#The Fantabulous Four
stellaluna33 · 5 months
There's something about Lorelai, Luke, Rory, and Jess all having to "be the adult" as teens.
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bigmammallama5 · 1 year
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do you ever just. yeah.
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reiderwriter · 7 months
hi!!! omg i’ve been following you for a bit now and i saw that it’s not only your 1k celebration(AHHHHHH OMG CONGRATS GIRL!!!) but also your birthday soon!!! So happy birthday and i hope you’re having a fantabulous day!!
If it’s not too much trouble, could i request #4 on your 1k celeb list for Spencer Reid? maybe like imagine they’re undercover in a club or at a party and reader has to dance on him for some odd reason and boy is already mad in love and now he’s got a hard on while his crush dances on him for a case and reader maybe takes mercy on him and drags him to a private place tooooooo😋😋
it’s totally okay if this isn’t to your fancy so don’t feel pressured at all!! i love your writing so much and i just know anything you write, even if you don’t write this ask or if you change it up, will be amazing!!! enjoy your birthday b and take loads of a care of yourself!💕💕
A/N: Thank you for the request, and I AM SO SORRY it took me nearly four months to get to 😭 I actually loved writing this one, so I hope you enjoy reading it! Thank you for the birthday wishes 💖
Warnings: public sex, sex in an alleyway, talks of oral (m receiving), fingering, penetrative sex, dirty talk, creampie, coworkers to lovers, spoilers for upto season 7 of Criminal Minds.
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“Cover? Right now? I'm wading through three caseloads of paperwork right now, I don't have time to go gallivanting across the country for another unit.” You stressed to your Unit Chief as she smiled sympathetically at you.
“Temporary reassignment means your desk will be cleared of work when you return, I'll personally complete it myself. That is if you decide to come back.”
“It would take one hell of an offer to get me to join another team, ma'am, and you know it.” 
Working under your boss Andi Swann at the Domestic Trafficking Task Force was something you took a lot of pride in. The work you did saved hundreds of women across the country, and you found justice for the ones you were too late for. It had been your second choice after you'd left the academy and a particularly ambitious one, all things considered. 
“Y/N, the Behavioural Analysis Unit needs you. Now, I remember your resume as well as you do, most likely, so don't try to convince me all of the profiling credits and courses you took at the academy were solely to be used for trafficking work.” 
You flushed as the woman caught you off guard. It was true that you hoped to someday be able to transfer to the aforementioned unit, but you truly still respected the woman in front of you. 
Deciding that your respect trumped your human need to placate her worries about you suddenly skipping out on her, you simply cleared your throat and spoke as calmly as possible. 
“What is it exactly that the BAU needs me for?” 
The older woman smiled back at you and shook her head slightly before opening her mouth again. 
“It seems that one of their team members needs a date.” 
Having recovered from the shock of your reassignment and its details, you'd found yourself packing a few things from your desk, grabbing your go-bag, climbing into the elevator and arriving at the doors of the BAU.
You then struggled for a few minutes to open with all the things crowding your hands. 
“Here let me,” a voice said from behind you, as you suddenly saw an arm come up around your side to push the door open. You followed your gaze up the arm until your back was against the door, moving backwards even as he pushed it open as your throat went dry.
The man in front of you was hot. It was as if some deity had plucked your ideal type out of your mind, moulded him with clay, and kiln fired him before placing him right back in front of you as temptation.
You were sure that minutes had passed since he'd spoken with you just staring up at him like this, but alas, you really couldn't help yourself. 
“Oh! Thank you,” you smiled, hoping it would diffuse the sudden awkward atmosphere that your staring had bought on. “I'm sorry, can you tell me where Unit Chief Aaron Hotchner's office is?” You mumbled out, trying to clear your throat silently as you lost yourself in the strangers' gaze. 
His eyes were locked on yours, and as he broke eye contact, your heart jumped as you noticed his ears were stained red, embarrassment apparently not lost on him. 
“Up the stairs, first office, his name is on the door. You must be SSA Y/N.” Shocked to hear your name drop from his mouth  you felt a Rusholme mortification as you studied the man once again. 
Slightly messy hair, pile of books in his hand, dressed like he'd fallen into a closet at a retirement home, tall wiry frame. 
Ashley Seaver's description of Doctor Spencer Reid had been spot on. Apart from the part where she had failed to mention, he was quite possibly the most attractive man on earth. 
“Doctor Reid?” You asked, voice a squeak, almost scared that you were wrong despite there being no suggestion that you might be.
“How did you…?” His eyes widened with a smile as he looked back to you again, searching for answers with his head cocked slightly to the side.
“I work in Domestic Trafficking. Agent Seaver and my unit chief both gave me brief descriptions of your team so I wouldn't get bogged down with introductions when I got here.” You explained quickly for fear that he'd think you slightly stalkerish for knowing his name, even though he obviously knew yours as well.
He smiled slightly awkwardly again  and gestured further inside the office, sending you off to your temporary new Unit Chief's office with a small whisper.
“I look forward to working with you.”
The debrief with Aaron Hotchner was swift  and you appreciated the man's ability to cut straight to the point. 
There was a killer targeting women in New York City, just like there were killers targeting women everywhere. But this one had taken specific issue with women who were social climbers, who attended events with high profile and successful men on their arms. 
So far, the NYPD could link 7 homicides to the killer and were under pressure to catch the guy before Lucky Number eight. 
The FBI had stepped in and suggested you be Lucky Number eight.
They'd been sent the case as a consult and provided the profile, to which the NYPD had asked for full cooperation. 
Which is how you found yourself on a jet heading to New York City two hours after Andi Swann had called you into her office. Productive day.
“What does your budget look like after a year of private jet travel?” You wondered out loud as you followed Hotchner onto the plane. SSA David had followed you onto the plane as well, having tried to introduce himself earlier. You'd allowed him the moment of humility before telling him you knew exactly who he was, and he'd be surprised if anyone in the entire bureau didn't. 
“Well they haven't put me on display yet, so I don't think I'm quite a fossil. Pleasure to be working with you.” 
His words were kind enough, but they were a reminder of the other man you'd met earlier. 
The man who had since climbed into the seat next to you, ready for the on the go case briefing.
“We've established identities for the two of you, ready for you to go in tonight to establish yourselves as bait,” Hotch explained, handing you each a personnel folder. 
“Spencer, you'll be Charles Buchanan, local businessman with alleged ties to several socialite families in the Upper East Side.” That seemed to earn a few chuckles from Agent Morgan from his perch at the other end of the plane desk, but he cleverly kept his mouth shut. 
“Y/N, you'll be Daisy Smith, you're a student putting herself through a graduate degree, who has turned to sugaring to cover course fees.” 
“Sugaring?” Rossi asked from Hotch's side, waiting for someone to clarify. 
“It's a term used to describe the act of being a sugar baby or sugar daddy. A usually non-sexual consensual relationship involving cash or other materialistic gifts.” Spencer filled in the gaps easily, without looking up from the file he was scanning ridiculously fast.
Okay, speed-reading and super intelligence check, and you were two for two on descriptions of Spencer Reid. Swann's description had also left a lot to be desired. 
“We've got Garcia establishing some online profiles for the both of you currently using the images you sent us earlier. Hopefully, we were correct in our estimation of his hunting grounds, but he'll need to stalk you for a night or two before he strikes.” 
You cleared your throat carefully as you finally decided to ask the question that had been bugging you the entire time.
“I'm sorry if this is forward, but is there a reason I was chosen for this assignment? I don't have much undercover experience, and I was told there were two women on your team. Was I misinformed?” 
“That's correct. Unfortunately, last week, Agent Prentiss decided to take a job with Interpol in London. Agent Jareau was also recently married, so she put in leave to enjoy her honeymoon. None of the candidates we have lined up fit our Unsub's type. You do.”
“As good as I would look in a dress, you're going to be much more effective at catching this guy,” Morgan joked from the side, just as Hotch accepted a video call through to the jet. 
“Morgan in a dress, sounds like one of my dreams come true.” 
“Calm it, baby girl, what have you got for us?”
“Invitations to a charity ball being held in Manhattan tonight, and around 1000 hits across five sugaring platforms for Miss Y/N. If the FBI turns out to be a letdown, you have a lot of serious offers here, sweetie.” You laughed out loud at how she blasted through and diffused all the tension in your team, without even thinking to introduce herself first. 
“You must be Penelope Garcia. It's nice to meet you.” 
“Not as nice as it is to meet you, I promise.” 
The remainder of the jet ride had been quiet if not restful, the presence of Spencer Reid a disturbingly pretty thorn in your side. 
You'd sneaked glances at him multiple times, not an easy feat on a jet filled with profilers. His fingers had grazed yours as he passed you his file earlier as well, letting you read up on his new character. 
What you found most distracting, though, was the now bare stretch of skin peaking out from his shirt collar. 
He'd decided to take a nap at some point earlier, and now you silently cursed him for it as you looked at the splash of skin distractedly. 
You could press your lips there and work your way up to his lips. Or you could go in the opposite direction and have more fun, you reminded yourself. 
It seemed that image had you waking up, jerking upright so that you would not let that go any further.
This was your job. You were a professional, an FBI agent. 
You weren't allowed to imagine giving this man a blow job on government time. You'd have to save that thought for after the case was closed, and you could go your separate ways, you thought.
Landing was easy  and you moved straight into dress fittings and practising your story for the party later that night. 
Which meant a blissful few hours without the distraction of Spencer Reid. 
Luckily for you, the first dress they'd given you to wear had turned out to be a good fit, showcasing some of your more prominent assets. 
It hugged your body tight, but it wasn't uncomfortable, showing off a generous amount of cleavage and leg as well. It wasn't quite scandalous, but you knew it was definitely the kind of outfit that would stick out like a sore thumb at a socialite dinner. 
Which meant it was perfect for baiting the unsub.
By 7pm, you'd been outfitted, prepped, and deposited in the back of a limousine with Spencer Reid, and you were right back at square one trying not to climb him then and there. 
His outfit choice had been slightly harder, apparently, given his taller frame, but the three piece suit they'd given him was do perfect it was hard to tell it wasn't tailored to his measurements. 
“Are you nervous?” He asked, whispering the words in your ear as he stroked your hand. Although the limousine driver was an undercover NYPD detective, you'd both been told to get into character as quickly as possible. 
There were a series of other undercover agents being placed throughout the party tonight - Hotch was going in as a representative of the District Attorney's office, a few NYPD detectives were serving guests drinks and food, and Rossi had managed to get an invite as himself. 
Morgan was left running surveillance in the van outside. 
Because of your outfit and the nature of the unsubs attacks, there had been no point in trying to put a wire on you at this point in time. It'd take him a week of surveillance to pick you up anyway. Tonight would just be the start of his hunt. 
So you let Spencer stroke your hand, fingers locked in his as you gave him a smile, and tried not to imagine them wrapped around his cock. 
“Just a little. I think it's the dress  shows off a bit more than I'm used to.” He took a second to glance down your body, as if he'd been waiting for your permission until now, and you watched his eyes pause over your chest and at where the hem sat at the top of your thighs, dangerously close to bearing everything.
“You look… beautiful. I think our unsub will like it, at least.” 
You tried to hide your disappointment as he pulled his hand away, ready to open the door as the car pulled up to your destination. 
You surveyed the room as you walked in, trying to memorise every particularly leering smile from men as you made your way to your seat. 
After half an hour, though, it seemed like catching your guy was going to be like finding a needle in a haystack. Or a creep in a room full of creeps. 
It seemed like every man who talked to Spencer only glanced at you to stare down your dress, a few even attempting to pat your back and let their hands drift south.
If it weren't for the sake of the job, you'd have sucker punched some of the richest men in New York City by now. And you'd have enjoyed it. 
Politely detaching himself from conversation, Spencer guided you away to the dance floor for a second. You'd planned it this way for when you needed some time privately to discuss potential suspects. 
A few other couples glided around the floor as you stood chest to chest with Spencer, surprised how confidently he was handling the caseload. 
His hands took their places, one on your hip, the other gripping your own as you both began to sway side to side. 
“Any ideas?” He whispered in your ear as you moved delicately. 
“Your 10 o’clock. Younger son of the Johnson family. He’s been sat glaring at me for 10 minutes despite his mother's attempts to network for him.” 
“It fits the profile, absent father, overbearing mother. He has obvious disdain for you. Is there anyone else?” His words were hot against your skin as you looked up at him, finding your lips surprisingly close as your bodies continued swaying together. 
“Half of the men in this room have undressed me with their eyes, the other half actually tried to put their hands on me when they were talking to you.” He stiffened at that, breaking eye contact as his eyes flashed with sudden emotion. 
His hand slid from your waist further down to stroke your ass slightly as he watched the crowd to see anyone taking offence at his sudden bold display of affection. 
At least that was what you assumed he was doing  as you too began to glance around, watching for anyone watching you, confident that Hotch, Rossi, and the others would do the same. 
When his hand on your ass pulled you closer into him, though, you weren't so sure. 
“Spencer, what are you-” You started in confusion, noticing that his gaze had returned to you. More specifically, that it had returned to your chest, as he stared down at how your breasts looked, pushed up against his chest as they were. 
He encouraged your other hand to wrap around his shoulder, freeing his other hand to land on your ass again as he pulled you closer still. 
You'd almost stopped moving, certain that having his body pressed against yours in every place hardly counted as dancing. You opened your mouth to say as much when you felt something twitch against your thigh. A low groan slipped from Spencer's lips as he adjusted your positions slightly as you felt something hard shift against your leg. 
“Do you seriously have a boner right now?” You whispered, as much in exasperation as in excitement. 
Spencer Reid was grinding his boner into you in front of a room full of people, and you felt like you'd just won the lottery. 
“I'm sorry, natural reaction. You look so hot tonight, and then your hands were all over me.” He rambled slightly in his explanations, mortification clear on his face as he tried to apologise. 
“It's okay.” You whispered in his ear, pulling yourself up on your toes softly to press a chaste kiss to his lips. 
If you just so happened to rub up against him going up and down, eliciting another deep groan for the man, then so be it. 
“Y/N…” He whispered you name like a prayer and it almost convinced you that there was no one else in the room. 
“Spencer, there's no way our unsub is going to approach us if you have that thing tenting your pants.” You kept your voice low as your hands trailed down his chest. Pushing one further, you gently rubbed over his clothed member as if accentuating your point. 
“We need to solve this problem, don't you think?” 
His jaw clenched as he contemplated your words, trying not to let any other sounds out. His nod was barely perceptible, but within seconds you were glancing around the room for a quick exit, and in another minute, you'd slipped through a service entrance  and out through some corridors into a dimly lit alleyway. 
As soon as you were cloaked in darkness, Spencer was on you. 
Whirling you around, he backed you into the wall until your back was pressed into it, and his lips were on yours. 
You moaned helplessly into the kiss, hands finding his chest again and moving south even as he began exploring your body. 
“This is an important case, and we're about to blow it because I can't keep my hands off you,” he whispered between kisses, lips trailing down your neck. 
“Do you know how crazy we both must be?” 
“I know exactly how crazy for you I am, Reid. Now, please let me suck your dick.” You moaned the words as his fingers found their way into your panties, stroking your clit. 
“Y/N, I'm trying to talk sense into us here.” He groaned as your fingers fumbled with his pant buttons, hand sliding into the material to wrap around his cock.
“How much sense are you talking with your fingers inside me?” You panted, willing him to just fully let go and let you both enjoy yourselves. 
“While we're out here, Hotch and Rossi are inside, noting down anyone who takes particular offence to our exit. We can enjoy ourselves and catch a better lead.” You started slowly pumping him then, as he pushed closer into you, allowing you to reach more of him at this different angle.
His head dropped to your shoulder as he breathed out a laugh. 
“Right, this will help.” He tried to convince yourself, and you grinned in victory, rocking your hips against his hand to find your release sooner. 
Until he withdrew his hand and used it to grasp your own, halting your movements. 
“Spencer?” You pouted slightly, but he pressed another kiss to your lips  this time forceful and demanding, to guess begging permission to enter and dominate you. 
You gladly accepted him into your mouth, even as you felt him pushing up your skirt, letting the material ride higher as it had been trying to do all night. 
Making sure you were steady against the brick wall, he pulled your hips up and around his, pushing your panties to the side as he pushed inside of you. 
The stretch was maddening. Everywhere he touched became hot against the cool night breeze as he began his frenzied strokes into you. 
You lost all capability for speech, which was probably for the best, as you were sure you'd only ask for him to do more disgusting things to you eventually. 
His mouth slid to the top of your breasts as they bounced with each thrust, waiting to claim a nipple in his mouth when one eventually came free of the offending material. 
“Such a little slut, begging to suck my dick. Maybe next time, princess.” You screamed and arched your back as he finally bit down around your nipple, soothing the skin with his tongue as he licked and suckled there. 
His other hand fell to your clit again, pushing you to the edge as you finally came on his cock. 
He didn't stop though, powering through as you tightened around him, moaning wantonly as his thrusts hit deeper still.
“Let's see what our unsub thinks when he sees my cum dripping out of you,” he whispered again, as he too let himself go, releasing spurt after spurt of cum inside of you. 
Making sure you were strong enough, he set you back down on the ground, keeping an arm wrapped around you protectively as you smoothed your clothes back into place. 
You helped him button his pants as he smoothed your hair, tucking a stray piece behind your ear before ducking in for one more sweet kiss. 
“I'm sorry that I couldn't let you, uh, perform orally,” he blushed again, his ears that same shade of red you noticed earlier as he guided you back inside. “I think someone would have noticed if I'd ruined your makeup that much.”
You practically choked on your own spit as you finally slipped back into the dance hall.
“Next time,” you said, making sure to finish the conversation you'd started. “We’ll have more privacy.” 
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thegildedbee · 19 days
Do-Over: May 20 Prompt from @calaisreno
Program Note: Since there are a bunch of these posties, I've also stuck them onto my ao3 site since that's easier than my going back through tumblr later if I end up trying to make them grow up into a real fic :-) You can also find them at the May 2024 Prompts collection, in the company of multitudes of breathtakingly creative ficsters and their fics to read and treasure, organized by @calaisreno -- what a maestro they are, with setting in motion this whole fantabulous outpouring of mayday-mayhem and orchestrating it all month long, amirite? Yes, I am! :-) ........................................................................... “Really? Really? I can’t even open a goddamn email message without getting knocked about and run over and pissed on,” John fumes, trapped in a fight-or-flight reaction that is equal parts fight and equal parts flight, making his head feel like it’s going to explode. He throws his coffee cup against the wall, and his only regret is that the effort does nothing in terms of relieving any of the pressure. “Of course it doesn’t,” he says through clenched teeth.
The last weeks have been an agony. The first weekend in February had ushered in heavy rains and sharp winds, which had him making his way across London while dragging his boots through grimy slush that inevitably trickled its way inside his socks in icy rivulets. He landed on his arse at one point while crossing the road, which annoyed the already angry drivers who leaned on their horns as they skidded around him.
He’d stayed inside for the next four days, until the sun appeared for a brief flirtation with the city before being swallowed up by the charcoal ash-smudged clouds once again.
He knows, obviously, that one month out from Sherlock’s funeral, that it's still early days for being able to have any sort of balance inside, but still, he hadn’t thought that there were bottoms below the bottoms to which he’d already plummeted. But whether he acknowledges it forthrightly or not, part of what is driving his internal fury is the incessant advertising for Valentine’s Day. It makes him want to take his gun and shoot a skull and crossbones into the nearest brick wall.
Staring at the mess of ceramic shards and wild splatters of coffee, he puts his hands on his hips and hangs his head. “You need to get it out, John,” he spits out in a whiny, imitative falsetto. “Say it now, John. Say what you didn’t say.”
There was the huge British Airways billboard, of a blue sky with a white fluffy cloud in the shape of a heart, with a jet and its contrail slicing through it like a cupid’s arrow:
“London to Singapore: This Valentine’s Day, Say it With an Escape Voucher.”
Escape. Right.
There was the Twitter campaign on the Underground, with large mock-ups of sarcastic dating tweets, like:
*finds a soulmate.* *swipes left in hope of finding a hotter soulmate.*
The mass text message from Angelo’s, advertising the Valentine’s Day prix fixe dinner:
“Eat with Your Heart.”
Today, though. Could this be any more ludicrous? It was nothing but a mundane email message, to be sent to the trash in a trice. But.
It was one of those emails, where the writer puts an inspirational quote underneath their signature.
“There are no do-overs, but there are second chances.”
Oh, yes, he was feeling so uplifted, now. So appreciative of the earnest guidance. So motivated to become more self-aware.
" . . . there are second chances."
Like hell there are.
He hears the sound of the door opening, and of his sister bustling into the vestibule, chattering and gesticulating her way toward the kitchen with her usual noise and bluster.
"Hey, Johnny? You home?” she asks, as she rounds the corner, stopping short at the sight of the smoldering vibrations he's giving off. “Oh. There you are. What happened?”
John shakes his head, giving her a sardonic smile. “I don’t know what to tell you, Harry. The mug just jumped right out of my hand and ran into the wall.”
She looks at him sideways, immediately aware from his tone that something is clearly gravely amiss, that the shattered cup is just the tip of something harsher. Although, when wasn’t he finding something amiss? It's been a never-ending rotation of anger, depression, anger, depression, anger, depression. 
“I picked up some groceries," she says, cautiously. "There’s some of that ice cream you like. Also fruit and veg if you’re going to take a stab at fighting off the scurvy you've got coming on.”
John walks into the kitchen, his demeanor collapsing from rage to stoicism. “Hey. Let me help.”
“Sure, thanks, Johnny. Oh, I wanted to ask you for a favor – it’s a bit daft, but I thought I’d just give it a shot."
“Trina wants to go to a film on Valentine’s Day. Would it be possible for you to watch her two kids for a few hours at her place?”
John stares at her in disbelief, pulling back his neck and peering at her with skepticism.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah," she says, hurriedly. "I see that’s going over real well. Never mind.”
John shakes his head. "Harry, it's just that I have no idea if I can be in charge of someone's kids right now. I imagine I could, but it’s not exactly in my wheelhouse. I mean, safety first, with kids, and I'm not in the best head."
Harry brushes her shoulder against his, trying to lighten the mood. "Are you serious? Can you handle kids? What about living with Sherlock – you said it was like running a day nursery sometimes. And you kept him out of trouble just fine, kept him in one piece -- ”
Her hand flies to her mouth and her eyes go impossibly wide. “Oh no, I’m so sorry, Johnny, oh no, I didn’t think, I just let my mouth run on.” She looks at him standing there, rigid except for a slow inhale, and a scary length of time holding his breath, until he finally begins to let it escape in stingy exhalations. She tries to explain, with, “It’s just, you know, you always said it was like managing a child at times" -- and his expression is really alarming her now -- "oh no, never mind, I will shut up. Right now. I'm so sorry."
John says nothing. He turns his head to the side and looks behind him; looks above him; looks at Harry; looks down at his feet; clenches his hands; unclenches his hands; clenches his hands again; starts to say something; stops; shakes his head; looks at Harry again; rolls his eyes; and throws up his hands.
“That’s it. Harry, this isn't because of the last few moments, it’s just I'm at the end of my rope after a very bad few weeks. Look. I just need to get out of here. I'm going to go away for a few days. I appreciate what you're doing for me, and for being able to be here, but just for now, I need to get away."
“Okay, John," she says, placatingly, contrite. "I’m sorry, I really –” she stops when he holds up his hand.
“Not the issue, Harry. Truly.”
“But where are you going to go? Are you going to be okay?” she says urgently, worried about this sudden turn of events, and what it might mean.
“I don’t know," John says plainly, shrugging his shoulders. "I may just go to the train station and throw a dart at the departures board. But, look, I’m going to grab a few things and then I’ll be off. Best have me out the way for yourself as well.”
Not stopping to double-guess himself or to have to explain himself further, John jogs over to his room and hastily grabs at the first few things he sees that he might need, stuffs them into his rucksack, puts on his heavy coat, and gives Harry a kiss on the forehead. “I’ll let you know where I land.”
"Promise, Johnny?”
John practically runs out the door, feeling like he's flying apart, and wanting to get outside and to start moving toward something, somewhere, even if it’s just pretend. He loves London, he does. So much, but he's been so many places around the city with Sherlock for so many different reasons, it’s an atlas of emotion that he is always aware of. To be honest, he also doesn’t want to leave London right now, for the same reason; London means Sherlock, and he wants to hold on to as much of him as he can right now.
Fight or flight.
He wonders: should he visit Sherlock's grave? Would that help him shake some of this? No, the gravesite is an ending, and he doesn’t want to be reminded of endings, of feeling like he's being ground into the pavement by a merciless force.
Some place that is a memory of beginnings? Bart’s is out, he says to himself with a harsh chuckle. Not 221B. 
Where then?
He thinks back to those first days, and pulls up his general knowledge of London transport and pleads with it to find him an answer.
Paddington, it says. Paddington? Ah, he knows this. All right, then: Paddington.
He’s going to Cardiff.
@calaisreno @totallysilvergirl @friday411 @peanitbear @original-welovethebeekeeper
@helloliriels @a-victorian-girl @keirgreeneyes @starrla89 @naefelldaurk
@topsyturvy-turtely @lisbeth-kk @raina-at @jobooksncoffee @meetinginsamarra
@solarmama-plantsareneat @bluebellofbakerstreet @dragonnan @safedistancefrombeingsmart @jolieblack
@msladysmith @ninasnakie @riversong912 @dapetty
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rallentando1011 · 3 months
Somnambulant Soulmates (rise Donnie x gn reader)
Prologue, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
Word Count: 3204
Content warning - implied blunt force trauma (it’s brief and not in great detail - if you want to avoid it, stop reading after the line of ~~~~~~~~~)
Each step you took through the hotel lobby emitted a soft thud on the blood red, thinly carpeted floor.
No bellhop nor hotelier’s presence could stop you as you stormed past the front desk, up a small staircase, into the elevator. Not that they tried.
Coming to think of it as the elevator doors clicked shut, none of the freakishly homogeneous staff did anything but stare at you. That’s all they ever did at the Grand Nexus, apparently.
Shaking your head and yourself out of that tangent, you waved your hand in front of the array of buttons to the right of the door. After a moment, a flurry of what could best be described as bright, magical dust washed over the elevator, changing the gold and red room into jade and the typical letters on the buttons into indecipherable ones.
Jaw clenched tightly, you pressed your definitely not trembling index finger on the topmost button, the elevator whisking you up, up to the topmost level.
With a ding of the doors, you arrived at your destination and walked in a steady path forward.
Opulent portraits and vases lining your path all but screamed luxury, though that wasn’t remotely a surprise.
After a brief moment, you made it to the doorway of an office, the contents of it hardly visible in all the darkness flooding in from the large glass panes along its back wall.
“You wanted to see me?” you spoke, trying to exude confidence despite the hammering of your heart.
“Ah, yes. Do come in,” called back a voice, one that had been plaguing you for weeks. As you pressed further into the office, the figure came into view behind a desk. Towering, grinning a crooked grin, folding her gargantuan four arms in front of her chest, there stood the one who demanded your presence - the spider yōkai-organized crime boss herself - Big Mama.
“What do you want?” Your voice was firm, but not insolent.
“Straight to the marrow, no time to throw me a bone,” the arachnid said with an ingenuously hurt tone. You weren’t amused.
“Very well,” Big Mama conceded, continuing to grin at your chagrin, “back to business. I require an itsy-bitsy favor to close up our deal.”
Your breath stopped, the anxiety you felt outside whittling a pit in your stomach once again, your confident façade fading by the second.
Your dread felt well placed after you heard her words.
“Bring me the ingenious invention-a-gizmo you’ve been monitoring so thoroughly these recent weeks.”
It only took a moment to digest her words and formulate a definitive response.
“No.” You cut tersely through the tense atmosphere. “We have a deal, and I am, I have been upholding my end of it. It doesn’t count- It is not fair to change the conditions. Blueprints, pictures, reports - that’s all you’re allowed to ask of me. I never agreed to take anything, so no, I will not be doing that.”
“Oh, dearie me, I hadn’t the slightest idea that you could get so prickly-perturbed. That was cute. Back to business, though-”
“I’m serious. I’m done,” you interjected. “I already did my part, now you need to uphold yours.”
Big Mama lost the crooked grin, the amusement in her eyes morphing into a chilling cold.
“Your little display has lost its appeal, dearie. Your insolence is teetering on the tippity-top of ticking Big Mama off. Yes, we made a deal, and you certainly shall be compensated in full, but the pudding’s in the proof, the danger’s in the details, you signed a binding contract.”
“What are you talking about?”
“You never explicitly specified that your collecting fizz-a-ma-whizzle did not include bringing Big Mama one of those fantabulous contrapulations. Anything unlisted is grey area, and your contract is swarming in it.”
“This- You can’t-”
“Oh, but I can. And I have. And I will.” The spider regained her composure, her smug demeanor, her wicked grin. “I expect the device delivered pristinely at my doorstep by the end of the week, or I am due compensation of a similar value.”
           Big Mama paused, leaned in with a widening grin. “Maybe your indentured servitude, or perhaps the turtle himself will work? Choices, choices.”
You stilled, disconcerting pinpricks prickling up your spine. The implications of what she could and would do hung thickly in the air, and based on the predatory flash in her eyes, she noticed.
“Understand our deal?” the spider yōkai asked, voice sickeningly sweet, smug.
A few days passed with no progress on your objective. That didn’t mean you stopped thinking about it, though. No, thoughts about your situation and how you’d gotten into played in the back of your mind the entire time.
You had been lying.
But not remorselessly.
No, certainly not. The guilt of the past few months of spitting fabrications of the truth had been eating at your insides, whittling a deep, guilty cavity in your gut every time you were confronted by your untruths.
Yes, guilt was definitely the only reason your stomach ached every time you saw Donnie. Nothing else.
It all started when you rented out a car a few years ago to deliver orders for your job for an alluring amount of additional pay.
Sure, you knew having a car in a highly concentrated city was a risky venture, but the payoff, after a year or so, would be worth it.
That is, it would have been worth it if the Krang hadn’t attacked and decimated the city, the economy and, most pertinently, the car.
You were sunk. But, with all the other chaos amidst the invasion, the car quickly fled from your memory. You figured either the city or someone’s insurance or something would cover it.
Until this year when you got a knock on your front door and saw a towering purple mantis man on your porch demanding compensation for the payments missing for the car. With interest, of course.
You went slack-jawed as the repo man-tis(?) revealed the price.
You hadn’t an object that amounted to that value. Heck, your entire net worth could hardly amount to that. Probably didn’t.
You asked for paper verification or the logic behind the price, though the only response you received was a flex of his muscles.
You were fairly certain that this was extortion.
You were also certain that this guy could and would absolutely demolish you.
After you insisted that paying or giving something of equal value was not possible, the mantis, displeased, begrudgingly sent you in the direction of someone he knew who could pay it off in exchange for some sort of deal.
Unfortunately, that help had been yet another violet-themed, insect-adjacent person, and that one was even worse.
You had gone to meet the spider, and as you were practically getting interrogated as she tried to find your worth, April oh so conveniently happened to call to invite you to her birthday.
One fumble of your phone and the call had been answered, leaving you scrambling to turn it off and Big Mama with her eyes wide in recognition.
And suddenly the arachnid had found use for you.
All you had to do was extract information - photos, reports, blueprints from just one project - from one of April’s friends who, as Big Mama explained, also adorned purple attire frequently, and you were free from all the debt from that blasted automobile.
One handshake and signature later, and you had yourself a deal.
Simple enough.
Little did you know that it would lead you to the devastating deadlock between your feelings and your funds. It was meant to be a no feelings involved sort of deal, but there had been some unfortunate complications, namely the bond you’d made with the turtle.
The impending deadline of the deal and the moral dilemma of literally stealing something someone was pouring their time and effort into 
End of the week… Did she mean the end of the business week or the calendar week? Either way, it wasn’t best to test the apparent mob boss’ patience.
Whatever you decided to do, you needed to do it quickly.
“Hex key.”
Donnie’s voice pulled you out of your trancelike series of thoughts and back to the present. Sitting in the lab, passing him utensils as needed, alternating listening to songs of his choice and those of yours, it was what had grown to be a typical night.
“Hex key,” you parroted, scanning his desk for the desired tool.
“Hex key - you know, the hexagonal wrench? Anytime now.” His tone bordered concerned and perturbed.
“Patience, ‘Tello. I don’t even know what that is,” you explained and tried to think of what a “hexagonal wrench” would look like.
He paused, thought of trying another name for it. “Allen wrench?” Bingo.
“Oh, yeah, Allen wrench,” you concluded, found it and handed it to him immediately.
“Sigh, common names and the imperial system, how they plague our society,” he tutted as he set to work on the invention with the wrench.
“Scientific names, my Roman Empire,” you agreed in wistful satire. But he agreed genuinely.
“Precisely. I could pull off Apalone spinifera, don’t you think?” He looked up from his tinkering, smirked, quirked a brow.
“I think I prefer Donnie.”
You grinned warmly. The inflection of his brow shifted, relaxed, softened his gaze. Before it turned devious once again. “Cringe.”
You gaped. “Oh, come on. I open up to you, and this is what I get?”
He shook his head.
You wanted to wipe that smirk from his face. “You know that you drop so many worse lines than that all the time.”
“Like what?” he questioned sardonically and turned back to tinkering.
“You know, something like I could whoop Galileo or swooning over Democritus or something.” 
“I have never ‘swooned’ over Democritus. This is slander.” 
“Oh atoms, my atoms,” you teased in a pedantic tone, making both you and the hypocrite grin.
You fell into a comfortable silence after that, Donnie working and you observing, until one of your song choices came on.
“Scoff, may we change the song? This one’s way too slow,” Donnie muttered, not ceasing his methodical cranking of the wrench.
“This is literally webcore. How could that be too slow?” You tilted your head at him.
“I don’t know, just can’t really groove with it, you know?”
It was your turn to scoff. “Oh come on, my music taste is totally danceable. If that’s a real word.”
“Anything can be a word nowadays.”
“Stop trying to change the subject,” you slapped a hand on the table, successfully drawing his, albeit judgmental, attention. “It is big talk to accuse my music, my livelihood, of being incapable of stimulating dancing without any evidence to support it.”
“Are you suggesting something?”
“No, I’m demanding something - prove it.”
Donnie blinked, incredulous. “Really?”
You smirked in reply. “Yep.”
“Right now?”
“And how exactly do you propose I do that?” Donnie posed the question as he finally set down his work, propped his chin up with his elbow.
You shrugged nonchalantly. “You ask me to dance.”
“Haha, yeah, I do that all the time, the whole dancing with other people thing.” Donnie bluffed terribly, drawing yet another snort from you.
“There’ll be a learning curve for us both, that’s okay,” you conceded with a grin, stood, and offered your hand.
He took it.
The other hand tentatively, shakily placed itself on your hip. It took genuine effort not to laugh at how red he turned. To be fair, you probably did the same.
You felt a light squeeze on your hand, a small nudge at your side, and you were off.
Spinning through the lab, maneuvering around dazzling devices and metal, it was a whirlwind of upbeat melodies and mellow purple lights and him.
His initial shy demeanor quickly turned confident, guiding you through twists and spins, though he always kept a respectable distance between you two. You joined in, your spare hand taking residence on his shoulder as you two whipped around.
His smile, a genuine one, was positively contagious as he twirled you and pulled you back in, and you couldn’t help but reciprocate it.
The song ended with a bang, and you found yourself dipped back, a hand on your waist and one on your lower back holding you up. As you looked into each other’s eyes, neither one of you could resist bursting into a fit of giggles.
Your laughter faded slowly into huffs of air as you caught your breath, though neither of you moved an inch.
You couldn’t definitively say which one of you did it first, but someone’s glance subtly flickered down, uncertain of itself. The other’s did the same.
A lump in your throat suffocated any breath or thoughts before they could make it past your lips.
Well, that escalated quickly.
You closed your eyes, feeling his breath fan over your face.
No, this was wrong.
Not the situation itself, obviously. The moment itself was so fitting and dreamlike and right, but the pretenses it was under were so wrong.
Just shy of contact, what you knew would be incredibly, spuriously honeyed, you retracted.
The spontaneity of your doubt was only rivaled by how quick you both broke apart, the fluttery uncertainty in both of your chest cavities immediately replaced with an all-encompassing anxiety of having messed up exceptionally.
“My apologies. I hadn’t realized you-”
“No. You’re okay,” you cut him off. “I just, uh, can’t right now.”
Idiot. You felt, sounded, were acting like an idiot. 
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know that-”
“No, please don’t apologize. You genuinely didn’t do anything wrong, I swear,” you reassured with a hand on your chest.
A beat.
Donnie twiddled his fingers and looked back at you. “...So, if I may ask, what’s the issue?”
Just as soon as you had all aspects of your situation under control, you had to act morally, as if telling the truth now fixed any of the wrongdoings nor the misdeeds nor the corrupt actions you’d already taken. Idiotic was what it was, but also necessary.
So you told him.
The truth poured from your mouth before you could stop it. Everything about your borderline espionage and Big Mama and the financial detriment failure posed - though you skidded around the threats - flowed breathlessly, frantically from you. Eyes firmly locked on the ground, you laid all of your cards down. In all honesty, you autopiloted for the majority of your confession, but jumped back in to conclude.
“I’ll be honest, I was half-convinced that all of the mutant-yōkai-whatever-the-heck situation I’d gotten myself into was fake, but it’s real. All of the debt and spying and- and you guys, everything is real and I didn’t- couldn’t even process it for a while but now I realize that you are also a person, with feelings and- and trust that I haven’t been treating correctly. I’m,” you sucked in a deep yet uncertain breath, “I’m so sorry.”
You finally worked up the nerve to look at him, but nothing could have prepared you for the sheer swarm of emotions that had taken over his face.
You had expected his incredulous, irate reactions, his mouth agape and brow furrowed.
But, greatly to your surprise, he was laughing, albeit ryely, but laughing nonetheless.
Donnie planted a hand on his forehead as his pitiful laughter slowed to a sigh. “Of course. I knew it wasn’t feasible to run into one person so many times. The probability, the statistics didn’t add up. But this explains it.”
You stared, trying to gauge his reaction. That part hadn’t been planned at all, but you weren’t looking to argue. “Okay..?”
“And that also explains why you kept hanging around, why you pretended to care about my stupid little project.”
“That’s not-”
“And why you pretended to care about me,” Donnie continued. Your chest ached at how his voice waived, almost broke.
“No matter what I had to- chose to do then, I promise that I never meant to hurt you. And I didn’t pretend to care for you,” you urged.
He sighed. Not his normal way where he actually said the word, just a genuine sigh. “If only I could trust that.” His voice lowered to nothing above a whisper, almost to himself. “Would you have shown any interest in me and my inventions at April’s party - at the library - if you hadn’t been paid to?”
You hesitated, thinking of the honest answer, that yes, even though it started out as an obligation you would have chosen to spend time with him a thousand times over.
But your hesitation was answer enough.
Donnie turned, pinched the bridge of his snout and huffed.
“Wait,” you protested, “that’s not what I meant. Of course I would have-”
“Leave.” He cut you off quietly but sternly. “I can’t talk with you right now.”
You understood, swallowed the rest of your sentence. Without another word, without another glance, you bit your cheek and backed your way out of the lab.
A silent moment passed.
Donnie lifted his head from his hand and blinked away the stinging tears threatening to form in his eyes. His throat burned with so many feelings he hadn’t the words to express, though the main culprits were rage and an inconsolable devastation.
He’d let you get close, something he rarely allowed, and this happened?
He thought that someone finally had interest in his knowledge, in his inventions, in him.
He’d let himself drift into a dream, one packed with genuine enjoyment and whimsy and you.
But that’s the thing about dreams, about painfully dulcet reverie endeavors.
Eventually, you have to wake up.
The now familiar path through the sewers to the surface whipped by in a blur. You barely processed emerging from the sewers, eyes glossy and mind in a deep debate with itself.
The wind bit harshly against your nose, ears, arms - you’d abandoned your jacket on the back of your chair in his lab and definitely wouldn’t be getting it back for a while - as you all but sprinted home.
The situation could have been worse, but you still felt terrible. You knew that the lie couldn’t exist in perpetuity, that the truth would eventually reveal itself, but that didn’t mend the relationship you’d built, the trust you’d earned.
You took a sharp turn in the direction of your home.
Oh, he probably hated you. He’d probably tell everyone and they all would despise you. Not that you deserved anything but that.
You turned swiftly into the alleyway leading to your place and a loud whack cut through the air.
You didn’t have time to process the sound nor the weblike substance that vigorously pierced your back before you were eating concrete, head aching and vision failing.
Persnickety whispers of keeping “tibbiting-tabs” on current deals and the deep waters that your insolence had gotten you into pounded faintly against your head, almost drowned out by the dull throb at the base of your skull, the scrape of rough pavement against your face, the pit of dread forming in your stomach.
The pain and panic faded quickly, though, alongside your awareness as you easily slipped into an induced state of unconsciousness.
(yeah uh this one’s kind of a doozy - at least you finally get the reveal of how I named this fic?)
Taglist ~ @rottmntsimp
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vagabond-umlaut · 4 months
a grin ain't toothy without the canines
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Chapter 4 of functio laesa Gojo x Fem!Reader; Geto & Reader [platonic]; Canon Divergent AU; Isekai. Fluff & Angst & Drama & Humor; Reincarnation; Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies; Incredibly Self-Indulgent; Eventual Happy Ending; Eventual Friendships & Romance.
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I wish we were never given homework. I love reading the textbooks, but copy-pasting them into notebooks? Not so much, bestie. (*^_^*)
Chapter warnings: The 'fantabulous friendship' between Reader and Geto. Guest appearance by a non-canon curse.
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Training with Geto is worse than your WORST NIGHTMARE EVER.
That bitch is mean. He is evil. Unkind. Cruel. Has a heart of ice. Has no heart at all. 
So much so that you've no idea why, or how on earth, you once considered him to be someone good. Someone who is currently smirking at your defeated downtrodden self in the dirt, face devoid of every gram of sympathy and care you once were idiotic enough to believe he had for you.
Crouching to your level, the object of your fury queries, mockery thinly veiled by his soft speech, "Where did that enthusiasm from four weeks before run away to, Miss?"
"Nowhere," You snap back with a mighty angry frown— only to will it to dim in the same instant, seeing the razor-toothed cursed spirit still lingering less than six feet away. You weren't kidding when you admitted being weak cursed energy-wise.
Okay. Yeah. Fine. Whatever. It is okay. Just take a deep breath in. Then let it out. Repeat the cycle. Deep breath in. Deep breath out. Inhale. Exhale. Girl, you have got this; you have got this; you have— "Thinking of ways to worm your way out of training, Miss?"— OH BLOODY HELL, NO, YOU HAVEN'T. You have to show this piece of shit—
"Never," You answer, mustering a chuckle that comes out more a scoff than anything else. An error not regretted, by the way. "I was just thinking how quickly and effortlessly you switched from a saviour persona into a villain in less than a month. Amazing... Unbelievably so. Really."
Something... crooked and twisted flickers in Geto's face in reply, sparking that familiar fear in your mind— you stamp it down, though. Being honest-to-God sick of this. And note that weird something too gone from the man's features in the same beat, replaced by geniality as he balances on his haunches to look at you. And requests, voice too airy for one in his place, "Sorry I didn't catch you. Come again?"
Wow, okay. This time, there isn't any flicker or whatsoever. The displeasure is sub-texted below his words in bold capital letters. Still, you don't find yourself giving a flying fuck. Thanks to feeling even sicker of this than ever before. [Did you have such a sweet temper in your previous life too? You don't think so... But then again, you were never so sorely beaten in it—]
Casting the poor remains of your sword then the cursed cause behind it a cross glance, you look at the man before. And huff.
"You're one hell of an actor, did you know that?" You begin, deciding not to bite your tongue even once now, "When I leaked few deets about your life here the first time– the first and only time and purely accidentally, mind you– I thought you would be mad at me. For breaking our deal and whatnot. But no. You weren't mad then. You acted the perfect guise of a good guy then; forgiving me without me saying sorry, cracking jokes, teasing me, blah-blah-blah," You shift your voice suddenly to a bolder, graver pitch. You don't like how it grows shrill, though. Geto frowns. His fugly curse inches closer.
Paying both the mind they deserve, which is none, you continue, "Honestly, I was pretty shocked but slowly, I grew used to it, and the many other ways you were nice to me— under the impression they were to persist. But no. The moment I dropped my defences by a micron, you turned into the meanest bully ever!! Taunting me instead of helping me correct my mistakes while training. Giving me backhanded compliments whenever I did something well, no matter how rare that was. Making me– a novice– stand against those horribly powerful curses you ha–"
"Me ignoring your slip-up wasn't me being the good guy," Geto interjects rudely. Despite not wanting to, you bite your tongue to still it. Your dislike for the sheer power imbalance here doesn't cancel it. No, it doesn't, no matter your wishes.
Your trainer's frown lifts but the solemnity stays. "I didn't mind it too much because– one, you never spoiled anything regarding my future, and two, it explained how you know so much about this world, especially about curses, despite possessing so less cursed energy, it's difficult for you to be a mere window."
Ouch, that fucking stung, this bastard—
"And before calling me a villain another time..." Trailing off, Geto leans back onto the heels of his palms. You shoot him a mildly narrowed look. Only to receive a patronising smile in return, besides the remainder of his sentence, "Why don't you learn to land one proper hit, Miss? I might be a villain, alright, but the curses you'll meet on your first mission a fortnight later will be way worse. I can assure you of that."
Anger. Confusion. Finally, the horrified anger that comes only when you grasp you've been lied to— no, worse, been manipulated... You skid through these three emotions faster than lightning, realising–
These training sessions haven't been for whatever bloody reason Geto told you. This bitch has been training you, only so you can survive whichever game he has crafted for you to play against the curses. A life-altering chunk of info, you're certain, he has extremely conveniently kept from you– 'cause you're just some silly, ridiculous, worthless monkey, aren't you? 
It takes you not even an instant to shoot back your reply: A WELL-AIMED FIST TO HIS FACE.
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Poor razor-toothed curse. Watching its mama getting punched by some weird stranger lady.
Divider by @benkeibear. Header from Pinterest. I don't own the characters used here.
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covertblizzard · 2 months
Teen Titans Chronology
Era 1: Superhero Names & Funky Nicknames
The Brave and the Bold (1955) #54 The Brave and the Bold (1955) #60 Showcase #59 Teen Titans (1966) #1-20 The Brave and the Bold (1955) #83 Teen Titans (1966) #21-22
This is the peak silly era. Goofy nicknames, (mostly) goofy one-off villains, occasional team-up, etc. As far as I'm aware, none of their real names are ever mentioned within their own title and it's just their superhero names.
It starts with Robin, Kid Flash, Aqualad (in the first Brave and Bold), with Wonder Girl being the first addition when they are officially first called the Teen Titans (in the second Brave and Bold), so I'm counting the Fab Foursome (Cool Quartet? Fantabulous Foursome?) of them as the starting point. They're a team up to #18 with occasional guests from Speedy (#4 - with notes that there were an "avalanche of mail" asking for his inclusion, #11), Beast Boy (#6 - rejected by the Teen Titans and apparently previously the Doom Patrol for not having a guardian's permission slip, interesting note that he already had movie offers here), and Starfire (#18 - definitely not who you're thinking of and instead a Russian boy).
Issue #19 is when they become "Fab-Four-Sometime Five" where Roy joins and Garth takes a break, so the main four changed. There are then two more team ups with Jericho (#20 - also not who you're thinking of but some boy name Joshua) and with Hawk and Dove (#21).
I think only Mad Mod became a long-term villain (?) but the list includes: Mr Twister, the Astounding Separated Man, Beast-God of Xochatan, Akkuru, Ding Dong Daddy Dowd (Demon Dragster), Diablo, The Ant (less villain and more blackmailed by Mr Krask), Mr Baltzer, Mad Mod, Honey Bun (and a spy Karl Larner), Captain Tiger, The Scorcher, The Gargoyle (who makes a reappearance in #35), Captain Rumble, The Dimensional Caper (from Dimension X), Le Blanc, Punch (Sylvester Sepastopol), Fat Cat.
Era 2: Real Names, New Teammates, Mr Jupiter, and Solo Storylines
Teen Titans (1966) #22-31 The Brave and the Bold (1955) #94 Teen Titans (1966) #32-34 World's Finest Comics #205 Teen Titans (1966) #35-39 The Brave and the Bold (1955) #102 Teen Titans (1966) #40-43
This part of the story starts to have a bit more personality and it is a lot more character-driven as opposed to (short) plot-driven stories. Their real names are finally used and they're shown to hangout as civilians and not just superheroes.
This starts at the end of #22 when Donna Troy is given a name, a backstory (one of many), a new apartment, a roommate Sharon, and a makeover. Dick and Wally was previously named in #83 of The Brave and the Bold, but Roy gets named in #24. In a way, this makes Donna feel very much like the living center of the Titans for me, her development begins with the Titans and she's intrinsically tied to it very personally (and this also feels reflected in how Garth views Donna as the "TITANS FOREVER" among all of them). After all, at this point, there's no separate comics she is in unlike the other 4 main titans. She is also the only single character that appears in every single comic with no exception (other than the very first, but they weren't known as Teen Titans then either).
There aren't so much guests as much as two new permanent members - Lilith who joins right before Mr Jupiter comes into the picture in #25 and Mal who joins right after in #26. During this time, 6 of them are mostly all there and are led and trained by Mr Jupiter. The longest disappearance is when Dick goes to college (from #25-32 except for a single appearance in #28) and occasional disappearance when they stay behind to take care of Mr Jupiter's lab (sometimes it is unexplained but I chalk most disappearance up to this). From #26 onwards, all but 6 issues are not related to Mr Jupiter (#28-29 led by Garth, #31 led by Wally, #34 and #42 led by Donna, and #43). This era also seems to establish Wally (and Donna) as de-facto leader when Dick is not around.
All other guests are really more part-time members such as Hank and Don who do their summer stint from #25-#30, Gnarrk who first appears in #32-33 and comes back in #39, and Garth who appears in #28-29 and #40.
For the first time (as far as I'm aware), a known villain gets brought into the story - Ocean Master (Orm) and an alien leader Mofo in #28-29 with Garth going after him. This part also established the easy-to-get-into-fights, easy-to-get-out-of-fights (among themselves) dynamics that I associate with the Titans. They start to place more importance on their insecurities and friendship.
There are also 2 main "friends get brainwashed" (for extended period) type storyline during this period of time (which later seems to become quite commonplace among the Titans): once with Donna (#34 which Wally doesn't see) and once with Garth (#40).
This is also the only era which has quite a lot of additional separate solo storylines. It start with Donna if you count "The Origin of Wonder Girl" in #22 (although it's kind of more like an additional story where everyone appears), and then Wally and Garth (with Tula) in #30. Garth (#30, #35, #36, #38) and Lilith (#36, #38, #41, #43) have the most with 4 each, Roy (#35, #38) and Hank&Don (#31, #39) have two each, and Mal (#35) and Dick (#36) have one each (like Donna and Wally). Superboy (young Clark) actually also has two - one with Dick (#36) and one with young Ollie (#37) that doesn't even have any of the Titans in it.
Crucially, contrary to how modern comics love to portray Batman and Robin's view on the Teen Titans, Batman actually fully supports the Teen Titans in the original and has never been shown to do otherwise almost at all. In fact, he is the one with the most team-ups with the Teen Titans and the team-ups almost always happen because he needs helps "relating to the teens" and he specifically calls on them, with full respect for them (even purposely allowing Wally and Donna to punch him real hard that one time to solidify their cover). The only mentor who does show disapproval is actually Aquaman (in Era 3), who does so because Garth gets mysteriously sick which he blames on the Teen Titans (sort of half-correctly).
Interestingly, up to this point there are actually more team appearances of what I'm calling Alternative 5 or Alt5 (Wally, Donna, Roy, Lilith Mal) than of Fab5 (Dick, Wally, Donna, Garth, Roy). In fact, up to this point there were 12 appearances of Alt5 over 5 appearances of Fab5. This is mostly because Roy and Garth actually have very little team-ups because Roy became a permanent basically the same time that Garth stopped being a permanent member.
Titans Villains (other than Ocean Master hat one time) in this era: Hell's Hawks, Harry Tout, Dr Pauling, Councilman Buckminster (Santa Claus), Demoness possessing Magda Drachwyck (Miss Wickersham), Calibano Della Loggia (x2), Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Black Earl of Moray, Captain Barstow's Phantom, Lord Beetle
Era 3: When Fab5 was Defined, More Teammates, Teen Titans West, and Splitting Up
Teen Titans (1966) #44-53 The Brave and the Bold (1955) #149
There was a more than 3 years gap from the last issue #43 in February 1973 to issue #44 in November 1976 which translated to a 2 year in-comic hiatus of the Teen Titans. There's also a change of regular writer from (mostly) Bob Haney to Bob Rozakis. All this culminated in a change in tone of the characters being a bit more aggressive and antagonistic towards each other, especially with Roy (note: Snowbirds Don't Fly happened in 1971 so it's not because that occurred in between the break since it actually happened before the break). They fight a lot more this era and the storylines are longer and bleed more into one another.
Another obvious change is that Wally is shown to be way more into Donna than before (in his thoughts especially) instead of their more casual flirting. Wally does eventually confess to Donna who rejects him in this era. The other "official" relationships are Mal/Karen and Lilith/Gnarrk (funnily because Mal/Lilith was a thing for a bit).
In story, Mr Jupiter decides to close shop (unknown reason) and so they broke up, with Mal taking care of the labs and the rest pursuing their individual careers instead as they agreed upon (but Mal is unhappy about). This... doesn't really make sense because I'm not sure what "individual career" Donna has, but never mind.
Lilith is no longer in the main team (later explained that she settled in the West Coast with Gnarrk which is very contradictory to her last statement in #43 that the Teen Titans is her family). Garth comes back from #45 when he is mysteriously summoned by Mal's horn and it's like he never left. He wants to resign in #51 because his insecurities making him physically sick, but he agrees to finish the mission and they all ended up disbanding anyway. Karen appears first in #45 as Mal's girlfriend and joins as Bumblebee in #49, but Duela joins the team first in #46. Because of these lineup changes, Fab5 appearances started to catch up to Alt5 until eventually Alt5 (15 appearances) just barely edges out Fab5 (13 appearances). Interestingly, Dick-Wally-Donna-Roy-Mal actually end up appearing most (17 appearances).
They (it's honestly mostly Dick, Wally, and Donna) discuss the idea of a new headquarters first suggested by Donna in #45 (like I said, she's very much the living centre of the Titans). Dick makes the decision (because he is Leader-Man and Bruce is funding it) to have their headquarters as a restaurant front, Gabriel's Horn (named after Mal's horn given by the angel Gabriel in #45), run by Mal and Roy (the jobless duo apparently) in #46 and they set it up in #49. Mal and Roy also started forming the rock band The Great Frog (a job!) in #45 which plays in their restaurant.
Teen Titans West first meet up and is established in #50 with some familiar faces (Gar, Hank, Don, Lilith, Gnarrk) and some complete newbies (Bette, Ch'al) to the roster. Issues #51 and #52 have the East and West team up, resulting in basically every Titans ever joining with the exception of Tula (but then again, at this point she only appeared in Garth solo story and never in the main storyline). At the end of which, they have a big feast (sponsored by Dick) and decided to part ways to improve and work towards eventually becoming the future Justice League (as they were always meant to).
The final story #53 establishes their origin and formation story which includes Roy, but had Roy basically saying he wanted to be involved only whenever he wanted and not permanently (ahem commitment issues), establishing Fab5 as the clear founders of the Teen Titans in the last issue.
There is a third "friends get brainwashed/used" (for extended period) type storyline with Lilith (#50-52), except she's not evil, but her powers are manipulated for evil. With Duela, there is also the first instance of villain's children in the Titans (in future there is Joey and Rose most prominently), setting up the stage for Titans raising villain's children. They actually brought Two-Face in to visit Duela at least once (right after a crime too???) which is... interesting?
This era has many more appearances of known villains including Dr Light, The Fiddler, Two-Face, and Mr Esper (Captain Calamity). The final issue is where Antithesis first appear (he is a recurring villain or at least comes back in future issues), and the remaining unimportant ones are: The Wreckers, Flamesplasher (x2), Sizematic (x2), Darklight (x2), and Rocket Rollers led by Brian the Brain.
Finally, there are some unexplained mysteries. Where the hell did Mal's horn go since it went missing in #49? Who is the blonde "Little Queen" that Garth meets from #36 (because I don't think it's Nirka McDuff from #40)? Who are Lilith's parents? What's up with Mr Jupiter? Is he Donna's dad (#35)? Do they ever make use of the possibly haunted mansion and fortune they inherited in #43? Why did Mr Jupiter not bother to make Roy, Wally, and Lilith face their fears (#38)? Does he think redheads have no fears? Are we going to address the fact that Lilith is apparently Juliet reborn (#35-36) and decided to give up Romeo (who she was very enamored by for a while) for Gnarrk?
To be continued~
Some Statistics (For Fun)
Most to least appearances, we have:
Donna (60) - only missing from the very first story before they were coined the Teen Titans
Wally (58) - missing from 3 stories all during Mr Jupiter era (twice unknown reasons and once because he is watching the lab)
Dick (54) - missing from 6 issues for his college
Roy (41)
Garth (37)
Mal (28)
Lilith (22)
Mr Jupiter (12) - not a Titan but I was curious so I counted him
Hank and Don (11)
Karen and Duela (8)
Gnarrk (5)
Gar (4)
Bette and Ch'al (3)
Tula (1)
Most to least trio appearances (within Fab5):
Dick-Wally-Donna (50)
Wally-Donna-Roy (38) - the love triangle lmao
Dick-Donna-Roy (33)
Dick/Donna-Wally-Garth (32)
Dick-Donna-Garth / Dick-Wally-Roy trio (31) - DWDG and DWDR limiting factor
Wally/Donna-Garth-Roy (14) - Roy/Wally-Donna-Mal/Lilith have more than this (25, 23, 19, 18)
Dick-Garth-Roy (13) - Fab5 limiting factor
For quartets, Dick-Wally-Donna-Garth (DWDG) quartet (31) ends up exactly equal to Dick-Wally-Donna-Roy (DWDR) quartet (31).
Special note that because of Lilith separation in Era 3, even though Garth is brought back, the Rebirth "OG" line up (Fab 5 + Lilith) actually only has 3 appearances together. On the other hand, Alt 5 + Dick have 9 appearances (but no Garth). World's Finest line up (Fab5 + Karen) have 7 appearances but only 4 of which Karen is actually Bumblebee and fighting with them, while the Silver Age Final line up (Fab5 + Mal) has the most with 10 appearances.
Ultimately, Lilith does still make more sense to me than Karen to balance the team with more girls, because she definitely was there earlier, had more appearance than Karen, and also doesn't have the additional association of joining because of Mal since she predates Mal. That said, the girl with the most Fab5 teamup might actually be Duela who also has 7 appearances with Fab5, all of which she is on their side (although half their issue was trust which wouldn't make so much sense if she was with them from the beginning). The person with most Fab5 teamup is unquestionably Mal though (10). It's curious to see what is more "valid" but my personal opinion is that there is no point in making a Fab6 just let leave it be and acknowledge it as product of its time.
If you want to have a look at the data out of curiosity, it's here.
31 notes · View notes
arrowofcarnations · 8 months
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Fic-O-Ween 2023 Day 5: Ritual
Some spice (and I’m not talkin’ pumpkin spice) with a Star Wars-y twist for day five of the fest (@noots-fic-fests)! Co-written with the fantabulous @veryspacecowboy—and posted just in time for your birthday!!! <3
Title: Beskar Babes Characters: Finn O'Hara/Logan Tremblay/Leo Knut Rating: E
Thank you as always to @lumosinlove for the boys—especially Kuny, who I think we can all agree is the real MVP of this one.
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Like many good things, it all started with a Star Wars marathon spread over an away trip. 
Actually, it really started with a shutout game where Leo made several impossible saves. In the locker room, Kuny had ruffled Leo's sweaty hair and called him Master Skywalker, to which Leo had blushed and admitted he'd never actually seen Star Wars. 
Naturally, this caused a huge uproar, especially from Kuny and Nado, but also from Finn. The three of them ranted and raved for all of about five minutes before Kuny clapped his hands on Finn and Leo's shoulders and said 'Your padawan, he is, O'Hara. Teach him Force, you must.’
Over the next week, Finn showed Leo (and Logan, who was mostly there for cuddles) episodes four through six, one through three, Solo, Rogue One, and finally (with a grain of salt), seven through nine.
Once they were finally back home in their apartment, settling back into their routine after the ups and downs of the long roadie, Finn started watching The Mandalorian on nights when he wasn’t caught up in a book. His boys had pretty much left him to it, declaring themselves Star Wars-ed out for the time being. But Leo’s passing glances at the screen while Finn was watching slowly became watching half an episode over Finn’s shoulder, and then the two of them were in it together, shared blanket thrown over their legs and all. Logan grumbled more and more about it until he finally gave in, the allure of couch cuddles too strong, and started watching with them.
It didn’t take Logan long to notice his boyfriends’ crushes on the show’s lead, the Mandalorian himself. Leo was the first to admit it, letting out a low whistle during the scene when Djarin removes his helmet for the first time. “I knew he was hot.”
Finn had laughed and thrown his hands in the air. “Okay, right?! He was hot with the helmet on, even, but damn. Like, okay.”
Logan didn’t disagree, but mostly he was just amused at their fawning, which they kept doing from time to time until the season ended. Then one day in the locker room, as he watched Finn and Leo talk about the finale with Kuny and Nado, he got an idea.
Before crawling into bed with his boyfriends that night, he sent a quick text to Kuny.
Did you buy that Mando armor you showed us?
да yes, beskar delivery today.
Can I borrow it this weekend?
There was a long-ish pause, those three dots moving like Kuny was typing, then deleting, typing, then deleting once more.
clean off cum after, little Mando
you come here and pick up?
Logan’s cheeks were burning as he tapped out a fast tomorrow am, ignoring both the short joke and the implication because, well. It would just sound stupid to lie. He already knew the smug grin Kuny was going to give him tomorrow, but he could take a little chirping from him (and inevitably Nado) if it meant the success of his plan.
It was easy enough to pull off the surprise; Logan stopped at Kuny and Nado’s place on the way home from a grocery run, leaving the outfit in his car until he had some time alone to get ready. Luckily, Finn was hell-bent on restocking their bar so he could make them a round of after-dinner manhattans (“We have off tomorrow!”) and Leo wanted some weird liqueur for a baking project, so all Logan had to do was pass on joining them for the ride, saying he wanted to shower instead.
The armor wasn’t the easiest thing to get into, but still only took him half the time it did to suit up for a game, giving him a few spare minutes to check himself out in the mirror. It had been custom-made for Kuny, so some of it was unsurprisingly big on him, but he thought he looked alright anyway. He huffed out a laugh at his reflection, shaking his head a little.
“D’accord, here we go,” he said to himself. He heard the rumble of Leo’s car pulling up in the driveway, fitted his helmet on, and made his way to the living room.
The way their apartment was set up, the living room was kind of tucked behind a wall that helped give the kitchen more cabinets. If he knew his boys, they'd go straight to the kitchen to put away groceries before doing anything else. He shifted a little, the blaster at his hip and the tracking fob blinking steadily in his other hand. 
The lock at the front door clicked open and the voices of his lovers carried through, halfway through a conversation. Logan swallowed thickly and waited. 
"—cool that we don't have to get your Crystal hot sauce from your parents anymore, now that they just have it at the grocery store."
"Well, yeah, but I like getting care packages from my parents. Even if I'm paying for the shipping." The sounds of things being put away, bottles clinking, and the fridge doors closing were slightly muffled through the helmet.
"BabyNut, no one's saying you can't get care packages from your sweet mama, I'm just saying now she can put more homemade goodies in, if she wants."
"Yeah, s'pose so. Remember when it exploded in the box?" There was some laughter and a soft silence Logan recognized as kissing. "Hey, where's Lo? Is he napping?"
And with that, Finn flipped the lights on in the living room and the pair of them stepped out of the kitchen. Leo froze at the sight of Logan (he assumed it was Logan) in full-on, practically screen-exact Mandalorian armor. Finn bumped into him with a soft oof and gasped when he peeked around Leo.
"Holy—Jesus Christ, Lo, where the hell did you get that? It looks great!" There was a long pause as Logan stood up, tracking fob blinking softly as he pointed it at his boyfriends. Then, he pulled the blaster from its holster.
"I can bring you in warm…or I can bring you in cold." 
All three of them went still for a moment, and Logan was smiling from ear to ear under the helmet at the literal jaw drops he’d elicited from his boyfriends. Leo was dragging his gaze all the way down Logan from head to toe and back again, and Finn’s gaze flicked from the blaster to the helmet right where Logan’s eyes would be, seemingly rendered speechless mid-sentence. That was more like it, Logan thought.
Leo broke the silence first. “I surrender,” he said, voice low and honey-sweet as his lips twitched up in a tiny grin. He sent a sidelong glance toward Finn, who was still wide-eyed and uncharacteristically quiet. “Harz?” he said, raising an eyebrow. “What about you?”
Finn swallowed twice, and Logan was just starting to feel worry unfurling in his chest when the redhead took a step forward, then another, stopping just short of the blaster aimed at him. “Oh yeah,” he said, putting his hands in the air in a show of surrender. His crooked smile was warm and full of promise, and it chased away the panic in Logan instantly. “I’m all yours, baby.”
"I would've thought that a Marshal of Tattooine—" Logan semi-gently poked Finn in the belly with his blaster before nodding his helmet at Leo. “and a Jedi Master would put up more of a fight for having bounties on their heads, but I've been surprised before. Not that surprise has helped them live." 
There was another beat as Finn and Leo caught on to Logan’s play. Anticipation was picking Logan’s heart rate up, but he fought the urge to squirm, keeping still as he waited to see what the other two would do.
Finn considered him with raised brows, that crooked grin turning a little more surprised, but no less amused. “A bounty, eh?” Finn said, letting his belly press against the end of the blaster just slightly. “Well, that changes things. I thought this was a Mandalorian’s way of asking a guy for a drink.”
Leo came up behind Finn, snaking his arms around his waist. “And we’d be very interested in having a drink with you,” he said, voice soft and sweet but blue eyes full of mischief where they burned into Logan’s despite the helmet.
Leo leaned his head down to press a lingering kiss to the side of Finn’s neck, and Finn sighed into it. It distracted Logan just enough to let Finn get his hand around the weapon, coaxing it away from his body until it was pointed toward the floor between them. “What do you say?” Finn breathed. The two of them were looking right at where they knew green eyes were considering them. “No fun bringing us in cold when we’re this hot.”
That got a little huff of a laugh out of their darling Mando, and Finn felt that warmth in his belly from making his sweetheart laugh. They hadn't talked super seriously about sexy roleplaying or dress up, but this? The beskar armor? The tough-guy attitude? Finn liked it a lot and, from the feel of Leo pressed up against him, he guessed he wasn’t the only one.
"I thought the Jedi had rules about attachment. You two seem pretty attached."
"Restarting the Order comes with a few perks," Leo said, his disapproval of how Luke acted in the series shining through a little. "Friendship, love, and sex aren't the enemy. But…the last of those is on the table, Mando. If you like."
Logan tilted his head, pretending to consider their offer. Then he motioned toward the hallway with the blaster. “Bedroom, now,” he said in the most commanding tone he could muster.
He watched as Finn and Leo shared a look, all wide eyes and excited grins, and felt the familiar pull to be closer to them. But he wasn’t ready to give up the game just yet. Finn went first, then Leo, then Logan behind them both, closing the bedroom door behind him.
Once he turned around to face them, he was met with two gorgeous boys standing by the foot of their enormous bed, watching him and waiting for his next direction. A thrill ran through him as he found himself running the show. This wasn’t their usual dynamic, even without the roleplay, but Logan was eager to see where it would go, where he could take them.
He holstered the blaster at last, crossing his arms instead as he stared them down. “Take off his clothes, Jedi,” he said, the hint of a smile in his voice. “Since he’s in such a hurry to get out of them.”
Being called Jedi was apparently doing it for Leo because he'd never stripped one of the boys out of their clothes as fast as he was getting Finn naked. "Oh my g—kriffing shit. Leo!" Oop—he'd actually forgotten about Finn's shoes. Well, now he was naked at least. All those freckles on display, with that gorgeous, perfect amount of deep red body hair…and that lovely, lovely cock. Logan was definitely hard in his armor.
"Now, Marshal…give us a turn and get the Jedi naked."
Marshal. Finn didn’t know if he should be finding that as hot as he was, but he was too into this whole surprise roleplay to care. What was hotter than that, though, was Logan. The way he was carrying himself, so in command, made Finn want to do things—want to have things done to him—that he hadn’t really thought about before. He shivered in the open air, feeling distinctly exposed with his boyfriends still fully dressed. But not for long—he had orders, after all.
Finn stole a moment to give Leo a lingering kiss, pressing his palms to the sides of Leo’s neck and stroking the strong line of Leo’s jaw with his thumbs, before pulling away with a grin and a waggle of his eyebrows. He stripped Leo efficiently—not as lightning-fast as Leo had done to him, maybe, but he didn’t make a show of it, either—and pulled him in for another kiss, heated and a little sloppy with excitement, once they were both completely, equally naked.
“Oh, hi,” Finn murmured as Leo’s quickly filling cock pressed against his hip. “You like him, huh, Master Knut?” Leo gasped, eyes wide and dark, and Finn smiled, knowing he’d got him good. They would absolutely be returning to the Jedi persona for Leo; it just fit so perfectly, and Leo obviously really liked it.
"I do, I do like him. The voice, the confidence…the armor." Leo swallowed thickly and glanced over at Logan, still with his blaster in his hand. "What…what would you have us do, Mando?"
"It's been a while since I've been to a show. Too busy hunting Imperials. Take him apart, Master Jedi. At my direction."
Finn felt a little shiver run through him again, but it wasn’t from the air this time. He looked over at Logan, then at Leo, who was sizing him up with a hunger in his eyes that made Finn’s heart pick up. Oh, he was in trouble. And it was going to be good trouble.
“It would be my pleasure,” Leo said, ducking his head to leave a trail of kisses from the corner of Finn’s jaw down his neck, stopping at the cap of his shoulder. Finn was a little twitchy with excited energy, wiggling his toes on the wood floor and skating his hands through Leo’s hair, across his back, up his arms—wherever he could reach.
Leo noticed, and walked Finn backwards until he could coax him down onto the bed. He ran a soothing hand down Finn’s bare chest, then looked over his shoulder at Logan. “This good?” he asked.
Logan nodded, walking closer to the bed to get a better view of them as Leo settled himself on top of Finn. He didn’t join them, though; he was content to watch the show for now, like he’d said, though he didn’t know how long he’d last without giving into the desire to touch them.
He watched as Leo and Finn lost themselves in a slow, tender kiss that morphed into something a little more desperate by the time they broke apart, panting against each other’s mouths. Leo hummed softly, nuzzling his nose against Finn’s cheek in a sweet contrast to the way his hips were slowly starting to roll against Finn’s. Finn’s hands were curled around Leo’s ribs, fingertips pressing into the strong muscles of his back, and he kissed the gray tuft that was always visible in the mass of Leo’s blond curls before his gaze wandered over to the armored figure looming a few feet away.
“You could help him,” Finn said to Logan, his smile going slack as Leo moved to suck a bruise into the junction of his neck and shoulder. “You could—fuck, Leo—help him take me apart.”
"Mm." Logan shifted a bit, helmet tilting as he assessed what Finn had suggested and what Leo was doing to him. "Something tells me you're not the one getting taken apart. Take it slow… take a moment to settle into it. I'll do my part soon enough, Marshal. And Jedi? Make sure to leave marks. This is the Way." This was as much Logan talking as Mando, and it made another shiver go through Leo and Finn.
Leo guided Finn’s gaze back to his with gentle fingers on his chin. “What do you say, O’Hara?” Leo’s smile was playful and loving and it warmed Finn from the inside out, helping to calm his energy a bit. “Do you trust me?”
Finn knew that Leo was playing along with the scene, but he was also really asking. He wasn’t used to just—lying back and taking it, so to speak. He liked to do the work, he liked to take Leo and Logan apart and give them everything they wanted and then some. But his answer came without hesitation. “Mhm,” he hummed, kissing the tip of Leo’s nose. Because he did trust them, both of them, implicitly. And whenever he’d stepped out of his comfort zone with them before, it had always ended more than well. “Go ahead, baby. I’m all yours.”
Just like on the boat in New Orleans, Leo would take good care of Finn, and hopefully the pair of them could ease Finn down into subspace. Logan and Leo had experienced it before and Finn had been so good with them. He deserved the same. The fact that it had a Star Wars flair was just…a nice extra touch. 
The three of them shifted, Leo moving Finn up the bed a bit so Logan had room to perch on the edge of the bed and watch. He wanted to take off the helmet…but knew it would be better and 'more authentic' if he waited for now and left it on. "Touch him, softly. Ease him into it, touch him where he likes."
Leo looked over his shoulder at Logan and nodded, biting his lip against the arousal that spiked through him at Logan being in control. At Logan instructing him how to make love to Finn. It was intimate, doing this as a pair, and a part of his brain was already coming up with ideas of what they could try in the future. He looked back into warm brown eyes and shelved those thoughts for now; he had a marshal who needed him, after all, and he fully intended on following the mandalorian’s orders to the letter.
Leo settled back over Finn, bracketing him with his knees on either side of Finn’s thighs and his forearms on the sides of Finn’s head, and kissed him for what felt like a blissful eternity, slow and deep. When he felt Finn start to relax underneath him, Leo pulled back just enough to drag the pad of his thumb across Finn’s bottom lip. Finn smiled, kissing it, and Leo kept going, tracing a gentle path with his fingertips down the long expanse of Finn’s neck, to his broad chest, pale and strong and peppered with freckles.
He shifted to kiss over Finn’s adam’s apple as his fingers traced teasing circles around his nipples. Finn made a soft sound at the touch, arching up into it slightly, and Leo gave him a little more, brushing over the pink buds with the smoothest parts of his hands and then the spots where his skin was rougher and more calloused. Finn squirmed and sighed and sunk his hands into Leo’s hair, but he didn’t try to initiate anything, so Leo replaced his hands with his mouth as a reward, lapping and sucking gently until Finn’s nipples were hard peaks.
“You’re so beautiful, Harzy,” Leo breathed, blowing cool air over Finn where he was now extra sensitive. He gave each nipple a last kiss. “So good for me always.” He kissed the bump of Finn’s sternum as his hands made a slow path down his chest and belly to the V of his hips.
“Leo,” Finn gasped, cock pulsing out a bead of precome where it hung heavily between his legs. Leo’s mouth watered at the sight, but he wasn’t there yet. Finn wasn’t there yet.
He kissed his way back up to Finn’s neck, leaving a purple love bite to match the one on the opposite side. “Fuck,” Finn groaned, gripping Leo’s shoulders. His hips bucked, unconsciously seeking friction. “Fuck, baby.”
“You like being my good boy, don’t you?” Leo asked, running his knuckles down Finn’s cheek tenderly as he got an enthusiastic nod in response. Then he took hold of Finn’s wrists, easing his arms back until they framed his head on the pillow. “Can you stay just like this while I go a little lower?” There were so many other places Leo wanted to love on Finn’s bottom half.
As Leo smooched down Finn's belly, headed towards his cock, Logan shifted so he could stand up by Finn's head. "You like to be good for your Jedi?" He traced along Finn's arm and then his shoulder with the soft leather glove, just the tips of his fingers to make Finn shiver and moan sweetly. "You'll be so sweet for us, I can tell." 
"I—yeah, I'm good. I want to be good for you two." Finn let out a shaky breath as Leo lapped at the head of his cock. Logan cupped Finn's face in his hand, gently teasing his bottom lip with his thumb as he cradled Finn's jaw.
Without overthinking it, Finn yielded to the gentle pressure, opening his mouth and drawing Logan’s gloved thumb inside with his tongue as his eyes slid shut. He sucked on it once experimentally, then groaned around it, brown eyes fluttering back open to look up at Logan through his lashes. This was new for Finn; it made his cheeks hot and his dick throb under the barely-there flicks of Leo’s tongue. He stared at the shiny visor and wished he could see what Logan’s eyes looked like that second.
There was a shift between them, a subtle change in the feel of things, there in their bed. Leo squeezed where Finn's ass met his thigh and the redhead moaned softly around the gloved finger in his mouth. Finn was slipping nicely, his two boys easing him down into a fuzzy, warm floatiness.
"Yeah, sweetheart, you're so good. You look so good sucking his thumb. Such a good boy for us." Leo murmured these words of praise into Finn's lovely, freckled lower belly and looked up to see how Finn gazed up at Logan, still wearing his helmet. "Mando—Logan. Can you take off your helmet for us?"
Logan hesitated for a moment, debating with himself. Finn looked so gorgeous underneath them, eyes wide and dark and trusting, and his slow sucks around Logan’s thumb were sending arousal spiking through Logan’s body. Part of him was dying to rip the costume off and kiss the living daylights out of Finn, and then do the same to Leo. But part of him wasn’t sure what would happen if he did. Could he keep up this energy with them without the armor, without the persona?
He looked over at Leo where he was pressing kisses to the root of Finn’s cock and watching them both with lust-blown blue eyes. Then he looked back at Finn and felt his heart pull at the look on Finn’s face. He let Logan’s finger slip from his mouth, his hands reaching to find purchase on any part of Logan he could reach. “Please,” he said, soft and sweet and yearning. “Please, Lo baby, wanna see you.”
He hadn’t even finished getting the words out before Logan’s hands were flying up to the helmet, pulling it up over his head and letting it rest on the nightstand with a soft thud. He was flushed and his brown hair was sticking to his temples where a thin sheen of sweat had broken out over his skin from the heavy costume. Finn let out a soft noise as he finally locked eyes with Logan, smiling at him like he’d hung the moon, and Logan couldn’t wait another second, pushing a hand into Finn’s hair and giving it a tug that made Finn’s toes curl before catching him in a dizzying kiss.
“Gorgeous, mon rouge,” Logan purred against Finn’s lips, allowing the break in character to give Finn the praise that was so obviously sending him up to cloud nine. “Your mouth is perfect. I want you to keep doing that while Leo sucks your cock.” He looked over at Leo. “Ouais?”
Leo swallowed hard, his own cock heavy against the mattress. “Ouais,” he said, already a little breathless. It was such a treat to see his boys like this, it was like a remix of their special lovemaking on the boat. Christ, he wanted his boys any way he could have them, including with the added spice of beskar. "Finn, check in with Lo. Okay?"
"Uh-huh, okay, Le—" Finn let it out in a breathless rush, a blush settling high on his freckled cheeks as he gazed up at Logan. He tilted his head just enough to press a little kiss to Logan's thumb before Logan slipped his thumb past Finn's lips once more and Leo descended on the redhead's cock.
"You're such a treat to look at, Harzy, especially with Leo's mouth on you. Did the armor really get you that hot?" When Finn nodded and moaned around Logan's thumb, he couldn't hold back his smile. Fuck, he was so lucky.
For a long few moments, Logan let things play out, Finn’s sucks around his thumb becoming more rhythmic as he mimicked what Leo was doing between his legs. Then he slid his thumb out from that wet heat, cupping Finn’s cheek briefly to reassure him he hadn’t done anything wrong, and stepped back just enough to start getting himself out of the costume as fast as he could, taking care not to scuff or break anything. He had nothing but boxers on under the costume’s layers; it was a relief to be standing only in them after what felt like hours in the hot, heavy armor.
He crawled onto the bed, laying on his side next to Finn, and Leo pulled off Finn’s cock with a kiss before coming up to lay on his opposite side. Their hands trailed over Finn’s chest and stomach idly as Logan kissed him again, more slowly this time. When he pulled away, Finn chased his mouth, his eyes closed and his lips swollen and bitten-red. Logan felt his heart squeeze and his dick twitch at the sight.
“Gorgeous,” he said again, quiet and reverent, and ran a hand through Finn’s mussed-up hair. He took a second to lean over and kiss Leo for good measure, and he could practically feel how turned on Leo was by this, too.
A happy sigh beneath them made them both break the kiss and look. “Fucking love watching you two,” Finn said with a dopey grin. “Never gets old.”
That drew both of their attention back to him, and soon he had two pairs of lovely hands mapping his skin, two wickedly talented mouths drawing soft, low sounds out of him. Logan sucked a bruise into the side of Finn’s neck, just under his ear, as Leo pressed a few slow, open-mouthed kisses to the base of his cock before grinning up at him (fuck) and sinking down on him until the tip of his nose brushed the soft-coarse hair below Finn’s navel.
"Oh—Leo, fuck—Logan—” Finn was so glad they'd dropped the pretense of the roleplay because he was quickly getting a little too far under to remember anything but his gorgeous boys' names. Logan combed his fingers through Finn's hair again and again as Leo worked his magic on the redhead's cock, slurping when he pulled up near the head, swallowing and breathing through his nose to take Finn into his throat. 
“Don’t come yet,” Logan instructed.
Finn whined, knee knocking into Leo’s shoulder as he shuddered with pleasure.
“Harzy,” he warned. He caught Leo’s eye as he looked up at him questioningly. Logan just winked in response, then grabbed lube out of the bedside table drawer and knelt behind Leo, drawing him up onto his knees, too.
“Don’t get him too good,” he said to Leo, borrowing a phrase he’d picked up from him. The anticipatory shiver that rolled through Leo as he ran his palm down each asscheek, then circled his rim with a slick fingertip, was worth every bit of chirping he was going to take from Kuny tomorrow. “You’re giving me a show, remember? I want to see him fill you.”
That got a moan out of both them, Leo's louder as he nodded his consent—and Logan worked the first finger inside him. "I can—I can take two, Mando—Lo, please.” The roleplay was a little hazy now that the armor had come off, but none of them much cared. Logan bit Leo's shoulder and then soothed it with a kiss, giving his lover another finger, at his request. 
"You guys are gonna fuckin' kill me, I swear—Lo, lemme cum—"
"Non. You'll cum in him after I do."
"Fuck yeah I want both, I want you both—" Leo rocked his hips back on Logan's hand, but Logan stopped him with a hand on his hip. 
"Be good and you'll get both." 
Leo, ever the team player, obeyed, melting into Logan’s hold as he was prepped. He had to pull his mouth off Finn twice more after bringing him to the edge; Logan watched those big goalie hands pet down Finn’s chest and flanks soothingly as Finn obeyed, too. (They were being so good for him. Logan was going to make it worth their while.)
The first press of his cock inside Leo was pure bliss, just like always. Logan’s eyes darted everywhere: at the sight of himself disappearing into Leo, at Leo’s strong back and the slightly sweaty blonde curls at the nape of his neck as he swallowed Finn down again, at Finn’s wrecked, desperate expression and pale fingers gripping the sheets as if for dear life.
He knew it would be over soon—they were all too fired up to take it slow—so the pace he set was fast, giving Leo the short, sharp thrusts that would get them both there before Finn lost it completely. He could tell Leo wanted it just as badly, groaning as he pushed his hips back to meet him.
“Gonna come,” Logan said tightly, reaching around to take Leo’s cock in hand. Leo’s strangled cry made Finn thrash and Logan pick up the pace, jacking Leo to the quick tempo of his thrusts.
“Oh my god, oh—yeah, Tremz, come on, wannahaveitgimmeitplease?”
Logan dropped his head between Leo’s shoulder blades and moaned long as low as he pulsed inside him, hips grinding slowly as he rode it out. He smiled to himself as he felt Leo start to come a few seconds later, stroking him through it and savoring the shocked little laugh that tumbled out of him as Logan got him nice and full and spent.
Well, hopefully not spent-spent. He still wanted to see their plan through. Logan looked over Leo's shoulder at Finn, who looked like he was trying very, very hard not to spontaneously combust.
Leo had stopped the blowjob while he came which seemed to give Finn just a moment to calm himself. But now he had two sets of eyes on him. Finn swallowed thickly and his cock twitched against his lower belly.
"Leo, do you still want—?"
"Yes I want it, I want him, m'fucking good for it." Leo let out a soft noise when Logan pulled out.
"You know what to do then, O'Hara. Give him his second and make him messy."
Finn groaned and covered his face with his hands. "You can't just say shit like that after Nutty's just given me the succ of my life and then not let me cum—jesus—" By then, Leo had already shifted, climbing up on top of Finn so Logan could line them up.
Leo looked down at him and gently moved one hand out of the way. "There's my handsome guy. You ready Fish?"
"Yeah baby, fucking give it to me."
Leo wasted no time; he sank down onto Finn’s cock as he guided Finn’s hands to his waist, squeezing them in a quick pulse as Finn got the message and held him there.
Logan almost missed Leo’s hushed “fuck yes” under the punched-out moan that escaped Finn’s lips as Leo found his seat. Finn was beautiful like this, utterly breathless and flushed down to his freckled chest. Logan’s hand was tender as it brushed red hair away from Finn’s eyes.
“I like you desperate,” he murmured, which earned him one of the surprised little laughs Finn often gave them in bed. Logan wanted to kiss the point of his smile-scrunched nose, so he did.
“You two,” was all Finn said before kissing him, as though that answered everything about his current state. Logan’s chest swelled with pride as he realized that for Finn, it did.
The grin on Leo’s face was a little wild, a little sex-drunk, as he started to move (and oh, did he move. Logan had literally just fucked him, but he was still a tiny bit jealous as he watched pure bliss blossom over Finn’s handsome face).
“Holy fuck, Le,” Finn managed. He pushed his hips up a few times, trying to meet Leo, but his shaking legs flattened on the bed after a minute. He was going, going, gone, and so was Leo. Logan wanted to get them the rest of the way there.
"Can you give us another, soleil? Can you cum all over Finn's pretty chest as he fills you up?" Logan kissed Leo's cheek and took hold of his cock, causing a gorgeous little hitch in Leo's hips that had all three of them groaning. "He's so close, aren't you, Rouge?"
"I'm there, I'm there, holy fuck, Le—Lo—baby, I'm there, can I? Let me, please can I?” There was nothing so beautiful as Finn O'Hara spread out and flushed with pleasure and begging to cum. He made the prettiest picture and his cock just felt so good inside of Leo that…
"You can cum, Finn, be good and cum and fill him up." Logan gave him permission and kissed his forehead as Leo threw his head back and rode their redhead as hard as he could.
As long as he lived, Logan would never, ever not be transfixed by the sight of his boys like this. The way Finn arched his back, eyes falling shut as he moaned so pretty and gave himself over to it; the way Leo laughed around a “yes, yes, yes!” as he got what he wanted and then followed Finn close behind, knees jerking inward on either side of Finn’s hips as he came harder than he had the first time, shaking in their hold on him.
It was like Logan could feel it, too, and it made him needy all over again. His cock twitched against his thigh, but he ignored it in favor of stroking Leo through the aftershocks and run fingertips down the ladder of Finn’s ribs as he gave every last drop to Leo.
Soon, though, both of them went a little boneless, Finn slipping out of Leo as Leo pitched forward to lay chest to chest. Finn looked a bit squashed, but he wasn’t complaining; he kissed Leo’s sweat-damp temple and rubbed his back in a slow rhythm. Logan knelt beside them and bit his lip against a groan as he closed a hand around himself, chasing a second orgasm. He’d join the cuddle puddle in a moment, he just needed to…
“Lemme,” Finn slurred, eyes already half-lidded as Leo pet his hair. He shot a hand out but missed, grazing Logan’s thigh; Logan laughed even as he stroked himself faster, gripped a little tighter.
“Stay,” Logan teasingly commanded. “ ‘M close. I’m—merde, you two…”
He jumped a little as he felt a hand grip him by the back of the knee and pull him closer.
“C’mere,” Leo said, sounding just as sleepily sated as Finn even as he urged Lo closer. “On me, on me, please?”
Logan was about to say something about Leo being messy enough, but then Leo arched a little so his ass was on display, displayed for Logan, and said “please?” again. Logan watched as cum trickled out of him and realized it could be his or Finn’s, and that was it—he shifted closer, jacked himself quick and hard for another few seconds, and painted Leo from the small of his back to the tops of his thighs.
All three of them were breathing heavily, sort of all smushed together in a pile of hockey players on their huge bed. That was truly one of the best parts of their sex ritual; however they ended up, they were snuggling. Eventually, Finn cleared his throat.
"So, uh, not to be that guy and question such an awesome thing that brought about mutual orgasms, but like…where the fuck did all that come from?! I mean, I loved it—the voice and the armor and the roleplay and the armor, but like. Where did all that come from?" He flapped his hands a little from where he was pinned under Leo, and it got chuckles out of Leo and Logan. But then Leo turned and peeked at Logan.
"...That's not your suit, is it?"
"Non. It's a rental."
"Right, but from who?"
Logan sat up and kissed Leo's shoulder and got up to get a flannel. "...it might have been Kuny."
"Ohhhh my God, we're about to get chirped so fucking bad," Finn lamented, even as Leo pressed smiley little kisses all over his freckled neck and shoulder.
"Mm, and I'm going to be fucking sore tomorrow, but it was worth it. Right, Marshal?"
"God… You'd make such a pretty Jedi, Le. The prettiest."
"Et moi? Do I get a thank you?" Logan returned with the cloth and began to clean up Leo.
"Consider my crush on Pedro Pascal officially replaced. New celebrity crush is Logan Tremblay in a Mandalorian costume."
"Hear-hear, seconded and the motion passes. But when you give the armor back…" Finn paused and caught Logan's eye with a grin. "Ask if that website has Jedi robes."
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ally-holmes · 8 months
Day 14 of the 30-day short story challenge
Today's topic was provided by @silvermoon-scrolls and it happens to be an Anders Johnson fanfic. Sort of. It's Anders' birthday and he's lonely.
CW: it may seem hurt/comfort but it's more comfort than anything else
Words: 971
Also availabe on AO3
Here it goes:
Anders Johnson had never been easily bamboozled. From an early age, he learned to fend for himself.
On one hand, he was the second son of four siblings so his parents didn't have much time for him. Evidently, Mike and Axl were the ones who received more attention and love as the former was the firstborn whilst the latter was the youngest. Anders and Ty ought to keep up with the middle-child syndrome; however, Ty betrayed Anders by being highly temperamental and extremely needy.
On the other hand, Johan Johnson wasn't the best father of them all. He wasn't even mediocre. As the male god he was, Johan drank too much, hurt his wife, and ignored his children until he decided to leave them. Elizabeth Johnson, Johan's wife, took care of the children as a slave unintentionally halfheartedly. She loved them, Anders had no doubt about that, yet the idea of raising four gods that might end up just as disturbing as Johan was too much for her.
She abandoned them after Mike's 21st birthday.
At the time, Mike had lied to his brothers explaining that their mother had died. It seems obvious that one cannot just gather one's brothers to tell them that their mother, the goddess Freyja, had decided she rather turn herself into a tree than stay with her sons.
Anders was the first one to know the truth, as he was the next one on turning 21 and finding out he was the vessel of the poetry Norse god Bragi. The notion that he had been abandoned by his mother instead of orphaned struck him harder than it did the other two, yet he showed no emotions about it.
He bottled up his emotions, his feelings, his thoughts… Nobody cared. His brothers' behavior toward him had always been lacking one way or another but after the whole Val and Gaia issue, and then figuring out that by "the gods going to Asgard" the prophecy meant the part of them that wasn't human… Let's just say it wasn't ideal. Or pretty. Or nice.
Building up their human lives again when mortals had no memory of them was hard on everyone, sure, but none of them had relied on their powers to do their jobs as much as Anders had. Without Bragi's loquacity, Anders' world was doomed.
Or so he had thought.
Dawn, although without remembering much, was still an important piece of his PR business. She became so important to him that he had no choice but to make her his partner. That, of course, meant that he couldn't pile up his work on her desk anymore.
All in all, Anders had a regular life. Even without Bragi's powers, he was still cute enough to get as many girls as he wanted, the business was recovering thanks to Dawn, and his brothers seemed to be living their happiest lives. If only all that hadn't left him feeling left behind…
Everything was nice and good and fine. Sure, fine. He bottled up his feelings. Who cared? He hid his thoughts under the carpet. So what? Everything was marvelous. Splendid. Fantabulous!!
Then his birthday rolled by and for the first time, he had no strength to call his brothers annoyingly demanding for them to congratulate him. Anders sat on his sofa with a family-size bag of Doritos and watched the Lord of the Rings trilogy in their extended versions. His phone did not buzz a single time. Not even spam calls!!
Anders Johnson had never been easily bamboozled. He had always been able to catch people's ticks and pauses to know when he was being played. His deplorable situation explains why Anders didn't catch something amiss when Axl called him claiming an emergency with Zeb at their place. Axl had sounded so distressed that Anders had left the apartment without being a dick to his younger brother for not having congratulated him on his birthday.
Again, please take into account that Anders Johnson had never, ever, been easily bamboozled.
That night was different.
Closing his car door with a loud noise, Anders jumped the stars in twos to reach the main door sooner. He knocked at the wood with a steady rhythm. After receiving no answer, he tried the doorknob and pushed it open.
With strides as long as his legs allowed him he found himself quickly enough in the living room with a bunch of confetti being ejaculated into his face.
He blinked.
"What the fuck is going on?" He asked completely, utterly, and profoundly bamboozled.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!" The room roared at him with laughter.
He blinked, again.
Ty was the first one to close the distance embracing him crushingly. Anders felt his eyes stung and he'd be dammed if he let himself go at a time like this in front of everyone. Before he was able to reorient himself, Axl was hugging him. Axl, the egg!! Mocking Anders' height, Axl in his giantness put his cheek on top of Anders' head. Mike's turn was somewhat awkward. Their history had not been even from the start, but their fraternal love was there as it has always been. Mike grabbed him by the shoulder, squeezed it as if trying to convince himself, and then he pulled Anders into a bear hug.
Having waited patiently while the brothers shared the birthday boy, Olaff, their granddad, forced the four men into a collective hug with him.
"Sorry about the call," Axl had the nerve to look apologetic. "We wanted to be a proper surprise this time."
"We totally bamboozled you this time, did we not?" Ty gave him a bear with a smug smile.
Anders, who had always been unable to keep his mouth shut, found himself at a loss for words. His bottled emotions, feelings, and thoughts were overflowing with affection. 
The end.
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kirythestitchwitch · 5 months
Vienna, please!
Hello anon! Okay so Vienna is the next stop on the "lost in the right direction" world tour. I have a little bit written but i was mostly in the map planning stages (thank you @avari20 for your fantabulous maps and advice) and frantically googling things i could find tours of on youtube. it was fun! It's been on the back burner for a while on accident, i really did mean to get back to it.
Here is a little snippet!
Her Jimmy Choos made an undignified clatter as Caroline dropped them on the bedroom floor and flung herself bodily sideways across the bed. A moan of bliss escaped her as she sank into the plush duvet, her still faintly sore feet dangling off the bed with the train of her evening gown. “I’m a vampire, I’m supposed to be able to dance all night, this whole being tired thing is fake.” she protested, voice muffled in the bedspread. A low chuckle drifted to her from somewhere behind. “Stamina comes with age, sweetheart. We’ll see how you feel once a hundred years are behind you,” Klaus said as fabric rustled. “Oh my god, we get it, your stamina is so impressive.” Keeping her head buried in the duvet was clearly the right choice, because if she saw that smug look on his face, she was going to bite him. Never mind that it truly was impressive, as he’d proved to her on multiple occasions. “As I recall, you were the one who wanted to stay at the Concordia Ball until four in the morning.” There were two light thuds of something hitting the floor and then his voice grew nearer. “Perhaps I should have withheld our garden tryst at midnight. Although it did seem to… invigorate you." Calloused fingers touched the back of her knee, trailed up her thigh partway up to where her dress spilled open from the slit in the front.
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stellaluna33 · 1 year
Jess and Rory really are the Nerd versions of Luke and Lorelai, haha. Luke "Butch" Danes was like this star athlete in highschool, and Jess is... well, definitely not that. 😂 And Lorelai is a good dancer and singer and flirty, and Rory is... not those things either. 😂
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Summary: Noise tries to find some ground, while being nowhere near anything physical of the sort.
“HELP!” Noise cries, reaching out for anything he can grab hold of.  But even though they can see Youngblood reaching out to grab them, something from the door is pulling them with a force that Noise can’t resist, even the few inches it would take to grab hands.
The cart doors slam shut, though that does nothing to prevent the way that Noise is falling.  Or he supposes he’s falling.  It’s hard to feel a sense of direction with such obvious magic involved.  It feels even harder for them to resist the pull now that the doors have shut, and Noise isn’t sure they would have it in themselves anyway, not with everything the past couple days have thrown at them.
Noise squeezes his eyes shut, trying to get any sense of grounding before whatever happens to him inevitably happens.  Not that feeling grounded is something they can count on anymore.  He isn’t sure how he’s ever supposed to feel grounded in anything ever again.
Can you blame them?  Within the course of twenty four hours he’s met up with Youngblood again, fought him in a bard’s duel and nearly been killed by him— no.  Not killed.  They still want to think Youngblood wouldn’t have done that, wouldn’t have gone that far.  Sure, he’s hurt them before, but… but then he apologized.  Right, because that happened in the last twenty four hours too.  Talk about things that make Noise feel ungrounded.
He has never considered the possibility of Youngblood apologizing to him.  Then again, they had never considered the possibility of Youngblood hurting them and then abandoning them without talking about it either, but then that happened.  Does… does that mean that Noise just doesn’t know Youngblood at all anymore?
He likes that idea even less.  If they know so little about the only person they’ve ever considered a friend, well, what does that say about them?
What does it say about him that that idiot Roman seems to know more about Youngblood than he does?  What does it say that Youngblood thinks Roman has his back more?  Is he honestly competing with someone who has just recently learned what music is?  Is he honestly losing?
Noise isn’t going to acknowledge the tears building up around their eyes.  Come on, he’s not drunk anymore, he has no excuse for crying.
Well, other than the fact that they’re hurtling towards an unknown destiny at breakneck pace and they’re not sure if Youngblood or Roman cares enough to come after them.  The smart thing for the two of them to do is to leave now that they no longer have anyone guarding them.
That’s exactly what they’re going to do, isn’t it?  They’re going to leave Noise to get pulled towards whatever he’s getting pulled towards and leave Fantabulous Neon without a glance backwards, probably patting each other on the back as they go, glad to be rid of the dead weight.
Oh, fine.  Leave Noise to get themself out of their own mess.  Why should he care?  They didn’t need Youngblood the whole year he was gone, they don’t need him now.  He can fix this himself.  Just watch.  See, he’s already started with being so amazing at this grounding thing.
Noise opens their eyes and tries to look around.
Now if only he could find some.
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merlinbingo · 1 year
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It's the end of the year, and here Peach is, sneaking in just under the wire with the November round up. Sorry it’s so late, and I will do my very best to do better next year...
As always happens at the end of these things, we got a truly mind-blowing number of fills in November - 99 of them, to be exact, created by 20 fantabulous participants! 79 were fics, 11 artworks, five reclists and one moodboard, one gifset, one playlist and one digital 3D model, which is another entirely new format for us (and, can I just say, I love and adore how willing you all are to try new things).
We also got the largest array of foreground ships we’ve seen since February, with 15 different ships (in addition to the 21 gen works you submitted). Merlin/Arthur are obviously top of the list with 50, Merlin/Lancelot a very respectable second with 10, Gwen/Morgana at four and both Arthur/Gwen and Merlin/Freya with two fills each, plus ten additional ships with only one fill each.
And now, obviously, the think you’re actually here for: the round up! As always, you’ll find the November fills below the cut, sorted by ship and then by rating, and we encourage you to check the ratings and warnings before clicking on any of those links.
For now, I bid you adieu, at least until just after midnight when I’ll be back with the round three sign up post!!!
Gen/no ships
A Rising Sky by thefollow-spot Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Canon Divergence - Episode: s05e13 The Diamond of the Day, Arthur Pendragon Lives (Merlin), One Shot, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Canon-Typical Homoeroticism Summary: "Arthur’s hair was cooling-wet: a combination of sweat, the morning air, and the lake water. Merlin reached out a shaking hand and brushed it off Arthur’s forehead with his thumb. His touch was like every one before it." | Finale AU; Arthur lives. Canon-typical homoeroticism ensues.
Modern Merlin by TyalanganD Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Art, portrait, haircut Summary: Modern Merlin with longer hair.
Truth in Light by Skydragon05 Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Friendship, Magic, A bit of angst, Looking out for eachother, Secrets Revealed Summary: Lancelot is a little worse for wear after a night out at the tavern. In his drunken state he marvels in awe at Merlin's magic, but inadvertently reveals a secret of his own...
Forgiveness by Stelle Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: lancelot, digital art Summary:
Clumsy Merlin by mithian Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Summary:
Arthur by Stelle Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: 3D model, Arthur Summary:
brittle parchment, scattered truth by queerofthedagger Rating: General audiences Warnings: Major character death Major tags: Pre-Canon, Post-Canon, Epistolary, Angst Summary: Five letters Queen Ygraine wrote to her son, and one letter that was written in response.
Merlin in Winter by TyalanganD Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Art, Portrait, Winter, Modern AU Summary: Modern Merlin likes wearing earmuffs in winter.
Charcoal Rain by Skydragon05 Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Fluff, mother-son relationship, child Merlin, Hunith POV, learning to read and write Summary: Hunith is determined to teach six-year-old Merlin to read and write, but as is often the case with her magical child, things don’t quite go as to plan. Fluff in which Hunith discovers Merlin’s magical photocopying ability, amongst other things.
What Cane To Pass by Skydragon05 Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Dragonlord Merlin, Post Canon, Confronting Kilgharrah, Merlin has Questions Summary: "I failed?" "No, Young Warlock, for all that you have dreamed of building has come to pass." The words of the Great Dragon have rung in the mind of the Dragonlord ever since that day at the Lake of Avalon. But what did they mean? For there was one thing that was certain; all he'd dreamed of building had NOT come to pass. Or, Merlin calls Kilgharrah one more time, and wants answers
Sleeping Spells by Skydragon05 Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Accidental Magic, fluff, angst, sleep magic, dreams and nightmares Summary: Merlin has a problem - his dreams are coming true, literally. It all started after eating some of Gwaine's special mushrooms. Gaius is at a loss for a cure, which is all very well while Merlin dreams of flowers and butterflies. It's when Merlin has nightmares that the real problems begin.
One of Three by Skydragon05 Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Post-canon, angst, destiny, grief, courage strength and magic Summary: In the months after Camlann, Merlin discovers everything he'd assumed about destiny had been wrong. Destiny had never relied on a two-sided coin, but a three-pointed triad. And Merlin had failed to see it.
A Warm Fire by Skydragon05 Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Child Merlin, Winter, Mother and Son, Magical 3 Year Old, Fluff and Warmth Summary: As a winter storm rages, Hunith is confined at home with three-year-old Merlin, and the firewood has run out. Merlin is cold, and decides to take matters into his own hands.
Just a Nudge by Skydragon05 Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: S1 Ep3 Mark of Nimueh, Merlin’s Magic Confession, Afanc episode, Arthur Suspicious Summary: Arthur’s idiot servant Merlin had tried to confess to the magic which healed Gwen’s father. Arthur had first thought Merlin had made it up to save Gwen - but now, with the confession replaying over on his mind, he’s having doubts about his earlier conviction. Had Merlin really been lying?
BBC Goncharov: A Fandom Still Thriving by Skydragon05 Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Goncharov, Paralells, Article, Imagines future, Goncharov as Arthurian-like legends Summary: Fictional article from the future about 'BBC Goncharov', drawing parallels with BBC Merlin
The Secret Handshake by Skydragon05 Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Yuletide fluff, Left-handed handshakes, confused Merlin and Arthur, Good Morgana, Season 3 or 4 canon divergent Summary: It's the yuletide celebration, and this year guests are attending from all over the kingdom. There's one thing unusual though. Several of the guests are not only shaking hands with the King upon arrival, but with Merlin too... and they're shaking his hand backwards. Merlin can't fathom why, so Morgana goes off to seek answers.
Under a Headgerow by Skydragon05 Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Child Mordred, Found Child, Protective Arthur, Series 1 canon divergent, Mordred never reached camelot with Cerdan, Summary: Merlin and Arthur return from a hunt and find a young boy, frightened and alone. They bring him back to Camelot to see Gaius.
Anhora' Fic Recs by Skydragon05 Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Anhora, The Unicorn Guy, Gen Fics, Reclist Summary: Gen fic rec list for the character 'Anhora'
Since Avalon by queerofthedagger Rating: Teen Warnings: Major character death Major tags: Post-Camlann, Grief/Mourning, Reconciliation, Angst Summary: Merlin knows when Kilgharrah dies.
Sweet Child in Time by TyalanganD Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply, Angst Major tags: Canon divergence, Arthur finds out, angst, memory magic Summary: Arthur finds out about Merlin's magic. And then he finds out again. And again. And again...
Torn Threads by Skydragon05 Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Danger, holes in space-time, BAMF Magic, Arthur knows about Merlin’s magic, trying to save the world Summary: Arthur could not see the loose threads flailing and lashing at the edge of the rip, nor feel the evil dark force that lay behind it, straining against Merlin’s hold. He’d seen the effects of it though, the destruction. || Merlin must use all his skill and power to mend a hole in space, Arthur is annoyed he can’t help.
pancakes by kairennart Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: digital art, fluff Summary:
mermaid au by kairennart Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: digital art, pirate gwen, mermaid morgana Summary:
I slithered here from Eden (Just to sit outside your door) by Camelots_Daffodil Rating: Teen Warnings: Choose not to use archive warnings Major tags: Past relationship, POV Morgana, Set between Season 4 & 5, flashbacks Summary: While she's imprisoned with Aithusa by the Sarrum of Amarta, Morgana dreams only of Gwen.
Mommy kink rec list by MerthurAllure Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Rec List, Smut, Mommy Kink Summary: A short rec list of fics with mommy kink
Caught by a thunderstorm by Laevateinn Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Canon compliant (kinda), Canon Era, Thunderstorm, Lancelot hates thunderstorms Summary: Gwen and Lancelot, on their way back to Camelot, get caught in a thunderstorm. They take refuge inside a semi abandoned shack, but have nothing to do to pass the time.
How Quickly Things Change by Skydragon05 Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Loneliness, hurt/comfort, laughter, masking, path not taken Summary: Gwaine is one of the knights escorting Princess Mithian on her return journey to Nemeth, after her betrothal to King Arthur has fallen through. When Gwaine finds her sitting alone by the fire lost in thought, he brings her some much needed laughter. He also finds himself offering a shoulder to lean on, as she shares with him her feelings on everything that’s happened.
Somewhere That's Ours by mithian Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Canon Divergence, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Magic Revealed, Getting Together, Kissing Summary: Merlin and Morgana discover secrets about each other.
Steal My Breath And Use My Body by MerthurAllure Rating: Explicit Warnings: Rape/non-con Major tags: Extremely Dubious Consent, Sex Slave, Choking Summary: Morgana chains Mordred up and uses him for pleasure
Songbird's Call by Skydragon05 Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Emotional Hutr/Comfort, Friendship, Grief/Mourning, Guilt, Hopeful Ending Summary: After the pain of Freya's death, Merlin meets with Lancelot, who offers comfort and a shoulder to lean on, as well as some words of advice.
To Be Loved by mithian Rating: Not rated Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Summary: A Freya/Merlin playlist
oblivious to lovers by kairennart Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: oblivious arthur, humor, digital art Summary:
Fabulous Feathers by Skydragon05 Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Fluff, Humour, Mornings, Golden Age, Merlin has a box of surprises Summary: It's early morning and Gwen wants a lie in. Her children have different ideas, theyre wide awake and they've been raiding Uncle Merlin's Box of Surprises.
Muddy Waters by dorochas (stanzas) Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Canon Divergence Summary: “He’s moping,” Isolde announced, pulling off the straps connecting her muddy armor and sending it clattering to the floor. “I think he missed us this morning, Sir Lancelot. You know how he loves cuddling—”
Third Wheeling by MerthurAllure Rating: Explicit Warnings: Incest Major tags: PWP, Threesome, Drabble Summary: Arthur and Morgana have some fun while Merlin thoroughly enjoys the show
Don’t Make Me Wait by MerthurAllure Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: PWP, Semi-Public Sex, Oral Sex, Modern Era Summary: Percy and Arthur have a relaxing morning at the park. It’s a good thing no one else is around.
Bring Me a Dream by MerthurAllure Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: PWP, Wet Dream, Coming Untouched Summary: Merlin has a wet dream
On the Wings of Error by chaosgenes Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Modern Alternate Universe - Gods, Getting Together, Love at First Sight Summary: Gwaine is cupid incarnate and tries to complete his 100th happy couple mission, which is to set up Arthur and Gwen together. Percy, incarnate to the god of war, doesn't make it easy for him.
Memories by Stelle Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Merwaine, Merlin Fanart Summary:
wounds by kairennart Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: digital art, wound bandaging, blood Summary:
Remember My Love by mithian Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Canon era, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Establish Relationship, Lancelot's POV Summary: Lancelot comforts Merlin when he's feeling bad about his magic.
The Accidental Date by mithian Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Misunderstandings, Coffee Shop AU, Modern era, Humor, Getting Together Summary: Merlin thinks it's a date, Lancelot thinks it's a job interview. It should be a disaster but love has started in stranger ways.
You Feel Like Home by mithian Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: University AU, Modern era, Roommates, Modern with Magic, Friends to Lovers Summary: Merlin tries to find answers about his magic at Camelot University. Luckily his roommate Lancelot is there to help him.
Vampire fic by kairennart Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence Major tags: vampire au, canon era, enemies to lovers Summary:
A bit unwell by Castilian Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Modern Setting, Established Relationship, Sick Arthur Summary: Arthur feels very tired after being sick.
Forgiveness (is a nice thing to do) by heartsocold Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: modern setting, established relationship, fluff, hurt/comfort, forgiveness Summary: “You don’t like her, do you?” Arthur asks after they’ve been quiet for a while. “Fine. No, I don’t,” Merlin replies unapologetically. “I get that she’s your sister and you love her and I appreciate everything she’s done for you and Lily. I’m glad that you have her back now and that the kids get another aunt but I can’t forgive her for hurting you or Lily. Maybe one day I’ll be able to move past it but right now I want to wring her fucking neck every time I think about her.”
Angst is coming by TyalanganD Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Arthur returns, angst, hallucination Summary: Arthur has finally returned, but Merlin can't adjust.
Handfasting by Stelle Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Merthur, digital art Summary: Merlin and Arthur's marriage in Celtic ceremony
Reincarnated by Stelle Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: merthur, digital art Summary: Merlin and Arthur remember their previous life during a school trip to old Camelot castle.
"I wanna" is enough. (No need to justify) by 50quid Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Childhood Friends, School Plays, Friends to Mutual Crushes Summary:
thumbtack down by 50quid Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: AU - Canon Divergence, Parents Merthur, Light Bickering Summary:
Adaptation by RansomNoteworthy Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Awkward Flirting, Books, Alternate Universe - Modern: No Powers, Alternate Universe - Bookstore Summary: Working at the bookstore can be boring at times, but Merlin and Gwen have a fit new customer keeping them distracted. Is he there for the books? Is he there for one of them? Is he a figment of their imagination? The owner, Gaius, doesn’t actually care, but he suggests a staff favorites board at the till, because if their new favorite customer repeatedly buys one person’s recommendations, well, maybe it’s a sign of affection and shared interests? And either way, at least then they’ll “be making sales, people, get back to work already!”
Order Up by RansomNoteworthy Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Alternate Universe - Modern: No Powers, Flirting, Oblivious Summary: Merlin's new at the coffee shop, Arthur's new at feeling out of his depth, and Gwen's an old hand at dealing with aggravating people, customers and coworkers alike.
Squeaky and Fluffy by TyalanganD Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply, Past abuse Major tags: Modern AU, Toys, Fluff and humor, slice of life Summary: Merlin keeps squeaky toys in bed, because apparently, he's a dog. But Arthur loves him anyway.
Relax by Castilian Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Established Relationship Summary: Arthur is nervous, Merlin is there to help him relax.
Alternatively, The Future is not set in Stone by royal_spud Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Canon era, secret siblings and evil twins, prophecy, kid Mordred, worried Merlin Summary: Once upon a time, Merlin believed his future was one that had already been dictated. That had been until Arthur had shown him it wasn't, that he had a life of his own creation to look forward to. And all was good and well. But now, Morgana was asking to take Mordred into her care. Mordred who everyone thought was his little brother, Mordred who was under his care and his watchful eye, Merlin, who once had been destined to kill Arthur, who was now more than infatuated with the little kid. It leaves Merlin to wonder what he'd chosen to believe... If after all, the future was set in stone.
Please take care of me (and shut me up) by TyalanganD Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Modern AU, babysitting, humor, getting together Summary: Life is so unfair. The moment Merlin moves out of his family home, his parents hire a hot babysitter. But Merlin has a plan.
Insult to Injury by queerofthedagger Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Canon Divergence, Post The Darkest Hour, Secret Siblings/Evil Twins, Merlin's Magic Revealed Summary: On a grief-soaked day in November, Arthur reveals that he knows of Merlin's secret. Except. If only it were that easy.
Love in a Time of Dragons (Chapter 1) by Camelots_Daffodil Rating: Teen Warnings: Choose not to use archive warnings Major tags: Post Canon, Angst, Dragonlord!Merlin, Immortal!Merlin Summary: After Merlin loses everything, he needs to find something new to live for, at least for the time being. The thing? Dragons.
This is a love story by TyalanganD Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Modern AU, getting back together, post-breakup, asexuality Summary: Five years ago, Merlin and Arthur broke up. After all, one is supposed to enjoy sex with people one loves - and Merlin couldn't. Now, they bump into each other in a coffee shop. This totally is a love story. Only, not the one you'd think.
I've got you (under my skin) by Sage_Owl Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Kidnapping, canon divergence, Arthur knows about Merlin's magic, Established Relationship, Merlin is so done. Summary: Merlin and Arthur get kidnapped, again. Merlin's rather sick of it.
turns to dust by Sage_Owl Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Alternte universe -1930s, Dust bowl, secret relationship, alternate universe- farmers/ranch Summary: Arthur and Merlin are both trying to escape something. Can they find a way out together?
A Pawn No Longer by Sage_Owl Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Redeemed Morgana, Canon divergence, Morgana's magic revealed, Arthur knows about Merlin's magic, established relationship Summary: The throne room smells like smoke and blood, and there is a vial in Merlin’s pocket that he refuses to touch.
Merlin Emrys' Values by TyalanganD Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply, Creepy dark comedy Major tags: Addams Family Fusion, Creepy fluff, asexuality Summary: Since Merlin and Arthur got together, they’ve been experimenting a lot. There was the guillotine and the electric chair in the attic, and the ring of fire in the basement. There was also some cuddling and kissing. But there wasn’t much sex, to be quite honest.
Camelot's Conniving Cloak Crook by Sage_Owl Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Arthur knows about Merlin's magic, comfort, canon era, established relationship, King Arthur Pendragon Summary: Arthur's day begins badly, and only gets worse. Where on earth is his cloak? And more importantly, Merlin?
Shades of Blue by mithian Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Teachers AU, Arthur teaches science, Merlin teaches art, Painting, Kissing Summary: Arthur’s never seen Merlin paint before, and now he can’t take his eyes off him.
Goodnight, Stars by Sage_Owl Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Teenagers, Circus AU, Acrobatics, First Kiss, Modern Era Summary: Merlin's having trouble with a trick. Arthur ends up being more distracting than helpful.
From M to A by TyalanganD Rating: Teen Warnings: Self-harm (not graphic) Major tags: Modern AU, soulmates, role reversal, angst with a happy ending Summary: In a world where people bear marks with the first letter of their soulmates' names, Merlin, a talented artist, tries to find happiness and fulfill his mother's expectations. It's way harder than he thinks. And then, life kicks him in the butt.
Dragon's Legacy by Zaharya Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Dragon!Merlin, Hurt Merlin, Protective Arthur, Hurt/Comfort Summary: When Arthur against all odds manages to mortally wound the dragon, Kilgharrah bestows his magic unto Merlin in an attempt to save his kind.
Rumor Has It by RansomNoteworthy Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Misunderstandings, Awkward Conversations, Coming Out, Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - Modern: No Powers Summary: Arthur hasn't met all of Morgana's new friends at college, but he's especially suspicious about this new guy he's heard is dating Gwen. That's nothing a few conversations can't clear up-- or make much more complicated. After talk of OnlyFans accounts, and discussions 'through the closet door,' how will it all shake out?
Message Not Received by RansomNoteworthy Rating: Teen Warnings: Choose not to use archive warnings Major tags: Feelings Realization, Protective Merlin, Accidental Baby Acquisition, Angst with a Happy Ending, Alternate Universe - Modern: No Powers Summary: Hospital coworkers Arthur and Merlin are best friends now, however that happened, and nothing can come between them: Except maybe a car accident, a coma, and a whole bunch of uncovered secrets and realizations.
Buried Within Us (I Love You So) by Mischel Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Summary: When Arthur asks Merlin to let him feel his magic, Merlin's magic decides to do its own thing and let Arthur know just how much he's loved.
Edge of Our Seats by RansomNoteworthy Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Near Death Experiences, Confessions, Alternate Universe - Modern: No Powers, Airplanes Summary: Bandmates Merlin and Arthur have had a million conversations over the years, but there's a few things they never had the time or the nerve to say to each other. A near-death experience is as good a time as any to finally say what they mean.
Fix-it' fics rec list - Merlin BBC by Laevateinn Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Rec list, fix-it, episode coda, post canon, gen and Merthur Summary: Rec list of fix-it fics!
You're My Escape by mithian Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Canon divergent, Living Together, There's Only One Bed, Magic Reveal, Getting Together Summary: Merlin and Arthur flee Camelot to live in a cottage in the woods together.
A Heart is Made to Ache, Break and Heal by royal_spud Rating: Mature Warnings: Major character death Major tags: Unhinged Merlin, unrequited love, magic reveal, hopeful ending, heartbreak Summary: Merlin's always been the kindest among them, barely able to stand the sight of a dead rabbit. He despised violence and loathed hunting. And flinched at the sound of clanging metal. But when a sorcerer snatches the king and his knights from their bedchambers one calm night, and forces them all to watch him as he rampaged everything and everyone in his way as he searched of them, well kept secrets come spilling out; leaving them to wonder just how well they knew who Merlin was. If he was the same person who smiled as bright as the sun and sung to himself and made flower crowns. The person they'd known, and adored, and some had even grown to love. Or if he was someone else entirely.
Everything is just fine by TyalanganD Rating: Mature Warnings: Rape/non-con Major tags: Merlin and Arthur are together, and when one day, Merlin agrees for them to take things a bit further, his body suddenly reacts in an unexpected way. And then, past trauma comes to the surface. Summary:
The Labour of Love by TyalanganD Rating: Mature Warnings: No archive warnings apply, Non-graphic violence, injury Major tags: Greek Mythology, Hurt Arthur, Injury, star-crossed Summary: When Arthur is tasked with a labour of killing the Lernean Hydra, he meets a beautiful youth: Merlin.
As We Know It by Sage_Owl Rating: Mature Warnings: Major character death Major tags: End of the world, reincarnation, hopeful ending, gentle sex, short one shot Summary: Merlin and Arthur find themselves at the end of the world. Again.
You Are A Scar by MerthurAllure Rating: Mature Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: High School, Hurt/Comfort, Getting Together, First Kiss Summary: Merlin’s life suddenly gets a lot better.
Transforming by TyalanganD Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Modern AU, Trans Merlin, Exhibitionism Summary: The evening starts with Merlin noticing new changes happening to his body - and ends with something steamy.
BDSM rec list by MerthurAllure Rating: Explicit Warnings: Choose not to use archive warnings Major tags: Bdsm, Rec List, Kink Exploration, Painplay, Gun Kink Summary: A rec list of bdsm fics
Model Behavior by Sage_Owl Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Photoshoots, glasses, first meetings, masturbation, models Summary: Arthur does a favor for Gwaine, and meets Merlin. Things escalate from there.
And You Love It by TyalanganD Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Canon Era, PWP, Topping from the bottom, rough sex Summary: Merlin is evil. He always demands for Arthur to fuck him in the most inopportune moments. Like, during a Round Table meeting.
I cannot stand the way you tease by Sage_Owl Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Pornstars, Modern Era, Fingering, Roommates, Secret Identity Summary: Merlin's supposed to be meeting a new flatmate today, but his latest obsession, Fitzroy, just posted a new video. Surely nothing will go wrong if he watches for a little while...
Can't help but stare by Sage_Owl Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Pornstars, voyeurism, masturbation, roommates, sex toys Summary: Merlin's flatmate, Arthur, puts on a show. Merlin decides to stay and watch.
Nice Tailpipe [Mood Board] by MerthurAllure Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Mood Board, Nsfw, Car Sex Summary: a mood board about arthur and his car kink (and his boyfriend who really can’t complain)
The Narcissist’s Thirst Trap by MerthurAllure Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Social Media AU, PWP, Epistolary, Video Chat Sex Summary: Arthur Pendragon is an up and coming actor. He wouldn’t consider himself a famous celebrity by any means, but he has quite a few dedicated fans. One of which happens to run a thirst blog all about him.
Now that I've got you (I won't let you go) by Sage_Owl Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Pornstars, light angst, bottoming from the top, bottom Arthur Pendragon, getting together Summary: Arthur's finally got Merlin where he wants him. But how will things end?
Like A Tidal Wave by Sage_Owl Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Friends to lovers, skinny dipping, beach sex, teenagers, modern era Summary: Arthur's never been able to say no to Merlin, about anything. Not even at 1am.
Still I Surface in Morning Light by queerofthedagger Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: An attack gone wrong leaves Merlin and Arthur stuck in each other's bodies. While Merlin thinks the most complicated part is that Arthur ends up with his magic, it does not take long until he is reminded that it can always, always get worse. Summary:
gentle bite by queerofthedagger Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Dom/sub, Porn without Plot, Spanking, Praise Kink Summary: Impact; count out loud; rush of gold and warmth.
Mine (pronoun; possessive) by queerofthedagger Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Canon Divergence, Established Relationship, Possessive Merlin, Porn with Feelings, Emotional Hurt/Comfort Summary: Arthur is used to how everyone treats the body of a prince as something not entirely his own; Merlin decides to do something about it.
Epistolary rec list by MerthurAllure Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Rec List, Epistolary Summary: A rec list of epistolary fics
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fantabulosogamedev · 2 years
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Here’s another quick preview/hint about this new project - it features four playable characters!  Besides the Fantaria veterans Capboy and Friendwoman, we have the brand new Oufle the Eggling on the left.  On the right is Squonky, a long-forgotten Spherefriend from The Fantabulous Game’s development.  Each of these four characters has their own special ability, but otherwise, they perform exactly the same. 
You may be wondering, what exactly are these abilities, and in what context are they used?  Unfortunately, you’ll have to wait a bit longer to find that out!
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actualcoolbugfacts · 2 years
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✨cool bug facts's✨
Alaus oculatus/Eastern eyed click beetle
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These are the acrobatic N-zis of the beetle world!
The anatomy of these fantabulous insects!
They have large have fake eyes on their backs that shine during the night, which causes predators to only see the large eyes and think they are much larger than they actually are.
They do, in fact, have antennae, but in this image they have their antennae tucked under themselves. They have thread-like antennae. (Beetles antennae come in three different shapes, thread-like, comb-like, and club-like.)
They are very flexible, and when they feel threatened they will bend their head and thorax backwards and then snap back into place so fast that they let out a clicking noise (Hence the name.) and go flying four times their body length into the air. It may not look like it, but they do have very powerful mandibles, so do be careful while picking them up, and always wear gloves. The males have longer antennae than females. The males are also lighter in color than the females.
The larvae have a bit of complex, and will eat other larvae of beetles they consider to be inferior, although many of the insects they consider to be inferior are often harmful to crops, although the A. Oculatus will also eat your crops, as they are very much hypocrites. The adults eat nectar and plant juice.
They are nocturnal.
They can make specific vibrations and signs to communicate with either other A. Oculatus', or just similar species to them.
The females will also produce specific scents when they are trying to attract a mate. And, of course, they seem to think they're better than flies and wood-boring beetles.
They are California girls. They are present in central, eastern, and north America. They live in Deciduous forests. The pregnant females, like Stag beetles, either burrow underground to lay their eggs, or go for the deadwood logs. They are also Texan cowgirls. (Note: They can, obviously, also be California boys/Texan cowboys, but I find it comedic to refer to everything as female.)
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littleladylav · 1 month
“Step One: Put your arms through both your armholes and pull it so the fabric is around your shoulders and in front of your face.
Step Two: Pull the binder over your face until it’s around your shoulders. You may look like an awkward chicken-pterodactyl thing right about now. Don’t panic!
Step Three: Using your hands, pull down on the binder until it covers your chesticles. It might be crooked but don’t worry about that right now. It will be tight and maybe even a little uncomfortable while you’re pulling it onto yourself. You should feel it just fit when you have it on right. It will feel comfortable and you will be able to move your arms like normal.
Step Four: Here’s where you adjust your binder and/or chesticles so you are wearing correctly and get the best flattening effect. Basically just pull your binder so it’s in the middle of your chest and comfortable. I have smaller chesticles, so I tend to be done at this step. But if you have larger ones, you might have to adjust them to fit in your binder. Push them to the inside of your chest and up or down, whichever is more comfortable for you. If someone more experienced in this are would like to add onto this, that’d be fantabulous.
Step Five: Put on a top and walk out into the world like that wonderful person you are. :)” 🫡🫡
-And, after trial and error, she got it on! She is now full of whimsy-
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