#Idk haven't gotten that far on that one either
summertimemusician · 1 year
No one:
Me, running on a full coffee thermos and zero sleep after a long day, after playing Hollow Knight to get a break from collecting figurines so both me and Link/Four won't go insane before rolling up to ruin Vaati's entire day and existence:
The Hollow Knight from Hollow Knight🤝 Breath of The Wild Link/Lu Wild 🤝 Original Attempted Calamity Hero
Thought to be a kingdoms final hope but due to circumstances outside of their control ended up idnavertedly heralding it's doom by either failing to defeat the evil/only sealing the evil for a time until it would inevitably break free to rampage again and either aiding in dealing with it or being unable to do anything about it/sealing it with their fall from grace.
The Hollow Knight from Hollow Knight🤝 Breath of The Wild Link/Lu Wild 🤝 Age of Calamity Link/ Lu Calamity : No Mind to Think No Will to Break No Voice to Cry Suffering, though to be fully emotionless/stoic but oh, they feel a lot actually but they're forced to hide and suppress it due to the expectation set upon them by their respective kingdoms in being their only hope against a great evil and so they're expected to just be a machine that gets the darned job done, probably needs a big hug a blanket and warm soup.
The Radiance 🤝 The Pale King 🤝 Hylia 🤝 Demise : Higher Beings with Thematic Parallels, something something "Maybe in another life I could have had your life and you mine" idk.
Hylia 🤝 The Pale King 🤝 King Rhoam Bosphoramus Hyrule : Idnavertedly condemning the people they love or care for to arguably a fate worse than death in an attempt to do the right thing in an extremely dubious manner to protect their subjects, No Cost Too Great. In true Deity fashion showcasing how being loved by one is dangerous on the case of the first two idk maybe it's just the mythology obsession rearing it's head.
Anyway, have a lot of thoughts about them. Discuss I guess? *Leaves without elaborating to get more coffee*
#Wild what the FUCK-#Maybe it's just the sleep deprivation but I kind of think I'm onto something#Maybe it's just me wanting to get back to writing the Breath of the Wild au's where everything is the same but The Hollow Knight is there#and BOTW Link/Wild gets himself a buddy and ally who he can massively relate to that ain't Wolfie and they both heal from their plots#Not dragging Wolfie he's the best boy still no worries#and then it segways into LU and Wild just rolls up to the Chain with this being that is both A Literal God and Void and Shenanigans ™ ensue#Twilight is probably chill because he already knows Hollow and is not too bad with dark magic#and everyone else is going#maybe Hornet and Ghost are in there too for flavor idk haven't worked on it in a while because Life#or the Au where Everything is the same but the previous Attempted Calamity is there as a ghost#and is like a feral overprotective but nice ancestor to Wild like how Time was to Twilight#Occasionally backseats if Wild is out of commission but hey he gets a free guide#even if the guide itself has no idea what he's doing#Then it segways into LU#Fia (OATCH) and Twilight have custody battles over Wild#Idk haven't gotten that far on that one either#These guys plus the Hero of Men and First kind of make me want to write an essay just to evict them from my head for a hot second#Because they're there rent free and I kind of need that thought space for other stuff#Hylia and The Pale King have a shocking amount in common with each other as does the Hollow Knight and BOTW Link/Link in general#In this Hollow Knight and LOZ essay I will-#Have a lot of thoughts about them and think about them a lot#legendofzelda#loz#linked universe#hollow knight#lu wild#lu calamity#lu twilight#Lu Fia (Original Attempted Calamity Hero)#the hollow knight
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lyneira · 1 year
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♡ reuniting with him ♡
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-> how would the blue lock guys greet you after being away from each other for a long time?
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Simply hugs you
ISAGI, Chigiri, Reo, Yukimiya, Tokimitsu, Ness
They moment they see you, they're pulling you into their embrace. However, don't underestimate the force and resolve that was put behind it.
Through the way they'd hug you, it said a lot. The way he held you so close and so tightly that you could feel his heart beating out of his chest said, "I'm not letting you go again". And indeed, he wouldn't be letting you out of his embrace anytime soon.
Kisses your lips immediately
Sae, Kunigami, Aiku, Kaiser, Raichi, Karasu
They wouldn't care who was looking, he was going to give you the deepest kiss you've ever had when you two reunite. An uncharacteristically desperate kiss from him, one that claimed you his, and reclaimed you, over and over again. Lord, he missed your taste so much. He missed you so much.
Picks you up and spins you around
BACHIRA, Shidou, Hiori, Nanase, Aryu
He'd be too overwhelmed with excitement to stay still. If you don't come running up to him, he'll be the one running up to you. He'll swoop you into his arms and spin you around, and the long-awaited laugh he had yearned to hear for so long would bless his ears at last.
He'd want this moment to last forever if only it didn't make either of you so dizzy, hehe
Leans their forehead against yours and gazes deeply into your eyes
Nagi, Barou, RIN, Noa, Niko, Eita, Gagamaru
These would be the type of people who wouldn't express much affection, especially in public. Their affection is rather quiet, more subtle, and intimate, meant to be shown only to you.
And when you're finally right there in front of him, he's finding himself cupping the sides of your face and leaning his forehead against yours, so close that your noses were barely touching.
"...I've missed you", he'd whisper, and if that wasn't evident from the intensity of his tone, then it was evident in his eyes, full of longing and adoration.
He'll leave a kiss on your forehead if he's quick enough ♡
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a/n: imma be honest, I still haven't gotten so far in the manga, so I actually don't know much about characters like Kaiser, Ness, and Oliver. Though, based on the previews I've been seeing of them on my dash, I feel like this would suit them? but again, they might be ooc, idk 🥲 Maybe I'll update this post once I've read and gotten to know more about em 😭
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primrosebow · 3 months
YES PLEASE, part 2 😻 I would also LOVE to see his legs spread for us... Or maybe we forcefully spread them :3 either way I love you're art it's so hot, Lucifer's so hot. Just NEED to manhandle him 😞
-💌 anon (idk if that's been used, if so then 🐕 anon)
_-->Lucifer x reader // pt 2🍎
!content warnings!: nsfw, edging (AAAHAHAHAA!!!! THE FIRST KINK NAME THAT I ACTUALLY FIGURED OUT! it's pretty self explanatory, but I'm proud of me so shut) probably other kinks but, again, nun. andddd a wee lil more writing compared to my other posts
Shoutout to 💌 anon‼️‼️
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The air is thick with tension as lucifer catches his breath, tears running down his now hot face. He's completly oblivious to the atmosphere, however- he's too deep in pleasure to even realize what he'd just done.
You had explicitly told him not to cum, going as far as edging him for the last few minutes, but, of course he couldn't keep it down, in the same way he hadn't lowered his teasing, which was the exact behavior that had gotten him into this predicament. You see; Lucifer is honestly one of the best you could have ever dreamt for, wealthy, stunningly gorgeous, funny, patient- wait. Scratch that last part. He's not patient at all. When he wants something, he'll do whatever it takes to get it. And that time, it was to get you to have him as you pleased.
You honestly didn't know what had gotten into him, he'd been teasing you for the last several days with no signs of giving up -what was his goal with this?- you thought, whenever he'd litter kisses along your neck and imediatelly turn around and speed off to do god knows what. Whenever he'd lay on your lap and arch into you, displaying his body for you, only to turn around and act like nothing happened within a split second, even touching your sensitive spots and acting oblivious. Whenever- actually, you could go on all day long. And right now, he'd finally realized what he did.
His expression flows from one of relief into one of guilt. He turns his head from you, snapping his eyes down to your hand over his still painfully hard dick before dragging them back up when the sight alone had made him twitch in your hands.
His thighs had been strongly pressed against your arm before you used your other hand to make Lucifer look at you. He looked frustrated, ashamed, confused- why all of that? Because this wasn't the outcome he expected. He thought you'd have your way with him, bend him over the nearest flat surface and fuck him out of his mind, he thought you'd overstimulate him until he couldn't think of another thing other than the sting of his drawn out pleasure, thought you'd be rough with him.
But no, you were gentle.
With your actions, at least. Your words were pure venom. "You want to get treated like some desperate slut, huh?" "You look down on those sinners but you're no fucking better." "You're already drooling? My god you're pathetic." "You haven't earned my touch- much less the right to cum. You've been nothing but an inconvenience, you're lucky I'm even doing this" as you so gently jerked him off with the most delicate touches, holding his hand, ghosting your lips over his neck and moved the hair out of his face. The juxtaposition from the two extremes of your words and actions drove him insane- he just couldn't deal with it, you were tearing down his whole being by the second- and eventually, he couldn't hold himself anymore.
You don't spare him a word as you push his legs apart and watch them tremble to stay open for you as rushed apologies and poor excuses left his mouth. Before he could continue with his apologies, you roughly rub your fingers over his tip, earning a broken, fucked out moan from him, his tail a dead giveaway of his enjoyment of the new treatment.
"Is this what you wanted?" Was your unamused response. You kept going at the much rougher pace you had just now set, his eyes fought to remain open as more tears flow out of his red, glowing eyes; he wasn't prepared for such intensity after what you had put him through "aah- mh- w-wait -oh goodness- please! Have mercy!" His pleading falls on deaf ears as you continue at your current movement. The king of hell had his pride completly broken, and you weren't even close to being done with him.
Ah, seems like the two of you have a long night ahead of you
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I just found out about weevils I am not the same woman I was 10 minutes ago. I love these stupid little guys. I love them so much. I love weevils.
Sorry for dying I'm back tho with like a truckload of stuff in mind to tell yall abt. Also I don't proofread or anything this is like as raw as it gets.
Ermm @ ing @bigfatbimbo because this mf into lucifer FOR REAL💪💪
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moyloi · 7 months
I want MORE scenes with gale (Act 1 spoilers)
OK OK OK SO I am currently going through a playthrough romancing Gale and I have a few thoughts! Only gone through Act 1 so far and I'm on my way to the Creche, so things might change, but hear me out. (Act 1 spoilers (????))
With his romance I kind of wanted... more during act 1??? I know, I know.. Mystra and all that and maybe I've missed something but listen:
There's only two romantic scenes with him; - One with the weave - One during tiefling celebrations
and then there's nothing until act 2 apparently.
BUT what if he got TWO more flirtacious scenes as well?
After him showing us the weave, there should be a scene where he is sitting infront of his tent, reading a book (like he's doing while idle, but this might be different book or not idk) and he is so inveloped in the book that he doesn't hear Tav approaching. Lines that Tav could be saying:
"What are you reading?"
2. "(Cough to make your presence known)"
3. Leave him to his book (end scene)
Or something similar.
He is a bit startled but goes on about telling you what kind of book he's reading and insinuates that you might not find it interesting. The two first lines are bringing the conversations forward, to his surprise:
" Sounds interesting, tell me more! / do go on!" (approval)
" Go on..." (approval)
"Those sort of books doesn't interest me" (disapproval, end conversation)
And your Tav sits down next to him while he rambles on and shows you the book if you picked either the first two lines.
Your Tav can ask questions for him to answer but there should be an option that says:
"Stay silent, let him continue"
He will eventually realise he is rambling and says:
"Ah, I do apologise. I must've rambled on about my interests about this book and I'm sorry if I bored you".
Tav could answer something like:
"No please, do continue. I find you ramblings quite amusing/cute." (Flirt)
"Don't worry. You're a good storyteller. Please, do go on." (Flirt)
"hmm? Oh, I must've dozed off" (disapproval, end scene)
AND IF YOU CHOOSE FLIRT-LINES, HE THEN GOES ON ABOUT THAT BOOK AND HIS INTERESTS AND THE NARRATOR COULD SAY SOMETHING LIKE: "And with you telling him to go on, Gale continues to talk about (whatever the book might be). You become more and more enveloped in his storytelling that none of you realise that night has turned to dawn, and a new day awaits."
Both of you could get a debuff, something like: Sleep deprived. -1 to saving throws (Until long rest) OR -1 to intellect and wisdom saving throws (Until long rest) HOW CUTE WOULDN'T THAT BE LIKE OMG
This happens after the celebrations with the tieflings. This can be a hidden scene that won't proc unless you actively talk to him before and after a long rest (Like with astarion and getting the sex scene before the party.. well he didn't have an exclamationmark above his head).
this scene is more guided towards the romatic, non-sexual part.
Here, it depends on if you are playing a Durge or an original Tav. Just a few or one line might be added or changed.
Gale will say something like:
"you know, I feel like I haven't gotten to know you properly."
And Tav can answer with:
"Oh? what would you like to know?"
"Well.. I don't remember much.." (This will be a coninuation and he will ask: well what do you remember? (Durge only))
"And there's a reason why." (Rejection, disapproval. End of conversation)
Gale could then be giving examples of Waterdeep, more about his life before the orb etc etc.)
Your Tav can tell him about:
"A happy memory" (approval)
"A loving memory" (approval)
"A sad/somber memory" (approval, because your Tav trusts him enough to talk about sad shit (????))
"No... I don't need to tell you anything!" (disapproval, end of conversation)
He will repsond accordingly and THEN it will cut to your Tav and Gales faces being mere INCHES from each other.
If you have recruited Scratch, he will interrupt when they were about to kiss. While Scratch is barking after dropping a ball, wanting to play (or talking - Speak with animals activated) and is distractiv Tav, Gale can look at them lovingly, smiling. maybe laughing??
IF you haven't recruited Scratch before this scene, Gale will stop himself. Being hesitant but reassures that wants to kiss tav but he needs to sort himself out first (with the orb and stuff). and maybe Tav can kiss him on the forehead or something.
Thanks for coming to my tedTalk.
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cuephrase · 2 months
Of the DC comics you've read so far, what would be your top recommendations for people to check out/what have you enjoyed the most?
when i tell you i have been thinking about this all day- i have been thinking about this. all. day.
so disclaimer, as of writing this, i have only read 31 runs from start to finish and 18 arcs/events outside of those runs. on top of, everything i've read so far has been strictly robin-centric, so dick, jason, tim, and damian. (i have read all of steph's robin appearances lol, but i haven't gotten to reading material for her, like say batgirl 2009, yet.) i've also decided not to rec from any run i'm currently reading, so for example, you won't see any batman: gotham knights recs here. because i'm most well-read on the robins, i'm only going to rec for them.
also, i'm going to operate under the following assumption: you've got a basic knowledge of the robins. none of these are where i would necessarily recommend anyone start reading about the boys, but i do think they'd be pretty interesting if you're already somewhat familiar with them and don't want to commit to reading whole character backlogs. does that make sense? i hope that makes sense.
alright, let's do this!
oh god. this one is actually so hard because he has so much great stuff, but then also i have like a love/frustrate relationship with so much of it. like for instance, i really enjoyed The New Teen Titans, but also lowkey can't stand space adventures so whenever that went down i was like 😀👍. but okay. hmmmm.
i have two preboot recs, with explanations + caveats.
devin grayson's mob!dick arc, so Nightwing 1996 #99-100, 107-117. caveats: it doesn't really get to finish playing out/wraps up weird because of editorial changes/infinite crisis. but!! it's a super interesting look at how dick handles...failure. how he values himself in light of that failure.
tomasi's run, but specifically #147-153. (listen, i love the dick and tim moments in 'freefall' but the whole eternally pregnant lady thing was too weird.) this is classic, hyper-competent dick, okay? he's such a bad-ass. and an idiot- bro literally flops his severely injured ass over the bars of his glider and rides it UNCONSCIOUS back to the batcave. i can't with him. poor alfred. anyways, he deals with two-face, always a good time. and then at the end, as a treat, he cries because bruce is dead. so fun!! what was my caveat here? oh yeah, he has a girlfriend. i don't remember her name, she serves like...very little purpose, the whole relationship is very minor/background okay, but like it was so unnecessary. he can be single, dc, it's okay.
for post re-boot, just read tom taylor's run!! it's the best thing ever!! zero complaints!!
HA. yeah, just kidding. that run is very like/frustrate for me lol. oh man i'm struggling here. it's not all bad okay, i'm just really picky, and i haven't re-read any nightwing n52 and onwards since my first foray into comics (8 months ago) so my memories of these are the foggiest and i'm not sure how i feel about all of it in light of what i've read now. yk what, i'm just going to...not rec anything. sorry!!
his comics either go so hard or they're absolute ass, why is there no in between. istg, i can't figure out why writers struggle with him so much?? well. i mean, i do have theories. but you didn't ask for those!
detective comics #569-574. robin!jason in the hands of writers who like him is so much fun. which, don't get me wrong, i don't flat-out hate how starlin writes him, but i think you get a more well-rounded view of jason as robin when you also see him in 'tec. jason and bruce tangle with the joker, scarecrow, + mad hatter, and all of those adventures are...idk if they were intentional foreshadowing okay, but reading those and knowing where the story goes? oof. especialllllly #574. caveat: #572 is pretty light on jason, but he is great when he's on panel!
probably a very basic answer but rhato rebirth (2016) #1-13, annual #1. i abhorred n52 rhato so i almost skipped rhato rebirth since it was still written by lobdell, but i'm really glad i didn't. i really enjoy jason's relationship with bizarro + artemis, but especially with bizarro because i think jason struggles a lot with feeling like a doomed creation, so yk, parallels. i want to say more but i know i'll get too wrapped up in discussing jason so i'm just going to stop myself.
i actually really enjoyed task force z, too. i think about tfz #8 so much, jason is such a manipulative little shit and i love it. he's so- i can't. i can't get into this rn, it deserves its own post(s).
overall for jay, i need people to read something other than utrh/lost days/b:ul 1-6. i love those, i do, but they aren't the only good pieces of jason content!!
MY BELOVED!!!!!!!!!! in my heart of hearts, i just want to rec his whole robin run lmao. dick was my intro, okay, he is why i decided to start reading comics, but tim, specifically his robin solo is why i'm still reading comics. hooked me fr. and young justice 1998, ugh love. but it has been a minute since i read these as well, so hmm. okay okay okay
batman: prodigal. short version, tim is robin to dick's batman. super fun. there's a solid amount of dick and bruce angsting too, which, love. tim is honestly just thrilled that jpv is out of the batsuit and even happier to working with dick. very cute.
robin #46. listen. they're all superheroes okay, they all feel pressure to save people. but tim...losses get to him. the amount of times that he gets shoved to a breaking point and then...gets back up. keeps going. *screams*. anyways!! this is not tim getting back up, okay? this is him being shoved way, way down. it's so good.
teen titans 2003 #20. tim's dad has died. he shows up for his weekend at the tower anyways. he is not okay. that's it, that's the pitch. i did not like...mmm at least 80% of this run okay, but a few of the issues HIT and this was one imo.
*deep sigh*. look. tim is not tim for like basically all of n52, although there are moments here and there were he feels like himself. i did not like his 2023 solo, the best parts of young justice 2019 imo are the character designs, (except for his drake costume, what was that omg), and i haven't read any rebirth batman/'tec yet. except for zdarsky's run. which. tim is good there! but yeah, not really a whole lot of material to work with + very limited reading experience atm.
god, i love this kid. nature vs. nurture fascinates me, and so much of his story digs into that on top of trying to figure out who he is apart from all of that. i will say, i'm not a huge talia fan and by that i mean, i have no idea who she is "supposed" to be, like i have no frame of reference for that atm, so if you are a huge talia fan these recs might not hit for you because from what i've observed from her fans she is not well portrayed a whole lot since becoming his mother? i think one of the things that is normal is dick absolutely disliking her though, which cracks me up. there's this older batman story (batman #322-335) where bruce works with talia and dick goes running to selina and i was so entertained. what were we talking about? oh! damian!
batman and robin 2009 #10-12. damian is struggling, with a lot of things. the fact that bruce might be alive, what that means for him and dick, and his mother's puppeteering. there's this line that kills me: "can't you just love me for who i am? not what you want me to be?" and the thing that gets me, is the use of who vs. what. because he could have said, "not who you want me to be", but he doesn't
batman: shadow war. this is post-alfred's death, and honestly, most damian stuff post city of bane is pretty juicy, but there's this specific moment in shadow war: alpha #1 that had me speechless. just like 😧 i love bruce, but that man has some of the most chronic foot-in-mouth disease. oh but fair warning, for whatever reason they don't draw dami's mask connecting?? it's so- it drives me nuts.
these are just two issues that i enjoy for the brother content!
nightwing 1996 #25. dick and tim's relationship makes me ILL. *ahem*. this issue is mostly just super cute and fun, (there's like 0.2 seconds of angst when tim asks dick if he ever thinks about jason 😭) and i adore it sm. fun fact, it's actually one of the first comics i ever bought!
batman 2016 #16. unfortunately, tim is not here for this, but duke is! jason and damian's interactions in the background of bruce's Very Serious Speech are excellent. bruce is so dramatic and his kids are so unserious.
what i've most enjoyed
i've enjoyed the majority of what i've read, even titles/events i wasn't particularly looking forward to but had on my tbr for whichever character. i'm going to break down most enjoyed into two catergories, arcs that i loved top to bottom and then the guilty pleasures. this is not an exhaustive list, just what immediately came to mind.
top to bottom
bruce wayne: murderer?/fugitive. shocker, ik. but it's just, it's just so frickin good. i've said before, and i'll say it again, gotham war could NEVER. this right here is peak batfamily drama. the tension? the mystery? the angst? i knew nothing going into this okay, and truth be told, when i started it i was like "oh joy. another event." because i was just trying to read the 1996 nightwing run, but i'd committed to reading in full all the events it crossed over with. but i was invested so quickly. and like, i loved how the narrative supported the possibility that bruce was the murderer, because like, you know there's no way, but the more that comes out the more damning it is, and so you're like really dying to know what actually happened and i feel like the reveal was satisfying.
batman: city of bane. i'm going to cautiously put this here, because there might have been something i didn't like but i cannot recall it for the life of me right now. something about me is i love when the heroes lose. infinity war, empire strikes back? love. and ik bruce takes back gotham, but they lose alfred, okay, they lost. i also didn't expect to like this arc, i decided to read it because i wanted to know how alfred died. and first of all, i was shocked, even though i knew it was coming because i expected it to like happen towards the end. but nope. just *snap*. and then later when bruce is back in the manor and is confronted with alfred's body and his good-bye message? oh. my. god. i was bawling. despite my penchant for sad narratives, i don't tend to cry that much, but this got to me so bad. like i had to pause because i couldn't see. amazing.
red robin. his cowl is so ugly, but i really do love the run. i see a lot of discourse about it and also a lot of...interesting fanfic takes, so i don't really talk about it a lot here because it feels like most people are kind of tired of hearing about this run, which fair. i really enjoyed it as a sequel to his solo robin run. tbh, i almost put this in the guilty pleasure catergory, because there are a couple things i don't totally love, but like if the others are 10/10, this is 9/10.
young justice 1998. i love this comic so, so much. i don't even know what to say, i get so overwhelmed with joy when i think about this comic. nothing has hit the same way with this group since either, which is a crime. i need a title with this team so badly.
guilty pleasures
these are all runs/events i know some/most? people cannot stand and i totally get why, and i have problems with them, so i'm probably never going to rec them in good conscience but also like i can't lie and say i don't like them. these are not recs, okay? okay.
robin war. is it a hot mess? yes. but there is not a whole lot of canon content out there with all the boys working together, okay? so much of that event had me banging my head into a wall, but for me, there were a handful of pearls in there. i mean honestly, if i listed out pros and cons the cons list would be way longer but those pros are very precious to me.
batman and robin: eternal. very similar reasoning overall to robin war. plus cass finally came back!! i missed her. i love robin!dick and batman content, and the kids working together. this is probably my least favorite guilty pleasure though, okay, it's on thin ice.
grayson. listen, i love janin's art sm. i'm pretty neutral about spy stuff, so like i don't engage with it a whole lot. meaning, although i've heard it's tropey af in regards to the genre, i'm not familiar enough with the genre to be like trying to dig my eyeballs out with blunt spoons at the cliche of it all. the constant sexualization of dick got old super fast, and her name may have been helena but she wasn't- my list of dislikes is lengthy. but idk, i had fun with it. and imo it does have some genuinely great moments, i love dick in the desert with the baby, the ache i felt when dick wanted to come home and couldn't get ahold of bruce, issue #12 stabs me in the heart- the dick and dami reunion? stoppppp. i feel like this run and the ric grayson era are dick's most out there lmao
so yeah!! thank you so much for this ask, i had sm fun answering it. if you have any recs for me, feel free to drop them :)
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My Thoughts on Touchstarved
So, I've finished the demo! Let me start off by saying that I love the story! The concept is awesome, I adore that you can choose your own background, I love how immersive the setting is, everything is just... amazing. I can't wait for the full game to come out! Especially with all the special treats we're getting from the Kickstarter goals, it's going to be fantastic! And now, my friends, I shall share with you my thoughts & Headcannons for each of our lovely love interests, in order of appearance. If you'd like to see more, my requests are open!! I haven't gotten any for Touchstarved yet but I'm itching to write for them, I just... need some inspiration, so the more the merrier!
First of all: pretty. I love his design, it's wonderful. He looks so ethereal! And very doctor-y, which was the point.
Can we talk about the hair, though???? How cool is that?? I love it. It looks very soft and fluffy. And so long... Could you imagine sleeping next to him? You wake up and you're drowning in floof.
He's very kind and gentle, but is obviously holding back. He distances himself from people, and like everybody else on this list, he needs to find someone he can really trust to open up and be himself with.
And he stays so busy, like... when does he ever take the time to relax? I know the city needs him and his clinic, but he deserves some time off, too.
To be honest Kuras gives me kinda like.... asexual vibes? Maybe demisexual? Idk, maybe I'm reading too much into him being reserved, but. I just feel like he either wouldn't be interested or he'd want to fall in love with someone before taking them to bed.
I love him, he's incredible. So talented, so kind!! I love the respect the Bloodhounds have for him, and how willing he is to go out of his way to help a stranger.
Also he blushes very easily and I love it, he's absolutely adorable
I am very very curious how he got so much skill with magic, because that doesn't seem to be normal. I bet it has something to do with his secret.
He very clearly has some serious trauma in his past, too. I wonder how he got that scar, if it has anything to do with his magic, if it is indeed the same scar running from his face to his arm....
Seems like he drowns his trauma in alcohol, his gang, and keeping himself very busy. Poor thing clearly doesn't get as much sleep as he should.
I think he just wants to be loved, but he's afraid to let himself be too vulnerable.
Foxboy Foxboy Foxboy Foxboy Fox-
Can I just say that I'm a little bit in love with his design. I mean I am with all of them but. Especially Vere. I love foxes and it's just. *Chef's kiss*
He's a cocky lil son of a biscuit tho. That tongue of his is quite sharp... as are his teeth~
I feel like he'd flirt with a Soulless to get what he wanted. In actuality he'd just murder it, but... you get my point. You're never sure if he's gonna seduce you or slit your neck.
Literally if Sage and Rime from Last Legacy had a child.
He's absolutely not trustworthy but I wanna get to the bottom of things and form that trust with him.
Romancing him would be very interesting. He's always three seconds away from eating you, but the question is... will he eat your soul, or your [redacted]?
He reminds me far too much of my friend's OC, and for that, I am the sliiiightest bit obsessed with him. At least that gives me a headstart on his characterization.
Would sell you to Satan for one cornchip, but fortunately MC interests him enough to keep them around
And Princess???? Oh my god. My heart. I adore her, I adore him, yes please
And he calls the MC "Sparrow"!!! That's absolutely precious. I love how he has nicknames for people, it's wonderful
Ais seems like the person who will tell you he doesn't care what happens to you and you can go get yourself killed for all he cares, then move heaven and earth to save you once you're even slightly in danger.
Baby needs a hug. Enough said.
l absolutely adore them. They have stolen my heart.
And yes, maybe I do have the slightest bit of a savior complex, shut up. I'm just addicted to the hurt/comfort angst of it all, okay?
Literally hates everyone and everyone hates them (Except for, y'know, Kuras) because they're such a grumpy little loner and dear god just let me love you, let me teach you what love is.
They definitely fit into the whole "stronger than they appear" archetype because they're specifically mentioned to be pretty scrawny, but they have an impressive amount of strength and holy hells they're good with that dagger. That's incredible skill
I just. I want to break down those walls and earn their trust and teach them they have someone they can rely on who won't betray them, no matter what happens or how dark things get.
I just want to cuddle them and reassure them that everything's gonna be alright, is that a crime?
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tartigglez · 1 year
OH MY GOD??? BIRTHDAY??? womb evacuation day, as i like to call it🙀
this got me thinking tbh. modern au, what time would genshin men tell u happy birthday?
first up our 00:01 squad would text u or pull up outside.. mmm thoma 100% hes down bad,, childe as well!! potentially venti
next the boys who wouldn't text and go out of their way to see u first thing!! diluc, kazuha & itto (trust me on this one!!)
would tell u whenever they happened to remember/see you that day .. kaeya, gorou, albedo
WOULD FORGET :(( ayato, xiao
failed to figure out how to text you and spent the morning pecking at phone buttons -zhongli
Hi bubbly nonnie!! i sincerely apologise for my tardiness (yes i still have your diluc req in the inbox, yes i'm working on it). anyway, here's what i think...
(romantic pairings bc i'm just like that)
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thoma, childe, kaeya, zhongli, diluc (separate) x gn!reader
genre: drabble
word count: idk (oops)
a/n: i'm lazy, its been summarised, i don't even count this as a fic i'm just trying to make it look like one because you guys haven't been fed recently and i sincerely apologise. also i made up shit about fontaine to make it fit, do excuse xoxo
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thoma definitely shows up outside with cake and a party hat for you both at 12am sharp. does a little dance whilst singing happy birthday to you, and once you've both gotten back into the house and you've blown your candles out, he will immediately pull you in by the waist and kiss you, he just wants you to know he appreciates you!
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childe has a tradition each year of making sure he is with you on your birthday, he wants to be there to congratulate you on a new year of you, the second it comes along. The second the clock hits the hour of your birthday, he hugs you tightly before separating from you, announcing...
"you're just as beautiful as last year, darling"
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kaeya, the flirty bastard... is still flirty. BUT doesn't want to bother you late at night so instead, he will find you in the morning, when you're in mondstadt buying some groceries, approach you from behind whilst you're trying to buy some fruits (he almost got himself punched) and wrap his arms around your waist. yes you very nearly elbowed him in the stomach, he managed to step out of the way. would casually place his head on your shoulder from behind whilst hugging you and announce, in a low tone...
"happy birthday my dear, i've gotta run, knighthood calls. see you tonight?"
"thanks, kae. see you tonight"
and not that either of you noticed, but the fruit vendor happened to overhear you both, offering you the produce for free.
"if there's anything the people of mondstadt know, far better than barbatos' winds, or how to spot a good wine, it's the cavalry captains love for his partner. here, have a nice birthday, y/n."
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unfortunately due to circumstance, zhongli was not able to be in liyue on your birthday. of course, this made him quite upset. he would have teleported back only he had an important meeting in fontaine, and it was stipulated in a contract that he couldn't teleport, lest someone found out about something they shouldn't. thankfully, he had been gifted a smartphone by you for his own birthday the previous year, which he still hadn't quite figured out how to use.
at first he thought he should call you, forgetting that time zones were a thing. sadly by the time he had actually figured out how to make a call (he had to ask focalors, it was an awkward interaction, she also did not know.) he realised that you were quite a few hours ahead of him, and had probably already gone out for the day and couldn't chat.
so he decided to text you. which did not go well (his hands are too big for those damned tiny buttons). he isn't sure till this day if the message even sent, because you never responded.
turns out he had sent it to tartaglia, who actually understood phones enough to forward the text to you...
"gaooy biethdsy mt libe, u hipe thus dsy ia as beauutofil as tou"
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diluc is bad at romance. let me rephrase that: diluc does not know how to express his feelings, but wants to spend your birthday with you, so he tries to make it look like an accident that he just happened to be by your side all day.
first thing in the morning, you will notice a noble eagle flying in the sky outside your home. you knew that this bird was none other than dilucs own.
"how strange... why couldn't he just ask me to come to the winery...?"
nevertheless, the large bird flew its way down to land on your garden fence, its sharp talons somehow not scratching the wood, and called to you (i know nothing about birds, sorry), before flying back into the sky in the direction you knew diluc would be waiting. so, you had no choice but to follow it, right?
upon arriving at the winery, you were met by a handsome man in a black dress shirt, holding a bouquet of cecelias. he grabbed your hand and kissed you on the cheek.
"happy birthday, y/n"
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i apologise thoma stans (i'm one of you) i have let you down this day
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takeme-totheworld · 1 month
We know that there are other demons and angels on Earth besides Aziraphale and Crowley. They've never specifically said so, but they've said plenty things that allow us to easily infer it. (Most obviously, Shax calling herself "Hell's representative in London" and "Hell's ambassador plenipotentiary to this corner of the planet" implies that Hell, at least, has multiple agents on Earth.)
So either there are a lot of other demons and angels around who have secretly gone native/grown attached to Earth to varying degrees as well—or Aziraphale and Crowley are, for some currently undisclosed reason, the only ones to think of rebelling against their head offices in all this time.
I can't decide which possibility I find more fascinating, tbh. If it's the former, there's been dissatisfaction and dissension in the ranks all along and it's just been fear and isolation keeping everyone in line. If it's the latter...I don't know what that would mean for the larger themes, tbh.
We haven't seen a single other demon yet who would do what Crowley does in this episode, skirting orders from Hell to save innocent lives. But I'm also thinking about the fact that Aziraphale could have shrugged when Crowley showed him the permit, walked away, and not gotten involved. That's what would be expected of him and it's certainly what all the other angels we've seen so far would have done. Long before it gets to the point of lying to Gabriel, he's already behaving differently from other angels by choosing to get involved in something when it would be much less risky for him to look the other way and not make waves.
Just like in the scene Before the Beginning, when he tries to warn Crowley not to ask questions because he doesn't want him to get in trouble. He could have refrained from saying anything—or worse, snitched—but instead he stuck his neck out, at not-insignificant risk to himself.
Is he the only one? Or have the other angels (and demons, in Crowley's case) with similar...idk, tendencies...just been kept completely isolated from each other?
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misc-obeyme · 2 months
wait wait wait, is it just me or has there just...never been a diavolo-centric event yet? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? and are there any other characters who haven't gotten a single event yet? like, i'm a solomon lover but damn him, barbatos etc. (or just them?) have gotten two events and then there's (supposedly, i think, idk i'm asking) diavolo and...presumably others (who i'm not aware of because i honestly do not keep up with events apart from looking for enough spoilers to see if it's worth it for me to go search up more about it, but never play it myself obviously lol) as well? like...am i missing out on something? i think i might be? isn't that unfair or is there something i was supposed to know? because i haven't seen a single SOUL ask about him so far (or am i not looking hard enough?)???
Okay, anon. This question sent me down the rabbit hole because I was like I need to look this up.
So with the help of the Obey Me! Wiki, I have determined a few things about the Spotlight events.
I had noticed that sometimes events were focused on a character, but didn't list them as being in the spotlight. For instance, the Scroll of Thirst event was very much about Solomon, but no spotlight was listed. I felt like the Chess event was also very focused on Belphie, but again no spotlight. Or the Blue Para event being mostly about Levi.
This happens when it's a Celestial Blessing event and there are outfits for multiple characters. Those events seem to be focused on those characters, as if they were having a spotlight event. But there is no mention of the spotlight and I suppose it's because they don't want players to think that there's only one outfit for that character? Either way, that seems to be the distinction.
That being said, there are plenty of events that do list specific spotlights. So with that in mind, I went through them to see who we have had spotlighted.
The results are rather uneven. The events were either a solo spotlight or a shared spotlight with two characters. Here's the breakdown:
Lucifer - 1 solo, 1 shared Mammon - 2 solo, 2 shared Levi - 1 shared Satan - 2 solo, 1 shared Asmo - 2 solo, 2 shared Beel - 1 solo Belphie - 1 solo
Diavolo - none Barbatos - 3 solo Simeon - 1 solo, 1 shared Solomon - 1 solo Luke - none
Not sure how much people care about Luke, but for the record he also hasn't had a spotlight.
I was SHOCKED to see that Lucifer only had one solo event. And inexplicably Barb has had THREE??? LOL two of them were about sports and the other one was about video games. Make it make sense.
Anyway, as you can see Diavolo has also not had one. I think you could argue that Levi hasn't either, since he's only had one that he shared with Satan.
So you aren't missing anything, it is an unfair distribution. I know it took us forever to get Beel & Belphie events. I don't know why they're doing it this way, but it's pretty dumb. I can only assume we'll eventually get a Diavolo spotlight event because aside from Luke, he's the only one who hasn't had one.
For reference, here is the list of the spotlight events in the order they happened and which characters they spotlighted. Putting it under a read more because this post is already really long lol.
Starting with events that were only in OG.
Satan: A Star for You Barbatos: Super Smash Devils Mammon & Asmo: Princess Rose Simeon: A Weird White Day
The rest of these were in NB as well.
Lucifer & Asmo: The Cursed Seed and the Fertilizing Flame Simeon & Mammon: RAD on Stage Satan & Levi: Whisked Away Mammon: Hell Marine Festival Lucifer: Terrible Time Trouble Asmo: Devil's Water Panic! Barbatos: Fangol Ultra Bowl Mammon: An A-mazing Adventure Asmo: Fabulicious Beel: The Great Devildom Outdoors Satan: Exciting Inn-cidents! Solomon: Bon Voyage! Belphie: Poison Hunting & Candy Making! Barbatos: Dust Storm Panic
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stardustbarbarians · 2 months
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Kneel Down Ye Sinners
A Samuel Kiszka / Daniel Wagner fic
Summary: Daniel has a bad round of golf... and Sam is bored.
Tags: spanking, oral, unprotected sex, literally just smut idk what else to say... so MDNI!
Words: 2.3 k
A/N: This has been written in my drafts for over a year and I just got around to polishing it up. Anyway, as usual, this is dedicated to @ofthecaravel because when is it not. (Also pspspspspsps @runwayblues) Title taken from Wild Side by Motley Crue (I swear I don't listen to them that much). Anyway, and as always, enjoy!!
"God, that was awful!" Daniel yelled as he stormed into the house, throwing his baseball hat into the wall and kicking off his slides. They made a subdued smack as they landed onto the floor near the entrance. 
"How was golf?" Sam called out for his spot in the living room, flipping through channels mindlessly. He was bored out of his skull, having already finished all the chores he wanted to do this weekend and really not all in the mood to play any of his instruments. 
"I shot in the 90s! I haven't gotten a score like that since high school!!" The golfer raged, now pacing in front of the couch Sam was on. He had to admit, Daniel was hot when he was mad. He'd get this set in his jaw that defined it more and this look in his eyes that reminded Sam of all the times he was pinned underneath Daniel. 
Oh, thought Sam, now there’s an idea 
"Oh, baby, that's rough," Sam patronized, his voice dripping in manufactured sympathy. He threw the remote down, not needing the tv anymore. His entertainment had arrived.
Though, he felt his heart skip a beat when that rage fueled gaze was cast onto him. His skin began to prickle with goosebumps as Daniel stopped in his tracks, one of Danny's eyebrows cocking up. He felt his blood simultaneously freeze and boil beneath his skin at that look. 
"You think you can do better, Samuel?" His tone was even and dangerous, a low grumble in his chest. 
Sam had to suppress a shiver at the words. He was diving head-first into the deep end and he knew the risks. 
"No… but you should've" Sam retorted, his bratty streak always strong. He knew he was in trouble the moment Daniel crossed his arms over his chest, his muscles very visible under the pliant fabric of his golf shirt. 
"You've got quite the mouth on you. Don't you, princess?"
At the pet name, Sam visibly shivered, unable to suppress this one. That name was reserved for the moments when it was about to get nasty. And the way Daniel was glaring at Sam? It was about to get very, very nasty. 
"And what about it, big loser?" The bassist really hammered the last nail in the coffin with the smirk and raised eyebrow he sent Danny’s way. 
That's what finally set Daniel off.
His arms dropped to his sides, hands balling into fist. Sam watched it happen in rapt fascination, feeling just the tiniest twinge of fear in his heart. However, it was drowned out by the excitement flooding his veins at knowing just how much he had successfully riled up Daniel. 
"On your knees.”
Sam was not expecting that of all things for Danny to say. He felt his eyes get big as he swallowed thickly. That fear had turned into surprise, his heart fluttering inside his ribs. He knew where this was going, however he still dumbly asked: "W-what?"
"Get on your knees. Right now, princess," Daniel growled, his teeth clenched as he spoke. 
Doing as he was told, Sam slipped off the couch and stood on his knees, his eyes gazing up at Daniel. This was far from the first time Sam had viewed Daniel from this vantage point; it certainly would not be the last, either. At least, not if Sam had any say in it.
"What have I told you about that mouth of yours, princess?" Daniel approached Sam, only a few inches away from him. Danny leaned down just enough so that Sam didn’t strain his optic nerve to look at him, but Daniel still loomed above him. Sam was suddenly reminded of devotees gazing up at their gods on bended knee, feeling a sense of understanding of their blind devotion at that moment. 
"That it's only useful wrapped around your cock," Samuel answered, stealing a glance down at the other man's crotch directly in front of him. He felt a rush of saliva at the mere memory of the weight of it on his tongue, having to swallow it down so that he wouldn’t drool. 
Daniel hummed in approval, his hand coming to pet Sam's hair. Sam is only mildly ashamed to admit he leaned into it like a cat. 
"That's right, pretty boy," Danny used his other hand to unbuckle his belt and unzip his pants, leaving them on and only freeing his cock, "now put it to good use."
Knowing when to obey, Sam immediately wrapped his lips around the tip of Danny's dick. The growl that slipped past the golfer's lips made Sam's own dick twitch inside his jeans, a whimper escaping his lips.
Sam wasted no time bobbing his head up and down the length of Daniel's cock, hollowing out his cheeks and laying his tongue flat. The long, drawn out moan that escaped from the back of Danny’s throat was music to Sam’s ears. When he looked up at Danny through his lashes, he’d noticed that the drummer’s head had tipped back, his eyes pinched closed as he basked in the pleasure Sam was imparting onto him. 
It wasn't long before Daniel grabbed the top of Sam's hair and began setting his own pace, Sam gagging as the other man's cock hit the back of his throat particularly aggressively. But Sammy took it all in stride, only mildly disgusted when the extra spit that flooded his mouth began dripping down his chin. At least Danny would find it hot that Sam now looked all ruined. 
Tears fell from his eyes right before Daniel pulled Sam off of him, a string of saliva connecting them as he looked at Daniel with the most lust filled gaze. His eyes half lidded as he panted in order to catch his breath, barely able to breathe around Danny’s girth.  
"Take off your clothes, whore," Daniel commanded, his voice rough but still authoritative. He had tilted his head forward in order to look down at Sam. 
"Awww, Danny boy's a wreck 'cause of little ol' me," Sam taunted, his voice even more of a mess than Danny's. 
Daniel cocked his eyebrow once again, Sam's smirk growing at the reaction he was able to pull from Daniel. However, it quickly fell from his face at what the drummer stated next. 
"Clothes off. Get on the coffee table. On your hands and knees.”
Sam's breath caught in this throat, finding himself obeying the commands at the deep, rumbling tone Daniel employed. Once he was stark naked, Sam climbed up onto the wooden coffee table and rested on his hands and knees just as he was told. A twinge of embarrassment made his face pink, overly aware of the heavy staring from Daniel. 
"I told you to only use that pretty mouth of yours for sucking, princess. Now it's gotten you into deep trouble," Danny told Sam, his voice deep and guttural. 
Sam looked over his shoulder to see Daniel sliding his belt out of his pant loops, gathering the white leather in his hand; the appendage bulging with veins underneath tanned, practiced, and calloused skin. 
The bassist involuntarily whined as he put together what was about to happen. Yeah, he was in deep trouble. Like, the deepest fucking layer of trouble he could possibly be in- well… maybe not. There was one time that Sam had continued to mouth off even after this stage and… well… Sam was pretty sure they’d have to move this little shindig to their bedroom to get the rope if he pushed his luck any further. 
Sam gripped the edge of the table in his hands as a sharp snap of leather came down onto his ass, a yelp leaving his throat. He didn’t hurt. Far from it, in fact. The noise was one of surprise, more than anything else. 
He felt a warm, calloused hand smooth over the spot that was just struck before it remained planted on the opposite cheek. Another blow came, the sound just as loud as the belt made contact with Sam's skin. This time, however, instead of a yelp in surprise Sam let out a needy whine as the pleasure overruled the pain. 
Daniel kept going, raining down blow after blow. His fingers dug into the skin of Sam's ass as his moans became needier and needier. Samuel was certain his ass was becoming bright red. But he wanted Danny to keep going, to allow the belt and his digging fingers to leave bruises that would stain the skin there for days; to serve as a reminder for who he belonged to and who belonged to him.
With another snap of the belt, Sam became a waterfall of incoherent pleas. "Oh, please, please, PLEASE, Daniel! I need more fuck- FUCK! I need more,  you don't understand how much I need- oh my god please FUCK!"
A pleased hum sounded from the drummer. "Look who finally learned how to run their mouth properly.” 
Without any warning, Daniel flipped Sam so his back was pressed against the coffee table. Sam's brow was knit as he pleaded up at Daniel, his lips pouting slightly. 
"God, fuck! You don't know how easy you are to fucking need with a face like that!" Daniel lost his composure momentarily after gazing upon the visage of Samuel fully exposed and begging him for anything Danny was willing to give him. It was enough to break any man, even one perceived as a god. 
Throwing the belt to the side with a loud clatter, Daniel pressed his lips into Sam's; sudden and aggressively. Sammy's hands immediately grabbed at Danny's shirt, trying his best to rip it off. He was eventually successful as the fabric tore underneath his hands with a clamorous noise. Daniel was surprised, to say the least; marveling at what Sam had just accomplished. 
"You're gonna pay for that, princess." And just like that, Daniel was back. Though, there was no missing the awe hidden just beneath that authoritative growl. 
"Hurry up and give me my punishment, Danny. I've been waiting for it this whole damn time,” Sam impatiently demanded, also falling back into his role within the blink of an eye. He wouldn't be tamed so easily. It was more fun for both of them that way. 
Opening the drawer next to Sam’s head and popping open the bottle of lube with his thumb, Daniel glared down at Sam. "Watch your fucking mouth."
Before Sam could even say anything, Daniel was plunging his  lube covered fingers into him. With an unfettered scream, Sam's eyes rolled into the back of his head as his back arched up off the table. Danny played Sam like a violin, using his fingers to cause Sam to make all the noises he wanted him to. 
Just as quickly as they had been shoved into Sam, Daniel pulled them out much to the bassist's dissatisfaction. He made his disapproval known, huffing out loudly. "That wasn't even close to being enough."
Kicking his boxers off, Danny's hand came down hard onto the side of Sam's right thigh.
"I think your next lesson will be one of patience, princess," Daniel threatened before squirting lube onto both of his hands before tossing the bottle back into the drawer. 
Using his left hand, Daniel stroked his own cock. His right hand came to wrap around Sam's aching dick, a pathetic wail ripping out of his throat at the contact. He'd never been so thankful over the fact that Daniel was ambidextrous in his entire life. Truly, he’d have to write him a card or something for him when this was all said and done. 
Daniel's hand never left Sam's dick as he plunged his cock into Sam, all eight, well endowed inches into Sam. All of the other noises Sammy had made up to this point had been absolutely nothing compared to the toe-curling scream he let out as
Daniel pushed himself in. Sam's vision was beginning to white out in pure pleasure, his eyes rolling into the back of his head.
His hands gripped the sides of the table for dear life as his back arched, his toes curling involuntarily as the feeling of Danny throbbing inside of him. It was driving him insane, the feeling of it being too much, yet not enough all at once. 
It wasn't until Daniel started thrusting that Sam really lost control of himself. He became a mess of pleading and screaming out Daniel's name like a satanic and perverted prayer. 
"Daddy please - fuck, please!!"
Sam cried out after Danny managed to nail his prostate, his vision fully whiting out.
Daniel, knowing exactly what he had just accomplished, shifted his thrusting to focus all his attention there. Samuel's brain short circuited, his mouth permanently hanging open as he remained silent, all brain function stopping. 
Sam gave no warning before cum began spurting out of his cock, a final pathetic cry ripping out of him as he painted himself in white. It was a surprise to even Sam. But, hitting your g-spot over and over to the point of abusing it would surprise anyone, he guessed. 
Daniel was soon to follow, pulling out and pumping his cock before he also covered Sam's chest in cum. They were both out of breath, sweat covering every inch of their skin. Danny had bent over at the waist, his arms catching his fall and planting on either side of Sam’s head. Looming above Sam once more, the bassist had never felt more comfortable in his life. He’d happily perish in this spot if it meant he got to spend his final heartbeats  between Daniel’s arms. 
"You should play bad rounds of golf more often," Sam finally posited, a stupid smile on his face as he gazed up at Daniel. 
The drummer laughed, caught by surprise. "You'd like that, wouldn't you, princess?"
Samuel gulped at the pet name usage. However, that previous edge had vanished from his voice. 
Impossibly, he felt his dick twitch at the combination of seeing Daniel covered in sweat and cum while panting heavily. And when he looked back into those hazel brown and green eyes and saw nothing but amusement, adoration, and satisfaction, Sam knew that it was, in fact, he was where he belonged. 
Tag List:
@doodle417 @sammykiszkasunusedshoes @jmks-housewife @ageoferin @alwayssotiredbutneverofyou @etoilesnoor @ascendingtostardust @godlygreta @s0livagant @gretavanflowerpower @morganic-goods @dannythedog @baguettejuliette @fan-girl-97 @gaby-gvf @age-of-nyahh @mzbrightside @myownparadise96 @xserenax-13 @sammysvanfeet @loofypoofy @chalametpwk @seventieswhore @razorbladekiszka @capturethechaos @unfortunatelykristin @welightthefire @gretavanfleas @sammiejane22 @satanplayshisfluteforhim @starsasone @writingcold @tearsofbri @gretasmokerising @streamofstardust @lunaindigoraven @jakeydoesit @tripthelightfandomtastic @sunfl0wer-power @wingedgardener2000 @gretavanbitches @teddiie @gardensGateDaisy @sparrowofthedawnsworld @angelbabyyy99 @sammysprincess @whollyfreeamongststars @gretaswhore28 @l0rdoffli3s @kay-jordan @lightmyloverry @kenzie18 @gotavansleep @roosterbbradley @freckled-wonder @flower-power-anthem @Gabyvanfleet @Sarakay-gvf @Mamalikes-gvf @josh-iamyour-mama @st4rdust-ch0rds @pr41sethemoon @fallonfatality @earthlysorrows @jessicafg03 @rossy1080 @hippievanfleet @spark-my-nature @hayley1623 @schleeble @gretavanflipflop
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conkreetmonkey · 3 months
So this is probably really stupid to find interesting, but I watched a video about the evolution of King K. Rool over the years, and it's pretty clear to see that his golden belly armour being just that, armour, and not a part of his body is a pretty recent thing, which was seemingly introduced in Smash Ultimate. In his debut appearance in DKC, it does seem to be made of gold:
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That's pretty clearly the same material on his crown, cuffs and belly, right? And as his cuffs and crown are clearly just accessories and not part of his body, it would be natural to assume that so is his belly armour. I'm actually not sure if this is the case, however, since I've never read the manual the game clearly expects you to have read, can't find a video of someone hitting him from the front to see what kind of sound effect it makes, and haven't gotten to the final boss of DKC myself yet (I'm stuck on Chimp Caverns, lol). So as far as this installment goes, with my limited knowledge, I could go either way (K. Rool experts, feel free to weigh in).
From this point forth, his belly armour remains golden for some time, and I don't believe an answer to whether it's part of him or not is given in any of the several games he appears in up until Smash Melee.
Then, suddenly, in DK King of Swing on the GBA, his belly armour is made of skin.
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This change then remains consistent from this point up until Smash Ultimate, and K. Rool actually does appear in a surprising amount of games up until then, featuring in Barrel Blast, Super Mario Sluggers, and even in Brawl as a trophy.
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Finally, after Brawl, his next appearance is in Smash Ultimate, in which we finally get a solid answer: it's a metal chestplate. Apparently. Despite the long string of games before in which it was clearly flesh. In Ultimate, this is even of mechanical importance, as it can be worn down and eventually broken by attacks, which stuns K. Rool and leaves him vulnerable. He can also use it to parry attacks, so it has multiple associated mechanics. This cracked texture would be kind of gross if it was made of tough skin instead of metal, so maybe that's why they made the change.
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I also discovered that whether or not he has a tail, and how long it is, is wildly inconsistent. In Melee he has a short tail, in Brawl he does not, in Ultimate he has a nubby one yet again, and in DK64 he has a properly long crocodile tail longer than his legs. Weird.
idk why I thought this was interesting I just did.
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im-captain-basch · 2 years
Shit shit shit shit shit I had a thought regarding Bendy and the Dark Revival. It's kind of a stretch and I'm sure someone else has probably already thought of this, but just in case know there are major major spoilers ahead, especially pertaining to chapter 4, its character reveals, and the ending of the game.
I apologize in advanced if this seems a little disconnected.
OK, so I'm sitting here watching SuperHorrorBro play BatDR when he gets to the part where Audrey runs into Henry. He mentioned that playing the End reel would start the cycle over again, as we all know it does, but I felt his wording is peculiar:
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"Everything begins again. Completely new."
Obviously we know from checking out Joey's house at the end of BatIM that Joey had drafted up several scenarios we don't necessarily ever actually see. It's possible that these scenarios are each seperate events within different loops, meaning we get such beautiful things as the Butcher Gang having fun at Bendyland and even Sammy and Bendy going fishing, most likely on the docks of the Lost Harbor. However, we don't actually get these different scenarios, either because of the limitations of the game or because Joey hasn't been able to fully implement it into the world of the Ink Machine.
Why is this important, well, there's a specific part of these drafts that fans have long speculated about, mostly in regards to whether or not it's an alternate ending that can be triggered.
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This is one of the most interesting pieces from the draft, because it presents a scenario where Bendy is able to break free of the cycle ending, or at least ends it for Henry or manages to keep the cycle they're in from ending. It also makes sense if we consider what was said earlier about Joey's drafts being different loops too. I think this was something a lot of us wanted, but we haven't gotten it. At least, we didn't until Bendy and the Dark Revival.
I've seen full walkthroughs of the game. I know how the game ends, and as a result, it's very interesting to me that this is the one of those scenarios that makes a return.
The loop Audrey is caught in is certainly different, and that can be attributed to Wilson's interference to the world of the Ink Machine, but it does still run concurrent to Henry's story. For example, Wilson's Keepers are able to capture both Henry and Sammy during their chapter 5 altercation in the Lost Harbor, which is how we end up meeting Henry in BatDR to begin with.
Something I want to point out about Audrey real quick, if you're into spoilers or at least have knowledge of what happens in the game: she's a creation of Joey's through the Ink Machine, half flesh and half ink. When the ending comes and the final boss is defeated, the Ink Demon takes her and together they form a creature who looks very similar to Beast Bendy, but especially to the form we see in Joey's drafts:
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My thought process here is that... in the end, we did get a "Bendy wins" scenario, just not quite in the way we expected back in 2018. It's been right under our noses since chapter 5 came out.
Audrey takes the reel, holds it in the monstrous hand of her and Bendy's combined ink form, and plays it on a projector.
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Technically speaking, Bendy, though combined with Audrey, does indeed win.
They win against Wilson, and against the darker aspects of Bendy himself, who, if the last thing we see before the credits roll is any indication, may now be able to lead as normal a life as an ink creation can.
The cycle will start again, as it always does, and completely anew as Henry had said. This time, however, perhaps Bendy winning isn't the bad ending we thought it was four years ago.
(IDK man, perhaps I'm reading too far into it.)
tl;dr we probably got the Bendy wins scenario but not how we expected or wanted and it probably was never a bad ending to begin with
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poisonouswritings · 1 year
There was a post this morning on the Arcana subreddit talking about how it's been about 200 days since the Dorian acquisition, about how they're keeping the story alive (yes it's as a cash cow but it's new content) and putting out merchandise and whatever and it got me thinking,, we haven't had any Fictif content. Obviously my focus is Last Legacy but none of the stories have gotten anything new in 200 days. It would be one thing if Nix Hydra shut down entirely, but it was absorbed. Dorian could do something. Would the new content be good? Probably not. But there would be something.
Idk. I was watching something last night and one of the characters said 'bad news might stop you for a while, but hope paralyzes you forever' or something to that effect.
It's been 200 days. I just want Dorian to either cancel the stories or confirm they're working on something. This 'we're in talks about what to do' thing is just exhausting, and as far as I know there's been no updates...
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salad-006 · 8 months
I know you already gave us your thoughts about Eddsworld Legacy, but what do you think about Eddsworld Beyond for now?
To be completely honest, I'm really on the fence with beyond. They're in like this weird fluctuating state, and to me that comes off like them not knowing what they're doing
Sometimes we'll get something hilarious, but more often than not beyond feels awkard and rushed. Stilted is the best word i think. (I'm also just really not a fan of jons animation for the show, which doesn't help at all. His EW style has always felt extremely flat to me ,sorry jon)
More options down below vv
Stuff usually feel unfinished or rushed somehow , ex surf n turf. Part one was probably the most uncomfortable episodes we've gotten so far. you could've easily rearranged things so that the intro of them arriving at the beach was at the beginning of part two, and have it be a single episode. It feels like filler before the actual plot starts next episode
It kinda feels like they're trying to imitate every aspect of Edds work, and it's giving me like. Skinwalker vibes. I get it, Edd made little short animtions with random new characters occasionally. But when a full team makes one with a new character, ties an ad read to it, then never touches that character again, it feels confusing and out of place. IDK i just feel like you loose that ability to just make whatever you want when you put together a team, even if its a small indie group. Maybe im wrong there but the point is i thouht the birds and the bees was dumb
I'll keep my option on the team brief. I don't hate anyone on the team nor do i think any of them are Bad People, but there's definitely been a lot of questionable behavior that has come from these guys. Example, I've always been offput by their relationship with Tord’s characters. In the website they put this:
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Yet consistently tease the fans with his existence (ex the caveman episode, tori being canonized, his picture clearly torn out in SnT1, having an entire month of tord merch) Either address the situation or don't, guys. You can't sarcastically be like "oh get over it" when YOU'RE the ones that keep bringing him back. You didn't even answer the question dude, no wonder so many kids beg for his return
I guess I can't be THAT pissed when the money all went to charity, but it still just feels inherently weird and disrespectful to merchandise this character after his creator removed him nearly 15 years ago. Atleast Tomska allegedly asked permission and had good intentions. This feels like they (beyond) just don't give a fuck. If any team members are reading this I'm BEGGING YOU: STOP LETTING THEM BRING BACK TORD . THEY CANT KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT . Tord Larsson deserves to be left alone, and to stop getting connected to this show in his past.
Despite everything, I still want to support the team. I'll be honest, SnT2 gave me hope for the series I haven't had in quite a while. It wasn't the greatest, but it was a step upwards. And I'd love to see them keep going up ! Genuinely, I would love nothing more than to see these guys succeed in recreating what made the show good initially. Eddsworld changed my life, so really its incredible to see it still kicking around today. Even if it's in this weird, amorphous glob state. They just need to figure out what the hell they're doing
TLDR: the current state of the show is kinda rough, the team feels discombobulated and has made some weird decisions, however I still have hope that they can make this into something amazing someday
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agent-troi · 2 months
Twenty questions for fanfic writers
I was tagged by the incomparable @baronessblixen 🫶🫶
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
The X-Files, Star Trek, and I have one The West Wing fic
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Platonic Procreation
Security Questions
Mother Knows Best
The MSR Files
5. Do you respond to comments?
Sometimes! I usually try to respond if someone commented about something specific, and essay length comments always deserve a reply❤️ also if someone comments saying they reread your fic bc that's the best feeling in the world
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmm I only have a few that end angsty but I guess that would be my canon compliant post-IVF Rain King fic, Driftwood Lullaby
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably Aqua Vitae, but I also wanna spotlight one of my earlier fics, in which Mulder gives Scully a real wedding ring for their case in Arcadia, Though the Heavens Fall
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've gotten a couple of nitpicky comments and one actual hate comment (ironically that one was on my most popular fic!😆)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No, I know it's popular but it's just not my thing either to write or to read
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I haven't written one yet but I have several ideas for TXF/Star Trek, TXF/SVU, TXF/Bones gathering dust in my google docs😅
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I hope not!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not as far as I know
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Several! I contributed a chapter to Anahata: The Heart Chakra, Eden, The Amazing Muldeeni, and Agent Scully is Already in Love
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
A prequel to Purplerow by @katy-kt-katie, an AU in which Scully is an astronaut, about the time she made first contact with aliens on Mars (I really wanna finish this but life has decided to just keep throwing bricks at me and I haven't been able to concentrate enough to write in so long😭)
16. What are your writing strengths?
I've been told I'm good at dialogue😅
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I struggle so much with choosing the right word to describe something sometimes, and also finding alternative words to use when I accidentally use the same word four or five times in the same paragraph😂
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I like reading it! I think it adds to the atmosphere of the story, but I don't think I've ever done it myself except to copy and paste the German dialogue from Triangle😅
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Lord of the Rings, I wrote a sequel featuring Aragorn and Arwen's daughter and posted it on Instagram back when I was active in the Tolkien fandom circa 2015 (posting fic on instragram probably sound super weird lmao but it was what people did, they'd post a pic corresponding to the fic and the chapter went in the captions)
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I'm pretty proud of the fic I wrote last October for Mulder's birthday, Where a Million Stars Catch Fire
Tagging @katy-kt-katie @tofuttim @television-overload @cecilysass @slippinmickeys @skelavender @virtie333 and idk who else writes and hasn't been tagged so if you see this have at it lol
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morsesnotes · 10 months
A little ramble about Joan and Morse...
[There will be spoilers if you haven't finished Endeavor]
A common take I've seen in this fandom is that Joan was waiting around for him. That Morse had all these chances he didn't take to express his feelings. So her shutting him down in S5/S6 was totally his own fault. I disagree with this and don't really understand it.
Here's why:
They only start getting to know each other properly in S2, and Morse has a girlfriend at that point.
Morse becomes aware of his feelings for Joan at the end of Coda, and he went to the Thursdays' house immediately after. It seemed like he intended to talk about it with Joan, but she was clearly traumatized, and not in a place to deal with romantic declarations. She'd already decided she was leaving. What if he said how much he cared and then she was gone? When you think about the abandonment issues this guy has, and the fact she is literally leaving him in that moment, can you blame him for being afraid?
Nevertheless, he's openly welling up in front of her (a very odd thing for a man in the mid-60s to do) and telling her if she needs anything to let him know. There's no way a woman wouldn't pick up on this. Not to mention constantly putting her life before his at the bank.
When Joan contacts him in the vaguest form possible, it's enough for him to do exactly what he said he would. He goes out of his way to find her and indicates there's something between them that can happen. He tells her he cares what happens to her and whether or not she's in his life. Joan makes him leave.
Morse proposes to her. She says no and specifically cites her dad as a reason it would be a bad idea. When the phone rings, Morse is willing to let it go. She's the one who picks it up, brings it to him, and leaves before he can do anything about it.
Even though he doesn't stay at the hospital, the Doctor presumably would've told her he stopped by.
When she moves back to Oxford, he gives her some space, which is entirely correct given what she's been through. He takes up her invitation to her party and makes sure he is there. He's clearly eager at the chance to spend time with her. But then she tells him she wants to set him up with someone else.
Eventually Morse can't take any more rejection, especially with Claudine having left him. He's gotten the message Joan was sending him and lets it go. This is when Joan decides to ask for a coffee. It's the first time she actually initiates something and given the context I think it's perfectly understandable for Morse to turn the offer down? It's fair enough if he doesn't want to get hurt again, isn't it? Idk, Joan's timing here rubbed me the wrong way. It was the mature thing for him to do and showed he saw her as more than a rebound.
Finally, a few weeks later Morse realizes in Icarus that life is too short and takes her up on it, but now she says she's sick of waiting around.
The fan reaction I saw with that moment was, "Yeah you tell him Joan! Fuck him!" And it made me go "???". It's true it wasn't the best timing on his part, but it's not as if he had a habit of turning up when it suited him. She was the one stringing him along, wanting his attention one minute and then rejecting it the next. She could've said she was busy and they could do it some other time in the week. Her reaction was way too harsh.
Don't get me wrong, I love Joan and am by no means the type to view Morse as a poor little Meow Meow who can do no wrong. However, I feel like it's super unfair to put it all on him when Joan was going through her own problems and has her own difficulties expressing herself. He gave her countless opportunities to open up, and she pushed him away. At a certain point, it'd be weird if he ignored her wishes and kept attempting to pursue her. It wouldn't be a good look if he tried stopping her from marrying his friend either. As far as he knows, she's moved on.
Morse may have had trouble saying it out loud, but his actions spoke volumes. Surely that counts for something? He also wrote her that incredibly romantic letter in Zenana and straight up said "Please believe me to have been yours, always". Keep in mind again this is a British man in the 60s-70s and the men around Joan so far have been deeply repressed. Seems pretty forward to me! I simply don't believe this wouldn't spark curiosity in Joan to figure out what he meant. That she'd just wait around until Morse came to visit her to ask about it, and that seeing him in the state he's in, she'd leave it there. This woman who wants passion, who's independent, who cares about the people in her life, who knows how it feels to be saving face while suffering inside, and her literal job involves helping children come to terms with their trauma. Her total passive behavior towards Morse doesn't make sense! Like it doesn't even have to be romantic! They can interact as friends!
He carries a ton of trauma and emotional baggage which makes him terrified of losing what he has with her. Not to mention his respect for Thursday. I don't see why we can't have empathy for both of them.
And yeah, he was being a dick in S6 but again, he's allowed to be angry and in fact it's healthy for him to actually let it out rather than having this idealized view of Joan forever or holding it in like he usually does.
Btw, with his previous behavior taken into account, him not showing up in Uniform was highly unusual and should've been a "What's happened to him?" moment for Joan. Not, "Classic Morse. Works comes first."
Anyway, sorry for the essay and thank you if you read all of it. I just wanted to get all my thoughts together in one place.
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