benny-travels · 2 days
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Benny brings a new friend to see the maypole!
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io-lu-art · 2 months
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A tale of Ba Sing Se.
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glassrooibos · 6 months
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911 fans: Yep, that's right, we got canon confirmation that one of our leads is bi... he might even have a new boyfriend!!
Supernatural fans:
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greekceltic · 21 days
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"Hide me away."
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elitadream · 5 months
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Happy New Year everyone!! 🤩🎉
I wish you all a marvelous time with your loved ones. May these upcoming months bring you joy, peace and all sorts of good things! 🤗💖
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absolute-andy · 2 months
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onunlayken · 1 month
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modelsof-color · 2 months
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Marc Angathe, Faye, John, Efsane, Kalilou Diakite, Amara Keita, Junior, Elisse and Marcel J. Each by Malick Bodian for M Magazine April 2024
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enide-s-dear · 9 days
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Surrounded by fresh grass and he choses to eat dead leaves. I think he has achieved - IQ points at this point
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creatorping · 10 months
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it’s Barbie and it’s Ken
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idolomantises · 20 days
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Human Disguise
[Webtoon / Tapas / Patreon]
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skippyin · 1 year
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You guys really seemed to like my other post so uhhhh here’s some more doodles I did for that I guess!
Explanation under the cut...
So, Bowser and Junior got into a big argument. Why?
Well after the events of games like Bowser’s Fury, Bowser realized he really didn’t feel comfortable with his son being in such threatening situations. Bowser would rather he be the only one getting stomped on by Mario & Luigi, and not risk his kid getting hurt in the crossfire. (And Stars forbid he go on a rampage like Fury Bowser again. He doesn’t even want to THINK about hurting his own kid.) So Bowser wanted to try to persuade Junior to take a step back from helping him in his campaigns, purely for his safety.
Well, Junior didn’t like that one bit. Bowser is already constantly working on his plots, and Junior sees helping Bowser as his only time to hang out with his Dad. So Bowser trying to forbid him from joining him on any more campaigns came off as Bowser saying “I don’t want you around me anymore”. 
The argument eventually escalates and Junior, as kids often do, goes right for the jugular and starts saying some really hurtful and disrespectful things towards his father. Bowser, seeing he’s not going to be able to keep Junior home through diplomacy pulls the Dad Card and grounds him.
In response to this, Junior decides “Forget all of this. Dad doesn’t want me around anymore? So I’ll just go and I’ll start my OWN kingdom and it’ll be really cool.” When nobody is looking, he packs up some stuff and runs away from home.
After blowing off some steam and willing to try to compromise with Junior, Bowser returns... Only to find Junior missing.
When it becomes clear he’s no longer in the Castle, Bowser sends out all his minions to scour the lands in search for his son. Meanwhile, Junior sees one of the search parties and - afraid that he’s in even MORE trouble now - jumps into the nearest Warp Pipe to get away and hide...
It just so happens that Warp Pipe was one of the Rare Few that connects to a very distant world...
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spahhzy · 25 days
*knock knock*
Junior: Yeah.
Jaune: Detective John Narc, Vale police force.
Junior: Oh, I remember you Narc. What do you want?
Jaune: I'd like to ask some questions. Are you familiar with that face. *holds up a photo of Clover*
Junior: I don't know. My memory ain't so great.
Jaune: Oh yeah? Maybe this *shows him a 20* we'll refresh your memory?
Junior: I don't know, it's still kinda of hazy.
Jaune: How about this? *flashes another 20*
Junior: Yeah, I remember him. Used to see him around. Why do you want to know.
Jaune: I can't tell you that.
Junior: Well, maybe this will help. *flashes Jaune the same 20.*
Jaune: I don't think I should...
Junior: Yeah? *hands him the other 20* Still don't think so?
Jaune: ...*takes the money* All right, his name is Clover, he is part of Atlas special forces.
Junior: He was no special forces. He was dealing dust!
Jaune: What!?
Junior: I'm telling ya, he was dirty!
Jaune: Why you*grabs Juniors shirt* scum I ought run you right now!
Junior: Alright, alright, he worked at Tolkson Book store! He tried to push something on one of my boys, I swear it, so what are you gonna do about it?'detective'.
Jaune: Why should I tell you?
Junior: *brings up another 20* Maybe this will help?
Jaune: *takes the 20* still don't think I should tell you!
Junior: ...uhm, could you spot me a 20?
Jaune: *hands him the 20 back*
Junior: How about now? *hands him back the same 20*
Jaune: *takes it* All right, I'm going down to request a talk with Clover, I'll find out if you're telling the truth!
- away in another building
Roman and Neo had to wire up Jaune and use one of Jaune's many alias to figure out who was trying to push Roman's gang out of Vale and currently, and while he didn't suspect Junior, he didn't exactly think he was telling him the whole truth neither.
Roman was bashing his head into the brick wall with how stupid the conversation went...
Neo meanwhile was in tears from the silent laughter she was getting after watching Jaune and Juniors silly back and forth.
Roman: We'll, despite the stupidity, our Jaune got us something, a location. Tolksons Book Store.
Neo nodded, and when Jaune came back, they would formulate a plan to get ahold of this Clover.
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greekceltic · 30 days
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saw a tube worm today
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elitadream · 9 months
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As soon as I began receiving asks about Junior regarding my body swap concept a few days ago, I knew I wanted to add him in a short sequence. 💙
I've considered many different scenes in which he would be included, but there was one in particular that kept coming back to my mind, and it was the exact moment he would agree to safely lead Luigi to "Bowser" (aka Mario). In this specific scenario, he would be mostly oblivious to what's going on, and would thus show palpable mistrust towards Luigi at first, who he doesn't really know and hasn't yet opened up to. But upon seeing how distraught the poor man is, Junior would feel for him and let his guard down. 🤲
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