child--ish · 16 days
Whenever I hear "You Will Be Okay" I always imagine Lilia singing it to Malleus and Silver, and it's... I-
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nattaphum · 1 year
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Easily one of my favorite photos of the night 🖤
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possibly-astraeus · 4 months
Riding a roller coaster called emotions rn
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sailorshadzter · 10 months
that just ruined my night 😭😭
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yourwingsandgravity · 2 years
yaaaas finally!!! the writers of clj nation doing the gods work by giving us the fic we deserve.
i've been reading some since last night. however, due to the pain we've all been suffering since ep 31-36 (1/2) i might say all the fics are filed under: angst
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oneshotcafe · 1 year
Got an order for a massive wedding cake today, like hello, do i look like i would know what one of those looks like?
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Ao3 is down :((( guess I'll have to return back to the real world :((((
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newts-and-sharks · 2 years
So you like cheese things to your art huh? So allow me
I just want to hug you and your art and just picks up and put gently anything you draw on an soft confy bed and read storys and kiss their head good night, and then just lay down next to it and cuddle until it's just hugging me while i am being soothed to sleep
I love your art so so much keep it up
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kaythefloppa · 2 years
WK AU this, WK AU that, I want an IRL AU where we won't have to wait two years for a new season of Wild Kratts 🥰
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rawr-mortgage · 2 years
i’m so sad... i can’t transfer my twst data to a new phone cuz my tablet broke. even tho i wrote down my acc ID and password, it says the information is incorrect. worse of all, i didn’t get to link my gmail to the game on my old tablet cuz the app kept crashing whenever i tried. i wish there was some way to contact the devs about account retrieval :’<
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television-overload · 4 months
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rillils · 3 months
do you ever think abt how we couldve seen more of nomad steve
ohhh we were robbed, honey, in so many ways! imagine what we could have had!
- more footage of this man, luscious lovechild of hercules and adonis, most glorious chunk of deliciousness, sexy teddy bear man, the mane of a lion and the eyes of a puppy, mr Dirtied Up Good™, holy shield straps of sex, elected man with the sluttiest forearms of 2018 through 2024
- more of this Steve, who ain't playing dancing monkey for anyone anymore, who ain't asking for permission and/or forgiveness from anybody, who isn't taking anybody's shit, he just wants to fight for what he feels is right and he's not going to apologize for that, thank you very much
- his developing friendship with both Sam and Nat! them fighting like a unit! trusting each other, leaning on each other! learning more about each other! actually getting to know Steve, and his fun side, and his darker side, and his brooding side, and his silly side, and nagging him when they know he needs help but he's just too damn stubborn to ask for it
- the three of them trying to comfort each other, each in their own (sometimes clumsy/awkward) way when a mission goes wrong, learning random words from random languages from one another (especially swear words they might have picked up in their respective times abroad lol), watching old sitcoms in their downtime, laughing together, hell even crying together, sharing too little space for too long, complaining about each other's unwashed socks, and still falling asleep on top of each other
- the few times Sam got to call his parents from a safe location. can you imagine Steve talking on the phone with Mrs Wilson? scared at first that she'll tear him a new one for putting her son in so much danger and dragging him away from home? but her knowing all too well that nobody's ever been able to make Sam do something he didn't want to do, that this was his own decision? and she's not actually mad at Steve, she just wants to make sure that "all of you kids are alright"? can you imagine Steve holding back tears the first time he hears a mother's voice talking to him, reminding him to be careful, to stay safe, after so long without it? do you think I'm crying???? I AM
- actually EVERY SINGLE KIND OF INTERACTION WITH BUCKY, even when he's not there. Steve gazing longingly at a picture of Bucky, either physical or digital, that he makes sure to keep on him at all times. taking it out when he's lying awake at night, and everything's quiet except for Sam's snoring and the muffled sounds from the streets, and Steve thinks he saw Nat's eyes watching him in the dimness, but neither of them are going to say anything. he's just sitting in the dark, picture in hand, twirling some secret worry around in his head and missing Bucky so much it hurts. and those times (although he tries to keep these to a minimum) when he just can't help himself: he sneaks out of the room and calls Bucky, just to hear his voice. to listen to Bucky speak softly to him, his voice a little rough from sleep, but always so warm, so sweet for him. and Steve just leans his head back against the wall, and closes his eyes, and imagines he's curled up into Bucky's side, his head resting on Bucky's shoulder, with Bucky's fingers carding through his hair, and it's only then that he finds a little peace again
- all the videocalls with Bucky! the playful banter!! them arguing like an old married couple one moment, and exchanging the most besotted looks the next! Nat and Sam having to put up with all of their old-men-in-love shenanigans, and Steve never hearing the end of it lol
- Steve!! literally bounding out of the quinjet like an excited puppy when they visit his husband Bucky in Wakanda!!! overjoyed and not even bothering to hide it anymore after like the second or third time, 'cause everybody knows by now anyway!!
- all of them actually getting to rest for a while, and Steve enjoying his impromptu honeymoon with Bucky, savoring each day like it's both the first and the last of their life together, love sparkling in his eyes, happier than he's ever been before, finally free, ironically, now that he's an outlaw and a fugitive, and finding utmost delight in that knowledge
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starrynightsxo · 2 months
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me when he said the sickness can't also be the cure
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lilbeanz · 9 months
Sorry to be an annoying pest, but 'the Study of Muggles' has officially got a higher word count than 'the Horror of the Heir'
And we're still typing away, folks ✨️
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youre-ackermine · 12 days
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Original post on X (Twitter) // Artist account
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tomato-ace · 8 months
hey, you! yes you! *grabs you by the shoulders* during super star spectacle karen literally dies and hikari's response to that is to bawl her eyes out and be confused about karen's feelings towards her only to then describe THOSE EXACT SAME FEELINGS FROM HER SIDE TOWARD KAREN BUT WITH DIFFERENT WORDS AND THEN- AND THEN SHE'S LIKE "I'll send you another letter, okay?" (read: I'll give you fuel again) and I'll be waiting for you (on this stage)" LIKE WHAT THE HEL-
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