#and can join in on the convo since they know both people
aristia-pjoheadcanons · 5 months
Hi! I wanted to ask for Percy x daughter of Apollo headcanons? Like best friends to lovers or wtv you feel like! Thank you but no worries if not 💕💕
☆Percy Jackson x Daughter of Apollo☆
Authors note: This is so sweet, i love best friends to lovers. (also, not me literally searching up what wtv means only to find out it means whatever and its not a trope lol)
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you're his agapitós, just so you know. maybe he will come up with a nice nickanme and a private nickname for the two of you in private.
The child of Apollo has a bit of a love/hate relationship with their godly parent. On one hand, they admire Apollo's power and grace, but on the other hand, they feel like they can never live up to him.
They often struggle to decide if they should be proud of being his child, or if they should resent him for his high expectations.
Despite this inner turmoil, they do strive to live up to Apollo's ideals and make him proud.
Their relationship with Percy is a bit tense at times, you might often feel that Percy is too overprotective and doesn't let you take risks.
Despite this friction, you both genuinely care about each other deeply.
your bond with him is strong, you are dating a guy who only has eyes for his beloved.
maybe the child of apollo has a friend who is a troublemaker, a trickster and a prankster; which is how you managed to get acquainted with Percy.
Though you might not be a child of the big three or a prodigy like Annabeth, you put on a brave face and take down your foes with your skills, whether its medicine, archery, light - any weapon at all!
perhaps you are a charming person and can convicne a bunch of people to do something, even if you dont have charmspeak.
you are known to be the mediater during fights, someone people can rely on for good input since you arent biased. Which could be useful when dealing with the constant drama of demigod life.
capture the flag is the time for you to shine.
(I had to google this);The child of Apollo has the power to harness the energy of the sun, allowing them to create destructive solar blasts, drain the power of others, or even create an aura of warmth.
So, imagine the reader just harnessing the power of a STAR to make themselves overpowered in battle, landing accurate shots with their bow or even straight up knives, becoming faster and agile - flexible, moving so fast it looks natural.
heck, this type of fighting style is for sure gonna make percy stare and admire you.
I IMAGINE that you have a warm body because of the godly power that runs throuhg you, so if you were to hold percys hand (i imagine that hes kind of cold) youre a perfect pair.
demigod life is crazy and percy keeps getting dragged on quests, what if you join him and break the "3-people maximum in a party" rule? he would not care, he wants you near him because he trusts you and your abilities.
healing properties would also be nice but dont get too stressed, percy would never out you on the spot to make you uncomfortable.
percy is a feeler, he understands people because no one took the time to understand him, other than people really close to him. if you even furrow your brow in the slightest, this guy will try to think of anything that happened that day to make you upset or annoyed, and try to think of a solution. his solution is to engage in an awkward convo and give a compliment/pat on the back, but hes so goddamn awkward its funny but you cant laugh because you kind of want percy to keep doing right?
so you start doing the same, sit next to him when hes sitting alone, make your way toward him when he's literally just standing there completely comfortable with being alone;
but no, you want him to know you're there. give him a small smile and he would see you as somebody he can tlak to about his feelings! heck!!
during the pjo-series he never really lets himself feel too much, and instead undermines his feelings to the point he starts to ignore his on needs.
luckily, you are his anchor too. keep him on his toes but not in the way annabeth or the way his mother does; but in another way that can be even seen as intimite, if thats the right word for it.
caressing his back and wiping away his tears but letting him know that "hey, im not wiping them away because I want you to stop, but i'm wiping them away to let you know you're safe and not alone".
by the way, that last line?, would definetly make percy stop and stare at you like a deer in headlights and just try to process this whole entire situation. i dont know why but its funny for me to imagine him being angry or sad and just suddenly stopping, his eyebrows shoot up and he's staring at you as if he cant believe somebody does actually care about what he feels.
percy is a feeler who wont let himself feel, but you are there to remind him that in order for him to even confront his enemies, his foes - he needs to make an ally of himself first.
"dont make yourself your own enemy"
"*again percy is at a loss for words*"
beautiful and powerful, courages but not too aggressive, sentimental and empathetic, are words to describe the reader (definetly not percys own internal thoughts about you cough cough).
you stand out on your own, not because of who your godly parent is, but because of who you are. thats powerful and enough in itself. you dont need to be someone important to the prophecy or the war, you dont need to be someone great. you hold value in your worth for being you.
I feel like at some point you want percy to get out off his head for one second and look at himself the way you look at him.
it's up to you to determine what kind of person you want to be and what you want to make of your own life. and not because of some great prophecy.
Percy has always tried to do the best he can to live up to his destiny, but his own sense of self-worth and identity doesn't rely on those outside factors. percy values freedom and choice, which is why in the end he chose you because you make an impact on his life and his place in the world.
percy really isnt that difficult to get along with. if we tke a look at kane chronicles, he got to know the main character and was somewhat comfortable with him after fighting alongside him for literally 30-40minutes. the problem is that he never really opens up, maybe a result of his uppringing and unresolves trauma - you need to remind him that: control is not the same as suppression.
you would turn his world upside down for the better and his way thinking.
if its difficult through words, you write it down and make an essay about how great he is and how much more he can do with just being himself. he would read this in his room and on the ride home from long-island over and over again, at first he would be shocked - then flattered, happy and somewhat flustered.
he finds this compassionate side of you cute, that you are never really aggressive but are when it comes to letting him know that he is worth it and worth so much more.
he finds this side of you endearing, you speaking up (maybe not always but when the time is right) you stand tall with your chest full of words and you speak.
percys world would transform because of you. he cant be attracted to your light. it might seem like a normal light but it sparks full of life until it completely takes over before he can even understand whats going on.
His perspective and outlook on life would be completely altered by your compassionate and uplifting words.
He would be entranced by your light, drawn in by its brightness and energy, until it finally consumes him completely.
It's a powerful and transformative process that he might not even be able to comprehend or resist.
With you by his side, he would be transformed into something greater than he ever believed possible.
percy would in the end find his voice to speak up about his troubles, isntead of cracking a joke or making it seem like a joke.
or like the scene in HOO with Jason - just moving and and changing the subject when he sees that nobody said anythingn to comfort him (this scene makes me a tad-bit sad, he said it himself that he wasn't ok but bc they were exchausted nobody said anything so he just pretended he didnt say anything in the first place). but dont you think this is evidence that he does try to get better with speaking up, but he just needs someone to reach their hand out.
the two of you have a unique and intense connection to one another. percys sense of duty combined with your passionate nature, makes both an intriguing and powerful couple.
percy would be attached to you; your energy and he would feel inspired and motivated for bringing out a new side of himself.
at some point, percy stops looking shocked when you scold him for not caring about his feelings and while you go on a rant about how he's so important, he instead has a small smile on his face while hes looking up at you through his bangs.
reader: goes on a rant about percys emotions and how great he really is, not bc of his father but because of the way he truly and deeply cares for people and is even willing to look past past-mistakes
*literally batting his eyelashes because butterflies keep dancing in his stomach but he cant stop staring at you*
annabeth would exchange a knowing-look and smile when you make eye contact with her during one of your speeches, and you feel shy because you're realize that people are staring and PERCY IS STARING WITHOUT SAYING ANYTHING so he quickly finish the speech and walk fast out of there.
percy strives to be the best partner he can be.
As Percy begins to gain more confidence and express himself in a more authentic way, he would be more honest and upfront about his feelings, including his feelings for the child of Apollo.
When given the moment to confess, he would seize the opportunity and kiss the child of Apollo with a slightly sheepish smile, perhaps even a tad embarrassed about putting himself out there so directly. However, he would also be proud of his newfound confidence and would look forward to growing and developing this relationship with you....
the type of guy to be entranced by you when you speak for multiple reasons; hes inlove and loves you, he loves the way you speak, he cant stop staring at you face light up when you talk about something you consider worth of value, he cant stop staring at your lips.
i feel like every time you lick your lips during a convo with him or in a group setting, his eyes automatically flicker downwards to stare at them for a good second.
he whips his head around when he hear your voice and turns his body to the direction you are, even when someone is trying to talk to him.
blushing around your affections. this guy would get giddy at night thinking about the fact that you just took a leaf out of his hair or straightened up his shirt.
when you are around his home turf he wants to grab your attention by any means. his favourite thing is if he's able to grab your attention when you're talkign to someone, and makes you stop mid-sentence because of whatever he's doing.
he would strut over to you and you think hes just gonna talk to you like normal but he surges ofrward and give you a peck, and he watches your reaction as when he pulls away. his insecurities are still there but hes getting better.
he likes it especially, another favourite of his, is if he makes you flustered. whether you try to ignore him or you start breathing faster (which he can tell btw) or if you have a certain habit of touching something or somewhere on your body, he likes to pay attention and be attentive to the little things about you. he needs to know everything.
okay, his ALL TIME FAVOURITE, is if you try to suppress that beautiful smile. your mouth twitches, the corners of your eyes crinkle just a tiny bit, you lick you lips and try to pretend that you're cool - but then you let your guard down and let yourself smile.
he absolutely loves it when you look at him after that. your gaze is different from usual. of course, you always look at him in a way that only lovers do, but this look in your eyes is for him and him only. that special look of love and devotion in your eyes is his.
he loves every moment of vulnerability and weakness between the two of you, he likes to savour every moment with you...
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leejungchans · 11 months
svt as the types of people you meet in college? it can be totally up to your interpretation of them hehe and they don't have to fit into certain college stereotypes!!!
OH i love this!!!!!! (based on my own experiences mixed with some cliches/aus/imaginings 🫶🏻) sorry this took a while to get to btw 🥲
seungcheol: the senior who manned one of the booths at your freshman orientation. did you join his club bc he was ridiculously attractive and made small talk with you? no comment. you follow each other on instagram but that’s probably about it <//3 definitely a campus crush that feels very unattainable but it doesn’t stop you from imagining what he’d be like as your a boyfriend
jeonghan: you walked past him once, and pretended you heard someone behind you calling your name just so you had an excuse to do a double-take. people this pretty existed?? and at your college/uni?? you told all your friends about him and after some snooping you managed to find his instagram. please just send that follower request, you have nothing to lose <3
joshua: i can totally see him being a student advisor omg!! so so so sweet, actually checks in on you often and is genuinely interested in knowing how things are going for you :’) does his best to give good advice, but as you became closer friends you became more familiar with his sense of humour and his advice got increasingly……interesting 😭 “your prof said what? next time trip him in the hallway!” “joshua nO” don’t do that
jun: sat in front of you in one of your courses last year, fell asleep during the lecture almost every single week. his friends gave up on keeping him awake halfway through the semester. you became friends after being randomly assigned to the same group for project and now you’re the friend who has to keep him awake during classes. he’s so cool though, and very witty and funny <3
soonyoung: even if you don’t know him personally, you always run into him on campus. grabbing a coffee at the cafe, goofing off with his friends in the quad, dozing off in the library…he’s friendly with everyone, even the grumpiest professors. you want to be his friend so bad, he just seems so fun to be around. also the only person you know who wears tiger print but he pulls it off!!
wonwoo: you have a class with him and he always sits in the back. so quiet and shy, barely talks to anyone but he’s really cute so you noticed him regardless. you got paired up for a discussion and found out how smart and well-spoken he was, and you guess he vibed with you too bc since then he started saving you a seat :’)) occasionally plays games on his laptop when the lecture gets boring, and angles the screen more towards you so you can watch <3
jihoon: a friend of a friend. you’ve never met but jun tells you so much about him, so it almost feels like you know him too. you follow him on instagram and occasionally he’ll post covers of him singing while playing the guitar. you offhandedly mentioned to jun that his voice is so pretty and soothing and much to your embarrassment he tells jihoon 😭 but it’s okay bc he’s setting up a hangout to officially introduce you both to each other!!
seokmin: the friend we wish we all had. you met on your very first day of college/uni when you had the same class. he initiated convo with you and was so sweet and friendly even though you could tell he was extremely nervous himself, protect him omg 💔 one of your closest friends to this day even if you don’t have the same majors. you enrol in random electives together and those lectures are always your favourite bc you sit in the back and goof off, just try not to get shushed too much <33
mingyu: spilled coffee on your shoes at the starbucks on campus 🙁 it’s not his fault it was really crowded and someone bumped into him causing him to bump into you!! also, he looked very guilty about it so you couldn’t find it in you to be mad. he pays for your coffee as an apology. he recognises you when you stand behind him in line two weeks later and jokes that he won’t spill anything on you this time. you became friends and now you understand why his close friends (affectionately) bully him so much bc he’s just a puppy trapped in a 6ft man’s body 🤧
minghao: literally the main character. he doesn’t walk, he struts and it works for him. so effortlessly cool and attractive. a huge motivating factor for showing up to that class is getting to see what his outfit for that day is. one time you mustered up the courage to compliment his shirt, and your heart swelled at how his face lit up immediately :’)
seungkwan: if you hear the sound of ice being shaken around in a plastic cup mid-lecture, 9 times out of 10 that’s him. he’s an iced coffee girlie he’s just like me. you became friends after he sincerely complimented you on how well you did in your midterm presentation 🤧 the sweetest most caring person ever, but he shows his affection by (playfully) judging you while sipping his iced americanos <3
vernon: took the seat across from you in the library one day while you were cramming for a test. has the coolest stickers on his headphones. you aren’t sure if he actually got any work done bc he seemed really into the music he was listening to. you accidentally made eye contact and he gave you a dorky little smile <3 you exchanged contacts the second time you happened upon each other at that very same table and he showed you a pic of his cat hehe
chan: this is sooooo self-indulgent bc i’ve had these thoughts for the longest time……he’s such a loser (affectionate) omg………..he sat next to you for a quiz and realised he didn’t have a pen 😭 blushed so hard when you offered to lend him a spare one before profusely thanking you. forgets to return it………..you thought you lost that pen for good but when he walked into class the next week, his eyes desperately searched the room looking for you, and with an sheepish smile he returned your pen along with a candy bar as an apology for forgetting…….he’s so cute i hate him so much🧎🏻‍♀️
a/n: many feelings about college bf!wonwoo and chan…….
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suresne · 1 year
wondering how much harry actually knew about kim pre-amnesia (and vice versa) and why harry seems to have accurate knowledge of so many RCM officers' stats
if you have a high enough encyclopedia skill (approx. 6), you can find out through kim's dialogue after he joins your party that harry knows kim's name and nickname, cases solved, and confirmed kills off hand:
[Og] *672. ENCYCLOPEDIA - Somewhere in your mind hangs a dark green blackboard. There are two columns. One says: "cases solved", the other: "confirmed kills". [Og] *149. YOU - Close your eyes. [Og] *367. ENCYCLOPEDIA - The rows are endless. [Og] *423. YOU - Look for: Precinct 57 -> Lieutenants -> Kitsuragi, Kim. [Og] *201. ENCYCLOPEDIA - The name "Kim 'Pinball' Kitsuragi" appears before you. [Og] *673. YOU - Cases solved? [Og] *202. ENCYCLOPEDIA - One hundred and four. Og] *477. YOU - Confirmed kills? [Og] *849. ENCYCLOPEDIA - Six.
since encyclopedia says "the rows are endless" in harry's weird RCM blackboard mind palace, this would seem to indicate that harry somehow keeps track of the cases solved and confirmed kills of the foremost RCM officers, of which kim is clearly one, since both harry and jean know him by reputation
which is a...concerning and obsessive behavior, i think, to put it mildly. it's not clear why he does this. it could be out of competition, but i kind of doubt it. i think harry measures himself against the other foremost RCM officers not as a way to compete with them but as a way to measure whether he's "good enough," i.e., whether he's performing well enough as a "world detector" to be worthy of some delusional goal, like turning back time and winning dora back
i also wonder (and this was brought up in a convo with @1tbls) whether harry specifically looked up kim's stats in advance of going to martinaise. maybe they had even seen each other before, at a distance? what would harry have thought of kim before martinaise, based on his stats and knowing about him based on reputation?
possibly that's kim's a bit of a lightweight based on his case load, despite having a good reputation. that he's a bit trigger happy (which he is), based on his kill count to completed case ratio. i think harry would be a bit puzzled and curious about kim, even without his knowledge of the undercover pin ball operation or the fact that kim is seolite:
can you really be a good detective without having a back-breaking case load? how do you manage to get as good a reputation in the RCM as kim has without running yourself completely ragged and succumbing to despair? (as it turns out, it seems to be a combination of not working at the "bloody murder station," precinct 41, being under more scrutiny from your superiors because of your race, and having a godly ability to compartmentalize and distance yourself from the harm you cause to the people you are policing)
i imagine harry would want to can-open the shit out of kim to try to figure him out and turn himself into a more effective (read: less unstable) detective, but, because of who harry is, that would be impossible
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swissboyhisch · 5 months
The Beginning of the Hockey Couple
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Pairing: Matthew Tkachuk x Ivy Lemieux (OC)
Summary: When Ivy was a kid, her dad took her on a road trip while her mother was away. Everyone wouldn't know that that was the start of beautiful friendships and a relationship.
Word Count: 363
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Mario Lemieux thought it would be a smart idea to bring his only daughter, 3-year-old Ivy Winter, to St. Louis. Where Blues was hosting the Pittsburgh Penguins. His wife was away visiting family in Australia so his choices were to have Ivy stay with another family for the string or take her with him. Since the road trip was short, he thought why not bring her along. It wasn’t like it was a 2 week roadie.
The older hockey player held his daughter’s hand as they walked into the stadium and to the family room for the away team. Ivy was dressed in her favourite shirt, her dad’s jersey, and a pair of leggings. A matching black and yellow beanie she adores; a was a present from her favourite uncle, Brooks Orpik. He walked alongside the father-daughter duo, chatting to his captain about the coming game. 
Young Ivy did not recognise where she was, so naturally she was curious. She could see people she had never met before everywhere. Her hand slipped from her father’s hand before she ran away from her father, giggling as she ran past different players.
“Ivy Winter!”
Said girl only giggled more at her father’s voice, acting like it was a game of chasey. She turned the corner and slammed into another person, falling onto her bum. The petite child looked up at a young boy not too much older than her. He had curly hair and was wearing a Blues jersey. 
“Are you okay sweetie?” The woman beside the boy questioned, kneeling to help the girl up.
“Yeah,” Ivy replied, taking the woman’s hand to stand. “I’m Ivy.”
The older boy sent Ivy a wide smile, “I’m Matthew.”
“Ivy Winter,” Mario huffed as he spied the familiar little 66 jersey and pigtails in front of the family. “I’m so sorry Tkachuk.”
The man comes up behind his wife and kids, chuckling as Mario picks up his daughter. “All good Lemieux.”
“Keith, Chantal, this is my daughter, Ivy.” The girl sent the family a smile, waving at them.
“Where’s your wife?”
“Family,” Mario replied. “Isn’t that right, bug?”
“She’s seeing nana,” Ivy stated, looking up at her father. “I get to see Daddy play.”
“Who’s looking after her?” Chantal asks, lifting her youngest son onto her hip.
Mario sighed, “I have one of our staff taking her in a corp box. None of the friends or family are here for this game.”
“Do you want me to take her with me?” Chantal offered. “I have both the boys and I’m with the other wives in the box. Ivy can play with Matt and Brady.”
Ivy looked up at her father with a cheeky smile, eyes glinting with the familiar childlike mischievousness, “Can I?”
“You sure it’s not too much trouble?”
Chantal shook her head, “Nonsense, I’m happy to take her. I’ll bring her back to you after the game.”
After Mario made sure Ivy would behave, he sent her off with the family so he could get ready. Ivy on the other hand was so excited to be with other kids her age. 
“Do you play hockey?” Matt asked the young girl as they found the family box.
“Of course,” she sassed. “You?”
“Of course.”
“You my best friend now,” Ivy grinned.
Matthew wrapped his arms around the girl, beginning her into a hug. “Best friends.”
“Me too,” A voice joined the convo, with Brady coming to join the hug. Well try to at least. That was until Matt pushed him away. Brady looked like he was about to cry. “But me too.”
“Matthew,” Chantal warned, watching the wholesome moment soon turn sour. 
“Fine,” The older Tkachuk groaned and turned to his baby brother. “You too.”
The three shared a hug before turning their focus onto the ice to watch the game they all loved so much.
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@findapenny @mp0625 @hischierhaze @11zegras @lvrzegras @francesfarhadi @cixrosie @dasiysthings @dancerbailey3 @puckmaidens @cole-mcward48 @sammiejane22 @kajasagmo @poufsouffle21 @there-goes-thefighter
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murky-tannin · 8 months
yeah fuck it foolish is pro-federation. theyre the one group that hasnt hurt him or his family (besides the capybaras) and gave him things to care about. if cellbit getting chased once with a chainsaw was enough to make him anti-fed, being emotionally and physically tortured by the islanders is enough to make foolish anti-islander. the codes/resistance attacked all the people he loves and cares about, and killed many of them, so why would he join them. his friends make him the butt of the joke and leave him out of important conversations - even before he was trying to work for the federation. cellbit repeatedly forgot that foolish was a founding member of the theory bros and ignored his efforts to continue helping the investigations. yeah the islanders can compliment his builds but their actions speak more than their words. even foolish going to help cellbit when he was in self-exile and isolated from all his friends and family was later revealed to only have been a test to see who was pro-federation and not seen as someone trying to be there as a friend, despite alliances. if people actually paid attention to his actions and not his words, they would see he takes a lot of precautions when the eggs were around, and was always looking out for them and keeping them safe; not only leo but all of the eggs. so why not. the eggs are gone, his family is gone, his friends dont trust him, theres no consequences.
Foolish has been like this since before any of this. And Foolish literally is one of if not the first islander to try and befriend/ally with the code. Also the Order isn't allied with the resistance. Foolish doesn't even know about it. What does that have to do with anything
And the federation has hurt his family. Both directly and indirectly. Unless the awful grief Leo has gone through over Trump or the constant stress she lives under due to the risk they pose to the islanders is nothing? Unless their dangerous living conditions is nothing?
also like. The torture. lets talk about this. Because qFoolish isn't bothered by this in any real sense. Both Bad and Foolish have stated it's pretty typical for them. They'd do it pre island and on the island. The people who are mad about it are the fans, not the character. And once again he was already a fed supporter before this in the first place.
As someone who was around during the founding of the theory bros, Foolish didn't and doesn't care. Cellbit includes him all the time when talking about this, especially back before Foolish became even more heavily pro fed.
If Foolish doesn't want to be the butt of the joke, he's at full capability to sit his friends down and ask them to stop. Instead he goes along with it and purposefully makes himself out to be. Because he's joking and having fun with his friends.
I know people project their feelings onto him and make him out to be bothered by this stuff or even make him out to be a victim when he's not but like. Please look at what the character actually cares about.
Also they include him in so many important convos, despite the fact that he's literally against them in many ways. It's literally the opposite situation 😭
Foolish went to help Cellbit in self exile because he wanted an excuse to start another build. He wasn't at all bothered by Cellbit secretly not being pro fed (it would be bad if he was??) and Cellbit's isolation was real either way. Please go back and listen to that conversation between the two of them about this.
The trust he's lost is entirely his own fault and his own actions. And yet they still include him and treat him as a friend even when doing so puts them at risk. This narrative of him being excluded and outcasted and bullied by islanders is fanon characterization
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auncyen · 2 months
what are your thoughts on the group’s view (i think specifically mirabelle and bonnie mention this in their messed up friendship events) on siffrin being “so mysterious” and “always acting like they know better”? Cause it seemed like a small grievance they’ve had for a while that was (rightly) exacerbated by sif being a prick during those convos.
I'm going to be honest I don't remember Bonnie saying anything about Siffrin being mysterious (at least not as something they're mad about) so as far as I know this is a Mirabelle view only.
tbh I feel like why Mirabelle saw Siffrin like this pre-game was pretty well explained by an interaction in SASASA and I'm currently blanking on if it, or at least similar dialogue, got into ISAT. She says in it how she was disconcerted by them acting like they didn't care, not exactly in a mean way, but like going to fight the King was no more serious than doing laundry, and that after they lost their eye protecting one of them she realized they were earnest about the journey as well. I honestly don't remember if Mirabelle still has a dialogue like that in ISAT but ISAT definitely still has the elements for her to have had that perception, with Siffrin just being like "well everyone else has these great reasons for being here. me? I'm just here because I've got nothing else to do" and being so afraid of showing how attached they are to the others that they try asking everyone what they're going to do post-King but give a joking answer every time the question is turned back to him. Siffrin is not forthcoming about their emotions and has also been. perpetually traveling ever since the trauma, so I imagine they've never really had people close enough to tell them what kind of impression he makes until he joins the group, so no wonder Mirabelle ends up with a weird impression of him!
Odile is older and seems to have Siffrin somewhat figured out just because of experience (she tells him to try letting down his walls so she's got it right that it's more a defensive thing than acting superior) and Isabeau both has a great deal of emotional intelligence and just. seems to have clicked well with Siffrin off the bat in a way Mirabelle didn't because of simple differences in personality. Bonnie's mad at Siffrin already for their own reasons. As far as I'm aware the "Siffrin acts superior" thing is totally a Mirabelle perception but it makes sense in that like. while the party as a whole is pretty in touch with feelings, the party can't get EVERYTHING right emotionally or there wouldn't have been a game to begin with. This is just what happens to be the barrier of sorts between Mirabelle and Siffrin, because in the end, she wants to keep traveling with him too, so why didn't she just ask? Because she thought he'd be disinterested, because he's this cool, mysterious traveler with so much "experience", so worldly, and oh change she just had the entirely wrong idea what was going on inside that sleepy head of theirs.
I find it interesting you're asking me about this though because to me Mirabelle going off about this in act 5 was honestly kind of a bummer about the Mirabelle & Siffrin friendship for me on my first playthrough. (This is all going under a cut because it's tangential.)
Especially after act 4 dialogue makes it clear she still remembers Siffrin saying they're the happiest they've ever been on this journey, after having lost their eye to protect Bonnie, and that she takes his answer seriously, it was a little 'wait, how can she doubt so quickly that Siffrin cares?' And I still wonder if maybe I'd like the act 5 Mirabelle scene more if Siffrin was deliberately being callous like he is with Odile and Isabeau rather than accidentally saying the wrong thing. (I mean he is being a prick in that he's trying to rush an emotional conversation, it's not the nicest thing to do. But he wasn't trying to insult her and as soon as he realizes he's upset her he tries to explain that he said it wrong, but she cuts him off.) But in the end:
act 4 Mirabelle remembers that conversation so act 5 Mirabelle should too, but act 4 Mirabelle also says that after having the bonding experience of trawling the final dungeon, eating snacks together, and kicking the King's crabbing butt. (and it may or may not be family run dependent too if she says it? I forget. I usually did family runs once available even if they were the cheaty speed ones.) act 5 Mirabelle didn't get to have those moments.
act 5 Mirabelle has also been hearing from the villagers that Siffrin's acting weird in ways that confirm the "acting mysterious and like they know better" characterization. They're actually just slowly burning their last brain cell but you know. when they won't admit it. how is she supposed to know.
act 5 Mirabelle has also had a friend say something super upsetting to her that is pretty 'why would you say that', 'was I totally wrong about our friendship', she pretty much says right in the dialogue that she'd decided on more innocent explanations for Siffrin's quirks that initially rubbed her wrong (like the teasing! She probably didn't like that at first and probably had to convince herself that they were just one of the people that bonded by teasing, not teasing to be mean) but yeah with her hearing from villagers that Siffrin's acting in this way and him saying such a cruel thing to her seemingly unprovoked it makes sense that when all the little things about Siffrin get tossed up in her head, they, for the moment, land on "they're a jerk".
and in the end she goes after them, is the one to unfreeze them (not like anyone else could have done it, but still) she DOES see him as a friend. She's just. still reserving the right to be mad about what he said. Which considering what was said and that they said it because they were trying to rush through a conversation important to her, y'know, FAIR.
...Anyway I had to get that out. again. TANGENTIAL.
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romanarose · 8 months
Secret's Out
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Art by @runa-falls who drew me and marc lolololol
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Brother Best Friend!Marc Spector x fem!reader
Summary: Marc is your brothers roommate and best friend in college. When you attend the same school, you meet and fall in love with Marc Spector. You both try to keep it a secret, for fear of what he'll say... eventually though, the secret comes out.
Warnings: Brief smut, readers brother drinks alcohol, protected creampie, mentions of oral.
Immersability: Reader is not Jewish, or least knows nothing about holidays as she tries to learn. Picture above does nothing to describe reader, including height, I just thought it was cute and Em let me use it lol. Reader is fem and AFAB
A/N: Although I know no one owns the idea of collage AU's, I think in this fandom it's safe to say that @juneknight is a big inspo for a lot of us writing college au marc. June had said she doesn't mind other people writing college marc but I still wanted to give her credit for it as that series is something I love v v v much and is a fandom fav. If you havn't read any of it, check em out. June is amazing. Als, I feel like i've had similar conversations with people in different discord servers about this concept but I can't remember who or who said what? but y'all know how those convos go, everyone throwing things in. If you feel i ripped of something you said, know it was on accident and i can give you creds as well!
1.5k words
Sex on a dorm bed was hard enough, but Marc insisted he wanted the bed raised so he could fit his mini fridge under there. 
And a pile of fucking junk, but thats neither here nor there. Marc looked like he packed up all his personal belongings into plastic bins. He must live far away, because he never went home, not even over thanksgiving break and he paid the extra money to stay over winter break coming up, citing he was Jewish so he didn’t really need to be home for christmas. But what about new years? And he never felt for Jewish holidays either. You know, because you had been looking into them all in order to properly greet him. 
A few weeks into classes your first year, your older brother introduced you and let you hang around them while you got oriented in your new school. You had told Marc ‘Happy Yom Kippur’ to which he politely smiled and thanked you, only for you to find out later that ‘happy’ wasn’t exactly the right verbiage. So, you did your best to research. It wasn’t until you were intently watching youtube videos on what everything on a passover seder symbolizes that you realized how hard you had fallen for him.
Lucky for you, your interest and effort had endeared you to him just as much. He fought his feelings for a long time. Your brother, AJ, had been his roommate freshman year and all four years since, and there was no goddamn way on this planet he’d let Marc date you, always telling you which guys to stay away from. He was one of those guys, wasn’t he? So he tried his best to avoid you.
Fate had other plans, a normal day where you showed up at their room looking for AJ had ended with you both tumbling into bed, starting a secret little affair. Marc was good at what he did, opening you up with his fingers first and spending so long with his head between your legs you wondered if he was even planning on getting off at all. But he did, oh god he did, blowing his load inside you and you both came with a loud groan that caused the next door neighbors to bang on the adjacent wall telling you to shut the fuck up.
So started your dirty little secret, sneaking fucks in where you could, hooking up in the public bathroom next to the laundry room, quick kisses in unused classrooms. There was one time AJ was supposed to be gone for a 3 hour class, and walked in unceremoniously as Marc was balls deep inside you, the jingle of the keys and the sound of the key in the door only barely giving Marc enough time to throw you under the covers. AJ was quick to realize Marc had a girl in his bed, closing the door. Covering your mouth, Marc slowly began fucking you as he told AJ the come back later, AJ giving him some good-natured ribbing before announcing he would be at the dining hall. You were back on the verge of an orgasm by the time he left the door, the thrill of near getting caught culminating in cumming hard enough you bit Marc’s hand that still covered you.
 It was hard, you wanted to be out. Marc wanted to show you off, to show all the assholes in school how you, YOU were willingly dating him. Prettiest damn thing he’d ever seen. And you, you just wanted everyone to know who you belonged to. You knew Marc had a reputation, and you knew being his girl, you were safe.
Most of all, outside of the public image, you just wanted to be able to be together.
You helped Marc climb back on the bed despite the fit of laughter. After he finished, Marc rolled off you, but seemed to forget you were on a twin bed and promptly fell off. That’s where the bed being raised came in, adding a few feet for him to drop down. You would like to have thought you would have been a concerned girlfriend, but once you saw he didn’t land on his face or anything you couldn’t stop laughing, especially at his grumpy frown. Fucker was funny as shit without trying to be.
When he finally climbed back up, you two cuddled back under the covers and you began to kiss away his frown lines all over his face until they eased in a smile, kissing you back.
“I love you, you know.”
You did. You knew that with your whole heart. “Love you right back, Marc Spector.”
It wasn’t two minuets later when AJ walked in to see you laying on top of Marc, only covered by the blanket, he quickly closes his eyes. 
“GOD DAMMIT! WHAT THE FUCK!” He shouts, Marc quickly pulling the blanket up more and rolling over to cover you with his body. 
AJ left, going to the lounge and you knew it was over. He knew it was you. You were shaking, your anxiety through the roof and Marc tried to calm you.
“Shh, baby, it’s okay, it’s gonna be okay, I’ll take the blame-”
“I’m sorry, I forgot!” 
Marc took your face in hands, sitting up and gently coaxing you. “Hey, baby, look at me.” You open your eyes, lost inside his and you knew you were safe. “I’m sorry, I’m really fucking sorry. But you’re safe, it’s going to be okay. I swear. I’ll never forget to lock the door again, I promise.”
Tearful, you express your fears. “I don’t know if there’s going to be a next time.”
Marc’s soft eyes are in contrast to his tense face. “You’re a grown adult, baby. He might not like it, but he can’t stop us.”
“But he’s going to be mad at you! He’s your…”
He chuckled. “My only friend?”
“Your best friend.” You correct.
With a sign, he strokes your face, knowing you both had to go out there and face him soon enough. “You’re worth it, okay? Whatever happens, you’re worth it.”
Overcome with emotions, you tuck your head into Marc’s neck. “It’ll be okay.”
You both got dressed, Marc opening the door to the loud, his body symbolically in front of you. Neither of you thought that there was any chance your brother would hurt you, but it was the gesture and what it meant. Marc would always be your protection.
“J, listen man, I can explain-”
“C’mon dude, all you had to do was text me to stay out so I don’t have to walk in on you fucking my sister.”
Everyone was quite, that wasn’t the response they were expecting. “I wasn’t- we weren’t- we were done,”
You smack Marc’s arm, whispering ‘gross’ and then look to AJ. “So you’re not… mad? You sounded mad…”
“I was mad because it was nasty, I don’t need to see that. I don’t give a fuck what you guys do.”
Marc was hesitant, but you moved out from behind Marc to join at his side. He spoke next. “You don’t care?”
AJ laughed. “I don’t care for her,” He clarified, smiling. “For you.” AJ pushed past both of you and made his way to Marc’s minifridge, stealing a beer.
“What does that mean?” Marc asked, incredulous and only semi-distracted by his roommate's theft. Bigger fish to fry.
“I mean,” AJ finished the beer and handed the can to Marc. “You know she cries every time she watched Revenge of the Sith, right?”
Marc turned to you and you shrug. “They were brothers, Marc!”
AJ continued. “She once cried because she wanted to make pasta but we didn’t have sauce. Like laid down on the kitchen floor and cried.”
“I was hungry and to broke to order food!”
“I offered to drive you to walmart!”
“I was tired!”
“You she bites her toe nails”
Marc jumped back in. “that’s why you’re so flexible”
AJ had enough “DISGUSTING! GET OUT! OUT!” He pushed you both out of the room he claimed you had defiled. “Go be disgusting elsewhere, sickos.” He slammed the door in your face as you laughed, giddy that the secret was out and it went well.
“Well, that was not what I expected?” You wrap your arm around his middle, walking towards the elevator. 
“Yeah… I thought I was about to get decked.”
Just then, you hear your brother scream your name down the hall.
Marc turned to you. “You forgot your underwear?”
Sex was moved to your dorm from then on.
Sorry this came to me today again and i had to write it.
@fandxmslxt69 @runa-falls @campingwiththecharmings @whatthefishh @k-ra @ivystoryweaver @steven-grants-world @ahookedheroespureheart @littlenosoul @mikaelak @stevenandmarcslove @scarletthefierce @pikapuff-316 @del-ightfulling @missdictatorme
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siennaditbot · 11 months
Kim Possible x Ron Stoppable ship analysis!
I'll go through the episodes I know have something shipping related and analyse the moments and try to think what the characters are thinking!
Edited the final movie stuff btw! It's better now! Also now with pictures and GIFs!
S1 EP1: Crush
Ron doesn't really like Mankey (says his name mockingly) or the idea that Kim likes him. He later mentions this in So the Drama ("I was never in favor of that but I was there for Kim.")
I like how they're comfortable enough to talk about their crushes. In the past, sure, but now as well!
"We always go together." (To dances? What other "school functions" are there?) I kinda really wish we could've seen one of those. Like it was obvious to Ron that they would still go together! Idk how American schools work and how many dances they'd have been to at this point, but they really must be comfortable with each other to go to dances together like that. Just two pals having fun!
Neither is jealous of the other planning to take a date to the dance. A bit awkward and taken aback, sure, but both seem to be fine with it. I'd say neither is crushing at this point, but as mentioned earlier, Ron isn't fully on board with the Mankey thing even if he helps Kim with it.
Ron might ask all the other girls to the dance cuz he feels a bit left out? Not jealous left out, but a bit lost cuz it's a new situation?
"Contrary to popular belief, I am not dating Kim Possible." Proof that at this point they are aware of the idea of them being together, even if they aren't for or into it. Not a new concept, but not one they'd consider. Ron also tries to help Kim with Josh with this, clearly caring more about their friendship than whatever he thinks of Mankey.
Ron really encourages her to ask Mankey to the dance. "You can handle this!" Sweet guy.
S1 EP8: Mind Games
Small thing but Ron says that Kim is pretty <3 ("smart, athletic, pretty and popular")
Ron (as Kim) has a soff face when they practice cheerleading and are back to back <3 Looks at her, smiles and closes his eyes and leans against her <33 No idea why though. Kim has a similar expression but she just enjoys doing the routine, she smiles the whole time. Could be platonic "I like to be close to her", could be him subconsciously appreciating the closeness in a different way? No major "crushage" though.
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S2 EP2: Grudge Match
Kim's had a crush on someone and now Ron has a crush. I don't think they have feelings for each other at this point since both are pursuing other people.
More open talking about feelings. Both are so supportive.
Ron's very aware that people might think they're a couple doing couple things (doesn't want Zita to see them coming out of the movie theater)
Kim's all "yeah, so?" and "you.. and me.. on a.. date?" which imo means that she doesn't think of them dating as a thing that's likely to happen.
Ron, on the other hand, goes "it could happen!" which tells me that he's more open to the idea and has maybe considered it before. Not enough to act on it but is aware and not as much against it as Kim. Still very much thinks of Kim as a friend more than anything else since he's into Zita rn.
Kim goes "I'm gonna say something that I've never said to you before", and Ron seems unnecessarily shocked or interested? To me it seems like he might have expected her to confess or smth like that based on the convo topic, idk.
S2 EP11: Exchange
Ron is clearly interested in Yori. Stares and swoons and stuff. Wiggles his eyebrows like an idiot lol. Super happy about her kissing his cheek. ("Yeah I love this place!!") Pointing this out since he seems different when they meet later in S3.
S2 EP13: A Very Possible Christmas
First of all I love how much time Ron spends with the Possible family! He joins their Christmas party <3 Seems like it's not his first time joining, either.
Also Kim, really, a cyber scrapbook of their memories together?? That's adorable. I'd cry too. Platonic but super cute.
Two hugs in this ep. Platonic but super cute.
They're really sweet to each other. Ron wanting to give the best gift to Kim and Kim looking all over the world for Ron.
Lol, does Drakken ship it? He puts them under the mistletoe. Ron found it though... Who put it up? Drakken does put the ribbon thingy on it so maybe he did.
They aren't that awkward about it, but Ron does laugh it off and Kim does give him a quick peck on the cheek. He says a positively surprised "oh" and touches his cheek with an awkward smile. He's a bit taken aback but doesn't seem to think about it too much, and neither does Kim. It's platonic to her it seems?
Ron's more confused than when Yori kissed him, since the girls are different to him? He doesn't celebrate like he did with Yori. Intriguing... "Yeah!!" vs "Oh!"... I think his reaction to Kim's peck is more genuine? Less "mr popular ladies man"?
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"Season's greetings from the Possibles"? I see you there Ron lol. He's part of the fam.
S2 EP19: Blush
Again, Ron's not super into the Mankey business. ("Mankey-monkey conspiracy")
Ron says he "Finds the whole 'dating thing' overrated. Who would subject themselves to that?" Is that jealous talk or has he not had great experiences with it before? The Zita thing did crash and burn pretty fast at least. Maybe he also thinks of how Kim turns into a mess around guys? Degrading? Embarrassing?
"So he takes you to dinner, you two see a movie, big tap-dancing whoop! We do that stuff together all the time!" I see you there Ron. He compares their time together to dating...... More to mock the concept of dating than saying that they're like a couple? Does sound a bit jealous though..
He's much more negative towards him than in S1 EP1. Intriguing... The romantic-platonic levels might be changing there..
Kim's call log is mostly Ron. That's sweet. Probably platonic but sweet.
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He gives her an awkward thumbs up when he saves her and lets her enjoy the rest of her date. That is an uncomfortable face though, Ron... I'm definitely moving him into the romantic category at this point. He likes her, but doesn't know it?
Kim's still platonic and very into Josh. Maybe.
Sitch In Time:
Could be (and really should I think) read as best friends being separated, but since I already put Ron in the romantic category, it hurts just a little bit more. Still tough to lose a best friend though, so no major "crushage" yet imo.
Ron wants younger teen him to grow to be a "babe magnet" but that's just his typical "mr wanna be popular" speaking. He does dumb stuff like that later as well. Also none of that happened? Time travel stuff?
Oh yeah now we're getting to the good stuff
S3 EP1: Steal Wheels
"Official Ron night". Cute.
Platonic but Kim's jealous of Ron spending more time with Felix.
I understand the whole "he's my best friend!" stuff but also shows how possessive she is of him?
S3 EP2: Emotion Sickness
Ron wants to protect Kim from seeing Mankey with Tara. Sweet dude.
Kim's over Mankey. "Grew apart. Time to move on."
Ron's bummed out about not realizing that Tara used to like him. Doesn't wallow in it though, which seems to me like he never had that much interest in her.
Ron's super awkward when Kim goes all flirty, and I'd say it's because she's not acting like herself. Been odd all day. Says that she's freaking him out. Weird enough for him to run away from her.
Monique asks if Kim liking him is not good and Ron goes "I don't know, it's not that I haven't thought about this.. I mean who hasn't..." Which really tells us that he has considered it before. It's not a new thought to him.
The 'who hasn't' part though? Who hasn't shipped them or who hasn't thought of Kim liking them? I'd say it's the first. People do often think they're a couple so it's once again understandable that he's considered it as well.
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Ok, the kiss. He's surprised, but definitely into it. Fully kissing back and embracing her, even though she's "just a friend" to him and obviously acting weird. It's not gross since he doesn't pull back. He's not against it, even if it's a "in the heat of the moment" kinda thing.
If it was Yori or Zita? Would probably somewhat kiss back too. I think he'd have a different expression though. Less content, more confused and awkward idiot playboy? Would let them do "most of the work" and not fully embrace like that? He just wasn't as comfortable with them.
If he didn't already like the kisser? If it was a pretty girl he might have just stood there all confused but let himself be kissed (see Bonnie in S4).
Idiotic grin afterwards? "Whatever you say"? Would probably have a similar reaction to Zita or Yori kissing him, but I still say there would be more awkwardness and celebrating aka babe magnet stuff. Also important to note, he liked those two. Kim is getting a similar - if not better - reaction.
He seriously considers dating Kim.
"What's not to like about Kim? I mean she's smart, cute... Dating could be good, you know, the date thing."
Still, he's super worried about what it could do to their friendship. I read this as him not being ready for it or feeling like it isn't natural - which, of course, it isn't. Being friends is more important than this unnatural thing that's going on, even if he does get kisses out of it.
"We're a great team, but dating could complicate things." Understandable to be afraid of change (he is bad with that), but I think it's mostly how unnatural and sudden it is.
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Would probably swoon over any pretty girl talking to him like that, but there is a hint of "I knew Kim was pretty but wow." in there imo. Definitely not a platonic reaction there my guy. Uncomfortable but into it.
"So I guess the crush and everything was all moodulator, huh?" he says while looking sad and disappointed. Guess he did want it to be real after all?
Kim's "Not everything. There's still fireworks." though? Confusing. Is that her straight out admitting that she thinks there's something there? She does say a few eps later when Ron's bummed out about not getting that Yori liked her that "you got me", so maybe she just likes to stay stuff like this?
Also Ron is so happy about her words with his "You think so?" and is a bit disappointed/confused? again when Kim points at the sky.
My headcanon is that Kim's really starting to get feelings and realize there might be something there after this episode.
S3 EP4: Bad Boy
First things first, cozy movie night. Friends do that too, but I've been there. More special if there's feelings there. Which both have at this point.
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Ron hasn't managed to get a date with him before (to a wedding) and goes "Unless.." and looks at Kim. Immediately awkward, tugs at shirt, looks away. He considered her a date-date for a bit there.
"Not that I'm asking you." That wouldn't be as awkward if there were no feelings there. Friend date. Both are thinking of a date-date. Which is awkward to think about cuz they're still just friends.
First time Kim seems to actually react like Ron does. Awkward and in denial. Both label it as awk-weird. See above.
Ron is intrigued about Kim liking bad boys. Both that and girls liking bad boys in general cause more babe magnet shenanigans. Definitely tryna attract other girls though.
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"Thanks for being my date- uh, friend", he says. They do go together, and everything's fine. A bit funny of Kim to make sure he doesn't think of it as a date-date though. Maybe she just hasn't accepted her feelings yet? Ron's happy to call it a date though.
S3 EP9: Overdue
Shego asks Ron where Kim is, and he goes "She's not my girlfriend!" very suspiciously. Leaves me a bit confused though. At least shows that he's been thinking about the possibility? Linking the gf term to her as well. Such denial can only mean he'd prefer the opposite.
"Ooooh... Awkward...." with a laugh too. That's very suspicious my guy.
S3 EP12: Gorilla Fist
Happy to see Yori ofc, but clearly lacks the "OH YEAH YORI HI" factor. A lot chiller. Over her, into Kim.
Kim's very jealous. If it wasn't obvious before, it is now. She's interested.
I feel like Ron's trying not to make Kim get the wrong idea about Yori when they first meet. "She's not my secret girlfriend!!" type of talk imo.
"I knew he crushed on someone when he was there!" Very platonic of you Kim. Makes one think.. Has she had some feelings for him all this time? There's the "It took 12 stinking years for you to kiss me!" in S4 so it's not impossible. Small, 'not wanting to accept them' kinda feelings she's tryna cover up with other guys? Who knows.
More great denial. Aka the opposite of what she's saying. Very jeal.
Ron's super smug about Kim "freaking over about his friend Yori". Happy about Kim being jealous huh? Dude's so in love already. Cute.
Ron's not super phased about being caught by Yori. Business like usual, nothing special there. No swooning.
Kim asks about their relationship, obviously curious and jealous. More ok with her now though. Shocked about the kiss though.
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Ron has a calmer reaction to Yori's cheek kiss than before. Eyes widen and he smiles, laughs in a flattered way? Still different from S2. Immediately tries to explain to Kim what just happened lol.
He's only a bit disappointed when Kim tells him Yori actually liked him.
"Why can't girls be more obvious? - - How am I supposed to know what's going on?" "Well, you got me." Very sus of you Kim. Even says it a bit shyly I think? Indirect confession? Not that indirect though. Ron still misses it.
And finally, some notes from So the Drama:
Cute how Ron grabs onto Kim when they're falling. He know she protecc.
"Captain of the chess team. Or worse." She makes a scared face? An 'oh no' type expression? It's really emphasising how, at least in the context, Ron is anything but boyfriend material to her. I know Bonnie's talk is affecting her, but she really shows no trace about having feelings for him in S3, which she absolutely did have btw!
"Is there anything sadder than going to the prom with your 'just a friend'?" A bit confusing, Kim. Does she want someone else, or does she want to actually go with Ron? As more than friends? Or does she think she's unlovable and a failure n stuff if she doesn't bring a romantic partner? That's more likely, but one can dream.
"I mean, a "date" date would be nice, but a stinking 'bf'..." Another confusing Kim line. She was looking at Ron before speaking. I'm reading it as 'a real date with someone (else? Not actually sure if she's excluding him with that) would be nice, but I wish there was at least a guy', which is pretty much how the Finnish dub put it. It clears this up a little. The tone of the conversation is that she'd like a "proper" boyfriend who's not like Ron and fits better into the food chain etc so this makes sense I think. Kim's so difficult.
"I'm gonna end up with Ron!" "Mom, he's not a guy, he's Ron!" He's "obviously" not boyfriend material! I love denial and whatever but she really doesn't seem to want to accept the idea. Bonnie is affecting her yadda yadda but still! Stuff like this is why I think everything after the confession happens a bit too quickly. She acts like he's the worst case scenario which is a bit odd for someone who kisses him not that much later, right? Is she covering up her existing feelings out of fear she'll be mocked? Has she just not come to terms with her feelings yet? I can't accept her coming to like him only after and because of his confession, that would be too shallow of her, and odd since she was this against it earlier. She's not that desperate for attention. There was definitely something there before, but she's just not willing to see it until he confesses?
Hooked up? "Eww. Kim and me? No, no, no. Best friend since forever but not like that." The denial sounds genuine, I guess he just hasn't realized or accepted his feelings at this point. But then he's immediately uncomfortable by Eric's "extreme steam" comment. "Let's not talk about her that way ever again." To me that sounds protective. He does not appreciate others talking that way about her. Hint of jealousy? Doesn't wanna think about her like that himself? Confusing.
Immediately jealous and uncomfortable with Eric's advances and Kim's obviously positive reaction to him - he knows how Kim acts when she gets a crush. Cue sad montage. It's kinda funny how he still hangs out with them on their dates btw. Doesn't wanna give her up? Friends don't join their friends on dates though. Did Kim's parents make him be their chaperone? Could see James doing that.
More and more jealous as time passes. He angy. Dramatic "cooties in the area"! Understandable. They're barely noticing him anymore.
I always thought he took the pepperoni off the pizza cuz Kim and Eric had a silly moment related to it. He seems like the kind of guy who would like pepperoni otherwise.
Probably feels betrayed as well. Kim was so quick to say bye to him. Barely even looked at him. He could see it as 'Bye bye, this person is more important to me now.'
Still a good friend though and immediately goes to help her find her dad when asked. Manages to act normal as well. (I'm kinda mad about how useless he's in the action scenes btw.)
Ron's monologue about his feelings is the best scene in this movie. I love that stuff. He goes pretty far back as well with the locked braces thing, which is part of the 'she's been with other guys before which I wasn't in favor of but I was there for her' talk. I wonder what he thought of it all back then. He was a really supportive friend at least, helped even if the situation was uncomfortable or odd.
"Something's different now. There's something between us... Who am I kidding? That's not different. Something's been there a long time. I think there's something there. Does she?" Peak. (I've quoted that so many times here, it's so good.) Also now I kinda have proof of this, having gone through a lot of the series just for this post. For how long though...?
He's finally willing to look at his feelings properly and puts everything into perspective. Comparing this to the 'Emotion Sickness' monologues? He's less afraid of change. He's feeling different enough to want to actually go for it this time. The situation is more dire, but more real.
"There's something there". Does he figure out that Kim's been showing signs of feeling the same? The "Does she?" is probably him wondering if she's realized it too. The "something" could be anything from S3's awkwardness to smaller changes in their dynamic from S1 and before. Suddenly not going to dances together and having to think about this stuff more.
He's actually saying that he wants to date her. "Kim's worth [telling her about my feelings even if it's humiliating]!" "What if I start yapping about my feelings and she chooses Eric and not me?" Just the 'realizing his feelings' talk is great, but he actually wishes she would choose him as her boyfriend. Proper acceptance of feels right there. No denial whatsoever. He will hide it for Kim's sake, but he wants to date her. (I love this soff dude!!)
Dude's skilled for being able to act like he didn't just realize and accept a lot of scary and life changing feelings. Chooses friendship over any jealous and possessive behavior, even if it is a bit tough at times. Gets a bit smug when they do decide to go save the world though.
Tiny cute detail: when on the scooter together and Ron drives, Kim holds his shoulders, but when Kim drives, Ron has his arms around her/hands on her hips.
Confession scene. (Peak Ron for getting Kim out of her "pity fiesta" btw.) He's simply saying that a guy, a real guy that's good for her, exists, and that he's here, about to say 'someone like me'. A bit of a roundabout way to say it but it gets the point across. Mostly saying it to make her understand that she's not unlovable? There's a hint of 'guess this is a good opportunity to shoot my shot', too, but in a selfless way, not asking her to like him back. Just wants her to know so she can get her groove back. He thinks they could work. (Includes himself in "guys that are better for you than Eric")
Kim's reaction confuses me a bit once again. "Oh. Really?" She's happy about it, sounding hopeful too? 'Didn't think he actually liked me' surprised? 'I'm not unlovable' surprised? Both? 'It wasn't unrequited after all and I shouldn't have been afraid'? Why she so difficulttt
Kim's oddly flirty when hurrying to the prom, but the prom scene itself is adorable. Them being awkward about the change. Some distance inbetween that Rufus gets rid of lol. Stuff's different but they're still themselves.
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Soff kiss with the soffest gazes I've ever seen. A bit quick to get there, but adorable. The point of a proper kiss is that both are in on it, and here they are. Better than the 'Emotion Sickness' kiss, but Ron's even more comfortable and less lovestruck with it. He knows it's real this time and that he's ready for it now. Kim's also finally getting over the food chain talk and really accepts her feelings for him. Feeling like 'This is still a bit odd, but it's him, and it's alright. I trust him more than anyone else. He's safe, and this feels right." or smth?
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Is it finally done? This took... Almost 7 hours. It's 3am right now, so it might've started to get messy halfway lol. I hope someone out there gets something out of all this hard work.
Extra few hours (like 5, one edit didn't go through...) from editing after waking up. The movie stuff makes more sense now!
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2cmtall · 1 year
oikawa x y/n scenario
Context: a scenario where oikawa and you help each other with your insecurities and struggles of self-loath.
A/n: a few years back I was really interested in Haikyuu, my favourite character being Oikawa (I almost always like the flirty, egotistical guys idk why 🤷‍♀️) and recently I decided to check out my pinterest board dedicated to this man. And that turned into me reading fanfics on tumblr an looking through pinterest. I'm honestly surprised that there are still people who like this show and there are some that still post about it. Even if you dont like/care for haikyuu or Oikawa, maybe this scenario in general could be interesting to you? 🙃
CW: I suppose themes involving self-loathing and feeling as though you're not pretty. Please excuse any misspellings or grammatical issues.
For him to have a relationship with somebody who is not conventionally pretty.
You're not ugly by any means but because you have never recieved any confessions or experiences of love by guys in school, this has caused you to question your beauty. You dont necessarily try to be beautiful, opting to get extra sleep and pick out quick outfits rather than take the extra effort, but that doesnt mean you don't care. You just don't know where to start and not much motivation to go beyond your comfort zone.
That is until you met oikawa. Now the romance wasn't sudden, as most love at first sight portrays conventionally beautiful people.
Oikawa is the type to usually receive affection/attention from cute girls so he assumed that look was normal. When both of you meet, you both didnt really care for each other. He was just a popular guy, and you were just a girl.
You became their teams manager because it was recommended by a fellow student, but while you got accepted and was working, you were sometimes reminded of the fact that some if not most guys wanted pretty managers, something that you apparently arent (not true).
Oikawa, despite his previous lack of feelings for you, noticed. He noticed because as the weeks when by, he grew to appreciate your work and had a bare jist of who your were. So when you adorned a deep sadness in big volleyball games or any other event involving other teams and their managers, he took note of it. He was able to find the source of the problem when after the games or as the teams were mingling, he heard comments about how you were the "ugly duckling" among the other managers, saying that they feel bad for the team that has to see you every practice.
This for some reason irked him. He usually ignored comments regarding the managers because he knew what most guys wanted, it wasnt his business to get into he thought. And if he had to be honest, back then and still a bit now (though only to go along with convo with other guys), he makes comments about pretty managers.
But his view has changed ever since he caught glimpses of your true self. What areas you were passionate about, your strengths, even some of your weaknesses he knew. He knew from your actions how you were caring and empathetic, wanting to make sure he didn't overwork himself. There were times where everyone was groaning at his antics (to be expected. no one can blame them), but you were off to the side silently laughing. There were times where hes made comments about Tobio's unending talent, and you reprimanded him lightly, reminding him of his own talents, even if he couldnt quite see it himself. There were moments where he swore you could see through to his true self by the way you look at him in deep thought. You have even joined him in his antics, copying his silly moves and laughing alongside him. And last but not least, hes seen your competence and skill as a manager. You still had a lot to learn as it was your first year, but you had the drive to reflect and be better, which is important in a manager.
So when he heard those rude comments, it irked him because they were discrediting your work and even indirectly insulted his own team! As if! You are one of the reasons why their team does so well. Hes had enough. Done with the blatant insults, he walks towards the nobodies with false politeness, a smile not reaching his eyes. He looks down at them and says "hello! Sorry to disturb your thrilling conversation, but I couldnt help but concern myself over the talk of my dear manager." Their quick shock at seeing the king himself quickly sobered with laughter as they realized his words. One of the guys spoke. "Oh man! Shes Aoba jousai's manager?! What were guys thinking in letting her join? Doesnt your school have tons of cute girls?" Oikawa isn't fazed. "Why of course we do! But unfortunately, not all of them have what it takes to be a competent manager like y/n."
He then leans in closer, his smile wiped from his face, and speaks in low tone causing the two boys to look petrified and angry at the same time, offending by whatever oikawa said and angry by his audacity. It was the type of look that you have seen players make when an opponent is stronger than them and is looking down upon them. It was a sight to see to watch them angrily walk away from a smug oikawa. Even more amusing to see oikawa then get hit by a flying ball, its owner none other than iwaizumi.
You had no idea why he would jump to make such an action, ruling out the possibility that he might have done it for your sake as to not make embarrassing and hasty assumptions (you arent exactly oblivious to signs, more so doubtful the romantic type of motivations apply to you). Your conclusive theory is that he did it to defend aoba jousai, as they did indirectly insult the team (and you saw the way his face twitched at the sneering boys at the mention of the team). But even so, you cant help but feel a little better, especially when oikawa gave you a big smile and a peace sign afterwards.
Eventually one thing leads to another and oikawa decides to help you out by offering to give you makeovers, go over skin routines and do your hair for you in the mornings whenever he gets the chance, reassuring you many times that hes willing to wake up extra early for this. You were still very wary about the idea, not wanting to be a nuisance or a chore for him but after a lot of persuasion and pleading, you hesitantly agreed.
He ended up being very serious about the whole process, going over different products and processes, giving you tips and advice for achieving the confidence and the look that accentuates the beauty that's already there. Of course he is still teasing you and performing his usual antics, but when he gets to the nitty gritty processes and whenever you start to feel down about your self, hes serious, a layer of concern in his features.
For your first treatment, he let you stay put and allow him to do all the work, wanting you get a feel for the products and to also treat you since he could see the worry and self loath in your eyes as his fingers go over the black heads on your nose and the blemishes and scars on your face. But he can also see the genuine interest in your eyes and he smiles to himself whenever you close your eyes and unforrow your brows, completely relaxed when hes lathering products on your face or applying make up. Hes patient with the parts you might be scared of, like curling your eyelashes (hes quick to point out the beauty in them. You might laugh in denial but he saw how you gave yourself another look in the mirror, seeing if what he said was true). The way he goes over hairstyles are amusing, but also therapeutic. He teases at first, messing up your hair and holding your hair in a weird way intentionally to lighten the mood, but when you give him full/semi-full creative freedom (depending on if you have looks you'd prefer or didnt want), he worked to give you one he thought fit your looks and needs well. It would be therapeutic because his fingers would sometimes graze your scalp/skin and he would hum to himself, his fingers working rhythmically. Hes grown to like whenever you close your eyes when hes giving you makeovers cause it means you trust him and found the experience relaxing.
Overall the experiences are calming and hes done, although there are still some doubts, after some reassurment, you look much happier. Hes caught you once or twice looking at yourself in the mirror and he cant help but smile seeing you obsess over his work. Over some weeks, you've grown to experiment and be more confident about your looks, looking much happier at school than previously before, and in those morning sessions, the two of you have talked and bonded over different topics, ranging in all levels of seriousness or lack thereof. Hes grown to like to you for who you are, every side that you show him, and you've grown to understand him at a deeper level as well. You've both helped each other, you with your confidence and him with his tendency to overwork himself, but noth of you have helped each other with the others tendency to self loath.
Your romance was slow, and it took a while before one of you confessed and for you to accept that oikawa loves you, but since you both had a sense of understanding your relationship was healthy.
Bonus: I think it would be cute if oikawa helped you in subjects/areas you have trouble understanding. Through your study/HW hangouts and oikawas dramatic antics and way of teaching, it helped strength your bond and to give yourself confidence that your capable of understanding any material as long as you have the motivation and the right learning strategies that work for you. You have both also took this time to watch previous volleyball matches where oikawa enthusiastically teaches you all there is to know about volleyball and the specific matches and players. It was very educational and you enjoyed seeing him passionately talking about it. It would also be cute if you two subconsciously watched close together, as if you were a couple.
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umepnnn · 4 months
3DOLC x ROE — results.
challenge created by @starliet and @cleostoohot 🖤
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sorry (and not sorry) for the long hiatus cuz i'm enjoying life :)
so a few days ago i came across several posts about their challenge and i decided to try it out ! i didn't plan to post or anything so there wasn't a "what i'll be manifesting" post, but the results were so insane i had too make one.
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ଓ affirmations i used:
regardless of everything...
nothing can ruin my manifestations
i always manifest within 3 days or less
i have everything i desire
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ଓ what i manifested:
always confident and friendly, good at socializing
that's exactly what i did. i feel like a social butterfly at school and it's easier for me to join in convos now. making friends and having small talk just became easier for me. and i don't overthink so much anymore
being more included in my friend groups
i have a group i hang out with at uni for like 4-5 months now but i wasn't rlly active until this challenge LMAO now i'm like so comfortable with everyone and felt more like a part of the group. it also went like this with my other friend groups that i just started hanging out since this year. i actually speak to people individually now woah :)
getting closer with an SP
idk i thought this guy was cute so i just included this and at first the situation was: he's close with my friends but he's not in any of my friend groups so we don't hang much at all. but then after 2-3 days since this challenge, our mutual friend suddenly ADDED HIM into the group out of the blue and we all started going out and he is SUCH A GENTLEMAN to me + he added my socials as well hehe
school is fun, assignments are easy & no stress
literally came to school to chit chat and i'm not stressed at all. i get my work done on time and everything goes so smooth fr. and the best part is my classmates are the sweetest ugh SCHOOL IS FUN (they are the uni friend group i just mentioned up there) and they'd always gather around my seat lol and we'd chat the whole class.
bright smooth clear skin
same skin care routine – skin clearer than ever. no longer uneven dark spots or small little bumps <3 smooth like a baby's bottom :) my mom actually thought i was wearing makeup when i literally just washed my face n removed all the makeup !!
no dark circles
i slept like usual but my dark circles rlly went away since this challenge i'm actually surprised (even tho it should go away cuz it's the law lmao) and usually they'd still show when i have my makeup on but now it's wayyy less noticeable
friends from other countries coming to mine so we could hang out
just went out with one the other day lmao so check ✔️ i guess
everyone cares about me and is very nice to me
yoo my friends were so patient and attentive to me and even the taxi drivers are nice, they'd start convos and not in a creepy way. everyone is so nice for real <333
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ଓ what i did:
i just read the list and affirm whenever i can, mostly focused on the 4D and know it's inevitable that they'd manifest <3 cuz it's already mine the moment i think i have it. and honestly the "nothing can ruin my manifestations" line helped me a lot.
other than that i did nothing in the 3D. i never initiated anything. they all just came to me just ✨ like ✨ that ✨
i got most of my desires within 3 days but i still continued affirming after 3 days cuz like why not? it's like i'm doing the challenge again or sum but yes i still get desired results after that.
btw i also listened to quite a few subliminals alongside doing this challenge just because i can xD even for the same desires and like they both manifested but anyways i'll make a separate post on my subliminal results.
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© umepnnn 2021 – all rights reserved.
[note from a later date //29 jan 2024]
i have been on a hiatus since then until now, because i was busy with a lot of stuff i didn't have much time to learn and post astrology stuff here ~
i am still busy as ever and i don't plan on coming back here anytime soon (mayyyybee idk) but i still come on tumblr quite often cuz i loveee our astrology & manifesting content
and somehow today i checked my draft and saw this whole post here from three years ago i'm like wuhhh totally forgot.
BUT! everything i said is true fr like the "friends from other countries coming to mine so we could hang out" last year literally TEN of my friends came to my place (they're from 4 different countries) and I even went on trips with some of them — mind u i havnt seen most of them in like 2 years at the time
trust me manifesting is sooo easy just think u have it and u have it
thanks for reading and stay healthy stay safe everyone <3 cya
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quirkle2 · 11 days
HELLO ermm i love ur zombie au and i have a few questions about it i came up with while scrolling thru the tag if thats fine !!!!
ritsu and mob arent quite the same after being cured and all, but what about teru and reigen and tome?
By the moment mob gets cured, is the apocalypse also coming to an end?
how did teru and reigens adventure while searching for the kagebrothers go?
how did reigen and teru react to meeting tome?
why were the kagebros and teru with reigen? where are the kageyamas' parents?
hello!! im glad ur likin it so far :]
this is a lotta questions (which, dw, i am stoked about) so this gets kinda long. tome backstory inside of a mini tangent tho so<3
(i talk abt the typical zombie au stuff but Also there's child and parental death here so be careful)
all of them are affected pretty greatly by this—it's an apocalypse after all. reigen is probably a bit hyper vigilant about keeping the kids in his sights, since last time he failed to do that, they got separated for like 2 years, mob got turned into a zombie, and ritsu gained trauma <3 he became quite protective over teru as time went on, since the kid was rly all he had left. it's actually a point of minor tension between him n teru; that is, teru being tired of his constant worry. reigen generally does a pretty good job at hiding those worries, but as time goes on that ability to mask it slips from his hold
he makes a strict rule that if they're going somewhere, they are using the buddy system and reigen Needs to know exactly where they're going. you can imagine a group of teenagers that want privacy have a bit of an issue w this sometimes, but they mostly understand
teru is very lucky to stick w his adoptive father for the whole journey (he'd.already adopted teru by the time the apocalypse rolled around) and he's very aware of that. he's no doubt run into plenty of dangerous situations with a plan that he does not bother to inform reigen abt, and therefore has given reigen approximately 16571651 heart attacks, and most likely has traumatized himself as well. teru is generally better at keeping a good mindset in situations like this, but it does indeed get to him sometimes. he's still just a kid, and it all feels kinda hopeless to him, bc even if they Do find ritsu n mob, what then? even living in a settlement doesn't guarantee your survival
teru seems to stick closer to people after everything—he hates being alone and gets kinda scared when left to his own devices. he likes hearing people talk around him; prolly a product of reigen constantly talking to him during the journey to keep their minds off of the Horrors. he cannot deal with silence
^ i WISH i had more to say about reigen n teru as a whole but unfortunately the main gang gets all of my attention and brain power . whyam i like this
tome is pretty hardy, and even though she lost her original family and ended up walking away from her adoptive one at the settlement, she rarely lets people know that gets to her other than a convo or two here and there with ritsu. she Is a little paranoid after everything, and it's a bit of a mix between her own paranoia and trauma getting to her along with ritsu's contagious vigilance. they both look over their shoulders for threats and sleep with their weapons—when tome joined ritsu n mob, she was targeted as well, so she's adopted some of those prey instincts
sorry if i go on a tome tangent here, but a theme w tome throughout this is that she never quite fits in anywhere. she never feels like she's somewhere she was Meant to be, and she's just kinda wandering from group to group searching for something that can replace the hole her original family's deaths left
i don't have a set-in-stone scene in my head for how it happens, but i've always imagined tome has a sister, either older or younger. in this au she's younger, and she unfortunately becomes a zombie. whether it was tome's fault or not, she Believes it is, and she did what everybody had told her to do—tome "mercy" killed her sister.
the Reason she joins ritsu n mob is because she sees a way for her to "redeem" herself—ritsu didn't go through with that choice. ritsu chose to spare mob, and take care of him, no matter How hard it got, and she feels like if she helps out w this, and aids in keeping somebody's beloved sibling safe, then she's still a good person. she doesn't rly do it for Him, Or his brother. she does it for herself (and sometimes she wonders if she's even More horrible for that)
she finds a purpose through ritsu and mob, but i wouldn't say she fully feels at home there. to delve into another question a lil bit, reigen n teru reacted well to tome, and reigen and her got along just like they do in canon. she becomes good friends w them, but there's times when she feels like the odd one out—because she is. she's the new person trying to meld into this group that already has a history and strong bonds, and even if she gets along w them well enough, she doesn't rly,,, sink right into it like it was made for her, yaknow?
she feels a little distant from everybody when mob is cured, too, bc their History is shining through and they're laughing and crying and hugging him and tome doesn't rly know how to intervene, or if she should, so she kinda hangs back and lets them have their moments of victory. and she quietly wonders if this "redeemed" her or not. she doesn't know. she doesn't feel like it did.
ANYWAY SORRY tome tangent over. is everybody still here [empty auditorium] excellent
to answer ur question about the apocalypse ending, no not rly ! it's certainly Slowing Down now that a solid cure has been created, and it will continue to do so for years, but i think it'll be ? a long while before zombies are a thing of the past for them. society was Wrecked by this shit so the kids will feel the effects of this well into their adult years
teru and reigen's adventures were generally ????a lot safer than ritsu's, since they were able to stay at settlements regularly, but they still ran into some trouble. the most fun parts about it to me are when they come across areas where ritsu n mob have been before
at some point they arrive at the settlement were tome was from ! and like clockwork, they Always ask—has anybody seen two kids, both with black hair, about yay high? one's got a bowl cut, the other spiky? names are ritsu n shigeo kageyama and they Finally get that spark of recognition in somebody's eyes. they ask the Head Guy of the settlement this and he goes "oh wow yes i Have seen ritsu, u must be the family he was lookin for! he was brought in here just a month ago... he was very sick,,he seemed better when he left with tome but i woulda liked him to stay a little longer, he still looked pale. no sign of that other kid tho... he did mention a brother" and they. ooookay. 1) ritsu was alive at least a month ago .holyshit.this is the closest to proof we've ever gotten, 2) the fact that ritsu was "very" sick has them concerned tho, and 3) He Wasn't With Mob ? uhm.
i rly am so sorry; reigen and teru tend to get the backburner spot in this au so i don't spend nearly as much time and energy fleshing out their story bits. they feel so shallow rn..,, ill hopefully fix that soon
aaaaand ritsu and mob were with reigen n teru bc their parents died. the only "good" detail abt this is that they didn't have to go through becoming zombies. ritsu was sleeping over at a friend's house when the worldwide panic set in, and the kageyama parents and mob were on their way to pick him up when they got into a crash in the crazy state of the roads. mob obviously survived w some wounds, but their parents weren't that lucky. teru and reigen were in the process of fleeing the city as well when they found him by the crash site by chance, and they picked up ritsu afterward in their mad dash to run. mob was the one to tell ritsu their parents just died—you can imagine how well that went
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writingsofwesteros · 1 year
You’re the daughter of Saera Targaryen betrothed to Aemond Targaryen you have been at kings landing to get to know your betrothed since Laenas Funeral. You are a Dragon Dreamer. The difference between you and Heleana is that you can control your visions.
You have a vision of Coryls injury and then how the succession of drift mark would be questioned moons before it happens and you tell Viserys he doesn’t fully believe you until it happens after the news arrives of this he asks you join him in his room. While you are working on his figurines he asks you about a vision you’ve had, one you haven’t mentioned to him but he’s noticed the change in your demeanour around his family. (Viserys sickness has not progressed the same as in the show or book. He’s only now getting as sick as when he was at leanas funeral). You tell him about the downfall of his family (dance of the dragons). He asks how he can prevent that.
Here’s the convo from that scene
“Tell me. Tell me what you’ve seen?”
“Not many would believe what I’ve seen my king”
“Well you have proven that your dreams aren’t just that dreams. So tell me what have you seen that causes you to go pale at the site of my family?”
“The cracks in you family will be the beginning of the end of the Targaryen lineage”
“You have some people that are close to you that mean to undermine your claim of Rhaeynra as heir. Upon your death a war will begin and everyone that you love, everything that you love will cease to exist.”
“Is it set in stone”
“No, nothing is ever set in stone my lord. What path gets chosen is dependent on the decisions that you make. Each decision has a consequence. Some greater then others.”
“How many paths are there?”
“Two obvious ones both having grave consequences, would you like me to describe them to you”
“The first path is the one you have currently chosen. You have chosen Rhaeynra as your heir.
Upon your death an individual I will not currently name will overthrow your decision and have Aegon crowned as king. This will start an all out war between your first born and your second born. Part of them realm will side with Aegon part will side with Rhaeynra. A lot of people will die, alot of dragons will die and the only people who are left to sit upon the throne will be too young and it will be left in the hands of those not of Targaryen blood for a decade.”
You stop letting the king take in what you’ve told him.
“Go on”
“The second path ends much the same, you claim Aegon as your heir and while there is no outright war after sitting on the throne a few short years the realm will begin to break and all of Westeros will fall into ruin.”
“So no matter what I chose I loose something I love. Let it be my family or my kingdom….What would you chose”
“Pardon my lord”
“What path would you chose? Knowing what you know, seeing what you’ve seen, what would you do?”
“neither. I would make my own path”
“And how pray tell would you advise me on doing that”
“May I speak freely my king?”
“Of course”
“I would see you unclaiming Rhaeynra as heir. We both know as much as we want to deny it that Rhaeynra does what Rhaeynra wants with little regard for the consequences. She is confident that no matter what decisions she makes that you will always be there to help her get out of whatever hole she’s dug herself in. First with ser cole, then with her children and now with her marrying Daemon mer days after her husbands death and without your permission non the less. She had the potential to be a great ruler if she only she didn’t depend on you so much.
Aegon has no sense of duty, he has no want for it and should he be crowned as king he will make a lot of wrong decision as he has no knowledge or sense on how to make a right one.
If I was in you position I would name Aemond as your heir. I know that if Otto Hightower heard me say that he would say I only suggest that due to my betrothal to Aemond.”
“And is that why you would chose it”
“If you annulled my betrothal to Aemond I would stand by that decision. He has studied the history of not only Westeros but of the surrounding lands, he has mastered the art of the sword and he has the sense of duty that is needed in a king. He knows that should his grandfather get his way and he succeeds in placing Aegon on the throne, that Argon would need an advisor that had the knowledge and the ability to guide him into making unbiased decisions that would be beneficial to the realm.”
“Say I take your advisement to chose my own path. how would you suggest I go about it.”
“Well the first thing I would do is remove Lord Hightower as your hand, and put Aemond there.
After the claim of high tide has been dealt with I would announce that after much deliberation I had decided that Aemond will now take the responsibility of becoming my heir. Rhaeynra will more then likely not take this well and if and when she asks why I shall tell her the truth. that when she was younger I saw that She had great potential to be the next ruler, but in light of her actions and choices over the years and for the future of the realm Aemond is more suited for the role. She will bring up the fact that she is a women and I will tell her that even if Aemond was a female I would have still made this decision, she will threaten to leave and I will demand that she and her children will stay in kings landing. This will hopefully lessen the possibility of retaliation.
The topic of Aemond now needing to be married shall eventually come up and I would announce either his betrothal or his tour of the realm.
In a few years time my sickness will begin to manifest more and more and I will announce that I’m stepping down as king and that Aemond will be taking over rule under my guide.
By doing this i can insure that he is crowned and no one will sabotage this. Daemon will try under the guise of doing it for Rhaeynra but we shall be able to put a stop it.”
Blinking back into the current moment you look up meeting the kings eyes “You won’t pass for a fair few years after this and by the time you do Aemond will not only have the entirety of the realm trusting him and his rule but also his family. The current state of your family will have begun to be mended. burned bridges shall be rebuild, relationships reformed, House Targaryen will no longer but split in two”
“How are you so sure that it would work?”
“I’ve seen it.”
Will I ever write it probably not. 😔
ooh...i like that! We need Aemond on the throne!!
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misty-doodles · 1 year
AIB Executive Board found family HC's 2
He ho here are the last 4 of my exec fam. I decided not to do Arisu, but he is in my heart. as a reminder, this is a dysfunctional family unit, so there is some angst ahead.
This time on the board; Hatter, Ann, Niragi, and Lass boss.
-hatter is the fun dad. Hides the best alcohol in his room,
-also didn't intend to adopt a haggle of emotionally stunted 20 somethings', but here we go
-oh, is absolutely still gay for Aguni, but respects their friendship enough not to push it. Would 100% play matchmaker with the other execs and be fantastic at it (read this for whatever ship you desire)
-special spot for Arisu, as a fellow heart player. It is in the 'I can make him worse' kind of way, though, so this causes some grief with Aguni
-the person you go to for hair care tips, and nothing else. Can't cook for shit and would probably give you food poisoning. 
-Makes sex jokes, and every time someone covers Arisu's ears
-his slow descent into madness makes everyone sad, bc they know he's a good guy at heart. Everyone can see how the beach is slowly poisoning the humanity of those who run it, but they wouldn't have met without it. It's a sad reality the executive board face.
-Does like Niragi (again not in a good way) but they have an animosity between them. They both care for Aguni, and neither can express that properly. 
-Ann is the only one with her own brain cell, and she waves that above everyone's head.
-The older sister of the group and laughs wherever people find out she's like almost 30. Gives 'when I was your age' ironically but in a deadpan tone. Vibes with Chishiya the most bc he can be quiet.
-Wears shades all the time because she's shit at maintaining eye contact. 
-She and Mira are girl-buddies, and will sit and whisper during meetings whenever the disaster duo start arguing. 
-She likes to paint her nails different colors every day of the week, and has successfully gotten hatter, Mira, Lass Boss, and Kuzuryu to wear it as well.
-she wears heals to spite Chishiya, who is 5'5 in (1.65 m) elevated sneakers. They have peak sibling rivalry, thank you.
-the exec board likes to play 'is this woman Lesbian, Straight, or Aromantic?' bc with Ann it is honestly a toss up. (again, read this as you desire)
-Hates Niragi with her whole body, since she's quite close with Usagi. They don't get a long at all.
-Niragi is the most detached from the family unit. They all (reasonably) give him grief for the bad things he does around the beach, and he's too proud to apologize or, ya know, stop so here we are
-Being given a gun was the worst possible choice, and Hatter and Aguni both know it made him a worse person. He was a normal asshole with anger issue before, and since joining the militants he's become…. Well…
-He is a game engineer nerd at heart, tho, and will occasionally go off on a 20-minute tangent on something game related. The exec's find this side of him very cute.
-Although he doesn't care for other's lives, he's usually the one who can find loopholes in games that would allow for the least amount of deaths. He doesn't say this, ofc, but he does know it.
-Best friends with Lass Boss, and is the only one who gets first name privileges. They sometimes vibe in comfortable silence when no one else is around. Lass boss knows the most personal facts about him, and his silent acceptance is why Niragi likes him. They're platonic soulmates, no romance, thank you.
-Actually really likes Arisu and wants him around, but doesn't know how to do that in a healthy way besides making him as fucked up  (i.e removing Usagi from the picture). On a good day, they can have a semi-civil convo about games and be nerds together. 
-Has the most respect for Aguni and views him as a sort of father, but won't acknowledge that for shit. He knows hatter is what makes Aguni sad, unintentionally or not, and that's why he hates the man so much. Aside from the fact he's a bad leader.
-Lass boss is certainly neurodivergent, you can decide in what way
-A dyslexia journalist, (he just like me fr)
-Doesn't talk much, but agreed to be a chill militant with a stabby stabby obsession. Aside from that, probably the least problematic militant. Still not great, but really they're all different flavors of 'please seek help'
-Would have an in depth discussion on certain books with Kuzuyu, and they'd be very analytical. 
-Respects Kuina for her fighting skills and the fact she can do it in a bikini
-Gender? Fuck if Lass boss knows or cares. He/They/it pronouns, but you'd only know from context clues. Literally never came out, people just figured it out. 
-Would rather die than obey the swimsuit rule, and hatter has come to accept this.
-Is one of the few exec members who can cook, and since Niragi can bake, they're a functioning unit in the kitchen.
-(ha i did this all without using third-person singular pronouns without even trying)
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lumiereandcogsworth · 3 months
okay so I'm curious, when Maurice would travel with his inventions/art, one, did he ever bring Belle along, or was it something he only started doing once she was older and two, I know she only ever asks for a rose, but did he ever bring back any books for her?
i LOVE this question thank you!!!
i think he definitely took belle along when she was younger, absolutely. he probably didn’t start going to those markets until she was around 7 or 8, when he really started getting back into art business and someone maybe mentioned to him that he could go to these markets in bigger towns and make some side cash!! i think he would bring her especially for the longer ones, like 3-5 days, because that’s just too long to be apart and they only have each other 🥺 and she loved going to them!! i can just imagine her curious little mind pulling her in every direction. he probably loses her at some points and nearly has a heart attack because of it. i’ll have to write that sometime, lmao.
i think the first time she Doesn’t go is when she’s like maybe 15? and it’s only one night. she probably still wanted to go but maybe there was something farm related happening that they both felt it would be better if she stayed, and she was happy to do that. maurice definitely asked pére robert to check in with her though, and i’m sure he had dinner with her that night. i’m SURE they have such academic convos, gosh. need to explore that more too. anyway: after that, i think belle started going with him less. she still joins sometimes, but i think it was partly that she was getting into her own projects at home and didn’t always Want to leave at that exact time because she was really hyperfixated, or it was just like one night, not a big deal, (like what happens in the movie). AND i think maurice did gain a few friends that he would meet up with at those markets, artists from other villages, so belle would get kinda bored because it would be like those unskippable cutscenes like when your parent runs into someone they know at the grocery store. except it’s your dad talking about his passion with other people who share it😭 IT’S LIKE BEING TRAPPED AT HOME DEPOT WITH DAD. anyway you get the point. even as adventurous as belle was, it’s not like the markets were any places too new or crazy, so it got kind of boring for her.
but like i said, i still think she goes sometimes!!! just way less frequently. in one of my courting fics (probably my favorite of my courting fics???) belle had gone with maurice to a market for a WEEK. which was the longest her and adam had been apart since they had met 🥺🥺 which i think maurice did very intentionally lmao. he was (internally) like you guys are so attached at the hip… let’s remember you’re individual people please!!! and also i think he could sense they were getting near the idea of marriage so he wanted one last bit of time with belle before her life really changed 😭😭
and second!!!! yeah no definitely. i like to think that when he says that, “you ask for that every year!” i think that’s for this one specific market he’s going to that day. like maybe it’s a place she’s joined him many times and it just happens near a really beautiful rose garden, or something. so she’s always like !!! ROSE FROM THERE PLEASE!!! but i think he goes to markets a lot more frequently than just once a year. maybe like every few months? especially as belle gets older and he worries less about leaving her at home, if she doesn’t want to join him. but anyway to answer your second question, YEAH! i can totally imagine that people there, who have known maurice and his daughter for years, ask about her when she’s not with him! and they learn all about her and i am SURE she always brought an emotional support book (or two or three) when she goes with him. so the market people know belle reads!!! and yeah probably a few are conservative and think that’s odd but MAJORITY of them are free-spirited artists !! many of them also fled paris the same time as maurice!! these are his people !! so they support that and probably gift him a book to give to her (or just give it right to her if she’s there) every now and then!! it’s not every time but if he can snatch a book for her he absolutely will 🥹
i did have one additional thought but it’s more just about belle getting books in general <3
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alrightsnaps · 11 months
The beef you have with Anthony on twitter is very pathetic and also the fact that you PRETEND Violet has haters when all that happened is that maybe a couple of kanthony shippers have said she was a bit too harsh with him cause god forbids audience members feel more connected with the protagonist and not his mom. Also the fact you want Kate to share screentime with Mary and Edwina again when she was treated like crap by them is not it for someone who claims to love Kate. But I guess it's not surprising when you're buddy buddy with that selcouth account who not so secretly hates Kanthony and Kate and has polite convo with the bloggers who call Kate a homewrecking whore. You know your friend writes fic in which Anthony is beaten up and Kate continues to be miserable post wedding for the sake of poor innocent Edwina?And thinks Anthony should give a fuck about Edwina doesn't let him call her by her first name? Tell your friend he eyefucked Kate at the altar in front of her, let me assure you edwina lovers he doesn't give a fuck about her brattiness the majesty. Leave Kate and Kanthony out of your mouth.
aww how sweet of you that you think y'all are the first people to dickride for anthony at the expense of female characters! i can assure you that i've been beefing with his stans since before kate's casting announcement. kathonies are not the first to drag violet to defend him, or even the first stans to demonise their male fave's mother while excusing his own behaviour. sienna/anthony shippers did the exact same thing long ago painting violet as the evil hag who wouldn't let poor little anthony run off into the sunset with sienna in s1.
also why the fuck wouldn't i want kate to fix her relationships with edwina and mary? i've criticised edwina repeatedly for never apologising to kate since day 1. that's something we never saw in s2 so yeah, i definitely want to see that and i consider necessary for them to rebuild their relationship on better terms after the wedding fiasco.
what i consider hypocritical as fuck is being totally ok with kate forgiving anthony when he hardly did enough to deserve her forgiveness after all the pain he put her through, but drawing the line at her stepmother and sister.
anthony literally ruined kate in 2x04 and not only didn't assume his responsibilities as he forced simon to do with daphne in s1, but had the nerve to propose to her sister the very next morning. so yeah, if i can support kate being with anthony in the s2 finale when he was calling her "the thorn easily removed" from his and edwina's lives just two episodes back, because that makes her happy, i can sure as hell root for her making up with the women that have been her entire world for the past 26 years as well.
as far as i'm concerned neither anthony nor edwina did right by kate in s2. edwina because she blamed her for anthony's actions and was ungrateful, when all kate had done was sacrifice after sacrifice for her to be happy. and anthony because he never showed kate the respect he demanded men to show to his sisters and chose to go after her baby sister only to publicly humiliate both sharma girls in front of anyone when they were at the altar.
i'm old enought to be able to form my own opinion about characters instead of joining fandom groupthink or liking/disliking them based on how their fanbase behaves. if that was my criterion i don't think there's a single ship i'd support in the bridgerton fandom, considering that i disagree with most kathony and benophie stans on twitter for always coddling anthony and benedict and excusing their misogyny.
and frankly, i'm extremely uncomfortable with the way you and many kathony stans talk about edwina. y'all are literally victim blaming an 18yo child for falling for a grownass man who went after her and ruined her in the eyes of society. you constanly infantilise anthony when he has more privilege than 99% of men in england, while spending your time talking shit about a teenage girl.
that's not holding edwina responsible for her behaviour towards kate, it's misogyny, plain and simple. she has every right to treat anthony like filth for the rest of her life after what he did to her and be protective of kate, like kate was of edwina when anthony was courting her, after his abhorrent treatment of both sisters.
a 30yo man not giving a fuck about a teenager he strung along and ruined isn't the gotcha that you think it is. except you clearly have such a sexist worldview that you consider him to be the "prize" edwina lost and kate won, rather than a man who hurt them both deeply and took advantage of his privilege over them.
if i should keep kate out of my mouth for wanting to see her have a healthy and wholesome relationship with her family, so should you people for being ok with anthony doing the bare minimum to win her after the hell he put her through.
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💚 from the ask game
💚: What does everyone else get wrong about your favorite character?
I'll start with my fav from my 2021 rewatch sokka/ and that is simply that he is gay./gay for zuko . I don't get it I'll never really get it sokka was the staightest boy in the show to me as he.. gets suki/yue/even seems interested in ty lee for 3 seconds/tries to get into good graces with a girls poetry club. He was def not coded gay esp for a 2000s nicktoon. and when i came to tumblr i had hoped to find convos involving how smart /developed he was and it was nothing but zukka everywhere no mention of sokka development it was very discourging . and maybe people think im homphobic but i lean towards jetko/zukaang. zukka i barealy understand.
now lets go with Zuko and I warn people this is gonna be snarky cause i've see so many bad takes since 2020 to well the nows.
this is the BIG ONE people get wrong. because fandom is.. Afraid to acutally Like the real Zuko because the real zuko fits all the problematic scales. from Kidnapping katara/sokka/ /Extortion/Stalking the gaang to capture aang/kidnapping aang/ /sending a man to murder Aang who almost blows up Katara/Toph/ theres a reason zuko is angry at himself eh sent a man to murder Aang.. and he knows it wrong he's not stupid. he's in denial through half of s3 and living in terrible guilt from how he treated iroh/sending combustion man after aang. also Mai never abused zuko....
theres a reason people think im not a zutara shipper its bec i disagree with 99 percent of their takes. including that he was in love wiht katara the whole time Katara was never on his mind Zuko mind was: I must capture the Avatar so I can get back home and have dads love for 90 percent of the show up until the eclipse where his new goal was: Stop Ozai from killing the earth kingdom people /help Avatar he has a very one track mind when it comes to his goals.
fandom gets everything wrong with him.
Awkard turtletuck/maturedad/ maturer than Aang/ the one to save CinderKatara from abusive aang/an uncaring friend group/really loved his time in uncles tea shop/ never did anything wrong / never colonized anything/
I mean the earth kingdom didnt fall just because of azula Zuko made his choice to help her. . They colonized the both of em Ba Sin Sa. Azula gets woofied too she is def responsible for conquering the city but Zuko did help hes not innocent here but fans will def say everything he did is excused cause and azula fans have done this too. and its so .. tiresom
the idea zuko never meant to harm anyone to achieve his endgame/ He almost burnt suki and sokka had to save her. h was not above kidnapping katara to get what he wants. or knocking her out twice. The idea zuko never had any attention to harm anyone to get to Aang to get home is ludrucious. /this boy wanted to go home for 90 percent of the show.
Zuko is an impulsive teenager with a bit of an ego who looked down on the common folk for a good while thats why he robbed from earth kingdom people he felt they owed him stuff. because he was the prince of the FN. having to live among em is what helped him gain sympathy for their plight to leave the firenation so they wouldn't die.
Zuko arc is learning the fire nation is a cruel ruthless nation and his way of thinking that he's better than people is wrong. I dont think some people can reconsile low self esteem doesnt mean you can't look down on others.. Cause he did from calling katara a pesant in s1 and saying how the people in the earth kingdom should respect them to iroh in s2/ He has to learn sympathy/empathy for people outside the fire nation. . Zuko journey is to learn to be a better man. its like .. a man in his teens/early 20s learning their biggoted beliefs are nothing but bs and having to grown and improve.
. he is not without flaws in the end when he joins avatar he's still grumpy. he's awkward because he trying to befriend the people he us to hunt down so its gonna be awkward. Zuko isn't team dad. He's been adopted into the gaang.
I also disgree with haters saying Zuko should have changed 100percent into mr. calm/collected otherwise his arc is a bust. Zuko is a lot like Iago to me in turns of character changing sides with villian to the good guys. I'd rather they stay themselfs in terms of snark than became a perfect /happy sunshine attitudie character.
i just think fandom is afraid to enjoy Assholes. there i said it. I love jerks so i dont understand it. Think of Spongebob going from a square to a perfect smooth circle and that's how fandom treats Zuko in teh shipping side of things. there's a reason i never felt happy in teh zutara fandom. most people dont talk about him how i see him . but as a teenager i related to zukos anger a lot and i had to work on that anger. how zuko is treated to me feels very.... ableist to me when you try to ignore his flaws. it reads off as he's unlovable if he has any uncomfortable personality traits.
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