#and he really was the most selfless person so helping others through his memory is a perfect way to do so
ibtisams · 4 months
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My father was martyred by Israel on 10 October 2023 after sacrificing his care in hospital so the injured children could take priority. Today would have been his 60th birthday. He was always selfless, kind, and giving for others. My father gave up everything for me to be able to have a better life, because that is what he always dreamed for me and my sister. The world suffered a great loss when he died, and my heart is always with him and every Palestinian who has lost someone.
In his honour and memory, I would love for anyone who is able to do so to consider donating to The Palestine Children’s Relief Fund.
The PCRF is an amazing organisation that does so much for those in Gaza right now, including helping provide food, water and medicine. You can donate any amount you are able to- there is no minimum! My father would have given his very last cent if he saw the way Palestine was continuing to suffer after over 100 days with this limited aid, so I know celebrating him by helping others is the least he would have wanted.
I saw @parrot-parent do a very successful donation match and I thought it was such a good idea so I will also match all donations up to $500! If you feel comfortable sending me proof of the amount of your donation, I will match it as a donation at the end of February. (My messages are set to mutuals only, but if you donate and we aren’t mutuals if you send an ask with the proof I will make sure to answer it privately.)
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vraieame · 11 months
Astrology Observations (Cardinal Rising Sign Edition)
Below are my observations based on personal encounters with people who are a/an xyz rising.
1. I have only met 2 Aries risings in my life and boy were they bold. When I first met them, I felt as if I had to keep up with what they have and who they were. I’ve had on and off vibes with them just because of how impulsive they were. When they get to decide really well, where things are put through and their minds are at a ‘calm before the storm’ phase, they really get what they deserve but when it’s the total opposite, they can be such a mess and suddenly the world turns black and white for them. It’s so up and down. They’ve got a pretty rbf too and when you get to know them, they’re so spontaneous and loving by nature. I noticed that they get gossiped a lot too and some of those things I heard are literally far from being true too like there was this one time, one aries rising friend of mine had been gossiped around, saying she was bullying one of her friends in her own circle and it came out to be a lie after a year and the truth was actually the opposite 😭 it was such a messy thing back then. She was so furious about till now but she has forgiven everyone involved in it already. Her damn big heart.
2. I don’t think I have ever met a Cancer rising before but there was this guy who gave off so much of that energy or character—appearance wise. He was so selfless, friendly, and fun to be with. At first, I thought he was genuinely just gonna be a quiet person but nope. We’ve gotten close and he’s now laughing and crying a lot lol. He’s also the type to sleep during the day too and stays awake at night for who knows how long. It’s like he’s the total embodiment of a moon who just stays up at night instead of sleeping. I also noticed how he’s only extra goofy when it’s night time but only when he feels like it. He loves to stay at home so much his friends just comes over a bunch of times to hang out. His home is extra cozy too so it’s really cool. Are any cancer risings like this too? I just don’t really know lol.
3. Next, Libra rising babies! I only know one who has this as their ascendant and they’re my favorite person ever. They’re just so easy going, smart, and charismatic! They’ve help me with my confidence too. They just radiate soft and ‘I have your back’ energy. They love taking pictures of every moment too and I find it really cute about them because they just wanna store memory and have it as a reminder of how everything are well spent. I swear, they have so much grace in them. And yes looks can be deceiving, some of them are really cunning to the core too. But that’s only when they’re sensitive spots are provoked. They’ll give you the taste of your own medicine for sure.
4. There’s only one Capricorn rising I know and it’s one of the people I’ve been friends with for so long. They’re so low maintenance as a friend and I love how they just know what they’re talking about every time. Most of the time they get misunderstood and mistreated for no reason but I think it’s just out of others’ insecurities or issues projected onto them most of the time. Not that this is generalized for every capricorn risings but this does happen to this person a lot. The only thing they can do about it as a response is to not give a fuck actually. They stay on their grounds and remain poised no matter what. They absolutely know their worth despite how life has been a dread to them at such an early age. High on privacy. “What you see is what I allow” energy. They’re also obsessed with the idea of finding stability and living life to the fullest too. That’s why money is heavily associated with capricorns in general bc of that and it’s a lot of pressure.
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ffredmujkic · 4 months
wonderfully bizarre by bendigo fletcher is such a fish and chips song.
"And if I were to win for you the skin of a timbered snake - Would you consider me your comfort in danger?" it shows so much of gillions thinking that he could only be loved if hes earned it if hes able to show himself as someone useful.
"you could wear me like a ring" something something abt gil being status symbol. (the whole line in his, if u give fish a family, abt being adored but alone) going back to had habits (even if aware of their harm)
"You'd be the mercy under my cruelty- My revelation, bloodshed free" gillion's journery through out the campaign, his biggest change is being kinder. gentler. early campaign gil always chose violence, he saw that the only responsible action to take against a villian was to cut off their head. hes soften so much over the campaign. hes always been caring yet through his friendships with chip (and jay this just isnt abt them) he learns different methods to handling problems.
"Do you wanna get married at the Cherokee Cemetery?" he just wants to get married. hes unlearned at lot a LOT of toxic unhealthy things. but he clearly upholds marriage as still an important and loving act. i think that while their relationship is very anarchic, gil would still love a wedding. (purely my own headcannon tho)
"Where the blue grass creeps over deep decades of devotion. Warm underneath the frost" come on.
in the context of gillion though this can be further, hes incredible loyal to the undersea though it never cared for him in return. A country that made him harsh and serious despite his real personality when allowed to relax. the frost can be a strong yet harmful loyalty to the undersea. (it reminds me of that even if im stretching) his friendship with chip and jay allowing him to feel a genuine devotion which is beneficial too him, that is reciprocated.
"We can build a home in a bush of azaleas- Dress it up in true morale paraphernalia- You'll never be alone in your bad dreams- Because together we could never be lost"
gillion was taken away from his family at an early age. chip was an orphan with no memory of even his name, to than get his adopted family ripped away from him. his attempts to form a new one forcing him into a gang. the two of them have been alone for a very very long time with no family or even friends, no home of their own. gillion constantly failed in his training. chip is implied to have done things he didnt always want to do to make price happy. yet despite earlier bumps in the relationship, them clashing each disagreement helps to deepen their bond as they figure out whats okay with with each other. and they really are never alone after finding each other
"your eyes prescribe a meaning for everything I do. I even find myself believing most of the words I say as true" the most impactful moment for chip what enable him to grow into the person he becomes over the course of the campaign is the fight in epsiode 15. it forced chip to address his actions have hurt hurt someone he was growing to care abt. chip said he wouldn't lie to gil anymore and he meant it. theres times where he tries to lie and cuts himself off. they built a home with trust and communication
"We can build a home in a bush of azaleas" since the line is repeating ill only say, they feel so comfortable around each other. all three captains are each others home. but especially chip and gil the way they are always seeking each other, their friend's name always on the tip of their toungue.
"We can be defined by the things we want"
a major theme in the show (or at least grizzly is trying to make it into one) is desire. gillion while having a lot of autonomy, driving a lot of the plot. he is also honor bound to a internal law where he must always protect others. gillion never acts out of a true selflessness, his actions are born from being taught that this is simply how he should operate. Because he is inherently worthless than all those around him, he has been assigned to protect. Never does gil think abt himseld if it concerns another life. gillion must be selfless, he is never allowed to want for himself. which is wonderfully contrasted by chip who is always seen as a selfish bastard despite not behaving like it in a while.
"I'll be a life full of free haircuts from the one that I love" chip in his happiet dream imagines himself with all his crew and arlin hanging out happily on the albatross. chip always pictures himself doing this pirate thing forever, but he is only 19. and with the trauma that its brought him, the constant risking your life. i think its fair to say that what he actually wants is just a simple life with his friends
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nickeverdeen · 1 month
Father figure Joel with an underage mute fem!reader who speaks sign language and has a really Hufflepuff stereotype personality
Note: I acidentally lost the request, so I’m sorry, but I do know it was this. Again I’m really sorry, but here it is…
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Joel is incredibly patient when communicating with you
He takes the time to learn sign language to better understand you and ensure effective communication
Joel becomes fiercely protective of you, always ensuring your safety and well-being
He’s like a father bear, ready to defend you from any harm
His calm and reassuring demeanor might help you feel safe and secure, especially in times of distress
Joel provides gentle guidance and support to you, helping you navigate through life’s challenges with patience and understanding
Joel cherishes the moments spent with you, whether it’s teaching you new skills, going on adventures, or simply enjoying each other’s company at home
While Joel is always there to offer support, he also encourages you to embrace your independence and pursue your interests with confidence
Joel loves you unconditionally, accepting you for who you are and celebrating your unique qualities
You and Joel develop creative ways to communicate beyond sign language, using gestures or facial expressions
Joel loves telling stories to you, immersing you in adventures before you go to bed
Joel’s hugs are like a warm embrace, offering comfort and reassurance to you whenever you needs it most
You and Joel embark on adventures together, exploring new places and creating cherished memories along the way
He works hard to earn your trust, demonstrating his reliability and consistency through his actions
You both learn from each other, exchanging knowledge as yoj navigate through life’s ups and downs together
Joel provides unwavering emotional support to you, offering a shoulder to lean on and a listening ear whenever you need to talk (not literally obviously)
He creates a safe and nurturing environment for you, where you feel loved, valued, and accepted for who you are
Joel teaches you practical life skills, like cooking, cleaning, and basic self-defense, empowering you to become more independent and self-sufficient
When faced with challenges, you and Joel and work together to find creative solutions, brainstorming ideas and supporting each other every step of the way
He helps build your confidence and self-esteem, praising you accomplishments and reminding you of your worth
Joel creates a sense of belonging for you, making you feel like an important part of his family and community
Joel shares his wisdom and life experience with you, offering valuable insights and advice to help you navigate the complexities of growing up and finding your place in the world
Joel helps you create healthy boundaries in your relationships, teaching you to assert yourself and advocate for your needs with confidence
Joel deeply admires your kindness and genuine compassion
He often finds himself suprised by your selfless acts of kindness and strives to emulate your caring nature in his own interactions with others
Your unwavering loyalty to Joel doesn’t go unnoticed
He’s incredibly grateful for you steadfast presence in his life, knowing that he can always rely on your support and friendship no matter what challenges you face together
Despite your many positive qualities, you remain remarkably humble, and Joel respects you for it
He appreciates your down-to-earth demeanor and genuine humility, finding your modesty refreshing in a world full of egos
In moments of darkness and uncertainty, Joel finds comfort in your unwavering optimism and positivity
Your patience and understanding are qualities Joel deeply appreciates, especially during times of stress or frustration
Above all, Joel is very supportive, protective and caring
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lifmera · 3 months
hi hi!! hope your doing well! i’d like to ask for a romantic hazbin hotel match up! i’m gender-fluid masculine presenting and i use all pronouns, and i don’t have a gender preference! 
My MBTI is ISTP but most people perceive me as a ENTP. i am quite tall, around six feet. i have a strong sense of right and wrong and justice, and i care deeply for others, but i often act reckless and loud because i don’t want to be taken advantage of for my kindness.
i really like being around people, and i like helping others in any way i can, i can be quite selfless at times but i know when to be stern to protect myself.  i am quite social but i suffer from some mental illness, specifaclly bipolar and schizophrenia so it can make it quite hard to understand and connect with others and the world around me.
i am autistic and i often stim a lot by flapping my hands and moving my arms around. i have a lot of different interests, i really like silly things like clowns i think they are awesome and i really like fictional media, i also like collecting toys like my little pony, it makes me feel really happy!
i have a couple hobbies, i really like shopping a lot, i find it to be super fun, i also like writing and drawing, and i’m getting into software engineering! i also like listening to music, i listen to a wide range of genres but my favorites are breakcore, indie folk, glitch core and basically anything that is loud tbh 😭 
i am often disconnected mentally from the world around me, so i sometimes have psychosis and hallucinations, i take medication for it and it works well but i still have episodes sometimes, it really helps having someone to ground me back into reality.
i really like bonding over interests with others and getting people into the stuff i like, i also love listening to others talk about things they like. i have really bad memory so i often forget important things but i try my best.
best way to describe my style i guess would be older brother core 😭??? idk but basically i wear comfy oversized clothes like silly t- shirts with cats on them and pj pants with cartoon characters on them and silly character beanies. 
i really like being shown love by getting gifts and people doing actions of service for me, i kind of have trust issues so it’s hard to believe someone when it’s just words and not actions.
i am super chaotic i love saying unhinged things and just being very loud it’s very fun for me, i like jokingly threatening to eat people  😭 i also often type in all caps.
i am in a lot of obscure fandoms and i LOVE nerding out about my interests! 
sorry if this is a lot 😭 but thank you so much!!
Hi hun!! This is completely fine!!
I’ve paired you with…. ANGEL DUST!!
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When angel first met you, he definitely thought you were super attractive, and decided to hit on you!
But when he got closer to you, he really realized that he was starting to develop feelings 🩷
At first he was super drawn in by your reckless personality, but when you showed your true kind self- he fell in love.
With your sense of Justice especially… when he saw how you treated Valentino… and GENUINELY truly cared about him? It broke down his walls and let you into his heart.
He definitely introduced you to Cherri and you all became BESTIES. They would totally drag you around to parties and such and socialize ! You guys are the LIVES of the party.
If you confided in him about the mental illness and autism, he definitely would ask a BUNCH of questions to understand you more, and also try not to offend you.
He’d also try to help you through your episodes. He knows he isn’t the best comforter, but he tries. :(
If you told him your special interests he’d bolt out the door with you to do those things! Like clowns? LULU LAND!
Collectors Items? THE STORE!!!!
Angel would love to do some of your hobbies with you. Shopping? You guys are staying out ALL DAY. Writing? You better read whatever it is to him. Listening to music? SINGING YOUR HEARTS OUT!
Honestly, he’d probably judge your outfit choice, until he decided to steal your outfit one day, and realized how comfortable it is??
He totally steals ur clothes at night.
Angel would agree with you !! Actions speak louder than words, kinda why he’s at the hotel! Although he’s always pretty sexual, I think he’d be a sweetheart.
The chaotic nature is what brought him in! You guys are always having fun.
He would also LOVE TO listen to you rant 24/7. Even if he cant get into your interests, he’d try. And he’d always listen. It helps him get away from the world.
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choctalksalot · 1 year
@tipsygnostalgy HELLO HI UH THIS IS AN INCOMPLETE VERSION. i snipped out some bits because im throwing down anxiety in.the ring even posting this. im frankly a little embarrassed i can't give everything tonight even what i have down as okay to upload is not my top form at all, im just really really excitedaaaa i'll probably reblog the lovers post with a complete version eventually, but for now this is the best thanks i can offer for the nigh lethal dose of dopamine you've shot into my skull.
apologies in advance for my verbosity it's chronic
im posting dirk's half first because i definitely talked too much on jake's. it's almost double the length. i think it's partially because ive chewed through dirk so much i can make it through a considerable amount of his sections without dissolving completely. and i'm impatient!
note: my interactions with philosophy are limited to the two month bonanza i spent when i was 14 which i barely remember due to my general memory issues because my philosophy teacher was shit at his job and i took matters into my own hands, and uh. dirkjake! and one character from one other fandom. yeah. i am a nerd who loves breaking shit down, i love information, and i love philosophy nonetheless but i am So unqualified to be doing any of this
entry 1:
can i scream? i'm screaming. out loud. in real life. holy two fucks and a half. what do i even say it's So Good. dirk could excuse his inadequacy with the minute comfort that the brother he idolizes is functionally perfect in a way he could never conceivably live up to be. everything is shattered when he meets a version of him who is on the same footing. Yes. i literally have a post typed up about it.
im copypasting a small segment here but it's so close to exactly what you said im almost unnerved. mostly excited tho i am SHAKING
the most devastating thing to know is that dave is just a guy. dave strider, 16 year old. human and flawed and still enough in ways dirk never could be. what he did for his team his friends the things dirk couldn't, he is made to serve and no matter how hard dirk tries he cannot live up to be the same because this is not his role.
words? words. that's so much many words.
this is not his class. he is doomed to be selfish, his thread is already in the tapestry and he falls right into the path no matter how much he fights it. what can be counted as him indirectly the plot was created at the service/detriment to himself (hal) and what is himself directly aiding his party is in fact orchestrated by other more helpful, more selfless people and he hates it so much.
YES IT'S EXACTLY THAT RIGHT THERE RIGHT RIGHT THERE dirk is so so So aware that he is selfish that he cannot help the people he cares about oh so deeply and the knowledge that dave on his own, after being hurt so much "more" than dirk direct abuse he was able to pull through, he was still enough. shit man !!!!!!!
funnily enough i think dirk might have been able to learned new skills to do with his classpect besides the passive narrative bend it has on everything he does to destroy. this is entirely theory but your classpect and your development with it helps you develop as a person. it's like a muscle if you think about it; the more you use it, the closer you get to its core, the more you learn to bend ithad he tried to use it (resisting the urge to say like dave did because that will stomp on the shattered pieces of my heart) i think he would have gotten a bit more control over his position in the narrative if it makes sense.
ironically, i think learning how to direct the destructice force his classpect gives him might have allowed him to get a hold on said narrative bending, and stop unintentionally wrecking shit. but doing Anything as a prince is the last thing dirk wants.
(god it's so tragic this theory is so tragic without it dirk was always doomed to the inevitable but with it he could have done better in his eyes nevermind that destruction of selves isn't always bad if you know how to direct it, see bgd @ aranea, but it literally requires him to take the path he's trying to hard to fight. you define how your classpect changes you. oh dirk.)
i think a lot about this if you can't tell
[insert 2 paragraphs more of me screaming about the katana line hally lieu yeah]
entry 2:
god my old hyperfixation on deep learning models is coming back to bite me in the jungular. delightful slash gen
dirk does love his control mhmm mhmm god im gonna go dig up that picture my friend sent me once one sec
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that's who he wants to be. so badly
he Hates not understanding shit prides himself on being the (im quite sure it's part of how he gauges his use. he has a very utilitarian view on it. being the one to pull the strings thus being useful by virtue of organizing their success. proceeds to eat gcatshit trying)
i think a part of why dirk insists so fucking much that hal is Not him and Not alive could be one of two 2 reasons, beyond the already tangled pumpkin patch of conflict.
1) not taking credit for hal's contributions. the fact that hal has served the team without dirk's direct orders + dirk's objective pride about being the puppetmaster, he wouldn't want this tied to him
i doubt this one honestly, it's incoherently explained on its own because it's really late but also it just there's a lot of holes in the logic here. the second one breaks my heart a little:
2) if he accepts hal to be sentient, he has to accept he has created a new conscious person. he cannot cling to any notion that he did help his friends, he created an intelligent AI and that tool he made in turn was used to aid and guide his friends. he is still in control here. he still helped, he built that bot and it helped.
[cutoff point 2. im rushing. im so sorry ajsjaj]
entry 3:
killing me
"He likes emotion, he likes people, he just wants to be completely perfect when interacting with them so that he’ll never lose them." YES. YES. YES YES YES yes okay yes exactly Yes
this is one of the things i headbutt against in dirk fandom stuff a lot (even borzoi's take once i think correct me if im wrong) it's the fact that i think dirk likes people. he's been alone his whole life yet he delights in dialectics and dialogue, he's socially awkward and introverted but he's not socially averse. i am not gonna let myself run over the hills and far away with this tangent but i am hushdhsj AAAAA
what he doesn't like is feeling inadequate interacting with people. he doesn't like being inadequate in general he reflects on his flaws near constantly and the biting reminder of his alternate selves' sins in the back of his mind doesn't help, but with people he Cares About interacting with them he does not like not knowing what to do, he does not like being unable to navigate these situations. he likes being human and experiencing emotions and connection and he hates the fact that it requires error to the trials, he just wants to be entirely logical while still having a metaphorical right brain totally not a big thing to ask for ahshdhskjrh[explodes]
AHAAAAA SISYPHUS YYYES YES YRS EYSBEYDHHWHEHSHEHD FUCK YES oh man i am much more a theatrical literature person so this is ringing off bells in the wrong direction than intended but im reading reading reading chewing
"upon facing the question of the absurd in the fullest extent, one can either choose to kill themselves or make a ‘reply.’" hogh
two roads: become god, or kill yourself. jesus fuck that's a screwed up twitter thread if ive seen one. and of course he picks the secret third option: Both. absolute DiStri Moment™
fuckitweballkind that's joining my regular vocabulary holy shit your language is amazing
this feels like an extension of dirk's dilemma between subjective experience with objective control; coming to grapple with the unpredictability of his absurdist existence and his solution being to take control of the narrative entirely. i feel like there are a lot more dots i could connect here. i will sleep on this
[addition i feel is important even though it has minimal connection as of right Now:
roxykisser put out something about classpects and the ult self being the literal narrative very recently and how they tie into the narrative and it's That it's that. my take is partly influenced by past fandoms but it has always ruined me that in order to god tier, quite literally, you're killing the person you were before the embrace the narrative role. you the actor are giving up your freedom to the performance, and the closer you get to your classpect the more you embrace the narrative. in return, you gain more flexibility and control in said narrative, more ways to use your classpect. to become the ult self is to become the role. you kill the person, you become the role, but at the cost of your self, your mind may be driven by the consciousness of an amalgamation of every You, but your core is now your role.
im incorporating and altering this with my consumption]
really hope this is like at least mildly entertaining i have no idea what im doing but!!!! I Am So Abnormal About Everything i love this i love you i love love this so Much
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dave2olkat · 7 months
Hey, are you up for receiving an entire freaking essay about how you write Dirk and how fucking incredible it is? That was a rhetorical question, YOU'RE GETTING IT ANYWAY.
So. Dirk Strider. The absolute moron who sends himself back every iteration, gets increasingly splintered as a result, and is way too emotionally compromised to do anything about it at this point. I've noticed a lot of the characters draw inspiration from beyond canon, so we can refer to this Dirk as a sort of Ultimate self if I am not mistaken. The guy has memories from all past iterations rattling around his skull after all, and it is MESSING HIM UP BIG TIME!
Like, the man is going by a script at this point. Do this, and this happens as a result. Say this to a person and they'll react that way. Let Roxy leave so you can stay with Dave alone, stab him in the back, and leave him for dead so he gets off the empire's radar, make sure he doesn't actually bite it, and then he'll end up in the position most advantageous to him. He has a ship! A crew! A small support system! He's living his best life this iteration, and he has DIRK to thank for that! Never mind that most of his relationships were completely destroyed in the fallout. Never mind that he has accumulated major trauma from the carapacian war, and was betrayed by someone who he thought he could count on for anything, that's not important. Oh yeah, he hates Dirk's guts now, but he always calculated with that loss. He sacrificed his brother's trust in him and it sucks, it sucks and nobody understands, but it was to give him a happy life, so at the end of the day Dirk's the selfless hero!
And with that, I've accumulated my thoughts on what I think went through his head when he went through with this batshit awful plan. Dirk's literally so wrapped up in himself, that he can only think in terms of other's gain versus personal cost. I don't think he's selfish, no, from a certain perspective, he's far from it, because he's sacrificing the few things he holds dear for the few people he actually gives a shit about in all these loops. His relationships with said people. It's just that he is INCAPABLE of seeing how his decisions and attempts at helping them cause more pain and anguish, and eventually, the doom of the timeline. It's like at one point, he stopped seeing them as real people, with psyches that can be damaged, and feelings that can be things beyond 'I hate you now because you hurt me', and instead thinks of them as merely... puppets.
Because he's the only one who remembers. He's the one who can see the bigger picture, while his friends and family are caught up in the mundanity of each loop, living lesser lives, being lesser people. If only they knew, if only they understood like him, maybe they could be on equal footing, but no, he'd never wish this existence on anyone, and besides, even if they had all that intel they'd never really get it, because they aren't him. So it falls on him to save everyone, him and only him, no Grimmage, just because you have a handy helmet that spouts bullshit about the loops at you does not mean you have all the answers. This is Dirk's mission, Sollux would just fuck it up. Everybody needs to stay out of the goddamn way, you're saving this goddamn timeline. All those previous ones you doomed? They were just test runs, you know what you're doing now.
I just... LOVE how AUTHENTIC he feels in your fic. Like, I look at this guy and say 'Ah yes, that right there is textbook Dirk Strider behavior,' but you wrote him with motivations and a mindset that I can see combined with his Ultimate status. He's an incredible antagonist, and I can't wait for him to show up again, because I need Dave to go up to this guy and somehow slap some sense into him. Unlikely but hey. I want a happy ending for him too, let me hope.
 Okay, first of all, I loved this ask! I've put a lot of time and effort into writing Gold Pilot so if anyone has other essay-length asks or comments about the fic, go ahead and submit them, this monster AU deserves the attention. For anyone who hasn't read the fic, it's a Davesolkat Rebellion/Time Loop Au but it also will go deep into the other characters as well, particularly the Strider-Lalondes, so if you're into that, give it a read!
Okay, now onto Dirk- he's one of my fav characters in Homestuck okay, he's so complex! And I felt like they did him dirty in Beyond Canon and the Epilogues but at the same time they explored some hella interesting aspects of his character that have been in the main comic there all along, same with everyone else. Gold Pilot is MY take on how everyone's true 'Ultimate Self' would work and also them reaching their 'fullest potential' in a way? The situation is much different than in canon, of course, but overall I will try to deconstruct both, the Ultimate Self thing AND the classpect of their God Tier selves. This will happen to everyone, not just Davesolkat, though we WILL focus on those three because I have Davesolkat brainrot and Dave WILL be the only POV character because ‘unreliable narrator who might not have an idea of what’s going on’ is the best trope.
But Dirk- it's funny that you call him an antagonist because he's not that in the story. An antagonist opposes the hero/protagonist in some way, they're there as an obstacle to achieve their ultimate goal, but here's the thing, Dirk WANTS what everyone else wants. He wants an end to the Time Loops, he wants to protect his family and friends and help them reach the best version of themselves, and he also wants to kill the Condesce. Mainly because she's the one who kills Dave, Roxy and Rose, but also, because he recognizes that she's the TRUE threat in this AU (as far as we know). So no, technically, Dirk ISN'T the villain and he's helping everyone else fullfill their own goals, the role they will play in the Rebellion as it is, and he knows full well that they WON'T achieve that unless he's there to provide support.
You're right that he's sacrificing everything else to achieve this. He sacrificed Dave's trust on him, and Dave IS in probably the best position he can be because of it. Does Dave realize this at this point of the story? Probably not. There's hints that Dirk's actually going to be working with them further in on the timeline, but right now? Right now Dave thinks his brother is the person who ruined his life.
You're right in saying that Dirk's so completely wrapped up in himself, but I don't think he's incapable of seeing how his attempts at helping everyone are actually hurting them. I think he's well aware of this, and a part of him is well-aware that none of them will ever forgive him, but he's fine with this because this makes him an even more selfless hero. He does treat them as puppets, but I think he knows that he NEEDS them to be certain versions of themselves so they can properly fight the Condesce. Also, he's aware that even in this, they have a certain level of personal choice. Would he have been forced to stab Dave on the back if he HADN'T become a Treschutioner? We know Dave could have become an entertainer guy instead, and he would have STILL ended up with the Rebels. We've explored this with the Iteration Logs of the Solluxes, but the timelines are less a straight road where everything always happens the same way and more a collection of choices that give out wildly different results while still ending in the same way any way because the Condesce is such a menace, with everyone dead.
And he's another fun thing, Dirk doesn't ACTUALLY know about the helmet. Sollux has specifically kept him in the dark about it because he's convinced Dirk would exploit it if he knew about it, especially because the helmet's not only a device that spouts info about the timeloops. It's a goddamn database containing the research that EVERYONE Sollux has been able to contact has done in the past, what? 286 years or so. So yes, it's quite a powerful tool, but you're right, Mage doesn't have all the answers. And you can say that Mage's actually some kind of cheat code. It allows Sollux to have access to the memories of the loops WITHOUT all the trauma and emotional baggage that come with them, so if anything, I suppose that Dirk would think of it as the coward's way out.
Sollux quite literally decided to divide himself into two different people (or as different as two people can be when one does have all the memories of the other one) and has basically locked the part of himself that DOES remember in a digital prison/dimension, where it cannot harm anyone or control anyone else. What this has done to Mage, well, I think we’ve seen it already, so yes, one could argue that this is an incredibly selfish thing that Sollux did, meanwhile Dirk isn’t afraid to live with the consequences of his own actions, which automatically makes him the better man/hero.
As far as Dirk knows, Sollux DOES remember, he's just, you know, someone who will not do what is necessary to save the timeline. He's soft, he spends so much time trying to get along with everyone that he allows the people he loves to get killed every single time (though Dirk's doing the exact same thing, one could argue). They're more foils to each other that they're enemies, and it will be a lot of fun once we actually see them interact, because while Dirk does think Sollux is as easily manipulated as everyone else, and that he doesn't have what it takes to save everyone which is why it falls on HIM, Dirk does know that Sollux is the only person who knows him in a way. Who can recognize the sacrifice he's making and just what's at stake here, if he doesn't take exactly the same path he's taken every time to ensure everyone will be able to fight for as long as they can.
You're right on the money on the 'Dirk thinking all the other iterations are test runs for the real deal', because Dirk HAS found pretty much the 'best path' for everyone to take. We'll see more of it when we meet Rose, who IS still a very powerful seer in this AU and who also takes after him in a way, but yeah, the fantastic thing about Dirk is that he IS helping everyone and he does care. He's on Dave's side. He just, you know, also Dirk. That's why I've always found fascinating about his character, and what I liked about him in the actual comic. I feel like Beyond Canon let go of that fundamental part of him (the fact that he DOES care) and I'm using Gold Pilot to basically fix that? Basically how I think it should've been handled.
As for the happy ending- I don't think it's much of a spoiler that Gold Pilot WILL have one, because it's in the tags themselves lmao. 'Earn Your Happy Ending', they will get there, but it will take them a long time, and it won't happen in this iteration even. Dave WILL slap some sense into Dirk, but who knows, maybe it'll be Dirk who slaps some sense into him too before he does.
Once again, thank you for this analysis! I wouldn't say I'm the authority on how to write any of the Homestuck Characters, but I'm glad I at least got Dirk's character right :) as I said, he's one of my faves and his relationship with Dave will be explored and milked for all of its angst and comfort in this fanfic.
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chancellorxofxtrash · 11 months
Okay. I'll talk about it
Bullet points about the Keiwa situation and my thoughts about it, because---- I shan't say.
Keiwa is a naive young man who doesn't want to harm people
That said, when put into a difficult situation, Keiwa tends to break, rather than stand up like Main Riders typically tend to do
Yes, Keiwa had heroic moments. He is a good person. He is a flawed hero.
But he isn't selfless - he is the type of person, when having to pick between saving five strangers or one family member from a burning building, he'll always pick the family member first
Flawed. Hero.
The wish of "bringing back riders back" is a positive wish. Maybe it's objectively the most Good(tm) wish we had seen from the Geats cast
If you look at it in an objective way, maybe you could say that. Oh, everyone else is selfish, why, they don't want the dead ones to come back? How selfish! ...but...
Just to keep with the main cast: while Neon saying "I want to experience real love" sounds like a selfish, shallow wish, especially compared to something as seemingly altruistic as Keiwa's, we KNOW things aren't that simple. If she had worded it like "I want to escape my abusive home life" would you still call it selfish? Or is it just because of the way she worded it? Ace's "frivolous" wishes had been established over and over again are just ways for him to try to track down his mother - "is his mother more important than everyone who died", you may ask, but once again, it's not that simple. Ace is seeking answers not only to what happened to his mother, but to the endless cycle of death and rebirth he is trapped in. He is literally trapped in a situation he has no way to tell the reason why, and he is seeking answers. Is it really THAT frivolous and entitled now? Even Michinaga, who is has the most unhinged initial wish - even he, when he gets it... I think we all expected him to go on a murder spree. But he doesn't. He is doing it to lock others out of the DGP, to minimize the suffering involved. (I'm not saying specifically in his case that he is Right, or that it's the Correct thing to do, or that it justifies his actions - this is just demonstrating that even his wish is deeper than it initially seemed)
Sara was all Keiwa had. Keiwa demonstrated over and over again that if Sara is in danger, he snaps, and has no regard to his own or... others' safety. Yes, others'. Because during Kick The Can, he basically set himself fire to keep Sara warm, but during the bomb defusal game? Did we forget he took the Buckle off from Sae? Did he gave her Ninja in exchange? Or did he leave her there without a Buckle? Listen, I'm just saying he ALWAYS had a panicked tunnel vision when it came to Sara.
Many people were responsible for Sara's death. Kekera and Beroba started this whole thing with the intention of getting her killed. (Hell they even initially tried to set Michinaga there for him to do it through Daichi.) Ace's remake of the world made sure Daichi remembered so he could do his experiments. Daichi infected her. Michinaga delivered the killing blow. (Isn't it ironic, that out of everyone, Michinaga is one of the least culpable one for it?)
I said it before and I'll say it again: brainwashing people is wrong. Ace giving everyone back their memories is a good thing, even though some people (Hiroki) might be unhappy, or it may cause problems (Da-Paan, Mary). Brainwashing people is WRONG. Giving Daichi back his memories might have been a chain in these events, but do you really think Kekera and Beroba wouldn't have found some other way?
Ironically I'm more rolling my eyes on Ace going "oh no we can't stop them without killing them so no fighting the monster now" like uh, no. Ukiyo Ace, love of my life you don't just LEAVE a rampaging monster out there where it could kill other people? At least keep it occupied or hell, even lead it to an abandoned place and lock it in somewhere! (Michinaga going on a murder spree also isn't the most helpful in this situation, but man's a mess right now.)
Why didn't they reach out to Keiwa? Michinaga obviously can't for obvious reasons. Ace might still be hesitant after the whole Mitsume fiasco, and unsure whether he could even help Keiwa, seeing Keiwa's tendency to lash out when his family is concerned. And Neon did - she only found out about Ace later, and then when looking for Keiwa. But by that point Keiwa is uh. It's too late.
Okay. Let's talk about Mitsume.
"Why did Keiwa even believe Kekera and Daichi" is something I saw a lot and uh I do not agree. He believed Kekera, yes, at a point where he was not acting shady yet. And like. YOU ALL BELIEVED KEKERA. Don't act all high and mighty about well he shouldn't have believed Kekera when up until that point, he had no reason to distrust him. He had reason to distrust Daichi, yes, but what Daichi said MATCHED UP WITH KEKERA'S INFORMATION. And Ace wasn't refuting it. Did Keiwa lash out unfairly? Yes. Did Ace also didn't help because he couldn't open his mouth? Also yes. Both of them have understandable reactions, but both of them sucked there, and made shit way worse
Like no, the proper response to Keiwa lashing out because he believes your mom caused the deaths of his parents is NOT "mom didn't do anything wrong, actually", ACE, and no, Keiwa, mayyybe don't lash out and ask Ace why is he so convinced about it because Ace tends to be right
Win also while... explained things it didn't go into it that deeply. Probably just made things more muddy, actually
So now, we are at the present. Keiwa's world shattered, but his wish didn't change - he still wants ALL victims back, not just Sara. But it's twisted now, and he is willing to do things the Keiwa BEFORE wouldn't have done
I think it's telling that he says "the goddess can't atone" when musing about whether to rejoin or not. Which is genuinely part of it, I think, but also. Without a wish, he can't bring the dead ones back. Keiwa always lacked direction, the DGP managed to give him a concrete goal to work towards, and now he cannot reach it, back to his directionless ways.
Until there is a direction
He knows Kekera can't be trusted anymore, yes. But he is also the ONLY ONE giving him anything tangible to latch onto. Ace cannot control his powers, Neon is sympathetic but not even a rider, and Michinaga is uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
So. Just like Michinaga before him. He also decided he'd do anything to get his goal. Go to twisted lengths. Hence taking Tsumuri. (Which is YES, before anyone gets on my case, it IS fucked up, it IS a messed up thing to do, just like Michinaga's bullshit was, get off my ass)
I did facepalm at him going "it's your fault for not atoning for the goddess' crimes" at Ace like, okay, there is lashing out, and there is nonsense. I GUESS I can understand it because Ace's a Mama's Boy's Poster Child, but ehhh. It's a stretch. Keiwa really is just lashing out and not always making the most sense when it comes to this
Who will get through to him? I think it'd be fitting if him and Michinaga had another fight where they ended up teaming up and defeating Beroba and Kekera. I think it would be fitting, even if Keiwa wouldn't quite return to the Reasonable Side after that.
Neon might, actually. It'd be fun.
Or maybe, what Michinaga and Neon manage to get through to him, Ace uses as a building block to fully pull him back from the darkness. That would make me the happiest.
Also Keiwa committing crimes is sexy as hell
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whatupdoecourt · 1 year
have you ever been mad at God before?
i come from a very old school baptist family. “don’t question God.” i never really understood that. so i took it upon myself to research. no where in the bible does it even state that it is wrong or a sin to question God. we are flawed beings, made in the image of God. we will have questions, and plenty. Job questioned God, Abraham, and even Jesus.
God is our creator. however, we have our co-creators, our parents as well. just as we have a relationship with our parents we have one with God. i’m sure everyone has gotten angry at their parents before. maybe they wouldn’t let you go somewhere or do something that you really wanted to do. i believe this can be the same with God.
let me explain. as many may know, i lost my mother in march of 2018, 2 weeks before my birthday. my mother was first diagnosed with stage 3, almost stage 4 breast cancer in 2006. i was 9 years old and at the time my dad was in prison so it was a sensitive time for me. my family is extremely supportive and one thing we do best for sure is PRAY. together, apart, miles away, it doesn’t matter. we had “miraculous faith.” she beat cancer!
fast forward to 2016. my mommy came to me and told me something wasn’t right. you know your body, you know? i’m older now though, 20 years old. my dad has been out of prison for a while. me and my mom have been through sooo much together. i always felt like i had to be strong. it always been me and her. a team. she was my very best friend. when she told me something wasn’t right, she didn’t cry. so i didn’t either.
while on our way to the doctor’s appointment that changed our lives forever i was nervous, but y’all my faith that God would heal her was out of this world. i couldn’t fold now. the doctor that had to bare the bad news, it was his first day. i really wish i could remember all that i said to him, but it wasn’t my best moment. i wasn’t mean at all. but i began to denigrate the practice and blamed them. “why waste her time with all these tests if you guys couldn’t catch THIS?” he just looked at me with the most saddened expression. he left out and i hugged my mommy so tight. “i can’t lose you, mommy!” she hugged me so hard back and said “you won’t, baby.”
2017 my mommy had us all take christmas pictures. she knew. her health was declining, she was losing weight. i was in school, attending wayne state university. skipping class, because i wasn’t missing any of her appointments. i was my mom’s care giver. i chose to, i wanted to, i needed to. the amount of times we had to go to the emergency room. 3am, 5am, it didn’t matter the time of the day. it didn’t matter where i was or what i was doing. everything stopped for her. we became so close with the staff at the hospital because we were there so often. we had been in almost every hospital room on the oncology floor. and i stayed there with her every time. bringing a duffle to leave for work or class because i wasn’t missing anything. i couldn’t.
beginning of march 2018, we had to make a visit to the emergency room. this visit was different though. she was taking a different treatment. my mom was so perfect to me. she was such a selfless person that when her treatments were no longer working she agreed to try clinical trials to be a help to OTHERS. so this last treatment she had didn’t go so well. it was my auntie (i call her pat pat) and i with my mom this time. maybe 20 minutes into my mom’s treatment she began to act differently. she was sooo out of it, you guys. she forgot who i was for a moment. that broke me. but i didn’t have time to be sad. i had to take care of my mom. my aunt went back home for a moment, and it was just my mom and i in the emergency. my mom is admitted of course. i’m there by her side, not leaving her for a second. she’s back to herself and i told her everything that happened and how she lost her memory. my mom began to thank me, “i don’t know how i’ll ever repay you, courtney.” i told her i’d do it over and over again if i was given the chance. in every lifetime.
we then go back home. and she began to break down for the first time ever. she told me that she couldn’t keep doing this to me and that she didn’t want to take the treatment anymore. i didn’t want her to take the treatment either. but i wasn’t giving up. i still knew that she could be healed. i began to look up herbs that could cure cancer and that could potentially get her to great health. i was so desperate i contacted a cancer research facility in arizona. (CTCA)
my family came from all different states and stayed with us to help. first it was my auntie bev, she came from atlanta, ga. she came home pretty often to help. i don’t think she knew exactly what to expect this time though. then it was my great uncle, my uncle jr (lou lou’s brother) he came from bainbridge ga, and packed enough clothes to stay a month. i’m forever grateful. they literally put their life on hold and said they’d stay for as long as we needed them.
my mom began to go out of it again. this time she had an appointment with her oncologist. me, my mom, lou lou, and my aunt bev all drove to the appointment. “i would consider starting at home hospice care.” that did it for me. for the first time in a long time, i lost it. i couldn’t be strong anymore. i ran out of the room, as my family kept yelling after me i just ran. didn’t even know where i was running to. mind you, i’m in the hospital. people were trying to stop me, asking me if i was okay, but i didn’t stop running until i hit a dead end. i remember calling one of my best friends, jay. i just called her crying she couldn’t even understand me.
this is where things started to set in for me. i started to feel so silly. silly for being so delusional. if i had been more realistic maybe i could’ve prepared myself better. i remember driving home after that appointment and driving so insane LOL. but my aunt and grandma didn’t say anything to me, even though they maybe should’ve 💀
things happened very fast. since i am my mom’s only child and like i said before my mom and i, we were a team. if she didn’t get it done, i did, and vice versa. so this entire process was all handled by me. not because i didn’t have the support, i think my family just knew that i wouldn’t let them step in too much anyway. hospice came out, and i had to sign papers basically signing my mother’s life away. what a feeling. indescribable.
my mommy began to sleep a lot. not talking at all. i liked to sit with her a lot in her room. to cry, talk, lay with her, kiss her, whatever i felt like i needed to do because i just wasn’t ready to let her go. one day in particular, i was crying so hard so so hard. “why are you crying?” i looked up at her and said “because i love you so much.” “i love you too, baby.” those were the first and last words i heard her speak for a while.
my mom wasn’t on hospice long. my family all came over one day and while some were leaving out that night, you could hear her force herself to say “love you guys.” my mommy was a fighter. next morning on march 15th 2018, my aunt called me down because my mom’s eyes were opened. i saw my grandfather (my mom’s father/ lou lou’s husband) pass before and i know what that expression looks like. i was listening to my mom take her last breath. i went into another room and just cried. “she promised she wouldn’t leave me” that’s all i kept saying as my pat pat held me while i cried.
i have asthma but it’s pretty controlled i haven’t had an asthma attack since i was very little. i had 2 that day, on top off multiple panic attacks, a lot of that day is blocked out. i laid with my mommy until the funeral home came and picked up her body. i laid with her so long, i could feel the rigor mortis start to set in. my dad had to pry me off of her when they came. i could hear my nails scraping the walls while being carried away. mistakenly grabbing onto the nurses shirt while trying to get back to my mommy. locking eyes with the her and even seeing her cry confirming that i wasn’t dreaming.
the funeral planning started. now sometimes trauma can very very tricky. i knew that i was planning a funeral, i knew it was for my mommy, but it was distracting me for what it was REALLY for if that makes sense. i was keeping myself busy. making sure everything was perfect for her last event on this earth. my mom, lou lou, and i attended (i still do) triumph church. so of course that’s where my mommy’s home-going had to be. pastor kinloch and first lady have always been so kind to us and they were very supportive through this process as well.
i was so distracted by planning the funeral and i wanted it to be that way, so i wouldn’t be so sad. but i was also suppressing a lot while doing so. this caused me to act out in other ways. i walked out of the church meeting room crying because i wanted the funeral at a different location. (drama) argued with the funeral director for no real reason. (DRAMAAA)
the day came where me and lou lou went to view my mother’s body. my mommy didn’t really wear makeup and she had a beauty mark, a mole right on the tip of her nose. i wiped the makeup off of her nose and everything else was perfect. the day of the viewing, i was overwhelmed with love. so many people came out. so many that i didn’t expect to. this meant sooo much to my family and i. i can’t even put it into words.
i dressed my mommy and i in the same shirt for her funeral. hers white, mine black. that day was such a blur to me. recently, i watched lauren london on a podcast, talking about grief. she mentioned how sitting in that front row of a funeral is really a whole different experience. bizarre. there were so many people there to pay their respects. so many friends and family coming to support. i still cry thinking about it. i am truly forever grateful.
when everyone went home, when my “job” was done. i was left to think. i took a hiatus from work and school to take care of my mommy so i really had nothing to do, but to think. that’s when the anger set in. i felt betrayed. had i not been faithful? deserving? if not me, my mom for sure had been. so why weren’t my prayers answered? hadn’t i already been through so much at my young age? how much stronger did i need to be?
i began to pull away from God. i wasn’t praying as much. i shut God out of my life. i was angry. i knew what i was doing, but i didn’t care because i was hurt. as my family would say “BUT GOD.” God’s grace never left me. so to answer my own question, yes. i have been mad at God before. but like my grandmother told me, “you can be mad, just don’t be mad too long.”
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Unfiltered Thoughts on TUA S3 Viktor
I don't have anything super insightful to say about his transition this season, and I apologize for that.  I will say that I am glad of two things: 1) his arc had relatively little (if anything) to do with his (explicit) coming out, and 2) his transition is explicit and he is an important character so people will watch this show and cannot brush aside the trans character
But what I really wanna talk about is how I don't know how to feel about Viktor as a person.  I may be misremembering seasons 1 and 2 a bit, but I mostly remember a lot of him either being brainwashed/manipulated/stuck with memory loss.  He's not intentionally ending the world, and Reggie screwed up his chance at actually helping him control his powers as he grew up.  In this case though, Viktor used his powers to save a kid (Harlan) and thought that the kid would be safer if he was gone so he left, and these two decisions led to the paradox/kugelblitz bc of something Harlan had little to no control over.  Killing Harlan would not fix the paradox, it would just appease the Sparrows' vengeance.  Viktor lies to protect Harlan, who he knew as a child, was the child of his lover, and suffered with powers because of Viktor saving his life.  While the best choices may not have been made, none of these choices were particularly selfish or easy.
What would the alternative have been?  "Nah I'll let the kid die even though I have no reason to think saving his life will mean he will coincidentally make it so that I'm never born" or "yeah sure kill my gf's son who spent his whole life suffering because i saved his life as a kid."  No matter what he tries to do, even the most selfless acts end up ending the world through a series of ridiculous coincidences that he couldn't have predicted and he's just trying to fix the problems that are only his fault because the universe hates the Hargreeves or something.
BUT, on the other hand, is this just me defending/apologizing for him when he needs to take more responsibility for the power that he has, regardless of whether it's fair because ya know what else isn't fair?  Everyone else who suffers because of his actions.  At what point does someone go from being a tragedy to a monster, regardless of intention or their ability to be sympathized with?
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xolborsaysstuff · 2 years
for fun, talent swap dangan au!!!
Game one has second game talents, game two has third game talents, and game three has first game talents.
The personalities don't change too drastically for most of them, and their backstories can sometimes be very similar to canon or even seem similar to a different character's canon backstory.
Protag 1: Sayaka Maizono
Protag 2: Teruteru Hanamura
Protag 3: Rantarou/Shirogane
Sayaka Maizono, Ultimate Imposter 'Idol'/'Pop sensation'.
The protagonist of this game, Sayaka tries to keep the group together through their leadership, desperate to win against despair at all costs. Sayaka can mimic any voice and feels like a fraud all the time and like they're being praised for something they didn't do. Sayaka has heavy low self esteem and feels like everything they do is just an attention seeking move and feels like they're shallow, so they try to stay selfless as possible as Sayaka feels Sayaka has no real identity outside of how others choose to see them.
interactions: Is friends with Aoi due to the lack of judgement or putting Sayaka on a pedestal, is nervous with Leon due to him putting them on a pedastal, likes Taka and is thankful for all the help.
Leon Kuwata, Ultimate Cook.
he's sick of being seen for only his talent, he tries to spice it up, he tends to lie about what his true talent is a lot, but he always ends up giving it away by making the best food ever, the foods usually super spicy though. Seen as hot headed, but he can be pretty chill at times. He worked for his family's restaurant and was usually the only sibling to help out, earning some resentment towards his family.
Leon gets along with Mondo even if he found him intimidating, he looks up to Sakura and Sayaka a lot, and both Aoi and Ishimaru scare him.
Chihiro Fujisaki, Ultimate ???.
With no memory of their true past, Fujisaki tends to try to fade into the background to avoid any negative attention like bullying, but works really hard during cases and tries to help out a lot, surprisingly tries to help more with physical stuff instead of mysteries, but that doesn't mean Chihiro slacks of during a case. Chihiro works themselves to the bone and falls asleep standing up sometimes, workaholic and desperate to help.
Interactions: Chihiro doesn't like telling others about themself, though oddly has opened up to Sayaka, Chihiro is afraid of Kiyotaka's luck but seems to like him. Is close friends with Hifumi.
Mondo Owada, Ultimate Mechanic.
much like his canon backstory, Mondo was in a biker gang, Swap!Mondo quit riding after what happened to his brother and resorted to becoming a mechanic, he hates that he longs to ride again, and puts himself into his work as well as working on other things to distract himself. Still has the jacket (the gang didn't let him give it back) but he doesn't wear it, using the excuse " It'll get torn while I'm working or somethin' ".
interactions: Mondo usually accidentally takes on the role of an older brother to people and very usually takes care of the group along with Sakura. He's close friends with Leon, tries to hang out with Chihiro but Chihiro seems to avoid him, Mondo thinks Kiyotaka's way too strict but it's hard to get into a fight with a guy who you're supposed to stand 9 feet away from most of the time so you don't get bad luck.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Ultimate Lucky Student.
Ishimaru's life is ten times worse than canon and that's saying something. Ishimaru desperately tried to refuse being an Ultimate, and is an unwilling Ultimate. He hates himself for this, and every time he tries to do good it just gets worse because people see it as his luck talent doing the work despite him putting all his effort into it.
Ishimaru is infamous not only for his grandfather's legacy (which was rumoured to be Ishimaru's fault as when he was born was around the time it happened) but also due to his intimidating looks, strict attitude, and because people fear his ultimate works with him to get people in trouble with karma if they wrong him. He's in heavy denial that his talent is even real.
He's good friends with Aoi, seems to try to get along with all students despite everyone's opinions on him, Sakura and him get along nicely and Yasuhiro is like a brother and they both can relate to being disliked. Tries to help out Sayaka with the burden of leadership, but people prefer to ignore him so he has to help from the sidelines. Best friends with Makoto.
Fun fact:
Ishimaru has this aura of karmic justice around him wherever he goes, it'd look red and black with a visible form.
Hifumi Yamada, Ultimate Nurse.
- This information has been redacted. -
Fun fact:
He was originally going to be the ultimate gamer, but I thought it'd be too easy.
Celestia Ludenburg, Ultimate Gamer.
'Taeko Yasuhiro', depressed due to the ordinary nobody life she lead, instead of trying to pretend to be something she wasn't, threw herself into video games. Finding an interest in a pixelated game about a beautiful astounding princess who lead a secret life as a gambler, 'Taeko' took the name 'Celestia Ludenburg' to begin a new life as a popular gamer, and wowed the people with her skills, which he her scouted for the game.
Fun fact:
She's saving up for a castle.
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norasole · 2 years
Nick & Nora Headcannons
Nick Valentine & Nora Sole
Nora mostly goes by Sole, she was the Sole survivor of her vault and she's known by that. She doesn't go by Nora much. It's her name, but everybody mostly just calls her Sole.
It fits, she left Nora behind the day the bombs dropped. Nate died and Shawn missing. She had to make a new life.
Nick became her new life.
They started out as Partners, he was helping her find Shawn. His selfless act in the memory den, putting himself in so much danger for her; that's when she started falling for the old synth.
She and Nick worked more cases together, they set up 2 Valentines their head quarters at their private home together at Croup Manor.
Nick doesn't really like it there, it gives him the spooks; but he likes that Soles happy. They still visit the office and work with Ellie too.
Home though, Nick and Sole aren't really into Monogamy, that kinda thing went out with the bombs. They love who they love, Nick still cares about Jennifer Lands, the love who was murdered by Eddie Winter. Nora still loves Nate, they carry those memories with them. But they also make room for new loves.
Nora is a synth, and slowly comes to terms wirh that. She doesn't know how or why, but Nick is a synth too and she doesn't care, he's still a person to her.
Nick doesn't like it when she does the risky or the overly bloody jobs. He likes helping people and he'll fight like hell, but he wishes she'd go looking for trouble less. Those good neighbor jobs aren't his favorite but he also knows he's just protective of her.
The more Nick discovers his own humanity the more he finds himself in love with Nora. His Sole, his girl, his Partner. They have each other's back. They help the commonwealth because they're both the type who care about helping others.
Nora misses the times when there was built in communtiy, she sees all the fracturing and hates it. So she works hard and takes the jobs no one wants to help synths smd their reputation. She's somewhat of a legend so she uses that to her advantage. When people think good of her she can then share that she's a synth and challenge their ideas of bad evil synths.
She and Nick take jobs and work through the commonwealth issues.
We find Captain Whitlocks message to old Nick together, we keep it in our files at home.  A reminder. The captain and Eddie Winter are as much responsibility for making Nick as the Institute is. We don't forget the corruption of the past, nor its tragedy.
Gets the 10th Eddie Winter Tape
Travels to Croup Manor: we are gonna talk about this at home!
We went home and regrouped and from there decided to take Eddie down.
This was our most important case yet. We still hadn't found Shawn but we had no leads except some random scientist in the Glowing Sea. So we'd been focused on work and Cases: and then we honed in on Eddie Winter.
It was revealing for Nick to figure out who he was and get ownership over his future. We were doing that together.
Nick and I rescued a group of settlers in Concord. We met Preston Garvy of the Minutemen, his group was really traumatized. Nick & I fought off the raiders and decided to lend a hand. I mean, that's what we do. It's who we are, Nick and I escorted their group to Sanctuary, ironic it was my old neighborhood. Where I left so much of myself behind. Their rag tag group has been through a lot. The Quincy Masacre was ugly, and the Longs especially went through it. Hunting for Shawn, missing my son, Mama Murphy least tells me he's alive. The Longs, their child is gone. I can't even imagine their pain. Marcy is very bitter and my heart goes out to her. I tread lightly around her, I try to give her a wide berth so she has space to feel her feelings without intrusion.
A lot of folks out here live in pain, there is not much safety in the wasteland.
Preston seemed like a good sort. So I decided to tell him who I am. My story. He seemed trustworthy and caring to open up to. I stayed and helped them rebuild a bit in the old neighborhood. I can't stand to stay there, but the old place is safe haven for them and they deserve that.
After lending a hand to helping rebuild, Preston needed more help. I have a lot going on, but Nick and I weren't on an immediate case, and Nick likes helping the settlers. We have some of the strongest hardware, tech, and firepower in the commonwealth. If anyone is gonna take on Raiders and issues. It's me and Nick.
I gave the Longs my old house. I made a shrine for their son in Shawn's room. It doesn't bring him back, but I hope it gives them a private place to grieve him.
Jun Long came and talked to me about his son, giving him a space to grieve was a gift that helped me too. Maybe he can grieve for both of us.
The Longs memorial room is surprisingly cheery, except for the headstone. Jun and I worked on it together, after Marcy told me he mostly sleeps in there. We made him a bed there too.
March has a soft spot for kids though, and as Sanctuary began to expand, we decided to make The Little Long Memorial Park, in honor of their son and to make a safe haven so no more children have to die, they can play and live in safety.
I think it helped Jun, we went through Lexington and Concord to Salvage stuff. I even managed to lug a bunch of things from Nuka World and that was such a do to. But in the end, the Park looked great and it was really good to see a smile on Juns face for once. Marcy even cracked a little. She's bitter. She misses being a mother, but she lets all the kids come to Shawn's room, the memorial room, to play and smile. They love the Park too.
I hope I can bring Shawn someday. But even if I can't, we made something safe, for someone.
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nxmeolvides · 3 months
starter for @selfless-desires starring the kids, wrestling, and a whole bunch of happiness.
Ana could barely believe that she’d almost missed this. 
To be fair, it wasn’t as if she’d really seen the appeal in wrestling before. It was a lot of boys, a lot of egos, and a lot of sweat, all packed into one gymnasium. Not to mention even watching it required time that she wasn’t sure she had to spare. Every school event got treated the same way, a mental calculation on if she had the spare hours, and if she’d even enjoy it enough to be worth being there. Even now, from the moment she’d first sat down on the bench, a familiar clock had been ticking down in the back of her head. There was just still so much to do. Helping out at home, because her mother was on a night shift again. She still had to catch up on schoolwork, and there was Maria to try to call- wasn’t it stupid of her, to do silly things like this instead?
But then she’d met Leland’s eyes, and all of that had melted away. 
There was just something about him. 
He always had this way of making her feel better, like she was right where she was supposed to be. He’d smile at the sight of her, his entire face seeming to light up as if it could barely contain it, and an answering burst of warmth would flutter within her chest. Ana knew it didn’t mean anything too special, had seen his grins and laughter directed at just about every one of his friends. But logic didn’t seem to change how her heart worked - not that she was even remotely close to understanding that part of herself.
The wrestling matches themselves, however, had been like a whirlwind to witness. Terminologies and tactics had kept blowing over her head, leaving Ana scrambling to understand what was right and wrong, when to cheer and when to disapprove. The bodies around her became as much of a guide for that as the referee - though she still ended up missing at least a couple of cues.
But, most often, she found herself looking at Leland. First because of… well, her own reasons. But also because he was the best person to watch in the room. His expressions were like a textbook for her on the do’s and don'ts: each little scrunch of his nose or widening of his eyes tucked away in her memory. He could light up the room, the way he got when one of his teammates was close to winning- and maybe she found herself wishing that she’d come to see these matches much earlier.
The minutes just slipped away after that. Little grains of sand through her fingers as Ana let herself get wrapped up in the atmosphere. She clapped, she cheered, and when Leland finally got his chance to shine, she was louder than everyone else in that room. Finally, she could see him in motion, see every moment he’d spent talking to her about the sport paid off, and when the referee raised his hand Ana had shot out of her seat like a primed slingshot.
Yes, the glances she’d gotten from classmates for it had been a little embarrassing. But she hollered for him anyway. It was worth it, seeing him that happy. 
And the elation within her just kept building up, after that, fuelled by a concoction of feelings Ana couldn’t quite name. It felt like she’d drank too much soda, the bubbles fizzing in her gut, the nerves and excitement and happiness growing to a type of crescendo that she rarely experienced. Ana excused herself from her spot on the bench, inching on over to the side of the bleachers, working her way down the side of the gym as she tried catching Leland’s eye again.
She just wanted to congratulate him. Face to face, instead of from all the way up there on the bleachers. That same giddy energy kept radiating from her, all the way up until she finally managed to reach him - the other competitors surrounding them be damned.
“You did it! You really – Leland, that was amazing.”
The praise falls from her lips so easily, the happiness radiating from her face a far cry from her usual, more reserved smiles. “I can’t believe I didn’t come and see this earlier. I mean, I still don’t quite get all of it, but the way you took him down there? Amazing.”
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dasmondkuss · 5 months
So, what are the traits that Spring look in his romantic partner? What are the healthy traits and what are the toxic traits (if any)? Does he actively look for intimacy? What does intimacy mean for him?
Coming for his throat, I see. 🤣
I'd dare to say that Spring would be the one that rejects emotional intimacy the most out of everyone else. It happens because he doesn't like ambiguity, so as soon as he starts feeling a little out of control emotionally, he talks and ends everything. You know, maturely. If it is the other person who comes to him with their feelings, he also ends everything right there. He doesn't sugarcoat it, or give fake hopes that something will happen in the future, not even the option to remain friends.
However! Intimacy for him equals devotion. It's about being selfless in every sense because there's a deep trust that he'll be rewarded instead of harmed. Spring would be the one to say: I'm here, I'm yours, and I'm not going anywhere. Unfortunately, this expression of love puts him in a risky zone of losing himself, and becoming what the other wants from him. (But he isn't unhappy about it.)
In physical intimacy, on the other hand, he gives it indifferently to whatever stranger he finds attractive. He has experienced touch, but he hasn't experienced a caress, holding hands, a kiss on the forehead, or a surprise hug. Spring doesn't know what it is like to feel close to someone through body language, he only knows about how good sex feels.
He hasn't looked for a romantic partner ever, so he really doesn't have an idea of what traits he would like them to have. However, the people he's felt attracted to usually have a calm aura around them. He likes it when someone goes to the point in a conversation and conveys a whole concept in a couple of sentences. He enjoys perceiving a person in full control of themselves. Perhaps, because while he is tranquil on the outside, he has a whole turmoil inside, and it would be easier for him to expose this side to someone who wouldn't lose composure, approaching the matter with curiosity than trying to fix it. If he's with someone trying to fix him, he would feel inhuman; that he isn't worthy of love for who he is, but for who he could be.
Anyhow, I'll say he likes the academic kind of people:
- Curious.
- Persistent.
- Open-minded.
- Conscious.
- Socially adapted.
And he dislikes... Everyone else. 😂 But I'd say he finds it toxic when people are:
- Nosy.
- Judgemental.
- Hot and cold.
- Prone to strong emotions.
As for his virtues, he is absolutely kind, honest, helpful, and handy (this is the guy who knows how to do everything, and what he doesn't know, he invents it). He also has a good memory, so if you're good to him, he'll show eternal gratitude. Loyal, and trustworthy.
About his flaws, he's constantly isolated, and emotionally detached. He is so naïve with strangers, and then so untrusting with people who want to get closer to him. Spring's walls are competing with the Great Wall of China, I swear. He approaches every matter with a sickening objectivity (whatever that is, son).
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tvstarkuma · 7 months
H-he's so pretty and warm and kind, and most of all, I feel like the two of us are almost... the same. Not so similar that it'd be boring or creepy, yet similar enough that I can really relate. I mean really relate.
People used to often tell me I was too loud, so I became quiet. People often tell Teddie he's too loud, and he's still remained himself. Teddie and I both have sensory issues. If things are too loud or too bright for me, he understands. And I can understand for him if there are too many sounds and smells around, too, because why wouldn't I? Senses are so important to me. To people like us.
He's so strong and kind, bright and happy, that I really can't help but admire him... so, so much. He does what he loves with a smile, and he always plays his character so well.
And... and he actually looks at me. He talks to me, sings with me, dances and plays and laughs with me, as if I really mean something to him. Sometimes he's so close, I can't breathe. Or he's so bright, I'm blinded, and yet I can't look away.
I... I really like him. I really, really like him. But... I know I don't deserve him. Teddie's super smart. I'm sure he already knows how I feel. I'm not exactly subtle, after all. It's for the best I just pretend it's nothing. With looks and a personality like that, Teddie's bound to have hundreds of thousands of fangirls out there.
...besides. I'll... have to come back home someday. And that means saying goodbye.
I... I'm sorry, Teddie. For imposing on you like this. I hope you'll forgive me if... if I rely on you for just a little longer. Let me delude myself a little bit more.
Anonymously send me something your muse is secretly thinking about mine.
This voice…so gentle and quiet. Teddie knew exactly who this was. It was Sylvia. Sylvia praising the bear so easily to a degree that his closest friends didn’t always do for him. Not that he ever blamed or disliked them for it.
The same…that word alone was enough to bring a glimmer to Teddie’s eyes. He’s described the feeling to others before. When a spray or perfume is enough to take away a night of sleep, when has to avoid ladies with perfume before it scrambles his head, Sylvia was the only person that understood what he meant. She, however, had it worse than him. He still remembers the day they met at the summer festival fondly. Those big headphones she had and her feelings of distress at the crowd and fireworks. Helping to bring her inside the convenience store was one of his best decisions all year and he would gladly do it again.
Then she was so kind to him. So so beary kind! More than he deserved for that matter…Even if he did something his friends might have been annoyed by she only ever smiled. Bad habits he’s been trying to break were met with joy and small laughter. Ah…her pretty smile…Teddie was smiling too while imagining it. Cycling through his memories of their happy times together. His hands close together before one was pulled towards his chest.
Then, why must someone so nice and selfless hold herself so low? She didn’t need to apologize! Ever! Sylvia never offended him, never annoyed him, never made him upset. Why can’t she see that he was happy? Happy to hear her talk with pure glee over what she loved. Happy whenever she reached into all the courage she had to keep him close to her. She never did anything wrong!
“Why…? Why do you have to be this way?” The sparkle previously in Teddie’s eyes were beginning to form tears, “Don’t you know how amazing you are?! How much anyone would be happy to be with you?!”
“I’m not smart! There’s so many things around me in this world I still don’t understand! I’ve tried so hard to learn but I still mess up. I came here to help my world again but I can’t do much on my own…”
“People like me. I have friends that I love more than anything! But every girl I meet rejects me…”
He couldn’t let Sylvia continue with these thoughts. Apologizing for nothing but making Teddie’s life better. Teddie runs away in full throttle to find her.
On purpose he ignored some of her final words. Another chain in the cycle of Teddie’s life. People come, become dear to him, then they leave…
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leahriellexoxo · 9 months
Things in my life that make me overwhelmingly happy ✨
• my home. the smell is always so welcoming & clean. The energy is safe & loving. You can see provision in the walls of my home by the way my kids glide through their home. The way my husband loves coming home. The furniture. The design. The structure. You can sense the love & the care that reside here as well.
• my family. My children are so authentic and loved. They are the most confident and genuinely happy souls. They love because they are loved. They share because they live in abundance. They thrive because they aren’t raised to survive. They’re pure. Innocent. They’re fun. They’re giving. They’re helpful and so intellectual. I enjoy the uniqueness of each of them. It reflects greatly in their style and room design. My favorite part of life for them. Pumpkin patches with them 🎃 Christmas tree decorating 🎄 Baking, eating, toys and leaving the mess for memory. Photos from them and with them. Teaching them to prioritize self care & God. Giving them what they need and want. Nail day for my girls? Done. Boys wanna go gaming? Let’s do it. One on one dates? Of course. They are my primary priority in life 🩵
• my man. he’s so handsome and good looking. He smells so attractive. He’s clean and sexy. He’s confident and alluring. He’s charming and respectful. He’s understanding and comforting. Compassionate, romantic. Thoughtful. So masculine though. Muscles and not too much of them. Strong but not nonchalant. Emotionally mature and he’s so inspiring. He’s a provider without stipulation or conditions. He loves his family. He puts us first. After God. He’s a leader. His touch makes me blush. He knows my body so well 🥰🤤 he’s talented and very very blessed. His favor is evident. He surprises me with dates, flowers, money, vacations, gifts and other things but he expects nothing in return. I consider myself blessed to be able to give back to him in such a high manner, to be his wife is a blessing. He’s my personal contractor, covering is A1 - this man can PRAY. He’s selfless but he can be because I love to take care of him too 🥰 he’s my best friend, my soulmate. We’re made for each other.
• my business. Mylf is more successful than I have ever imagined. The storefronts are first and foremost BEAUTIFUL. They are performing so well, I’m ordering inventory every week! They women are loving it here. The fitness keeps getting better. Women leave happier and happier. The skincare line - glow girl. Top seller, dermatologist recommended is CRAZY. Kim K is even asking, WHAT is she doing over there? The mommy & me salons are a hit. Happier women, happier world! Thanks to the great stylist, child care providers and amazing staff behind the scenes. I enjoy meeting with my teams. I love working in the warehouse, it’s so beautiful. The content days are my favorite 🤩 I live for my glam team and everyone is so genuine and authentic and really see the vision and I’m so blessed to be surrounded by people who want to support and help keep mylf one of the best companies/franchises in the world. I am doing a Forbes interview later, STOKED! Can’t wait to see the front cover I shot this week and my collaborative projects are of course so 🔥. Truly blessed to have a brand built on just being me. Celebrating 9 figures this month!!!!!!!!
• The properties we own - have blessed so many families. The apartments are everything i imagined. They actually look luxury but the rent is affordable for families. The daycare center has been voted safest center. The staff is so loving. They really care for the babies and mothers/fathers. The waitlist is so long I feel bad but we are still remodeling the new apartments and hope to launch them very very soon. My mother is very hands on in this portion of the business. I trust her judgement on these. She knows my vision and she handles business well. She also runs the party planning agency and she’s kick ass in that! Auntie is too 🥰
• my cars … oh I love my cars. I love them so much. A/C is underrated. The seating comes in handy. Babe keeps them clean for me. I love that I have options. I feel so blessed to be able to choose but also lend. We started the rental company and I have developed a great appreciation for luxury cars. Gas tanks are always full, thank you Jesus. I’m so happy 😁
• me. I 100% love myself. I trust myself, I care for me, I respect me. I honor me. This woman I am is so grateful to be alive. To look this good too. Hair stays done. Style is immaculate. Mental health is top tier. Skin looking young and fabulous. Manicured down. Nails always eat. My favorite thing about me today: … my joy, can’t be messed with. It’s pure. It’s authentic. It’s strong. It’s safe. Im safe. I don’t live in fear anymore. I do not live in fear, or lack anymore. I’m so grateful. I’ve learned to control my emotions. I’m so much more mature and logical. I never stop learning, I’m always bettering my life and the quality of it. I pour into others because I’m FULL. My cup overflows.
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