#caranthir x haleth
thelien-art · 4 months
Haleth & Caranthir - Soiree gathering
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Fourth Valentine drawing, Valentine Event Post
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isilwhore · 7 months
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Haleth and Caranthir
Oh, them again
He wishes to be bound to something other than doom and a terrible oath. She must put her people above all else.
It could never be (and that’s why I love it)
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aotearoa20 · 2 months
correspondence and revelations shortly after Dagor Bragollach for @silmarillionepistolary
To, Caranthir Morifinwë Fëanorian Lord of the East
Dear cousin, it is with great sorrow which I greet you. The attacks of the Enemy took us all by surprise and I mourn the blow the loss of Thargelion will surely have on us all. Though I had never the chance to visit I had heard many great things of the eastern mountains, they were fair to behold, I am told, and I know that you loved it there. Still it gladdens me to hear that you and yours escaped for the most part unscathed. Know whatever aid and support we can spare is already on its way to you as you receive this letter.
I'm sure you know already that Celegorm and Curufin have taken up refuge among my people. You should know you they are well and whole. They, along with I, have sent letters detailing their arrival and stay. I have also sent some papers detailing preliminary adjustments to traderoutes and logistics for delivering aid among our people and allies. I am sure you have more than enough plans of your own and as always i defer to you judgement on such matters.
But all this aside I had another matter I wished to inform you of concerning one of the people of Haleth in Brethil. I have kept it to myself for some time but if anything has come from these last days is that none of us knows when doom will rear its head.
The Lady Haleth herself I met only a few times, when negotiating the terms of her people’s dwelling, and found her to be a woman of brusque and bright countenance. Indeed, when I learnt of her dealings with you I thought that the pair of you must have gotten on like a house on fire, else hated each other entirely. But I digress.
It was upon one of those meetings when I saw a child, I reckoned at the time, perhaps five by the count of Men often about her dwelling. No husband she ever spoke of nor did I ask. The child had her likeness and hearing of the tradgey that claimed the rest of her family, I thought perhaps his father had perished with her kin.
In truth, I thought little of it at all until some years ago, on a visit to the city of Menegroth, when I found a youth milling about the edges of the Girdle. It must have been two hundred years since I’d last seen him, the Haladin had since had two chieftains but the boy looked no older than twenty. He named himself a changeling in his own tongue and told me his father was one of the Eldar.
Erestor he called himself in Sindarin for though he’d lived among his people, at on the request of his mother had not taken her title. Instead he stayed as a counseler for his cousin and later his children and grandchildren. (The translation is a bit off I deem but he having learned more seems loath to correct it and resistant to advice) Either way, wishing to learn more of his father’s people and had come to Doriath to see if he may by his blood be permitted. I spoke with him a while and finding him genuine in his desire, brought him with me and vouched for him before Elu Thingol, the King.
Since then he visits the city every few summers and then returns to his people before the snows set in. He has had little trouble of it, for his mother’s features hide much of his fathers heritage and he is wont to pass through, drawing as little attention to himself as he can. But I found him curious and upon further investigation and despite his protests to the contrary, I am certain his father is Noldorin. In fact, on those rare occasions he does smiles without restrain cousin - were it not for his quiet temperament I know he did not inherit from his mother - I would have wondered if he was your own.
At any rate, considering the time and circumstances I first found him, it's likely it is that his father is among your people. I can think of any number of reasons such a thing would have been hidden from offical records but I truly doubt it could have happened without your knowledge. To the point, I thought, especially in the chaos of these days, you might pass on some news of the boy’s well being. I have had news from Brethil, written in the the his hand, they are well, if overwhelmed with refugees from Dor Lomin. But he is safe. Perhaps that might comfort his kin in Amon Ereb. And perhaps you could tell him that his child is a scholar in training. That he is happy, as much as any of us can be, and untouched by doom or darkness. May he remain so.
I hope I have not overstepped in my assumptions. Always I have hesitated in speaking on this subject. I just have with the loss of don't want to leave anything unsaid that ought to be.
That is all.
As I detailed before, i have sent ahead letters pertaining to more practical means. I have no doubt in your prompt reply. I wish you well, cousin. May Tilion watch your steps before the Dawn breaks.
Finrod Felagund King of Nargothrond
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the-elusive-soleil · 9 months
I have this idea, that when the Haladin first show up in Thargelion, they don't speak any elvish languages, and have to learn some before they can really communicate and negotiate the whole issue of lands and settlement and vassalage. And Caranthir and his people teach them Quenya.
There could be any number of reasons for this. It's the language he grew up speaking, and the one that comes most naturally to him and his followers. It might be banned, but they're far enough removed from Doriath and from anybody else that they can essentially do whatever they want. He doesn't have any reason to think that Haleth will be interacting with Thingol's people after they move on. And maybe, just maybe, he's a little petty about it. Finrod Finarfinion, the suck-up, might have taught his Edain to speak Sindarin, but not Caranthir.
(And it's just barely possible that he has a weakness for hearing Haleth speak his native language, but if that is the case, he tells no one.)
And then eventually Haleth brings her people to Brethil, and she tries to talk to Thingol about settling there, and he already doesn't like the idea much, but then she has the Audacity to greet him in Feanorian Quenya, and after that not even Finrod's intervention can help her. So the Haladin get booted from Brethil, and they're not sure where else they can go, now that the Doriathrin think they're associated with horrible kinslayers and will doubtless spread the news around to their allies.
So back east they go, and when they get near Thargelion again Caranthir comes by and is like, "you're back!" And Haleth is fed up from all the journeying and has Words for him about this booby-trapped language he fed them.
But I like to think they work out some kind of compromise after all that, and the Haladin end up settling in the greater Thargelion area. And if there is anything more going on between the Chieftain of the Haladin and the Lord of Thargelion than simple alliance and friendship, then it is no one's business but their own, and certainly not the business of his nosy cousins.
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dalliansss · 2 months
They regard each other again in quiet. It is clear that Ereinion took more from Caranthir in terms of personality. Both of them are ellon of few words.
“I became King,” says Ereinion. “I inherited the crown after Gondolin fell.”
Carnistir nods slowly. “I see. How long did you reign?”
“Long. I became patently sick of it, in the end. I never wanted to be king. I was content to be a fisher-elf at the Havens of Sirion, then there arrived an elf who called himself Voronwë, and Círdan called me and then they told me I was king. I tried to refuse, you know. I tried to say that Telperinquar was supposed to be king, but Círdan stamped out my argument. You are older than Telperinquar’s father, and so there I was.”
Caranthir rubbed his chin. He looks thoughtful.
“And how did you die?”
Ereinion felt his lips twitch. Then a smirk spread. “Valiantly, I am afraid. Me and Elendil tried to take Sauron down with us. Sauron burned me with his right hand.”
Caranthir slid his right hand across the table and caught Ereinion’s own. He squeezes him there.
“For what it is worth, I am sorry, yonya.”
Ereinion turns his hand palm-up. He holds his father’s hand properly.
“Don’t be. I had a long, colorful and fruitful life. And I got to fulfill my dream. I met you.”
[among those returned / AO3]
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cilil · 2 months
rare pair bingo
⸙ Prompt: Strap-ons | Caranthir x Haleth ⸙ Synopsis: After Caranthir has finally confessed his desires, Haleth gives him what he wants. ⸙ Warnings: Smut, sex toy, pegging ⸙ Quintuple drabble ⸙ AO3
"Relax, Cara," Haleth says with a little laugh, and it sounds so easy and natural that Caranthir obeys before he can fall back into his usual stiff, defensive pose. 
It is hardly a dignified position he currently finds himself in, on all fours on his own bed with his lover kneeling behind him and getting ready to prepare both him and the toy she has fastened around her hips- one of his brothers' many creations and one he's admittedly used several times on himself over the ages, though he won't admit that to anyone, including her. 
Again Caranthir wonders why he agreed to this, but to back out now would be cowardly, and he doesn't want Haleth to think less of him. Besides, she promised she wouldn't do so, even if she took him like this. 
Her hand, firm and rough from her days as a warrior, yet so wonderfully warm, caresses his back. "Relax, just like this. Very good," she repeats.
Caranthir does his best. He has contemplated a thousand times if it's wise to confess his desires to her, to let her glimpse into his heart, has expected ridicule and rejection from her, but Haleth has this strange way of making him feel like everything will be alright; and so, slowly, he manages to open up to her. 
The sensation of oil-slickened fingers breaching him is unusual and still so very welcome. Hesitantly, Caranthir moans before lowering his head to the pillow underneath to stifle his voice. He doesn't need his staff to hear him, or worse yet his brothers if they happen to visit him at this inopportune time. 
There's a small pause in Haleth's movements, and he knows that she knows what he's doing, but she doesn't stop him. She lets him have this, get used to it at his own pace, and Caranthir feels a rush of gratitude.
Taking the toy inside of him has never been easier and never felt this good. When Haleth penetrates him, she's gentler than he is to himself, and he's fully prepared, relaxed and ready. 
Caranthir bites the pillow to keep his voice down, and she allows that too. 
"Well done," Haleth says. 
He hasn't expected praise, but it makes his remaining reservations melt away like snow in the sun. His hips move as if on their own, urging her to thrust, and she gives it to him without question. 
No longer does pretending not to enjoy it or maintaining his aloofness even cross Caranthir's mind; he enjoys himself and wants his lover to see it. He moans into the pillow, meets her thrusts, clenches his fists for once not in anger.
"You're beautiful, Cara," Haleth whispers in his ear, and he believes her. 
"Good boy," she praises when she takes him in hand and strokes, and Caranthir climaxes without shame. 
"I love you," she tells him as he's coming down from his high, and he believes that as well. 
"I love you too," he mumbles into the pillow. 
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Thanks for reading! ♡
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a-world-of-whimsy-5 · 4 months
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"What I see"
Pairing: Caranthir/Haleth
Themes: Soft | Fluff | Very Mild NSFW
Warnings: Insecurity
Wordcount: 500+words
Summary: Before an important feast Haleth feels insecure about the clothes she 's wearing, and how the others would react to her.
This ficlet was inspired by @thelien-art piece on Caranthir and Haleth
Minors DNI
Also available on AO3
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Haleth regarded her gown in the looking glass's reflection and despaired. The dress was elegantly made, but when compared to the robes favored by elven ladies, it looked like kitchen rags.
Too simple, she thought. Not enough rich embroidery. No gold. No jewels.
Her companion had offered her as many robes and jewelry and furs as she wished to wear for the feast, and she had refused it all because of her own pride. Now, as she regarded her choice of raiment, she deeply regretted her decision to refuse him. She would be formally introduced to the others as the consort of a high elven lord tonight, and she looked nothing like the sort.
What was I thinking? She lifted the hem of her sleeve and sighed hopelessly when all she found was simple threadwork and nothing more elaborate than that. Why did I not say yes?
“There is no cause for you to fret, my love,” Caranthir declared by the doorway, resplendent as always. The gold and wine of his robes went splendidly with his warm, ruddy skin. Rubies around his wrists and throat and ears caught the light whenever he moved. He was a vision made flesh, and he was hers. “You look glorious, truly.”
She turned to face him, her eyes bright with wicked humor. “And you, my lord, are as gifted a liar as your brother, Curufin.”
“High praise indeed,” he agreed, smiling. “I lie to a great many people, my love, and with great relish at that, but not to you. Never to you. Surely you know this.”
His lady blushed—a rare thing with her. Haleth would take on a hundred orcs, their swords and their arrows and their fell beasts without a moment’s hesitation, but when faced with sincere words of love and adoration, she was rendered speechless.
“The others,” she began after another glance at the looking glass. “The others will not approve. They will only see a daughter of the Edain, one who does not even possess a single trinket worthy of their regard.”
Caranthir smiled and came forward, slipping his arms around her and holding her in a loose embrace. “I will tell you what our guests will see,” he uttered, pressing a kiss against her shoulder. Haleth lifted her eyes, and found his gleaming with pride. “They will see what I see: a proud chieftess, a fierce warrior who defied death’s many efforts to claim her for its own, the one who opened my eyes to the great courage that dwelt within the hearts of those like her. And they will also see what I want them to see.”
“Which is?”
“My companion and my love. If they do not approve of you, I will be more than happy to show them the door.”
Haleth blushed, deeply moved. “As long as you do not call them choice epithets while you do so,” she counseled. “I know a thing or two about your temper, Moryo, and I urge you to curb it. Thargelion cannot afford the loss of your kinsmen’s support.”
“I shall be the embodiment of regal comportment,” Caranthir returned, his dark eyes sparkling. “Now come, my love. We must not keep the others waiting.”
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wyvunn · 1 year
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Haleth and Caranthir enjoying a quiet night in the forest
Here’s my participation for this year’s @officialtolkiensecretsanta! The giftee will be revealed on the 24th.
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runawaymun · 1 year
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happy trans visibility day from Haleth and Caranthir! 
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velvet4510 · 24 days
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thelien-art · 6 months
December; the 23
Yule day 3: Caranthir the dark & Haleth
Where is the pine tree?
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Peonies; Peonies for happy marriage, wealth
Gladiolus; Gladiolus for sttength/stubbornness faithfulness/trust
Red Rose; Red rose for bravery love
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isilwhore · 3 months
Feanorian Week - Day 4: Caranthir
Continuing with the Feanorian wives prompt…yes that’s Haleth. I won’t accept anyone else for Caranthir, they’re meant to be and I’m obsessed with them. Even if it’s tragic.
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We have sworn, and not lightly
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This oath we will keep
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aotearoa20 · 1 year
Haleth: (after hearing Caranthir explain his family situation) Oh you poor thing
Caranthir: Don’t bring my financial situation into this
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the-elusive-soleil · 7 months
All right, I know there's Lore that married elves are discernible by means of eye contact, but does anyone know if it says anywhere whether this is also true for elf/mortal couples? If so, is it true for both of them or can you only tell with the elf?
Yes this is about Halenthir, you got me.
Because in a scenario where the Haladin ultimately settle in Thargelion (maybe because they mistakenly approached Thingol speaking Quenya?), I can see Caranthir and Haleth getting married but they're still being professional about titles and stuff, and Caranthir messing with one of his visiting brothers by saying "This is my neighbor, Lady Haleth of the Haladin". And said brother takes a good look at them, rolls his eyes, and says, "Moryo, can't you just introduce us to your wife like a normal person?"
Alternatively, the visiting brother notices that Caranthir is married, but can't figure out who he married, and Caranthir has way too much fun trying to draw out the guessing. There haven't been any known elf/human couples before, so when he tells them to "quit only guessing elves! It could be one of the Haladin!", they think he's joking.
Alternatively, the bond isn't visible on either of them, and barely anybody knows that Haleth and Caranthir are married unless they let something slip. His brothers don't find out for decades, at the earliest.
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foedhrass · 1 year
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„Then Caranthir looked kindly upon Men and did Haleth great honour; and he offered her recompense for her father and brother. And seeing, over late, what valour there was in the Edain, he said to her: ‘If you will remove and dwell further north, there you shall have the friendship and protection of the Eldar, and free lands of your own.’” J. R. R. Tolkien, The Silmarillion.
Caranthir was one of the Feanorians on my cosplay list, though pretty low priority - until @silverlynxcosplay made this amazing Haleth cosplay in like a day (or a few weeks, but it felt like it was done in the wink of an eye). So Caranthir moved to the top of my list before the Elfia in Arcen this year and was one of the four costumes I concrunched within a month or two.
Haleth: Silverlynxcosplay (on Instagram) Caranthir & edit: @foedhrass Photo: Noldorheart (on Instagram)
Follow me on Instagram for more (mostly) Tolkien-related cosplays.
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I left out Finwë & Míriel & Indis, since that situation is quiet complicated to put it simple😅
I only included ships I (for some reason) found fanworks about during my time in this fandom, if there is a canon/noncanon ship that i did not include that isn't because I don't like it but simply because I didn't find it here (I'm still kind of new to the fandom, I've only been here for like three months...)
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