#anakin spiderman au
ysrjune · 26 days
Forgive Me?
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(ai images of hayden are not mine)
summary ✦ Anakin forgets to show up to a date he planned for you but makes it up (you also find out who spiderman is..)
‘No fucking way.’ You angrily thought to yourself when the clock hit 8:30 pm. Anakin was an hour late to the date he planned out for you a couple of nights ago, and it was weird enough that he wasn’t there waiting at the table for you. This is the 3rd time he’s missed/been late to something he said he’d be on time for.
You drove all the way back to your house and got un-ready, changing into comfy pjs but leaving your hair and makeup done. With a spoonful of ice cream in your mouth and the rest of the small tub in your lap, you watch whatever was on the TV, thinking about how mad you were at Anakin.
He knew he fucked up. Anakin knows he’s in for another scolding when he shows up to your house, but he can’t not save the city.. he’s spider-man, and it he doesn’t show up to save the citizens in danger, they’ll get hurt, and everyone would blame him the next day. Anakin always hated how he was basically forced to choose the city over you sometimes.. it broke him because you had no idea what he was doing instead of seeing you.
He was so worried at the thought of you thinking he was out cheating and partying with other people instead of being faithful to you. In his younger years, when you two were only friends, he was kind of a play-boy, but he promised you he wasn’t like that anymore when he asked you out for the first time. He was so worried you were thinking he went back (or never even left) to his old ways.
Later on in the night, you heard a tapping at your window. Your eyes shift to it, your heart feeling like it had stopped beating. Who the hell would tap your window? You didn’t want to go over there.. what if it was some freak who’d kidnap you or something?! But it happened again after you had tried to focus back on the TV.
With the courage finally built up, you walked over to your window and opened it, looking left and right. There was.. no one? It had only been a couple of seconds since the tapping stopped, so whoever was doing it couldn’t have run away that fast.
“M’ sorry.” A voice from above spoke, making you flinch and tilt your head up only to reveal the one and only spider-man. You gasped and felt like you could literally faint. Why is spider-man at your house?!
“What? I—sorry for what? You don’t even know me!” You reply, still in shock.. and looking up. Then it hit Anakin. You didn’t know he was spider-man. But maybe today was finally the day.
“Yeah, I do.” He slipped into the room with you following him. “Excuse me? Is this some kind of joke?!” But then he hushed you. “It’s me, n/n. It's Anakin.” He says and takes his mask off, revealing his messy hair and face that was slightly dirty and bruised.
No fucking way.
Your mind thought of so many things at the same time. It didn't feel real. “I’m hallucinating”, “I’m dreaming”, “Maybe he’s just trying to be funny.” and so much more.. there was no way your Anakin was spider-man. The guy who goes around saving people with fucking web.
“You’re—is this? Anakin, stop being stupid. You’re not funny!” You scoff, making him chuckle and shake his head. “Trust me, babe. I wish this was all just a big joke, but it's not.” He placed his hands on his hips, tilting his head back to look at the ceiling. “I should've told you sooner—maybe then you'd like.. I don't know? Understand why I bail on things sometimes.”
He looks right at you, taking in the mad but also shocked expression plastered on your pretty face that he loved so much. “Babe, I'm sorry. Please understand where I'm comin’ from, pretty girl.” He opened his arms, hoping you'd give into a hug.. which you did.
You were able to feel his muscles better than you ever could through that suit he wore. He also somehow seemed taller than he usually was, but maybe you were just tripping out. “Ani, why did you hide this from me..”
“We've only been together a couple of months, and I didn't wanna scare you off.” He replied, running his hands up and down the small of your back. “Theres no girl out there like you. None of them could replace you.” He rests his head atop your shoulder.
“I couldn't ever love any other girl like I love you.” That was the first time he ever admitted to loving you. This moment was never expected to be happening like this.. finding out your Anakin is spider-man.
“And I can't love any other man like I love you.” Hearing those words coming out if your mouth made you cringe and feel a little corny, but it was genuinely how you felt no matter how stupid and cliché it sounded. It made Anakin smile, too, so it was worth it.
“So do you accept my apology?” He asked calmly in a soft spoken tone. “Not entirely. You still owe me a date or two.” You replied to which he rolled his eyes. “Yeah, right.. about that..” He shot web out the window, and all of a sudden, there was a boquet of flowers and a box of chocolate. “I stopped by to get these to really change your mind.” He gave you his gifts.
“You swear you're off the hook just because you're being a sweetheart.” You giggled and placed both items on the top of your drawer that was decorated with pictures and various perfumes you owned. “Did it work at least just a little bit?” He asked.
“Taking off that suit would do it.” Anakin smirked and pulled you into a kiss. “Mad at me one second, then saying stuff like that the other.. I think I might be into that.” He mumbled against your lips. “You drive me crazy.”
That night, he smothered you with kisses.. and webbed you to the bed so that you'd stop squirming around while he fucked you slow and sweet. Whispering praises and letting out low groans. He was even still apologizing for standing you up.
“Im so sorry, baby. Let me make it up to you. Gonna let you cum all over my cock and use me.” He grabbed one of your breasts in his large hand, his thrusts becoming sloppy. “M’ gonna cum baby, please let me cum in you.” He sounded so pathetic, it was so cute.
He let you cum before he did. Anakin didn't end up finishing in you because you'd end up pregnant, which you two weren't ready for yet.
Dinner was skipped that night, but you were definitely gonna make him take you out for breakfast.
。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• 。゚
tag list ✦ @heartsforanakin @anakinstwinklebunny @sockiess @erosmutt @rottencandyblood @radiantvader 🎀
please let me know if you wanna be added/removed from my tag list <3
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honeyed-pines · 1 year
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SpiderRex is here to save the day in Coruscant City! When he isn’t saving his neighbors, he’s hanging out with his adopted little sister, Ahsoka, his adopted brother, Anakin, and his younger brother Holler.
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tennessoui · 2 years
Hi, i love your writing 😘 i’m in the mood for something happy and sappy and optimistic, so could you write someting on “i believe in you” or “let me help you” for the 4 words prompt? Thank you 💙
hi!! i'm also in this mood, but i think i might have missed the mark a little bit!! this is a ficlet for the guns & roses au, an au where obi-wan owns a flowershop and has a lot of inherited debt from his father, so palpatine sends hitman!anakin to kill him. anakin falls in love with him instead because he's so soft and gentle and kind. obi-wan, who doesn't know about anakin's past, convinces him to move in with him to his shitty apartment and eventually he falls just as hard in love with anakin. it's not a fic but it is a tag on my au page.
(from this prompt list)
The boy is back.
Obi-Wan holds his breath when he sees him skulking around the edge of the shop. It’s been three days since he’s come in, and Obi-Wan had been worried about what the absence meant.
It’s only been a few months since Qui-Gon died, a few months since Obi-Wan became the sole owner and employee at his father’s flowershop, but he’s already learned that all sorts of people buy flowers for all sorts of reasons.
(Not, of course, as many or as often as Obi-Wan would prefer, seeing as how the debt his father had amassed before his death is tremendous and weighing on Obi-Wan’s mind constantly.)
But he’d always thought that people only got flowers for each other on special occasions. Funerals, Valentine’s Day, a lover’s birthday, holidays….
There are other reasons, ones he never thought about before. One old man had come into the shop two weeks ago and bought all of his pink tulips: his wife’s favorite flower, even though her vision had completely gone. “She can smell ‘em,” he’d told Obi-Wan as he’d carefully wrapped them up. “Between you and me, she always liked the yellow ones best. But the pink’s for me.”
And a little girl who boards the school bus outside his store buys her friend a different flower every Friday. She hasn’t noticed yet that Obi-Wan’s been charging her less and less each week.
And then—there’s this boy, who is really more of a man, who first came into his shop a week ago. He’d walked in with a sort of—dead expression on his face, holding himself stiffly. He’d had wounded eyes though, that had been Obi-Wan’s first thought. They’d jumped around the store, like he was looking for exits, like he was making sure he could get away if need be.
It’d bruised Obi-Wan’s heart, the way the boy had held himself. He’d wanted to say something, but he hadn’t known what could break the icy silence as the boy moved around the store, hands stuffed in his pockets. Some customers don’t want you to talk to them, Obi-Wan knows that. He’d left the boy to his examination of the store. He’d turned back to the monstera plant in front of him with only a bit of effort.
Something had told him that he shouldn’t turn his back on the man, but that was beyond silly. The way the man carried himself—Obi-Wan had known intrinsically that he wouldn't hurt a fly.
“Oh no,” he had murmured to himself and the monstera plant. “I’ve overwatered you.” Talking to plants—it had been something Qui-Gon had done, something Obi-Wan had accidentally inherited. “My sincerest apologies, dear one, I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
There’d been a burst of noise behind him and the sound of the door being wrenched open. The man had left.
Obi-Wan had thought he’d stolen something until he’d watched the security tapes back and realized he’d left with empty hands.
He’d come back the next day, roughly the same time. He’d had a bruise on his cheekbone, darkening his face, and he’d walked into the store with hunched shoulders. When they’d made eye contact, his eyes had been wide and haunted. He’d bought flowers, but he’d paid in cash. 
He’s paid in cash each and every time. Obi-Wan still doesn’t know his name, but he thinks he knows his story. 
Someone’s hurt him. Someone keeps hurting him, because he keeps showing up at Obi-Wan’s shop with bruises on his face and arms and those damn eyes. Someone has convinced him—this beautiful man who could so easily be vibrant and full of life—that he must buy them flowers in order to win back their favor, even when they’re the one hurting him.
And then—for three days—he hadn’t come in at all, and Obi-Wan had worried about what that meant, about what he should have done instead of taking the man’s money and trying—trying to convey through his tone of voice when he was talking  to his plants that the man was safe here with Obi-Wan.
So it’s a surprise but not an unwelcome one when the man comes back, fifteen minutes before the shop closes on a Friday evening. His back is turned to the register when Obi-Wan walks out of the back at the sound of the chime, but some buried instinct in him must not allow himself to keep his back to anyone for long, because he turns around at the sound of Obi-Wan’s footsteps.
There’s a fresh cut running so close to his eye that Obi-Wan’s heart freezes and starts beating double time. “My lord,” he says as the man blinks blood out of his eye. “Are you alright?” It’s not the first thing he’s ever said to the man, but it’s the first thing not about flowers or money totals. 
“I need…to buy flowers,” the man says. This is the first thing he’s ever said to Obi-Wan, and his voice is slower than he’d expected. Lower too. Halting.
Obi-Wan comes out from behind the counter cautiously, as if he were approaching a rabid dog. “No, you don’t,” he murmurs, using the same voice he uses with his plants. “You really don’t, dear one. Let me help you.”
The man’s eyes flood with something that looks so painfully like longing that Obi-Wan’s breath catches in his throat. “I don’t—I don’t deserve help,” he whispers. It’s only because of how close they’re standing that Obi-Wan catches these words at all. When he does, his first instinct is to throw them away.
“Everyone deserves help,” he shakes his head slightly and reaches out gently to grasp at the man’s hand. He’s amazed that he’s allowed to do this. “Can you tell me your name, love?”
The man hesitates. The man bites at his lip and his gaze falls to the floor. The man doesn’t take his hand away. The man opens his mouth. “Anakin,” he says.
“Anakin,” Obi-Wan repeats. “Alright, Anakin. Why don’t you go into the back and sit down at the table there? I just need a few minutes to lock up shop, and then we’ll get you bandaged up in no time.”
Anakin nods slowly, eyes looking…glazed and distant. “Use all three locks,” he requests quietly. Obi-Wan blinks at him. He never uses the deadbolt. Anakin focuses on him and for a second he almost looks like a different man. “It’s a dangerous city, Obi-Wan. Use all three locks. Nothing can happen to you.”
He snaps his mouth shut and his jaw clenches tightly. Obi-Wan stares, but…it makes a sort of sense, in a way. The way Anakin acts, the bruises, the flowers, the eyes….
No one’s shown him kindness in so long. Of course he’d be concerned for Obi-Wan’s own safety. For the person who has shown him kindness being taken away from him.
“Alright, dear one,” Obi-Wan tells him. “I will lock all three.”
Anakin nods and stays still in the middle of the shop, ignoring instruction completely in favor of watching as Obi-Wan flicks each lock into place and turns the sign from Open to Close. It’s only when he turns back that something tickles in the back of his mind. “I never told you my name,” he says slowly. 
Anakin blinks at him. His eyes shutter closed, until they have that dead look again, the one he’d worn that very first visit.
“Name tag,” he says.
Oh. Yes. That makes sense. Obi-Wan laughs at that moment of fear. How silly of him to have forgotten. “Oh, of course,” he says with a chuckle, laying a hand on Anakin’s back and guiding him past the register. “Apologies. I usually never wear it, but I must have on one of your visits.”
“You did,” Anakin says, and Obi-Wan believes him easy as anything.
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grandkhan221b · 11 months
please please please can you tell more about your ahsoka spidersona au that sounds so incredibly cool
Well it's not really a well fleshed AU or anything, I just made things up as I went along trying to find fun parallels between the events and characters of tcw and spiderman. Like I still don't really know If Ahsoka is still a Jedi in this ? I mean it could work, but then it means than the Clone Wars never happened because there's no way she could be your friendly neighbourhood spiderwoman being always on the front. But at the same time I wanted Rex to be the Captain Stacy figure (meaning it doesn't end well for him too), and if the war never happened he shouldn't exist ?? Anyway
To tell you things I actually know, Anakin is the sort of sidekick friend that knows she is spiderwoman, a sort of Ned/Ganke (even Aunt may - wich makes the Obi-Uncle Ben thing fit even more) character. I thought it would be cool if he also became Venom (making him Eddie Brock too I guess, but Eddie in some iterations like Spectacular Spider-man is a sort of older brother figure to Peter so it still fits !)
As far as other villains go, I initially thought Doc Ock would be grievous but I'm wondering if Trench would fit more. And Dooku would be like, uuuh, Vulture ? Idk
I was also thinking Ventress could be Black Cat - but without the romance lmao
ALSO I have more art planned for this but I'm busy with artfight atm !!
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jedibongrip · 2 years
au where obi-wan and anakin are both employees of their respective (state?? planet?? take this au anywhere you want) departments of tourism and part of their jobs is doing the whole social media thing. anakin (who high tailed it out of the desert as soon as he could) is very happy promoting the wonderful lakes, forests, markets, and temperate weather of naboo. obi-wan, after a slight 1/3rd life crisis, is having a blast promoting the beautiful dunes, rock formations, sand boarding, hiking, and tanning opportunities of tatooine.
once anakin finds out that fucking tatooine of all places has a department of tourism, and that theyre trying to make his hometown seem nice, decides that he has enough job security to start ripping this social media account a new one, from the official naboo account. obi-wan, of course, has to retaliate. in between normal, expected posts, about cultural events, true accounts, and cross promotion of different departments, it’s common to see an absolutely scathing review of tatooine canyon or a less than stellar photo of a hot spring from naboo (with the caption you guys really hike 4 hours, spend thousands of credits, just to see a hole with less pressure than my showerhead 🤨🤨 alright then #VisitTatooine #AtLeastOurSunsDontDecideNotToComeOut). onlookers think this is just a funny ‘haha the accounts are trying to personifiy themselves and have a little rivalry’ but no, their coworkers are begging them to stop. please anakin, we know you hate sand, but NABOO cant say that. obi-wan please we cant have people think that everyone on tatooine likes fighting our department is supposed to change that.
they end up meeting at some large conference and they hit it off and when they find out WHERE they work, WHAT department, and WHICH media account they’re in charge of, they’re like the spiderman meme except with more sexual tension.
long story short, they split the difference and end up moving to coruscant when they get married
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fuckmyskywalker · 1 day
If anyone knows who did the spiderman!anakin au id appreciate it 😗
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myfaveisfuckable · 11 months
Matchups for v2 round 1
(polls drop July 15 (or so))
Tengen/Rengoku (demon slayer) vs Natsuo Todoroki/ Shigaraki (bnha)
Ochaco/Kirishima (bnha) vs Anakin/commander Fox (star wars)
Ichigo/hollow Ichigo (bleach) vs high school bicycle racing club polycules team (yowamushi pedal, wind breaker)
Mitski/Mirko/inko (bnha) vs odasaku/yosano (Bungo Stray Dogs)
Hinata/Haku (Naruto) vs Mrs White/Yvette (clue 1985)
Asuma/kakashi (Naruto) vs dave/tavros (Homestuck)
Zabuza/kisame (Naruto) vs tenjouin fubuki/manjoume jun (Yu-Gi-Oh GX)
Yor (spy x family)/Haru (fugou keiji) vs rabi ray Rana/sabal (far cry 4)
Curator (the stanley parable)/administrator (TF2) vs medic (TF2)/medical officer Danby (Subnautica)
Yor (spy x family)/morinozuka (Ouran) (academy au) vs matmodean (wheel of time)
Tsume/Tsunade (Naruto) vs Mario/donkey Kong (Mario movie 2023)
Robert chase/chi park (house md) vs winter schnee/Robyn Hill (RWBY)
Phina/linde (fire emblem) vs mal Cobb/eames (inception)
Fierce deity/ghirahim (the legend of Zelda) vs Tamika flynn/Janice palmer
Joseph/god (Christianity) vs garet/the wise one (golden sun)
Isaac/the roof of his house (golden sun) vs ichika/kanade (project sekai)
Jazz/prowl (the transformers) vs Bellamy/Bartolomeo/Cavendish (one piece)
Leon/kazuichi (Danganronpa) vs johnny/the fridge guy (Johnny the homicidal maniac)
The original char aznable/casval daikun (Gundam) vs vera misham/wocky kitaki (ace attorney)
Setsu/yuriko/raqio (gnosia) vs Cecil Gershwin Palmer (wtnv) Carlos Ramirez (Dresden files)
Anna/Daniel (FNAF AR:special delivery) vs Sam (fantasy high)/aelwyn (the seven)
Luis/ness (FNAF AR: special delivery) vs all of the Beatles (irl)/light yagami (death note)/penguins of Madagascar minus skipper (penguins of Madagascar, etc)
Hellucard/guardian angel (eddsworld) vs Danny Fenton (Danny phantom)/randy Cunningham (Randy Cunningham ninth grade ninja
Rincewind the wizzard/twoflower (discworld) vs calendar man/condiment king (dc comics)
Queen ripple/drawcia (Kirby) vs John silver/scroop (treasure planet)
Dante (Devil may cry)/Raiden (metal gear) vs Sesshomaru/hojou (Inuyasha)
Jon connington/Myles toyne (asoiaf) vs lazy/shoji (dairanger)
Gaon/zyuran (zenkaiger) vs jade/terezi (Homestuck)
Tumblr/Reddit vs anzu/tsukasa/junta (romantic killer)
Anzu/saki (romantic killer) vs Peter Parker (spiderman (specifically toby MacGuire)/Spencer Reid (criminal minds)
Captain smollet (treasure planet)/Jane (Disney Tarzan) vs hope/echo (the 100)
Atsushi/Yanagida (Osomatsu-san) vs junta/makoto (romantic killer)
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You don’t need to read this! :)
Hi! I’m Wings, I go with she or they pronouns but I personally dont care too much
If this account ever goes dead it will be because I am using an email from school, a school I have graduated from so they might cancel it soon
My back-up account is @
If you find any prompts or ideas that I wrote feel to use them in your own posts.
Tag list(will add more when I make/remember them): Luke and Leia shenanigans, 501st are family, Vader/Anakin is broken, ​incorrect Star Wars quotes, writing challange of the day!, Batman, spiderman, vent, art, notmyfinalaccount writes, headcannon
My a/u tags: ​different specie clones a/u, ​gods a/u, king of the shadows a/u, lich, Vader/Anakin is an eldritch being, time travel fix it a/u, ​punisher a/u, Annon Wayne a/u, half-vampire batman a/u, ​Danny is old au, ​phantom and the police au
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Miitopia photo dump, I just finished Miitopia and I want to say that although I absolutely adore animal crossing new horizons, this definitely is the best game on the switch which is why it extremely bugs me they haven't brought Tomodachi Life 2 to switch. Although not to talented with the custom features I love the makeup and wigs. My only pet peeve as a Biracial person is that the hairstyles for the wigs and designs of the overall Miis are extremely excluding of us Black And Brown folk, I am olive Skinned and there's not one shade accurate to my exact skin tone, same for curly haired styles. I'm ignoring the gender part because then I get called extremely woke.
Other than that I absolutely adore this game and the limitless casting options, the graphics and just everything. Unlike the 3ds version I didn't get stuck Yay! It's a very therapeutic game that had a simple plot but got me hooked throughout, I also thought the lore was amazing and the backstory about The Dark Lord and Dark Curse are absolutely heartbreaking. The Dark Lord and Great Sage were definitely the most fascinating characters.
I felt so happy that the final battle went well despite all my characters having level 20 status even though I made sure everyone in my team did the snurp route. I also loved the sweet cut scenes.
Overall a 9/10 definitely recommend you play this if you struggle with severe intense actions games.
I'll reveal my post game teams another time but for now I want to give credit to my main teams as they were all fab. Also if you want my code please be aware that if characters are unlocked they are either a mii I downloaded or they are someone close to me irl and you can understand why I wouldn't want me or my friends and loved ones appearing in other people games or why I don't want to share their names so I will only refer to them as their job. With that out of the way here's my three main og teams.
Team 1
1: Phoenix Weber (Marvel Spiderman Next Gen Oc)
2: Cleric (Irl Best Friend)
3: Peter 3 (Andrew Garfield's Spiderman)
Team 2
1: Luna Wilson (Marvel Next Gen Oc)
2: Cat (Online Friend)
3: Male Popstar (Online Friend)
Team 3
1: Mirabel (Encanto)
2: Chef (Irl Friend)
3: Peter 1 (Tom Holland's Spiderman)
As for the horse well he's named after Grogu from the Mando Universe. He's also designed after him.
All amazing team members, to explain about Luna And Phoenix well they are ocs from a Marvel fic I'm working on. It started with coming up with a Nonbinary Spiderman but then sort of turned into a next gen au. I can't spoil which superhero Luna is related to but I can reveal Phoenix is not related to any well known marvel hero or villain. So its mainly marvel teams with Luke Skywalker as The Great Sage and Anakin As The Dark Curse Reborn.
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magicalforcesau · 2 years
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“Behold!” Anakin, as predicted, had reappeared and was holding what looked to be a shoddily rolled piece of parchment. He shoved his way back between Satine and Ben, “See I knew I’d have more mail if I just went to my normal spot!” Without any further ado, he unraveled it and began to read.
“Oh Anakin,
I have to tell you! I must be in love with you! Like Spiderman and Mary Jane! We’re meant to be! You’re so brave and powerful! I know that’s why the goblet chose you! You’ll win for sure because you’re so much better than the others. I was surprised you were so young because you seem so much older than 13! I’m a 14 year old girl with brown hair that’s pretty long and really pretty brown eyes. I live with my mom and I am from America because otherwise I would definitely have met you! I know if I was at Hogwarts I’d be a Hufflepuff and I’d be in divination with you. I’m really good at it so I could help you and I see the future where we’re together. Maybe I should move to England just to go to Hogwarts. I'm sure we would be boyfriend and girlfriend so quickly too. I don’t see how you don’t have anyone else dating you, you’re by far the best choice! You should write me back, we can talk about comics and maybe someday we can date. I’m sure you are a good kisser!”
—Dancing With Ghosts in Your Garden // Magical Forces AU (ao3 link)
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davinasarchives · 23 days
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Anakin Skywalker Recommendations Part 1
♡ = Fluff
✿ = Smut
★ = Angst
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Not that kind of guy (Stalker!Anakin) - @xzaddyzanakinx ♡ ✿ ★ ✘
Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15,
Milk & cookies (Sugar Daddy!Anakin) - @sftykth ♡ ✿ ★
Part 2,
Daddy Issues - @bunnylovesani ♡ ✿ ★
Part 2.
Immoral (Mafia!AU) - @kinanabinks ✿ ★
Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5,
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Forgive me? (SpiderMan!Anakin) - @ysrjune ★ ♡ ✿
Dilf!Anakin - @fuckmyskywalker ✿
Haunted (Gf!Anakin) - @shebreathedherlast ★
Final girl (Serial Killer!Anakin) - @hanasnx ★ ✿ ✘
Knife + Blood play (Nerdy!Anakin) - @starwarsbian ✿
Sleeping beauty - @bunnylovesani ✿ ✘
Welcome home - @starlazergazer ♡ ★
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Desperate men - @katiapostsss ✿
“If you want more love, why don’t you say so?” 6’7!Anakin - @hanasnx ♡ ✿
Breeding kink - @jediavengers ✿
Spit kink - @anklebitingbrat ✿
Best for business (Personal Trainer!Anakin) - @geekforhorror ✿
Mind reading - @ddejavvu ★ ♡
Perv!Padawan!Anakin - @fuckmyskywalker ✿
Bad girl - @bb-eilish ✿
After a mission - @stars4ani ✿
“Don’t even think about answering.” - @foranidalas ✿ ✘
“It’s small” - @everydaydreamer ♡
Only you - @everydaydreamer ★ ♡
Brother’s best friend!Mechanic!Anakin - @rvrsndrds ♡
Atypical cuddling - @foranidalas ✿
Ex bf!Anakin - @fuckmyskywalker ✿ ✘
Thigh riding Sub!Anakin - @tfmerc ✿
Anakin who fucks anyone that reminds him of you - @ddejavvu ✿
Photo booth - @everydaydreamer ♡
Mr. Rainmaker - @geekforhorror ✿
Dilf!Anakin - @ysrjune ✿
Nerdy!Anakin misses you - @st4rfckerz ✿
Perv!Anakin - @anklebitingbrat ✿
Anakin liking chubby women - @dazednstars141 ✿
Creep!Ani - @bunnylovesani ✿
Stepbro!Ani - @bunnylovesani ✿
Ani forcing you to watch him jerk off - @anklebitingbrat ✿
Best friend’s brother!Anakin - @dazednstars141 ✿
Nerd!Ani yapping - @ysrjune ♡
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Nerd!Anakin - @ysrjune ♡ ✿
Metal Hand - @geekforhorror ✿
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willowcrowned · 3 years
now obviously if Maul had managed to shut up for once and Ahsoka had agreed to work with him they still probably wouldn’t have gotten back in time to stop Anakin from doing anything monumentally stupid and order 66 from happening, but they might have gotten back in time to meet Anakin when he marched on the temple, and I, personally, think there would be nothing funnier than Ahsoka seeing Anakin and Anakin seeing Ahsoka and Maul and both of them going “You’re working with the sith! >:o” at the exact same time
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ninjago AU where Garmadon is actually an Anakin Skywalker clone that was accidentally rocketed through Lego dimensions /realms /whatever and crash landed in ninjago. Later to be found and adopted by the FSM.
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sharknadoslutt · 6 years
Star Wars AU where everything is the same only the eyes in Vader helmet shows expressions like Spidermans
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jedibongrip · 2 years
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I posted 3,495 times in 2022
That's 3,495 more posts than 2021!
341 posts created (10%)
3,154 posts reblogged (90%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,648 of my posts in 2022
Only 24% of my posts had no tags
#anakin - 1,027 posts
#obi wan - 948 posts
#m - 245 posts
#ahsoka - 180 posts
#luke - 153 posts
#padme - 77 posts
#leia - 67 posts
#bongrip answers - 67 posts
#maul - 57 posts
#obikin - 38 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#bites him bites him bites him bites him bites him bites him bites him bites himbites him bites him bites him bites him bites him bites him b
My Top Posts in 2022:
luke, contacting Force Ghost obi-wan: hey obi-wan do you know where my dad is? i've been trying to talk to him for a few days now and i cant get a hold of him :(
obi-wan: oh you dont know? this is awkward...
luke: what it is? is he okay? where is he?
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luke: O_O WHAT?
obi wan: yes. its all very sad and tragic. sent to space hell
luke, close to tears:...
obi-wan: just kidding, i think he's trying to get corporeal enough that he can knock jars off ahsoka's shelf and annoy her. i'll tell him to talk to you soon
221 notes - Posted September 24, 2022
idk something cute about obikin, when characterized that anakin has loved obi-wan since he was a kid, is just that. anakin gets to fall in love again and again and again. every new phase of life he sees obi-wan differently and he loves him differently. obi-wan treats him differently as they both grow up and anakin finds new things about him to love, new jokes that he understands now, new corners of his personality that were previously hidden, and finds all of them so entrancing. whereas obi-wan's love for anakin shifts and changes over their time together, until romance is all tangled up with i took care of you and will always take care of you and i used to teach you and i always want to be able to teach you and you used to come to me when you were scared, i never want you to be afraid again, anakin just finds new ways to love, always different and exciting, until all his past loves are still obi-wan
245 notes - Posted September 5, 2022
au where obi-wan and anakin are both employees of their respective (state?? planet?? take this au anywhere you want) departments of tourism and part of their jobs is doing the whole social media thing. anakin (who high tailed it out of the desert as soon as he could) is very happy promoting the wonderful lakes, forests, markets, and temperate weather of naboo. obi-wan, after a slight 1/3rd life crisis, is having a blast promoting the beautiful dunes, rock formations, sand boarding, hiking, and tanning opportunities of tatooine.
once anakin finds out that fucking tatooine of all places has a department of tourism, and that theyre trying to make his hometown seem nice, decides that he has enough job security to start ripping this social media account a new one, from the official naboo account. obi-wan, of course, has to retaliate. in between normal, expected posts, about cultural events, true accounts, and cross promotion of different departments, it’s common to see an absolutely scathing review of tatooine canyon or a less than stellar photo of a hot spring from naboo (with the caption you guys really hike 4 hours, spend thousands of credits, just to see a hole with less pressure than my showerhead 🤨🤨 alright then #VisitTatooine #AtLeastOurSunsDontDecideNotToComeOut). onlookers think this is just a funny ‘haha the accounts are trying to personifiy themselves and have a little rivalry’ but no, their coworkers are begging them to stop. please anakin, we know you hate sand, but NABOO cant say that. obi-wan please we cant have people think that everyone on tatooine likes fighting our department is supposed to change that.
they end up meeting at some large conference and they hit it off and when they find out WHERE they work, WHAT department, and WHICH media account they’re in charge of, they’re like the spiderman meme except with more sexual tension.
long story short, they split the difference and end up moving to coruscant when they get married
294 notes - Posted August 26, 2022
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should have been a bit more specific padme....
486 notes - Posted October 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
au where anakin is a habitual sugar baby but he doesnt like to do much sexual stuff so he usually dips when his daddies start asking about more than dates. he’s making his way through grad school and doesnt have a lot of time for a ‘normal job’, between TAing and doing research labs, so this works for him, despite his limitations. obi-wan is a hot shot accountant that was conned by his friends into using a sugaring app, since he refused to be endearing on dating apps and hated everyone that his friends tried to set him up with. the goal is just to get him used to ‘putting himself out there’ and no one actually expects him to become a sugar daddy.
anyway he and anakin start chatting, anakin asks obi-wan to take him out to dinner and obi-wan is like “uhh sure” and takes him to a nice, but not overly expensive restaurant, an anakin is like HUH? they start talking and anakin offhandedly mentions some of his spending habits and obi-wan is like “you spend HOW MUCH a month on toys?” (”Gunpla aren’t toys, they’re model kits, and it takes a lot of patience to put them together”) and instead of a normal session, they spend the rest of the evening arguing about anakin’s monthly budget. he almost forgets to ask obi-wan to pay him his usual fee, and when obi-wan hands over the money he’s like, “this better not be going to those ‘gunpla’s when you havent paid your cell phone bill yet”
usually after such a confrontational meeting anakin would NOT be setting up another one. but obi-wan is handsome and funny and he actually had some good advice of how to reshuffle money so he meets with him again and again and soon he has a budget that saves him more money and he can just stay afloat with his pay from TAing and with just one sugar daddy.
and obi-wan, who expected nothing out of this and instead found this sugar baby who he’s kinda obsessed with, certainly isn’t going to argue. and hey, you know, an even better way to save money is by finding a cheaper place to live, anakin, for example, my house, where i don’t charge rent at all. anyway, anakin transitions from a sugar baby to a trophy husband in under a year and obi-wan still side eyes him everytime he buys mecha kits
784 notes - Posted August 22, 2022
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perrerier · 2 years
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Head empty only Spiderman Anakin AU | Click for higher quality :)))
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