#They break up like twice a month dw dw
fernacular · 3 months
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Despite what you may have heard Bruce Wayne is not, in fact, a furry.
He is, however, very opinionated.
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lowkeyrobin · 30 days
Hello I was wondering if you’d be able to write a Ranboo x Gender neutral reader that’s struggling with a smoking addiction, which Ranboo helps them quit, however their life starts to get difficult and they start struggling, so they start to smoke again in secret to cope, however ranboo ends up catching them (only if you’re comfortable with writing something like this, if not I completely understand) :)
- 💠
ooo sure ; idk that much about smoking other than what I've seen and learned first hand so sorry if this is wrong in any way lol ; also dw, I've become more comfortable writing ab this stuff so its alright 🫶 ; thanks for requesting, hope you enjoy!
RANBOO ; smoking section
summary ; youre doing your best to quit smoking but you need help
warnings ; language, smoking, addiction, weight loss/lack of eating, relapsing, mentions of alcohol & pills, kind of ooc fight thing but angst comes first
track ; smoking section ; jelly roll (not a word...)
word count ; 1.5k
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"I need help."
Those three words, so heavy, carrying so much weight on your shoulders, were responded with a nod and a little smile. It was like that weight was lifted off your shoulders when you saw his expression, like the fear of rejection and anger had quickly been swept away from you.
You'd been addicted to smoking for a long time. You started just for the edge, to feel anything but stressed or scared. Then you got addicted, to the nicotine, the motion, the buying a pack a week, like a routine. You tried giving it up to replace it with vaping and even alcohol, but it never went away, you were too down the rabbit hole of addiction.
You'd been bound by shackles and chains, the addiction unable to be tamed.
You didn't know where to go, the fear of asking your boyfriend ate you up inside. Never in a million years would he shame you for trying to quit, but he didn't know you were that addicted, he'd yet to see that side of you. He'd never put together that all the bathroom breaks and walks outside, even the sitting on the stairs on the porch, were all smoke breaks.
He'd seen you smoke, obviously, but he only saw you do it once or twice a day, and he didn't have a problem with it. You were your own person and you could make your own decisions, as long as you were being responsible.
Responsible was a funny word. You'd never smoke and drive or do it around your friends, but you weren't responsible with how you'd been addicted to it so long like this.
After a while, they started to notice your change in demeanor, the more and more time away from them you needed, it was all adding up. You turned into an asshole when you couldn't get your way, often raising your voice to get a way outside.
He'd caught you wiping the walls when he came home one day, that was the final thing to solidify the suspicion.
He saw the smoke residue on the towel, the smear marks. It broke him. You were smoking inside now, for how long?
He couldn't bring it up, and could only wait for you to ask for help. He couldn't ask for you.
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The first week was hard.
He took away your lighter, you had to ask him to smoke now. You felt like a toddler asking their mommy for permission to eat candy.
His plan was to edge you off of it and maybe get you on nicotine gum and get you a whistle necklace that you could inhale into, because the movement was engraved in your brain.
They'd given you that necklace, and anytime you went to the gas station, they'd make sure you couldn't buy any more cigarettes. It was awful, no matter what, you felt trapped.
You'd step away to smoke and forget that you didn't have your things, and nearly start crying.
You weren't ready to quit, you just wanted to.
You'd become more anxious and emotional, you yelled more. They put up with you, knowing that quitting an addiction like this was hard.
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You realized after a month of easing out that your life wasn't as bad as you thought before. You created your own problems that you couldn't fix yourself and drowned yourself. That's what you thought, at least.
You'd been sober for a month now. You still had the whistle necklace, and you stayed away from nicotine gum and vapes, knowing it'd only cause another addiction.
He was proud of you, especially after you admitted to everything you'd been doing then, and you properly apologized for it. You confirmed his suspicions, including the excessive smoking inside when he wasn't around, which was staining the walls. He ended up throwing the Fabreeze out as well, considering that's how you hid it a lot.
Ranboo was mostly just grateful that you didn't try and rebel against them and resort to pills or alcohol.
But you did end up relapsing.
It wasn't time.
You'd fallen into a depressive episode, feeling like you were collecting dust on the shelf. Your streams became more infrequent, your appearances anywhere diluting. A lot of fans already knew what was up and started analyzing your every move, any that you did make for that matter.
No matter how much you reached out for help, and no matter how much you received it, you couldn't get back on your feet. Your day consisted of lazing around, listening to music, and secretly smoking behind your partner's back. You felt awful for doing it, but you had no other way to coexist with your addiction. You'd lost five or so pounds already, dark circles weighing your eyes down, grogginess ruling over your soul.
You became an asshole again. Ranboo tried to defend you because maybe you were trying to fight back a relapse, but little did they know you already had.
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You sit on the porch outside, smoking a cigarette from the secret pack you kept under the board on the back, which slid to the side enough for you to be able to hide shit behind it. Your head rests in your hands, a cigarette between your index and middle fingers, the smoke trailing away from you in the slight breeze.
Ranboo steps outside to ask if you're okay, and as the door closes behind him, he sees the cigarette in your fingers. You realize it's him and throw it down, and use your shoe to put it out. He stares at you in shock and disbelief.
How long had you been lying to him?
"What are you doing?" He asks, barely even a question as you look at him. His voice is laced with anger and disappointment.
"Nothing." You lie. You don't even know why you're lying. He saw you smoking, trying to lie or gaslight your way out of it isn't going to solve shit.
"Nothing?" He scoffs, "Are you fucking kidding me? How long have you been lying to me? You promised you'd stop, yet you're hiding it from me, again! You don't want to quit, do you? You just like the sound of it"
"Shut the fuck up!" You groan, standing up. "It's just one-"
"It's not just one!" He shouts, holding up two empty packs he'd found in the trash, which is what he came to talk to you about in the first place. "It's three packs, at least. How long have you been smoking again?"
You're silent for a moment. "...Two months"
"Two months?" He repeats with a not-so-happy smile. "You're kidding. I've been lying to our friends for you for two months?"
"I never asked you to-"
"I've been lying to everyone for you! Defending you! You're no better than you were before we started dating, Y/n. You said you were doing better and had it under control. You've always been lying to me!" He argues. "Don't tell me to shut up, I've been trying to help you! You swore to me yesterday that you weren't smoking!"
You're silent now, biting the inside of your cheeks. Your fists are clenched, your knuckles turning white.
"You realize I have to try for you too, right? It's not just you, okay? I'm here too!" He throws the empty packs down at your feet. "Go live with your shame somewhere else, I can't do this with you anymore. Every time you swear you're gonna stop or try and plan it, you never do it. You just like the idea of stopping. No matter what anyone does for you, you're still gonna smoke behind their back instead of try and take their help."
"I was clean for a month!"
"Were you?!" He yells, "I don't know if I can believe you at this point!"
"I'm sorry-"
"Saying sorry isn't gonna fix what you did anymore. I can't help you."
"Please, Ran, I love you!-"
"If you loved me, you would've gone to rehab like I suggested."
You stay quiet, knowing he had a point.
Tommy, Freddie, and Charlie had heard you fighting outside and were all hoping that their chat couldn't hear either as they continued baking in the kitchen like nothing was wrong. Some viewers were questioning where you both were, but they clearly couldn't hear any of the shouting outside.
The three, however, could hear it clear as day. They were worried for both of you but silently and mutually agreed to discuss it all later.
When only Ranboo walked back in with a fake smile to continue streaming, they knew it was bad. You'd ended up going for a walk to cool yourself down. He wanted to as well but had other priorities that came first.
He felt like shit for yelling at you, but he knew he had a point. He felt the guilt eating him up inside, but the fake smile and happy energy had to stay for now.
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spacecowboy6780 · 4 months
do your csm ocs have lore? i'd love to read it ! (not me trying to make fanart no how would you think that nooooo of course nooooott)
HAADJKFMKLGD THANK YOUUU SO MUCH 😭😭 i dont know if i really have any good lore yet... im pretty bad at making that typa stuff i kinda just draw things lol
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(i draw him a little differently each time dw abt it)
his pants are like- loose at the bottom so not tight fit :)) and he has like black combat boots i guess he's a whole sucker for black and white clothing hehe..
has a tongue piercing and a piercing on his right ear
he has a contract with the fox devil
likes the color white
does mma, anything to do with shooting things, and fishing
barem's right hand man (just a person to do his dirty work lol)
he's wasian, white mom (died during his birth), japanese dad (hates him for his mom's death and makes him try twice as hard because of it)
from a rich family who owns a [blank] company (i haven't decided what yet, i feel like a gun company would work but that's kinda ironic cuz yk)
he was a good child! always trying to meet his father's standards so he could do well, he wanted to be the best because he wanted his father's "love" (it wasn't really love. his father was emotionally manipulative and abusive and only gave him "love" whenever he did something in his favor or good. when he didn't he would tell him how much of a disgrace he is. only to treat him nicely again when he did something good.)
a social bird, made friend easily all throughout his school years, a popular and friendly person. he started to realize he could do whatever during his highschool years, because of his status as the sole heir to his father's company so he started to become more rebellious, going out more, skipping classes, getting drunk, but he always brought back straight A's. he became a rowdy asshole genius typa guy
closeted homo up to college years, he started really embracing his gay then. during highschool and middle school he would date women but he didn't really feel anything for them and would usually break up with them after a few months. he would make up the sweetest and most heartbreaking reasons why and they would forgive him, when in reality he really didn't care about them
his dad was suffering from heart issues as he got older, and as orion got older he grew to hate his dad, he slowly poisoned him with arsenic which led to him having a heart attack and dying!! one day he accidentally put too much arsenic into his food but he was like yknow what it's okay and then made sure to keep the maids away from his slowly decaying father, put him to bed early and tada he had a heart attack
he got away with it cause a) he’s the sole heir to the company and b) if he went to court? 💰💥💰💥💰💥
he met barem at the chainsaw church!! he was curious about it, flyers and all over town so he went to check it out. he got a tour from one of the church members before bumping into him. it was kind of a physical attraction at first, he just wanted to get into his pants. so he got a tour from barem, saying he didn't remember any of it (playing dumb blond stereotype lol). but after talking to him he was like hey wait this guy is also kind of cool and an eye opener (idk what he would've said i'll figure something out) and then he started to reeeeally take a liking to barem. he started to appear more around the chainsaw church, mostly around barem and talk to him a lot but he wouldn't join it. he didn't want to marry a woman. barem asked why he would come to the csm church if he didn't want to join it. orion was blunt and was like to see you ofc. barem was like ???.
sooner or later orion became his right hand man (i'll explain more on how later), or more of a person to just do a lot of his dirty work because he was so willing to do it. he's also willing to pay for all of barem's expenses. lol sugar daddy
ok i think im done for now but ill make like- a better doc for him i think he's like the first kind of fleshed out oc i've made in a while haha!
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shurisneakers · 3 years
a harmless drabble more on the angsty/hurt and comfort side of things? 🥺
a/n: sigh. welcome to chaos week update #2 :)) last one is out this friday and im exhausted pls keep me in your thoughts or send me doughnuts. either works hey, just a shoutout to the anon who has a presentation today. i hope it all goes well :)
warning: lot of swearing, angst, anxiety, self esteem issues, sick bucky, but it gets lighter at the end dw
word count: 8.4k (we established like seven parts ago that these aren’t drabbles anymore)
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Previous Part  || Series Masterlist
He probably shouldn’t be even awake right now.
But he was.
With a vengeance.
Over fifty hours of a recon mission paired with the additional stakeout due to people not doing their jobs correctly made sure it was a very long two weeks.
The last stretch had been a bit of an adrenaline rush, a lot of explosions and walking away like a badass even though the combination of heat and leather had him sweating buckets. He hopes that the same high would keep him going for at least another few hours before he crashed for the next three days.
“Buck, you’re gonna be exhausted by the time we reach. Can’t you push it to tomorrow?” Steve tries his level best to reason with him, knowing that Bucky in particular had volunteered for a lot of the mission assignments when others were too tired or occupied to pursue it.
“She’s busy tomorrow. School’s got some dance planning committee happening.” Whatever your inator was, he could punch a hole through it and be done for the day. “It’ll be 20 minutes tops.”
“No point arguing with him, Cap. He’s whipped.” Clint’s kinda delirious. He’s almost fallen over twice already, Bucky’s metal arm being the only thing that stopped it from happening. Maybe Clint’s head deserved to hit the floor a couple of times after that comment.
“Shut up.” He fiddles with the solar system bracelet around his wrist, shoving all the beads to one side before thumbing them back. Not a very convincing argument but the same adrenaline is starting to wear off faster than could conserve. “I’m not.”
“Just go on Tuesday or something. ’s not like you wait for the weekend to see her anymore,” Clint throws in a rebuttal much to his annoyance. “Didn’t you meet her after school that day?”
“She said she was going to hypnotise some birds to go shit on someone.” Fuckin’ Jeff.
“Yeah, but then you walked her home afterwards.”
“It was a part of the negotiation.” A trade off, even.
He wonders if the thread that linked all the beads would ever wear out with how much he played around with it, but so far it showed no signs of giving away.
“Negotiation, date, whatever you wanna call it. The point still stands.”
“It’s your fourth mission this month, bud,” Steve interrupts before Bucky’s glare burns holes into Clint’s face. “You need to relax.”
The quinjet takes a sharp turn and Bucky feels like he’s gonna throw up. Motion sickness was a rarity, only showing up in cases where his body was on the verge of crumbling due to fatigue.
He takes a swig of water, shoving down any signs of distress. “Swear on Barton’s life, I'll take a break after this.”
“Motherfucker, I know you’re lying.” Clint whips around in his seat. “Take it back right now. You’re gonna get me killed.”
“Maybe you deserve it,” Bucky quips back calmly.
“That’s fair.” Clint pauses. “But I’ll take you with me, Jimmy.”
Bucky scowls at the nickname. He absolutely loathes it, which gives this piece of shit all the more reason to use it.
“Can you both shut up?” Nat groans from her seat, doing everyone a favour.
“Whose side are you on, Tasha?” Her blonde and begrudgingly admitted best friend asks.
“Whoever pushes you out of this plane in the next five minutes, Clinton.” She smiles sweetly at him but it drops abruptly. “Steve, just let him go, he’s a big boy now. But you’re finding your own way home, Barnes. I’m not picking you up again.”
She picked him up twice a long time ago and one of them was when you called her over to thank her and return the microchip she got you from the lab.
Back then he knew that the team kept in contact with you occasionally, but not to the point where he had to wait half an hour for Nat to stop telling you about the tech behind her photostatic veils so he could finally go home.
“You guys are great,” Bucky mumbles sarcastically, getting up to go punch in the new coordinates. “Best fuckin’ friends a fella could ask for.”
They still have a long way to go. Bits of conversation takes place, but a two week long mission tends to drain the life out of even enhanced human beings so it’s mostly quiet. The longer he sits idly, the longer the weariness sets in. He could take a walk but he’s not sure he could make an entire lap.
Clint's head droops as he slips in and out of sleep again. Bucky considers letting him hit the cold, hard ground in an act of revenge.
In the end, he sticks his arm out again, pushing him back into his seat.
Steve lowers the jet for him at the street outside your lair, enough for him to jump out and not lie on the ground in pain. Still, it takes him a little longer to stop the dizzying when he lands, before he rolling his shoulders and walks to the door.
The lair’s lit up in shades of yellow and red for a change. Even the pillars with the bubbling liquid were a flaming orange to match whatever theme you had going on.
You were in the smack middle, dressed like a completely authentic firefighter.
“You’re back!” you cheer when he opens the door. You follow it up with a quick clearing of your throat, dropping your voice lower to sound more serious. “You’re back.”
He can’t think of anything to say so he just walks to the middle of the lair, a few feet away from the raised platform. His backpack is still with him, a few grimy and tattered clothes, empty guns inside and other essentials inside. But there’s a separate paper bag that he’s holding in his hand.
“I got you something,” he informs to the best of his ability, holding it up. He wonders if you even heard it, considering how coarse his words had sounded.
“What is it?” You jump down from the platform to meet him midway.
“Open it.” He extends it forward.
He’s a little nervous when you pull out a t-shirt from the bag, ‘I love Philippines’ printed against the plain black, the love represented by a bright red heart.
“You bought me a souvenir.” Your eyes widen when you twist it around to look at the words.
“Yeah.” Could he sit down for a few minutes, maybe? Your chair looks real nice. “There’s some chocolate in there if you want.”
“You’re so cute, oh my God.” You hold it up against you, checking out the fit.
He can feel himself smiling but he isn’t exactly sure if he is.
“Thanks, sarge.” You half consider wearing it right now but you don’t want to ruin it with what you have planned. “I love it.”
Bucky gives you a thumbs up, arm dropping to his side when it takes more energy than it should.
“Did you come here right after a mission?” You notice the beads of perspiration lining his forehead. “Is that why you’re all sweaty?”
He just ‘mhm’s in response. He didn’t even notice how hot he was feeling.
He forces himself to pay attention when your fingers wave in front of his face.
“You okay?” You’re a step closer than he remembers you being a second ago. “You look kinda pale.”
“’m fine.” It feels like gravel scraping against his throat. “What d’ya have planned for today?”
You look entirely unconvinced. “Aren’t you supposed to be hibernating right now?”
“Nah.” Did he land 2 minutes ago or two hours ago? How long has he even been here? “Slept on the jet.”
Accidentally, before snapping awake thirty seconds later when turbulence hit.
“Okay,” you say hesitantly. “If you say so.”
You march back to the platform. He lets the backpack fall to the ground, exhaling in relief at the sudden weight off his shoulder. He walks over to leave it by the wall, well out of the way so that neither of you trip.
You stretch your arms out and declare something about subverting expectations and turning things into water so you could float giant paper boats but he only catches bits and pieces of it. He supposes the subverting expectations had to do with the theme of the lair and your costume.
“Where, uh-” If you had mentioned it and he wasn’t paying attention, this was going to be embarrassing, “-where is this... thing?”
“You’ll have to find it.” You grin. “A little game.”
He blinks rapidly, the words taking some time to register in his brain.
“It’s here somewhere?” He looks around, the bright colours bringing on the early signs of a migraine.
"You will never-" you begin to cackle but pause mid-sentence, "Bucky, are you sure you're fine?"
He nods with a slight wince, beckoning for you to go on. His shoulder pressed against the concrete for support, centring his balance accordingly.
"It’s around here.” You sound more disinterested, instead, eyes trained on him in worry. “But there’s this whole ‘floor is lava’ thing going on, it’s gonna get a little crazy.”
“Ah.” Jesus, had it been over sixty hours since he’d been awake? What fucking day of the week was it?
“Listen, can I get you something? Do you want some water or-”
His legs nearly buckle under him in a flash.
"Can we just take 5?" He slides to the ground along the wall, leaning on his palm to stay upright.
"Shit, Buck." You immediately leap off your platform to get to him. “What’s happening to you?”
“‘m fine,” he groans, trying to push himself up again.
“Clearly you’re not.” You drop to your knees by him to get a picture of what exactly was wrong.
"I have super healing.” He clenches his eyes shut. “I'll be fine, just- just give me a minute."
"You're sick, James.” He can feel your hand press against his forehead, a welcome coolness against the heat. “You're burning up."
Alright. Maybe he isn’t that fine.
“I’m callin’ Hill.” You dig around your firefighter’s outfit for your phone. “This is why we don't see each other until you've gotten some rest, Bucky. We could have just rescheduled.”
His eyes blow open, hand reaching out to grab your wrist. "No, no.”
“What?” you ask, eyebrows furrowing.
He shakes his head. “Don't take me back there. They won't let me go on missions."
"Well, they shouldn't, not if things like this are going to happen," you bite back, finger hovering over the contact.
"Please,” he pleads, "Please. I don’t know how else to make up for it.”
“Make up for what?” Your determination falters.
“Everything.” His eyes close again. “Don’t call them.”
“Fuckin’ hell,” you breathe out. “How do I help you, sweetheart, you gotta tell me.”
You check his temperature again, biting your lip to quell what feels a lot like rising fear because panicking wouldn’t help the situation. His skin burns under yours.
“Just leave your hand there,” he says under his breath. The ground was cold, God, he wanted to lie down. “Feels nice.”
Sleep looks like she’s finally catching up with him, a race that she inevitably always won. She’s a sneaky one.
He doesn’t try to resist this time, letting it consume him.
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Something under him is plush, soft. It’s not dissimilar to the seats in the common room.
He can barely rotate his body, every muscle feels like it's on the verge of tearing and fuck, he's barely conscious but he manages to pry his eyes open.
“Easy there, Buck." It's you, even though he's moving in and out of consciousness he can tell it's you.
The room's too bright. The world's too bright. The panic builds in his chest.
"Where am I?" His words come out slurred, eyes squinting painfully.
“My couch," you sound gentle, calming. "You're safe. Go back to sleep."
Okay. He trusts you.
He passes out before his head hits the pillow.
Bucky doesn't dream. He has nightmares, yeah, but those had begun to lessen in frequency after he started working on them a few months ago.
This isn't a nightmare.
It's a dark, navy blue sky, pristine white ground and a mist swirling around with the strong wind. He swears he can feel the cool droplets collecting on every inch of him. He doesn't feel nervous... just strange.
It’s uncharted territory.
There’s not a lot going on otherwise.
He takes a step forward, and another, and another when nothing happens. It’s a slow walk against the low howl of the draft, but it looks like there’s no one around for miles.
He stands still for a second. Lets the world move around him.
He’s alone anyway.
“Bucky.” He jerks awake again, hastily pulled away from the nothingness. “Slow down. Breathe. It’s me.”
“How long have I been out?” he croaks out. It feels like five minutes between since he shut his eyes.
“About two hours.” He hears a clink as you set a tray down on the table beside him. “Sorry for waking you up. Just thought you needed some water.”
He can’t lift his head up. It’s bordering on humiliating. “I can’t-”
“Got you a straw,” you break in gently. “But I’m gonna need you to take these for your fever. You’re still burning up pretty bad.”
Something pokes at the corner of his mouth. He figures you’re holding up the glass for him. The straw’s helpful, and hell, you were right. His throat was absolutely parched and the water sliding down feels like a respite but he can’t get more than a few sips in.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t-” he begins in a long series of apologies to come, hoping the throbbing in his head would go away.
“Get some rest, Buck.” You knew that if he started he wouldn’t ever stop. “We’ll talk about this later.”
There’s the sound of a light switch clicking and he’s left in silence for a few seconds.
He should have just gone home. He should have listened.
But he wanted to give you the t-shirt.
He’s been walking for what seemed like hours now.
The inky dark horizon seems endless, the white ground crunches under his feet.
Is this what fever dreams were really like?
Or is this what his normal dreams are like? He can’t really remember the last one he had.
He doesn’t know what he’s headed towards but something in him tells him not to stop. There’s an unspoken destination to get to.
“Where are you going?” A voice asks from around him. No matter how ominous it was, it doesn’t seem to unnerve him.
“‘m not sure,” he admits, his pace not faltering.
It doesn’t ask anything further so he keeps treading.
It’s a minute before something catches his eye. A light appears in the distance. His heart lifts.
Something warm. Inviting.
The closer he gets, the clearer it becomes that it is a fireplace. It stands alone out there, several logs of wood accompanying it with an axe leaning against them.
The flame’s dull.
He gets to work.
His forehead feels cool. He thinks that either his dream was had transcended into reality or he’s sweat right through his shirt and condensation was working wonders.
His hand shifts up to wipe at his skin. It comes in contact with cloth instead and it takes him a moment to realise that it was a wet hand towel laid across his forehead.
He hasn’t been like this in years. He sure remembers laying soaked handkerchiefs on Steve a lot when they were boys, nights of flu and stomach bugs keeping Bucky up in palpable fear until his friend’s fever broke in the early hours of the morning. He can’t recall the last time someone had done it for him.
He can hear you tinkering with something in the other room. His senses seemed like they were gradually making a comeback, but along with them came the most excruciating headache.
A small groan escapes him when he tries to flip over, hands flying to his temple to try and relieve some of the pressure. The serum was good most of the time. But for all the epic moments of energy and healing it gave him, the inevitable lows crashed down just as hard.
But a headache was good. If this was the worst he had been feeling all day, then he knew from experience that it was going to be over soon.
“Where does it hurt?” He didn’t even notice that you had stopped building whatever you were, now crouching a few feet away from the couch.
“My fuckin’ head.” He turns over to press his face against the sofa cushion, hoping that the darkness would help in some way.
He can feel your fingers run through his hair, pushing it away from where it stuck to his face. His teeth unclench slightly, just for a second, before another wave hits him.
He begs to go back under.
It’s snow, he realises. The white ground is snow.
“Why don’t you sit down for a while?” it cajoled again. The voice doesn’t have a physical form but he can feel it follow him around like a little friend.
“Can’t.” He’s been hacking away at the wood for too long now, using the bits to keep the flame going, keep it alive before it dies out on him.
“Can’t or won’t?”
He leans against the hilt of the axe, breathing heavily. He’s exhausted.
“Won’t.” His voice is quieter, eyes downcast.
The wind doesn’t give up around him. It hugs him like a blanket, adding to what could easily turn into misery.
“What do you think is going to happen if you keep at this?”
Warmth. Something to break the monotony of the blue around him. Maybe the heat would invite someone to sit with. Redemption.
“I don’t know.” He brings the tool down hard on another block, breaking it into half before he throws it into the fireplace.
“You’re not seeing what you’ve already created,” it points out delicately. “Wait for a second, watch the fire.”
He wipes his brow, taking a step back. His muscles were aching, shortness of breath finally catching up to him.
If it gives up on him, he’d have to work twice as hard.
But the fire continues to crackle, seconds, moments, even minutes later. Just as bright.  
Has it always been?
“Yes, it has.” It reads his mind.
At what point did it stop mattering how much he tried to keep it alive?
“A long time ago.” It didn’t make sense. “So then why are you working so hard towards it when it’s already here?”
Something is kneading on his head. It’s foreign and should definitely set off alarm bells but it's nice. It feels good.
"Hey, B." You’re on a single seat couch adjacent to his, welding gloves on your hand. Do you ever take a break? “You look better.”
"Hi." He reaches up, coming in contact with metal this time. "What's on my head?"
"Synthesised Message Inducer."
A message inducer?
"What messages were you sending me?" Is that why his dream was so fucking weird?
"Well- none," you confess. "I read the label wrong. Turns out it’s a massage inducer. Don't know what evil I can do with that but it’s helpful.”
No wonder.
"You mentioned a headache before you passed out again so I just thought that-" you gesture to it with a flick of your hand. "Is it making you uncomfortable? I wasn't sure-"
"It feels good,” he murmurs, trying his best to straighten up. "Thank you."
“You look less pale.” You smile, although it looks strained. “You hungry?”
“Don’t think so.”
“There’s some Gatorade on the table. Saltines too, if you can stomach it.”
He knows he should eat. His metabolism needs it.
You push yourself off your couch to go sit beside him. He sits up straight, back leaning heavily against the couch when you land next to him.
He takes three out of the bowl of saltines you offer him. Breaking it into little pieces, he pops a few in his mouth, chewing slowly. A quick sip of Gatorade washes it down for momentary satisfaction but he knows it won’t be nearly enough to fill the hunger that will eventually hit him the minute he’s a little healthier. His body’s energy was being entirely spent in fixing him up.
“Steve called, by the way.” Of course, he did. Mother.
“Did you pick up?” He twists the cap back onto the bottle.
“Let it ring all the way through.” You take it from him and leave it on the floor beside the couch, lifting your legs to keep onto the table.
“He’ll call back later.”
“I think it’ll be fun to reject Steve Rogers’ call.”
Oh, it definitely is. Gets him all riled up.
“How you feeling?” You sneak a glance at him.
“Better than this morning.” An hour more and he’d be good to go.
You nod, looking down at your lap. "You scared the shit out of me, you know.”
"I'm sorry." Guilt. It’s guilt that might just eat him alive. “Really.”
“I know what you’re thinking.”  You wave it off. "Don’t. I'm just glad you're okay."
There’s a beat of silence where he’s not quite sure what to say. There’s a certain tension that hangs in the air between you both. He can feel the drowsiness creep on him again.
“But you need to tell the team, James,” you say softly. “You need to talk to someone.”
He doesn’t react too much. He knew it would come up eventually.
Bucky exhales uneasily. “I know.”
“Will you?”
The million-dollar question. He doesn’t want to lie and tell you that he absolutely will because he doesn’t know.
His head cautiously rests on your shoulder. You don’t hesitate for a moment before shifting to make him more comfortable, leaning your cheek on his hair.
“I’m gonna pick up next time Rogers calls.”
“Gonna tell him you got held up on our date.” He feels your chest rise and fall with a small laugh. He smiles against your shoulder.
“They’ll get on my ass.”
“You should get bullied, it’s good for character development.”
Some date.
He can’t even stay awake longer than five minutes at a time.
He’s still cutting the wood fervently, throwing blocks upon blocks into the fire to keep it alive, keep him alive.
“You know you don’t have to keep doing this, James,” it’s being a voice of reason but he can’t afford to listen to it. “You’re not gonna find something new that you don’t already have.”
“What do I have?” he asks desperately, planting his feet in the ground, hand gripping the axe tightly.
“You know what.”
He does. “Don’t say it.”
“That’s going to keep burning.” It’s true. “You’re just going to kill yourself trying to keep it.”
He has to earn it. He has to do something to be worthy of what it was giving him because if it knew the kinds of things he’s done, things he has to make up for- it’d extinguish a long time ago.
“You don’t.”
“I do.” No matter how long he stays still, it shows no sign of flickering.
“The fire’s still alive.” It’s calm despite how frantic he was turning.
“I’m useless here,” he says defeatedly against its insistence. “I don’t deserve it.”
“Maybe you don’t.” It stings. “But maybe you do. Either way, it’s giving it to you, no strings attached.”
He lifts his axe over his shoulder again, ready to bring it down.
“You don’t have to offer a service to have worth.”
He halts, body frozen. His chest constricts almost painfully.
“Sit down for a while,” its command is kind, almost caring. “Let it come to you.”
“Fuck,” it escapes him like a small prayer.
The axe drops to the ground. He shakily takes a seat.
It’s a kitten.
On his chest.
Bucky stares right at it and it unflinchingly stares back.
He’s not really sure if he’s still dreaming or not.
He hesitatingly uses a finger to scratch behind its ear.
“Hello,” he whispers. It leans into his touch, pressing itself against his palm. “Where’d you come from?”
"You're awa- ah, jeez, I'm sorry." You walk into the room, finally changed into an oversized cardigan and out of your lab coat, "She's clingy."
"It's okay." He likes it. “This is your cat?”
“Yeah. Finally, about time you two met.”
He folds his legs to give you space on the couch. You sit next to him, a cup of something warm in your hands. There’s music playing softly through the apartment, tracks definitely from the 80s. He recognises some of them from the playlists Sam had been sending to catch him up.
“You look good as new.” His temperature had gone down a while ago and his headache had subsided after thirty more minutes of sleep and an Aspirin.
“Feel normal.” Praise be to the serum. “Think it’s over.”
“You need some more water?”
“I’m good.” He’s fucking starving, though. “What have you been up to all day?”
“School stuff.” You relax into the seat. “Inators to kick your ass when you’re not unconscious on my couch.”
“Winter Formal prep?” He flinches when the cat digs her claws into his chest but it doesn’t hurt that bad, arching her back before snuggling back.
“Yeah. Turns out I’m chaperoning.” The cynicism in your tone has him believing that maybe it’s not your activity of choice. “Yay.”
“When is it?”
“Pretty soon. The planning committee’s all excited.” You take a sip out of your mug. “I get one day to recuperate.”
Maybe he should leave you alone for the next few weeks. Maybe a month. Possibly forever.
“I’m sorry,” he says for the umpteenth time that day but at least now he’s properly conscious.
“I know you are.” You don’t sound mad at him. “You don’t need to be. What are frenemies for?”
He lingers a little longer on the word, reevaluating what exactly this thing was at this point.
“Plus you brought me a present.” You gesture to yourself and he realises only then that you actually have the shirt on. “That makes it pretty even, I think.”
“You sure?”
You know it’s an unspoken way of asking if you want him to get out and never come back, judging by the way his lip was caged between his teeth.
“Absolutely.” You finish whatever you’re drinking, leaving it on the coffee table. “And you fixed my generator last time you were at the lair so, you know, an eternal debt or something.”
Well, it nearly electrocuted you and him so it’s not like it was a difficult choice to make.
“I think she likes you.” You raise your eyebrows at the cat who had dozed off on his chest a while ago when he wasn’t paying attention. “Traitor.”
“She has good taste.” He didn’t think he was a cat person, having grown up with his neighbour’s dogs and the human equivalent of a spunky Golden Retriever.
“She has terrible taste. Unless she likes me, then she’s basically Gordon Ramsay.”
“You keep telling yourself that.” He retracts his hand back to his side, fully intending not to disturb her. He probably wouldn’t be able to move from that position for the next few hours out of compulsion.
The ease slowly returning to your conversation takes off some of the edge he was feeling.
“Something feels wrong about today.” He stares off to the side, turning his face to the wall.
“Aside from me having to use all my Grey’s Anatomy knowledge on you?” You snicker. “Web MD told me you had Pneumococcal Meningitis.”
“No. I don’t think you’ve said enough bullshit for today.” There’s a certain quota that’s been set.
“I did, you just weren’t awake to hear any of it.” There’s a smile on your face finally and the relief he feels is immeasurable. “Told you all my hopes and dreams.”
“Yeah?” He raises an eyebrow, head inclined ever so slightly to look at you. “What’d that include?”
“To start, I’d like a pony.” You pull your knees up to your chest, circling your arms around it. “Then a private island.”
“You’re startin’ small.” The corner of his lip tugs upwards. “Real humble.”
“You know me, queen of humility and all that.” You brush his comment aside. “But you know what‘s actually wrong?”
He hums in curiosity.
“I haven’t hit on you all day.”
“‘M sure it’s hurtin’ pretty bad,” he says in amusement.
“You have no idea.” You sigh loudly. “How else will you know about my undying love for you?”
“Get it out of your system then.” Months ago he wouldn’t have even dreamed of encouraging this behaviour, but here he was.
“Don’t think you can handle it, buddy,” you tease, eyes crinkling.
“Why, because I have a fever?” He smiles playfully. “Just means I’m hotter than usual.”
You press your lips into a straight line to avoid smiling back. “Mr Barnes, are you flirting with yourself?”
“So what if I am?”
“That’s my job, sir.” You huff. “You gonna have me unemployed now?”
Begrudgingly, he thinks you do your job very well, so no, he’s probably not going to.
He shakes his head slowly instead, stopping when he feels the movement send a shot of pain up his neck. Certainly slept the wrong way.
There’s a faint spell of victory on your face. “You hungry? Been a while since you ate anything.”
“Kinda.” His stomach lining was going to digest itself but he’d never tell you that.
You’re about to open your mouth and tell him that he was a wholeass snack and you were starving when the front door’s doorknob jiggles.
The key turns, finally pushing open and accompanied by a voice that can only be described as peeved.
“Y/N, did you forget the fuckin- oh mother of God.” Some guy covers his eyes instantly, retracting back to the doorway. “You coulda warned me you had a guy here. Is he clothed?”
“Unfortunately, he is.”
“Sir, are you clothed?” he asks aloud instead, ignoring your cry of betrayal.
“Uh, yeah.” Bucky clears his throat awkwardly. “I am.”
“You have no faith in me, Jake,” you grumble, not even meeting his gaze in greeting.
“Fuck off, Y/N,” he replies like it’s a habit, peeking through his fingers to look at who was in the living room.
Oh, this was Jake. Roommate Jake that you’ve mentioned to him a few times before, mostly in complaints.
Roommate Jake’s eyes squint in an effort to discern who was on the couch.
“Anyway come meet-”
“I see.” Recognition finally settles on his face, paving way for immediate displeasure.
“This is Sergeant Ba-”
“I know who he is,” he says dryly. “Why is there a superhero in our apartment? Nice to meet you, by the way.”
Bucky simply waves in acknowledgement, feeling pretty helpless. He tries to sit up straight but the cat simply latches onto him, dragging herself further up his chest and settling there.
“We’re having a sleepover.” You nudge Bucky’s knee with your elbow. “We just did each other’s nails. Do you wanna join?”
“I’ll pass, thanks,” he retorts curtly. “I’m gonna go change. Make sure we still have a home by the time I return.”
“Left you some pasta in the microwave,” you call out, face scrunched in anticipation.
Jake stops down the hall. “You didn’t do the laundry today, did you?”
“The pasta is really good,” you say alternatively.
“Again, fuck you,” he reiterates before a door opens and closes. “I’m gonna have you evicted.”
There’s a stupidly big grin on your face when you turn back to Bucky. “I was just fuckin’ with him, I did the laundry.”
“He hates me,” Bucky states, pulling you out of your self-induced haze of pettiness.
“Ah ah, correction; he doesn’t hate you,” you emphasise, wagging a finger. “He hates all of you. The entire team.”
Bucky’s nose crinkles.
“Don’t look so confused, I warned you about this a while ago.”
He vaguely remembers you telling him to come find out the reason.
“Why?” If it was an anti-superhero agenda, it wouldn’t be the first time Bucky had encountered one of them.
“He has one of the worst jobs in the city.” You smirk. “He works in insurance.”
“Every time aliens destroy New York, he works overtime.”
“‘Hi, thank you so much for calling Gold Star Insurance, how may I help you? Oh, Shmulk used your car as a landing pad?’' you mimic, hand pressed to your ear like a phone. “‘Yes, we can set you up with a claim. Lemme just transfer you real quick to-’”
“I don’t sound like that.” Jake’s voice carries over from the kitchen.
“No one said this was you,” you fire back, rolling your eyes. “God, Jake, the world doesn’t revolve around you.”
“It will once I change the locks on all our doors, Y/N.” His voice is muffled as he opens the fridge, burrowing his head inside. “Did you finish my fucking yoghurt?”
It’s like your ears perk up the way you whirl around to the direction he was. “Admit you ate my cereal, bitch.”
“I don’t even like your shitty cereal,” he shouts back, shutting the fridge door. “You ate my damn yoghurt. I’m adding it to your rent for this month.”
“Fuck your yoghurt.” You sound a little too proud for someone who supposedly didn’t have anything to do with it.
There’s silence until he pokes around the corner, phone in his hand.
“Did you eat dinner?” Jake asks normally.
“No. You ordering?” The way your tone shifts almost gives Bucky whiplash.
“Yeah. Pizza?”
“Sounds good. I’ll pay.”
“Nah, I got it. You paid last time.” He punches in the number. “Sergeant Barnes, would you like some pizza?”
“No, I-” He’s well overstayed his welcome. He probably has a few therapist appointments to make, a few missions to cancel from his schedule.
“Yes, he would,” you interrupt. “Order another large please, Jakey.”
“Cool.” He walks away, speaking into the phone.
“Get dessert,” you yell after him.
He shouts a muffled agreement back.
“Hope you like pepperoni.” You return your attention to Bucky. “That’s his default for people he doesn’t know.”
“Uh, yeah.” He doesn’t quite know what to say after all that. “He seems nice.”
“He’s an asshole.” Your eyes shine in excitement. “I love him.”
The cat paws at his chest, demanding the attention Bucky hadn’t been giving her all this while. He scratches her back again before she goes back to sleep.
“Sergeant Barnes, are you injured?” Jake walks back into the room. “Did one of her dumb machines do this?”
“He’s fine.” You shoot a look towards Bucky who nods in confirmation. “And my machines aren’t dumb, they’re stupid.”
"Is he going to die on our couch?" Jake turns to him. "Are you going to die on our couch?"
"No, he isn't," you say, a tick of annoyance in your voice.
“I really am fine,” Bucky adds on, switching between you and him.
"We could get court-martialed, you know."
"We'll just go on the run." Your eyes shine. "You and me, living it up as criminals. We'll even bring Fondant."
He looks at you in disdain. "We're taking the cat with us?"
"You love her, shut up."
“She sheds everywhere.”
"Your cat's name is Fondant?" Bucky dares to speak up in the middle of whatever this was.
"Among others." Jake sighs. "It was Vaseline this morning, Daisy yesterday and probably will be something stupid like Q-Tip tonight."
You let out an ‘ooh’ in excitement. "Q-Tip is a good one, Jake."
"That was an insult, not a suggestion," he shoots back. "You can't even decide on a name."
"You call her Airpod.”
“She’s small and white and I can never find her anywhere.”
“That's the worst name. What if I went around calling you Shit Stain, huh? Because that’s what you are,” you accuse, adoration highlighting your face when you look at her. "We need a good name, something worthy of her."
"Sergeant Barnes, since you're here would you like to weigh in on the situation?"
Not really. But he's starting to take a liking towards the little thing that was fast asleep on his chest. 
“You can just call me Bucky,” he says instead, figuring that since he was crashing on your shared couch, Jake could at least get nickname privileges.
“You know what, you’re right,” you start, ignoring his white flag. “Bucko here should pick a name.”
“Uh-” Bucky didn’t know this was still the topic of discussion, considering how fast the both of you had been bickering back and forth.
“Stop pestering him,” Jake carped.
“Let him speak, bro, holy shit,” you exclaim, throwing your hand up in a ‘what the hell?’.
“Like you’re going to actually use it. Don’t get his hopes up too high.”
“Maybe I will.” You scowl at Jake, giving Bucky a smile. “No pressure sarge, it can’t be worse than Airpod.”
It can if Bucky tries hard enough.
Jake was right, though, it is tiny and white. Snowball was too common, Frostbite was too violent and you had already used Daisy once-
“How about Alpine?” He scratches under its chin. She turns her head up in contentment.
“Alpine,” you test how it feels on your tongue. “Alpine.”
“It can be something else, I don’t know-”
“I like it.” Something about it feels right. “I really do.”
“A normal fucking name. Hallelujah.” Jake crosses his arms across his chest. “If you change it now I’m getting a dog.”
“Nice one, sarge.” You pet her back, grinning when she leans into you.
“Glad to be of service.” Your fingers brush against his for a second and he freezes. He doesn’t even think you notice the mini contact, already busy in firing off a new insult at your roommate.
“Sergeant Barnes, in case you need to kill her at any point, I can tell you her schedule.” Jake glares at you.
“He already has my schedule, so you can eat shit.” You flip him off. “He and I are besties.”
Bucky still has the certificate you mailed him about your promotion from strangers to best friends. It was definitely tacky, but he appreciated the gift card you sent along with it.
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An hour later he’s stuffed with so many carbs, his mother would be proud. His diet doesn’t usually consist of copious amounts of pizza but fuck it, he probably needs the energy for the lecture he was going to receive later on.
His lips taste like strawberries from the chapstick you forced him to use, his hair tied back in a little bun because the cat wouldn’t stop playing with it and he’s about halfway through listening to a conversation about why insurance workers had it harder than lawyers while living in a city full of superheroes.
“They get to sit up there in their fancy little air-conditioned rooms but we’re doing all the groundwork,“ Jake rants, eyes still trained on the rerun of an old football match playing on the TV.
“Right,” Bucky acknowledges. It’s not like he has any say in this, he wasn’t the one cleaning up the mess. He had spent his fair share of hours helping cleaners clear up debris and discarded alien rubble from Avengers battlegrounds but he certainly should start investing more time into it. 
“And don’t even get me started on the fuckin’ landlords-”
“Is he still talking?” you interject, rounding the corner from your visit to the kitchen to get some water.
“I’m sorry I’m more interesting than you,” he shoots back without a break. “Anyway, as I was saying-”
You had a glass in one hand Bucky’s phone in the other, a constant stream of buzzing drawing his attention to it. He already knew what it was. 
“Shut up for once in your life, Jake. Bucky, catch.” You toss his phone at him and he catches it with one hand. “Your phone’s been blowing up Mr. Steal Your Girl. Who are you cheating on me with?”
He unlocks it to find his notifications drowned by a series of texts. He ignores the ones from Steve and Sam’s number is still blocked, so that leaves him with only one option.
From Clint
steve’s trying to convince sam to send redwing after you lol
From Clint
i told him he should check in with every morgue in the city
From Clint
ok he spent half an hour doing it lmao where are you
From Clint
if you’re alive can you get me some pringles on the way home
From Clint
sour cream and onion
From Clint
nat told me i shouldn’t have said that. my bad.
From Clint
*when you’re alive can you get me some pringles on the way home
From Bucky
From Clint
i’m telling steve you died on a bridge
Bucky locks his phone again, shoving it into his pocket. “I think I should go.”
“Aw, already? You can take Jake’s bedroom if you want,” you offer earnestly. “He can sleep on the asphalt.”
“We have a guest bedroom.” Jake rolls his eyes. “And you can stay over if you need to, Sergeant.”
“Nah, I think Steve might end up here soon if I don’t let him know I’m alright.” The man needed to get laid. It had been too long.
“Well, why don’t you just tell him you’re fine?” Jake is logical, his suggestion reasonable.
Bucky stops to really think about his answer for a moment. 
“It’s funnier.”
Bucky tries to lift Alpine off his lap and onto the couch so she can continue her nap. She opens her eyes briefly before arching her back and jumping off him without so much as a second glance back. Is this what feeling used is like?
“It was nice meeting you.” Your roommate holds out his hand and Bucky takes it firmly, shaking it and responding in kind. “You should visit again. Could use some reinforcements against this crackhead.”
“No one likes you,” you respond, handing Bucky his backpack. “Go add some numbers or cry in a corner or something.”
Jake sends a middle finger and a sarcastic smile your way before disappearing into the kitchen to get the garbage bags.
“Can’t keep America’s Golden Boy waiting.” You hand Bucky his backpack on the way out. 
“He’s anything but America’s Boy.” Bucky scoffs, opening the door and stepping out, “Punk’s broken just about every law under the sun. Not exactly patriotic of him.”
“A rebel with a cause.” A lightbulb goes off in your head. “I know someone who might like that.”
“You’re plannin’ on setting Steve up?” It was probably about damn time. “Good luck.”
“He’s gonna need it, not me.” Your lips upturn in a smirk. “Speaking of your teammates, who’s picking you up?”
“I’ll probably walk.” He inhales deeply, lips pressing inward in a line. “Could use some air.”
“Are you serious?”
He looks at you quizzically. “Yeah.”
“All you superheroes and your lone wolf complexes,” you say under your breath, digging around your cardigan pocket for something.
You ask for his hand. He gives it to you, slightly confused.
“You’re crazy if you think you’re walking home after all that.” You tug his metal arm up slightly to get a better grip on it. 
When your eyes fall on the galaxy bracelet he still has around his wrist, your gaze softens almost immediately. “You kept this?”
Bucky clears his throat, feeling the heat creep into his face. “Steve’s not the only one who needs luck.”
“Sure isn’t,” you agree, moving the bracelet down gently before snapping a new contraption around his hand.
It’s designed to look like a digital watch but he knows exactly what it is.
“Thought you never made two of the same thing.” He stares at the teleportation device that fits snugly around his wrist.
“Yeah, well, your clone getting kidnapped can really change a person,” you murmur. “Made two after the whole thing just in case, but you should have it.”
“Y/N-” he begins, ready to argue.
“I want you to have it,” you interrupt. “Could be helpful on missions. Late night booty calls too, makes the commute less.”
Like he was getting a ton of those on a regular basis.
“I’ll return it next weekend,” he promises, clutching his backpack a little tighter.
“No, you won’t.” You shake your head. “This store doesn’t accept returns.”
He opens his mouth to argue.
“If anything comes out of there that isn’t ‘Y/N you’re the love of my life, please be my girlfriend’, don't even bother,” you warn seriously. 
He shuts his mouth again.
You weren’t going to let him have his way, your stubbornness taking the front seat. It’s slightly infuriating, but he supposes that came with the gig. 
“Thank you,” he says, voice quiet, “for everything.”
“Don’t mention it,” you make a callback to what he said to you months ago. “You glued popsicle sticks together for three hours, ‘tis the least I could do.”
You can tell it’s something he isn’t used to doing, judging by how serious he was. 
“Don’t go all soft on me, Barnes.” You punch his shoulder playfully. “Could even say it’s an evil scheme in itself, making sure your frenemy is fine enough to get their ass handed to them next time.”
“What?” you ask, not sure if you heard him right.
“We’re friends,” he repeats.
It shouldn’t make your stomach flutter but it does and it’s despicable. 
“Give me two more weeks and we’ll add ‘with benefits’ as a suffix.” Using humour as a way to cope with the sudden surge of your heartbeat maybe isn’t the best way to go about things.
“It’s gonna take a lot longer than that.” He counters, buckling the strap of his backpack across his sternum.
“But you’re not denying that it can happen.” A grin spreads across your face. “It’s just gonna take some time.”
He stops his movements, hand still on the watch as he adjusts the coordinates. “Sure. Whatever you say.”
“Bucky Barnes, you are playing hard to get.” You laugh and he smiles wide and free.
“You gotta put in the work.” Not much, judging by the way he’s looking at you.
“I will wear you down someday,” you swear. “You will admit that you have feelings for me.”
He purses his lips out in contemplation. “Good luck.”
“Thanks.” You snort. “Get home safe. And get some sleep.”
“Bye Y/N.” He takes a moment longer to linger on you before pressing down on the watch, blipping out of your view.
You let out an exhale, eyes dropping to the area he was standing just a minute ago.
What a day.
“He your boyfriend?” Jake asks, handing you a bag as you shut the door behind you.
“What? No,” you mumble to yourself, arms crossed over your chest.
“I know you. You don’t just give your inventions away to just anyone,” he continues even when you push past him, “and you especially don’t make stuff twice for them unless they’re Director Fury.”
“I didn’t make that watch for him.” You couldn’t exactly hand out freeze rays and air bending tools to random people. They’d have to have insight into what you were doing in the first place and the only people from your citizen life were T and Jake.
“You’re a terrible liar.” He scoffs. “I saw the blueprint on the table. You built that shit today.”
“They just happened to be there.” You pick up a pizza box, shoving it into the trash. “I was editing a prototype.”
“Y/N, I love you occasionally but you’re full of shit.”
“Beginning to doubt the first part, J.” You hand him the used glasses to take to the sink.
“Look me in the eye and tell me you’ve never built him anything before this.”
You spin on your heel to face him, staring him straight in the eye.
He waits. Your mouth opens to say something before closing it again.
“Your face is ugly.” You press the bag full of garbage into his hand. “Why do you even care so much?”
“Because I’m one of your only two friends, you loser.”
“I have more than two friends.” You huff. “Alpine.”
“Alpine is a cat.”
“Alpine is my best friend and I love her.”
“She is a cat,” he repeats. “Listen- shut up, that cat doesn’t love you- I don’t want anything to happen to you. Your life is fucking weird as it is, just wanna make sure his heart’s in the right place.”
You had already been kinda kidnapped once, what’s the worst that could happen?
You don’t tell Jake that, though. He’d send out a search group the next time you were late.
“He’s good.” You sigh, hand resting on your hip. “And nothing’s going on between us anyway so you got nothing to worry about.”
“Like you don’t have the biggest crush on him.” He swings the bag over his shoulder. “Just because I just choose to ignore you on purpose doesn’t mean I’m ignorant.”
“Yeah, well, I have a crush on someone new every week so your point is invalid.” You put your hands on your waist. “Stop being so mean to me or else I’ll fall in love with you too.”
“God, no. Go back to whatever hole you crawled out of.” His face twists in disgust as he exits the room. 
“You’re comin’ with me, boy,” you reminded him. “Alpine too.”
“Just for the record,” Jake’s voice resonates through the apartment, “I probably hate him the least out of all of them.”
You let out a small laugh. “Yeah, I figured.”
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all proceeds to my ko-fi go towards me trying to get a life or at least some doughnuts <3 (and fix my really fucked up phone)
requests used in this chapter 
Next part
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eka-paige · 2 years
Hi! Sorry if this is random! Every couple of months I get hit by the monster high nostalgia and start scrolling through the tags- mostly for Cleo de Nile, because I’ll be honest she’s my absolute favorite, Abbey and Clawdeen being tied for second, I’m rambling omg oops. What I’m trying to get at is, I’ve not checked the tags for a while, been busy with life, and now that it’s summer, I’ve kicked back and thought oh hey, it’s been a minute, ima see what’s up. And I’ve just seen a couple of posts where it says cleuce allegedly broke up? Is that true? I wouldn’t have come into your ask box like this without checking, but I can’t find anything, so I don’t know if I’m missing something? Like, I’m just curious, because, I’m like 95% certain that Cleuce, if broken up, will get back together because those two? Are so in love?? And Mattel knows it bc the YT channel ranked them number 1 monster high couple in a recent video, and the last time they broke up it lasted for like. A day and we got an absolute banger out of it, so I’m not worried, but still, I’ll admit I am a little curious.
Anyways, thanks so much, and I’m really sorry to come into your asks like this, if you don’t feel like answering, there is no need, obviously i get it!!
I can't remember exactly where I saw it but as far as I know they did officially break up.
I am living in denial because they're in love how dare mattel???
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Like these pictures? Cleo is so happy he is here in boo york and then when he comes back she's so happy and he comes back cause he loves her and they're so in love I refuse to believe they'd break up.
I use boo york pics cause I've seen boo york 700 times and the others only once or twice (dw imma watch them all again)
Anyway thank you for coming to my tedtalk.
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jujutsu-headcanons · 4 years
Gojo Satoru general headcanons
Let's get one thing clear: this man is absolutely chaotic. He is always full of energy. His energy levels never reach below 50%. He is loud and proud, always running, and never takes a minute to relax.
Do not give him Monster. Shoko did that once and it took her forever to get him off the ceiling. Also, avoid caffeine. Shoko replaces his normal coffee with decaf and he still hasn't noticed the difference. Keep it that way.
He was the class clown when he was younger. He wasn't exactly a trouble maker, but he may as well be. I cannot word that sentence and I am sorry. Next.
All of his teachers assumed he never listened in class, so they always called in him when they thought he wasn't paying attention. It still shocked them every time he rattled off the correct answer.
Not only did he answer the question correctly, but he could also explain his reasoning behind the answer, and if it was multiple choice, explain why the other answers were wrong. 
This tall man child would march up to the board and absolutely fill it to the brim with work, turn around, drop the chalk-like a mic drop and walk back to his desk with the smuggest look on his face.
That doesn't mean he did the work tho
Idk how schools in japan work but we all know schools in America only care about the amount of work you do and not what you actually know so we'll use that for the sake of the headcanon: he had straight D's bc he never turned in his work
Despite not doing the work snd goofing off, teachers actually really liked him
A lot of people liked him and he was super popular, but he still felt alone
Fake friends, you know how that works, he didn't meet any real friends until he became a shaman
Clean freak. This dude actually makes his bed. He scrubs his bathroom twice a week. His desk can get cluttered but he straightens up once a week. He's not exactly a germaphobe because
He cannot respect your personal space and that's actually canon but let me take it a step further 
He's a slapper. Especially when he laughs. It doesn't hurt, it's playful dw. He hugs you from behind especially when he's cold. He picks you up and carries you around. He will grab your wrist, arm, or hand and lead you around even if you're following him. He lays his legs across you or lays across your lap. Puts his head on your shoulder. Platonic cuddling between friends is mandatory. He's just so hands-on it's ridiculous.
Unless you explicitly tell him you're uncomfortable he won't stop
Don't worry, if you aren't in that type of relationship, your no-no square is safe. Except, if you seem chill, he will slap your ass regardless of friendship status. His ass is also slappable. You can't tell me Geto and Gojo didn't run around slapping each other asses, okay
He was weird and scrawny as a child. He didn't start beefing out until he started training to be a shaman and he's still kinda smaller than most beefy boys
He can pick you up and throw you around easily. He carried around a 170 pound Yuji like a sack of potatoes and can easily carry around three times that weight
It's amazing he's so tiny because you remember 2014 Shane Dawson making all of those wack ass desserts that was just s pile of chaos wrapped in chocolate?
He can eat every last bite of one of those monstrosities without getting a stomach ache, gaining weight, or dying basically
He knows bc Yuji dared him to do it
He has really cold hands and feet
He sounds old. Let me elaborate. He's constantly cracking his joints. They also creak when he moves. He complains about body pains like he's 80 y/o
He also shares wisdom with the kids as if he's actually 80 y/o
It's irrelevant advice that doesn't make sense but is also useful. Megumi can't count the number of times he's asked Gojo for feedback on his technique but had been told to remember to chew 40 times or never go to bed angry
Starts off sentences with "now son" and "when I was your age"
He uses his blindfold as a headband when he wants his hair out of his face. He also uses headbands as... Headbands... When he wants to wear sunglasses but get his hair out of his face
He owns so many pairs of sunglasses but he always wears the same pair
He's only bought a handful of them himself, most of them are gifts
No one knows what to get him for Christmas or his birthday bc he has everything, so they resort to sunglasses
His favorite pair is a pair that Shoko and Geto bought him as a gag. He thought they were dead serious, though, so he wore them around for a month
They were heart-shaped, rose-tinted glasses
Can you believe this man doesn't use any gel or anything to keep his hair spiky with the blindfold on? It just naturally defies gravity when the blindfold is on
Tell this man he's pretty because he already knows. He's narcissistic but not the cringy kind
Photogenic as hell. Takes great pictures from any angle. 
He gives everyone a different story as to why he covers his eyes. Sometimes he says it's because his eyes are too pretty and are a distraction. Sometimes he says it's because the sunglasses/bandages/blindfold look cooler than his eyes. Sometimes he says it's to protect the six eyes from seeing things he doesn't want to see. The world may never know
He's tried covering his whole face before, but he thinks he's too pretty for that. He at least wants one of his many amazing features to be shown at all times.
So about his driver's license;
He knows how to drive. He can be a good driver. When he wants to be. He just doesn't have a driver's license.
Now he TELLS people he just never got around to getting one, however, there's a rumor he lost it due to too many parking tickets
It's amazing the only tickets he's ever gotten have been from that and once he got caught without a seatbelt; he would have gotten out of that one if he hadn't been flirting with the police officer so bad
This doesn't stop Gojo from driving places though
He steals Ijichi's car a LOT and Ijichi DOESN'T KNOW HOW like??? The windows are never broken and it doesn't look hotwired-
Gojo has a key
You're not even supposed to be able to duplicate car keys but Gojo did 
Also; none of the first-year trio knows he doesn't have a driver's license, though that much should be painfully obvious
He whips around corners, speeds up at yellow lights, goes "watch this" and does a donut, it's just a mess
The poor students have to sit in the backseat too. Just imagine Megumi with all three seatbelts around him like that one meme.
He thrives off of Nobara and Yuji screaming from the backseat, and he can see Megumi being smooshed because he thought the middle seat was the safest through the rearview mirror
Which he doesn't even need because of the six eyes
Despite being such a reckless driver, he knows when danger will happen, so he's never once gotten in a wreck
He blasts the radio, which makes up for the driving.
Has a habit of getting in a car and ending up in the McDonalds drive-thru
Steals other people's fries and keeps the fullest one for himself.
He was rebellious as a kid and teenager, but hey, at least his juvie record is sealed 
He's been detained and in the back of a cop car many times, but the reason was never really bad enough for him to be arrested. Mostly he's just being mouthy. And the time he got caught spray painting on the side of a building. And that one time he and Getou hopped the fence to get into the local pool. And that other time-
It got worse after Getou wasn't around to get him out of trouble. Suddenly, breaking the rules wasn't fun anymore and he mellowed out. 
Tried alcohol and cigarettes before he was legal. Decided neither was his thing, however, he did start drinking occasionally when he was legal.
He's a fucking chaotic drunk. Oh my god he's absolutely feral
Most bars in the vicinity know him by name and they sigh whenever he walks in
Shoko is his emergency contact. She hates it
Shoko has to drag drunk Gojo home at least twice a month and is not happy about it
Once she left him in an alley. He made it home okay so she guesses it's fine
Once he got so drunk he spilled beer on his sock. The thought the fastest way to dry them was by sticking them in the microwave. Forgot about it until someone asked, "Who the fuck is cooking socks???"
I feel it important he was in the break room of the local grocery store and no one knows how he got there
As he was escorted out he stole a grocery cart and rode away in it while singing Don't Threaten Me (With A Good Time) by Panic! At The Disco
He has no alcohol tolerance at all what so ever
He will literally just stare at you and giggle
It's funny he's really flirty but also doesn't seal the deal. Literally, every woman in that bar is willing to get in his bed but he declines every offer. No one knows why
Its because he respects women
He helps his students break the rules as long as they're within reason. Once night Yuji was really hungry and after having a temper tantrum he couldn't order Uber eats bc the school is supposed to be secret Gojo helped sneak him out to get food. Who needs curfew anyway.
The shirts in his closet range from like twenty bucks to the iconic rich bitch shirt the kids ruined in that one chapter we all know the one 
He still wears that by the way, he calls it "art" 
When he was younger, Megumi drew a picture of Gojo being eaten by his shadow dogs. Gojo found it and now it's framed in his room.
He keeps up with current trends and memes like no one's business. This is how he bonds with his kids.
Don't call him old, but also, he'll tell you to respect your elders it's a mess
He has a lot of games on his phone. You can usually find him holding his phone sideways playing some RPG game he probably spent too much money on 
He did hop on the Pokemon Go hype train but after becoming overpowered he got bored
This happens to a lot of games. He pays way too much money, gets to be the strongest in the server, and gets bored
He likes games where you can kill other people's troops and likes to watch as they lose all their power
I canon him as being borderline sadistic
This is why he's Sakata Gintoki reincarnated
White hair, sweet tooth, black leather clothes, dad vibes, never takes anything seriously bc when he does he's scary as fuck, the works.
He is Sakata Gintoki
He liked Gintama growing up. He watched a lot of iconic shows as they aired. He considers himself an og
He's hella bilingual
Because he's the strongest he goes overseas for missions a lot. Because of this he speaks a lot of languages and knows a lot about international cuisine 
He takes pictures of himself eating disgusting foods like snails. He never likes them but he loves the idea of Nobara gagging back in japan
Has paperwork sitting untouched on his desk from three months ago that he will not touch for at least another three months
Does the crossword puzzles in the newspaper every week
Uses humor as a coping mechanism and it honestly just became a personality
Constantly popping his joints. I'm sorry if you find this gross I too find it gross.
Probably brought home every stray animal he ever met ever until he was at least like 22 y/o
Tags: @wasabito @kittaliapenn
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srirachvbi · 4 years
Kageyama and Bokuto taking their kids to practice headcanons !
request: hihi i was wondering if you can do a continuation of the bringing their kids to practice with some of the other haikyuu characters? i’d love to see it with kageyama especially but honestly you can pick anyone! thank you :)
a/n: i AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG... I have no excuses, i was too sad about haikyuu e wording but i have read threads on how to write characters on twitter and i am thriving... so n e ways i was looking for a reason to write more of these because i just... love the idea of this so tsym for requesting!! if i write more parts, i might do hoshiumi, hinata, atsumu, and... maybe oikawa? i’m a huge bokuto stan so his might be longer than kageyamas im sorry <3 and and ik that kageyama goes to italy but for the sake of i want to write other characters, i will be using the adlers oops. i will also be only doing probably two characters per post for these because i write so much for it. LMAO ALSO these are super unrealistic this would NOT be allowed during pro sports practices but for the sake of entertainment, let’s just... do it warnings: manga spoilers
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Bokuto Koutarou
He had been wanting to bring Kaori to practice for a while but each time he tried to, you would be like no bitch </3 
heart been broke so many times
When you told him that you had to go into work and couldn’t schedule the nanny in time, he was like “I’LL TAKE CARE OF HER!!!”
Honestly you were only against him taking her because you were still mad at him for leaving her in the high chair for a while and you came home to her crying and him just knocked out 
Like... Kou, pls <3 
He had brought Kaori into post game interviews before but you were always there so this would really be the first time he’d take care of her by himself for a period of time longer than an hour
He’s a good parent dw !! he had just spent the whole night thinking about the most random shit and he ended up sleeping like three hours 
He was thinking about horses cause Ushijima brought them up in an interview >:0
You were still mad tho 
It had been a while and he had actually shown to you that he could take care of her by himself so you were fine with him taking her to practice
He was super pumped and was practically shaking in excitement (he was texting Akaashi the whole morning asdlfjskdf)
Bokuto-san AGHASHEE!!!!! Y/N IS LETTING ME TAKE KAORI  TO PRACTICE!!!!!!!!! AGHASHEE Congrats, Bokuto-san. 
That conversation but every two minutes
I’m sorry Akaashi <3 
He also texts the whole group chat and Hinata’s equally as excited
Kaori and Hinata were best friends !!!! She literally loved him
Like he would put her on his shoulders and they’d run around for hours
How he has so much energy goes beyond everyone but it’s fun to watch 
You lectured him for half an hour about what he should do in certain situations and unlike most times, he listened really well because :(( the baby cares about Kaori
Both Kaori and him actually walked with you to the train station and saw you off before heading to practice !! 
He normally drives to practice because he has a super nice car and it’s easier to drive with Kaori instead of public transportation
When they get to the gym, he goes running in with Kaori on his shoulders 
cue Hinata cheering super loudly
Kaori’s giggling and being all cute omg i love her
She was being carried in on her dad’s shoulders so Bo lets her down and she immediately runs (read: waddles quickly) to Hinata
Hinata starts crying-- jk, no
He goes “Kaori-chan!” and scoops her up in his beefy arms 
She’s giggling and she like kisses his cheek and everyone’s like “so cute...” ohmyogd babies
Similar to her dad, she’s super friendly!! and a bit simple minded
It’s literally in her blood to not actually hate anyone so she gets along with EVERYONE at practice
She even makes the coach super soft omg
Atsumu’s just watching her and being like “child. want. child-- oh god, i need a kid.” cause she’s just so god damn cute
Lol atsumu having twins cause it’s a gene or smth idk biology
I barely passed bio please spare me <3
I actually got an 80 smth on my final last year don’t listen to me
Sakusa being hesitant at first to be near her but she’s actually super sweet to him!!
like she saw Sakusa’s face and was like “oh!! I remember what dad said!!” 
Kou talks about his teammates a lot and somehow Kaori remembered him telling her about how Sakusa’s a germaphobe so she’s like
“Sir!! I washed my hands!! I’m not dirty!!” and he
He just 👁👄👁 
He thinks she’s cute and treasures her now
Suddenly Kaori has a whole team of dads
it’s okay
Bokuto itching to let her play volleyball but at the same time worrying about her if she does
It’s like the angel and the devil on his shoulders
One sides like
let her pLAY!!!!! LET HER PLAY (read it as if it’s the LEt ME INNN meme)
While the other sides like
👁👄👁 (y/n) will kill me if she gets hurt and i’ll kill myself if she gets hurt and hinata will kill me if she gets hurt-
In the end he gives her a volleyball after she asks once and he’s like ‘PFFT KAORI-CHAN IF YOU INSIST’ while she’s like
dude i asked to play once and normally someone disagrees with me tf are you on, sir? 
she tries to pick the ball up but it ends up being half her size and it’s just... such a cute image
Bo takes a picture of it and sends it to you!!
You reply back in seconds lol
Kou-kun ❤💖 [image.jpeg] LOOK AT HER!! FUTURE PRO (Y/N)-CHAN!! (Y/N) MY LOVE ❤💕❤💕💕❤💕❤💕 be careful letting her hold that it’s too big!! but so cute!!! have fun taro <3
He ends up taking the ball away after a bit because she can’t walk while holding it
Eventually practice has to start tho so he asks her to sit on the bench and she’s an obedient angel and does so !!
The whole time she’s like swinging her legs and watching her dad practice
It’s fun for her to see him play 
Okay but like I’ve said, she’s similar to her dad
At one point at practice during a break, she stole Atsumu’s water and was running around the gym with him chasing her
He was ofc not actually chasing her cause he found it cute that she was trying to steal his stuff
Lol Sakusa being like “oh, you can’t catch up to a child? are your knees getting bad, old man?”
Atsumu’s like “bro, we’re the same age”
Sakusa ignores him
She ends up TRIPPInG AND ATSUMU’s LIke “Oh fuck” 
omg Bokuto’s like “tsum tsum-- do you want to die 👁👄👁🗡” because she just got hurt because of him
Atsumu picks her up and is apologizing so god damn much
This is the first time anyone’s seen Bokuto remotely irritated
Atsumu: please, child... i don’t want to die today... please... shhhhhhh
He lets her down and she walks (read: waddles) over to her dad and is giving him puppy eyes omg
Bokuto stops being mad and scoops her up and he’s like “did Kao-chan get a boo boo” and she nods, sniffling
Ohmygod dad bokuto dad bokuto dad bokuto stop
suddenly I actually want kids
Shion ends up getting a first aid kit since Meian asked (woah more black jackals players except I don’t really know how to write for them??? woahhh)
Shion roasts Atsumu with Sakusa for letting her fall and suddenly Atsumu’s the bad guy
By the end of practice tho Kaori’s fine !!!
She’s back to her regular happy self so cute :(
She asks Bo to call you and when you pick up she shows you her bandaid on her knee and is like “Miya-san was chasing me and I fell!!”
Suddenly Atsumu feels a cold chill and knows you found out lol
Hi this is (y/n), and you’re watching disney channel-
good luck, atsumu *stops camera*
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Kageyama Tobio
He would be equally as confused as a father as Ushijima
It’s okay, he’s trying his best
You normally work from home so you guys haven’t really hired a nanny! 
And if you needed someone to watch your guys’ son, Sho (which can mean to fly oho see what I did there I’m so smart), you just drop him off at your parents’ house or Miwa’s!
However, today was the only time you had to go in for like the next few months and both your parents and Miwa are busy
So, you enlist in your husbands help
“Tobio... I need you to watch Sho...” 
He spits out his milk “wHAT” cause like,, he’s hardly taken care of Sho by himself and normally had either his sister or you around
He doesn’t actually spit out his milk-- you’d kill him if he did because it would be a pain in the ass to clean up <3
It takes a bit of convincing being he’s really nervous about taking care of Sho!!
Okay but he’s a great dad dw it’s just he’s nervous about having another human being literally rely on him completely
You also just remind him that Romero’s a father so he won’t be completely on his own while taking care of Sho
So he somehow gets to the gym with Sho in one piece but he’s literally so stiff like bro, i need you to relax
Hoshiumi yelling “KAGEYAMA SHO!!!!!!!” and Sho (who has actually met the team like two times) goes like “HOFIUMI-SAN!!!!!” 
Sho’s a bit of an energetic bby-- he’s less emotionally constipated than his dad <3
He’s... he reminded you guys of Shoyo and well, you thought it would be nice to name him after his god father
No this isn’t a kagehina post i swear i love them but this is me saying that i love their friendship sm omg stop im gonna cry 402 really just popped into my head again
Hoshiumi getting mad when he sees that Sho has actually grown even though he’s a grown ass man and the little toddler would not, in fact, be catching up that soon
Sir, pls... sit down
The Adlers all love Sho since they’ve come into contact with him like twice at games before 
Ushijima just... doesn’t know how to interact with Sho
He just stares down at him and honestly Sho stares back up without fear
Kageyama Sho: no (0) fears 
I think it’s cause his father gives a similar stare sometimes and he just... got used to it
Ushijima gives him that stare and Sho just goes SIGH this again
Jk he’s a baby
He literally looks up at Ushiwaka and gives him this cute ass grin and Ushijima’s like “oh, children are very cute.”
Thank you, Wakatoshi-kun
Romero does, in fact, give Kags some tips about fathering and ends up showing pictures of Rubens to the team (love that) 
Sho being such a big fan of Hinata and being like “woAHHH!!! I’M NAMED AFTER HIM!!!” 
Hinata rubs it in Kags face because Sho practically idolizes him
Practice starts and Sho’s just sitting on the gym floor with a volleyball in his hands cause he
Kags just giving newborn Sho a volleyball and expecting him to become acquainted
It worked
Sho’s used to holding onto volleyballs and even tries to hit it but everytime he did, he’d fall backwards onto his lil bum and would be like :(
Kageyama watching from the other side of the gym and his heart just goes AHHHHHHHHHH
He’s about to cry that is the cutest thing he’s ever seen
Sho making sure he doesn’t interrupt practice!!! and like chasing after the ball to make sure it doesn’t go onto the courts!!!
Cute babs is so good :(
He ends up tripping tho and starts to tear up and Kags is watching during practice and goes “OH GOD”
He’s literally whipping his head from Sho to his coach and has this desperate look on his face 
he’s saying “JUST ONE BREAK!! JUST ONE, SIR!!” with his eyes and his coach just gives in
Kageyama going from one side of the gym to the next at insane speed
Sho: dad :((( i hwurt my knee :(((
Kags just picks him up and cradles him to his chest (he does this after making sure there’s no blood or anything-- it’s literally just a little bit red) 
Kags being a good dad just... WEAK
Only like two minutes later, Sho stops sniffling and is like “!!! go back to practice daddy!!” 
Kags does and he can’t focus on Sho anymore cause his coach would yell at him asldfjlsf
At the end of practice, Sho is like “dad i wanna play voweyball!!!!!!” and Kags heart just CLENCHES
He grabs his heart like that meme or smth 
You call them cause you know when practice normally ends and Sho’s just talking a lot and it’s so cute
He’s super excited and you’re like !!! My CUTE CHILD !!!!
Lol you tease Kags cause he was worrying about nothing
“Maybe I’ll let you take care of him by yourself more often Tobio” “Pls, I lost ten years of my life when I saw him fall pls not yet <3″ 
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shintorikhazumi · 3 years
(Diakko week) There’s no way she- (5) ““There’s no way she would ever lose her again.””
A/N: I’m late because. I’m dying in school. Thank you. Dw, I’ll finish the story regardless.
~Shintori Khazumi
Day 5: Afterlife/Reincarnation
“There’s no way she would ever lose her again.”
[“I will be with you in our next life, and into forever... Diana.”]
“-ness. Your highness, please wake up.”
Akko stirred from her slumber, feeling the silken sheets slip from her shoulders as she was aided into a sitting position.
Yesterday’s meeting must have really worn her out if her body felt this heavy the following morning.
“Ugh- Thank you, Anna. May I have a glass of water?” She requested, holding a hand out in waiting while the other cradled her throbbing head.
“Of course, your excellency.”
Having been handed the drink, Akko took large gulps until she cleared the cup of its contents, handing it back to her attendant. “Thank you.”
“I am glad to be of service.”
Akko continued to massage her throbbing temples, trying to think of all she had to attend to today. It was proving difficult however as she felt strange emotions swirl deep within her. Somehow, she felt as though she had dreamt of something important last night. However, she could not- for the life of her- seem to remember.
“Could you call Finnelan for me?” She moaned through the steadily intensifying pain.
“Right away.”
Akko nodded her gratefulness to Anna who quickly went to fetch the person she needed to see. Not a minute later, Akko’s court adviser had walked into the room, some papers in hand.
“You rang, Empress?”
Kagari Atsuko, empress of the continent of Solis, raised her head to greet her subject, trying her best to put on a presentable face.
“Yes. I apologize for my current state, but I’m feeling a little unwell. I’d like to ask if I had anything important that I needed to accomplish today? Anything that needs immediate regard?”
Finnelan gave her a sympathetic smile, leafing through the papers she had brought with her. “Not that I know of, Empress. You are fairly ahead of schedule for most of your work, and anything scheduled for today can be moved to at least three days later with nothing affecting any ongoing or future work.”
Akko sighed in relief, allowing herself to fall back into her covers. “Thank goodness. Would it be alright if I take the day off? I’m feeling a little unwell.”
Finellan laughed at the question. The young empress sure could be considerate.
“You literally own the entire empire, your Majesty. People’s time revolves around you. I mean this in a positive way. You are allowed to take breaks. No one could ever tell you no.”
Akko laughed along lightly with her, glad that she could take a much deserved rest.
“I will take up the opportunity then.”
“Please do. We can’t have our Empress functioning at any capacity less than her best.”
“Understood~” Akko lazily saluted as her subjects shook their heads in fondness.
“We shall be taking our leave then.” Finnelan said for both of them, taking a bow as she did.
“If you need anything, your majesty, feel free to call for me.” Anna reminded before they both finally left the empress to her own devices.
At the sound of the door clicking shut, Akko sighed, draping her arm across her eyes as she thought of what she should do with her free time now. Clearly, resting was at the top of her priority list, but she knew she wouldn’t be able to just keep still and laze around all day.
She decided she’d nap and grab a bite to eat before doing some exploring- something she hadn’t been able to do lately. The forests to the south of the palace sounded like the ideal place to adventure in today.
With her plan in mind, she laid herself to sleep and succumbed to the temptations of her sheets.
Akko felt significantly better once mid-afternoon came around. She had satisfyingly filled her stomach and had acquired her much needed rest. Refreshed, she decided to go for a ride into the southern woods, as planned.
Akko walked through the palace halls, first searching for Anna to let her know she was heading out. With the castle staff aware of her whereabouts, she made her way out the back doors and hiked far enough that she’d be hidden from anyone’s immediate sight.
She scanned her surroundings for any presence or unwanted eyes. Finding none, she sighed in relief, reaching into the pocket of her coat and pulling out a small locket- an oddly shaped one. One that looked uncannily like...
A briefcase.
This odd artifact had been with her since the day she was born, apparently. Her parents hadn’t given it to her, that’s for sure. They just said that one moment she was born, and the next they’d seen her, she already had the necklace laid next to her in her crib. She had never parted with it since then.
It wasn’t something they could explain. Maybe a cleric or a mysterious nurse had gifted it to her, who knew. All Akko knew was that one day, she suddenly had many creatures to call family, and somehow, she knew each one by heart.
Whispering a few words against the locket, and planting a gentle kiss on it, the case grew and she was able to open it.
Biting her lip, she weighed a few options in her mind. Who should she call today...
Ah, of course. If she wanted to brave the woods and look for adventure, who better to call on than-
Immediately, a gentle glow of light filled her area, and a regal-looking creature emerged, basking in the light for a few moments before nuzzling Akko’s side.
The empress giggled, petting her creature before returning the briefcase to its former state and hanging it around her neck.
“Hello, my friend.”
Without her having to say another word, Florence took her up on his own back before quickly ascending to the heavens and flying quickly across the vast lands, giving Akko a gorgeous bird’s eye view of the landscape.
As they sword above the heights of trees, Akko spotted an open area. She was sure that if she had walked the woods, she’d never spot this peculiar looking shack as it seemed cloaked in some sort of... magic.
Carefully, she had Florence glide about the air before silently landing nearby, but not quite in the area. Her intuition had proved right as she struggled for a few minutes to see what she had found from above. Using her general instinct and memory of where she vaguely assumed that place to be, she eventually stumbled through an odd-feeling magical barrier that allowed her to stumble upon a cottage that looked nothing like what she had seen mid-air.
It looked cozy, quite homely.
Akko looked around, hoping to see any signs of a person as clearly someone resided here- what with the well-kept grass and the lively waving by the window.
She followed the dotted stony path leading to the door, reading the sign left there.
[Apothecary Cavendish is closed. Return tomorrow.]
Akko frowned slightly for two reasons. One beint that that odd name caused her head to throb once more. Was she getting sick again? Maybe not. The other reason Akko felt disheartened was due to the fact that she wouldn’t exactly be having a tomorrow to check this place out as she would have to get back to work. She wasn’t quite sure if she’d have any time this week either. Or this month. Or... ever.
She weighed her options.
She could sneak out of the castle at some point in the future. Or maybe she could quench her curious thirst right now and try opening the door- have a little peek, that’s all. She could say that it was an inspection since she was sure this place wasn’t on the empire’s map, nor was it registered in any city or town hall.
She was simply investigating, yes. Investigating. For the safety of her country and men.
Akko nodded, knowing she hadn’t really convinced herself of anything. Reaching for the knob, she felt her hands sweat and tremble, throat drying. She really was justifying her actions that could very well be a crime. Empress or not, this was really wrong. But... She just had to know... She just had to reach and turn the knob and take one small look and all would be fine. She’d leave without a trace, and no one would kno-
“Who are you.”
Akko felt her body go rigid in fright, slowly turning around to spot a woman with basket of what seemed to be herbs. Had she just returned from collecting them-
“Hey! Are you okay?”
Again. It was back again. The pain in her head.
Akko crouched down, cradling her head in her hands with her eyes squeezed shut as the world spun round and round until she hit the ground. She barely heard the panicked yelling of her companion as all went to black.
“You’re awake.”
Akko blinked once, twice. Her visage was filled with soft light and wooden framing across a tall roof. Turning to her side she watched the woman she’d met only moments ago squeezing a towel over a basin before gently laying it over her forehead.
“A high fever, and you had the gall to go exploring in these dangerous woods.” She scolded Akko who couldn’t help but stare, not processing anything she’d just said.
Akko didn’t know why, but something spoke familiarity in just about everything this woman had been showing her. Her manner of speech, of action, the way she was currently scolding Akko with a stern and frank voice that still held a gentle warmth to it- everything about her told Akko that couldn’t possibly be the first time they’d met.
At least... not in this lifetime...?
Akko did a double-take at her thought process. This lifetime? What did that mean? Had she ever been one to believe in something like reincarnation and multiple lives? Well, she didn’t necessarily doubt it either. She simply never thought of it until now.
So… what did she think of it now?
“Um, pardon me? Are you alright? Are you still with me?”
Akko realized her mind had wandered so far that she forgot her manners.
“Ah, my apologies. I just...just…” She had looked up to meet the eyes of her savior to show her sincerity, but so quickly got lost in them. Sparkling blue gems that were framed with long lashes above the gentle slope of a tall nose and healthy pink lips distracted her.
Holy shit. This lady was-
“Absolutely stunning.”
Miss Stunning blinked. As did Akko.
It was only then that Akko came to her senses, immediately rising from the bed, only to smack her head straight into her companion’s nose.
“CR- CRUMPETS AND SHIITAKE MUSHROOMS-… WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!” She groaned, nursing her nose and checking for any possible signs of bleeding.
Fortunately for her, their were none. Unfortunately for Akko she was now rather cross.
Akko reached out to assist her, but the woman promptly created distance between them, not trusting Akko anymore in case of any more surprise attacks.
“Miss, I-”
“Just-! If you’re feeling better, please leave. Please. I beg you.”
Akko really, truly felt terrible for causing her so much trouble that she silently complied. With a bow, she gathered her coat that had been hanging off a dining room chair, wore it and said her farewells.
“I’m sorry to have bothered you. And trespassed.” She apologized, head hung low. “I-if it’s alright…” Still, something deep within her told her she still needed to come back. She needed to know of this woman and the strong pull she seemed to have over her. “May I come back?”
Akko could see the woman’s hesitance in her eyes. She watched her deliberate over the decision, before sighing and agreeing, much too Akko’s surprise.
“Fine. I guess I do need a few more customers. Wouldn’t mind that.” She reluctantly gave Akko a smile… and a piece of paper with a few things written on it.
Akko cocked her head to the side, scrutinizing the item. “What’s this?” She inquired, confused.
She watched the other woman crack a grin, finding it somehow incredibly endearing. “The bill.” She stated factually. “For the services I’ve provided you, good miss.”
Akko’s jaw dropped at the words. She couldn’t even tell if she was being teased or-
“I’m dead serious.” She was told. “My ingredients don’t really grow on tre-… okay, some do. But this forest doesn’t exactly grow me any money. Only resources.”
That drew a fit of laughs from Akko who was incredibly amused by this stranger’s straightforwardness.
“Alright, alright.” She was never really short on money anyway. “I’ll come back with your compensation. That, I promise.”
And she swore she died a little at the smile she received just then. Her brain ceased to function and her feet would no longer move.
“O-Oh! Sorry, just… uh. Got lost in the moment there. Um…” Awkwardly scratching the back of her head, she bid her farewells. “Well, I’ll see you around um…” Oh. She didn’t quite know the woman’s name.
“Hmm?” Akko was given a questioning look before the apothecary caught on. “Oh, right. We forgot to introduce ourselves to one another. Hello there.”
“I go by Cavendish…
Diana Cavendish.”
And at those words it felt like puzzles of a piece Akko didn’t know she was solving, suddenly fit. Sparks connected, and her mind ran miles and miles per hour over memories, thoughts, emotions, and a past Akko now fully remembered.
A past where she had love. A past where she had… Diana Cavendish.
She hadn’t even realized when it was she started crying, but Diana had reacted faster than she did, dabbing Akko’s face with a handkerchief while awkwardly consoling her.
“May I… embrace you?” Akko suddenly blurted out.
Diana, already surprised from Akko’s sudden crying, became all the more shocked. Her being a little weirded out by what Akko had requested was also not something she particularly hid from showing on her face.
“May I... Could I possibly embrace you?” Akko repeated to her, well aware of how odd it was to ask that of someone who clearly thought her to be a stranger.
“I don’t even know who you are, sorry.” Diana eventually admitted, the words breaking Akko’s heart just a bit.
Akko couldn’t remember the last time words had hurt her this much, but Diana not remembering the things they’d been through and Akko knowing the things she knew… it was just a bit much.
Maybe… this wasn’t something that was meant to be. Akko decided to plaster on a smile. Maybe she could try again tomorrow? Would Diana be able to remember her as well? Should Akko just tell her? Would she even believe her?
Akko didn’t have much time to think about it any longer as the sun began to set. It was time for her to leave.
“My apologies.” Akko sighed, giving Diana a respectful bow. “That was rather rude of me, wasn’t it?”
Diana gave her a small, suspicious nod.
“I must be on my way, but… um…” Akko felt her palms sweat and she quickly wiped it off on her garments before holding a hand out. “Let us start over again.” She smiled. She could do this much at least. Right?
Diana took her hand incredibly slowly and carefully. Akko kept up her smile despite all the salt continuously being added to a fresh wound.
“Hello, Miss Diana.” She greeted. “I am a simple noblewoman in this country and I go by the name..,” Maybe if she said her name, Diana would remember just as she had.
Or maybe not and Akko would continue to wallow in sadness for a few days more.
Only one way to find out.
“Kagari Atsuko”
There was nothing.
Diana neither flinched, nor blinked, nor spoke a word.
Akko could now actually hear her heart start to crack, ready to shatter. The universe sure could be cruel sometime-
The sunset sky sure looked lovely from where Akko was laying on the ground, tackled by a Diana who now sobbed heavily into her robe.
“B-by gods, Akko… Akko. Akko.” Diana chanted, over and over and over again. “Akko. Akko. Akko. Atsuko. Kagari Atsuko. My Akko.” She cried into the crook of Akko’s neck, placing kisses along that curve and up to her cheek,
Adjusting herself so that she was comfortably atop Akko, she cupped both the brunette’s cheeks, looking into her eyes as if she were confirming this to not be a dream.
Akko felt her eyes water again, the shock of the sudden attack fading away as it all begun to sink.
That Diana remembered.
That they both did.
As though she had found it, Diana’s face lit up into the biggest smile as she leaned down to plant a kiss on Akko’s lips for as long as she could, like she was afraid Akko would disappear again at any minute.
They both laughed through the tears and the kisses, Akko carefully sitting them up with Diana situated on her lap.
Having run out of air, they parted, Akko immediately grabbing both of Diana’s hands and planted kissed on them,
Diana felt her stomach flutter at the familiar gesture, bringing her hands up to brush the sides of Akko’s face, her bangs and hair, and play with her eats that were warm at the tips.
“I’ve missed you.” Diana whispered.
The floodgates opened once more and Akko cried the most she had in this lifetime.
Cradling Diana close to her chest. Showering her lover with her own affections and completely forgetting about her home, Akko just reveled in the miracle that they had acquired, happy beyong measure.
“I’ve finally found you again.” She told Diana, tightening her arms around her as she felt Diana do the same.
Akko smiled even wider-if it was possible as she continued her statement.
“I love you.” She whispered with Diana whispering it back. “And this time, I’ll never lose you. Ever again.” Akko promised, and Diana nodded, wrapped in euphoria and Akko’s arms.
“Never again.”
A/N: I rushed this already, I’m sorry. ;-;. See you last 2 chaps!
~Shintori Khazumi
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spookypotato · 4 years
Wow I loved that ankle fic!! If you are still looking for fics I would really enjoy one where Sirius is caught skating before he’s been cleared, maybe with a couple of the other boys and he gets in loads of trouble, lol dw just ignore if it’s bad idea 😄
1. Thank you! I'm happy you liked it.
2. Oooh yess! I hope I can do this idea justice, because I like it a lot. That's such a Sirius thing!
3. Also I love requests. I have quite a hard time coming up with good ideas but I love to write, so thank you!
Characters by @lumosinlove 💙 Thank you for this universe!
Sirius has been on the ice once, since the 'accident'. It went about as good as watching a toddler take his first steps, but in the end he was able to skate slow laps without falling down. It was stupid. He did this for a living. He had been - not to brag, just stats - one of the best. And now he was sitting on the bench waiting for the team to clear out, so he could go through the pain of skating in a circle for half an hour.
After their practice was over, Sirius went back, to the lockerroom with the boys. He could at least help them theoretically. James asked, how he was doing, as he did each week sometime more than once. Sirius - as he did each week - answered with a: "too slow for my liking". James responsible-motherhen-instict was now, nowhere to be found, when he suggested going skating later that day once even the staff had cleared out.
"You want me to risk my recovery to skate properly now instead of in a few months? Are you crazy!?", is what Sirius should have said.
"So when and where are we meeting?", is what came out of his mouth in a whisper.
That's how after the 10 laps, he did with (almost) ease today, he told Loops, that he was going to stay and do some more streches.
"You can overdo it, you know?", Remus told him, "just be careful alright? I know you'd be devastated, if all of your progress was ruined. And I would be the one having to listen to you whine."
"Firstly, I dont whine. Ever." -thats a lie and both of them knew it- "and secondly, thank you so much for your concern about my well-being, but I'll be careful, mum", Sirius added theatrically annoyed.
"This is literally my job. To tell you to be careful, so that you can play next season."
"So you dont really care about my well-being then, Loops?", Sirius gasped dramatically.
"Dont overdo it. See you tomorrow, Cap."
"Bye, Re."
The rink was silent. It was just him.
Then he nearly fell over as James jumped on him from behind.
Correction, it was just him and James.
"So, you're feeling up to playing?", James asked, standing on his own now.
"Do you really think you can win a one on one against your Captain, Potty?", Sirius challenged.
"Yes. But also I was thinking we wait for the others to join first. They should be here in a second."
"You told the others? If anybody finds out we'll be in so much trouble.", Sirius was beginning to regret his decision.
"So you dont want to play with us?", Finn's voice came out of the tunnel.
"Betrayed by our own captain?!", Logan's voice followed.
The cubs and Kasey stood in front of them now.
"Did nobody of you think it was a bad idea to come?!", Sirius asked.
"Well, our captain thinks it's fine, apparently." "And we found out about it a minute ago that someone will be blocking the rink during goalie-practise times", Leo completed Finn's thoughts.
"So we thought we'd stay with Nut and see if you suck now.", Logan added.
And because Sirius was already excited to just play a little, he answered an "Oh, it's on, Tremzy!" from where he was lacing his skates a bit tighter to give his ankle at least some stability.
Kasey hadn't been much for the idea of his Captain playing again. He knew from his thighs, that disregarding Loops orders, would only lead to a longer break. But since he would have been at the rink because of his goalie-practise anyway, he decided he would stay. Just to keep an eye on them, of course.
Definitely not, because he was missing his captain as much as the rest of the team on the ice.
Once they were all on the ice, James let Sirius choose his Teammates in a three on three. It ended in Potts, Logan and Leo against him, Finn and Kasey.
They all got their sticks and let Sirius' team have the puck first. And so his first after-recovery-game began.
He knew they went easy on him and for the first time he was glad about that. It made the game easier. He got less competitive than usual and thus put less pressure on his recovered ankle.
They passed the puck easily between one another. It felt like he had never been gone. Skating had been so had the first time afterwards, but as soon as he held his stick, he felt like this was were he always belonged.
Sirius got it to Finn and he shot it back. Kasey acting as a player now skated through the middle. He got the puck from Sirius and went for the goal. It hadnt been a bad shot at all, but for Leo there was no fun in letting the puck go in on purpose, so he blocked it and shot it to Logan.
The game went back and forth a few times, Sirius always staying on his good side. He even scored twice. He felt good. It was the first time in a long the he felt truly happy, even.
"Sirius!", came a shout from the boards. It was Lupin. A Angry-Faced Lupin. A kind of Lupin he hadnt seen in a long time. So Sirius decided to better skate over quick but carefully. The others luckily got the hint to be quiet. Or the just wanted to eavesdrop who knows.
"Sirius.", Remus repeated. "I told you to not overdo it-twice, might I add- and you decided playing a game with the team would be a good idea? I'm checking you again and yes, that is absolutely necessary. What were you thinking? You could have undone all you worked for so hard. Not just the last few months but your entire life. You could have never been able to play, do you know that?"
"Yes", Remus was never usually this angry. But Sirius thought he also saw something else in his eyes. Something between relief and excitement, he guessed.
"I hope I scared you enough with that whole speech, for you to not do it again unless I tell you you can, okay?", Loops actually waited for an answer this time. He seemed a bit more relaxed now.
"Ouai, pardon"
"No need to say sorry to me, it would have been your- Well, I do have more work now- actually yeah, say sorry, but it's no problem. I'm honestly just really glad your not currently on the ice with another broken bone.", Remus told him warmly. "Still, dont tell Arthur any of this. All of you!", he shouted to the rest still standing there. " And I will look at your ankle again, if something happens it's better to know sooner than later. Will you wait in the in the medic room?"
"Thanks. Yeah, I'll just take off the skates first.", Sirius answered, while making his way dont to the locker rooms. It was- if he hadnt broken anything again, which it didnt feel like- totally worth it. For the first time in months he actually felt like all the work had made a difference.
"Potts", he heard Loops again, while walking through the tunnel, "Potter, I know this was your idea. Come here and explain yourself."
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hematomes · 2 years
also. that sucks i am very sorry,, like was the dysphoria not enough did we have to add the excruciating pain??? whacks the culprit with a rolled up newspaper
that bitch is never gentle with me im always dizzy and feverish and in pain and also. we are at that time where it’s ambiguous abt whether i run out of meds or not bc my doctor has to renew my prescription,, but it’s like,, after i run out of it. so i will just,, im not sure if i can do anything about it but. it may mean i have to stop taking it for a month and then start taking it again? blinks
hands u this nice photo from when i visited the botanical gardens 💐
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some text might show up twice my phone is being odd
yeah fr zkdkz it's rare that i get such rough 1st days, thankfully it only gets better as it goes so the worst should be behind me
that sounds. extremely complicated w the meds. also SUCKS w the dizziness and shit, i hate how bodies work. that's not normal. it's not even supposed to hurt at all why is it like this???? WHY
omg the pic is so pretty i,,, am transfixed thank u for this
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thechangeling · 2 years
Hc that Ty gets sick really easily, like he always gets the flu, strep, every single cold ever, he's had mono twice(thank you Kit and Anush)
And when covid happens, he quarantines for as long as he can but then got all the shots, wore a mask everywhere, and got tested every two weeks
Unfortunately for him, some moron sneezes on Kit while he's working and Kit accidentally passed it onto Ty, because when Kit got tested it came back negative so he assumed he was fine(the test was mistaken)
And whenever Ty does get sick with literally anything, he acts normal for the next 6-28 hours but then turns into an ailing toddler that cannot do anything
Thus bringing my hc for Kit
Kit NEVER gets sick. Not with colds or anything else
On the off chance he does get sick with something. He will ignore it until he collapses, thus making Ty take care of him, and Ty eventually gets whatever Kit has
But there is something that always worried Ty and the loved ones of Kit.
Every few years Kit will be continuously sick for an entire month. He'll get a bad headache then feel like passing out, then run a high fever that only breaks in the early morning and returns by noon, and then he'll be more unconscious than conscious for about 3 weeks, only waking up to drink lemonade since that's all he can keep down.
And anytime he tries to get up during that month, his lungs will tighten and it'll get very hard to breathe
Then one day he'll wake up and feel completely fine and have absolutely zero memory of the past month
*ignore me projecting shit onto my favs
This came at a perfect time because I actually may or may not have covid right now lol. But dw feel free to project. I do it all the time.
I actually love this! I have a pretty great immune system (well usually lol) so I can't really relate to always getting sick but I love sickfics and I think Ty would be the type to ignore it till the very last second then collapse.
I just love the idea of kitty taking care of each other when they get sick and being all soft and tender.
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dreamsafterhours · 4 years
college boyfriend!markhyuk au series: III (mark’s pathway)
a universe in which roommates!markhyuk meet each other's s/o in class
markhyuk are roommates, my/n and dy/n are roommates, mark and dy/n take classes together and so do donghyuk and my/n — how will their fates intertwine?
genre: fluff pairings: mark+my/n (fem), donghyuk+dy/n (fem), platonic!mark+dy/n, platonic!donghyuk+my/n format: dotpoint AU universe: non idol, college bf warning: some swearing
or click here to meet your soulmate, paediatrics!donghyuk!
II ⇤ | III | ⇥ IV
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III: 별빛이 내린다 샤라랄라랄라라 (2+2=4)
the meeting of two souls: mark & my/n
hi hello good day how are you? i hope you're well today/tonight this is like 3 weeks late isn't it :D pls don't come after me i lost some motivation to write for a while but here i am now so let's get to it!!
aight so you met donghyuk's roommate for the first time yesterday and,,
you honestly had NO IDEA someone could be that cute
highkey regretting not asking for his name but you were so caught up in lingering on the fact that he implied you were pretty , like wHO DOES THAT ASDFKJL
you highkey shouted the verbal equivalent of a keyboard smash with ur roommate and she was all !! oh so this guy cute cute
you were contemplating whether or not to sneakily ask donghyuk for his name but you were worried bc hyuk has,, crazy sense when it comes to reading people and seeing through their words
and honestly you didn’t want to have to deal with hyuk potentially teasing the shit out of u for having a maybe crush on his roommate whom u’d just met
so you just beat your pillow sleep on it after your roommate reminds you it’s getting late and no life decisions should be made after 12am!! live by it
you wake up craving jjajangmyeon but alas if you were to get any satisfaction of that kind of hunger, it was going to have to wait because
~~ we love ~~ packed schedules ~~ in this house ~~
i hopes the sarcasm was noted in that previous sentence bc now u wish for life to cease
4 weeks into the semester and you were drowning in the midst of reports and lab pracs and content and revision
you were ready to ascend to the next life with only regret and an ability to vaguely explain the properties of a prokaryotic cell and endosymbiosis
but honestly donghyuk’s been a big help throughout the past month
your only friend in classes
official study buddy
2am revision session consultant
personal older brother bc he claimed you as his adoptive sister
another reason your roommate told you to go to bed was bc you literally have
a tutorial class + 2 consecutive 1.5 hour lectures + a 3 hour lab class to finish your day off
with no break for lunch in between :’((
looks like you’ll be starving through your library study session with dy/n
but oop
you find that dy/n had stayed up long after you’d fallen asleep writing her essay 
leaving your dorm feeling a twinge of guilt that u might have distracted her from focusing on her work to listen to your rambles and kept her up later than she should have been
but a text from her in the afternoon reassures u that honestly she wasn’t even planning to write that essay and The Feels™ had just hit her last night and that she made it to class
you: oh PHEW that’s good
you: sorry i didn’t wake you up on my way out, u looked so peaceful i couldn’t bear to disturb
dy/n 🦁: dw dw it’s all g i made it n e way
dy/n 🦁: also is it cool if my friend and his friend comes to the study sesh as well we have to go through some lecture content
you: ah yes don’t see why not :)) i’ll probs have my earphones in the entire time anyways lmao won’t affect me
but will it
“who u texting in the middle of diffusion” cue hyuk peering over at the phone you’re hiding in your lap
you click your tongue at him and lock your phone, “someone twice the man you’ll ever be”
he gasps in mock horror like he’d just witnessed a murder as quietly as he can ,,
“you’re texting a guy? in the middle of diffusion?”
“no. my roommate lmao”
“and what? is it me or your roomma—”
“—my roommate” you glance back up at the prof without looking at him
“you dare?”
“if i don’t dare, who will”
and due to this exchange, you miss the osmosis slide
“ah shit what was osmosis again”
“lmfao what makes u think i know that”
“isn't it just.. net movement of free water molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration”
sorry my bio neural pathways are being excited again after being revisited for the first time in two years
/stares at him/ “why was that infuriating to hear from u”
after class you prepare to head to your dreaded 3-hour lab class you have with donghyuk but he stands up and stares into the void blankly
“where am i going”
“where do u think”
“oh, hell, most likely”
you scoff at the accuracy and drag him out of the lecture hall
you look at donghyuk and he’s visibly resisting the urge to poke your cheek when he first puts on his gloves
“what’s with you today”
he stares at his hands forlornly, “idk ask that to my timetable”
“week 4 got u dead huh”
he glances at you with a frown, “don’t act like u’re not dying too”
“damn. touché”
to your dismay, the lab class runs later than scheduled and you get out of it 20 minutes after it was meant to finish but luckily it’s your last class
with a quick goodbye to donghyuk and a text letting dy/n know you were going to be a lil late, u stop by ur dorm to pick up ur textbook before rushing to the library
you were highkey exhausted and just. famished by that point
but a promise is a promise and you weren’t going to back out of one now
especially when you felt like you owed your roommate one and it was you who originally suggested a library session
so you get to the library, bag strap slung over your shoulder, checking the photo of the seats dy/n had saved for you in the library
highkey getting lost once or twice but you manage
you get to the general area and spot dy/n sitting at a four-seater (wow how’d they get that) but you
freeze when you see who’s sitting next to her
it’s ??
/error 404/
ur heart goes into panic mode bc
it’s not even kidding it’s donghyuk’s roommate
and despite ur brain short-circuiting
you manage to remember that dy/n had said that mentioned her friend’s.. roommate.. also coming along..
and if her friend was donghyuk’s.. roommate..
you: :                             )
you: oh my god they were roommates
and speak of the devil
“oh hey fancy seeing u here”
you turn around and it’s donghyuk legit chills right there
you barely reply a “hi”
“i thought u were going to ur dorm for dinner”
“ah yeah—no i’m.. gonna go over some.. diffusion”
“oii! over here dude” his roommate whisper-yells out at donghyuk
dy/n waves at you “heYY my/n”
donghyuk waves and turns back to you “welp i’m gonna join a study group.. you could join if you came alone? i’m sure they won’t mind”
“about that”
“u waiting for someone?”
“i’m going over there too”
he glances over at the table and then back to you
“that’s my roommate. right there next to your roommate”
you point her out and then donghyuk’s jaw drops
“what the fUC—” and you both. burst iinto laughter at the ridiculousness of the situation
like ?? how???
“talk about a coincidence.. oh my god my cheekbones hurt” he says as he clutches his side
so you get to the table and dy/n tries to introduce u to donghyuk’s roommate
“mark, this is my/n, my/n this is mark”
ah yes so mark is his name, you think
cute name for a cute boi
“nice to meet you again, mark”
dy/n: “?? again?”
mark gives u a rlly wide smile “yeah we’ve met. hi my/n”
you swear you’ve never had your heart flutter like this
then mark introduces dy/n to donghyuk and they start talking about how they’re your legal guardian and telling the other to “get in line”
leaving you in middle like “ok mum and dad” but also thinking back to when donghyuk was highkey flirting with you,, and now how he’s flirting with dy/n ,, oh dude he’s flirting
and highkey ,,, you don’t have any hard feelings about it ,, you know she’s also got this kind of humour code and she’s far more comfortable with meeting new people
until dy/n jokes about custody rules and donghyuk replies with “who says we’re split”
ok mum and dad
n e ways you came to study and study you will
so you settle down and go through your notes for the day
albeit being a lil distracted by mark who sits right across from you somehow, somewhy,,
somewhy should be a word you can’t tell me how to english
you keep wanting to steal glances at him but you have to physically restrain yourself from doing so
and also donghyuk who keeps poking u under the table and texting u even though he’s right next to you
💩hyuk: bro
💩hyuk: bro
💩hyuk: bro
💩hyuk: bro
💩hyuk: bro
you: wHAT
💩hyuk: nvm lol
you: im boutta slap u. give me my pen back i saw that
💩hyuk: damn
💩hyuk: also r u hungry
you: terribly
you: why
💩hyuk: does ur roommate have any allergies
you: not that i know of
you: again
you: why
you: u buyin?
💩hyuk: 🤡<- you
💩hyuk: 🤡, how do you feel about dinner
you: invalid question. no variable answer
💩hyuk: alright, 🤡. im not buying for u
you glower at him but he isn’t looking at u,, he leans back and laments about how he’s craving chinese food
did he read your damn mind how did he know
and apparently he’s read dy/n’s mind too at how she jumps up at the mention of chinese and agrees profusely
so you find yourself abandoning your studies for the rest of the night and in a restaurant lmfao
“chill,, guys,,, jjajang is fine”
rock paper scissors for the cheque ends in mark’s tears
“no it’s ok. i’m ok it’s our first meeting as a fateful group and it makes sense! for me to pay”
after you satisfy your cravings the boys walk dy/n and you back to your dorm
mark tells dy/n to give him her bag for him to carry and while she practically gives it up to him, he has to insist that he’ll carry yours too
to which you’re like omg no it’s fine i can carry it it’s not that heavy i swear—
until donghyuk takes ur bag off ur shoulder and passes it to mark
because of the narrow path, you’re forced to walk in pairs and you end up walking next to donghyuk who makes happy sounds about how good that food was and how priceless mark’s face was when he lost rock paper scissors
then dy/n takes the initiative to make a group chat for you four,, asking for donghyuk’s number to add
you give her a look like damn gurl but you have no idea if she saw or if she just ignored you on purpose lmfao
also donghyuk looked way too happy afterwards
either way you slapped her when you got back to the dorm like “SINCE WHEN WERE YOU SO ?? BRAVE?”
dy/n: um
dy/n: honey
dy/n: have you met me
and thus the chaos of a group chat was born and just like a real child, you spent hours on it
dy/n 🦁: ok we inside
you: thanks for dinner again mark!
💩hyuk: he says you’re welcome
💩hyuk: i say we “accidentally” lose our purses next time we go out
you: nah you’re paying next
💩hyuk: y
💩hyuk: y, 🤡
dy/n 🦁: yes y, 🤡
dy/n 🦁: HAHAH WHY IS SHE 🤡
💩hyuk: i thought you of all people would know
dy/n 🦁: why is she just as dumb in class as she is in the dorm?
💩hyuk: i knew it
dy/n 🦁: she poured too much hot water into her tea the other day it overflowed and spilt onto her foot
mark: oh no were u okay
💩hyuk: looks like you’re gonna have to study osomsis
💩hyuk: osmoiss
💩hyuk: fuck
you: yes i’m okay it wasn’t that hot i had socks on too
💩hyuk: osmosis
dy/n 🦁: avoided tragedy luckily
💩hyuk: finally
you: there is a reason you’re saved as 💩hyuk on my phone
seriously you just don’t know just how much this group was going to mean to you yet
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click here to meet your soulmate, paediatrics!donghyuk!
II ⇤ | III | ⇥ IV
shoot me an ask if you’d like to be tagged in future parts!
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the-cookie-of-doom · 4 years
I hope this isn't weird, i'm new but i saw that you wanted us to send asks about your AUs, so would you talk to us about the Rival/Married Teachers AU ? thank you!
Hello and welcome! It’s not weird at all, I’m always happy to talk : 3
This one is a cute little bit of fluff and high school drama
Stiles is the dorky math or chemistry teacher that everyone loves, and also the head of the Debate Club. Mitch is one of the history teachers, and he heads the Model UN Club. This will be important later. 
EVERYONE in the high school is convinced that Mitch is dating English Teacher Katrina. Some of the students are heartbroken for poor Stiles, because he’s obviously in tragic, unrequited love with Mitch, right? But they have a strange dynamic that their students love; watching the two interact is always entertaining because they’re snarky assholes to each other, but Stiles is also overly affectionate, and Mitch doesn’t seem the type to put up with it, but he always does?? And while Stiles is very brash and loud, sometimes Mitch is so tender towards him, and how the hell are they not dating??
But at the same time, Mitch is always off doing things with Katrina, bringing each other coffee during the day (their classes are right across from each other, but Stiles’ is on the other end of the school) and such, hanging out during breaks, giving little kisses on the cheek before classes start for the day, etc. Small, adorable couple-y things. 
Except they aren’t actually together, they’re just best friends. 
The truth finally comes out when Mitch and Stiles get caught making out in a supply closet like teenagers during a fire drill, (Stiles may or may not have pulled the alarm.) And Mitch happened to be one of the last teachers going through the school to make sure all the students were out of the building... A few students probably saw Stiles pulling Mitch into the closet, and start snickering when another teacher asks where they are, as the only unaccounted for faculty. 
Back to the clubs, told you those would be important again! 
Stiles naturally gravitates towards the debate club because he likes to Argue. And one thing they do once or twice a month, is have overlapping meetings with the Model UN. The debate club presents real-world mock cases to the Model UN, much like you would in real life. 
When this happens, there’s a 50/50 chance of it devolving into a heated debate between Mitch and Stiles at any given moment, and the back and forth is always fun to watch. The students learn a lot about arguing from those two lol. (But dw it’s nothing serious, it’s like foreplay for them xD)
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vitanes · 5 years
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say it’s okay when it’s not
chapter 12: the beginning of the search
Lucas confronts his feelings about what Daphne has done, finds new resolve and reaches interesting gay conclusions. 
(a/n: does anyone remember this fic. i only have 4 exams left. the next chapter will be up in 2 weeks and after that we go back to the regular updates!)
Lucas feels his knees giving out under him and he takes a step away from Daphne. She uselessly reaches a hand towards him but refrains from touching him when Lucas flinches away.
It feels like his whole world is crumbling down. Lucas is running out of breath, his skin feels itchy and hot, too hot.
“It was you? All those months?” he asks, his voice breaking. His eyes meet Daphne’s and there’s so much guilt in her gaze Lucas could drown. He gasps.
“No,” she claims, her whole face scrunched up. “I only took the pictures. I forgot about them until they were leaked. I swear I wasn’t blackmailing you,” she says, her voice thick with emotions. She stomps for emphasis.
“Someone made you do this? Why would you–“
Daphne cuts in.
“I was drunk and I saw you. I wasn’t thinking, I just snapped the pictures. I have no idea how they got out. Please, believe me. I wouldn’t do something like that to you,” she pleads, desperation clear in her voice. “Someone must have taken hold of my phone. I was so wasted that night.”
Lucas swallows the lump that has formed in his throat. “Why should I believe you?” he asks coldly. He knows that Daphne couldn’t have possibly stopped everything that has happened by telling him, but she had no right in taking those pictures. Essentially, if she hadn’t, this whole mess wouldn’t have happened.
“I may not be the best person but I wouldn’t blackmail someone,” she replies.
“But you took the pictures, no?” That shuts her up quickly. She has no answer to that, can only look at Lucas, hoping that he will forgive her. Tough luck because his ribs are still aching and he can’t stop waking up from nightmares. He isn’t in the best mood to forgive. Not for something like that. “You just want me to pat you on the back, say it’s not your fault, but the person’s who stole the pictures. But it is your fault. And you didn’t even tell me shit. I don’t hate you, Daphne, but I don’t like you very much either,” he spits out, his hands trembling. He can’t keep looking at her, he simply can’t or he will explode even more than he already has.
Lucas doesn’t let her say anything else, too tired of her shit and shakily walks out of the room. He has no idea what to do now. Should he tell someone? Keep it to himself? It’s too much, too fucking much to handle now. He wishes that she had at least said something useful instead of only making it worse. For example, that she had known who exactly stole the pictures.
He kicks a nearby wall and curses under his breath.
After his confrontation with Daphne, he’s got a couple of texts from her, all of them consisting of varying I’m sorry’s and what can I do’s. Lucas has left them unanswered, too pissed off to think of something better than a fuck off. He’s also got some worried messages from his other friends, asking about where the hell he’s disappeared – after all he skipped on the last two lessons. Lucas reassured them that everything is okay, but hasn’t provided any further explanation. He doesn’t want to say it. Not yet. As much as he’s angry at Daphne, he isn’t sure he wants to be the cause of their group splitting. Just because she’s done him dirty, doesn’t mean he’s an asshole, too.
At the same time, though, it’s hard to keep it in. That’s why he asks Eliott to hang out on Saturday. Eliott knows Daphne for the shortest time and for some reason it just feels right to confide in him. Lucas knows his go-to should be Yann and he is, but there’s something that tells Lucas things would blow up after that. Or maybe he simply wants to go to Eliott. No reason needed. Sometimes he isn’t quite sure there’s any logic behind his actions.
The moment he sees Eliott, he feels lighter. Eliott sends his way a wide grin while he’s approaching the bench Lucas is sitting on and then he plops down next to him.
“So what’s up?” Eliott asks, giving Lucas a look. Lucas huffs.
“Does something need to be up for me to ask you to hang out?” Lucas replies and hopes that the answer is no, that Eliott doesn’t think he’s convenient only when he’s needed. That’s not true at all.
“No, but you know, considering you disappeared on us it’s safe to assume that something happened,” Eliott says, knocking his elbow into Lucas’, as if sensing his insecurities.
Lucas sighs and licks his bottom lip before speaking, “Daphne took pictures of me and that guy.”
He can feel Eliott tense next to him and he glances at him. First, he looks confused as hell, his eyebrows furrowed but then another emotion takes over his face. Lucas perfectly knows this one. It’s anger.
Eliott lets out a bitter laugh. “Quite a bomb you just dropped on me. I wouldn’t expect her to do something like that.”
Lucas snorts. Well, Daphne being drunk and not respecting people’s privacy isn’t that uncommon. She’s tactless. “For some fucking reason, she wanted to have photos of me kissing a boy. And never said a thing. She wasn’t the one to blackmail me, but it’s still fucked up, isn’t it?” Lucas asks, trying to hide his uncertainty. What if Eliott says he’s blowing things out of proportion? He needs a confirmation that he was rightfully mad at Daphne.
“Yeah. Like, even if you were out and proud she wouldn’t have the right to do that unless you gave her permission. Let alone in this situation,” Eliott says and there are still traces of disbelief in his voice.
“And she’s never even told me a thing. It took someone beating me up for her to come clean,” Lucas mumbles, carding his fingers through his hair. Other than anger, he feels utter disappointment.  No matter how unbearable Daphne tends to be, he still considered her a friend. “And so I didn’t want to face anyone yesterday. No guys and God forbid, any of the girls. How can I go and tell them our dear friend fucked me over? I still don’t want to,” he admits quietly, his fingers toying with the hem of his jacket.
“Why did you decide to tell me?” Eliott asks and Lucas looks up at him. The apples of Eliott’s cheeks are tinted pink. It’s a little chilly today, that must be the reason. Lucas’ fingers flex when a stray strand of hair falls into Eliott’s eyes.
“You’re different,” Lucas says, his voice raspy.
Eliott turns towards him and their eyes meet. There’s something bashful in his gaze. “How so?”
Lucas gulps, feeling like they stepped off the track, into another territory. Far away from the topic of the earlier conversation.
Lucas tries to feign nonchalance and shrugs. He can’t really name it. “I don’t know,” he simply says.
Eliott’s thigh pressing against his feels warm.
The thing is, Lucas has wanted to find out who the blackmailer was ever since he got the first text. He’s spent hours upon hours wondering who can have a personal vendetta against him. Who would go this far just to destroy him? But the shit kept piling up on his plate, there were no hints indicating who it could be and he’d have developed paranoia than found the culprit. So he stopped. But what Daphne has told him, awoke in him the need for search once again.
He knows it’s not someone who actively took the pictures, but stumbled across them on Daphne’s phone. Someone who had access to her phone, even if for a moment. Which isn’t a lot but still more than Lucas has ever had on this person.
There’s also one more thing that has been bothering Lucas. If it’s not personal, did this person contact the guy he kissed, too? If so, does he know something more?
Lucas knows these leads are too vague and shitty, but he isn’t a professional investigator, but a sixteen-year-old desperately wanting to know the truth.
Considering Lucas met the guy at two different parties, he connects the dots and reaches the conclusion that there is no way none of his friends wouldn’t have him somewhere on their social media.
He spends around two hours tracing the guy and jumps through at least two different social media platforms, but eventually, he manages it. God, if only he had had the same resolve after their make-out session. He could have a boyfriend now.
Lucas scrolls through a couple of the boy’s pictures, just to make sure it’s him. Thank God he met him twice. He wouldn’t be able to recognise him from the memory of his lips only. Lucas was drunk and there wasn’t a lot of light. The second time definitely got engraved in his mind, though. Also, the boy is cute. Lucas can see why he wanted to kiss him. But he isn’t sure it was worth all the mess that followed.
He feels weird, typing out the message. He doesn’t know the dude and their last encounter was less than pleasant. He can only hope the guy doesn’t hold grudges.
Then, right before sending the text, Lucas realises that this boy may not even remember him and is filled with a sudden wave of embarrassment. Maybe he shouldn’t bother?
Lucas shakes his head. This may be a lead to the blackmailer.
Hey, I don’t know if you remember but we made out at a party once. Ik its weird reaching out to you dw no hidden motives but I was blackmailed and outed bc someone took pics of us kissing. I just wanted to ask if they tried to get to you too
Lucas hits send and lets out a heavy sigh, his heart hammering in his chest. He thinks he managed to sound okay. He made it clear that he didn’t stalk the guy he once kissed but had important business. Now, the hope lays in the possibility that this boy isn’t a complete jerk.
He keeps staring at the nearly empty chat for a few minutes, hoping to get the reply soon. Anticipating it strongly. But by the time around five minutes have passed, his nerves have calmed down and there’s still no answer, he deflates. Maybe the guy isn’t online. Lucas should occupy himself with something else. He can’t just keep glaring at his phone.
Lucas does the unexpected and busies himself with homework, groaning loudly when he realises just how far behind he is. After trying – and failing – he moves onto other tasks. He gathers his laundry, cleans up his room and goes to the living room where Lisa is napping and Mika is watching something on the TV. Lucas is glad Manon isn’t there because he still hasn’t figured out how to act around the girls with the Daphne issue.
Lucas tries to get into whatever is on the TV to no avail. He’s too distracted. Mika keeps sending him annoyed looks when he notices just how jittery Lucas is.
“Just what exactly has got into you?” he asks after Lucas can’t keep still for one minute.
“I’m waiting,” he says vaguely, sending Mika an apologetic smile. Mika raises one of his eyebrows and his eyes fall on Lucas’ hands that he entwined to stop them from moving.
“Something good?”
“We’ll see,” Lucas replies and stands up. He deliberately left his phone back in his bedroom as not to check it every few seconds and now he regrets it. Mika doesn’t say anything to him, only watches him with curiosity.
Lucas is glad, it’d be hard to explain what is going on.
Much to his disappointment, there isn’t any notification from the guy and the message still hasn’t been read. Lucas pouts and goes to the kitchen to eat something.
After that, he still manages to do a few things that keep him occupied. By the time it’s evening, he’s already lost all the hope and is watching videos on YouTube when his phone vibrates with the new notification.
He jumps in place and clicks on the communicate so hard it’s a miracle he hasn’t left a dent in the screen.
hey hey yeah I remember I remember everyone who rejected me jksfjds but no no one has texted me man that sucks. are you okay?
Lucas purses his lips into a thin, tight line. It’s hard to hide his disappointment. Why was only he targeted by the blackmailer? Maybe because his face was the most visible in the pictures, but still. Could it be that the blackmailer knows him, but not the boy he kissed? So maybe it was personal. After all, they had Lucas’ number. Unless they stole that from Daphne, too.
He clicks his tongue, rereading the reply. He blushes, yes, he did reject him. It was out of fear, but the fact stands – a boy wanted to kiss him again and Lucas said no. They are basically strangers but Lucas still wants to apologise for that. Considering the boy’s question, should he be honest? Or brush it off and say it’s fine?
Sorry for rejecting you I wasn’t in the best place then Ugh so I guess I’m out of leads again altho I’m glad I was the only one targeted I’m getting better but had some troubles
Lucas figures out that reply is okay. He isn’t pouring his heart out, but isn’t exactly pretending nothing has happened. They talk for a little while and Lucas thinks, it’s nice. The guy tells him that if Lucas ever needs something he can hit him up and despite the fact that Lucas hasn’t got much that would help him with the blackmailer, he doesn’t feel that defeated. Quite the contrary, there is a lot of resolve in him.
He will find out who ruined his life, one way or another.
“Hi, mom. How is it going?” Lucas asks, toeing his shoes off. He nods at Mika as he’s crossing the distance to his room and is met with a grin.
“Everything’s fine, but my neighbour. Oh, God. She’s so obnoxious and keeps singing opera. I can’t stand her,” his mom complains, heaving out a loud sigh. Lucas snorts as he enters his bedroom and goes straight for his bed.
“Have you tried asking her to tone it down?” he suggests, staring at his ceiling.
The school was hard today. He had a test he was pretty much unprepared for and the problem with Daphne has been gnawing at him all the time. He still isn’t sure whether he should let the others know.  Isn’t that an issue between the two of them? Besides, if he makes this fact known, people will start picking sides. He isn’t that worried about the boys, but the girls? They will be divided. And hanging out together will become troublesome. God, at this point Lucas regrets she’s even told him.
“Are you there?”
Lucas snaps out of his thoughts. “Yeah, yeah, I’m listening,” he blurts out.
“Then what was I saying just now?”
Lucas opens his mouth to reply, searching his brain for an answer but comes up blank. “Okay, I lost it.” His mom huffs.
“I said that yes, I did ask her but she said it helps in her therapy.”
“That’s… unfortunate,” Lucas says dumbly.
“Okay, I can hear you thinking all the way from there. What’s on your mind?”
Lucas sits up abruptly. “Let’s say you get caught kissing a boy by someone and they blackmail you for months and then out you. You’re in a big, supportive friend group. Then, one of the girls comes to you and tells you she snapped the pictures that were later used to give you hell. Do you tell the rest?” Lucas says all in one breath.
His mom hums thoughtfully. “Oddly specific,” she states sarcastically and makes Lucas chuckle. “Does no one else know?”
“I told Eliott because I couldn’t deal with it alone,” Lucas says. He still isn’t sure why exactly he chose Eliott and not Yann. He kind of feels like he betrayed his best friend. Maybe he should at least tell him?
“You two have sure grown close. Didn’t you start off as enemies?” she asks, not really answering Lucas’ question. He falls back on his pillow and puts his forearm over his eyes.
“It was me being a jealous prick and him trying to become my friend. I’ve matured,” Lucas declares. He can’t really tell his mom they smoke weed together and that’s how Lucas’ animosity died down. “So what would you do?”
“It’s a tough situation. In the ideal scenario, she would come clean by herself. Own up to her mistakes. But I suppose it’s not happening?”
“I doubt it.”
“If not telling bothers you this much, you should let the closest people know. It’ll take some weight off your shoulders.”
“I thought you’d tell me something about how I should forgive her because Jesus said so,” Lucas jokes. He knows he shouldn’t mix his mom’s religious beliefs up with this but he can’t help it. It’s what he’s used to.
“Well, forgiveness should happen only if you really forgive someone and I don’t think you feel like doing it. She caused you so much pain, even if indirectly. Sometimes, you should be allowed not to forgive,” his mom says quietly and Lucas wonders if she’s ever forgiven his father. If she struggles with it because she is supposed to forgive, but everything bad that’s ever happened overshadows it. “I love God and Jesus, but sometimes I disagree. I’m only human and can’t forgive every single person. Neither should you,” she adds after a minute or two.
Yeah, Lucas doesn’t think he could do it even if he wanted to. That wound runs too deep.
“Thank you, mom,” he says, clutching the phone in his palm.
“I hope it helped a bit.”
“It did.” He smiles under his nose and drags a hand down his face. “Ah,” he perks up, “I’ve decided to go to the police. About the beating up. But I’ll need an adult. Will you go with me?” he asks. Lucas hopes his mom will agree, otherwise he’d have to ask his father and it’s the last thing he wants to do. It took him a lot to even make this decision.
Arthur was delighted when Lucas told him about it and promised to go with him. Lucas still isn’t sure about it, but he thinks that if he doesn’t stand up now, he never will. He’s also going to ask whether the blackmail thing could be reported as well – after all, he’s got the whole proof of the crime, just not the criminal.
“Of course, Lucas. Just let me know when.”
“Friday? I’ll send you more details later.”
Lucas is scribbling down an answer when a certain thought comes to his mind. He steals a glance at Imane. She seems very engrossed in the task, as should he. Too bad he’s going to interrupt her.
He taps her with his pencil and her eyes shoot up to his face, her expression exasperated.
Lucas scratches the sides of his neck with the end of his pencil, trying to find the correct words. “I know it’s hard to remember but have you ever been at a party and Daphne was really fucking wasted?” he asks, realising halfway through just how dumb he sounds. He doesn’t want to tell Imane the truth per se, but he has the subtlety of an elephant and he isn’t sure whether he’s able to pull it off without letting anything slip out.
“Literally every single party since I’ve known her,” Imane deadpans.
“The party right before you all started working on the common room and we became partners?” He hopes that will ring the bell. Lucas doesn’t even know if Imane was at that party, but it’s safe to assume that since Daphne was, Imane could have been as well.
She frowns and tilts her head to the side. “What about it?”
“Do you remember anything?” he asks, hoping his tone masks his emotions well.
“Not really? Not anything specific. Why?”
“It was the party the pictures were taken at. I guess the blackmailer was present,” Lucas explains, resigned and goes back to his exercise. If he doesn’t want to go into any more details, he should stop there. Imane has a way of figuring things out.
“And it’s connected to Daphne? How?” Yup, there it is.
Lucas sighs. “Drop it,” he mutters. He thought that if something remarkable had happened then, involving someone else, then he’d have a lead. He needs to narrow down the suspects, otherwise he can as well accuse the entirety of Paris.
Lucas is aware his search is long postponed, that he should have done it when everything was much fresher, but the thing is, sometimes he lacks rational thinking. Back then he was also really fucking terrified and was on the verge of becoming paranoid. As of now, he’s able to reflect on things with a clear mind.
“Lucas,” Imane starts warningly and Lucas looks towards her once again. There’s concern in her eyes and that’s the last thing he wanted to cause. She has already spent enough time worrying about him, there is no need in adding up more of it.
“Doesn’t matter. Really,” he assures her, putting on a smile.
“You can’t just start something and then not tell me. What did Daphne do?” Imane asks, scowling at him.
“Quiet. You’re supposed to be doing your exercises, not chatting up your partner. There are breaks for that,” the teacher butts in and Lucas nods vigorously, going back to his notebook. He was saved this time. Small mercies, even if the expression on Imane’s face he can see out of the corner of his eye is telling him they’re not finished.
Imane’s next words only confirm it. “When this class is over, we’re talking.”
Unfortunate because as soon as the bell rings, Lucas is out of the classroom so quickly it’s a miracle he doesn’t trip over his own feet.
Eliott has hands. That’s an observation Lucas makes watching Eliott play with a rubber band during lunch on Thursday. Eliott is doing it subconsciously, while he is talking with the rest. His movements are swift. He’s already finished his meal and Lucas has no clue where the rubber band came from, but he’s fascinated by the fingers stretching it out or twirling it around.
Lucas isn’t eating anymore, just idly dragging his fork around the remnants on his plate. He’s got his head propped up on his palm and every once in a while he lets out a sigh.
Eliott has hands and Lucas would know since he touched them on countless occasions. More than once he held them in his own. How come has he never paid much attention, though? The fingers are slender and Eliott’s nails seem pristine. From only looking, one could assume they are rough and calloused, but Lucas remembers clearly that’s not the case. They are soft and gentle.
Big, too.
Lucas sighs again and reaches out for his soda. He takes a sip and from the corner of his eye notices Arthur watching him. Lucas glances at him and arches an eyebrow but Arthur only shakes his head and waves him away. Lucas shrugs and places his drink back on the table. His eyes jump back to Eliott. He’s stopped fiddling with the rubber band. It’s around his left wrist now. His fingers are tapping on the table.
Tap, tap.
Lucas’ eyes slide up and pause at Eliott’s throat. Its muscles are moving as Eliott keeps talking and laughing. Lucas gulps and lets his eyes wander higher, right to Eliott’s lips.
Eliott’s got pretty lips. This makes Lucas remember a certain embarrassing dream he pushed very deep into the back of his mind and he takes his eyes off Eliott’s lips just as quickly as they settled there. It seems like entering into dangerous territory. Better not feed Lucas’ imagination with any imageries.
He ends up on Eliott’s eyes and finds them looking right back at him.
Lucas sits up straighter, feeling his whole body flush with warmth.
Eliott smiles at him and Lucas, trying to play it cool, grins back. He’s just been caught red-handed staring at Eliott. Lucas wants to die.
He keeps his grin for the few seconds that Eliott’s gaze stays on him and right after Eliott moves his attention to Basile, Lucas’ expression drops and it takes all of his willpower not to hide his face in his hands.
What the fuck. He must be so red. He knows he is, he can feel his cheeks burning. His heart beating rapidly in his chest isn’t helping either. God.
“So we need to take care of that mural,” Basile says and Lucas thanks heavens there is something to ground him so he won’t lose his shit. He can’t freak out if he has to take part in a civil conversation, right?
“Do we?” Eliott asks and every single one of them looks at him with confusion. His shoulders draw up.
“Weren’t you the one who was the most excited about it?” Arthur raises an eyebrow at Eliott.
“People change,” Eliott says matter-of-factly. “Why even bother?”
“You know, it’s the common room. Unity, friendship, respect. Daphne really cares about it,” Yann replies, shrugging.
Eliott clicks his tongue. “Oh, yeah, because Daphne is all about friendship and respect,” he lets out bitterly.
Eliott is still pissed off on Lucas’ behalf. For some reason it makes Lucas’ heart flutter.
“Um, did something happen?” Yann asks, frowning.
Eliott briefly glances up at Lucas before moving his gaze to some neutral area. “I just don’t really care much about what’s important to Daphne, that’s all.”
Lucas could kiss him right now.
(Platonically, of course.)
“Dude, what happened? Didn’t you have so many ideas for it?” Basile chimes in.
“I still like this whole concept. Just not Daphne,” Eliott replies calmly. It’s apparent that the guys have no idea what to think about Eliott’s behaviour. He doesn’t show animosity towards anyone, he was the nicest guy even when Lucas acted like a dick towards him. No wonder the boys are this shocked, especially since Eliott got really involved in this thing.
“But did she do something? I know Daphne can be a lot but why be this harsh?” Arthur asks and Yann nods while Basile lets out a ‘yeah’.
Eliott seems uncomfortable and he fidgets in his seat. He doesn’t look like he wants to take his words back, but his pose screams anxious. He isn’t even making any eye-contact with them. Lucas curls his hand into a fist.
“Daphne took the pictures that the blackmailer used against me,” Lucas says and sees how the tension seeps off Eliott in an instant. He was fighting for Lucas’ sake and probably didn’t expect Lucas to say anything, but Lucas couldn’t leave him alone.
“No way,” Basile says after a few beats of awkward silence.
“You’re shitting us, right?” Arthur adds, his tone baffled.
Lucas shakes his head. “I wish. She told me last Friday,” Lucas mutters and looks towards Yann. The realisation flashes across his face and he nods. He must remember the exact moment Daphne asked Lucas to stay. “She didn’t blackmail me, but still. If not for her, I wouldn’t be in this shit. I only told Eliott, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to make things worse for her by telling anyone else so,” he explains weakly and looks over their faces.
“No wonder Eliott was this angry,” Basile comments and Lucas bites down on his bottom lip.
Eliott is the only one he initially told about it and then Eliott showed his solidarity without letting anything on to the boys. Lucas wonders how it all looks to them. He hopes they don’t feel like he doesn’t trust them.
Arthur groans and threads his fingers through his hair. “That situation is fucked up. And we still promised to paint that damn mural to the girls. Fuck.”
“At this point, I don’t want to have anything to do with Daphne either,” Yann says, displeasure painted all over his face.
Yeah, they’ll have to work around it somehow.
Lucas is dreading the last bell on Friday, but when it does ring and he gets out of the classroom to see Arthur waiting for him, his nerves calm down, if only a little. He decided it was his and Arthur’s thing to do, kind of symbolic to their bond, and so the other guys simply told them to let them know how it goes.
The case is known to the police but Lucas will still have to talk about everything that happened, revisit painful memories and he’s so scared. He feels like he’s seven again and the fact his mom will be there is the only thing that makes him step forward.
Arthur keeps brushing Lucas’ arm every now and then and Lucas figures out it’s his way of showing support without words. Lucas is glad since he isn’t sure anything verbal would help him at the moment anyway.
“Hey, I have a question. You don’t have to say anything, though it’ll be an answer in itself,” Arthur says suddenly and Lucas frowns at him.
“Yeah?” Lucas’ palms get even clammier than they’ve been before.
“Do you have a crush on Eliott? Or like, are you guys together?” Arthur asks, his cheeks getting pink.
Lucas misses a step but recovers quickly and continues walking. “No? Why are you asking?” For him, that question doesn’t make sense. Eliott is the one crushing.
Arthur chuckles and shrugs one of his shoulders. “It would explain a lot. Like, I don’t know, I was just thinking that you hating him back then might have been some sort of pulling at his ponytails thing. Like middle schoolers do. And you are so close now. You even tell him things before us. Besides, I saw you staring at him a lot. So it got me thinking. I guess I was wrong, yeah?” he asks, stealing a glance at Lucas. He looks embarrassed now. To the point, he probably can’t see the bewilderment on Lucas’ face.
God, Arthur noticed Lucas staring at Eliott. Way to go, Lucas, way to go.
Lucas lets out a nervous chuckle and shakes his head. “We just get along, that’s all,” he says, gazing at the pavement.
“I see. Sorry for jumping to conclusions. I suppose my disillusioned ass just sees things it wants to see,” Arthur jokes.
“Why would you want to see me and Eliott together?” Lucas asks and realises too late that it’s a bad question. Something deep inside Lucas tells him that he shouldn’t want to know the answer.
“It’s not about you two, but like, I’m gay so I want to see some gay love, you get me? And I think you two could be cute together. Sorry if it sounds weird. I just thought I saw something that wasn’t there,” he says, sending Lucas an apologetic smile. “Anyways, we’ve arrived,” he adds, abandoning the topic and nods straight ahead.
Indeed, Lucas can see the police station and the silhouette of his mom standing by the entrance.
Lucas clenches his jaw. He can do it.
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sundropscribbles · 5 years
Hello! About the kissing prompts for DW, can you please do a Twelfth x Reader lust kiss? Thanks so much!!!
Here you are, love!
“So, where are we off to next?” you ask The Doctor as you lean back against the console. Your gaze is adrift, wandering sleepily from one oddly-shaped light to the next; they all glow down upon you from the ceiling of the TARDIS, casting shadows across your face. Each one is a slightly different shape, a slightly different warm shade of gold. You aren’t sure you’ll ever be able to stop marveling at the TARDIS — it didn’t matter how much time you spent out among the stars, traveling with her and The Doctor. Each and every time you came off of an adventure, the TARDIS welcomed you home (she was your home, now, you had decided) with open arms. 
Some days it was like she would alter the slightest detail about herself, barely noticeable, but enough to make you look twice — to keep you looking, to keep you as enthralled as you had been the very first time you had set foot inside, months ago. 
You trail your fingertips along one edge of the console as if to say “yeah, yeah — I know, you’re always gorgeous”, and she responds with an appreciative thrum.  You’re distracted by your brief interaction with the TARDIS, so it takes you a moment to realize that The Doctor hasn’t responded to your question.  When you look up, you find his eyes on you already, and it stirs up a curiosity inside of you.  It’s not as though he never looks at you. No, he watches you closely more often than not — keeping you safe from harm and all of that.  But it’s not very often that he looks at you like this. You can’t quite put your finger on what it is, but  you do understand that there’s an intensity behind it, and it worries you briefly. 
“Doctor, what’s —“ you begin, giving him your full attention. You’re fully prepared to ask him what’s wrong, to niggle it out of him no matter how much he resists, but he speaks up before you can finish your sentence. You’re relieved to see a small smile quirk his lips as he speaks, but his next words don’t do a damn thing to alleviate your confusion. 
“You amaze me, Y/N,” he says, point blank, and you blink. “You do realize that, yes?” 
It’s not subtle, the way that you open and close your mouth once, twice, three times as you struggle for something to say in response to that. You’re sure, in fact, that you must look a bit like a goldfish. It’s definitely unusual, on The Doctor’s part. It’s not very often that he compliments anyone so bluntly.  It was only on rare occasions that he complimented you in such a way, and if it weren’t for the soft laughter you heard spilling out of him in the next handful of seconds, you might have asked him if he was feeling quite alright. 
“Thank you?” you squeak, eventually, doing your best to hide your bewilderment. Your eyebrows are still scrunched up, however, and he must take that as his cue to explain himself — well. If what he says next could really be counted as an explanation, anyways. 
“No need for thanks, dear,” he says. He rounds the console as he speaks, and you study him carefully as he comes closer to you.  Soon enough, he’s standing directly in front of you, and that flicker, that unknown something is still there in his steely blue eyes.  “I just wanted to be sure you were in the loop, so to speak.”
You raise an eyebrow at this, and he answers your lack of a response with a sigh. 
“What I mean is:  you’re a hell of a human being, and I have a hard time believing that you exist, some days,” he grits out, taking a step closer to you (and effectively invading your personal space, just a bit.) (Not that you mind.)  “You were impeccable today, taking those Sefiloya migrants under your wing like you did — brilliant, and kind, and — bloody-well attractive.” 
Internally, you blanch at that. A blush settles onto your cheeks and again, you find yourself struggling for something to say. Externally, however, the words wind up startling a laugh out of you. 
“You’re one to talk, Mister Time-Traveling-Alien-In-A-Magic-Box,” you remark, for lack of anything better to say, and he laughs softly at your surprise. 
“Touché,” he says, and raises his hands in mock surrender.  It’s not much later that he’s gazing at you quietly once again, though, and you tilt your head as you meet his gaze.  You’re still attempting to place that look — because it’s still there, and it’s driving you just a little bit mad — when he reaches out and places a hand upon your cheek, effectively distracting you in an entirely different manner. “Doesn’t change the fact that you’re the most magical person I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing, though.” 
Before you can say another word, he leans in close and brushes his lips against yours, and you hum contentedly at that despite all of your confusion. You move closer to him as the kiss shifts from gentle to something… a little more heated than you had anticipated, and you stifle a soft groan as you attempt to process all of this, all at once.  There’s a flurry of hands — his hands on your hips, tugging you close, and yours tangled in his soft, gray hair, and then tugging at the lapels of his coat — and by the time the pair of you break away for a breath, he’s effectively backed you against the TARDIS console and pinned you there, one of his hands on either side of you. 
“Wanted to do that all day,” he murmurs, and steps back briefly to give you a bit of space to gather yourself — your flushed cheeks, your mussed hair, your displaced clothes. “Sorry.” 
You can’t help but snicker at that, covering your reddened face with your hands momentarily as you lean back against the console once more.  
“You’re not,” you tease him, and you hear him grumble under his breath.  It’s only as you peak through your fingers at him and catch a glimpse of his face that you realize what the look in his eyes had been. 
Lust. Obvious in his stature, and his eyes, and the crease of his brow as he takes a step closer to you once more.
“You’re right,” he admits, deadpan, and doesn’t hesitate to return to his original position, caging you against the console. “I’m not.”  
His lips are on yours again in a matter of seconds, and you laugh into the kiss, balling your hands up in the collar of his shirt and hauling him close to you, even as he takes a step back in favor of catching you by the hand and guiding you down a corridor —  toward a bedroom. 
You hear the TARDIS give another hum, like a soft bit of laughter as you leave the console room, and you snort. 
“Quiet, you,” you think, and laugh happily as you stride proudly up ahead of The Doctor to open up the door to your shared bedroom yourself. 
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caphayzardous · 4 years
concept... ride bike 2 D&D instead of driving...!!!!! but for real this time!!! sorry yes it’s another long post for no reason, it’s a slow day today, also if anyone read the last post dw the sun came out and I went for a walk for like 2 hours around the parklands and I feel much better, anyway moving on,
pros: > save on petrol (even aside from D&D days themselves, it’d reduce the feeling of dependency on my car... ya get me?*) > get to ride bike! (there’s a bike path along the river between locations!) > maybe focus better at D&D after exercise? (my bike’s brand is ‘focus’, too. lol) > supposedly takes 40 minutes, (only) twice as long as driving > less likely to be late if I have to leave earlier (sounds bs but it’s true) > literally love my bike and cycling, and I am plagued with guilt about it’s absence from my life lmao, been meaning to incorporate it for several years, like at least 6. wow, passage of time. With this plan, it wouldn’t take up time as it’s own ‘task’ (only an extra 20ish minutes each way to a trip I already make) and I’d be cycling thrice a fortnight!!!
cons: > I have a road bike and I know that bike path gets debris on it. If I bust a tire that’d would suck, and also make me late? sadly I also want to avoid the roads because they are scary. why do I have a road bike, then? haha yeah. > if I leave after dark, it’s kind of a treacherous bike path to be cycling in the dark. less of a concern right now, but it will be getting dark sooner and sooner. maybe in such instances I will go home via the side streets; can avoid busy main roads, and I’d be in no real hurry on the way home. > also there’s a big uphill on the return trip hahah :< > laptop bag heavy to cycle with and if I stack I could break the laptop.
So basically! The cons are much more ‘up to chance’ than the pros, and othewise have workarounds! 
neutral: > gotta get a working headlight for the bike > I’d have to keep the bike in the apartment, which is fine > and also carry it up and down the stairs each time, which is fine lol > I don’t have a bike pump, if the tires get flat between weeks? but there’s one at mums, so I can just make sure they’re ok each week. > the bike itself is also currently at mums, and I have to see if it’s still in good condition. Every time in the last two years, when I was struck with the urge to go cycling, it had been too long and the tires had gone flat, and by the time I sorted them it’d be too late to go anywhere that day, then I’d leave it for several months again and they’d go flat again... last time, we discovered the tires had furthermore worn down from exposure to the elements, and we had to get them replaced. So... hopefully that hasn’t happened again???
*reducing the feeling of dependency; it’s easy enough to say I can cycle to local locations, but until I get back into the practice of cycling regularly it’s too ‘uncertain’ an activity. And related to dependency, is the idea of: caving to convenience. I mean, having a car is extremely freeing right (and I do like, need it, with where I live and how the world currently works), but I really also make a lot of unnecessary trips just because I CAN, including multiple trips to the same location in one week (usually my mums house tbh, and shout out to her for being happy enough to see me every time, haha) because I don’t plan ahead, and dont do everything I need to do at a given location at once, and so on. I have exercised minimal impulse control in that regard. but!!! that ends now lmao!!!
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