#bonnie rockwaller
flowery-laser-blasts · 5 months
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The girls brought their boys to the Oh Boyz reunion concert.
"Ron, grab that USB before Drakken can install it into his doomsday device" "On it KP!" Ron tries to get to the work desk and trips slamming face first onto the surface causing office supplies to fall all over the place. Drakken runs over and grabs one of the two scattered -almost identical looking- USBs and plugs it into the device "HA! I'll take that, thank you! And now, behold the power of--" "HEY IS THAT 'I WANT IT MY WAY'?!" "Errr... No, it's not what you think--"
Shego and Kim pause their battle, watching the two men go from bickering to singing in no time. Turns out this doomsday device can double as a mega surround sound stereo speaker instalation set.
Ron starts talking about how they saved the Oh Boyz once and that Rufus is their new manager.
Kim thinks and offers a deal "If you hand us the USB, you two can come with us to the Oh Boyz reunion concert." "DEAL!" Shego almost hurts her neck when she snaps her head in Drakken's direction "WHAT?! HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND?!" Drakken picks up the USB from the ground and hands it to Kim, he waves the two teens off.
The moment they leave the lair, Shego grabs Drakken by the collar. "Do you have any idea how annoyingly tedious it was for me to get that stupid USB for you?!" "Up-pupup Shego, I did in fact make a backup this morning" "You wha-?" Drakken opens the desk drawer to reveal hundreds upon hundreds of identical looking micro SD chips. "Now if you can help me find out which one of these chips contain-- Shego?" Shego slams the lab door closed behind her.
"Shego? What a coincidence!" Junior lays down on the sunchair next to her. "Junior? What are you doing here in Middleton of all places? Don't you have your own, I don't know, indoor house spa?" "Ah yes, but my lovely girlfriend Bonnie has cheerleader practice right now and I thought, why not broaden my horizon -like they say- and try out the spas of the common folk. You look upset, what's on your mind?"
Shego regretfully tells Junior about what happened this morning and Junior, in his excitement, almost instantaneously heads over to school.
Junior begs Kim and Ron to please bring him and Bonnie along with them to the Oh Boyz concert. "BUT WE WERE GOING TO THE CARIBBEAN ISLANDS FOR THE WEEKEND JUNIOR! YOU'RE SO RICH, YOU CAN EASILY BUY THE OH BOYZ FOR A PRIVATE CONCERT!" "But my darling! I want to experience the real pop idol experience! I need to know what it is to be amongst the fans, so I can understand what it feels like to them. That way I'll become a more understanding teen pop idol sensation! It's like, what you call it; homework, yes?" "Ugh... FINE! Alright Kim, you take care of everything, we'll take care of transport. I am NOT going to go there by cab. "
And thus all six of them ended up at the concert.
The boys: absolutely starstruck (Drakken eventually gave up on finding the chip.)
The girls:
- Bonnie doesn't like being amongst 'common folk', sure she would've loved this a few months ago, but now that she's dating one of the richest guys in the world. This has become dull.
- Kim pulled some strings with Rufus, asking for a favor to make this night unforgettable for the guys.
- Shego is confused as to why the Oh Boyz songs sound oh so familiar to some other boyband she used to hear on the radio when she was in college.
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creatorping · 10 months
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it’s Barbie and it’s Ken
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ciccerone · 10 months
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lordwiggyton · 4 months
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Happy Valentines day to everyone! To celebrate, I drew some of our favourite KP couples in a photobooth.
Managed to get this out in time! Just realised this is my first time drawing Kim and Ron (and Bonnie and Junior). Will most certainly rectify that and draw more of them in future. 😊😊
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kimmibear · 5 months
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apologeticallyfat · 8 months
The Girls That Carried The 90s/00s
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artistic-lj · 5 months
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Here's a collection of screenshots I took while watching a Kim Possible compilation on YouTube. I figured some people might find them funny or wanna use them for profile pictures lol
enjoy <3
1/5 (I think) posts cause I took a lot of screenshots 😭
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gothicthundra · 6 months
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Dec 03: Ice Skating
The first winter break back to Middleton it had seemed a good day to meet up at the rink... but some are more skilled on the ice than others... unfortunately for Monique and Ron... Bonnie was also home for vacation and had recently gained a huge following on a new upcoming blog.
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madmanwonder · 6 months
Which brunette would you go out for a date with
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snoozebin · 5 months
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“I AM evil, have I made myself clear?”
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꧁ — 🍀 — 🌿 — 🍀 — 🌿 — 🍀 — ꧂
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magsmapsmtl · 10 months
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ELECTRIC! ELECTRIC! (yes I’m doing the second girl and you can’t stop me)
[edit: guys lol what if i added kim in the back lmao]
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creatorping · 8 months
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A really quick doodle page: Outfit Swap!
I had a vision that I wanted to see on a canvas
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allabt-drakgo · 4 months
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vinepossible · 6 months
Kim possible villains as vines part 2. Feat other characters (with a few tiktoks audios):
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femondoetus · 9 months
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legendary-guest · 3 months
There are a lot of ideas out there as to what Dr. Drakken and Shego get-up to post-Graduation. From remaining in traditional villainy, turning good, laying low and going corporate to a life of domestic bliss.
Well, what about... Dr. Drakken becoming a teen pop sensation? Becoming hero of the world has reinvigorated public interest in his hip-hop debut on American Starmaker. It becomes a huge hit! Ridiculous views on the Internet, the song is being played on the radio, in malls, it's everywhere! A record label reaches out to him - they want an album. He's the biggest thing since the Oh Boyz. Pardon from the UN, a medal, acknowledgement of his genius and now his artistic prowess is being recognised, too?! He's a real Renaissance man (he pronounces the 'c' as a 'k')! Like, what's-his-name - Leonardo Decaprio! How can he say no, Shego? Like everything he does, this is not without consequence. The song's popularity serves as Junior's villainous breakdown - he is seething with jealousy, with fury. Shego's old, out-of-shape, so-pale-he's-blue boss, with a face that not even the world's most prestigious plastic surgeons can save - not to mention that nasty scar! And his hair! His awful, terrible - what is that - a mullet? The 80s called, they want their biggest mistake in hairstyle history back where it can stay dead and buried. It even looks like he cuts it himself! Senior. Sr. can see what's happening, and he can't believe it. Is this it? Has his son found his villainous purpose? His raison d'etre? He can hardly keep his composure, he's about to cry tears of joy, of villainous joy!
O, and how poetic, Senior Sr. goes on as Junior - paces, o, he's pacing like he's actually thinking - no, plotting, scheming! - to have it be that his teacher's former student rises up against her employer! Well, it doesn't quite roll off the tongue and it's a bit of a convoluted trope, but it will have to do. It's the modern era, after all, things change.
This moment is immortalised with a Polaroid picture - it's blurry, but it will have to do, since Junior is so focused. Besides, it gives an air of uncertainty, of mysticism, of - and Junior interrupts with a well-timed chastising exclamation of "Father!" Junior ropes in Bonnie, he must, for he will surely need some moral support and a beautiful partner in this caper. She agrees once he assures her there will be custom outfits for them to wear, only the very latest, and most expensive, in fashion today. Dr. D's debut album is called Blue Period. A very special thanks to @gogofordrakgo for volleying ideas with me, having him get a record deal and for having Dr. D pronounce the 'c' as a 'k' in Renaissance man.
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