#shinsou x y/n
propertyofkirishima · 6 months
Be Quiet
hitoshi shinsou x reader
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summary: y/n has always had a hard time staying quiet about anything. shinsou is the very opposite of that. he is reserved and mysterious. and of course, fate has to bite them in the ass. the two of them are partnered up for a final project in their last year of high school. why does the universe hate them?
a/n- this is assumed to be set in their last year (when they are legal adults) 💜 fic includes: fingering, thigh grinding, 69 position, lots of cum and snarky comments, enemies to lovers? and as always, no spell check!
“shinsou is my partner?”
you feel a rush of blood to your cheeks. patting your cold hands against the newly hot skin, you sigh and fall into uraraka’s shoulder.
“he hates me, ochako!”
the girl laughs at you, allowing you to lean onto her shoulder. “i doubt that, y/n.”
“well clearly you haven’t seen him staring bullets into my back! if he had the option to kill me, i think he’d take it!”
you heard someone clear their throat from behind you. muttering your apologies, you separate from urararaka and step aside the board. you were probably blocking it from the people behind you. when you turn around, you are met with the exasperated face of your partner.
oh god, you wanted to die! to literally die! you felt your heart drop in your stomach, panic setting in. your eyes darted to uraraka, who was just as surprised as you.
fuck! fuck! fuck!
“i don’t want to kill you y/n.”
you stood there for a few moments, barely registering what he said. shinsou found it kind of cute...how incorrect you were about him. though your mouth opened, no words came out.
“hm, the loud girl finally shuts her mouth. how refreshing.”
huh?? how rude! you were never going to shut your mouth! fuck being embarrassed, that was just plain old mean!
“excuse me?! sensei, i need a new partner, stat! this one is being mean!”
your sensei glared at you, ever used to your antics and dramatic flair. “i’m not giving you a new partner just because he said something mean, y/n. this is not a preschool.”
“oh for fucks sake...” you sigh loudly, pushing your hair back from your face. “don’t be an asshole, shinsou.”
“can’t make any promises.”
“well then i can’t make any promises that my fist won’t come in contact with your face.”
“good luck with that, pretty girl.”
and with that, shinsou walked away. a smirk was on his face as you stood there stupidly. your hands touched your cheeks again, which felt like they were on fire.
“pretty girl? the hell does he mean, pretty girl? i hate men!”
but honestly, you didn’t hate that one. not in the slightest. you felt yourself becoming attracted to him. he was the kind of guy who seemed all tough on the outside but a sweetheart on the inside, like bakugou. but wayyyy hotter.
you’d always had a crush on shinsou. he was the complete opposite of you. what attracted you to him was his enigmatic nature. though he was reserved, he was also very intelligent and intuitive. when he raised his hand in class, he fascinated you, embarrassingly enough.
uraraka came over to you. “he likes you! a lot!”
you wanted to bang your head on a table. multiple times.
“i want to die.”
uraraka laughed at you, taking your hand. “cmon! let’s go back to class!”
shinsou liked to watch you in class. you were the most interesting person he’d ever laid eyes on. your voice carried throughout the classroom as you shouted a profanity that went with your story. that earned you a glare from your sensei, who you apologized to, then went on like it was nothing.
the class laughed at your lack of concern. shinsou couldn’t help but chuckle himself as well. you were quite the character. it took a certain type of person to be able to handle you and your mannerisms.
your eyes shifted over towards his. when you realized he was staring, shinsou smirked. he gave you a wave without a care in the world. he was unabashedly staring at you. face blushing pink, you quickly adverted your eyes.
it had been a few days since the classroom incidents. your due date was coming in a month or so. but you wanted to get it done early. so you went to one of your many class 3-A group chats and found shinsou’s number.
y/n: project? 💻
shinsou : sure
shinsou: what day
y/n: whatever day works best for you!
shinsou: friday?
y/n: kayyyy sounds good! come to my dorm after dinner :p
you smiled to yourself and set your phone down. friday it is!
shinsou was on your bed. in grey sweatpants. on your bed.
you couldn’t help your eyes. they kept on going down to- nope! bad y/n! it was weird and perverted. if shinsou was looking down at your private parts you were sure you’d slap him!
did he notice? of course he did. but you had no idea. shinsou never really said anything about your obvious crush. he thought you were just adorable. that’s why he wore the sweatpants.
denki gave him the tip. shinsou would never admit it out loud, but his method worked. you were so flustered once he walked into your room. a chuckle came from his mouth when your eyes drifted down, but you had no idea he was laughing at you.
“so s-shinsou, what do you want to w-write about?”
the sexual tension was real. you could almost grasp it. it was emanating in the air, surrounding you.
you bent over and grabbed a text book from your backpack. shinsou’s eyes widened as you displayed more of your thighs to him. the area of exposed skin made him feel some type of way. his thoughts began to drift to less appropriate things.
as you settled back down, your thighs squished back into your soft mattress. he wanted to touch them. to squish the thick skin in his hands. they looked so smooth. shinsou’s mind was that of a stereotypical teenage boy. how humiliating.
“shinsou, what do you uh, think about writing about how our pasts have affected our current motivations to become a h-hero.”
meanwhile shinsou’s brain was in a frizz. your room felt so hot. he carded his hands through his unruly violet hair.
gods, why did you bother him so much?
shinsou felt sweaty. so very sweaty.
“before we uh, get started,” he cleared his throat awkwardly. “do you mind if i take off my shirt?”
“HUH?!” you gaped.
is he playing tirkcs on you? certainly shinsou has to know you have a crush on him. your actions are anything but lowkey. has he noticed you staring at his sweaty body after he gets done training? the way the sweat drips down his abs- or how big his arms are. oh god- get back to reality, y/n!
“it’s hot as hell in here.”
“s’not! s’not that hot at all!!”
shinsou glared at you. you glared back. your line of defense was anything but successful. and he was right- it was hot. but you preferred the warmth over anything else.
“fine! whatever! but we need to get to this project!”
“attagirl. do you have a hair tie i could borrow?”
when shinsou puts his hair up, your brain ceases to function. you could already imagine his strands of curls hanging out of the low bun.
“mmm...lemme go look.”
you turned your back on him, blushing furiously. attagirl. a simple phrase that turned your brain to mush. the lack of the shirt, his hair in the sexiest style, low hanging sweatpants. yeah, you were fucked.
finding a hair tie, you turned around to see that shinsou was sprawled on your full sized bed. his chest was face down (thank god) and his ring clad fingers were flipping through one of your journals.
“woah woah, nosy! get your dumb pretty boy head out of there!”
shinsou chuckled as you swatted him with the same book he was looking through seconds ago. you scold him under your breath as you return the journal to its rightful place. he had some nerve, going through your stuff!
“you think i’m pretty?” he teased
god, you hoped the entry he stumbled upon was a depressive episode entry and that he was just teasing you.
“no, i think you’re ugly and stupid. focus on the project, for christ’s sake!”
shinsou was disappointed by your reply. but he was sure that it was a front. your blushing face and flustered movements told an entirely different story.
“can’t say it was easy to understand when you were stuttering the whole time trying to explain the idea for it.”
taking the hair tie from your hand, shinsou pulled his hair up. half was up and half was down. a few unruly locks escaped his messy style. you hated to admit it, but he made you wet with just one look.
“oh for fucks sake! scoot over, asshole. i need room on my bed too!”
“can’t help that it’s tiny, princess.”
in spite of yourself, you mocked him. but truth be told, you loved it when he called you princess. you wanted him so terribly badly. he could call you any pet name and you’d think it was hot.
“what, you don’t like it when i call you princess?”
“shut up you-“
a startled gasp came from your mouth as he grabbed your chin. shinsou looked down at you condescendingly. such a fucking brat. but such a cute one at that.
“tell me the truth.”
his quirk- fuck! stupid shinsou with that incredible quirk! the control you had on your body temporarily ceased. your mind felt as though it went blank. and your lips were compelled to answer his question.
“i like it when you call me princess.”
“of courseeee you do, you just wanna act like a brat, huh princess? do you prefer brat or what?”
the response was automatic. robotic, almost.
“i like both.”
“attagirl. now you can shut that pretty mouth of yours.”
you were struggling against his control. being a victim of shinsou’s quirk was quite the inconvenience. he could literally ask you anything and you would have to say the answer.
“but i’m not that mean, so dontcha worry. i’ll release my control on you.”
once you were free again, you nearly lunged yourself at him.
“shinsou i am one step away from smacking the ever living daylights out of you!”
“calm down princess, i just wanted to test you.”
“test me? i’m starting to hate this.”
shinsou chuckled. “oh yeah? this has to be my favorite project of the year.”
“whatever, eyebags! onto the project!”
you ignored him, continuing on with your spiel.
“basically, i think we should do how our pasts affect our current hero ambitions! like how you were put into class 1-B the first year and transferred to class 2-A in your second, ya know?”
“mmm, okay. at least you didn’t stutter that time.”
you smacked him with one of your books. little shit.
and so, you and shinsou began collaborating on your project. shinsou remained relatively distracted though, as so much of your skin was exposed. your long sleeve barely covered your boobs from spilling out. and that little mini skirt did nothing to hide your thighs. and the worst of all- that heart garter. he loved to hate those stupid things you wore every day. shinsou imagined himself biting down on your thighs- even imagined you naked with just the garters and panties and bra. you were too much of a hinderance to his learning.
you tried to ignore his stares. but it became increasingly difficult as more hours went on. the sexual tension was still there, burning more than ever. you decided to break it.
"shinsou- are you almost done?" you inquired.
shinsou sighed, shoving his laptop shut. he needed to get to the point- and quickly.
“listen princess, this project is interesting and all, but i have my mind on other things.”
you raised a brow. “oh? and what might that be?”
“we need to cut the tension and be honest with each other. i'm so fucking horny, y/n. i need you on my lap, making out with me.”
“sh-shinsou?” you whispered, stunned.
“oh, don’t tell me you don’t feel the same.”
“i- it’s just so sudden is all!”
“yeah, well i’m not an idiot. i can tell when a girl is horny too.”
you frowned at him, upturning your nose. the hell did he know about that? and since when was it ‘obvious’ to a person? shinsou gauged your reaction, only fueling his need.
“i have half a mind to kick you out of my room.”
“but cha won’t, will ya princess? you want me just as bad as i want you.”
you brought your body closer to his, letting your thighs rest on his chest. shinsou only smirked, his deep chuckle in your ear. his greedy hands pulled on the plushy, soft skin of your thighs.
now it was your turn to tease him. your index finger trailed from his sharp jawline to v line towards his pants. shinsou simply observed you as your finger raked down his pale skin.
“how do you know that i want you so bad, shinsou?”
“i can smell ya from right here, brat.”
you weren’t even ashamed of your wetness. your pussy clenched at shinsou’s arrogant words. god, you panties were absolutely soaked. you spread your thighs and adjusted once again, letting your wet panties soak into his gray sweatpants.
“why don’t you just drop the stupid fucking innocent act?”
“m’not acting any way sir.”
“oh really?” he growled, pulling your collar back to him. “because last time i checked, i had the mind control quirk. so if you keep lying to me, i’ll force you to tell the truth.”
a whimper came from your throat as he moved his fingers to your neck. the thin, long fingers that you had wet dreams about. you wanted him to scissor you, shove them in your mouth, or even choke you if you got lucky. and it seemed like his mind ran to the same things.
“don’t be such a meanie, shin!”
his fingers wrapped around your throat.
a single squeeze. you moaned, gripping desperately onto your bed sheets. fistfuls of the cotton material. fingers and eyes begging for more.
oh god, now he was really doing it. his fingers squeezed hard.
a strained moan came from your throat as his fingers rendered you weak. you made a squealing sound and pulled at his wrist. shinsou chuckled as he watched your desperate hands. he wanted to tease more, but knew that you were finally willing to admit the truth.
“i’m acting like a brat because i want you to fuck me, sir.”
“and you just love acting like a brat. you love acting all innocent, being the adorable little thing you are. acting so oblivious. it’s a damn shame that you couldn’t own up to your desires sooner. i'd have fucked you all the way through high school.”
“really?” you smiled at him. "i never knew, shinsou."
shinsou smirked back, brushing hair from your face. you were so sweet despite your loudmouth. "i always thought you were hot, y/n. you'd be stupid to think you aren't attractive."
you nodded your head.
“god, your eyes are so pretty. they will look even prettier crying when i overstim you.”
“shinsou-” you gasped. he smirked as he threw you down on the bed. shinsou towered over you, chain hanging by your lips. his hand gripped your cheeks, squishing your adorable face.
“tell me what you need, my pretty princess.”
“i wanna be on your lap shinsou.”
fucking hell, the two of you were a match made in heaven. he always imagined your thick thighs wrapped around his chest. shinsou chuckled, sitting up against the wall. his hands beckoned you and his legs spread to welcome you on his lap.
"go on. sit on me, princess."
you blushed. "shinsou- i'm chubby."
your adorable little pouty face. shinsou shook his head. "get those thick ass thighs on me before i grab you myself."
you began to rock back and forth on his thigh. shinsou felt your hips grind your wet cunt into the material of his sweatpants. he looked down to see a giant wet spot and tsked to himself.
“naughty little girl, leaving a mess for me to clean up.”
“mmm~ i’ll always be naughty for you~”
he chuckled to himself as he observed you. entranced in the way you got yourself off. your eyes were screwed shut but your mouth was wide open. back arched close to his chest, nearly pressing against him. whines and whimpers fell from your mouth as you experienced an ultimate sense of euphoria.
“that’s it princess. keep on going.”
"shinsou, you're so big and muscly-" you whined.
your hands gripped at his biceps. he flexed slightly so you could feel his strength, which made you giggle. natuso couldn't take his eyes off of you.
"yeah? you like it?"
"uh huh!" you moaned as he rocked his thigh up into your pussy. shinsou loved watching you fall apart on him. "that feels really good sir!"
“oh yeah princess? you like grinding on my thigh like a little whore?”
“yes sir! feels so fucking good!!”
shinsou chuckled. he watched your face contort as you fell apart for him. the way your jaw dropped open and you threw your head back. how your thighs trapped his own. your boobs jiggling.
“god y/n, look at you. fucking falling apart on me and i haven’t even touched you yet have i? you’re a desperate little girl aren’t you?”
“so desperate daddy!” you whine, gripping onto his arm.
shinsou feels you press your tits around his arm. he leans into your ear and watches goosebumps appear as he speaks. your whimpers became louder until they were moans. he felt your pace hasten as you came closer.
“you gonna cum, pretty princess?”
shinsou chuckled as you moaned his name at climax. he had never seen anything so hot in his life. everything about this was perfect for him.
once you came down, you blinked. “oh my god- what have i done?”
“came all over my thigh like a dirty little girl.”
“shinsou!” you whined. “you’re so mean! i-i just can’t believe i did that…”
shinsou leaned against the wall, smirking. “oh i fuckin can. you’ve been horny for me, haven’t you?”
you gasped, wrapping your legs around him. shinsou felt you sit on his hard cock. his eyebrows knit as you settled your warm pussy right on top of him.
“i’m not telling!”
shinsou didn’t even register what you said though. you felt his dick throb. it was clear he needed to be taken care of.
“fuck y/n, you’re so hot. i should’ve shut you up like this long ago.”
shut me up? you pouted once again. “what d’ya mean shinsou? what do you wanna do?”
shinsou thought about it for a second. he didn’t want to rush into things. but he also wanted to pleasure you and show you just how skilled he was.
“69?” he asked
you blinked. “s-shin…i’ve never done that before,”
he took his face into his hands. those wandering eyes, peering into his own. they shined with lust. “oh princess, you’ll do amazing. i’m here to help you through…first things first.”
he pushed you off his lap. you gasped as you landed back on your pillow. shinsou wasted no time in tearing off your shorts.
“now princess…do you wanna keep your shirt on? i won’t force ya into anything.”
you were shy. you nodded your head.
“that’s okay baby. perfectly fine. i’m gonna take your panties off, okay?”
as he removed your panties, he smelled your pussy. his dick twitched uncontrollably, especially when he felt how wet the panties were. shinsou curiously pushed one of your thighs up. this revealed your sloppy, wet pussy to him. he audibly groaned.
“fuck princess. i need to feel this cunt.”
he took a finger, plunging it inside. your back arched as you felt the sensation. shinsou’s breathing became faster as he heard the squelching noises. he added another finger, making you cry out his name.
“shinsou! oh god- it feels really good!”
shinsou thought about how his cock would be even better. but that needed to wait. just like the fingers. he promised you 69, and 69 was what you were going to get. you whined as he withdrew his fingers.
“ah ah ah, don’t you start making those sounds. i could be real mean to you baby and not make you feel good.”
you shook your head quickly. “no sir! i wanna still feel good!”
shinsou loved this control. he towered over your body, each hand on the side of your head. he leaned down and seized your lips. you were caught in a storm of tongue and passion. both of you moaned into the kiss.
“need to switch positions princess. those thighs are gonna be around my head and that mouth is gonna swallow my cock. okay?”
you nodded your head, allowing him to rest his on your pillow. “you sure you won’t suffocate? i’m a bigger girl…”
“fuck, if i suffocate, ill die the happiest man. i have been dreaming about those thick ass fuckin thighs. can’t wait for you to sit that pussy down. it’ll be the perfect place for it.”
you giggled, though still unsure of yourself. shinsou took his sweats down, allowing for his dick to spring free. a little gasp escaped you. you couldn’t wait to suck it.
“you like what you see, my princess?”
“yes daddy! ‘m gonna treat you sooo good!”
you eagerly wrapped your hands around the base. shinsou hissed, slapping the back of your thighs. “put your pussy on my fucking face.”
finally, you sat on his face. natsuo absolutely lost it. all these moans came from him as he devoured your insides. and as for you, you arched your back and slurped up and down.
“fuck!” natsuo mumbled. “fuckin amazing head,”
as you went down, so did your pussy. the two of you were in perfect tandem. natsuo gripped onto your hips, slapping your ass occasionally. he couldn’t wait for more of these moments. next time he’d fuck your face, or even your pussy if you’d let him.
you loved sucking his cock. especially when he added inside his fingers. you were absolutely lost in pleasure. it felt so good to take care of shinsou while still also feeling good. he began twitching in your mouth. you began slowing your movements, becoming closer yourself.
“shit- shinsou! shinsou! it feels so good daddy!” you moaned
he felt you swallow him whole. shinsou’s eyes widened, feeling himself get close. he began to jerk up his hips, loving the sound of his cock hitting the back of your throat and making you choke.
you pushed your pussy on his face harder, practically fucking yourself on him. you slid your pussy up and down his lips, even side to side. you knew he was going to be absolutely covered in your juices.
he began to twitch, jerking his thighs all the way up without stopping. you choked, feeling his cum shoot up into your throat. quickly, you tore yourself off.
“shin-shinsou! please daddy~ make me cum too!”
when you looked back, shinsou only spurted more cum. it was all over your neck and he could see it on your tongue and lips. he gripped your thighs extra tight, quickening his pace.
“fuck daddy! yes! that’s so good!”
shinsou loved your pussy. he felt you go up from his nose to down his chin. and he wanted you to get it all over him. it was the best feeling he had ever experienced.
finally, you let out your final whine. “i feel it daddy~ oh god!”
you immediately pulled yourself off him. shinsou frowned, but quickly smirked again when you sat back on his chest. now there would be pussy on his tummy too.
“god princess…” he sighed, propping his head up. “i’m covered in you!”
you put your face in your hands as if it would help. shinsou chuckled. “did you like it?”
“uh huh- loved it shinsou.”
he brought your hands down and put them around his neck. you leaned down, cuddling yourself on top of him. shinsou smiled, petting your head softly.
“it was the best time i’ve ever had…” you admit
“yeah?” shinsou said. “me too.”
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sinfulpanda16 · 5 months
Someone Better?
Hitoshi Shinsou x fem reader
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"There's someone else I like."
Those words kept playing back in his head over and over again. Kirishima had asked you out earlier, you didn't tell him, but he found through Kaminari. Why the hell did you reject him? Kirishima? That man has everything the looks, the strength, the personality, you two would look so good and perfect together it pissed Shinsou off.
He was walking you home like usual but he couldn't stop thinking about what Kaminari had told him. He was looking down at the ground when he spoke up "Hey, so I found out that Kirishima asked you out." he says and then turned to look at you.
You're taken aback a bit by him, how did he know? Kaminari was there when Kiri shot his shot so he probably told Shinsou you figured. You relaxed a bit and giggled. "Oh yeah he did" you replied a bit shy after remembering that moment.
He fucking caught that. The little blush growing on your face, probably at the thought of Kirishima. Oh no. Did that mean...no. He mustered up the courage and asked "So, how'd it go? Did you say yes?"
You laughed softly. "Oh no. I rejected him."
"No? Wait why?" he asked. He was relieved of course but at the same time a bit shocked. A lot of people would love to be with someone like Kirishima.
You turned away and looked at the ground "There's someone else I like." you smile softly and continue "Someone I really like and I want to be with him."
Its quiet for a bit, you turned to look back at him. Shinsou was already looking into your eyes. He gave you a small smile, you returned his smile and he tells you "I'm happy for you Y/N".
Shinsou grunts as he finishes his last set on the bench press. With one last grunt he pushes the barbell up and he's done. He sits up all sweaty and panting. Damn his workout was so good, letting out his jealousy. He smiles to himself "Fuck Y/N. You know how to get me fired up."
He gets up and heads for a shower. He let's the water run in his hair.
"I'm happy for you Y/N."
He runs his finger through his damp hair. No the hell he's not. The thought of you being with someone else makes his chest ache. He wants you to be happy yes but...not with someone else. He wishes you could be happy with him.
That night he layed in bed looking up at the ceiling.
"There's someone else I like. Someone I really like and I want to be with him."
Him. If not Kirishima who? Who the he'll could that guy be? Is he better than Kirishima? He grabs grips of his hair in frustration. There's someone better. Shinsou has always been insecure about his looks, he knows he's not a lady's man, his quirk, with everyone having told him its makes for a good villain not a hero, his strength, he wasn't automatically placed in Class 1-A or 1-B and everything in general. You mean to say that's there's someone who can top all that better than Kirishima? Needless to say, Shinsou fell asleep after a few tears of jealousy and insecurity.
The next day after-school you and him were at the nature park. School has been a bit heavy on yall so you decided some time outside would be relaxing. Shinsou was following behind you, smiling like an idiot watching your cute self lead him to a 'pretty place'. You turn around "You like cute things right, Shinsou?" you ask him.
Yeah. You, Shinsou said in his mind. "Well, I don't mind them." He said chuckling at your question.
A bit more walking later and you both arrived at a flower field. "Tada! Here we are!" you announced excitedly. It was beautiful, the endless sea of flowers. Shinsou stared out into it "Wow. This is pretty Y/N." he said and turned to you smiling. You returned his smile and for a moment it was just you and him, in front of the giant flower field. His purple eyes looking back at your (e/c) eyes, they're so pretty. Everything about you is beautiful, your eyes, your smile, your aura, even your interests were beautiful. Like the flower field you brought him to.
Shinsou blushes and turns away abruptly his eyes landing on a tree. Shinsou smiles, "Hey let's climb that tree. We'd get a better view of the flowers from up there." he says hoping you'd want to.
You bright up "Yes lets! But make sure to catch me in case I fall." you order playfully.
Shinsou chuckles "I'll be right your side don't worry." he reassures you. Smiling softly as you head towards the tree.
You go to climb the tree being careful to not slip. Shinsou was below also making sure you were careful. When you were seated on a branch he starts climbing the tree and sits right next you. The both of you smile looking out into the landscape. "This is nice. Right Shinsou?" you say not looking away from the sunset setting behind the flowers.
Shinsou responds softly "Yeah. I could do this with you over and over again." You blush at his words, you could do this over and over with him too. He was looking at you and he saw you blushing. He did that?
Shinsou takes a deep breath making you turn to him. "Y/N" he says firmly and goes to hold both your hands. You're shocked by his actions but don't pull away. He begins to speak again "You're the only person that has made me feel things no one else has ever made me feel. You make me feel like I'm this strong, well-respected and remarkable man...but... you also make me feel like I'm this weak, undeserving, invalid man. You drive me nuts." What is he saying? You make him feel sad? "This must be what falling in love feels like. Because regardless of the insecurities you bring me back to, I still want to be with you, and I want to only be with you. I want to go far and beyond to work on myself so I can be the best man for you. Y/N..." he brings your right hand closer to his face and places your knuckles on his lips "I love you." he says gently and leaves his lips on your knuckles closing his eyes.
You're shocked "Shinsou." you say softly. He opens his eyes looking right at your beautiful ones. He pulls your hand away "I know there's someone else. Someone else better than me for you, and I have no right to get in between you two but...If you give a chance, I promise to go to the depths of the earth for you. I promise you won't regret it." he says emotionally.
You hold his cheek smiling softly at him and go in for a kiss. Shinsou is taken aback but doesn't pull away. He kisses you back your lips taste so sweet and unconsciously he wraps his arms around your waist.
After a moment you pull away and smile at him. "Shinsou, you're the one I want to be with. I love you too." you say making him forget the insecurities he had earlier, making the happiest man on earth.
"Thank you, Y/N" he replies going in for another to which you happily return.
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angelshimaa · 5 months
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@flying-lamb :: I would like to request shinso with prompt 8 from the under the mistletoe prompt list. congrats on your milestone! <3 thank you so much <3
a/n :: hi darling !! thank you so much for entering (and i loved the details you sent in omg !) and i hope this makes you smile :) gn!reader, a little awkward at the beginning, fluff
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you've never regretted where you've stood so deeply before.
then again, it wasn't really your fault. kaminari and ashido had gone overboard with the mistletoe placings— their way of bringing romance into the holiday spirit— and it was inevitable that someone would find themselves under some with another person.
it just had to be you and him, didn't it?
you and shinso are looking at each other, nervousness rising in your chest at your sudden predicament. it's not that you don't want to kiss him— heavens know how badly you've been wanting it— but not like this.
not when the eyes of your friends burn into the two of you like lasers (thanks to kaminari pointing the two of you out), making this feel more nerve-wracking than it needed to be.
“do you want to?” shinso’s voice is lowered, ensuring that only you can hear him. he’s known you long enough to understand the nerves you have based on how you look at him. “you can say no.”
you utter your consent so nobody else can hear, your posture as rigid as a deer caught in headlights. shinso doesn't like the abruptness of this, the nerves bubbling in his stomach or the intensity of everyone watching, but he can't deny he's wanted to kiss you for so long.
the two of you don't even manage that— your noses bump into each other and the embarrassment shoots through you at the speed of light. it's hard to even look at him properly, settling to lower your eyes to the ground, imagining it opening up to swallow you whole.
shinso tells kaminari there's nothing to be seen here, indirectly informing your audience too. thankfully, it comes off casual, not sounding as awkward as your almost kiss felt to you.
when everyone focuses on whatever they had their eyes on before, you recover as best as you can, trying to force your embarrassment to the back of your mind. you're thankful shinso doesn't make a big deal out of it, and you find that you manage to recover quick enough to enjoy the rest of the party.
— ✧ —
“you make some good coffee,” shinso holds onto his cup, his fingers curling around it so as to absorb as much heat as possible. it's really not needed; your home is the perfect toasty protection from the crisp cold you endured on the walk here from the party. “can’t believe you'd hide that from me.”
you take a sip of your own beverage and grin against your cup. “maybe you should come by more often then, you addict.” nobody drank coffee quite like shinso. you've watched him inhale it like oxygen he's been deprived of— it disappears like he’s performing a magic trick.
“don’t tempt me, i just might.” his lazy grin spreads across his face and oh does it look so good on him. you think it's rather unfair how well he pulls off his eyebags and messy hair— he's not even trying.
“i’m counting on it.”
the silence swells and you trail back to the awkwardness that took place a few hours ago; you want to kick yourself for not tilting your head the other way. had you done exactly that, you'd be a kissed person now— kissed by the guy you've been crushing on for a while.
“listen, y/n—” he clears his throat, setting his coffee down onto the table. “i feel like i should apologise for... earlier. i didn't mean to make it all awkward.”
you laugh lightly, setting your own cup to direct all your attention onto him. you lock eyes with him, realising that actually, you'd give him your attention anytime he asked.
“no need to apologise, hitoshi. if anything, i wasn't really... present much. i was a little frozen in place— so many eyes can do that to a person.”
a beat passes and all you do is look at each other while shinso thinks of what to say next.
“so, it wasn't that you didn't want me to kiss you?” he's found his next sentence and it tumbles out of him with ease. his eyes look alluring, inviting even, and you can never get over the feeling they settle into you. you haven't called it by it’s name aloud, but you don't need to.
“hmm,” you pretend to think about it, tapping your finger against your chin. “i don't think so, no.” you hope this is going in the direction you think it is, that he's picking up whatever hint you think you're dropping.
“so, would i be right in guessing that you’d like to try again?” it's a carefully chosen suggestion, uttered with a lower, slightly hesitant voice. shinso feels as though he might be pressing, but surely if he was and if you minded, you'd let him know.
“maybe if you ask nicely.” the way your slow grin spreads across your lips after your words has his eyes widening slightly, erasing any worries he had previously. you want him to want you. you want him to ask for you.
“making me work for it, hm?” shinso returns your grin with that lazy one that sends you loopy whenever you find yourself thinking about it. taking your bait and running with it, he leans in closer to you. “alright.”
you've never seen a lovelier colour than the purple of his irises. “could i try to kiss you again, beautiful?” those eyes, framed by his eyebags, could melt anything they land on, and you were currently their main focus. he's hooked on the way everything else seems to slow around him, hooked on that gentle smile of yours.
“i don't see why not.”
it's all shinso needs before he comes in even closer, breathing in slightly before pressing his lips against yours. you instantly melt into the feel of him, trying to focus on the rhythm and not his hand coming up to rest on your lower thigh, finding a home against it.
you note the faint taste of coffee and the softness of his lips while your hand brushes up his neck to cup his face, not knowing how every inch of skin you touch feels warmer when you leave it behind.
your hearts are left thumping hard when you pull away, lungs taking in air throughout your shallow breathing. you look even more magical to him than you ever have, a feat he didn't think was even possible.
“that was much, much better.” he lets out a breathy chuckle and it only provides the butterflies fluttering in your stomach with more energy.
you smile, nodding a little. “way better. maybe third time's the charm—”
shinso’s kissing you again, and it's everything you both hoped it would be. it's private and so perfect that way, like a little joy you both keep for yourselves. his mouth on yours feels so right, and you don't think either of you will be leaving this couch anytime soon.
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✧ — thank you for reading !! rbs and feedback are greatly appreciated <3
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stardust-sprinkler · 1 year
Calling Shinsou by His Pro-Hero Name in Bed:
The first time you say it, he’s got you on your back on the desk in his office, his pants barely undone and your panties pulled to the side. His rhythm falters, his hips still as his perpetually sleepy eyes widen substantially.
It had never even crossed his mind, but suddenly it’s like a switch has been flipped—now it’s all he wants to hear from your sex-drunk lips.
He quickly realizes that you haven’t even registered saying it. Your eyes are hazy, a few tears trickling and smudging some of your eyeliner. Shallow breaths accompany needy whimpers as you try to roll your hips, frustrated beyond belief that he’s not moving. You practically sob out, “‘shi, why’d’ya stop?”
Christ, you look so beautiful, fucked-out and desperate for him.
He immediately resumes fucking you, but this time—he’s throwing your legs over his shoulders, gripping your thighs tightly enough to dig his nails into the supple flesh, and thrusting into you like it’s all he was made to do. His new pace speeds up past its predecessor, and he’s snarling out demands in a way he never has before.
“Say it again, princess…”
Your broken attempts are cut off when a cry is torn from your throat. One of his hands had cracked against your ass hard enough to make you clench suddenly around him. His head tips back for a moment, a string of curse words being tossed towards the ceiling.
Then his gaze is locked on you once more, eyes heavily lidded, but somehow still blazing hot. “Nope. Try again, slut. And if you say Shinsou, I’m gonna turn your ass red.”
You let out a frantic mewl, wracking your addled brain for what else you could’ve called him… Something finally beckons to you.
“P-please, Mindjack — fuck me! Ha-arder, please!”
His eyes slam shut and he grits his teeth harshly, fighting to strengthen the tenuous grip he has on his sanity as he keeps his pace. You suddenly feel a hand squeezing the sides of your throat.
“What a smart little kitten… such a pretty slut for your hero, hm? Say it again.”
You obey eagerly, repetition your only focus, and he rewards you with a finger circling your clit. You scream yourself hoarse, sure anyone else working late hours could hear you, floors away. His nom de guerre is the only thing you can recall—everything else has drifted leagues away while he fucks you brainless.
This man doesn’t need his quirk to have complete control of you.
Asks are open! — follow for more mha hc, drabbles, & fics. AO3 crosspost: StardustSprinkler
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dioriya · 2 months
late night disaster, hitoshi shinsou.
1.03k. fluff. more sappiness. secret relationship things. denki being a gossip. you know.
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a gentle buzz against his arm stirs him from sweet dreams and an even sweeter state of slumber. soft sceneries of gentle hands and picnics in the grass evaporate into thin air as the buzzing becomes persistent, brows furrowing above a dark violet gaze.
patting around the sheets for his phone, he squints at the offendingly bright screen for a moment to let his eyes adjust, wondering who the hell would be so cruel to bother him at…
squinting harder at his screen, he frowns once he checks the time. 2:06 AM blares back at him almost mockingly. christ.
lingering on his wallpaper for a bit—matching ones, something he’d openly say is cheesy but secretly smile at when he’s sure no one’s looking—he unlocks his phone singlehanded and scrolls until he finds who the hell decided to bother him. unopened messages from ‘annoying people’ (monoma, countless 3-B group chats, and people who wanted his number to get closer to others once he’d made the switch to class A) and other people he ‘somewhat tolerated’ (kaminari, the band gc, and so on) illuminate his features until he catches a notification pop up from an active chat.
against his better judgment, he opens it. and immediately regrets it.
kaminari’s excited texting alerts the entire chat of his presence, and soon enough, half of his classmates bombard him with prying questions and sly remarks (and the occasional keyboard smash, but that didn’t count).
hitoshi shifts slightly and exhales, briefly closing his eyes for a moment. less than ten seconds in the chat and he’s already exhausted.
‘soooo,’ kaminari types for a while, gaining his attention once more. ‘i saw two people sneak off to a certain someone’s dorm earlier…’
his heart slowly begins to hammer in his chest as the chat explodes, too many texts for him to account for filtering in before he can register any of them. worst of all, a weight on top of him begins to stir, and hitoshi can officially say his soul has left this plane of existence.
he watches, silent as you lift your head up to bear your surroundings with half lidded eyes, and wills his heart to kindly shut the fuck up. he’s almost certain you can even hear it, gaze knowing when it lands on him and causes a lazy smile to spread across your lips.
“hi, you,” your voice filters out to a tired sigh, sitting up on your knees to stretch your arms above your head, and it’s enough to almost make him forget about the dm disaster occurring in real time.
“we have a problem,” he says in greeting, and only offers his screen to show when your brows furrow in response. slowly, your eyes widen, and you slump against his shoulder with a quiet groan.
“curse you, kami. he’s so nosy.” your words are muffled into his hair and it tickles against his neck just barely. he makes no effort to move. “you should really do something about that.”
“me?” hitoshi pulls back incredulously, and narrows his eyes at the grin spreading across your lips again. “i’m the one who told you i swore i heard something back there earlier!”
“that could have been anything! everyone knows ua’s like, haunted. past mistakes and ghosts of students aizawa’s expelled.”
he snorts despite himself, and refuses to psychically react to the way you light up at the sound of his laugh. annoying, honestly, how you managed to be so—
a faint ding! breaks his mental stupor, glancing down briefly at his own screen while you pat around for yours. a few of his classmates are still pressing the blond for answers, but surprisingly, he hasn’t relented.
‘it’s totally not my place to say,’ kami wrote. ‘but just know that when everyone eventually finds out, i told you so!’
hitoshi pleasantly resists the urge to bury himself fifty feet below ground level.
“should we tell them?”
he looks up when your voice turns sheepish, teeth sinking into your lower lip nervously. “i mean—unless you really don’t want to. kami probably already knows, and it won’t be long until kirishima knows, and then he’ll probably tell mina, and then mina will tell everyone—”
your hands reach for his and squeeze, strangely reminiscent of the dream he’d been having not too long ago. comforting, reassuring. it makes him sick to his stomach in a completely positive and normal way.
“i just don’t want you to be, y’know. rushed into things. i know you like your privacy, so if this is too much, tell me.”
you smile faintly, epitome of all things good in the wretched and deceiving world, and his heart falls to his knees in defeat. or… whatever.
“we’ll tell everyone tomorrow,” he agrees slowly, and can’t help the small smile that spreads across his lips as well. “during homeroom. hopefully before aizawa comes to class.”
you both wince at the memory of a previous confession falling flat just as your homeroom teacher crawled into the classroom in a neon pink sleeping bag, scaring the shit out kaminari and effectively blasting out the lights on the entire floor.
shaking his head, he puts his phone on do not disturb and wordlessly beckons you closer, settling into the comfortable position the two of you had donned before and tries to relax. you melt into his arms almost instantly, but poke his side when you feel him tense.
“don’t think about it too much, okay?” arms wrapped around his middle, you squeeze him tight and the gesture is oddly comforting. “actually—think about it this way: you no longer have to kill anyone with your eyes when they talk to me for longer than socially equired.”
once again, his heart falls to his knees… and dies. he had no idea you’d be watching him the whole time. fucking what—
trying to compose himself and the remaining dregs of his dignity, he scoffs and rolls his eyes. “you’re hallucinating.”
“midoriya told me he felt like someone was watching him, toshi.”
well. it’s not like he’d be wrong.
“go to sleep,” he says instead, and hopes you can’t hear the smile in his voice when you laugh and quietly bid him goodnight.
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hitoshiyoshi · 2 years
brat | shinsou hitoshi
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synopsis ↬ shinso gets a bit jealous when you get close with one of his friends
warnings ↬ pseudocest, dub-con, swearing, manipulation, shinso is aizawa's son, you live with them but shinso sees you as his sister although you are NOT related, kaminari denki slander, your parents were heroes who passed, shinso and the reader play the doctor game, shinso and the reader are both about 20 but shinso is older, she/her pronouns for the reader, virgin kink, slight humiliation kink, use of 'girl' and 'doll' when addressing the reader, unprotected s*x, fingering, cr3ampie, slight overstimulation, 0ral (receiving), slut shaming, if you notice some things that don’t make sense it’s poor editing, I changed the story last minute and i’m sorry, let me know if i missed something
pairing ↬ shinsou hitoshi x fem!reader
word count ↬ 6.4k
kinktober week one
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Shinso’s eyes glanced over your frame, watching you twiddle the pads of your fingers. Standing by the kitchen counter with your mobile loosely hanging from your hands, a laugh echoed throughout the home every couple of minutes. The ticking of the analog clock furthered his frustration; he’d been counting every second. Time seemed to pass at a dreadfully slow pace and, for eons, he waited for you to finish.
He knew who was the keeper of your time, fucking Denki, his coworker at a hero agency they both worked for. It only took one encounter at the entrance of the agency's building for him to capture your attention. Shinso could not fathom why you had any interest in him with the blonde’s undying persistence to establish a friendship with you.
Sitting on the worn-out sofa of his father’s home, he waited as patiently as he could. The show on the large flat-screen TV had no longer sparked his interest. He couldn’t peel his eyes away from your back as his chest tightened and his heart swelled with jealousy. Resisting his urge to grip the phone from your hands, he waited. Questioning whether it was worth it to tell father about your latest interaction with Denki, knowing very well that he wouldn’t be happy. Shinsou could still remember the day his father, Aizawa Shouta, introduced you to him.
It was a long afternoon filled with Aizawa trying to convince you to live with him and his son. The sudden death of your parents only a few hours prior left the man feeling sympathetic for you. They were pro-heroes and two of his dearest friends; another loss he would have to cope with. Making a promise to himself that you wouldn’t have the same unfortunate outcome, he asked if you would move in with him. Although you were old enough to survive on your own, his persistence left you with few options. He never left your side until you agreed. 
The rest of the night was spent preparing his house for your comfort. Aizawa helped you move all your essentials from your previous home into the one he shared with Shinsou and even allowed you to sleep in his bedroom until he finished designing your own. He always doted on you in a loving manner, giving you extra attention while never being afraid to act as a parental figure when you needed him. You didn’t mind Shinsou’s overly affectionate demeanor, thinking he was excited about having a new little ‘sibling’ to fawn over. Soon, referring to each other as ‘brotherly’ or ‘sisterly’ names. This continued for months, concerning Aizawa who thought this would hinder your grieving. He was certain this was Shinsou’s doing.
Lost in his thoughts, Shinso failed to hear the endearing “goodbye” you said while ending the phone call. Clutching it to your chest and hiding the screen from Shinso’s view, you sauntered to a seat beside him on the couch, hardly noticing his gaze on your figure as you strode over. You placed your phone on the coffee table in front of him and focused your attention on the boring show, softly humming to the tune of your favorite song. Shinso briefly cleared his throat before engaging in a conversation with you.
“Who was that?” He asked as his ears peaked in your direction as he waited for a response. The attention given to him was lackluster compared to what he truly wanted.
“Just a friend.” A sigh escaped your pouty lips, and you prepared for another pestering. 
“I didn’t know you were friends with Denki.” Shinso scoffed before folding his arms and resting his back against the cushion.
“I can be friends with whoever I want to… besides, he’s a nice guy.” You played with the fabric of your skirt that rode more than halfway up your thighs. Secretly, you wanted him to continue; he could never know this, but each time his voice raised, a sharp chill traveled through your spine and tingled your pearl. Your head tilted backward on the couch, mirroring his position, you seemed too agitated to continue the conversation. 
He glanced at your body, thoughts of Denki’s devilish hands grasping onto the last bit of your innocence made his blood boil. You had to be a virgin, he was sure. Shinso always followed any male that managed to befriend you and basked in your depressive state when you revealed your new male friend had disappeared. Always giving them a strict warning, even using his quirk when necessary, just to preserve your purity. How could he live knowing that Denki was the lucky bastard to take his your virginity? Today was the day. He needed to do something.
“I know that… but you need to stop talking to him,” Shinso replied, eyeing you up and furrowing his eyebrows.
“And why should I do that?” You returned his gaze, trying to seem pitiful to lure the male’s attention away from you. However, Shinso was smart enough to see through your tricks.
“Because I said so…” He replied back to you, and before you had any more time to protest, he tried to end the conversation before another argument followed. “If I see you talking to him again, you won’t like it.” The weak threat flew over your ditzy head and you smirked up at him in an unfazed manner.
“Are you serious?” You scoffed. Shinso was not amused by your antics. 
“I wasn’t asking, I’m telling you.” You seemed to shrink as he continued to speak. His body loomed over yours, commanding your attention and seizing authority over you. His voice, deep and domineering, causes you to freeze on the couch for a few seconds as you feel blood rush to your core. Unfortunately, just as his aching heart consumed his entire spirit, your ego had grown in abundance, and you were no longer scared of the man sitting adjacent to you.
“You know,” You started as your index finger pressed into your jaw to tease the elder, your eyelashes innocently batting at the male. “I forgot to tell Denki something. Do you mind if I call him again?” Your hand reached for the shiny mobile, gripping the plastic case and unlocking the phone. Once opened, Shinso’s hand found its way to your wrists, grasping you tightly as a warning. You mewled at the sudden pressure on your weak bones as his fingernails left indents on your skin. “W- What are you doing?”
His hands, much larger than yours, pried the phone out of your hands as you watched on, too dazed to process his actions. Shinso held the phone away from you, watching as you continued protesting and grabbing at his hands. The screen, still open, showed Denki’s contact and phone number. He couldn’t help but grimace and felt a sudden churn in his stomach. The blonde’s annoying presence and dopey demeanor were not much of a prize. You clawed at his body until he gripped your shoulder and pushed your body away. 
“Delete his number or I’m telling Dad.” His voice was stern. You were no match to him. If you fought, you knew who the winner would be; so you succumbed to his wish. You weren't sure if he would do this, but he always threatened to use his quirk if you acted up – perhaps you should take his proposals more seriously.
“Fine. Give it back,” You extended your forearm towards him, patiently waiting for the elder to return it. Before the casing touched your hand, he remembered. Perhaps this was his last chance, otherwise, he would have to wait for an eternity. This was his chance to do something. When his hands didn’t faze and his eyes seemed lost in thought, you spoke. Shinso glanced between the phone and the impatient woman in front of him.
“Actually, I think I’ll hold onto this.” He slipped the phone inside his pocket before facing your visibly confused face. 
“But you just said you would give it back,” You tried reaching for the phone once more, but you failed. You relaxed on the couch and scowled at your his antics.
“I will, but you need to earn it back,” Shinso responded sternly, only worsening your anger. He wished he could feel any sense of remorse, but none would arise. For a few moments, his mind would linger on moral thoughts which were quickly diminished by his devilish desires. Shinso weakly gulped, trying to clear his head and the demons that convinced him to sin. Alas, it was too late as his weak mind succumbed to you. “Let’s play a game.”
“A game? Which game?” You almost couldn’t believe your ears. Of course, you weren't deterred by the idea.
“Don't worry, it's fun.” You fluttered your doll eyes towards your brother. You're so innocent. “Don’t tell Dad, though,” He couldn’t imagine the scrutiny Aizawa would give if he found out about his son’s perversion. 
“Fine, I’ll play. What is it?”
“Do you know that doctor game?” Shinso watched as you nodded to his question. He hesitated to continue. “Why don’t we play that game?” Once again, you agreed. You weren't familiar with it, but it was only a light-hearted game, right?
“Y- Yeah, we can play.” Your cheeks felt intense warmth, an act your body would do upon feeling nervousness. “Um, how should we start?”
“Well…” Shinso’s hands guided themselves to the hem of your shirt as he spoke. “Let’s start here first.” He lifted the material upwards and past your arms and head. He could feel himself twitching at your beige brassiere that cradled your ample breasts. As he discarded the shirt elsewhere in the room and inched his body closer to yours, you could feel his stare on your body and instinctively covered your chest. 
“Shinsou, don’t stare.” Your fragile voice caused Shinso to spur with uncontrollable desire. He adored it. 
“Don’t get shy in front of me. I won’t bite.” He pulled down at your arms and embraced your body briefly, unclasping your bra before tossing it in a pile with your shirt.
You quivered at the sudden sharp coldness of the air, desperately wanting to cover yourself. He tugged at your arms, pulling them to your side. You weren’t sure why he was doing this, wanting to stop and retreat to your bedroom. Lowering your head, you wrapped your arms around your waist, cowering in front of him with tears of humiliation threatening to spill from your eyes. The air of innocence was replaced by a noticeable lust. You watched his eyes examine the upper half of your body. 
His cold hands reached for your chest before massaging your mounds delicately. Shinso’s hands now engulfed your chest as his thumbs rubbed into the skin on your nipples. You let out a muffled yet loud moan at the foreign sensation unable to deny that your body loved his pleasant touches.
You sank your teeth into your bottom lip until a metallic taste touched your tongue. Watching you shiver on the couch, Shinso chucked to himself quietly — you submitted to him easier than he expected. At least put up a fight next time. One thing he didn’t enjoy, however, was your quiet demeanor; you made sure to stay silent during the whole ordeal. 
Lowering his head until his mouth hovered over your exposed chest, kissing the skin, biting and suckling to leave his mark. Your hands moved away from your waist to push against his chest, yet, he wouldn’t budge. Once satisfied, he wrapped his mouth around your hardening buds, making you shudder in his hold. Another whine escaped your lips, you tried to hold back, but as you felt his teeth sink into your perky nipples, a loud wince echoed through the room again.
“Mm~ Sh- Shinsou— what are you doing?” You could barely form the sentences from your mouth as moans managed to slip through your words. Grazing his teeth on your buds as they hardened under his warm tongue. Flicking the skin before sinking his mouth deeper, leaving marks his father would surely ask about. God, his mouth hungrily lapped the nub as wet sounds and high-pitched moans drowned out the noise of the television. 
Shinso ignored your question, too drunk on the feeling of your plush skin against his tongue. Alternating between each of your breasts until he was satisfied with the bites and marks on your skin, the squeals from your mouth only coaxed him to continue. His arms firmly wrapped around your waist and back, pulling you closer to his mouth. Your legs clenched firmly together with each pulse and wave of pleasure rocking your core repeatedly. Hands moving from your body to his shoulders pulled him closer, needing to feel his body — his warm and soft skin — against your own. Feeling his own orgasm approach embarrassingly fast as he gently rocked his hardened cock into your thigh, he pulled away. 
Panting, you had no time to calm your body as his lips collided with yours. Shinso’s tongue moved in the same way against your buds. Licking your lips and asking, no, pleading for your to allow him entrance, you eagerly complied. The feeling of his body against yours, pulling you deeper to him, almost as if he was too scared to have you run away.
This is wrong, and you knew it, but your arms refused to push him away — only accepting his embrace into yours. His kisses electrified a part of you that had been hidden for years. You did not want it, yet your body began enjoying it. Moaning into his mouth, you could feel his body tense up at the slight movements your body made. 
Pulling away briefly from the kiss as a string of your mixed saliva disconnected, his attacks moved to your neck and collar. This time his kisses were gentle; he didn’t want you to have to face his father and explain where the marks originated. Although he adored you, Aizawa sensed something was in the air between you two. It left an uneasy feeling as he watched his son’s behavior change around your presence. Shinsou dreaded the thought of you two separating. What would happen then? 
Inhaling and caressing your soft and supple skin, he realized that he needed more.  Firm hands digging at his shoulders broke him from the spell as you were also free from your drunken state. 
“S- Shinso… stop… this isn’t right,” His arms tightened around your body as he heard you speak. What do you mean this isn’t right? Always self-centered, you could not please him for once in your life. “Not like this…”
“Not like this, huh?” He said, inhaling your intoxicating scent as his face nestled in the crook of your shoulder. “Then what shall we do..?” Shinso finally removed himself from your body, although still holding on. “Look at these pretty marks I made. It would be a shame if they were wasted.” He traced the bruises and bites on your skin as your body trembled in fear. “Father wouldn’t be too pleased to see these. It would be unfortunate if he learned about your adventures with Denki.” Your eyes widened in fear. Although he was the one marking you, he would be the one to snitch on you.
“B- But you’re lying! I haven’t done anything with him…” Honestly, you weren’t sure about his reaction, or whether he would even care. You only knew that he was extremely overprotective and critical of any lover you brought home.
“Shall we call him and find out?” Shinso taunted as a sadistic smirk etched across his lips when he noticed you cowering underneath him.
“Then listen to your big brother. I can make you feel good.” He gently pulled you up and off the couch, guiding you to his bedroom. Your legs felt heavy as if they were too scared to move to your forbidden destination. His fingers soothed your trembling arms causing goosebumps to erupt on your skin. Again, he let out a sickening chuckle.
His room, small yet tidy, seemed to feel like a prison. Shinso guides you to his bed as you inhale the faint scent of lavender coming from his clean bedsheets. You failed to notice your shirt and brassier in one of his hands as he chucks the materials away in a pile of clothes in his room — you won’t see that bra again. The cold air causes your nipples to harden almost instantly as he urges you to sit on his bed.
“W- Why do you want to do this, Shinso?” If only you knew about the twitch in his tight pants each time you said his name. Thank god you were too innocent to notice the bulge in his sweatpants.
“This is your fault. I wouldn’t do this if you behaved… you need to remember your place.” Your place? There was not enough time to think as you felt his hands tug down your denim skirt until it reached the ground and pooled around your ankles. His hands caressed your exposed thighs as he watched you shiver on his duvet. “Lay down on the bed. I’ll help you warm up.”
You listened, unconsciously spreading your legs as you lay on his comfy mattress. The aroma of his room seemed to cast away your anxiety, but only for a brief moment. Shinso’s eyes greedily examined the damp spot in your lace underwear, reminding you that your body was still on full display for him to see. His fingers reached down and danced around the lace whilst his body eased closer to your frame. Both of his knees caged your body as he lifted your thighs upwards. Finally, as he thumbed over your sensitive clit, a gasp escaped your mouth feeling him rub circles into your sex. Perhaps he was too eager, after a few seconds of teasing, he quickly tore off the clothing before placing it elsewhere in his room. 
“Look at you… look at how wet you are.” His fingers traced around your labia, collecting the clear essence from your slick and bringing it up to your eyes. Your face heated up fast. He was taunting you. “Hmm… What do we do about this, (Y/N)? My sister is a slut for her own brother’s cock. What a pity…”
“B- But… we aren’t related— and I’m not a s- slut…” Covering your face in the palm of your hands, you tried to cling to the last bit of denial you had. You two weren't even related by blood. Each time you reminded him, he would dismiss you.
“Oh? Then what’s this?” He brought the nectar from your slick up close and played with it along his fingers. Soon, he retracted his hands and suckled on his fingers as he savored the taste. Spreading your legs further apart, he examined the liquid that oozed out of your core, begging to be fucked. “Only sluts get excited when their brother does this.”
Soon, he presses his thumb onto the hood of your clit and gives the bud a few rubs. His index and middle finger graze against your folds, earning a suppressed gasp from your lips. Dancing around your opening, his fingers prodded around your tight hole. Eagerly quickening the pace of his fingers, he felt your wet opening ooze clear liquid and cover his thick fingers.
Your moans and his dampening skin urged him to breach your virgin walls; Shinso wanted to be patient, he really did, but it was wearing thin. Dipping into your core, you convulsed in pain as you felt one of his fingers explore. Watching you tremble, he caressed the smooth skin on your thighs to help you relax; see, he wasn’t heartless. 
A burning sensation in the pit of your stomach replaced the pleasure given to your clit. You couldn’t bite your tongue to stop the noises from echoing in his bedroom, loud moans and shaky breaths bounced off the thin walls. Secretly, he always dreamed of the day this room would be occupied with it. Another gasp escaped your mouth as you clenched tightly around a second digit entering you, stretching your walls, and prepping you. The sickening squelching sounds harmoniously played with your moans, music to Shinso’s ears. 
Pleasure finally began to cloud your foggy mind as you clenched harder around his two fingers and your pained mewls began to dissipate. He leaned down and kissed your thighs to coax your body into a release. Dancing around a spot that made you shudder, his fingers molded perfectly into your opening. A wave of intense bliss covered your lower half. You could feel him smirking against your skin; you’re enjoying this, aren’t you?
“It’s alright, babygirl… let it all out for me…” Shinso whispered into your skin. Your hands claw at his sheets, searching for something to grab, anything. Arching your back against the sheets while your eyelids clench shut, you can finally feel a sweet rush of pleasure.
“Mmph!~ Oh… No… S- Shinso…!” Your walls spasmed and convulsed around his fingers as somewhat pleasant-sounding moans erupted from your vocal cords. The warm feeling at the pit of your tummy finally releases as you feel his fingers coat in a hot sticky substance. Essence covering his digits, he could feel himself aching in his sweatpants.
“That’s it… such a good girl,” Pulling away from your thighs, he slowly removed his fingers. Leaving you empty for a few seconds, his head disappeared between your legs. Shinso’s warm tongue greedily licked your nectar as it trickled down your crevice and seeped into his bedsheets. 
“Mmmh~ Ah…! W- Wait..!” As your fingers pulled and ran through his thick locks of hair, he pinned your body tightly to the mattress. Shinso released a hum as his nails dug into your hips. It was too much, his tongue would graze over your sensitive bud as your moans became noisier. 
Once satisfied, he pulled his head away from your panting body. His lips were covered in the same essence that filled your slick. He licked them once more as he smirked down at you. Tugging at the hem of his shirt, he tore the fabric off his body before briefly moving off the bed to discard his sweatpants. You couldn't help but peer down at him and glance at his stiffened member.
Trimmed violet hair covered the base. What he lacked in girth was generously replaced by his length. The red tip oozed with clear pre-cum. He couldn't wait anymore. Another deep yet warm chuckle caused a tingle in your fragile core. Shinso watched as your hands covered your hot face. How cute!
"Just relax," He purred softly while wrapping his fingers around your wrists and gently moving your hands away. Shinso didn't know the sight of you being so vulnerable and untouched would excite him this much. He knew that by the end of this session, you would finally learn to obey. "Is Kitten scared? I told you I wouldn't bite." He leaned down until your faces were only inches apart and left a chaste but loving kiss on your lips. Remnants of your nectar managed to seep onto your tongue.
"'m not scared..." What a fucking liar. You aren't scared, but as his arm rests next to your head, you're trembling. You aren't scared, but as his other hand pumps his length and his sticky pre-cum leaks between your legs and mixes with yours, you're intoxicated. The lavender aroma of his room fills your lungs once more and makes your mind hazy.
He teasingly laughs at your demeanor as he pulls away from your body. Shinso didn't want you to be scared of him. He was already used to that feeling from his old classmates and civilians. It would've pained him if he frightened you. That wasn't the point of this. He could humiliate you endlessly for doing this, but he was worse than you. Wrapping your legs around his waist, you watch as he positions himself at your entrance. 
"Don't worry, doll. This won't hurt too bad... as long as you obey..." Of course, he knew you had no choice but to obey. Rubbing the tip along your folds, he watched as he started to glisten in a clear mixture of your mess.
As you peered up at him, you were greeted with his indigo eyes staring down at you. They set your body in a trance, a warm and inviting gaze cast down upon you. Did it still feel wrong? Mesmerized by his beauty, you were too distracted to notice him gently pushing his length inside.
Filling you up inch by inch, sudden pressure and a burning sensation much worse than his fingers broke you. You sharply inhaled while your brother released a low grunt and muttered some curses under his breath. As his eyes fluttered and tightly closed with the sudden feeling of pleasure, you instinctively cupped his face while feeling tears swell up in your eyes.
"Shinso..." Gasping tightly as he finally sheathed deep inside your walls, you cradled his head in your hands. Your hold on his face tightened as you felt a sudden rush of foreign sensations. The lower half of your body became riddled with unbearable pain as you enveloped him. He must've noticed the furrowing of your eyebrows and the tears that threatened to spill because soon, he broke free from your hold and slipped into the crook of your shoulder.
Gently rocking his hips slowly, he tried to allow you to adjust and keep his composure. Shinso briefly wondered if he could succumb to his own satisfaction and release his frustrations on you. Bucking into you at a brutal pace until he finally reached the release he was desperately searching for. If it wasn't for your hushed whines, his patience would've run thin. God, he wished he would've done this sooner. If he knew it would be this easy to claim you for his own, he would've tamed you a long time ago.
As time passed and you eased into his touches, his thrusts became more energetic. Nuzzling his face into your shoulder, it was a shame to admit that his low grunts and heavy breaths against your face began to excite you. The once painful thrusts inside your wet cavern had become a warm smoldering feeling as his length massaged your gummy walls. Whispering sweet nothings and nipping at the skin on your shoulder, Shinso didn't care if you two were caught; he'd gone too far. There was no returning to the way things were.
Lifting himself up the mattress, one of his hands grasped your inner thigh and spread your legs further until you felt his cock brush against a sensitive region. He could feel you throbbing around him and relished in your sounds of pure ecstasy.
"Denki could never fuck you like this, right?" Shinso said as his eyes darkened, saying his name made him sick. Once he felt your pussy flutter against his shaft, he knew he couldn't say the same for you.
"I- I don't-" He wouldn't let you finish before you felt his thick fingers wrap around your throat and forced your eyes open as oxygen escaped your lungs.
"God, I bet you wish it was him fucking you... hmm?" His thrusts began to slowly come to a halt. He rolled his hips agonizingly slow as his tip grazed your spot continuously.
"Sh- Shinso... it hurts... I can't-" Immediately, his grip loosened as you huffed deep breaths. Still holding onto your neck, he tilted your head and locked your jaw in place to prevent you from moving. Your hands went to his wrist as you tried to scratch at him and pull him away, but he wouldn't budge.
"I've been waiting for so long, but I won't let that fucker touch you." He bit his tongue and held his hips back from pounding you into the mattress. Shinso just wanted to cum, and flood your walls with his seed — the most ungodly thing he could do. He edged against your spot more, coaxing you further into another orgasm. He watched as your back slightly arched into the mattress while you tugged at his duvet. With each roll of his hips, yours would press down against him, chasing a climax. "You're so pathetic, really."
"No... hnng~ I- I'm not..." You barely managed to choke those words out.
"Oh..? But you couldn't take your eyes off of him when you two met last week..." Shinso recalled your meeting with Denki in front of their agency only a few weeks ago. Like you, the words and his memory seemed stuck in his throat.
"Shinso-nii, I- I don't like him..." He tilted your face until you two were at eye level.
"Don't fucking call me that right now." He sighed and paused before continuing, "I saw it last night." His hips finally stilled as his nails left a stinging pain in your thigh and indents on your skin.
"W- What?" He watched you nervously gulp and stare fearfully at him. Don't act innocently when your face gives you away.
"You..." A headache erupted as he recalled the previous night. "You gave him a great show last night. Topless. Tell me, was it fun? I heard him, loud as a fucking dog." Fuck. He heard everything? Your mind was blank. You could remember video-calling Denki. He said he just wanted to see you, one thing led to another... and...
"Toshi... I'm so sorry..! I- I didn't mean to... he just said he wanted to see me... please don't tell him..!" Toshi, you only called him that whenever you apologized. Tears cascaded from your eyes. You were truly sorry. He succeeded in breaking you. You pulled him closer to you, almost making him tumble. The sudden friction reminded him of his aching cock nearly spilling inside you. He needed to hurry.
"Don't apologize to me. Father heard it too. You're a shame to our family." His words stung like daggers, piercing your fragile heart, but he was right. More water leaked from your reddening eyes, and he reached down and coddled you. "What if he shows those pictures to his friends? People already avoid me. Now they'll laugh at me for having a slutty sister. You want that to happen to your big brother?"
"No... I don't want that to happen to you, Hitoshi... I'm so sorry..." Your arms still wrapped around his shoulders tightly, too scared to let him go. He caressed your arm and cooed his words into your ear.
"I know you're sorry... but you need to prove it to me." Your ears perked up as you stared at him, excited yet confused. "I can protect you. Just submit to me, obey me." He kissed the underside of your jaw, expecting you to deny him again. "Only look at me, nobody else... Please, don't leave me. Let me take care of you. Let me love you... I can do it. Just give me a chance." The tone of his voice raised as he finished his sentence. He was pleading with you.
"O- Okay, Toshi... I'll listen, I promise..." He smiled into your skin, not a teasing smirk but genuine happiness. Overjoyed, he couldn't stop his hips from rutting into your pussy again, catching you off-guard.
His thrusts were much sloppier. He'd been drawing near this whole time but suppressed it. Shinso pulled your body closer as your legs wrapped around his waist. Nearly lifting you off his bed, you could feel him enter you with each thrust, quicker than before, and graze against your tender spot again.
The sounds of your mixed juices, smacking flesh, and the smell of sweaty bodies bounced off the walls in his room. The walls were so thin that anybody could hear; your loud and high-pitched moans were surely heard by passersby and neighbors. He guides one of his hands down to your clit, rubbing vigorous circles on your sex and coating his fingers.
"Hmmf~, oh my-... I- I'm so... close..." Your fingers intertwined with his thick indigo hair as your nails scratched his back. "k- keep going... gosh, you're so good... Toshi-nii..." Murmuring endless praises and words of affection into his ear, he could feel himself becoming undone with every twitch and throb of your soft walls. "I... f- fuck... I think... ah~!"
Convulsing in his arms as you clenched tightly around him, Shinso felt your warm liquid creaming around his shaft as he pounded into your dripping cunt. Your spasming walls drew him closer and closer to his own release. Patting his head and repeating countless affirmations of your love for him, you felt him twitch inside you a few times as his breathing heavied. "you feel so good in me, toshi-nii" "please cum inside me, my pussy wants it inside..."
What kind of brother would he be if he didn't oblige your wishes? Harshly gripping your hips and sinking his teeth into your neck, you felt him release another pained yet loud groan as he inhaled your scent. Sinking your hips down to bury deep inside your walls, you felt his body quiver above you. His essence painted your insides white, milking him of all his cum until he was empty. Huffing and puffing, his body fell forward on your chest while you continued to hold him tight.
"Fuck... you're so amazing, kitten..." Once he regained some strength, he caressed your warm cheeks before leaning down and capturing your lips in a deep kiss. Raising himself up, he slid out of your filled hole and watched as some of his cum oozed out. Shinso's tip still leaked thick drops of his creamy cum. "I love you so much, doll..."
"I love you too, Toshi..." You replied back to him. After catching your breath for a few seconds, you spoke again. "Won't I need to take medicine now?"
"Oh... you mean Plan B? I'll pick some up in the morning for you." This night was fun, but Shinso didn't want to imagine you pregnant. Aizawa wouldn’t let him live.
A sudden tap at the door broke Shinso from his long thoughts. Your eyes peered behind his frame in shock, catching a glimpse of his soul leaving his body as he soon followed suit and turned around.
"(Y/N)? Shinso...?" There he was, the very same man you owed a sincere apology to. Still in his hero attire, just returning from work and patrolling. His voice was quiet yet agitated, the same tone Shinso heard after your rendezvous with Denki.
You crawled towards Shinso's chest and hid your bare body away from Aizawa. It was too late. He saw everything he needed to see. Your naked body only confirmed his suspicions. This has to be a dream. It must be a dream. Aizawa blinked his eyes in an obnoxious pattern as if it would change any of the events in front of him. Father, I'm sorry, but this is real. He must've finally understood, his hand ran through his thick black hair as he sighed deeply and tried to repress the rage building up inside of him.
"Oh... you're home early." Shinso finally broke the silent tension in the air. He chuckles to himself before standing up from the mattress, not caring about his bare lower half. You scurried to cover yourself. It was already humiliating enough. "Can you pick up some Plan B tomorrow, Dad? We'll need a few."
He put on his sweatpants before reaching down to help you off the bed. Placing one of his old shirts on your body, he strode confidently to your father, who stood in disbelief.
"Shinso…" Aizawa began, but... what would he say? As the seconds passed at a dreadfully slow pace, he spoke. “You two fucked, didn’t you? Shit, I don’t even need to ask.”
“Yeah, we did…” He held onto you tightly, expecting his father to intervene and take you away, but his feet were still firm. He couldn't let that happen after he worked hard to claim you.
“Didn’t I tell you to wait for me first?” 
“You know I hate sharing,” Shinsou helped you up off his bed. A damp stain of his cum sullied his clean sheets, the image only irritating his father more. “Besides, you always get to fuck who you want before me.”
His shoulder barged into his father, nearly knocking him off balance as he tried to reach for you. You peered back at him, his hand was still extended, but you kept walking. Shinso dragged you to the bathroom to clean up. He whispers something about the walls being echoey and tells you to scream loud until his father and the neighbors could hear. Aizawa watches as you nod eagerly and fade down the hallway into the bathroom.
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imagination-mess · 6 months
Reality Show: Pro Heroes Wives (Shinso Hitoshi Edition)
Reality Show Masterlist (All Editions)
There is a reality show where pro-heroes' wives are on television and paid to be there. It is filled with juicy gossip and pure drama. There are few wives in this second season who were kept out of the spotlight, which adds mystery and creates theories about who they were married to.
The same winners who were in the group that couldn’t be identified are back this season as a surprise challenge. Unlike last season, it wasn’t revealed at the very beginning of this reason which Pro Heroes wives would be featured.
There are only a few left without being matched, which were mostly underground heroes who people don’t typically pay attention to. Half of the cast already knew each other because their spouses had interacted on more than one occasion and were disqualified from participating in the weekend challenge of the show for those spouses. The others who did not know their spouses had to identify them, but the others couldn’t spill anything that would clue who their spouse was.
You, however, were making headlines and trending throughout social media for your wicked punch, knocking out Pro Hero [Blank] with a sharp uppercut punch after receiving a punch from them.
It was unexpected for the fans of the show to see another side of you since you always kept close to your friends and did the bare minimum to stay within the competition. You were barely involved in other people’s business. You are mostly found in the background, watching the drama unfold in front of your eyes.
The Pro Hero [Blank] had punched you in the face because you were ripping her apart from your words alone, causing her to have an emotional reaction. You were brutal with your words. It was also oblivious that you were purposely riling her up with the way you were openly mocking her. With a wicked grin, you intimidated her when the hero was trying to rip you apart while dodging her next attacks.
She was talking shit about your husband and claiming he shouldn’t even have licenses to be a pro-hero. She claims to have known him since middle school, and he will always remain a freak. Despite his being in the top 20, which was completely unintentional on his part,
Her friends that she made during her time on the show eventually join in attacking you verbally to only get their own medicine, taking them apart by their insecurities and such. It was clear her friends were ganging up on you while your friends were gone. 
You were ripping them apart and letting it all out because you have seen over and over how these people have to make side comments and belittle the other spouses in the house, including your friends. It was just her comment on Shinsou that threw you over the edge.
Who would have known the way to trigger you was by badmouthing your husband?
You ripped the Pro Hero [Blank] a new one and got punched as a result, but it was oblivious that you wanted it to happen. You purposely provoked her even more and unintentionally knocked them out on live television because they were trying to play dirty by attacking from behind. It was out of reflex because of the years of training you have. Your body just reacted.
People do what they do best: search on the web to find out who you are. You aren’t as popular as the Pro Hero to only find out you are worth way more than the hero. You also have a history of being the bully toward other bullies throughout middle and high school. You were an absolute menace in your younger years. Your former classmates coming to the internet to tell stories about you include those who were with you in martial arts and boxing clubs.
There were thirst traps and edits created by fans circling the internet. The fans of the show couldn’t tell if it was a loyal friend's or spouse's reaction based on the stories circling the media.
At home, the hero couldn’t help the smile that climbed up his lips. You didn’t even know, but that specific hero is someone he would never forget since they spread rumors about him in his earlier years of being in school. Those rumors stuck with him up until middle school.
Karma is a bitch.
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ugh-to-love-a-boy · 8 months
• He would be the one to say it without hesitation around 3 months into the relationship.
• You were laying on his bed just talking about life when you sat up smiling at him and laid a kiss on his cheek.
He smirked and said, I love you, Senorita.
• You froze for a moment, staring in shock and turning into the shade of Kirishima’s hair while his smirk grew wider.
• After a moment, you realized what happened and hugged him, saying you loved him too.
• Most of that evening was spent just cuddling in Sero’s bed.
• You said it first about him being an idiot and getting hurt at the training camp around 3 weeks into the relationship.
•Hearing from Jirou that your boyfriend got hurt had you freaking out.
• Instantly had her take you to where he was passed out.
Staring at him and waiting for him to wake up was absolute torture. The hour went by slower than the first day of school.
• And when he did wake up, he was groggy, and you pumping on him to cry didn’t help that whatsoever.
• Confused him even more when you sobbed out, "I love you, ok, you idiot, don’t do this shit again.”
Surprisingly, he didn’t shortcircuit and quickly wrapped his arms around you in an attempt to console you.
•I love you too, y/n/n," he would whisper back into your ear after a moment when he felt you had calmed down enough.
•Many men said it first during a Bakusquad hangout and 4 months into the relationship.
• Most of the 1-A class was just hanging out in the common area, including you and Kiri, who were off just getting popcorn and talking about the date you had planned.
• He just smiled and blurted it out, “I love you." You realized what he did when half the room stopped talking and you froze.
• Cue Kirishima turning the same shade as his hair.
• You put down the bowl of popcorn, grabbing Kirishima’s hand and kissing him on the cheek. "I love you too, sharky,” you teased, and most of the girls gushed as most of the guys groaned and told you to get a room.
• Very nice. The date the next day was wonderful.
• You said it first out of worry; he didn’t feel the same way around 13 months into the relationship.
• You knew things would be very slow when you started dating Shoto, but after over a year and he hadn’t said I love you, it had taken 2 and a half months to so much as hold hands.
• You felt like he loved you, and you knew you were his first real sister, so you were patient, but you felt insecure about it after 10 months, and you had made barely any progress.
• You distanced yourself a bit, and Shoto barely noticed. You felt like he had been happier. You felt stupid for thinking he was happier, but something told you he was, and you didn’t know who to tell.
• Then came the next 3 months of a downward spiral, and you realized you weren’t just having a bad week.
• Finally, you worked up the courage to tell Asui, and she told you to just be honest with him, and if he doesn’t feel that way, just leave him and try to stay friends, so you decided to do it.
• Finally, you walked to the Todorokis room, knocking, waiting for him to open and let you in.
• Sitting on the floor next to him, you explained how you felt, leaving out the fact that it was because he never said I love you.
He felt confused and was mad at himself, thinking he had done something wrong.
• You had to explain it was something he hadn’t done.
which confused him even more, making him think you distanced yourself because you hadn’t had sex yet.
• which made you feel bad, apologize, and tell him it was from something he hadn’t said.
• which brought you back to square one
• "Shoto, it's because I dont know if you love me. I know I love you, but it's not extremely easy when you're monotone."
He sat for a moment, staring with a blank expression. "Well, of course I love you. I wouldn’t be with you if I didn't.” Straight forward to the point.
• Like a weight was lifted off your shoulders, you launched yourself at your boyfriend.
• He wrapped his arm around you softly, laying his head on your shoulder. “I’ll try to say it more, dear.”
• You said it first in the middle of an argument around 3 months ago.
• You knew it; he knew it; everyone knew it. Katsuki was a total asshole with anger issues.
• Though no one expected he would get into a screaming match with his girlfriend’s best friend (Denki) while she was out
• and when she got back and found out she wasn’t happily marching straight to her boyfriend’s room, demanding an answer
• which he refused to give her one until they were in a screaming match themselves.It doesn’t matter, just know I had a reason."
• Well, what was the reason?" She wanted to know what would cause him to lose his sh*t. “He said something,” Bakugo groaned. "Well, what did he  say?"Y/N whispered, taking a seat on the edge of his bed, “It doesn’t matter." Bakugo groaned, shoving a pillow over his face. "Yes, it does, you idiot. I want to know why the boy I love screamed at my best friend.”
•Upon hearing "I love,” he shot up, “You love me." His girlfriend nodded. “Did you not know that?” he said, shaking his head. “He was talking about how if I didn’t ask you out, he would totally be with you right now.”
•y/n moved closer to him, hugging Bakugo. "Katsu, don't worry, ok, I love you and only you,” she whispered before kissing him softly on the forehead. “I love you too, idiot,” he muffled, hugging her back tightly.
• She said it first during a one-on-one sleepover 2 1/5 months in
• Her sneaking into your room at 11 p.m., saying she was bored and missed her girlfriend, and lying in your bed watching TV with you
• During commercials, she tuned down the volume, talking about random things, before peppering your face with soft kisses while cuddling.
•In the middle of giggles, she wrapped her arms around you, pulling you closer to her whispering, “I love you,” in your ear barely audible.
•Cue you smiling and tightly hugging her back. "I love you too.” The two of you would gaze into each other’s eyes, smiling knowing you met “the one.”
• A short, quick, and sweet little sleepover with two lovers is always wonderful.
• He attempted to say it first, around 1 ½ months into the key word attempt.
• You two were supposed to just have a cute study date, which went from hand-holding and not talking to scrolling on your phones to you laying in his lap, fidgeting with his free hand.
•glancing up You smiled adoringly at his concentrated face, trying to do his homework. Your finger grazed over a few of his scars.
•Smiling, you pulled his hand closer to your face. You peppered soft kisses onto his scars, which made him look down at you, confused for a moment before realizing what you were doing.
•I love you... uh, your eyes, they’re very pretty." He flushed a bright pink, and you pushed yourself up off his lap.
• Zuku, I love you too, don’t  worry."That made him flush even more, and you kissed his forehead before laying back down on his lap, his hand slowly going through your hair as he attempted to calm himself down.
• He said it first hanging out for 2 months.
• Everything was ready for movie night. Snacks were displayed on your table. You were dressed comfortably, and your boyfriend was still picking out the movie. He wanted to choose horror, thinking it would freak you out.
• You grabbed a few more pillows and laid them on the floor, pulling Shinshou down with you lying on his chest as he turned on an American horror movie called "It." Apparently, it was about clowns.
• You were fine until the maggot doll showed up, and you shoved your head into his shinsy neck, knocking the air out of him. "Okay, babe, you know I love you, but never do that again,” he groaned, sitting up and rubbing his neck.
• You love me," you would stare in shock for a moment, and he would realize his half-assed love confession. "Yes, and a shame it was only said because you almost killed me,” he would joke.
•I love you too, Toshi," you whispered as he pulled you closer. "Good, good. Now help me pick a move that won’t result in me getting a bruised neck.”
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Shinso surprising you for International Women’s Day with some nice somnophilla.
It had been a kink that you had wanted to explore for a while but Shinso had felt a bit nervous about it because explicit consent from you every time you two had sex was very important to him with his quirk.
To your delight you stirred awake from Shinso pushing your panties aside and slowly warming you up and preparing you to take his hard cock.
Feigning sleep up until he sunk himself into your wet folds as you moaned from the sensation as his sinewy body pressed against your back. Shinso’s strong hands gripped your hips as he tilted your body in a way that took him better.
“Good morning kitten.” He said simply with a small smirk before he wrecked you in the best way possible.
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youremy-celebrity · 1 year
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god's favourite // my hero academia (social media au) [on hold]
a part of me hated all of you
shinsou hitoshi x fem!reader
genre: youtuber/influencer au, fluff, crack, a lil angst, wealthy yn
warnings: swearing, sexual themes, capitalism haha, violence, bakugo is in this a little bit
disclaimer: i'm going to do my best to portray an influencer lifestyle as well as a heiress lifestyle without any personal experience lol so if its inaccurate i'm sorry! also i'll be using blackpink members as a "face claim" for yn so haters go away 😠
taglist open! send an ask to be added :]
part one: gonna sound like an ass but
part two: somebody woke up and chose violence today
part three: don't praise the job stealers
part four: ok boomer
part five: you a radar or smth
part six: thank the lord you didn't embarrass yourself
part seven: gotta milk it while i can
part eight: please don't ruin my life
part nine: nice political answer
part ten: even after i told him to be nice
part eleven: whatever
part twelve: bc that's a felony
part thirteen: ahem
part fourteen: truly breathtaking
part fifteen: who is it
part sixteen: text y'all soon
part seventeen: you're fucking famous
part eighteen: i trust hitoshi
part nineteen: i just need some space for now
part twenty: the morning after
part twenty-one: can’t wait to fire all of them
part twenty-two: aren't you a ray of sunshine
part twenty-three: ya sure fam
main masterlist
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suntoru · 1 year
𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚍 𝚙𝚝. 𝟸
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synopsis: you find a gigantic stuffed bear at your desk for valentine’s day! how does your bnha best friend react when it’s not from them?
a/n: bnha version <3 hope you’re all doing good
warnings: a bit of swearing, fluff, crack, semi-angst
genshin version
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izuku really tries for you :((((( he tears up, inside his heart breaks a lil bit seeing you so happy with the stuffie, but he doesn’t want you to see him being upset. he pretends to be excited for you, but the smile doesn’t really reach his eyes. he knows it’s unreasonable to be mad at a pile of fluff and fabric… but… he js wants to be your favourite again 🥺
“y/n! …oh, you’re busy cuddling with the bear? …i guess i’ll just go over there then…”
bakugo absolutely loses it. you have no idea why he’s so pissy today, did you do something wrong? when class ends, he doesn’t wait for you to get your stuff like usual, and he doesn’t sit with you at lunch… it stings a lot bit more than you think, you feel so alone. ending up in tears, you call him sobbing, telling him you’re sorry for what you did wrong :( he comes barging into your room five seconds later and crouches over you, wiping a stray tear dripping down your face.
“listen dumbass, i’m… sorry. no, you didn’t do anything wrong. here, i got you your favourite chocolate so you’d stop your whining.”
todoroki’s confused. who gave you this giant bear? why didn’t they give it to you themselves? and most importantly, why does he feel his heart twist? he decides he doesn’t like this feeling. he tells himself it’s illogical to be jealous of an inanimate object, but after class, he takes you to the nearest plushie store and tells you to pick out whatever you want. or better yet, why not just buy the entire store? 
“hmm? what do you mean i’m insane? of course i can afford it, would i offer it if i couldn’t?” yes
kirishima is genuinely happy for you. of course you’d get a stuffie, he thinks you’re amazing and that you totally deserve it! he even hypes you up, telling you that you’re super manly n his favourite person. when you open up your locker after lunch, you’ll find a chibi crimson riot plushie and a polaroid camera photo of you and him during the sports festival 💗
“that bear is super cute! just like you <3”
kaminari hates it. he hates your attention not being on him, he hates that you hug the bear but not him. so what does he do? he tries to gaslight you into throwing it out 💀💀 throwing shade at the bear, getting offended when you defend it, and being all pouty when you huff at him. he squats in a corner, pursing his lips together, mumbling under his breath about how he’ll zap the bear in the balls later 🤩.
“stupid bear… who do you think you are, taking all of y/n’s attention?”
shinsou looks like he couldn’t care less, and for a while, he doesn’t. but when you start to no longer take naps with him because now you have a cuddle buddy, that’s when he has a problem. he physically snatches the bear off his delicately placed spot and tosses it carelessly on the ground. he wiggles onto your bed next to you, taking the place of the bear who was there seconds ago. he swipes the drool off the corner of your mouth before joining you in slumber.
“why the bear is on the ground? it must have fell off.”
tamaki is insecure of it. do you like it better than him? why do you call it your new best friend? have you replaced him? you clearly notice when he starts to get distant, but you can’t figure out why. is it because you’ve been spending more time with nejire? that must be it! when you apologize to him for accidentally ignoring him for your friend, he sighs in relief. at least you still want to be his friend and maybe more
“i-it’s really no big deal. i get it if you like nejire better than me. wait… nejire?” 
dabi doesn’t give a shit. i mean, he’s confident that you won’t leave him because you both have unresolved feelings for each other, but that doesn’t stop him from burning poor teddy into a crisp :( don’t worry though, he’ll just ‘buy’ you another one! he doesn’t mind another late night run with you, especially if it makes you happy. 
“hah? those ashes are from… my cigarettes. maybe shiggy or toga has your plushie.”
hawks juts his lips into a pretty pout. he’d make a really good stuffie too, y’know… if only you’d notice his feelings for you. but on another note, he leaves hints that he just released a new line of hawks chibi plushie, and he just happens to have a couple extra… pouts further when you suggest that he should hand them out to fans next time he’s at an event.
“what? that’s- not what i meant…”
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kingyo-konbini · 1 year
[SUMMARY] what one person writes on their skin also appears on the skin of their soulmate. reader is forgetful and shinsou is bored. awkwardness ensues. [PRONOUNS] she/her [GENRE] fluff | soulmate au [POV] third person [WORD COUNT] 1083 [CONTENT] soulmate-identifying marks | pov switch between reader & shinsou | math
She was forgetful.
[Name] always had an issue with remembering things. She would put reminders on her phone, sticky notes on her walls, and big red words on her whiteboard and in her planner. And yet, somehow, she always seemed to miss them. The only thing she found that would work (and that wasn't even a guarantee) was writing the reminders on her wrist and hand and arm.
When she first started doing it she worried that it would bother her soulmate, the person who saw the scribbled notes appear on their own skin as though they had written it. But, after a while, she forgot about that, too.
He was bored.
Shinsou Hitoshi had a problem with staying awake during study hall. He was fine during the actual lessons, hoping to soak up as much hero stuff as he could, but when he was left to his own devices he became utterly bored and horribly tired. He would read and go over notes, but those activities quickly became just as boring as doing nothing. The only thing that would stave off his boredom was to look at the words that would sometimes cover one of his limbs. And on the days where there was nothing, he would absentmindedly draw small doodles on the empty space.
When he first started doing it, he worried that his soulmate would find the cartoon-ish cats to be too childish, or his drawing abilities to be less than sub-par. But, after a while, he grew bored with that, too.
It was Sunday. [Name] had two assignments due for English on Monday, neither of which she’d started, and a math assignment she was absolutely clueless about. She’d asked her friends, who were just as stumped as her, and Google didn’t even seem to have the answers, either. [Name] stared down at the math problems in front of her, mind split between figuring out the equations and working on the two English papers. Why had she thought spending Saturday with her friends, getting some extra practice in with their Quirks, would be a good idea?
In a moment of desperation, [Name] glanced at her wrist and the lack of anything drawn by her soulmate. It had been some time since she’d seen anything drawn by them, and she had to admit that she missed seeing the cute cat doodles. It was rare for her to think about her soulmate, writing notes or reminders on her skin without so much as a second thought towards the other person who could read them.
She bit her lip and picked up her pen, hesitantly drawing the first equation into her skin. Underneath it she wrote “help?” and then capped her pen, set it down on the desk, and waited.
Shinsou had never tried to communicate with his soulmate through the drawings. He knew people who had, people who had written down their location or phone number and met their soulmates that way. If Shinsou wasn’t being honest, he’d say that it was too much work and he wasn’t interested in the whole “soulmate” thing, anyways. If Shinsou was being honest, though, he’d say that he was worried about what he’d find. What if his soulmate thought he was ugly? What if they hated him and his Quirk? What if they were scared of him? They seemed like such a ditzy, cute person, always writing reminders on their skin, no matter how simple. How could he compare to that? To them, he was just the person who would draw a cat sometimes, and even that was rare.
And besides, they had never tried to contact him, either.
Which was why it was such a surprise when Shinsou saw the equation suddenly appear and the word 'help?' written beneath it. He’d been drying off from his shower, just having gotten back from training, when he noticed it. He stared at the numbers and letters and blinked. The equation looked familiar- they had just gone over it in class on Friday.
He could help his soulmate with a math problem.
Shinsou quickly finished drying off and got dressed, sitting at his desk and quickly picking up a pen. He wrote the word 'okay' beneath their request for help and waited a minute before getting to work.
The moment his response appeared beneath her cry for help, [Name] felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. She waited with bated breaths as the process to solve the equation slowly appeared. [Name] copied it down, stroke for stroke, in her notebook. It took a second for her to realize she’d been holding her breath.
Within two minutes the answer was there, peering up at her from her wrist. The steps to getting it had been neatly recorded and transferred to the assignment sheet, and [Name] let out a long sigh of relief. 'thank you.' She wrote, adding a smiley face for good measure.
Content with that small bit of contact, [Name] turned back to her papers. She had just started attempting the next problem when the familiar sensation of lines appearing in her skin brought her back to look at her wrist. Written in the space where the palm meets the wrist were new words: 'do u need help w/ more?'
[Name] sucked in a breath, her heart racing against her ribs. Trembling more than she’d like to admit, [Name] wrote a short 'if it’s not too much trouble' beneath the question.
Shinsou couldn’t keep the stupid grin off his face. As soon as he realized it, though, he forced it away and replaced it with a neutral expression, though his eyes still glimmered. Talking to his soulmate made his heart beat quicker than usual; he told himself he wasn’t sure why, since he hadn’t given them much thought, but a voice in the back of his head whispered "you know why."
Hesitating for just a moment longer, Shinsou began to write down his phone number. Once the numbers were written, he grimaced. Had this really been a good idea? He thought back to the number of people who had done the same thing he had, though for different reasons. They all seemed happy enough, but was he ready to talk to his soulmate like they did?
Shaking his head, Shinsou assured himself that he wasn’t trying to connect with them. All he was doing was trying to help someone with their math homework. That was it.
Three minutes passed before his phone buzzed.
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gatobrujoart · 2 years
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Happy birthday Shinsou Hitoshi!!!
Hope you get at least one more moment to shine before the manga end
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stardust-sprinkler · 1 year
I’m rabid for this purple depresso espresso—enjoy!
Say No, Shinsou:
Shinsou can have a hard time telling you “no” sometimes. It’s just that he melts over how happy you get when he says yes. He’d do almost anything to see that smile every time. (Christ’s sake, take his kidney if you really want it.)
“Yes,” you can pick the take out food for the upteempth time, go ahead.
“Yes,” if that’s how you wanna spend your day off together, that’s how he’ll plan it.
“Yes,” you can go see a movie just so you can make out in the theater like teenagers, go start up the car.
“Yes,” you can ride shotgun, he doesn’t mind driving. (And “yes,” put your playlist on too.)
“Yes,” he’ll hold your heels when your feet get sore. He doesn’t mind.
“Yes,” he’s more than happy to zip up the back of your dress, or clasp your necklaces, or even help with your hair if you need it.
“Yes,” he’ll get up and let the crying cat into the bedroom whenever you both forget to check if she was with you before passing out. (“It’s okay, honey, go back to sleep, I got her.”)
“Yes,” it’s fine if you need five extra minutes to really determine which of the tomatoes in the grocery store are the perfect ones. He finds it cute, loves seeing the little furrow in your brow while you navigate the high-stakes world of produce purchases.
“Yes,” if you love it, then it’s yours.
“Yes,” he remembered how you like it.
“Yes.” “Yes.” “Yes.”
Because he’s so absolutely, earnestly, irrevocably in love with you. Your happiness is his, so much so, that when he does tell you “no,” it’s out of necessity.
So, “no,” this time he can’t squeeze in your morning quickie, he’s gotta get in the shower now, the alarm went off late and he hasn’t even had coffee and he can’t afford t—
…did you strip off your bed clothes and switch them with the pajama shirt he just got out of?
Y’know what, it’s Denki’s agency too, there’s a coffee machine at the office, and the beginnings of meetings are never really groundbreaking anyway. He’ll catch up fast.
“Yes,” he misses the whole thing.
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dioriya · 2 months
his touch, hitoshi shinsou.
405. fluff. originally written for my resident gremlin but i feel like the flow of this piece suits toshi more.
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slowly, fingertips drag along the surface of your arm, just barely making their presence known. you welcome his touch with a sigh, leaning backwards into the chair as his touch moves upwards: rubbing at your shoulders, grazing the outline of your neck, caressing your face. you tip your head backwards to meet his gaze and he offers the faintest edges of smile in return.
your heart squeezes in familiarity at the all too welcomed sight. it's been a while since the both of you have had time to spend with each other, your schedules just barely aligning. he was away often, as the city was so ever demanding, and you didn't want to interrupt his down time - when he did get the time to wind down. you, on the other hand, were neck deep within the growing abundance of work that never seemed to stop piling up, no matter how hard you worked.
it was tiring. you were tired, and in the midst of your exhaustion, you'd forgotten that he didn't have to go in today, the routine of getting used to barely seeing him engraved within you as you walked yourself home that night. you'd texted him before you left, of course, your messages being one of the few ways you two communicated.
"hey." he nudges the side of your head gently, and you close your eyes as the sound of his voice engulfs you, spreading warmth right to your bones. god, you missed this. you missed him. "tired?"
you nod slowly, a faint smile spreading across your lips as his own presses a soft kiss upon your forehead.
"missed you," is all you can manage, craving more and more of his touch now that you've gotten a taste of it after so long. you can't even remember the last time you had peacefully enjoyed each other's company.
"sorry," he mumbles, brows creased slightly as he tugs you towards the couch, his arms wrapping around you soon after, and suddenly he's everywhere. your rest your head within the crook of his neck and curl into his side, finally allowing yourself to relax. it's a moment before he speaks up again, the two of you a comfortable mass of tangled limbs and love. "i missed you, too."
"don't apologize for something you can't control," you smile, and he pulls you closer in response, resting his head atop yours. "you're here now, and.. that's all that matters."
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vrisrezis · 2 years
The worst thing abt being with certain characters ? Write ur favs ! Bnha preferably
Bakugou is very jealous and not in the funny cute way. Sure, it’s funny and cute the first couple times but after awhile it becomes repetitive. It’s often, and it can be exhausting. You may feel like he doesn’t trust you as well because of it, in reality he’s just scared of losing you but he can’t confront it properly.
Kirishima tries so hard to do everything for the both of you. It’s sweet how considerate and selfless he can be, but you just wish he would let you shoulder his burdens like how he shoulders yours. He’s your rock, (literally) but on a whole other level and he won’t ever let you return the favor. It sometimes feels like he doesn’t trust you. Maybe one day he will open up, since being honest is manly.
Kaminari doesn’t listen and he forgets a lot of things. He tries to listen, he really does. But he just can’t sometimes. Whether it be because he’s too busy admiring how attractive you are or because what you’re talking about is too goddamn boring, he can’t focus on the words coming out of your mouth. He may forget important things that he didn’t mean to forget and it comes across as him just not caring. He cares so much but he’s extremely forgetful, unfortunately.
Todoroki is perfect. The worst thing about being with him isn’t even him, it’s his father. Even after he redeemed himself, he’s very hard on you. He believes his son deserves only the best, the strongest. You have to deal with his father constantly, it’s extremely tiresome and the worst part is you have to keep it to yourself.
Dabi lies, a lot. Even when he starts being himself and becomes open and vulnerable, that takes a very long time and he has a terrible habit of lying to you. If you’re not a villain alongside him, you have no idea about his double life. Even if you are? He doesn’t tell you what he’s up to while he’s gone. He truly means well, behind the mask is a soft and caring man, in his own way. But through and through he’s a liar. Even you don’t know his true identity for the longest time.
Shigaraki… where do I even begin? He’s exhausting to deal with, he’s childish to a fault. When you argue he expects you to apologize and he doesn’t ever think he did anything wrong. He’s extremely insensitive, and it takes a huge fuckup for him to realize he did something wrong and even then is too embarrassed to apologize. When he’s mad he’s not against yelling at you and saying he’ll kill you (even though he doesn’t mean it). Through and through you’re dating a man child.
Toga is pretty perfect in a relationship, if you ignore the fact she’s crazy. She’s very obsessive and jealous, and would definitely kill anyone that she felt showed any romantic interest in you, even if you two were friends. Makes her sound like a yandere but.. yknow.. I guess she kinda is? Her obsessive nature makes her overbearing to be with at times and it can feel isolating.
Hawks is swarmed by fans constantly, and many fans can be flirtatious. He tries to make sure the public eye likes him, so he often flirts back so there’s no hard feelings. You know he doesn’t like those people at all, but it can still be frustrating to see him flirt with random people. On top of this, he probably keeps your relationship a secret. He does it to protect you, but you can’t help but feel like this relationship isn’t important to him.
Sero is practically perfect, however when he’s feeling a particular emotion he assumes things. If he were to get jealous, it’s rare, but when he is he assumes you don’t like him anymore. When he’s sad he assumes you think he’s a pathetic failure, and etc. once you talk to him about it though, he tries to understand that it’s just in his head. It’s hard not to act upon these feelings though.
Mina is just .. a bit much at times. She constantly wants to go out and will not understand you if you just wanna stay home and chill out for once. Mina likes to be out and about, so you will find she lacks the understanding of just wanting to relax. But honestly is that really that bad compared to the others.
Jirou is not the most open and vulnerable, as it’s very hard for her to be. She will open up if needed but you have to coax her into opening up. She won’t voice her affections, and tries her hardest to remain stoic despite the blush on her cheeks. It may feel like she doesn’t trust you at times, because she’s very open with momo. However, she just had a hard time because she likes you so much.
Ochako gets very insecure, which isn’t a bad thing or anything until you consider the fact that she gets insecure over very small things. She gets insecure if you don’t call her certain pet names that day or something else pretty small and she thinks the worst possible thing and tries to avoid you.
Momo doesn’t do it on purpose, but she may make you feel guilty since she constantly wants to do things for you and constantly wants to buy you things as well. She absolutely refuses to let you do things for her at all, it’s only cause she loves you though, of course. But sometimes she makes you feel like she’s infantilizing you.
Monoma is just exhausting in general, but you kinda know what you signed up for when you started dating him. Due to his inferiority complex, he gets jealous very often. He tries not to resort to his.. usual self.. especially since he tries to act different when you’re around but sometimes he can’t help but gossip and shit talk people he’s jealous of, even if they’re close to you. It just gets exhausting to constantly hear about people you’re close to.
Shinsou is pretty much the perfect boyfriend so honestly the worst thing about dating him would probably be what people say about him and his quirk. It can be upsetting hearing people think of your boyfriend as a villain or somebody will villain potential, especially when you know him to be different and much more kind than what meets the surface.
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