#The Third Comfy Time is upon us!
sailor-arashi · 2 months
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"Where should we go next?"
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gay-dorito-dust · 6 months
Felix Catton x reader where he invites reader to Saltburn and he confesses his love to her. Super fluffy 🫶🏻😩
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This was long as shit! But I hope you like it! 🦦
You honestly thought Felix was taking the piss upon extending you an invitation to spend the summer at Saltburn. You even waited for Farleigh to come out of nowhere to make his usual passive aggressive commentary in regard to your seemingly gullible nature, but nothing.
No Farleigh.
None of Felix’s little posse of posh cunts were nearby to poorly conceal their laugher behind their hands.
It was just you and Felix sat upon a stone bench somewhere, to which you must’ve looking like an right idiot, with your mouth opening and closing like an goldfish in disbelief at what you were hearing. ‘So what do you say?’ Felix asked after a prolonged period of awkward silence, looking as though a little on the verge of imploding at any given moment.
You blinked once, twice, then a third time for good measure before clearing your throat. ‘Yeah, sure…I’d love to but why me-‘ your sentence was cut off when Felix let out a relieved sigh as his mouth stretched into a smile, revealing his pearly whites, also as though he was…happy that you had accepted his invite; A reaction that naturally caused you to become curious as to figure out the reason why.
‘Oh thank fuck, you almost had me second guessing that you weren’t going to come.’ He said, looking at you with eyes that seemed to be reading your entire being, reading your each and every breath with such attention; so much that you swore it was as akin to that of a creator admiring his first creation. You -much like everyone else at Oxford- were very familiar with the stories that came with the supposed friends Felix had taken to Saltburn; they go to Saltburn, things seemingly get weird and the friendship is tarnished, then by summer’s end Felix next speaks with them again.
Used and discarded within the same breath.
You soon came to the conclusion that you didn’t want to be the next discarded toy on Felix’s long list of broken things. It would’ve been better had Felix kept his distance and stayed with his little posse, but he didn’t and now you were riddled with the endless possibilities that laid ahead of you. ‘Would’ve been a real shame if I did.’ You said, hyper aware of the fact that Felix was still staring intently at you. ‘But I’m glad you didn’t.’ He says softly, taking one last puff of his cigarette before its dying embers dwindled down to the bud, tossing it aside carelessly once it’s use has been served.
‘So am I.’ You replied, looking away from him and elsewhere as you pondered to yourself what you had gotten yourself into and what terrors would await for you at Saltburn.
Your first couple of days at Saltburn were okay to say the least.
Well that was mostly because Felix insisted that you’d spend the most of it together. So no matter where it was that you went through the manor, Felix was never far behind, looking over you like a protective shadow.
The pool? a shirtless Felix was sat poolside with a cigarette handing loosely from his lips, reflective shades concealing his dark eyes that you could feel shamelessly drinking you in as you dipped a toe.
The living room? Felix was there with a selection of movies and snacks that he retrieved from the kitchen along with comfy blankets.
The library? Felix was there reading a book that went over the treatment of women in Greek myths.
Bathroom? Felix was also there because upon giving you a grand tour of the intimidating building, he had informed you that you were to share a bathroom, instead of having you journey to the other side of the house to occupy another one.
You even remembered one time where you were deeply engaged in a topic with the likes of Farleigh and Venetia about Felix’s recent attitude towards you, with you being in denial and Farleigh and Venetia trying to make you see reason; When Felix came into the room as though looking for something, and upon seeing the three of you together, his jaw began to clench. It wasn’t until that very moment did you begin to take note of how Felix’s reluctance in having to share you with anyone else, and how it was staring to look something similar to a stubborn child who refused to share what he thought rightfully belonged to him.
‘Told you.’ Farleigh said with a winning smirk after Felix left the room in a huff. ‘He doesn’t want to share you with the rest of us, he only wants you for himself…and in more ways than one.’ He adds on, obviously knowing something that you didn’t.
‘What do you mean by that Farleigh?’ You had tried to ask but all he did was shrug nonchalantly and cryptically said, ‘you’ll see soon enough.’
You guessed you understood where Felix was coming from, I mean you did come here because of him, so naturally you were meant to be spending most of your time with him. However with what Farleigh had said earlier, you couldn’t help but theorise that there was a much deeper reasoning for Felix to have invited you to Saltburn; A theory that would later be put to the test when you were getting ready to go to bed, pulling back the covers just enough for you to slip in with ease, when a knocking at your door caught your ear.
‘Y/n. You in there? I’ve been meaning to talk to you about something recently and it couldn’t wait any longer.’ It was Felix. Your brows furrowed at this, what could he possibly want to talk about in the middle of the night?
As to not keep him waiting any longe then he might’ve been before knocking on your door. You quickly made your way to the door -though not before making sure you looked presentable- and opened it to see Felix stood in your doorway in his sleepwear, which consisted of a short sleeve shirt and a pair of blueish gray boxers, as his dark hair looked ruffled as though he had just been vigorously running his hands through it just minutes prior.
Either way he still looked extraordinarily appealing to the eye. However that was just how Felix looked to near enough everyone; extraordinarily delectable.
‘What conversation could possibly be so hard for you to not wait until tomorrow to have?’ You asked, brows raised, wanting nothing more than to put an end to all the mental gymnastics you’ve put yourself through within the past couple days; It got exhaustive after a while and his childish antics of giving you the cold shoulder didn’t make matters any better.
‘Look, I know I’ve been a bit of a dick to you recently.’ Felix began.
‘A bit?’ You echoed, slightly annoyed. ‘Felix you wouldn’t even look at me when I went to the pool, which if I remember correctly,’ you placed a finger on your chin, faking a face of deep thought before clicking your fingers and leaning in towards him, ‘you invited me to earlier that same day.’ You concluded dryly. ‘So how about you explain that before whatever you wanted to talk about, just so I’m given more of a clear picture as to where we stand.’
‘Fuck. I fucked up.’ Felix sighed under his breath as he ran his hand down his face, his dark eyes peering down the elongated hallway in hopes that no one -Farleigh- would come out and see what was all the commotion about, before they returned to look into yours and decided to just skip the words he was planning on telling you and just get straight to the point; long winded speeches of love was never his thing when he could just be straightforward about it. After all he was Felix fucking Catton, but it seemed that just being in your presence was enough to leave him a little speechless.
‘I like you.’ He began but immeditly felt that like wasn’t the right word to use when putting into words of what you did to him. ‘No, that don’t sound right because at the end of the day y/n, I fucking love you.’ Felix corrects himself and you immeditly felt the anything that you wanted to say to him exit your brain, as his sudden declaration took its place as the only thing that you could clearly focus on. ‘I brought you to Saltburn in hopes that one day I would stop being such a pussy and tell you how I truly felt.’ Felix then looked saddened as he continued. ‘Yet it seems that the only thing I’ve managed to accomplish is pushing you away because I thought that you wouldn’t want me like that, and would try to drive that home by spending time with Farleigh and Venetia.’ By the time Felix had finished pouring his heart out to you, everything leading up to this very moment started making a lot more sense, even Farleigh’s cryptic response made sense.
This entire time Felix was planning on confessing and Farleigh knew, which meant Venetia must’ve knew and therefore his parents considering how upon meeting them, they seemingly knew everything about you in incredible detail. You knew Felix was a bit of a blabber mouth under certain circumstances, but you didn’t ever think that he would ever rant to his parents about you in the slightest and in a positive light too. Though it did feel a little odd at first when Elspeth complimented your eyes but now you knew why and you couldn’t help but be flattered; Felix is a handsome and beautiful man that to be viewed within the same perspective was a new feeling entirely.
‘Really?’ You asked, biting the inside of your cheek, praying this wasn’t an extremely realistic dream.
‘Really.’ Felix replied without hesitation, beaming as he brazenly took a step towards you.
‘You’re not fucking with me?’ You asked again, still somehow not finding any of this remotely real, now bitting down on your bottom lip this time.
Felix stepped even closer to you now that you could feel his body heat, his hand gently holding you by the chin as his thumb gingerly pried your bottom lip from your teeth before then moving his head so that it was resting against your own, forcing you to focus on the dark pair of eyes that looked right back at you in a way that one would a masterpiece. ‘I’m not fucking with you.’ He spoke in a low but soft tone of voice. ‘I think you’re the most beautiful and the most amazing person I have ever met. You’re genuine, you’re kind but most importantly, you’re real and I both envy and adore you for that.’ Felix finishes and you couldn’t help but groan with impatience.
‘You could’ve conveyed all that if you would’ve kissed me.’ You whined, hands finding their home within his hair, raking and slightly tugging at the tresses, making him laugh. ‘As you wish.’ He utters cheekily as he then descends his lips upon yours in a passionate kiss that conveyed everything that had been said and more.
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coralinnii · 1 year
forgetting your jacket and wearing someone else’s  feat: Sebek · Rook · Idia · Kalim genre: fluff, jealousy note: not gender-specific reader, no pronouns used (except maybe gendered French words in Rook's part but unsure), established relationships, reader is not part of Scarabia in Kalim's part, reader is implied to be smaller than Jack in Rook's part
I'm not sure how satisfied I am with this one because this was honestly quite a challenge for me. I haven't read book 6 yet so Idia may not be too accurate to his canon character? But still, I hope you guys enjoy it
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Would definitely scold you for forgetting to wear your jacket. No matter how warm or how cold, Sebek always wears his school uniform neatly and with pride, his honour as Malleus' guard on the line. A sloppy appearance reflects a sloppy character, he believes.
You didn’t feel too bad when he was reluctant to give you his jacket upon request. You shouldn’t force someone just because you’re a little cold. 
Fortunately for you, a classmate of yours noticed your shivering and offered his own for the time being, saying he has a spare for Flying class. You thanked your good luck as you graciously accepted. Now Sebek won’t feel bad about not giving you his jacket, right? 
With your newly acquired jacket, you managed to survive the first half of the school day and went to find Sebek in the cafeteria during recess. You waved at him happily as you approached his table but he did not return the greeting. 
He felt a sense of bile in his throat when he saw you in a jacket that did not fit you at all. The shoulders were too wide and the sleeves engulfed you. Sure, you looked cute but he doesn’t like it. He initially thought that it was because he didn't like how unfitting it was on you. 
“Human, where did you acquire that jacket? It doesn’t suit you at all” 
When you answered how someone offered his jacket to you, the bile was more prominent. The way you snuggled into another boy’s jacket, the oversized fabric enveloping you like a warm cocoon. Sure, he was hesitant over handing you his jacket before, but knowing someone else provided for you hits him in a sore spot as your boyfriend. He wants to be the one to take care of you, to be your ever reliable knight. 
Quickly, Sebek stood up from his seat and started to remove his own jacket. Without looking at you, he asked you to remove the jacket you have and put his on. 
“But I’m comfy” 
“Please, I…I beg of you” 
You did as he asked and after quickly putting away his lunch tray, he escorted you back to your dorm to get your own jacket and to quickly return the jacket of that generous classmate of yours. 
“The idea of seeing someone else take care of you… as your boyfriend, I will not stand for it!”
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A masterful huntsman, Rook Hunt is not an easy man to track. Not to mention the fact that he’s a third year and Pomefiore’s vice Housewarden, you figured that searching for him this early in the day would be a fruitless endeavour. 
Luckily, you did find Jack who, despite his grumbles over your absentmindedness, offered his jacket to you. Happy, you promised that you returned it with a favour to the beastman. 
However, the atmosphere around you seemed odd to you as the school day went on. Other students, particularly the beastman students, were busy whispering and gossiping behind you which confused you and honestly got a little bit on your nerves. 
All those unpleasant feelings quickly disappeared when you spotted a familiar feathered hat in the distance. Without a word, you quickly rushed through the crowd to give your boyfriend a hug from behind. 
Or least, that’s what you planned if it weren’t for Rook quickly turning to encase you in his arms instead. 
“I thought I heard your adorable footsteps running towards me. What a wonderful surprise!”
You laughed, thinking you should have known nothing gets past Rook. You tried to step back but realized that Rook maintained his grip on you, inspecting you with a look of curiosity. 
The hunter looks over your newly acquired jacket. The shoulders are much too bulky to be yours. He noticed the Savanaclaw emblem on the sleeve which would explain the jacket's size considering how the majority of those students are. However, he caught the scent of something -  of someone - familiar. A certain tall, gruff beastman to be precise. 
“Mon amour, is this perhaps… Jack Howl’s jacket?” 
“Oh, how did you know?” You exclaimed as you told Rook how you were cold today and Jack offered his jacket to you this morning. 
“So that explains the whispering I’ve been hearing” Rook thought as he carefully traced the lapels of the jacket clearly not tailored for you. There’s a charm to see you in a new look like this but the hunter himself is experiencing a new emotion, a burning feeling in his chest that compels him to rip away the offending fabric. Is this jealousy? Perhaps a possessive urge to reclaim his spot that feels threatened by a newcomer? 
Oh, what a beautiful new experience you have given this admirer of beauty. Rook happily revels in this feeling he has never experienced before until meeting you. 
“How wonderfully kind of him. Let us find him, I must share my thanks for caring for my beautiful trésor~” 
There’s a part of you that feels like it would not be a good idea to bring Rook to your friend, but you decided to brush that anxious feeling away. After all, the smile on Rook’s face convinced you that there was no harm (poor choice, really). 
Hidden from your sight, Rook’s fingers slightly twitched in anticipation as the two of you went to look for the white-haired freshman. Rook truly did want to offer his thanks to the beastman…with some helpful tips for surviving a hunter. 
“One must be very careful in the wild. It is not smart to leave marks near a hunter’s territory”
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You didn't even bother to try asking him, this man isn’t even on campus. Even if he was, you doubt he would give you his jacket, probably claiming it’d be “such a normie cliche”, leaving you to find other means to find warmth. 
Thankfully, you found the kind-hearted Silver who was gracious enough to lend you his school jacket for the day. With all the interesting types of students you have encountered on this campus, your flame-haired boyfriend included, Silver is odd himself for simply being such an outlier case of a typical student here. 
The day went off normally, and you decided to visit Idia in his room before heading back to your dorms. You hope you could spend some intimate time with him, some cuddling and perhaps a kiss or two. 
Too bad your boyfriend had other plans, which was apparently playing video games while purposely ignoring you. His back is turned towards you and every time you get close to him, the gamer has the audacity to scoot AWAY from you. 
“Idia, please tell me what’s wrong before I actually get mad” 
“...that jacket” You heard him mumble which confused you further. You asked to repeat himself. 
Which led your introverted boyfriend to yell out, surprising you. “You're wearing that jacket! And it had to be that guy who’s practically an otome game target!” 
Idia was sulking the entire day as he saw you through the security camera accepting Silver’s jacket. He wanted to scream and call foul-play on that but instead he reluctantly faced reality. Of course, Silver will be that type of guy. The mysterious but kind knight archetype with good looks to boot. Idia wouldn’t be surprised if he was some kind of long lost prince. 
“Well, I would love it if my boyfriend would give me his, if he wasn’t allergic to coupley stuff” there was some snark in your tone but you never really want to pressure Idia to do something he doesn’t want. You would love to show off your relationship with Idia but you wanted to respect his comfort.
Idia knows that, and he’s grateful for you for not pushing him too far out of his comfort zone. But still, knowing someone acting like that with you, all sweet and caring, leaves a sour taste in Idia’s mouth.
There was a short pause between you two, letting the mood settle before saying anything else. Then, Idia quietly asked, “Do you want to share jackets…with me?” 
“Absolutely” you gasped excitedly and without another word, Idia turned to his computer and started searching the Internet for worthwhile jackets in his sizes and yours. If you have more jackets then you won’t have to go around asking for someone else’s.
Also, even he can’t resist the giddy feeling of seeing his amazing lover wear something that’s special only to you and him, not that he would admit it out loud. Too cringe.
“If we’re doing the lame normie stuff, we’re doing it our way. And no sharing with anybody else, right??”
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Kalim would absolutely offer you his jacket, his vest, his shirt, heck even his pants without question. Whatever you want, he would give it up no questions asked. But you were surprised how you couldn’t find your boyfriend at first, until he texted you he had to be called in for a Housewarden meeting with Crowley which leaves you to wait for him in the cold. 
Luckily, a classmate of yours from Scarabia saw you shivering and offered his jacket to you. Afterall, you were his Housewarden’s beloved so he wanted to make sure you’re warm for Kalim’s sake. You were touched by this sentiment and accepted the jacket, promising to return it after meeting with Kalim.
Kalim ran to hug you as soon as he saw you as he left his meeting, enveloping you in his warm embrace with a grin on his face. In his excitement, it took a while for him to register your slightly new look. 
“Did you join Scarabia? Are we in the same house now?!” Kalim excitedly asked which you laughed at his silliness. 
When you explained the story about the jacket, Kalim was really glad. He thought about how lucky he is to have such kind people in his dorm that was so happy to help out his beloved, he must reward them later! The white-haired man was happy that you were cared for in his short absence. 
But, what is this other feeling in his heart? This heavy feeling in his chest that slightly aches when he saw how you adjusted the jacket on you, bringing it closer to your body like a comforting blanket. He felt unsatisfied, almost fearful of your attachment to this jacket. 
Was he jealous? 
Kalim shook off his thoughts as he removed his soft beige cardigan and the jacket you have. You watched him confused as he draped his cardigan over you, replacing the heat from your classmate’s jacket to his.  
“I just thought you’d be comfier if you had my cardigan instead. It’s really soft!” he grinned as he pulled the large cardigan to wrap around you like a cute burrito. 
And to be fair, Kalim’s cardigan WAS comfier. Probably made with the highest quality and taken the best care by you assume Jamil. You happily snuggled into its warmth, reveling in the cloud soft coat, missing the loving looks from your sunshine of a boyfriend. 
Yea, he definitely likes seeing you in his clothes better. 
Don’t be surprised to see packages of luxurious coats and sweaters from yours truly. You two can match!
“If you’re ever cold, you can always come to me first! I’ll make sure to keep you warm!”  
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tkpuke · 4 months
Sweet Tranquility
Pairing -Lee!Lucifer x Gender Neutral Reader
Word count - 1,293
In which Lucifer seems to be falling back into the unhealthy obsession of creating rubber ducks, which takes a toll on his sleep schedule and your relationship. You’re the only one who knows him best, so you pull out a trick that gets him to calm down and feel loved all at the same time.
This is a tickle fic. Do not read if that’s not your thing.
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The clock was nearing 2 AM, rain being heard pitter-pattering on the window. It was another restless night for you, tossing and turning in your sleep to find that perfect comfy position that’ll knock you out. In the middle of your tossing and turning, you mindlessly search for Lucifer, something to hold and cuddle into since you begin to shiver a bit.
A few seconds go by, and you open your eyes to see he was yet again, not in bed. You sigh, but more in annoyance, knowing this is the third night in a row where he hasn’t been in bed, leaving you all alone. In the morning you’ve tried asking him what he’s been doing awake so late, and he eases your worries by saying he had only gone to use the bathroom. You never went out to go see for yourself, wanting to believe him. However, this night you had a gut feeling you should go search for him. Because unless he has a weird bathroom schedule he didn’t tell you about, you’re starting to call bullshit on him going off to use it every night around 2 AM, and he doesn’t even come back until an hour or two go by.
You treaded quietly down the hall, seeing if you could hear where exactly he was at. Your ears picked up on slight noise coming from the living room, and when you got a little closer you saw light shining from there. As you peeked your head in, that’s when you saw Lucifer sitting down near the coffee table, focusing on painting a rubber duck. Beside him seemed to be twenty more jumbled together, all in different colorful outfits and top hats.
“Lucy?” You called out, causing him to jump slightly from not expecting you to be awake. He immediately starts stuttering, searching for an explanation. “Oh! Y/N- I uhh- haha was just uhm..” His eyes dart around the room, fixing onto the huge grandfather clock that touches up the living room just perfectly, cluttering all the ducks under the rug as if you haven’t spotted them already.
“..I was on my way to the bathroom, per usual! As I noticed this beautiful babe of a clock we have here.” He rubs his chin in thought, looking over his shoulder at you. “Did you know we always had this?” Lucifer nervously laughs, the stutter making its appearance again when you gave him eyes of worry. “In the- er uh- house we’ve been practically living in for many years…”
All you did in response was take his hand into yours, the other finding its way to caress his cheek and then he broke.
“Fuck, I’m sorry Y/N. I promised it wouldn’t get this bad again, and I… well- I’m just so-“ you bring him into a hug to shush him, rubbing his back comfortingly. “Hey, we don’t have to talk about this right now. Let’s just go back to bed, okay?”
Lucifer nodded as you two walked back, hands interlocked. Getting into bed at the same time, moving around into a comfy position and settling with facing each other as your heads slightly bump together. Silence fills the room, almost passing out right then and there until you hear some shuffling.
You try to ignore it, assuming Lucifer wasn’t comfortable enough and was moving a little bit. Although the shuffling continued, making you sit up and look down at him. “Is everything alright?”
“I can’t sleep.” He says with a huff, staring up at the ceiling defeatedly.
This wasn’t your first rodeo where Lucifer couldn’t have sleep fall upon him. He always struggled becoming tired at the appropriate time, so it led you to come up with some ideas to help him.
“Do you want me to make you a hot drink?” You first suggested, something that always helps you knockout yourself. Lucifer shook his head, letting out a sigh. “No, that won’t do.”
“A massage, maybe?”
“Those never work.”
“How about watching a little bit of Tv?”
“We’ll accidentally stay up all night if we do that.”
You sit back on the bed headrest, forgetting how difficult he could be. It was like taking care of a child rather than your significant other.
That was until a lightbulb suddenly shined in your mind, a smile slowly forming, one he couldn’t see from how dark the room is, the city lights barely shining through the curtains to make some sort of visibility.
“Actually, I think I know what might do the trick.” The sound of your voice sounded more mischievous than comforting, which caused Lucifer to look over but let out a yelp of surprise from you straddling his waist in a quick second.
“What are you doing— H-HEHEY!” His question got cut off with a strangled giggle, your hands finding their way up to his underarms, going straight for the kill so soon.
As funny as it sounds, tickling was one of what seems like the only methods that helped tired out Lucifer. You can’t remember how exactly you stumbled upon this discovery, but what you do know is how he never complains because he secretly enjoys the thrill of it all. You tried getting him to admit it at one point, but you didn’t get far.
“Nohoho, wait! Wait!” Lucifer snapped his arms down but at the same time trying to grab at your wrists, but he didn’t pull them away. You both knew he had the strength to do so, but you’ll never comment on why he never does. The reason was clear as day.
No matter how many ‘please!’s or ‘stop!’s he throws at you, it all meant the opposite. “Y’know, times like these it makes it hard to believe you’re the ruler of Hell.” You teased, digging in his underarms a little deeper to pull out that snort he does. You weren’t left disappointed, him snorting as his hair becomes more unraveled with each shake of his head.
“I’ll shohow you once I’m FREHEHEE!” A squeal escapes him the minute you latch onto his thighs, the spot you go to when he gets snippy. Fingers find their way to his inner thighs, squeezing in a fast pace. “Lets see if you have enough energy once we’re finished, yeah?” You scoffed, almost nearly getting bucked off but you still had a firm grip on his thighs.
Thighs would be rank one for one of his most ticklish spots, his underarms being a close second. It takes only a few seconds for his laughter to become hoarse and silent, which has already happened, causing you to go slow and skitter your nails around his neck. You smiled at the sight of his cheeks becoming a more vibrant shade of red than it usually is, being a giggly mess and trying to trap your fingers under his chin.
“Ohohokay, I’ll sleheheep! I’m tired! I swehear!” He desperately pleas. His breathless state was convincing enough, but if there’s one thing you learned from all the times Lucifer tickled you, it was to be a little shit.
“Hmm, are you sure?” You left pokes all around his stomach, watching each poke earning you quiet giggles. He moves his hands away from your wrists up to your hands, and you let him. “Yehes, now leave me alohone.” You planted a kiss on his cheek, finally moving off of him. “Never.”
You tucked yourself back in bed, looking over to realize he is still giggling. “You do know I stopped, right?”
“Shut the hell up.”
You let out a breathy laugh. “It worked though. You can barely keep your eyes open now.”
Lucifer moved to lay on his side, a hand caressing your cheek. “It did, thank you.”
“I love you.”
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enhastolemyheart · 11 months
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pairing. non-idol!sunghoon x gn!reader
genre. est. relationship, college au, summer au
synopsis. with finals being over, all you wanted was your comfy boyfriend.
warning(s). profanity, reader and hoon are uni students , lowercase intended, use of petnames,
word count. 0.5k
a/n. I was watching some enha 'so so fun' clips on yt shorts and jus randomly thought of this idea saurr here it is!! it's been a while since I've posted, hasn't it? I've been saur busy with school like we have exams like almost every week but im still trying to keep up with my writing. I really hope this came out good, pls lmk!! taglist us open and so are requests! enjoy readingg
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school's over, and summer has started. finally.
you were walking home from the subway to your apartment, your comfy bed and pretty boyfriend waiting for you at your humble abode. sunhhoon wanted to stay over at your place after finals were done because now you have the time of your lives.
you head bobs to the music resonating in your over-the-head headphones, jazzy tunes playing. hands wrapped around your backpack strap. you and so many plans for the summer. first thing was to visit your family back in your hometown with sunghoon, and luckily enough, his parents only live a few streets away so you both planned to meet his parents as well, maybe even have a mini get together.
as you get into the elavator, excitement buzzed in your veins. the thought of finally having to spend some time with your boyfriend is something you wanted for a while now. studying in different universities was hard. he was majoring in science while you in buisness. due to having finals around the same time. you couldn't meet each other for more than two weeks. yeah of course, messaging and facetiming was a thing but being in your third year really put your head in the books for the last two months of the final semester. and now, you say that it payed off in the end, because here you are with a smile on your face, content with how the exam went.
you walk into your place with open arms, wanting to hug hoon as soon as you saw him, but to your knowledge he wasn't there. not in the living room, or the kitchen, or the bedroom. with a slight pout you turn to the bathroom to see if he was there and bingo, he was. looks like he just finished showering.
after he comes out, for some reason, he doesn't see you when he walks past you, into your shared bedroom, humming a random tune. you let out a small pout and follow in his footsteps.
"Hoon, I'm home. did you not see me?"
he gets lightly startled upon seeing you, "i thought you were coming late 'cause of your exam..."
"well, they let us out early," you reason as you watch him retrieve the hair dryer from the dresser, taking a seat on the floor in front of your full length mirror.
"how did the exam go, love?" he pulls you towards him, causing you to loose your footing, making you fall on top of him, your turned into a giggling mess and sunghoon couldnt help but also laugh, dimples making a display.
"it went really well. I'm happy."
"that's good to hear."
you hum as you take the electronic device in your hands, plugging it in and and getting comfortable on his lap. you dry his for him, brushing your fingers through his locks gently. he sighs in contentment before wrapping his arms around your waist more tightly pressing his chin to your chest before looking at you in the eyes.
"you're beautiful."
he always knew how to make your face go red. he loved see you in that shade.
"shut up hoon."
"thank you beautiful." he says after you finish blow drying his hair.
and you both spent the rest of the night, having some take out, maybe even a little it of making out, ending the chill night with some much needed cuddles.
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a/n - tysm for reading guys! i honestly dk what the point of this drabble is, I smth in my mind but it did not work out. I've been sick to the point where i couldn't walk properly, heh- anyways tyvm for reading and again, requests are open!
networks. @hyfenet
perm taglist: @jak-ey , @snoowhore , @hsgwrld , @seungiesluv , @1-800shutthefuckup
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sonicasura · 27 days
This has been plaguing my mind but more Kaiju!Kafka headcanons! First part is here! If any wants to watch the anime, then here's the site I use. Also gonna add a link to the main manga. (Haven't found where to read B-Sides yet.)
He definitely got lizard brain now. Kafka has a habit of sunbathing in high up and often weird places. Neighbor's roof? Got scolded multiple time. In a tree? You bet the feral cats used him as a cushion as the man is comfy. On a high up billboard? Had the rescue apartment called to get the bloke down thrice.
Kafka now has a third eyelid that closes sideways. Absolutely grossed out Reno a bit upon discovery as it's a minor permanent change. Kafka wore shades for the first two weeks after getting his powers because he kept noticeably blinking like a lizard man.
Cursed munchies. I shit you not that he had difficulty trying to not eat dead kaiju corpses at work. The meat is like ambrosia to him much to his and Reno's discomfort. Coworkers are often confused why there's mysterious bite marks on the latest corpse whilst Kafka sheepishly looks away.
Tends to shift while unconscious. Sleepovers are hazardous as you don't know when Kafka is gonna sprout claws and crocodile teeth in his sleep. Doesn't help he's also an unconscious cuddler with an iron grip.
Kafka has a habit of shedding scales. At most it's a small handful but unfortunately he also has to molt three times a year. If it's the latter then Kafka will be stuck in his kaiju form for the entire process. Clingy, irritable and very itchy until he leaves behind a mess of broken hide. Then Kafka becomes super affectionate for the next two hours thanks to the shiny new feel. Lol
32 year old man now shares a body with two separate entities. Kaiju No.8 or 'Ai' and the carrier kaiju that gave him his powers. The latter is always dormant while the former has an almost constant sometimes nosey presence. Ai doesn't know much about the mosquito creature other than it has higher authority. (He has an inkling that a greater power could be unleashed if all three sides work together.)
Kafka rarely knows peace at time as his kaiju half is super curious. Asking practically a million questions about things that isn't related to his own species. Kafka has to be careful when it comes to particular shows/movies/book since he rather not give Ai any animal for a super blunt quiz or augmentations to their monster form. He already filters his thoughts because of him. Lol
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@popipopipopipopipo000 @renard-dartigue
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jaydaichu · 1 year
hihi!! i rlly luv yr dazai fic sm hes such a pc of shit (lovingly) but anyways, may i req how chuuya would react to hearing his s/o (gn or fem, whichever is comfy with u) getting injured during a mission they accepted and is now hospitalized <3
thx in advance !!
➥𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐭/𝐜𝗼𝗺𝐟𝗼𝐫𝐭, 𝗺𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝗼𝐧𝐬 𝗼𝐟 𝐢𝐧𝐣𝐮𝐫𝐲, 𝐧𝗼𝐭 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐜, 𝐠𝐧!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
Thank you sm love!! I hope you enjoy this too <3
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Chūya was not an early riser, nor did he like to be called on his off days. But, by god, that must’ve been the third time his phone had rung in the space of five minutes.
With grumbled curses, he picked up his phone, not even bothering to check the ID before answering it. “It better be quick, and it better be good,” Chūya bit out, still splayed over the bed.
It was quiet for a moment, irking him further. “It’s… not good.” Akutagawa…? Against his wishes, the ginger was awake and alarmed. He shot up, already ready to get packed at a moment’s notice.
“What’s going on? Do I need to come in?” He rushed out. “It’s Yn… they’re in surgery. They were ambushed.”
Chūya felt as though his own gravity was weighing on him, dragging him down, crushing him against the floor, as he’d done to many others. Akutagawa continued to speak, but none of the words processed coherently in his mind. The only thing he could think about, was you.
“I’m going to the hospital. Find the bastards responsible and bring them to the basement.” Chūya hissed lowly. He could count on one hand the amount times he’d been this pissed, this scared.
In five minutes flat, he was already peeling out of his driveway, his knuckles white with his grip on the steering wheel. He was certain he broke at least six traffic laws, almost caused three accidents, and probably damaged his horn, but his only priority was you and your well being, anyone else be damned.
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Waking up was a slow, painful affair. In addition to the blinding lights piercing your eyelids and an incessant beeping, your whole body ached as though you’d been run over by a train.
Still, you forced yourself to open your eyes so that you could figure out where you were, disoriented as you were. You blinked rapidly against the harsh lighting, but as your vision started to clear, you knew exactly where you were.
The hospital. Possibly your least favorite place. You groaned as you remembered exactly what went down before you lost consciousness. The mission was led by false intel, so when you snuck into enemy territory, there were already guns pointed at you.
You took care of most of them, thanks to your ability, but the sheer number of them was overwhelming. All you had to do was hold your own until back up arrived, but bullets had lodged themselves into both your leg and shoulder.
It wasn’t long until you had fallen unconscious after that. You were surprised to be awake, honestly. You knew your injuries were dire and you couldn’t help but be thankful that reinforcements had arrived in time.
With a sigh, you made to sit up, but the door slammed open, both interrupting and startling you.
His usually perfectly styled hair was a frazzled mess, his outfit was skewed, and he looked positively frantic. But her was here, and that was all that mattered to you.
Upon meeting your gaze, he sagged to his knees, breathing deeply. “Chūya…?” You whispered, concerned by his state. Immediately, he was off his knees and beside you.
You could only watch as trembling hands reached out to cradle your face. “Don’t… don’t use that tone, as if it’s me in a hospital bed,” He replied, voice strained.
Before you could respond, Chūya was shushing you. “God, you scared me so fucking bad… Akutagawa said you got ambushed…” He breathed out, his eyes scanning your less than stellar condition.
You placed your good hand over his own, offering him a weak smile. “I’m alright,” you murmured soothingly, “and I’m glad you’re here. Although, you don’t look too well…” You trailed off, once again taking in his appearance.
The mafia executive scoffed. “Says you,” He retorted, but when he brought your hand to his lips and pressed a gentle kiss to it, it took the bite out of his words.
“You’re an idiot for not bringing back up by the way. Now I gotta go in on my off day and teach those bastards a lesson,” Chūya huffed, rolling his eyes dramatically. You just groaned. “It was supposed to be an easy- mmph!”
Chūya cut you off, stealing your lips in a tender kiss. His hands cradled your face, and he was gentle as to not jostle your healing body. You all but sagged into him, his relief relaxing you.
“I’m never letting you out of my sight again, you idiot,” Chūya muttered against your lips, but you just smiled into the kiss, happy that all had ended well.
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princessbettina · 1 year
Turned: Walter Deville x Fem! Reader
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Summary--The day after you turned / transitioned from human to vampire, Walt takes extra care and watches over you and helps you get comfortable as a new vampire.
(A/N: This is a really random story I wrote in the middle of the night because that is just what I do sometimes and I really enjoy that. I apologize if some parts in this don't make sense, I tried. Please be nice. I also apologize if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes in this.
Warnings: None- just a lot of the use of the words, 'Darling' and 'My love' )
The day after I turned was a lot calmer than the day before, even when the turning happened. Less chaotic than the day before too. I was laying on my back in the enormously comfortable bed in my room Walt had allowed me to stay in upon my arrival a few weeks ago.
A small knock on the door was heard. Not knowing who it could be, I allowed for the person to come in.
"Come in!" I called out loud as the door squeaked open, then closed quietly a few seconds later.
"Ah Y/n, you're awake." Said Walt as he quickly glided into my room, smiling brightly as soon as his eyes met mine.
I smiled back at him as I shifted my position from laying on my back to resting gently on my elbows.
"Hi, Walt bae." I spoke softly while a giggle escaped my lips.
Walt made his way over to the bed, and sat on the edge of the bed next to me, "How are you feeling, my love?" Asked Walt, he gently rubbed my knee atop of the silk toned blankets that covered the bed.
"Much better today. However, the taste of blood still tastes bitter on my tongue." I replied, giggling again as did Walt too.
"I'm so glad to hear that. And don't worry about the blood, okay? You'll get used to it as it does take a little to adjust to it, darling." Walt smiled softly, looking into my eyes as he showed me that I truly was okay and that I was in good hands with him.
Our eyes locked onto one another for a few long seconds that caused my heart rate to increase as my breathing began to hitch for a moment.
I then nodded my head as I blushed a little after hearing his reassuring words and started to feel it by his presence in the room.
"Thank you for being so kind to me, Walt. It really helps soothe the new vampire nerves and is making the experience so much smoother than I had imagined." I spoke softly as I reached out and held his hand in mine.
With that gesture, Walt smiled and nodded as well, while rubbing the top of my hand with his thumb.
"Of course my love. But no need to thank me. I'm quite sure you would have done a marvelous job turning on your own." Said Walt, sending a wink my way which caused me to blush once more.
"You truly know just what to say to make a girl tickled pink." I smiled more, beaming with delight.
Walt chuckled softly as he nodded his head after hearing my response. "I guess you can say I'm a bit of an expert in that field."
Him and I both giggled in unison for a couple seconds more. "I think we should get on with the day now, don't you think, my love?" Questioned Walt as he then gently patted my knee while hopping off the bed, standing a few feet away from me.
I nodded in agreement as I sat up in bed, smiling up at Walt for the billionth time. "That sounds perfect. Just please let me get dressed, I can't take on the day as a new vampire in my comfy cozy pajamas."
"Take your time. I will be in my study room. The door is always open for you there." Said Walt before quickly booping my nose with his finger.
I scrunch my nose as the heat began to rise on my face while giggling a bit louder as I wasn't expecting Walt to do something cute like that.
It was adorable.
I began to get out of my bed, slipping out of the covers as I turned my body to the side as my feet were dangling a few feet above the ground.
Once I touched the ground, I took two steps forward as I tried making my way to the closet that had my wardrobe. By the third step, both of my legs buckled from underneath me.
Feeling that happen all at once was a very strange feeling. It was like the floor had collapsed from underneath me and the only way to go was down.
I gasped as I began to fall forward. By some lucky miracle, Walt was still in the room and saw what was about to happen as he quickly lunged forward to where I was at, catching me mid fall.
I landed safely in his lap as he had a strong grip on my arms, even when we both landed on the floor.
"Please tell me that's normal new vampire side effects, Walt?" I questioned as I raised my eyebrow up at him.
Glancing down at me, Walt nodded as his beautiful smile appeared on his face once more.
"Yes, my love. I'm sorry I didn't warn you about that before. I promise this won't happen all the time."
I sighed in relief and smiled softly as I looked up at Walt more. He quickly kissed my cheek before helping me up off the ground.
"Here you are, darling. Hang onto my hands for as long as you need."
My hands remained in his as I thanked him and smiled as he smiled as well.
A few moments later, Walt guided me to the ottoman bench that was placed in front of the bed in my room.
"With you almost falling like that can only mean one or two things, my love. Either you took too much or too little of my blood from the festivities the night before, or something else I can't quite wrap my finger around." Stated Walt, thinking out loud, his index finger pointing and resting atop his chin, leaving me confused a bit as to what he was thinking about.
"Your blood sugar is low and needs to get back up again. Would you fancy a snack, my love?" Walt raised his eyebrow as he smirked my way, as I of course blushed at the sight.
I giggled to myself while quickly nodding in response to his suggestion. Suddenly, a thought puzzled my brain about this.
"Wait a second. Vampires eat snacks? I thought they only ate the flesh of their prey, let alone drink their blood too?"
Walt chuckled to himself. He glanced down at the floor for a moment. He nodded his head and pursed his lips as he glanced back up at me.
"You must have heard that in books. We vampires eat any type of food there is, which includes snacks. Our vampire ablities aren't active during the day, only at night. Hence why we seem more human to others who may visit us from time to time here at New Carfax."
I smirked and nodded after hearing his response. I was a little embarrassed because I knew my basic vampire knowledge but just wasn't sure if those facts were true and accurate in this time frame.
Walt noticed my change in emotions as he gently tickled the tip of my chin with his fingers, causing me to be tickled pink again.
Walt had taken me into the mannor's kitchen where there he prepared a snack dish he knew I'd enjoy.
I was sitting atop one of the kitchen counters as Walt came over and revealed the dish after removing the silver steel dish cover, which was a delicious and yummy slice of vanilla cake (A/N: Vanilla is one of my favorite flavors and I know that for the story, it should be chocolate instead. Just this once let be vanilla, please and thank you haha) that was so mouthwatering that it caused me so much excitement.
"Oooh! Vanilla flavored cake, my favorite. Thank you, handsome." I grinned and winked at Walt. He smiled and then placed the plate of cake on the counter next to me as he handed me a fork.
"Anything for you, darling. Now please eat, eat." Said Walt, motioning to the cake next to me.
I simply nodded my head quickly and blushed as I felt Walt's gaze on me. As I ate the yummy cake, that helped as the delightful fullness soon filled my stomach.
Walt helped me clean up by taking away the plate and putting it in the kitchen sink, knowing that one of the maids would clean it tomorrow. When Walt waltzed back over to me, his eyes and thumb gently landed on my lips.
Using his thumb, Walt gently removed a itty bit of leftover frosting that was on my lips. My breath hitched as the blush on my face grew rapidly.
"Looks like you missed a spot, darling." Walt softly spoke as he then smirked and licked the frosting off of his finger.
"Oh goodness, sorry about that. You can't take me anywhere I guess." I flushed a little from the slight embarrassment. Walt's soothing chuckle soothed my nerves as it echoed through my ears.
"You're adorable, Y/n." Was the last thing Walt said as he began to look deep into my eyes. One hand gently resting atop of my face as his other hand rested atop my thigh.
At this point, my face was as pink as a flamingo's feather and I'm pretty sure Walt could hear my heartbeat. Getting kissed by him always made my heart feel as if it were about to jump out of my chest.
I absolutely loved it.
All I could was smile and giggle up at Walt as our strong eye contact with each other continued.
"You're pretty cute too, Walt bae." I whispered quickly as I soon closed my eyes after feeling Walt's lips touch mine.
As the kiss deepened, I gently anchored my hands on top of his arms as his thumb stroked and rubbed my cheek.
Shortly after, Walt slowly pulled away, allowing the both of us to breathe. He smiled at me as he rubbed my thigh and knee with his hand.
"This already feels like one of the best days of my life. I'm having a great time already." I chirped as my face still glowed from blush after Walt's kiss.
Walt smiled and continued to rub my knee / thigh more. "You deserve it, darling. I wanted to take extra special care and watch over you today, since you're a brand new vampire and I think you're already a marvelous one."
I couldn't stop smiling. Each and every single word that Walt said warmed my heart so much. I know he cares and truly cares deep down inside of him and in his heart, regardless of him being a monster that is a vampire. That goes for me too.
I didn't care. I love him for him and nothing else. Deeply too. Being a vampire alongside him was a thrill to me and I loved every second of it.
Walt had helped me off of the kitchen counter and the two of us exited the kitchen and were now in the large dark hallway in the manor, walking hand in hand together.
As we kept walking further into the manor, I gasped loudly, which caused us to stop walking. I then grabbed hold of Walt's hand as he widened his eyes because he wasn't sure what was happening yet.
"Y/n? My love, are you okay?" Walt quickly questioned as he rested his hand on the base of my back, kneeling a little to my height.
I stood completely still while holding onto his hand as my mouth shot open and it was there where I felt two large and sharply pointed fangs slide into form. This caused me to smirk to myself as it was my favorite part about being a vampire.
"Oh my gosh! My fangs are here again. This is so cool." I chirped again as I glanced down at Walt and let him examine my freshly added teeth.
Seeing the sight was a relief to Walt as he nodded his head and smiled brightly at me. "They look fierce and stunning on you, my love." Said Walt as he stood up straight again, sending a wink my way as I instantly blushed and stuck out my tongue.
"Uhmm darling? Are you hungry?" Walt randomly questioned, this time hesitantly as he realized what getting a new set of vampire fangs means for a freshly new vampire.
"Now that you mention it, yes I am. And not for cake this time. When is it feeding time around here for us vampires, Walt bae?" I confidently spoke as I smirked at Walt with my fangs still out. I couldn't control this new feeling and crave of blood.
Walt sighed hesitantly as he knew that it was time for my first feed as a new vampire. He knew he wasn't in harm but who would be my prey? That caused some hesitation in him, which was rare.
Walt gently but quickly grabbed hold of my hand and led me to the grand staircase, "Come along darling, let's go find a maid for you to feed on."
With that, that was exactly what happened. My official feeding as a new vampire happened and with the help and guidance of Walt, it went as expected… in Walt's mind obviously.
Walt was proud of me and I knew it. He knew I was ready to be a full time vampire alongside him and that's just the way he liked it.
-the end!
I hope you enjoyed the read. This was fun to write. I do apologize if it was kind of random or didn't make sense at parts. That's what happens when you start writing a story after midnight. That happens a lot for me haha. Either way, I hope you all liked it.
I should also mention that I got "Walt Bae" from Nathalie in an interview where she said that was her nickname for Thomas. I thought that was too cute and couldn't help myself and include it in this story.
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lunamadhatter99 · 2 years
Shut it
A sort of sequel to this fic.
So... after my Steve Harrington fic, I lost all inspiration for him... yeah. Anyway I got inspiration for a Charlie Weasley one🤘
Summary: it's time for Charlie to get his tattoo completed and for the reader to get her first one.
Warnings: Nothing much, maybe a sad story about a dog🥺
@once-upon-an-imagine you wanted to be tagged in other Charlie works so... Here you go, hun🥰
If anyone wants to be tagged in future Charlie fics, comment ❤️
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"Is it gonna hurt... a lot?" I ask worried as I hold Charlie's hand in mine, both of us walking to the tattoo shop, so Charlie can get his arm tattoo completed and I can get my very first tattoo.
"Love... should I remind you?" He asks, chuckling.
"Remind me what?"
"At the battle at Hogwarts" he starts theatrically "you calmly walking towards me, covered in blood, huge wound on your shoulder. Me running towards you, worried sick. I ask 'what happened?!' You answer 'it's just a scratch'. And now you're worried about a little tattoo?" He then laughs, squeezing my hand.
"Oh shut it. I just..." I stutter with a chuckle "Yeah... okay, you're right"
"As always, my sweet love" he says proudly.
"You like the placement?" The artist asks me, motioning for me to look in the mirror.
I look first in the mirror at my reflected forearm and how the dog paw drawing, then directly at it and nod.
"Alright, dear, now sit get comfy and if you want me to stop just say so" she tells me sweetly.
I do as she said, Charlie right next to me smiling, his tattoo all done looks even better now.
"Still nervous?" He asks me.
"Nah... maybe a little" I answer with a nervous chuckle.
"It's gonna be fine, love. You can hold my hand if you're so scared" he sweetly mocks me.
"Shut it" I laugh waving his hand away.
"Ready?" The tattoo artist asks me.
"Yeah" I nod.
She starts to ink my skin.
It's a weird feeling, it doesn't hurt, but it's not that good either, so I just take deep breath.
"Why the paw?" Charlie suddenly asks me.
"Uh?" I ask confused.
"Why did you choose a paw?" He repeats.
"Oh... uhm... when I was younger, before getting my letter I had a dog." I start to tell, looking at Charlie "a cute, crazy little collie. He followed me everywhere. Everywhere. Remember I told you about this little pond close to where I lived? I always went there, playing, imagining to be a warrior, a magician, little did I know I actually was one." I chuckle at the memory "Anyway... I was also very clumsy, and there was always a high chance for me to fall into said pond and my dog always managed to prevent that. He was my protector basically."
"Sounds like the best of dogs" Charlie comments, moving his hand to hold mine.
"He was..." I take a shaky breath, tears starting to form in my eyes, but I blink them away,"he really was. He died during my third year... after Christmas, before I had to get back to Hogwarts."
I can't help it. Some tears fall down my face, and Charlie is quick to wipe them away.
"He wanted to see you. Say goodbye properly, uh?" He tells me.
"Yeah... and yeah... he was my best friend. You know... whenever I get a letter or something from my parents they always sent a piece of paper with his paw print." I sadly laugh.
"That's really sweet, love" he tells me.
"You know how I called him?" I smile.
"How?" He asks curious.
"No way"
"Yap. The very first day we got him he stole my favourite blankie, the one with dragons on it. So that was it" I explain.
"How perfect" Charlie kisses my hand "how perfect"
"All done" the lady suddenly says.
Charlie and I turn our head to her, I look down at my arm, the fresh ink on my skin looks absolutely perfect.
"Wow" is all I can say.
She wraps my fresh tattoo and tells me how to take care of it.
"Thank you"
"Thank you, have a good day!" She waves at us as we leave the shop.
"You like it?" Charlie asks me as we hold hands and walk.
"It's freaking perfect." I say "what about yours?"
"Oh mine? It's still misses something" he answers with a smile.
"Well... I got almost everyone from my family, except one" he shrugs.
"Who's missing?" I ask, confused.
"You, my love." He simply answers.
"Oh shut it" I slightly shove him, he holds my hands tighter pulling me closer to him.
"You shut it" he says before kissing me.
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Hiiii it's the short anon again 👉👈 I LOVED the headcanons you gave about Henry with a short gf and now I wanna hear what you think of him being yandere/obsessive with her,, (if you're comfy writing about that! 🥺)
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I saw I perfect opportunity to combine the two prompts, so here goes nothing! I hope y’all enjoy!
Warnings: Violence, cursing, Brenner being really creepy, unhealthy relationships dynamics
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A steaming mug of coffee sat upon your desk. Your hands wrapped around the warm porcelain in order to stay warm. Your woolen cardigan was doing an awful job of keeping out the biting cold of the lab. A stack of files sat before you, yet your mind was too distracted to do any sort of work now.
You could barely move yourself from your chair, but you knew you had to. When Doctor Brenner asks to speak to someone, there’s no dodging that bullet. To put it plainly, you were fucked. Relationships between employees was heavily frowned upon here. Nurses and Orderlies alike disappeared after Brenner caught them in the act.
It wasn’t just the relationship between you and Peter that caused Brenner to reach out to you. Brenner saw that you were getting closer with a certain child. He made it clear that Eleven was his golden child. Anyone who began forming connections with her was a threat in his mind. The way he obsessed over her in his private time was strange. He would come by the hospital wing and pester the nurses about Eleven if she was in their care. But he never asked to speak with you one on one before.
Maybe you would finally be released from this sterilized hell. And you could take Peter with you. The two of you would move far away from Hawkins and live out your lives in some cottage on the edge of the woods. Maybe even start the bakery you dreamed about owning ever since you were a child. This would be your chance. Still, the thought of being one on one with Brenner made you uneasy.
Finally, you stood up from your chair and placed your mug back on your desk. As you crossed the small office to your door, you were surprised to see it opening. There stood Doctor Brenner with a unnervingly calm expression on his face. “Oh! Doctor Brenner I wasn’t expecting you here. I was just going to-” The Doctor just waved his hand as if to silence you. “I decided I would just meet you here. Come, take a walk with me.”
Wordlessly you joined the older man at his side and shut the door to your office. There was nothing you could say. All you could do was walk and bear the scolding you knew was in store for you. “I’ve heard rumors Dear…” The pet name the Doctor used for you made bile rise in your throat. You decided you would play dumb for now. There was something inside you the feared the consequences of your actions. Something told you that being fired wasn’t the only punishment you would be receiving.
“Rumors?” You try and mask the nervous tremor in your voice. A dark chuckle echoes through the empty hall. “Yes Dear. Rumors about you and Mister Ballard. To tell the truth, I don’t like what I’m hearing. But I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt.” His tone was gentle but his words were rather threatening.
The two came to a halt, Brenner reached out to the silver door handle. He stood there with the door open, motioning for you to go in. On the door a black sign read ‘Test Room 1’. It was an odd place to have a conversation, that was for sure. You softly thanked him as you walked in.
Standing before you were two orderlies dressed in their crisp white uniforms. What you didn’t see was the black batons hanging of their black belts at the ready. Seated in the corner of the room was another orderly, but he did not have the same weapon. “Doctor Brenner I don’t understand….what’s going on?”
The sound of the door locking shut echoed. You worried eyes fell upon the third blonde orderly that was seated in the far corner. For a moment a look of panic flashed over his features, but he quickly returned to his stone cold gaze. “As I said before. I have been hearing rumors. You’ve been sowing seeds of doubt in the children’s heads. You are causing problems.” You knew this wasn’t about the other children, this was all about Eleven.
One of the Orderlies that now flanked Doctor Brenner unclipped the baton that was hanging from his belt. “Have a seat.” It was more of a command than a suggestion. You took a seat on the hard-backed chair that was positioned to face away from the window. Your breathing trembled ever so slightly as the Orderlies grew closer to you. “You don’t care about the other children Brenner. So why pretend? This is all about Eleven.” You managed to find some sort of courage deep within you. It was rather satisfying to finally get your two cents in.
“You’re worried that maybe she might begin to-” That was when it happened. A searing pain went through your side. One of the men had hit you, and hit you hard. A cry of pain tore through your throat. Another hit was delivered to your chest causing you to scream once more.
“STOP THIS!” The two men looked up from you to see Peter practically barreling towards you. Brenner stood back and watched the scene unfold. He wasn’t planning to hurt you very badly, just enough to plainly see that Peter had a weakness. A sickening smirk curled onto the man’s aging lips. He motioned for the orderlies to step back to make room for Peter.
Peter almost immediately rushed to your side. He got to his knees so he could become eye level with you as you were sitting down. “Peter it hurts.” You whimpered to him. Your body still twitching with pain. “Sssh Sweetheart, it’ll be alright.” His tone was tender. At this point he didn’t care who was watching.
Peter stood back to his full height. His slipped his arms under your back and behind your knees before pulling you to his chest in a bridal style. Your soft sobs were muffled by Peter’s chest. You were in so much pain that it was a struggle to even keep your eyes open. He placed a gentle kiss to your forehead before looking up to Brenner.
The older man stood staring at the two of you with the same smirk on his face. Brenner had exactly what he wanted now. He practically held Peter on a leash with this new knowledge.
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beenjen · 1 year
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It’s about that time. Vacation has arrived. Work has been intense of late, I’ve not been giving my best, even at that I would say I’m above average, and that’s not without merit. I care A LOT about my patients, I’ve just been in survival mode. Waiting for this time off. Where I can unplug, get caught up on laundry, dust, repot my plants, paint some furniture, finish the bathroom project upstairs, get the garden off, make a medicine wheel. More than anything else, I just want to hang with Chris.
It really feels as though we should get an extra credit award, win the lottery, come upon a tax break (which absolutely did not happen this year). It’s been really heavy heavy for the last year. One year ago everything hit with my brother and his teenage daughter, then mom wasn’t able to tolerate chemo, then dad had his second diagnosis, the drama with my in-laws, hospitalizations, dads third diagnosis, in there C’s job was being transitioned back ‘in house’ at the university, then we had the damage to the back retaining wall, my work drama, further decline from mom, the official diagnosis on dad, mom passing, my niece was put on suicide watch, it has been toasted turds for awhile…. boom, boom, boom, one right after the other.
If I’m being completely honest, the last 5 years have been that way. It started with my grandmother breaking her arm, surgery, prolonged hospitalization, rehab, we had to buy a piece of property from her to pay for her in home care, she passed, I found out I was almost 7 months along with Lilith, then we lost Bacon (my soul dog), and as soon as I returned to work, dad had a relapse on his prostate cancer and mom was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. It’s been a barrel run since then.
I went to a medicine wheel yoga this morning. I didn’t go for any reason, other that it was interesting to me, and the time and my availability aligned. Turned out to be brilliant.
I did that past life regression class to support my studio a year or so back, I posted on it I think, maybe I didn’t. In that class, and I’m a realist and an optimist at the same time? I’ve always had a naive leaning, wanting the best to happen, aloof - shading the experience with that - each ‘flash back’ for me was off of a grass lined hall, and I opened doors looking into a scene. One scene was C and I, he was a Viking warrior, or what my mind credited to it. Another was very odd, the details are hazy, it was an experience I don’t have the words for, but the sensation was that it was Chris. Then there was a 3rd and final experience, it reminded me of that 70s show with Red and Kitty, and she was wearing dresses, 60s-70’s style kitchen, and c came home from work, I turned and looked over my shoulder at him, smiling, there was a toddler playing in the floor. So, suffice it to say Chris manifests to me at times in my heart, maybe we were connected before and star crossed lovers, or maybe I’m an enthusiastic romantic with vivid dreams.
Today in the class, it was about the Cherokee peoples medicine wheel. The wheel is 7 points, very closely aligned with the 7 chakras… interesting how 7 is a deeply spiritual AND religious number. Me thinks things have more in common than different my lovelies (?).
Our teacher/guide, was Rachel. She’s a very personable person. Comfy feeling. Real. There were 2 times she asked questions about guiding our thoughts and life paths, and each time, what came to me was Christopher. One I think was ‘what gives you wings? Freedom?’ And another I believe was ‘what opens your mind, heart, yet keeps you firm in your life?’ And he was the answer to both.
It was special. More so as C and I celebrate 15 years married this week. He and I have both had separate events/conversations that made us both feel connected and that we really made a good choice of partner this week - how cosmically cool?!
My grief path hits unexpectedly. Today, it was taking a load of laundry out of the dryer, and having the kids lay on the bed while I piled it on top of them. My mom used to do that to me on the couch, and it was special. The warmth was so comforting. That she always remembered when I was home I liked it and would seek me out. She had a gift to make everyone feel special.
I have moments like that where I FEEL her. MISS her. Realize all over again that she’s no longer with us. I think that will happen for the rest of my life, and I’m not sorry. I WANT to remember her. Be close to her how I can. REMEMBER what she brought to me.
My dad has his second chemo this week. It’s actually on our anniversary. C is cool with us picking up dad, taking him, and spending the day with him. Our picture this year, may be one of dad with us in the field behind our house (our annual anniversary photo). I feel pressed to do this. I felt the same to make Easter big last year. I won’t poke that too curiously because I have a heart ache deep inside that I know what this means.
Meanwhile we celebrated my brothers birthday yesterday. Have the garden boxes curing. Tomorrow is the first day, of C and I getting some kid free time, and I am looking for abundance in this life.
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Let’s focus on abundance not lack. Perspective friends. That’s all it takes to turn this game around xx
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transmurderbug · 8 months
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It's Picrew time again! Thank you for the tag, Willow! @ian-galagher ❤️
So many at once!
The first one made me realize I need a haircut soon, but I love that hoodie season us upon me and I can finally be cozy 😌
The second one looks sooo comfy. With the bat sweatshirt and the chicken hoodie 🐤🦇(best combination), plus I look like I'm plotting something 😏
I LOVE the third one! It made want to assemble my bow and go out practicing. Picrew me also seemed to have wrapped their arms, because they know how much it hurts to get hit by the bowstring 🥴 I also have a little snake companion! I had a hard time choosing between the frog and the snake, but this time I had to go with the latter 🐍 and the hood with the cape? I WISH I looked this cool 😁 Fourth one! A little colorful potion, with more bats. Because bats are important 😤 It's a little bubbly and swirly and I'm not sure why it's labeled with a mushroom, but what could go wrong? It looks tasty 🤪
The fifth one is definitely based on my dog who looks this absentminded and NOT amused 24/7. Minus the proportions, because he's literally the size of a pony (comparisons have been made). All of these are so cool! I loved making them 🥰
Tagging some awesome people to play along, if you want to. Or have some of my oddly labeled potion! 😁
@energievie @palepinkgoat @francesrose3 @juliakayyy @creepkinginc @thisdivorce @sweetperversiongirl @transmickey @gardenerian @mybrainismelted @stocious @suzy-queued @crossmydna
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sarahisslytherin · 2 years
summary: your little sister refuses to go to bed without steve’s bedtime stories. contains: fluff and an annoying child. mentions of fem!reader. a/n: idk man it is what it is. requested by @strangerfics-9​.
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steve is in his element, making some hot chocolate for you and your little sister while you slip into your pajamas. your parents are out for the night, leaving you to babysit. well, leaving you to call your boyfriend over to babysit. 
“aw, look at you.” he fawns over you as you join him in the kitchen. “in your cute little jammies.”
you roll your eyes and give him a playful nudge. “shut up, harrington.” 
“harrington, huh?” he chuckles as you wrap your arms around his torso from behind him. “this from the one who called me because you couldn’t handle your own sister.”
“she’s a nightmare!” you whine. “a little gremlin, she is!”
steve can’t fight back his laugh as he hands you a cup of hot chocolate. “well, she’s been an angel all day.”
“yeah, with you!” you point out. “she adores you, absolutely worships the ground you walk on. i don’t know what she sees in you.” 
“probably the same thing her big sister does, hm?” steve teases, pulling you close to where he’s leaning against the counter. “i guess good taste runs in the family.”
just as he’s leaning in to kiss you, he feels a yank at the hem of his sweater. to no one’s surprise, it’s your little sister. “stevie! let’s watch more movies!” she demands, wide eyed and completely adorable. 
steve glances at you, chuckling at her enthusiasm before looking back down to your sister. “sorry, kid. no more movies tonight. it’s bedtime.”
you expect her to comply immediately, the way she had all day whenever steve would say anything. but she doesn’t.
“if i can’t watch movies i wanna have another tea party!” she huffs with a small stomp of her foot, her brow furrowed and lips pouting. it almost breaks steve.
“we already had a tea party, hon. remember? you dressed me up in your feather boa and put all those butterfly clips in my hair?” he reminds her, and you snort at the memory.
“i’m so using that polaroid against you, by the way.” you snicker, distracting him for a mere moment before he’s being dragged into your sister’s room.
“kid, it’s time for bed!” steve tries once more, growing more frustrated by the second. 
“but i’m not sleepy!” your sister exclaims in response. steve is at the end of his rope now, his mind searching for ways to calm her down and get her to go to bed. 
“why don’t you tell her a bedtime story?” you suggest. steve turns to you with a thankful smile. “you know, like that one about the kids that saved hawkins once upon a time?”
“oh, yeah.” he laughs. “i got plenty of those stories. might need to change a few unimportant details but yeah, storytime it is.”
“yey!” your sister exclaims, grabbing her favorite stuffed animal and burrowing herself under the covers. steve clambers in as well, holding the covers up for you to slip underneath. and you do. how could you not when steve’s smiling at you, your little sister curled up beside him like something straight out of a hallmark christmas movie.
“comfy?” he asks, and you nod in return as he presses a kiss to your forehead.
“can’t wait to do this with our six kids.” you snort. “dustin the second, dustin the third, dustin the-”
“once upon a time…” steve begins, not before sharing a knowing look with you. a look that tells you there’ll be a lot of cozy nights exchanging bedtime stories in your future, and you honestly can’t wait.
taglist: @velvetcloxds​ @canibeoneofthepogues​ @padf00ts-l0ver​ @saintlike78​ @d22malfoys​ @scandalous-chaos​ @mystic-writings​ @wh0reforbucknasty​ @haroldpotterson​ @ughgclden​ @meromelo @hehehehannahthings​ @rafecameronswhore​ @meraki-lore​ @ericareyesmylove​ @bunnyweasley23​ @eichenhouseproperty​ @magicalxdaydream​ @imabee-oralizard​ @leahsficemporium​ @cupids-crystals​​ @natashxromanovfreads​​ @moonlitmeeks​​​
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scarletwritesshit · 1 year
❄️Dan Heng x March 7th ❄️ So He Doesn't Feel Like He's Trapped In Ice
March 7th waited outside of his door, debating if she should really go in. One of Pom-Pom’s remarks about Dan Heng has been lingering in her mind all day.
“He sleeps in a cold room with a single, thin blanket. He claims that the servers keep him warm, but there’s plenty of room for doubt there.”
March 7th felt bad for him. She had a big, comfy bed of her own with a thick blanket that kept her warm without having to use any additional resources for heat. Dan Heng, on the other hand, relied solely on the radiating heat from the servers within his room. She wasn’t quite sure how true this was, but if she knew him well enough, then in actuality, it wouldn’t be very warm at all.
Something, something, cooling system to keep the servers from overheating, she recalled. She didn’t comprehend too much of his lectures, but she listened to the best of her ability…when he himself wasn’t proving to be a distraction. March 7th found it awful hard to concentrate when the person currently lecturing you was just a tad bit too pretty. Up close, she was able to get a clearer look of Dan Heng’s beautiful dragon-like eyes, and she took notice of just how softly he looked at her, which means, she didn’t exactly remember too much of the specifics. What little she did manage to retain was that chances were, Dan Heng truthfully wasn’t very warm in that room of his.
The only way to find out for sure would be to ask. March 7th knocked on his door gently, hoping for a response.
"Daaan Heeeng~" she said, trying to grab his attention. No response.
If he wasn’t going to respond the first time, then he wasn’t any more likely to respond on the second or third try. Despite the lack of response, March 7th invited herself into his room anyways. It was something she had done countless times in the past, and Dan Heng was always quite welcoming to her, as long as she was not disruptive. When she opened the door, she was rather surprised to find him already asleep, a rarity for a hard worker like him. While everyone else had settled down to sleep, Dan Heng took this quiet time as the perfect opportunity to research in peace.
Well, everyone except for March 7th would be asleep at this time. She would occasionally come visit him if she found herself bored to death yet full of energy, or simply couldn’t fall asleep no matter how hard she tried. The plan would normally be for her to hang out quietly and perhaps skim through some books of his. However, that idea was always quickly scrapped, as March 7th would always plant her chin on the table besides him and curiously ask;
“Whatcha doing, Dan Heng?”
And he had a habit of perhaps elaborating a bit too much on the subject matter, often eventually diverting far from his studies. March 7th didn’t quite understand it all, but she would intently listen to every word to the best of her ability.
Dan Heng probably saw this as some sort of refresher for what he had previously studied, but March 7th was curious as to how he never shooed her away so that he may focus.
It may have served as an excuse to simply be around him without a hint to her lingering feelings.
But that’s not the point.
Though he appeared to be comfortably asleep, she felt bad that all he had was a small amount of heat radiating from the servers to keep him warm. Perhaps he preferred it this way, as she heard minimal complaints from him regarding his own well-being.
Still, March 7th knew how incredibly awful it was to be freezing cold. She had the unfortunate experience of being trapped in ice for who knows how long, something she would not recommend, nor would she wish upon others.
March 7th was already here and was standing in front of his wide-open door, so laying by him for a little wouldn’t cause too much of a disturbance, right?
She walked in and gently closed the door behind her, though it was unlikely that she would be able to wake Dan Heng in his deep slumber. It felt odd to not see his face shoved into a tablet or book intently focused on his research, only diverting his attention to speak to March 7th. She had an urge to pester him for no particular reason, but even she had the decency to leave a peaceful man lie.
Instead, March 7th laid down on his mattress beside him. For a bed suited for only one person, she had quite a bit of space for herself, as Dan Heng slept close to one edge. She wondered if he ever rolled off in the middle of the night, face first onto the floor. In fact, he seemed on the verge of rolling off the bed right now. March 7th thought that she could gently pull him away from the edge, as if to keep him from potentially falling off. It was a feasible act too, as he wasn’t the type to wake at every scratch or bump in the night.
Gently nudging him closer to the middle wasn’t working, so March 7th had to wrap her arms around him and drag him in closer. Once she pulled him closer to her, she found it difficult to release Dan Heng from her arms. The feeling of his body heat only drew her in closer, to the point where she gently nudged her face into his soft, black hair. She tried to tell herself that she was simply feeling the heat radiating from the servers in order to convince herself to release him, but she knew that that wasn’t the case. The severs, much to her original assumption, put out barely any warmth. The minuscule amount of heat would be more like temptation than actual comfort in these conditions.
With that being said, she could be right; Dan Heng was indeed cold even with a blanket that felt this cozy.
Maybe it was her personal bias towards him that was making her so comfortable, as March 7th had never felt warmth quite like this before. Even if she wanted to, she couldn’t leave Dan Heng behind now. She would feel guilty for leaving him in a cold room now that the server warming theory has been proven false.
She thought that a few minutes with him wouldn’t hurt. His only terms were that she doesn’t disturb him, and she still has yet to wake him up. March 7th closed her eyes, allowing herself to treasure a few quiet moments with Dan Heng in her arms.
March 7th slowly opened her eyes to a face full of black hair. She still was half asleep when she could’ve sworn heard someone say her name. Wherever she was, she didn’t feel like moving one bit. She was too comfortable...and oddly warm.
"Since when did you get here?"
March 7th kept still out of fear when she finally realized where she had been. She had only intended to lay with him for a few minutes. At the very most, she had only been with him for about an hour.
"Ughh..." March 7th mumbled, "what time is it?"
Dan Heng lazily wiggled one of his arms out of March's grasp and flopped it reaching for his phone. He turned the screen on, and glanced at it through sleepy eyes.
"It’s...past 13:00..." he read.
It would appear that she had been there for well over an hour.
"Why are you here?" he asked, sleepily.
March 7th hadn’t thought very hard about an excuse for curling up to him like this.
"Uh...I was cold. Yep! Very cold last night!" March 7th stammered.
"You are truly an awful liar," Dan Heng said, without hesitation, "You cannot even sound convincing enough to fool the least intelligent guards, let alone me."
"Ahaha...uh...I-I have no idea what you’re talking about!"
"It’s because of what Pom-pom said, wasn’t it?"
Dan Heng had her there. This was practically impossible for her to dispute, as Pom-Pom made that comment mere hours before March 7th visited Dan Heng’s room.
"Said what?"
"About me being cold all alone in here. I hear it all the time."
There was no point in March 7th trying to lie her way out of this one, as she was quickly proven guilty of carrying out this devious little scheme of hers.
"Okayyyy, fine you got me. I felt bad hearing about you being cold that I just...had to check up on you."
"And so…your idea of checking up on me was...to crawl into my bed?"
"Aaaah, I’m sorry! I’ll just leave!" March 7th said, desperately trying to slide out of bed. A weight was holding her arm in place, preventing her from sliding out and walking off.
"I didn’t say for you to leave, now did I?"
March 7th could only look at him in surprise.
"You didn’t disturb me once, so why should you feel the obligation to leave? Stay a bit longer, my research isn’t going anywhere."
She didn’t bother to try and pry herself away from Dan Heng. She was far too warm now to let go.
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quodekash · 1 year
tis friday night, aka the third night in a row im staying up past midnight for a bl and its gonna be like this for the next five weeks so id better get used to the exhaustion (send help), aka ABAAB NIGHT LETS GOOO
threezo my lovelies pls exist this episode
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did he get prettier over the last week or did i just forget what he looks like
bc either way this man is very pretty
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suspector #1
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suspector #2
jack as a gossip icon was a pleasant surprise in this show but im living for it
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bro there so tender with each other im gonna cry
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i think i forgot what everyone looked like cos every single character feels 10x prettier than they already were (and everyone was already at optimum pretty) and i love it
i love how much more casual gun has become with his employees, it makes me happy
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HELLO DRAKE HOW ARE YOU ON THIS FINE FRIDAY (typing this out at literally 11:59pm so its still friday)
okay its now wednesday but HOW ARE YOU DRAKA SATTABUT LAEDEKE, ILY
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his luscious eyebrows are furrowed
in anger
he is angry
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ah shoot pls chill bro
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hell yes flashback time, lets get a good insight into the characters so that we can aggressively analyse them later
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they always looks so comfy with each other what the hell
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bRO you fell asleep ON THE BEACH?? what if high tide had caught up to them? they wouldve drowned in their sleep
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nice visual (but soundwin did it first btw)
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there are people already swimming.
these people walked past these two grown-ass men sleeping on the sand on the beach, fast asleep, in formal button-up shirts, where theyd clearly been all night. and no one said anything.
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you can do it you luscious locked lovely boi, i believe in you
(you thought you were free from the obsession of the hair but you were WRONG, his hair is now and forever and always and all of time)
im just now noticing his earrings, that's awesome
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the hair look at the hair look at his hair i love his hair
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i love them i love them i love them i love them
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absolutely he does
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i freaking love jack so much
he knows what's going on between them. and he loves and appreciates and accepts it, but he's been getting so much pressure from the other workers to talk to cher because theyre friends, and he doesnt want to invade but he doesn't want anything bad to happen to either his friend or his boss
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why is the man so pretty
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i genuinely dont understand it, this man and his hair are so pretty
"i used to have a lover too. i know how painful it is to lose someone." BRO WHAT THE HELL??? WE WERE NOT TOLD THIS INFORMATION, PLEASE EXPAND UPON THIS
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snack is good. yummy nom noms. eat them eat them you eat them and then poop them out yum yum yum
i need to go to bed
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i love him probably too much
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noooo we barely got any threezo todayyy (if i were more awake id be outraged by this but im having trouble just keeping my head up so i'll get to that anger in the morning)
im surprised we didnt get a sponsorship for cleaning gun's punch wound
anyway ive been on the verge of falling asleep this whole episode so im gonna go to sleep now and hopefully catch up on three days of not-enough-sleep
goodnight folks!
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rainiishowers · 2 years
Hi! I'm the Anon who asked about the senior pets. I'd love the brother's reaction too.
If you can, can you add a little angst? Like the saying that: You can have many pets throughout your life but your pets only have you.
If you want to of course, have a good day!
A/N: Hello again Anon! I love this idea so I don’t at all mind doing the brothers! Now, the angst is a bit inspired from my reaction of one of my own pets dying, with that being said, expect the lists for the brothers to be a bit long! I did it in third person this time, so I hope you don’t mind! It may not be the angst you were looking for but I hope you enjoy! Warnings: Pet sickness and death ---
He admired the love MC gave senior pets
At first he was annoyed at the amount of pets they would come home with but once he saw how responsible they were about taking them in, he got off their back
When they got closer, he helps MC take care of them!
One night, as he was making his rounds to make sure everyone was asleep or getting ready for bed, he heard crying, from their room
He speed walks to their room and knocks on the door
With a simple “I’m coming in” he walks in and sees them crying
He immediately sets out to comfort them and when they explain that a family pet of theirs in the human world got sick, having to be put down, he hugs them tighter.
Doesn’t move and lets them rest on his shoulder.
If they fall asleep, he’ll bring them to his room so he can watch over them, wanting to be there to comfort them if they wake up in the middle of the night.
Next day, before they wake up, he explains to the brothers that they have to hold a funeral for one of MC’s pet, and he isn’t taking any complaints, not that there were any.
The first time MC brought a pet back, he was confused and a bit jealous that he wasn’t getting the affection
But when they asked, he helped take care of them, in secret, of course
One day, MC told Mammon to go to RAD without him, as they have some business to do
He wanted to stay and almost did if it weren’t for MC shoving him out the door.
Now that he thinks about it.. he hasn’t seen that pet around..
When he got home, he heard crying from MC’s room..
Mammon ran to comfort his human, bursting the door down
When he saw the box of toys and everything the two brought for the pet, and MC holding the collar, it didn’t take long to realize that pet was now dead.
He also cared deeply for that pet, so he also felt sad, but all he did was hug onto MC tightly, letting them cry into his chest before they fell asleep.
All those times they came to hang out late because they needed to take care of a pet, got him jealous, but he understood taking care of a beloved pet
If/When MC asks him to help take care of the pet, he’ll be so confused on why they wanted his help, but agrees nonetheless.
It depends on which animal MC has taken the job of caring to for Levi to know how to take care of it, like if it were to be fishes or snakes, he has knowledge in that department, but otherwise, they might have to help him out sometimes
The pet dies and MC goes to his room for comfort, almost in tears.
When he is aware of this, he instantly pauses the game and lets them collapse in his arms, which almost made him crash
Levi lets them cry it out, heartbroken that MC is in tears.
Carries them to the bathtub and lays them on top of him so they are comfy
He just.. stays there and cuddles them..
If it is cats MC specialize in or this specific animal is a cat, he is ecstatic
If it is any other animal, he is still willing to help if they ask
He’ll spend hours at the library with them to direct MC to helpful tips they might of not known about
He grows attached to this pet and is use to seeing this pet when he visits MC’s room
One time, however, MC has asked Satan to come to their room, which he agrees to, only to hear quiet sniffling coming from inside
He opens the door and sees MC hunched over, crying, upon closer inspection, he saw them gripping the collar like their life depended on it.
It clicked that the pet had died, he sat beside them and hugs them tightly, letting them cry it out, whispering sweet words into theirs ears.
He will make sure this pet gets a proper burial if it’s the last thing he does.
Aww! Their pet is so cute!
Will likely volunteer to help take care of it
Rambles on about the cute clothes they could put the pet in, and they can get Raphael to sew clothes for this cutie!
A little ways into taking care of the pet, he goes into MC’s room without knocking, unsurprisingly
He starts to talk about the pet, realizing only a minute later that they were crying
He rushes to their side to comfort them, letting them calm down before explaining.
When they do explain, he’s heartbroken and is almost crying himself
He hugs them tightly and asks if they would like a spa/self care night after they are both done mourning
He may or may not thought of eating this pet at some point..
Will show the most self restraint ever and always have something to eat on him when around this pet
When he eventually grows fond of this pet, he’ll ask MC what it likes and give it bits of it.
If this pet is injured or sick, he’ll be by MC’s side, fetching whatever they need to help this pet
It was the case one Saturday evening, when he was doing this, things started to get worrying, as they have went silent.
When he asks what’s wrong, they just hug him tightly, crying that the pet was now dead.
Something broke inside him, seeing MC cry and hearing the sudden news.
He just hugs them tight, not too tight in fear of crushing them, as they cry and cry.
Once they have fallen asleep, he takes them to bed
After that, he grabs the pets body and goes to explain to Lucifer what happened, and ask if they can keep the body somewhere safe to bury tomorrow
The least he can do is keep the body safe and let MC bury it tomorrow
Taking care of a pet took too much energy
He probably isn’t the best to ask to help take care of it
He’d listen to MC talk about the pet, and, when their relationship develops, he sometimes tags along to a short trip to get treats, toys or food
If MC were to ever show Belphie this pet, he’d say the pet is cute and pet them if ever allowed
I don’t think he’d grow attached to it as much as his brothers would though..
When he hears someone coming into the attic, he turns to see who could be disturbing his nap
Only to have MC lay beside him and cry into his back
He turns to comfort them, shushing them and rubbing their back
They don’t even have to explain, but if they do, he will curl around MC and release magic so that they have good dreams and so they sleep peacefully.
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