lidraws · 3 days
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Decided to draw some female characters from the silmarillion today, because they deserve more love🩷
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lathalea · 2 days
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Yes, it is finally happening!
💎 HUGE 💎
Follower Celebration
… is here!
Remember the poll from last week? The results are here! You have spoken!
Thank you everyone for participating! 💙🙏
💎 What happens now?
Per your request,
I’m going to write ficlets for you, my lovely followers!
And I can’t wait! 🤩
💎 It’s time for the Prompt Game!
💎 To take part in the celebration, you have to be my follower before it starts!
💎 For the Prompt Game, I will have around 10 slots open. Maybe a few less, maybe a few more (it depends on boring real life stuff, sorry, I’ll try to do my best!).
💎 The participants will be picked on the "first come, first serve" basis.
💎 I’m going to write ficlets (300-500 words) based on Tolkien’s Middle Earth and the characters created by JRRT.
💎 Pick your favorite pairing, the prompt you’ve been dreaming of (or 1-2 prompt numbers from the list below), any additional details you want me to include (like your OC, quote, vibes…), and send me an ask! No anons please 🙏
💎 I will be happy to write about things like: canon x canon, canon x oc, canon x reader, oc x oc, oc x reader, textual ghosts, G-E rated romance (to request E-rated stuff, you have to be an adult), angst, gen fics, fluff, GIME, crack fics, Middle Earth locations, headcanons, imagines, worldbuilding… and much more.
💎 I’m not in the right headspace to write about things like: incest, rape, death, explicit descriptions of injuries/childbirth, themes/characters I’m not too familiar with.
💎 If you’re one of the lucky participants but I’m unable to fulfill your request because of some its content, don’t worry! You won’t lose your spot! I’ll ask you to submit a new fic request.
💎 Any questions? You know where to find me!
If you’ve just ran out of fic ideas or there’s something here that speaks to you, please add one or two prompt numbers to your ask:
1. “I lost my way. Twice.”
2. Regency AU
3. "It was an... accident?"
4. Pirate AU
5. “You did this for me?”
6. Neighbor AU
7. “We could just stay like this, cuddling all night, if that is what you wish."
8. Forbidden Love AU
9. “Whose wedding is this?” “Ours.”
10. Soulmate AU
11. “Tell me what you see.”
12. Library AU
13. “Where am I?”
14. Best Friends AU / Friends to Lovers AU (you pick)
15. “Is anything you say to me true?”
16. Modern AU
17. “The stars are bright tonight, aren't they?" "Not as bright as you…”
18. Stranded AU
19. “This quest is yours alone.”
20. Room Mate AU
21. “We shouldn’t be doing this.”
22. Fake Dating/Engagement/Marriage AU
23. “Make a wish.”
24. Amnesia AU
25. “Do I know you from somewhere?”
26. Hurt/Comfort AU
27. “What does your heart tell you?”
28. Meet-awful AU (funny!)
29. “How did you get here and what are you doing in my bed?!”
30. An AU of your choice
31. Surprise me, Lathalea! 🤩
🎉 Let the Prompt Game begin!🎉
Good luck everyone! 💙
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nynevefromthelake · 2 months
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Back to six fanarts! Lady Haleth
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aquaregiaart · 22 days
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Haleth & Caranthir.
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torchwood-99 · 7 months
There's a lot of discussion about Tolkien's work and feminism, is it sexist, is it feminist, how does the fact that Tolkien's work held feminist themes make sense with the sexist views he expressed in real life, is this plot point regarding a woman sexist or feminist?
And I think the key thing here is remembering that feminism isn't a state of being or a personality trait, it's an action and a thought. A person can both be feminist and sexist. They can hold sexist attitudes and do sexist things and they can also hold feminist attitudes and do feminist things. After all, feminism is complex and the rights of women is a fight on multiple fronts, a war made up of multiple battles.
Tolkien was an upper class white man raised in a time of great sexism, and lived and worked in a sexist environment. He also had a very strong bond with his wife and lived in a time when women's rights and the role of women were undergoing massive changes. His works have far less women in them, and his women often get side-lined and their characterisation/plot relevance are often influenced by sexist tropes (passivity, existing to be a trophy, role defined by make relationships).
At the same time, his female characters can show great heroism, competency and power, and perform feats of heroism in ways that have traditionally been seen as "masculine", showing that a woman being a woman doesn't inherently make her incapable or suited only for certain jobs. And not only that, his characters, like Eowyn, outright call out sexism (all you words say, you are but a woman....you have leave to be burned in the house because the men will need it no more). He also has an in-universe female character speculate on how history has overlooked women, the history he wrote.
Tolkien's attitudes and beliefs would have been influenced by the attitudes and beliefs of his time. He would have grown up in a sexist environment and internalised rigid views about women and femininity and their proper role. He would have also; perhaps subconsciously or despite himself, taken in the feminist arguments women were making at the time, or even noticed himself some of the injustices that women suffered. The man himself didn't need to identify as a feminist to have expressed feminist views. After all, "I'm not a feminist but...." followed by a statement that is definitely feminist, is something we've all seen at some point.
There's also the badass, wonderful Haleth, who was originally conceived as a man, only to be changed into a woman by Tolkien later on. Perhaps he himself noted, as his own characters did, that women had been overlooked in his work. Just as the world around him changed and attitudes towards women adjusted, it is possible that Tolkien's did too. There would have been a difference in what was conservative in the year he was born and what was conservative in the year he died.
So, are Tolkien's work sexist? Yes. Are his works feminist? Yes. Are his female characters sexist? Yes. Are his female characters feminist? Yes.
We can read Tolkien's work and find feminist messages and be uplifted by them. We can also read Tolkien's work and criticise the sexism that is at play.
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ayaosguqin · 5 months
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Caranthir & Haleth
“You have bewitched me body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you. ”
― Pride & Prejudice
A Link to my Ko-Fi🙏
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hamletphase · 2 months
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might work on this again someday but for now let's call it done 🫶
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lidoshka · 2 months
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Dinner time
AU in which Caranthir and Haleth have a kid.
It's fine, its fine. As long as the child is kept out of any offical record the Doom of Mandos cannot touch him, right?
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myceliumelium · 6 months
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I think eowyn and Haleth would have gotten on like a house on fire.
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(All art used with the express permission of the artist)
I'm going ahead and doing these every three days instead of every week because I'm still collecting artwork, and if we do one a week, we're gonna be here for twenty-thousand years.
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strelkovski · 8 months
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Haleth shows Caranthir a couple of Edain dance moves. I wish they had more interaction in the story.
Haleth's design is one of my favorite of all I made btw
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forestials · 11 months
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Haleth and Caranthir, reunited
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thelien-art · 4 months
Haleth & Caranthir - Soiree gathering
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Fourth Valentine drawing, Valentine Event Post
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This idea popped into my head as part of a reblog yesterday and I actually really like it, so I think I’m gonna make it a part of my official Rohan head canon:
There’s one canon Rohirrim in the books (appendices) named Haleth—a son of Helm Hammerhand—and there’s another Rohirrim Haleth in the movies—a son of Háma, the captain of Théoden’s guards.
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I’ve always found it interesting that the name Haleth was a man’s name in Third Age Rohan given that the most famous person to hold the name was a woman—Haleth of the Haladin who led one of the three original houses of men back in the First Age and was a stone cold badass (First Age Haleth was a man in early drafts, so good change, Professor!). In all likelihood, Tolkien would say there’s no connection between the Haleths. It just so happens that Haleth means “warrior” in Old English/Rohirric and “chief” in the language of the Haladin, so it was a feasible name in both communities coming from totally separate influences and etymologies. But that’s no fun.
I much prefer to think that the Rohirrim have somehow heard the stories of First Age Haleth and they revere her. She’s a beloved part of the stories and songs that they use to document and teach the history of the world. And they revere her memory so much that they want to name their kids after her, even if that kid is a boy. Her badass-ness is SO undeniable that the name Haleth crosses gender lines in a way that’s (I think??) unique in Middle Earth and extremely rare even here in the modern U.S., where boys names often morph into girls names over time but the reverse almost never happens. So in my headcanon, Helm named his son after our girl Haleth, and so did Háma in his day. It’s a fairly common name in Rohan and goes to kids of all kinds in explicit tribute to one of the most fearless, uncompromising and proud humans of any gender to ever walk Middle Earth. And anyone from Gondor or Dunland or anywhere else that would pick on a male Haleth for having a “girl’s name” would find themselves at the wrong end of a spear right quick, not because they’re wrong—every Haleth in Rohan is named after a girl—but for the implication that being named after a girl is bad.
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essenceofarda · 5 months
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Haleth and Caranthir's wife 👀
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raointean · 11 months
Okay, I just watched "Nimona" on Netflix and I cannot BELIEVE the Tolkien fandom hasn't pounced on it yet! It's LITTERED with references!
The obvious one is this line:
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But it gets better! This little girl's name is Gloreth. Gloreth! She's the leader of her people and a (supposed) monster-slayer! It's like if Glorfindel and Haleth had a baby together!
Beyond that, the majority of the movie takes place here
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A white-walled city surrounded by mountains... and they can't leave because there's monsters out there... Doesn't that sound familiar?
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There's also a lot of Gondolin-esque imagery sprinkled throughout. (Ignore the pink whale)
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Also, the blond guy's name is Ambrosius Goldenloin which, if I'm being honest, is still not as bad as Teleporno. And if there's a dramatic ray of sunlight, this man WILL stand in it! I would bet my right arm (which one of the characters lost because it's not Tolkien without missing limbs) that Glorfindel does the same.
Long story short, if you like tolkien references, queer romance, urban fantasy, or goofy movies, you should watch Nimona.
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