#Motor Ed
flowery-laser-blasts · 4 months
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Happy Lunar New Year and ring in the year of Drakk-- I mean, Drakg-- the Dragon!
There's a LOT going on here so let me elaborate: - Mama Lipsky invited Dr. Drakken and Shego to come to GO City since it's been a while since their last get-together and she wanted to see what these 'Chinese line dances' are all about. - Drakken didn't know about this plan until two hours before the get-together, because Shego thought it would be more fun to see him panic around to get ready. As a last-minute revenge plot, he rang up GO-tower (good thing it's in the phonebook) and asked if Hego, Mego, and the Wegos were up for a house visit after lunch. Hego instead suggested that they could all meet up at a restaurant for dinner as a fun surprise for Shego. - The possibles coincidentally are also at the restaurant as a "Thank you for helping my boys out when his friends couldn't make it to the lion dance performance." "No big, really! It was an honor to help you all out with this!" "And these lion pants! They're so stretchy and elastic and they don't fall off even after dangling around on top of a tall pole! So say. Are cassava chips like the Asian equivalent of Tortilla chips? Because my man, do I have a spectacular idea coming up!" thus Ron rushed off into the kitchen to make a... well, sort of chips, noodles dish (he ran out to Bueno nacho when he couldn't handle the 'spice' of the cassava.) and well yeah.... 'Toodles' (Tortilla Chip Noodles) was born. Kim being left alone was then spotted by... "Drewbie? Isn't that your friend Kim?" "No." "Yeah, look it's Kim! The girl who helped you and Shego save the world? Yoohoo! Kimberly!! Over here, grab a seat dear! Really Drew, I still can't believe you lied to me about being a radio talkshow doctor instead of a secret service agent training and inspiring the next generation of heroes! Really, you can trust me to not tell others about it." "Yeah, how could you ever lie to your own mother about that, Drewbie." - Meanwhile, James found out that Jim and Tim had this idea of making an actual Dragon 'fly' by the power of science and some spare rocket parts in their dad's car. - Motor Ed simply heard the words 'get-together' from his aunt and invited himself over.
I hope everyone (who celebrates it) has a great time and may this year be a great one for all of us! <3 <3 <3
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gothicthundra · 2 months
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I like to imagine that after Drakken and Ed got arrested after stealing Felix's chair... Shego "eventually" went to pick them up.... but neither listened when she told them to move before blasting the wall.
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legendary-guest · 29 days
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Dr. D gets to dress-up as a cowboy, well, why not cousin Eddie? The look isn't original, he's dressed in Lemmy Kilmister's outfit from Motorhead's album Ace of Spades. Reference and discussion under the cut.
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Lemmy is wearing belt and a bandolier, which is ridiculous and I found that challenging to incorporate into Motor Ed's proportions and the general KP style. I ended up omitting both and just stuck with the jacket, omitting tassels on the arm, and spade buttons. No signature KP-era Silver baggy pants as the band are basically wearing vacuum-sealed 70s jeans. The shine on the jacket is there to differentiate it from the rest of the outfit, since it's black on black on black - this took a good portion of my time. I had shine on Drakken's belt in his S1 model in-mind when doing the patterning. I am very lazy with colouring for fan art, so I just used the show's established black, colour-picked, of course. Same with the coloured portion of the line art.
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The original sketch didn't have the tongue out with piercing, there was a stray line that looked like the start of something, so I went with it. I don't like this expression for him in his pose/scenario, so I stayed with the smirk. Built the rough clean body to try to figure out the shirt/jacket combination, since that would be very challenging with the layering and tassels.
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bcbdrums · 2 months
[sorry not sorry]
The cool of the lair was welcome against Drakken's sweat-dampened skin as he and Shego walked through the cave in near-darkness. He could have turned the lights up, but his exhaustion demanded only that he fall into bed as swiftly as possible, if his sore limbs could even bring him that far; seeing his way there was a secondary concern.
"I get the shower," Shego said unnecessarily as they approached their room, a sharp edge to her tone borne of the frustration of their defeat coupled with just how tired they were. Having Possible blow up the hover-car with their own laser had been humiliating, but running from the teen and the cops for miles had been the sour cherry on top of the sticky, melted sundae of their failed plot.
Drakken gave a quiet grunt of acknowledgement as they approached the doors, and his muscles ached as he quickened his pace, the promise of soft oblivion motivating him. But then as he reached the automatic doors...they didn't open.
"Dr. D., what gives?" Shego asked, pushing her frizzed hair back before setting her hands on her hips.
Drakken was already reaching for the keypad to input the code to unlock the door, scowling at the delay. It should have opened at their presence, but he was too eager for bed to consider that he hadn't in fact locked the door when they left that day.
The door didn't respond to the code.
"Could you hurry up already?" Shego said.
"It's...broken," Drakken said, feeling his every nerve ending tingle with the desperation to lie down.
"How is it broken? Move," Shego said, shouldering Drakken aside to try the code herself.
When two tries from her yielded nothing, Drakken started looking the door up and down as if it were an enemy he was sizing up.
"Did you change the code?"
"No, why would I—"
"Wait. Dr. D.... Did you hear something?"
Drakken had paused, leaned against the door in his exhaustion as Shego started in, but now he turned and pressed his ear against the cold metal as Shego's brow furrowed.
His eyes widened. There was sound within their bedroom. He closed his eyes tightly and focused, trying to bring the rise and fall of different pitches into something recognizable.
And then, his eyes popped open as it did.
"Onh, seriously Ames... You're a better ride than my Harley."
"Call me...DNAmy... Eddie-Bear."
Drakken felt the heat of Shego's glow before he heard it crackle, and turned to see her face changing color as a combination of fury and disbelief overtook her features as rapidly as he knew disgust was claiming his.
"Is that...your cousin...and that geneticist...!?"
"In...our bed," Drakken finished in a whisper, his mouth having gone dry.
He couldn't begin to form another thought as combined shouts of ecstasy, one piercing in pitch and the other guttural and triumphant sounded from within their bedroom.
Shego's hands flared. Drakken whirled and pounded his fist against the door.
"Eddie!" he shouted. "What are you doing in my lair!?"
"Sheesh, 'Cous, at least give us some time in the afterglow, seriously."
Silence was the reply, except for muttered soft cooings that made Drakken's hair stand on end. He opened his mouth to tell Shego to break the door down, but then thought better of it. He wanted to see his cousin in bed with DNAmy even less than he'd wanted to hear them.
"Ugh, forget it Dr. D. Let's...just go to my room."
The call to rest was more tempting in the moment than dealing with his cousin, and so Drakken acquiesced, took her hand after the glow diminished to follow her down the hall. But before they were out of earshot, one final blow left Drakken in doubt of getting any peace that evening:
"Oh, and 'Cous? You might want to have Green burn these sheets later. This was only round three and I've still got plenty of gas to fuel my babe, seriously!"
[all this because @legendary-guest said Eddie won't do it in Amy's frilly pink bed, and she won't do it in his race car bed (with actual race car), so they compromised on...Drakgo's bed. nicknames Ames and Eddie-Bear belong to Legendary, haha. this one's for you, friend!]
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hummelimhimmel · 1 year
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Hehe meme................ Love it. OKAY. I wanna say what i don’t like “Kim Possible 2019″( obviously ). But damn, It's funny that Drakken actually has two robot kids............
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selfox · 3 months
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I adore those two dingusses to bits and it's a crime that we never got any shenannigans of them in their childhood! >:(
Drakken is referencing Flower's HC for alt scarring post which what got my butt into gear XD Poor baby got an OUCH :(((
I'm not much into making backgrounds (like at all) but I couldn't just let them float in nothingness
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vinepossible · 6 months
Kim possible villains as vines part five (a little of snapcude too)
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reina-royale · 9 months
About the Show
I fee like, with all my criticisms, it's about time I talk about what I do like about the show.
Firstly, I love Ron. He's very relatable - not instantly good at everything, but tries. He's always got Kim's back. He's not afraid to be himself, most of the time. And the way he treats Rufus like his best friend is sweet. His willingness to help his enemies is also very sweet.
Fun Fact: Rufus was put in the show because the execs requested an animal sidekick. So, they chose one that you couldn't just go out and buy, and it let them make people say "naked" a lot.
Secondly, I love the villains. Most shows of the time had villains where all their motivation is the same - money, power, etc. It can be kind of boring.
But that didn't happen in Kim Possible. Their villains were interesting, and a nice break from the usual mold.
Drakken? Recognition and revenge.
Shego? No one really knows. Hatred of her brothers is a good guess, though.
Senor Senior, Senior? Bored during retirement.
Senor Senior, Junior? Wants to be a pop star.
Duff Killigan? Revenge for being banned from every golf course in the world.
Motor Ed? Just wants to build the raddest vehicles ever.
Adrena Lynn? Revenge for being exposed as a fraud.
The Fashionistas? Fashion's too expensive.
DNAmy? Just wants real cuddle buddies.
Even the ones who did want money and/or power had interesting methods of going about it.
Monkey Fist? I am going to master Monkey Kung Fu.
Frugal Lucre? I am going to hold the internet hostage unless everyone in the world pays me $1. (This would work on me. I'd be giving him a dollar.)
Mathter? Turn someone into a guy who destroys everything he touches. (Actually, I'm not 100% sure what his goal was. Power, probably, but then what?)
The villains were genuinely entertaining. There's no other show where you're going to be fighting an angry Scotsman who's launching exploding golf balls at you, or a British master of Monkey Kung Fu.
Lastly, I like that, when Kim and Ron made new friends, they didn't immediately become new teammates. They might help out on a mission that's in their area of expertise, but they're not all joining the team right away, if ever. It's nice that Kim and Ron were able to have friends to just do normal stuff with.
Honestly, there is a lot to like about the show. There is a lot that I like about the show. But those are the three big ones I felt like mentioning.
If I listed everything I love about the show, this post would be too long to read.
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Today’s character of the day is: Motor Ed from Kim Possible
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red1hoodie · 2 years
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I have a little problem with perspective but I have high hopes on this art work...
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arr-jim-lad · 1 year
love the kim possible bad guy whos villain origin story is literally that the lab he worked at told him to ditch the mullet
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flowery-laser-blasts · 8 months
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Welcome to Villain house party 3.0!
Drakken's heart sank as he noticed that his evil acquaintances shared his same ingenious plan. "I told ya to wear that ragedog costume! Look at me now! I'm wearing a cheerleader skirt!!!" Duff yelled. "I don't see how this is any different from your Kilt, Killigan." lord Monkey Fist replied.
"Uhm, Doctor D? why is Lurman dressed like you? I thought he was your number one fan." Shego pointed over at Frugal Lucre, who was trying to make his way over to the pair. "OH, yes Francis is the judge of tonight's costume party." Amy explained. "Well then," Shego laughed as she noticed Drakken's face contorted into a forced smile to appease the man, "I guess winning first place will be no big, right KP?"
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gothicthundra · 5 months
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OMG I finished this in three days!
Mad thanks to @sharperthewriter for being my late night doodle chatter and giving me major help and push to get this done!
It's 2024 and the party got out of hand....
Lucre didn't get invited so he's attempting to hold the new years hostage... Unfortunately Kim's on call for GJ and Wade has to page her in to work... despite being less then 30 feet away. Ann's shocked by a possible global hostage, which honestly she really shouldn't be. The Stoppable's wonder if Kim ever just doesn't volunteer for things. Hana was originally excited to be considered adult enough to join the adult party with her soda... but she'd rather be hanging with the other kids.
Motor Ed was told if he was attending, he had to wear something nice... so he even bought something designer... which is still not the dress code requested. Mama Lipsky expected nothing less, but really, Edward. Nana's really wishing he'd chosen somewhere else to sit.
Jim and Tim contemplate the Wego's offer to make this issue a Team Go situation instead of a GJ... its tempting.
No one is actually sure if Mego and Monique are arguing or even what the topic is about. Zeta lost track somewhere around legal implications of fashion and medical malpractice mixed cases and honestly she's waiting that drink from Felix before she decides to rejoin the conversation.
Junior and Bonnie are pretty much there for a good time, not a long time. Though he is rather impressed that when wine got on his shirt that Shego produced such a stunning designer shirt for him and even insisted he keep it and never bring it back here again.
Meanwhile Shego is having more then a few issues this evening. From trying to pawn of Drakken's shirt, Motor Ed's existence, and her brothers actually showing up to the party. The last straw really was Hego deciding to wear a low V so casually. Hego only points out that at least his chest is mostly covered unlike some of the guests.
Drakken had already been done way before midnight what with Shego giving out his clothes, Motor Ed's choice to mock a simple request, and just how many people actually came to this party... the last thing he needs is Ron pointing out he should have invited Lucre to the party... and especially James condescending agreement of it. As if it is HIS fault Lucre's bored.
Rufus would also like someone to notice the giant drooling genetically enhanced Commodore Puddles who keeps trying to play ball with him. They are both too old for this!
NOTE: I know someone's gonna say it about Wade, Jim, and Tim... I just don't believe they would be jacked or overly muscley as we are not in Shego's future and no need to indulge in such activities and genetic enhancements.
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legendary-guest · 1 month
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"Eddie-Bear!" "A-Amy!"
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kimpossible-polls · 7 months
Round 1.2 Bracket 1 Side A:
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Zorpox the Conquerer vs Motor Ed
Zorpox the Conquerer (Evil Ron)
Appearance: Season 3 ep 4 “Bad Boy”
Crimes: Destruction of public cafeteria, conspiracy of harm to a child, building a plasma catapult, use of multiple complex inventions and master plans
Motor Ed
Appearance: Reoccurring
Crimes: Theft of a minor’s wheelchair, grand theft auto, acting as an accessory to a prison break, vehicular destruction of property
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selfox · 3 months
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Eh, am I still allowed on the internet???
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