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aracaranelentari · 6 months
Here's another Nature of Middle-Earth quote that I keep thinking about:
"[Years of the Trees:] 2223. The "Ambassadors" return. Great Debate of the Quendi. A few refuse even to attend. Imin, Tata, and Enel are ill-pleased, and regard the affair as a revolt on the part of the youngest Quendi, to escape their authority. None of the First Elves (144) accept the invitation. Hence the Avari called and still call themselves "the Seniors"." (NoME 96)
I think that's super interesting! Tolkien gives multiple potential versions of this whole sequence, when the Three Ambassadors return to Cuiviénen, so this is only one of them, but it's kind of my favorite. I like the idea that the Three Ambassadors sort of usurped the leadership of the Three Fathers, and that Imin, Tata, and Enel are potentially still out there, and may have a grudge against those three descendants of theirs.
Imin especially is a pretentious asshole, as he claims to be the "Father of all Quendi", and seems to want control over all the Elves. I want to write a fic where Morgoth or Sauron ally with Imin, maybe they tell him they can help him regain his authority over the Elves? It would certainly be an interesting premise if the Three Fathers showed up at Valinor or Beleriand one day, with the intent of taking back their kingship.
It's also always been bizarre to me that Fëanor was so worried about Fingolfin usurping the throne when Finwë was king in a place where kings do not die, and do not really need heirs (theoretically). But if Finwë was a usurper before Fingolfin was, then Fëanor's fears have a bit more ground, I think, especially if Fingolfin had the greater love from their people. It's happened before, Fëanor would think, therefore it could happen again. Elves seem to follow who they prefer as a king rather than who technically has the most claim, which is shown both in the Three Ambassadors vs the Three Fathers, and also with Fëanor vs Fingolfin during the Flight.
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To put it simply:
Finwë was a rebel (we need to talk about this and it's implications more)
Finwë found Valinor less exciting for himself than he did for Míriel and how much she would love it and benefit from it and improve because of it (AWWWW my HEART)
Ingwë was just obsessed with Varda (he loves shiny goddesses ✨✨)
Elwë wanted to be there for his best friend (or something more ;) hehehehe maybe-one-sided Finwë x Elwë is something we've all thought about don't lie)
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foiazoli · 2 months
So I was thinking about Ingwion's name today, as you do. It feels like a pretty bad name, as it just means "son of Ingwe" and doesn't give him much space for his own personality, history, etc outside of his father. I was also thinking about how Ingwe must not have any other sons then, as having one of your sons being named "my son" and another one(s) not being called anything like that is... favoritism? Something like that anyway.
But then I had a better thought - Ingwion isn't a singular elf, he's several elves in a trench coat. Allow me to elaborate.
"Ingwion" is just the name of Ingwe's heir/the crown prince of the Vanyar, and is just used by whichever of Ingwe's kids drew the short straw and had to do politics this time or who decided they needed to do something political. All of Ingwe's kids have actual distinct names, and they just pretend to be one person who doesn't actually exist for the sake of political expediency.
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Idk man, i think the idea of all of the -we’s (finwe, ingwe, elwe, and olwe) being down for world domination is simultaneously hilarious and also weirdly on par.
Bc, like, out of all the elves, why are THEY the ones who became the kings? You can’t tell me these guys weren’t ambitious as fuck.
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braxix · 3 months
Finwë: I need an alibi.
Olwë: Fine.
Ingwë: I need one too.
Olwë: Okay, what did you guys do?
Finwë: Plausible deniability?
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notthesomefather · 1 month
Prayer for Ingwe-Freyr
[[written by a member of the Godsring]]
Hail, Lord Ingwe! Lord of the Fields, Born of the Earth and the Soil. He who bears proudly That life-giving Dirk, Not of Steel, but of Flesh and of Seed. Bless us, Lord Ingwe, Join us today.
Take Heart in our Gifts and good Tidings! We lay down our Weapons, As you laid down yours, And take Hands as we call out your Name!
Hail Lord Ingwe!
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cilil · 3 months
Obsessed with the idea of other characters being obsessed with Manwë (Varda, Ulmo, Melkor, Ingwë, Fëanor etc etc).
He's just so pure and pretty and precious that they can't help it, regardless of whether they love him or hate him. And when he sees the desire in their eyes, he thinks it's love and loves them back because he's too sweet and innocent for his own good.
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carmisse · 1 month
Of Finwë and Fëanáro.
Ingwë : What is the worst thing Fëanáro has ever done to you?
Finwë : What are you talking about? Fëanáro never did anything bad to me, my son would be completely incapable of committing any evil act against me.
Finwë : ...
Finwë : When he was born his head was so fucking big that it tore my vagina.
Finwë : Never forgive him for that.
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pengumi12 · 7 months
House of Finwe
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Missing some ppl and with the addition of others
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aracaranelentari · 9 months
Currenly thinking about The Great Journey and the Flight of the Ñoldor.
About how Ingwë and Fëanor were both so eager to depart and lead their smaller hosts. About how Ñolofinwë is said to be "his father's son", and led the second, larger host, of whom only a few stayed behind. About how Elwë and Finarfin both followed their friend/brother and their people, but then didn't make it all the way because something happened that made them want to stay behind.
Idk if parallels were intended with the three ambassadors and the sons of Finwë, probably not, but hey I See Some Anyways and it's fun to think about.
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kitcat22 · 6 months
One headcanon of mine is that Elenwe is a daughter of Ingwe and was named after Elwe.
Ingwe names her this partially out of love for his friend but also in a moment of foresight that, at the time, he could not decipher.
In the end Elenwe, just like her namesake, is lost on the journey.
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anna-dreamer · 8 months
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Day 12. Lords
Now i can finally start posting as i draw. So originally i wanted to fit waaay more of them, cause these four are kinda basic. Wanted to draw Elmo, Morwë&Nurwë, Lenwë, Nówë aka Círdan... But quicky realized i had neither space for them nor patience to design these many. Maybe one day i will draw the Debate or smth.
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Hc that Miriel was lowkey the boss when she was still alive.
Like, whenever the kings of the vanyar, noldor, and teleri would meet up to discuss things, what she said goes.
Olwe: *proposes smth lowkey stupid as a joke*
Miriel: *raises eyebrow*
Olwe: mighty sorry there, ma’m 😰
Finwe: -that sounds like an interesting proposal-
Miriel: which we will not be doing
Finwe: which we will not be doing
Olwe: *cough* whipped
Finwe: olwe, she gave you a look and you grounded yourself
Ingwe: *proposes smth sensible*
Miriel: *nod of approval*
Finwe: *grumbling* teachers pet
Ingwe: nepotism, bitch
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hesy-bes · 5 months
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ladybrythwensinclair · 5 months
Hail Freyr
Hail to the beloved of Gerda Hail to the Grain-Lord Hail to the King of the Forest Bless and walk with us this day
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