#Pippa pepper
batkingsalem · 1 year
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The pins are IN and the supervisor is checking for quality control (don’t worry, she only checked my personal set 🤣)
Fulfillment will begin soon!!!
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neminicrede · 1 year
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One of the pieces I did for the amazing Nuzlocke Zine run by Arowana, CyanideCrystal and Vivace! Please check it out, there's over 200 pieces of incredible content by members of the nuzlocke community and everyone worked so super hard to make this happen! Nemini Crede turned 11 this September! I literally can't believe it's been 11 years since I first posted the prototype of my comic on the nuzlocke forum (yes i'm well aware of how late I am for the anniversary but shhhhhh). I've been here longer than some of you have been alive (this is a threat) So much has happened and my art has gone in a million different directions and finally settled into something I'm happy making a comic with (and honestly I'm glad I didn't keep the old shit bc the art was so embarrasingly bad). I'm so grateful to the like 3 of you who have stuck with me so far on this journey and I hope you'll continue to do so! More nuzlocke stuff Extras | Character profiles | Nuzlocke blog | Forum post | Comicfury
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sdhqmemories · 2 years
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Pippa enjoying a cocktail on a night out. Taken by Pepper, June, 2026.
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PERFORMER John Pattison
DEBUT 1985
DESIGNMichael K. Frith designer[1]
Begoony is a magical rabbit-like creature who Mokey befriended in the Fraggle Rock episode "The Incredible Shrinking Mokey." He had been abandoned by many before, and didn't want Mokey to abandon him, so he tried to shrink her and lock her in his house. This only made Mokey (sort of) abandon him, but after he makes a beanstalk for a puppet show, he is allowed to live amongst the Fraggles.
The puppet was later reused in The Muppet Christmas Carol (as the child of Mudwell the Mudbunny and Murray the Minstrel) and in Muppet Treasure Island (as a pirate). On Mopatop's Shop the puppet would be used in various roles like the moon creature Clicksnizz, Pippa Pepper, and Granny Rose. In Muppets Tonight, Begoony made an appearance as an audience member.
In 2022, the puppet would return back to its original roots in Fraggle Rock: Back to the Rock. Here, the puppet is used for a different character named "Bongo," performed by Aymee Garcia, who recurs as a pest in Boober's pantry in episodes 112 and 204
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cwritesforfun · 22 days
The Bear: Carmen 'Carmy' Berzatto x Fem!Reader: Business Dinner
Enjoy;) Masterlist
(YES, the plot has changed. I do not own The Bear characters.) Y/N = Your Name
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You finish getting ready and you walk out to your living room where you see your boyfriend pacing. He was pacing earlier, but you were hoping he had stopped when you did your make-up. You exclaim, "Carmy, baby, what's wrong?" He turns to you, sees you, and says, "Wow honey, you're gorgeous. I mean, jaw-dropping stunning. Let me see you twirl." You twirl and he says, "I can't believe I'm your boyfriend. I'm so lucky that I have you in my life." You wrap your arms around his neck and say, "I'm lucky to have you in my life too. I've never been happier." He wraps his arms around your waist and kisses you gently. He asks, "Are you sure you want me as your plus one tonight? I'm sure one of your friends would go if you asked." You answer, "Yes, I'm sure. I can't wait to show you off. I'm so proud of you and your success with the Bear. You also said you couldn't wait to try the food at this restaurant, so I'm happy we get to try it together. Why? Where is this sudden hesitation coming from?" He replies, "I just ... I know that there are going to be a lot of business people tonight with their millionaire star boyfriends or girlfriends. I'm not even close to that. Everyone at the party doesn't have anxiety like us and I'm stressed I'll say something wrong. Times like these make me feel insecure about who I am and like being together doesn't work." You ask, "But if you ignore tonight, do you think we work together?" He answers, "Yeah, I mean sh** I love you. I haven't told you that, but I'm nervous and stressed. I don't want to lose you." You say, "I love you too, Carmen Anthony Berzatto. I think you're the sweetest and kindest boyfriend ever." He kisses you on the cheek and you continue, "I know you're nervous, but you'll be okay. We'll be together all night. You won't ever lose me. And I refuse to hear you talk about yourself as worthless and think that. You're worth the weight of the world in gold. You're the love of my life and you're perfect to me. I love every side of you." You kiss and he says, "Ok, if we are going, we should leave before I back out. And, warn me, next time you say my full-time, I felt like I was in trouble." You laugh and you leave the apartment.
Carmy drives you both downtown and you use the valet at the restaurant. It's free valet tonight, but we're allowed to tip.
Outside the restaurant, one of your coworkers waves and walks up with their partner. The coworker says, "Hi, I'm Pippa and I work with Y/N. This is my partner, Jennifer." I introduce Carmy to them and meet Jennifer. We all head inside and ask to be seated at the table together. I know Pippa and she's a good person. She's also very passionate about food. I've met Jennifer once or twice when she drops lunch off for Pippa at work. She seems cool. They should get along with Carmy and not make him feel anxious.
Drinks are being ordered. I know Carmy is still working on staying away from alcohol and being clean. I'm so proud of his journey with it so far. I lean over to Carmy and say, "Check out their Clean Cocktails. It's their version of mocktails and they're really good." He kisses me on the cheek and says, "Thanks babe."
We then get up to get a salad from the salad and appetizer bar. Carmy gets excited to see the fresh fruit and hot fresh bread. The restaurant has some pepper that makes him excited since it's hard to get, so he tells the chef behind the bar that he is the head chef at The Bear and he wants to know more about how they use it/cook it. The chef behind the salad bar says he will send the head chef to talk to Carmy about it after the salad servings are out. This excites Carmy and you're so happy that he is happy.
You both mingle with a few people as you walk back. You can tell some of their eyes linger on Carmy an extra second or just stare weirdly at you both, so you try to keep moving.
As you're eating the salad, the head chef of the restaurant walks up and asks if we want to see the exclusive inside of the preparation of the peppers as well as the meat. Pippa, Jennifer, Carmy, and I follow him to the back. We learn about their process and they let Carmy try, which makes the head chef intrigued. You all try them hot off the pan and they're so good. We then head back to our seats.
The entrees are served and you notice your boss walking over with his wife. Note about your boss, he thinks he's the best boss and the smartest person in the room at all times. His wife is super fake and clearly is only with your boss for the money. Your boss exclaims, "Hello Pippa and Y/N! I don't believe I have had the pleasure of meeting either of your plus ones yet tonight." Pippa says, "This is Jennifer and she's one of my best friends. You also might recognize her from The Chicago Bandits Pro Softball Team. She's the pitcher and the captain of the team." Jennifer shakes your boss' hand. Your boss says, "It's nice that you were able to make it. I'm sure practice keeps you busy." Jennifer replies, "It's the off-season, so I was able to be here. It's a lovely dinner." Your boss nods. To cut the tension, you exclaim, "It is a great event. This is my boyfriend, Carmen Berzatto. He's the head chef and owner of the restaurant, The Bear." Your boss' wife says, "One of my girlfriends said you had lovely appetizers and a fine wine selection." Carmy smiles and says, "I'm glad, tell her thank you. I helped hand-select our whole menu and think it all pairs well with our wines. Our sommelier hand selects it all as well." Your boss asks, "I'm glad to hear you have a sommelier. Do you think that we could get a reservation there for Tuesday at 7:15?" BRUH wtf?!?!?! The Bear is usually full at peak dinner times and most reservations are already fully booked. Carmy pulls out his phone and says, "Sure, enter your details. I'll send a confirmation of the reservation. We'd be pleased to have you." Your boss enters his details and asks, "Will you be working that night?" Carmy answers, "Yes sir, I will." Your boss hands Carmy his phone back and replies, "Good, we want the best experience." Carmy replies, "My staff is highly trained and all have completed training with chefs worldwide. And, my sous chef is the expediter as well. You have nothing to worry about." Your boss nods and then asks, "How did you go behind the scenes tonight? I saw that you all met the head chef too. It took me forever to meet him. I thought he was avoiding me." And for good reason lol ... You exclaim, "Carmen was talking to them about their peppers. The head chef had heard of The Bear and knew of Carmen's work from NYC as well as here, so he was excited to invite us back into the kitchen. They gave us a tutorial on preparing them, and we tried them hot fresh off the pan." Your boss nods and then leaves with his wife. That was weird, ok.
When they're far away, you ask, "Is there even space free at The Bear on Tuesday?" Carmy says, "We always save a few tables for walk-ins, so yes." You reply, "You should put them by the bathroom." Carmy replies, "No, I'm not that mean." Pippa says, "You should spit in their food." Carmy replies, "I don't want it to bite either of you in the butt if he hates it. They won't be at a prime table, but I'll make sure my staff are on their best behavior. I'll even stop by to check in on their meal." Pippa says, "Don't give them a discount. They have the money." Jennifer says, "You're so evil, babe." Pippa laughs. You say, "Yet there was no lie in what Pippa said."
Dinner finishes and light desserts are served. It's sorbet, which is cold and refreshing. Your boss thanks everyone on the microphone and everyone is reminded to pick up the free swag bags by the door prepared by his wife.
Pippa, Jennifer, Carmy, and I leave together. The swag bag includes a bottle of wine, soap made by the boss' wife, socks with your work logo, and extra pens with your work logo.
You tip the valet and you get in the car.
At your apartment, you strip off the dress and slide on one of Carmy's shirts and your pajama bottoms. You go into the bathroom to wash your face of make-up. Carmy walks in, wraps his arms around your waist, and says, "I'm glad I went tonight. I liked being with you. I also will admit that I liked your friends. Pippa and Jennifer were cool. I don't like your boss or his wife. They kind of suck." I laugh and reply, "Yeah, they're not the best. Why did you give them a table this week at your restaurant? Also, I need to rinse my face." You move slightly out of his arms to wash your face then you say, "Ok, we can go to bed." Carmy holds your hand and you both get into bed. You exclaim, "I loved being with you tonight. You're the best boyfriend for going and for putting up with my boss. I feel like I didn't get to show you off as much as I could have. I forget how many people I dislike at work and don't want to speak to. Ugh, I wanted to tell everyone how cool you are and why you're a catch." He laughs, kisses the side of your head, and says, "Baby, it's okay. I think you're a catch too. I'm sure people saw us together and thought we were just the hottest couple." You laugh and say, "I mean we are." He kisses you as he laughs with you.
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neekins · 1 year
"I love you"
Their reaction to "I love you".
Pippa Fitz - Amobi:
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Another afternoon spent with Pip. Not that I hate it. It was just that I was so worn out by school today that all I wanted to do was go home and throw back in bed. That was not what my girlfriend, Pip, had in mind. Her idea of relaxation was finishing her assignments and homework early so that you don't have to worry about it later.
"Pippers!" I whined.
She turned to look at me before returning to her laptop. I was lying on her bed, sprawled out as if it was my own.
"What?" she wasn't even looking at me. The disrespect.
"I'm bored," I complained.
"Did you finish the English Lit. summary?" she asked as though expecting me to say no. Of course I didn't.
"Then do it."
I got up and walked towards her and wrapped my arms around her. I started pepper her face with kisses. She giggled and pulled me down to kiss her lips. I let out a laugh too.
She got up to look at me properly. I stared back at her pretty face. She then put her hand on my cheek and kissed me again.
"I love you."
She looked at me wide-eyed. I hadn't realised what I had said until I saw her reaction.
She smiled, "I love you too, y/n."
Ravi Singh:
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I had no idea what I was walking into. All Ravi said was that it was our six month anniversary and it was a surprise.
Ma went out of her way to find the best dress. A red dress that fed my obsession of the fantasy of 'Me Before You'. He showed up directly on time.
"He's here!"
"He's here!"
"But he said eight!"
"It is eight!"
"Everyone knows eight means eight thirty!"
I ran down the stairs immediately and to the door.
I was greeted by a giggling Ravi. He definitely heard the conversation.
"Come in," I ushered him in the house. He was sure to remove his shoes by the shoe rack.
"I'll be back in a minute," I said before running back up the stares.
His hands were over my eyes. I wasn't really sure why I had agreed to this. He went out of his way to 'accidently' push me into every wall he could find.
"Alright," he said as he removed his hands from over my eyes.
We were at the River Bend Bookshop, but it was decorated with those Christmas lights and our pictures from six months ago. At the corner was a bookshelf with the heading, Blind Date with a Book, but the books were wrapped in a brown paper that had a paragraph describing the book.
I smiled so big, I wanted to scream.
Ravi looked at me and kissed my hair.
I turned to look at him.
"I love you so much."
He smiled and bent down to kiss me.
"Happy anniversary," he kissed me again. "And I love you too."
This is my first writing piece. Feel free to comment your thoughts and recommendations.
Feel free to request, share or reblog.
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msperfectlyfine2 · 1 year
All Of The Girls I’ve Loved Before
A - Annabeth Chase, Avery Grambs
B - Blake Lively
C - Carol Danvers, 
D - 
E - Elena Gilbert, Elsa
F - Fleur Delacour
G - Gwen Stacy, Gamora,
H - Hermione Granger
I - 
J - Juliette Ferrars, Jude Duarte
K - Katherine Pierce, Katniss Everdeen, Kiara Carrera
L - Lily Evans, 
M - Minerva McGonagall, Michelle Jones
N - Natasha Romanoff
O - 
P - Pepper Potts, Pippa Fitz-Amobi, 
Q - 
R - Rebekah Mikaelson
S - Sarah Cameron
T - Taylor Swift
U - 
V - Valkyrie, 
W - Wednesday Addams, 
X - 
Y - Yelena Belova
Z - Zendaya
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sdhqsecrets · 7 months
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halloween costume contest ‘27 →  dominique weasley for best female costume
after your more elaborate costume from last year we were expecting a little more of a wow factor from you, but it seems your peers like it enough to give you the win !! we won't knock your originality, but we certainly would've wanted to see a little more drama.
2nd place - Laurel Ollivander
3rd place - Victoire Weasley
the rest of the runner ups are below !!
Andromeda Marshall
April Marchant
Aryana Robins
Ciara Garcia
Cynthia Clearwater
Evangeline Pickering
Evelyn Moon
Everleigh Rivera-Ogden
Freya Macdougal
Halley Macmillan-Bones
Ingrid Hagen
Isabelle Durant
Jacqueline Henderson
Juliet Highmore
Lucienne Wolffe
Lucy Weasley
Lyra Malfoy
Natalya Dolohova
Octavia Coleman
Pepper Rosewood
Pippa Rosewood
Tallulah Abbott
Tori Hastings
Rosalinda Torres
Roxanne Weasley
Samantha O'Reilly
Valeria Sanchez
Vera McKinnon
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pipparcsewccd · 1 year
Texts || Pippa, Pepper & Rory
Pip: Are you guys okay?
Pip: I left the festival about an hour ago but I heard there's been an attack
Pip: Are you still there?
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themculibrary · 1 year
Transgender Characters Masterlist 2
part one
All That’s Cracked (It Isn’t Broken) (ao3) - its_me_smol_steve steve/bucky, pepper/tony, bruce/thor T, 13k trans!peter
Summary: Trans!Peter going through life (as Spider-Man!) Featuring so, so much angst (Peter is a gay disaster), some healing, and a whole lot of love from his new family.
A Man So Tall (ao3) - ubertrash steve/bucky E, 4k trans!bucky
Summary: "He’s kind of in the mood to get held down and fucked and have Steve call him pretty, and he doesn’t feel like that all too often. Or, he does, he just doesn't have the guts to go through with it most of the time."
A little angsty and a lot horny PWP to give a little love to Trans Bucky.
Call Me Spider Man (ao3) - AlexTheShipper peter/wade, steve/tony T, 7k trans!peter
Summary: Peter didn’t mean to come out as trans to Deadpool, or to start dating him, and he certainly didn’t expect coming out to be like this. It’s nice though.
I Do What He Does (Just Slower) (ao3) - Sidney Sussex (SidneySussex) T, 4k trans!steve
Summary: Growing up isn't going exactly the way Steve thought it would. But there's more than one way to skin a cat.
LIES (ao3) - magnumopustron steve/howard M, 7k trans!steve
Summary: Howard Stark has always had a hard time admitting when he's wrong about something. Steve has a hard time letting go of things that aren't good for him.
lovebirds - interwebs oneshot (ao3) - bellsthe_writer ned/peter N/R, 1k trans!peter
Summary: peter is finally out to everyone at school, including his bully, flash thompson, and his best friend, ned leeds.
Pippa, sad princess (ao3) - Miss_Von_Cheese phil/steve E, 4k trans!phil
Summary: Steve, being the perfect boyfriend, pampers his lovely wife Pippa who’s dealing with sad trans woman feelings, dysphoria and overall having a bad body image day. (Independent chapter for the Pippa series. Not linked to other chapters or fics.)
seasons change (but people don't) (ao3) - ftmsteverogers steve/bucky E, 2k trans!steve
Summary: “If there’s a girl I’m meant to be mourning, I want to know,” Bucky persists, as though Steve hasn’t had a close brush with asphyxiation right before his eyes. His foot twitches against Steve’s under the table.
“There wasn’t a girl,” Steve coughs. “Why…?”
Bucky’s gaze is sharp and discerning as his eyes flick back and forth between Steve’s.
“There was,” he says, right hand gripping the counter behind him in a white-knuckled grasp. “A girl. A small blonde girl.”
She. (ao3) - littleknowledgesuitsthegreat G, 1k trans!pietro
Summary: As requested, a story about Pietro telling Clint that she (yes, she) is a woman. Complete fluff.
Sugar and Spice (ao3) - blakefancier steve/bucky E, 3k trans!steve
Summary: It started with a box of women's clothing that the last occupants of their apartment had left behind. Bucky remembered picking up a pair of panties and throwing them at Steve and saying, "Go on, Rogers, these look about your size."
Sweet Sixteen (ao3) - JosieRuby1 G, 2k trans!peter
Summary: After a call from MJ and Ned, Tony organises a sweet sixteeth party for Peter.
Think About It (ao3) - i_buchanan steve/bucky E, 7k trans!steve
Summary: The idea of hurting Bucky almost felt mean at this point. He supposed that under normal circumstances that wouldn't be much of a problem, but the two of them had never experienced normal circumstances in their entire lives.
Or, Steve is the biggest softy who still wants to push his boyfriend around a little bit
This Corrosion (ao3) - Kabal42 G, 7k trans!tony
Summary: Shot down over the Indian Ocean, Steve and Tony finds themselves captive. With no clue who is holding them or where they are, they have to employ all their skills to get out of a very nasty situation.
Transforming Truths into Lies and Truths into Truths (ao3) - coffee_mage N/R, 7k trans!clint
Summary: Francis Barton was born into abject poverty and abuse, one step from being on the streets. It never occurred to him that he was a girl until his foster mother put him in a dress.
Francis Barton ran away with Barney, then Clint Barton joined the circus with his brother and learned to shoot a bow.
Clint F. Barton became an assassin and got tracked down by SHIELD where he learned he was so stealth that not even a shadowy government agency could tell how he'd been born anymore.
When I look up from the pavement I know I'm gonna be just fine (ao3) - Tora pre clint/phil T, 4k trans!clint
Summary: “I don’t know what you’ve heard but I’m really not into bondage on a first date,” Clint sneered. “You could at least buy me dinner or something.” He grinned, baring his teeth like a snarl. The smiley ones didn’t really like it when he was a smart ass, and maybe he could provoke the guy into making a mistake.
The suit didn’t react beyond a twitch at the corner of his mouth. He shut the door behind him and approached, setting the stack of files down on the table.
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batkingsalem · 1 year
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what game is she playing
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pepperrcsewccd · 2 years
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“You said you don’t know how to cook risotto so I thought we could make some together,” Pepper smiled, entering Pippa’s place with a few bags of groceries. “I also got a lovely white wine that’ll pair with it perfectly,” she announced, going into the kitchen and starting to set things up.
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arcadiafm · 2 years
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𝐖𝐄𝐋𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐄  𝐓𝐎  𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐀𝐃𝐈𝐀,  sebastian  ‘bash’  stark,  maverick  ‘mav’  lehnsherr-xavier  &  finn  prince-kent  !  the  face  claims  of  manu  rios,  archie  renaux  &  wolfgang  novogratz  are  now  taken.  you  have  24  hours  to  send  in  your  account  or  your  role(s)  will  be  reopened.  check  out  the  new  member  checklist  and  have  a  look  around!    
⟨  manu rios.  cis man.  he/him.  20.  ⟩   LOADING  FILES …  did  you  know  TONY STARK AND PEPPER POTTS’  child’s  name  is  SEBASTIAN ‘BASH’ STARK?!  i’ve  seen  them  around  town  listening  to  LEGENDS ARE MADE  by  SAM TINNESZ!  they  seem  to  be  quite  charming,  but  also  incautious,  but  it  makes  sense  given  they  are  a  HEAD OF R&D  at  STARK INDUSTRIES.  i’d  watch  out  for  them,  though,  official  files  say  they’re  a  HUMAN  skilled  in  ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY MANIPULATION.  no  surprise  there  !  ⟨  pippa,  21+,  est,  she/her,  n/a.  ⟩
⟨  archie renaux.  cis man.  he/him.  23.  ⟩   LOADING  FILES …  did  you  know  ERIK LEHNSHERR AND CHARLES XAVIER’S  (ADOPTED)/GABRIEL SUMMERS’ (BIOLOGICAL) child’s  name  is  MAVERICK “MAV”  LEHNSHERR-XAVIER?!  i’ve  seen  them  around  town  listening  to  TROUBLE  by  ETHEL AND THE CHORDTONES!  they  seem  to  be  quite  independent,  but  also  temperamental,  but  it  makes  sense  given  they  are  a  FOURTH  YEAR  at  ARCADIA  UNIVERSITY.  i’d  watch  out  for  them,  though,  official  files  say  they’re  a  MUTANT  skilled  in  ENERGY MANIPULATION, TELEPATHY AND REALITY MANIPULATION.  no  surprise  there  !  ⟨  pippa,  21+,  est,  she/her,  n/a.  ⟩
⟨  wolfgang novogratz.  cis man.  he/him.  25.  ⟩   LOADING  FILES …  did  you  know  DIANA PRINCE AND CLARK KENT’S  child’s  name  is  FINN PRINCE-KENT?!  i’ve  seen  them  around  town  listening  to  LIONHEARTED  by  PORTER ROBINSON!  they  seem  to  be  quite  valiant,  but  also  self-righteous,  but  it  makes  sense  given  they  are  a  GRADUATE STUDENT  at  ARCADIA  UNIVERSITY.  i’d  watch  out  for  them,  though,  official  files  say  they’re  a  HALF KRYPTONIAN AND HALF AMAZONIAN  skilled  in  KRYPTONIAN AND AMAZONIAN PHYSIOLOGY.  no  surprise  there  !  ⟨  pippa,  21+,  est,  she/her,  n/a.  ⟩
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sdhqmemories · 2 years
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Pepper and Pippa during a night on the town. Taken by Rory who was dragged along, August 2026.
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Speaking Truth To Pippa
Speaking Truth To Pippa https://ift.tt/jo7MAZI by Siberianskys Words: 432, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 17 of Miss Barton Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M Characters: Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Original Child Character(s), Jarvis (Iron Man movies), Pepper Potts Relationships: Clint Barton/Phil Coulson, Clint Barton & Natasha Romanov, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark Additional Tags: Kid Fic, Married Clint Barton/Phil Coulson, Established Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Female Friendship, Avengers Tower, Avengers Family, Memorial Day, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Star Wars References
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harmonyhighlights · 3 months
Evergreen Valley a charming town near the Harmony Heighlights School is known for its welcoming environment and vibrant cultural scene and the town's Evergreen Park offers a serene escape with winding pathways flower gardens and ponds and the town's close-knit community fosters unity and pride among residents making it an ideal setting for learning
Town ponies
Hydro Heli Lila Berry Breezy Coal Nila Oxie Flora Nova Salty Magi Ally Silvie Phoebe Sunny Clarity Aurora Pepper Cali Skyler Titan Vera Crystal Melody Ivan Coco Nixie Copperella Zephyr Galaxy Gemma Artemis Seraphina Brooke Krystal Ruby Stardust Yara Zara Nimbus Moxy Tessa Rhea Rosalind Pippa Stella Cadence Indy Tilly Astrid Tessa Isla Xena Celeste Belle Luna
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