious Monster. Go check it out. This blogger approves the hell out of it.
Crossfadedly yours,
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