#alcina x female reader
naturesapphic · 1 day
Can I request a lady dimitrescu x reader where the reader gets into a 1v1 or a 2v1 fight with the maid/s while the family is at a meeting? The maid/s don’t like the reader for whatever reason and as soon as the family leaves, that’s when it happens(hope this makes sense 😭)
Lady dimitrescu x fem!reader (romantic), maids x fem!reader (platonic/hate relationship)
Warnings: hurt/comfort, arguing, fighting, threatening, bullying
You were nervous. No. Petrified. Your girlfriend and her kids were going out for a special meeting and you had to stay home alone. With them. Diana and Chloe. The two maids who for some reason hated you. You were walking your girlfriend to the door when she leant down and gave you a passionate kiss on your plump lips. You kiss her back and pull away with a big grin on your face, forgetting about the crazy women who were silently watching the interaction between you two.
You watch as the daughters and lady dimitrescu leave before you were being pinned down on the floor by the two women. They covered your mouth with their hands and you immediately bit them which caused them to pull away. You kicked Diana in her crotch while you jumped up and ran upstairs. They ran after you and Chloe caught up with you and pulled at your shirt which made you fall. Chloe got on top of you and started to punch you in the face over and over.
Diana actually had to pull Chloe off of her before she could anymore damage. Your nose was bleeding and you had bruises on your face. You got up and punched both of them in the face and went running to your room and slammed it shut and locked it. You heard screaming and banging on the other side and you hid yourself in the closet until your girlfriend came back. A few hours later alcina and her daughters came home. Alcina thought you would be waiting for her by the door but she couldn’t see you anywhere. She smelled your blood and immediately went up the stairs to follow it.
Alcina unlocked the door with her keys and called out your name “y/n?! Darling where are you!” She said as she searched frantically for you. “In here…” a broken whisper came from the closet. She went to it and opened it to see you in a ball with tears streaming down your face. Her heart broke at the sight of you and then it turned into anger when she saw the blood. “Who did this to you.” She demanded and you whimpered. “N-no one…I f-fell…” you quietly said and alcina sighed frustratedly but then kept her cool. “Dear I know someone did this and they must pay. Please tell me who did this to you.” She demanded bit more softly this time.
You sighed “it was Chloe and Diana. They’ve been doing it since you let them work for you a couple of months ago. They both have huge crushes on you and always wants to threaten and bully me. So when y’all left they jumped me and started punching and kicking me. I got a hit in but as you can see they mainly got me.” You explained and you watch as her face changed. You’ve never seen your girlfriend more pissed off in your life. She moved away from the closet and yelled for her three daughters to come here.
They swarm in and saw the state you were in and gasped. “Chloe and Diana did this to her and I want them in the dungeon now. We can deal with them later.” She whispered at the last part so you wouldn’t hear. They nodded and looked at you with sympathy one more time before they flew off to get the two women who have hurt you and chain them in the dungeon. Alcina leaned down and picked you up in her arms. She carried you to the bathroom where she fixed up your face and cleaned it. After that she placed you on the bed and kissed your forehead.
“I have some important things to do right quick but why don’t you go ahead and rest okay darling? I’ll some check on you soon.” She said and you nodded your head. Going inside the covers and closing your eyes as alcina left the room, revenge filling her veins as she goes down the dungeon to meet her daughters. Let’s just say you never saw them again.
A/n: hello anon thank you for the request and I hope you liked it! I hope the rest of y’all do too! Remember to stay hydrated and to rest! I love y’all :)
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teaaagan · 11 months
Y/N, texting Alcina: *sends a voice message*
Alcina, texting back: I’m a little busy, is it urgent?
Y/N: No, don’t worry, just listen later.
Alcina: *presses play*
Y/N's voice message: THERE’S A FIRE-
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 10 months
What do you think about a threesome with lady lesso and lady dimitrescu🤭🤭🤭😫
Yes yes yessss. This one is Larissa xLady Dimitrescu. Lady Lesso and Lady Dimitrescu to come… 😏This is a collar with @scream-queenlover !!! I thoroughly enjoyed working together on this with you, love 💞💞💞 One Alrissa xReader threesome Coming up… ♥️
Fabulous Night to Remember ~Larissa Weems xAlcina Dimitrescu (Alrissa) xFem Server!Younger!Reader
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Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!!, implied age gap (all legal), threesome, smut, sex, implied face riding, shapeshifted dick, fingering, ass grinding, pussy grinding, p in v, double entrance fucking, blindfolds, body adoration, begging, teasing, edging, kissing, marking, praise, praise kink, biting kink, begging kink, implied bondage kink, marking kink, blindfold kink, ma’am/sir kink, pet names, daddy kink, pet kink, etc.
Enjoy (;
Three years. It had been three years now. Three years ago, Larissa had met the love of her life. Alcina. And two years ago, Alcina had asked Larissa to marry her. It was a fever dream.
But it was all very real. For their anniversary, the two had picked a restaurant known for their wine, as both women had a sweet tooth for a glass of red. Larissa had to work that day, and so she and Alcina had agreed to meet up at the restaurant at 6. Alcina pulled up to the restaurant and saw that Larissa’s car was already there.
Of course, the blonde was already here…
Alcina chuckled to herself as she got out of her vehicle and entered the restaurant. She was used to the stares, hell, so was Larissa. And so both women just ignored it. Alcina found Larissa already sitting and looking at the menu. As Alcina’s eye caught the distinguished, blonde’s, Larissa set down the menu and smiled lovingly towards her wife.
“Good evening, why is such a pretty lady sitting all alone in such a fine restaurant?” Alcina flirtatiously said to the blonde.
The blonde gave the tall, handsome woman a teasing look, but played along with her, feigning innocence.
“May I join you?” She said with a smirk.
The blonde put on an innocent face “ I shouldn’t do that.. you know I am married and if my wife were to find out…”
They both shared some laughter after their cringy and flirty exchange, and Alcina took a seat at the table, facing her wife and taking the menu in her hand, studying it intensely
You scanned the restaurant and the tables you were responsible for this evening. You had brought a tall, blonde lady to Table 7 with two menus, and she had stated that she was waiting for her wife and if you could come back when she arrived. You nodded politely, agreeing pleasantly with the statuesque woman. You went back to the bar where some drinks for your other tables were waiting for you. You couldn’t help but let your eyes wander back to table 7 every now and again…
The blonde was absolutely stunning and she had already caught your eye when she entered the restaurant 10 minutes ago. She was tall, beautiful and elegant, you assumed she must be in her early to mid 40s. Her British accent sent you almost to your knees. You had a weak spot for older, more mature women and when they had an accent, it just was the cherry on the top. When she mentioned she had a wife, your mind absolutely lost it and went straight to the gutter.
“Good Evening, my name is Y/N, and I will be serving you tonight.”
You blushed slightly at your own choice of words, and the raven haired woman’s smile was simply ever so entrancing. Snapping back to reality, you took both women’s orders. They were starting with a bottle of sparkling water and a bottle of Chianti. You nodded as you jotted their order down and left them to run over the menu. You gave them a fluttering glance as you entered in their drink orders, blushing once more at their ethereal beauty as the two were passionately in discussion.
“Darling…? You wouldn’t happen to fancy that pretty, little waitress, would you…?” Larissa presumptuously purred, pretending to eye her menu while actually fluttering her gaze to and fro Alcina.
Alcina was more than happy to play along.
“Dearest Wife…! I’m simply stunned that you would ever suggest such a thing!” She exclaimed in a hushed tone, feigning surprise and disappointment.
At this, both women chuckled.
“Besides, I’m not the one who called her ‘pretty’, am I…?” Alcina teased the blonde, eliciting a light blush from Larissa.
The two women began having a deeper conversation about their time together and their lives before each other. You brought over their drinks, setting them on the table, flipping their glasses over, opening their bottle of water, and then pouring them both a glass of the red wine. You did all of this with two pairs of watchful eyes on you, which only made your hands shaky and your face blooming a darker red. Both women had forgone their menus and conversation, happily taking their glasses of red from the pretty, little waitress.
You then took out your notepad to take their orders, but the blonde reached out and lightly grasped up your wrist, stopping you. You looked at the woman in awe and shock. She was touching you. You wanted more. Her touch was so soft yet so direct.
“I… Ma’am…?” You choked out, your cheeks blushing a deep fusia.
“We’re not quite ready to order yet, Darling…” The blonde purred, her eyelids batting at you playfully and her glimmering blue eyes staring you down with intensity.
“I— No problem…” you stuttered, your eyes fluttering over to the other woman, who was watching the show intently and with a smirk on her face, “I can… come back in… in a few minutes…”
Then the blonde let you out of her light yet direct hold. The trance broke.
“Wonderful, thank you, Darling…” she purred.
You gulped and nodded, walking away completely stunned and at a loss for words. Both women turned their attention back to their menus.
“My ‘Rissa, Don’t you think it’s a little cruel to be messing with the poor girl…?” Alcina chuckled.
“Oh Alcina… I love you dearly, but it’s not cruel, when she is practically begging us to… Watch her actions. The way she stumbles over her words, the way she blushes, the way she responds like such a good girl…” Larissa teasingly hums.
“Careful… Don’t get ahead of yourself there, Dearest…” Alcina purrs.
“What? Are you telling me you are not interested in the girl, Darling…?” Larissa challenged, putting down her menu as she had now chosen what she wanted.
Alcina finally looked up from her menu to meet the blondes gaze.
“Of course I am…” she admits with a light chuckle, also having decided on her meal putting her menu down.
You were standing at the bar, cashing up your last table that just asked you to pay. You made your way to said table, letting the guests know what they had to pay, they left a generous tip and thanked you for your great service. You sincerely thanked them and turned around to go back to the bar, when you noticed the blonde and ravened hair couple signaling you that they were ready to order. You slowly walked up to their table.
“I assume you two have decided..” your voice was trembling slightly which wasn’t unnoticed by the two goddesses sitting in front of you.
“Oh yes Darling, we are very sorry to have kept you waiting. Your menu is just so extraordinary that it is too hard to decide. I think we both agreed on a Main course but is there anything you can suggest us for an appetizer?“ The blonde woman spoke.
Me… I would just suggest you take Me…
You shook yourself, trying to tame your thoughts.
“Well.. I.. I mean.. I would suggest the Baked Brie Platter with Assortments. It will compliment your wine perfectly…” your eyes were glued to the table, you were afraid if you looked into their eyes too long, they could read your dirty thoughts that were poisoning your professionalism.
You felt the two pairs of eyes wandering over your body as you waited for their final order. “Mhhm.. that sounds perfect Dear, you certainly know your wines don’t you…” the raven haired goddess spoke.
“Thank you ma’am.. I’m just here to please..” you could’ve slapped yourself again for the choice of words, making your face burn with heat again.
Both women had the biggest smirks on their faces which you saw in the corner of your eyes.
“Oh I am sure that you will serve us well” the taller woman commented, and with that sentence you felt a hand on the back of your thigh pulling you a bit closer to the table.
“If you don’t want this darling, let us know now and we will stop and nothing else will happen…” the woman assured you.
You felt a deep trust radiating from her and the only thing you felt you could do was nod.
“Sweet girl, we will need you to use your words…” the blonde woman softly demanded.
“I will let you know if I feel uncomfortable.” you breathed out.
That was the first time tonight that your voice seemed strong and confident. The hand on your thigh started to caress your leg and you dared to look up finally. Your eyes were met with the most shimmering, yellowest eyes you have ever seen, they intrigued you. As quickly as her hand was on your thigh, the quicker she took it away, leaving you squirming on the spot.
You took the rest of the order, the blonde woman ordered a Beef Wellington and the dark haired woman ordered Steak done Bleu. You made your way back to the bar, where you tried to comprehend what just happened.
Once at the bar you tried to get a hold of yourself and the situation you had gotten yourself into now. You had a strange feeling in your gut... excitement mixed with nervousness mixed with… you couldn’t quite wrap your head around it... you had no idea who those women were, no name, age or anything... but somehow you trusted them and you felt safe.
You tried to get your mind clear by focusing back at work, waiting tables, cleaning off and setting the table for new guests. You heard the familiar ping of the kitchen's bell, that the food was ready to be served and you went to the kitchen window to pick up the orders. A Beef Wellington and a Steak done Bleu... suddenly the feeling got back paired with something new... arousal... you could feel it build up in your abdomen, you could feel it pooling in your knickers... you were aroused and somehow you knew that this would not get better… no it would get wetter… the stupid pun left you grinning like an idiot, and so you tried to compose yourself. So you grabbed the two plates and made your way to table 7. On your way to the table it suddenly hit you, you forgot who ordered which Main. When you arrived both women had their eyes glued on you again.
“Beef Wellington.” you said, trying to seem professional… emphasis on trying...
“Oh Dear… Don’t tell us you forgot who ordered that... Did you forget…?” The dark haired woman mockingly said.
“I... I... well…” you stuttered, as you tried to clear your throat.
“You seem distracted… Y/N.”
You’d never heard your name being said so seductively…
“Tell us, Darling, what is going on in that pretty head of yours?”
It was just too much… the teasing, the names and the compliment...
You let out the smallest whimper… No one else in the restaurant would have noticed but the two women in front were clearly aware of what just came out of your mouth.
“What a pretty sound... I wonder what else we could get out of her... what do you think Rissa, my dear?”
“I think… we are going to have so much fun with her darling.” The blonde affirmed. “I ordered the Beef Wellington sweetheart. We don’t want to distract you more from your work, so please continue.”
You set the plates in front of the women and you couldn’t help yourself just to leave back to the bar and tell your colleague that you needed a 5 minute break. You went into the Staff bathroom and looked at yourself… your pupils were blown out, your face had a deep blush and you were sweating. You tried to calm your nerves with some cold water you splashed on your face and dried it off.
Larissa and Alcina both chuckled while watching you almost running away from their table.
“The poor girl, she has no idea…” Larissa chuckled, smiling at her wife.
“She seems so innocent… It's just so much fun to play with her.” Alcina claimed with a devilish grin on her lips.
“Are we sure about this?” making sure her wife is comfortable with everything that might be happening.
“Alci, I think she is perfect...” the blonde hummed.
Alcina’s smile widened and she leant over the table to give her wife a passionate kiss. They both raised their glasses and cheered the night away. When they settled their glasses, both of the women started eating their respective meals and continued with a bit more casual dining conversation.
You brought the two stunning, tall women another round of drinks, and as the night went on, the blush on your face only got darker. By the end of the night, all of your tables were cleared except that of the two women. They were having a good time, savoring the last bits of their wine, having finished their meals. All you had to do was give the women their check, process their form of payment, and then you were done for the night.
“I’m sorry, but the restaurant is closing in a few minutes…” you whimpered, placing the check on their table.
Both women stopped drinking their wine, and their gazes fluttered to you.This time it was the blonde who placed her hand on your arm. Your breath hitched.
“No worries, Darling. In fact… We were wondering if you’d like to come home with us for the night…?” She purred.
Your heart race tripled and your eyes frantically fluttered from one tall woman to the other.
“I…” you tried to speak, but your throat was hoarse and choked up, so you nodded instead.
“Use your words…” the raven haired goddess hummed wickedly.
You felt the blondes hand begin to wander teasingly.
“I— Yes! Yes please…” you stuttered with a flushed red face.
The poised, blonde then removed her touch, leaving you craving only more.
“Excellent. We’ll meet you out front in 10 minutes?”
“Yes…” you whimpered.
You left their table, scurrying to do your closing duties, and then clock out. You change out of your uniform and exited the restaurant with bated breath, only to be met by the two stunning women, having hailed a cab and waiting for you with shimmering eyes and smirking smiles. The blonde got in the cab first, and then the raven haired woman lended you a hand into getting in next, before getting in after you and closing the door. The woman gave the cab driver the address of the couples shared mansion in the mountains outside of Jericho, and the three of you were off. The little contact alone made you shiver, but now you were thigh to thigh with both giant goddesses. The blonde placed her hand right in the middle of your thigh, squeezing lightly.
“I’m Larissa by the way, Darling…” she purred.
You shuddered at the close proximity, how you could practically feel her breath on your neck. You then felt the other woman hand on your other thigh, hers much higher up.
“And I’m Alcina…” the woman on your right wickedly cooed.
You nodded breathlessly, clenching your thighs mindlessly. You blushed as Larissa’s fingers teasingly drew circles on your thigh, while Alcinas fingers edged closer and closer to your core. They were driving you crazy, and they knew it. You wanted to say something, anything. But not a single coherent sentence managed to come out of your mouth. Fuck, they had made you so needy and desperate. It was embarrassing honestly…
At one point, Alcina’s wicked fingers started to draw your thighs apart. You whimpered slightly, but embraced the touch and happily opened your legs as much as possible, so that your thighs were flush against either side of the woman.
Your eyes widened and you audibly gasped as you felt the blonde’s hot mouth nipping at your ear. Your face flushed darker than you would ever think possible, and your head instinctually swiveled to meet Larissa’s gaze. Her passionate, intent eyes met your needy and desperate ones. Her gaze flickered down to your lips and then back up to your eyes. All the while, Alcina is was still relentlessly teasing your thighs, getting closer and closer to your core.
“I’d like to kiss you, Darling. Would that be alright?” Larissa gently purred.
You gulped and nodded eagerly. The blonde cocked an eyebrow at you.
“I… yes please I’m sorry— yes…!” You stammered.
Larissa hummed in delight at your response. She closed the gap, her lips connecting to yours in a slow, direct, and passionate kiss. She tasted like fine wine, fresh mint, and oaky wood. A breathy moan escaped your throat which Larissa’s lips happily swallowed with a hum. Alcina’s fingers finally grazed your clothed core, causing you to buck your hips, leaning forward, desperate for more contact, causing both women to chuckle wickedly and pull back all together. You whimpered at the complete loss of touch.
Suddenly, you felt the raven haired goddess’s fingers, directing your chin to swivel to meet her gaze. But before she could say anything, you lunged forward, crashing your lips into hers. Alcina happily met your passion in a fiery, lustful kiss. Her lips tasted like bloody wine, musky rosemary, and tangent iron. But she also pulled away, this time with a wicked smirk on her face, leaving you a needy, whimpering, desperate, thigh clenching mess.
Once you had arrived, the women led you to the front gates of a cozy mansion, perfectly hidden in the mountains of Vermont. Your breath fled, as they guided you through the front gates, the courtyard, and up the front steps of their home. And the inside… it was marvelous… Your jaw dropped at the whole ambiance of the place. Larissa took your hand, squeezing it lightly, and bringing you back to reality.
“In here, Love.” She purred, leading you into their bedroom.
Alcina locked the door behind the three of you. And now both women stood tall, towering above you, as you backed up and hit the edge of their massive bed. Your eyes frantically looked from one woman to the other once more. You whimpered as their gazes raked up and down your frame. You were their prey. You had been from the very moment they set their eyes on you.
“You’re so cute, Baby…” Alcina wickedly cooed, cocking her head to the side slightly in amusement.
Both women came closer to you.
“But you’re going to have to use your words, sweet girl…” Larissa tauntingly purred.
Your breath hitched. Your knickers were completely soaked through. You were dripping. They were now both flush up against you, their lips each grazing one of your ears.
“Do you want me to fill your needy hole…?” Alcina wickedly cooed.
“Maybe I’ll ride your face until all you can think about is me…?” Larissa tauntingly purred.
“Is that what you want…?” The raven haired woman taunted.
You gulped and nodded vigorously.
“Then be a good girl for us and beg…” the blonde lustfully purred.
Good girl... Oh how those words made your legs tremble and sent your thoughts right back into the gutter.
“Please... U…use me…” you stammered, your hands starting to shake.
You weren’t exactly innocent when it came to sex, but you hadn’t ever had a threesome, nor had you ever encountered a single woman as gorgeous and intimidating as the two in front of you right now. Larissa noticed the small tremor in your hands.
“Oh Baby, do we make you nervous…?” she purred, while taking your hands into hers.
You nodded slightly.
“If at any point you want us to stop, say Pinot Noir, it will be our safe word.”
You smiled when you heard the safe word… Pinot Noir… the second wine they ordered a few hours ago and you brought to their table.
“I will.” you reassured her, and she started smiling.
“So now, how about we help you ease the built up tension…”
Her hands started to travel up your arms, feeling the fabric, traveling up to your shoulders to the collar of your blouse.
“Is it okay if I undress you, Darling?” Larissa asked seductively.
“Yes please…” you almost moaned.
She began unbuttoning your buttoned down shirt, button by button. It was agonizingly slow and instead of helping to ease up the tension, it built up even more. You suddenly felt another pair of hands on your shoulders.
“Shh... Babydoll, relax, we are not going to bite... without your consent of course…” Alcina chuckled and started massaging your tensed up shoulders.
You hadn’t noticed her behind you. When you felt a little bit calmer you let your head fall back slightly, and Alcina let it rest against your shoulder. She let her mouth get closer to your neck and started placing light kisses over your neck, traveling up to your ear and back down to your shoulder. She started sucking on your pulse point at which you let out a soft moan, that just made her more eager to suck, lap, lick, and kiss. You were certain that it would leave a mark but you couldn’t care less at this very moment.
When Larissa had unbuttoned your blouse completely she let it slide down your arms and threw it to a nearby armchair. You mindlessly tried to cover your exposed body with your arms, which was not in the interest of the blonde goddess in front of you.
“Tss tss… don’t you dare cover up that beautiful body of yours… You don’t want us to tie you up, now do you…?“ she said, scolding, but with the most beautiful smile.
She looked you in the eyes and there she saw the answer, you had to say nothing, your pupils blew out even more and the blush on your cheeks was back again.
“Oh my… we have a kinky one…!“ Larissa exclaimed, but this time she was not looking at you, she gave her wife, who was still plastering kisses all over your neck, a vicious smile.
“Do we, now…? Seems like we hit the jackpot... My my, what are we going to do now…?” Alcina said between the kisses.
She let go of your neck suddenly.
“I have an idea... Stay like just that baby…” She purred into your ear.
You heard her heels walking away from you and a drawer was opened. The need to turn your head was growing bigger and you slightly let it wander, but a hand on your chin was stopping you.
“Ah..ah.. don’t peek.” She lustfully tutted, “It will ruin the surprise… and the only thing we want ruined tonight is you…” Larissa cooed and gave you a small kiss on your lips.
Alcina got back to the both of you and placed herself behind you again. She lifted her hands around your body and in front of your face, in her hands was a black satin scarf. Her hands stopped right before your eyes.
“We are going to take one sense away from you, so that your others will be heightened…”
And with that everything went black. It was not the first time you were blindfolded but still it made the pooled arousal in your knickers grow even more.
“Perfect... Now, where were we…?” Larissa chuckled.
Now two pairs of hands started to explore your body, the sensations incredible and all you could do was let out your pathetic soft moans and whimpers.
“Hmmmmm, your sweet sounds are just so enticing… Let’s see what other noises that pretty mouth can make…” the woman behind you lustfully commented.
With that, you felt her hands travel back to our bra. With one swift motion she opened it and your bra slid down your arms, exposing your perky breasts to the nippy air. It wasn’t terribly cold, but the air still gave you a shiver and made your nipples erect. One pair of hands found your breasts and softly massaged them, some of her long fingers found your stiff nipples and they rolled them between two fingers. The sensation made you moan out loud, and your hips rolling forward in a sudden jerk of pleasure.
“Mhh… you like that baby girl?”
Your mind was flooded by arousal and the only coherent thing you could do was again nod. This time it was not met with understanding words but with a pinch and tug to each of your nipples, which made you suck in a sharp breath.
“Good girls use their words…! Don’t make us say it again or we’ll have to punish that beautiful body of yours…” she said with a stern but soft voice.
“Yes ma’am, I like it very much…”
You had no idea why you chose ma’am but it just felt right in the moment and if you weren’t blindfolded you would have seen what impact it had on the woman you had just called that. Larissa’s own arousal was covering her thighs and the name calling was only intensifying it…
“Good Girl… I knew you had manners… Keep that up and you will be rewarded, sweet girl…” she said, while caressing your nipples.
While Larissa was taking care of your nipples and breasts, Alcina's hands traveled from your back to your front, finding the buckle of your belt and she started to open it, slowly taking out the belt from its loops.
“If you don’t keep it up, I will get to use this belt…” She whispered into your ear.
The shiver that was sent through your body made both women chuckle. You heard your belt being aside on the bed, and the pair of hands found their way back to your pants. She opened the button and zipper and let your pants slide down your legs, her hands exploring your now bare legs.
“Step out of your pants and kick off your shoes as well.”
You did as you are told.
“Oh wait… Why don’t we lose those knickers well…?” The blonde seductively noted, more to her wife than to you.
One swift motion of whoever’s hands made your knickers meet the floor just like your pants did moments before. Both women saw how drenched the fabric was and gave each other a hungry look, you were obviously not aware of that, but the silence was suspicious enough. Without a warning one hand of each woman found your core, one from the front and one from the back and their slender fingers were exploring your drenched folds.
“Oh Baby... Is that all for us…?”
“You are soaked... so delicious.”
Both women started kissing your neck, chest, back, shoulder… everywhere.. all while their fingers explored your core. You started to moan and whimper, one pair of fingers found your clit and started circling it tediously slow. Your breathing got unsteady, your hips were involuntary bucking forward. A strong hand held a tight grip at your hip and stilled your motion. You were not in charge, not that this was news to you but this small motion reminded you of that.
“Thank you…” you breathed out and you earned yourself a string of mhhs... and uhhs...
Both hands from your core were slowly retracted and you whimpered from the loss of contact, the hands left trails off your wetness on your skin and they started to explore your body even more. You lost yourself in the moment when you suddenly heard the sound of two lips meeting next to your right ear, the wives found each other and were now connected in a heated kiss, you could merely imagine the sight of it, the sounds were pornographic enough to send waves of arousal down to your core. They were both lost in each other, exploring their mouths, tongues fighting for dominance, moaning into each other's mouths, all while their hands were still on you.
They broke the kiss and exchanged a look that spoke more than words needed to. You heard zippers opening and fabric was falling down the floor. Your hands were taken by two soft, strong hands, leading you onto the bed.
“Come onto the bed with me sweetheart… We are about to give you a night you won’t forget…” Larissa promised you, and you followed her lead, crawling onto the bed.
You assumed Larissa stopped at the headboard because you couldn’t feel her movement anymore. You held your position and waited for your next order. You were met with a pair of hands, holding up your face and your lips were met with Larissa’s, her kiss was passionate and heated, you could taste her distinct flavor mixed with Alcina’s taste and it was the most wonderful mixture you had ever experienced. After a minute Larissa broke the kiss.
“Now, I want you to turn around and lay your back against me, make yourself comfortable between my legs.”
“Yes ma’am…” you answered while fulfilling her wish.
You slowly turned around, laid yourself down and rested your back against the tall woman’s torso, her breasts pressed against you. She intertwined her legs with yours to open you up for her wife and whatever would come next.
You twitched slightly as you could suddenly feel her hard, erratic breathing as well as her cool, slick cunt against your ass. The blonde then took your hands and held them behind your back. You moaned slightly at your vulnerability. You could feel the shift in the bed as the raven haired woman crawled towards you. Crawling all the way up to you, until she’s flush against you, trapping your body between the two wives. Alcina’s hand snaked its way down in between your legs, making you shudder and let out a guttural moan, as her fingers teasingly circled your bundle of nerves.
“Tell me… And be honest.” She breathed down your neck, “What do you want…?”
Your breath hitched as her hot mouth connected to your neck, biting and marking you as she awaited your answer.
“I want you to… use me…” you whimpered.
Alcina slapped your pussy in response, eliciting a breathy yelp from your lips, which quickly turned into a whimper.
“The truth…” she wickedly reminded you.
You gulped and nodded, panting heavily.
“I want… I’m…”
Her fingers quickened their pace of circles around your clit.
“Oh God!!— Please I’m so stressed and needy…! Wanna be taken care of and fucked ‘n overstimulated till… till I forget everything but your names Ma’am please!!” You mewled.
Both women hummed in delight at your honest response. Your clit was still being teased so relentlessly that your legs were starting to tremble.
“I think we can manage then, hmmmm love…?” Larissa spoke into your ear, directing her words to her wife.
“Hmmmm, we certainly can…” Alcina cooed wickedly, moving her lips off of your neck.
You mewled and jerked against the women’s hold, as Alcinas fingers kept working your clit. Your core was aching and knotted, your need growing more and more. As you grinded the best you could against the teasing fingers, the woman behind you began grinding her core against your ass. Alcina’s tongue found a home on and around your perky nipples, as she playfully licked, sucked, and nipped away at them. You breathily moaned out at the newfound friction, eagerly bucking your hips and arching your back to meet both women’s pleasures.
You felt a tongue run up and down your neckline, making you whimper even more. Your hip jerkings were becoming more erratic and sloppy, as the raven haired goddess’s fingers continued to work your sensitive bud. Incoherent murmurs and whimpers began pouring out from your lips, your eyes rolling back. You could feel your body tensing up and then detensing in an agonizing way. You needed to be filled… Your pussy was clenching around nothing… And as if the woman could read your mind…
“Poor Baby… Your pussy must be fluttering like crazy… Clenching around nothing…”
Your eyes were screwed shut tight, and you nodded vigorously. You felt so empty… Yet the heat and tension in your body kept growing… And then fading… But everytime it came back, it came back stronger, pushing you to the edge more and more… And Larissa’s grindings against your ass, only made everything feel more sensual…
“Are you going to cum from just some clit play, sweet girl…?” Larissa chuckled, nipping at your ear.
“Yes yes yes Ma’am—!! Don’t stop please please don’t stop…!” You groaned.
Alcina’s other hand snaked its way around your throat, squeezing lightly. Your eyes rolled back and your mouth opened wide as a strangled scream escaped your throat. At your reaction, the hand around your neck only tightened. Larissa’s grindings were getting sloppier and her breathing in your ear was labored with groans escaping her lips.
“Oh Alci… I’m gonna… cum…!” The blonde pantingly moaned out.
“Baby, grind that ass against Larissa’s wet cunt…” Alcina instructed you.
“Yes… Ma’am…” you choked out, grinding back into the blonde as best as you could.
Larissa let out a breathy groan right by your ear, sending shivers down your spine and to your core. All the while, Alcina’s fingers continued their administrations and her hand tightened around your throat. All your whimpers and moans being stifled by the raven haired woman’s hand only made your pleasure grow trifold.
“Doing such a good job, Baby…” Alcina purred, while speeding up her circlings on your bundle of nerves.
You cried out in response, but your strangled moan was overridden by Larrisa’s leud moans as she crashed over the edge. She bit down on your neck, convulsing behind you, and this only sent you closer to your edge. Your hips grinded back forth quickly and sloppily.
“Wanna… cum—! May I cum…? Please ma’am…!!” You choked out.
“Alright…” the raven haired woman wickedly purred, “Cum for us, dear…”
“Yes Ma’a—Fuck GOD—!!” You let out a strangled cry, convulsing against the two women.
Your constricted throat spewed moan after moan as you crashed over the edge. Your whole body trembled as the waves of pleasure washed over you, and your walls clenched around nothing. Alcina continued to circle and stimulate your sensitive clit, helping you down from your high. Larissa had started kissing where she had broken your skin, and Alcina leaned over and licked up your oozing blood with a hum of delight. Their mouths met by your ear, and you whimpered at the pornographic sounds of them kissing and breathing down your neck.
When they separated, everything went silent. You waited with baited breath for either of the next woman’s moves. Suddenly you felt the blonde move out from behind you, as the raven haired goddess guided you to lean back on the headboard. You heard and felt the bed shift as both women sat in front of you, taking in your needy form. And then they came closer, each tall goddess taking a side of yours to come up flush against.
What we’re they up to now…?
“God…” Larissa lustfully groaned out, “I need her little heat cunt split open on my cock now…”
“I need to fuck her till there's no doubt in her mind who she belongs to…” Alcina wickedly husked.
Shivers ran through your body, and your breath hitched for the upteenth time. You whimpered and spewed a couple of “please pleases…” but that didn’t stop the two. You could feel a whole new wave of arousal slathering your cunt. Your brain was malfunctioning, was this real…?? Oh, it most definitely was… It was as real as the blonde’s breath on your neck, as real as the raven haired goddess’ teeth marking your collar bone, drawing blood once more.
“I need her to be a writhing mess covered in our cum, the taste of me stuck in her mouth for the rest of today…” the blonde breathily purred.
“I want her to daydream about me ruining her constantly…” the raven haired woman lustfully cooed.
Your body was now trembling with need, your brain short circuiting. Your hands began to wander… But both women quickly caught them, placing them above your head. You whimpered slightly, bucking your hips forward desperately. Your slick was collecting around your thighs as you tried to clench them, but were once again stopped by a pair of strong hands. So your waves of arousal started dripping onto the bedsheets… Fuck… Your mind was so frantic and needy. It spiraled with the dirtiest thoughts of what these women could do to do… And the scariest part was, you knew that they would do all of it. Once. Twice over. Until you were a mindless sex puddle. Their little toy… To do with as they please…
“I wanna fry that precious little slut brain so bad…” the tall goddess wickedly hummed.
“I want her to be in a heap for the rest of today and all she can do is let me hug and kiss her while her puppy parts shiver…” the taller goddess wickedly purred.
Then suddenly all their touch was gone. Nothing. They went silent. Except their heavy breathing. You could hear their panting. And you could feel their starring. Your own chest heaved up and down, as you squirmed, waiting for them to make their next move.
You kept your arms over your head even without the touch of any of the women. They both moaned in approval and you started to blush even harder. Suddenly two hands started to caress your upper body, agonizingly slow creeping up to your breasts, each hand finding one of your nipples and they started playing with them, first slow and soft touches, then getting rougher, pinching, pulling, and flicking your sensitive buds. The wives found your neck again and started to kiss and suck like you were the sweetest meal. You were certain that there would be more than just a few hickeys and marks leftover the next day. The fact that they were marking you as theirs made you even wetter, and you let out a string of moans which only spurred them on even more.
“Mhhm, your pretty sounds are divine…!” Alcina moaned into your ear, making your whole body shudder.
“So Pet... I have a surprise for you. It’s a bit of a secret… And I want you to feel it...” Larissa seductively moaned into your other ear, slowly taking one hand you had over your head.
The nickname puts goosebumps across your skin. She leads your hand down her body, brushing over her own breasts. You felt her nipples were perky and hard, and she let out a soft moan when your hand brushed past. Her hand led yours into her crotch and you couldn’t believe what you were feeling… The throbbing slick pussy that was grinding against you moments before, had now switched into a throbbing, thick cock.. Your brain short circuited to understand how that was possible, but nevertheless, it made you incredibly aroused and hungry for much more.
“Oh Pet... This is all for you. Feel me throbbing for you... I want to feel your tight walls clench around my dick… !”
She took your hand in hers and you both gripped her strong member. Alcina’s hand found you both and joined your slow stroking. The three of you kept stroking the hard cock and Larissa was overwhelmed with overstimulation mixed with a new wabre of feral arousal. You must have looked dumbstruck with your mouth left open, drool pooling up in your mouth which made you swallow hard.
“Plea—…ease.. Please… fill me up ma’am…?” You stammered out.
“Oh sweet Pet, call me Daddy…” Larissa cooly demanded and it made your eyes roll back.
“Please Daddy… will you please fill me up…?” You begged her.
“How can I deny such a well trained pet …? Turn around.” she said with a sweet but stern voice and slowly pushed you around so you were straddling Alcinas lap.
“I love to fuck my pets from behind… like the horny bitches they are…” Larissa commented from behind, making herself comfortable behind you and lining up her girthy member with your entrance.
Alcina was caressing your body and just enjoyed the show that was presented to her. Her hands wandered over your whole body, every inch of your skin was touched, her nails carefully scraping over your body, leaving red trails and goosebumps all over you. She suddenly grabbed your chin and led it closer to her face.
“I want you to moan into my mouth when Daddy enters you, sweet slut…”
And with that Larissa entered you without warning and made you moan the most pornographic sound into Alcinas mouth and she happily swallowed your lewd noises, kissing you deeply and exploring your mouth with her tongue. Larissa slowly pulled out and pushed her shifted member right back into you, making you moan out relentlessly. She repeated this slow act a few more times, before she found herself a steadier rhythm which made you moan out in the same rhythmic pattern.
Alcinas right hand found your clit and was drawing slow circles with her long digits, all while her other hand found her own core, collecting some of her own slick and presenting her fingers to your open mouth. Graciously you took the fingers in and started sucking on it like your life depended on it. The dark haired goddess drawed the fingers from your mouth with a pop and went in for a heated kiss tasting herself on your hot tongue.
“Please…Daddy…more…!!” you cried out, when you parted for air.
“Oh we have an eager one… Is Daddy not filling you up enough, slut…? Is your aching cunt desperate for more…?” Alcina concluded with a lifted eyebrow.
You were not able to form any coherent words anymore.
“Please... I just need more... Ohhh GOD—!! please..!” you begged, turning your head to meet Larissas hungry lips.
Alcina’s hand that had been circling your clit, while her wife was merciless filling you up from behind slowly moved towards your entrance where she was met with her wife’s throbbing member. Larissa stilled her movements to feel Alcina pushing two long fingers slowly into you, stretching you out to the maximum and also brushing past her hard cock. You both shivered from the new sensation and you grabbed after one of Larissa’s hands and intertwined your fingers with her.
“Oh sweet girl… You’re so tight… Filling you up so much…'' Alcina commented before curling her fingers and hitting the spot inside you that she was looking for, while Larissa started her thrusting and finding her pace from before again.
Your moans could not be contained anymore and your body slumped forward, pushing yourself against Alcinas big breasts. Now it was you that was sucking on her neck, leaving small bruises and hickeys, your free hand was searching for something to grip, slightly scratching her back. Alcinas let out the sweetest moans while she felt you losing yourself in arousal. The wives felt your walls clenching mercilessly around their respective member and fingers, they found each other's eyes and were lost into each other with arousal and deep intimacy and trust. Larissa leaned forward to give her love a deep and heated kiss. You heard the kissing sound and it made you bite down onto Alcinas shoulder a bit harder.
“My oh my… What a kinky pet we have… Bite harder, dear…!” She assured you and you obeyed, sinking your teeth into her while letting out your symphony of moans.
“Oh god… please… Daddy...Ma’am...I’m so close… please…!! I… I cum…? please…?!” You begged with all that was left in you.
“I don’t think our sweet slut has begged enough… What do you think, my love…?” the blonde goddess was asked by her wife.
The raven haired goddess then suddenly pulled her fingers from your stuffed hole. You let out a desperate mewl in response.
“No… I think she needs to earn it…” Alcina mused to her wife before turning her attention to you, “Make me cum and then you’ll be allowed to cum as well.”
All this while Larissa was still pounding into you. You drunkenly nodded, your hands stammering to the raven haired woman’s core. Alcina opened her legs for your access, and she led you to slip two fingers into her wet cunt. The woman sighed out in pleasure. You then began sloppily pumping and curling your fingers inside her, having real difficulty as the blonde was still fucking you to the edge over and over again. The squelching of your fingers swiftly and sloppily fucking Alcina’s core only added to erotic environment, making your need to cum only grow.
“That’s it, sweet pet…” Alcina groaned in encouragement, bucking her hips into your hand.
Your mind was fogging up and slipping more and more. You were getting extremely desperate. Everytime the blonde brought you right up the edge, she pulled out just enough to stifle your release. Meanwhile, you desperately continued to finger fuck the raven haired goddess. You could tell the woman was getting closer and closer to her edge. Finally, the raven haired woman came with a sinful cry, her walls clenching around your fingers. The woman then pulled your fingers from her drenched cunt and stuffed them into your mouth, making you moan. Suddenly, you felt two sharp smacks to your ass. That was your tipping point.
“Please please OH GOD please!!!” You screamed.
Alcina’s hand expertly snakes to your clit and began teasing it relentlessly, while Larissa continued to pound into your from behind.
“Come for us, Sweet girl…” the blonde purred.
You crashed over and into your orgasm at the blonde’s words. Larissa’s orgasm came right after yours, as she squirted ropes of hot cum into you. Massive waves of pleasure crashed into you, making your body tremble harshly. Screams left your lungs, and your head lolled back against Larissa’s shoulder. The women kindly helped you down from your massive, intense high, Larissa carefully pulling out of you. They caressed your sweaty and sticky frame lovingly, kissing away your little tears of overstimulation.
“Such a good pet for Daddy…” the blonde breathlessly purred.
“Hmmm, you did so good, little one…” the raven haired woman agreed with a hum.
A wave of exhaustion and satisfaction hit you hard. You collapsed back into the blonde. The two women then began lovingly and gently loving on and caressing you with light kisses and lingering touches. You felt a hand slip off your blindfold with ease. Your gaze met Alcina’s stunning frame. You nearly choked on your own air. She was gorgeous. At your reaction, the woman chuckled.
“Let me go get us some things to clean up…” she mused, getting off the bed and disappearing into another room.
You then became very aware of the blond goddess behind you who was pressing her lips up your spine. You sat up slightly and turned around, and your jaw dropped once more. She was stunning. Your eyes flickered down to where the blonde’s member had been, and you found that it was once more her slick cunt.
“Like something you see, Darling…?” Larissa lightly teased you.
You nodded sheepishly, making the tall blonde chuckle slightly. Larissa then scooped you up with ease and brought you to lean against the headboard next to her. The taller woman then returned with three washcloths, two damp and one dry, as well as three waters. She handed out the waters to the two of you, keeping one for herself. She then sat herself in front of you two.
“Drink. And open your legs.” She commanded.
You both opened your legs without a second thought, making Alcina hum in satisfaction. She then proceeded to clean both your legs, thighs, and around your core with the damp washcloths. She used the dry one to pat the sweat away from your figures. When she was satisfied with her work, Larissa came to her and cleaned up her wife in a similar fashion. You took that time to drink some water. The two wives then looked back to you, each woman coming to sit side by side with you.
“You did extremely well, sweet girl.” Larissa cooed, caressing your cheek.
“Amazing.” Alcina added on, squeezing your shoulder lightly.
Alcina leaned in to give you a sweet and soft kiss and you felt your heart beat faster, there was a warmth radiating inside you. Larissa was caressing your body and you felt yourself slowly drifting off. Alcina layed down your head on the pillow and snuggled you up against her front, while Larissa spooned you from behind, the two wives interwined their hands with yours and they shared a loving and sweet kiss over your body. When they broke the kiss, they both layed down on the pillow next to you and drifted off as well.
“I Love you Alcina” the blonde said with a sleepy voice.
“I Love you too Draga mea” Alcina answered her wife.
The next morning you woke up with two pairs of arms and legs tangled around your body and keeping you in place. The last night came back into your head and you first thought it was a wild dream, but you slowly realized it really happened and buried your face into the pillow. The smell of sex was still lingering in the room and it made your face blush in a deep red. You couldn't believe that you really went with the two goddesses. Your movement woke up the blonde woman behind you.
“Good morning, beautiful. How are you feeling?” she asked softly, placing a kiss on your neck.
“I’m… I’m feeling good…” you stretched your body a little bit “ maybe a little bit sore” you sheepishly admitted.
The dialogue causes the raven haired woman to stir awake.
“Why don’t you try getting up, hmmm…?” Alcina cooed wickedly, dancing her fingertips up and down your legs.
You cocked an eyebrow over at the woman.
“What, you think I’ll fall? I walk for a living, it takes more to make me fall.” You snorted in giggles.
Your reaction caused both women to chuckle and then burst into laughter.
“Hey!!” You exclaimed, playfully swatting both women.
Determined to prove them wrong, you crawled out of bed and went to stand up. You were extremely wobbly, but you managed to carefully make it all the way to the bathroom door. “See!” You looked back at the women with a shit eating grin.
But you were met with Larissa’s intense and determined stare and Alcina’s wicked smirk and a light growl.
“I think our pet hasn’t had enough…? Don’t you, Dearest?” Larissa purred, while staring you down.
You gulped.
“Oh I agree…” Alcina chuckled.
Both women then scurried out of bed, stripping themselves, taking your hand and leading your naked body into the bathroom.
“We’re not done with you until you can’t walk, Darling…” Larissa wickedly purred, backing you up against the large shower wall. The wives start to attack your sore body with their hands and with kisses, replaying the night before.
Oh what had you gotten yourself into…
Larissa Weems Masterlist
Alcina Dimitrescu Masterlist
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willalove75 · 11 months
Alcina fic idea/request, it’s totally cool if you don’t wanna do this one, I’ve never requested a fic before
Y/N is her shy personal maiden scared of overstepping, Alcina likes making her react/embarrassed. Alcina’s in a bath with Y/N there to fetch anything she’d need and Alcina pulls her in?
I love this idea!!!! I'm honored that I'm the first person you've requested a fic from!🥺💕 I hope you enjoy it!!
Warnings: Smut, a dash of praise kink, a splash of mommy kink, uh, I think that's it lolll
18+ Only Minors DNI
As the day winded down in Castle Dimitrescu you stood by the Countess during dinner with a wine bottle in you hands, ready to refill her glass whenever it was empty. You're been her handmaiden for a few months now so you're used to the Lady's routine and are privy of the things she prefer. Such as her favorite flavor tea, which soaps and oils she likes to use in the bath when she's stressed, which dresses are her favorite, etc..
Lady Dimitrescu has only had good things to say about your performance, something you're grateful for, but she's still the matriarch of the Castle, one slipup and you're in the dungeon. The dungeon terrified you more than anything else, more than the girls' sadistic antics and more than the Lady's massive claws. Even though you've never been down there before, you've heard screams echo through the castle when the door is open when the girls come in and out. Many of the maids who are sent there return with horrific wounds, if they return at all.
Even though you were grateful that Lady Dimitrescu picked you to be her personal maid, you couldn't help but feel like you were always walking on eggshells. You were always quiet, you kept to yourself and did your work and did it damn well. Now that you're the Lady's handmaid, you feel like you've shrunken into your shell even more.
For the first few weeks in your new position, weren't sure why you shrunk back so much. Yes, she could be terrifying, but there was something else, something you couldn't quite put your finger on. Until the first time you saw her undress, that was. She stood before you in all of her glory, her black lingerie contrasting perfectly against her porcelain skin. You drank in every inch of her, her massive breasts, her waist, her toned belly that still had a softness to it, her wide hips, her perfect ass, her legs that seemed to go on for miles. It was almost impossible to tear your eyes away from her, you were only able to do so when she pulled you out of your trance.
"Do you like what you see, pet?"
That's when it hit you like a ton of bricks. Sure, you were a little afraid of her, but more than that, you had the biggest crush on her. It's only gotten worse since that day. You're not sure if she's picked up on it by now, you've tried to be discreet, but ever since then she's tried to fluster you every chance she gets. It's like a game to her, she's the cat and you're the mouse.
The Countess holds out her wine glass in your direction and you walk up to her outstretched arm. She's currently involved in a conversation with her daughters and isn't paying any attention to you, which normally you'd be more than okay with. But since she's not paying attention, she doesn't realize that she's holding her empty glass over your head. Afraid of overstepping, the last thing you want to do is interrupt her conversation with her daughters to ask her to lower her hand so you look around to see if there's a stool or something you can climb on to to reach.
Bela sees you out of the corner of her eye and does a double take, watching you with amusement as you stare at the glass hovering over your head. She begins to snicker and you look over and make eye contact with her and quickly look down with a small squeak.
Lady Dimitrescu notices Bela giggling and follows her line of sight, leading directly to you. She notices that she's holding the glass too high she chuckles and you look up at her, a blush starting to dust your cheeks.
"My little pet, you could have asked me to lower my glass." She says with a faint laugh as she lowers her arm so you can pour the wine.
"I'm sorry my Lady, I didn't want to interrupt." You say, looking down at the floor after filling her cup.
She puts her glass on the table and puts her knuckle under your chin, lifting your face to look at her.
"Such a sweet, timid little mouse." She says, looking into your eyes.
You can see a hint of amusement in them, as well as something else. Adoration? No, the Countess could never look at you in such a way. You can't quite put your finger on it, but the look is soft and somehow makes you even more flustered than usual.
Once dinner was done Lady Dimitrescu asked you to accompany her to her chambers and assist her with her evening bath.
She sits down at her vanity and you climb onto the step stool behind her and begin removing the pins from her hair. She has the softest hair you've ever felt, which is a little strange given she isn't human, but you don't think about it too much. Her thick, raven curls fall just above her shoulder as you remove the pins. You coil a few of the pieces around your finger where the curls fell out, returning them to their natural shape as you go.
Lady Dimitrescu pauses taking off her makeup for a moment and stares at you through the mirror, watching you as you examine each curl as it falls, she admires the way your eyes shimmer and the little wrinkle that forms between your eyebrows when you're focused. Looking up for a moment, you catch her gaze in the mirror and you feel your face get warm, you immediately look back down and silently finish taking out the last of the hairpins.
She smirks at your reaction and after you take out the last pin and fix the final curl behind her ear, Lady Dimitrescu gently grabs your hand and holds it in hers. You freeze for a moment, staring at her hand wrapped around yours, the coolness of her skin is soothing, especially against your rapidly heating skin. Looking up you meet her gaze in the mirror once more and she looks at you with a kind, almost loving smile.
"I've never had a maiden take such care of my curls before. I hope you know your thoroughness and attention to detail doesn't go unnoticed."
"Th-thank you very much, my Lady."
"The face you make when you're focused is quite adorable, if I say so myself little mouse."
You let out a little squeak, a habit you picked up from your mom, and look back down to her hand over yours. The heat rises to your cheeks and you know they must be bright red.
Lady Dimitrescu turns in her seat to face you, when you look up, you're met with a gorgeous pair of golden eyes.
"Do you know why I call you 'little mouse'?"
You shake your head. "No, my Lady."
"Because of that little squeak you make when you're flustered, it's quite charming."
You try and hold back your squeak but fail, miserably. Lady Dimitrescu laughs and turns back around.
"You can go ahead and unbutton my dress now, little mouse." She says after she turns back around, smirking at you in the mirror.
After you unbutton the dress, Lady Dimitrescu pulls her arms out of the sleeves and stands up, the dress pooling at her feet. As you're about to get down from the step ladder to grab it, she sits again at her vanity.
"Be a dear and unclip my bra for me, pet." Her smirk is gone but she has a look in her eyes you've never seen before. You freeze for a moment, she's never asked you to do this before. With shaky hands, you delicately grab each side of the clip and unhook it. Looking up in the mirror, she holds your gaze as she slowly slides the straps off of her shoulders and pulls the bra away. Her breasts drop a bit from the lack of support and she tosses the bra away. It's taking everything in you to hold her stare, you get the feeling she wants you to look, but you could also just think that because that's what you want her to be thinking.
Lady Dimitrescu stands up and you release a small breath of relief as you climb off of the step ladder and head straight into the bathroom. You fill the massive tub up with warm water and add her favorite soaps and a few drops of her favorite oils. As you're finishing up Lady Dimitrescu walks in, stark naked. Never before have you seen her like this, usually she waits until you're out of the bathroom to take off the rest of her clothes. She's as gorgeous and as sexy as you imagined, honestly even more so. You quickly stare at the ground as she walks further into the bathroom.
"Your bath is ready, my Lady."
She gently cups under your chin and slowly, painfully slowly, raises your gaze up towards her. As your eyes move up, the first thing you notice is that your face is just inches away from her heat, you swear your heart stops for a second. She lifts your chin more and you take in the curves on her hips, her belly, looking up further you can see the underside of her breasts and finally, you lock eyes with her. You can feel your face burning up in her hand, you're sure she can feel it too.
Lady Dimitrescu stares at you for a moment and tucks a dark curl behind her ear before crouching down to your height. When she's at eye level with you, the look in her eyes changes, as if she's admiring a piece of artwork.
"Such a sweet little girl." She says softly, her thumb reaching up and slowly pulling your bottom lip down.
Your heart does a backflip and you squeeze your thighs together. She's been teasing you all night, but that intimate gesture is what really made you wet.
Her nostrils flare for a second and the look in her eyes shifts, her pupils dilate and she quirks an eyebrow softly. She leans in, her lips just barely brushing against the shell of your ear.
"So sweet." She whispers before placing a soft kiss on your cheek.
As she drops her hand and stands up you let out a small squeak and she smirks and steps into the tub. It takes everything in you to not melt into a puddle on her bathroom floor.
"I would like you to do my hair for me please, pet." She says as she lowers herself into the water.
"O-of course my Lady."
Walking around to the back of the tub, you climb onto the steps while Lady Dimitrescu leans back and dunks her hair into the water. She relaxes against the tub while you lather the shampoo into your hands and begin massaging it into her scalp. She gently hums as she closes her eyes, enjoying the soothing sensation. You rinse the shampoo out and add conditioner to the ends of her hair, gently combing it through with a brush, starting from the ends and working your way up. After you rise the conditioner out, you dip your hands into the water to wash the excess soap off.
"Is there anything else you need from me my Lady?" You ask as you pull your hands out of the water.
Lady Dimitrescu grabs one of your wrists and holds you there, bent over the edge of the tub. She turns her shoulders towards you and looks into your eyes for a moment.
"Actually pet, I believe there is something you can assist me with."
"Um, what is it, my Lady?"
"I would like for you to join me, little mouse."
You let out a squeak and stare at her wide-eyed. Did you hear her right? She wants you to bathe with her? Lady Dimitrescu senses your shock and chuckles.
"I know your feelings towards me are, deeper, than just being my handmaid, little mouse." You feel your face turn beet red. "I was quite surprised, but pleasantly so. Since you've been doing such a wonderful job, I want to reward you." She leans in and whispers in your ear. "I also find myself very attracted to you, pet. So, what do you say?"
She gently nibbles your earlobe before she pulls away and instead of a squeak, a small moan escapes from your lips. Lady Dimitrescu practically purrs when she hears you moan and leans back in, placing open mouth kisses on your neck. Your eyes roll back and you let out a few more moans.
"Care to join me?" She whispers in your ear.
"Yes." You breathe.
Lady Dimitrescu turns more in the tub and grabs you by your waist and pulls you into the tub and places you in her lap. You squeak as she pulls you in, maids uniform and all and your heart almost beats out of your chest when she has you straddle her, her breasts practically in your face.
She cradles the back of your head and pulls you into her, her lips are just barely brushing against yours. She holds your there for a moment before placing a soft, tender kiss on your lips. Her lips are softer than you ever imagined them to be, you feel like you're floating as she kisses you.
Pulling away just enough to ghost your lips once more, Lady Dimitrescu looks into your eyes.
"Would you like me to continue, pet?" You nod your head. "Use your words sweet mouse." She coos.
"Yes, please." You breathe.
Her pupils dilate so much her eyes nearly turn black, she pulls you into her and kisses you hard. You feel her tongue caress your bottom lip and you open your mouth more, letting her in. As she's exploring the inside of your mouth with her tongue, you feel a bit of a pull on the back of your uniform and then hear a tearing sound. Lady Dimitrescu extended one of her claws just enough to rip through your clothes. When she's done cutting through them, she pulls them off of you and tosses them away. You can hear the splat of the wet cloth hitting the floor somewhere in the bathroom.
She quickly pulls off your bra and claws through your underwear, leaving you just as naked as she is, your body pressed up against hers. Her lips travel down your jaw to your neck where she continues to kiss and suck up and down it. The hand that's tangled in your hair slowly slides down your body, she palms each of your breasts, taking your nipples between her fingers pinching them and rolling them until they're hardened. Sliding further down your body, her fingers dance across your sternum and head towards you belly, she gently drags her nails down your skin until she reaches your core.
There was a part of you that thought she was going to tease you, but to your surprise she immediately cups your heat, the pads of her fingers making contact with your clit right away. You can't help but throw your head back and do your best to swallow a moan as she rubs circles over it. Her other hand grabs the back of your head as she continues making up your neck.
"Good girl, let me hear those pretty noises you make." She says before picking up the pace.
Her lips travel down a bit to your collarbones and chest and she nips and sucks on your skin, riddling you with love bites. Without realizing it, you start to grind down onto her fingers and she smirks.
"Such an eager little pet." She purrs. "Do you want more?"
"Yes," you moan, "please."
Not a second after the words leave your mouth, she slides her middle finger deep into your core. You cry out in pleasure and you grab onto her shoulders. She thrusts her finger in and out of you a few times before curling it inside of you, making you cry out again. After doing that a few times you begin to buck your hips against her.
"More," you beg. "please, I need more."
Lady Dimitrescu tightens her hold on the back of your hair and slides her finger out of you. Just as you're about to whine from the loss she shoves two fingers into you, causing your eyes to roll to the back of your head as you let out a filthy moan. A growl rumbles in her chest when she hears you and thrusts into you harder.
"What a good girl you are, taking my fingers so perfectly, letting me stretch you out so nicely." She says as she sucks on your neck more.
The only thing you can do in response to her praise is moan more and dig your nails a little harder into her. After thrusting in and out of you for a few minutes, her free hand moves down to your hip and she lowers you further onto her lap. Stilling her fingers, she pulls your hips up and back down, picking up the hint, you start to bounce on them. On each reentry she curls them into you hitting all of the right spots that make you see stars.
The harder you slam yourself down onto her fingers, the harder she curls into you and the higher you climb, getting closer and closer to your climax. Slamming down onto them once more, you start grinding your hips into her, bringing yourself closer and closer.
"You're so close my little pet, I can feel you clenching around my fingers." She says. "Do you want mommy to take you over the edge? To make you feel so good?" She coos, which only brings you closer.
"Yes, please!" You cry out. "Fuck me, please fuck me!"
"So vulgar." She teases before sucking on your pulse point for a moment, making you whine.
When she pulls away from your neck, her free hand steadies your hips while you straddle her and she works her fingers in and out of you. Staring off at a bit of a slower pace, she quickly picks it up and in no time she's slamming her fingers in and out of you. Your cries get louder and louder and if you weren't in such a state of bliss right now, you'd be sure that the entire castle can hear you.
The bath water begins to splash over the edge onto the marble floor as she fucks you harder and harder. Your lower abdomen begins to tense up and you feel yourself clenching harder around her fingers.
"Fuck! I'm so close." You cry.
Lady Dimitrescu responds only by going faster and harder. Your climax hits you like a train, ecstasy explodes inside of your body and your eyes roll into the back of your head as you cry out in pleasure. She drags your orgasm out for as long as she possibly can before you practically go limp and fall into her.
She pulls her fingers out of you and holds you close, gently rubbing your back and whispering praises into your ear as the aftershocks rock your body. Each time an aftershock causes you to whimper she places a soft kiss into your hair.
"You did so wonderful little mouse. You looked so beautiful cumming all over my fingers. You did such a good job." She whispers as your heartbeat begins to slow and your breaths even out.
"Thank you, my Lady." You say softly, placing an open mouthed kiss on her neck as your head rests in the crook of it.
Exhaustion begins to take over and you can't seem to fight it. Lady Dimitrescu picks up on it and grabs her soap and washes you and herself. When she's finished, she gets out of the tub with you in her arms and dries the both of you off, carrying you to her bed. Laying you down, she curls up next to you and pulls the covers over the two of you. Her arm wraps around your waist and pulls you closer.
She places a kiss on your forehead and you fight to open your eyes for a moment. Lady Dimitrescu gazes into your tired eyes and you notice that look again, this time you're certain she's looking at you with admiration.
"Go to sleep little mouse." She says, kissing your forehead once more.
Your eyes flutter closed and you think to yourself "I love you."
Lady Dimitrescu watches as you lose the battle to keep your eyes open. Just as you're falling asleep you say "I love you." It was so soft she wouldn't have heard it if she didn't have supersonic hearing. She gently kisses the corner of your mouth and cuddles you into her.
"Goodnight my sweet girl." She whispers before falling fast asleep.
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donnas-dollface · 11 months
Alcina, trying to flirt for once: Are you a painting?
Y/N: Wha-?
Alcina: Because I want to pin you to a wall.
Bela around the corner, sighing in relief and whispering to one of her sisters: OH GOD I THOUGHT SHE WAS GOING TO SAY SHE WANTED TO HANG THEM OR SOMETHING-
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unmeisenpai · 9 months
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NOT MY ART. But definitely my words. The artist used to be on twitter {X} 🙄 but then they disappeared for no reason. If anyone knows if their back please lmk
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Footage of me when I fuck up my eyeliner after millionth time:
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geistergreen · 7 months
Hooked on The Devil's Den fic... Donna lurking in silence in the church kills me because it reminds me of that bit from the Office where Angela scares tf out of Dwight.( and I love it)
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Link, chapter 30 was the inspiration:
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alxndryngs · 8 months
A Day Off
A/N: Since I am in desperate need of comfort/fluff, I came up with this. Enjoy!
Alcina’s favourite maid has a bad day.
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Alcina, sitting in her atelier, was focused on her newest art piece. She only recently had gotten back into painting, and upon her new oil paints arriving, she had pushed work aside for once and hid away in her art room.
She even asked for her daughters to stay by themselves for the day, and put Bela in charge. Alcina wanted to dedicate herself to the work in process fully, without distractions.
The smell of fresh paint and sounds of birds chirping outside had fully consumed her, and hours passed without her noticing.
It was only when the feeling of hunger clawed at her throat that she noticed how much time had passed. Alcina called out, loud enough for the maids to hear.
“Yes, my lady.” Ingrid asked upon entering, her hands folded behind her back.
“Let y/n know I’m in desperate need of a glass of wine, and perhaps a small snack. She’ll know what to make me.”
Y/n had been her personal maid for almost three years at this point, having proven herself more than capable and worthy. Alcina took a liking to the girl, despite her wanting to admit it. She acted with grace, was humble and kind. Everything Alcina thought she herself was not, despite acting with grace.
The maid had left soon after, nodding before dismissal.
“Thank you, my-“ Alcina’s words ceased once her head turned and she was met by the image of Helena, and not y/n. “I asked for y/n, if I’m not mistaken.” Her tone now had a sharp edge to it, already feeling the annoyance bubbling up inside of her.
“Yes, my lady, I’m aware. But I was available, y/n isn’t feeling well today.”
Alcina paused, the paint covered brush slowly being lowered before placed down. It had surprised her that her little maid was feeling ill. In the years y/n had worked at the castle she might have fallen ill three times in total. Nothing could shake her, not even the freezing temperatures of the winter. Instead of freezing and sitting in front of her fireplace, she insisted on Alcina’s daughters receiving her firewood. ‘She didn’t need it’ she said.
“Well, send her the castle nurse. She will fix a remedy for whatever it is that is causing her to feel ill.” Alcina nodded, convinced this idea would be the solution. As the maid stood still, her mouth opening and closing to fish for an answer, Alcina snapped.
“Stop gawking at me like a dying bubble eye fish and do as I said! What am I paying you for?”
The maids mouth now stood agape in fear, and she stuttered for an answer. “I’m- my lady. I’m ever so sorry. A remedy from the nurse won’t help her. She’s just.. not feeling well mentally today.”
The maid paused, then adding in a panicked tone. “I apologise. I’m not sure if I was allowed to share that with you, Lady Dimitre-“
“I’m your employer, you’ll share with me when you last bled if I wish for you to.” Alcina growled, now standing and pushing the maid aside as she left her atelier.
As she strut through the castle, an anxious feeling overcame her. Y/n had always been collected and happy, and it seemed out of order for her to put work on hold. She had seen people die and burn because of Alcina’s wrath. People burning and screaming, being gutted, and managed to sleep like a baby. It confused Alcina.
She had slowed once entering the hallway leading towards the maidens rooms. Her heels thudded against the carpet, ceasing once having approached y/n’s room.
“Y/n?” Alcina called out, waiting for a response before gently knocking on the door with her knuckle. “Y/n, darling. I’ve heard that-“
Alcina stopped herself as the door opened. She fought the smile threatening to spread across her lips when y/n looked back at her.
“My lady.” She greeted, the same smile as always on the girls lips.
Alcina stood confused, licking her lips to moist them before pushing a smile back.
“Do you need me to wash your dress?”
Alcina’s brows furrowed “Pardon?”
“Your dress, my lady. It’s covered in paint.”
Alcina didn’t bother looking down at herself. Instead she shook her head and began to lean down, moving to step into the room as y/n stepped back to allow her to.
“I heard you were ill.” The stutter in y/n’s heart didn’t miss her. Alcina turned to look at her, waiting until she had closed the door before speaking again, her tone softer this time.
“You have always been by my side, ever since you came to Castle Dimitrescu. You’ve listened to me rant about my incompetent brother, complain over my business and daughters. You even dried my tears and blood for me. It is my turn to return the favour, my dear. Sit, and speak to me. What’s causing your little heart to beat this way?”
Alcina lowered herself onto the bed as she spoke. Y/n wasn’t sure if she had ever seen the kindness in Alcina’s eyes like there was now. It was inviting, comforting.
She obeyed, taking a seat next to her lady. It didn’t take long for the words to pool out of her, and all of a sudden, she had displayed the world to Alcina. Every single one of her concerns and problems laid splayed out before her, for her to look at and judge.
But instead, Alcina remained silent the whole time. Not once had she budged in to ask a question, even though there were multiple that burned on the tip of her tongue.
For comfort, Alcina removed the cream coloured handkerchief from her pocket. The Dimitrescu sigil was stitched into the corner.
Carefully, she had dried the maids tears. Her large hand cupped her cheek, and with the other she dried her tears.
Y/n cried, her face flush because of it and the embarrassment of crying in front of someone like Alcina. A wave of guilt overcame her for so freely unloading her problems onto Alcina.
“I’m sorry, my lady. I shouldn’t have burdened you with my problems, I-“
“Shush.” Alcina snapped, her voice immediately softening after. For a moment she hesitated, but then gently pulled her into her lap. She had to lift her slightly to her height to give her a proper hug. Alcinas gloved fingers ran through her hair, holding her close enough to feel her heartbeat against her own chest.
“Don’t ever say that. You are not a burden, or burdening me by speaking about your feelings. Your feelings are more than valid, especially in topics like the ones you have shared with me just now. I am beyond proud that you shared your concerns. It takes courage to speak up about one’s concerns. And from what I can tell, this has bothered you for a long time.”
Alcina gently peeled the maid off of her, only enough so she could look at her. Y/n had leaned on her only after moments, quietly crying into the woman’s shoulder.
Her hands cupped her small face, and Alcina spoke quietly.
“I want you to know that I always will be someone you can trust, and confine in. I’m here, and I’m listening. Do you hear me?”
A small sob bubbled out of her, and she nodded. Y/n’s eyes closed as Alcina pressed the most gentle kiss to her forehead, letting it linger enough for both of them to have time to relish in it before pulling away.
Her lips had left behind a red mark which she would make sure to remove later on. But for now, she was returning the hug y/n had given her. She had thrown her arms around the older woman, holding on tight as her walls began to fully break down and crumble beneath them both.
Alcina closed her eyes, holding her close as she swayed them from side to side. Whispering sweet nothings calmed y/n after a few minutes, and Alcina made sure to show her appreciation of the girl for the rest of the day.
“I started a new art piece.. would you like to join me in the atelier for the rest of the day?” Alcina offered with a smile which intensified upon seeing y/n smile at the suggestion.
She wondered if the girl would notice that it was her Alcina was painting. Taking a stroll through the Dimitrescu garden at midnight, the moon shining down on her.
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horeformilfs · 2 months
I have an ask for you. So this can either be with Alcina, Donna, or any of the Dimitrescu daughters.
All I really want is like reader going absolutely ape-shit on some kind of foe. For whatever reason you want. Whether it be Eathan or just some random person trying to hurt her lover. The circumstance is completely up to you.
Oh, and if reader could have some kind of power, plant manipulation, shape-shifting, whatever, that would be loved.
Aaaanyway, thank you very much for even reading this. If you don't like it, just ignore me. No harm done. Have a fabulous day/night, and stay safe!
I love this idea and made it kinda angsty
I'll Protect You...Because I Love You
Dimitrescu Family x Fem!Reader
TW: Arguing, Drinking, Fighting, Stabbing Blood, Fainting, Ethan Winters being a dick, Death
In the dimly lit corridors of Castle Dimitrescu, Y/N moved with practiced ease, her footsteps echoing against the ancient stone walls. She had become accustomed to the labyrinthine layout of the castle during her time as Lady Alcina Dimitrescu's maid, navigating its sprawling halls with a sense of familiarity that bordered on intimacy.
But Y/N's relationship with Alcina transcended the boundaries of employer and servant. Over the course of eight months, their connection had blossomed into something far deeper—a love that defied the constraints of their disparate stations. Alcina's formidable presence had initially intimidated Y/N, but beneath her regal facade lay a woman of unparalleled complexity, whose icy exterior belied a warmth that Y/N found impossible to resist.
Despite the differences in their status, Y/N and Alcina had forged a bond built on mutual respect and unwavering devotion. In the quiet moments between their duties, they stole fleeting glances and exchanged whispered confessions, their love growing with each passing day.
And it wasn't just Alcina who had captured Y/N's heart; her affection extended to Alcina's three daughters—Daniela, Cassandra, and Bela. Initially wary of their mother's new paramour, the sisters had gradually warmed to Y/N's presence, finding in her a kindred spirit who shared their love for the sprawling grounds of Castle Dimitrescu.
Y/N's connection to the Dimitrescu family ran deeper still, for she harbored a secret that she had kept hidden from Alcina and her daughters—a power as ancient as the castle itself. Y/N possessed the ability of chlorokinesis, the power to manipulate and control plant life with but a thought. It was a gift she had inherited from her ancestors, one that she had honed in secret, fearful of the repercussions should her abilities be discovered.
But despite the challenges they faced, Y/N's love for Alcina remained steadfast, a beacon of hope in the darkness that threatened to engulf them. And as the sun dipped below the horizon and the castle came to life with the flickering of candlelight, Y/N knew that no matter what trials lay ahead, she would face them with unwavering courage, guided by the love that bound her to Alcina and her daughters.
As Y/N approached the door to their shared bedroom, she could sense the tension radiating from within. The air crackled with an uneasy energy, sending a shiver down her spine. With a deep breath, she pushed the door open, stepping into the dimly lit chamber.
Alcina sat at her vanity, her usually regal posture slumped with frustration. Y/N's heart ached at the sight of her beloved in such turmoil, her concern outweighing any fear that lingered in the air.
"What's wrong, Alcina?" Y/N ventured softly, her voice a gentle caress in the stillness of the room.
Alcina's response was immediate, her words tumbling forth in a torrent of anger and resentment. "That blasted Miranda! She thinks she can dictate every aspect of our lives, as if we're mere pawns in her game!"
Y/N listened in silence as Alcina ranted, her heart breaking with each word that fell from her lips. But before she could offer solace, Alcina's frustration reached a boiling point, her hands clenching into fists as she unleashed her fury upon the unsuspecting vanity.
The sound of splintering wood echoed through the room, mingling with Alcina's ragged breaths. Y/N moved closer, her instincts urging her to comfort her lover in her time of need.
"Alcina, please," Y/N pleaded, reaching out a trembling hand in a futile attempt to soothe her. "Let me help you."
But Alcina's response was sharp, her eyes blazing with an intensity that sent a chill down Y/N's spine. "Stay back, Y/N! This is none of your concern!"
Y/N recoiled at the venom in Alcina's voice, her heart pounding in her chest as she took a cautious step backwards. The sight of Alcina unsheathing her claws sent a wave of fear coursing through her, the primal instinct to flee warring with her desire to stand by her lover's side.
With a heavy heart, Y/N made her decision, her voice barely above a whisper as she spoke. "I'll leave you alone, Alcina. I... I need some air."
And with that, Y/N turned on her heel and fled the room, her footsteps echoing in the empty corridors as she made her way downstairs, the weight of Alcina's anger heavy upon her shoulders.
As Y/N entered the dining room, her steps heavy with the weight of her emotions, she failed to notice the three figures huddled together at the far end of the room. Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela exchanged concerned glances as they watched Y/N's distant demeanor, their hearts aching at the sight of her pain.
With a shared understanding born of years spent in each other's company, the sisters moved as one, their footsteps silent against the polished floors as they approached their beloved Mămica. Y/N's shoulders sagged with the weight of her burdens, her trembling hands reaching for the crystal decanter of whiskey that stood sentinel upon the table.
The clink of glass echoed through the room as Y/N poured herself a generous measure, her movements mechanical as she downed it in one swift motion. The sisters exchanged worried glances, their concern deepening as they watched a solitary tear slip down Y/N's cheek.
Bela, the eldest of the sisters, stepped forward first, her voice gentle as she addressed Y/N. "Mămica, are you okay?"
Y/N startled at the sound of Bela's voice, her eyes widening in surprise as she met the concerned gazes of the Dimitrescu sisters. She attempted to muster a reassuring smile, but it faltered at the edges, her facade crumbling under the weight of her emotions.
"I... I'm fine," Y/N replied, her voice betraying the turmoil raging within her.
But Daniela wasn't convinced, her keen intuition sensing the truth behind Y/N's facade. "Did you and Mamă have a fight?"
Y/N hesitated, her gaze flickering between the three sisters as she struggled to find the words. "Yes, but it's nothing for you to worry about."
Cassandra reached out a hand, her touch gentle as she brushed a stray tear from Y/N's cheek. "You don't have to pretend. We're here for you."
Y/N felt a sense of comfort envelop her as she sank into the plush cushions of the living room couch, Daniela nestled in her lap like a protective shield against the storm raging within her. The warmth of the fire cast flickering shadows across the room, a soothing counterpoint to the turmoil churning in Y/N's mind.
Daniela, ever the embodiment of affection, wrapped her arms around Y/N, seeking solace in the embrace of the woman she regarded as her other mother. Y/N returned the gesture, her touch gentle as she ran her fingers through Daniela's hair, the rhythmic motion a balm to her frayed nerves.
With a deep breath, Daniela ventured to broach the subject that hung heavy in the air. "Mămica, what happened? Why are you so upset?"
Y/N hesitated, her heart heavy with the weight of her confession. "It's... it's nothing, darling. Just a disagreement with Mamă."
But Bela, ever perceptive, sensed the gravity of the situation, her gaze piercing as she pressed for answers. "But why did you leave? You always stay with Mamă when she's upset."
Y/N's resolve wavered at Bela's question, her voice barely above a whisper as she spoke. "Because... because Mamă got so angry... her claws came out."
The revelation hung heavy in the air, a stark reminder of the depths of Alcina's fury. The sisters exchanged shocked glances, their concern for Y/N mingling with a sense of unease at the thought of their mother unleashing her wrath upon the woman they held dear.
"That's... that's never happened before," Cassandra murmured, her voice tinged with apprehension.
Y/N nodded, her own disbelief mirroring that of the Dimitrescu sisters. "I know. That's why... that's why I had to leave."
And as the flames danced in the hearth and the night stretched on before them, Y/N knew that no matter the challenges they faced, they would navigate them together, bound by the unbreakable bonds of love and family.
As the warmth of the fire bathed the living room in a soft glow, Y/N found solace in the embrace of the Dimitrescu sisters, their presence a comforting reminder of the love that bound them together. Cassandra and Bela nestled into Y/N's side, their forms molded against hers as they sought refuge from the storm brewing outside. Meanwhile, Daniela remained perched in Y/N's lap, her attention focused on the book in her hands as she read aloud in a soothing cadence.
But their tranquil moment was shattered by the arrival of Alcina, her footsteps heavy with the weight of her frustration. She swept into the room, her icy gaze fixing on the group gathered before her.
"Why aren't you all in the dining room? Dinner should have been ready by now," Alcina demanded, her tone sharp with irritation.
Y/N shifted uncomfortably under Alcina's gaze, her protective instinct kicking in as she sought to shield the girls from their mother's anger. "We were just spending some time together, Alcina. We'll be there shortly."
Alcina's response was a dismissive roll of her eyes, her frustration palpable as she turned on her heel and made her way to the dining room.
As they sat down to dinner, the atmosphere was thick with tension, the strained silence punctuated only by the clinking of silverware against porcelain. Alcina's mood cast a pall over the table, her brooding silence a stark contrast to the usual lively chatter that filled the air.
The daughters exchanged uneasy glances, their resentment simmering beneath the surface as they grappled with their mother's recent outburst. Y/N's heart ached at the palpable discord, her own frustration mingling with a sense of helplessness in the face of Alcina's wrath.
But amidst the awkwardness and resentment, Y/N found solace in the unwavering support of the Dimitrescu sisters, their presence a reminder that no matter the challenges they faced, they would weather them together, bound by the unbreakable bonds of love and family.
As Y/N raced downstairs, her heart pounded in her chest with each step, adrenaline coursing through her veins at the revelation of Ethan Winters' presence in the castle. She found Alcina in the main hall, her imposing figure a stark contrast to the chaos unfolding around them.
"Alcina, what's happening?" Y/N's voice trembled with urgency as she approached her lover.
Alcina's gaze flickered with a mix of fury and determination as she turned to face Y/N. "Ethan Winters has escaped Heisenberg and infiltrated the castle. But don't worry, I'll deal with him."
Y/N's mind raced with a myriad of emotions, fear and concern warring within her as she processed Alcina's words. "What about the girls, Alcina? Are they safe?"
For a moment, Alcina remained silent, her expression unreadable as she locked eyes with Y/N. In that brief exchange, Y/N sensed the truth—the girls were still in the library, unaware of the danger that lurked in the shadows.
Without waiting for a response, Y/N broke into a sprint, her feet pounding against the cold stone floors as she raced towards the library. Alcina followed close behind, her presence a reassuring presence in the face of uncertainty.
As Y/N rushed towards the library, her heart pounding with fear and urgency, she flung open the doors, relief flooding her as she laid eyes on the girls, safe and sound within the comforting embrace of books.
"Mămica, Mamă, what's going on?" Daniela's voice cut through the tension, her brow furrowed with confusion.
Before Y/N could respond, a deafening gunshot shattered the tranquility of the room, the sound reverberating off the walls as time seemed to slow to a crawl. Instinctively, Y/N moved to shield Bela, her body tensing in anticipation of impact.
But she was too late.
The bullet struck true, searing pain tearing through Y/N's abdomen as she staggered backward, the force of the impact sending her crashing to the ground. Shock and disbelief painted the faces of Alcina and the girls as they watched in horror, their cries of alarm echoing in the chaos that ensued.
Ethan Winters emerged from the shadows, his presence a menacing reminder of the danger that lurked within the castle walls. Y/N fought through the pain, her voice strained as she addressed him.
"Why are you here, Ethan?" she pleaded, desperation coloring her words.
But Ethan remained silent, his gaze cold and unyielding as he turned his attention to the Dimitrescu sisters and Alcina. Panic surged within Y/N as she watched him advance, her instincts screaming at her to protect her family at all costs.
With a fierce resolve, Y/N pushed herself to her feet, her body protesting with each movement as she positioned herself between Ethan and the ones she loved. "Stay back!" she warned, her voice trembling with a mixture of pain and determination.
But Ethan showed no signs of relenting, his gaze locked on his targets with a chilling intensity. With a resigned sigh, Y/N braced herself for the inevitable confrontation, her mind racing with thoughts of how to keep her family safe in the face of overwhelming odds.
As Y/N summoned the vines with her chlorokinesis, her focus shifted solely to protecting Alcina and the girls from the imminent threat of Ethan Winters. The tendrils of greenery twisted and coiled around Ethan, ensnaring him in a tight grip as she launched herself into the fray.
The girls and Alcina watched in stunned silence as Y/N unleashed her power, their eyes wide with astonishment at the revelation of her hidden abilities. The air crackled with energy as Y/N and Ethan clashed, each blow resonating with the weight of their opposing desires.
But despite Y/N's valiant efforts, Ethan proved to be a formidable opponent, his desperation driving him to strike out with renewed ferocity. As he delivered a final, devastating blow, piercing Y/N's abdomen with a merciless stab, a cry of anguish tore through the air.
With the last of her strength, Y/N summoned forth a vine, twisting it around Ethan's neck in a desperate bid for survival. With a sickening snap, his lifeless body crumpled to the ground, the threat he posed extinguished in an instant.
Exhausted and wounded, Y/N collapsed to the ground, her body trembling with the effort of her exertions. Alcina and the girls rushed to her side, their expressions a mix of concern and disbelief as they surveyed the scene before them.
"Daniela, keep her awake!" Alcina's voice rang out, laced with urgency as she knelt beside Y/N, her hands trembling as she sought to staunch the flow of blood from her wounds.
The youngest Dimitrescu sister nodded frantically, her hands gentle as she cradled Y/N's head in her lap, her voice trembling with emotion. "Stay with us, Mămica. Please, don't leave us."
Y/N's vision blurred as she struggled to remain conscious, her breaths coming in shallow gasps as she met Alcina's gaze with unyielding determination. "I'll protect you because... because I love you," she whispered, her voice barely a whisper before darkness claimed her, her body succumbing to the darkness that threatened to consume her.
With tender care, Alcina lifted Y/N into her arms, cradling her gently as she carried her to their room, the girls trailing behind in solemn silence. The journey felt endless, each step a testament to the weight of their collective worries as they navigated the labyrinthine corridors of Castle Dimitrescu.
Upon reaching their sanctuary, Alcina laid Y/N upon the bed with infinite gentleness, her touch reverent as she began to tend to her injuries. With practiced precision, she cleaned and dressed Y/N's wounds, her movements deliberate as she worked to ease her lover's pain.
The girls watched with a mixture of awe and concern, their hearts heavy with the realization of Y/N's sacrifice. As Alcina finished her ministrations, they crawled into bed beside Y/N, seeking solace in the warmth of her embrace.
Bela nestled close to Y/N's side, her touch light as a feather as she draped an arm over her, while Cassandra snuggled against her other side, her breaths soft and steady against Y/N's skin. Daniela settled in the crook of Y/N's arm, her presence a soothing balm against the ache of her injuries.
Alcina took a seat in a large chair nearby, her eyes never leaving Y/N's form as she held vigil over her beloved. With a book in hand, she settled in for the long night ahead, the pages offering little distraction from the weight of her worries.
As the first light of dawn filtered through the curtains, Y/N stirred from her slumber, her eyes fluttering open to the sight of the Dimitrescu sisters gathered around her bedside, their faces radiant with relief and joy.
"Mămica, you're awake!" Daniela exclaimed, her voice filled with unrestrained delight as she threw her arms around Y/N, her embrace warm and comforting.
Bela and Cassandra echoed their sister's sentiments, their smiles bright as they showered Y/N with affectionate hugs and whispered words of gratitude.
Alcina watched from the foot of the bed, her heart swelling with love and relief at the sight of Y/N awake and alert once more. With a soft smile, she approached Y/N, her gaze tender as she spoke.
"I'm so sorry, Y/N," Alcina began, her voice laced with sincerity. "For what happened last night, and for the hurtful words I spoke. I promise you, I will do everything in my power to make amends and to work on controlling my temper."
Y/N's heart swelled with gratitude at Alcina's apology, her own forgiveness offered freely as she reached out to take her lover's hand in hers. "Thank you, Alcina. I know we'll get through this together."
With the tension of the previous night lifted, the day unfolded with a sense of newfound peace and harmony. The Dimitrescu family spent the hours together, basking in the warmth of each other's company, the laughter of the girls filling the air with joy.
As they shared meals and shared stories, the bond between them grew stronger, their love for one another shining brightly amidst the shadows of their shared past. And as the day drew to a close, Y/N found solace in the embrace of her family, grateful for the second chance they had been given to cherish the moments they shared together.
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naturesapphic · 3 days
I saw you're taking requests! Could you write for Alcina Dimitrescu x reader, fluffy first valentine's day where reader has never really had a valentine's day before so Lady D spends the whole day with her?
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A/n: I hope you don’t mind but I’m gonna put these two requests together :)
First Valentine
Alcina dimitrescu x fem!reader
Warnings: hurt/comfort
A/n: I think I’ve had this request for like two years so oopies- I’m sorry anon 😭
You and your partner lady dimitrescu has been together for almost a year and this was the first time y’all would be spending Valentine’s Day together. You never did Valentine’s Day because one your partners never cared enough to do anything for you and two you thought it was a wasted day because of the fact no one has ever done anything for you. Alcina knew that and wanted today to be the most special day you could ever experience.
So she got up early and gathered up some of her best maids to help her cook you your favorite breakfast. With the help of her maids and herself it was ready in thirty minutes. She thanked the maids and carried the tray all the way up to y’all’s shared room. She laid the tray on the night table beside you and leaned down to give you soft kisses on your face. You opened your eyes to find your partner smiling down at you “good morning my sweet! Happy Valentine’s Day!” Alcina said with excitement in her voice.
You were shocked. No one has ever done anything like this for you. Especially on Valentine’s Day. “T-thanks.” You say shyly as alcina takes the tray and puts it on your lap. You start eating when alcina starts telling you her plans she has for you today. “After you eat we’ll get dressed, we can go for a walk then after that I have a picnic planned for us and maybe we could go into the village to see what I can spoil you with then we can come home and cuddle and just relax. How’s that my darling?” Alcina explained and you felt overwhelmed with emotions. No one has ever treated you like this and you couldn’t believe it.
Alcina saw your teary eyes and immediately took your face in her cold hands. “I’m sorry baby. Did I upset you? We don’t have to do those things if you don’t want to.” She said quickly and you shook your head no. “I-I just…I-I’m not used to all this…no one has ever done this for me before…it’s just kinda overwhelming..” you said shakily and she nodded in understanding. “I get that baby. I only want to make this day special for you. We can take it as slow as you want okay draga?” She said and you nodded, finishing up your delicious breakfast. When you were done alcina took the tray and put it back on the nightstand beside you.
She took your hand and helped you out of bed. “Why don’t we wear those matching sundresses we both got the other day?” Your partner suggested and you smiled brightly up at her. “I’d love to!” You said excitedly and went into the closet to get dressed, alcina following closely behind you. Y’all both get the dresses on and stood there admiring each other. “You are so beautiful.” Y’all both said at the same time and giggled. “Jinx! You owe me a kiss!” You exclaimed and she chuckled, leaning down to give you a kiss on your lips making you smile. “Now! Let’s go take that walk and then we shall have our picnic okay darling?��� She said and you nodded.
On the way out alcina carried the picnic basket while you carried the blanket. Y’all went on the walk for about twenty minutes until the both of you found the perfect spot to stop and rest. You laid the blanket out as alcina placed the basket on the ground. Alcina started setting everything out as you sat on the blanket, helping her if needed. Once everything was out, the two of you started eating, talking and sharing your thoughts. You talked about the future and alcinas wine business that was taking off. Soon the both of you was finished eating and put the leftovers back in the basket. Alcina helped you fold the blanket and she held the food while you dealt with the blanket.
The two of you walked towards the village and spent a few hours out there. Alcina and you bought each other gifts from the duke and after spending enough money, y’all decided it was time to head home. It was late in the afternoon when y’all got back home and the both of you were exhausted. “How about we go ahead and put our pjs on detka?” She suggested and you nodded your head as you follow your lady up the stairs to the bedroom. You both stripped out of your dirty dresses and put your night gowns on. You admire your girlfriends body in her clothes and she caught you staring which made you blush in embarrassment.
“Awww don’t be embarrassed my love.” She said playfully and you wrap your arms around her waist and bury your face in her stomach since she’s way taller than you. She chuckled and runs her fingers through your hair. You pull away and make grabby hands at her and she picks you up in her arms as you lay your head in her plump chest. She carries you down the stairs and into the living room where she sits on the couch with you still in her arms. The rest of the day was spent with cuddles and love from your partner and it was the best Valentine’s Day you’ve ever had. All thanks to alcina.
A/n: I hope this was okay anon and @angstyanon0 . I hope the rest of y’all enjoyed it, I’m sorry it took so long for me to write this lmao Remember to stay hydrated and to rest! I love y’all!
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teaaagan · 1 year
Top or Bottom
Daniela: Why is everyone so obsessed with top or bottom? Honestly, I’d just be excited to have a bunk bed. 
Y/N: I'm gonna tell her. 
Alcina: Don't you dare.
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 3 months
I am SO excited that the Mafia AU won for your Lady D fic poll and I CANNOT wait to read it!
My Little Toyslut ~MobBoss!Alcina Dimitrescu xFem Spy!Traitor!Reader (Mafia AU)
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Summary— The infamous, mob boss Lady D finds out she had a traitor in her midst. What will she do when she finds out it’s Reader, one of her closest and most trusted advisors…? Anon Response— Hi hi hi anon!! I am so glad to hear how much you look forward to my Alcina!MafiaAU fics! Here is another one, it’s another one shot (doesn’t take place in the same plotline as the first), but it’s still an Alcina!MafiaAU fic. Hope you enjoy! ♥️
Link to First Alcina!Mafia Fic (;
Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt List
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!, smut, wee bit of angst, eating out (oral sex), implied smut, kissing, teasing, degradation, light torture themes, light hate sex theme, light non-con theme, implied overstimulation, fear, implied future smut, etc.
Enjoy (;
You were swaying in the air, your wrists bound by tight rope which in turn was hung around a rusty ceiling beam. Your head was ringing and your vision was blurry as you began to wake up. Part of you vision was clouded from your dried up blood, a consequence of having been hit in the head. That's how you had lost consciousness.
You tried to wiggle at your restraints, but it seemed that the more you fought, the tighter the rope pulled against your sensitive and now raw wrists. In dismay, you turned your attention to the room around you, trying to memorize and remember every detail as if your life depended on it.
Realistically, it probably did. The most infamous, powerful boss in the city had found out you were a spy, undercover for the Agency. You had spent years infiltrating Lady Dimitrescu's inner circle of corruption. It had taken immense push and pull over the years to gain her trust. And then another fucking idiot of a mob boss had found your name out, and in spite and seek for vengeance, he had given you up. One of Lady D's closest advisors... He wanted to watch her empire crumble, and you were his choice of weapon.
You were torn from your thoughts as the only door in the room opened and two goons entered, followed by none other than Lady D. The two men gave you sleazy grins as they stalked towards you, but Dimitrescu had other ideas...
"Leave us."
The goons turned around with grumbles, but listened as they left the falling apart room, slamming the door behind them. Lady D's gaze then turned towards you. Your breathing was shallow and you lowered your head and gaze in turn. She slowly stalked towards you, making the hairs in the back of your neck bristle with pure fear. You were trembling, hanging mess by the time was right in front of you, towering over your hanging frame.
"I must say I was... surprised when it was your name that came up in my recent meeting..." She purred warily.
You still kept your head down and did not meet the woman's gaze. You wouldn't dare. Afterall, you'd seen her slaughter men for far less. When you made no response, Alcina cocked her brow in satisfaction and she continued.
"I must admit... You had me fooled. Not many people can say that... not many who are alive anyway..." Alcina hummed, as her claws ran up from your cheeks down to your feet.
You shuttered at the touch, closing your eyes and preparing to feel the pain of being slashed to bits. But instead, you heard the sound of her claws retracting. And then you felt her stern hand on your chin, roughly forcing your head and gaze up to meet hers. You fought against the restraints and her hold, but to no avail, they were both far stronger and far more resolved.
"Look at me, Draga!" She sneered.
Your meek gaze met the powerful woman's. You bit your lip and tried not to cry or shake too violently. Her eyes were red and bloodshot, as if she had been crying.
"I invited you into my empire, into my bed... and this is how you repay me...??" Alcina jeered.
You couldn't stop the tears that came pouring down your face anymore. They flowed all the way down to Alcina's fingers, where she curtly would wipe them away without another word about it.
"I... I-- I'm sorry--" you stammered, your eyes looking around frantically while trying to make sense of what she wanted from you.
For a mere moment, you saw the rawness of hurt flash across the woman’s facade. But it was quickly replaced with rageful apathy.
Before you could comprehend what was happening, she dropped your head and sliced something above you with her razor sharp claws. Your limp, trembling body hit the cement ground with a crack!. You were still bound by the wrists, but you were no longer hanging from the ceiling.
In one swift move, the lady grabbed you by the wrists and pushed you up against the dirty wall, so that your were outstretched from her one hand tight hold on your wrists, your toes barely touching the floor.
You winced, letting out a guttural and painful groan, and tore your head to the side, screwing your eyes shut tight. You could feel the woman’s heavy, hot breath against your neck. Her face was right up in your personal space.
You waited for your doom with bated breath, tears still running down your cheeks with no plan to stop anytime soon. But instead of doom, you suddenly felt Alcina’s hot mouth on your neck. Her slippery tongue licked and irritated your sheening skin, as her mouth sucked tightly, creating the exact vacuum of pressure for the perfect bruise.
At the first hickey, you didn’t know how to respond, your body simply limp, still, and silent towards the menacing woman. But by the second bruising, this one the lady placed right on your collarbone, you couldn’t help the breath you sucked in, accompanied by a shiver running through your spine.
But slowly, bruise after bruise, Alcina started to warm your body up. By the time she got to your pressure point, you had craned your neck back for her access and were overtly breathily groaning out after each marking, your eyes threatening to roll back. You could feel the tight coil in your core slowly building as your breathing shallowed and your body came alive.
Alcina sliced your clothing off piece by piece with no further comment, and you took it from her, not daring to oppose. With more exposed skin came more slow and meticulous sucking and marking. By the time the powerful woman got to your thighs, you were an aching mess. But you bit your lip, resisting the urge to beg, as you knew better to talk unless instructed to.
“Who do you belong to, Draga…?” Alcina growled into your now exposed cunt, her hot breath alone to make your core clench around nothing.
You suddenly felt dizzy, and very subservient. The lady tended to have that effect on you. You had hated it at first, as your job was to take her down by spying on her. But overtime, you had learned that Lady Alcina Dimitrescu wasn’t as bad as you originally thought. Or at least her tongue and fingers weren’t…
“I… y-you my lady—“ you whimpered.
“That’s right… So what’s this when I hear someone else is claiming to own you and your services…?” She cooed wickedly, as her free hand gripped your left thigh until it bled.
“N-nothing ma’am—! I belong to y-you and you only…!” You pleaded, trying to fight back tears.
“Good girl…” Alcina hummed, before sliding her lengthy tongue all the way into your core.
You couldn’t help how your body reacted to the woman and her wicked administrations. You shuddered, hating just how good her slithering tongue felt inside your cunt. Your head hit the wall with a light crack! as your eyes effectively rolled back, a filthy moan spewing out from your lips.
“That’s right… My little toyslut… aren’t you…?” Alcina chuckled darkly, pulling away her tongue from your cunt momentarily.
The whimper that erupted from your throat at the loss of stimulation made you want to throw up. But all these feelings were quickly stifled by the intense pleasure of two of the lady’s fingers filling your core. You nodded your head vigorously, willing to do and say anything as long as she continued to make you feel this good.
The first orgasm that Alcina pulled out of you hit you like a brick, your body spasming against the wall and her firm hanging hold on your wrists. You desperately tried to stifle your sounds of pleasure, but your pleasure was so intense, you couldn’t contain your screams.
“That’s it, my little whore… Be a good draga and take it.” the tall mob boss wickedly cooed.
By her increasing speed and your curling toes, your fractured mind could barely piece together the fact that this woman was not stopping anytime soon…
Alcina Dimitrescu Masterlist
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willalove75 · 6 months
Alcina's New Maid Pt. 23 Lady Dimitrescu x Reader
Summary: You and Alcina spend a cozy morning in bed before going to pay the prisoner a visit.
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI.
Tags: some smut, dash of sub!alci and a little soft!dom reader
Notes: Part 23!
I am SO sorry this has taken LITERALLY over a month for me to finish!! But I think I have a pretty valid excuse, for those of you who didn't see my latest update - I'm pregnant!! And it's a boy! The first trimester was ROUGH, I wasn't vomiting but I was so sick. I'm 17 weeks and am feeling much, much better! (Aside from hip/lower back pain, according to the old wives tales that's common when pregnant with boys lolz) anyway I'm hoping to update much more regularly now that I'm finally feeling better!
Click here for the rest of the series
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The morning sunlight filters in through the window, gently waking you from your slumber. The feeling of a heavy arm draped across your stomach let you know that Alcina was still in bed with you. Turning over to face her, you come across a sight you don't see very often - if you've seen it at all. Alcina asleep on her stomach, one arm under her pillow under her head and the other keeping you close. Her usual pristine and perfect curls are sprawled out across the pillowcase with a few rogue strands hanging down into her face.
She looks so peaceful, if not for her size you would think she was human in this moment. Your eyes dance across her sleeping features. Her skin, riddled with scars and marks that she covers up with makeup, her over-plucked eyebrows that she also corrects with makeup are on full display. You notice how long and dark her natural eyelashes are as they rest on the tops of her cheeks. Her full pink lips, the laugh lines that rest at the corners of her mouth, everything about her is so beautiful.
You delicately tuck a strand of hair hanging in her face behind her ear, hoping you don't wake her up. But of course, Alcina is one of the lightest sleepers you've ever met - honestly you're surprised that turning in her arms didn't wake her.
Her eyes flutter open and beautiful gold irises look back at you.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up."
"Don't be, I am surprised I fell back asleep."
"Did you get up at all last night?"
"No," she says, shaking her head and pulling you in closer. "I laid here all night with you in my arms. I considered getting some work done but I couldn't bring myself to let you go."
Alcina nuzzles into your hair, taking a deep inhale and exhaling with a content sigh.
It wasn't until her hand rested against your bare back did you realize you were still naked from the events of the night before. You tuck yourself under her chin, trying to get as close as possible. Alcina kisses the top of your head and holds you against her chest. An audible purr rumbles through her as she buries her nose into your hair.
You can feel her purrs vibrate through your body and you can't help but lightly chuckle.
"What are you laughing at?" She asks, nuzzling into you more.
"Nothing, it just seems like both you and the dragon are enjoying yourselves this morning."
Alcina huffs into your hair and shakes her head.
"I suppose we are. It does seem to enjoy your company." She mumbles.
"I have a feeling I am going to enjoy her company as well. As long as she doesn't try to kill me again." You joke.
Alcina pulls away and narrows her eyes at you. You can see the hurt in her eyes, the regret she stills holds onto from that day.
"That is not something to joke about." She says with a deadly serious edge to her voice.
"I'm sorry. I only joked about it because I've been able to move past it. I don't want you to keep blaming yourself for what happened."
"I will because it was my fault."
Bringing your hand to cup her face, you brush your thumb across her skin.
"It was Miranda's fault, not yours. And I am going to remind you of that every day for the rest of my life if I have to, Alcina. I love you. I forgive you. I want you to forgive yourself."
Alcina closes her eyes with a sigh. She places her hand over yours and presses it into her skin. When her eyes open again they're glassy with unshed tears. Alcina opens and closes her mouth a few times, trying to find the words to respond with.
Instead of waiting for her response you lean in and press your lips into hers. Her golden eyes flutter shut and she kisses you back. The kiss turns from one of understanding to one of passion. Your tongue grazes her bottom lip and she parts them, allowing you in. The hand she had against yours on her cheek moves behind you before she rolls onto her back, pulling you on top.
As the kiss intensifies you bite down on Alcina's bottom lip and tug at it. A moan escapes from her and you bring your lips back to hers to swallow it. Your hands travel down her neck, past her shoulders to the tops of her breasts. She arches into your touch and you take as much of her massive breasts into your hands as you can - the only thing separating you from her skin is the thin fabric of her nightgown. Another moan slips past her lips into yours when you begin to massage her breasts. Taking her nipples between your fingers, she whimpers into your mouth causing to you moan in response when you roll them.
Last night she worshipped you, now you get to return the favor.
Releasing her breasts from your grip you grab the thin straps of her nightgown and pull them down. Alcina slides her arms out and you pull the silk down to her waist. She groans when your hands find her breasts once more and you start kissing down her jaw towards her neck.
She threads her fingers through your hair as she guides your kisses further down her body. As eager as the both of you are, you still want to take your time to try and kiss every inch of skin you can so you fight against Alcina's pushing a little. She groans at your silent protest and you respond by nipping at her collarbone, causing her to take a sharp inhale. Of course the mark immediately disappears but you're pretty sure you got your point across when you feel her grip loosen.
You kiss across her other collarbone before slowly making your way down towards her sternum and between her breasts. Her nipples harden in your hands and your own patience begins to wear thin. In one swift motion you pull away from between her breasts and take one of her hardened peaks into your mouth. Alcina's groan quickly turns into a moan as you circle your tongue around it and suck. Just before it becomes too sensitive you release her nipple with a pop and latch onto the other one, repeating your ministrations.
Moans pass through Alcina's lips as you suck on her. She certainly wasn't expecting this to happen this morning but now that you've started, she might go crazy if you stopped.
The silk of her nightgown is soft under your touch as you run your hands down her stomach. As you reach her hips you gather the fabric and begin to bunch it up before releasing her other nipple from between your lips.
Alcina's legs fall open and her hand rests on the top of your shoulder. Looking up at her you take in the sight before you. A true goddess, with her head thrown back into the pillow, her usual perfect and pristine curls splayed across the pillowcase. Her eyes are closed and her lips parted in anticipation for you to reach your next destination. She gently pushes down on your shoulder, giving you a not-subtle hint to where she wants you to go next.
Sliding between her legs, you leave open mouthed kisses on the exposed skin of her stomach as you make your way down. You place one last kiss above the band of her underwear before getting settled. Taking in the sight in front of you you see the large wet patch in the middle of her lacy underwear. Reaching out, you run your fingers up and down the wet spot, causing Alcina's breath to hitch with a groan.
Her hips begin to gently roll against your touch. Placing a kiss on the inside of her thigh, you rest your hand on top of her mound and let your thumb circle her already swollen clit. She lets out the softest whine that causes you to smile into the skin of her thigh as you continue to pepper it with light kisses.
It surprises you how sensitive she is until you realize how long it's probably been since her last release. Jealousy begins to set in when you realize the last person to touch her was that maid. The last person to unravel Alcina was that maid. Right then and there you make the decision to make sure no one will ever be able make her feel as good as you can. It becomes your mission to make sure no one else's touch but your own will ever be able to unravel her again.
Abruptly, you pull your hand away and she lets out a groan of frustration. Before she can protest any further you grab each side of her underwear and practically yank them down her long legs, throwing them aside.
You kiss your way back up the inside of her thighs before settling between her legs once more. Looking up at Alcina you see that her eyes are squeezed shut but you want her to see you pleasure her. You want her to see that it's you driving her into bliss.
"Alcina," you say as you plant kisses into her soft, muscular thighs. "look at me."
Alcina hears your request but can't bring herself to open her eyes. Last time she did it crushed her that it wasn't you between her legs. She's terrified that if she looks it won't be you there. So she shakes her head "no".
Nipping the inside of her thigh, she whimpers.
"Look at me." Again, she shakes her head no. "Alcina, my love, look at me."
The smell of her arousal is intoxicating, it's so tempting for you to say "fuck it" and feast on her as she's spread out before you, but you stay strong.
"My love," you say as you kiss the inside of her thigh again. "look at me, please."
Alcina rolls her hips towards your mouth but you do your best to push them back down, and much to your surprise you're able to - she doesn't put up much of a fight.
"I want you to look at me Alcina. Look at me."
The throbbing between her legs begins to surpass the fear she has. After taking a shaky inhale, she opens her eyes and looks down at you as she props herself up on her elbows. The air in her lungs stalls when she sees that it's you between her legs. Relief washes over her and she melts into the mattress as her body relaxes.
A smile pulls at the corner of your lips as your eyes meet her golden ones. You see the look of relief, of passion burning in them. There's almost a look of desperation, a silent plea for you to continue.
"Good job." You say. A wave of arousal courses through Alcina, she definitely wasn't expecting you to praise her and she definitely wasn't expecting the praise to turn her on even more. "Now keep your eyes on me. Can you do that?"
Alcina silently nods her head "yes" and you lower your mouth down to her. You lick a broad strip up her dripping slit, just barely brushing over her clit. Her moans fill your ears as you moan from her taste on your tongue.
Looking back up at her, you notice her eyes are closed and her head is thrown back. You nip at the inside of her thigh to get her attention and her head snaps back towards you.
"Eyes on me." You say.
Alcina goes to protest but before she can utter a word you dive back in and the words die on her tongue. Anything she was about to say was replaced by a string of soft curses and moans. Your eyes flick up to make sure she's still looking at you and you see her golden irises staring back. You smile into her and swipe your tongue over her clit before capturing it between your lips.
A large hand grips the back of your head and Alcina cries out as you lick and suck on her throbbing clit. Every time you check to make sure she's still looking at you, you see her eyes trained on you.
Doubling down on your efforts you flick your tongue over her clit faster as it throbs between your lips. Alcina's legs begin to shake and just as they start to tighten around your head, just before she's about to fall into bliss, you pull away.
Her fingers holding onto the hair on the back of your head tighten almost painfully as she cries out at the loss. Looking back up at her, her eyes are glowing with frustration and she growls at you.
"Shh," you say, kissing the inside of her thigh. "let me take care of you. Trust me my love." The grip on the back of your head loosens and her eyes soften. "Good, keep looking at me."
She nods her head and you lick up her slit once more before bringing three of your fingers to her entrance. After you coat them in her arousal, you part her lips and slowly push in. Alcina moans above you as you push your fingers in and pull them out before pushing them back in once more. You repeat this motion a few times before thrusting down to your knuckles. She lets out a moan when you start fall into a rhythm and curl your fingers into her velvety walls. Three fingers may feel good for her but you know it's not enough so after a few more thrusts and curls you add a fourth finger.
Alcina moans grow louder and you feel her clench down around you as you continue to thrust and curl your fingers. With her eyes still focused on you, she begins to rock her hips to the pace you've set.
"Oh, draga." She moans.
"Am I making you feel good my love?"
"Yes." She says with an exhale.
"Can you take more of me? Do you want me to fill you baby?" You ask as you thrust hard into her and curl your fingers.
"Yes!" She cries. "Please my love, give me more!"
Folding your thumb across your palm, you slide your whole hand into her and you feel her walls stretch around you. Alcina lets out a filthy moan yet her eyes never leave you.
"Good job, I know how much you love feeling me fill you. I know you missed this, didn't you?" You ask as you pick up the pace.
"Yes! I missed you inside of me, I missed you so much draga mea!"
Your thrusts become faster and harder as you feel her walls flutter around you. The tips of your fingers feel that spongy spot deep inside and you push further into it before your fingers curl. Alcina lets out a scream as you start to pound against that spot.
"Oh fuck, draga! Right there!" She cries as her hips rock harder against your hand.
"Right here?" You ask as you curl against that spot again and she cries out as she stares down at you. She couldn't pull her eyes away from you even if she wanted to in this moment. "No one knows you like I do, isn't that right? No one else knows exactly what spot to hit to make you see stars, do they?" You ask as you continue to fuck her.
Unable to form words, Alcina shakes her head "no" as more moans leave her lips.
"That little maid could never fuck you the way I do, could she?" Alcina's mouth hangs open and she shakes her head "no" again. "Answer me." You say before swiping your tongue over her clit.
Alcina's hips buck into you and she cries out.
"No! She could never fuck me the way you do! No one could ever fuck me the way you do!"
"Good girl." You say before latching onto her clit and sucking on it.
Alcina's moans and cries grow louder and you feel her walls beginning to clench around your hand. She's getting close but you want to drag it out as long as you possibly can.
"Not yet." You say before flicking your tongue over her clit again.
She lets out a frustrated groan and throws her head back.
"Uh-uh, look at me." She rolls her head forward and her half-lidded eyes lock onto yours. You can see in her eyes how close she is. "Not yet baby, not yet."
Alcina whimpers as she tries to hold off her orgasm. You push her further and further, her legs begin to shake around your head as she does her best to stop from falling over the edge.
"Almost, not yet." You mumble into her.
"Please." She whimpers. "Please my love."
Your eyes snap up to hers and you see the desperation in her eyes, a complete submission you've never seen before. The look in her eyes spurs you on as you thrust faster and suck harder on her clit.
"Draga, I - I can't -"
"Cum for me baby."
Alcina's body trembles and you can see the explosion behind her eyes before they roll into the back of her head as she lets out a scream. She clenches tightly around your hand as you continue to fuck her through her orgasm. Her clit throbs wildly in your mouth and you flatten your tongue against it as she bucks against you, letting her use your mouth as she rides it out.
Her cries soften and her walls start to relax. You swipe over her clit once more with your tongue - causing her to whine - before pulling your soaked hand from her. Alcina's chest rapidly rises and falls as she continues to come down from her high, trying to catch her breath. Aftershocks cause her hips and legs to twitch around you.
Crawling up next to her, Alcina opens her eyes and looks deeply into yours. Before you can say anything she pulls you into her and kisses you with an explosive passion.
When your lips part she buries her face into the side of your neck as the last of the aftershocks course through her. You run your fingers through her hair and kiss her head as she holds you tight.
Alcina has never relented control like that before with you. Even when you were pleasuring her in the past she was always in control. You wonder if she's ever let someone else take control before. Maybe before she got the cadou, but you're almost certain that she's never let someone else have control after.
She pulls away and looks into your eyes. You notice how watery they are and you cup her cheek and smile at her.
"Thank you." She says softly, holding back her tears.
"Of course. I love you."
"I love you, draga mea."
When your lips meet you feel a warmth flood your body. There's no hunger or desperation in the kiss, just pure love. She kisses you slowly for some time before your lips finally part. Alcina rests her forehead against yours and holds you tight.
"I love you so much. I am never letting you go ever again." She whispers.
"Good. Because I never want to let you go." You say back.
The two of you bask in the afterglow for a while longer, just holding each other in your arms while exchanging soft, slow kisses. It's moments like these with her that are your absolute favorite. Moments where the rest of the world disappears and it's just the two of you cuddled under the duvet. Your fingers trace her larger ones, in awe of how much bigger her hands are than yours. How soft her skin is, how strong they are. For the first time you really get a good look at the tips of her fingers and her fingernails. It fascinates you that her near perfect manicure can become such dangerous, beautiful claws in an instant.
"Does it hurt?" You ask.
"No. It was rather uncomfortable at first but I grew used to it over time."
"Was it hard to control?"
"I wouldn't say it was hard, but it did take some getting used to in the beginning. There were plenty of instances where a poor maid was in the wrong place at the wrong time and she was accidentally sliced to ribbons."
"What happened?"
"They were more difficult to control when I was in fits of anger - which happened often back then. They seemed to have a mind of their own."
"Like a defense mechanism?"
"In a way, yes. So if I wasn't careful about my movements or how close I was to someone when I was angry, well, lets just say it didn't often end well."
"How long did it take you to control them?"
"Not very long, a few years perhaps. Although still to this day I can feel them itching to come out when I'm upset or angry, but I have much better control now than I did then."
"Do you file them?"
"Every so often, yes. But the wear and tear of my everyday work naturally wears them down so they're not as sharp."
"Is this the shortest they go without you having to trim them?"
"You are so full of questions this morning." She says with a smile as a light blush dusts your cheeks. Alcina kisses the side of your head before answering. "This is their natural length, but when necessary I can retract them further. It can be uncomfortable but it's worth it so I don't injure my partner during certain... activities." She says with a smirk.
You thread your fingers through hers and cuddle into Alcina with a giggle. Alcina nuzzles into you and kisses you on the head before letting out a sigh.
"Nooo." You whine, knowing what her sigh meant.
"I know draga, but we've been in bed all morning. I have a long list of things that need to be done today, including speaking with our prisoner."
Grumbling into her shoulder, Alcina lets out a laugh before pulling you close and kissing you one more time before throwing the covers off of the two of you.
You try with all of your might to hold Alcina down but she quickly overpowers you and flips you onto your back. She clicks her tongue at you as she leans down.
"Valiant effort my darling, but unfortunately you do not have the strength to overpower me just yet." Your bottom lip pushes out into a pout and she clicks her tongue at you again. "Oh, what's the matter my love? There is no pouting after such a wonderful morning." She says before leaning down and placing a chaste kiss on your lips.
Alcina sits up and gets out of bed, not before tapping you on the thigh, prompting you to get out of bed as well.
"Come now draga, we have many things to do today."
The two of you get dressed and make your way down to the dining room for breakfast. During your meal Alcina goes over what she has to do today with the girls and discusses what she wants to happen with the prisoner.
"After breakfast we will pay him a little visit. Draga, if you would like to join us you are more than welcome to, but you are under no obligation."
"I would like to come, but I can stay out of sight. I just want to see if he tells you everything."
"What do you mean by that?" Cassandra asks.
"Y/n here went and visited our prisoner yesterday."
"You went into the dungeon alone?!" Bela asks.
"And you didn't die??" Cassandra asks.
"Why would you do that?!" Daniela yells.
"Girls, that's enough. We already spoke about it last night. There is no need for you to interrogate her about it, but I appreciate your concern for her wellbeing." Alcina says before turning back towards you. "Draga you are more than welcome to stay within earshot if you would like and if you want to make an appearance you may do so."
"I just don't want to see him get hurt."
"We will make sure you are escorted out of the dungeon before any of that takes place."
"Thank you." You say with a smile.
"Of course, my love."
The rest of the meal flies by and as the time to go down to the dungeon gets closer, you slowly begin to lose your appetite.
The girls finish their meals and Alcina swirls the rest of her wine in her glass before downing it in one gulp.
"Alright girls, I believe it's time to go visit the prisoner."
"I can't wait to take a bite out of him." Cassandra says with hungry eyes.
"And you say I'm always hungry." Daniela mumbles.
"Because you are! You insatiable beast!" Cassandra snaps back.
"Am not!"
"Are too!"
"Girls. Enough. I need you to either take this seriously or you will not participate. Do you understand?" Alcina says with a stern look.
"Yes mother." They reply in unison.
"Ready, draga?" Alcina asks, reaching her hand out towards you.
You nod your head and take her hand in yours.
"As ready as I'll ever be, I guess."
"Then let us go."
Alcina leads you from the dining room towards the dungeon door. The closer you get the harder you feel your heart pounding in your chest. Bela, Cassandra and Daniela swarm down the stairs in a fit of excited giggles and Alcina stops at the top of the steps before kneeling down to your height.
"Are you sure you want to come, my love? I don't want you to feel pressured to be there."
"I know, but I want to. I have to. I just need to know-" you take a deep breath and Alcina nods at you, not needing you to finish your response. She knows why you feel like you need to come, that you need to see for yourself if he was as innocent as you thought he was - as you wanted him to be.
Alcina looks deeply into your eyes before pulling you in for a kiss. Immediately, your body relaxes into her touch and you smile into her. When your lips part Alcina stands back up and takes your hand in hers. She guides you through the dungeon door and you know there's no turning back now. You can only hope he tells them the truth - the whole truth. Not only does his fate hang in the balance, but so does the remainder of hope you've been clinging to.
"Well, here goes nothing." You say to yourself as you take the final steps towards the cell.
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donnas-dollface · 11 months
Y/N: When Alcina was born, the gods said, "She's too perfect for this world."
Heisenberg: Oh please, when she was born the devil said, "Oh, competition."
966 notes · View notes
Donna: Don’t you think we acted too rashly letting Y/N, Angie and your daughters go for a walk all alone this late? Something terrible may happen…
Screams and swearing from the outside
Alcina: You feel bad for the villagers too, don’t you?
Donna: Speaking the truth, yes.
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