#señior senior jr
flowery-laser-blasts · 5 months
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The girls brought their boys to the Oh Boyz reunion concert.
"Ron, grab that USB before Drakken can install it into his doomsday device" "On it KP!" Ron tries to get to the work desk and trips slamming face first onto the surface causing office supplies to fall all over the place. Drakken runs over and grabs one of the two scattered -almost identical looking- USBs and plugs it into the device "HA! I'll take that, thank you! And now, behold the power of--" "HEY IS THAT 'I WANT IT MY WAY'?!" "Errr... No, it's not what you think--"
Shego and Kim pause their battle, watching the two men go from bickering to singing in no time. Turns out this doomsday device can double as a mega surround sound stereo speaker instalation set.
Ron starts talking about how they saved the Oh Boyz once and that Rufus is their new manager.
Kim thinks and offers a deal "If you hand us the USB, you two can come with us to the Oh Boyz reunion concert." "DEAL!" Shego almost hurts her neck when she snaps her head in Drakken's direction "WHAT?! HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND?!" Drakken picks up the USB from the ground and hands it to Kim, he waves the two teens off.
The moment they leave the lair, Shego grabs Drakken by the collar. "Do you have any idea how annoyingly tedious it was for me to get that stupid USB for you?!" "Up-pupup Shego, I did in fact make a backup this morning" "You wha-?" Drakken opens the desk drawer to reveal hundreds upon hundreds of identical looking micro SD chips. "Now if you can help me find out which one of these chips contain-- Shego?" Shego slams the lab door closed behind her.
"Shego? What a coincidence!" Junior lays down on the sunchair next to her. "Junior? What are you doing here in Middleton of all places? Don't you have your own, I don't know, indoor house spa?" "Ah yes, but my lovely girlfriend Bonnie has cheerleader practice right now and I thought, why not broaden my horizon -like they say- and try out the spas of the common folk. You look upset, what's on your mind?"
Shego regretfully tells Junior about what happened this morning and Junior, in his excitement, almost instantaneously heads over to school.
Junior begs Kim and Ron to please bring him and Bonnie along with them to the Oh Boyz concert. "BUT WE WERE GOING TO THE CARIBBEAN ISLANDS FOR THE WEEKEND JUNIOR! YOU'RE SO RICH, YOU CAN EASILY BUY THE OH BOYZ FOR A PRIVATE CONCERT!" "But my darling! I want to experience the real pop idol experience! I need to know what it is to be amongst the fans, so I can understand what it feels like to them. That way I'll become a more understanding teen pop idol sensation! It's like, what you call it; homework, yes?" "Ugh... FINE! Alright Kim, you take care of everything, we'll take care of transport. I am NOT going to go there by cab. "
And thus all six of them ended up at the concert.
The boys: absolutely starstruck (Drakken eventually gave up on finding the chip.)
The girls:
- Bonnie doesn't like being amongst 'common folk', sure she would've loved this a few months ago, but now that she's dating one of the richest guys in the world. This has become dull.
- Kim pulled some strings with Rufus, asking for a favor to make this night unforgettable for the guys.
- Shego is confused as to why the Oh Boyz songs sound oh so familiar to some other boyband she used to hear on the radio when she was in college.
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Huh, I always thought that Shego was the main villain of Kim Possible, not like the “Dragon”/Assistant… Wait, who was the actual Big Bad???
Well Shego works for Dr. Drakken.
I don't think there's /technically/ a main villain in KP.
It's kinda like Batman and his Rogues Gallery. Everyone knows the Joker, but he also fights Twoface, Scarecrow, Penguin, etc.
Kim has Drakken and Shego, but also Monkey Fist, Duff Killigan, Señior Senior Sr. And Señior Senior Jr., so on and so forth.
I'd call Drakken the "Joker" of the series since he shows up the most and is the most memorable. But there isn't a singular "big bad".
That said.... They had a movie where Time Travel was involved and Shego was the only villain actually able to take over the world if she dumped Drakken and went full evil dictator.
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alexromero · 7 years
sophiedevreaux replied to your post “lol im crying because one of your tags on a normero post says "playing...”
Oh my god I had no idea Nestor was señior senior jr I want to Die ��
Me either. Please kill me now so I don’t continue knowing this information!
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flowery-laser-blasts · 8 months
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"What are you doing?" hissed Shego as Junior reached around the half-wall in the back of the shop. "Put that back."
"I don't know what you're talking about," said Junior as he grabbed the box without breaking eye contact.
Based on chapter 90 of Random tales of Drakgo by @gothicthundra (if you know, you know)
Enjoy this very rough animation, as soon as procreate dreams drops, I'll be animating a lot more Drakgo content on here.
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flowery-laser-blasts · 9 months
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"Shego my dear friend, what do you think of my new mission outfit? They say THIS is all the rage in Europe!"
Just saying Käärijä should've won this year's Eurovision. Also watching the entire performance, I couldn't help but think of Señior Senior Jr. and Shego going on a caper but he gets stuck with these puffy shoulder pads in a ventilation shaft (though I'm pretty sure she would make him change clothes before the caper even starts). The lyrics fit her so well, even though the music probably isn't to her liking (or maybe it is if she works out), and well the entire performance is SO Señior Senior Jr. Käärijä is a happy bean.
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flowery-laser-blasts · 5 months
If you think about it: Señior Senior Junior's wealth, Drakken's passion for karaoke and music and Ron's dance moves...
Honestly, if they really wanted to, these three could make up their own boyband if they really wanted to.
Maybe their name could be 'Rich Monkey Blues'
You'd be like: "Yeah real sad hours, time to listen to Rich Monkey Blues." and people would just be like "the hell?" And then you'd be like "OH YOU HAVEN'T HEARD????"
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flowery-laser-blasts · 9 months
I still think it's a shame that after 20 years, we never got to have full versions of the Oh Boyz songs...
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Did end up figuring out how to play 'Hello, hello, hello' on my ukulele so at least that's a plus. Also, I'm pretty sure that Señior Senior Jr. would absolutely LOVE Turning Red's '4*Town' (who also brought out a NEW number after the movie!?).
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flowery-laser-blasts · 6 months
Kinda funny how Shania Twain's 'That Don't Impress Me Much' perfectly lines up with the chronological order of crime partner-ups Shego had in the run of the series.
The genius 'rocket' scientist being Drakken,
The vain super star being Junior,
And the car obsessed Motor Ed.
What doesn't impress her is the amount of damage they can do and well, I'd like to think that the "But that won't keep me warm in the middle of the night" part would be having the freedom of getting whatever she'd like (lavish lair, vacations, etc.) and not necessarily intimacy.
Might make an animatic for this once Procreate Dreams is more stable and doesn't crash every ten minutes.
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flowery-laser-blasts · 9 months
My not so serious KP villain headcanons:
Personal headcanons that I have for the Kim Possible villains (not all of them). Long post.
Shego loves horror movies and podcasts and once scared the living hell out of Drakken after watching Ringu. She hid under the bed and once he almost drifted off to sleep, she reached from underneath to grab his hand and reveal her with hair covered face.
Shego hates cooking and rather orders take out than go through the effort of prepairing meals. The worst part is cleaning up dishes.
Shego can warm/radiate heat through her hands with her powers in a non-harmfull way. This comes in handy when massaging Dr D's stiff shoulders.
Shego's favourite chickflick is Legally Blonde. She showed it to Drakken once, he too, likes it. Now after every defeat they watch this movie while patching themselves up.
Dr Drakken loves British comedy such as Monty Python, the Mighty Boosh and Little Britain. He often quotes their jokes.
Dr Drakken has a complex bedtime skin care routine that he never skips and follows to a T. Though he only does it before bed, so if he stays awake for several days in a row, he won't do it until actually going to bed.
Dr Drakken actually plucks away stray hairs around his eyebrow to keep the look 'clean' and 'on fleek'.
Dr Drakken's shampoo smells of Lush' sugarplum fairy bodyspray.
Dr Drakken always sings the Mighty Boosh' 'Soup Song' when preparing soup. His secret ingredient to his vegetable soup with mini meatballs is tiny elbow macaroni.
Dr Drakken's 'take over the world by plants' scheme was stolen/inspired from Duff Killigan's failed attempt at turning the world into a golfcourse when the two were over at his place to discuss plans on the Tempes Simia idle and Monkey Fist was away to use the restroom.
Duff Killigan has one of those 'golf-on-your-toilet' golf sets in each restroom/bathroom.
Duff Killigan's favourite Disney movie is Brave, but more so because of the mother daughter bonding aspect of the story. He's a sucker for those kinds of movies.
Monkey Fist loves Shakespeare's works solely because of the infinite monkey theorem.
Monkey Fist has an incredible hatered towards the song "Banana Man" by Tally Hall and 'Day-O' by Harry Belafonte. It's an earworm that never leaves within a day and makes the monkey ninjas dance uncontrollably.
Monkey Fist takes extremely good care of personal hygiene and regularly cuts his nails.
Adrena Lynn's actual name is Adrien.
Adrena Lynn called out the Jackass cast for being fakes.
Adrena Lynn's favourite non extreme sport is table tennis.
Adrena Lynn started the 'girl dinner' tend.
Gill's favourite animals are sharks.
Gill bullied Ron because he wanted to look cooler in front of other camp kids. At his school, he would be the one being bullied.
Gill actually didn't dislike Ron at first but it changed when Ron grabbed an extra (and the last) chocolate pudding cup during dinner on their first day of camp.
Professor Dementor shines his helmet with a hand held waxing device, he never takes it off though.
Professor Dementor's favorite snack is caramel seasalt pretzels.
Professor Dementor wanted to become a children's book writer when growing up.
Dr Drakken, Monkey Fist and Duff Killigan play Dungeons&Dragons. Monkey Fist DMs most of the time, second is Drakken; Duff never DMs. The big bad evil guy is Kim Possible but they almost lose every campaign except for the rare occasion in which the BBEG dies due to accidental environmental circumstances out of their hands. They tried to replicate it irl but where do you find a giant dragon, three gnomes an enchanted blueberry pie and a catapult?
Motor Ed uses WD-40 for his hair instead of conditioner, seriously.
Motor Ed is a diehard Meatloaf fan (the artist, not the food).
Motor Ed despises Meatloaf (the food, not the artist).
Frugal Lucre loves pineapple pizza with extra ham
Frugle Lucre's arch enemy is Kim's cousin Larry.
Frugal Lucre collected cuddlebuddies but his mom threw them out because "you're too old for these toys, so I gave them away to your niece Pamela for her baby room" and that's his villain origin story.
Frugal Lucre has a Dr Drakken cosplay that he sometimes wears to (Hench co.) conventions (inspired by @gothicthundra 's Halloween chapter)
DNAmy's biggest inspiration for fashion is Velma Dinkley from the Scooby Doo franchise.
DNAmy hates Tom and Jerry because it promotes 'violence'.
DNAmy actually is pretty chill and wouldn't mind Kim Possible's company as long as Kim apologises for destroying her work. Kim is a fellow cuddlebuddy collector after all.
After Monkey Fist turned into stone, DNAmy tried reviving him. It didn't work out. She eventually moved on and started dating Frugal Lucre. They're in a happy committed relationship now.
The Bebe bots have their own reality show in Japan and are content with the attention and admiration from fans. They were offered a contact as idol group but they denied it because they didn't want to collaborate with Hatsune Miku.
Señior Senior Junior became a top model and worked with the fashionistas but when they got arrested again, SSJ used his privilege to continue his career.
With the help of Bonnie, Señior Senior Junior wrote an autobiography about his life under the influence of his father. It's titled "I didn't want to be a criminal, but Daddy made me do it." And it is said to become an autobiographical movie (but once again, Junior can't star in it).
Señior Senior Junior and Bonnie got married after Bonnie graduated from college.
Señior Senior Junior loves My little Pony friendship is magic and writes wholesome fanfiction. He likes PinkPie because she likes to party. He also realises that a lot of his youth is missed out on because of his father's wealth. He is semi thankful for villainy because it introduced him to Shego and their friendship. He tried making her watch it but she didn't seem into it.
Señior Senior Senior could actually give up villainy for his future grandchildren. This was Bonnie's initiative, because she doesn't want her kids to grow up around inmates and prisoners.
That's it for now, if I've got more I'll add it here!!
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flowery-laser-blasts · 9 months
Señor Senior Senior: Ah, it's a pleasure to finally meet you, good sir! I almost feared that my son and I were the only obscenely rich supervillains out here. It's simply a breath of fresh air to see you thrive in your work.
[Camera pans over to reveal celebrity gueststar, Elon Musk].
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