#Nika Shakarami
menalez · 2 years
Nika Shakarami was nearly 17 years old when she went missing during a protest rally on september 20. when she was found, dead, 9 days later, her family was not allowed to see her head when asked to identify her body. she was filled with injuries including a smashed nose and broken skull.
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another teen girl, 16 year old Sarina Esmailzadeh, was also killed. she was reportedly hit repeatedly in the head by the police.
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since the start of the protests 15 days ago, it is estimated 300 were killed and 15,000 people were arrested.
the fight for democracy and freedom in iran continues. do not forget about iranian women!
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anyahita · 2 years
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Interview with Nele, Nika Shakarami’s girlfriend by Zeit Magazine
‘‘Nika loved the moon, and it became an important symbol in their relationship, says Nele. When they missed each other, they would say: "We don’t live in the same country, but beneath the same sky." Sometimes, Nika would tell Nele over the phone that she was looking at the moon, saying: You should go outside too, Nele, so we can look at it together. They even called each other "my moonie." Or Niki and Neli. Or Haku and Chihiro, like the main characters in the anime film "Spirited Away," which both of them loved. The story involves a courageous boy helping a shy girl escape a world full of monsters. "That was us," Nele says today‘‘
Nika Shakarami was a 16 year old brave Iranian girl who was kidnapped by the police during the ongoing protests in Iran, brutally tortured, raped and murdered in cold blood. Her burial was on her birthday. Say her name, Nika Shakarami
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secular-jew · 23 days
Say her name. This is 16 year-old Nika Shakarami, who was murdered by the Butcher of Tehran, Ebrahim Raisi in 2022.
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Raisi met the mountain yesterday, and lost. Iranians all over the world are justifiably celebrating this event, including fireworks displays.
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There are 72 more - very unhappy virgins.
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witchycirce · 2 years
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Nika shakarami, a 17 year old iranian girl who went missing for ten days after attending a protest against the government.
Her family asked about her whereabouts from the police almost everyday but the police always said the they didn't know and that she wasn't here.
Before Nika was arrested she called her friend/family and told them that she was being followed by the police and that she was afraid.
After that nobody heard of Nika again.
After 10 days her family was finally able to see her to identify her body.
Her skull was broken and her face was fully smashed because of repeated hits to hear head and her face.
Her family also says that there were stitch marks on her body, likely because they opened her body for reasons that are unknown as of now.
There are also claims that Nika was repeatedly raped as well. And with how the polic is handling the situation I don't doubt that this is the case.
The police is uncharacteristically very scared about any information that might get out on the internet about her death. They are so scared that they have threatened to kill Nika's uncle and aunt if her family speaks any more about her death and they are pressuring her family to come to tv and say that her death was not by the police.
The police took (stole) Nika's body and buried her without her family's knowledge, because they were scared about what they would find on her body.
Please be the voice of Iranian people and please be the voice that Nika and her family desperately need at this time of sorrow.
Don't let the horrific death of Nika, a teenager so full of life go unpunished.
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loneranger0369 · 2 years
This News came out at the end of November, but I couldn't share it with you guys (due to Laziness. I'm sorry)....
Farideh Moradkhani, the niece of Islamic Republic’s "Supreme" Leader, calls on international community to support Iranians. She compares her uncle to Hitler and Mussolini. She says Iranians will overthrow the Islamic Republic.
She was then arrested.
It checks out. She is indeed a Niece of Khamenei.
I have shared the (link to the youtube) Video here...
Edit- The Morality Police did not get disbanded. It was just Propaganda by the West, that s*cks Khamenei D*ck....
Shame on them.
Well. Shame on me.
Fool me once, shame on me......
Please share.
Please reblog.
Freedom for Iran.
Women. Life. Freedom
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asterin-carstairs · 2 years
There is no place for political imprisonment in a functioning, democratic society.
Evin Prison in Tehran, Iran is no ordinary prison. Since 1972 (for 50 years! Half a century!!) it has been the primary site for the housing of Iran's political prisoners. Due to the number of intellectuals, students and other elite members of the intelligentsia housed there, Evin Prison is commonly referred to as “Evin University”. Many (my own mother included) used to say “Evin prison could declare independence” (because they have everyone. From diplomats to doctors. From journalists to students.). Many of the prisoners there are more fit to run the country than the current leaders.
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Evin‬⁩ is no ordinary prison. Many of Iran’s best & brightest have spent long stretches confined there, where brave women & men are denied their basic rights for speaking truth to power. The regime is responsible for what happens to those inside right now.
Political prisoners aren’t the only innocent people there. There are innocent journalists, poets, filmmakers, artists, activists and LGBTQ+ people unjustly held in that prison. All because they want basic rights. All because they want to be treated with basic human decency.
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As of 3:00 pm (EST) October 15, the Evin Prison has been on fire. Many who live nearby say they heard gunshots days prior to the fire. At least 4 explosions have happened so far and there will be more.
Two days ago Mehdi Hashemi Rafsanjani, son of the former president and an Iranian elite “businessman” Aghazadeh, was released from the prison on a break and was to go back after two days. He was told not to. After two days of him not being there, the prison burns down with explosions and gunshots that can be heard from streets away. Coincidence? I think not. Even though they “arrested” one of their people, he wasn’t there when Evin caught fire. The elite will never get hurt because they ARE the regime.
Tehran is taken over by the scent of blood and smoke.
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The Islamic Republic is responsible for all those lives unjustly behind bars. Tonight they commit arson in the name of arson. They will attempt to say it didn’t happen or that it was an accident. A gas leak or some other lie. They did this just like they did everything else. Here’s just to name a few:
Cinema Rex Fire (1978), Sanchi Ship (2018), Metropol Building Collapse (2022), Flight 752 (2020), Massacre of 1988, Plasco Building fire (2017), Violent raids on the dormitory of Tehran University (1999), the continues hate crimes (rapes, conversion and killings) or non-muslims, not to mention the amount of people who’ve died due to poverty and/or in protests.
Just days ago, government forces attacked an intermediate school in Ardabil, Iran. A pre-school aged girl was beaten to death (at her school, in front of her peers) for engaging in protests.
For the Islamic Republic Regime of Iran, it has always been geniuses vs. guns.
There is nothing we can do but to spread the word. To spread awareness. To make Iran-related hashtags trending again.
Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would use my Tumblr account, which is meant to be for me to interact with people in different fandoms all in good fun, to talk about something like this. I feel so terrified and helpless. Pease repost!
@khaleesiofalicante @carelessflower @magnus-the-maqnificent @dustandducks @nancylou444 @machiavelien @paranoidbean @anyushk4 @heavenhatesme @pineapplecrispy
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azadi-azadi-azadi · 1 month
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sleepy-bebby · 2 years
Shervin Hajipour is an Iranian singer known for his song Baraye, which has been described as "the anthem" of the 2022 Mahsa Amini protests. He was arrested shortly after publishing the song.
Spotify / YouTube
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aftabkaran · 2 years
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sweet-cowboy · 2 years
The Iranian REVOLUTION is well under way. Keep sharing and using your voice!
Above is a petition to end the protest bloodshed in Iran. Below are more resources to lend your voice to Iranian Protesters.
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Nagin Mahmoudi, who is also the mother of a 7-month-old child, was held hostage by Iranian Security authorities in Paveh city in the Kermanshah province and was relocated due to her husband’s activities.
PLEASE SPREAD AWARENESS! They will likely execute her husband if he’s caught. He’s a lawyer whose been helping out political prisoners also known as ACTIVISTS FIGHTING FOR THEIR RIGHTS throughout the Kurdistan province. They won’t allow her to be released on bail.
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froggishgremlin · 1 year
Please talk about this any way you can, these are victims of Iran's government. These people are going to be executed. I know I can't do much with my platform but I'm trying to get the message out there, please spread this! I don't care how, people need to here about this.
You on the internet already saved two people, one of them has already been executed, we don't have much time.
For everyone expecting cryptid content will get more eventually, but for now please spread the word!!
Use the hash tags, tell people, make posts, just do something, lives of people are in your hands. That could've been you if you were just born in a different place.
So please, help these people get a merry Christmas too
My next post will include more ways to help. Please act quickly, and bring justice to iran.
And to Majidreza Rahnavard, I'm so sorry you had to go like this. I wish him and his family well.
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loneranger0369 · 1 year
There is not much News coming out of Iran.
@bellamonde @aftabkaran are not active. @edentheactivist 's Tumblr got deactivated. Previously, they used to post regular Updates regarding the situation and developments in Iran.
Probably Internet is completely shut down.
I hope all are alive and well.
Again, I will share the Names of people who were announced to be sentenced to Death, but were not at that time.
I request you to Reblog.
Mohammad Ejma
Mohammad Pasandian
Elahe Mohammadi
Niloofar Hamedi
Shoaib Mir Baloch Zehi Rigi
Mohammad Ghobadloo
Mohammad Qobadloo
Ebrahim Naroui
Toomaj Salehi
Farnoush Esmi
Benjamin Gaffari
Mohammad Boroughani
Ayoub Jamal
Mohammad Soltani
Mojgan Valian Zadeh
Jalil Azizpour
Alan Veysi
Bahaledin Veysi
Javad Rouhi
Elham Modaressi
Ava Jahangiri
Paria Faramarzi
Shahin Samadpour
Hamid Gharehasanlou
Farzaneh Gharehasanlou
Manouchehr Mehman-Navaz
Akbar Ghafari
Ebrahim Rigi
Mohsen Rezazadeh Qaraqualou
Saman Yasin
Seyed Mohammad Hosseini
Parmida Mehdipour
Farhad Tahazadeh
Farzad Tahazadeh
Sahand Noor Mohammadzadeh
Mehdi Keshvari
Hossein Hajlou
Abol Fazl Mehri
Hossein Mohammadi
Raha Ajoudani
Arin Farzania
Armin Mehdi Shokrollahi
Amir Mehdi Jaffari
Mahan Sadrat
Saeed Shirazi
Hajar Hamidi
Reza Eslamdoost
Karvan Shahiparvaneh
Shahram Marouf-Moula
Saeed Yaghoubi
Saleh Mir Hashemi
Amir Nasr Azadani
Mohsen Sohrabi
Makan Davari
Majid Kazemi
Hassan Firouzi
Farnaz Alizadeh
Niloufar Shakeri
Soheila Hijab
Hasti Ofogh
Samaneh Fathi
Shaker Behrouz
Parham Parvari
Saman Sayeedi
Elham Shoukdar
Zahara Hamedani
Navab Ebrahimi
Keyvan Mohtadi
Ebrahim Naroui
Mehdi Mohammadi Fard
Mansour Dahmardeh
Kambiz Khorvat
Arshia Takdastan
Vajihe Pari Zanganeh
Zahra Nabizadeh
Hossein Ekhtarian
Mohammad Ekhtarian
Amir Mohammad Jafari
Maryam Haqgou
Shahla Abdi
Women. Life. Freedom
Freedom for Iran
Please share.
Please reblog.
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butterbabyflapjack · 2 years
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برای گردآفریدهای ایران...
by Farid Karami
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asterin-carstairs · 2 years
I used to think they were exaggerating when they said it could’ve been anyone but they aren’t. My 17th birthday is in 19 days. My mom keeps saying how whenever I’m in pain I call for her and to think how much Nika must’ve called for her mom as she was brutally beaten and murdered.
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This is Nika Shakarami from Tehran, Iran. She should’ve been 17 today.
Just days before her birthday she went protesting with thousands of others in the streets of Tehran but didn’t return to her family that night. She was taken by government forces. After 10 days of being missing (that is 10 days that a mother didn’t know of the whereabouts of her teenage daughter, 10 days that a father didn’t know if his baby girl was alive), her dead body was found. Her nose was smashed and her skull was completely destroyed. She was identified by a birthmark and her family wasn’t allowed to see her face at first.
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The government is claiming she “fell from great height” but if that was true why wouldn’t the government hand over her phone? Why would all her social media present (on Instagram, Whatsapp, Telegram) been removed as if she never had any?
I’ve heard her family is being forced to lie about her situation on national TV. Her family wasn’t allowed to hold a burial ceremony but even not doing that wasn’t enough as her body was stolen by the government and buried 40km away from where she was meant to be buried.
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Please share this post. Share her story. Don’t let her be one of the many whose story was never told. Don’t let her be forgotten. Help this post reach a bigger audience.
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[Mahsa (Zhina) Amini holding Nika’s hand. By an Iranian artist. Source: Instagram]
No Justice No Peace
@raziyekroos @khaleesiofalicante @dustandducks @carelessflower @magnus-the-maqnificent @nancylou444 @paranoidbean @machiavelien (you guys helped my other post get 500+ reblogs and I can’t thank you enough. I hope you don’t mind me tagging you but if you do please let me know and I can delete it)
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azadi-azadi-azadi · 2 months
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kharmii · 12 days
Iran and even Al Qaida have posted thanks to the Pro Palis. You can’t make this up. They’re literally puppets of terrorism.
Read through the long thread of people roasting them, and these stood out:
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Remember brainwashed Marxist college kiddos.....when Muslims outbreed the native population and take over a country, they don't let you have your fun get-togethers protesting (I think it was Matt Walsh who called protesting 'liberal church'). Muslims -like those in Iran- will sexually assault and murder protestors. Most non-Western countries give zero fucks about human rights and individual liberty.
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