#almost forgot to tag gale lol
ssalballoon · 5 months
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bg3 aggie doodles (1 layer and a dream)
bonus: not from aggie but look at this microorganism gale
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a2zillustration · 8 months
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Croissant makes a good point tbh
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meownotgood · 2 months
also while I'm on the topic of being off topic. this is my beloved durge tav moon. her wizard boyfriend sprays her with water when she tries to bite people
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tallymonster · 7 months
Memories of Us Chapter 2 || Masterlist
Literally posting the first two parts and then passing out lol, same tags as last time, same inspiration from this art by @cheesy-cryptid , same everything basically.
Summary: Octavia goes to a place in the Upper City to meet her boss. Turns out it's extremely secretive.
Oh one thing I forgot to mention. The chapter titles are based on the song "I Caught Fire" by The Used.
Thanks again to my babe @micropoe10 for being my beta reader and best friend ❤️
also tagging @satanicspinosaurus because they're the first person to ask to be tagged (!!!!) Thanks for the support guys, it means A LOT.
Chapter 2
Could stay a while
Gale gave Octavia the very secret directions to the restaurant she was due to meet her boss in. It was a fancy place in the Upper City, secluded enough for only those who knew where it was could find it. Looking down at the piece of paper with the code to enter, she knocks on the door. A voice comes out of nowhere, loudly asking, "PASSWORD?" Nervously she speaks the phrase on the paper, instantly the door opens and the piece of paper is gone. "Wow, they really don't want people to know about this place huh?" "I would assume not, some of us do pay quite a bit of gold for the exclusivity." A haughty voice speaks out from behind her, a blush quickly develops on her cheeks as the realization crosses that she was not alone.
She quickly stammers "Oh it's my first time here, I was more surprised than anything." She chuckles at her own expense. The man behind her is cloaked in the light of a street lantern directly behind them. "Well, I hope you enjoy it, they say the first time is incredibly memorable..." The last word spills out with a sultry drawl, he walks past her and into the hallway, eventually fading into the darkness of the restaurant. The blush on her cheeks has definitely covered her entire face now.
Octavia takes a few breaths. Then steps into the dark restaurant. The interior of the establishment is lowly lit, almost completely dark, save for the candles on the tables and sconces on the walls. She looks around to the other patrons, all impeccably dressed in clothes that look like they would cost at least 5 months pay.
"This way, miss." Octavia is led to a private room towards the back, the waitress knocks on the red wooden door in front of them, a voice that sounds like Gale's calls out "I think she's here, let me go greet her!"
Gale comes out in a much nicer suit than his usual one, slightly fitted for a guy who you only see in cardigans and loose sweaters. "Okay, now I definitely feel underdressed, is there a dress code here that someone forgot to inform me about?" Octavia jokes, "Because if I had a reason to go buy a new wardrobe with my graduation money, it would've been good to know."
Gale looks at her slightly confused until he notices her wearing practically the same outfit she wore to work, the only exception was her blazer, it wasn't the one he accidentally spilled ink on when they were restoring some letters together earlier in the day.
He sucks his teeth and apologizes "I absolutely did, and I'm not sure how to make up for it yet, but I promise you look wonderful. You have your talents and expertise to speak for themselves! No amount of lavish clothing can eclipse that. Besides, Mr. Ancunin trusts me much more than anyone else. He and I have talked at great lengths about your impressive knowledge of the Heroes of Baldur's Gate. He's made remarks about it, seeming like you've been there yourself!" He laughs as he leads her into the room, would this be the time to tell him her family history?
As she approaches the table, a shadow becomes clear and his form begins to take shape. His hands are the first thing she sees come out from behind the cloak around his shoulders; slender fingers with a spider like length, lustrous skin like pearls, one reaches out and takes hers in a handshake. "My my..Made your way over from outside, darling?" That voice sounded like the man from outside."How was the walk over? Not too far in the back are we? I wanted to make sure our meeting was nice and private."
The waitress who led her down to this room lights a few more candles, replacing some that had apparently gone out. The barely lit room fills with warm yellow light and her boss becomes more illuminated by each one.
Octavia notices his hair first, a mop of silver and white styled into a messy tousle of curls. His ears were pointed, the few rings of hair that fell on them perfectly encircled around as if on purpose. She noticed something particular though, he was wearing sunglasses inside? In this dark place?
Before she even knew, she asked "Why are you wearing sunglasses inside at night?" Taken aback, her boss laughs loudly as he looks towards Gale, "You were right, cheeky little pup, isn't she?"
His grin grows mischievously. Gale shrugs and pulls the chair out in front of him, he motions Octavia to sit. She makes her way over and takes her spot, Gale sitting to her right. "Miss Octavia, I would be honored to finally introduce you to our esteemed head curator of the Baldur's Gate Museum of History, Mr. Astarion Ancunin."
Gale flourishes the last bit by extending his arm out to his right, Astarion dips his head in a small bow. "I do apologize for the last minute absence, my dear" he sips his wine and places the glass down.
"I believe you're both reaping the benefits of that excursion in the hard work you've been doing. Which is the cause of this little outing I've set up for the three of us. Obviously, I wanted to meet you beforehand, Octavia, but some things have to be sacrificed for the good of preservation. I take this work very seriously, I want to ensure these priceless artifacts don't get lost to time, as some things have before." He takes a slow sip of his wine, "I believe Gale has told you about his little interest in our Szarr art collection?"
Astarion playfully asks Octavia, as he turns to Gale, a devilish smile on his face, sipping more wine. "He has, actually, but I asked." she answers "Really? And what do you make of this mystery subject? You must have a theory, yes?" He places a hand under his chin, turning to look at her behind those dark lenses.
Octavia feels the same chill she felt when she first looked at the painting on the wall. She gulps,"Uh not yet, but I'm curious as well...the subject looks like a male elf, maybe about 40? No more than 100 it seems..."
She trails off a little, looking down at the table. "Whomever they were, they seem important somehow, like they were a favorite or something? A favored consort, possibly? I'm hoping that after Gale and I are done with this project, we may be able to find out?" She fidgets with her fingers a little under the table, hearing a pleased hum she straightens up and looks to Gale. He has a giant smile on his face, and gives her a reassuring nod.
A silence falls on the table as they turn to look at Astarion, his eyebrows come together.. he seems angry, perhaps annoyed, was he upset at her speculation? Her heart was in her throat, where was the waitress? She needed water and quick- "Why do you think that?" Astarion asks pointedly, taking a more prominent drink of his wine. "Why do you think that one is favored?"
Octavia feels a lump at her throat, she swallows and answers "They're in a lot of paintings in the gallery...I noticed them in at least a dozen...in the forefront of four, the background of 6...the main subject of two..it's quite a lot for someone who doesn't matter.." She hears a soft huff, not annoyed this time. "Interesting. Most people say that he's pretty or gorgeous or go on about his beautiful body, but you focused on the importance of the subject. I admire your insight, Octavia. I see why Gale tipped the scales for you."
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so it finally happened Gale made his move on Nare'
after Nare' talked to the Gale projection and followed the path, she was met with such an incredible display of magic. she couldn't believe her eyes! it was like nothing she learned form her patron! it was like a dream of a dream she once saw as a child... and in the center of it all there he was: Gale of Waterdeep. The man she had felt so much for, but kept it all inside respecting his condition.
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she sat down beside him and decided right then and there, she would confess today, whatever may happen she had too. she cant wait any longer... she started by complementing his magic, but couldn't help looking at him adoringly. despite all the hardships one Glance at this man and all the ice around her heart (from her patron more on that soon lol) melts
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so she almost could feel her heart jump out of her chest when HE started confessing ! she let him speak because she was so scared he would reject her at any moment (unbeknownst to her he also had the same fear) he told her he loved her and kissed her tenderly and softly
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Nare' was about to shed so many tears at his confession but her playful nature took over and with a wobbly voice she made a joke
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but that wasn't all of course! it wasn't all at all! this is THE WIZARD OF WATERDEEP we are talking about here he wanted grandeur he wanted to WOW her! and she tagged along because she always wants to see what this beautiful man with the big shiny brown eyes has to offer, and wow her he did ! he took her to waterdeep, to his his home and then to the stars ( i forgot to take a pic of the astral plane scene sdjnsjk)
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but through it all she could only look at him, only care for him.she asked about his books and his life, and when he took her to the stars, she said she wanted the real him... she wanted to feel him... and in the next moment the real Gale was in her arms again
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The next day she went STRAIGHT to him! she wanted to kiss him again and again! but she got the BEST news ever Gale is now here to STAY! he also thanked her for insisting on loving him as the man he is and not his magic, cluing her in that he mostly, throughout his life , was always invisible to people, next to his abilities and magic. Nare' vowed in herself to always love and cherish this man for as long as she breathed
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now they go get the Nightsong ! LETS GO LESBIANS <3 <3
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warriorlid14 · 3 years
i'm still reading thru all your HG meta so sorry if you've already gone into this, but I'd love to hear your headcanon of how Katniss and Gale reconnect after the war? i'm writing a story where they will indirectly through the relationship of Haymitch & Hazelle, all while Gale is struggling with how the new government still falls short of what he wanted and fought for (I won’t go into it more since it’s still a WIP lol). so I am curious to see how someone else thinks it could go. 1/2
2/2 Katniss’ forgiveness is something that seems far away if not unthinkable to her at the end of MJ, but I feel like time and space and some growth on Gale’s part could make it feasible. I don’t think they’ll ever be as close as best friends again unfortunately/tragically, but I like fic/meta that at least explores them forging some kind of a relationship again, even if it’s touchy/sensitive like in the Ashes of District Twelve series.
I swear, I totally meant to answer this sooner, but I totally forgot. Sorry!
So I don’t actually have a set headcanon of how it goes down. I do know these points (in my version of how it happens):
Neither of them makes the first move. Katniss is very stubborn and doesn’t reach out. Gale is all like “this is my Penance, I have lost her forever and it’s my fault. My presence will only hurt her and I shall stay away” like a little noble moron
Gale has her phone number memorized. He almost calls many times and one time dialed all the numbers but panicked and hung up on the first ring
Katniss constantly wonders how Gale is doing, but doesn’t ask. She still catches tidbits here and there from friends. Gale definitely does ask about her and gets updates from Greasy Sae
Gale has talked to Peeta (in general, he doesn’t ask him about Katniss even though he really wants to because he considers it to be cheating. cheating at what? he doesn’t know. his penance?) Peeta has told him to talk to her. Peeta has told Katniss to talk to him. They’re both stubborn idiots
When they do meet, it’s completely by accident. It’s at some event that they both have to attend. No one ask me what event (this takes place like 2 yrs after the war)
There’s a huge yelling match after the event. (“They were kids!” “I know! You think I don’t know that? You think I wanted that to happen?” “It was Prim!” “And if I could trade places with her, I would!”) It’s bad. It lasts for hours. They both cry. Inside, everyone is like “uhhh.... should we go out there?” but no one does. 
Things are... tense, for however long the event lasts (days in my head). But somehow, they both agree to open communication again.
It takes a few more years, and a lot of effort, and letters and phone calls and visits but they do go back to being bffs. But the relationship is different. Not necessarily worse, though
Katniss forgives Gale loooong before he ever fully forgives himself (if ever)
Gale attends the Everlark wedding
.... I guess I had a more detailed headcanon than I thought.
Thanks for the ask!
(and tag me if you ever write the fic because it sounds great)
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HGPC 17 - 21 | Koi to Producer 2 - 6 | Appare 5 - 8 | Fugou Keiji 4 - 6
...only just realised I was missing some tags. They should be there now or soon.
Why do I get the feeling the Sawaizumi family will be held hostage one day…? (Maybe I’m just being negative?)
The episode title mentions Chiyu by name, so I wonder why the translation didn’t…
Customer service! You can’t get away from it, even in COVID times…! (Impressive!)
Hmm…you can actually read part of the booking for the Smiths in the book if you know the kanji.
I thought the Smiths would speak in English, but they actually speak in fluent Japanese if the word “susume” was any indication.
Ah, Sukoyaka sweet buns! (from the other episode about the festival)
Don’t burn down your house with scented candles, kids!
Also remember to use your knees when lifting heavy boxes! (<- says a charity store volunteer, who does this stuff on the regular)
These days the mascots usually have a human form. I wonder if this is implying that particular direction…? (I woke up today and was craving a certain oneshot I’d read during my scanlation days…if it is, it would fill that niche nicely.)
I wonder if the kids will recognise this Ashita no Joe parody…?
“…since you were young?”
Oh! Element of Wind again!
Koi to Producer 2
This almost feels like Victor is assigning a school project to Protag-chan…it’s a bit sad, really.
It’s nice they let Protag-chan have a personality.
It’s fine if you can’t read the katakana, but Gavin’s name is Haku in Japanese, so it throws out the immersion somewhat…also, I know I shouldn’t be complaining – I’m the target audience here – but do these guys look kinda similar or what…? (partially kidding)
High school sweethearts, huh? “Childhood friends” is my favourite angle of a romantic relationship, but it gets so overused by harems it comes around to being boring…!
I-Is this Stand My Heroes…?! (LOL…?)
Can we not with 1st person cam…?
As cute and dorky as this stuff gets…how does Gavin never get found?! Does nobody ever look up in this city?!? (I thought Evolvers were meant to be a secret…?)
GPS tracker? That’s no better than large corporations using your location data…Isn’t that creepy…?
Hold on, when did she get his phone number? You would assume it was before this entire chase after the boy happened, but still…?
LOL, the English on the board.
This anime is gonna cause me some frustration, but it gives the good stuff in roughly equal measure. It seems to omit the fact you interact via phone with your bois for intimacy (in the game).
Koi to Producer 3
LOL, that’s so clearly Gavin…
By googling, you find out Uptown and Queens are in New York.
Ohmygosh! Did the creators know I love the trope where only people with superpowers can move in certain circumstances?!
Uh…his name is Kira in Japanese? Did someone read the katakana wrong?
Pictured: Depressed bishonen eating bad pudding. (…That joke sounds better in my head. I forgot what meme I was meant to be parodying there, but I had a meme in mind.)
Lemme guess…this man (I dunno if it’s one of the previous bishies with an identical face or a new one) is looking for MC-chan. *sigh* Update: Yep, just Victor again. To be honest, I don’t like anyone who calls harsh words “their sign of love” – love should be honest and upfront. That’s how it becomes heartmelting.
Koi to Producer 4
Okay, in order, it seems to be hexadecimals, Javascript (you can tell from the “const”), some kind of profiles which are apparently for human lab rats (which seem to have some kind of nonsense filler text), a DNA model and DNA bases (ACGT).
The text on the screen says something along the lines of this being an official broadcast of this man’s arrest and this man was a genetic researcher. Obviously, if I wanted to put more attention into what it meant, I would, but I won’t sweat the details this time (because it doesn’t seem to impact the plot).
The guy’s name is Minor because minor key (geddit?)…that’s my guess.
I started playing the game due to this anime, if you didn’t know, and I unlocked an expert in ch. 2. I thought he was Minor, but turns out his name is Spine (an older man).
The diary, true to form, contains details about either one case or several cases, two involving children. The bottom of the 1st page says “if it’s fake, I’ll laugh”.
Hey, I once told Crunchyroll I wanted an anime about hacking (so is this a dream come true? I reveal all in the next sentence!). Hackers don’t congregate like this…they’d be too conspicuous, even with the secret hideout!
The code in the top left appears to be…C? I think? (Note they declare “unsigned int”.)
Kiro sometimes reminds me of Masayoshi (SamFlam)…it puts a derpy smile on my face.
*blah blah blah I’m Key* - Wuh…? F*** you, Kiro!!! (There is such a thing as piling too much cool stuff on to a character, y’know – I’m guilty of it in my own writing.)
3684 isn’t a very safe password (says someone who once aspired to be in cybersecurity).
What bugs me is that Simon is a perfectly fine name…it’s just a bit boring. Kiro/Kira I get (a bit), but Lucien/Simon…? *shrugs*
Ohh! Based MAPPA! Thank you for making this adaption look great!
Koi to Producer 5
Oh, I got an SR in the game recently and it has a line like, “Only a fool stays up all night to do others’ work. Victor talks like that a lot…
The sign so obviously says “Renka”, meaning “love flower”. “Loveland” really is a step down from that…
Where’s Gavin’s guest badge…?
“Happiness Noodle Store”…?
“…the end of our first year…”
If this weren’t a Chinese work by origin (or Japanese work by translation), I’m sure Protag-chan would have gone after Gavin, despite being told the contrary.
Kanya = Minor. I’ll take a note of that.
One of the books behind Minor says “Gale Start”…hmm…
That GPS tracker is still unintentionally creepy, IMHO.
Koi to Producer 6
…oh. (dejected) Probably a beach episode or something.
What the actual heck was going on with Lucien…? It’s like he was having a tiny stroke there…
Lucien’s power is listed as “???” in the game. I thought he was an aura-reader when he said “show me your colour”, but that shield thing he did means he might just have various psychic powers…? *shrugs* We’ll find out eventually.
Running in heels is hard…
LOL, that’s so clearly recreating a CG from one of the cards.
This is the 2nd time this has gone pseudo-isekai. As much as I like to joke about it…I fully expect someone to be sent to another world at this point.
I couldn’t possibly see Victor on any kind of game show, come to think of it.
Appare 5
This guy’s middle name is “Rich”! That’s silly!
A boombox from the 19th century…makes sense, somehow.
I only just (?) realised Al has a tiny tie on his usual outfit.
Back to the beginning already…just start!
Appare 6
…I just realised Appare mouths “I got it!” in the OP.
Al Lion (sic…?)
Isn’t Sofia in that train…? Update: She might have been, she might not. Hard to tell when they don’t confirm.
This series seriously could’ve done with a dub…Even with weird hokey Hetalia accents, it would be good stuff.
These bunches of people at designated points…reminds me of the book I was reading while in Japan. The Long Walk by Stephen King (part of a compilation). It still gives me shivers down my spine when I remember it.
This “leave in the middle of the night” thing reminds me of the Amazing Race.
“Valley of Despair” is made-up, but Death Valley exists. It’s one of the hottest places on earth, hence the name.
LOL, Kosame scores himself one (1) prarie dog and two (2) Hototos.
I thought Appare was being inconsiderate at first…but he’s being considerate, in his own way.
Oh! I didn’t realise, but Saito Soma is Al.
Appare 7
“It’s not one plus one, but one times one!” – LOL.
Hybrid engine? In the 1900s? Hmm…
LOL, I think Al just did a hadouken.
This stuff’s like an animated Galaxy Brain meme! It’s amazing!
I managed to successfully predict – without watching ahead – Appare would catch himself with his traps.
Kosame with his hair down…is rare. Not exactly attractive because we have to care about the racers rather than lust after them (and the artstyle actually prevents me from doing so, because it’s deliberately quite cartoony), but it’s rare.
Appare is surprisingly childish…that’s what makes him more than a Sheldon Cooper, I think.
The spelling of the place is actually “Ely”, if Google-sensei is any indication. C’mon, subbers! You’re American (most likely)! Can’t you put in the legwork (or the Google-fu) to discover what place in Nevada this is?!
Subbers make characters say “shit” a lot in this show, hmm? (contemplative)
Now this evil guy here *points to screen*…that’s hair I like.
Appare 8
I just love this OP…don’t you?
I like how the steam/gas boat/car has Chinese numerals on its dial.
Kosame means “small rain”, so “heavy rain” is obviously to contrast that.
The Hototo joke never gets old.
I thought I just saw someone leave the saloon…
Nice hair + terrible face = bad equation.
I can almost imagine the wee-oo-wee-oo-ooooooo…wah-wah-wahhh…(You know the one sound snippet, right? The one theme from The Good, the Bad and the Ugly - or whatever movie it is – that maybe involves a tumbleweed rolling across the screen, and then a huge shootout? If you don’t know it, play a sample on this Wikipedia page!) playing in the background.
It’s convenient the prarie dog didn’t appear when Hototo (old) had his revenge spree.
I noticed there’s a bit of a mark under Kosame’s left eye…it suggests that he’s been crying (or maybe it shows tiredness from the race…?), but it’s not that noticeable.
So that’s the real Gil…and tose were his henchmen that threatened to hang everyone bar Kosame. Got it.
(notes to self) So, for charting a course with Appare Ranman!, it’s Los Angeles -> Death Valley -> Ely -> Denver -> ??? -> New York. Got it.
Fugou Keiji 4
“Daisuke-sama” isn’t “Lord Daisuke”, it would be “Sir Daisuke”, I think…but “lord” has a proper translation in Japanese.
The truck has a Shinagawa licence plate. Anime really does like Shinagawa, huh? (Based on ID: INVADED and this.)
I think it’ll be interesting to see Kambe handle this without HEUSC.
The board for Sanchome (which is equivalent to a suburb…or a county, I guess?) has posters saying stuff like “take your dog poop home” and “let’s protect the environment!” (technically, it says “let’s protect the region/area!”, but that doesn’t translate right. There’s even a flea market. Still, those posters don’t have any big hints…not that I know of so far.
I kind of forgot that dude was the gardener for Kambe’s house…er, mansion.
I noticed a poster in the kouban says haru (spring) on it. That’s probably the same one that Haru’s name is signified by, assuming that’s not in combo with another character or few.
Oh great…the sister is an overbearing one.
Ahh…he doesn’t like natto. So that’s the problem. Daisuke is childish (like Appare)…Note I don’t like natto either, but I wouldn’t run away from home (or similar) because I was fed natto.
I noticed Kambe uses shinseki (which doesn’t refer to close family). “Relative” is a correct translation of that word, I just wanted to check that word was the right one for the context.
There’s a green tea bottle by the sink…I don’t think I’d mistake that shade of green for anything else.
LOL, I didn’t think we’d actually get to see Kambe with his hair “down”, so to speak. It’s…an interesting look, for sure.
Oh my gosh! It cost him (Haru) $15!!! (LOL, cheapskate…says the cheapskate…*suddenly droops and stops laughing*) Update: Sorry about the sudden downer there. I was having what the kids these days call a “woke moment”…at least, I think that’s how they use that term.
…I’d watch that crime drama. It’s funny.
Just realised Kato has an older model of phone than Kambe does.
This episode was kinda like a Tokyo Sonata kind of thing, huh? The sensational in the middle of the not-so-sensational…”sensational” for this show, anyway.
Those kids look like the ones from Erased.
*lightbulb goes off in brain* What if the dog went to Kambe’s…?
Can Suzue actually hear HEUSC while Kambe is using it…? $2.46 though…that is cheap, in comparison to the ham.
This was the cheapest episode so far (about $550)…probably because it was an insight into Kato’s life, more than Kambe’s.
Fugou Keiji 5
The flag seems to be based on Cameroon’s (which is in Africa, not America) and the “Arita Kinen” seems to refer to Arima Kinen, meaning this episode is set around Christmas-ish. Credit goes to Kambe Zaibatsu on this show.
I-It’s a Humvee!
Polyadoll (sic)…?
The Poliador guy speaks perfect Japanese…(?)
The star! It’s a key thingy!
I thought Kamei was the 1st Division dude with the reddish hair. Turns out it was the blonde…? Update: Redhead is Hoshino.
Ummmmmm…he was reading porn…? Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh…okayyyyyyyyyyyyy…
…oh, the costs for Kambe’s tuxedo are on there. So’s the cost for repairing the bike Suzue rode.
Fugou Keiji 6
I never knew there were so many money proverbs to be used as episode titles…
What is Kambe doing with his hands…? He’s not even using the computer.
Imura seems to use a Windows 10 with Cortana on the taskbar.
What’s with all the Naruto running this episode…?
(no notes, sorry!)
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pk-majora · 7 years
i guess you reblogged this ask thing kind of a while ago haha sorry but 🐹💙✈️?
No problem @manxom! I’m just happy someone sent me one lmao. And luckily I tagged the shit out of the original post just so I wouldn’t lose it lol. If you (or anyone really for that matter) wants to message me to try and make more friends, feel free to blow up my inbox or messenger lmao! 
🐹 what are some of your favourite Pokémon and why? 
My all time favorite pokemon is Spheal. Why, you ask? I’ve played many pokemon games in my day. One of which included what I guess was a spinoff? Pokemon: Gale of Darkness. And idk why but the game just stuck with me. I looooved the game. Now it’d probably be super janky and shitty, but it was gold to me when it came out. Anyways, fairly early on in the game I caught a Spheal. And when it was time for him to evolve, I accidentally hit the wrong button and prevented him from evolving. So like, he never evolved despite leveling up a shit ton. He was always the lead of my pokemon team and I just loved him? Like I deadass bonded with this fat little blue ball. His name was also Michele, or something else traditionally feminine I think. Bc I forgot that blue typically meant boy and what the symbol for male meant. So we were shattering gender roles too at a pretty early age. Ah, good times, but yeah. My favorite pokemon is Spheal. All other pokemon I’m pretty impartial towards. Don’t really love em, don’t really hate em. 
💙 what annoys you about some people?
My biggest pet peeve or what annoys me most about some people is either people who don’t plan anything and people who don’t take things seriously. I take everything seriously lmao like no joke. And I plan EVERYTHING in advance. I don’t usually like spur of the moment decisions or people who don’t give their all. Idk why but I interpreted this question in like a work/academic sense. But in a more day-to-day and casual sense, I also can’t stand people who are intolerant or mock others interests. Intolerant of different races, genders, or sexualities. And I can’t stand people who make fun of the things others are interested in. 
✈️ what is your dream city and why?
Oh man. This one’s hard. To vaguely describe my favorite city it’d be somewhere suburban. Not like straight up rural or Manhattan level urban, but a comfortable medium. I like the idea of small towns and cities too. As far as weather goes, anything warm and sunny and tropical. Florida’s a pretty wild, god-forsaken place lmao but I do like our sunny summers and warm winters. Now for some specific places I’d like to live in or visit? France, I’ve never been there so I can’t really vouch for any specific cities. Greece, same problem as France lol. Italy, New Orleans, New York, New Zealand, UK/Great Britain, South Africa. I like South America as a whole lmao, but I know almost nothing about specific countries and cities. 
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