#ability to recognize a way you might feel safer?
inkskinned · 2 years
kids remind me, often, of the things i've taught myself out of.
i have a big dog. he looks like a deer. he is taller than most young children. while we were on a trail the other day, a boy coming our direction saw us and froze. he took a step back and said: "i'm feeling nervous. your - your dog is kind of big."
goblin and i both stopped walking immediately. "he is kind of a big dog," i admitted. "he's called a greyhound. they are gentle but they are pretty tall, which is kind of scary, you're right. their legs are so long because they are made for running fast. i am sorry we scared you. would you like us to stand still while you move past us, or would you feel more safe in your body if we move and you stay still?'
"oh. i didn't know that about - greyhounds. i think i ... i want to stay still," he said. at this point, his adult had caught up to us. "i'm nervous about the dog," he told her, "so i'm - i'm gonna stay still." she didn't argue. she didn't make fun of him. she just smiled at him and at me and held his hand while goblin and i, with as wide of a berth as we could make, crept our way through.
behind us, i heard him exhale a deep breath and kind of laugh - "he was really big, huh? she said it's because greyhounds have to go fast."
"he was big," she said. "i understand why that could have made you a little scared."
"yeah. next time i - next time do you think i could maybe ask to touch him? when - i mean, next time, maybe, if i'm not nervous."
later, going to a work event, in the big city, i stood outside, trembling. my social anxiety as a caught bird in my chest. i took a deep breath and turned to my coworker. she's not even really my friend yet. i told her: "i feel nervous about this. i am not used to meeting new people, ever since covid."
she laughed, but not in a mean way. she said she was nervous too. she reached her hand out and held mine, and we both took another deep breath and walked in like that, interlinked. a few people asked us - together? - and i told the truth: i feel nervous, and she's helping. over and over i watched people relax too, admitting i feel really kind of shy lately actually, thank you for saying that.
the next time i go to an event, and i feel a little scared, i ask right away: wanna hold hands? this feels a little dangerous. i hesitate less. i don't hide it as much. i watch for other people who are also nervous and say - it's kinda hard, huh?
i know, logically, i'm not good at asking for help. but i am also not good at noticing when i need help. i've trained myself out of asking completely, but i've also trained myself to never accept my own fears or excuses. i have trained myself to tamp down every anxiety and just-push-through. i don't know what i'm protecting myself from - just that i never think to admit it to anyone.
but every person on earth occasionally needs comfort. every person on earth occasionally needs connection. many of us were taught independence is the same thing as never needing anything.
each of us should have had an adult who heard - i feel nervous and held our hand and asked us how we could be helped to feel safe. no judgement, and no chiding. many of us did not. many of us were punished for the ways that we seemed "weak".
but here is something: i am an adult now. and i get nervous a lot, actually. and if you are an adult and you are feeling a little nervous - come talk to me. we can hold hands and figure out what will help us feel safe in our bodies. and maybe, next time, if we're brave, we can pet the dog that's passing.
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brunchable · 2 years
The Taking (Halloween Oneshot) || Sinister Strange x F!Reader
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Word Count: 4.5K Warnings: NSFW (18+), NON-CON, NON-CON, Corruption, Forced Breeding, Lactophilia, unprotected p + v sex, magical restraints. DO NOT READ IF THESE MAKE YOU UNCOMFORTABLE.
It was not much of a siege, not in the way your father had described them. From humans you might have expected trebuchets and catapults, a sustained assault upon the great doors and a bridging of the moat. They'd have camped at the edge of the forest, troops of foot soldiers sitting about fires and sharpening weapons as their leaders spoke in the cover of tents, plotting the assault of that keep that had not fallen to invasion in six centuries. Yes, that was how men waged war, but these were not men, and they came in instead by means of magic—or rather revenge to the crown for the loss of the great sorcerer's sister.
You were in the kitchens when it began, overseeing the preparation of the feast for the equinox. Betrothed and soon to be wed, it was your duty now to learn the management of a large household such as your own. You were in your oldest gown of faded homespun, long hair bundled into a scarf as you toiled with the keep servants, your skin growing flushed with the heat of the great kitchen.
You listened closely as Kenna, the cook, explained her reasons for ordering certain ingredients from the market. Your parents were visiting family in the north, and for once the servants were deferring to you as lady of the house. The two women had their heads bent over the piece of parchment, Kenna fanning herself as she pointed to the items and the numbers that accompanied them.
“It's always seven bushels of the kalawort, even when the keep has no guests,” she explained. “We use what's left for the easing of difficult births, and to bring in the milk, though you'll see it often enough as an ingredient in bitter bean soup, too.”
You blushed at this. Your mother had been forcing you to drink a tea of kalawort for months now, believing that it would aid fertility. Your wedding was still three weeks away, but your mother was taking every precaution; your parents had struggled to conceive for many years before the goddess had finally granted them, you.
You had little doubt in the plants' supposed abilities; already your breasts were swollen and tender with milk, ready for the child that you and The Prince would conceive, perhaps as early as your wedding night.
You were about to ask about another herb on the list when the sound of men's voices came from outside. There was a strange thrum in the air, and the hairs at your nape stood on end. Through the back entrance you saw a flash of purple light and someone screamed, and in an instant mayhem ensued in the kitchen as all recognized the sudden stark reality of a siege. For the first time in centuries, the walls had been breached.
“Quickly, Lady!” Kenna cried, her hands digging into the skin of your wrist. “Go to your room,” she said, but then thought better of it. “No! Go to the chapel, you'll be safer there. They will hide you! Go! Go!”
And you fled from the kitchens and the terrified faces of their servants, bumping into footmen and maids as you hurried along the passage, hearing screams now behind you. Someone shouted the word 'magic!', and a shiver travelled down your spine, for no humans possessed such forbidden powers.
At the very end of the western passage, the carved doors to the chapel stood open, and you rushed into the welcoming glow of the candle-lit chamber. For a moment a pair of frightened eyes regarded you from behind the stone altar atop the dais, but then the small acolyte fled through a low door in the corner, and you heard the unmistakable sound of that passage being locked and barred from the other side. You ran to it and hammered on the door, desperate for admittance.
“Priests!” you called. “Help me! We are under attack!” Only silence greeted your words, and the door did not open. No one would come to your aid. Feeling like prey chased into a trap, you turned back to the entrance through which you'd arrived, then drew in a hissing breath of horror.
In the passage, slowly making his way towards you, walked a thing of nightmares. You knew it instantly for who he was; the long arms hung low, the back straight with confidence, pale skin almost silvery due to lack of sunlight. His black hair, streaked with whites on both sides, styled neatly in contrast to his beard. Here walked the Evil Sorcerer Supreme, a being of fireside tales and darkest dreams. His eyes were blue, two glowing orbs regarded you from the hallway, utterly inhuman.
You had seen sketches once, in the library, of his image. He had always carried a long staff and worn dark ragged robes, but his black tainted hands were empty, his form was covered in a robe of silver, his tunic black. The stories had made them out to be creatures of the basest kind, their intellect no greater than that of potion brewers and spell casters, and yet you saw a keen intelligence in the gaze it fixed on you.
He stepped into the chapel with languid movements, and though your body screamed for you to flee, you remained before the barred door, your back pressing into the hard wood as your limbs froze in fear. The Sorcerer closed the doors at the entrance with a sweep of his hand, never taking his eyes off you. When that clawed hand lifted again, he drew a symbol in the air before him, and purple light dazzled your eyes. Darkness swept you into its embrace.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
You knew, even before you looked at the low-burned candles, that you had lost time. In the recesses of your mind, the part that had not succumbed to the spell, you had noted the passage of hours, the steady silencing of the keep as more and more of its people were subdued. How many of their bodies littered the passages of this once-great manor?
You tried to sit up, your mind fogged with magic. With a curious sense of detachment you noted the magical chains that bound you to the altar, chains of purple light that fixed your ankles and wrists to the far corners of the stone slab. You could lift your head only a little, and when you did, it was to find the sorcerer standing at the foot of the altar, watching you with a look that you had seen sometimes in the eyes of men, a look of hunger. He grinned when he noticed your attention, revealing two rows of terrible razor-sharp canines.
“What is your name, daughter of the house?” he asked you, and it was not the guttural speech that the stories told of, but a lilting, strangely accented speech.
Your heart sped up as you met his gaze, then wished desperately that you had remained unconscious a while longer. But, you suspected, your waking had likely been at his command, just as your slumber had been.
“Your obstinacy will not serve you. I can make you speak, you know.” He stepped closer, laying one of his rough fingers on the flesh of your calf.
“(Y/N),” you said immediately, desperate to do or say whatever would keep those hands away from your body. But his fingers still curled around your leg, and his grin broadened, and he said your name quietly as his hand trailed higher, disappearing under the hem of your dress. You struggled against his attention, but the chains held you in place, and you could do nothing to stop the tainted hands that came to rest at the apex of your thighs.
But then the hand withdrew, and you let out a shuddering breath of relief. The flickering light of the candles threw curious shadows along the walls, strange monstrous shapes, but none as terrifying as the being before you. He reached into the belt of his robe and produced a small dagger, and for a moment you did not know whether to weep for fear of your imminent death, or to rejoice that your end would come before he could do other, unspeakable things to you.
He stepped close and brought the blade to your neck, and tears sprang to your eyes, for you were afraid after all. But the blade did not bite into your flesh, but into the front of your dress and the shift that lay beneath it, and he slit your garments from nape to calf, so that the fabric parted and fell away from your heaving breasts. The Sorcere’s cold eyes trailed from your bosom, down to your sex that you tried to cover. At the front of his robes, something stirred, and a blush travelled down the length of your form at the realisation of his arousal.
“Do you know who I am, (Y/N)?” he asked you, the dagger dropping to the floor.
“S-Sorcerer Supreme,” you whispered, so softly you could barely hear your own words.
“Yes. That I am. But am I the creature you've read about, a simpleton monster no better than an old warlock that lurks in your woods? Am I that?” He was so close now, standing near your head. His hand came down to caress the curve of your trembling lips.
“Am I that?” he asked again, holding your gaze with the strange blue brilliance of his own.
“No,” you whispered finally.
“No, I am not,” he agreed. “For I am of the Dark Khaos, blessed by the god Chthon who first made us lay with the women of human-kind. The blood of man runs in my veins, as in yours. And the blood of human and Dark Khaos will flow in the veins of our child. Do you understand, (Y/N)?” He trailed a short, sharp nail from your lips, to your collarbone, to your breast. When he brushed your nipple and you shuddered, he said, ever so softly, “Yes... I think you understand.”
He bent his mouth to your breast, his black hair curtaining his features. You did not see that terrible mouth seize your peak, but felt it keenly as he first licked, then began to suckle. After a moment he drew back to look at you in bemusement, his wide lips flecked with droplets of milk, but his lust grew and he bent again to your breast, drinking deeply of the milk that only that morning you had thought would feed your human child.
A strange shiver passed through your body as he drank at your breast, and soon his hand closed around your other breast, kneading and squeezing as he drank his fill. In the pit of your belly a feeling began to grow, a foreign sensation that was almost a need, though for what, you could not say.
Finally he stood back, his breathing uneven, much like your own, “I can wait no longer,” he said, reaching between the folds of his robe to touch himself. You refused to look, but from the corner of your eye you saw him step away, and hope flared within you that he might abandon this terrible onslaught.
But it was not to be. When you finally turned your head, it was to find him watching you as he untied the belt at his waist, then let his robes fall to the floor. You did not wish to look, but could not immediately pull your attention away, for the Sorcerer was strangely handsome indeed. His chest was muscular, his torso lean, each of his ribs visible beneath the taut pale skin. The curves of his arms represented his strength, and the legs were long and muscular. Between them hung his manhood, if such it could be called. 
You had seen glimpses of male genitalia, had even blushing listened as your maid tried to prepare you for what to expect on your wedding night. His cock seemed to grow as you watched, rising to jut proudly forward, and despite your fear and disgust, you felt a strange slipperiness between your thighs as your nipples hardened to taut peaks. 
Stephen smiled as though he knew what you were feeling, and came to stand at the foot of the altar. Slowly he stroked himself, his gaze travelling the length of you. He climbed onto the altar, and you began to struggle in earnest, your heart hammering with terror in your breast. But the chains held you in place, and at a snap of his fingers they tightened even more, so that your legs were spread wider.
Desperately you lifted your head, watching the length between his thighs, knowing that it would soon be within you, if it could fit. So focused were you on that glistened tip of his cock, that you did not see him reach for your cunt with his hand. A finger, cold and calloused, slipped between the folds of that sacred opening, and you drew in a sharp gasp at the foreign sensation. Not even your own finger had ever entered there, and yet the sorcerer pushed his long digit deeper into the space while you bucked and cried to dislodge him.
“(Y/N),”he murmured your name with a caress on his lips. “What is this?”
You did not understand what he was asking, and thrashed all the more as though to dislodge both his finger and his words from your being. But it made no difference; the finger stirred again in your depths, painfully, and he watched your face, waiting for an answer you would not give.
“I shall tell you. This,” and you felt again that deep pressure, “this is your maidenhead. I had not thought to find a virgin here. But you will be a virgin no longer.” He withdrew his finger, holding it up to the light as he rubbed it with his thumb. Your wetness glistened on his flesh, and you trembled at the shame of your body's betrayal.
He straddled you, one long muscular leg kneeling on either side of your splayed hips. You screamed as his cock dragged along your thigh. He silenced your screams with a kiss, his tongue plunging deeply into your mouth while one hand pinched your breast. Then his teeth grazed your lips and led a prickling trail down your throat to your other breast, where he latched onto your nipple once more, suckling desperately. Pleasure coursed through you again at the workings of his mouth, and for a moment you were only focused on that, that new, strange feeling, when suddenly you felt a prodding at your core.
Your nether-lips, slick with the fluid of your arousal, parted gently at the insistent prodding, and suddenly the head of his cock was pushing into your entrance, pushing hard and quickly against that barrier that had once been meant as a gift to your future husband. With a stab of sharp pain that barrier gave way, his cock pushing into you, slipping in as far as it could go, Stephen burying himself in your body up to the hilt of his cock.
You screamed, and this time he did not silence you, but remained perfectly still, basking in the pleasure of impaling you so deeply. You felt every vein and strange ridge of that organ pressing into you, it filled you as you had never thought a man might fill a woman. 
In a mix of pain in amazement, you looked down to where their bodies met, you saw only the last few millimetres of his thick base that he had not managed to press into you.
His breathing at your breast was ragged. He, too, looked to where their bodies joined, and you felt him twitch within you. He lifted his gaze to your pretty, terrified face, drinking in your every expression as he slowly withdrew, inch by inch.
You watched his cock retreat from your depths, your heart turning over at the evidence of your lost innocence, the faint smear of red along that thick shaft. But your mind was innocent still, and you did not understand the way of mating, and you thought that it was over, that he was withdrawing and spent. And he saw every thought as it passed through your mind, so that he knew already that you would scream when he slammed into you again, suddenly, brutally, and he seized your mouth with his own and swallowed you screams as he began to fuck you.
In and out and in and out he went, and but for your whimpers, there was only the sound of his cock squelching in and out of your body. It was a wet, lewd, primal sound, and for a while Stephen closed his eyes as he plunged into you, a look of utter bliss on his handsome face as he listened to your bodies meeting and parting. Though his withdrawal and renewed onslaught came again and again, your body could not grow accustomed to it, and you still felt a deep ache every time he penetrated your deepest part. But beneath that ache, there was something else... something that shamed you too much to admit it.
He rode you hard, making small animalistic noises as you massaged the length of him with every plunging motion. He suckled and bit at youryour nipples in a frenzy, one hand teasing the other breast with his sharp nails. And you, ashamed, felt your pleasure growing.
Now, faced with the reality, you whimpered a denial over and over, “No... Please, no. Don't! Please don't!”
Such a thing was never meant to fit inside a human woman, you were certain. And likely he knew that, too, for it was only then that your captor turned his attention to your pleasure. He pummelling at your entrance with that thick knot of muscle, and sucked at your breast with renewed force, but now his free hand moved to where their bodies joined, and you felt his finger seeking the sensitive red nub above your opening.
You gasped at the contact, which sent a sudden current of energy through your limbs. He rubbed at that small protrusion with his rough finger, all the while fucking you with long, determined strokes. He listened to your breathing as it grew shallower, and you began to make small sounds of pleasure that you could not suppress, and when he judged the moment right he bit down on one nipple and twisted the other, while his finger at your womanhood pressed hard into the nub of your pleasure.
A wave of feeling such as you had never known coursed through you, a sense of euphoria that seemed to sweep from the crown of your head to the tip of your toes, tensing the muscles of your arms and legs, your cunt constricting desperately around the meaty organ buried within you. You cried out your pleasure, words that had no meaning as your body convulsed with the rush of pure bliss.
Your body held his member firmly for a heartbeat, then another, and another, until the last wave of pleasure had abated and that vice grip relaxed completely, as he had known it would. That was the moment he had been waiting for; as your opening slackened again, he withdrew quickly, relaxing the spell that held your legs splayed. 
With the bit of freedom this granted your limbs, he pushed your leg to fold at the knee, your heel flush against your buttock, and as he held that leg at an angle he inserted himself into you again and pressed hard against your opening, watching with breathless excitement as his cock squeezed painfully against your spread lips, to suddenly be swallowed completely as he sank once more into your depths.
You screamed at the new intrusion, your freedom leg kicking desperately to dislodge the Sorcerer, but he held you down and looked deeply into your eyes, letting out a low groan as his cock trembled within you, and now locked safely in your depths, began to spew its seed.
Closing his eyes, the Sorcerer gripped your hips tightly to him, and you felt the gushing of his cum into your body. Deep within you, in that place where your pleasure had formed, you felt a part of your body seize the intruding organ and his vile seed and eagerly draw it deeper into yourself, into that sacred core where a seed might be nurtured.
He did not move, his nails pressing painfully into your buttocks as he felt himself twitch within your warm depths, waves of pleasure coursing through him as his seed spewed from his phallus in powerful, ecstatic bursts. He groaned softly with every wave of pleasure, and when you moved beneath him he pressed you down into the stone to keep you still, to keep his cock within you.
He might have released your bonds then, and you would not have been able to escape, for the length filled you as no man ever would, and when you tried to pull away it brought a painful ache to your depths, and an almost animalistic response from the Sorcerer, who held you firmly in place while he bred you.
A minute passed, and another, and still they did not move. Finally, feeling the last of his release flowing into your passage, the Sorcerer released your hips from his painful grip. Limbs tired from the exertion, he felt then a need to rest awhile, but you were still tied together, the knowledge clear in your eyes as tears of horror and pain coursed down your cheek. 
Sighing, he released the shackle of your right arm and leg, carefully moving your leg over his own and lowering his body, so that he was no longer straddling you, but resting at an angle behind you. Despite knowing the futility of it, you lunged forward to move away from his body, and he snarled at you even as you whimpered at the pain of his cock pulling at your entrance.
Curling an arm around you to play with your nipple. Milk leaked onto his fingertip, and he grinned to himself, thinking of the child who would grow strong from that milk. And there would be a child. He had recognized the presence of kalawort in your system, often given to women to aid in fertility and bringing in their milk early. Whoever had been feeding you the brew had unwittingly aided him in ensuring the conceiving of a child. His child.
You lay on your side, crying softly as the Sorcerer fondled your breast, his cock still buried deep within you. Every now and then his cock would twitch, or a little shiver would cause the knot of muscle to flex, and small waves of pleasure would ride through your body again. Long, slow minutes passed, the silence only broken by your soft sobbing.
For a few moments, he watched the root of his cock where it disappeared into the tautly pulled lips of your body. At the sight he felt himself grow hard once more, and you whimpered as his hard length grew again inside you. 
He found himself growing aroused again as he watched you taking in the result of your copulation. As his cock released, surplus seed spilled from your depths, you watched with horror as it leaked from your body. But your interest flamed his desire, and he tightened the chains once more to have your spread on the stone slab, a small puddle of his seeds between your legs where he now hovered, briefly, preparing to enter you. He waited until he had your full attention, waited until your eyes were on his length, still glistening with his seed and the faintest hint of red, and then he sank deeply into you with a grunt, and you grunted too, as he had wanted you to.
And then, despite yourself, your body rose to meet his, desperate now for that wave of pleasure it had briefly known. He latched onto your nipple and small pleasing shocks went through you at his lusty suckling, and between your legs, your body gripped his cock with a desperate hunger, clamping around him and drawing him ever deeper.
He could not capitalise on the surprise of your own pleasure, and instead he pressed into you again and again, whispering entreaties over your gasps of pain until his cock was swallowed once more by your bruised womanhood. This time he did not close his eyes, but held himself completely still as his cock pulsed and spurted within you, and he saw the moment that your disgust gave way to something more. The heated gushing within you, you reached your own peak and wonder filled your eyes, and you spasmed around him, desperately seizing the entirety of his length as your body tightened around him and drew his seed deeper.
Finally, when the last of his seed was spent inside you, he rolled you onto your sides, still facing one another and locked together, and set his mouth at your breast, drinking languidly as he caressed your breasts, your back, your buttocks, and you fell into a deep, exhausted slumber. Eventually, when his cock had shrunk again, he pulled free of you, eliciting a sleepy moan from your parted, swollen lips.
Standing over you, he cast a spell of protection on you and the child that would grow inside you, his child. But he was sorcerer of no mean magic, and in the space of the next hour, he had stolen memories from the minds of each of the keep's sleeping inhabitants. For none had been slayed. 
He who had bred the lady of the house had known the moment he looked into your terrified face, that he wanted to see your every expression as he took you. The memory would stay with him, ever after stirring his loins when he thought of you.
You would not remember, not fully. None of the keep's denizens would. And in three weeks' time you would wed to The Prince, and he would bed you, and you would be with child. And if that child should be born a few weeks early, well, none would comment on it. With his father's magic and illusion coursing through him, the child would to all appearances be human. Only in the magical mishaps that sometimes occurred around him would there ever be any hint of his heritage, but by the time it had fully manifested, the Sorcerer Supreme would be back to claim his heir.
But the boy would not be alone in his experience. In a year's time, the keep of Blackburn would be filled with the sound of several squalling infants, all of them born to mothers who could not name nor recall their babe's fathers. Only in the embrace of your husband would you sometimes wonder why your body seemed to yearn for something more than the human member buried in your depths. Only sometimes, as your husband rode between your thighs, your mind would conjure an image of a blue-eyed Sorcerer, and your pleasure would rise to glorious peaks.
Some things can never fully be forgotten.
TAGS: @gracecaldwellx @goldencherriess @gaitwae @classicrebound @gwephen @thealleydog @lucimorningst4r @allie131313 @dragonqueen89 @xunquish-blog @d0ct0rstrangewife @pinkplayer14 @ironstrange1991 @mirikusashes @strangeobsessed @jyessaminereads @boop-le-snoot @pinkthick
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paradimeshifts7 · 2 years
Punk Pop Steddie Fic (in the works)
Currently finishing up the first chapter to the 2015 punk pop Steddie au of my dreams. Literally so ecstatic about this one -- going back to my ROOTS! Here's a lil taste:
He looks over at his guitar, the black case punched in towards the center in that tell-tale way that lets him know the damage is extensive without him even having to look at it. He wonders if it can be fixed, because something about smashing your guitar right before what might be the biggest show you’ve ever done does not feel like a good omen. This guitar, in particular, means a great deal to him, because it had been his first — his only, really. Sat in the corner of his bedroom like an old friend for what felt like forever. 
Steve had been playing the guitar since he was little, ever since his mom gave him one for Christmas when he was twelve. It was too big for him, because what did she know about guitars, but it was expensive, and it sang like a dream. He spent years secretly strumming away at those nickel strings in his room, the one thing that was just his — that no one could take away from him. 
Friends came and went, but Steve’s love for that tawny instrument never faded. He would make trips to the library by himself, wander the shelves of the music section until the librarian knew him by face, often pulled out a couple practice books to set aside for him. She was a spitfire of an old lady, silver hair and a smile just for Steve, who always brought his books back on time, always said please and thank you like he was taught. His parents knew, surely, what with the sounds coming from his room every evenings, but if they cared, they never let on. And for a kid whose worth was so often defined by how well he did, it was actually an act of mercy that they didn’t say anything. Steve was good at sports, had a natural proclivity towards it that his dad had made sure to capitalize on.
Go make me proud, kid. 
So there really wasn’t any other option than to excel, to practice and throw his whole soul into it — to not except anything less than what his dad would clap for, what would earn him a smile or a hand on his shoulder. 
Guitar wasn’t like that, though. In the quiet of the evening, barely too-big instrument cradled in his lap, Steve could take his time. There was no one watching him, so it didn’t matter if his hand slipped. Sour chord or perfect tune, it made no difference. He worked his way through basic practice books until he had taught himself how to read music, dyslexia be damned. And when he found he could easily translate the notes on the page to the strings of his guitar, he started learning harder songs. By the time he was in high school, he had played through most of the library’s repertoire — had to start slinking by the only music store in town to get what he needed. 
It wasn’t like he was afraid of being found out. Frankly, being recognized for his musical abilities would have probably won him more dates than he’d have known what to do with it. But as soon as people knew, it wouldn’t be his anymore, so he tread carefully — visited the music store only when he was sure that he wouldn’t be seen. He learned every song he could get his hands on, scanned every piece of sheet music that came his way and picked his way across the strings of his guitar. So when Eddie said, “it’s very metal, what you did”, Steve played dumb. Of course he knew Black Sabbath, but he didn’t know Eddie — not yet. So it was safer to play coy, to keep the things that were just his close to the chest like he knew how. 
Nancy Wheeler was the first girl he’d ever wanted to write a song for. Nothing on the radio could quite encompass what he wanted to say to her, nothing screamed Nancy enough to be worthy of her caliber. He started singing, just softly at first, like he had always done when he was learning songs, but his voice got louder with each passing week — each time that lovely girl gave him the time of day, flashed that pretty smile in the hallway when their eyes met, teeth hidden behind those lips that Steve felt less than normal about. 
The first thing he wrote was utter shit, a blathering mess of trite expressions and words that barely rhymed. That particular work had met its end in the trash can, but he didn’t give up, because even though it was shit, it felt good to put pen to paper. Thinking about Nancy, her stormy blue eyes and the way she looked at him like she just couldn’t help it. 
He never played anything for anybody, not even Nancy, until he’d been a little drunk one night and strummed something for Robin, sat splayed out together on his bed while his parents were away. She had looked at him with such love and pride that he thought he would burst, and had actually blushed when she told him how good he was, her eyes a little wide like she couldn’t quite believe it. So he played for her sometimes when she asked, because Robin was special and she didn’t count as other people. And when he played for Eddie, when the metalhead was laid up in the hospital recovering from near death, he wondered if Eddie, too, wasn’t other people. 
In the months that followed, he didn’t stop wondering. 
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jeonstellate · 1 year
until the end of time
like the hands on the clock, the story of jihoon and [first name] will go back to the start.
๑彡 lee jihoon x gender neutral!reader
๑彡 reincarnation!au, see you in my 19th life-inspired!au — character death — angst
๑彡 paragraph format — 1.4K words
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[gif’s full credit belongs solely to its owner]
Lee Jihoon is tired. Exhausted. Drained.
He has seen a million sunsets from multiple corners of the world. He has seen countless empires rise and fall into the ashes they once came from. He has seen hundreds — if not thousands — of people he was once close to succumb to the way of the world.
He has lived through a number of predicted world ends, just to witness another day after.
But Lee Jihoon is not immortal. He is not a vampire, not a werewolf, not a wizard, nor an owner of an elixir.
Rather, Lee Jihoon is a mere mortal — burdened with the memories of his past lives.
However, for someone who can remember all sixteen of his past lives, he sure has forgotten a lot of things over the centuries. He supposed he has the imperfection of human brains to thank, especially in regards to his accumulated memories blurring together after he reached his seventh life. It is not like he prefers it any other way, anyway, since the said flaws actually lessened the burden of remembering.
He no longer remembers when he decided to lessen the deep connections he makes in each life . . . until eventually he stopped all together. He recognizes that decision made him colder in each reincarnation, but he found himself not caring. People will forget him anyway, but he will not. At least not until his memories of them join the blur.
Lee Jihoon has no regrets living detached, especially if he survived sixteen past lives to date without going insane. And now, on his seventeenth life, he plans to live similarly.
Except he met [first name].
[Full name]. The child of his mother’s best friend. The child who is protected from the world’s cruelty by their age and is full of curiosity and wonder because of it. The child who is, more likely than not, currently living their first life.
At first, Jihoon was annoyed by [first name]. How could he not? They literally walked into his life fascinated by sunlight and rainbows, as if they were made of magic. It was appropriate for their age then, single-digit it was, as it was for him — although he was a few years older. He did not count their naïveté against them, though, partly because he would have been in the same boat had he not regained all of his memories a week before they met. If anything, it was safer to say that he was actually jealous of [first name]; envious of their ability to keep their innocence until they are old enough to find out the truth themselves, without memories of past lives ruining the rose-tinted glasses early on.
Jihoon tried his hardest to be nonchalant about [first name]’s existence. It even came to the point where he tried to ignore them the best way he could, just to put more distance between. However, his efforts had been proven to be futile — especially given that [first name] was an oblivious and persistent child. Thus, against his own judgment, he still wound up attached to them.
Instead of using his jealousy to rip away their innocence about the world, Jihoon uses his feelings to protect their innocence for as long as he can. After all, he might have preferred to don a cold exterior, but he is not entirely heartless. And since he is not given the chance to enjoy an untainted world view, he made it his personal mission that [first name] does. For both of their sakes.
Through [first name], Jihoon gets to live. He is not simply existing nor trudging through his seventeenth life. He actually has a purpose — and is actually making memories worth remembering.
And yet . . . he still holds [first name] at a distance. He merely considers them as a child that needs his protection, rather than as a best friend — like how they see him as. It is undeniable that he cares for them more than he would like to admit, but his curse is hindering him from accepting it.
Lee Jihoon simply cannot experience another lifetime of longing for a soul who will not remember him once their life resets. He simply refuses to.
However, like a flame to a moth, [full name] is oblivious to the dilemma they are unknowingly putting him through.
On the day of [first name]’s tenth birthday, they are strangely adamant that Jihoon has to spend it with them. Albeit they have known each other for years at this point, they have yet to celebrate [first name]’s birthday together. It really is not a big deal, especially considering that they see each other fairly often, but it is apparently so for [first name]. And Jihoon, who prioritizes their happiness above all else, just has no other choice.
"What ride are you looking forward to go on, [first name]-ssi?" The chosen address is a manifestation of Jihoon’s attempt to put a distance between, while not ignoring the familiarity. Frankly, it is a stark contrast to [first name]’s chosen address for him, ‘Jiji’ and ‘Hoon-ie’, considering that they are much more unconstrained when it comes to feelings and societal norms.
"The carousel!" The birthday celebrant exclaims excitedly, making him face them in anticipation for their inevitable blabber. Truth be told, Jihoon has grown fond of watching [first name] talk about something they feel strongly about. Especially since he gets to witness the strengthening spark in their eyes whenever they get more excited. "You should ride it—"
However, this time, the blooming feeling in his chest is not light. Rather, once his head turns towards them, he is suddenly filled with a familiar suffocating feeling.
An intuition he only gets whenever he is close to reset.
Jihoon’s mind is immediately at a panic. The fact that his intuition flared up now, while he is still inside a moving vehicle, can only mean—
He feels the impact first, before he hears the shattering and the bending.
He wants to call out to [first name]. But he finds himself unable to. Not when his breath has been knocked out of him. Especially not when he can feel hot liquid oozing down his face.
It takes an incredible amount of will and pain to even try to look at [first name]’s face. However, all of those are nothing compared to the moment when he finally sees what he is looking for.
[First name] suffered more from the impact, no doubt because most of the force came in their general direction. He cannot see how he looks like at the moment, but it is easy to imagine he does not look as bad as [first name]. Especially because their eyes stayed close even after the effect of the impact has subdued. Still, he thinks nothing of their stillness, mostly because he does not have enough blood flowing through his brain to even think.
And yet, just before the blood loss overtakes his consciousness, Lee Jihoon suddenly remembers the first life he has forgotten.
He started out as a prince. In an era where rivalry between neighboring kingdoms were prevalent and deadly, he just so happened to be in love with a child of an enemy. They managed to keep it within themselves in the cloak of the night, but—
Someone eventually ripped the comfort of the cloak away. And with it, came the price.
The prince was forced to watch the love of his life get executed, prohibited to do anything by the rope around his feet and by the strong arms locking his own in place. They showed no mercy with the royal-born, mostly because one had the blood of the enemy and the other had been labeled a traitor.
Fortunately, with the ounce of mercy left within their being, the guards at least allowed the two to bid farewell.
I’ll find you in the life after death. Even it takes a hundred lifetimes, wait for me. I’ll find you.
His so-called curse, as it turns out, originates from an oath. A promise born from pain, which inflicted knives of loneliness once forgotten. A promise so sincere that both the universe and time conspired to see its completion.
And after sixteen more lifetimes, Lee Jihoon has finally found the reincarnation of his love from his first life. [First name].
Unbeknownst to him, long before he started fighting for his life in the ICU, [first name] has already started their journey on the next do-over.
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ina-nis · 10 months
Loneliness: It's not something we have, or something we're victims of. (...) Depression is easier to talk about, Kim argues, because it “is a recognized illness with a biological basis.” The liberally minded, at least, “understand that the depressed are victims rather than makers of their misfortune." Loneliness, by contrast, does not enjoy this objective status. Nor, Kim notes, does it “benefit from the same sympathetic perspective of victimhood.” Loneliness, which “cannot yet be attributed to brain chemistry,” is often perceived instead as “a social dysfunction of one’s own invention.” It is rarely raised as a personal issue, he continues, because the “unspoken assumption” is “that if you are lonely, then you must be unlikeable or socially maladapted.”
(...) The trouble with loneliness, in other words, is that subjective experience cannot be eliminated. Talking about a disorder like depression transforms feelings into something more physical (...) something that has you. The personal difficulties I am struggling with and the beliefs that shape my emotional experience disappear, replaced by the abstract it of depression, a malignant external force. But Kim does not have loneliness. He is lonely (...) His “confessions of loneliness” leave him open to judgments of inadequacy. It is so much safer to be considered a “victim” of depression. Then, all this human messiness disappears from the conversation. (...) Murthy recently revisited the subject (...) Loneliness, for Murthy, is something people often bring on themselves, as he illustrates with both his own experience and that of a friend. It can be addressed by simple choices to “prioritize human connection.” His tick-box recommendations for success: strengthen existing programs “that bring people together,” use our devices less, and “reach out to people we care about” more.
It’s a familiar list, often repeated. Loneliness, in this scheme, is a lack of social interaction. But people like Kim are rightly wary of this reduction. They know that many outgoing people with active social lives are lonely. (...) Kim described his loneliness in various ways. He talked about a lack of “deep, nourishing bonds,” a feeling that “no one truly understands me,” an emptiness and sense of isolation, and the “awful feeling of being encaged” in his own mind. Such characterizations do not suggest a mere lack of social contact or the need for programs “that bring people together.” They suggest an estrangement from others. Not an absence, but a quality, of relations that lack meaningful connection, feel alien, or are non-responsive. Relations, in short, that are “relationless,” that are mute and do not speak. The element of estrangement stands out in another word that Kim uses for loneliness: alienation. Alienation, though not synonymous, is a helpful concept for thinking about the personal experience of loneliness because it can be defined only in relation to specific contexts or social expectations—to what a person is alienated from. Rather than another abstraction, it can direct our attention to the ways in which people feel disconnected from their social worlds.
Among the possible forms of personal alienation that might relate to loneliness, three feelings stand out: homelessness, insecurity, and powerlessness. By homeless, I don’t mean a physical condition—being homeless—but a sense of not belonging. Disconnection, for instance, might follow a loss of meaningful others and accompany grief or homesickness or health challenges that restrict interaction. It might reflect a detachment from a situation or community, such as when we do not share the values or goals that are highly regarded by those around us. We might feel homeless when we do not feel respected, or our abilities or accomplishments valued. A sense of disconnection might also arise from a marginalization enforced by others, as when our “type” is disfavored, or we have been singled out and ostracized.
By insecurity, I mean not a lack of confidence or a feeling of anxiety but a distressing awareness of the tenuousness or superficiality of our social relations. The lack of depth and satisfaction may be especially felt in educational and professional settings, which can be highly competitive and where rewards hinge on carefully orchestrated presentations of self. Rather than being cultivated toward genuine friendship, associations are developed for such networking purposes as enhancing prestige or climbing ladders. Rather than being open and honest, relations are characterized by diffuse distrust, invidious comparisons, and mask-wearing. There is an enforced aloneness when no one can afford to be vulnerable. Finally, by powerless, I mean not so much the inability to control situations, as a perceived lack of self-efficacy to make meaningful bonds. Much in our world is unstable, precarious, unpredictable. The few remaining rules of conduct tend to be negative: what not to do. Lack of guidance and sheer self-protection can lead to a closing off from others. Retreating into ourselves, we may find, to quote Alexis de Tocqueville, confined “in the solitude of [our] own heart.” A truly responsive relationship, one in which both parties speak with their own voice, may seem unattainable. We may doubt not only our ability to reach another person but our ability to make an accommodating response should they be touched or affected by us.
Loneliness, in short, is complex. It defies the language of victimization, on the one hand, and the reduction to merely quantitative terms, on the other. At stake is often an estrangement from our surroundings that is neither external to us nor a matter of the number of people with whom we might interact. Loneliness concerns the quality of our relations, their mutuality, the ways in which they speak or fail to speak to us. If we want to understand loneliness, this is where we have to look (x)
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Would love to get more MK thoughts and am always up for asking shit: how do or do you think the boys’ way of showing love changed between pre Cairo and post Cairo, as far as the changes in their personal development and in their relationships? Like would Steven’s ways of showing care to coworkers pre show be different from how he shows care for Layla post show? Or would they be the same in a different font?
Oh man oh man. So I did a post a while back about Love languages. (HERE) But that was more about direct displays of affection.
But The fun things about this stuff is that headcannons and metas can grow/expand/change.
Just like love!
Besides, I think that was more of just a how they specifically love language with Layla. Or someone in an intimate setting/figure of interest.
So I apologize if I repeat myself or go off the rails because I LOVE this stuff.
Of course how they show love changed! Everything about them has changed! But most of all, their ability to recognize themselves has changed.
So pre-Cairo: The biggest change is Marc. We see a bit of Marc's dynaic with Layla on the boat. He's cocky, he's up for adventure. He teases. And of course "Layla would be down to kill the hippo and steal the boat." Marc loves Layla. He idolizes her to a point. In his mind, she is this perfect thing that is too good for him. She needs protection from himself and the horrible things he brings along.
He also has a dichotomy going on. Because he allowed himself to fall for her and get into a relationship with her before he got too far into his own head and pushed her away.
It was like for a brief moment he had confidence and thought he might deserve to want happiness. But then when his mother died and grief overtook him (not for her, but for himself and all that she took from him in life and death), he remembered that he didn't believe in himself or what he was worth.
POST CAIRO: Marc cannot afford to idolize like that anymore. It's bad for him. He cannot see her as a perfect being outside of his worth. He has to learn to see her for who she is. She isn't perfect. She makes mistakes. She can take care of herself. She is capable of her own choices and handling hard truths. Seeing her take up the role of Scarlet Scarab and fight was probably eye opening for him.
But also letting Steven care about him is also a lesson he has learned. Marc saw himself in the role as protector of everyone. Who do we want to protect most? Those we love. He might not have even realized it. That the more he loved them, the more he wanted to protect them, the more he pushed them away from himself. Marc has to accept that he is not the protector. This is not his role. He needs protecting. He's carried too much for too long and now he needs to rely on other people.
I think his new love language is realizing that as much as he wants to protect them, he needs to learn to rely on them.
Maybe he starts to awknowledge when he is feeling out of sorts or overwhelmed and he brings Steven in willingly. Maybe he notes when he needs to be close to someone and he lets Layla be there. He would struggle to admit it outloud. He would never go to her and ask to be held, but perhaps he would wordlessly take her hand and pull her close.
To an outsider, it would seem like he is pulling her in so that he can control or protect her, but in truth, he is asking her to be there for him. He needs the physical touch that isn't brutal or harsh. He needs the gentle reassurances. Reminders that love can be tender and kind.
It may even seem like he's hiding behind Steven when he lets Steven take over, but really he's trusting Steven to get him out of a sitaution he's lost control of. He is asking Steven to guide him to a safer place emotionally.
STEVEN! Oh Steven. He's changed so much too!
Steven is the kind of boy that would bring a large healthy lunch to school. He'd sit with his friends and note their poor lunch choices. The one that buys pizza every day or the one that gets chips and chocolate milk every day. He'd set his bag of carrots down in the middle of the table and note how he has too many and feel great happiness as they all partake of his food. He'd silently hand out grapes without them asking or he'd give them half his sandwich saying how he had a large breakfast and didn't want it.
Thing is, Steven feels love by making other people happy. He wants them to feel his joy. He wants them to be excited.
Problem is, Steven often suffers for it. Like with Donna, he was always going to her with expectation of bringing her around to his happy world or of getting rewarded for his knowledge.
His co-workers don't see him as a useful person. They ignore him. They think he's just the strange man who prattles on and on about things that don't matter to them. Perhaps Steven started to believe it. That all his learnings and self taught studies were a waste of time.
Post Cairo: Steven has learned just how useful he is. He can do things that he puts his mind to. All his studies and readings came in handy. He not only found Alexander the Great's lost tomb, he could read the glyphs, he could solve the puzzles, he could even protect Layla and Marc. He has found his place as a helper.
He is the guide to Marc. He is the helper to those that need a voice to stand up for them. The voice of reason. He's smart and he is worthy of love.
Love is what Steven wants most of all. He was born out of a desire to be safe and to be loved.
So how does his language change? He learns how to protect in the way that is needed. Steven learns kindness. Of course he was always kind and hopeful, but he learns how to BE these things.
He tells Marc his truth that it wasn't his fault. He learns his strength to fight for Marc. He learns to fight for Layla (not just fight, but to deside she is worth fighting for). He learns how to stand up to Harrow and his immortal beliefs.
I think Steven would still bring a large lunch to work and share with his co-workers. He still wants people to be happy. He wants to bring joy to people and he wants them to be passionate about things. But this time, I think he not only learns how to stand up for himself when they try to bring him down, but he also learns how to LISTEN to people.
Listening to what Marc's story was really telling him. Not just seeing Marc as the killer and bad person that Marc presented himself as. He had to look past it and really SEE marc and listen to him to understand what Marc needed was kindness and love.
How he shows love for Layla? He loves seeing her smile. Hearing her laugh. He loves the blush she does when complimented. Steven takes over the worshiping part. He lavishes on Layla. Tells her how beautiful she is. How smart she is. He lets her show her interests. Marc is the wild side. The part that lets Layla be adventurous and wild and carefree and have fun. Steven is the side that lets Layla be intelligent and quiet and at peace.
Not to say that Marc can't sit with Layla on a couch and just nestle in and be quiet with her for hours on end, or that Steven can't go on a trasure hunt with her. It's more of an emotional and mental balance. When she's passionate about history, she could tell Marc and he'd listen and nod, but he wouldn't understand. She knows she can geek out with Steven. When she wants to go be goofy and stay up all night and run from food cart to food cart all night, she can do this with Marc who will always point out the next bad fast food cart down the street and race her there.
Marc has learned to be open and self respecting. Steven has learned how to be less judgemental and to stand up for what he wants.
Jake? Jake is learning. This is the most active he's been in ages. He's had to step out of the shadows more than a few times. He's grumpy. He's tired of hiding. I think Jake is starting his own journey. He's learning that to protect his system, he cannot just casually slip in and out and call it a day. He must seek out those that would hurt them and take care of it. I think this is the start of his own love language.
I think Jake loves his system deeply and has never thought about showing it. He just wanted to watch and observe. But now, he is learning that love is protection. It is powerful displays of "don't fuck with my family, hombre. I will fuck you up."
And I think if/when Marc and Steven figure this out, it's going to be like suddenly realising you have been standing in the middle of a hurriane this whole time, but had no idea because a hell of an umbrella was over you the whole time.
Jake is going to need Steven's kindness and Steven will have to utilize his new found abilities to listen and observe. Jake is also going to need Marc's new found ability to open up and realize his own self worth. He is going to have to realize that Jake is there FOR him and Because of him. Jake is going to have to learn how to stay out of the shadows. To show his love and protective instinct. To be the voice that tells Steven "Don't eat that, it's been sitting on the counter for days" or tell Marc "put the bottle down, go talk to Layla". And they will have to learn to tell Jake "we can do this as a team. You don't have to take it all on by yourself".
....did that answer your question? I feel like I'm just out here screaming and pointing and frothing at the mouth sometimes.
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healthsupplement24 · 24 days
Brazillian Wood™ | Official Website | No.#1 Natural Male Supplement
Brazilian Wood AU is a special supplement made to make men healthier and more energetic. It's made by Supernatural Man LLC. It's safe and won't cause any bad effects. This supplement has natural ingredients like herbs and plant extracts that help with common problems like feeling tired and having low energy. It makes your blood flow better and helps your body work better at the cellular level. Brazilian Wood has simple but strong ingredients like Yohimbine, L-Arginine, and Ginger. These help improve your health and energy naturally.
✔ Brazilian Wood helps keep hormones balanced.
✔ It boosts energy levels in a good way.
✔ It helps make nitric oxide, which is good for your body.
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Java Burn nutritional supplement is manufactured in a factory in the US.
Customer Review of Brazillian Wood
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"Brazilian Wood has made a noticeable difference in my vitality and overall well-being. I feel more energized throughout the day, and the positive impact on my sexual health is undeniable. The 60-day money-back guarantee convinced me to give it a try, and I'm so glad I did. It's become a staple in my routine, and I can't imagine going without it. Cheers to a fantastic product!"
What is Brazilian Wood US Supplement?
Brazilian Wood is a special pills that helps men stay healthy, especially when it comes to their sex life. It's made from extracts of plants and herbs, which are like the natural medicines that plants give us.
Taking Brazilian Wood every day is a good idea. It's made from plants, so it's not likely to cause any harm to your body, even if you take it for a long time. Supernatural Man LLC says it's even better and safer than other pills you can buy without needing a special prescription from a doctor.
This pill is made for guys who are a bit older, like over 35, and who might be having some trouble with their sex life. But don't worry, it's easy to take, and it probably won't cause any problems if you're already taking other medicines. Supernatural Man LLC suggests taking it every day for more than six months to really see the benefits
Brazilian Wood helps more than just one part of the body. It helps the blood flow well, which is important for getting strong erections. It also boosts testosterone, which is good for fixing problems with hormones that can make you lose interest in sex or have trouble performing.
Also, Brazilian Wood gives you more energy so you can have longer and better times during sex.
Benefits of Brazilian Wood Supplement
Brazilian Wood offers a range of potential benefits for men seeking to enhance their sexual health and performance. The carefully formulated supplement contains a powerful blend of herbal and natural ingredients, each contributing to the overall effectiveness. Here are some of the potential benefits of Brazilian Wood:
Increased Libido: Brazilian Wood harnesses the power of natural aphrodisiacs such as Yohimbe and Muira Puama. These ingredients are known for their ability to stimulate sexual desire, potentially leading to an increase in libido.
Improved Erectile Function: The combination of Yohimbe, recognized for enhancing blood flow, and L-Arginine, a key amino acid supporting nitric oxide production, collaborates to improve erectile function. This synergy may result in stronger and longer-lasting erections, contributing to overall sexual satisfaction.
Enhanced Stamina: Brazilian Wood includes ingredients like Guarana and Ginger Root, which are believed to enhance energy levels and stamina. This combination may contribute to increased endurance, supporting improved performance in intimate situations.
Support for Ejaculate Volume and Testosterone: Ginger Root and Catuaba, integral components of Brazilian Wood, are associated with supporting ejaculate volume and boosting testosterone levels. These aspects are crucial for male sexual health, vitality, and overall well-being.
Vitality and Energy: The natural stimulant Guarana is incorporated into the formula to enhance vitality and mental focus. This contributes to sustained energy levels, fostering an overall sense of vitality and well-being.
Nitric Oxide Support: L-Arginine, a fundamental amino acid in Brazilian Wood, plays a pivotal role in promoting nitric oxide production. This mechanism helps dilate blood vessels, improving blood flow, and positively impacting sexual function and performance.
Natural and Herbal Ingredients: Brazilian Wood stands out for its commitment to utilizing natural and herbal ingredients sourced from the Brazilian rainforest and beyond. This holistic approach ensures a well-rounded and sustainable method to support male sexual health without resorting to synthetic compounds.
How Does Brazilian Wood Works?
Brazilian wood is a special plant that can help men with their sexual health. It has nutrients that are not common, which can make erections better and improve how well older men perform sexually.
Step 1: Fighting Bad Stuff in the Body
The makers of Brazilian Wood say that when people have sexual problems, it's often because their body cells aren't healthy. As people get older, or if they're around pollution a lot, or if they don't eat well, their cells can get damaged. Brazilian Wood has different plants in it that fight against this damage and help make new healthy cells.
Step 2: Making Blood Flow Better
When men get older, their blood doesn't flow as well as it used to. But for good erections, you need good blood flow. Brazilian Wood has things like amino acids and extracts from plants that help the heart and make sure blood flows well. This means better blood flow to the penis, which helps with erections.
Step 3: Increasing Testosterone
As men get older, they make less testosterone, which is a hormone that helps with lots of things, including erections. Brazilian Wood has extracts from ginger, which can help men make more testosterone. This means more energy, better sexual desire, and better performance.
Step 4: Making Sex Better
One of the best things about Brazilian Wood is a plant called Muira Puama. People think it can make sex better by increasing desire and making the body ready for it. Some studies say it might work like a natural aphrodisiac, which means it makes people more interested in sex. But we need more research to be sure.
To be healthier, Supernatural Man says men should take Brazilian wood pills every day. It's also a good idea to stop doing unhealthy things like smoking, using drugs, or drinking too much alcohol.
Is Brazilian Wood Safe?
Brazilian Wood is designed with your safety in mind, using a blend of natural and herbal ingredients known for their positive effects on male sexual health. The supplement undergoes careful formulation and testing to ensure it meets high-quality standards.
One key ingredient is Yohimbe, a natural aphrodisiac used for centuries. It works by increasing blood flow to the genital area, promoting stronger and longer-lasting erections. Another essential component is L-Arginine, an amino acid that supports nitric oxide production, helping to improve blood flow for healthy sexual function.
Ginger Root, also part of the formula, is known for supporting ejaculate volume and boosting testosterone levels. Testosterone is crucial for male sexual health, and Ginger Root contributes to overall well-being. Muira Puama, a potent herb from the Brazilian rainforest, has a history of traditional use to enhance libido.
Catuaba, another powerful herb native to Brazil, is included for its aphrodisiac properties and support for mental clarity. Guarana, a natural stimulant from the Amazon rainforest, is known for enhancing energy levels and mental focus. These ingredients work together in a balanced way to create a powerful supplement.
The safety of Brazilian Wood is reinforced by a 60-day 100% money-back guarantee. This means you can try the supplement risk-free, and if you decide it's not for you within the next two months, simply contact us for a full refund.
It's important to note that individual responses to supplements may vary, and it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new dietary regimen, especially if you have existing health conditions or are taking medications. Overall, Brazilian Wood is crafted to support your sexual health, and its safety is emphasized through the inclusion of well-known natural ingredients and the guarantee provided for your peace of mind.
Our Ironclad 60-day, Money-Back Guarantee
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Our 60-day money-back policy is simple: if you're not happy with our product within the first 60 days, we'll refund your full purchase amount. No questions asked. Just send us an email, and you'll get your money back. We believe in our product, and we want you to feel confident trying it. So, take your time, use the product, and if it doesn't meet your expectations, we've got you covered. Your satisfaction is our priority.
What are the ingredients backing Brazilian Wood?
The Brazilian Wood supplement contains a powerful blend of herbal and natural ingredients known for their potential benefits in supporting male sexual health. Here are the key ingredients:
Yohimbine: Derived from the bark of the Yohimbe tree, Yohimbine is a natural aphrodisiac. It has a long history of traditional use in supporting sexual health and enhancing libido. Yohimbine works by increasing blood flow to the genital area, promoting stronger and longer-lasting erections.
L-Arginine: L-Arginine is an essential amino acid crucial for the production of nitric oxide in the body. Nitric oxide helps dilate blood vessels, improving blood flow. In the context of Brazilian Wood, L-Arginine contributes to enhanced blood circulation to the genital area, supporting healthy sexual function and performance.
Ginger: Ginger is like a friendly spice that might make guys' private parts happy. Even though we don't know a lot about it, some studies say ginger can help blood move better, making you more interested and excited.
Muira Puama: Sourced from the Brazilian rainforest, Muira Puama is a potent herb with a history of traditional use for supporting sexual health. Its natural aphrodisiac properties make it a valuable addition to the formula, aiding in enhancing libido and overall sexual function.
Catuaba Bark: Catuaba, a powerful herb native to Brazil, has been traditionally used for its aphrodisiac properties. Beyond its impact on libido, Catuaba is known to support mental clarity and focus, providing a holistic approach to sexual well-being.
Guarana Seed: Guarana, a natural stimulant indigenous to the Amazon rainforest, is renowned for its ability to enhance energy levels and mental focus. Including Guarana in the Brazilian Wood supplement contributes to a natural energy boost, complementing the overall sexual health benefits of the formula.
Paullina Cupana (Guarana): Boosts energy levels, amplifies cognitive functions, and facilitates enhanced blood circulation, resulting in elevated sexual prowess.
FAQs Related to Brazilian Wood?
How can Brazilian Wood enhance my sexual experiences?
Brazilian Wood is carefully formulated with a powerful blend of natural ingredients known for their potential to boost libido, improve erectile function, and increase stamina. Users have reported increased vigor in bed, enhanced nitric oxide support, and improved erection support, contributing to an overall improvement in sexual well-being.
What sets Brazilian Wood apart from other male enhancement supplements?
Brazilian Wood stands out due to its synergistic combination of ingredients, including Yohimbe, L-Arginine, Ginger Root, Muira Puama, Catuaba, and Guarana. This unique blend is designed to provide comprehensive support for male sexual health, offering benefits such as increased ejaculate volume, elevated testosterone levels, and enhanced vitality and energy.
How quickly can I expect results from Brazilian Wood?
While individual experiences may vary, many users report experiencing results instantly. To maximize the benefits and achieve long-lasting effects, it is recommended to consistently take the pills as directed on the product label.
Is Brazilian Wood suitable for men of all ages and backgrounds?
Absolutely! Brazilian Wood is designed for adult males seeking to enhance their sexual experiences, address concerns like low libido or erectile dysfunction, and improve overall sexual well-being. Regardless of age or background, Brazilian Wood aims to unlock the full sexual potential of every user.
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primebusiness · 1 year
What are some ways to keep pedestrians safe?
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If you are walking, biking or driving, pedestrian safety is an important part of your responsibility. Every year, thousands of pedestrians are killed in car accidents across the country — a number that could be significantly reduced with the proper precautions.
Pedestrian fatalities and injuries have been on the rise in recent years, but with a little planning and common sense, these tragedies can be avoided. This is why National Pedestrian Safety Month, which is held in April, is a great time to raise awareness about the hazards of traffic and help people avoid becoming victims of road crashes. If you are injured in an accident, contact Dozier Law Firm.
1. Wear bright colors, especially during the day and at night. This will make it easier for drivers to see you, whether you are walking on the sidewalk or in the street.
2. Carry a flashlight or headlight to see in dark areas. This will also allow you to see if there are any vehicles in the area that you should avoid.
3. Educate yourself about the symptoms of heat sickness, dehydration, heart attacks and strokes. Learn to recognize these problems and be prepared to cut your walk short if you feel them coming on.
4. Look both ways before crossing streets. This will ensure that you don’t walk into oncoming traffic or get hit by a vehicle as it makes a turn.
5. Use a crosswalk when it is safe to do so. This is a safe way to cross the street and can prevent serious injuries from being caused by a driver who fails to see you.
6. Stay alert and don’t become distracted by phones, music or other activities. These distractions can take your attention away from the road and cause a pedestrian accident.
7. Drive carefully and obey all speed limits, particularly in pedestrian-heavy areas.
Keeping your vehicle clean and in good working order helps reduce the risk of being involved in an accident with a pedestrian. Taking care of your vehicle will also ensure that it is safer to be behind the wheel and that you can react quickly and effectively should an accident occur.
8. Always check your mirrors and keep them clean, as this will help you avoid a collision with a pedestrian.
9. Always be cautious around children or other vulnerable pedestrians, especially when there isn’t a crosswalk in place or the street is poorly lit.
10. Be careful with elderly and disabled pedestrians.
Elderly and disabled individuals have a harder time seeing, hearing, and feeling than other people do, so they need extra time to cross the street.
11. Always obey pedestrian countdown timers at traffic lights.
When a light changes to green for walking, wait until the countdown timer has finished before crossing. Otherwise, you might be surprised by the arrival of a large truck or other vehicle.
13. Don’t jaywalk, which can increase the likelihood of being injured by a motorist.
Jaywalking increases your risk of getting hit by a vehicle and can affect your ability to recover compensation in the event that you are hit. It is also illegal in many states and cities, so if you are jaywalking, you should consult with your attorney to ensure that you are covered for your injuries.
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heiresea · 2 years
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@evlest​ sent: “i, uh… i can’t swim.”
summer starters. / accepting.
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       the word ‘ still ? ’ nearly manages to escape her lips, halted only by the grit of her teeth. being abrasive, as natural as it may seem, wouldn’t be worth the memories that would follow. or rather, that’s what she tells herself in the lull of silence. though if she closes her eyes, beneath the comforting scent of the sea, uma swears she can smell the faintest hints of shrimp that refuses to leave her lungs. 
       at best, it’s awkward between them. there’s less hostility when they talk, but it’s been replaced by a heaviness, an unspoken acknowledgment of all the barbs & wounds they’ve shared over the years. how does one even make the attempt to trapeze the dangerous tightrope dividing the two of them ? do either of them WANT to ?
       even now, uma stands in line with the fae, unwilling to let mal out of her sight. if mal disappears, she could sneak away, & who knows what she might do with uma’s back turned. this close to the cresting & retreating of the sea, without any real sense of danger, there’s no desire to take her chances. even if she’s stronger now, even if she could call on the waves to serve her, she doesn’t want to give mal the opportunity to betray her again. letting her join the cecaelia here, in this space between land & sea, where she feels so close & connected to the magic that hums in her veins … that’s more than intimate enough.
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       “ y’don’t say, ” uma answers at last, acknowledging the admission with as much neutrality as she can. while it isn’t terribly surprising to learn that mal ( still ) can’t swim, she recognizes the hesitant words for what they are - a confession of vulnerability. perhaps even a weakness. the ocean is unforgiving & indifferent, someone lacking the ability to swim would never survive even just a few meters from shore. 
       “ well. guess that means you better not fall in. ” not again, she wants to say. but that first time was never real, not truly. not again, because they say history has a funny way of repeating itself. not again, because uma knows the consequences of rushing to save someone, knows what people bred in the selfishness of the isle would do, have done. not again, because even with that knowledge, uma knows with certainty that she’d run between the scattered broken pieces of shells & dive in headfirst & bring the ( untrustworthy, vain, backstabbing - ) dragoness back to safer sands. 
       & maybe that’s the most pathetic part of it all.
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Points to Try To Find When Working With a Demolition Specialist
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There are lots of things to search for when working with a demolition service provider. See to it you look for a permit, experience, and also insurance policy protection, among other elements. You'll desire a demolition contractor who will certainly be able to deal with your residential or commercial property securely and also correctly, along with supply you with the most effective high quality work. Here are some ideas to aid you make a decision. Additionally, think about inquiring about previous jobs finished by the flushing best demolition company. Regardless of the size of your job, it's important to speak to at the very least 3 demolition specialists prior to making a decision. Demolition jobs threaten, and also if you're not careful, you might end up with a major accident. 
In addition to the opportunity of harmful power lines or water lines. Employing a demolition professional is the safer alternative and will certainly help you determine a budget plan. It's not essential to have a specific certificate to execute demolition, yet it's still good to check. If you're working with a demolition business, see to it that the company you're thinking about has an excellent performance history as well as an excellent credibility. While it's tempting to choose the demolition contractor with the lowest quote, it's ideal to read consumer testimonials as well as explore the specialist's experience.
Additionally, make certain to request a price breakdown so you understand precisely how much money you'll be paying and when you'll have the ability to finish the task. Keep in mind to check for licenses, as the most significant error a demolition business can make is hiring an unlicensed demolition contractor. Finally, make sure to try to find references. It's best to request references after each task you've had with the demolition company. Click here for more information about quality demolition company.
While this may be challenging while the task is ongoing, you can always ask for referrals. In addition, you can also ask them if they have any referral charges to aid you locate the best demolition contractor. And certainly, see to it you check their license before working with any person. You never ever recognize who might get hurt on your site. When working with a demolition business, don't reduce edges on rate or quality. The best way to avoid this is to make the effort to find a list of demolition professionals in your area and also display each of them based on your requirements. 
By doing this, you'll guarantee you get a quality demolition company. After all, the even more research study you do, the more probable you'll wind up with the demolition specialist you require. So, do not skimp on quality. Ultimately, it is very important to employ a demolition contractor with experience as well as equipment. Demolition is an unsafe task, and also any person without experience is liable to be wounded or perhaps killed. Consequently, you must hire someone with substantial demolition experience that has a thorough understanding of demolition techniques. These specialists are additionally learnt using advanced technologies and devices. Last but not least, you need to hire somebody you can rely on with your project preparation. If you don't really feel comfortable with the demolition procedure, it's time to find an additional contractor. Knowledge is power and so you would like to top up what you have learned in this article at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Building_implosion.  
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maevefinnartist · 2 years
shadow work PSA
after having *four* different relatively-new-to-witchcraft witches express to me in the last few weeks that they feel they aren't a very good witch for not doing shadow work, I'm gonna make this PSA:
"shadow work" is not really a witchcraft thing, it's a concept in psychology coined by Carl Jung. they certainly go hand-in-hand, it's absolutely a useful thing to do to further your ability in your craft (and also just a healthy thing to practice) but it's not a concrete requirement as a witch. it's up to you if you want to do it ♡♡ if there's certain traumas you don't feel comfortable addressing yet, you are not required to, you're still a witch.
if you would like to do shadow work but aren't sure where to start, don't overthink it. all it is, is analyzing the ins and outs of the less-pleasant ways our brains work. addressing and challenging the parts of ourselves we don't like and don't want to reconcile with. this can include working through trauma, or recognizing and unlearning our own problematic behavior.
write a list of things about yourself/things you do/thoughts you have that you'd like to better understand or unlearn entirely. approach one subject at a time, and just sort of do some stream-of-consciousness journaling about it. you don't have to have a life changing epiphany, the only goal is to know and serve yourself as best as you can. it can take you one day, or a month, or longer. it's up to you. it can be exhausting, it can reopen wounds you'd rather leave closed. as someone with cPTSD I can understand why this might be a slippery slope for a lot of people, and also why I want to tell all the witches that if you're not comfortable doing this, you *are not required to do it*. do not let witchtok make you feel like you're not good enough or not a real witch or whatever because you don't do everything they think you should do.
9 times out of 10 though, you will feel better at the end*
eta: *if done safely and responsibly and it's something you're comfortable endeavoring. as many people in the reblogs have pointed out, it's far safer and more responsible to not do this sort of thing alone. if you are able to approach shadow work with the help of a therapist, please do so. doing shadow work can be harmful in myriad ways to folks with certain mental illnesses. be safe ♡
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dyns33 · 3 years
Flufftober 27 - Geralt x Reader 
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           It's a simple fog.
If Geralt had said it, then it had to be true, so Y/N had no reason to be afraid and stick to him as they walked through the forest.
Even Jaskier was totally relaxed, he who was always a little nervous and excited when they had to take this kind of road, because they might come across bandits and monsters. Nervous because he didn't want to die, even though Geralt was there to protect them, and excited because he was going to have new stories to tell in his songs.
If the bard wasn't afraid, there was no reason for her to be afraid either, she was braver than him.
With his eyes, his sense of smell, his hearing, his medallion, in short with all these abilities, the witcher would know very quickly if there was something that was hiding in the mist and following them.
           "... You can spot the Foglers too ?"
           "Because I remember the last time. You said you could tell if a fog was magic sometimes. But not all the time. And since they're invisible, it could be hard to..."
           "Relax." he sighed.
Geralt didn't ask her to get away from him however. He didn't say anything either when she jumped at a noise near them, and Y/N clung to his arm as if her life depended on it.
Which was a bit true most of the time. Whether it was for his job, or because he cared about them, even if he didn't like to recognize it, the witcher always put himself in front of others when danger arose.
But that didn't mean he liked being touched.
Well, it was complicated.
When they were in a big city, it was not uncommon for Geralt to visit courtesans. He had had a few lovers too. With his profession, and the way people treated him, being afraid of him because of all the rumours, and his appearance, there were few people who wanted to touch him. Or just to hit him.
Even though he wasn't supposed to have any emotions, it was obvious he felt lonely and touch starved at times. But he couldn't attach himself, he couldn't show vulnerability, and he didn't want to be fiddled with by the first comer, who could treat him like an object of curiosity.
After several years of friendship, Jaskier was still not allowed to touch Roach, and he could only approach Geralt to help heal himself or wash his back.
He certainly would have let Y/N do it, but she wasn't a healer, and she seemed uncomfortable when he undressed in front of her.
However, he let her touch him as much as she wanted, whenever she wanted, without her needing to ask permission. Along with Yennefer and the other witchers, she was the only one to have this privilege.
Y/N wasn't trying to figure out if that meant something. But she still felt flattered.
           "... Do you want to get on ?"
           "What ?" she asked, snapping out of her thoughts.
           "On Roach. You will be safer. Even if there is nothing."
           "Oh. No, it's okay. I trust you."
           "Hmm. Obviously." he said with a mocking smile, looking at her who was still holding his arm.
           "That's true ! And I feel safer here anyway."
Near you.
She didn't say it, it would have been embarrassing. Geralt still understood what she meant. He growled softly, but didn't add anything, continuing to move forward, holding the horse in one hand, letting her do what she wanted with his other arm.
Behind them, Jaskier was starting to lose his confidence, as there was a lot of noise between the trees, and he wondered if the witcher had made a mistake.
           "Well, I want to get on the horse." He announced, walking faster to catch up with them.
           "But you proposed to Y/N ! It's not fair. And she said she didn't want to, and you're not going to ride Roach either, so I..."
           "Mean witcher ! I'm scared too."
Not being able to go directly next to Geralt, since the horse prevented him, the bard came to stand near Y/N, as close to them as possible, but when he moved to put his arms around her because as a fox was running past them, Geralt pulled Y/N towards him, away from Jaskier.
           "No. Don't touch."
           "What ?! You said "don't touch Roach" !"
           "Shut up and move on."
           "But I'm scared !" the bard insisted.
           "Then get on Roach."
           "... Really ?" Jaskier and Y/N asked at the same time.
           "Yes. Hurry, before I change my mind."
Not wanting to lose this chance, Jaskier jumped on the horse, which didn't seem very pleased to have him on his back, but they were able to continue their journey, Y/N still glued to Geralt.
He had preferred that Jaskier touch his horse rather than her. She was more important than Roach. Even Yennefer was not allowed to touch Roach.
           "Geralt ?" she whispered. "I can hardly see anything now."
           "I can see very well. There is still nothing."
           "And can Jaskier see things, from where he is ?"
           "I don't think so. Why..."
Quickly, she placed a kiss, not aiming very well since she didn't have his vision, but managing to touch a spot between his cheek and his lips. Then she continued to walk next to him without saying anything.
Geralt didn't say anything, but he had tensed for a few seconds, before relaxing. And make a weird noise.
           "... I hear something !" Jaskier panicked. "Sounds like a big purring cat ! Geralt ! There's a monster ? Geralt, why aren't you saying anything ? Y/N ? Why aren't you talking ?! Geralt, are you smiling ? Is it the fog ? Geraaaalt ?"
           "Damn it Jaskier !"
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bigskydreaming · 2 years
So I def agree that outside of amusing fanon takes about how famous the Waynes are, its not actually super likely that they’re recognized on sight and they’re not likely to be a Keeping Up with the Waynes type deal in comic canon for the most part. And there’s a ton of reasons why Bruce would be a lot more keen to keep them OUT of the public eye than thrust them into it. 
BUT because I’m always like, its not that various takes CAN’T work, its that you can’t just handwave them into working and you kinda gotta do the work of making them work.....
AU takes where the Court of Owls are revealed earlier and try to get their hands on the recently orphaned Dick Grayson, like, have a ton of potential in terms of addressing why Bruce would be confident he was able to better provide or care for Dick than others for reasons beyond just ‘haz resources’ AND at the same time address a lot of the issues people have with Dick being Robin in the first place.
Because if Dick has to be initially rescued from the Court, and Bruce is aware that the Court is like, proprietary about this kid and absolutely WILL keep coming after him and trying to remake him into the tool they view him as being.....like, that has the potential to totally reframe the context of Bruce taking him in, him potentially being thrust into the public spotlight by extension, AND him becoming Robin.
By virtue of making the Court of Owls the Big Bads of Dick’s personal journey from a much earlier point, and by acknowledging how ingrained into the very foundations of Gotham they are and how difficult they are to ever defeat or get rid of for good....by making them an active threat Dick has to be protected from, even and especially in unconventional ways.....suddenly Bruce taking him in himself and raising him in the public eye AND letting him fight alongside him as Robin....has strategic value that’s entirely for Dick’s benefit.
Because a kid who is in the spotlight categorically CAN’T be just disappeared into the shadows as easily as the Court would like. Bruce - the equal of the Court in resources and privilege and power and differing only by his intents and how and in what ways he wields all of the above - has the ability to counter the Court’s attempts to utilize Dick as a pawn....by actively sharing his own resources and power and profile with Dick in order to put him on a more even footing with the very people who keep trying to prey on him throughout the rest of his life.
Similarly, knowing what the Court intends for Dick specifically, and the capabilities of their Talons, provides at least marginally better reasoning for Bruce to be like, this isn’t an ordinary kid in ordinary circumstances, the closer I keep him to me, the safer he is. 
Like yeah being Robin is NOT SAFE, but the idea here is Bruce being paranoid that nowhere is safe, so when Dick is basically like “I want to be Robin, I want to help you fight, I’ve already seen how terrible people like the Court can be and you can’t actually protect me from shit that’s already happened so let me feel better by DOING something and turning the shit I’ve already been through INTO something I can find comfort and power in for myself and others” - (and keep in mind I’m still not arguing oh yeah being a kid vigilante is totally healthy, 10 out of 10 therapists approve, we’re just talking about degrees here, relativity, all that) - 
Well this way, the very idea of Robin makes more sense to Bruce than it might otherwise, as he reflects on the fact that because nowhere is truly safe for this particular kid, and because even despite Bruce’s best efforts, some day Dick’s very likely to be on his own facing off against the Court anyway...then the better prepared he is for that day the safer he’ll actually be from the threat Bruce KNOWS is coming. Additionally, as Robin, Dick becomes intrinsically networked into the greater superhero community, meaning Bruce has the hero community itself invested in protecting this kid not just as another innocent among billions, but as one of them directly.
Idk, idk, I’m just saying. There are possibilities here. Ways to make this work. I’ve seen AUs that have the Court going after him right after his parents died but almost always just to make him like a baby Talon. And I’ve spoken on my personal dislike of a lot of Talon tropes before so won’t here, but the point of this is AUs where the Court appears as a Big Bad earlier in Dick’s life don’t actually HAVE to just lead into him being a Talon, there are a lot of other ways to play things. 
Just using them as a catalyst for Bruce raising him himself and training him as Robin, like, that alone can potentially add a lot of nuance or additional layers to Dick’s narratives and overall character arc, even without making him a Talon.
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ofhouseadama · 2 years
Happy birthday! Question. So Garak had a very low tolerance for pain before wire. Hence, yk, wire. But then he spent years (decades?) equating pain with pleasure. What's that gonna do to his pain tolerance post deactivation? Does it still instinctively feel good, or is he back to low tolerance with sad drug memories? I have mixed thoughts on masochist Garak
I also have mixed thoughts and feelings on masochist Garak. I have no mixed feelings on the idea of Julian liking impact and pain play. I think he just straight up does like those things and Garak likes to give him those things because it gives him endorphins and dopamine to inflict pain on someone who's begging for it.
This is a little bit of a two-parter.
The first part is that there is the very real chance that overusing and then deactivating the wire and hard resetting his brain chemistry completely throttled Garak's ability to even feel pain. We don't know what kind of nerve damage might exist from when he was activating the wire every day. We don't know what state his amygdala is in, or whatever the Cardassian pain center of the brain is. His brain might interpret pain very strangely or it might receive some of the information that he's in pain, or it might receive too much information. There's a lot to play with there in regards to how the wire may or may not have fucked up his brain chemistry and neuron pathways long-term. Lots of fun interpretations to go with there.
The second part is that in a very real way, Garak cannot afford to show pain as the lone Cardassian on DS9. Politically and personally cannot afford to show weakness. And later on, cannot afford to recognize it in himself, or he will buckle under the weight of Cardassia's imminent demise at the Dominion. He denies his emotional pain to the point that it manifests physically as panic attacks. But we see it every time someone throws a punch or breaks a rib. When Garak is attacked in his shop in "The Way of the Warrior," the politically expedient and safest reaction is to 1. not fight back even though we see when it is the smart move that Garak is perfectly lethal in a fight when he wants to be and 2. claim to Sisko and Odo (and Julian, but he knows Julian isn't buying it) that he's fine and waves off the idea of pressing charges.
You know what, three parts. This has three parts.
The third part is that Garak is an emotional masochist, for sure. If for no other reason than he cannot conceive of feeling emotionally safe and emotionally secure and to feel safe in any kind of emotional attachment. A child weaned on poison finds harm a comfort, etc etc. He cannot conceive of safe attachment. Even his attachment to Julian is unsafe, though through no fault of their own. It's just the political truth of their relationship--it could be used against either of them at any moment, should either of them let it deepen too much.
And they're both too aware of the situation to allow it to get that far, which means that the comfort that Julian is able to give Garak is limited.
During canon.
And like I love and partake in the headcanon that Cardassian physiology is made of sterner stuff and that Garak would receive immense physical pleasure out of Julian gnawing on his neck ridges or raking his nails down the scales on his back or pulling his hair because like, who doesn't when they're cum-dumb and fuck-struck with endorphins and all those feel good hormones but also.
I think that in a post-canon scenario when it becomes safe (safer?) and easy and possible for Julian to truly and openly love Garak out loud, it's going to feel a lot like staring directly into the sun. It's going to hurt. It's going to feel like when blood rushes back into a limb, all pins and needles and clumsy-wrongness. There's going to be pain because comparison is the thief of joy and Tain constructed Garak's life so carefully so that he would never know love. So that Garak would accept that what Tain handed him, boxed up in all the trappings of duty and obligation and loyalty to Cardassia, as something better and more honorable and worthy than something so low as love. Even Mila wasn't allowed to love Garak where the sun shone, where it could be seen, where it wasn't smothered and politicked around. Everything Garak has ever even considered loving has died alone in darkness.
When Julian loves him, it's going to hurt. And he's going to wish he still had the wire.
But Julian is also going to lace their fingers together and pin Garak's hands above his head and fuck him tenderly while letting him hide his face in his neck. He can hide but he can't escape it. Until, like with the wire, he loves him out loud enough time that it rewires his brain chemistry and he understands he is safe.
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tryingmyves · 3 years
Hey Ves! I have a request for you! May you please do Shinsou, Todoroki, ( A character of your choice) who got hit by a quirk who turns them into a lil toddler and they’ve got the biggest crush on their female chubby/plus size classmate 🥺🥺💞 and when they turn back they confess to her💞
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hiiii @blossominglark ~ tysm for your request! i’ve haven’t written something like this yet, so i hope you enjoy! ✨
Shinso’s First Crush
PAIRING: Hitoshi Shinso x Y/N (female, plus sized)
c/w: toddler!Shinso, mostly fluff
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When you went to class this morning you thought it was just going to be a normal Monday, but the arrival of Mr. Aizawa with Eri and a small violet haired boy in tow announced that today would be different.
“Awh! Who’s this cutie?” Ochako asks, spotting the unfamiliar child first, “Did you make a new friend, Eri?”
“Don’t call me that!” the boy responds, his pudgy fists balling at his sides.
“There was a mishap last night while we were practicing Eri’s quirk,” Mr. Aizawa says, “She uh, rewound Shinso a little too far.”
Every eye in the classroom is now on the pint-sized Shinso, silence filling the room before a cacophony of reactions burst out all at once. Kaminari and Sero are laughing hysterically. Mina and Hakagure are fawning over how adorable little Shinsou is, while Midoriya is rushing to Eri from his desk to assure her that mistakes happen and no one is mad at her. Iida is questioning how to reverse the effects of Eri’s quirk, and even Bakugo looks amused at the announcement. You’re the only one who notices the quivering lip and watery eyes of tiny Shinso.
Since his introduction to your class you’ve been attempting to befriend him. He made it clear that he hadn’t transferred to the hero course to make friends, but you see passed his uncaring facade. He’s let other people’s comments of the possible malicious nature of his quirk effect his self perception. He is so used to people calling him a villain he can’t fathom he’ll ever be called a friend. And you are determined change that. You’ve made small progress towards your goal in the last month. He sits with you in the cafeteria and even accepted a few invitations to study with you and your group, but no significant progress. But now, seeing Shinso so vulnerable in front of your entire class makes you stand from your desk. Even if he isn’t “here to make friends” he needs one right now, so that’s what you are going to be.
You quickly walk to the front of the room and use your chubby frame to hide him from the overwhelming sight of the his classmates gawking at him. Lowering yourself to your knees so your plump face is level with his, you say, “hey, it’s alright Shinso. Everything’s going to be okay.” Subconsciously, your voice becomes softer and there’s a melodic tune to it. You know that the toddler in front of you is a member of your class and typically two months your senior, but right now he’s just a scared little boy. You can’t help but treat him like any other child.
He wipes at his nose with the back of his sleeve, sniffing back tears, “Y/N, they’re all staring at me. I… I don’t like it!” Shinso is mortified at his current state. He was so determined to do everything by himself to prove he belonged to be in the hero course, but now he’s been reduced to a helpless little kid. Worst of all, the kind, curvy and optimistic girl he’s been secretly crushing on the last month is now trying to console him. He’s normally so good at containing his emotions, but it seems Eri’s quirk has reversed his emotional maturity along with his age. Right now all he can manage to do is try to hide his face so no one can see his tears.
You extend your cushy arms outward, offering a hug and Shinso can’t help but rush into it. He feels so exposed right now but when you hold him against your plump body he feels a little safer. Like he’s wrapped up in a cocoon of you. He hopes he can just stay cloaked in you arms until his metamorphosis back to his old self is complete. However, that possibility is dashed by the arrival of All Might and a man you don’t recognize at the classroom door.
“Sorry we’re late, Aizawa. This is who I told you about on the phone.” All Might says, clapping a hand on the stranger’s shoulder. It turns out, among the countless connections All Might made as the Number One Pro Hero, is a hero who goes by TimeSkip, with the ability to fast forward time. In the hero world, he typically puts his quirk to use at the sights of natural climate disasters by accelerating the regrowth of the land so entire communities aren’t displaced. Luckily, he’s capable of aging or time skipping any living matter, not just plants. Mr. Aizawa had called All Might for help after the incident and was relived his colleague knew someone who could fix the current predicament. 
“Shinso, go with All Might and TimeSkip. They’re going to get you back to normal,” your teacher says.
But Shinso just burrows himself deeper into you, pressing himself up to your chest. You can tell that he doesn’t want to separate from your comforting embrace. You turn your head over your shoulder, “Mr. Aizawa, would it be alright if I went with Shinso?” You drop your voice so you won’t be overheard by your classmates, “For emotional support,” you say with a light nod to the weeping Shinso in your arms. He just gives you a nod. You whisper down into Shinso’s hair, “It’s okay, this is almost over.” You take his small hand in your own and lead him out of the classroom, using your large frame to keep him out of sight of the others. 
The pair of you follow All Might and his friend through the halls, eventually stopping in a vacant training room. TimeSkip explains how his quirk works to Shinso, who is still holding your hand and trying to hide behind one of your legs. With some gentle easing from you, Shinso finally lets go of you and takes TimeSkip’s hand instead. You stand in the hallway with your back to the door while Shinso is returned to his normal self. The hero had explained his clothes would not be growing with him, so it was best for you to wait outside. A few moments pass before the two heroes open the door and step out of the room. 
“He’s all set in there, Y/N.” All Might says, “I think he’s a bit embarrassed, maybe you can cheer him up before the two of you return to class.”
You nod, thanking both All Might and TimeSkip before stepping in to talk to Shinso. He’s wearing his uniform now and leaning back against the wall, head low, and face covered by the mess of his purple hair.
“Hey Shi-“
“Please don’t talk about it,” his voice is quiet and filled with humiliation.
“Oh, yeah. It’s no big deal,” you try to brush it off. You want to comfort him and tell him that he doesn’t have to be self conscious, but you know that will just make him feel worse. “I was just coming to see-“
He cuts you off again, “Y/N, I have to tell you something. When I first transferred into the hero course I told you I wasn’t here to make friends. But then you kept talking to me and trying to get to know me and you started inviting me to lunch and study groups. And I… started to think that having you as a friend wouldn’t be such a bad thing.”
He looks up at you now and takes a step closer, moving away from the wall. “And I realize I like you more than that. I love how soft and round you are, and that you always make sure everyone’s included. That you don’t make yourself smaller because you deserve to take up space. I think you’re beautiful and I am too scared to say it.”
He take a few more steps towards you, so there’s only a foot left between you, “But then when I was frozen there in front of the class you swooped in. And I didn’t hesitate to fall into your arms. I didn’t let my stupid brain get in the way… so I have to tell you now, before I think better of it…”
You can help but smile at the confession. You’ve thought Shinso was cute from the moment you met him, but decided he needed a friend before trying to be something more than that. You didn’t realize that Shinso was crushing on you too. “I thought you didn’t want to talk about it.”
Shinso lets out a light chuckle, finally letting a smile reach his lips. “I don’t. But I had to get it out before I changed my mind. It only would have made it worse.”
You take a small step forward, halving the distance between you. “I, uhm, like you too you know.”
“Why would you want some lanky, closed off guy like me when your so curvy and beautiful?” Shinso breathes in disbelief.
“I guess I have a thing for tall guys,” you joke.
He just shakes his head at you, “Y/N, do you want to go on a date with me tomorrow night?”
You giggle and nod your head, holding out your arms the same way you did in the classroom, “I would love to,” you beam.
Shinso steps forward, enveloping you in a hug. Despite your plus size frame, he easily lifts your feet off the ground for a moment before gently setting you back down.
“I’ll pick you up at eight, okay? And… thank you for helping me today.”
“That’s what friends do,” you assure, excited at the possibility of becoming something more.
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bffhreprise · 3 years
Best Friend For Hire Reprise, Entry 381
 “Not tired are you?” questioned Ariadne, who had been testing my abilities and helping me understand how to use them for hours.  There were differences between how to accomplish tasks, since Ariadne’s magic needed control of her emotions just as much as clear mental pictures, but her explanations really did help.
 “P-Processing.” I told her, wondering if she actually thought I ever grew tired.  I felt she should know better, considering she knew what I am.  At the moment, I was still revising her first lesson, current lesson, and all of the ones in-between as well as considering some other possibilities for my magic.  I was thankful to know that my weird ability to see other places wasn’t monstrous, since Ariadne could do it too, just not as well.  Part of my mind was still coming to terms with the idea that I had been subconsciously using magic my entire life.  Thankfully, Ariadne didn’t think I had inadvertently hurt anyone.
 “No, Dani, I don’t think you should make requests of Raine quite yet.  Let her keep practicing.” stated James in reply to something Dani had asked in her native tongue.  The musical language of her people was still beyond me without lessons, but a few words seemed to make sense to me.
 “But Daddy!  This would be practice!” she insisted in English.
 James switched to Dani’s native tongue, and Dani’s smile turned impish, a sure sign she had been caught being mischievous again.
 Alma took a few steps over to hug Dani from behind before saying, “Dani, behave.  Birthday girls get to make the requests here.”
 “I… d-don’t mind.” I told them, moving back and forth between where they were talking and where Ariadne was, not wanting Ariadne to think I was ignoring her.  I was aware of the vampire brothers watching me, probably unaccustomed to seeing someone in two different places, but playing with Papak had shown me that they were practically frozen in place compared with me, just like everyone else.
 Meanwhile, Ariadne was telling me about tricks she had discovered over the years to quickly diagnose health problems in different types of creatures.  I doubted some of the tricks would work quite as well for me, not having a couple thousand years of experience in recognizing different types of cellular damage, but she seemed confident that I’d get the hang of it.
 James was staring at Dani, whose smile only grew.
 “A playmate for Alberich!” she suggested, finally letting us know what she wanted.
 Alma sighed before saying, “She probably shouldn’t attempt life yet.”
 “Is that really possible?” questioned Maple.
 “Of course, though creating life takes far more energy than you’d probably expect.” replied Ariadne, having finally reached them.  “I certainly can’t recommend doing it until Raine is very confident in her abilities.  Getting something slightly off is very easy and potentially lethal for the new creature.”
 “What about creating an enhancement suit for Pufflewink?” suggested James, obviously thinking that Pufflewink could keep up that way.
 For several seconds, I considered different modifications to the suits, considering how cute they could look.  While considering cuteness, I also considered whether or not Pufflewink would feel comfortable.  Like all kitties, Pufflewink liked warmth, and the suits were designed to ensure a certain level of warmth.  Everyone else had adapted to the feel fairly quickly, so I imagined Pufflewink might as well.  After letting myself enjoy numerous scenarios of my kitty playing around in her new suit, I double-checked a rather important part of this idea, asking “I c-can?”
 James nodded, saying, “As long as Jarod doesn’t mind.”
 “That’s an awesome idea, man-slave!” insisted Emma, grinning broadly.
 “I’ll admit that I’m intrigued to see what spells go into these things.” commented Vito eagerly.
 “Suit design is a trade secret, so no giving it away to anyone.” stated Jarod loudly to be heard over everyone.  “Mila, would you mind adjusting the design for felines?”
 “Already optimizing the fiber configuration.” she replied, sounding amused.  “Master, mind if we borrow your office briefly?”
 “Feel free.  Raine, I think she wants you upstairs.” encouraged James, smiling as well.
 I nodded to him, and then went into the office.  Quest gladly accepted!  At the speed of Mila, the entire room transformed into screens for me to inspect with additional screens forming up from the tiny ball things that came out of the floor.  Everything from molecular composition of the substances involved to the details on how James’ spells interacted with the physical form were on display.
 Downstairs, James was commenting to Jarod “I hope you know that she’ll never forget the designs.”
 Jarod grinned broadly.  “And I hope you realize that I have many, many plans that could use her aid.”  He was doing his villain act again.  On one hand, he really was good at looking like an evil mastermind.  On the other hand, he was a good person and wouldn’t actually attempt anything evil.
 In the free time I had between taking in the different screens, I considered if I was really capable of meeting Jarod’s expectations.  Yes, I was learning to use my magic, but I didn’t have anywhere near Ariadne’s level of mastery.  Sure, the best way to get there was practicing, but what if I oopsed again?  Energy research could be dangerous.  Would I be able to contain things?  Maybe Jarod wanted safer experiments first…  He’d listen if I told him I wasn’t ready for anything dangerous, right?  More scenarios erupted in my mind, but I didn’t have faith in them.  Jarod was very nice, but he could also be a little… obsessive.
 “If she comes back with a finished suit, I’ll be most disappointed.” stated Vito with a frown.
 “No need to be disappointed.  I’ll gladly show you the spell.” James told him.  “I just ask that you don’t utilize it for your kind yet.”  When Vito nodded his agreement, James created his spell.
 For once, I really studied what went into the spell, committing the entire arrangement of energy to memory.  Though I didn’t have confidence in duplicating such effects with my own magic yet, I could arrange residual energy, just like the others.  Mila was already showing me modifications to the spell on some of the screens, having shown me a 3D model of it already.
 Emma sighed and said, “You guys really know how to bring down a party.”
 “We’re partying?” questioned Noelle, seeming to have forgotten the conical hat on her head.  She was so adorable, and I wondered what she was showing the others.  Sadly, her magic couldn’t affect me through my own magic, so I couldn’t see.
 “Yes.  Today’s Raine’s birthday.” replied Dejon with a patient smile.  He had been working with her lately.
 I mentally danced through the room I had already prepared for them as a couple, in hopes of them dating.  He liked her, paying far more attention to her than he had paid attention to anyone else, and she certainly seemed interested whenever she looked at him.  I put the new memory of them together in goofy party hats up on a shelf, admiring it.
 Noelle’s eyes brightened, happy as ever.  “I should tell her Happy Birthday!”
 I mentally thanked her again, adding another tally in my mind’s personal room for her under the times she wished me a happy birthday today as I continued studying and connecting all of the pieces Mila was feeding me.
 “She’s off making something for her cat at the moment.” explained Dejon.
 “She has a cat!?  I love cats!” she exclaimed excitedly.
 There was a whole section of Noelle’s private room in my mind dedicated to her playing with Pufflewink.  The adorableness delighted me.
 “Me too!” exclaimed Kayla, lifting up Alberich, who had been leaning against Alma’s leg for the past minute.
 Alberich was a very proud, very small lion, but he didn’t swipe at Kayla this time.  Through our chats, I had learned that Alma spoiled him far too much when he was young, which was probably why he could be a bit snooty.  Luckily, even Alberich found Noelle cute, affected by her magic just like most everyone else—poor James didn’t know what he was missing.  When Noelle pet him, I could imagine how easily Alberich recognized her delight.
 Not long after Noelle and Kayla started playing with Alberich, Mila informed everyone that I would be indisposed for several more minutes—she could only show me things so fast.  I would also need some time to practice before I would be satisfied.  Everyone but me went to the ballroom to dance instead of gaming for once.  There were more cat-themed party decorations in there, and I was determined to join them soon.
 After I finished the material that Mila had for me, I started asking her questions and was surprised to find she liked my ideas for a few modifications in the suit.  She had originally assumed that I would simply remove the suit whenever Pufflewink wanted to go potty, but agreed with me when I pointed out that my little kitty would probably get disoriented by the sudden loss of enhancements more than our friends did.  With a bit of work, we came up with some alterations that should work, and Mila found some additional cleaning spells she felt would be better suited for cats.  Four-hundred-and-seventy-two variations later, Mila and I were satisfied that we had a suit Pufflewink would like, so I fetched her and created the suit around her.
 The difference was notable as soon as I saw my little kitty move.  She was confused, but I talked to her and warned her she’d need to be a little more careful.  Mila insisted the difference in strength and speed was considerable, so I took her word for it.  Satisfied that Pufflewink was happy, I took her down to join the others, dancing along with her in my arms.
 Mila felt the need to stick a spotlight on me the moment I arrived, but I didn’t mind.  James and Alma came over to examine the suit.
 “Were you successful?” he asked.
 “M-Maybe.” I replied, not as confident as Mila.
 He grinned as he said, “We should test it later before Alberich and Pufflewink play too much together.”
 I nodded in agreement.  Pufflewink would need more time to adjust to her new abilities.  “I-I should… visit… with… Ariadne.” I told him after considering a number of scenarios where Ariadne examined my kitty to make sure the enhancement suit was agreeing with her.
 When James and Alma moved to hug me, I was surprised, but I only considered dodging for a very brief moment.  I did like hugs, and neither of them would accidentally squeeze Pufflewink too hard.
 “I hope you’re having a wonderful birthday, Raine.” stated James as he hugged me.
 I nodded and smiled at my friends, telling them “B-Best ever.”
 “No.” stated James, making me consider what was wrong.  He then clarified “We plan to make each one better.”
 I probably stared at him too long when he said that and nearly let myself cry.  James was such a kind, wonderful person, and I would be grateful to him forever.  I was certain he underestimated how much he had done for me—modest as he was—but giving me a home where I am accepted, despite what I am, was already the best present I could receive in a lifetime.
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