#Saigon Noodle
donnanelson · 2 months
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Seafood Salad - Saigon Noodle Salad When it's too hot to cook this summer, use some leftover grilled shrimp, rice noodles, vegetables, herbs, and homemade dressing for a Vietnamese-style salad.
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tinihoward · 10 months
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Saigon Noodle Salad Recipe This summer, make a Vietnamese-style salad with some leftover grilled shrimp, rice noodles, vegetables, herbs, and homemade dressing when it's too hot to cook.
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hellioncat · 10 months
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Saigon Noodle Salad This summer, make a Vietnamese-style salad with some leftover grilled shrimp, rice noodles, vegetables, herbs, and homemade dressing when it's too hot to cook. 3 tablespoons lime juice, 2 2/3 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro, 2 green onions thinly sliced, 1/4 cup water or more to taste, 3 tablespoons fish sauce, 1/2 English cucumber halved lengthwise and cut into thin slices, 1/2 cup coarsely chopped peanuts, 1/2 teaspoon Sriracha chile sauce, 2 cups thinly sliced Napa cabbage, 1.5 cups matchstick-cut carrots, 2 2/3 tablespoons chopped fresh mint, 1 teaspoon minced fresh ginger root, 8 ounces grilled shrimp, 2 2/3 tablespoons chopped fresh basil, 3 tablespoons brown sugar or more to taste, 1 package rice noodles, 1 clove garlic minced, 1 cup bean sprouts
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biplusco · 6 months
Viet-A-Porter - Street Vendor Part 2
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Hey there Simmers!
We're finally back with part 2 of our street vendor collection. This time, we're excited to introduce you to an everyday scene featuring one of Saigon's most iconic street foods - Hủ Tiếu. Accompanying this famous dish is the equally iconic Hủ Tiếu cart! But that's not all – from the trusty plastic stool to the expansive umbrella, we're striving to recreate the intimate and down-to-earth ambiance of everyday Vietnamese street life with this flavorful set:
All item is Base Game Compatible (BGC)
Hu Tieu Vendor Cart | 5 swatches
Morning Noodle Clutter | 5 swatches
Tiny Perch Stool | 5 swatches
Converti Seat Table | 5 swatches
Aqua Oasis | 1 swatch
Sun Guard Canopy | 10 swatches
Saigon's street cart culture may be easily overlooked, yet the perceptive gaze of a curious observer is all it takes to remind us once again why these carts are the foundation of our urban tapestry!
As always, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your continued support. We are incredibly grateful to have you on this journey with us!
📍Get the set now on PATREON (Public Release 13/01)
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@maxismatchccworld @maxismatchccworlds @sssvitlanss @coffee-cc-finds @coffee-houses-finds @lanaccfind @sssvitlanz
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two-red-lungs · 1 year
Pick Your Poison
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Content: Slow burn, stoner!Paul, he’s the Drugs Guy and I love him, unresolved tension, the Lost Boys are SO toxic
Word Count: 2.9k
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The neon sign in Saigon Soul’s window hummed, luminous and red, casting vermillion’s feather-soft hue across the rapidly cooling colors of the night. The last rays of the sun had faded less than an hour ago: but as soon as they did, like clockwork, your new favorite entertainment emerged. Just like he did every night. A reverse Cinderella.
Red looked good on Paul. It haloed his product-stiff blonde mane in a ruby glow and glittered like pomegranate seeds in a marching line down his gilded row of medallions. Turned his off-white eyes and teeth pink, too. He huffed, smacking his lips obnoxiously in an effort to puff away the heat of his extra-spicy beef noodle pho, flapping his hands about. The piles of bracelets on his wrists jangled.
“Fuck me, man. That’s good.” He said in his usual laid-back, loose tone after a gulp of iced tea from his flimsy paper cup. 
“Mmm.” You hummed and picked up a heavy shrimp spring roll with your chopsticks. Maybe it was the thick seaside summer air, or the heavenly deep-fried smells that wafted your way every time the narrow restaurant door opened, but the damn things smelled amazing. “Told ya. This place is a total hole in the wall but their food’s primo.”
“Uh-huh.” He sucked pepper oil off the pad of his thumb and scratched his stubbly cheek contemplatively. Even like this, reeking of sweat and looking like a cat got lost in his hair somewhere, he was so beautiful it was almost ridiculous. Damn those baby blues. “My man Dwayne’s gonna dig on this stuff. He’s one bona fide heat fiend. Eats the fuckin, the… the uh…” He snapped his fingers a few times, brows furrowed in utmost stupefied contemplation. “The little spoons, with the red powder on top, you know—”
“Tamarind candy?”
His face lit up like the sun. Jesus Christ. That smile was a flashbang, a dynamite stick, a stun baton. Made you go all stupid. “Yeah! Yeah, man, the tamarind candy! Gotta get him some of that stuff.”
You looked down at your paper plate of food and worried at the inside of your lip with your teeth. Somewhere down the street dance music was playing. Car lights ghosted over your and your dinnermate, lighting up the strangers that walked by on the sidewalk next to you. It was by all means a perfect night: balmy wind and the distant sound of the boardwalk rides on the air. But Paul bringing up his brother… it sent an uneasy sensation down your spine and you couldn’t quite pin down why. 
Paul had stumbled into your life three weeks ago, completely drunk on the beach. You’d been a good samaritan: held his hair back while he puked, tossed him a bottle of water while he reeled and slurred out that his brothers had dumped his ass for being too intoxicated. But the whole while, he grinned. Like he could enjoy anything. Like no matter what situation life put him in, he’d find some way to have fun. 
He sat by your little bonfire in the grassy dunes and you chatted. You showed him some of your stick-n-poke tats and he’d insisted on getting one himself. And (in a decidedly less good samaritan way) you’d given him one, india ink blackening your fingers and his inner arm skin cold under your fingers. And that’s how you’d gotten to know him, how you’d continued to know him over the last collection of days. Alone, just him. His weird, easily-distractible, impulsive, entertaining self. He mentioned he had three brothers, once or twice, and you took it in stride. 
Then you’d seen him with them. 
He was like an entirely different person. 
Across the sea of beach boardwalk heads you’d spotted him. But it didn’t feel like him. He sat lazily up on a railing surrounded by equally eccentric young men, and they watched the crowd like tigers. Like mad kings looking down on their kingdom. A beautiful young woman passed and they all jeered, whooping and whistling and clapping: even Paul. With an aggression and odd hunger in his eyes you’d never seen before. They all moved in tandem, like wolves, wordlessly communicating in a way that made your skin crawl. 
You left. 
Now he was Paul again tonight: just Paul, the Paul you knew and hoped to god was the real version. The guy who couldn’t talk and chew gum to save his life. The guy who declared a thumb war with you and proceeded to lose six times in a row. The guy who delighted in rocking the sky-glider that slowly trundled over the pier until you were shrieking and clinging to his coat.
Either way, real Paul or not, you were glad you’d yet to meet his family. 
The blonde stretched, yawned, and hopped out of his seat, digging a hand into his dingy riding pants pocket. When you moved to counter, pulling your wallet out of your bag, he uh-uhed you and flapped his own leather-bound one in your face. “Not a chance, girl. Paulie’s good for it.”
You raised your brows. As far as you knew, he was a surf bum with a penchant for partying. No way was he holding down a nine to five to pay for dinner. 
Paul scoffed at your look. “I got a freebie from a real charitable dude.” He flashed the corner of a hundred at you and stuck out his tongue with a smile before wrestling two fives out of his cash-thick wallet. 
“Uh-huh. Someone just… handed you what, looks like… six hundred bucks?”
“He didn’t need ‘em anymore.” Paul didn’t even watch his wallet fall, he just dropped it to the table, flattening the bills to presentability with his fingers. “Try not to miss me, ‘kay?” In a whirl of pungent sea salt and old-timey coattails he was inside the little eatery, the bell on the poster-covered door jingling. 
You idly scratched at the hem of his leather wallet with your thumb nail while you waited. Real charitable dude, huh? You weren’t stupid. Paul was a street fiend. Ran trades and exchanges from the pockets sewn inside his coat with practiced ease, like he was born to sell ditchweed and glass-cut coke to summer-break college students. No doubt that’s where the money came from. Hell, the way he was standing around with his brothers… you wouldn’t be surprised if they were his suppliers. 
Something crunched under the edge of your nail. You brought your thumb to your face. There was a line of red, deep and nearby brown, trapped between the keratin and your skin. Dirt, obviously. 
It was dirt. 
Had to be dirt.
Like a category three hurricane, Paul was back, and before you knew it you were on your feet and moseying down the bustling town avenue. One of his long, lithe arms was draped almost crushingly over your shoulder, holding you to his side. He jingled with every footfall. Golden strands of hair blustered in the corner of your vision and you felt his ribs, pressed against your side, swell and contract with a contented sigh.
Two could play at that overconfident, wild-child game. With a little effort you extracted a pinned arm and shoved it under his coat, grabbing his waist over his mesh top and holding him much in the same way he held you as you jaunted down the avenue. He threw his head back and laughed, his stride never wavering. 
“You kinda got guts, girl.” He cackled into the coastal breeze. 
“So, Paulie.” You ignored his needling, crossing the crosswalk and ambling past seemingly endless pizzerias and cinemas and smoke shops. “Level with your good, kind, very honest and transparent friend. How many acid tabs did you sling to get that sorta funding?”
Paule shook your shoulder with a strong hand. “Wasn’t lyin’ to you, c’mon. I really did get that green for free.” The walk sign nearby turned from stop to go and you crossed another street. “Me and my brothers, we got ways, y’know? Not gonna be strapped for cash any time soon.”
Sometimes, when Paul looked at you just right, you thought your damn heart was gonna beat out of your chest. Like he saw right through the bullshit into your soul. But other times, times like now, you realized just how little you actually knew the guy. 
“I got ‘bout an hour before I gotta jet, girl.” Paul started talking again and you blinked: you’d arrived in front of the bulb-studded Casino Arcade arched entrance at the boardwalk without even noticing it. When you looked up at him, he was already looking down at you, eyes crinkled in kiddish mischief. “You down for a puff ‘n play?”
“Just an hour?” You mockingly pouted, extracting yourself from him and crossing your arms broodingly in the small ever-flowing crowd of young adults going in and out of the noisy arcade. “Geez, Paul. What am I, a time-killer till you can go have real fun?”
He laughed and there was a bark to it. “If you could handle real fun I’d take you with me.” A little of his usual spaced-out bliss receded. “But I, uh. Don’t really think the guys would appreciate a plus one at our… parties.”
“Wow.” You deadpanned. “Not vague and condescending at all.” With a conceding huff you punched his shoulder playfully, making his body rock like an inflatable car-sale mascot. “Fine, blondie. I’m game.” Paul was grinning from ear to ear and dragged you by the sleeve off to the underside of the pier, fishing around in his inside pockets. “But none of that skunkweed, you hear me? And if I kick your butt at Speedway again you gotta gimme your ring like you promised last time!”
He stopped short so quickly you nearly collided with his tall, narrow back. Paul whirled around. “Yeah? What do I get if I win?”
You were very acutely aware of how close he was standing, nearly chest-to-chest, and how the shadow-painted back side of the arcade by the barnacle-stippled pier was much less crowded than the arcade. You swallowed and his sharp, playful gaze tracked the motion of your throat reflexively. “It’s— augh, um— mystery prize. Can’t tell you what it is till you win. Which you won’t.”
He was silent for a few seconds, sucking on the inside of his cheek. Thinking. Then he grinned. “Alright.” He flicked a lighter across his knuckles and pressed the button down. The little firelight flickered wildly in the turbulent air. “Let’s get toasted.”
Sitting down in the shadow-dark sand between the pier legs, watching him roll a joint right then and there on his narrow knee, you reeled. Sometimes you really couldn’t tell what his deal was. Were you a time-killer? A listening ear? A friend? The way he looked at you, sometimes— it didn’t feel friendly.
If it was good or bad, though… the jury was still out on that one. 
So. It wasn’t skunkweed.
It was nice and palatable and bright. Absolutely top-shelf stuff he was handing out to you pro-bono. The world was a delicious blur: arcade lights were multihued and the speaker music was pop-y and completely grooveable. Your skin prickled in the hot interior air: fabric just felt better after a few puffs. And god, Paul was the funniest, weirdest, most oddly endearing beanstalk of a man when he was on the stuff. 
He had his forehead pressed so hard to the claw machine it was going to leave a red halo: he beat the side with his fist and howled in breathy, entertained frustration when the wimpy claw let the neon green monkey plush slip from its grasp under your careful joystick management. “Ahh, you dropped it again! Unbelievable!”
“It’s not exactly made to be easy, doofus! I’d like to see you try.” You half-chuckled, half-grumbled, feeding the hungry quarter slot more change. You missed the slot a few times before you succeeded. 
Paul reeled back and rounded the machine like a big cat, waving jingly arms. “You’re an amateur, girl. Let a pro show ya how it’s done.” 
You assumed he’d push you out of the way: god knows he'd done it before. But no, of course now he decided to act exactly like the Paul you’d come to know. He pressed up behind you, chin tickling the crown of your head, and put a hand over yours on the joystick when the machine popped back to life, revitalized by the loose change. It chirped out a happy eight-bit tune and Paul hummed along to it, guiding the claw around and back. His fingers were cool over yours. You could feel his belt buckle biting into your back over your shirt. 
You held very, very still, mouth pressed into a thin line. He jammed the drop button. The claw lowered, clamped over the green monkey, and hauled it over to the prize chute. It dropped it without a hitch: the plush clunked into the deposit receptacle.
Paul’s mouth was behind your ear, cold breath on the shell of it. “See? Pro.”
Then he was gone, crouching like an animal by the chute and wrestling the monkey free, and god you were reeling again: collecting your very high nerves with hands still clutching the sweating joystick plastic. 
“What’s my prize?”
Paul doubled down, resting his weight against the Blasteroids arcade machine and wiggling the monkey at you. “I won. What’s my mystery prize, hmm?”
You collected yourself enough, finally. At least enough to scoff dismissively. “Please, I basically wiped the floor with you in Speedway and Super Mario—”
“You can’t argue with evidence, girl.” When you lunged to snatch the green ‘evidence’ out of his grip he reached upwards with it, holding it over your head mockingly, a cheshire smile on his face. “Cough it up. I want my prize.”
You jumped for the monkey and it went even higher. Grumbling and hopping and face starting to grow very flushed with an ‘I don’t have a fucking mystery prize’ panic, you rambled and cajoled at him, flipping between wheedling and threatening. It took you about fifteen seconds to realize he was no longer staring down at you, but rather over your head. 
“Paul.” A laid-back, low male voice said evenly from behind you. 
An icy knot formed in your stomach. You turned, slow as a glacier, and yep, it was exactly what you thought it was. Two of the brothers you’d spied the blonde hanging out with before. The tall, dark, and brooding one, and the peroxide-spiked trench coat model.
The latter lifted his eyebrows at you when he caught you staring. A tight, cold smile graced his lips for a moment before he turned his cutting gaze back to his brother. “Thought we all agreed to be at the statue by ten. We missed you.” His eyes slide back to you. “Who’s your friend?”
You stood as tall as you could in the given circumstances, feeling rather like a park ranger making himself as big as possible to frighten off a bear. An introduction was on the tip of your tongue. It got knocked off of it when Paul abruptly elbowed past you, shoulder-checking you hard enough to offset your balance. When he stood by his brothers, he looked exactly in place. Like he was meant to be there. 
He glanced down his nose at you. There was a different sort of smile on his face. An insider smile. One you didn’t feel like was for you. “Just some chick, David. Y’know how it is. Where’s Marko?”
“Scoping out dinner. Probably waiting on us, now.”
“Shit man, then let’s go!” Paul crowed, snapping his fingers and grinning, tongue trapped between his teeth. “I’m starvin’.”
The whole while they talked, the tall, dark-haired one watched you with crossed arms. Taking in the way your face shifted, the confused, hurt pinch in your brow. The pac-man machine illuminated half his face, like a skull of amber-yellow. You caught his eye. The intensity of his gaze forced yours down to the multicolored carpet. 
“After you.” David gestured broadly with a gloved hand towards the arcade entrance, and Paul flounced towards it without so much as a goodbye or a sparing glance in your direction, even after an entire evening together. David looked at the dark-haired one. “Dwayne. Time to roll.”
A long-drawn out pause. You refused to look up. 
“...Comin’.” Dwayne eventually said. The trio disappeared between arcade machines, tops of their heads barely visible, then vanished into the crowded Santa Carla night. 
The green monkey was abandoned on the floor, limbs splayed. You picked it up, its glassy plastic eyes blankly reflecting the arcade lights. Like it was mocking you for being there, alone, after that. 
“Fucking asshole.” You breathed in disbelief to yourself. Far more hurt than you thought you’d be. You’d hung out with him for what, six days, tops? Were you even friends? Was he not just some nighttime stranger, a weirdo who emerged from the woodwork to show you a good time once in a while? Paul was good. Paul was fun. He was a fat blunt and a shot of tequila and a roller-coaster ride all wrapped up into one person. 
You’d picked him as your poison of preference. It was a good poison. Now you were starting to wonder if you’d picked wrong. 
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joy2paris · 8 months
Paris To Do List!
- l’arc paris (jorja and burna went) - can’t go if you’re short apparently
- silencio 2nd (kaytranada did a set)
- pamela - disco. not as picky with who they let in but go on a thursday as more relaxed
- carmen
- wanderlust
- aquarium de paris cinéaqua
- la machine du moulin rouge
- JAZZ - caveau de la huchette (€10 entry)
- humeur exotique club
- raspoutine
- madeline
- bridge
- supersonic (indie vibes)
- the pop up (bar and concert venue with a free jazz night every tues by gare de lyon)
- palais de tokyo (izzybozzy did a set there)
- Pachamama (latin american bougie) also mainstream, cash only but bouncers can be weird
- le tres particulier 18th
- la pelle
- saint gervais
- le progrès
- bar griffon
- no entry - speakeasy in the basement
- lavomatic
- le syndicat (on same studio road)
- chez prune: next to canal st martin (11/10 from nimue)
- la cidrerie du canal
- the cork and cavern (have pub quizzes every tuesday)
- le nouvel institut (fun student bar 5e and open till late)
- l’orée du parc (5e and recommends any of the spritz)
- au clair du lune (nice cocktail bar with happy hour)
- le balto (6e, great happy hour and vibes, right by christine cinema)
- ruprances - in le marie, lots of young people (louis)
- la perle
- la flèche d’or (kaytranada inspired night)
- Le pavillon des canaux - old house that has been turned into a bar/working space
- la cafe d’église near 10e
- sky drinks thing (vanessa)
- fanzone - place de la concorde. rugby match
- Benedict - eggs (4e)
- big mama
- bistrot victoires
- kintaro opéra
- chez janou
- le bonaparte
- Jah Jah Paris
- Zinga
- super smash burgers paris
- pho tai - 13 rue philibert lucot 75013
- big black cook
- passage à niveau
- le petit bouillon pharamond (1e)‼️
- le jardin du petit palais
- walyfey
- cook n saj
- flottes
- candide in belleville
- Shana/shosh (2e)
- Chateau voltaire
- mouffetard saigon - most incredible food nimue has ever had in paris
- amagat
- chambre noire studio
- gros bao - amazing chinese/pan asian restaurant next to canal
- bouillon pigalle/république - best cheap french restaurant. good for cheap birthday meal: €15 for starter, main, glass of wine or alternatively their 3 litre bottle of wine to share
Cafes/Food spaces:
- le mazarin
- le mansart
- le très particulier
- chez meunier
- café saint honoré
- SAFE (sunday, work space) near Amar
- espeletia
- 45 rue olivier de serres 75015 paris
- carré pain de mie
- cafe bogata
- a fole
- le carre voltaire
- carette, place du trocadéro (viral place w hot chocs)
- belleville market
- arabica coffee at beau passage courtyard
- oliera paris
- sonny’s pizza
- galerie paradis
- recto verso
- benchy
- café berry
- the coffee
- bar principal
- brasserie martin
- onii-san
- cafe charlot
- poilane bakery
- asian/japanese next to opera
- rue santan - known for asian food
- mouffetard - best road in all of paris: right by sorbonne/pantheon/ENS. filled with cheap takeaway places and cute bars
- Le Cèdre - great falafel wrap
- chez nicos - best crepes. good for a night out and open until 3
- trantranzai - yummy noodle chain, one right by pantheon
- nomas tacos - 2ere
- bobs bake shop - 18ere, english speaking
- bonjour jacob
- 207 rue du faubourg
- dumbo paris
- gramme (11e)
- Princess cafe (10e)
- boulangerie de quatre
- le pain retrouve
Cafes to work in:
- cafe husby
- cafe nuage
- l’anti-cafe
- maison fleuret
- la marelle 2nd - go upstairs
- come on eileen
- Nuovo (quite middle aged vibes)
- villa cœur
- bobbv
- acid violette
- merci
- at dawn
- relique
- louise gift shop
- puces de vanves
- puces de montreuil
- ^ best flea markets in my friend who has recommended me this’s life: enormous and so cheap and better than the central paris ones)
- life drawing in montmartre (class every sunday in a cafe, spenny but lovely vibes, coffee after, discussion, v social. go w a friend and then go to au claire de lune after)
- OFR Paris - magazine shop (3e)
- 8 cité d’antin 75009 paris
- bouliner les halles -
- freepstar
- la pharmacie des âmes - book store
- yvon lambert
- palais galliera 16th
- mad paris
- sis rue du pas de la mule july
- lacrapule
- 59 rivoli
- fondation h (closed sun, mon)
- YSL museum
- louvre
- tokyo palace
- LV foundation
- rodin museum
- musée de l’orangerie
- pino
- galerie angalia paris 3 - congolaise
- musée de quai branley
- albercon museum and gardens
- south side of siene - shakespeare book company english language
- abbey book store
- perrotin
- pompidou
- Galeries La Fayette
- Bourse de commerce - Pinault collection
- le sentier - beautiful passages
- montmartre
- the latin quartier
- place des vosges - marais
- PARK - parc de buttes chaumont (best park in all of paris, go at sunset with some beers)
- 9th - good vibes (louis)
- 18th, 6th, 7th nice
- 16th and 8th to avoid
- giverny (monets gardens)
- jardin lazare-rachline
- montparnasse cemetery - rue Daguerre nearby
- canal st martin + chez prune drink
- montparnasse for drinks
- sénat - palais du Luxembourg
- Place where you can see people dancing
- @moviesinparis
- UGC les halles
- MK2
- christine cinema (6e, show lord of old english language films, do student discussions too)
- the filmothèque (best cinema in 5e, showing old 35mm films)
- la librarie du cinéma du panthéon
- la cinémathèque française - museum dedicated to history of cinema, masterclasses, special screenings
- le forum des images - debates, master classes, exhibitions related to cinemas
- l’arlequin- special screenings and cinema club
- cinema en plein air de l’hôtel paradiso screenings on the rooftop
- On rue Champollion - queue outside cinemas for tickets - you won’t be assigned a seat
- Le reflet Medicis
- La filmothèque (€5 tickets) - shows lots of older films
- Le champ - best programming - usually does all nighters
- Le grand action - shows new releases and English films in a cool cinema
- Lost in Frenchlation - works with cinemas around the city to put on French films with English subtitles! Reccommended at sorbonne nouvelle so lots of students go to meet people
- L’épée de bois
- BNF - national library and €15 for national student pass. access to all their reading rooms. lovely cafe
- eiffel tower
- 21st JUNE la fête de la music
- Arts et mètiers
- saint german des près
- sacré cœur
- banlieue blues
- la villette jazz festival
- le popup du label
- le compte “movies in paris” on IG
- @miaousb
- @bishopnast
- @vsaulz
- @monsieurbonheur
- Pigale (la fete)
- châtelet
- 99 ginger Bercy
- poissonière
- colonel fabien
- billard nation
- bi urban pop play game @mr.glo_ tiktok
- picnic by eiffel at port du belli (mia in france)
- bateaux mouches (1hr seine cruise, €15)
- disney land
- petit palais
- père lachaise
- journée de patrimoine
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alexracheltravel · 1 year
Ho Ho Ho! Ho Chi Minh City!
At 5:00 am, it was time to leave Hanoi. We left early for a flight heading down the country to Ho Chi Minh City, formerly known as Saigon. Our flight was easy. And we had a car pickup ready to take us into Vietnam's largest city.
We weren't sure what to expect. Would it be dirty and run down? Old-style like part of Hanoi? Or modern like Tokyo? We discovered it was somewhere in the middle. We rode alongside some gorgeous parks, long roads, craned necks high at skyscrapers.
We stayed at an upscale neighborhood called Dong Khoi beside the Saigon River. The Myst Hotel was fancy! It had a restaurant, rooftop infinity pool, and beautiful decour, merging modern and classic styles. Our room wasn't quite ready when we arrived, so we walked around the corner for a bowl of pho. That makes at least one bowl per day on this trip! Pho is the best, and this one has great noodles, and a more flavorful broth than other days.
But since we had such an early flight, we were exhausted and our settling in turned into a power nap, and before we knew it, it was lunchtime. There was a banh mi spot not far from the hotel, so we went right there.
When the line for food stretches out onto the street, you know it's gonna be good. Luckily, it moved fast. The shop has been open for over thirty years and sold one type of banh mi, layered with pork, cooked in multiple ways. You layer the chili and pickled veggies on yourself. We split one, but others were ordering as many as they could carry.
We hit the Ben Tranh Market - where we were accosted to buy one of everything. Haggling is hard and we likely overpaid for some Nike Dunks that were probably fake as well as ordering a professor-style suit. We were successful at getting a three for two deal on some shirts, however, so maybe we're getting better.
We went back to the hotel because every day there's a complimentary "high tea" buffet. In addition to tea or coffee, we also munched on snacks: bao, cakes, and more.
Still exhausted and sore from yesterday, we soaked in the jacuzzi in our hotel room. What do bath salts do? We put some in and felt no different.
Dinner was Quan Bui - a change of pace. It wasa sit-down restaurant with an enormous menu and a wide variety of Vietnamese dishes. While we usually have been going to restaurants with one dish, this one had multiple. We ordered flavorful lemongrass and chili chicken, and pork in a caramel fish sauce.
Afterwards we grabbed drinks at Heart of Darkness - an expat bar that indulged in the xenophobic fantasies that poor readers assume of Joseph Conrad and the film Apocalypse Now. These weren't heroes meant to idolize. Although the beer did taste good.
Off to bed. Early rising has been sort of our thing. We're off on yet another excursion to a little place called Ben Tre.
Total distance walked: six miles.
Rachel: Alex, how was your first day in honchi minh city?
Alex: Really good, I can understand why people travel to this city and never go home. The only reason my college friend went home was the pandemic. It's a real international city, you see people from everywhere.
Rachel: and cuisine from around the world too! We've seen a ton of restaurants from Japan, Singapore, China, France, Korea, we even saw gelato! This city to me feels a bit like Tokyo in that sense.
Alex: as we drove into the city, the wide roads, wind alongside parks and gave me California vibes.
Rachel: the moral of the story is this city feels very familiar and excitingly new all at once.
Alex: I agree! And we probably had the best meals so far while we were here. Bahn mi is the number one thing we've eaten so far!
Rachel: I totally agree, tell the people about this bahn mi!
Alex: Alright, imagine, a pig that was crushed by one of those hydrologic presses, remove the skeleton, and of course cook it, so you have a mixture of different parks of the pig: butt, belly, skin and shredded, chopper, and pate. Loaded on top are veggies, pickles, and all on a soft baguette.
Rachel: And don't forget that mayo! I think there is a very real possibility that may was made with pork fat.
Alex: all for the low price of 60,000 vnd. $3!
Rachel: Less than $3!
Alex: Less than $3.
Rachel: not to mention you and I split that sandwich and were very full afterwards.
Alex: you know what restaurant gave me similar vibes than that place? La Taq in SF. You stick your head in and watch the magic happen.
Rachel: It was also great to just walk around a little. My legs are still sore from the last few days. But it felt great to have the last few days a mix of exploring and relaxing.
Alex: So, you ready to explore tomorrow?
Rachel: Yeah! Sad to leave the city so soon after we arrived, but excited to go down into the Mekong Delta.
Alex: I hope you like coconuts. That's foreshadowing.
Rachel: But we cannot finish this day without talking about our hotel.
Alex: It's a mix of elegance and hipster chic.
Rachel: With a throwback to Saigon past.
Alex: I love how the concierge explained that to us. The halls and rooms were modeled after Saigon alleys and with old wooden decour. I mean the amenities are great, the price is reasonable, but it's the style and ambiance that really feels like it reflects our wants for this trip.
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Rachel: I already posted some pictures. Go ahead check it out. Although even the pictures don't do it justice.
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zip001 · 2 years
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we had a fun time at alexandria, va. we enjoyed the yummy vietnamese food at sunday in saigon, the sister restaurant to the more casual caphe banh mi also in alexandria. we decided to do some street food (cha ram (shrimp & pork fried eggroll which is not pictured as we devoured if like slobbering wildebeests), nam nuong (pork spring roll with pork and peanut sauce), banh knot (only one shown as we inhaled the other six yummy morsels, sort of like a vietnamese mini crepe), a bun xao xa (rice noodle, fresh and pickled veggies and lemongrass grilled beef with nuoc mam). what i love is the fresh herbs and the plentiful veggies. so good tasting and food for you too!!! we also walked a bit to fresh baguette and picked up some loot (petit beurre butter cookies/crackers, baguette, croissant (original and almond), as well as the village crogel (chicken, arugula, tomato on a croissant shaped like a bagel)) as well as rested leisurely on a lovely bench. my sis felt so french with a baguette in her tote bag. there were many cute shops too!
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thedigirealm · 13 days
Best Places to Visit in Vietnam
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Embark on an unforgettable adventure to Vietnam, a Southeast Asian nation where captivating landscapes seamlessly blend with a rich cultural tapestry and an irresistible culinary scene. From the emerald rice terraces sculpted into the mountainsides to the turquoise waters of Ha long Bay dotted with limestone pillars, Vietnam offers a kaleidoscope of experiences for every traveler. This comprehensive guide unveils the best places to visit in Vietnam, ensuring you discover hidden gems and iconic landmarks alike. As your taste buds embark on a parallel journey, we'll delve into the heart of Vietnamese cuisine, introducing you to the nation's most delectable dishes and the vibrant cities where you can savor them.
Northern Vietnam: A Tapestry of History, Mountains, and Bustling Cities
Hanoi, Vietnam's energetic capital, serves as a perfect introduction to the country's vibrant spirit. Explore the bustling Old Quarter, a maze of narrow streets lined with shops overflowing with traditional crafts and local delicacies. Immerse yourself in history at the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum, a poignant reminder of the nation's revolutionary past. Take a stroll around the serene Hoan Kiem Lake, a haven of tranquility amidst the city's energy.
A short journey from Hanoi lies Sapa, a breathtaking mountain town nestled amidst breathtaking rice terraces. Hike through emerald valleys dotted with traditional villages, encountering ethnic minority communities who have inhabited these lands for generations. Witness the sunrise paint the rice terraces in a golden glow, a sight guaranteed to leave you spellbound.
Venture further north to Halong Bay, a UNESCO World Heritage Site adorned with thousands of dramatic limestone pillars rising from the emerald waters. Cruise through this awe-inspiring seascape, exploring hidden grottoes and marveling at the majestic rock formations. Kayak amidst the towering pillars, creating memories that will last a lifetime.
Central Vietnam: Ancient Cities, Picturesque Beaches, and Imperial Splendor
Hue, Vietnam's former imperial capital, boasts a rich cultural heritage reflected in its magnificent Citadel and the Forbidden Purple City. Explore the serene grounds of the tombs of past emperors, each a testament to the artistry and grandeur of the Nguyen Dynasty. Hue is also a haven for foodies, offering the region's signature dish, Bun Bo Hue, a spicy noodle soup bursting with flavor.
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Hoi An, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, dazzles with its charming old town. Explore the colorful Japanese Covered Bridge, a symbol of the town's historical trade links. Wander along narrow streets lined with tailor shops and art galleries, picking up unique souvenirs. In the evening, lose yourself in the magic of Hoi An as the town transforms into a sea of lanterns, casting a warm, enchanting glow. Savor the delights of Hoi An cuisine, including Cao Lau, a noodle dish with a unique texture, and White Rose dumplings, a delicate treat filled with savory pork.
Venture further south to Da Nang, a coastal city offering pristine beaches and exciting activities. Relax on the white sands of My Khe Beach, indulge in thrilling water sports, or embark on a scenic hike up Marble Mountain, a cluster of five marble and limestone outcrops. From Da Nang, a short journey takes you to Ba Na Hills, a hill station boasting French colonial architecture, a whimsical Golden Bridge held aloft by giant hands, and breathtaking panoramic views.
Southern Vietnam: Bustling Cities, Lush Deltas, and Idyllic Beaches
Ho Chi Minh City, formerly Saigon, pulsates with energy. Explore the Notre Dame Cathedral and the Central Post Office, architectural remnants of French colonial influence. Immerse yourself in the city's vibrant street food scene, savoring Banh Mi, a crusty baguette filled with savory meats and pickled vegetables, and Com Tam, a broken rice dish with grilled pork and a fried egg. Delve into the city's wartime past with a visit to the Cu Chi Tunnels, a network of underground passages used by Viet Cong soldiers during the Vietnam War.
Escape the urban buzz and cruise through the Mekong Delta, a labyrinth of waterways fringed by lush rice paddies and verdant orchards. Explore floating markets overflowing with fresh produce and local crafts. Get a glimpse into the lives of the Mekong Delta people as they navigate the waterways in their traditional boats.
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Southern Vietnam (continued):
Further south lies Phu Quoc Island, a tropical paradise boasting pristine beaches, turquoise waters, and vibrant coral reefs. Hike through lush rainforests, snorkel amidst colorful marine life, or simply relax on the hammock strung between swaying palm trees. Indulge in fresh seafood dishes specific to the region, like Goi Ca Tron (banana blossom salad with fish) and Canh Chua Ca Loc (sour soup with snakehead fish).
Food Adventures for the Soul: A Culinary Journey Through Vietnam
As you explore Vietnam's diverse landscapes, embark on a parallel adventure through its captivating cuisine. Vietnamese food is a symphony of fresh flavors and textures, influenced by its neighbors and its own unique history.
Northern Vietnam:
Pho: This iconic noodle soup, a national treasure, features a flavorful broth simmered for hours with fragrant spices, rice noodles, and thinly sliced meat (usually beef or chicken).
Bun Cha: A dish originating in Hanoi, Bun Cha features grilled pork patties served with vermicelli noodles, fresh herbs, and a sweet and savory dipping sauce.
Bun Bo Hue: Hue's signature dish, this spicy noodle soup boasts a rich broth flavored with lemongrass, shrimp paste, and various cuts of beef.
Central Vietnam:
Cao Lau: Hoi An's signature dish, Cao Lau features thick rice noodles with pork, crispy croutons, fresh herbs, and a unique broth made with water filtered through a well containing Cham moss.
White Rose Dumplings: These delicate steamed dumplings resemble white roses with their translucent rice flour wrappers and savory pork filling.
Mi Quang: A specialty of Quang Nam province, Mi Quang features turmeric-dyed rice noodles served with various toppings like pork, shrimp, or vegetables.
Southern Vietnam:
Banh Mi: This ubiquitous street food staple features a crusty baguette filled with savory meats (typically pork or pate), pickled vegetables, fresh herbs, and a creamy spread.
Com Tam: A comforting broken rice dish, Com Tam features fragrant rice served with grilled pork, a fried egg, pickled vegetables, and a savory fish sauce.
Goi Cuon: Fresh spring rolls, a healthy and flavorful appetizer, feature rice paper wrappers filled with a variety of ingredients like shrimp, pork, vegetables, and vermicelli noodles, dipped in a peanut sauce.
Beyond the Plate: Culinary Experiences in Vietnam
Vietnam offers a wealth of culinary experiences beyond its delicious dishes. Take a cooking class and learn the secrets of Vietnamese cuisine from a local expert. Visit bustling night markets, where vendors offer an array of street food delights. Enjoy a traditional Vietnamese coffee, strong and brewed with a unique metal filter.
Vietnam is a destination that caters to all types of travelers, from history buffs and nature enthusiasts to foodies and beach lovers. With its diverse landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and mouthwatering cuisine, Vietnam promises an unforgettable adventure.
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travelproguide · 20 days
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Winter in Vietnam is a magical time of year, when the cool weather brings relief from the sweltering heat of the summer months. From the bustling streets of Hanoi to the serene beauty of Ha Long Bay, there is no shortage of things to see and do in this vibrant country during the winter season.
One of the most popular destinations for winter travelers in Vietnam is Sapa, a picturesque town nestled in the mountains of the northern region. Known for its stunning rice terraces and vibrant hill tribe culture, Sapa is a must-visit for anyone looking to experience the beauty of Vietnam's countryside. In the winter months, the town is blanketed in a layer of mist, creating a dreamy and ethereal atmosphere that is truly unforgettable.
For those looking to escape the cold, the central region of Vietnam offers a warm and sunny respite. The ancient town of Hoi An, with its charming lantern-lit streets and historic architecture, is a popular destination for winter travelers. Visitors can explore the town's many temples and pagodas, sample delicious local cuisine, or simply relax on the beautiful beaches of nearby An Bang or Cua Dai.
In the south, the bustling city of Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon) is a vibrant and exciting destination for winter travelers. From the historic Cu Chi Tunnels to the bustling Ben Thanh Market, there is no shortage of things to see and do in this dynamic city. Visitors can also take a day trip to the nearby Mekong Delta, where they can explore floating markets, lush rice paddies, and traditional villages.
One of the highlights of winter in Vietnam is the Tet holiday, the country's most important festival. Celebrated in late January or early February, Tet marks the beginning of the lunar new year and is a time for families to come together, honor their ancestors, and welcome the coming year with hope and optimism. During Tet, the streets are filled with colorful decorations, traditional music, and delicious food, making it a truly festive and joyous time to visit Vietnam.
For outdoor enthusiasts, winter in Vietnam offers a wealth of opportunities for adventure. From trekking in the mountains of Sapa to kayaking in the waters of Ha Long Bay, there are countless ways to explore the natural beauty of this diverse country. Visitors can also take a cruise along the Mekong River, hike through the lush jungles of Cat Tien National Park, or relax on the pristine beaches of Phu Quoc Island.
Food lovers will also find plenty to enjoy in Vietnam during the winter months. From steaming bowls of pho (noodle soup) to crispy banh xeo (sizzling pancakes), the country's cuisine is a delicious blend of flavors and textures that is sure to delight the taste buds. Visitors can sample street food in Hanoi's bustling Old Quarter, dine on fresh seafood in the coastal town of Nha Trang, or savor a bowl of bun bo Hue (spicy beef noodle soup) in the ancient city of Hue.
No matter where you choose to visit in Vietnam during the winter season, one thing is certain: you will be greeted with warm hospitality and a sense of adventure that is truly unique to this captivating country. Whether you are exploring the ancient temples of My Son, shopping for souvenirs in the markets of Hoi An, or simply relaxing on the beaches of Phu Quoc, Vietnam is a destination that is sure to leave a lasting impression on all who visit.
So why not pack your bags and head to Vietnam this winter? With its stunning landscapes, rich culture, and delicious cuisine, there is no better time to experience all that this incredible country has to offer. Whether you are seeking adventure, relaxation, or simply a new and exciting experience, Vietnam is sure to exceed your expectations and leave you with memories that will last a lifetime.
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arallen14 · 26 days
China Halal Food Market | AR Allen
Food vlogs Food vlog Food vlogs video Food vlog Food china halal food china halal food market guangzhou china halal food shenzhen china halal food xi'an china halal food halal food in shanghai china halal food in beijing china china southern airlines halal food chinese halal food in china how to find halal food in china halal food in chongqing china chinese halal food chinese halal food recipes china muslim food street china muslim food market hindi china muslim food market chinese food halal jakarta halal chinese food london halal chinese food malaysia halal chinese food singapore china halal street food halal chinese food birmingham chinese food halal bandung best halal food in china beijing halal food halal chinese food in china china muslim city food china muslim food eating mosque halal food muslim street in xi'an china ep 3 halal food in hangzhou china halal food in china halal food in beijing chinese muslim food in china halal food in guangzhou china halal food in shenzhen china muslim halal food in china halal food in xiamen china jeju halal food halal restaurant in china halal chinese food kuala lumpur makanan halal di shanghai halal food china mac halal chinese food penang food ranger china halal
chinese halal food street halal chinese cuisine sekinchan chinese food halal surabaya chinese halal restaurant toronto chinatown halal food the food ranger china halal halal chinese food uk china muslim wedding food wuhan halal food halal chinese food new york halal noodles in china halal food in shanghai halal foods in china asian food market food market near me whole food market food market international food market the food market asian food market near me the food market columbia world food market hung vuong food market sea food market organic food market global food market kings food market supremo food market of pennsauken whole food market near me saigon summer night street food market clearwater photos asia food market wat thai temple food market food market columbia la food market international food market near me hong kong food market the food market menu fresh food market european food market food market los angeles sea food market san diego family food market london food market philadelphia food market busch's fresh food market sara's mediterranean food market photos food market columbia md the food market columbia menu halal food market chelsea food market lowes food market whole food market phoenix az food market nyc toledo food market los angeles food market food market london international food market & cafe photos whole food market portland or chinese food market near me adam food market franklin food market boston food market oriental food market
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umichenginabroad · 1 month
Visiting Vietnam Part 2 (Week 17)
With one day left in the Hanoi area, we scheduled a day tour to Ninh Binh where we biked around rice fields surrounded by mountains, took a boat trip down a river in Tam Coc which went through three different caves, climbed up steps to Lying Dragon Mountain, and visited Dinh King temple. The various mini-adventures were all stunning, but it was hard for me to properly appreciate them after spending three days in the most beautiful environment I’ve ever laid eyes on. The intensely hot and humid weather (which wasn’t a problem in the mountains of Ha Giang) didn’t help either. Just a few minutes of walking outside was followed by sweat and dehydration. If anything, this weather encouraged us to always have a smoothie or juice of some sort in our hands. For $1-2, the drink options are endless and we sure took advantage. Once we returned to Hanoi, we quickly made our way to the airport and flew to Ho Chi Minh City where we were spending the next two days.
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^ The view from Lying Dragon Mountain
Our first day in Ho Chi Minh City, formerly Saigon, was spent exploring the city and doing a food tour in which we once again rode on motorbikes, but this time in the city. Let me tell you, being on the back of a motorbike in a Vietnamese city is not for the faint of heart. Bikes and cars are constantly appearing out of nowhere and are often on a collision course with you until the very last second. The stream of vehicles never stops — not for pedestrians, not for other vehicles, sometimes not even for an ambulance. A perk of the food tour was that our three drivers were young university students who knew a good bit of English, so we could finally ask questions about their lives and experiences as well as Vietnamese culture. The other highlight was the food. I had the guides help me make a list of all the foods we tried:
Bun bo hue - spicy noodles soup
Banh xeo - Vietnamese pancake/crepe eaten in lettuce wraps with shrimp, bean sprouts, and a variety of leaves including basil and mint. It is dipped in a sweat sauce. (This was a personal favorite)
Dim sum
Banh mi - Vietnamese sandwich
Banh trang nuong - Vietnamese pizza
Bo lui xa - grill beef and lemongrass
Kumquat & sugarcane iced tea (personal favorite)
Coffee Banh flan - flan cake (personal favorite)
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^ Banh Xeo - A very yummy dish which requires skilled rolling to produce.
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^ Banh flan - literally the best flan I’ve ever had over a bed of crushed ice and coffee.
It goes without saying that we left that food tour with happy stomachs and a strong desire for a nap. Later that day we did some shopping! It turns out that Vietnam has endless stalls of knock-off (but very high quality) backpacks, bags, clothing, and so much more. We were particularly eager to buy backpacks and fanny packs which were significantly cheaper than normal prices. As crazy as it may sound, over those two days in Ho Chi Minh, the three of us bought 13 bags/backpacks for us and our friends/family in addition to other clothing, coats, and souvenirs. To this day I will never know how I managed to bring everything I bought back to Sydney in addition to my already full backpack and one-weeks-worth of clothes. I do always love a packing challenge!
With one day left in Ho Chi Minh, we had to take a tour of the Cu Chi Tunnels not too far away. These tunnels were the site of many battles between American forces and the Vietcong during the Vietnam war. In addition to getting to see several traps used by the Vietcong and learning about how the Vietcong formed (and survived in) the tunnel system, we got to walk 100m in the tunnels ourselves! Walking so far crouched over in a tunnel with a height of 1.5 meters was not easy, so you can imagine our shock when we got out and learned that the tunnel we went through was made 1.5x larger than the actual tunnels used in order to accommodate tourists.
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^ examples of traps used in the Vietnam War
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^ A cross-section view of the underground tunnels used by the Vietcong. Traps were set at the entrances and throughout the tunnels in case intruders found their way in. The kitchen was strategically designed so that smoke from a fire would leave through incremental holes making it less visible near the ground. To prevent wild dogs from approaching the smoke and revealing its position, spices were mixed with water and poured around the smoke’s backdoor to scare them away. The tunnels were only built at night as well so as not to draw attention, and all entrances were covered with leaves to blend into the environment.
Between the nature, people, culture, food, and shopping, Vietnam was hands down one of the best trips I had the chance to go on and I can’t wait to return one day. Cheers!
David Bayer
Biomedical Engineering
University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia
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phosaigon123 · 1 month
The Cultural Significance of Pho in Vietnam
Pho, a beloved staple of Vietnamese cuisine, is more than just a nourishing meal—it's a cultural symbol that represents the rich history and the soul of Vietnam. This iconic noodle soup has transcended its origins to become a global ambassador for Vietnamese food. Understanding its significance is key to appreciating not just the dish itself, but also the culture from which it springs. This article, enriched by insights from phosaigon.org and the culinary celebration A Pho-nomenal Feast, explores the deep cultural roots of Pho in Vietnamese society.
1. Historical Origins of Pho
Pho's journey began in Northern Vietnam in the early 20th century. Originally a simple street food, it has evolved through the decades under various social and economic influences, particularly French colonialism, which introduced beef into the Vietnamese diet. Pho combines local traditions with foreign influences, symbolizing the resilience and adaptability of the Vietnamese people.
2. Pho as a Culinary Ambassador
Today, Pho is one of the most recognized dishes from Vietnam, thanks to its global presence. As highlighted by phosaigon.org, Pho serves as a culinary ambassador, introducing the world to Vietnamese flavors and cooking techniques. Each bowl tells a story of Vietnam, offering a taste of the country’s complex history and vibrant culture.
3. Social and Cultural Context
In Vietnam, Pho is more than just food; it is a part of daily life. It's consumed for breakfast, lunch, and sometimes dinner, reflecting its integral role in Vietnamese daily routines. The preparation and consumption of Pho are considered an art, and it is a communal dish that brings families and communities together, much like what is celebrated during A Pho-nomenal Feast.
4. Regional Variations
The diversity of Pho reflects the cultural nuances of different regions in Vietnam. Northern Pho (Pho Bac) is known for its simplicity and emphasis on savory broth, while Southern Pho (Pho Nam) is distinguished by its sweeter broth and the generous use of herbs and other garnishes. This regional diversity showcases the rich tapestry of Vietnamese regional cuisines and preferences.
5. Pho in Festivities and Daily Life
Pho is not only a common meal but also a festive dish served during special occasions and celebrations. It symbolizes homecoming, comfort, and hospitality, making it a central feature in celebrations and family gatherings.
Readmore: Pho Saigon and the Art of Vietnamese Street Food
The cultural significance of Pho extends far beyond its taste and nutritional value. It is a dish steeped in history and symbolism, resonating with the Vietnamese spirit of resilience and communal unity. Through platforms like phosaigon.org and events like A Pho-nomenal Feast, the essence of Pho is shared and celebrated, connecting people around the world with the heart of Vietnamese culture. As Pho continues to captivate palates globally, its cultural significance remains a beacon of Vietnamese heritage and pride.
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g1bs0ng1rl · 2 months
Learning Activity 3.5, Task 2: What has influenced me?
   I was raised in a mixture of Chinese and Vietnamese culture, oftentimes they are very similar to each other so it seemed easy to blend the two cultures together. I think food was a big part of my heritage as I grew up. It truly shaped my taste buds and preferences for cuisines all around the world, this applies for spice tolerances and the boundaries of trying new things. There are two dishes that I cherished and would love to share with you today. 
Bún Mắm (Vietnamese gumbo)
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 Many people’s favorite noodle or vermicelli dish in Vietnam would be Phở or Bún Bò Huế, but I personally love Bún Mắm and it’s fermented broth. It depends on everyone’s preferences but toppings usually include: shrimp, pork belly, squid, fishcakes. There are also different places that offer toppings of your choice, the broth itself is a little too salty to sip on, shrimp and fish paste makes this particular dish deeply flavored. My favorite part would be the dipping sauce which varies between different restaurants, but sweet fish sauce is commonly paired with Bún Mắm. I feel like some people would find the scent slightly unpleasant, so it’s slightly controversial like durians. Durian is a fruit known for its pungent scent that many people might find unpleasant. Although Bún Mắm is not as popular, I find that anyone who likes their food with more depth would enjoy this dish. 
Sa Tế Nai (Satay rice noodles with venison)
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Sa Tế Nai is a dish originated from the Hoa ethnic group, making it a part of Chinese Vietnamese cuisine. The thick broth has a slight peanut taste, usually paired with rice noodles and venison along with tomatoes and other veggies. I personally love this dish because it is just so hearty and warm to the stomach, perfect for cold nights. Since satay is chili oil, I’d say the spice level depends on the restaurant. From experience, it’s not that spicy if you consider your spice tolerance to be average.
  Fashion is a huge part of my life even though I never really had the luxury to wear or buy them. Saigon is slowly growing and expanding into the realm of artistic fashion with their creative couture. Vietnamese designers like Nguyễn Công Trí have gained international recognition through his designs, famous celebrities like Rihanna and Katy Perry loved the pieces he crafted on the runway. But I have to admit that I don’t consume Vietnamese media that much, I am more afflicted with Western influences when it comes to fashion. I think Saigon or HCMC is the city of fashion, especially if you find the pleasure of strolling through the center areas.
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Latui Atelier [@latui.atelier]. (2024, March 25th). “TUI.08 - HYSTERIAWPORTRAIT COLLECTION” [Photograph]. Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/p/C47JpvOr5Lj/?img_index=1
An example that strikes me in particular is Latui Atelier—an online based store, their style screams boldness and self identity. I never really paid attention to Vietnamese fashion because oftentimes, the designs are too basic for my liking and it was mostly traditional garments lik Áo Dài, which I never got to wear despite being part Vietnamese. Southeast Asian people are often raised to be quiet and enduring, we choose to be uncomfortable in our silence over screaming in self relief. Fashion clothing is usually a reflection of someone’s soul, at least that’s what I believed. Small brands like Latui Atelier have the ability to break all boundaries and move Vietnamese youths towards boldness, which is something I’m seeing much more often!
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Latui Atelier [@latui.atelier]. (2024, February 6th). “LÀTUI - TASTE OF MERCY” [Photograph]. Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/p/C3AdqU8hd-2/?img_index=1
Ho Chi Minh City or Saigon’s architecture in general has a lot of French influences due to France occupation in the late 1800s to 1954. I can name a few famous buildings in District one that are very popular to tourists. 
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Tú, Anh. Báo Lao Động (n.d). “Nhà thờ Đức Bà (Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh)” [Photograph]. Báo Lao Động 
Nhà Thờ Đức Bà or Notre Dame Cathedral of Saigon (previously referred to as the Church of Saigon) is crowded with tourists from all over the world. It was built between 1800 - 1863 by French colonists (Vinpearl, 2024). The cathedral was built right in the heart of Saigon, with a life long history marked behind which made it a huge attraction towards anyone who deeply values historical artifacts (Vinpearl, 2024). Although Nhà Thờ Đức Bà is being reconstructed to further preserve its life, you might not be able to see the cathedral in its original glory. It’s worth mentioning that the cathedral is not representative of real historical Vietnam, but rather an example of French imperialism. 
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Nguyen, Tin. (n.d). “Saigon Opera House”. [Photograph]. Vietnam Online. https://www.vietnamonline.com/attraction/saigon-opera-house.html
Another famously known architecture left behind by French colonists, Nhà Hát Thành Phố or Saigon Opera house is known for their theatrical productions and classical music concerts. During the South Vietnamese government rule, it served as a seat as the Lower House, before being restored back to an Opera house when the North Vietnamese government took Saigon (Vietnam Online, n.d). Since the building is used for mainly concerts, entries are usually denied unless tickets were booked! I have performed here when I was a part of my school’s elementary choir. 
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Manhai (n.d). “Nghia An Hoi Quan Pagoda”. [Photograph]. Atlas Obscura https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/nghia-an-hoi-quan-pagoda
Nghia An Hoi Quan Pagoda is one of the oldest temples in Vietnam, it is located near the district I live in, which is considered as the ChinaTown of Saigon as most locals who lived there are Hoa ethnic people. Nghia An was built to honour Quan Cong, a Chinese military leader by the Teochew or Chaozhou people in the second half of the 19th century (Atlas Obscura, n.d) . Since then, the temple is used for different ceremonies and is usually crowded during offering or ancestral days. It was a rite of passage for me to visit the temple each month to pray for good luck and fortunes. 
Leisure Activities and Entertainment 
As for Leisure activities, I tried getting into tennis because my father encouraged me to participate in weekend classes. But in the end, I end up quitting because I really hate balls! Or any sports involving balls because I get this paralysing fear that it might hit me in the face. I think I might be someone who is more into sitting tasks like writing, reading, and listening to music. On a regular basis, I do a couple of workouts for an hour everyday to keep me in shape, but I do wish I got into martial arts more! To be honest, I’m not very connected to Vietnamese celebrities, overall I don’t listen to Vietnamese music or watch their movies. I regard myself as someone who was into many things at the same time like: Chinese pop and movie, Korean pop/dramas/shows/movies, Thai series, etc. I also love listening to Western music, especially mainstream artists like Lady Gaga and Beyoncé as an example. But in terms of idol worship, I’m not obsessed with any celebrities where I regularly check on them. I think I’m just someone who would like anything that’s good or catchy. Overall, I think food and architecture has bigger influence when it comes to cultural heritages. 
Works Cited
Vietnam Online. (n.d.). Saigon Opera House. VietnamOnline.com. Retrieved April 24, 2024, from https://www.vietnamonline.com/attraction/saigon-opera-house.html
Vinpearl. (2024, January 7). Nhà Thờ Đức Bà - Điểm du lịch phải CHECK IN khi đến Sài Gòn. Vinpearl. Retrieved April 24, 2024, from https://vinpearl.com/vi/nha-tho-duc-ba-diem-du-lich-phai-check-in-khi-den-sai-gon
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braunbagge37 · 2 months
Bike Rental Shops In Hanoi And Ho Chi Minh City
If title Ho Chi Minh Town isn't ringing a bell, it formerly known as Saigon. All in the will add up to a great vastness with your traveling experience. There are legion cities in Vietnam that you'll want to visit when happen to be there, regarding Hanoi or Halong. A lot of effort a selection of the most frantic destinations in Vietnam. It's not unheard of for travelers to try out cover as much of this country in one trip as can be. Utilizing the services of a qualified professional tour company can greatly enhance your trip here. Absolutely leave the stress at home while you relax with this beautiful country. View More: topkontumaz.com - Top Kon Tum AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Kon Tum AZ: BÙI THỊ NGỌC QUỲNH - Bui Thi Ngoc Quynh These would be the two places where many shop into the heart's content and pay next to nothing! Saigon square is well known for its clothes and accessories, everybody is making Ben Thanh market may be known for it's Vietnamese products, as well as its food! In fact, following a day of shopping, have dinner outside the Ben Thanh market. Nighttime street restaurants set up right beside the market, and they serve delicious Vietnamese seafood! Now let us take that time machine accessible back offer day Saigon. Let Ben Thanh Market show you the liveliness and color of your locals. Displayed here are fresh produce and people rushing in masses to get the products they seek. View More: topkontumaz.com - Top Kon Tum AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Kon Tum AZ: BÙI THỊ NGỌC QUỲNH - Bui Thi Ngoc Quynh During these hard economic times, travelling overseas has become harder to do because we don't have the necessary funds to compensate hotel, food and tourist cost. Paris and London most stylish places to travel but can be very expensive. However, there are regarding other cities and countries that you can check out with spending merely small amount whenever compared with above cities.
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Top Kon Tum AZ 247 Now the hawaiian islands are understanding to be a leading light in the country's eco-tourism industry. Several of their beaches end up being breeding grounds for the endangered Green Turtle. Each year from April to November, turtles bring back to the beaches where they were born to hatch extremely offspring. Some 50000 hatchings make their way into the sea. The Con Dao National Park Authority arranges tours to the breeding grounds on Bay Canh Island with overnight stays. The perfect time Kon Tum City to view the turtles is in June and July. The dining was exceptional. My wife ordered spring rolls a good appetizer, and i ordered the green papaya salad and oyster. My wife ordered noodles with crab meat on her main method. I ordered the restaurant's famous "shaking beef." My aunt loved her meal. She later said to me that the restaurant had the best Vietnamese-style dishes she had ever included. My oysters were fresh and tasty, and I loved my beef tray. The meat was tender and moist. The sauce was blend of fruity sweet, Vietnamese-style spicy sauce, and some of sour vinegar. I told my lovely wife how good the beef was and she became keen on my dish, although she does not usually eat beef. She tried some and were being eating a portion of it. Hanoi is another great city that is a popular tourist destination. Is actually because the capital of Vietnam, and is often a favorite among many travelers from all around the the marketplace. Ho Chi Minh is one particular of the sights that you'll have see in this great city, and many say this specific is the highlight to their entire Vietnam tour. These experience traditional cuisine and native beer. Is just where Vietnam is probably the most modern. Come see how Vietnam increasing towards earth. A Hue City Centre hotel should booked in advance, as tourists are starting to flock to town more than in the past. The secret of Hue is out, and the tourism sector is blossoming. However, it isn't just the attractions through town that make this city a wonderful place to educate yourself regarding. There are also regarding activities for tourists to carry out also. For additional information about these, peruse the frequently asked questions highlighted below! Karma encapsulates all our deeds kinds of our thoughts and all our words for they, too, carry extremely energy. Like attracts this kind of. Though this karmic payback generally paid during kind, might boomerang to be able to the sender in an alternative guise but no matter, in essence, it it is still the usual an eye for eye and a tooth for getting a tooth. A knife attracts a round. A bomb somewhere attracts seven people elsewhere. A punch attracts a counter punch. A hurtful word attracts another hurtful message. A slur attracts a bigger slur. Before you head to Vietnam, may never probably in order to be plan out where to buy once you land. Ho Chi Minh City could be the largest area, and is called for being crowded and achieving plenty in order to. Shopping, eating, and beer tasting prevalent popular in order to do perfect. If you desire to try great food and check out art, Hanoi may very well be the best spot to start your holiday. If you for you to observe Asian culture, from Vietnamese to Chinese and Japanese, great for you . head to picturesque Hoi An. Irrespective of where you go, though, you will likely be happy to have planned ahead, whether you made the decision to send money to Vietnam ahead of time or use more common methods.
Driving on the freeway in gridlock traffic in los angeles is no fun at all. Add a few disgruntled workers, teenagers and road ragers and the freeway could viewed as very dangerous place. Every day on the road people getting cut off, swerving in and out of lanes, yelling, racing, not signaling, tailgating, etc. Unfortunately for Americans, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTA) reported more than 41,000 deaths from automobile accidents in the US in 2007. For many of us, it's a scary reality. Under this onslaught the flashing green "walk" sign over the crosswalk taunted me off of the far side of the path. I was ready to search for something to consume (and the place to sit) on my side with the street when an older Vietnamese gentleman took my arm. In this tour, you'll realize do well . diversity of Vietnamese food. Each region presents a different set of unique tastes and culinary experiences. Come from Ho Chi Minh (Saigon) and state city's eclectic display of Eastern tradition and colonial charm. Benefit from the flavors of Southern Vietnamese cuisine for dinner. Then, wake up for your cooking university! The professional chef will advise you the causes of the ingredients used and also the history behind the meals for big. End your day at a local style restaurant and of the city's well known eateries. The Catholic Church is considered the most biggest property owners in Ho Chi Minh Kon Tum City. Your current huge, newly built churches everywhere. I can tell a gimongous church being built in the distance from the window where I'm sitting right here. In the evenings and on Sundays there are crowds of people at all of the churches, often spilling out into the trail and preparing the traffic mayhem. The favourite tourist attraction in Saigon is a cathedral- the Notre-Dame Cathedral in District 1. Here in Vietnam, it's all up on the local police guy. If he's happy then everything's okay. You want to open up a company in your house, it mat be a boarding school? No problem, just pay any local official a (very) small sum and off you choose to go. Try to do the same in united states and tend to be screwed. Try to open a college or a restaurant in America and you'll shut down if your stairway a great inch too small. In my experience, an average is lots more free in Vietnam to accomplish what would like than in america. Although the area is very rustic trash, dirt activities for the adventurous. I went to go diving associated with Rainbow Divers, a PADI 5 Star IDC and National Geographic Dive Centre, in Duong Dong town (11 Tran Hung Dao Street). They are the dive group I use in Vietnam as considerable very accommodating and safety conscious. Then we changed our tune and went from the our approach to please our critics. All we did was to reduce their respect and end up being the "Mouse that Roared." Tin Top Kon Tum AZ News The unused amount of the world used to fear our wrath, which we were slow get a. Now, we send troops every time we change and nobody fears country. They know that all they should do is outlast us until the polls show we are bored your effort additionally they get to enlist the ever-growing list of people who fought us to a tie. And, rest assured, when you happen to be Taliban or al-Qaeda as well as other ne'er-do-well, ought to call an exit strategy, they call victory. Note: Capable of does not apply to approaching cars, buses, or trucks! No place in the field of do people step at large vehicles except California. Tin Top Kon Tum AZ News I know some teachers who use taking attendance as accuracy practice- especially correcting students' pronunciation- nevertheless i prefer to use it as fluency practice- not correcting mistakes but always achieving understanding. Either approach is fine, nauseating my genre. View More: topkontumaz.com - Top Kon Tum AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Kon Tum AZ: BÙI THỊ NGỌC QUỲNH - Bui Thi Ngoc Quynh Written By Author in topkontumaz.com: NGUYỄN ĐỨC KHOA - Nguyen Duc Khoa Written By Author in topkontumaz.com: LÊ DOÃN THỌ - Le Doan Tho
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