#S1 DSMP literally cannot continue
sing-me-under · 1 year
When will the XD finale arrive so I can get a confirmation on the exact nature of Season Two because I’ve been running on the interpretation that c!Tommy and c!Dream are either straight up dead or totally reset and not memory loss because I fucking hate the amnesia narrative for disc duo.
I think it’s a stupid take because the whole point was for the CCs to not be burdened by their characters’ dynamic, so projecting the S1 characters onto the S2 versions isn’t fair to the CCs or their Cs.
I can see a total reset or straight up new characters for disc duo (and probably Tubbo and Jack), but I’m also curious as to how the other content creators (specifically the Eggpire group) will continue into S2 because we know that their lore will be continuing.
So far, what I understand is that The Incident (which isn’t the Nukes) will be causing memory loss of some kind but that The Incident will be referenced repeatedly in the future. An amnesia plot for many of the other content creators aside from disc duo isn’t surprising to me because they already had amnesia plots ingrained into their S1 lore.
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