#Roomba Danny
nelkcats · 9 months
Honestly Danny would be the first to admit that trying to overshadow anything after the Technus incident was a bad idea. But he was also a very bored teenager, visiting a strange city at the request of his older sister so, can you blame him?
It had seemed like a fun idea to the halfa the moment he saw a small roomba in a store window in Gotham. It didn't look like many wanted to buy it but it was there anyway.
So yes, Danny could admit that it was all a strange combination of his boredom and lack of sleep because before he knew it he had overshadowed the damn roomba, causing the light above it to glow bright green.
It was just luck that some of his powers worked, because he made it through the store window with no problems, and had some fun chasing the denizens of Gotham all over the place.
It wasn't so much fun when he realized he was stuck inside the roomba; or when some people started to look at the machine curiously, trying to catch it.
He managed to escape with some luck and set about being a real nuisance to anyone he came across, including the clown laughing like a maniac and the live scarecrow, because well, what other option did he have besides waiting for it to sort itself out?
It wasn't long before the bats heard the report of "a roomba on the loose" in disbelief. Dick wondered if Alfred would appreciate them bringing the machine to the mansion to help him with cleaning.
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dannyfeargas · 8 months
Just got 32 motifs from @vitium-mage but their username isn’t showing up.
If you see this vitium, thanks for the interactions! Increased my dopamine by at least 2
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ladylynse · 4 months
Secret Trio/Secret Quartet three sentence fics below the cut! For more like this, see my other three sentence fics/crossover three sentence fics, my tumblr fic masterpost, random WIP scenes and snippets, fic ideas, or find me on FFnet and the AO3! Also, take a peek at the fanart and fanfic I’ve been gifted.
If you like my work, you can consider buying me a coffee. (I write thank you snippets–which could be an expansion of a three sentence fic if you like!)
Adrien and Plagg (”watching idols”) Jake and Adrien (”painting” x2) Jake and Randy (“trapped”) Randy, Jake, (Danny, Adrien) (“rat”) Danny, Adrien, Randy, Jake (”Hide”) Adrien, Jake, Danny, Randy (”Jake, who is Rose?”) Jake and Danny (”TUE happened”) Marinette/Ladybug and Adrien/Chat Noir (”failed over and over again”) Adrien, Jake, Danny, Randy, Marinette (“redemption/corruption”, ”path of destruction”) Marinette, Jake, Danny, Randy, (Adrien) (”shoulder to cry on”) Adrien, Marinette, Danny, Randy, Jake (”Hello, Ladybug” x2) Danny, Adrien, Jake, (Randy) (”hey, guys, where’s ---?”) Adrien, Randy, Jake, Danny (”I-I can’t hear his heartbeat”) //death alt (more painful) version | follow up Marinette, Danny, (Adrien, Lila, Elliot) (”Lila and Elliot”, “liars”, ”two peas in a pod”) Lila and Elliot (”partners in crime”) Jake, Randy, Danny, Adrien (”power/mind swap”) Randy, Jake, Rose, (Danny, Adrien) (”meeting Rose post Hong Kong Longs”) | related Jake, Randy, (Danny, (Adrien)) (”80 word challenge”) Randy, Adrien, (Danny, Jake) (”ghost king au”, “ghosts vs magical creatures”) Danny, (Randy, First Ninja, (Adrien, Jake)) (”ghost king au”, “Danny helps Randy remain the Ninja”) Randy, (Danny, Jake) (”about being mind-wiped”) Jake, Danny (Randy, ((Adrien)) (”there’s no one left”) Jake, Randy, Adrien, (Danny) (”Danny tells them about Dani”) Randy and Marinette (”Ladybug mistakes one of the SQ for an akuma”) Marinette, Adrien, (Danny, Randy, Jake) (”SQ post ML reveal”) Adrien, Danny, (Randy, Jake, Plagg) (”temporary power swap”) Danny, Adrien, Randy, (Jake) (”identity reveal of Danny Phantom”) Susan, Jake, Jonathan, (Danny, Adrien, Randy) (”parents find out”) Adrien, Danny, (Randy, Jake) (”legacy”) Adrien, Jake, Danny, (Randy, Luka) (”snake”) Danny, (Jake, Randy, Adrien, Jack, Maddie) (”Fentons find out”, “angst with a happy ending”) Randy (”Randy remembers”) Adrien, Jake, Randy, (Danny) (”bee”) Randy, Jake, (Danny, Adrien) (”comic book”) Danny, Jake, (Randy, Adrien, Vlad) (”Uncle Vlad AU”) Danny, Randy, (Adrien, Jake) (”broken sky”)
Adrien, Danny, Randy, (Jake) (”siblings”) Jake and Adrien (”Rotwood”) Ladybug, Adrien, (Danny, Randy, Jake) (”reinforcements”) Randy, (Adrien, Jake, Danny) (”prophetic dream”) Randy, Danny, (Adrien, Jake, Ghostwriter) (”true friendship”) Jake, Plagg, (Adrien, Danny, Jake) (”that was you?”) Randy, Adrien, (Jake, Danny) (”frostbite”) Danny, Randy, Jake, Adrien (”first date help”) Adrien, Randy, (Danny, Jake) (”apocalypse”) Danny, Jake, (Adrien, Gramps, Haley, Fu Dog, Susan, Jonathan) (”escape from NYC) Randy, Adrien, (Danny, Jake) (”Stabby the roomba”) Randy, Adrien, (Danny, Jake) (”love square”) Jazz, (Haley, Howard) (”evil clones”) Adrien and Danny (”discovered”) Adrien, Randy, Danny, (Jake) (”war zone”) Jake, (Adrien, Randy, Danny) (”Miracle Queen”) Debbie, Theresa, (Adrien, Randy) (”cartwheel”) Heidi, Jake, (Howard, Randy, Danny, Adrien) (”busted”) now expanded  FF | AO3 Jake, Randy, (Danny, Adrien) (”nasty sauce”) Bunnyx (”Chat Blanc”) Jacques (”inspiration”) Danny, Plagg, Adrien, (Jake, Randy) (”Box Ghost”) Plagg, Danny, Randy, (Jake, Adrien) (”blood magic”) Gabriel and Desiree (”be careful what you wish for”) Adrien, Jake, Randy, Danny (”what are you?”) Randy, Jake, (Danny, Adrien) (”he treats us well”) Randy, Jake, (Danny, Adrien) (”mermaids”) Jake, (Randy, Danny, Adrien, Gregory) (”arrogance”) Ladybug/Marinette and Adrien (”confessions”) Marty, (Randy, Danny, Adrien, Jake) (”entire world”) Danny, (Randy, Adrien, Jake) (”fire”, “reveal”) Jake, Danny, (Randy, Adrien) (”grenade”) Jake, Danny, (Adrien, Randy) (”mercenary”) Randy, Debbie, (Danny, Adrien, Jake) (”Debbie/Randy”) Adrien, Jake, Danny, Randy (”new year”) Jake, Adrien, (Danny, Randy) (”fallout”) Danny, Adrien, Jake, (Randy) (”stargazing”)
Now on the AO3 Randy, Debbie, Adrien, (Danny, Jake) (”Kangham”, “hide”)
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"How Light Carries On (Endlessly, Even After Death)"
The boy was not his responsibility. The boy would never be Danny’s responsibility. Danny was dead, for Ancients’ sake. He had no business in dealing with the living. The boy had to go. The boy didn’t go.
Rating: Teen
Chapters: 1/3
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Danny Fenton & Jason Todd
Characters: Danny Fenton, Jason Todd
Additional Tags: Jason Todd is no longer Robin, Homeless Jason Todd, Danny Fenton Adopts Jason Todd, Haunted House, Food Insecurity, Ghosts, Jason Todd Loves Classic Literature, Ghost Roomba, Childhood Trauma, Jason Todd Lives, Eldritch Danny Fenton, Secret Identity Reveal, Bad Parents Maddie and Jack Fenton
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thatonelightyear · 2 years
Next-gen HCs! (Pt 2-)
Ryan Laney
loves children. Has a daughter and is absolutely enchanted by her
CAR WARS. Posters of the series anywhere everywhere
Practises how to use a lightsaber in his spare time (Car wars needs to have a cameo of him someday - mah boy's so passionate!)
Really enjoys his grandfather's stories of the old racing legends, actually
Probably the most responsible one in the group of Next-gens
Also the most targeted in terms of teasing, for some reason
"if you close your eyes, everything will all be over" -ryan, to himself, probably, in the midst of the gang's chaos.
Bubba Wheelhouse
can and will shut anyone up if they think Cruz doesn't belong on the track - everyone's accepted here, as long as they love racing!
great rugby player (or is it football in american english..?) like long throws damnnnn
was once scared by a roomba in the middle of the night. only danny knows this, and he uses it as blackmail all the time
brings the chaos energy to the group, along with cruz
don't give him more than one energy drink. the gang speaks from experience
"it will be fine, y'all!" - famous last words by bubba, probably XD
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sansxfuckyou · 2 years
Lotus eater
Summary: Danny fucks up big time after harvesting to many ambient emotions without a way to turn it off.
Warnings: Depression, anger issues, ectoplasm, character death, check tags for further warnings.
Authors Note: Always a joy to fuck up Dannys shit.
No one ever bothered to tell Danny that he would absorb emotions with his ghost half to sustain the form even when it wasn't dominating.
He never understood the grimy feeling that seemed to coat him, or the lightness of a smile.
His ghost half could handle the excess emotions he absorbed as he was a human, but, his original state couldn't.
Danny would wake up sobbing most days, nearly dying a second death as he choked on his tears in his sleep, hacking up phlegm as he tried to clear his throat.
Other times he would suddenly fall into states of hallucination or disassociation during classes, the sudden outbursts of raw energy from his classmates sizzling his receptors.
His friends never knew what was wrong with him as he changed.
They would wake up feeling happy and ready like they used to, and if they were having a bad day, they would take to Danny to make all the pain and regrets go away.
It was almost pyshical.
The ooze of dread and grief and depression and rage that was constantly was dumped on him whether he liked it or not.
In those recent times he had come to staying where no one would find him, where no one could overload him, where no one could use him anymore.
In the sewers he sat, crying and choking on his own breath as he tried to filter through all the emotions that weren't his and that were his.
But he couldn't do it alone, no, definitely not, but he would need someone who would listen to him instead of telling him all of their problems to release a fuckton of emotion onto him.
His ghost half couldn't do it very efficiently while dormant, but would destabilize with to much energy if it was dominant.
Danny couldn't do anything to help himself.
Unless, unless he pulled out that old dream catcher thing and split himself.
He had no choices left he supposed.
He would just, head back on up to Fenton Works and then work his way through his emotions then.
It didn't fucking work.
The second they split Danny was already sobbing and a complete wreck while Phantom was destabilizing due to still having to much energy to properly process.
And it only got worse as he couldn't shut off the roomba feature of sucking up emotions from everyone around him, and he couldn't leave either as his form was to unstable to move very much.
Danny was sobbing as Phantom destabilized, things only got worse when Danny realized how... Melty, Phantom looked while separated.
"Ancients, I'm killing you to," Danny forced out as he tried to clear away the sobs that shook his form, only only able force out a rasping laugh. "I guess I'm going it alone now."
"No, no, I'm not going to die." Phantom said before inching closer to sit beside Danny, leaving a trail of green as he body gave way at the slightest movement.
"Face it, you can't handle what you already have to use and burn through, and I keep giving off more," Danny explained, vaguely gesturing with his hands as he did so, he gently poked Phantoms shoulder, the ghost halfs shoulder giving way and leaving a hole where the human halfs finger was. "We had a good run."
"I can't die though, I'm already dead." Phantom said, trying to explain a way out of destabilizing till he becomes nothing more than a green and bubbling puddle on the ground that smells only of the freshest citrus and rotting organs.
"You'll destabilize like our 'half sister' did, the whole actively split us not knowing what would happen, and because of that you are dying again." Danny explained before standing up and pulling down a thin necked vial with a cone like lower half and a cork from above.
"Danny, why did you grab that vial?" Phantom asked cautiously as he inched away, his suit scraping off, leaving only bright green where skin would normally be, as when he had died his suit was melded to his body.
"I want to have some of you when you're gone, I can keep your core safe until I can fix you up again," Danny said before gripping Phantoms hand, each smaller appendage giving way and breaking off leaving bleeding stumps that oozed ectoplasm, with thicker chunks that acted as bone coming loose as well, Danny dropped a few into the vial, along with excess ectoplasm. "If I can fix you."
"Oh, right, I guess that makes enough sense," Phantom said, voice slowly shifting from his usual tone to one much more distorted, almost broken in its nature as his torso started to bubble, legs already melted off up to his calves and he hadn't noticed. "But what if you can't revive me?"
"Then, then I'll make something new with your core, it'll probably have your memories," Danny tried to explain as he pressed a hand to Phantoms shoulder, the ghost halfs shoulder falling off and rapidly decomposing into a bubbling. "It'll be a new vessel, and, and you'll be just fine, everything will be ok again!"
"Thanks Danny, it means a lot to know you're gonna try," Phantom said before going to place his remaining hand on Dannys shoulder, the simple embrace lasting for only a few seconds before Phantoms forearms melted away, leaving another bleeding stump in its place. "I guess this is it for a while now?"
"I guess so," Danny said before attempting to give Phantom a tight hug, the human half able to feel the ghost half squish between his limbs and melt away a bit, the embrace was reciprocated best as it could be. "S-See you again."
"See you soon." Phantom responded with before his vocal chords fully gave way, melting into stringy ooze that was easy to see through the collapsed and melted chest, 'ribs' already melting away to reveal a mixed core, one that was commonly mistaken for ice.
Danny wasn't sure how to react as his other half melted away, but he tried to scoop up as much ectoplasm into the jar as possible, the fluid thick and viscous in his hands. He gently reached for the core, it was much like a water balloon, but with a harder outside than a thin layer of plastic, it gave way under his grip as he slowly pulled string after string of ectoplasm from it. The steady glow of the core faltered slightly as each lifeline was removed, the thicker strings of ectoplasm acted like veins that allowed the core to pump the energy through the ghost.
Without any ghost the core would simply keep recycling energy till it exploded, this Danny hoped could be countered by placing it in excess ectoplasm.
Danny slowly squished the core into the vial, being careful not to shatter the core, a soft splish sound could be heard as it made contact with the ectoplasm. He released a sigh of relief as he placed the cork on the vial, making sure it was sealed tight enough that it wouldn't spill out. He didn't know where to go from here so instead he just sat on the ground beside the bubbling and now slowly decomposing pool of ectoplasm that was his other half rotted away.
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avatarquake · 2 years
It's all a bunch of Hocus Pocus!
I converted my two friends into liking Hocus Pocus!
Watch me cry for Winnie at the end of Hocus Pocus 2, because what use is unlimited power if it takes her sisters away from her? And how relieved she was to be sent to them. And really, that moment Winnie's, Sarah's and Mary's souls combined, it was the moment they looked their most beautiful, really. Because they found their way back to each other truly, beyond the magic, the power, the anger and the revenge. Just three sisters, reuniting.
The witch that gave Winnie the Book had done the Magicae Maxima spell, hence why she didn't have a coven anymore, why she was so insistent Winnie promised to never use that spell, why the Book was so hell bend not to let her cast it.
(Of course, my excitement over the fact I was watching the movie, meant that this little bit of possible canon lore came to me in the morning, after having slept most of said excitement off. And in typical me fashion, my friends had come to the same conclusion as me...while watching the movie themselves.)
A coven must always have three witches, apparently.
I felt back for the Book. (Not Merry-Go levels sad, more like 'oh, oh no you're sad why are you sad? I want to give you a hug.')
Billy clearing his name finally.
The callbacks to the first movie were great, it was so darn nice to Billy again, never mind the fact we watched the two movies back-2-back. (Feel bittersweet over the fact his curse was lifted - he deserved his rest, damn it, but hell if I won't miss the best and kindest Zombie ever.)
I love how the Sanderson sisters are always down to break into song and bewitch the town of Salem and us.
Mary's roomba brooms.
I will admit I would have liked to have seen Max, Danni and/or Alison, or some reference to them, seeing as we got from Sarah's rattails to Thackery, but eh, you can't have everything I suppose.
Have you seen the post-credit scene of Hocus Pocus 2?
How probable do you think it is we'd see Hocus Pocus 3, in less than a decade? Considering what Cobweb revealed to us?
I live in hope.
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werm-hat · 4 years
Mac and Dennis:
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cutie-papudi · 2 years
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God I wish that roomba were me
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well, well, well if it isn't the ghost with the most? hello their sir ghost-face i've got but a simple question for you...
in your life time have you ever heard the rumor of a phone headed man who eats peoples shoes?
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"Who even let you in? Entity's lettin' anyone in now days" - Danny snickers. He's quite intrigued by Charlie though, where did this thing come from?
@welcome-to-roomba-fazbender (I forgot to mention you, yikes!) - The Void.
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gustingirl · 3 years
Danny: care to explain your thought process?
Josh: ok, so imagine a roomba--
Danny: nevermind, I don't want to know
Sam, leaning forward: no no no, please continue
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jackalgirl · 2 years
Book of Boba Fett Ep. 3
Contains spoilers.
I am not sure what to make of Team Vespa.  They absolutely do not fit with the overall look & feel of Mos Espa.  Maybe they’ll grow on me. But right now all I’ve got is sarcastic riffing.
Hutts: We brought you a gift. Me: Oh, wonderful -- you brought him Danny Trejo.  Oh, and also a rancor, that’s nice.
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But now I’m on tenterhooks regarding the Tuskens.  DS: everyone’s dead. Me: we did not explicitly see the kid or the Warrior (although trying to take her prisoner feels to me like it would sort of be like attaching a wood chipper to a roomba and then bringing it into your house*). * I am totally okay with this plan.
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dramaphan · 3 years
i mean, danny gonzalez and drew gooden also reacted to a fanfic,( a particularly bad one, with smut, mpreg, kidnapping etc) and to date, it is one of my favourite videos of theirs. I think with the plethora of options dnp have, they could make a series out of it, as they should
I wouldn’t want them to react to anything sexual or fetishy for obvious reasons but like??? Something normal?? A weird little au??? Roomba fic??? Please????
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enkisstories · 3 years
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Daniel: “Ey, November the tenth wasn’t my best day. But far from the worst, I suppose. You see, the shitheads had arrested me...”
Peggy: “Oh, no!”
Gavin: “It’s true. Danny had gotten captured, and was held in the DPD‘s basement, locked up in the evidence archive.”
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Gavin: “It was tense! Upstairs the FBI was prowling and in the basement I stood, between the door to the archive and CONNOR!”
Peggy: “B... b... but wasn’t Unca Connor EVIL back then?”
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Gavin: “Right! He wanted to enter the archive, to torture the captive androids for information. And I was all that was standing in his way, the last bastion, and the prisoners’ last hope!”
Rick: *gasps*
Gavin: “I tell Connor to piss off, because as an auxiliary he has no business down here. He insults me rudely and insists on entering. So we fight!”
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Gavin: “...and then Connor connects to the roomba with his mind. He causes it to go haywire. The stupid thing starts zipping around the floor! I trip over it and the next thing I see is Connor drawing a gun on me. Just to rub it in that he has “won”, he beats me senseless. So, yeah, this is how Connor defeated me in the archive.”
Rick: “Oh no!”
(The fight really happened, but the timing and Gavin’s motives were very different. Also the poor little roomba was innocent.)
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welcome-to-goldport · 3 years
do any of ur characters have pets? :3
Candace has a fish tank with colorful fish inside! Their tank is decorated with candy-themed decorations and castles. There’s a yellow fish that she named after Pietro, a red-and-black striped fish she named Lord Licorice, a blue fish she named Gummy, and a suckerfish she affectionately dubbed “Roomba”. They live a life of luxury in a good-sized tank and nice food.
Dastron owns an old pitbull named dave. The dog is too lazy to do anything except eat. Maximoff calls them “Kindred spirits”.
Harry and Freya own two hamsters- named “Carbine” (named by Freya) and “Dusty” (named by Harry).
Levi, Riker, Copper, Danny, and Mac & Rooney are all feeding the same stray cat. The cat has one eye and is very affectionate. None of them are aware that anyone else is taking care of it. Levi is the only one that’s given it a name, and that name is “Sergeant Cat”.
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archadianskies · 4 years
19 + 18 + 17, Simarkus!
(soulmates + tattoo artist + skin hunger)
→ on Ao3
It isn’t the flashiest, slickest tattoo parlour but for Simon and Daniel ‘Jericho’ is the place where they can truly be free. It’s a place that’s all theirs, a place they carved out with hard work, with blood, sweat, and tears- so so many tears. 
At first it had been just the two of them, as it had always been ever since they were sixteen and kicked out by their parents, and then Josh joined them, and then North, and since that day they have been known as the Jericho Four. They each have a speciality: Daniel specialises in painterly techniques, of colourul swathes that washed over the skin; Josh specialises in minimalism, of crisp, strong black lines; North specialises in text, of a thousand fonts at the ready to speak their mind. 
As for Simon, well, Simon has never been good at any of that stuff. He’s much better at caring for others, at nurturing and soothing and so that’s why Jericho has a cafe inside of it. He cooks, he bakes, he brews for both the customers being tattooed and for any family or friends hanging around for support. Sometimes they don’t come in for a tattoo at all, and Simon finds himself serving students and workers on their lunch break. 
It isn’t ever going to make them rich, but it’s enough to get by comfortably and really, that’s all Simon could ever want. 
 “Got a pretty complex booking tomorrow.” Danny whistles low as he scrolls through the email on his laptop. Simon looks up from his book, interest piqued, and scoots closer to him on the couch. 
“Oh?” His twin tilts the laptop slightly, showing a beautiful geometric explosion at the heart of a glowing blue triangle, as if it were in the midst of shattering outward. 
“He’s asking for white ink for some of the lines, so it’ll glow under black light. This is a seriously massive piece.” Danny nods, impressed. “Multiple sessions, with extra surcharge for the white ink. He’s already sent the down-payment, so he’s definitely committed.”
“That’s a crazy amount of work.” Simon reaches over to click on the image so he can zoom in. “It’ll be stunning when it’s done. Where does he want it? On his back?”
“No, over his chest. The fragments will spill over onto his shoulder too.” Danny clicks onto the next image, of the design overlaid on a male silhouette. “I blocked off the entire afternoon for this.”
“Then you better rest up.” Simon taps his temple. “Big day tomorrow.”
 It’s a slow going day but Simon loves those best. It’s even raining outside, which only adds to the soft cosy mood inside Jericho. With no other clients booked except for Danny’s new one, Simon finds himself sitting at a table with the other three sharing a freshly baked pear tea cake. The tattooists have their sketchbooks out, and Simon loses himself to the sound of the rain and the scrape of their pencils. There’s some semblance of inner peace to be found, he thinks, just in these sounds. 
The door opens, and the muffled pattering of the rain turns into a roar momentarily as someone rushes in. Simon stands automatically, switching back into his hospitality role. 
“Good afternoon, welcome to Jericho.” He greets the hooded man neatly securing his folded umbrella.
“Hi, I’m a bit early for my appointment but I thought I’d come in out of the rain since I was around anyway.” 
“Mark S., booking with artist Daniel Lambert.” Simon nods. “Would like a coffee and something to eat while you wait?” The hood falls back and that’s definitely not some stranger named Mark S. “Oh you’re-”
“Markus Manfred.” Josh finishes behind him, standing in surprise. “It’s- wow. You’re really here. I saw your thesis at the Museum of Modern Art. I marched with you last Fall. I thought you were in London researching for your upcoming mural?”
“Just got in last night, actually.” Markus grins, offering his hand for Josh to shake. There he is, Markus Manfred, adopted son of Carl Manfred; artist and activist in equal measure. “A little jetlagged and still adjusting to the timezone, but I’m here in one piece.”
“You did that portrait series on the Eden Club workers.” North adds, offering her hand to shake.
“With my brother Leo, yes.” Markus shakes her hand firmly. “They needed a medium to tell their stories, and we were honoured to oblige.”
“So what’s the story about this tattoo, then?” Danny pulls up another chair to their table, and Markus takes a seat. 
“I want to build on one I already have. I want to make it mine, because the original wasn’t my design.” He shrugs, leaning back comfortably in the chair. “I actually intend to commission tattoos from each of you, to tell my story. I use cloth and brick walls as my canvas, but I want my body to be a canvas for you.”
“I don’t know if you’re being eloquent or cheesy as fuck, but this is the most interesting commission I’ve ever been given so I’ll let it slide.” Danny smirks wryly and Simon smacks his shoulder.
“Behave.” He turns to Markus, and this close he can see those famous heterochromic eyes. “Coffee?”
“Yes please. And a slice of whatever this cake is, if there’s any left.” Markus grins, tapping the closest plate. “Smells divine and I bet it tastes just as heavenly.”
 He’s seen a lot of half naked bodies. It comes with the job- not his in particular, but well, Danny’s and the fact the parlour is tucked just behind the cafe. Simon’s gotten used to seeing people in various states of undress, so used to handing nearly nude people coffees and slices of cake. 
He’s not ready for Markus Manfred to take off his sweater and shirt, revealing a body surely identical to the grandiose marble sculptures that used to grace the ancient world. Not wanting to delay his tattoo appointment, the artist had picked up his cup after finishing his cake, carrying it to Danny’s station at the back and promptly undressing. Simon doesn’t know why he followed, but his feet seemed to carry him after them.
“Fuck.” Danny exhales. “That’s a Kamski.”
Markus looks down at his chest, at the glowing circle at the end of his sternum. His grin is sheepish as he scratches his nape and takes a seat. “Yeah, it is.”
“No way, an original Kamski? Not a Camden?” North follows into the room, Josh behind her. “From before he left CyberLife?”
“Thirium ink. I thought I’d never see one up close.” Josh breathes, voice tinged with awe. “When he left CyberLife he took the formula with him. Their tattoos use an inferior ink with a lower thirium ratio.”
“Well we definitely don’t have pure thirium ink here, sorry bud.” Danny pats his shoulder and Markus laughs. 
“No, I know. I don’t want another tattoo like this one. I want one I designed.” Markus clarifies. “This is my story.” 
 Josh has a thousand questions, and Markus seems happy to answer them. Selfishly, Simon goes to the front door and turns the sign to say ‘Closed’, locking the door so no one else will disturb them. He makes another round of coffees and carries them to the back. Danny has his noise-cancelling headphones on to tune everyone out so he can work. Josh has dragged his chair closer, and North is sitting on her tattooist bench. Simon hands everyone a new cup and takes a seat at Josh’s vacated bench.
“Do you think we’ll ever reach that stage though? Artificial intelligence that can think for itself?” Josh asks curiously and Markus hums in thought.
“I think so. It’s the issue with making them look human, though. The moment we make androids is the moment we divide the world.”
“What do you mean?” North frowns. “Wouldn’t that, I dunno, be a good thing? People get attached to roombas. What more when there’s robots that look like us?”
“That’s what I mean though.” Markus clarifies. “Half of us would anthropomorphise them, and the other half would reject them completely, unable to bridge the fact they are different from us. Humans find it hard enough to treat each other with compassion, what more when there’s an android that looks just like them but is a machine?”
“Then I suppose an android revolution would happen.” North shrugs with a laugh. “If we ever treated them like shit, then we’d deserve the revolution coming for us.”
“I don’t believe it would come to that, I believe we are an intelligent, compassionate race.” Josh argues. “We would achieve integration and acceptance through dialogue.”
“And you- Simon, isn’t it?” Markus turns his head slightly to catch his gaze. “Where do you weigh in, in this theoretical android revolution?”
He wrings his hands, frowning. “I wouldn’t really ever want to take part in it.” A confession of cowardice, but an honest one at least. “I’d just want those I love to be safe. I’d- I’d go somewhere and wait it out, I guess. But if they needed help, I’d help them. I’m not sure how I’d help with caffeine and baked goods, but...I suppose if they needed a place to stay, a place to hide I could give them that much.”
“He’s a softie.” North pretends to ‘whisper’, shooting Simon a grin. “But he’s got grit, and will get the job done.”
“That’s not a bad thing.” Markus smiles at him, and Simon, honest to god, hand over heart, swears the world slowed for just a moment so he could enjoy it. “Kindness in the face of a cold, cruel, apathetic world is an act of bravery, of defiance.”     
 They talk and they talk and Simon loses track of time until Danny takes off his headphones.
“Ok Christ I need a pee break.” He bins his gloves and makes shooing motions at Markus. “Go on, you too, before I start the next part.” He leads him away and North crosses over to sit next to Simon, elbowing him.
“I’m a flaming homo but that boy is…” She clicks her tongue as she makes an ‘ok’ sign with her fingers. “Gorgeous.” 
“Who cares about that, he’s so-” Josh struggles to verbalise his thoughts, making a frustrated gesture with his hands. “He’s so beautifully compassionate and driven. He spoke at the protest I marched at, but only briefly. Hearing his thoughts, hearing his opinions here in private is just...something else.”
“Simon has stars in his eyes.” North teases, poking his cheek. He bats her hand away.
“I do not. I’m staring a healthy amount. Surely no one should look that beautiful and still be human, right?” He asks, exasperated. “He has freckles. Everywhere. He has the body of a marble statue. He speaks like a Roman orator. Or some Greek philosopher. He has one blue eye and one green eye for god’s sake, who let him loose on the world?”
“The more important question is,” North jabs his side, causing him to yelp “is he single?”
“Oh, yeah, because he’s going to be so interested in a coffee boy at a tattoo parlour.” Simon rolls his eyes. “I have so much to offer.”
“You do, Simon.” Josh frowns. “I do take offense to that. You’re a wonderful person, you gave North and I a chance when no one else would. You found us at our worst and helped us become who we are today.”
“Pretty boy would be lucky to have you.” North pecks his cheek. “I mean it.”
 They end up ordering Mexican because it’s already six o’clock the next time anybody checks and Markus seems content to stay a little longer. Somehow in the span of an afternoon he feels like he’s always belonged right here in their little quartet. Even if he’s sitting there half naked with cling film wrapped taut around his freshly inked chest and shoulders. 
“Ok Danny,” North fixes him with a serious look, “important question: where do you stand in the android revolution?”
“In the-” Danny makes a face. “Is this the shit you guys were talking about while I was working?”
“Well not the whole time.” Markus laughs. “Though I’d like to hear your thoughts.”
“I dunno. Would we be able to afford one?” Danny scoops salsa onto a chip and pops it into his mouth. “I’d treat them well, I guess. Make ‘em feel part of the family. If you treat them badly, they could snap and then you’d deserve what’s coming to you.”
“We’re years- decades away from that kind of tech.” Simon shakes his head. “It doesn’t really matter right now.”
“It does.” Markus objects. “They might not be real now, or maybe not ever, but how we treat anything not human is a reflection of ourselves. They’re mirrors held up to test our humanity.”
“This is way too deep for Mexican on a Wednesday.” Danny declares through a mouthful of food. “Just putting it out there.”
“I’m sorry I’m sorry!” He laughs, expression apologetic. “I swear I’m not like this all the time.”
“Pineapple on pizza?” North demands, pointing an accusing finger. “Wrong answer sends you out the door.”
“Can I abstain from answering until I finish my dinner?”
“I’ll allow it.” A pause as she narrows her eyes threateningly. “But only just.”
 Markus Manfred takes a taxi home at about 8pm and Simon doesn’t quite know if any of it’s real, if any of it actually happened. It has to have happened, because there’s another session booked to occur in exactly three weeks. He loads the dishwasher as Danny takes out the trash, waving to Josh and North as they take their leave. Three weeks and Markus will return. How will he fill his time until then?
He doesn’t need to wait three weeks, in fact, because Markus comes back the very next day.
“Hey.” A greeting paired with a thousand kilowatt smile, easy and charming. 
“Good morning Markus.” Simon blinks in surprise. “I didn’t think you’d be back so soon. Is something wrong? Did you need Danny to have a look at the tattoo? Is it bleeding too much?”
“Actually,” he grins and oh it’s far too early for Simon to process such a sight “I was hoping for a cup of coffee and some breakfast?”
“Oh.” He nods numbly. “Y-yes of course. What can I get for you?” 
“Strong black with honey, and something bread-y.” Markus takes a seat at one of the tables. “I thought I’d get some work done here. It’s wonderfully private.” A nice way of saying it’s not a bustling Starbucks, Simon thinks wryly, but he’ll take it. He serves him a large mug of coffee and a thick slice of banana bread and tries not to stare too much at Markus’ elegant hands as he takes out a sketchbook and thumbs through it idly. 
“What gave you the idea of this tattoo?” Simon asks curiously as he spots early sketches of the tattoo design. He takes a seat opposite him, nursing his own large mug of coffee.
“I wanted to shatter through the wall of self-doubt, of anxiety that held me back.” Markus smiles softly, eyes roaming the page. “Growing up in Carl Manfred’s shadow wasn’t easy but a lot of it was all in my head. Dad has never been anything but encouraging to us, as Leo and I both branched out on our own artistic journeys. What held me back was my own fear to leave the safety of his name and stand on my own.”
“Shattering the red wall.” Simon nods slowly. “I guess we all have that moment, don’t we? A moment where we have to decide whether to stay behind it where we’re safe but also changeless, or fight and shatter it, to find our own way.”
“Did you have one, Simon?” He seeks his eyes with such an earnest expression. “A moment where you had to choose to shatter the red wall?”
“We didn’t have much choice.” A heavy sigh. “It was shattered for us, by our parents. We got kicked out at sixteen, and there was no red wall left to hide behind safely. We only had each other, and the only way was forward.”
Markus reaches over and squeezes Simon’s hand. “I’m so sorry.” He says with such sincerity Simon believes it. 
“It’s alright. Jericho is where we can be truly free.” He smiles tiredly. “This place is everything to us, and Josh and North are like family. I wouldn’t trade it for the world.”
“Why call it Jericho?” Markus picks up a pencil, turns to a blank page and starts sketching.
“It was the name of an old freighter.” It’s been almost fifteen years, Simon thinks, but the memory is still sore. “We hid there for a while, when we didn’t have anywhere to go. It was falling apart but it was dry and safe. It was home.” And now home is here, home is just upstairs and it’s dry and safe but also warm and full of love. Simon props his chin on his palm. “Feels both like a lifetime ago and just yesterday, to be honest.”
“Grief and trauma are not linear experiences.” Markus shakes his head, eyes candid. “What you experienced at sixteen will always be valid. Our growth is measured in how we cope with that pain, with all we’ve learned over the years.”
It stuns him to hear it, and he feels his mouth open and close as he tries and fails to reply with something coherent. Markus scratches his nape sheepishly.
“Sorry, I’m doing it again aren’t I? Sounding like some cheesy self-help inspirational poster.” 
“I’ve just never been told that before.” Simon admits, smile wobbly. “I guess I’m just so used to taking everything in stride and carrying on. I bury everything deeply, in the hopes I never really have to process it.”
“Then it just rots, Simon.” Markus reaches out again, placing his hand over his and giving a reassuring squeeze. “There’s no chance for growth if the roots are rotten.”
He looks down at their hands, and it’s as though his heart wants to soak up the contact, wants to drink it in as though he’s parched. It’s not as though he lacks affectionate touch, they’ve always been an affectionate quartet of friends, but it’s more like he can never get enough. Markus very gently rubs the back of his hand with his thumb in slow, light strokes. Heat pools in his cheeks.
“I’m alright now. I’m much much better here.” Simon smiles, and though it’s a little shaky it’s real and heartfelt. “I’m happy and I’m safe, and we’re financially secure, so what more can I ask for?”
“I’m glad.” He says, and Simon knows he means it.
 Though he knows it’s selfish, Simon finds himself hoping Markus will drop by for breakfast often. He finds himself inexplicably drawn to him, and his heart leaps into his throat every time the handsome artist opens the door and strides to the counter with confident, purposeful steps. He always has a kind word for all of them, always has a brilliant dashing smile and Simon’s been very careful with heart over the years, but he’d be kidding himself if he said he wasn’t head over heels for Markus. 
“How’s the mural coming along?” He asks as he sets down a steaming mug of coffee.
“Pretty good. Most of the underlayer is down, but it’s forecast to rain for nearly the whole week so I’ve got to postpone it a bit.” Markus sighs wearily. “That’s alright. I’ve got another piece I’m working on in the studio, so I don’t really mind. How’s things here?”
“We had another customer with an original Kamski.” Simon tells him, and Markus raises his brows in surprise. “I know right? What are the chances of having two of you come within the span of a fortnight? She’s a ballerina. I’m pretty sure North’s in love with her.” 
“That would be Ms. Chloe Hersh.” Markus smiles. “I’ve met her only once at an art gala but she’s very lovely. She is the original Kamski. The recipient of the very first thirium tattoo.” 
“That’s amazing. How lucky we are to have the two of you stumble upon our tiny little parlour.” Simon muses as Markus laughs softly. 
“Simon we didn’t find this place out of luck, we sought it out.” He says knowingly, as if it’s always been a fact Simon overlooked. “There’s talent here, and warmth and kindness and really good coffee and the most amazing tea cakes ever.” He finishes with a wink, and Simon knows he’s absolutely done for.
When Markus arrives for his second session, there’s barely any preamble before he’s hanging up his coat and stripping off until he’s shirtless. The linework has healed, meaning Danny can progress with the colour. Simon sets down his coffee and a berry muffin on the little table by chair, and tries his very best not to stare. 
“We dropped by Greektown to see the mural yesterday.” Josh says from across the room. “It’s coming along beautifully.”
“Thanks.” Markus smiles. “Weather finally cleared so I’ve been trying to cram in as much as I can before it turns bad again.”
“You’re doing the backdrops for the ballet next, right?” North hops up onto her bench. “Chloe told me.”
“Yeah, it’s my next project and my brother is doing the promo shoot for it.” He settles into position, taking a gulp of coffee before Danny guides him to stay still so he can begin. “It’ll be fun, it’s a modern Anna Karenina.”
“Small world huh? Or maybe you Kamski originals are all like, telepathic because of the fancy ink.” North teases, and Markus chuckles.
“Oh no you’ve figured it all out. That’s the real reason Elijah Kamksi invented a new ink- to make a group of improved humans.”
“I’d believe it.” North snorts back a laugh. “His house looks like a supervillain lair.”
They fall into easy conversation, and Simon leaves occasionally to serve a customer at the front or bring more drinks and food. North eventually moves off to start working on a client, and Josh finishes his final session on another. 
It’s as the afternoon is winding down that Simon starts to see the small telltale signs of pain on Markus’ face. Over the sternum is one of the most painful areas of the body given the thinner layers of fat, muscle and skin and as Danny moves to start layering the colour, sweat begins to bead on Markus’ forehead as his brows pinch together. 
Automatically Simon reaches for his hand, returning the reassuring squeeze he’d given him the week before. Markus tilts his head slightly and gives him a grateful look, grip tightening the longer Danny works over the sensitive area. 
“Hey, you’re doing great.” Simon murmurs, mimicking his earlier actions as he rubs his thumb over the back of his hand soothingly. “And it’s looking beautiful too. It’s all worth it, I promise.”
Markus nods numbly, squeezing his eyes shut and gritting his teeth as Danny progresses further down his sternum. Simon doesn’t leave his side, and it’s only when Danny sits back and removes his headphones does he realise he hasn’t let go of his hand either.
 They order burgers and fries from a diner not too far away, Markus joining them for dinner after the parlour is closed. With each visit it feels less and less like he’s a stranger and more as if he’s family. 
Discussions and conversations flow, and he’s interesting and verbose even if tonight he’s a little more tired than usual: a marathon tattoo session definitely does that to a person, and Danny is much the same. When he’s wiping down the table, he sees Danny pull Markus aside just before Markus leaves. He says something, his expression serious, and Markus nods solemnly before leaving to catch his taxi.
“Did you tell him about the aloe vera?” Simon asks as his twin brother returns to his side to help him clean up.
“Uh yeah. Definitely needs a higher level of care this time around and I told him to send me photos if his skin acts up so I can tell him what it’ll need.” Danny shrugs, not bothering to hide his yawn. “Next session will be the last unless he wants further detailing.”
“I think it’s your best work yet.” Simon compliments, wrapping an arm around his waist. “I mean it.”
“Thanks Si.” Danny smiles tiredly, bumping his forehead to his. “C’mon. Dying to go upstairs and sprawl on the couch with a beer.”
He hopes like last time Markus will appear for breakfast, but it’s not to be. He tries not to get his hopes up, tries not to look too eager every time the door opens. Markus doesn’t stop by for over two weeks, in fact, and Simon tries not to feel despondent as the days go by without his presence. 
The mural for Bellini Paints at Greektown is announced as complete on social media, and they go to see it during lunch on a sunny Tuesday. It’s a beautiful piece, taking up an entire wall at the entrance to the arcade where Bellini is housed. Sweeps of colour streak across the brickwork in graceful arcs, coming together to form a pair of hands holding a palette and paintbrush; a work of art about a work of art in progress. Simon thinks it’s stunning, and the sheer scale of it is enough to leave him awestruck. He takes a photo and sets it as his background, so he can admire the colours whenever he wants.
When Markus arrives for his final session, he brings a large canvas with him. It’s covered with a sheet, and tied carefully with twine to secure it.
“Hey, Simon.” His smile has an apology in it. “Sorry I haven’t dropped by recently. It’s been pretty crazy trying to finish the mural and I had this other project on the side.”
“We went to see the Bellini mural yesterday, it’s stunning.” Simon finds himself smiling wistfully. “The colours are just so vibrant, it suits the store perfectly.”
“Thanks, I’m pretty proud of it.” He holds out the canvas. “This is for you.”
“...For...me?” Simon gawks at him, unmoving. Markus Manfred is handing him a canvas. Markus Manfred. The artist leans in.
“That means you have to take it from my hands, Simon.” He ‘whispers’ and Simon scrambles to take the canvas, laying it down ever so carefully on one of the tables so he can unwrap it. It’s a painting of Jericho, of his family; there’s Danny, there’s Josh, there’s North and yes, even him. It’s a beautiful flurry of colours and exaggerated brushstrokes, and they’re crowded around a table eating tea cake and drinking coffee, with sketchbooks laid around.
“When I first came here, it was like coming home.” Markus lays his hand over Simon’s and it’s only belatedly that he realises he’s shaking. “I felt welcomed, and I felt at peace. I felt like I’ve always been here. That’s the magic of this place, Simon. That’s your magic.” 
“Markus I- this is too generous, I couldn’t possibly-!”
“You can. I painted this for you.” Markus moves to hold his other hand too, coaxing him to face him. “Because you are the heart of this place. You may not have had a choice to break through your red wall, but you persevered. You are so much stronger than you think, Simon.”
The tears come even though he gave them no permission to, and Markus gently draws him into a comforting embrace. Over the years he’s only ever had Danny, and more recently Josh and North. There was never any time to dwell on the hurt, there was and is only the path forward; if he stopped for even a moment to think back on what he survived it would swallow him up. To have Markus affirm his strength, to have him acknowledge the pain and his progression is far too much for him to process. 
“Did you make my brother cry?!” Danny demands, appearing in the doorway, arms crossed over his chest. “What the fuck did you say to him?!”
“Danny, look.” Simon wipes his eyes clumsily, pulling back a little in Markus’ arms so he can point at the painting on the table. “Markus painted this for us.”
“...You what?” Danny’s brows nearly disappear into his hairline as he spots the canvas. “Is this- are you for real?”
“I mean, well, yeah. It’s real and I made it.” Markus grins sheepishly. “I didn’t mean to make your brother cry though.” 
“...Holyshit. Uh. Wow. Thanks?” 
“It’s 3pm, shall we get started on my session?” Markus seeks his eyes. “Is that alright, Simon?”
“Oh! Yes, of course! Sorry I’ll um- I’ll cover this up and take it upstairs so it’ll be safe.” 
He has to hide upstairs for a good fifteen minutes just to make sense of what just happened. He’s holding an original Manfred in his hands, and gifted to him no less. It’s not just a pretty painting, it’s a work of art of his family, making it absolutely precious and priceless. He resists the urge to hug the canvas to his chest, instead laying it on the coffee table before returning downstairs to the parlour. 
Danny’s already started, headphones on and brows creased in concentration by the time Simon brings in a tray of coffees and some black tea and honey cupcakes. Markus offers him a slightly pained smile, and Simon immediately sits beside him and holds his hand.
“Would you” Markus flicks his eyes over to make sure Danny isn’t paying attention “like to go to dinner with me on Friday?”
“...I’m sorry?” 
“Oh, does Friday not work for you? Wait, the parlour’s open longer on Friday nights, sorry.” Markus nods in understanding. “How about Saturday?”
“No I- I’m- the- Friday is- I mean, you’re...asking me to dinner?” Simon stammers, feeling his cheeks flush as Markus strokes his thumb over the back of his hand.
“I’m certainly not asking Daniel.” He cocks a brow, grin mischievous as Simon feels his cheeks grow hotter. 
“Um Friday is fine. I’d love to.” He frowns. “I can’t believe you’re asking me out to dinner while my brother holds a very sharp object against your skin.”
“He already knows. He threatened to stab me if I ever broke your heart.” Markus admits, and Simon realises that’s what Danny must’ve said to him last time right before he left. “Which is fair, really. If I ever broke your heart I’d deserve that. But I’ll do my best to look after it very well, I promise.” 
“Then I’ll see you on Friday.” Simon finds himself unable to stop smiling. Markus brings their clasped hands to his lips, kissing Simon’s knuckles.
“I’m really looking forward to- ow!” Markus yelps as Danny applies just a little more force than necessary.
“Don’t flirt with my brother until I’m done.” Danny orders, voice a little too loud to compensate for the music blaring in his headphones. He fixes Markus with a stern glare, and Markus nods obediently. “Good. Now stay still.”
The finished piece is spectacular, truly Danny’s best work. The lines are crisp, the colours are vibrant, and it’s really as if the shards are exploding outwards from the ghostly outlined blue triangle. It’s taken just over a month to heal properly, with luckily only minimal scabbing. 
Simon admires the work, watching it come alive with each inhale and exhale, with each rise of fall of Markus’ broad, toned chest; a boy breaking out of his father’s shadow to forge his own path as a man of his own making. He traces the triangle carefully with his finger, touch featherlight. Markus hums, a small sound in the back of his throat as his lips curve upward in a lazy smile. 
“Tickles.” He mumbles, capturing Simon’s hand and bringing it to his lips so he can press kisses to his fingers. Opening his mismatched eyes, he blinks at Simon sleepily before rolling over and pulling him flush against his body. They’re delightfully, sinfully bare beneath the covers, legs tangled, and it’s somehow still almost downright scandalous to Simon every time it happens. “Hey gorgeous.” 
“Good morning, my love.” Simon greets in return shyly, and Markus smiles at those words, pressing their mouths together one, twice, thrice insistently. It’s a hungry, desperate beast, this thing called love; selfish and needy and somehow never sated but that seems to suit them just fine. They’ll drink each other in and drown wholly, completely, in the wonderful chaos; two halves of one whole. 
This is the freedom they found, this is the freedom they earned, and the red wall lies in shards at their feet.     
(Markus’ tattoo is similar to this, something like the moment when androids deviate in the game)
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