#silm headcanons
I absolutely love the idea that Elrond took one look at Annatar and immediately disliked him. He just instantly failed the vibe check. And the best part is about that is that there are so, so many reasons Elrond might've immediately mistrusted Annatar, ranging from drama to comedy. I've compiled a few of my favorites below:
Vague, Luthien-related "not this motherfucker again" senses (always a classic)
Something about Annatar reminded Elrond of Maedhros's description of Sauron, even if he couldn't quite connect the dots at the time (good if you want to be emotional about Kidnap dads)
Annatar's general attitude really didn't fit with his story that he was an emissary of the Valar (if you want to be pro-Valar)
Alternately, Elrond fully believed that Annatar was from the west, but had serious problems with the Valar and didn't trust anyone they'd sent (if you want to be anti-Valar)
Vague foresight visions (for a metaphysical reason)
Elrond thinks that Annatar's appearance in Lindon is just a little too politically convenient (for a very practical reason)
Galadriel had warned Elrond that something like this might happen (I would also listen to Galadriel)
Annatar was being really, really unsubtle about being evil and Elrond was just the first person to point out that maybe the guy asking around about the best way to poison an elf without being caught shouldn't be allowed to stay in the city (Annatar got better at the whole 'evil in disguise' thing in Eregion)
Elrond has already heard enough traveling salesmen in his life and doesn't have patience for another one (Lindon really needs a 'no soliciting' sign)
Annatar made a vaguely offensive comment about Elrond being a half-elf and Elrond ran out of tolerance for that roughly an Age ago (good for him!)
Annatar said that Lindon needed a Maia, and excuse me, Lindon is already under Elrond's protection, it does not need another Maia wandering around causing problems! (Maiar territoriality my beloved)
Annatar said that Gil-Galad needed a Maiarin advisor, and, excuse me, Gil-Galad is Elrond's king, he does not need another Maia to whisper jokes to him during meetings, or to tenderly braid his hair, or to be his messenger bird. Elrond does all that perfectly fine, thank you! (Maiar territoriality, good for them edition)
Annatar and Elrond would've gotten along fine if Gil-Galad had bothered to introduce them properly, but seriously, you can't just toss them in a room together! Everyone knows that Maiar need time to acclimate to each other's presences first! You have to use a wall to separate them for a couple days! (did Gil-Galad even do his research before allowing a Maia-adjacent being to be his herald?)
Elrond absolutely refused to explain his reasons but everyone still listened because at that point they knew nothing good came from ignoring his warnings (smart choice)
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eri-pl · 2 days
Post-TA Quenya HC
So, Quenya is pronounced like Latin, right? Except Quenya has "c" alwaqys read as "k", never as "s", regardless of the vowels around it.
But so did Latin, originally. In Roman Empire, Latin was all c->k and also I think v->w (when you're sad, remember: ueni, uidi, uiki. It always makes me laugh.)
Hence, I propose a headcanon: After most of the Elves sail, and the rest hides, people who still use Quenya (scholars) drift the pronunciation like it happened with Medieval Latin. And they say "Sirdan the shipwright" and stuff like this.
(Cut to Maglor being called on his "wrong" pronunciation, or stuff like that) (and then you have English church Latin and "Chirdan". Yes, pronouncing c as ch in Latin is my pet peeve, it just sounds wrong to me, sorry to all Italians, it's fine in Italian, just please not Latin) (Also people pronounce Earendil as Ee-rendil anyway :( )
(@dfwbwfbbwfbwf that's the HC which I was talking about in the comment)
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stormygopher · 3 months
So like….. if Fëanor created the Palantíri……… and there were originally 8 of them….did…did Fëanor just invent the Middle Earth equivalent of phones so he could keep in contact with his kids???
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maglor does the scariest impressions. Once, he walked in on Maedhros and fingon and said in his feanor voice, ‘what is going on here?’ Mae almost had a heart attack.
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fistfuloflightning · 3 months
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Ents with flower crowns.
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There are few things Ents do in haste. It is tradition after strong storms to gather all the fallen flowers—since it is a waste for them to wilt and fade so needlessly without one last use—and decorate themselves with them. The younger and less tree-like shepherds even go so far as to wind them into wreaths for the oldest who can no longer move.
thanks to @sharpestsatire for a challenging prompt and a new headcanon!
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elvinye · 9 days
winter in valinor is always a tricky time for the noldor, given how many of them have ice-related PTSD
but then in the fourth age, Elrond shows up, takes one look at everyone's PTSD, looks at the weather, and goes "no". and whatever weird little valley he settles in is always a little bit warmer, and it never snows, and basically everyone who crossed the helcaraxë shows up there during winter to avoid the weather
some wonder how it's possible for him to drive the winter away, but he IS part maia, and the valley where he settled loves him enough to try
and it's certainly not polite, to impose his own will over that of the valar, but elrond really does not care. people are hurting. he will worry about the Will of the Valar when he doesn't have a few thousand elves suffering from PTSD flashbacks, thank you very much. right now he's in healer mode.
if the valar didn't want him interfering, they should have helped the noldor themselves
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saurongorthaur9 · 15 days
Remember that part in the Silmarillion where an unnamed servant of Melkor infiltrates the meeting of Edain and impersonates the chieftain Amlach and makes a speech about how the Elves are deceiving them and the Valar aren't real? We're never told anything about that servant, but here's what we know:
He's important enough to be sent on a pretty big important mission
He's a shapeshifter
He's a skilled actor able to impersonate someone amongst that person's friends and family without them realizing it's not him
He's charismatic and able to sway people with his words
He causes a feeling of dread and doom to fall over those who listen to him
Hmm, he might not have been named, but I'm pretty sure I know someone who meets every single one of those qualifications to a tee.
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valinorianyears · 1 month
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Glorfindel Week Day 1: Valinor | Childhood | Family
Little Glorfindel|Laurefindele with his father Ingil (Ingwion) on the mountaincastle of Taniquetil where many Vanyar live, where Glorfindels grandfather Ingwe lives. He grows up with wind in his hair and the clear voices of his people around him, with a loving family that shelters him, until his own ambitions carry him away to Tirion, where his mother Findis is from, and where his aunt Elenwe lives.
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mamwieleimion · 4 months
In Numenor the Fëanorians are remembered as tragic characters/heroes.
They talk all about their crimes all right. But they also talk about their tragedy and their pain and the world being set against them from the very start.
The Fëanorians aren't some boogyman. They are protectors who broke, who couldn't go on and stumbled down a line they shouldn't.
They are the symbol of oath wrongly sworn. They symbolise the importance of oaths' and they caution all who attempt to swear something.
The Fëanorians aren't just kinslayers. They are so much more. And that knowledge is passed down all the way to Gondor.
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drawulan · 25 days
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Varda 💫
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Lmao imagine if a couple wanted to get married in Lindon or Imladris and saw Elrond and was like “sure why not” and just, asked him to witness their vows in place of any actual maiar or valar.
Like the relationship between the elves in the Valar-Only-Mildly-Care Place and the Valar/Maiar themselves has got to still be stiff since elves are stupidly stubborn about holding grudges, so imagine if a couple just went “fuck the valinor glowsticks, Lord Elrond has been feeding us well and sheltering us for over a century. He’s got some ainur blood anyway.”
So they ask Elrond to be witness and he agrees thinking they just want a lord’s blessing or something and then-
“[Elvish Marriage Vows] we swear in the name of Lord Elrond Peredhel and Eru Illuvatar [More Marriage Vows]”
And at this point Elrond just has to roll with it but he bluescreens later while Erestor and Glorfindel laugh at him (Celebrian and or Gil-Galad too if they’re around)
Bonus points if It becomes a tradition in Imladris/Lindon even though he neutrally suggests a vala instead every time like
Elrond, trying not to get smited as soon as he steps foot into Valinor: hey Lady Yavanna is pretty cool though, right?
Elven Couple, exiled thousands of years ago and still frost-bitten: yes, pity there were no flowers in the Grinding Ice, my Lord. Anyways, would you mind being a witness to our wedding ceremony?”
Elrond starts glowing slightly and never lives it down. He goes to Valinor and people still ask him out of tradition or genuine respect and the Valar just have to put a small tapestry of Elrond as a patron of unions or something so they can claim some sort of control over the situation.
Elrond is mortified, and nobody lets him live it down.
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I like the idea that the Valar can grant boons to men or elves they favor. Sometimes visible– glowing markings, feathers, claws– and sometimes not. Attitudes of these blessings ranged from fear to reverence to jealousy, often reflecting opinions of the Valar more generally.
Galadriel's special treelight hair came from Finarfin. Finarfin got it as a result of Manwe's favor. Given how rare it was for Manwe to bestow such gifts, this caused quite a stir. Later, Morgoth would spread rumors that Manwe was trying to set Finarfin up as the new Noldor crown prince, bypassing Finwe's older children.
Namo gave Fingolfin a blessing, and no one was particularly sure why, Fingolfin included. The truth was that Namo had already foreseen Fingolfin's death, and wanted to give him the strength to let him wound Morgoth before falling to him. Namo has always felt a sense of responsibility for those who choose to come to his halls, even if he's powerless to change their fates.
Celegorm was blessed by Orome, given the kind of teeth and claws that a few of his best disciples had been granted over the years. Orome couldn't take those gifts back, so Celegorm kept them for all his life. You wouldn't know that looking at paintings of him, though, because none of them show him with the marks of Orome's hunt. Whether this was a choice made by him or by later revisionists trying to minimize his connection with the Valar is unknown.
Varda gave blessings to both Earendil and Gil-Galad in the final years of the First Age. Both of them are said to have shone like stars afterwards, and there were some darker rumors that like the hallowed Silmarils, they would burn any unholy flesh that touched them. Some speculated that the blessings were Varda's way of apologizing for leaving the elves to face Morgoth alone for so long.
Ulmo is probably the Vala who's given out the most blessings– Cirdan, Turgon, Finrod, and Tuor all recieved boons from him, among others. But everyone who's gotten blessings from Ulmo is weirdly secretive about it. There's lots of gossip floating around– Ulmo is the reason Cirdan has a beard, Ulmo is the reason Turgon is taller than Maedhros, Ulmo is the reason that everyone likes Finrod so much, actually everyone blessed by Ulmo gets gills and he has secret underwater meetings with them– you get the idea. Well, probably no reason to consider that last one. I can't imagine any of the Valar using their power for something that foolish.
There is fierce scholarly debate on whether Thingol received a blessing from Melian, and whether her descendants could, theoretically, do the same. Elrond would like everyone to please stop asking him about it. Elrond would also like everyone to please stop talking about Gil-Galad's hair turning silver after the two of them took a very normal hunting trip together.
(Multiple Valar have tried to take credit for just how amazingly luscious and wonderful Finwe's hair is. But no, that wasn't a blessing. He's just like that.)
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aotearoa20 · 1 year
In my brain the entire house of Fëanor in Valinor pre everything going wrong has a strong “I love that you love what you do’ dynamic with each other. 
Maedhros practises his speeches on obscure legislature while modelling for Nerdanel while she listens intently. She’s completely lost and completely invested, interrupting him only once to ask he keep his hand up a little higher.
Celegorm discussing with Fëanor late into the night about the grammatical structure of the language of rabbits and how it affects their hierarchical structures. Everything he’s saying sort of scratches the part of Fëanor’s brain still hung up on his linguistics hyperfixations way back when.
Caranthir knows nothing about musical theory but after hearing Maglor complaining about all the way through breakfast about this tune he just can’t get right, his math brain is like ‘the rhythm is off’ and Maglor has to switch on his music brain to translate but then is like “Valar above! I was using a mismatched time signature”
Curufin patiently sitting through Amras’ tea tasting test from random leaves he’s foraged while hunting. Amrod patiently waiting as Curufin halts his cartography expedition because “Ambraussa LOOK silver deposits!!”
Just like, the Noldorin meraki was strong in that family. They may not understand what it is so interesting about each others Things but they totally get being excited about a Thing so they happily listen to an info dump on rocks when they know their tirade on fabric pigments was up next,
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neldeathstar · 4 months
Two tired wanderers...
... fall asleep in the shadow of a tree on a bed of flowers, having a dream….✨
Finrod and Turgon 💖
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Earwen and Finarfin are the most even-tempered noldo around and somehow spawned these total chaos rockets who bite werewolfs to death, fall in love with mortals, and run off with hippies in the woods. Since Finarfin is more straight-laced than Turgon, the only explanation is that Earwen is secretly also an eldritch diva who presumably brews moonshine and has even less sense than her children.
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lotr-bitches · 8 months
unhinged Fëanorians AU headcanons
idk if this is even an AU or if they’re just like this
Nelyo: - Loyal - The diplomat - Actually goes fucking crazy after Thangorodrim - Gives off genuinely the most terrifying energy - Calculating af - Will manipulate the shit out of you - He doesn't look insane but then you get to know him and... - Lowkey a cult leader (??) - His followers are also ✨batshit✨ Kano: - Lowkey the most powerful - When he sings you think 'avenging angel' - Not as dramatic as you would think - Has a conscience - 'I will make them in my image' energy with Elros and Elrond - Surprisingly cunning - Has a smile that will make your skin crawl - Gentle hands, cruel words Tyelko: - Filled with rage pt 1 - Ruthless - Backstabbing is fun for him - He loves seeing that face of realization - His laugh shouldn't make you feel so unsettled - Cult leader pt 2 - By the end even Oromë is scared of what he's capable of - Impossible to wrangle (even by Nelyo) Moryo: - Spiritually identifies with Pityo - Smart af - People try to use ósanwë on him but his mind is like a fortress - Greed(TM) - Arguably the least scary - Rumors spread that he wasn't an elf and was actually a dragon - Fëanor anti pt 1 - Used a massive fuck off axe in battle - Fox-like Curvo: - Unsettling pt idek - Conniving bitch of a man - Vaguely antisocial - Talks way less than you would think - A good father for like 10 minutes - Obsessed with lightning storms - (Has been struck by lightning) - Moves like a panther - Raises one eyebrow - #1 dad supporter Pityo: - Lightly crisp - Didn't actually die at the burning of the ships - Can no longer speak because of the scar patterns - Feral af
- Hates that Nerdanel gave him and Telvo the same name
- Would (and has) punched several of his brothers and cousins
- Spiritually identifies with Moryo
- Everyone swears he’s invisible sometimes
- Slightly better hunter
- No mercy
- Filled with rage pt 2
- Also feral
- Dad always mixed him up with Pityo so they switch places sometimes
- Fëanor anti pt 2
- Slightly more diplomatic
- Develops sign language for Pityo
- Uses ósanwë to talk to Pityo
- (Also they use ósanwë to swap bodies)
- Vaguely terrifying
- Gives off creepy twin energy
- Telvo is the more unsettling of the two
- When you meet him you think he’s surprisingly normal
- Eyebrow raise pt 2
- Distinctly unimpressed constantly
- Lowkey thinks it might be fun to be evil for a minute
- Sometimes filed his fingernails into points for the vibes
- Filed his canines so they look like fangs
- Elros and Elrond are his favorite cousins
- Always stealing shit
- Sleight of hand ✨king✨
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