#also this plot is the perfect fit for them like theres no one who would be more perfect for this type of setting
gunsatthaphan · 2 months
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The Next Prince 🤴🏻 - coming soon
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arkhamknightz · 8 months
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pairing: dick grayson x reader (blurb)
summary: his new “girlfriend” is too perfect to hate
warnings: no actual plot really, jealous!reader, platonic damian x reader, shitty writing, built around lacy by olivia rodrigo
notes: i wasnt sure whether i should write this for jason or not but it fit dick so well… anywho this is more kinda focused on lacy and less about dick himself, as its how the songs written so! also this is short sorry i just needed to post something
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No matter how hard you tried, you simply couldn’t come up with a reason to hate her. Everything about her was angelic, it wasnt hard to see why Dick liked her so much.
You watched as Dick and Lacy walked into the charity gala that Bruce was hosting. She smiled brightly at you as your eyes met with hers, confidence radiating off of her as she walked over to you before greeting you and pulling you into a hug. You looked over her shoulder to see Dick walking towards the both of you, a grin plastered on his face.
“I didn’t think you were coming!” He smiled watching the both of you before wrapping his arm around her waist and kissing her head as he looked at you. “Who’d you come with?” he tilts his head in question.
You laughed and shook your head. “Nobody, I actually came to keep Damian company, we both know how much he hates these things and I promised I would come the next time Bruce hosted so we could sneak out and grab some actual food.”
Dick smiled as you took a glance over your shoulder at Damian, who had a glare plastered on his face as he looked around the gala. You turned back to face them just in time to see Dick being dragged off by Lacy to one of the mini tables to grab some food, a bright shade of pink painted on both of their faces. Her perfume lingered in the air as they left you alone. They were staring at eachother, smiling and giggling as they spoke in whispers to each other.
You saw nothing but her the whole night. Everywhere you seemed to turn, her and Dick were huddled together quietly talking, her arm looped through his. It wasn’t long before you felt a small tap on your arm, Damian quietly spoke. “Are you just going to sit and stare at them the whole time? I would like to leave now.” You turned around to look at him and smiled before letting out a small laugh. “Alright buddy let’s go.”
You and Damian sat in your car, his hand tapping on the side of the passenger door. “Are you and Richard having… problems?” your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “What’s that supposed to mean?” Damian spoke up. “I mean, you spent the whole time staring. I’d assume theres an issue between the both of you.”
You shook your head. “Nothing’s wrong with me and Dick.” His face scrunched up. “You’re lying.” You turned into the parking lot of a fast food place. “It’s… complicated. It’s just, I can’t dislike her Damian. She’s so incredibly nice and she always compliments me when she sees me and she always makes sure to text every other day just to check in!” He shook his head. “I don’t see why you need a reason to dislike her. I personally dislike whoever I want.”
You let out a laugh, Damian trying to surpress a smile as you doubled over in your seat. “Oh god, I wish that’s how it worked buddy I really do. But she doesn’t deserve that you know? I can’t just hate her because she’s with Dick. I mean come on shes absolutely perfect for him…” He let out a quiet hum. “Well, I’m sure I could get Timothy to dig something up about her.”
You lightly shoved his shoulder laughing. “As much as I appreciate the effort, it won’t change anything. Let’s just grab our food and our ice cream and head back to the manor alright?”
Dick and Lacy walked into the manor, you and Damian were sat in the main living room, Alfred the Cat laid on your leg. “Oh hey!” Lacy smiled at both you and Damian, the boy shooting her a glare. “Mind if we join you guys?” Dick spoke up, his jacket draped over her shoulders. “Yes actually, I do mind.” Damian spoke up before reaching down to pet the cat.
You looked over at them, a small shrug of your shoulders before looking back at Damian and pressing play on the TV. You looked back at Dick as you watched him walk down the hall, Lacy’s hand intertwined with his. A small pit formed in your stomach, oh how you wish that could’ve been you.
Damian quietly spoke up. “I don’t see why you like Richard of all people, because he’s definitely not the smartest.” You furrowed your brows. “What’s that mean?” He let out a small chuckle. “His shirt was inside out the whole night.”
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shinigami88 · 5 months
Order of the clock tower
With the decay of angels arc slowly reaching its end everyone's expecting order of the clock tower as the upcoming arc.
Order of the clock tower has the potential to be in my opinion one of the best arcs we came across so far even better than the decay of angels arc.
Before anything the only things we know so far about them is their leader , some of the ability wepons they poses , and a little bit on what they are capable of .
First i would like to predict some of the upcoming characters of this organization before talking about the leader Agatha christie in a different post since there's a lot to say about her.
NOW onto some characters predicted to be in the arc :
Now that the leader is agatha christie i expect even more mystery authors to be in the arc : so that leads to the first character im sure would be pretty interesting to be here is
1- Arthur canon doyle : Well known because of his genius detective none other than Sherlock holmss definitely an amazing character to have in bsd , but.. We already have ranpo who is also based on Sherlock and assuming order of the clock tower being a villain Arthur wouldn't be good even if he presents himself as , So that leaves the question who would Arthur be based on? id say Moriarty but ! A mixture of all of his characters as well , First ,Moriarty since we need someone going against ranpo , but then again i would find it interesting for him to not be like Moriarty straight up and as the plot continues we continue to see through Agatha and Arthur's facades and they develop more into the famous villains both of the real authors wrote , while that would leave us with the question what would arthurs ability be ? Id say
Hounds of the Baskerville : Hear me out , its might seem hard but id say its the best ability for him to have, its easy to stick it to the great War , its not an ability to be figured out fast , can be absolutely powerful, because assagiri could give it a hallucination and a real part. Everyone hallucinating a giant Dark hound with red eyes hunting everyone and a mysterious mist turning dogs and other animals horrifying Perfect to annoy dazai and any other character arthur comes across , Id expect him to be based on John watson as well , having some medical knowledge since we could say he worked as a doctor in the great war so to make it short since i can continue even more about him which i will , it would be like this
Detective ( before war and a good character based on Sherlock )
Doctor ( when war broke out , based on watson got his ability got injured wasnt seen after )
Moriarity ( joined clock tower is now a villain yet he still is like Sherlock as well )
If he joined the agency' under cover it would be fantastic , with his perfect deduction skills he'd make ranpo competitive , and he sees a sherlock and kinda watson in yosano and ranpo ?
UP next theres Carroll yes
Lewis Carroll : everyone is expecting him so i thought about it and yes
He would be powerful and i like it
I hope his a Cat ... Almost all the time... But a powerful cat . yes, I want him to be like the Cheshire cat floating in the air and having the wide grin when he finds someone alone, yet his able to talk as cat , and have a mixture of all the powers in alice in the wonder land and his ability would be named Wonderland . yes
Oscar wilde : another awaited charcter i see..
Sorta based on dorian gray , hold one .. Blond hair, rosy cheeks pale skin blue eyes eternally young younger than everyone in the organization(but his older than that) yep fits order of the clock tower perfectly
He'd be a charmer, charming and fooling everyone until later we get to see more of him. He would be one of the most well liked members of the order of the clock tower , a smile bright like the sun. Eyes that are so beautiful for anyone who looks at them. Great taste in fashion. Yet his not fully like dorian since it would make him atleast to me a bit unlikable. Maybe mixture of his works? Or from some quotes i saw from oscar wilde he'd be humble and a bit wise not totally crazy like dorian. Okay so now we have the ability part. Maybe Picture of oscar wilde ? Or just The picture? Second one is nicer id say . with his ability he could make different painting of people and maybe gift it to them as time passes everyone see their crimes on the picture and would go insane . and if he dosent gift it he'd be able to know everyone crimes by looking at their pictures , maybe if he stabs the picture he'd do some damage . and could say if someone is alive or dead by looking at the picture( him and arthur also met )
Mary Shelly : hold on before anything i was a bit confused after storm bringer was ahem spoilers sorry , that Mary actually mary ?
If yes then its great ! Adam again i hope . but not good news this time and she could have even more necromancy powers and im up for it . builds the prophetic arm everyone is predicting fyodor to have yet she dosent know who she made it for and dosent share the incident with the other members. The job she was offered ( the prosthetic arm ) was requested by and unkown person ( sigma, id expect him to wake up know everything about fyodor and is now on fyodors side, its fyodors turn to have amnesia and sigma, welp dazai left him there idk i expect it not even nikolai came so now him and fyodor are a team? ) maybe its too much? But i find it fun
I have another one but ill make another post
JRR Tolkien : ( ability Lord of the rings ) he'd have all the rings.
I want him to be based on gandalf id be so happy
He'd be wise and a guide. Is like a parent figure to Agatha and Arthur is willing to help the agency but would attack if attacked . the main ring he uses is narya . agatha said they are sending an ability user to burn Yokohama down. Rings a bell? Some characters who have incineration abilities in literature are gandalf and smug . so that ability user was i hope tolkien. On his way to burn Yokohama down.
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gendrie · 1 year
I just finished asoiaf for the first time and loved arya and gendrys relationship but i am curious abt how Gendrys parentage might be revealed. Obviously he is a minor character but he pops up in briennes chapter and she makes a big deal about his father and she almost gets to tell and even in her next chapter she tries to tell him but he went back to the inn. Im just so interested in like what plot relevance that might have and if that connects to arya at all.
theres a lot of upcoming parentage drama (r+l=j and f!aegon) so relatively speaking i don’t expect gendry’s to have major consequences, but he’s gotta be informed. i doubt brienne is the only one who knows or can easily figure it out. it’s safe to assume thoros is also aware of gendry’s paternity since him and bobby b were so tight. arya will probably be capable of putting this one together on her own by the time she returns too. she didn’t spend 2.5 books in spy school for nothing. generally, i think she will be seeing gendry in a different light (oh no he’s hot) when they’re reunited which could trigger this revelation.
arya suspected something from the very beginning when the gold cloaks tried to take him. gendry’s “secret” is actually the foundation their relationship is built upon. arya saw it as a connection between them. its the reason he is the one and only person arya trusts with her identity. she tries to use it to motivate gendry to help her too ("you're somebody!") i could see her doing that again tbh. arya telling him is my favorite way for him to find out and i don’t think its at all unlikely either. once his secret bound arya and gendry together on the road north. it might be that the two of them learning the truth does the same thing when they’re reunited.
lord of storm’s end is (almost) definitely edric’s destiny. so, i do think if gendry’s paternity does end up being relevant than it’s, mostly, in connection to arya. it’ll draw them closer together. some would argue otherwise, but bastard or not being the king’s son gives him a status boost. house baratheon was founded by a bastard who took his wife’s sigil and words. honestly? i love the idea of gendry taking arya’s name - becoming a stark thru marriage to her. idc if its corny i really don’t lol. it’s a less traditional approach that would fit them. theres no shortage of setup for it. arya has the hands of a blacksmith, "you could stay", join our houses, ect!! i think ending the series with an unconventional stark/"baratheon" union makes perfect sense considering how it all started.
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bossbutch · 10 months
indie video game i liked and have thoughts on cool wow
friend of mine was streaming Cartomancer Anthology the other day, (a grab bag of indie games a la haunted demo discs and such, themed after the major arcana) and one of the games included really clicked w me. in a way i wanted to talk about
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it's the game themed after the high priestess card. the tldr plot is you're The Seer and you have to help people think through their problems. you do this with the main gameplay, a puzzler sorta like lights out, where you rotate and then place a shape, all the tiles in that area flip states, and your goal is to make enough of them black.
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i think splatoon 3 (released after cartomancer) has a pvp game kinda like this? it's not difficult to understand, and the puzzles are pretty comfortably "not brain melty but not trivial" which is a nice place to be. what really struck me was how well it fits the story. each character you help has puzzles that fit them and their trouble. the first I noticed was a novice alchemist, who is frustrated over how much they still have to learn- their puzzles are all broken versions of the shapes on your cards, slightly too small for them to fit properly. the librarian who is worried about time management and organization has mini-puzzles in cramped spaces. etc
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the character Problems are all low-stakes my little pony style things like that- one character wants to pick a different career than their mom wants them to, one is worried about whether their job will have made a difference after they die, one is passive and conflict-averse. I'm not necessarily a fan of like, fiction-as-therapy (this is not charitable at all lol i cant think of the proper term) but it fits the fairy tale aesthetics of the whole thing, and its not offensive or anything, the underlying philosophy is fine, its just a bit twee. and sometimes you're in the mood for something twee! or at least i am. a specific philosophy thing i really liked isn't said directly, but almost none of the puzzles have a "perfect" solution that will turn all the tiles black, and sometimes progress requires getting "farther away" from your goal. woah hmmmm how do those relate to what the characters are doing. i like it a lot okay. the actual puzzle gameplay couldve been anything at all- hidden objects, or match 3, or nonograms, etc- and a worse game would have it be arbitrary, but it's not. ..you see the connection you see why it's cool and why it works
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the aesthetics and style- also good. between puzzles there's an overworld that does that delightful 2d-characters 3d-environment thing seen in like "paradise killer" and "smile for me" (and "sewer rave", which shares a developer!). and that's always great, the character designs are all great, it's lovely. they have multiple expressions and do the squash-stretches, and they all have unique nameplates with little designs (which i dont have a screenshot of, gah). theres just a lot of care put in. its nice.
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i was struck ok? i fell in love. it happens. shoutout to weird little indie games. shoutout to @slitherpunk
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comradeboyhalo · 9 months
Okay—you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to..! But I’m actually SO curious on your essay thoughts of q!Bad in 4halo fics. Because (I think) it’s kind of rare that q!Bad is depicted accurately in.. most qsmp ship fics. And I feel like q!Bad always becomes.. obsessed with romance with q!Forever in many 4halo fics?? Or super open + emotionally stable?? I don’t know how to explain it, but that’s why I’m curious of your thoughts (because I’ve read your fics and 100% trust your characterizations, especially of BBH cubitos <3)
hihi always down to ramble. and i agree, a lot of bad's flaws are smoothed over in 4halo fics, which makes him incredibly ooc. also, i dont think that these mischaracterizations are necessarily bad, i understand that in fluff fics (or angst fics, which im guilty of) sometimes theres no room in tone to fully capture all of q!bad's complexities. but that doesn't mean i cant have some gripes!
i dont think this is exclusive to 4halo, but 4halo is also bad's current biggest ship, so a lot of it just happens to fall on it. but i really hate how fanon!bad gets stripped down to a mere love interest who is just...very perfect in how he interacts with romance. he wants to go on cute dates, he confesses in a very sweet way. he is kind and nice and a little insecure, and is just so boring. its very much reminiscent of old skephalo fics, where bad is seen as "innocent" and then any other interesting trait of his gets stripped away. i also end up feeling im reading about a highschooler, when q!bad is 11k+ and cc!bad (obviously influential of his character) is in his late 20s.
again, i understand why people write 4halo on cute dates and first kisses. thats what fanfic is for! but i cant help but see the entirety of the ao3 page full of these very...allo-typical romance plots and think "...he would not fucking say that." q!bad is messy as fuck! if you don't interpret him as arospec, then hes at the very least repressed, and not in a cute YA romance way. a 1k fic of pining that ends in a nice love confession just doesnt convince me im sorry!
and then there's the blue diamond obstacle that gets in the way of 4halo monogamy....skeppy. again, i get why most 4halo shippers arent going to mention him, cause theyre just not into anything skephalo. i cant blame them for that. but im a master nitpicker, so ill still nitpick cause this is my blog. bad brushing over skeppy is ooc. bad acting as if skeppy is in the past is ooc. bad pursuing any form of relationship without including skeppy is ooc. bad choosing any other person but skeppy to be his #1 is ooc. and yeah it sucks for shipping if you dislike q!skephalo, but thats how it is and its not changing. and also any fics that push bad to "move on" from skeppy is just ??? not only is that his soulmate across lifetimes, but skeppy isnt dead? hes just not on the island? help??? bad has two hands, but one hand will always hold skeppy's and he's made that abundantly clear many times.
anyways im also not immune to q!bad butchering in 4halo fics! ill admit that, in writing the hanahaki au, i couldn't really find time to fit a lot of q!bad's humor into it, and he ended up more openly angsty and sad and vulnerable then he really is, or would ever be. so i totally get it, and im fine if other qbad viewers despise how he's written in it. however i will stand by the fact that q4halo would never pursue a traditional relationship together, and i chose the ending to be ambiguous because thats how i believe their relationship (and feelings) are: ambiguous. that's why, to me, 4halo is so good. i don't want to read about them confessing their feelings. i want to read about how their relationship is an undefined, confusing mess that will never be defined, and im just so surprised that there aren't more fics like that out there.
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clonehigh-takes · 8 months
if u could add one bg character to the main cast who would u pick
ONE??? ok let me break this down just for myself ill add my answerhere after i come to my conclusion but
answer is: Julius & Sacagawea to keep the gen 1 and gen 2 balance and the girl boy balance. or a new gen 3 genderless character
my answer would be jesús automatically but him and frida are too similar, ivan the terrible would face the same problem when it comes to topher, leaving my options that id add to van gogh, sacagawea, george washington carver and julius cesar
julius is canonically pretty serious but can be laidback, his personality is basically harriet in a different font but that doesn’t necessarily throw him out the window
george is pretty serious as well but also can we laidback, but hes a lot more serious than julius and harriet, i feel like hed ruin the vibe, as much as i love him, making him a main character would deal with him smoothly floating into the friendship dynamic of the current mains, i love him but i don’t think hed do well in the main cast, id love an episode where he and the other characters i mentioned are all in their own group and it shows a different perspective of clone high for an episode tho
sacagawea, again, serious but shes a lot more laidback, i think thats why her and george are so perfect together as a couple, both are both laidback and serious at the same time with one being more than the other. i think shed do good in the main cast, shes already kinda friends with joan and she’s clearly aquatinted eith confucius, i wouldn’t doubt them already being friends
and finally, van gogh. hes really depressing but hes grown out of his shell, hes a lot more sociable, hes pretty friendly as well but his anger issues exist, i think hed do fine in the cast but hed feel really out of place in my opinion, even though i desperately didnt wanna say that bc i love him, he’s definitely not cut for the main cast, but i totally can see him being friends with all of them, just not in the group particularly
so sacagawea and julius are the options we have here.
sacagawea pros:
kinda friends with joan, aquatinted with confucius if not friends, and aquatinted with cleo
her personality is similar to harriets but not too similar, theyd probably get along
i can definitely see sacagawea as the type to try and solve problems in her friend groups
shed probably fit right in
her outfit doesn’t hurt my eyes
probably good with kids and the main cast is full of big babies
sacagawea cons:
too much like harriet sometimes
too much of a mediator, a lot of the plot lines she could probably solve on her own
i wouldnt want them to ruin her character she is literally amazing bro
Julius pros:
i could see him as harriets rebound if she breaks up w confucius which makes me laugh
hes like a perfect mix of serious and stoner, hed get along with just about all of them, even topher
used to be jfks friend! id love to see why they stopped being friends and id love their friendship to be explored
could not solve a problem for shit
could probably be really funny
pretty sure hes friends with jesús and van gogh which would give them screentime
probably could actually be funny
Julius cons:
would probably feel like a side character still, would not be recognized as a main character, like how some people don’t think tophers a main character
i dont know tbh
id say both of them, ik i didnt put too much cons for julius but i have no brain. plus, theres a perfect balance of girls and boy & gen 1 and gen 2
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sacagawea is a gen 2 girl and julius is a gen 1 boy, which would keep it equal
alt answer: new clone of someone who is genderless and is gen 3 and is basically just a kid who wants to be in the group. ex; the public universal friend or Claude Cahun
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zeta-in-de-walls · 1 year
I get your point about the end being bad but I personally disagree. Theres different ways to look at it.
Also the ending doesn't nesscaraily have to be a positive for the main character, a lot of endings go tragic and thats the reality of situations, you go in there impulsively wanting to end your abuser and sometimes that doesn't go in your favour and thats what happened. A lot of cTommys decision was rushed which is why he chose to understand him rather than focus on hating him - one way lead to getting some sort of closure in the form of finding out one of the questiosn he had wanted to know forever. (he no longer would of been wondering why he was being targetted and constantly blaming himself, and why cdream was doing this, or what did ctommy do wrong, he had those questions answered) Since abuse victims can get closure when finding out why their abuser had done what they did, similar case with cTommy. And c!tommy chose to cope with his trauma in a different way- rather than resulting to violence and killing c!dream (also may be too similar to disc finale) or by leaving permanently, he chose understanding (even though he was still rushing), but that humane side to c!tommy fits him so well, and showed the best part but also most flawed part of his character. Even if narratively, its tragic.
I think that c!tommy by getting that closure did find a way to move on from that pain of what cdream did to him because not only did he defeat c!Dream and break him to a vunlerable state but he also had c!dream sympathizing with him and knowing that it wasnt just manipulation again. And the chance of c!dream hurting him if the nuke didnt go off would of been small based on how he was acting. I think that c!tommy getting that answer to majority of his questions had helped him a lot.
c!tommys character has always been one to sympathize with those that have hurt him the most, its his core trait and the ending showed how kind he is and considerate even when he shouldn't be. Its just who he is. But yes, i do agree that the part at the end where his last words was regret towards cdream was bad.- It was still in character for him. At least c!dream still died feeling betrayed, terrified and lonely. I still feel as tho despite c!tommy dying full of regret, he still died heroically as he was under the impression that the nuke only would kill the 3 of them not the whole server, he may of sorta sympathized and understood cdream in that moment, but he still succeeded in the goal he wanted to do to begin with and in that way won. The ending isnt perfect to me, but those are just my reasons for liking it.
Listen, you're fine to enjoy it. I don't mind. If you felt it worked it's cool and Im glad you were able to appreciate some of it. But I cannot see it as anything other than badly written, both for the choices made and in the execution of it. (Like how the limbo clip was chopping wood and how inelegantly Tommy had to manually swap to it, breaking immersion.)
Tommy choosing to try and understand Dream as a good end would work a lot better if he hadn't tried and failed to do it every time he interacted with Dream.
Remember how he thought Dream was his friend in exile and then post-exile had to struggle over whether he was his friend or not?
Remember the disc finale where Dream had defeated them and Tommy asked for answers and Dream explained his attachments theory?
Remember when Tommy visited Dream in the prison multiple times asking for answers on why Dream did what he did?
All this time Tommy spent trying to understand Dream and the answer was that there's no satisfying justification for why someone would cause another such suffering. Not all stories have a neat answer and that's why Tommy told Dream how he wasn't good for him and he needed to move on.
So then this ending pops up a year later and suggests that oh Tommy just needed to try to understand! That's not a good plot beat! He doesn't owe Dream any understanding and he didn't even do it naturally. He was killed and the powers that be forced him to see Dream's perspective against his will! Only to be revived and now he's found his answers bringing peace of mind. Tommy, the victim, just had to understand his abuser's perspective, that's all!
This trait of Tommy trying to understand those who hurt him is not a healthy trait so seeing it depicted like this feels wrong. It's not that all of this is out of character but it doesn't work for an ending arc where there should be closure. And again, a lot of it was forced on him.
And him getting closure feels meaningless anyway when it's followed by his death! And the death of everyone just to make the sacrifice extra senseless. Yes Tommy didn't think everyone would die but they did so its irrelevant. Tommy thinking he died heroically or whatever is him living a lie essentially.
And yeah, there's potential for it to be a tragic ending. But it was not framed as a tragic ending. It was framed optimistically and that matters.
Please know that I like Tommy as a writer generally and I'm very fond of his DSMP story. But this was not his best work. It doesn't fit with how I see Tommy or his story. That's probably partly because of how I've followed it for so long and so closely. I think there are many reasons this was not the gem I hoped for, like how it was written to lead into a second series and written after a long hiatus.
Still thank you for sharing your thoughts all the same. If those scenes struck a chord with you in a way they couldn't for me, then I'm glad. I like analysing stories in a sort of meta way. I like to think about the themes stories explore and how such ideas are executed and all that affects how I enjoy stories.
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killjoycatlady · 1 year
i dont know why exactly they decided to do the pregnancy plot but while i have mixed feelings about it i do think it also fits in with the show’s overall theme of…succession. as logan is dead and their mother is essentially obsolete, and the kids now take up the mantle that their parents left them, its only natural that the next question is: who will take the kids place? kendall has children but hes clearly not involved in their lives, and on top of that theyre not ideal candidates to carry on the roy legacy because rava is keeping them away from that life + sophia and iverson are nonwhite/adopted and autistic respectively, meaning they dont fit into the logan’s western white ideal of a strong legacy and successor. roman’s not going to have kids because he doesnt fuck and theres something inherently wrong with him anyway, so any kid he has would come out wrong as well. theres also something wrong with connor, and his wife will always be seen as his callgirl, and hes long since been cut out of the family legacy, so he isnt a candidate. shivs the only one left who could have given logan the heir he wanted - shes most like logan but is forced to become her mom, and shes now grieving logan and what their relationship could have been, and her biological, white child that (probably) belongs to one of logan’s underlings and will be born underneath the spectre of logan’s death might be the perfect candidate to be forced into the roy legacy, carrying on the line of succession
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howgalling · 2 years
 okay so worldbuilding for my humanformers AU - set in a cyberpunk 2077 setting (though nothing to do with the game in terms of plot, merely using the incredible worldbuilding this game/its other content has for fun :D)
OKAY. first of all my Reasoning. simply put: the cyberpunk setting has the perfect situational dynamics to create the personalities the transformers characters have. massive class disparity, lack of rights for workers, incredible technlogy in contrast with destitution, addiction, and a looming authority (the senate vs megacorporations. same vibes. but instead of You Were Created For One Purpose And You Must Stick To It it’s work until you fall apart and then get better cyberware WE designed with your own money so you can keep working for us :) cyberpunk is a dystopian world, filled with crime, corruption and poverty. Ruled completely by power-hungry corporations and brutal governments. (SENATE) outside of city hubs, climate crisis has made living off the land essentially impossible, droughts and desertification is a massive problem.
i will be quoting various lore sources to save time but if you are someone who has indepth knowledge of the lore DO NOT call me out on inaccuracies this is for people who do not want to engage with the source content. thank you. ideally these characters live in night city because its the place i have the most information to bounce off of and create ideas for! and i cba to create a new city. ew. night city is independent from federal law, instead being completely controlled by corporate influence. the cyberpunk 2077 game is set in a world where mega corporations have essentially completely taken over, workers rights are a thing of the past. (i will be using this as a plot point often)  by this point in the narrative, the first three corporate wars strengthened the position of the megacorporations, giving them more authority than most governments. affiliations between politicians and corporations ceased to be regarded as conflicst of interest. megacorporations essentially have their own private armies they use to attack other corporations, in particular weapons manufacturer giants destroyed cities and obliterated infrastructure during their battles, all with the intent of taking out the competition. after the wars (numerous wars) it took a few decades for infrastructure and cities to be rebuilt and during this time corporations used the opportunity to get even MORE control of the population. 
ALSO the old internet has been destroyed by new generations of devestating viral programs and AI, though theres more to that situation. global servers and databanks were destroyed during this time. an incredible amount of data and human history was obliterated, but some people still venture into the old net to try and harvest data (this is where i like to try and get characters like soundwave and cosmos or jazz/blaster entwined into these narrative roles) there is a virtual barrier between human and ai controlled regions of the net, because coming in contact with AI while accessing the net is extremely dangerous (essentially), but in order to access information that was lost you have to go into unregulated areas filled with danger. this is very difficult and takes lots of specialised equipment/modifications that are not cheap or safe. it is very easy to die while attempting this (although it is not a physical death, rather your body overheating and blood boiling while you are plugged into the net. well actually it is very physical in that case but its not an ai coming out of the screen to beat you to death) 
each character i like to try and think carefully about where they would fit into the world without twisting their original morals, purpose and personalities. if u are wondering why i think about this so much: this is what i daydream about when i mentally clock out on my day job. you understand.
very much like today, but to an absolute extreme, the corporate-backed mass media are feeding society with bland, easy to digest processed news, brainwashing programs and commercials, enforcing the ever popular trend of “buy more and think less” while actively surpressing education and funnelling people into the prison system for profit. they do this because it’s easier to control people who are ignorant than those who are educated.  let me know if you’d like me to go into more detail!!
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nukavolkov · 10 months
From the Fallout OC Questionnaire ~ I've just met em so I gotta know: 4. Give us a summary of their backstory. and 19. What natural alignment are they? (ex. Lawful Good, Chaotic Evil) For both your beans, please!
Oooh this will be a long one! I am still working on refining Beau so this won't be entirely set in stone for her.
Donovan would be considered Chaotic Neutral I'd say and as for his backstory. Im going to sum it up as best I can but theres a lot lol:
Donnie was born in Vault 101 and is younger than the cannon player character. His life wasn't amazing in there. A bit neglected by his parents who treated his younger sister like an absolute perfect blessing. He was a big scapegoat for almost everyone there. Getting the blame for so many things. It was east with how quite and awkward he was. He never really fought back. There were people who were on his side but the ones who weren't felt louder to him. He had particular disdain for Butch and the cannon PC. James and kid left the vault when Donovan was 15 and in the chaos he snuck out behind them. Looking for a better life than the one he had.
Immidiate regret on that. He found the Wasteland terrifying, hostile and cruel but he managed to make a few friends in Megaton and beyond. One being Moira as they worked on the Wasteland Survival Guide. Things were hard at first. He was afraid of everything, not very strong, lost a couple fingers and struggled a lot. But as time went on, he got stronger, taller and harder to kill abd developed a wild amount of skill with almost any gun he got his hands on. He was still afraid but he had more control. He also made some mistakes. And the cannon PC also got into some absolute bullshit that he pinned on Donovan. Being blamed for both their wrong doings earned him a real bad reputation in the Capital Wasteland. While he wasnt the most moral person around he wasnt full on evil either. He does genuinely care about people. But being labeled brutal, a monster, vicious. Every word they could come up with left him feeling bitter and as hostile to them as they were to him. His general demeanor, general expression and awkwardness didn't help at all. Just made it worse really. He's hard to read and comes across as rude without meaning to.
So he left the Capital Wastes at 34 with his reputation in unsalvageable shambles and made for the Commonwealth after Maccready (one of his few friends). He met Beau in Nuka World on his way there. Helped her clear out the Raiders then followed her to Sanctuary and eventually Diamond City where he settled nearby, got back to mercenary work and earned a far better reputation with friends to boot.
Now as for Beau. I'd consider her to be Neutral Good I think. As for her story. It's still a WIP but here's what I have so far:
Beau was and is a robotics and power armour enthusiast. Even before the war. She always loves tinkering, building and just making the coolest stuff she could. When she met Nate she was happy to settle down though she was plotting out where she could fit a workshop in their home and saving up to get her own Power Armour frame. She was happy to have Shaun and nestle in in Sanctuary until the bombs.
She hadn't trusted the Vault Tec lads from the beginning but didn't see much of a choice. When she woke to a dead husband and missing baby after being frozen, she didn't know what to do. She was scared, alone and confused. But after a couple aimless days she found her resolve. She moved out, helped Preston and reformed the Minute Men. Vowing to wear a suit of power armour with pride and protect everyone she could. Making the Commonwealth safe for her baby when she found him.
This is all I have so far but I'll give her more as time goes on 👍
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Any complaints or problems you have with Ahit game (plot/story wise)?
A lot of my thoughts have already been said before but only main complaint is mu, some weird characterization, and cut content:
Not really a secret that mu was done dirty as a character but from a game standpoint her plot feels kinda clunky? You play the game and get so wrapped up in subcon and dbs and the alps that you kinda forget she’s there, I feel like the game would have benefited from the cutscene with mu and snatcher being added back in, as well as the cafe scene so the mu fight feels more natural that the characters like you and wanna be friends because in canon it doesn’t fully hold up with how they act to you in the fights
OH and I think hatties diary should be more prominent to show her POV more, like think of if after every chapter ends you get to read her respective entry about it! It’d be really cute plus add more insight to her thoughts, similarly to the cafe scene for the other characters youknow? also would have loved if giving mu the timepiece was at her fight when you beat her instead, like as an option to either take it back to your ship or give it to her like so SHE fixes things back to normal and it’s not hatkid having to fix her mess it’s mu learning her lesson, plus it would be more sweet, kinda reminds me of undertale when you get to choose to spare or kill flowey or when you hug asriel it’s like that sorta vibe I’m still mad that the ending doesn’t change, though this is a case where I wouldn’t use the cut cutscene bc hat adult doesn’t exactly fit with the canon game to me so this is the only cut cutscene I wouldn’t add back but yeah if I was a modder I would so try to do these ideas because I think it could definitely help with things being less clunky
I also think the third floor of the manor could have been reused/reworked to be more fun instead of just being scrapped, like imagine if it was made into more of a maze type idea where Vanessa chases you? It has a pretty good layout for a maze type thing already well, though it would need to be edited a bit to not have beta lore but I definitely think it would help, my friend was playing it and he said it was too short I definitely think the third floor could be perfect for a more scary final room with just walls to hide with you have no tables or rooms to use like the other floors it could add more suspense I think! Also I’d love for a few more diaries like more stuff with Vanessa as a kid or meeting prince I would have loved for more letters from him besides the one or maybe he gets his own diary just one page extra would be good like with all the papers on the walls theres good opportunity to show Vanessas decent or maybe diaries from prince where he’s worried about her or something I think it’s a cool idea if the second floor is showing her manipulative tendencies in life and the third gets to show the aftermath, it would add to the creepiness definitely
Also: grooves should have been on the cruise too and or whoever is on the cruise is dependent on who you fought, I also think conductors reasoning for wanting the timepiece should have been reworked because it works for grooves he's the one who is best for for being the one you fight, but I feel like conductors motives just are bad it makes him seem like way more of an asshole which yeah he is but he’s not like a straight up bad scummy guy especially compared to how he acts in the grooves fight, it just doesn’t fit to me like maybe there can be a backstory into the specific movie it was he lost, maybe it had a family member acting in it or maybe that family member wrote it so the movie meant a lot to him and had some sentimental value, but it lost because the writing ofc wasn’t up to par with HIS writing so grooves got the award, youknow just something small like that helps so much, plus to make his grandkids in the cruise feel more natural if we are told about them or his kid or youknow just SOMETHING to make his motive work besides “lol I hate grooves and I’m the best” like grooves at least had more substance in his motives for them to work, his was more justified idk it’s just bothered me ig?
like I said No real complaints complaints but mostly just stuff that could be added to make the characters motivations and personality more set in stone and make the story flow a bit nicer is all? I guarantee if the above mentioned stuff was in the game I think it would fix a lot of the fandom issues lol
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inkyquince · 2 years
SOMEONE FINALLY UNDERSTANDS MY PROBLEMS WITH GENSHIN!! oh my god I liked paimon at the Start but then she became overbearing and the lack of actual options in conversations was so annoying that I hate her now. For example, the very first character quest you for Kaeya, the traveler has the option to be "well time to report to Kaeya" OR "go immediately to the treasure" but if you chose the option to go report to Kaeya first, paimon straight up goes "THERES NO NEED!!" and you're FORCED TO GO WITH IT?? It's a tame example but it's honestly a perfect example of my issues. There's no reason for several options honestly. They don't affect character relationships despise there being a companionship mechanic. Even persona 5 had a right/wrong choice that could either speed or slow down your relationship with others. Also paimon is so annoyingly childish and honestly useless? I don't recall a single time she actually helped. Almost all the time, she's just as confused as, if not more confused, than the Traveller. Honestly Genshin would be considerably better if the Traveller was a one-person team, Paimon is just loud, obnoxious, and if I was the Traveller I would've thrown her out before I reached liyue
Like... I fucking love dialogue trees.
From Pathologic, where the dialogue tree has you on edge, it's scary, because you could lock yourself out of the conversation if you pick wrong, and it fits the game so well? Mass effect, being paragon or renegade, forming your reputation and flirting with aliens, and it fits the game. Dragon age, especially origin and 2, where you could LITERALLY CHOOSE IMPORTANT SHIT in dialogue, and choose what kinda Hawke you wanted to be, yknow purple hawke for life, and it fits the game. FALLOUT NEW VEGAS??? Legitimately lets you peacefully resolve a huge threat IF you have high speech and pick the correct options, you have to THINK and, you know it, it fits the game.
It's amazing how something as simple as dialogue trees show a substantial part of any game that has them.
Even Dishonored, which mainly has them pop up to tell the loyalists you don't want to go to bed yet and to either let certain NPC's go, set up an alternative route visa vi Slackjaw, and knock out/kill. It says a lot about what the game is, if you want high or low chaos, who you form Corvo out to be. And they don't even pop up that much??? And it fits the fucking game.
So, yknow, genshin's dialogue trees also fit the game. You are seemingly given options on how to play, but it's just fluff on your way to the same outcome. The choice that matters most in the game is who you pick at the start and that's it. You pick one dialogue option that suggests you can approach a quest in a different way, but no, you're shot down and have to do it the original way. Paimon keeps commenting. It's the facade of an interesting choice. Nothing you do matters and in most games, that's fine. You cannot take branching paths in most games, like call of duty, or GTA, or older assassin's creed, and it doesn't diminish them! They have a story they want told.
But pretending your game is smarter and deeper than it is, is what is fucking stupid. Why have dialogue trees. What's the point of pretending to be an RPG if you're just a fun ensemble of collectible characters with tight combat? You're ruining your game by this pretending of being deeper. All it does is make me smack the space-bar frantically and switch to pressing the mouse button when the "options" pop up. Like it's just insulting.
It's like Deus Ex Human Revolution. They wanted this game to be as varied and fun and immersive as Deus Ex, but it just wasn't. Dialogue and actions meant nothing at all.
No shame in just telling the player to get past the challenge and the enemies and don't die during it and then we insert the next scene of the plot. No shame, as I said, AMAZING games have a simple linear structure that has the player having a stellar game riding along with their story.
But why the fuck would you pretend otherwise.
Also... I would have slam dunked Paimon into the stove the moment she started insulting Venti. Like?? We don't know this man, who raised your rude ass.
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the-kipsabian · 1 year
for the fanfic ask game: 🍉🍓🥭🍒🥑
and sending you all the energy and focus today! you got this! 💚💚💚
🍉 Favorite trope? What’s a cliche that you just love? im sure theres a lot, but what first comes to mind is the moment where a strong character breaks down. especially if its for that one particular person that they like, the only one that can see them vulnerable like that. thats the good stuff
🍓 OTP(s)? again im sure theres a lot more (i should honestly read more now that im more or less back into the fanfic train ough) but orangekip will be my main. admittedly mostly cause of the thoughts and feelings i find very easy to project on them both, together and separately, but its just. my everything. my beloveds <3 bunnylope and chris/drew deserve honorable mentions tho. i would read so much of both if people wrote more tbh ajsndkja
🥭 How do you come up with fic ideas? i mostly just have too many stupid thoughts flying around in my head. sometimes its projecting my own thoughts and feelings into things. sometimes its song lyrics. i consume a lot of content with my faves so sometimes it comes from things that happen over there that i wanna explore with peeps im writing about. honestly i mainly just think a lot. most of my best ideas are either canon inspired (literally the entire plot of immortal fears) or are build around random lines that come to me while im trying to sleep, as im one of those people that tells themselves bedtime stories while laying in bed lol
🍒 Do you title your chapters? 95% of the time its a song lyric ngl. if its not, i just try to find something that fits the vibe. im really bad at titles ngl lol
🥑 Any writing advice? that generic "write for yourself first and foremost" cause honestly as long as youre happy with what you create who cares about the rest. also my go to is that first drafts dont have to be perfect - you can always just put down the words first, and then later return to it and revise and edit. "we'll fix it in post" and/or "we write like men and edit later" are my two favorite phrases i use about this as motivation personally
fanfic writer q & a ~
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spatio-rift · 1 year
just some thoughts i guess
the difference between ares and orion that makes me look back so fondly on ares and ONLY ares is that like. hmm... for how bad it actually was its just pretty easy to find ways to "fix" ares and make it more enjoyable (saying fix makes me sound pretentious but you get the idea) like i would say its bad mostly because it doesnt really let its protags shine. or rather maybe that the protags are VERY MUCH asuto+haizaki+nosaka instead of raimon as a whole.
like the premise is essentially the same as s1 its a team of nobodies competing in the football frontier trying to get to the top. but unlike the og s1 here they spend so, SOOO much time focusing on other teams. in s1 the opposing teams in the FF are never secondary protags of the episode (except for teikoku, but they had kidou who is part of the protag trio so that makes sense). like the entire match and episode are very much from raimons perspective, and focused entirely on raimon. but in ares its like you dont know who to root for exactly, since you see both perspectives?
which would be fine with seishou (haizaki) and outei tsukinomiya (nosaka) since theyre the teams of the other protags but eisei? teikoku? there really was no need for it. like the matches end up feeling more about the opposing team than raimon and thats just not very good to set up new protags.
WHICH! this is exactly the main problem of aresorion essentially. way too much focus is given to the old characters instead of the new ones. but this is also where ares can be good and orion fails completely because in ares we have a wonderful example of old and new characters coming together to make something even better: haizaki and kidou!!!
kidou is a prominent old character in ares but it works because its not about HIM. everything he does is to support haizaki, to push haizaki to grow etc it serves haizakis character and not his. and because its set immediately after s1 when kidou separated from kageyama and kageyama didnt yet come back to haunt him (fr) hes at a point where its fine for him to not get more development bc hes pretty solid now. set after s2 this would be awful because there would be loose ends to tie up, but after s1? its okay. (just okay, because to be perfect they should not have brought back kageyama and left kidou completely uninvolved. but kageyama being there for no reason and not doing anything is just extremely bad writing so im ignoring it LOL!)
but yeah like essentially its easy to think up a better ares by just putting the old charas and opposing teams a little more on the sidelines, give back the spotlight to raimon, and focus a little more on the actual scales of ares program plot because there was barely anything about it lol. <- which can really be felt bc of how involved kageyama was in every single problem raimon faced in s1 yet here ares is simply kind of a distant threat, and they completely fail at presenting nosaka in a menacing way before the reveal that hes actually an okay guy. iirc raimon doesnt even really struggle because of it its just haizaki wanting revenge for something thats already happened, and outei tsukinomiya using painful tactics i guess. like theres nothing?
but orion. ORION!!! not only does it fail to focus equally on all of inazuma japans members (showing that many of them were only selected for fanservice and not of any actual use in the story) but when it does focus its always about 1) the 4 new protags 2) the old characters!!! i love endou and he is the pillar of inazuma eleven but this is not HIS SHOW ! you know?
add to that a completely nonsensical plot, every possible plot point from the og show reused but somehow worse and sped up to the max to fit in 2 episodes instead of developing over the entire season, complete RETCONS of the established situation in ares (mizukamiya is an entirely fucking different character. get out of here yaoi boy!), disgusting nurse crossdressing kink sequence (THE KIDS ARE IN MIDDLE SCHOOL. THEYRE THIRTEEN/FOURTEEN!!!!!) etc etc etc. like there is just SO MUCH BAD about it that you cant possibly fix it. you can focus on one angle to make it better but like, the rest is still shitty. it is just completely unsalvageable. and i dont say this to be mean because there are some (very few! but some!) things i like about it but the rest is just completely insane. half of an episode cant make up for 50 more of flaming bullshit you know?
basically. ares has some good ideas even if the execution wasnt great but it can be fixed easily enough in your mind without changing too much about it. but orion is so wholly awful its impossible to fix without rewriting the entire thing
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alroma1 · 3 years
Everything that... not exactly right with Uraraka Ochako. Part 2
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When I first read about Uraraka traitor theory my first thoughts were “Whoa, that would be really interesting. But it cant be because...” and here I freezed. I realised that the only big reason why I thought it couldnt be was because she is supposed to be Deku love interest. And that actually cant be counted as a real reason.
Before starting about Ochako possibly being traitor let me point out some things about Ua traitor in general.
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Personally I am surprised about this story point. When Mic officially announced it I felt this will not be long before revelation. But here we are in arguably last part of story and mystery still here. It means that traitor plot has bigger weight than I thought. Its something Kohei planned to fully get into play now when things have already got pretty dark.  
Overall mole troupe in my option hast to follow two rules to make it work.
1) It has to make sense. Lets for example say Bakugou is a traitor. Shocking? Yes. Makes sense? Zero.
2) It has to have some impact. It doesnt mean it has to be shocking for the sake of shocking. But if revelation doesnt have any impact on readers then what even the point? So yes I get that someone like Hagakure has perfect quirk for the job  but at this point it would be just bad writing to make her one. 
Can there be someone used for espionage without them actually knowing it? Ala first season of Young Justice? Sure. But I would say at this point it wouldnt be good writing choice. So I am not going analyze this theory.
First lets narrow numbers a bit. This just my option though. 
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Is traitor even a student? Are they actually in class A?
Yes, most likely he or she is in Deku class. At this point ( I write these posts with manga being 323 chapters.) it makes little sense to be outsider. And 320 presented us with small ( but legit ) proof. I think. Just when Deku was thinking how nobody of his friends have any malice Danger Sense gave signal. It was very low so its not surprise Deku himself didnt notice it. He had emotional breakdown at the moment. Even if somebody ( Stain, Dictator companion) follows Deku I still pretty sure this is traitor hint. Its like “Nope,kiddo. Not all your friends are so great as you think of them”
Theres also possibly another hidden hint about traitor being in class A but I will point it latter. 
And now using those two rules about mole troupe lets narrow this even more. 
1) From having to make sense point I think it would be logical to exclude from the list of suspects Deku,Shoto,Bakugou,Momo,Iida and Kirishima. I am not going into details why I think people who have read all chapters will more or less get the reasons
2) From having to have impact I exclude four people. Strictly speaking it probably should be more but lets stay with four. They are Mineta, Koda, Hagakure, Sato. 
So we left with something like this.
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The last point I would like to point about Ua traitor in general is that he or she works for Afo not Shigaraki. He or she started work prior Tomura made his official debut at Usj attack
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In other words he or she would be senpai to Toga, Dabi, Spinner and other League members. Thats to say I suspect except Shiraki and probably Kurogiri nobody in League knew that they have mole on their side. 
My guess is that Afo pulled the strings and got info that All Might was gonna be teacher at Ua. 
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It probably didnt take long for Afo to figure out what for All Might suddenly decided to become teacher. To find successor. Even if  it wouldnt be first year having someone inside would be the best way to find out. So uncle Afo either recruited  fitting person or already had someone for such occasion. How come? Who knows he is evil mastermind after all.
So if traitors main employer is Afo are they still works for Shigaraki? Was there something that proves it? Yes, I think was. 
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During Yakuza raid Tamaki made assumption that hero side had a leak seeing how prepared Chisaki group was. This idea was brushed off but as readers we know a bit more than random police guy. 
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This is timeline of the morning of the raid. Kai went to see old boss, Eri grandpa, shortly before start of operation. He knew they were coming. Most likely Shigaraki shared information. It was a leak. 
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Cutting pros, Aizawa,big 3,Deku we left with Kirishima, Asui and Ochako as main suspects. And since I personally cut Kirishima too it would means only girls left.
Thats first very-very base hint thats its Ochako
Though of course this alone doesnt  means it cant be other student. Since theres not guarantee that in building full of people with super powers somebody didnt have ability to intercept information.
 I know people like Hagakure and Kaminari would be always under suspicion because of that. Though Kaminari has another points. But it surprise me that fandom didnt put Jiro on the same shelf since she has fitting ability too.
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But anyway this is my first stone at the base of Ochako being traitor building. Lets go further. 
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Lets start with blue point in her profile. I think at this point people interested in Bnha already know main meaning of her name so let me dont stop there.
 Her name is indeed nuanced. If you change kanji reading in Ochako you might get osatsu ( お札 ) -  bill, note (currency)​ witch hints her problems with money. 
But here comes the problem. Practically all characters ( except quirkless) in Bnha has names that hints their quirks.But hers doesnt have that. Kohei says this is very nuanced name but then it doesnt have nuance all others have. Is this a troll? 
At best with big stretch first three kanji of her full name can be read as Uravity but thats not it if you ask me. Its all even more curious because in class A theres two people that dont have their quirks hinted in names. One Ochako and another is... Aoyama.
                                           Ochako and Aoyama
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Currently (323 chapters) Aoyama is probably the most obvious candidate for traitor role. If you just read things as they are without looking deeper. 
His quirk is navel laze and his name doesnt have anything connected to that. Thats one of the reasons why theres option he is either actually quirkless or was given quirk by Afo. Not bad theory. 
Personally I suspect his name does have a hint of his quirk but in unusual way. His name is Yuga and it might be reference to yugamu ( 歪む) - bend, wrap something because he has to twist his body to make his quirk useful. But thats just my thought.
Anyway it wouldnt surprise me if Aoyama turns to be a traitor. But I really doubt about that. If anything he give me impression of someone asked to find mole. 
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His and Deku dorms are close to each other and I wonder if this is coincidence. Maybe Nezu and higher ups asked Aoyama to help figure out traitor? And look for Deku? (By the way Nezu is one of the character that had long pov about traitor so can people chill a bit about him being one?)
Why him though? For once Aoyama is surprisingly insightful. He is strange but he notices a lot. We still dont know where he was during Usj. So maybe he saw something back then.
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Maybe its just me but 167-68 felt like he tried to warn Deku about something. Or someone.
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Still waters run deep - quite or friendly people are not as simple as they look.They may have secrets. Thats to say have we seen similar stone already?
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Aoyama and her were in tag team against teacher. Interesting is that they were 4th team announced and their opponent was 13th sensei. 4 and 13 - two unlucky numbers. He was the first one to point out that she likes Deku. Not in teasing way. He simply constated that. 
Maybe he noticed something else about her? Maybe thats why he tried warn Deku? (assuming thats what he tried to do) 
Deku is friends with all his class but theres four people especially close to him.
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It would be level more painful for Deku if traitor is one of those four. Maybe Yuga just tried prepare him for that.
In short it wouldnt surprise me if Aoyama turns to be a traitor after all. But. It would also makes sense if he is someone who suspects Ochako being a mole. And worry for Deku because of this.
Last point about Aoyama is very random but I think its worth mentioning this.
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During sport festival Aoyama was supposed to be living disco ball. However somehow rope thats was prepared for that ended up all frayed. What would happened if they didnt notice it? Well the twinkling hero would end up either dead or very badly hurt,  And I suspect it wasnt just coincidence. Somebody tried either kill Aoyama or force him to take long break. 
It would be another hint about traitor being in class A. 
Its very random though. 
This part turns out to be more about Ua traitor in general that about Ochako candidacy. But 3 part will be only about that. 
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