#Tav x gale
laiostoudenn · 1 day
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From Othello, a silly little gay druid, and the Wizard of Waterdeep, have a safe and happy pride! 🏳️‍🌈
art by @heraxic ❤️
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pipstr · 3 days
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I always thought about how nasty is to eat this thing
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tav-marcio-leles · 1 day
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Gale has one very, very tired tiefling on his hands <3
These two are finally together in Marcio's new play through. Drew this to celebrate.
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i love them, your honor 👁️
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bearsandswears · 7 hours
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Revisiting the conversation you can have with Gale about Halsin’s proposition. I think it should be worse.
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galedekarios · 2 days
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"I hope this wasn't our last kiss. I'd take a thousand more if I could."
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firenbreniel · 2 days
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Octavia (Tav for friends) - mine beloved druid, big woman with a big heart, Gale lover.
I'm currently working on some new comics about Gale and her (more serious in theme) and some new silly comics of course
Stay tuned!
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sawsauce1 · 13 hours
It’s dangerous to go alone, take a Gale of Waterdeep with you
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babydinosaur930 · 18 hours
Sorry Halsin...
So in my current playthrough I'm romancing Gale and somehow the game and myself worked in tandem to just really fuck over Halsin. In an unfortunate chain of events, Halsin confesses his feelings to my Tav but she's devoted to Gale and takes the "sorry I don't feel that way about you" option while I short circuit in confusion because I wasn't even trying to activate his romance. I just thought he was being shifty about whether or not he had a lover and so I kept poking like "sir, tell me the juicy details" because I have zero concept of what constitutes flirting. And then literally the next night after getting rejected the poor guy gets kidnapped by Orin. I just...I'm so sorry my dude.
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keldae · 1 day
Four word prompts - “You love me, right?”
“... So, you love me, right?” Devi abruptly asked as the party made their way down one of the countless alleys in the Lower City. She squeezed Gale's hand in hers as she looked up at the wizard.
Blinking at the suddenness of the question, Gale looked down at Devi with a concerned frown. “Of course I love you, my rose. Why would you ask that? Have I done something to make you question me?”
“No! Far from it.” Devi squeezed his hand again. “Would you love me even if I did something particularly dumb?”
Suspicion crept into Gale's mind; his eyes narrowed as he looked at Devi. Her wide, earnest eyes and the way she worried at her lower lip with her teeth almost hid the glint of mischief in her gaze. “What did you do?” he asked with a sigh.
Devi blinked innocently. “Me? Do something? What makes you think I did something?”
“Darling, you know that I adore you more than life itself – but I know you. And I know that you and Astarion snuck out of camp last night and were gone for over an hour.” Gale glanced ahead to the aforementioned vampire, casually strolling along with Shadowheart beside him. “Where you two are, shenanigans are sure to be had.” He looked back at Devi, just in time to see her lips twitch in a grin. “Ah, so you did get into something! What did you do?”
“... You'll find out soon enough,” Devi said. She grinned impishly. “Just know that it could have been way worse than what we actually did.”
Gale pinched the bridge of his nose. “Am I going to have to bail you out of prison?” he asked with another heavy sigh.
“Nah. That would imply I got caught.” Devi seemed to have a spring to her step, the mark of a miscreant proud of whatever mischief she'd accomplished last night. “Just remember that you love me, and don't rat me out when the time comes.”
Shaking his head, Gale looked forward again. “Astarion, what in the Nine Hells did you two do last night?” he called to the pair ahead of himself and Devi.
“Ask us no questions,” the vampire answered, “and we'll tell you no lies.” He had a grin on his lips as he looked over his shoulder at the wizard. “Just don't set either of us on fire.”
“For the record, I have no idea what happened,” Shadowheart interjected. “I'm completely innocent in whatever wrongdoing these two idiots did.”
Gale suppressed the urge to groan out loud. “Whose fault was it?”
“Hers,” Astarion answered, without hesitation.
“And it was totally worth it,” Devi added, grinning evilly. “On that note, Elminster's left for Waterdeep, right? He's no longer in Baldur's Gate?”
Coming to a stop, Gale turned and set both hands on Devi's slim shoulders, fixing her with a stern look. “What. Did. You. Do?”
“You'll see, first in my heart.” Devi giggled, then stretched up to lightly kiss Gale. “Just know that I regret absolutely nothing.”
Gale suspiciously watched Devi for a moment before he sighed and resumed walking, holding her hand. “I love you, but right now, I'm not sure that I want to admit knowing you. Is this better or worse than you licking the spider meat in that Sharran temple?”
“You know what they say about comparing apples and oranges, my love…”
That made the wizard groan as they came out into the main thoroughfare, running by the Stormfront Tabernacle. “Am I going to wish that you had just chosen to lick another dead spider?”
“... Maybe.”
“That does not bode well,” Gale muttered. He paused as he took note of the crowd in front of the temple, and the excited whispers he could hear. “Huh. Curious–” He looked at Devi, and groaned again when he saw her slyly bumping Astarion’s fist with her own, as if in celebration of mischief well done. “Oh, I have a terrible feeling about this.”
“What on earth could that be for?” Astarion asked with a too-innocent blink. “Perhaps it's just indigestion.”
Gale narrowed his eyes at the vampire, then slipped into the crowd, making his way to the temple’s entrance, his companions following him. Dread settled into his chest with every step that he took to the temple – the anticipation of something awful inside the imposing building.
He finally gained the entrance, and stepped inside, only making it a couple of steps into the building before he was halted by another crowd of gawkers. But he didn't need to go any further – he could see the cause of the commotion, all centring around the statue of Mystra. The sight before him made him blink in shock before he groaned out loud.
He knew, better than almost anyone (save for perhaps Elminster) that Mystra wasn't supposed to sport a moustache and pointed goatee, or a monocle, or a unibrow, or crude devil's horns like what currently adorned her statue, bright red paint standing out starkly against the white marble.
With a heavy sigh, the wizard slowly turned to see his companions. Shadowheart's eyes were wide and she had a hand over her mouth – Gale wasn't sure if that was shock, or simply to hide a smile. Devi and Astarion were hiding their satisfied glee surprisingly well, although Gale could recognise the same look of mischief that they had sported after similar vandalising of the portrait of Vlaakith. And he knew Devi's handiwork. “Deviali…” he hissed under his breath, giving the love of his life a glare.
“Just know that it could have been far worse,” Devi whispered, an evil grin on her face. “I could have pissed on the statue too.”
“You only didn't because we almost got caught as it was,” Astarion pointed out in an undertone. 
Devi waved her hand dismissively. “Details.” She eyed the vandalised statue, then looked at Astarion with a grin. “Might be our best work yet,” she lowly said.
Astarion chuckled. “It looks so much more vivid in the daylight, too. The red contrasts so nicely with the white of the marble…”
Gale felt his eye twitch warningly. “You two are going to wind up in hell for this,” he groaned. "A very low level of the hells."
“And you'll be right there with us!” Astarion pointed out, his fangs glinting as he grinned. “Guilty by association, my dear wizard.”
“Don't remind me,” the wizard muttered. “I will not be surprised if she manifests in this plane right now, for the sole purpose of striking you two down!”
That did not seem to sober Devi up in the slightest – quite the opposite, in fact. Her eyes lit up with even more glee. “So I’ll have the opportunity to punch her in the throat like I was planning before she smites me!” she excitedly whispered. “Even better!”
“Shhh!” Gale glanced around, making sure nobody was paying undue attention to the four adventurers. Satisfied that the crowd’s attention was on Mystra’s statue, he looked back at Devi and Astarion. “What made either of you think that this was a good idea?” he whispered.
“She told you to kill yourself!” Devi hissed. Anger flashed in her eyes, momentarily overwhelming the glee. “You needed her help, and she was going to send you to your death for a chance at her bloody forgiveness! Why should I show her any hint of respect or admiration when she threw you away like that? Even if I didn’t love you more than life itself, nobody does that to someone I consider a friend!”
“You really shouldn’t be surprised, you know,” Astarion added. “We all know how Devi feels about throwing hands with deities on behalf of the people she cares about.” He looked at Shadowheart and winked. “Don’t worry, Shar is on the list too.”
“... Thank you?” Shadowheart responded. “I may join you two, once we find out what happened to my parents.”
Gale sighed and shook his head again – Astarion was right. He supposed he shouldn’t have been surprised that Devi would take it upon herself to disrespect Mystra so brazenly. It took more courage than he suspected he had to vandalise the idol of the Mother of the Weave, especially in the middle of the bloody tabernacle. And he would be lying if he said that he didn’t feel his own lingering anger towards Mystra for how she had so cruelly discarded him. His conversation with the goddess, only the day before, had been fraught with tension. Would Mystra withhold her offer of cleansing him of the orb if he brought her the Crown of Karsus now, thanks to Devi’s actions? He was inclined to agree with Shadowheart – the gods truly were a petty bunch.
But then again, he had his own moments of being petty, himself.
He turned back to the statue, eyeing it for a long moment, before he looked back at his companions. “... The unibrow is a nice touch that she would despise,” he muttered, and saw Devi and Astarion glance at each other with immense amounts of satisfaction. A little smirk played around his lips before he quickly suppressed it. “Come – let’s get out of here. Knowing our luck, Elminster will be on his way here, if he isn’t in the crowd already; and I would really prefer not having to lie to his face about you two.” “Gods, I can’t wait for tomorrow’s issue of the Gazette,” Devi laughed as the four slipped out of the tabernacle and back to the safety of the alleys – just in the nick of time, as Gale caught a glimpse of Elminster’s pointy hat in the crowd and heard his former mentor ranting furiously about the open disrespect to his goddess. “I’m saving a copy of that for the rest of my life…”
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tealfling · 1 day
Y'all think Storm Sorcerers would trigger Gale's chronic pain like normal weather? Or What?
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purpleenjoyer · 2 months
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he probably says shit in his sleep and then has at least one apnea episode
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memray · 5 months
self indulgent doodle
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plus these tinies
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pipstr · 15 hours
I’ve always loved your Gale x tav art. I think I’ve told you before but as a gay male galemancer, it’s very refreshing and feels so domestic 🥰 I’m here screaming into the void how Gale x masc!tav is never gonna compare to Gale x fem!Tav and how it’ll usually more than likely be sidelined! 🥰
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thank you very much it means the world to me to receive love for my tav and also agree male!Tav + Gale feels right to me idk how to explain
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midnigtartist · 2 months
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There’s no saving her now, gonna have to put her down
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togepies · 9 months
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Ah yes. Me. My girlfriend. And her 200lb owlbear cub.
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galedekarios · 9 months
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Though let's keep his existence between ourselves for now.
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