#house of finarfin
mandhos · 4 months
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nynevefromthelake · 2 months
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So happy to post it finally! House of Beor and house of Finarfin relationships are so special to me
Very much inspired by Atandil by @eilinelsghost
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thestaroffeanor · 3 months
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Updated Celebrían, Lady of Rivendell
In accordance with my family tree project she couldn't stay at quite the design I had for her before, but I personally love, love, love the hair (which she now gets from her great-grandmother Indis) even though I suck at texture
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Earwen and Finarfin are the most even-tempered noldo around and somehow spawned these total chaos rockets who bite werewolfs to death, fall in love with mortals, and run off with hippies in the woods. Since Finarfin is more straight-laced than Turgon, the only explanation is that Earwen is secretly also an eldritch diva who presumably brews moonshine and has even less sense than her children.
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ylieke · 11 months
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Finrod imprisoned in Tol-in-Gaurhoth
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spruceneedles · 22 days
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Aegnor and Andreth (concept)
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doodle-pops · 7 months
“How Much Do You Love Me?”
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A/N: This was originally planned for the underrated character event and ended up being scrapped at the last minute. Enjoy!
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I’D DIE FOR YOU…in a heartbeat, if you ever asked them to choose, they would instead give their lives so that you can continue living. They preferably die, even if the act was selfish, which meant leaving you alone for the rest of your life. It would pain them to leave you behind to suffer and grieve their deaths, but it was better than staining their hands with blood while continuing to live. It simply wasn’t a part of their nature. It felt more heroic to give their life to save the love of theirs.
Celebrimbor, Fingolfin, Fingon, Argon, Finarfin, Finrod, Angrod, Aegnor, Glorfindel, Ecthelion, Egalmoth, Rog, Galdor, Beleg, Elrond, Elrohir, Elladan, Erestor, Gil Galad, Manwë, Irmo, Námo, Eönwë, Tilion
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I’D KILL FOR YOU…and there’s no joking around when some got on their knees and swore to remove anyone and anything that threatened to harm or take you away from them. They have no issue in removing the enemy with their hands—getting them dirty was all a part of your protection. The act of taking someone’s life never or no longer bothers them so long as you remain safe and alive.
Feanor, Maedhros, Maglor, Celegorm, Caranthir, Curufin, Amrod, Amras, Fingon, Turgon, Maeglin, Thingol
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I'D BURN THE WORLD FOR YOU…and they would do it in a heartbeat if that was the only way for the both of you to live in peace without any enemies and threats. A guaranteed method to sustain both your happiness and forever. A world without anyone to obstruct your love and steal either of you away. They would set the world on fire to remove everything so long as you remain at their side, and from the ashes, they’ll merely create a new world for you both to live in peace.
Feanor, Thingol, Melkor, Mairon
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Taglist: @lilmelily @rain-on-my-umbrella @mysticmoomin @aconstructofamind @asianbutnotjapanese @batsyforyou @ladyenchanted @mcwentfandomtraveling @involuntaryspasms @stormchaser819
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fellfirefan · 27 days
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Finrod and Amarïe
"The Morning After"
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carmisse · 2 months
Random moments from the Silmarillion PT 3
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violetumbrellalover · 2 months
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⚔️Three Houses of Edain⚔️
A little over three centuries after the Noldor had returned to Middle-earth, Finrod discovered a new people in the glens of the Blue Mountains. These were Men out of the distant East of Middle-earth, the first of their kind to be seen in Beleriand. These Men crossed the mountains as three distinct peoples, but each of these peoples became allies of the Elves in the Wars of Beleriand. The name Edain became associated with these friends of the Elves, and their leaders gave rise to three houses: those of Bëor, Haleth and Hador.
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House of Bëor
Bëor was the first of Men to cross the Blue Mountains into Beleriand, and his house is thus considered the first of the houses of the Edain. Bëor himself became a vassal of Finrod, and many of his descendants also served the Elves. Later generations of this house held the land of Dorthonion, until it was lost to Morgoth in the Dagor Bragollach. The greatest of the heroes of the House of Bëor was Beren, who escaped from Dorthonion and captured a Silmaril from Morgoth's crown.
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House of Haleth
The people known as the Haladin spoke their own language, alien to that of the other Edain. They were the second house of Men to cross the Mountains, and settled for a while in the southern part of Dor Caranthir. Faced with a sudden assault by Orcs, they united under a leader named Haldad, but he was slain defending his people. His daughter Haleth, from whom this house took its name, led the survivors into the west, until they reached the Forest of Brethil, where they settled. This house of the Edain is noted for their friendship with the Drúedain, with whom they shared their forest home.
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House of Hador
The Third House of the Edain derived from the followers of Marach, who led his people across the Blue Mountains soon after the other houses. The Men of this House built a strong alliance with Fingolfin's people in Hithlum. Indeed, Marach's great-great-grandson Hador was made Lord of Dor-lómin by the High King of the Noldor, thus giving his name to this renowned House. Among Hador's famous descendants were Húrin and Huor, Túrin and Tuor, and Eärendil the Mariner.
“Do you forget to whom you speak? Such things you spoke long ago to our fathers; but we escaped from your shadow. And now we have knowledge of you, for we have looked on the faces that have seen the Light, and heard the voices that have spoken with Manwe."
~ Húrin Thalion in The Children of Húrin, "The Words of Húrin and Morgoth"
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silmawensgarden · 3 months
Finarfin appreciation ~
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A sketchy doodle of Finarfin in summer evening wear. Didn't use my usual inked-line art, so this was an experiment. 🙃
Loving the sheerness of colored pencils here 👀
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thesummerestsolstice · 3 months
During the Years of the Trees, the House of Arafinwe has a weekly family breakfast together– Arafinwe bakes pancakes for everyone (with his kids helping of course!) Nolofinwe and his family come to spend time together, Findis and Lalwende show up every week, even if they are a little late, and Finwe and Indis almost always make time for it as well. (And if some of Feanaro's kids show up, Arafinwe always makes a little extra) It started when Findarato was really little, and always begged for pancakes and jam, and has been going for centuries by the time Feanaro gets exiled to Formenos. They put all sorts of toppings out on the table and spend the morning catching up and laughing with each other. Treelight pours in through the windows of the house, and all is right with the world.
And one day, not too long after the Darkening, Arafinwe wakes up, disoriented, and, pretty much on auto-pilot, goes to make pancakes. Look, it takes a lot of batter to make enough pancakes for fifteen people– you have to start that early to get in done in time for a reasonable breakfast. So he makes the pancakes alone, not really thinking about things, probably unconsciously assuming that he's just woken up early and that his kids and wife are still sleeping. He sets the table, because he knows where everyone will sit. He gets everything out, because for all that's happened the pantry is still full.
And then he sees the way the slightly eerie red-tinted lamp light reflects on the silverware. And then he remembers that his children left, and so did his brothers, and sister, and nieces and nephews. He remembers the horrible, half-regretful, half-knowing look he'd seen on Findarato's face before he'd left over the Helcaraxe, the breathless, fruitless argument he'd had with Nolofinwe. He remembers that his wife won't talk to him, and neither will Findis. That his father is dead and that his mother left for Lorien after his death and isn't taking visitors.
And he just sits there, in the big, dark, silent, empty room. And the pancakes get cold and the fruit toppings begin to rot. He leaves– he's not sure when, without the treelight to tell time– and locks the room.
He moves out of his house the next day, and into the palace in Tirion, which, to be honest, feels just as haunted. He stops baking. Being high king of the Noldor in Valinor doesn't leave him with a lot of spare time for his craft. Or his grief. And as long as he keeps it locked away in a house he never goes to, he can almost live with that.
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fandomblr · 2 years
I know we’ve all talked about how we hate Elrond’s character design in the Rings of Power, but can we have a moment of silence for Finrod?
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I mean, just look at him. I’ve seen PLENTY of Finrod fanart that is 100000% better than this.
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thestaroffeanor · 3 months
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Celeborn and his beloved man-woman wife Nerwen Galadriel whom he found somewhere in the woods :D
I hc that in the beginning he needed to get used to her glow in the dark eyes which at night might be slightly terrifying, but eh, the things he does for love :)
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welcomingdisaster · 1 year
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a-hundred-musings · 4 months
You know, here's a small rant from me: I hate it when Celebrimbor is shown to be a "softie-boy" or a "naïve child" or just... someone condescending and stupid. Like, yeah I'm guilty of it too (who isn't?) but it just makes me wonder why he's presented as that in fics anywhere.
I read this fic on AO3? Celebrimbor is a stupid duck. Or he's just very naïve and easy to prank. I read another fic? Celebrimbor is a whiny baby who can't stand up for himself. I read another one? He's a man-child.
Look, I get why he's presented in that way, but can we not do that? Especially considering the things this boy has gone through which really wouldn't make him a "child-like" person, but more of a mature adult who has experienced things no one should ever experience.
Before and during the First Age, he's experienced so much:
Nerdanel and Feanor falling out -- that basically messed up entire Aman back then, but mainly their kids, so imagine how Curufin would have reacted to that.
The feud between Feanor and Fingolfin and Finarfin
The time when Feanor threatened Fingolfin
The time when the Two Trees were destroyed
The time when Melkor killed his great-grandfather Finwe.
Feanor going Mad™
The uprising of the Noldor
The First Kinslaying
His grandfather going feral and his father and uncles swearing an oath on a literal suicide-mission
One of his youngest uncles getting burned and basically died (or lived, depends on which version you follow)
A time of literal darkness. Like, no light at all. It really messed up the psyche of so many people.
Feanor abandoning his brother on the shores of Valinor -- that would mess up anyone really.
A literal battle. Like, more blood is being shed -- not only of elves, but of other creatures Tyelpe has probably never seen or heard of before.
His grandfather being so consumed by his fire and spontaneously combusting. That too, he either saw or heard of Feanor literally bursting into flames -- that is pretty traumatising.
The crossing of the Helcaraxe -- no seriously, that would mess anyone up knowing that people they love are literally walking on glaciers and over deathly waters with a 50% chance of survival.
Maedhros being crowned King of the Noldor, and an unspoken fact that there is more than one king of the Noldor -- the political implications here...
The abduction of Maedhros. Need this be explained further?
His uncles and father being concerningly close to starting a whole world-war
The rising of the Sun and the moon (like, what are those big spheres in the sky? Are they something from Melkor? Are they a sign of the End™? What is it?)
The arrival of Fingolfin's group, with more dead and furious people.
The mental health of everyone deteriorating. No, I won't explain because this era was filled with bad times.
No one knowing what to do now, since Maglor was naturally crowned the Regent King of the Noldor, and he has his own problems.
After 34 years of wondering what on earth has happened to Maedhros, he returns scarred with no right hand, and presumed torture marks.
Everyone literally holding their breaths for what will happen next.
Maedhros surrendering his crown to Fingolfin. That would hurt bad like a blow.
Literally only a few years of peace filled with tension.
Fingolfin decides to kick Melkor's arse and dies.
The Nirnaeth Arnoediad.
The Second Kinslaying.
The Fall of Gondolin
Making the decision of abandoning his father and uncles, going on his own separate path.
The death of so many of his family members and father and uncles. That is messed up. The amount of psychological trauma he's already been through...
Like, imagine his guilt of not being there with his father, imagine how much he second-guessed his actions...
The Third Kinslaying. The deaths of more elves, his uncle (or uncles), and really, just more death.
The crown of the Noldor being passed on so many times until it reached Gil-Galad. Imagine the humiliation and just the shock of the realisation of the number of people who have been crowned within a span of a few centuries.
The kidnapping of Elrond and Elros. While it probably wouldn't harm Tyelpe's psychological health, it must have been pretty messed up to find out that your two remaining uncles have committed a few more war crimes.
The War of the Wrath. Now, while it was mainly against Men, there is no doubt that some elves have been killed due to the war (given Gil-Galad's camps etc), so imagine him getting into some stray fights with the orcs or those Men who follow Melkor.
The Fourth Kinslaying. No need to further elaborate.
The death of Maedhros, and Maglor becoming a cryptid. Who wouldn't that mess up?
Surviving the First Age. Like, give this Tyelpe the recognition he truly deserves. Give him a few rings and trophies for enduring so long and he still hasn't gone down to insanity. That too, all this happened within the span of like, 600 years.
The Second Age:
Beleriand is under the sea
His "cousins" (Elrond and Elros) going their separate ways
The death of Elros (I think this is pretty self-explanatory, given the numerous HCs on the twins and Celebrimbor)
No one has any idea what has happened to Maglor. Is he alive? Is he dead? Who knows.
Rumours of a sinister evil lurking in the shadows and really, some tensions are visibly arising.
He finds this very powerful and alluring stranger who knows quite a bit about the art of smithing. They collaborate despite warnings from Galadriel, Gil-Galad, Elrond and a few others.
After giving thought to make powerful rings, Annatar watches over as Celebrimbor makes the rings for Men and Dwarves.
Newsflash: Annatar wants the rings, and he tainted them.
Celebrimbor makes the 3 Elven Rings in secret so Annatar can't get to them, but he gets kidnapped and tortured.
Like, really badly tortured. Annatar wants those 3 rings.
Celebrimbor eventually is killed, and is impaled on a spear, then given to Gil-Galad's camp after years of torture.
He went straight to his family. Can't tell if this will add to his trauma, but still.
While he didn't survive the Second Age, this boy went through so much pain, and... really, I feel like he doesn't get much of the appreciation he deserves.
Thank you for coming to my little rant as to why we need more fics that paint Celebrimbor as someone who isn't a stupid and naïve child, but more of a wiser version of Feanor and Curufin. He is not a tantrummy baby, for Ilúvatar's sake!
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